New York Clipper (Sep 1895)

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476 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. September 28. E&ra«d nuf—Lovtttlllft, 4: OlnelnuU, 4. Bw* ob tr- Ton-L., I: G. 1. Ob htUi-U 2. Hinok rai-L., ft:o..i. UfDPin.O'iHr. Tint,iao , TtatCIorlDuUi nreratd Uw ftbOT*rMaUoaftopL9l, iDwttii provM ft hMTf hIttlBg coolMt, Id which UMr eiMlltd. WtrhlOKWMtalt bftrd ironthBiUrt, iad »u flnUlr knockwl out of Um plieb«t'i PMlUoq Id th« MTBBtb iDntic, and lDkB.«lio took hU plw*. wu kit hull. A trial wBictrM to Bailer, fonntrlr of thBSoaih- 9to Lmiu^ bf tba^oma oluh, tod, whita appanotlr bat- lad bin), df» ol tha hltavara Kratebaa whieb ihoDld hare baan ubao liy fact n^klinn. CBrian. B07, Pamit and NUUr lad Id batilnK. TTm k>DK aaft hlu wara trlpU baf f •n bf MorrlioB, Hoj (iwlea). flePbaa and MlUar, and doubiM br WrlihL, Burk*. Ilor, Parrolt, Taoiho (tvlaa) 13 10 0 0 D a 0 0 110 1 and Ballay. LOVUTlLLB-r. ft. B. 0. i.B. 0'Bl1aB,Ib..A a 4 3 0 Holrata rr... 4 - - - - OUrkaJr... 4 IIuuoiaa'r.lM ■ • iw * v Bantatt. c^.. i u I i 0 0 WmthUcT... a 1 I 0 U 0 Monahao, Sb 4 ~ ' Waner, c... 4 Hamun, u. 4 Wajhloir. p..S 1 0 4 0 0 6 0 0 10 10 1 t 0 0 I) 0 0 0 u fouli...97 H 13 31 < )i LOQliTllla... (^loelBnail.. . 0 , Taoiho (tvlaa) CutamriTi.T. n. a. 0. A.m. Borh^ ir....« 3 l 3 0 0 Uor. cl 6 4 4 11 0 VcHiaa,Sb.. 6 3 9 3 6 1 Paimlt,lb - - - - - Mlllsr.rr. HmlUi, I .600381 Latham. 8ij.. A 1 I 0 1 0 VaDKNn. r... A .1 a 4 r ~ llRllar. 1 6 3 3 1; Tuiali(....SI \9 2l 34 14 ^ 0 I a 0 I H U -i a H 6 -19 Baraad rua»—frtraivi llla. 4; rinclaruti, la. Bum on balla-C.. a. Hiruck out—L, 3; i:.,6. Omplra, O'Oar. Tlan,il8. The LodImtIIIci vnii the Hnal Kama baivaao thau lAarai on Smtt. ti, whan lliij mH at LouUvllla, Kf., and tfiaraby aTonad up ihn vlct4itle« lo lhaMria*. HcRrMrr tilicbou aootbor itood Raino bmaIiikI Ilia t;ioelDDBl|a,liohi- Idr thani down tn Are aafo hlu aoil unnearood ihd. A luebr tMund of Mclliat'i hit In tha nm Iniilnx la all that aavad tha vlilton fmm k «hut tmt Koramui waa toucltad up In a llrnlj manair 10 lli» nnii IodIdi, and In nliUi bacao lo hM control of Iha ball, van raplacod bT Rhloa*. tlulioaii ltd Id liattlnir. IIIn thraa aaf* hlia In- cludtd addubia l«iH«r. llolmu'liatiinR aod ih« flald- iDff or HelMiM and il'DriaD wara faalarait. ni)ICI|l.tATI.T. M. a. 0. i.B. Hurka. 11... 4 0 U 3 0 0 Mcl' ».3b.. LoouTiLtj. r. ft. a. 0. a.u. 0'Brlaa.ab.. 4 10 4 6 1 13 10 0 1 a a 0 0 01 000 flsMunft'r.lli 4 0 0 9 0 0 (l«Ulniar.cr4 0 0 S 0 0 Morrl«M.M. 4 0 14 3 0 Siloa, e 3 U 0 4 1 I cdTMrrV - 3 3 10 6 0 llolroaarf.. Olark^... 4 UlnnaUn^b 4 rarrult, lb., a 0 0 7 U 0 KAh(A c ... 1 0 0 0 0 D Millrr, rr... 4 0 110 1 Hiiitlli.M..... a 0)131 rAlhiin, 3h. a 0 0 U I Vauiliu. 0 0 & I 0 KitraiiKii, I*. 3 0 I 0 3 0 milne*.i>.. .1 0 0 0 1 u T'i1aLi..3I I ft2ll« a Totabi..JI 0 0 ST 14 I t!l»clnaall 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0—1 LoaUrllli U 0 I 0 4 0 0 0 ~i lUmed niaa—OliKlonatl. I; IxiiiUrllla, 3. Sana 00 ar- rOTwL. On ball»-U., 3; I«, 4. Htruck out—0., 4; L., 1. L'mplra, O'Uay. Tla)».Zia. BaUlmar* vft« PhlladelplilK. Til* Baltlniiiroa dtfaatad the riilladelplilu vllh ai>par- nniaaui OD Hapl. Cl, at Balllmora, Md. Lucid vaa hit ban] and at lliw tIkIiI tinia, Uia Itoiiia taam aaroloi eltht (If Uia tvalra ItltJi cradllad lo tbam. Kapar pitaliad a Htaad/aiid tirurllTa aamo, tlia vUllora Dot balovaliUto iln aught vllb hla ileilrary altar tha flnt lonlnv. Wlib tiromin oui In the laii half of iba alghtb loalng, Ui* gama wai callad on account ufdarboau. riiu. r. ft. B. u. A.u. Tumor, er... fv i i 1 u 0 Dalahantr, ir 4 13 10 0 Uroaa,3b 4 0 0 1 U 0 TbonpaoD.rfa I 1 0 0 Halltrao,aM.. 4 1 I a e a Olananti, c 4 0 I 3 0 0 lfallniao,3b. 4 0 0 4 6 1 Bofia, lb.... « 0 0 H 0 0 Lncld, p 4 0 1 u 1 u Tolala....17 4 7 ZI 13 3 l*hlkdal|>)ila. BalUmnra ) Haltc iU.... A 3 1 3 1 I llar«r,lb.... 6 117 19 1 Rnhln'on, o. A 3 3 3 0 0 i Kaiwr. p 6 1 I 0 0 0 1 ToUla...4II II II 14 0 3 .4 nOOOOO&-4 .3 3 0 0 0 0 3 4-II Ramrd noa-liil)aile)|>lila, 3; Balllmora. L Baaa <« arrora-B.,! On balU-r., 3; H., 6. Hlnivb oul-P.,1; U.. 1. Uraitlro, Kaafa. Tlma.a.l5. BiLTiiiuBft.T. ft. a. 0. OlaaMiB.ab.. 6 1 4 3 4 9 Raalar.rr. Janalnga,Ba. A 1 0 3 3 0 KalUrjr.... A a 1 a 0 0 Umdla. cf... 6 1 3 4 0 0 Urookl^B Ta, BoatOH. Tha Boatooa defaatad tha BrDokl/na on Rapt Zi, at RaMam I'aik, llrmklyn, N. Y.. br n ilmaly bimdilui nf Uialr liltA, BMlDiwl lir Mraral conlj errura un Uie |<an or Uie liODio loaiii. Haaiiadf waa koockad nut of tha Bltcher'B pinlllon In tha lirUi loolog, aoil waa rmUcat] liy umberi. wbu did inudi batter work. With Uie aciira n tin at Uie begtnnlop of the ninlh Inolng, tlie Tlaltum want III anil acurtd two runa od IwoalnglaK and a bail nrror by Dali* BOnUN. T. H. N. O. A.H. BaonoQ, rr.. A a I 3 u * 6 I I a H ft - liODB, aa... Dul TaDnay. ir. Naah, 5b... Tucker, lit, BWMRLTll.T. ft. n. O. A.9. Orlinn, cl... A 3 3 a 0 0 ^ - HJilndle, 5b.. A 1 i a 3 1 - - 1 3 0 0 Dorooran.BB. A 0 0 I SO 6 3 3 0 0 0 Laohaaoa,lbA U 1 7 U 0 A 1 0 3 ft 0 AndarHin, U 4 1 1 0 I 3 A 1 3 14 0 0 Dalraii 4 0 13 3 1 A I 1 3 A 3 gtioch,rr.. .. 4 0 3 6 0 0 A 0 3 3 U 0 (trim, e 4 1 3 3 0 0 .4 0 1 0 3 0 Keuii*.|y, p. 3 1 1 0 1 0 tJuiiibartt II. a 0 0 0 0 0 41 0 13 77 31 1 Totali...4a 7 1137 9 4 .... 10 00600(13-0 , - 0 0 3 0 1 1 3 0 0-7 Eamod rnua—BoaUin.e; Btooklrn,4. Bai«no arrvni— Hna.,3; Hruuk .a. Oa lialla-Hoa.,3. Rtrurk eul^BoL, 1; Bi wii., a. I'liijilra, Murray. Time, 1.41. iHialevllle vs. PltUbvtv ■ u«B*i| 111., u « a i« w w llar'oglon.aiiA 113 6 3 Hrao.e... - - - - - KIckoU, p. Tolala. Boaton.... Brooklyn. The rituburga bad Du trouble la dereatiog Uia l.iin(a tlllat ito Hapl. 33, at LouturlDe. Kv. llawlar kept U>a hoiue leaiu'a hita veil aoalUrad, while Inka' delivery waa hatledallorer thertekl. Uia vlaltomaaralDg nine ol tba elafen ruoa crartltad 10 Uiaiii. Tba long aafehtuwara ulplebaggarabir (leitlnKarandBaueraDd a two baaar by nilBgmau. Darlineaa lemlnatad tJie game ai Ute end of the elgbtli InitlnK. . - _ _ _ _ I.,y^u„„ y f^ p UtinnTMi, rf. A 3 1 3 0 U Mark.o A I 3 0 U 0 Hackter.lh.. 6 3 l H 3 U Hienieter... 6 0 3 13 1) Bmlm, ir.... 6 0 1 4 U U OruMkaa.... 6 114 3 3 Bauer.ab.... 4 3 3 3 6 0 (MlGfniaa,3b 4 19 110 Hawley, p... 4 1 0 1 S U . - Tola)*...43 11 I«t4 16 9 0 0 0 0 0 3 0-4 —r 0 u a 0 6 0 j-ii ■amei] runa—Lunlarllla. 1; riiuiHirg.O- Baaa oa er* mi^L. Ob balU-L. 4; 1*.. a. Kinob out^l*.,A. Um- pire, Bmalle. Tlwa.a.15; WAtblBgion VI. New Vorh. The Naw Vorkn wara baaiaa od 8«pL IX at Waahloston, 1>. (J., U ft tontOBi that waa llmtied to elgbt UwlDBe 00 aoeounl of darknaaa. Tba WaahloglonH oolpUyeid tha New Torki al all polnia. Ruale waa freely Uttad, ka- MMaUy In the lattar part of tha ltaa)^ Orooka aiad Do Honlrarllla leadlair. The ronner got two home rnoa aou atnpia baiRBr, alilletbe laitcr'a ihrae biu loehided a triple hagier. Tba other long aafe hlta wara a home ran by Qennaa, aoi] triple baggara br Bidwd aad Dorle. tha laai oaaad alsu getting a douhla baar~~ LooiariLxa.T. m. 9. 0. a.b. 0'Brlao,lb.. 4 I 0 0 4 u llokoea. rf.. 4 a 3 a 0 0 Ulart^.... 4 U a .1 0 0 Hlnnnan^ 4 0 1 4 0 0 4 0 U H 0 1 U«ulnger.er4 u l a 0 M HhBgart, m. 4 0 0 0 3 1 Warner, o... .10 16 3 0 latK P 3 1 1 0 1 0 foUla...34 4 8 34 9 3 LoulirUla PlUatrarw 3 WiaailtOTDN.T. H H. U. A.M. Brown.of.... .^ I 3 1 0 0 JOToOb.... 4 0 1 3 0 0 Abltey, rf. Mcnalra. u 0 a 1 0 1 a 6 1 II I 0 a 0 0 4 (Urt'tinitU* 4 omtka, ab.. 4 . _ _ . DeM'n'tT'l.aa 4 3 3 3 1 O|l»oyla,e «gar. Nbv Yofti. T. ft. a. o. jua. Kulltr. u.... 4 1116 0 Tienaa,rr.. 4 0 I l u 0 VaiillaU>o,cr 4 U 0 3 t) 0 |)ftTU,3b. ----- - 0 6 3 0 Uarnian.ab. 4 3 3 0 3 1 114 3 l|WI| 4 0 H 9 1 0 ■13 3a olHialTonl, l.f. 4 33111 , . . 33a 1 Oiltoyla, e... .4 1 3 6 0 0 Meroer, p... 4 0 U 3 6 OiKnala. p 4 0 0 0 4 0 TUUfa...Sr l)|3-.*lld 11 TUUU...36 7 H 34 U 3 WaahlnirtaB 0 3 0 0 3 0 a 3-9 Naw York 0 3 0 3 3 1 0 C-T Eamad runa—Waihlnglon, H; New York, A. Baaa nii i'alla-W.,3;N. Y.,B. Struck oul-W., 3; K. Y. 4. I'm- plia, llutal. TtnKt,tti. St. Lo«U vft* OlnclMMtl. Tbe rlooloDatla wod a akiw aod uolotantitlag lauie tnn tha Bt. IiOul* Drawna nn N«|tt.3\ at Bl. l^nita. Ha Tba home laant Ullati to acore uatllthaeavaoibloDlni, although Dovd anil QuIdq wara each caught at tha pUu OB daapante chance* in mira In the ibliu Innlsa. Tbe vliliore batted htrd aod cunaaoutlrely. eapaalally In the tltlnl and alghth InuiDga, wheo thay aoorad nloe of the nnean runa credliad tn them. The nuelnoaila ««reed all •leapt ODe run. The long aafe hlu wen homeraaalty rarrott, Ruilth aud Latham, triple baggera by Ceoley, HoPhee, Vaughn and D«f ar, and donblaa by Conoor and HeOougall. "~ ' —^ - - - - - - inisris:<ATi. t. a. ft a i.a. Bt. LOCIK. B. B. O. A.ft. Dowd. or ... 6 1 3 4 0 0 ..... , 6 I I .1 0 l> . A I 0 a 1 n . .^ I a 4 1 0 4 0 I a 1 Hheeban, rf. 4 o l a I 0 oitea. o 4 113 10 Brail ena'B.II 4 13 4 0 1 MrlKmgaU.p 4 0 I 0 I u ('4o)ay, 3b.., «ielnn. lb .., ronnor. lb.. XlUer. I Burka, If.... 6 3 14 1. I|p>jcf. 6 0 0 3 0 0 Hrf'hae.ab.. 6 3 3 1 4 8 Patnilt. lb.. 6 3 4 » 0 0 6 3 3 1 0 3 tt 3 a 3 3 0 Latham.3b.. 6 I 7 | S 3 VanrrhB. r... 3 I Kehoa, c- ..- a 0 u 1 0 0 nwjer.P.... 6 13 110 T0UU...W Aiaa4 7 : Ti>iala...Mi»aar la » t^LLoalK 0 (I 0 0 0 0 a 0 4- 6 ilndQuaU I I 4 1 0 I 3 6 —U Karordnini—Ht. X^wit^ t; rinrlnnnti, 14. Baac on er t>irKBi. U, 3: t'., I. ooltair— r.,3. Hiruckout -8I.L., 3. I'mi-lre, McDoiiaM. TIma, V\. Tb« eh* tup Unship Ilaconl t« .Bapl* 43, Inrlnslve. Baltimore.... OlaTalanJ Phlladalrhla. iMilcagu Bolton Brooklyn Piltaburi Naw York.... iMoolnnitt... VaahlDitain.. Ht. LottU LoaliTlUe.... Oamai Inai.. la 46 49W 61 61 19 » BO TBI 7irw II B M " 10 77 B TO ^ A* «1 67 64 « 40 S7 94 Ummf I* Bs Plikr*d' Hft|>i.a6,Bit. llruokl>u va. Boali>n, at Bixhtklre. N. Y. Uttl. as. WaahlaatuD fa. New York, ai Waahtuituii, iv \\ HepL 36, Bellliuiir* r*. phlUdalpbla, a! Balllmore, ^J. .^Plil. 35, L<iulatlllf v«. riiiabunt. at UiuUvlUc, Ky. H»9L Bl Loala ra. ClBolaaaU. at Bt Looia, U9 . BapL 3B. 5,». HL LeaU ya. ntUhnrr. at flt Lmil*..!**- BepL 3By a. V, ClDdnnaU va. Cblauo, at OlBdoBetL ». RaHB.S.Loala*llUTa.ClaTelan7.fttLoBlJTllka,lr ^ Sept. 5,17.38, a, Baw York va. Balllnon, at New \ark 0epL 17. ■> aOk rhllid^tpbla va. Brooklyo, at rblladalpklft, fpufr,»,m, WaablogtDB va. Boetoo, at WaiblsftoB, P.O. DIAMOND FIKLD OOUIP* bftU FmlmHy. The raeaoUr rlB7*d chaaplomlilp gaBea of iha Went- arn Laaiaeieaattadaafollow: BepL U-At BlBnaapolliL Deiroll. 13; MlBoaapolla, II. At BL Paol, Bl Paul. Tarre Haola, e. BairL 16-At Mllwaakaa, Tetra HasU. H; Mllwankaa,i AtHlDBeapolla. ■laneanolU, 11; lodlaa apolli,7. 8epL17-AtDauotl,KaDBaa€lljr,ll: Dalioli. r At Bll«aabe«. Mllvaukee. 11; Terre Hauia, U. At HloDeftpoKa, Mlnneapolla, 36; brand Rapld^ U. At HL " ; |5; gi. i-jgi J. uyjL (g^ii xu"aa City. Detroit. •: ftanau City, 1. At tillwaakea. Tene Ueuta, 6; Mllwaakaa, 6 (tan loDlBn), At JllaDe> apolU, Mlnnwi-olla, 31; ladlaDapotla. UL At Hl rani, St. I'ael. IS; Uraod Uapuli, 1. Bept ll»- Hamaa filly, Kanaaa City, 14; Detroit, 9. At Mln- '- — —il Ranldt. M. At Bl. Kaaua Terra Uaat^ lapollA MlDnaapolli^ 30; (/rand Rapids M- At Bl. .r... lodUoapollie. Bapt ID-Al " jiamai Uaoaaa nitjr. M; Terra uamx, Heceodgaine, CanMaCltj,9: Tarre BBata,6(ili In- ■■ "'-inkee. Milwaohae. 17; Delrali, 11 At anapolla. V: IfiDDaapolla, & At. HL raal HL Panl, Oily. flTBt iti 6. Heceod gau Binga). AI HIIWBOkee. , Ulnoaafolla. iBdlanapolla, V: IfiDUaapoL^ ^ t'aalsL Paul,O; Urand B^Ma, 9. SapL ai-At (Illy, BrH game. KanauiUlly, 10; Terra UibU,6. Becond tama. Tern lUuta, 16; Kanaaa City. 7. At MllwaDkea^ l>etroli,6; Mllvaabea, 4. Tbe eUDdtogofthe etabe lo BapL 31, loclDiIre, la aa fnllowa: iDdUoapolla 73 C .09 OatnIC M f7 .441 HLPkul 71 61 JadMilwankee.. M 67 .461 KaniaaOlty. 73 AS .679]Terre Uaela. U 71 .437 MinnaarDira. « U jalUiandRaplda 36 SB .Vt The rKeotly pUyad charoploDahIp gnmaa of Uia Waa^ em AMoelatloa raaolted aalollow: BapCl^AIIhibanua, firtt fasie, Lfacola, 10; Ihtbaqua.O. Baeond lama,Lie. colD,1: Oobn<)aa,U. At Qutncy.QulDef. 19; Hrllagtoa, 4. Atdt-Joaa^, Bi.Jow>h.6;D«iMoloea,4. BapclB- At IfaaMoloaa, Dee Holoaa, 17; BL Joeepb,7. At Da- buQce, LIncolo. 6; Duboqaa, 1. At Paona, Paorla, 7; QafBor, 4. BaaL I7--At BorllogtoB, Barllogtoa, IB; Bock, t&rd.e. AtlMiMolnaa,RLJoeepb.6;Datllolnaa»3. At LmeolB, LIncolo, B; Uubo^iuat 8. At Paorla. Bnigame, UulecyjT; Paorla, 6. iecond game, Peoria. ttLQolBcr. I. MpL i^At BarllojtoD, BarnBcton,9: loefcionl.O (ror- lelied). At Dee Molnea, Bi. Joaepb.i: Dca Holoaa, L At Llowhi, Uoooli. 13; Dabaqne, 1 BepL ll-At Bur llBgion, BarliBgtOD. 11; Baekioid, I. Al Dei MnlDea, Dea Holoea, 10; W. Joaepb, a At LIbooIo. LIncota, ai; Uubaiiee. 3 tare Innloga). BepL aO—At Borltsttoe, B' ilogtbnl'b^i^'ri^ 7. "ai Dea Melnea, LiiH«rn, 9': IM HolBaaie. At (iuTncy, Rockfonl, ll;qulncy. 3. At Bt. Borltsttoi SAotno, ,ib.Hl.JoMph,9;Aatiuiiue,0. Bept. 31—At BuHiDf- toB. Paorla. 13; nurllDgton,b. AtOeaMolBea, Llocoln,!; DaallolniB.1 Al Uulocy, g ilncy. 3; Hockford. 1. Al Bt. Joaeph, Bt. JoaepTi. 13; Dubaiioe, ^ Tbe auooing of JoesI iobTPi tlie eluba loS4pt.3l, Indualva, laaa roUowa: Kofi.£«rt.XVrc(.| ff'on.£ort.Prrd. UowlB 11 43 .fialRockrord.... CO U JM Peoila 70 40 JMQlDubaque.... 44 61 .411 JltaMolnei.. (7 «9 .A7n HL Joeeph... 44 77 .374 QolMoy 01 67 .AITlBarUogtOD... 40 74 .a»l Tb* receoUy played diamplonahip gamai of tha Mlchl- ganUuta Laague raaolled aa lollow: HepL 14-At Jack- MO. JeekaoD. 9; Adriao. 0 (forfeited). Al KaUmazoo, Lanilof. 4; MalemauM>,a. BepL 17—At lalaiaazco. Ual- amatooi 19; iMatng, A. At Jaciann, Jackaon, 13; Adnaa, 6. BapL l^Al Kalainaioo, Kalauiaiou, 6: Unilng, 4. At JacUoD, Jackaon, 11: Adrian, 4. HepL 19-Ai Adnaa. KaUiDaioo, 13: Adrian 6. At lAOllog, uoalnr, 13; Jack- MO 9. BepL Bf-At Adrian, Adrian, 14; KalamaJoo, It. Ail«mlng, J>ckaoo,7; LaaHlBg,& BapL ai-At Adrian. Adrian, Iff; KaUmaaoe, I. At Laoalng. Jackpon, lu; L&Dilog. 4. Tlie ataodlog or Uie clab« to BepL 3). In- darira, laaa feUowa: iroii.£orlftrct| Wen-LatLnra Jickaoo >1 11 .646 Lanalog 16 17 .40 Adrtaa 17 13 JBOIKalamaioo.. 14 17 .tU Thraa poatMoad gamaa ware played off by the taanBariba Brooklyn AmatanrAaaocletloa on at Prof|>aot Park. Brooklyo. N. Y., aod raaulled a* fol- low; 6idBeT.30; WyaodoUa, 6 (aavan Inolon). Loag (>land.lO;^ua, 6 (alt looinga). Preepea Ultl. 7: Koh>- lutc^ 6. tlie Btandlog ol the duba to Bept. 31, lodualre. laai follovi:\ WbntMi.rtrtt Hldeay 19 I .fiW Proipact lllll. 7 11 Jm Lena laland. II 7 .6ll|Wyaodotta... 6 13 JTB Aaa 10 a JAOlRaaoluU 4 10 .w lo the ptiit waaoo aeriea to decide the diamploeahlpof the Teiea-HouUiere League Ibe Port Wortlii daraaleO the Itallaa team by 9 to 6, oil BepL Pert WertbtTe-t. on Uia roUowloR uaj. at the aame place, tha Dallu taam ace- ceedad lo reiereiog tha above rvaoh and voa by v to S. Oo BfpL 16, at Dallaa, Dallaa, 7: Fort Wortli. 6 ((an Iflolnti). UoHepL n.alDeUaa, l>'ort Worth.«: iMllaa,! Hapl. K at Dallaa, Port Worth, 6; Dallaa, 3. Bar^.l' Port Vurtb, Port Worth, 11; Dallaa. 4. ThaMcondiauaofUie aeriea for Uie Bteloert Cop be- tween Uie Kpriogflehl and ProTldeoee leaina wna olaytd on H«pi. lf,atBprlogBekl^aaa.,andreiultc«lIoavlctorT tor the former by 4 to3. Tbaaa laaniimatagaln, BepL la. BtKpriBgdalil.aod theBpriofOeU aeored their uilrd no- tarr by 0 14) 6. On dept. 30, at ProTMenc*. R. I., the ProTMenoetaamdareatad tbe BprlDfBeMa byV to3. Oo BepL ai. at Providence, tha ProTUeaoa team won by 13 to 7. Tbe Dubaiiuaa made ooty four aafe hlta off JohBaon en HeH- SJi at Bl Joeaph. Mo., the Bt. Joaepba wIboIbk by 13 tol The Adrlaoa defaaled Uie Kalamtiooa by 19 to 1, on RepL 31. at Adrian, Mich. Tite Ivaanmadeoely four aaTe hluof WIlaoB. JoliB Bean, catcher of theUlghlanl team, wai hit od tha bead byafuul tip which amaahad hla naikand ao badly Injurad blm dunog a game pUyad. HepL 31, at Boa- cobel \VLa., itat he died later In tha day. Joidu praieotad tba WIlkeabarTaarronimaklDica eoU- ury lafaldtDr arunoffhIapltohlDgBepL ao,iiHaalaioD. l*a^ ifce llaalatooa winnlog by 6 to 0. Die Brookl/Da made only four aafe hlta on Uoraeroo BepL 11, at Brooklyo, N. Y., tha Baltlnions wIdoIqh by 4 to a The l>ea Mdnea laam defeated the BL Jeatpha by 10 to 0. CQ BepL 19, at Dee Noloea, la. Tha luaara made wly four lan hluoff Hooler. TLaOiarlnaaUa made oaly thraa aafe hlu off Yonofoo Beet, ir, at CloTeland, 0., the Clevelaoda wlonlDg by 7 too. Tarry prevented tha PllUburga tnm ouklog more than four anfi bluolTlilm lo the eacoDdofthe Iwo g&rnaa played on BapL 17. at rittabitrg, Pa., the Cbleagoa «ln- alBf by 7 to 1. McCraerr bald ibeBt. Loola Brownadvwn to four aafe hlia on Bepl. 17. ai LotttavlIlN By., the LoulavUlea wln< Bias by 6 to Ol Tbe Boatoni defeated tha BalUnorMbyfitoil,on8ai>L Ui.atBoiton, Maae. The loeen made only lao aafa hlu OR Dolaa. A. IX Onnbart, oae of tba pitobera of tbe Brookh-a Cab^ on Bipt. 17, at PItiaburg. Pa., aoured ault acaleat the (TblcafD Club for BIOLOOO damagaa for neither reli payiag him bla aalary for pan of a aaaaoa. It hui (he aainaobleotaabla former aoil, vbldi waa uoanctetafil. MoOlDler aUevad tha Dubuque learn only two afahlu 00 BepL . at LlocolB, Neb., Uie Llaeoloa wlnolBg by U CRICKET. TuiciAMrioysHirii.AMxor ih.Hsinpolliu Dlmrki L4MW liM Wdftl, lh« M.UB (.Itod CUb hftflDK voo 111. rinualwilb ft raoonl ot fltsTlotori*. ud Iwodr fMU. Til. llAiili«tuauidN.w jMi*r AUiUtlcClobiw. II*J tor WMiHl pUw, wrh htrlDf four Tlclerlu .od Uir*. il.Iteu. n* BnwklxQ Olab nak. ronilb, .lib lhr«« TiolonM .ad Ot. dcfMIA ud lb. N.w York Club bnnn up tt« iMr wlUi i*e T(olorlM ud At. dsfMli. W. 11. IMduIU of U» ?(•■ Jan.; AthlMlo ClnK iHdi In Ohlb^ llU UM bMIMVllOg .T.IBII*. innUUIATIOIIAL CONTERT. All PtalUdclpklB Tfc CsBbrldfe-Oiiknl. Til. nrit |Bn» bttvMD lb. rldllnf uui of Baillib collHluB aid tn ADUour .Iot.d rapreMoUD. rblhdtl- pblawM |>1.7.d Popu K^SI, A oa Ui. iiQundt ol Ibt a«nnu)towo Club, .1 Mubtlm, FblUd.lphla, f*,, aod naullod In a Tlolory for Iha fonstr, aftar a hard uphlU llllil. Tba boaia laant loalodad Mran ol tha Uotvaraltj uf r.Dli«7liaola taan thai hati woo lh« pnoodlBg toti- taau ti'iathar wllb Wood. KIdi, Allaoiua aod Bailer. Tbo hmoo laaoi, baTlDgwoB Uia loa.,batlad Ont, aod IAk(.R advuUR* of tha axcaUaot wtoktl prerliled, pot uothaondllablotolalol SI. Tbarblal faatareoi Hi.loo lBKvo.Uiama«olflcaot ulapUj uf ballloi nlvmbj Oao.«oo,«bo, lolof lo dnu nada ICBniD. wlihooi olTariOf Ih. allRblalt aamblancoof oehaoc«,Mdwai oot out al 111. flolah. Ua waa «.ll Mcoodad br r. w. Rohtoo, who ronipllad Unjo. bybaidliUtlBg, diapalrlo poito.r iblp pulll.f on fO for lb. .litb wiekal, ibla balof Iba l.Diaai .toad of Iha Isoloe. r. W. MlUlfan wai tbanoal airatlltabowUr, utiot .11 wicbaia al acoatofri runiL Vpaard.oltap (bouuod paepio waia pnaui oo Ui. aac- coddar.dHpluthalolaDM haaL Tba TliUura mad. a mud uait b ikair Int loning, V. T. Hill. tr. McO. Uao. lasvu AIM N.F. Opto* baltloy la capital fnini (Ur Uialf ■•^t?!',!.'"'.'^ '>'" ifFtoial onlj iHihad IM. J. B. Xing bowlad wllb talllni alTKI. uklog ia*w wlck»u for 09 runi ta ihl. Innlpg. ratiaraon aiato batlwl lo rullUas form 10 Ibe MCood Inning, eoaulboting dTmnL which waa Iha ptlocli'al llaoi of tha maatra totalpf IS made b/ tlto bona iaaiu. Uwe'. raai dillrarj pioTad toe much lor tba m^orltrof tha bonia iMtn, no riaan bowling all tha roalofoolj rtna*n not. J.B. Xlni, .bo made 11, not oukaad IT. w. Nobia, *bo atotod It, dona iHlptd raltorhin In mn telltog, the laai aame^l bolag Ih* >OTanth 10 nlln. TliU lan Iha iMton 117 niol to make lo onl.r to win on tba Ihlix] ilar, aod thia latk thar iuK»a»lollj and unaipKladIr accomplUlieJ. Tliawkkot wura wall, bow.rar, aod the rljllora, mtklna deMmlo alToria^ batted In grant lotni, aailb Dunlililo! Ibabowllnt of Kin, who naa kept oo loo long lo th. Ino. ing. tarea of the rl.illog lean made duuMa Igur... .S. 'i.'','?5*,"*'?f J*; Mllheil «or« wiu, a claiail; com. rlMJ tr. In wbloh, howerer, be lara two toulbla eliancaa. A kmi ilaed waa made l.j C. B. M. Wllwn aad II. A. Aik. wrlihl, who Hoiwd II, nel out, ud an<l, I'UlilOfonUlur the rail <>( lli. eeianth wIcVoL Tlnaalli «>«i Ihaiiittch. Uiwr. Ilie U.I inui lu.nude abouadari hllhvAaadUiatUlhir. Uiu* wuo ahli lao wleh.utu H>ar«L TbahoMlaaaiOeUaddaair tbroQiboat Ikalaat lalniTorr dimcoll ooaa. ri. K Pallanoo dU Uie heal bowlIng,Tl.lo»r 'I'';"™;!"'" raltanoo,iiotoot "? t {fll*"; u Habhh Uajtlar 6 b. Hllllaaa I. wSStDroitlllUigu J b.illlll«jn.. « SSSa rab.T»lni)b.l(llllgmn, 0 ■ohian b Uuuaj lb. Lowe nu.kl.bSTArWlghl .5 b. Uiwa lulMoii b. WIton..... ... U h. low, Bn»ekia & Drac* b. MIUI- ... s .... 0 .... 9 10 b. Lowe ARMua b. millgaa 0 c. llartlar b. Mllllgan Klnll.b.w.h.)llillian... IJ nolonu Hall.r b.Mllligu '•t '*"- Emu .>;Eilra»... T..U1.. 2 II 1 II ...US 23i Total CaHanirHig akd oipohd. Hitchallb. King 3 c Bohlen b. Pallareon.... 12 nlllf Kobl. b.B.ll7 tl c. Woodb Pitianwo B b. Ball) » e. Johlen I.. King 0 uruia b. Kbg 30 c. Urocble b.Klng 17 Wiluoc. W00.11. Bail/.. II nolool.....„.....^. ffl HhlUlpi b. King ; e. Wood b. Patumon UI mUJlu e.Coalaab.Klng U b. rallar«)D » ■obloaonc Nobtalimog » c. A lemna b Ballj IS Arbwr<ght,notonL » e. ling b. Ball7 S» lAwac Vood b. King.... loaionl * ilaitlerb. ling 0 0 EiliM. 15 EillM H Total... ..lU Total.. THE TURF. BROOKLYN JOCKEY CLUB. Henry of Nswam DefaaU And In Beatan bj Clifford. Tbe K»U m«eUDg of tbe ftooUjn JockejClub opened BcpL 17, at amTCMnd, L. I., Uie atundance beUs Urte gnd tbe rftclAK of ■ sDperiMorder. Id* tereitceniKdlDUienioiunffof tbelntof juries of MwclAl race* tbe agHOClBtToD bu prepued, Uonrr or TfftTaneaBalDaaMrUng blatlgbitofSDi flirt Id blB cUas br cievcrtj defeatlDg ClliTord, Itej Kl Santa Anltft, Sir waiter aud Domloo. Tbe race waa nerer to doubt u to tbewloaor, botagtroorUgbtlMtveeD Ollffonl and Sir Walter for Uie place fonilsbed added latereet to tbe coDteat. SammArr: For all aiaa, baodlcap, all furloaga. Blemlon Htable'a b. b. Jack ol Spadea, 4. by Magnotlter- Imp. KeUlo Jame^ luf: lu lo I Bollard 1 J. B. McIKnald'acb. b.Rubicon, 4, U3:dlol...Mlilitloy 1 ~ " ■ ~ Lnatra, 6. 106; ifl to LliUaHekl i Uougbacre Mable'a ch. m. Per itarva year otd< aod upwanTaSelllog, eoe mlla and a furlong. 1*. J. Diiyt't b. b. Palrlr.ian, i. by lmp..l)t. Blali^ raer- •aa, llg; ft to a BImina 1 BleratoD ftable'a b. g. Hung and Daot*. 4, lOi; 6 to 1 Uridlo t 0. LltUeBetd Jr.'a br. f. Bombaieite, S, 87; 10 to LO'Leary S TIma 140%'. Tba Holly Handicap, •3.(U>. for two year olda, $29 each. tMaddlUookl for itanora. tfuaraoteed caab value to tIte winner91 .SOD,to the (ecooa horaeiauiand toihatbird borM tUO. Bra Ibrlonia. Bd. Browe'a l>. c. Ben Bruah. by Branible-RoaeTllla, 131; 7toa : R. WUlUma I Blenion Huble'a cb. c. MargrKra, 114; 9 to ft OriiOn I Puelilo Stable'a cb. c. Craacendo. IO;6io 1 RallTS Tlnie.l:IO>,'. Tba KIrrt BpecIal,$tfl(Ufor iiiree ytar oMh aod op- waid.^SO eacn, tlOi addltwoal foriitanen, euarantaad eaf4i ralua to tlie winner tl^OUD, to the Hacoadliorae^SSO. end to Ute ililnl horae |IAU, one mile anil a luarier BleotoD ftuble'a cb, h. Uenry of NaTane, 4, by Kolglit of Bllertlle-Moea Boae, lil; 9toft OriUla 1 ft. L. Koae'a U h. CllrrorO.&, 117; 2tol Blmme 2 Ooeck Stable'e b. h. BIr Walter. 0,110; 7 to a.. .-Doggett 3 Time. aw. For two year oldi, (iTe furlonga. Blemlon Stable'e ch. f. Woodrlne, by] Magoetlter- WoodTloe. UO; 6to4 IJrima I P. Dunne'ach. C- Prootler, 119; 6 to 1 Cboro t a. B. BmlUi'a b. f.Sweat Kavenlala. 101; 13 to 1..Uoffett 9 Tine. I da^v For three yenr oUh, one mile. J. W. Rojien' b. f. Lucania, by Blr Sfodred Scho<il OlrL III; ereo , Relltl 0. II. BolnoDt'a cb. c Brvod/wlne, IIA: 4 to I....Grillla 2 P. J. Uvytr'a b. c. Kennel, lUH; A to 3 Bimma S Tlme,l:43Ji. Tbe Bpeclal eveote progmtnmed for 18 were tbo fVIllow llaoUlcap ana Seabreeze HtJilces, won re- apectlTely Uj Anoot Lyle and J'epper. Tbe former was tbo beat r&ce of (be daj, tbe wlooer not being named till tbe vorr last Jump, and dve dlUeH flnlab- Ing bead! a|uirt Tho Ave ibuound petWDs present went falrif nllil wltb entbuslum over ibe grand straggle of tbe youiigiterH down tbe stretob. Tbe sport ihroiigbout tue afMrnoou was oJicellenu Bununair: Per teoyearobia, puree$£flD, a«lllog,llTefbrlooja. OoKk Buble'B b.c. Alarum, by Torao-Utna, lUT; 10 to 1 Dofgett 1 BaBia Atitu Biable'fi b. g. FalUog Kaur. 109; T to 1 Perklos 3 L. Bteira b. c. Kamaln, 109; « to W Cbom S Tllo^ 1:01 for all Bgea. baodlcap. one nile aod af\irl0Bg. J. W.Buiera' b. h. Sir Bicaaa, 4, by lBi|t.Rir Modred- blilaana. 114: 6tofi Relrfl PrfakoeaiBUbln'igr. c.Betmar,3L90: JDloL-.-OllTon] 2 P.J. Dwyer*ab. Ii.Leona«ell,e, 113; 9 to 1 Huime 3 Time, 1 :A3. Willow Handicap. |l,«a), for ilUlaa two ycara oM,«a aacb. iSO additional for atartara. guanntaad caah ralee 10 tbe wlaoer •l.tio, to the aeconu vOi, to Ute thlid 9100, lire rurlooga. W. II. Poibaa' b. f. Anuot Lyia, by BaroUdine-lmr^ Lit* tie Lady 11.10ft; lUtol Llttleilr" ' P. LorllUrd'a b. f. Bloomer, 107; 10 to 1 BUmienStable'ach. r. WoodfiDc, lit; T toS. Time, 1 :<D. .DoggeU 3 ..arllBD 9 The Beabraeia Btaka^ •I.HU. for three year oUa, Btt eacb. tMaddlilooal lor aianert. guartottad caabvaluo to Uie wlBoer, to the aecood WO, to the thin) tlOD, ooe ntila and a sliioeoth. P. DuBoe'a br. o. Pepper, by lllndoo-Pnncaaca, lOd; 8 to 3 thom 1 Marcoa Dely'e ch. r. Priniroae, 10); 30 U 1 4k>oidoo 31 J. W. Hofara' b. c. Darlen, 96: SO to 1 Kenfe 3 Time, 1:49)^. Porallafea,lieaTy liBadloai», anirante 930, to tbe win* nar JWOi, to ibe eecood $10), i« Ihe thIrJ «Ui alz fbrlenge. W. DoBoboe'e oh. g. Uarrlngtoo, 4, byMUer-aertnida. lOB: II lofl BImma 1 Brookdalomablc'a br. g. l'reetoo,a, lUO; 8tol...0nmo a LoulaStaan'Bcli.r. Mooaco,! lift; 8 to 1 llamlltoo 3 Time. 1:19. Kor tbree year okla nod upward, eitraoce 919^ to tha wbioerlWU, tolbelleoood•7^ and to ibaihlnllioiaeBbi, oae mllaaod a ai&iraolh. P.LorillirdVb. c. April Pool,3, hy BeoBaUoa-Dladem, 110: 0 toft Orimo 1 L.Biall'ibU.h.buD>arren,aged, 110; 4to I....Qioro 3 C. LItlhflelil Jr.'a b. f. Hccood Atienipl, i 107; 4 to 1 XittWleld 3 Time, l:49K. Tbe OrlenlBl Handicap ana ibe Atlantic Btakea were ftaturea of the nfcclog^l.aad tbe crowd Id attendance found eplondld sport provided for ita eat«n«bimeDt. CUtTord lowered tbe colors ot Uenr? o( Nararro and He; El "eDrl Anita In tbe baodlcap, and llejdel Otmrasdsreatedsucb good horaeaaa Applatue, llandspflug aod Weraborg In tbe stake event, botb renulis iielng a Bbock to tlw betting taloni. Four other ncoi were conieated bjgood alzed Qelds, close Onlsbee and quick circuits belug tbe outcome. Taken aHa wbote.tbedaj waeone of tbe noet llr1lllan^ in a racing waj, tbo tnuk bae knowD tbta season. Summary: For two year oMa, Are furloogc. Blemiun HUbte'a cb. c. UargTare. by Hi. Rlalae-Lady UarKaiaUlltf: ftto'.* Urldlo 1 0. K. btiiure br. f. Hveei rarmlale, MB: t}i io 1 Ooggeti 7 LoulaHiuart'a bik. c. Pumm, lOi; dtol PIckeRog s Time, 1:01. Kor three yearoMa, liandtcap, one nHaaod a half. Erie Huble> br. c. Nankl Vooh, by DtreblD-Yura Yum, 114; ereo Blmms I P. Dunae'a br. r. Pepper, 119; 9 lo ft i,hom 1 Charlea LItlleAeld'a cli. e. ConnolLteor. lOb; 9 tn » ■•" LliileflaVd 3 For tbree year oUa and npvanl, ■4lllBg,eBtraiicatl9, ■Iz fbrtoaga. J. J. UiUwl'a b. c Walt/er,3,byDareb!a-.SIy Daooa. lot; iKtol..^ ,v; -.: ...tlnnio l . E.beiltfa'a r*- — - ■-- P. Deoae'a In Time. 1.1 a. E.bGiltfa'arb.m.l>erfariilla. 9,1W; eTeB...OuKgelta ~'. Deoae'a b. r. Top any. 4, IM; IS to 1 ttoin 3 Time. l.uU. Tbe OrlaDial UaoOleap, 93^(0), for ilirn .veer nide and Bbward, C9tl eacb, aod MidlUoonI Tor •lartara, guar- antanj rajli Talue lo Ibr winner gf,.yil. lo tba hcodJ bone taw, and to Ihe Uilnl horao |I.V^ vne lullaand a Quanor. R. L. noa^'ab. b. t'liffrrd, b.vBianilila-DuebeiA 121;4 101 rsloinia 1 J. ff. Rogera' b. h. |l|r Exeaaa, 107; g in I HKrkloa ] Bl.mton'. cb. h. Uentf or .N'avarra, I. IH; 6 lo > SrlllloS TllDa. 3J17H- Tba itUallcflateL 11,901. aliaarrwalgbt bnnlicap lor Iwo roar OM* and npward.gtteach, aad fioaddlUonal for iteKan, guatutaed caab valna lo tha vinoer lo Ihe eecood liori* MD. and to Ihe third bora. tlcu. are l\ir. longa. Baola Ajilia Blable'a b.c. Rardal Cirrarer.l bvEtn- pororof .Sortoir-t^lan D., UI; area rtaial 1 0. E. ?Bllh;«ch.f.Aopl.ti»,S,llT: Jtol .. .Bj.gif J P.J. Uayar-ach. r. Uand.prlO|,Xln. tlol .. sfinnie 9 . , Time, ISlS. ror tbree rear cikl» and iirwaid, ■elllig.on* mile and afbiloag. ''■J- ".TW t*»i»w<.|l, t. br iMOaliu NalUa How.ii. im: aien nioma I PraalinKU Blal I., ni. Bildeai<i«. a, ""'•^i^i^^ 1. It. il<<ilen'b.r.uiBco'unC<l<>l:3toi!.'.°.'!j^ Time, IJoW. QtlllM nwdt bla ilobui In luo Krl« .stable'^ colon is, god (Igiullitd his tint aiirinui i-lnca iMlng nwd (roui llig lian or na outlgw ii) capiurloR ctie nnti race, (or wblcti he mtaarawil!!! iDibobci- IIDB, llailoi, PaulcUD, iloihaiu, NU-i> and I'riaca Uet rapiund ttoin gagemUr fair alwd fltldi. Buminar;; . ''."'.'."f > "S' ''•'"Iloap. Hve ae.1 a half C\iiloni>. 4 to ' ""• l^«««llon.Alniy Tu; 1. II. i b, u,' MiiTia' u' V. iiiiami«ioii,' m^ u^' vlmtj BlamtoD Btabla'l ch. t HaiiT W""*. "'^,^"3 7or Ihrea fear oMa, one nlla aad a mj'aft „,, J. RaPMrt/r.'a eh. 0, Ootham, bj Iio^noU-TiadaWtod. 117'Alol J. Manor 1 Maini Dalr'a eh, c Frlnnw. IM: i 101 -S^ii \ T. LorUlud'a b. g. OoIabnOSlr^to 1 DogI»i« • For thraa laar olda aod ii'pwu^. baadloap, oaa nlla J^J.^Dw/a'aVh. raaMan,X by «.Blalaa.I*af»aa, lit* 0101 gimme 1 J, E.kaagram'a ch. g. Loohoo^ a^lUM; 6 to 1.. .Bollard 1 For two rear oldllBiafoAnga . . B. HcCIclUad'a ch. o, rrlooa Llof, Ij Klog Eri«- Elaml 101; 610 4 Perklna 1 Santa Anita Blabto'a b, g. ralllsi WaUr, HDKjT log .. » onrao » 0. LlttMOeld Jr.'ab. r. nlamooda.1U;aiol.,LlttlelMd 3 Time, 1I11>4, For thraa raarolde aod opward.ooe DU*. , _, Erie Biable'e b. h, Oalllaa, 4, by Tho Banl-Athalailc ICS- 3101 Slmma 1 llanlaAollaaiabla'ach,r. Aia{iahoo,«.IOI;>!oI,ratklnn 1 U. E. Hoillh'Bch. b. Ed. Kaaroar, l,IW;9lol,..Pogg«as Ttma,l:0.>.. . , . For thraa rear nlda and nowaid. all rarlopga. J. Hr»a- br, b, Nlct, \ by Hottaoar-BalrlbnUoa, IM); , (a 1 ...Bluna I Buble'a b. I. loU,«, (9: • to 1 t.rn«toa lma,l:UK' Bnokdalo'a BlabVa brg'rreataD, t, lO; < to I „OrilSD 3 TfiiD The Rnmaan at Ccaajr bland. Ttie Bitghtos Beub Baclig limclalloii naomgd at III track on Ooaer laUnd, V. Y., Sapt li, but ma dlKoumgenMnt at tua oataat, Uia attaodanM bclog exinonlT llgbt. Fair glial IMda ol |0«d otiairir iwntaMcd for tHe alz i»n)eil avesia. For aaagUonable lidlDg oa SecoDd AOaopt, In the tblrt race, Jockey Wm. Fean ma Indednlulj stupended and hli caaa refenad to Ute Jockey OInb. aumman: FurH KD, for thraa laar oUl aad opwnrd, Bailing, Urn fnrlonga, B.A.l«ilth'ach.g.LoaibiDok.ibrU)niTaw.«aadow- brook, lor:* 101 , .....,,...gliomal J. Itopoort Jr.'ab. h. Obatlanooga^ 10:1 tol....Peon 1 t7. C.Mlf'i bit. g. Cockoo, a, mTso to 1 Kaelb 3 Time, l*lj(. ^ , Pone Vm for two pear olda, aalllag, Ira (brlonm. J. McUuibllo'a br. (, St7 Blna, bp Trblaii^llTar Bine, tl: 710I,, Coyla I Aanla AnIlaSlable'a b, I. La TIaola, IIS; 1U l.,.i^om 2 C. r. Owjer'B b. c. Impwial. KB: 4 to 1 Blmnia 3 Time, IraJ^. Pone MOO, one mlla. a. B. Imlth'a cb. I. Applanaa, 9l bp Imp. The lU Vaad- lmp,Bncor«,IU7; Sta 11 i-'£?>{•" ' C. LlltlolleU Jr.'a br, I. Second ARampi, 3, K»: 7 to a Peon 3 If. Thnbald'a cb, f. Thrrn, a, O: 90 ta I Bhaadp a time, IMH. Puna ttOO, liaodleap, oaa mlla aad OBa.elgbth. Pnakeeu Dlable'a gr. g, Adelbatt. t, by Maodof Adalo, HDiaul HImniol R. Baber'a ch. g. LIlUaTom,«, KB; 7tol Kaefe 3 J. Bhlalda A f;o.'a b. h. Prig, 4, lo; I to 1 0'Oonoall S Tlme,l;M. Pone ttOOL aelllDg, 000 nlla. J. B. flaajnram'e ch. g. Lookout, t, bp Tionbadonr-Chria; UnajB: » toS BalUrd 1 J, Bhlalda A Co.'a br, g. McKaCL 3. tl; 7 u I...O'Doiinoll 2 J. Hayman'a b. g. Horn agad, KBlUtol rann3 'tlma.litSii, Puna $400 waller weight, aalliog. ooe mile. L. EieU'e blk. II. Dungarrao, agad, by Ulodoo.OaIpbur- nla,123; eran BcoCt I F. Loae'a b, b. Bprit^ 4, la; 4 to I Doigau 2 J. F, Barrett'a br, h. Jack Boaa, egad, IB; 4 to LBdUrd 3 TImiLliX RIs pune lacea alTordea Uie amnaenientM, and a fair aoesdaoca waa on band to enjoj the eport. Fair riicd deldg entered Uie Uau, and aa then weta aome cloge Ilnlalle^ wlUi the belting taroilla In rtontlna nia]oiltTO( caaea, the day'a renills were bigblr aatlsfacloiT. Bnmmaiy: runa $400, for three year old. aod upward Bra for. longn. W. C. Dalrn blk, g. Cuckoo, 4, bp Imp. Kr. Plcliwlek- lfar<laavM;a)tol Eeofe 1 P,llariew'ab.>,Tom lUrdlDg,<,lU):eto9 Rallfg K A. Smith'a cb. g. Old Domhiloo, I, W; < to 1..8lmitu 3 Tlma.l*!!?. Pnraa IdlUL rortwoyaarolda,llrarurlonga II.Combe'H b, c Balinagbla, by Pooao<!ooataney, lOB; 10 to I Doggaul Duke* WlUiaid'ab. f.ArUDa,UB; tlo4 .ItallfJ P, 0. Burrldga'a b. 0. Olaooll, IIB; 30 u> I Uarriiao 3 Tlme,l:CD, Pune$400,fftr three pearobl.,aeUlag, ooamUaaoda eUlMnlh. J, KncaJe'a b. c laqulraado, by EoqalnrBoooIe Maada, HIS; 4 to I _ Ilamllloa I HadUoo SUbla'ach. t Kalllrboa. 100: 9to2...J. lloalay 2 J, Hayman'a b, g. McoUnl, 101; Stol Bbaedy 3 Tlma.l:fc,V Puna $4C0, for thraa year olda aod upward. aeUlog, ban nlla. a Bakar'a cb, g. Little Tom, 4, bp Imp, Qtaai Tom-Flor aoee A., n: e to 4 0'Laair I P.B.Rlng'ao.h.BanBniid.tjociUUil....Hamilton 2 B. Bndlay'a cb, m, Paawap, &.»; 10101 Haaly 3 i.-m , „^ . Itarloaga-BUm, «, B Iumr2101, woo: BabMartla, m, ItrlDg, 10 lo I,Hcoad; lSSuPnd,>9.aB>ley,90Ml,third. 4lme.l4K T1lilri»»^Flta aad a half lurtooga-Baa Xder, 111, Olayloa. 7 to 10. woo; Bo<ime. IIB,,Tborpe, 7 to Vucaod; HinnS loa, aanla, 7 to i thlid, lime, Il0e.<a...... rac^^)oe oUw ■■■ • • . -- —w Bind, KB, U. wiulama, II to I, aacoad; Oaicoa, 109, It?lafc7l!Vthird. Tlmfcl:42J<. BaoTlV.—I^lnt nce-Pive and ahalTfUlooga-Bamlm, luTtbeipa, ereo, woo; Don CnrlUo, lit, F. .Cut, 0 ur 2, imod;^r nay, IK), Tubarrllla, J to I, Iblid. lima, lolk-..-..Second laca-Sliand a half furloon-Canla Lyl?Ua,Thor|>e,4U I, wm; Bprlortuid, 1 IL itaytoo, « to T ucond; Eapooao. IB. I,nl«S,,« 'o,!, ''''i. Tl™». 131K Third raca-Ooa mlla-OUra, lol, Bergan, a l» a, woo; Logao, lit Nobla,3 to I. Mcond; DernMr Lai. ri2,Martterub> 1, third. Tlma,l:U..^..Fonrjh lacj- Tha Pearl Btake^ for two year old lUlaa, all Ibrloua— MotaUita, HI, Batgao, a to I, won; Uoilllv lO, J. flUI, £ tolfaiuod; Kali Lagrand.'lU,l!uyton3 to I, third. TIma. 1:1IX Finb raca-Ona mile aod eereoly yatdn ^lu^lll^ lli, Tboipo. J to I, woo; Obamatooe, rt, J, Oaidoar, S 10 I, •eoind; Lao Lake, IDS, Baisen, 1 to t, Italnl, Tima,l;l4>^. ^ , . « Bapt2dL-nnt raco-Four aad one-half firloa^Bo. laadar UB,J. UUL le 10 1, woo: Commlaalooerrrnok, 19. W. Jonea, 19 lol. aacood; Eiialooi. inl,Cl»loa, J to 1, tb^id. Tlma.oM)< Becood racw-Bli andahall Ibr. hmgn-Hald liarlaa, lit, J. Oaitlner, a to 2, won: Buck. wOl4, Manln. I tot eeooad; lAltla aula, lit, ft. laooi, toilo 1, tblidrnma,!*) Third raca-Klfa furlong. -lynla Uarhneaa, 119, Irrlag,» w ^ won; Ladr Inn, llOL Bargeiv4 lot,aacood: Imp.Sugar, MO.J. 1"1L,I1»» l.Thlid" Ilme,T«X Fourth tac»-One and ona- e^lhlb mllea-Branla,10)>l.we«: nrea Ad- iloe, 107, Baraen, 7 u> 1, aacondril. Mailm, lax Mania, t toVthltil. TIma,l;Sl rinb nca-Ooo mile and tar- lOOldlayton,IItol,third, TimoJ*!,...... Oecond imca- Barao hriiagt-eemper Loi, UB, HaitlL ann, won;. Sbm goodwio,«».. WJonajJ to^ sfn?™^ "niiS mat. -drand Hotel Statea, aaUing, ralna to winner 11,30^ onenlle-Lehman,lS, llaijl^,4 to «. won; Hudwme, 1001 llargen,3101, aacood; Buck Kaaala, IO, J. UUI, t to irililld"T4ne.l:«)«....,.>l(ib raco-Ona and one-rtj- totath mllaa-Orannan, lOOl Thorpa. 4t« 0, wcm;Iogo mar. 110, D. Darla, 9 to I, aecondiParafe Bella, H. J. ^DKO.I0 to T, third. Time, l:<ra. Blltfa nca- Hdllng, eereo furlongn-Velbiw Row, 100, J. lAilrin, 71<" L iofi <»»!. Drane. loa, ««ilOI w I eaconJ; La. (;teolM(D,Claytoo,2lol,thlid. tlmiLl:2()i. SepL Xl-Plm raca-8li lurl«oi»-;0;w.go 85, Oreg- ory.Tb to I, woo; JodgoDaooT, «,B laom, 9 to J, mc- oBl; Martin, 7H Blob*fto I. ihfid. ■rimoM|l»......B«- ond raco-alx mrtonga-a, B. lOS, Tborpa. J to J, won: KlngElm,goiWrjonea,t 10 I.MCondjJfrlogTala, 101, BrIUon, 4 io I, thlid, Tlme,l:U>j .. ..Tbinl race— Bit forlonaa-Pretendar, 100, Bargjn, Utol woo; WUd- nrt, no, W. Jooe«,8lo4,a«ood; 8tart,0(k«ewcomb,12 tul. Ibltd. TIni* I:l9.'a Ponrth taca—SI; forlonga- Warrick, n),Btnwai, 1, woo; Soonp, 78.Cbali,7fo9, aaaind: Marina, SI J. Jonea, II 10 I, third. Time. I :I«M. F((tn raco—Ooa mlla—Strathrol, U7, OlayloiL 7 to rd,woD; Janu«,107.J. HIIL ID to l.aacond;Bob Hartia, 10), Bergen, 8 to I, third. Time, 1:44. ^■^Vi^a&U, „ ^—, —j'elol Cambridge Stable'e b. c Taokea Doodle, lOi Patee MOc for two jaar 6iAi, nDlar, all fbrboga. Son Mcinalland'e ch, c. Prince Lief, by Kbg Eu. laml, 109:9to4 Pnkina 1 J. HcLaagbf In'e br.'g. 8^° BinaB; a'ii iV. (Xiple 3 ; 10 to OrltBa 3 Tlma,l:UX. PorM atOO. lor thraa year olda aod upward, ooa mUa, J. B. Whlu'a br, h. Long Btldga, 4, by Long Taw-Mag- gie Uuot, 110; araa Doggalt I R. Bndlay'a cb-g. Clara., < 101; 10tol faalo 3 J.Qulgley'ach.b. Haz^Aloiut^llOilo to I,R.Doggalt 3 Pilg, In the opeslig iice, was the only (aroilte to OnlBh oiBt In Ihe six erenta carded lor a), hence Uie ueuiag talent In tha good alied crowd attending round poor reward tor their eflbrta. The Ilelda were or good eize generally and Ihe tnUies oloee enough to make the day's i^ort ot conaldetable In- lereat. Sommaty: Puna saODl for three year oMa and apwaida, aallJog, ooa mlla. J, Bhialda A ao,'a b, b. Frig, 4, by atlon.Prada, 101:7 to 9 Orlan 1 J. Uai mao'a b, g. NIcoUal, % n; 10 to I CPLaarr • J,B.Wblta'ab.Ii.LoagBrld(a,4,IIO;Otol.. *Daad heat for place. „Donn<t' Tlma,l:43)<, , Puiaa too, for two year ou oillai, aelllng, an Sox- loogi. P. CorUlard'a ch. f, Pradleaaaat, bp Ibe Bailor Prlnea- QnaodaiT. KB: 7 to 2 QrlJlln I Duke A Wlehud't b. r. Arlu% llo>i: 4 to 1 Ralir 2 J. B. n-hlta'a blk, f, Babaa, UO; 4 u k ShaSy a Tiffla,ll9M. Foiaa aso, waltar walgbta, for thiaa year olda, MlVng, ooa nlla. J. B. WInta'a oh. c, ApprnoUca, br FtUowcimfbDIil- atla, 139; 7to I Ooggett 1 A. U,Banay'Beh, f. Rodman B., 130; 9 to 1 jSallfl B, Bndlai'ach.g,BlrJubn.U9: total B,I)DgntlB Tlma,l;4lK, Puna 1400, for thraa year oMa and npwtid, telUag, aig forlooga. alahop A Arthut'o b. b. Ceaa, t, bp Charley CaaaBabr olrClQS; etoi Seoul BL Bndlar'acb.m. Paawny,a,M; Ulol PowaraS B. A. Snitb'a ch. g, Looibnoli, 4,107: a to I .Slmma S „ ... , TIma, 1:14. ParM am for two rear ohlt, aalllag, Ire Airloiin, W. 0. Daly'abr. g. VoUoy, by The Bailor Pilnca7aab- bella,lU;20lol J.Muiphy I ..Ocliaoa ii PerhUiaa Time, 1 :Q1. Parea tnu, for thraa year olda aod opward, aaUlaenth, <^'.ii°?£''l**b'i. (- Shelly Taule,^ bp Blr Modnd- Obd Eyaa, 107: t to 1 „. '. Slinmt I Pueblo Buble'a b. f. Pnllanon Laai,4,107; S to l.Pertlot a U. Wantear.'tb.m.^nleBU^9,loriatol.Do(|atta Ba«lB( at Oakley. The CiDClnnaU (0.) Jookar agb began lla FUl meeUog at Oakley Sept. M, the rtaolla to date belsa aalollow: ^ Bept. 14.—Pint raca-FIra forlenn-BaDaof Fordham. lla, Bargon.S to 1, wooj AmaaatCe, Ml, J. aiU, 7 toe. J. McLaogbllo'a br. g. Sky Blna, 113;area, Madlaoo StaMa'a b. ITPetfldy. UI; 8 lo I, I, ooe mlla aad ,<.^aviHu,o IV i, .wii, ■ mai.n wi.. wi, J.Hill, 1 aocond; Uaniulaa, 112,w.ulcka,2ul,Uilid. Tlmi _ HacooO raco-aii (brionga—Btar Ruby, 100, iSibar- rli^*,9lo3,won; ynnla,109,jroSdoar,a to Ta^nd: Prince Imnrlal, 11^ Bargan, t toi, Ihlid, TIma, IM.... Third nca-PlTean<lahjJf hirkngt-Ramlro, lia, Tborpa, 4 tol, woo; Roblnaon, KM,aiiom,OD to I. aaoond: Ben Ed.r.lll imery.a„lorihlid, Time. I:0l)<7?:.^i5» racv-4L NIeholaa Botal 8lakea,one and oaaelehth mllae —Bumtbmeath, to, TnberrlUe, 2 10 1, woo; r..t:w,.. 117. Wlo, 4 to a, aecood: Uo Lake, (9, riergao, 4 . TimoilX FIRb raw-One ml»-.Ttia ar, 10B,Bertau.4 won; Baaao, 07, W, Hid J. CoItIi ihlid maatar, , , _ 10 I, acKmid; simtbreli \:a\i. ,<ol. ln» BriioD, H) lo l','lh'lr^'°T&Mr . •}•*,,I'-r',''" a half hrlonia-Palr Lady, 110, R. bom, 4 to I, woo; I1aaaad,ll0^ J. Bll, (to 1, !?£fS^=,iS*»r' "* WoekbuiB. 39 to iTthlid. Tlna^ O^.U. Sacaad nca-Bana tnilooga-Kona Fooao, loS jiluuga Ml _ TIMM, 7 to i woo; Iddy Pepper, H R laon, S to ll aac^ ond: aaMwar,lor,Imng,ttol,iUrd. r-- • — Thlnl_nca-nra (nrlnBga-Faaal Time, I A.. Airlaga-Faaala, loo, Uring, 3 to 1, srrtia."TSraS4~^ i|»7>aaca, KB, Bargan, I, woo: won: Wagtail, UD^ IIOL TuborrUla, 0^ raca-Saraa rurloofa^iraaca, _ ChtriT .atooa, 110, TobenjUi^lo^ia^ir^ooBd.; wuH, naca j.H.ia,iQB, J, E la J. Oelfla,.! tol,Jblrd._,Tlma, VMH. "MnbenlUe,!. _ .,_ „. (errar, 108, w. Jaati, 19 ta 1, ibtad, Tlma^ —■ ■ ib«Bnla.l(BiTnb.r.lilaJj_., HuCt to 1, e.^; sTllailai^ Finh ra ce Ooe mlla-Lobaai wen: BockMauli " " - ta 1, ^ .. FWa l^tlonn—SbarloeA, llOl !5SI?.'JfA,™JStf'^,?!!s?f^,!^"'>*"''i«^'»iS — , , Tlaa,l:UW. ■--.-.IT- .-J*.""*-*?' ^''*>'' lOO.ruberrllle^ J; Ollra. Ill Banen, 7 lo 2, eeconl; Blaaco, lOL Tborpa, t to I,aili3. TIma, 1:43 .Fourth no»lna *5f?fi' i»'"\'"™«IO»i>,lwo year oMa, all farioajta PI^'V''"' 5- L""»'.' <»>. won: Firm Hata, III, T'X'H'; "H*"* """^e.'1*1 Clay tonTat i» 1,third. TluKl:Uk,.„,Fllihlaca-.OMmltouatiraotr r.t'lJ"?'*"''^"' "?• IbbiP* < 10 1, won; Ueori* Pact Uilld Bept. t»,l.- Tlme,l.'4tK. ia.^ln- - >*■ 'K'-'ir* fanen^Pata, »7, B. Item, s wna; PralrlaUuBT, Walkv,t to 1, mooad;Ooa. •aaar Fnat, i^.'ioaa^ b la C ihM. Iiaaa .Third Virginia Jooker Clnb. 8apL U.-Flm race—Plra nirlooga-^llaon. 106, Mur- libr,3 to 9l drat; Borojiio, n, Uoulaliao, 3 to 1, aeoood; mUy LagglaMai, Qleaaoo, li to 1, third. Tlma,ial9, ... Second nice—Four and a liatf furlonga—Young Orlffo. lOB, Mutpby.Stol, ant; tMu, 119.Canoo,aTen, Mario. llATallor, 11 to 1, thM, Time, 0:Uk.... Rca—ai.\ aod a half nirlonga-^Caroallta, m, Olttanoa,; to I, drat: BL Laanot, 107, l^rkini^ 10 lo I, aacond; Heoiao, 10, BUIa, 4 to 8, third. Time, 1:21 Poonb nca-Flve rurloni»-Joa Hack, lOA Oleaaoo, 6 to 0, drat; Hanola, 109, Muiphy, 8 to 8, aacond; Bella of Pennoy,P7, Klle,0 to 1, Ihlrd. Tlme.l:0O< Plnh raca-Ualf a. ralla-Fnnk D., 100, Mntpby, I >o 3; Brat: LIlUt Joe. 109. Uirrlgan. 10101.aecood; LadyLlator, lll,Caraoa stol. third. Time, 0:40 Blith imca—8I1 and a qnanar fur- longiK-LIlUa Alice, 107, Fletcher, 3 to 1, flnt; Crlterioo^ lOr, Murphy, II to &. Mcood; Ooortney, lOr, Houlaban, 6. tol,third! Time, 1:SK. Sept. 13.—Fliat imca-^Sli and onc-quarter furlonga— Bnla, 3 to 1 aod 4 to 8, Ont; Podra, 6 to 5 place, aacoad: aiay Fonat, third. Tune, ID Second race—811 end a i)n«nar furlonga—Ooman, 7 to 10 aod out, Bnt; TelTat BMa,3lo I place, Mcond; Loola qoatoRa, third. Time. Ill Third raca-^Bla and one-half lurlonga-^oe Slack, 110 4 aod out. flnt; Tribota.a to 1 place, aecood; Har1aLoTell.tlilTd.Tlme.l:23.>« Ponrth nco—Ber n. algbta of a mile-Blra, 3 to 3 and ont, flrat; Jlmaole Jftoct 10 6 place, aacond; Renalaaanea, third. Time, Plllll race-Four and a half rarhmgn-Uarrr Mama, 2 to 8 and ont, flrat; l^p Laatar, 1 to 3 placv, aKood; Nemo, tblid. Tlme,0:87>i Biith nee—Flre- elghlba ofa mlla-^o Jap,8to8aad 1 to 3, Brat; LItUe Joe. 3101 place,aecondiColumboa Jr„Uiltd, Time, m. BapL 10.—Pint race—Bliandaiinartar fttrloDga—Mlaa Modrad, 8 to I and 3 to 1, flrat: Senator, I to 2 place, aeo- oed; Imperial thlid. Time. Is) Second race—Poor and a half fbrlonga-Lotlla P., t ta I and 6 to 8, flrat: Frad Hnncb,2to8place,aacond;LaoDldaathlrd. Tima,0:98V. Third rnoa—8U aad a qnarter fbrlonga—BapaUtien, atolandt tol.flrat: Clan B«lle,7 to 10 placa, racf-od; Philadelphia third. Tlm>,ls>i Fonilli nea-FIra alghthaofamlle—Annie T.. 20 to land Stol, flrwt; Barrr Wama,tto9place,aacoad; Sonon third, Tlma,lAi^. -.,.Plnn race—Hlla—PODcade Laoo. I to3aiid onu flnt; Cray Foiaat, oreo, place, aacood; Pocohootaa third. Time, l:48,'f. Butnraca-Slxaad aqtunarnulanBa— Tent,4 toB and out,flnt; Bt.Laurent, eran,place,Mc- ond; Platewood Ihlrd. Tlme.l:23K. Sept 18.—Pliat race—PiTa-elgbiha of a mlla—Duke of Olooceatar, 8 to 1 and 3 lo 1, flrat; Pope, a to 1 place, aec- ood; Btaatey H. Ihlrd, Time, lOT. Bacood race— PlraalgbUiaor a mlla-Lady LlalarS to 8 aad 3 to a, int; Harguerita II, 9 to 3 place, aacond; Tioga third. T1me,l:0SK Tblid tmoe—Blx and a half nirlooga— Tribute, 7 to lOand out, dm: Harla LoralL I to Splaca, 1: Raoalaaanca third. Time, itoU nnrth 'Fourandooe-halfrurloaga-VelTatlloa»,oioland 3 to 1, flnt; Joyenaa, ont placa, aacoad: Otainha thlid. Tlma,b:4U< PIftli race-Ooa-half mlle-XorrUey, 3 10 1 aodato 8, fliat; Harry Wamn, out place,aacood; Bcllpae Jr., Uilid, 'Tkna, 0:BIX .Sixth nce-^ien- algbtha ofa mlle-Cheddar, aran and oot, flrat; Jinmla JamON ereo place, aacood; Eooda third. Tbna, IJL BepL 3D,—rlrat race—Tbraa-guartan of a mile—Zama- cmw, 30 to I and 10 to I, flrat; Tlni Flyan, ereo place, aec- eod; Pltkewood third. Time, IMH Second race- Pour aad a lialf furlonga—Fred Munch. 7 to 10 aod out, flni; Mar1o,8 to 1 place, eecood; Bodnay, tblid. Time, :.Thltd lace-Slz aod aqoarier farlooia-Min- Ola 11^,^30 to 1 and 8 tol,flrat; Benala8aDca^7 to 10place. aeconil; Ttalea third. Time, Idaj,' Poor and onabalf forionta-TanglaluoL 3 to I and 8 to 8, Ina; Delia M., 8 to 8 plaeo aacond; Coif third. Time, 1K)1 Filth race—8lK aad ooa-rourta forloeai—Dr. Raed.a to2aad I to3, flnt: Jlmmta Jamaa,3 toSulaoa, aacood; Iriidi Pat Ihlrd. Time, 113 Blkth race— Poor aod one-hall rurhmga—Barrr EaUterLltoaand out, flrat; Nano^ 8 10 1 place, aacand; Lady Waiaoa third. Tlma,0:I8J<., SaoL 23.-Plialitca-8eUlag, lialf mlla-lUrgneriu IL ua-Karraaa I to3aod onL won; Doicaa 1^88, olaawn, 18 to 8 aad 1 to I, aacood; Criterion, 89, Bnwar, 30 10 1 and 810 1, Uiltd. Time, OM Second nce-SalllDf, .Is fbrlooga-Orafljnian, IQ, Narraaa, 13 to 1 and 8 to 1, won: Oalety. 94, Honlahan, 8to 1 and 8 ta3, aecood; Val- ret Boaa, A Oleaaon, 7 to 10 aod I to a, third. Time, I :I7- Thud nca-For two year oMa, Are Ibrlonia—Al UehnbolL 113, Merrick, 10 u> I aod a to 1, won: Toung oriOb, UO, Flualmmona, a to 1 and 4 tot, ucond; lady iralaoo,liacataon.8tolandlto 3, Uilni, Tlma,lA)<. Fouitb nca-Salllng, half a mlle-Camallia, lOl, Olaaann, 410 8 aod 3UA won: Mellnda, 94. J. Hurvhy, 8tolaad3toLucond;Johnllc4IarriBU|. lOl, PlatAar, 7le2andSlo 8,Uilrd. TliM,OiOM.....rFinh nca-Fer aUagaalour and a half furlonga.Joa Mack, Ur, Deh- haaty. 7 to K) and out, woe; Hanp Wamn, 118, Batk- holder,lSlo8andato8,eecand;FnakD„110, A.Moon, n 101 aod 3 to 1, third. Time, OM Slitb nce-«aU- Ing,aeraoAirloa»-Haria LoTolUlia, Cola,8to8 and 1 to 2, won; SIra, 107, Delahanty. eran aod 1 u>3,aaoaiid; Raoalaaanca, 91, Houlihan,410land t to a, third. Time, l:a)J«, OM DemlBleia Jockey Olab. BapL 10.—Pint raca-SU and aqoarlar fnrhnga, aell- lng-Ru(ua 19,8 to I and a to 1. won; Bin, W, I to a place, aacond: Jariep, lOLtbiid. Time, 110 Baeood race-Seran nrlonge, aeUIng—Can't Tell, 108,6 to 1 and a to ■.won; FiiighiTo, loa, eran placa, aacond: 0>lumbu, Vt, third. Time, la Tblld nee—Plra niriongv ler two yaarolda-BaooIng, ICS, 4 10 1 and aren, won; If UT- S'- ' e!««.,eecond; AJ, HalenlSt, 113. thiid. Tl'°ti.!?'<':'—^curtb nca-Ooe mlla, aelilni-Bmk- lya,ni,3lol and 1 to 2, won;Minn, 110^1 to 4 plaea, Mooad:Tlon,iol,Uilrd, Time, Ijflx Flllhnoe- Feor and a half furlonga, aeUlna-jlmntcUublln, 109,3 to a and I to 3, wop; Atda, to, area, place, aecood: CnnMuo. Ill, third. lima. Oii,..,Tlliihnce-Poar aad a half futlooga eeUlng-Anon, lai, t to I and 8 to 8. r"ilft?*tlnl??«V '*"'"'■ ^°"'"' . f*P': nce-8l« and a quarter forionga-Wlat- ful. I 10 3 and ont, flnt; llorTap,e to 1 place, aacoad; HIgblethlid Time. 1.0 Bmod ncal-FlraeSbtbii 2-' ,a mlla-Fonndluig, a to 1 aad 3 to ^ Ortt; nany S!l!?'''"SL?i?!"»''^'!di X™- Stewart Uilid, Time, l:OIJ(.-,-.--ThlTd race-^li aad a half furlooga-Bell- eariua 1 to 8 aod 1 to a, flrat; Tear Drop, 110 a olaca. aac- oad; Odd BMta IbA T|•m"I:ST.'.^^Srtbn^C- llUaaoda a llaaatb-Hlraga. arao aad ouLant:0,0. SnA" ' Place, teoond; Lento thlnl. Time, 110...... Finhiaca-Fonraod^a half foriooga-Jbn McLaugblln, V J! ' Hi' "ti' ""J BdlP" Jr.Tlli) 3 place, ucoad; JeneP third. Time, tf:a9K,rT:..sliUi rtoSlIi end a ouartar nulonaa-Frollcaoiaa Laaa. 3 to I aad 7tola 'nt; Con Lucey.a to 8 pUca, aacond: Plawatar Ibltd. Tlma.l:I9,V. SepL 14.—Pint raca-Balf a mUa-Conotaaa,8toI aad - • irriu ■ jA'J.'ifiiit; Oaotge R.J'bTlplaca.'aacRidrLlulaSllrer Ihlid. Tlma.O:»:.....Bacoiid nne Bli aud a half Ibr- lonia-Mn. Btawan, 8to 1 aad 3 to L flnt: Mohawk. 8to I plaaa, eecood; Dr. Bead third. Tine, 114 Third naa-aile-Paaaalt, 3 to I aod 7 to Itt flnt: Coo teat. 4 to a^W«,aaeDod; Uaaal Uilid. Tlmei,l:4<X Ponrth race-Hlla-Brooklyn, areo and a lo A Brn; A>on,S lo 1 place, lacood: Poigtora third. Time, l:4iK..Tr;.l>llUi nc*-Pl>a4lghU<a ol a nlla Bonoia, 3 la I aod 8 to a, S.'!Si?5f,??''°''!.'*^ '*^5«><™': Otaod prii Uilid, Tlma.l:01X..v -SIlUi rac*-8li andaqHtter Ibrtoaga — — »aw. nlara. i^- "'"'L1}f'^'""'•..'"h'.^<'*7 Second raca^Slxaod ooa-hair riirbioga-tlaael, > lo I and 3 to I, flnt; Leotp. I to I plac^ aecood; TBddarnnUilnl. nma,l«:.Tr!TOrd n^J|«d«ym^Hoo,^tMne^T(o9.ndlt.