New York Clipper (Oct 1895)

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OOTOBEB 5. THENEW YORK CLIPPER. 401 ^VESTBUUf LBIGUB lOUBTIllG* IUpUe«d bj 01k*r CUIm. Tbo VefUro LMfnt tiH>B Iti UDiitlmMUDK on 8«pr. 9, ki Chloio. UU u>d ™ lo MulDO HTml tlftT*. Tb« prlaclp*! bulDMi tnnuetodwu tba ftppolDtButofa Circuit ConmlttM of tbrM wlih bttracUoiia to d»eld« M ft oltr Id pUe* of T«m Huu, which thenpnatoU- ITni of th« clatw prWBt did noi ihlDk Utm tDOotb to niAlo tb* ftuchiM of the old ToI«do Olub. PrMidtDt B. Tai «r«ibuanDd,IUpIdiI«blKMoarb tohoM lUown. MotwiUiMADdioK thli uwrtCom tb«re U eooildtnbU tAlk iDtrrMtlhttOmihftwlllbecboMDlBttud. TheBoudof DirMtonhcMibAlrmMtlDgloihomoniloir. TbonportoT pniiI>lsDtJonDaoo.l4lUD|iof tA» pn»p«roaBeoQdltIOQor ihit letim*. tdopM. Brarr elub la that tufua DKlamoMfdaiinirthaputtaMoa. Milnakao.Kum niyaod lodiuApolUwan the l«id(D|t mooey nakan. gf ^ul abowad an laenaae of alxlr par cant ovar Sloai dir, wboaa pUoa It took^la iha leMavUitfaar. lU- cM.isBbovadaDlaer«M6orirtrpare«nt Tba paaoaiit wawanlad to lodlaiupoMa. Xolha aOaraooa the full tntOmataDdnUfled tbaacUoaor tha diracion. John MaoDlns.or Kaoaaa 0 ty: U. B. llUUa*. of Milwaakaa^ uhIW. rC.aiult.oMDd(aupoll^ war* appolatod tba circuItCommlttaa. nai»u*BeTartlappllcaat«rbr tha Columbu rnncblaa., Moat oftbeaaoood day «u mat (o aalUIoa Ibeqaaa- ilonaii to ibaomiarablp oftha HlDaaftpoKa Clob. Thomaa Murfbr.boMaroftborimnehlieihbjaw'.vuoD hand with kmhI backing. Tba oppoaldoo dalagation vaabaadad br Jobn Ooodoow, a waaithy pollUoltn. wbowaa iHckcd br •omaoftha vaalihlaatboBiDaaiiDaaorillDDaapolla. Tha flchtvuafalrone,and In cAOildaratloa of oacarlnrtha Mloaautolia francnlao Ooodnow ud bli badkantrato htKQOO Tor tha goodwill of (lis dab to tbapraaont boUan of tba frmacblaa. Thayara aLao lobaythaunl- roraa and ffroooda aqulpowac at a price to ba airead apoo. A pladga waa alio nida that the HlooaapolU rrounda, which an altogether loo amalUvonU be en- krgad bafora Iba aeaaon opeon. An«r tba Hlooaapolla rnoeblaa waa aettled tba league eoropllmentad Byroo B. johaaoo, of CloclnonU, br r^^lactiog bim prealdeat, McraUfyaod tnasorer of the league. It la Unaly doe totaU gaoanlablp that the laagaa ban been adranoed from a week organltatloo to & point wbereerary Iran- thlMhaabeenaproSubteloTaaiaiantror the rtockhoM- tm There (a now tar.CDD la tba treaaary, and an order waa made looking to Ita InTeitneot In bahiir of the kague In gOTenment bonda or other equally nod aeeo- ritlM. Tharulf raqnlrlDgienpercaot. of ue grou re- (elptaofaaebftatnetobepild laio the alnklng Rind wai alw t«-enaclad, and the new agraamant (o be entered Into batveen tha elaba U to be for dra yean loataad of one. A mla waa alao adopted thai eacb elab la to pay 9l,QtO Into a goaruty raod to beretftloed bythatreaa- urar In caw or a failure to play oat the aaasoa'a achedole oriorbUllallagreameQUanlertd Intowlib thelaagna. Ooly alx of the uoba to conititola tba letgne nazi aeaaon bare baan decMad opon, Theaaare, witb the peraooi to whom tha fVmncbiaaa will be (aaoed, aa follova: Ot.PaoL CbirlaaCooitaker; HlnneapoUa, John Ooodoow; Detroit, Oaorga A. Vaaderbeck: unaaa Cliy, JanMo Manning: Milwaukee. Matthew smilaa; Indlanepolla, W, P. 0. Oortl Other applicuia for the lemnlniog two naodilaaa are: _v Toidand" - ■ Columboa, Toledo, Omaha, Bockfon annd Rapldf, LEAOITB-AaaOOIATIOir. Baltlmora Has Won the Pennant Again, While Cleveland Is a Good Second WaihlBKtaB t«, I(«w York. Tba tltventh gmme between Ueae tttms wu plared Sept tt, at VaitalngtoD, D. 0., and molted [n Uie elgDtta tIoIoit ot tlie eetlea for tbe New Yorks. Tbe borne dob preeeeted e new irilcber, Dsmed Juaea, who b*Ua Inm Virginia, aed It wae obleOj tlirougta biB ensUo plloblii tbat tbe nutera were enabled to win. He gave Dine men tbeir baaea on belle, and flre of them scored. Oolj four safe bits, locludlog a donble and a triple bigner, were made off bla ddlTer/. Clark pitched a good game, keep- ing tbe bile well apart, bnt a borne run and a double bagger belped tbe WaaUoglons to tluee earaed nine. New York'a onlr earaed no waa tbe reeult of a aligle and a triple toagier. The loug aate hlu were aliome ran bj Hi^ulre, a triple bagger bj Stafford, and donMee by DoTle and Selbacb. Tbe Beidlng of Fuller, Orooka ud De HonlieTUIe waa a feature. NIV TOBK. T. a. B. riiltona.... 4 i i TlenuD, rf.. 4 0 vuBiitVor 4 I 0. DtTU, It). < U. Dtrll, lb. 4 (leniua, Sb, 4 BlalToi^. IT... 4 D07I,, 0 4 Clark, p J T0U11...S New Tore WuhlOftoD. 414 IS i ....1 1 . 0 1 WiaaiHOTO.<<T. a. a. o. a.b. BrovD, c/.... 4 0 1 D 0 0 jorc*,ati.... 4 4 llcauln,e.. 4 BtlbtcbTlf... 4 0uVi1^t,lb4 On>olia,n>.. 4 D«Jfoni'le,u a a I TDtill..J4 0 3 0 0. 1.1. 9 10 0 1(0 0 2 0 0 D 4 1 2 0 • a 0 10 1 110 0 19 13 0 0 2 0 ;amt«, p... 4Dd*r«oo*. 0 I 1 1 0 1110 0 9 14 9 0 110 0 0 0 1 U 1 0 0 0 1 ai 0 0 1 e 0 0 0 a 0 0 00000 e TMii 1 1 0 i-e Biuad for Jamu Id diliUi IidIdi. . Vork-l: WuBlDittoBL?. Bua on BAmtd luiu—New Yorl ool-N. Y., J; v., 1. Umpln, BunL Tbn,, lb. TtQlDDlnnvtre ueceaair to dtoMa tbe Inalnme or ih, HTlH be veei then lumv plarad od Btu. », tba Wtmlnjtoiii wlopUif. Dobtar^tclial a ■Mdnmeln •11 tinpt the iIeUi ud Kolb laslogf, whui^e tu belli bui«d iar<lf la ibe rooitb and teslh loelan. niS H«w Yoriu' BeldlDi wu WTMtbad, MpMlaUr Ibaf of 0«r. tnu, hl4 Uiree «mn nn. aw reir cmUt. Tbe borne taunatldjdwoll ood t>!ut4d &ia Su itlLerlibt tiM DolMarilhcHbuthU la iba (onttb luln(, wllb Um mM oa lb« baaae, waa a lul«t». NlW TOIL T, a. 1. O. PuUtr.u^.. S 1 I a a OBn>wa.ct.. Vaaiiiu^aera e 1 0 0 b a. Dfjjf, 2b. I 0 0 1 1 t WAaniioTov.T. a. a. 0. a.b. .10 0 1 .1111 , . IbadLlI, , _ ! 1 I 1 3|Cut'i1|)it,lbl I U. DbtIi, lb. 4 0 0 11 1 O^Btll a«nuD,9b amroni, ir. Dollo,o... DoMor, p.. Tnlall.. Naw York.. . WublBBtoa 0 1 ■fcOnlrai a. 1 1 lire, a. *0i.... t a 1110 lUnoki, lb.. 1 b 1 0 e I I Del(Ml'le,ul 0 0 10 0 I Herear, p. .. 4 a c . _ . tADilenoo... 1 0 _ . . .T«lau...4S 7 109J17 0 19000001 {BM)a"f,ir-l».ra,loU,e\.a8il.Jloi? " ° 9, w.,4. ViDplfa,UDmt Tl^l^2b. l<aaUTlll« Ti. PlttobwK, Tbe Uulanila were beaten for tbe nlntb time "l riUebom wben tHaae teame met on Bent 24, at LonltWUe, for tbe elerentb game of tbalr aertea. Looee ^Ing on tke put ofSe S!'.SS,?^5l H'" on tbe Srt of the ?iiSSli!?'*"'?"^ «>"''• 'onner-a defeat The SfiSfJ^'" Tbe long aafe bite were Mpple beggtia tj O'Brien, HcDeimott and Smitb. "ififooMerbrSteniet McOann badadecldedir ^lTi.**lfi"'SJl''*P' '■'"•line enon proving veij coellr. FOnroftbevIalton'rauacantMCbarSedto wliaHolaiee'baitiDg.woreUiefeatnree. Jjjjgjj^'«'»iln|e.n>d donblea by Clemenle and rin,L t. a. a. 0. a.a TaTDer.ef... I 1 a 1 1 0 Mabtatr.lf t 11100 Cnoi, lb.;.. 1 Tbi>mp«ia,ir» 8alUna,M.. 4 CtoniaatJ,a. 4 Ualbnan, lb. 4 Boile,lb.... 4 Orfb^jj^...^4 PhllMllliihla.:. Bolumor* 19 14 OJval BiLTiiou. T. a. a. e. aiiawa,ib.. 1 lis KMltr, rf... s - - ^oliiiw, u a K<il«nt:... a a B4lu,9b.... Obnr, lb... BoeisaoD,o. . McMtboo, p. 4 1 9 1 I 1 4 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 9 0 1 u 0 0 1 1 9 01100 0 0 111 1 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 e I 0 a 11 0 1 1 1 a 3 I '»■• "J •* . totafiL:.!! 71117 M .090(0040 0-7 ^ 0 0 1(9101 1-7 tlnoiSl <^l^r^ 1; B., 1. Umplia, KMfe. , Ybo BilUnoiei Kortd in ipMreall Iba HilUdoIpblu 00 SapL ai^Tulo K... nplia, KMfa, ullveur TietoiT «f .k. Kil.-ir"T, — r''- .^lorbidpDOfCOmDiaBd P!, <,"• HDdlai iMrman 10 iltat bua oa billa ud titi™ fi. "J*'' "^S*- ■"-.'•7 »ban nan ••nooUia buai,ud wia (kulibu . npporud. Tir larudBallmucoMldad la Die nne laDlN wMli ran. S.'J'.ia^J..''^'' "'..'^"•S"?..'"'"" •"alnatfbU Isjored «Ai*;J.i''S'..¥' *""l;u waaiblrnd 10 cHir* '•■du^ Hidlion want to abort nop. iba wuia wu ullad It Ibi end o( tba elibtli Inilneon uoMiSur du" naia. raiu. v. I. i. 0.1.1. simioii. t. a. a o. ai. ai«ei>n,r>.. a I I 1 1 v. Tnraar, or... 3 0 0 0 a 0 Madlaon, u. 3 0 0 I 9 0 Delabuir, 1/4011(0 Janalan II. i CroBilb.... 9 0 0 0 ( 0 HillarTf.... 4 Onidr.rf.... 9 0 3 1 0 1 tiodAkef... 4 BoUlrao,ii,cr3 0 0 a 1 1 iuiu,9b..... 4 Clamanti, e. 9 0 0 1 0 0 Qu«7, lb.... 4 fillua, IbL 9 0 0 I 9 0 Bobloaoa, c. 4 9 11(1 0 Uoser, p....'4 Tlrlor.p..., 9 0 0 1 1 0 .».„^"fc:-* I »M 10 1 t«ilali...J7 PblladalpliU 0 0 0 0 0 I BilUoinre 9 0 9 1 0 0 Eimal ■nna-nlladalplila, I; BalUmora, 1. t|all^r~ I; a. 4. Btnick aui-p., i; b., 1. Koala. Tine, lb. ITiiw tauii plarad oir ihatlo nneof StpLU 00 M and tba Biltlnorw won wltb ridleuloaietae i coaloal tbitwia llmlud 10 Briudabill iDDlon on aeeoaot of dukoua. CuiajproTad an aurniirk,ud wu ftwir ballad, HpacUllf li tbe BfUi laohiir. Eapar'a dallrorr wu ao pinllDB lo Uil vlillon Ibit Ibar luda oolr all uiebluoffblm, from wblclitbar umed ona rua. Canr M la baulan Ibaloif mebllaware doobia baiian by Kealir, Rallft Bobloaon lod Eapar. Tba ebuDroDi nra a Bna Olhlbltion of biM raanlaf, ubloc arerr poa. aibia chaoM for Morloga no, vbllo ibalr OaUlDi — 114 7 0 0-1 0 0-7 Bua OQ Umplra. perfacL It wu a gnat wlndlnf op of tha cblmplooahlp uuonon ihahonia iTOandA. and onlr for iba taroalao. Ine waitbar Uia aovd would oito baao fir grutor tlun It! _ rilLi. T. Vadlioa, la. 9 I> CroM, Sb.... 8 andr,if.... 9 Bamran,er..9 Claoaati. c. 3 mUmin, lb. 1 Borle,lb.... 1 Ciraer, p... 1 T<ilab...l4 Pbllulalpbb... BalUmora. a a o. I.B. 110 10 0 0 3 0 ' Oil' 0 0 1 1 7 0 1 a IS BALTIHOII. T. QlauOB, lb. 4 0 laaler, tf... 4 0 Jannlui, aa 4 0 Ialla/ir.... J 0 Hrodla. of... 3 ' R<lli,3b 1 9 nobtnion,«. S Bfpar, p 9 Toula.. J9 10 19 IS 10 1 0 0 0 0 0- 10 110 a. a. o. A. 3 19 9 0 10 0 110 9 10 0 0 3 3 10 110 3 19(0 119 0 3 0 1 Bined raiu-FlilUilalphla, 1; Biblmom. S. . arror-B. Onballa-P., 1; B., 1. Strnek ont—P., 1: 3. Dmpira, EaaTo. Tlmr, lOl. gt« JLoala va* ClBclnnstl Tbe Otnclnnalla had UlUe trouble In defeatlBg Ibe badlj cUppled St Unla Browne ou Sept 24, at 8t Lonla, Ho„ bj aopertor all around work. Rblnei Sllobed a grut mrne, allowing tbe taome team oolr n acaturlng doglea, gave onlr one ban on belle, and would bare retired tbem wllbont a run but for erroia bj H07 and HoPbee In tbe ninth Innlog, KialDger proved an caer mark for tbe vlalton, and tbej nit bIm bard fran itart to Qnlab, Vangbn lead, log wltb tbice ilmeir alnglea, a two bagger bj lloj bdng tbe only long aafe bit of tbe game. Tbe Btowna were not oolj weak at tbe bat, bnt played looaely In Ibe Held, teptclally Connor and SamueU, wboae emra belped tbe Cincinnati) to mote Iban balf tbe rnoa scored by tbem. Tbe fleldini ot SmItb, Burke end Down, wltb Vaugbu'a batflng, were tbe tealntes. sr. LODI& T. a. a. o. i. oiioinAn. T. a a. 0. A.L Bntko, If.... > 1 3 4 0 ODowd, cr. .. _ _ . Horcr. S 1 3 9 0 1 Coolar,9b... 4 1 1 Merkea, 3b.. 9 0 1 s 1 1 Oulan, lb... 4 0 0 Panottilb.. S 0 0 a 1 OConior, lb.. 9 0 1 0. Millar, tf. 1 9 1 0 0 0 0. Millar, c. 9 0 1 BmlUi,ii.... 1 Ills 0 Bbaabia, tf . 9 0 1 Utbam, 9b.. S I 1 I 1 I BriauiH'a,ir9 0 0 VaoabD, 0... 4 9 3 s 1 0 Bamaala,M.. 9 0 0 Keboe,a.... 1 0 0 0 0 0 Kialoier, p.. 9 0 0 IUilaai,p.... i 1 1 1 1 0 T0I1I1-..M II It IT U 9 Tollll....90 1 iZt CInolnuU 0 4 110(101. Bt LouU. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1- Einad raua-olaoiaoitl, 1. Bue on anon—c., 1; Bi. Loola,t Onbilll-a, liBLL.l. Btncboat-C., 1: Bl. L..I. Uniplje, McDcnan. Tina, lb. Two inmaa lor ooo admlailoo ware played Iby Uiraa teiaisonSapr.8,aadibalnBoradll«dwltliavklorT. Tba opanlog ffAfflo wu Iba 001 postponad by nln oa JonoV, and wu won br the rlaitoiK, altbouRh oulbatted by Iha bomaleini. Th bin aide bylbl Browoa warooolao prodoctlT^ Dorwaro Ibar mada wbaa aoadad. O. Millar lad In balllnr, bli four nlu Indadlaf a lrlp:a baimar. Tba otbir Iodk Ufa bin ware booia nna by Coolay ud Bbaoban, Irtpla bisBera by Cooaor ud efaaaliu, uJ dottbiM by Boy aiM Finott Tbe bitllag of Coolay, abaohin ud 0. Millar wu a fuluro. Ci50iNyAri, Burba, ir.... T. a. a. 0. A.a ' " ■ " I tpiruTitu. T. a. B.o. a.a 0'Br1in,5.. 1 3 9 s 4 I Olukfclr... 4 113 0 0 4 0 3 9 0 1 Morrlaon. 9b. 4 0 0 0 1 1 Uauou'r,lb4 0 0 a 0 0 MoOun, aa. 4 0 0 s 3 9 Bpk* 0...... 4 0 0 4 3 0 McDannttP 9 110 0 0 I T^Ht!'—* 0 014 • a UllaTlUo a 0 I Pirreauia. t. a. a. 0. A.a. Oonorin,rr 4 1 Miet 0 4 1 1 9 0 Boeklor, lb.. 4 1 2 U 0 0 Sttniol. cr.. 4 3 1 3 u Ballb, If.... 4 1 1 4 0 Cran u 1 1 3 1 4 9 0 0 1 9 Ollnmu,9b 9 0 0 1 1 0 0 Ponmin, p. 9 0 0 9 3 7 an 10 . 0 I 0 0 9 0-9 0 « on ar. I. D '1 ^ «»iia-ifc, a; r., 5. Btraek out—L., •i?-:^.VS.''''*"""le. Tlm«,3b. piif.K™"!'' "eie laama wu won by Ibi fkPiJS1- The «Mna wu doM ind aufuaf fif •'">• llilb lnala«,whoo Iba homS SS.JIV l" '!•?•' "f"™ wuput ODt Iba SiS.S' A"?"tParlan wu ftuly billftl. but fm "'i^'^f **y "WPI1° tbo am ud aliUi lio l!f. kiV'"*'afactliolr Ibiouiboit Tbo loai JUfkll'S.^I"' *t iuoal and Uiwlayiad b?,irJ*.^!<'<*7 ^ Baeklay, Blaniol ud Smllh. Slioal's wllof wuifeiura. riuabuff. 0 0 0 9 0 0 4 Eunal niaa-Louliillli. l; Pluabarg, 1. 1 ^p"J'' !i ' l*- £! l! P., 9: Bin I.P.,9L l/mplra, Bmalla. Tim*, lb. l^PiaTiLLa.T. a. 0. tm O' 1 0 1 1 J ■ Uobnu rf.. 1 0 0 »ntbl, 1 0 1 ^lall... 4 0 1 JJIo^'a,crjb4 1 1 Morrlioa,9i,. 9 0 ( R««lniar.tfl I 1 US««»',r,lb4 1 1 ll{Coiwi>k,aa 4 ( I Warear.o... 4 0 ( ■cPirUn, p. 3 0 ( 0 u.B?&.;.».'..'o" % PrrraBOBO. r. a. b. 0. A.a DoooTin, rf. S 9 9 0 0 0 Becblar, lb.. S Btapial, cr... a Bmllb, If.. Croaa, aa.... Baur,3b.... Clla«iiui,9l llawlay, p... 0 a (01 4 0 0 0 0 0 9 2 1 010 9 1 0 0 9 0 Toula...4l II 19 14 8 9 0 9 0 0 0 1-4 0 0 0 a 0 -It -Loularllla, I; FltuburB,a. Buo on ar< ;?'»-I^a jP,< Onbilii-L.,9; 4. Blinck out-L, 9, P., I. Umplra, Emalia. Tlnia,lli. Baltiaara ti. Pklladalphia. Tbe elerentb game between tbese Kama, wblcli ^.f I^f^ <"> Bept 34, at BelUmore, Md., le- aul ed In a He at the end of tbe nlntb Inning, being ailed on aeoonnt of darkneae, wllb tbe acore atand- filf.T- VcMalionwaa fieely baued.bnt fanlt- im fleldlng kept down tlie naltora' acoie, the latur Ming onlr aMe la acore In tbe aecond and aerentta luuibga, Itaey tken earned alx of tbe aeren mue credited to ibeoL Onb wu a'- fmely batted, bur un eiToti made behind blm enabled tbe bome team <e Ue tbe aooie. In tbe nlolb lunbg, wllb two out *°d Keeler on thM, bavlog reaobed Dm on an error bj SolUnu, Kelley waa given a Ufe on Boyle'e SS." ?' BnlUvan'e tbrow, Keeler coming bonwoo: ^BiWiiJ wltb what pravad tbe tieinz rut Tur- S,I.^'?,°*"'<«>BsnkIng a aafebllererrtlBM be "enttotbebat. T«e longiare hlta wen a ntple er. Looia. T. a. a. o. i.b. Dowd, or.... a 0 2 1 0 0 Coolay, lb... 8 2 2 3 3 0 uolnn, lb ... a 0 a s 1 0 a 1 3 S 0 a.HiUor,M. a 1 1 1 1 I BkMbu, rf. a 3 3 4 0 0 Olleo, 0 s 0 1 e 1 0 AUIoaon, If. a 1 2 a 0 I Colomu.p.. S 0 1 0 3 1 T«taU....4S a 18 34 8 1 81 Lonla 0 0 0 dncbuU a 3 I Bunod nna—61. Looli, a, ,.iu«,iib>u, l ^ ron-8L Ik 1: v., 9. On billi-St. L., I: n., 7. Slnick oat-aLI,.,S:O..I. Umpire, McDooaU. Tina, 2b. Tba Bail laDO ot tbo aarlu batwoan Uioaotouiawu won by the Booe laun, wbo oulpllTod Ibo TlalU>ii at all polou. Bnllaoalila plicbad wlanlni ball batlhoClo. cinnatli wen foruiula la buncbloB ibelr blu on aoreiml occulooa, ud, wiib a ibrao biBiar by 0. HlUar.eimad tbroa niua Famu wu ballad In i llrely nuaar all Ibtoogh Iba auna, but masaaod 10 boap Ujo hlta wall apirt, ucaptlo the HTanlb luolog. wheo iba bone lalm aimad thru rooi. Tho floMloe of HcPbeo, Smllh ud Lathin, with Uia balllog 01 0. and C. Millar, ware faat. area . 8 2 1, Hoy, cr. i 2 1 9 0 McPbaa, Ib..S till PaiTou, lb.. 4 2 1 s 0 0. Millar, rf. 4 9 4 0 0 amiUi,a<i.... 4 12 19 IdUiim.Sb.. 12 12 1 VauRtm. c.. 1 3 u a I Foiemu, p. 1 a 1 0 1 Tolali...S IS 1317 8 0 0 13 19- 1 3 3 0 0 -U CIncloniU, 4. Baao on ar- Br. Loou. T. a B. 0. A.I. Dowd, cf.... S 1 I 9 0 0 Coolay.If.... s 1 I 1 0 0 Qolan, lb... 1 0 0 1 I 0 CoBoor, lb.. I 1 1 a 1 0 a. 1 0 9 a 0 0|a MlUar, rf.. 1 abaabia, tl.. ClHOINXATI. T. a a O. A.B. Burta. If.... a Hot, CI 1 McniM,lb.. 1 Pirnritp. 110 0 0 1 9 0 0 Bmllh, at..'.. 10 0 18 1 0 I 1 I 0 Ulbim, 9b. I 1 I a 1 KiiloBaf.ia. 4 19 111 ViaihB,lb.. 1117 1 Brelloaa'n, p 4 0 0 0 0 0 Oray, o 1 0 1 0 0 0 Tolila...4l sun e 1 Total<....97 4 8 2711 8 Bt lools 0 8 1 0 0 0 9 1 Oloelnairl 0 ,1 , I 0 0 0 0 1 0-4 Eimad ruoa—St. Lou[a,9; Claolnutl,9L Bua 00 or- ror>-8L l.. 91 0., I. On bill»-St L., 9; 0., 9. fllrack out-Onl. Umpire, M ePooaM. Ti na, a. at. LoBle we. PllUbnrs. Tbe Bt Loola Browne met wllb aoolber Ignoble defeat on Sept IB, at St. Louis, Ho., wben Ibey be. ritbelrlast aeileawltb tbe PlitaburBa, Inability bat at opppttone Umee was the oolaf csun of their downfall. For the ilrat tbree lonlnga It looked aa If tbe game waa to be a neck and neck enklr, bnt tbe Plitebnrgi went In on tbalr balf ot tbe fouitb lanbig and batted In tour run:, wblcb WrtnaUy ealued tbe leeolt In their favor. He- DongeU's Bitcblug was quite u good aa tbat of Hoimn'a, bnt tbe laller'aaiipport wae better. Beck- ley and Bmlth led In betflng. Tbe long nfe blla were a home run by Oroaa, a tilple bagger by Beck, ley, and doublea by Connor, Beckley end Bauer. Beckley'a baltlog and tbe delding of Dowd and Oooley wen fealnrea. Sr. Loon. r. a. a. o. a.b.| Pivratoac. v. a. b. 0. A.a Dowd.ef....! 1010 ODononn,rt, Cooler, If.... 1 0 3 7 0 OMuk,e. a qoba, lb... 1 0 0 3 1 olBacklw, lb.. 8 Caaaor, lb.. 1 1 3 8 0 O^SIoouL cf... 1 0 0 7 1 0 S 0 0 9 0 1 9 0 0 I 9 0 8 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 ~ " 1 ::i i 1 I 1 o:Biallh,lf..... 1 Sbolbin,rf. 1 0 13 0 l 1 ouan,0 4 0 1 0 0 OlBiuar.tb.... 4 KIHoiar. aa. 4 I 10 1 1 Clln(mia,9b 4 McDoulalLpl 0 0 0 1 0|Monn.p.... 1 . ToulaT.JS 1 oil a ll TouIa...9(ll uir 8 BL Loull 0 a 1 1 0 1 0 U |. Pluaboiw 0 I 1 1 I 0 a 1 -II IfaiiiM nui-at. Loula, 9: PItllborB. 7. BoJO oa error Pi On b«lla-Ht. 8; P., 1. Bunek oat-8t. L . S. Umpliw, MeOooaU. Time, Si. , ^ ^ Tlia St. Loola Browna manaaad to rererw iha abora ro- aultonSapt 37 by aaportor oatUna. Tha bona look a a*l Ui the ihlid Inaloff and hrld ll nabl iho and, flolih- af op bf atorloB three raaa la Iho nlalh. Brallaoataln pllcMd aaood laina. oolyonono botoa oanail off hU dailrarr. Tha pnoouncad fwlnra wu a Hoauloul ninnlow Caleb by Dowd. Dowd aod tjoolay kd la bat. tlag. Ao loai aafa bira waro a homo ma by Miliar, trIpM baaiara by Dowd ud Uawloy, and doublaa by Connor, BhMban and Clloimu. OmoriD, rf. a Muk.o a 1 ~ aaiL ef... 1 ^llh. If.... 1 ait^reai^aa..... 1 ' Buer.Ib.,.. 1 BT. Lotna v. a. a 0. A.aj rrm Dowd, ef..... 8 1 9 9 0 ejOoloi naolay. If.... a 1 9 8 0 I Muk. hlnn, lb... 8 0 0 9 1 0 Boekli a 8 110 1 I Buoai MIIUr,9b.... 8 1111 MBmllh, Bbaahu, rf. a 1 1 I 0 ailTreai^ Ottea, 0..... 1 0 0 8 9 I Buer, ikmoala ■. 1 1 0 0 3 0 minwma BralUaifo.p4 0 113 ( Bawlay.p. Touh>...ll rU3ru 3| IMali. SLLottU 0 0 I 0 I I Pluitianr 0 0 1 0 0 1 braaf lu>-St LeoU, 1: PillabnrKL Baao on balU «r£T3n'rt»inl'k«al-at.I.,ir>.,t Umplra,Mc. «nlld. Tlraa,tl>L u_. Tho at Loan Browia wore defealad la a reiy ooe sidad Biaia oe Bapt ^ wbaa Ibeii luua mat (or iha Bui eea- tSitaSrmrSt. Tbo home turn ooud do llnlowlth Mma'a nll^aa. naUbi ealyTi aaleblu laeMtoi two doabb baoon wbkl, bowoTar, balpad ibaa u two a a 0. A.a 0 110 0 0 I 3 I 0 1 oil 0 I ..11300 .10 3 10 1 .10 19 10 . 1 0 0 9 9 0 bl 1 I 0 9 0 .10 10 8 0 M 9 SnH 3 0 ( B-7 1 " ' Ueuy Pellz, tbe binl woitlng, steady and relia- ble catcber of tbe SI. l,ouli Club, of tbe National League end Anertcan Aeaoclailon, waa Iwm on Nov. K, at at. Loula, Ho., and It waa In tbat city tbat be Bmt kamed 10 play ball. For aeveni yeare tbereatier he waa couneoied wllb n noolitr of prominent amateur teams of tbe Hound Clly. It wae not uotu lao tbat he accepted bla Ont pnfea. alonil engageneut. Uke ibe rcajorlty ot youog playeie, be wasobllgeil to seek olber delda tbau bin naure pastuiee 10 giln lenowa lu tbe baeeball world. A Mai was given blin that year liy tbe Jackaoovllle Club, and he did such lallafaclcry work tbat be vaa retained there not only tbrougli. out that seaeon but tbe two folkiwlog sn well. lu 1N2 Feltz cast bis forlunte wltb the Honigniiiery Club, of tha Soutbtm League, anil reoislned wltb lu team unlll tbe club dlelanded. it was his clerer work wllb Ibe latter club Ibat IM lu Ills being cn. gaged by Piealdent Von der Abe for lili St Louis USD, after tbe dUbandoent of tbe Uonigomery Club. Pellz has idnce remalntd wltb tbe St. l,ouls Browns, doing remarkably hsII In wbaterer poil. Hon waa aiulgntd blm. In lim bo look part In ninety-four cbaDplouBblp conleela, lu seventy two ot wbloh be ailed the catcher's poalllim. In \m be took pan In one hundred cbaiuplonablp lameB, In tblrty.«lgbt of which be played lishlna Ibe lull. In fonv.ibreo ai iblrd base, ami tbe reuialulog Eince lie played In various poalllona 00 tba loam, lug ever ready and willing to go in and do tbe but be knew bow when cillcd upon In caae of emergenry. It la aati] ot bin Ibat, while playing third baae during the Hcaaoii ot met, he did gnn work onill bis tout wae badly rplked. Aflcr Ibat bs became llmlil and allowed many laae ninnen la reach third base In safety. IHirlog the season Just cloned Pclir. did miwt ot Iho catching for Iho UrovrnH, anil uhly atiippeil wbon be lieciino sii iMilly crippled Ibat It wan liniKwHlble tor blm to do any work whatever. Ilo Is • awlft and accurale IbiDwer to Ibe tnnea and a llBe babunao. airaad raoa McDoaRill prorad the «u>fa*l hind of a mark (Or Uia rliltlnR balamoo, and ihey look adranlaiia oriltofaiuo tbalr baulDK ivanuaa. DoDnran UaillDi wltb flraarahlta, Intladlogadoouo baner. Tliaothar lou atla hlh won hoiuo rgoa by Becklay and Mnrao, IriMObMliarabT Smith ud Horu, anddoubkahyguliio. BimutU, Mack (twica) and Slanwl. Tha blttlas dona by Iha rUltOffM, wlUi tha Haldlait of Crou aod Bluar, wore Iha only rodaonlng luturoa ^ . t»TrTBaoio. V. a. a. 0. a.i. 0 UoDoi&n, rf. 7 1 8 I 0 0 1 Matk.e. 7 114 11 OIBackUy, lb.. 7 3 1 19 0 0 I HUaaalcf... 8 19 10 0 0 BmlUi. II.... a 1 I 1 0 U 1 t'roai, •«..... a 0 I I 0 6 3 2 4 S 0 Q|t:iliiRmao,Sb a 0 0 I 1 0 ' Ucirao. p.... 8 3 2 0 0 0 - it. Sr. LoDia T. a. a. o. a.b. Dowd, cf.... 4 I u a 0 ' 4 0 10 1 ualnB, 2b... 4 1110 Uoonor, lb.. 4 0 010 I Millor, 9b... 4 0 12 0 Sbaohaa. if. 4 0 I 1 I Olton, 0 3 0 0 4 0 Bamuab, ai. 3 0 10 9 McDoonUpa 0 0 14 2 Tolala..J9 2 814 10 t BL Loula. I 0 0 PtUabori I 0 6 Earoau rvaa-.4t. Loula, 1: roni-P.,2. Ua ball>-^l. L.4; P.,, 9; P., I. Unplrf, Billln. Tlnie.2fa. Toul>...8r III a 17 11 1 - - - - -_3 -IS llruck OUI-SL L., Chicago va,ClaclnDati Tbe dnclDiiaUB defeated tbeOhleagoaonSept 20, at Chicago, 111., wllb ihs grcslest of ease, nuking mors than enough tuns la tba Iblrd Inning In give tham a victory. Friend, tbe yonog Naw Eoiland Leagneplb:ber, wbo waa signed by Osnlaln Anroa while tbe Cblcagoe were on ibeir btei Kaatein iKr proved an esay mark forlbe vlalton, who baited hi dellreiT bard and olteo, Unier plicned a good game, keeping tbe bite iiade off blm wellanart, and wae aJfflon perfectly supported. Laoge, Latham and Dwyer led In balling. Tee Iods ute nils were bome runs by lioyandParioll, the Tatter alao making a double begger. Parrouw balling and tbe Seldlng of Lange and If cPbee were the fealnrea. CBICAOO. T. a. B. 0. A.L,ClBaaBAVI. T. B. B. 0. A B. Bvariii, 9b.. 4 1 2 0 Dockar, U... 10 0 10 9 Laosa,cr.... 1 0 9 0 0 0 Anaoo, lb.... 10 17 0 0 Dahlan, H... 1 u I 1 I 1 Kyu, rf 1 0 2 3 0 0 Truby, lb... 10 13 10 rriand.p... 10 0 10 0 0ooabao,o.. 9 0 0 1 1 2 T01AU...9 1 II14 s a dllCMO 000 doclnoall 2 0 7 Borto, If.. s „- 8 1 110 McMioo, 2b. S I 0 1 S Parrolt lb.. 4 3 3 8 2 MlUar, rr....4 1110 SnlUi.ia.... 1118 1 Ulbun, lb.. 4 1 9 0 0 Viusbo. c. 4 I I 9 0 Owiar. 0.... 4 19 9 3 Tulala.. 11 13 U 17 12 1 0 0 1 0 0 0- I 1 0 0 0 -11 Earnad ruaa—Clnclooatl, 8. Bam on amr—t^lcago. 0oballa-C1o,l. niniokout-Oil.,2; ClD.,1. Umpln. U'Diy. Tloa, IJ8. TbaCblcAiioararorwd ibB abora ra.ullon BapL27, Iha Kane bolog dull aod Blow. McKirUad, far tlia bona 'J|o<*d. aloadyball. baloi hit hard In ona „ RbloM was uoalaidy. Ilia buoa on ball* a Iba drat aod oecood Innlngi. aou Vaugbn'a iMMod ball In Iba third InBlnw, vara folktwad by hard blulnjt. Mcrhoa wulojuradlo Uiaaocood laalnr.ind wu forced u> ntira,0ny laklaa hia placa. Anaon^a oppunouo bat- llnfUd a Moiwllooil cilchUr Burba near tho canln flaUfaocawan laaluraa Tbo woe aafe blU wan triple boeian by Oray wd Vauiba, asd a two luar by Dockar. CiaoiMBATi. r. a. a o. A.B. Buika U Pirrou, lb.. Mllar, cf... Biiiilti,aa.... lAtham,9b. Vaajihn.o... 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 2 0 I 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 I 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 4 I ( 1 I 1 0 UKIOAIW. EvarllLlb.. I>«kar, If... Laoio, cf.... Anion, lb... Ryu, rf. Truby Jb. Hcrarlud.p9 0 0 0 D«ulioa,c. 9 3 1 1 T. M. a. O. A.B. 1 2 1 U 3 I 13 13 0 0 1 3 2 U 0 U 4 1 911 0 0 4 0 114 0 4 1 9 3 9 0 1 3 9 0 0 2 0 0 0 Toub .JI 8 81810 I Tolala...9l 11 Ull 11 1 ClacuintU 1 1 0 9 0 0 0-8 Clilcacp. 9 8 9 0 3 0 —II EAraadruoa—4.1acinoatl,4; CiI:mo, A. Bua on error -Chl.Co boUa—Clo., 9: Chl.,L Huuck oul-CJo., I; Cbl., Umplraa.O'Oayand Emalla. TIma, leo. Tho aura nooltwu nTOr««d oo BaptH whan Iboao loama nac for Iha oleranlb aama of tholr aarlM. Tba t;hlcaina fliMod abnoat porfactly, but ihalr ooo error aaro tba CInclooAila too ruBi, aod tliaa lhay wan* oa- aUaloblt Poroau'a pilchlny ufalyat lliarishitime. Farkar wu balUd bard ud ofton, and wu nllovad by founli InolDi. Tbo homo laam ihrn illl samo u«Tmada u aielllni BoUh. Tarry anor iha founli Inoln pUrad a ana nphlll samo u«Imada u aielllnl BoUh. udnolyfor adoacalchby Millar la Iho aaranUi lonloi IhaCbltagaanlitilhATitlad tbo aeon. Lalliain'a catch ofAaaoo'a laiTiSc bit in tba BfUi laalos, OB which lie u alllod iBdoobllDB up Luaoatiocood baaa, wu Iha chief faalaroud vlrlaally urod tboiama fortlrt rUIU>i*. Too looliafablu,waraA liorno nn by Brarlll, ■ triplo baesar br MeFbaa and dooblu by Dalilaa, Burka. Viogba, HmiUi aod Latham. USIOAOn. Eranu, lb., lockar. If... UBBw,cr.... Anaoo, lb... Dahlan. aa... BfAB, ri..... Tniby,lb... Farkar, p.... I»."r.-. 4 1 9 4 0 Ojllo; - - - . ->fl«f * 1.11 0 b|McHM0,3b. CiiciRVATl. r. a. I. 0. A a. Barka,U.. . 4 1 I 1 VaoaliB, lb.. 1 I Millar, rf.... 4 0 Smllh,aa... 4 .10 110 1 rorwmu, p. 9 0 4 0 0 S 0 0 1113 8 0 a 0 0 I 0 0 , 3 0 1 3 3 0 Lalbam, lb a 0 0 I 0 OUiay, e. irry.o.'.... 1 0 0 0 1 ti " ^urldia.a3 0 0 3 1 0 bonatiBO, c. 1 0 0 a 0 P TatAla...JI 4 rnio I (AkASo. 0 - . - - - aadantl 3 0 110 0 Earaad raaa-Chkato, 1; Clndaoatl, 4. Baae on ar. roia-Cbl.,1; On, t On talla-cbl.. I: Uln., I. auuck out-Thl I; ClB., i. Umdroa, CrOiy and Eoallo. Time, lo. Tho Cblcacoa ebiaod tbalr ehamplooablp aanmn oo BapL V, with a rlctorr over laa OlnHoball.. Tarrr ,—... — —„ bla folall...S a 1911 II 4 I 1 0 1 0 1-1 triple baaian Ity Hoy aod Tarry. l.%n|a'A aokllnk. Iiat tlniud l,ua ronnloa, Burhw'i dablloy, Viuibn^ Idl. unit oad Tniby'a tloldltia waro Iho ruluraa. ri.'(fix:*ATi. T. Buno,i r... Ilor, c. r.... McHioo. 111.. VaiiBbn, Ih.. Minor, r.f... Rnilth. r. a... UlhaiD.ll,.. Farrutt, | Ilray, c Tuulr... riaclnoatl CMeago.. 31 I ( 11 19 ' ...0 0 0 0 t'UtCAUO. I(<arlll,9b.. IHchar, It... LaDKr,cr.. Aouirt, lb.. Uiblan. Ryan. rf..... rnby, lb.... Uonahu 4 0 II 3 0 0 4 9 18 10 I I : 1 I 1 I I I TolAls...97 « 1127 13 I 0 0 0 0 I U-l 0 0-( ^:amad njna—Cloclaull, l:t1i1rAin,s. Huouoorrur. -no.. I: rill , r. On l,alla-(5la.,l7?a,l. Blnich i;in., 1: lllil., 3. Umpln, U'llar. TInia, I 'JS. Broolalyn va. Bootom. Paiiltleas delillog and Umtly Iwulng helped tbe llmokljnitu a victory uverilie IkwUine no Hept. 24, et l-^em Park. Uruvklyn, .V. Y., lo a cunteat that w(B temlufled by dirkneaa wlore Ibe elghib Inning waa nnlnlictf. Aht«y pitched a very clover Ce. lie had perfect conlioloverlhe Itall, andal. gh bit quite often Ity the vlallura, be prevented tlieni from scoring more than two runs, Inib earned, (Mlvella was bit hard all Ihtouoh, but bla support was poor, the errom made proving coallff. Ilannon antl toicoran led Ibelr roapoollvo u-aitis lu balling. Tbe long nfe blla were a bome run by Auderaoo. Ulpla Iwggera b; lAng, Uriiii and Abliey, and two douUe baBfieis Ity Corcoran. The iiatling of Corcoran and Andenon, and a Beosalional tun- ning Caleb by UulTy,nreisl billllant slonaot ap- narenlly nafe nlla lir LOBif, and a wonderful Ihriiw inm rtgbt Oeld to third tjese tiy liannun, on wlikb be SMlBted lu ccmpleilng a double play, were tlie teatuiee, Boaroa. r. a. a. o. a.b. BABnaa.rf.. 4 19 13 0 lAOKaa 4 0 119 1 3 0 1 10 0 DolMit,ei.... I 0 0 I 0 u Taoair, Ir... 4 I t I 0 0 Naab,ib. ... 4 0 1 3 0 I Tuokir, lb.. I 0 I 4 1 u ilarBiionJbS 0 112 0 Hyan. c 3 0 0 I 1 I - 0 0 3 0 I BsooBLTv. r. Urlrnn, d.... I htolt, rf.... 1 Curooru.aa. 4 l.achuca,lb 4 Andoraun. If. 1 Daly, 10 1 lOioeli.Sb.... 1 llrliD c 1 Aliboy.p.... 1 I I 9 111! BtlvallH.p. TolaU....SI 1 10 11 IS 1 ToUls...98 II 13 14 8 0 BoitOB 0 I 0 0 0 0 1 Bnoklya 9 1 1 0 0 8 1 -tj Earned runa-Boalon,3; Brooklyn,! Baaaoo airor— Brook. On Ulla-Brouk., 1. Hfruck uut—Boa.,3: Bruob., I. Uutplra, Murray. Tlina. iM. Ttia Bnwklraa won aailo oo BopL B. tho cootaat balni called It tha and of tboalalb Innloiron account of ilIeKad daraaaaa. Itwu not aulta Bra o'clock whan tliaaama wu called, and a few mInulaatlioralltarlliaBoo, whlcli had baao obacurod by i doad, coma out ud did out lo d„wn for (Ullr twenty mIODtaaanar Iha eama bad baan called. Tlia Ihnloa pliyara jnUiarad about tho nnipiro ami damudod that Iho Kuaa ua plifad out buthe would not llalon to Uialr aopoau. It wu a pllchaia' Iwlllo, in which Imb man dM irMd work, but kwu BaMlui wu roaoonalble formnatoltlio nina oiada. A lino cilcli by Oafy and a nnning catch of a hlah foul by Binnon wore rutona. HaooiLVB. r. ( Kouu,rf.....3 BoaioB. C BAnnon, rf.. t>,rcorAn, aa 9 1 0 3 LATbanc«,ll,9 9 ' Nib 9 0 u 0 0 Uini. aa. Oany, CI.. (Jrlm.e... IHub. p.. TolAll. RoMon... Brooklyn Kamad rua^Boaton. I 0 10 0 0 u a 1 s 0 0 0 9 11110 0 0 0 1 1 1 3 la 11 I V. a. a. o. A.B. 9 0 110 0 9 0 0 0 I II 0 I 0 0 ., 8 0 0 I 0 0 Naab, lb 9 1 3 0 9 1 Tucker, lb... a 0 0 II o I llafoaton.lbl 10 19 0 Hraa. 0 9 0 U 1 0 0 Dotu, p.... 9 0 10 10 TotaU...17 1 1 Ul II 1 0 0 0 1 0 O-I .10 0 0 1 1—4 Brouklyti. I._ Baao on trriir— .W,,, , , P(WUB,J0, ,. BU Bua.l: Bruok . 1. On halla-Boa., i; Blimt., I. HIruck uut-Boa., 1; Brook., 2. Uiaplrp, Murny. Tlmo, 1.10. Haw Yorli va. Ballimare, Two games were played by llteee leama on Uis atlemoon of Hept. Z), ai Ihe Polo Oriiunda, thla clly, each club lielng credited irlih a victory. Tbe open- ing game waa Ibe one poetpuned br rein iin Ihe atlemoon of July 1, and waa won by the New Yiirhs after a banl uphill Ogbt. ForDrelnnlnga McHabun pitched a great laue, reilrtng Ihe .New Yorta In oue, two, three order aa tbey came to the lat In tbenliih be gave Ihe flral two Ijatameo their base on Inlli, Iheo two aloilct, two oiita aod a Irlule Ingger nelled the bone leem tour runs and lleil (be acore. The Near Yorka added tw» mure bi llteir credit In Ihe eighth lanlng, and liy clean Imlilng iheltolilnoreatledltsgiluTnthe ant half ot ibe uUiih, For Ibe bome team II. Uavbi went out, Hlaf- ford singled and scored on Famira long drive to deep lelt cenin leld lor three base*. BAbviBoaa. T. B. a o. a.i. plubol A nlMd:d eanw ud wu wall aopfortad. r loualaedldffoodworklBtba pliab*Fs poalilea,but taam wiattopMOM la Ibe fl4bl,orroi« by LatbABi ~>yBlrlnvlboCblea|reoroarortbe aloe noa aradllod Mm. ViaahBlldll balUlB. TboloagaMblUwon (llaara,3b. Kaolar,rf.... a Jaaaloia,«. 1 KaUa/.Tr... 1 Bndlaief... 1 Ralti.ab.... 1 riray,lb.... 4 Roblaaoo, a. 4 McMaboa, p. 1 TotAla...9a .40 1 0 S 0 0 114 3 0 0 0 0 O 0 Haw Tork ... 0 14 0 0 0 I a I 0 a MBio 0 .011 0 0 0 HlW Yoil. r. B. H. O.A.I. rollar.aa.... 1119 7 1 TIanan, rf.. 11 I 1 o 0 VullAll'n.ef 1 1110 0 U.UitIa, lb.. 4 . . . . ..1110 3 1 4 0 0 Doyla,lb.... 4 0 0 0 8 0 110 3 0 ll,Oltl>, lb.. 4 0 0 14 I 0 1 1 10 0 0 BUSbld, II.. 1 1 10(0 " " ■ " " -113 10 I I I 1 1 7 a n i( s 0 a 3-a e 3 1-7 FamU.e.. ■alia, p a Tolala....H 0 0 3 0 0 4 Emad raaa-Baltlnaora.4: Maw York,!. Baae oi ar nr-B. On balla-B., 1: N. t.. I -.Itnck oot-*., 1; N. V..! Umblre, Koafa. TIma, 1.41 Tho BalllBorM woe Iha oecood Bimo, which wu limit- ed to etilanlaieOB aeconnt of darlneaa, by anperler bat- till. Maeklo. wbo reptletd Ituila pnTad aa oaay nark Itar the fUllor^ who balled bla deHrory all over ihe Bold. Ilannlnc, on the other band, pitchod wlnalaa ball, hAMIoi lae bome turn down to dvo aafb blla, hot two irlpla MIaaia balpad the Naw Yorka lo two eiraad raaa. Unplia Koalb rafUMd to olIlelAto In the aecond ir^' ud his plaoo waa taken by Burna^f iho local olaa, ......— -. ... 1_ Thak Unplia Koalb rafUMd to olBelAto la the aecoad aimsk ud his plaoo waa taken by Burnajif iho local olaa, and Clarkaoo of Ihe vlalllag taam. TTia loaf aalk hlla ware triple bagtara by tllouoa, Funar and TlornAO. ud doublia by jonniQis Kaltay Brodlo and Van Itillna. BAlTIMaB. T. B. a o. A.a akiaoa,lb. 1 Kaelor.rf.... 1 Jaaalanaa 1 1 Bndla; ef... 9 Rolla, 9b.... 9 I'any, lb.... 3 Clarka.0.... 9 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 3 I I 0 0 9 0 0 0 I 0 a 0 11 3 I 1 ia. - - - _ - _ llaranlnl, p 3 0 0 0 0 U Totala.. .11 7 11 IS 8 3 Baltimore. Kaw York Ma* YOBK. T. a. a. a a.b. FuUar, aa.... 9 TIanan. rt. 9 VanllilOn.cfl tl.D4rU,9b.. 9 Di<rla,lli.... 9 II.Darla,lb.. 9 iiiAiTbio. ir. FamlLc... I Mootln. p.... 1 Tolala.. II 10 10 10 0 0 0 0 1 U 1 D I 0 110 17 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 9 11 0 0 0 0 8 18 e 9 ? a Kamtd runa-Halllmiiro, S: Naw Vrrk, 1 Baao on ar. ri<r>-B, I: N. v.. I. OnbalV-S, 1; N. T., 1. Btraek out-B.,1: It. v., i Um|,lna,clarkaon ud Buna Time, IJL Erroraby Fuller and riarh lo Ibo aoTonth Innlnsof tho plajad on Hopt. I!4 laro Baltlmora a victory a a aaiuo lliiio aottM tbadaatlnatloa of Uia panoant for tha aoaaain of lieM. Tbe vlailora play td n.vily bell until Unipln Kapfo onlarod Mctlrmw, aho waa on tho eoachloi ilooa, lo unlhiim, off the tlokl. Wban tha hilar nfurad lo so Koata waal anar a pollcoaiao. and Mdlraw wwl over lOd look I aut on the around near the rliht Said aoata, and nuialDotI Uiara dnrlBg tlia raat ol Iha uma. AOarihal Iha Baltlmoroa nulalal down and tlarau wll- nloi ball,oatiaeUlly JoBnln|TB,iho madeaomavoodar- lulplara. Inlhaolihlh liinlnr, with ooo mu out ud two ntao 00 Iho haaoa, ha mado a iraat catch ot a tamBe lino ball Ouin Rattnu'a hat, anil rump!alad a tloubia play unaaalatad, thrrvliy pulUng out Iha aide ud pnTantlni tbo Naw Vnrha lioin at h*aat llama tba .con. Tha orrtiia niaile hr iho homo taam proTMl niaily anil wan Iha rlilaf cauaa or their daloal. Tha champiooa wan Tory lucky both In thalrbatlloi aod flaMlne. BALTiaoiB. r. B. B. o. A.a Niw vusi. V. I. a o. a.b. 0 9 1 U Foliar.aa.... 1 U 0 8 1 1 13 0 OTIinan. rf.. 4 0 110 0 1 8 4 n Vaollalt' 1 o n o n 0 0 0 II OlDlTla,],..... 4 1 1 1 UjlUmian, 9h.. I Haiiiui. bu. Illaiana, Ih. Kaalar, rt... a Janolo|ta,aa. 4 Kalhu - Brudl<i,ef... 4 Haiti, 8b. i:iny, lb. Hiililnaon, lliiITor, p. 1 9 9 0 0 1 0 0 0 ( a 0 1 0 0 U II. llaria, lb. 1 0 I 1 I I U .1 1 OHunbnirif... 9 11110 9 0 9 ti Parrall, a... 9 0 I B I 1 i:krk. p 9 0 0 0 0 I Tolabi...Jil SII 1114 0 Totala. .31 1 8 14 II 1 Ralllnion 0 0 D I I 0 9 0—8 Naw Vork 0 1 0 0 0 U 0 0-1 Named runit-Kalllninn, I: Naw Vorh.t. Haaooae^ roi»-B.,l. On l«ll>-B.,3; N. Y.^e. Hlrackoul-B.,7: N. Y ,l. Vni|>llo, Koofa. Tlliia, lIs. iiOttlovllla va, Clevelasifl, These loama pbued an latciealing game on Sept. I, at linulsvlllo, (ty., and allhougb tne lAiulBvlllea preaenlod a cripiileulcam, Iber made a alrnng llght. and gave tbe ClevoUnd sU liioy could do lu win. Second Uaseuan O'Hrltn bad hla hind hurt diiiing Ibe ptellmlniry nraollce ind wis unable to pbiy. This caused a anllt Id tbe make up of Ibe leem. In the eeconri Inning Ualcher Waraer wan bit nn Ibe arm by ono of Yotiog'e awlft limboola and bad to retire. Ikith CuiiuliigDain and Young ware loucbed up In lively tiablcn, and hsd llio lailcr llnlabcd Ibe gaino Uiulsvllle relgbi bate won. Citppy relieved Itlm In tbe elahlb Inning, and tho bnme team could doDolblngwllb his ili>llviry. Clarke's error In al- lowing Unrketi's alnglo In gel away from blm. In the eighth Inning, gavu Cleveland tho winning run, Ulilldsanrt ilarke ltd their leatwi^llvo Icania In bat- ting. Tbo long sate hllB wtrea ni>uio run by llnlmee, lilple baggeia by llolraca. Clarke aoil Cunitlngbam, UoKoan (twice) inil CItllttr. LouiariLui. T. Hiiloa, III., c. S Ifoliiiaa, rf.. 8 i Mlnalian, 9b. S llaaurar, Ibl Warnar, o... I Burastt of.. 3 McConii'k.u 4 Wriabtcr.. 4 i;unnlnii'ni,p4 rotala.. .1) Louiirlllo. Ularalaml. B. a. 0. A.B. 10 4 0 9 3 11 19 11 0 111 0 0 9 1 0 0 0 0 119 0 0 0 0 3 0 1 9 U 13 13 S 10 11 IS .t lILSfRURa. r. I. Burhati, If.. 8 I MeKaso,aa.. 8 9 tniikia, lb... a a a I O.To1,*au, lb 1 0 4 0 Il.Tolwau. rf 1 1 iri:iinniir, o. 1 1 Vnuni, 1 9 I ■uiry, f.... I 0 TuUla...40 0 9 1 - 2 0 1 0 0 Katnod ruoA— I.4iuIbiIIIo, 8; IMaralaiiil. arrur-l,. On lialla-U. Struck uut—L., 9; piro, MrDonahl. Tluia, 118. Tha IvoKth and nnal saiiia liatwaan tbaaa taama, playiJ fta|,t.]9. raaultail In a iKUitj fur tha Loulivlllaa, whuoat. lilatwl lliair up|M>n*ola nt all p„lnta. Tlia laiiio wu cImo anil aacltliiB until tlio alitli Inning, alian Knall ud tyMaan nolo auhatltutad lor llui'tiy ami o't^onnur; than tbo riotolanilA waiil lu placor, anil Ilia liiHtia uam woo at lliay ploaawl. i;urkoand HiirkatI lail Ihalr raapectire laima In hauloi. Tlia b,nf aafa hlta aaro homo luoaby lliilmea (twicr) and UurhatL triple iMuaan hy Md'or inick and Burkaltand doabhu l>r imia mil McUarr. TliabltllnKfif lloliiiaa. Uluka ud Hurhelt, wltb llwi. naaar'a Baulnjr, wara ruturaa. Tho imia wu callaO it tlia and of Uit alablii Innlni im account ofdarhnau. B. 0. A.B. 3 9 0 1 9 111 4 3 9 1 19 0 0 I 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 110 0 18 10 1 0 I 0 0 0 I 0 e IH IT 10 a I 0 0-H 10-0 4. Baao on ll., I. Uu. Ixit^iiviLLa. TiiM. Ill a lluhnoa. rr. 8 Claibo, It.. . 8 MlnB0hu.3b 8 llaaaiiia' 8 Humolt or. 4 Hrt.'inlcb.ll, 4 a. o. A.a (700 3 0 1 4 10 0 19 9 0 I 9 S U 3 10 1 113 1 3 13 0 cOrwry, p. 4 I 0 I 3 0 ULBTsLaifn. V. H. a. o. a.b. Hurhatl. II.. 8 I 1 1 0 a McKaan, »a. 8 0 3 3 9 I Hilbla, lb... s 1 I 3 a 1 HoAlaar, cf.. 8 1 I 9 I a U.Tahuu, Ibl 1 1 10 I 0 Hcllarr, 8b.. 4 0 1111 (I.Tabaau, rf 4 0 1 0 U 1 D'l.'onniir, 0. 1 U 0 1 0 0 O'Maaia, 0.. 1 I 0 0 I 1 l.'upny, p.... 9 0 0 1 9 0 Knoll, p I I u 1 0 0 T>llal>....4l 19 18 24 IB 2 Tulala.. 40 t 1411 11 S Unitanllo 0 U I 1 1 7 1 1-19 (llaiaiaiid 1 0 I u o I 0 1— M Kajnoil ruiia—Luulatllli^ a: I laTrlanil. 3. Buo on arrnr*-L..4;r., 1. (lnlMiKl!.,7 Hiruchuut-L.,I;0., 9. Umplro, MrUtioaM. Tliiia, 7.18. Pkllaalolitlsla va. BmoialyB. Tlie ritlladelplila and Hrwihlin leaniHci-otended for nine lunlnga nn Sept. IIT, at I'nllBdclpbla, Pa., wllb- out reselling a mull. Ilegane waa Hen called on account ut ilirkiiiM, Iho ociiro licing a lie. The iKore aiood 14 In lo wlieii lite Urnuklyni went to the lial Id Ihclr balf In Ihe slolb Ihblog, Bnd nunagcd to All the Imara, and Ihtn, wlib two out, Anoersoo liillcd the liall over tbe wall for a boine nio, llelog llio acore. The gaoie waa dull, llBntllhin's One lialling and a MnaalUipal running calch by Uriinn, Willi AnderiMiu'a liuine HID bli, lielng bLoui Ihe only fnlutTa. Ihilr wia piowiittil wlin • gold watch hy llillailelphls adinlieni. "_ - - - _ BanoiLTR.V. I. a. 0. A.S. ■ 9 I 1 0 0 1 I 1 9 1 I 0 19 14 9 I 1 9 1 I 0 1 I 4 1 1 0 FalLA. V. a. B. o. J.a BiiniBLTS llanillton.el. a 3 8 3 0 u ( Ualohinly, IIS 9 0 9 I 0 Hlila,llo,8b.. 8 0001, 911.. . a 3 I a 0 I llorcoru, aa a •Irady, 0 4 113 0 DLsclan»,ll8 Bijeklay, 0... I 0 u I s 0 Andaraoa.lf. 8 Nalllr.rf.... S 1 1 9 0 0 Daly,]b 8 Mvlfaon.aa.. S 19 14 I Hliocli, rf.... 8 llAllinao,Sb. 8 0 14 1 Ollrfoi, c 8 Boylo. 111.... s I 1 a I OKannody.p.a Luclif, p lllOlO Wbllo. t> 9(01 10 _ Totala...« II IS 37 N I Tiilala.. JO 14 1117 18 8 FbllAdalvhla... t U 1 8 0 0 9 0 t-ll Briiohlya 00108000 4—11 F.aniB4l nina-Flillailalplila, 7; nrnohlin, (. Safe on errors- 1: B.. I. lln balU-l'., 1: II, 1. HIrnrk oat- F.. I; H..1 Uini^roa, Harrey ami IfaiHlaiaon. Tina, LSI. Nrarlyali Uit,u,an>l koijpla wlioaaaad Iho SrooBlrna win tot, aatiiaa from llio FliiladalplitBa, aftalDfHir ,>r Ha|it. a, by the Baiiiaacoro.8 tii3. [n tlia (ipanlnR at-ia Ali)«y pltrhad aloiiini ball, ud iiravanfod Iha hou^ laaai rrooi acoriai uatil the laat lonlnif, whM, wllb two out, llradr waa Tilt with a plulteil tail am) Hulllru raacbatl llrBl on an error l,y l^trcoru. Than Thoinpaon, ■ho 1iif.k Maitlobii'a pluo at tha Idt, hit for two I inai. «ondlDM In lirody and Hulllru. (In llalluian'a ilnala Ttiompaon acurad. drill wu froaly liattod, bnt tba rial- tora cunbl oulyliuocli tliBlr hlta In ihadnhiiMl aiath ionliiso, whan tbaya«roa4l thraauf tlia all runacradltad lu Uiain. Hliloillo. and FuuU lad Id UUIng. Tha only lonjr Mta hit wu a ilaiiblo liaKiar l,y Thumiwon. Piiiu. r. a B. 41. A.a Hboobltb. v. a a. o. a.s. 1 u 1 0 0 0 (irimo, ef.... a 1 1 0 u a Oolabanty,II1 0 0 3 U 1 Milndla,Sb.. 8 I .1 0 1 0 t:roaj, 9b.... 1 0 0 3 0 1 l^lrDarmn,aa. s u I I 8 I Hucblay, e.. 3 0 0 9 0 0 Fnota, 11,.... 8 0 9 II 0 0 llndr, 0 ... 110 10 u AndarBoo. If. 4 o 0 I 0 a Hulllrao, rf.. 1 I 1 1 u 0 llsly, lb 4 I I s u 0 Mvlluio. as. 9 0 0 9 1 I Rliocf,, rl.... 4 1110 0 Thonpaon*.. 1 1 1 u u u (iilm, c 4 119 3 0 llallnian, lb. 1 U 1 9 8 0 Abliay, | 1 | 1 | BO Hurla, lb.... 1 0 0 0 U 0 llrlll, p 3 II 1 0 I I TolaU..S8 9 nmlil I Totals...10 81917 11 1 FlillAdelphia.... 0 UUOUOUOS-9 Brooklto 0 u 0 0 I S 0 0 -d *Batlai| In MadlM,n'a|i|a'-o In llio ninth toning. Karnad ruiio-Hroublyn. 9. Baao «m arnira—Fttlladal. .Jila. I: H I. On liani-H., 1. Htnick oul-l'., 8; B., I. Ilmifirv, Murray ud llanilar*on. Tluia. 1.18. Tba FlillailalMiluplaied wllh/iulu error In Ibo aae. utwr '- • ~* - " ■ tnni iramo, but wara vary waah at llia l,at. Tbe HiiMdt. ItnaalBupUtodBnoly In U,o niM and hit rarioy'a do. Ilrrry hard uil iilloo, eapaclally In tha Ultor part of Ibo Eaiiia. Tha faultlaao flnMlnR iluna liy tho liuma taaai apt down Uia rIailora'Bcora. flauli hurt liU baud ohlle Irrlng to auip a hard lilt ball fioni i;arBoy'alnil In Iho aocoad InnlOR.anil IibiI ui ratlra In favor of Bonnady. Tha latter wu Imtt, ittwlr ud atraetlra Itvlng only two l«a«a Ml halla uid lailBi lilt BAfBly ooly alB timoa during Ilia remainder or Ilia aaiiia. 1,'urroruj,Ia>ad brIIIlAnllp at ah»rl atop, u,l Ualrhanly carrlad olT Iho honoia In the outncbl. Iioaccoptloa nine chucoaano aonio or lhani wan of Iba aaaaatlonal order. " '~' ' ~ alan mado bimio flaa ruon' lilu ware a irlpla tassar ' IfalliDuiad tIrliD. Bl order. Urima and Theniiaoa running utchia. Tba lone aafa ar by rianllloo and doabloa by FBiLA. V. a. -. Ilamlluaef. 1 1 I I 0 lelahuly. If I llio i;roaa,Sb 4 0 0 1 0 Uiadf, 4 0 0 I 0 Tkoffltaoe.rf 4 0 19 0 MldlaoB.aa.. 4 0 0 1 1 laIhBAn,lb. 4 0 10' l<>yls,lb.... 3 ' C'aruy,p.... I 0 0 s 0 I a Tolala.,.Jl FlilMalplili Brooklyn.. I 0 Bmoobltb. t. b. nrimn, er... 8 i Bbiadle,M.. 8 1 rorcoria, aa 8 0 Fuuli, lb. .. 1 0 Andtr*on,ir. 1 0 a. 0. A.B. 8 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 n D<Iy,fb 1 0 0 i Bhocli, rf.... I 0 0 I B 0 (Irlni, c 1 1 3 1 I 0 llaul,, p 0 0 0 0 I 0 Kannodr, p. 1 3 1 8 I 0 Tola]a...JO a 18 31 M I a 0 0 0 I 0 0 'nea^riillulat^la. I: firooklyo, 0. Baae oa erfvr*~r.. 1. On balU-K, 4; B-, 1 lUruab oot—P., L Uotplree, Harray and lUoderaoOe Time, tM.