New York Clipper (Oct 1895)

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504 THK l^EW YORK CLTPPEB. October 12. Ntloucr: lUmI, CuMI Font; Wllhelm Voxel, Rudolf HcnIUH; vvinkclDiniiii. Adolf Unk; Mu, JDlloa HIniM; IllclinnI Kroler, Hubert HouBch; Ilr. Kwloekj, 0»rl Mel:. Tlie logenne, UuiU Font, inndo upon Ihli occasion bcr debut Id tlila conaliy, A Food Show, with wblcli l< conblaed u ed- til uilonKi exhilili, tonether wlili • diaplsj of utlclen of liouMhnId iiillltj, me opened (XU 8 tt the IUdI' BOH Bqiting OARnRN. ritllon upon the opening nlKht were prauot \<j iDvllalloD ot tlie HuHnn Bquare (lanlea Oonpinj, end ipent aereml pleuiDl Iionra In InapecilDg *nd nmpllDR Ihe exbllilu, \ftTloun toc«l lontJlollona Id which women ftrr In. terailed htvo lionlha for Ibenleof nitouswtiea, ■lad the Udlu In chirgo ol thcae win lucreiwlrel; give ■ wrtca cf bUli lean In Ihe banquet hall At Ihe UKriwini.irAX (ii riu liofRi, on Hepl. :io, the Hclillerwer, an oncaiilullon of Utvurtan peas- •nta, bcfian an en;agemeni, appealing upon the oponing night In "Der IletrgoiiKcbnlixer" (''The tinirinx Or\'cr of Ammergau"), aa meniloned In our laal laaiie. Tlibi plar woh again preaenled iipiiii Ihe followluK erening. I'pon Oct. 2, :i the; were seen In Hbda Ncuen*N njatlc play, "Almen- nuwh and Edelwela," wnicli had already iieeo neon In Ihlacllr. The Idll waa attain changed 4, and upon that night "Jaegerlilut" ("Tlie Hunter^ iJfe"), a melodrama. In tli plcuim, I17 n«nno Itaui'lienegger, waa prcaonted for tbe llmt lime In Iblacounlrf. ThIiplay wai rtp>»loiU> A mini' l«r of prominent aclorx were preaent I17 InrllalloD at Uie (lAHHicK TiiHiTRR Dflrrnoflii of 4,10 witnen llio perfiiriiiance of "A Hoclal lllgbwayinan" lij the conipnii; headed Uy K. M. and Juxcph Holland •lARiiKK TiiiAiK...—Tbe reluni nf Mme. Mod Inakn III our mldai la alwaja an Iniereallng and Im- potlnnt Kvenl, linl her preient vlilt la one uf ud UHual ImiHirt. Hlie iiegnn at Ibia hoiiae, on (icl. 7, a brief engagement, which ahe annnuDcea will lie her laat In thla cllj, and ilila aouounceiiient cannot fall III pnMluce a feeling of keen regret. Hho aelericil for the opening of her engagement Hhakeapcnre^ i-nmedy, In nvo aria, "Meaaiiro for Heaaure," a hajipj Melcciliin only aofaraall anorda e.\cclleni iipiHirtiiDliy for a ilUitbiy of Umc. hluilJeMka'ii rare laloiitfl. \V llh all iif our Hilmlralloii anil bnomgo fur Ihe ImiiHirlal liani, wc nniit reinomlicrihatho llvrti In an o.xcecdlngly groK* ago, anil rcrialn of lila playa, eren afier iliey liavu been HUlniilUed 10 the procoHsnf ex|iiirguilon,are farlietierfllleil forllie cloaei Iban llic hiiicp. Kvon tbo picture of vUulii iiiirlly uf iKHly ami of h<iuI wlilcli la preacnicd In Irtiilielln liecdinex Icin edifying wlirn we reallM ihat Mich iitiriiy Iri not rare In wihiuid, iiur la Ibla niciiirc worili ibi: exceeding cimllo uiir Uiicr nctu-ndlltlea exiicleil liy other purlluliii if Ilio play. Wc may read Huch worfcH wlihniit delrlmciit aa vit fiuiiiler over tliciii nliinc, but 10 hold ilie mirnir up in aiirh naiiiro upon Ilio nUtge.'ln acu iirelal avniiiiHllty pur- iraycd, 10 )ta/.c Inlntlie iloptbsol liuumii liiliiiiiy. In bcnr words that alinulil bllnlcr Ihe iiingiiuami iliat vilely ntiKaiili Uio car, ami lu rnduru all Ihla Ihat we may have the i|ulio iiuneccMiry tcailiiianj' Ihat purity can dtvcll In woman. Is p<*>lng fariw freataprtro for 11 iriiili which needi* nu iirnvlug here are wiunen of relliicd and riellcrtie ecnaliilil' Ilea, and, aimngu aa It nmy aenm, men iiio, in whom all aitcli iKirimjuU are vile. Tasio la cloHely allied 10 iho iiuinil M'lMC, and nnlhlug fliockrt It iiioni HQVorely than |iiiiilli: uxhlbliluna of rmlorHluiiiUt*^ Huliriimllly, I'mlnL', liitwovcr great, IhmIuwhI ii|ioh Umc. MfMlJerkii In niiy of her Hliakeniioarcaii rnie^, liiual alwityri Hccrii liiadcqiialu lu IIiohi wIiii havr wlliieaacd liLT ilicrein, bill nowhere are hir nioiliutU iiiuro ciinvliicliig Ibiin lu lliu nikr nf Ijiilieltn. Tlin tiiami or licr voice, tbo graolnuitnea.-* of licr aitcccli, lirr rellneiiierit, her pHilina, her greco, ull uapcubilly lit licr for ibia por- trayal. Kbullila iliu role far Iniu the cihor, and her Jaabella liaa 110 fei't of cliiy. llrr mml li In a con' alantHiaioof exalinilnti; alio In all ibat Ugmidand pure; aho bn'alhca untaluied air while comtpiloii grovebi bolnw her; hIio ahlocri with light celeailal; Hhu exiialoa Iho oilur ul aaticilly. Her horror at the iirulal atiggeallona of Aogelo, her alirink' age from Iho iHillullim of hia touch, anil the lino aliiiddoiing Inaihliig aiul H<'nni which la her anawer 10 Iho hurrllilo pleadlnga of Ulaudio, all ahnwcd her rnro geiiliiH and Uio iiurfocllon of her art. t'lirnrfuiialely It \7tm fdunil ticcoimry in iniiKo houio cliangea In iho u- RigiiiiionI of parte ut llieFlevcnlh huiir. and conae- queiiUy there was iMlnfiil uvlilriiru 011 tlio part of eunio of Ihe plarerH of r.irKviruliieHKif their lliiei. That o.\ccllDiit BlMkeaiieaiunu aclor, John A. IAne, who wiia thiia calluil iipnii to iiMiiiiie ibo role of ibe Unke, fur tho llrat lliue In many yuani, auiTored aeverely from tlio faiiUitlo Irli'ka of hIa uieinoiy, and was not only guilty nf aerloua ulna of omIaaloD, but of cuniuili'iliiii aa well, and Ibo lark of diieuvy of aiH'erh conM'ijiient ii|hiii lilaaad emIiarTaaameiit marred tho perlnruiauco of all who held wllh him Iho ai'eiie. riider anch clreunialanctti Iho peifnnimnco waa moat deiireailng, and aa It liuy well liu Miipitoaril that iinno of tbu ployem were at Iholrhoal, II need only Iw aald thatearh tnom- ber nf tho cniiiiniiy guvu evidence that undur Ihe happlcrcoiiilllliiiirt which will diiutjIleNi aeon exist there will bu llllle looiii hir faulinndliig. Aa II waa Ihent waa iiiuch reaaoii for beatnwitig oipci'lal nrelao ii|Min lleaiiiiinni Miiltli and Hulicrt UoWatle. Tho engagotuout uf n alrong oharaclcr actor fur tbe role nf Iho Duke would havu greatly luinnivctl tho perfurniniUT, fiirniily lUHiinhhaiidacau Iliuro bo the preiior ciiiilmHl Klinwii botwreii Vliiceiilloln hIa own per.-oii, and lu Ilm illiigulrte nf tho Krlar, which hu linuuicit. Tlie play waa uarefiilly aud iiiroctlveir limuulotl, mill wrt-« Ihiia caal: halallla, kliiie. Uml. Jeidca; Viiiccuiln, the liuko, Jnhii .\. Lane; Angelii, tV. H. Iliirl; I'wnlna, Itnlicrl Klllnll; ClillliUn. lluv. ant Kyle: l.iu-ln, IK.aiiiiinnr Smilh; Uopold, Kniirla llyme; Tniviul. Kniiklln ilnluiiy: I'oiiipey, lUiUeit UcWailc: K.l«>, Wadiwiinli Harris; Fniin, Uark Koiiloii; filar I'oiur, ileurgo IMburgcr; Abhoraon. llarrY Vincent: lliirunnlluo, (leorgu Wllinn; Tbum- aa, HutiT Iti'iijAiiiln la'KIer: Hartana, I'lia Abell: KrancluH, ilraca Fiahcr; Ulairaai Urenl ine, tin. llauiiHh Snrgeul; a I'agc, May Sjrgeiil. "Uaaaure for UuaAiire** \* aiiiinuuoo4l for reiwtlllon a, i> aiat evening III 1*.*' "Marysiuuii*' wlli bo prci*entci1 lu nnd II. ami ■'lUiiilllc'' will lie aorii Diiillnoo I'J. Tbe tour la uuilor tho (lln'Otlnu of Fmnk Ij. l\<rloy. I'KiH'nin'a l'i.KAi!ruK I'lutix—Tbe excellent iveekly bllla iinuoiited by Uauager Procter aiv nutK*ii|t tlilA now resort amniig Iho niiMl popnlarln tlie city. The pnigraiuiiio for week of tK'l. • was tip to the high alauilaid u( ltd prodn casora, aid drew g(HHl ailcnilniico during the afltrnuon aad tilglir of Unuduy. Mllc. rubiirr, ecceutrlo clian* leuai, luailu her Aiucrlrau debut and aclilovr<l a Huceiia. She rcndfia hrr Mings In Firnch, ami, nulk> iherr Is iinililUK iMniciilarly alnkiug In her iHirlnniiaiit'cabo lallkely InIwoiUMiniuular. I'nf, lloorgo lAii'kluri, wllh Ida elrphauta (sixth week). luOiVaaealii impiilarliy with each kUcccKilve week. TlioWi'iuletfoltrli'lisnf Ibi-se big aulnnlawin ad- lulratlon fi^nu Iho auiltoure, ami ilieir act galni much appluuie at each iirifonii mre. Illlile lUr low, coiiiodteuuo. rtilrretl u|nin hrr al.xih week an lui reaiu'd la«orl c. lUr fciehlug waya and <-«ichy unuua h.ivc iuidt> her rxireuirly nopu- Ur Willi Ilio pMtnina. Tno Kalva IVIn, bliih. Km iKiibiriiiirm (tnurlu week), were laii'inarl-iwl- ovoiX. null' drximiia »ork on Uio wlr.- ellclia ureal a|i:<laiiie. Amukft. ll'Wikaiuiil llcrlCe.iyiKy ►Ingcrs Hilil ilsiii en' (soiiunl week), were niiiiliiutd ravmlii'o. and lliu rlnvrr iiliicra AuUeiaeu, eiinlllli' rista III tlii'ii-aU'll week, vrrre Hcciirdcil luucli a|i- tilAua(>. Tun llroOarv IH.uiUy. luualc.ll clowiia (fniirtli wei'li' wore iiur.iilmi. and Is>nl«e and Kllse Balorl,nnri'Uiicdui'lll'"i'-.werewolllvcflved. tllheia <m the bin whn rnuud four arie: KciMlug and MUiiinii. lu akrii'lii's; FunuNiuo ami iloiiiian, coiuo- dlaut: I'. W. UiileUi'iil. c»iiu»lliin and inlmir; llenil Mild ltd nic, lllliiil rraderoi Mnntagiie ami Weal, luuabai coiiirdhius; tho Muhlmsiiii Trtn, Swlsa luiiniiiaiurrr nariileii, uuil Jriilo Uradbury, aerin t-onilc. . Hill. J.irKi'ii MnuKiiu. umliT Ibo niiiuageiiiwt ,i(Sp>ii'<iair»ud Allkcii. iH'galia selira uf pli lullal and mib.:cai ciitrrioliinn'iila al iho Aradeiny ot Uualc tlut. 11 The onirrtnliiuieiils will rnnllaue iii«ineaehi(unil»TuVi-'dng. llh Oral aubject waa « uiur Ihrouah Iriliml and .■H olland. Iiy lueaiw uf a Irtplc uuiun-uiilb- '11 |ihntnBni|ilib- vleiv.< of place* mill niijein nf liilerwi In ihcso counlilea were Ihpinu ui»in an inininiso s.:ieeu, and wn-o rniiimeulf.t rimli lu pleaMlliI faiUbui by lboleo- lurer. A clioir ut h'luliiliii' mlvea 1 eujitnil a|i|ir«- prlalo luiisb-. and anlmwi rxi oV< aung. ^ large aud'riiieciijnveiltheenii'nabimcnl. iii aTAva KKkCRB. wmi waa engHgeil by K. K. lilvc In cniiuucl "KxceWor Jr.."wliU ll nm-lia at ii.<car llaiuiiiiMsirlu'A i)i}ui|ila. will u>i| wiehl the baton ai that bnuse. llr. Kerk»T waa recenily en Bigediocundiii't tho liunday nuircria al Knater .V lal's,and Mr. Ilanimrrsiriii nlijecla to iho leader on iblagruuiKl. Ur, Inrgl uil lini iifeq ciiK'geO In place nf Mr. K rki r. Kama i Iiiai.'s — Tlis managenentnt ibia hnunc continues to give lia pattona bills made upol llis cream of the vaudeville alage, and bnalncM eoU' tinues at bigli water mark. The prajrrsmmo pre' wnted Ocl. 7, for week, waa np b> Ihe high alandard of Ihla resort, and drew the usual big crowd on Monday nigbi. Ham l<ockhan'a trained elcpbatila iicgan their flllli week coiiilniicd farorttea. The new seta perfonued lir tbeae anloala laal week, for Ihe Urat lime, aurpaswdaoylhlne hitherto iireaent. ed by Hr. Lockharl. and bare added Ducfi popu- larity to thhi ah-eady alrong attraction. These ele- fihaula are wondeirully trained, and give a per- nrmaoce at once iiDli|tie and marrelons. Clara WIeland, cbanleuae, entered upon ber fourth week, and won much applauiie. BM has lie- corns a great favorite. U. U'allonSi trained doga, monkeys and ponlea appeared In new art, which found linmcdlato favor. The Valdls Hbiten, scrlallata lOfili week), who are great favorlilea, received sinnns of appUiiae fnr their clever petfonrunce. flranto and Maud, In 'kelr wire art (Oflh week), easily retained Ilielr epularlty, and l^a CrescsndrH, cleclrtc clowns icoiid week), received do leas liaarly woleome than was acrorded Ihem on their opening Dighl. Florence Uvey, ainger and daocer (flftb week),who aeeiiia III have aeciired a atroiig hold 00 tbe aiTec- tlona of the palrena, received full recogoltlon for her art. Clutlldo Antnolo, coutonloiilai (Oflh week), waa a holdover favorite. Tbe pmgniuiine conriiiiled wlili ibo living pirlures, tho populaTlty of which bever acema to wane. The flrst grand Hunday night KerkerOincert was given licl. n. The pmgramius consisted of overturea from "William Tell" nnd "tiipheua,'' Strauss* 'Thousand iind Ono Nights," I)ls7.^i' Souvenir do Heaiiblen" and other •wlectbina nf ei|iial merIL The aolnlata were Julea I,evy, cfinielttat: blgnor Do I'aaiiuale, who sang "Halve DIroon," and Mnie. lAUlse .S'aialle, who rendered moat acceptably "Una Voce." A striking feature of lbs concert was Ibe roopera'aong and chorusfrein"Boccacclo." Tbecooperanll wore aprons and alitick the hoops of several caaka with their ma leta. Warwick Qanos mng Ihe solo part. Uicit'a "Becond llbapaody" brouihi tbe con- vert to a clime. Tlie oruheHlta conalaied of Of If-flvo inuHlclans, under tbo babin of Ur. Kerker, and ren* deied excellent music. Titers was a large audience present, who guvo full evidence of entire aallsfac- tlnn. Tlicre ht every lodh:alloD Ihat Ibis higb clasa «er1ea of concerts will Irecomeverr iiopular al this Kai'iRg TiiKATiiK.—John Urvwenlettd upon the third week of Ida present eogagemeot here on Muud:iy evening, IKI, 7, pretentlog Uadeleloe l,ncPtle lljlei'a comedy, "Vlirlnloplier Jr.," for Ibe Ural tirno In the nielropolta. TI10 audience assero bled llllcd every imrt of Ihoaiidllorlnm, was up In ■ lie blgh atandurtl of Ibis hniise, and waa compomd ofaduilreranf tbo favurlle concdtan, who antlcl* puled much enjoyment from their visit. That they were bv DomranadlHappoliiled wasclcarlyapparent frrjiii tho denxinsiratlvo wsy In which rliey Djnnl- fOMind theirapprarlailonof Iheaiiiiiding atiracUnn i.treml, and oi the work of tho atar end Ihe veiT capalibi cnmpotiy with which he Is siirTOtiiideo. "Ciirlsinplicr Ji--''U uut anew producllon, having -ecu orlgluHlly prcaenled Juno 4. Ikui, nt Whkes- barnf, Va., when It received favorable coniuenl. |L ims aloce lieon Included lu Mr. I>rew'd rrpertniy, lietng received wllh favor where- ver lliu couipaiiy has appeared. Tlio story was told In thcac colunibn shnrtir after lia ilrat pcrfiiniiance. Ur. brew (nvo a ilolsbed |H>r- irajiiiof tlin ililo rolo, ami lie richly dcaorved Iho plaiidlia ihut were ao freiiuenily liestowed by Iho lellKliied audience. He was tho recljilent of re- iwatitl c.iirialii rails after tho aocoiid, third and dual ncui, iiioltrstnul Impreiftlog ilio audience fa- vorably, ua It waa liuih rather dull nnd auillclonlly leriglliy In bcciiiuo tiresome. The followliig acta arliuvfaed a dnctiled lni|imvemeiil. Ibe fun nf the (ilrrr lieliig deirUi)iotl rapidly, and In tho hut act It ivas vouiliiiiou.'^ and uproarluDe,ovnklng tho heart' leal laiiglilrr frnin tho nislng to the fall of the cur alu. Tlio cuiuedy (Hweitsea all the elenienla of ■uc.eas. and In the Hands of this e.xcclleui iuin- paiiy Ibia U smured. i)f the support, tbe honore «ere oaidly aon by Hand Adsnia, and tbe audi- ence atteaied tlntr full appreciation of her dS' ilghtful acting lu the part of Dora, her Kenea sruli Cbrlstopiier aiTurdlog much pleasure and eliciting abundant applause. It waa s geneluely devcrperformanco, and (lulte In keeplug wim tbe iirevlnus nierltorloiis cgorta o( tho lady. Klale lio tVnlfo enacted tho part aaslgned her enecdvelyi ilarrr llarwood wnauxceltent aa Cbrlstopber Hr., 'liuUaJur llitlway of Lealls Allen was worthy of more than paaslug ujobUon, Herbert Ayelliig was veiT funny In u part thatenulleil absolute nllenco, iindlAwla Uakerwas acceptable as Pert UeUuby, The stage aeltlDg waa eifecilve, aud Ibe coaiiimea nf the hidleawere richaud haiiilsoiiie. The cast; Ohrlstnplier Colt Jr., John Drew; Cbrlsbipher Coll ir., Harry llarwooil: Uort Uellaliy, Uwla liaker; Uajnrlleilway, IfCallo Allen; Ur. Simpson, Arthur llyrou; Ur. Illlbb, Herbert Ayellog; Job, Jnaeph llumphreja; Whimper, Frank Laiub; Ura. Ollbb, KlAle Do IVolfei Mni. Coll, Aonio Aibiuui; .Selly, Anna llrlmoni; l>on, Uaud Adams. Kt»Tit AVBNI'I ToiATRg.—Nat U. Qoodivlu es- sayed Ibe role uf luvld tlarrlok at tbis bouse, for the nnl lime In this city, nigbl of (Xst. 7. A large audi- ence, anil one most friendly to Ihe star, ansembled to lodge the eoniodlan'a ability lu this llciltlous epl- Miile In tbo life of David Oarrlirk. Mr. Qoodwln ac* iiullted hlinaelf admlralily In tbe aluuilaied drunken scene, wherein be eiideavota lodUenchant a love- sick girl, but, while hla drollery la apoDiaueoiia, hIa pathos IS forced, and llierelore palpably unnaiurnl. Xllll, Ihe euineillan came much nearer 10 egcceni than to failure In the r«<|ulremenl8 ot tho role. Annie llua-wll waa a aweet aud lender Ada lugoi, aud J. a. Bavllle waa capital aa aiuon liigul. Tbo real of Ihe supporting cast wore coinpeleiit. The comedy was appropiutsly Maged and ensiumed. Ur. Qoodwm also appeared aa (Inllghily, In "I,end Mo Five Shillings," aud here he waalu blaelemeiit. llotttayedltlnths broadly ran-lcal vein lulendett by Its author, and was eu- ilrelyaucceasful.the audience being highly amused. Next week Henry Qiiy Carleton's new play, "Ainbl- Hun," will lie ivuduced. Ca>t uf "David danlck:'' llavid llanrtrk, Ur. (loodwiii: Hlninn Ingot, J. W. M.svllle: ;<i|Ulro Oblvy, C. F. Mouuilne; Ur. .'<uillh, ileorge Faweoil; Ur. Itmwn. Arthur Hoops; Nr. JiHiea, lAiuIri l'ayue;Tiioinas,Loula Uiirrelt; ileorge, Charica Uwla; tfervuul.Janiea Hanger; Ada Ingot, Aunle ItuasrII; Uni. Hiiiltb, Kstelle Montnier; Aratiiluta llrowu, Kiiiuia II. t^irran. PKncniR'aTriiATag.—Manager I'roclnr coullnuos Idglvolils pilrons sxvelloni perfotiusnces at ihla favorite resort. Tho bill preseinediict. 7, tor week, dnw good attendance during tbe allernnon and evening of Iho oiwning day. and gave sattsfacUon. Ilughey Dougherty, thnn wtaoiu no bhiek face mono- logulst IB belter known, wns an Ininionae success wnh bla (smlllartalka. (leorgis I'arher, soiibrelte, was well received In her songs snd daoi-es. llie Djnaldsuii llrulhon and Ardel, pautonllmlal^ were t*iHitlnusd favorllea aud created much merriment Id Ihoir comical abutch, "Hceues al tbe Vm." Uareey Fagan, by hla singing and daaetng, mxm became a ravnrlie with bla aiullencea Kiumondi, Knieraon .lud Kiniiioiida, erotesquea, won full recognition (or Ibeir act. James W. Bingham was enter- tatuing In lila vvtitrllooulal acl, and Uyitle Atllugtnn soon aang heiaelf Into the good gncus of her iiudltnra. The l.ady lirchesin contlnnes to be a fratun al this bouse,and lecelvei much applauao forlunvenurrs. The Knl|htaTeroplara Mann, ex- I'culed by sixteen young wonieu, waa an atintctlvo feature. Ilertha Dntnoud, eliauteuae: niaon and Knvll. In shelrhea; Unoro aiul Karcher, ninalcal 'nnieillana; Annie Fat wards, ebareclerilnger;Flsher niid canvll, In Irish mugs; Drawee. Jugglir: Ibo Clayinn a atcra. In aonga nnd (taiices: Jessie Pclnco, coiueillcnne. and Aunle ^Mwatds. suilo coinlr, all uiade a bid (or public ftror and helped to make up anivujoyaide cnturlaluDienl. I'mrLI'ii TiixATHk.—Wm. .\. Umdy<a producllon u( "Ihiniauliy," wllh Ha manyoxclllug and thrHb Ibg lablcaiLt. Its Iiervlc apecvbea aud Ha dastardly vlilalD. kept a large audleuve Inlemicd through. nuinn Uiiuilay evening, IK't. 7. Theupiierpatt uf Iho hnuso, especially, waa packed in Ike iluois. The i>lay Itaelf, aa oD tutuier jitcseniatlons, proved a de- 'Ided mrlndnmsllc success, anil the uumeroiis siinng arenra were noisily applaudoil. The Fort Duuiiar hichlruls, In jamli alsr, evoked uiiUiulled n|iptanke. The cooijatny li unlfnrmly I'lpalile. jKseiih tlilsnier, aa Ueut. iYanltuurne, and I'hirbe Davloa, In Ibe rolo of Alma Duutiar, head tbe cast, and are aupiHirted lit Henry II. IMtler, Fanny 0. Jackson. Kate Tmrray, llartleo KIrklaiid as Major Daigrineld, Anniir l.lvlogstnD, Clar- ooi-o l-'ergasi'U, Ktliel llsnlngtun, Uelie Vln- Ing. C. Jay Wllllanu aa NaA<. Badle Filce, Krils Henry. HatnueKimy, IVank Uiiriha, Jsmea F Ibirl. K. M, lleniler, Hnss O'Neal, Cbaa. Hourke, Uapt. John :j. Swill, dlntiiti Want and Maud Uar luw. The acenb: eirects were admirably bandlc<1. John S. Hale has charge ef the lour, while Jns. P. llanla |a the luislneaa manager andcisttuce Fergu- ann slag; uisnsger. Next week, "A Hide for ltf(." liCHAr.ll SiJlAIIB TogATRt-'Podd'oliead Wll- ann," Frank Kayo's delightful dramatizailoD of Uark TwHin'a nolqiie and iDlcrcslIng stoiT, re- lumed on Ocl. 7 to this, the bouse lu which lie Ilrat pronoiinred succcsa was scbleved, the pcrf omiance nn the aliore date lieleg givea In the presebce of a large audience. Slum laal Men In Ihe melropolls I'hangea wlitrli were deemed adrtsalile by Its odapier have lieen uade In Ibe play, niiicli ot Ibe diali'giio at Drat considered aapernuous and Irrele- vant having lareii omitted, the result liclng Mne- nclal to both text and sirtloo, while every minor sccuKury that was considered nf material aid to Ihe lotenao and abeorblng denonenteat has lieen giren careful heed In; In conseiinenco of which tho peifiinnance a-* now given presenu very few of Hie defecU a|lpsrent at Its Inlual oiTerlng. Changes have sIko been made In llic cast, tne role of ilo.ty. In whir.h Maiy Shaw waa fonnerly so nircesaful, lieing now Ulreatid to KIranor Uoreltl. The latter lacks the exquisite tact and I'uollonsi ablllir ol ber piedecessor, otherwise she deaerres miicli credit lor her render- ing of the cli racier. FmnkUsyo IsstlU wvehog hluuelf wbii glory In thepartof David Wilson. Aa the Impressive, witiy and penetrative I'udd'bhcad ho hi the embodiment of aU that Is eatlmahle aud ?;ood, and his masterful boDdllng ot Ihe cbaiacler ully rnslnialiia his reputation as an actor ol varied acconipiuhoieuta. Aside from Ihla, ho stay alao claim dtallncllon for presenUng to the stage a character which has seldom had lis psrsllel In the mimic worid. Its pecnilarlty of tbeeie and oddity of ireatueol Is tbe real liaali ol the play's success, ond It Is ssfe to prtsllct that IIS present run, which la lliidled to a forlnlghi only, will result In abundant proOU The cast: David Wllion, Frank Mayo; Cbaniben, AnioM Daly; York llrlscoll, Frank K. Aiken; Tom lirlacell, Frank (Aampeaii; Howard Pfmliroke, Kmmelt C. King; Lulgl Uappello, Adolph Klauher; Angeto Cappclo, Oeorge Ualllon; lllake. County Sheilir, Newton Cbls- nell: Judge Hobluaon, W. Ileliiisley; Hwao, Wm. S. (:ill;Cam|iiien, J. r. Tucker: Deacon Jasper, K. II. Sicphena; Kphralm, W. C. "nnner; Koxy, Kieanor Uoreltl; Patsy, Lucille Lavenie; nowy, Frances Qrahame; Hannah, HIena Uarla. HtNiH'H Howgar TaiATM.—Fred llkler'a Kew Nlgbi Owbi Co. opened to htrge houses on Monday, (Jet. 7, the excellent cnmpsny nnder the well known line proving a iiowetful attraction. The euopany Is splendidly eiiulpped, and tbe burles<|ue, "A FKck ol Cards," arranged by l,ew II. Camll, was well put on, A series of chnracler dances and msrcbes by tho ladlea of the company, tnierepencd ibnugbout the ullo, affordeil pleasing vsrteiy. The »ngs sod scenea Incldenlal to the nuiles<iue wen eiTeotlve. Florence Ulller.aa Ulncky Uoo, tne king cf hearts, looked handsome and acted with her accoslomed vim. RIancbe IValwoilb, Hay Clark Viu listen, Vliinle llensliaw and Uaud faiston gave good sup- port. Lew II. t'arroll and Sam CoUlna funuabed the comedy cU:nieni,,lU>b(innlon and Cbas. Lillian assisted. Tlie olio iHcaeoted UUinche Wal- worth, aeiln comic, whose nluging waa applauded; Uonlon iind I.Ick, musical comedians. In loelr well known act; Lewll.Carroll.Jetler, wboevokedmucb laughter In his monologue iiin;Habsrel,theexceed' Ingly nimble footed supple liuilied terpalcboi-can ex- pert, who ilanced lu llie cuUnsatlsfacllonof Ihenu- dlcnce, and was eucored repeatedly: Sam t^olllua and Vlunls Uensbaw closing tbo apeclalltea In their lively sketch, durlug which Collins' acrobatic and comedy work ami UlHslleutliaw'silanclog earned liberal applauae. Prtuceas Kutn-Kubt concluded the iierforoiauco In a sensational manner, Florence Miller's dance, a la Midway, creating enlbiiilaam. The choraa Included Uabel llszelton, /ellu CArHon, Ada Carlton, Itotle May, Kdle Condon, Hay Ulancb unhi nnd Joale Patlersuu. II. II. Hodges Is business rnannger for Ur. Illdor, /.oo n. /.leile,iresHurer; Bob Cordou, stage mauager, and U. W. Itolnliart, niuMc' al director. Next week, Irwin Urathem' Special tyco. Caiktv Tuxathi.—a decided Impetus was given business at llila huuae evening nf ucl. 7, the upward tendency of the patronage theremometer being a^ tributed to the wldu reputeoltbeattncllonaecured for the ciimnt week. Bam'I'. Jack's Creok'S ticlng Ihe iiolontorganl/atlon In question. The htandard of excellence establldied by this show's originator yeare ago, and alnce maintained during nuccesalve seasons, Is again In evidence, the complement of peoidoat present associated wirh It twins In Ibo main clever to a marked degree. "Tbe Creolean Conclave" waa tbe ojieolog bur1csi|ue, anil penult- led the eullre company to lie seen and heard 10 good advanbsge. I'nen one of the most loiereatlng features of tho porforuuitice was ftirelsbed by Wni. Ilersey, styled tne Apollo of Comedy, a title which ho alms to doaerre. Another worlby feature of tho bin was tho coiilrlhutloo oC Smith snd Joho- Hon, wlio proved decidedly Interosllug nod enter- taining, Willie tho earnest elTorht ot Irvlog Jones, In mooologues anil vocal selections, and tlogglo and Davis, a commendable team of performers, were lllierally rewarded. Florence Ulncs, In sundry clever Imiieniouatlons, which proved her rersalllliy and general lltncss for ber chosen style of work, «nd Lti\o and Wiley, lu duets and tlances, were also ccorded merited recognition. "Under Ihe Weep- ing Willowa** admirably served Ha purpose, that of Introducing pretty medleys and laaiy luarenes, nnd brought the uierliotloua bill to a Otllng close, Rrand Oi'Kha lloi'ss.—The Napoleon of necro- manceni, Herrmann, began a week's erigagemeot here Oct. 7, and, sided by Ura. llemnanu, succeed- ed admlmhiy lu onisrtalnlDg the large sndlence. ■■rof. Ileninann aptly styles Iho opening portion of Ills programme "auenlehalnnient of mailc. mirth and niyaleiT." With Ibe dell aklll for which be hi noted he performed tbe moat bewildering feats of Biclght ot hand, Intenperaed wllh a How of lo<|ua- cloua humor which caused bU work 10 hedoubly In- iereallng. Following Ibis, In rapid succession, came "After ino Uall," svMsteil by Mine, llernuann; "Tbe AshiKllo Trunk Uyslere" and "Tho Artist's Dream," the latter being one or ibe best features ot tbe pn. gramme. In pan four Mms. Herrmann tutioduced two new dancea, "l.t Null" and "Fleur de Us," closing with bir gmceful kaleldh>tcoplo dance. The entcrulnlng programme closed with l>rof. Ilsmnann's "Uuuqoetof UrsUc Novellles." Next week, Flugone Tompkins' '-lAack Crook." Usnnger lltou Is making spoclal eiTona to Improve tbe tone of hhi patrons In the upiier balcony, and wllh that end In view has placed a h«dles' toilet room there, with a matron lu charge. lee water Is ahio fur- nished, and a special policeman sitcceodi, for the drat llins In many seasons, In preserving order and decorum. l,oNi>ox TngATSK—Jamca Tlionilon's Kllte Vau- deville i^. made their Uowery debut at ihu bouse on Uonday, Oct. 7. to a large matinee audience and a packed evening house. Kvci? number on the prognmme, headed 17 the Utile favorite, Donnle i'uoraion. and talented James Tboralon, wan sp- applauded, and those ot llieperfonnera wllh whom Ihe paimas were familiar had enthudaailo recep- tions. Clark and 81. Clair, In their eomeilyekolch, "A Fcnule llarlier," onencd the show humoronsly, aud wera fullowed by Kd, Utell In a col- Iscilon of Jokes, wllh selections on nisny different musical luatnioisnis, with all ot wblcb he Is thoroughly familiar. Several encores ntrarded bis eudeavora. Wills and Oollloa appear In a happy sketch, ailiuore and Leonard coming nexi. Uonnlo Thnniton was greeted voclferou,s]y, and waa comnelleil to exbausl her repon-iry or aongs iiefore Iter departure. TheThree tlarvelles. In llielr grotesiiue acrolaillc act, execiiled many nstnnlsblog coiiiiilnatlona. James Hiomton camu lu tor a rousing reception, and gave songs and parodies in prolusion. Ills many telling points were readily appreciated. Tho show waa closed by Sherman iLomlne) and Dave J. UotTlssey, whoso burlosi|uo trepe<!0 and comcily set waa heartily Isugbnl al. Next week l«ml ,V liveretl'a Ladles' V-ub Co. FornTiiis-Tii SntitcrTuiATnc-ChauDcey Olcolt iiegan, iKt. 7, bis second week In "The Irish Artist,'' In a good house. The star and play seem to be as puuulir as ever, snd no doubt gmd sticndauce will lie tho rule durlug Mr. Olcolt's lour weeks' en- gagement. "Uavnureeen" la announced (or next week. Aciukhv ui' Ml'.sn'--"Tlie Binttlug Uucbees'i conllbuos St this house to gnud ailondanco nightly. The evening Uctbynnd Ihe realism depleted m lbs >lay, cuniblned with Ibo elalioraie stass setUng& lavo won popuhtr taver, and the play Is likely to havo a long season at this Ugplaybouse. Itentered upon lu sevrnllt week IK'1.7. HrAKi'ARii TiiKATR*—"The Cspltol'i Is continued al this house, lictitcrvd uponluntibweek (X-i. 7. Helen Lovell, who played Ibe role or Mrs. Dale, has left the company, aud her place has been niled by Amelia Ullngham. NIsa Lovell has Joined Uni. rotter and Mr. Ilellew's company. Amshii'ak TiiEATRi.-"Ihe Ureal Dhimond Ilob- bcri" Is Sim tbe atincilon si Ibis houie.wlih every liidU'Stlnn of Its gaining popular favor. Tbo aensa- lloual elcmenis In the play appear to please, and good alienilasce Is the rale. It liegan Ucl. 7 lia sUlli week, Kgin'B Uhiom ij(|i.iBi IBIATBI-—Wllh the Bos- sow Urethera sod .\lclds Cspllalns as double fea- tures of the cnmnt bill of contlnnons vaudeville, It isDotnurpiltlogihat thacrasb for admlsilon to Ibis resell, OCL 7, far exceeded lbs seating snd standing room capacity. Those who ipplled for sdmbulon after ;.aO found elandlng roeui the only accommodation availing Ibem, and In a few mln- uia no more couM be admitted. Aside from the featurea menUoned, tbe bill Is partlculaily at- tnctlvs- The Keapollun Troupe renio. In charac- ter songs and dances, mads their Ainerlcan debut and won snccess. Tlios. Ryan and Mary Rlcbllcld were accorded a very friendly greeting, and Ford and Francis nude a pronounced auccess in their operatic sketch. Fulgoio, tnasallgnraipr, wnsrepwiiedly encored, anil Jester, veotrlloniilat, and Apollo, on tbo sliirk wire, were fafonibly re- celvedT John W. World danced In an eccontilc snd e.xccedlngly dlillenlt fashluo, and by his cleverness won an extremely liberal portion or tbe evening's uppbiiise. Msint and Abacco, In n cle\-er ucrolaitic act; Hal Merit, mimic, and Ibe Slstets Oehrpe, clever dancers, nil came In for liberal plandlrs. Hobetia and llorela, Tlllle Itussell and Tom Mack complsled ths list ot eiilenalaera, nnd were each accorded spphiuse In full ptoportlon to tbelr menu. Taken In lis entirety the bill is more than oidl- narlly enlerlalDlng, and ifas llbemlly applauded tbrougtaouL TOKV rASTOR'g TuEATSi.-on Uobday, Oct. 7, two performances were given bySamDeveresnd his company of high elos-ienterlalnen 10 audiences which comlonsbly Oiled Ibis popular resort, and, II one may Judge by the continued and well delned applause, the performsnra met uiiquolined tsvor and gave complete aallsfaciloo. Tho compssy Is certainly well selected and ailorda a lilll ol amuse- ment as dlveralled as It htentertalnlni. Comedy IslisprenUlogqusllly, sodfrom lbs opening act to Ihe farce, "Two Old Psrds," wllh which Ihe per formauce coDdadcn, mlnh prevails witli hut few InteiTupilons- Three or the acts sre depsttores from comedy, bnt during ths remainder of the bill laughs come <|0lek and fast, mce and Btcele be- gan tho fun wllh s clever sketch,andthtnuus Rich- ards aiforded much enjoyment by hb) clever sing- ing. Jas.U.anil Fannie Uonovanwere welcomcdus Iriends or old, and their jokes and comedy work provoked rounds of hearty laugbter. The Warde tilttera sang snd danced In a manner to wm an en- core, and the stsr or tho klgbi, Sam IMvera, rollowed wllh a generous budget or song, wit and wisdom. He was vigoroosly applanded, and responded with more amusemestof tbe same son. Llille Western, whose musical act Is worthy to be styled a mode achievement, came next, and Ihe audience ap piauded her work wllh s vigor that left nn room tu doubt her complete succeas. Ja& Flynn and Uaud Walker reappeared after an absence of several seaaens, but found friends a plenty In waiting. Their sketch, "Uer Other Husband," fairly bristles wllh wit, asd the audience found no end of amusement In tbe keen aailre In which Its lines abound. These clererpeifotmers ranked well up iituong the favoiltcs of the hill. The wllty dialogue of Joe Fields and Mark Wodey kepi the huui4 In an uproar, and tbe enicleni work ot Ward and Cumti was genenu^ spplaudcd. Mr. Curnn lafortunsUi In beingpoesessedotavolceofunuaual Bwectnesa, nnd on this occasion tbo audleuce lU' HUied nposhls making the most of It. Atthur 1:, Wllllanu Is nunager for Mr. Uevere, wllh %. C, llohey singe manager. Next week, Gus mil's Novellles, Indudlug Kugenlo Felreique, Oiay nnd Conway, Ihe llareuer Troupe and "tbe only" 1:1 Hill will he tbe attractloii, wiui tbe reluni of Tony I'astoraud bis rnsd company a» one o( tbe Impor lent events which Is now castlnglts sh.idow before. UiiBKH'a TAiMt Ui'ssiiM. — This liouss wss crowded In all depatiments Uonday, UCL 7, when Ihe ouslomarr cinuge lu bill brought many new and stincilve tiitijects to the atteotlon of lu patrons. Tbe Hat rur the cnmnt dsjs la rully as elfectlvs aa iisnal, and Incliidea In tho cnrlo hall rrol. Kenlske's pig clrcu^Slg. Uonslorom's troupe or boxing monkeys, l>. II. Walsh, pool player; Jack Bowlln, an adept at mating knots Iniopes; mr. Fryor's Fuucb and Judy biyoul, and Lu Flbln, acrinllai. Tbe stage programme engages the efforts otEvellnDay, serlocnmic: ChetOUmoreand Delhi Larue, In a skeich; Uort Fuller vocalist; the Dar- ling Slsteni, dancera; John J. Walsh, comedian and vocalist; the (lustrelle Brolben, Jiigglers, and Uiiifoy and Ssstelle, lu n comedy sketch. The bill Is pleasing Ibnugbout, and seemed to meet with muisb favor. IIusBR'a KiuUTE AvBxus UDSBUg.—A llbsnl show of enterprise Is msnlfested hen hy the en- gageraeui of the most InleresUug exhlMls of freak- domln the curto balls sod tbe excellent Judgment dlspbiyed lu capable material furnished for the eu- lenalntuent ot the patrons In ins theatre iwrtlon of the tiulldlog. Conseiiueotly business oontinuee up to high water mark. Tbe transient featnres ot the museum halls are; The Wstanabss, Id sword com- liats; Delia Carter, tbe Isdy wllh a horse's mans; K. W. Wood's opium Joint, Ulle. Oamtla's mined birds, anil Asbnre and Robinson, in plsntsilon sketches. In the theatre ibe list Includes Keading and Uanls. tbe Yale Sislere, Frank Hajllion, the Spencer Uros., Oracle Hart and Jobn J. Sheehan, Whose engagement has been extended. Woimi's Uitaiuu.—Tie chief feuiure of Itae cnrlo halbi this wsek Is tbe Orel sppesnnce bora ot tbe Drtllsb giant, UeurrAlexsnder, who Is bo tall that It Is necessary 10 sleraie tbe csnoplea over the suges In order 10 perialt the big man to stand under them. U. A. Uonsey snd Uoe. Chtlie Itold over tor this week, their niuslcsl speclslties havbig warrsnlsd so extension or their engsgemenL In the theatre an excellent entertainment u tnmbhed by the rollowlng perTonnere: llensbsw and Hen- slisw. the Lees,Irving Walton, Lizzie Evans, Ward and Here, KIbel Masni, snd Fny snd Le Ualr. BoBlnets conllnnea excellenL UiKEK'a F.ianra Avmi'g Tubatxe.— Flynn A Sheridan's Big Seneatlan Is the tlUs o[ the vlsllbig organlzailon hen Ibis week. There wna a large audience to welcome It IKst. 7, as Ihe mansgen of Ihe company ore well known to the patrons of the boose OS capable and enterprising coterere to the public taste In vaudeville niattere. Tbe aodlence gave unstinted approbatlnti to an entertaining pro- gramme, which waa replete with comedy aud musical numbers, rendered by iwlh white snd negro comedians. Tbe merlls or these peirorueia wera fully reviewed In n recent Uisoe of ihbi »per. Next week, Williams' Heleere. It 1.1 snuounced that ground will be broken for a theatre, Uay 1, at tbe sombeaat corner ot Lexlogton Avenue and Fony-aeeood SimL Tbbi new play- house, It Is aald, will be erected by tbe Qoelet es- tals, and will probably be called the Unnay HUl Theaiie. FmBkUurtha will be Its manager. Oamkhiii Hpsio Hali ^The ffnt of a senss ot Sunday night popular concerts by the Uamrosoh Symphony Oroltestn, 10 ho given at this house during the current season, was given Oct a, wllh Edouard llemenyl and LllUas Bhiuvelt as Bololsls. LvcBua TusATBR.—"Ihe Prisoner of Zends," E. II. Snihein's latest acquisition, conllnnea to draw oveitlowlng honses, the oallnee audiences being as htige as uiOBS gathered nightly. Mr. Solhero'a engagemem oonilnuea until tbe latter part of next mouth, but teats are still sold far la advance, and an early apclleatlon ror places Is advleablo. The play onlered upon Ihe alxih week or lis ran Oct. 7. lion's Trbatkk.— "The Qay rarUans'' began lbs third week of Its season ou not. 7. It his great succeaa and can, from present IndlcsUons, run at this house during tbe unUn Fall and Wlnlerseaaon Ur. >'robmBn,lt Is announced, bos obuioed from Mes>rs. Iloyt A UcKee sn extension of his Urm of occupancy. AaaiVs TniATHi.-"The Chieftain'' Is sllll draw- ing well at this house, where It begsn on Ocl 7 the orth week or lis nig. lis music Is delightful and Ihe work affords Francis Wilson ODiiortuiililea for tbe dlBplay ot hbi best powers. OARDi.NTitBA'nig.-'-Trliby" begsn on Oct 7 the iwenty-tlxib and Unal week ot lis run, and Ukewlae celebrated Its two hundredth pertotmance by the dlstilbullon of sonvenlrs. 11 will return 10 this bouse St the exolrailog of tonr weeks. In the meanwhllo Jeeepb Jetnraen wlU play on engage- ment at the house, beglnnUig 14. / "■"Satl" Uruapivav TuBATaii.-"riince9s Bouule'' en. teredonOci. 7 upon Ibe sl.Mbsud last week of lu ran. It hss won much favor during Its slay ben and has srciired well deser^'ed commendation u a clean, bright and lunelul work. It wui be fo? lowed Oct. U by "Ills EiceUency.'' ">' I'AUitB's TiiuTiii-''FlenrHie-Lls," In which Delia Fox and Jeff. Ue AngelU an dlnilavlog to Iha ntmosttheir skill as e«l«lalneiB,tSgan onOcL? he seventh week or lu ran. Itis UimwUg weU and Is conanualiT received vlih hearty demonStloiS pi spprovar. It wlU remain here ihreeTMeS longrr, counting rrom Ibe above dale. I.i'owiii Knqi.axdkh's new opera, which win be produced Jan. 13, at tlieCaslno,Tias for iho baaiaiS Its llbreito "The Three mukettiers?' by Dt?ralr URRorouiax oriRA Uovsi-Tue iSivailan peasants, on Oct. 7, at the beginning ol ibel?Mc- ''?'?,!\*«i' "» »"< ProducUon In ihU counm or ''Usert von Bcbllertee," a drama. In toor ac2 by Hans Nenett. Thhi play hi annoDDMd for niS ""«>.„»■ ■■">er Proitesbauer-'Tiri K7l"o J!So A'wwiosseBe" 11, 11. Xo annouice mcDl haa been mode for matinee li """'"'o" Hasleni.—At the Harlem Opera llnnss "Hut. RAt" nsilo aeane nooey llie put veik. "TtisFnucil Hog." Fill' Ci'-l FlugtnM. opeoed 10aiiist cUu houir 7,indfsiwlpii>spKt<rorlb«»sk, Meuveek,E.ll.aii'l JossKh BolkuO. ID -A loeUI UlglnraimiD." COLUXars—Butineu ns kcm iturlsg thspistwesk wltn -'ilisrtey'a Auat," "Id OU Ksnlocky" bsiaa Its dialUarltmeagaiitninitthis aaa>0D loa packed house, and will do a bitf wcea'a taislooss. as thai- Iraki Ills recoi^i at tills liousa. fieitwMk. "KoiTofUio nul.' OLVanO -Itarry HurrU' Co. tiroko All ixrords or this bouse, lorobig lw>ple aaayalevsry pamniaoea durlox tho past arab. Itio HentE-8'Uiilsr Horlssqga Co. iitsde their disl tlArlem appsaiance Oils iwoa 7, to a tioaded boose, sad Biadaa blgauccass. Tna coai|«ny sav* «q. lln'BtlslscdoofrOBi rlaslofatlDflbs cuilsio. aaodlDR tba peofla aray plassad. II10 flna ronni and pntty coa taoieaih.'WeUto n nood advsDlsge. Nsal acalf, Beltljr 1 Wood's Co. llsni-kM McaBUH.—Bnslaesa was navsr letter Hans i gar amitli Is maaiDg the effort of lili Ufa to roska tliU house second to aono. aod. Judging fiola tlia alteodaoce, I ha Is aoeeaotflag. Tills wsvli, 0. L. f>1wtrds,lr1ck horn: Honaers. Vooaa ami Waftaaa. ttisa tisoadera, FaoDls Udreeti, Jobn soil Lens Waller. (;«sa Westoo. Mr. anil Mr*. Marsh. Kelson SiDtUIr, t^irllkle fxyf (Mrtus. an.l llany and Ma y OOoU. NEW YORK STATE. B>oofcl^..^X)ol weslhersnd |00d bllbidrow outlaiga crowds on lh« opeolne olghl'aparfuiniancas, Oct. 7. WbUe there waie no airTkloa onTellloi oiTered. Iheiv wsr4 two or three fiopuUr iirodudloos glreo, and Ilia llatbaa la lis malfo up onngnb rarlaiy to suit itw lasia of the aTenge tbentrsgiiar. The pAsi w«ok provrtl a food voe, aod tlie local nsniursis liAdlitlta lault to flod wuh the boi ontce recalpis- Oolr OM piece l« oev to BrooklfO, but Iho others are popular, aad,vllh one e\- cepllon. alllba i4ays are hare forone wsek only. CoLi'MBi.i.—This houaa rarely bald a olgger sudieac* al ao ovanlsgDixbt'apeilomiaoco ihajilbeuoe that vss altrarlad )isreDlalitof7,tn«llnrS4PAliaor(;ox's"HnaU' las," wIilia»pleo.|l(l caM, aod all llta tratores reulneu. Kow music aed Isxl liave booo pIOQUIblty suppled ami llierelinev rreaeir. ceslunies aod slecincal tffocts. Ilia foor RIehaiils, acrobals. llie Oeman band aod aa aerial ballet are features. Auuihar fraiare Is aa tiiQen- lousyachl lace batpean Dcrcoderand Valkyrie. Rolamt R««fwlll ccmmSQCe a veek's engagsmaut in 'Tlie roll' tlelao" 11. Mu-TTACB.—"Shore Acres," the altiactloa hero *JiU Tscx, Is a suoDch ravorlie wlrli tbo ibratregoara of UiU city. It IS tioobeJ for tao ireeks, and. Judslng .fiooi Ihe opeolaaolslit'sperronuAoce. 7,and Ills advaooa sale or Mate, llta play hss ont uoro out Its aelcoue, ami la sure ot good bu-lueis while bsr*. fABK —IhuiaHsr Knciwles, la "tovn Topica," pre' senled llie only ptsf aer to litis city. It Is a farce Corn- ell)-, by WlUlan Jeionie, and was greeted tir a larae auillenca on lb« opaalog nlxbL ll b llholy to via Its way lout popular favor becauaa It la usppy and fetclt' lag. Mr. Jsrotno lios sarruunded blinseli wlib on rUl- cleatctmpaD>- ofptrforaiera, InclodlDS tlie Utree Usr- nilea aisleia. Iti-xt wosk, A. U. luluiera uwo t^onjiaDr will appear la "Trilliy." Bijor Joseph llurpby. tho Irish coiiiodlao, In tau plays. Is llie attraction Manager Keooady bu lor Ins patrons tlili weak. "Altauo lUiua," which waa rrcsanl»t at Ilia opeulDgpIvce. has lost uoooot Its tonuerpupubir- lly. JudKlug IVoin the opoolog nlGhfi perronoaoca 7. alien erei)' seal lu the bou-ewsa token. Derlox lbs taller parlor ibo week "Kerry now" wiU be itiO attmc tloD. Ho-Tl week, Robert Osyktr. In "Id a Rig City." (iHAXD OrkMA lloi-sa—"A nallroad Tlekel" iraa pre i«otiKl7,lisloroanaudlente tbslfslily tested the seatloc CAoaelly of tlie hnuw. Aa a fuumakrr the pleca Is a ilp' rlJed siieoas. It lias l««a freiboocd up with oew sooss and Jokes and tb9 cooinny nreoalhODsa tiv the eOBaar meoi of Eagaoe Canlfrhl and others. II. \V. Uonror. In "A Happy Little Home," will be tbo aumction here oe.M lloLasa' Rtar.— Ooe of tbe niostatlraellve procranime^ jetolferad by Msiisger Holmes al Itlsnow pojsiUr cun- ttuuous perlonnancoa Is ttio pnisoat week's Ull. Most of the numbeni an oxeollent. Allls. Eugenie retrateu. coouirtlonlst. who lieada llte bill, Dilly desarveit ilio beany applause site tecalved. Others wera Lew Hawklos the Four Oatdoeiw, In a mualeal cotseOy; LAlalr aoit Leslie. Id a new burltsiiue: Pred U. l«Ule. wnh his iroDpeofrterfomilnadox-t; SfcCale aod D^nleli^ In Irlili comedy; Gray and i^oowsy. Id shotcli*: Booalo Lotllr, Insooesaoddaocas; Fields and Satloa, In skelcties; i:oh Hill, cbamploo club swhtRSr; lllla r^rrla. InslrunieDtsl- 1st; fireonsn aoil Wliesler. In a society skit; Nolllo Col' lins, to daocvs. aod Llllle btck, listAn Jnagler. HVUB ii Bauu.t.x*a—.'ioaie e\coll«nl bills have bcao glTOD hero this wasoD, but uolltluu of nceat dato has a.-akeorl soinuctieotliuslasai anu gireii suck genersl satlafaclloa aa hailly Je Wood's big CDiapaoy, whlrb gave two peribrmaitces here. 7. ttsforr two brwo crowds. TIte prognrnms Is Iteaded by Madga Kills, a sloger of popular aorgs; followioit lior went The NsUousI Trio, tiaroily slogers; Brans and Vidooi. Juiouio tod Aleils. Rleo aisl Elmer, tho TrauK'Ot«, Qeoree II. Wood. Fat Hellly, anil Johnny WIM and Fnuk M. Wills In a cooadr akatclt. The blU cicaed with an elaborate difphy of "llrlng mar- ble atatuea." Aai'iiiox.—"Tbo Ueny World" opeoed a week'a an' Kagemeni here 7.10 a bla house. LUbt bushiess last weak. CoBtlogU:'Tits TwoDtlolbCeolury Oirl." EartSB.—Tlisre was a itood bouse praseol 7, when "SJavea of Qo'd" Itegaoa week's slay. Bustnesa laal weak wosgond. Comlos: U."GirlWanted'" OAVBVl'.—Tills weak marha iha snaiial Fab visit of TOor faster and Ida cooipaay of eotartalnera. Ho was irrtelcd, 7, by a packed house. Good tsialoeaa Usl week. Tits fullowlaji aurictlon Is Webber k FleMs' Own Co. U.HUUK.—Leeol and Everetl's LsJIes'Club Hurlaai|uo Co. wu graeled ity a itackcd hnasa 7. Tho people loetuilo LeonI and Rverall, lioltle llill, Sophie tJoUlaa, Csrilii and (Tlark, Eulalle and Ed. Ksglonoo. tiood busloaai last weak. Coating 14: Kiad Rider's New Night Owls Burlesiiue t;o. Lvirscu.—Tills house waa packed to .the doom 7, tvheu ths stock eompaor preseoted **Ranch la" Last week's business waa utlsfacloty. Nest week N. 6. IVood aoit the stock Gompaoy wlU pteaeot 'Tbe Eoy Detective." Albaujr—The Leiand Opera Uouae opened a auecesaful week Sept 30, Oct 1, wlilt "lieu aod uoas," to ideaas lArgo t _ [are two psrfonDUcos of "TIte Bllrer King" \ ut exeat- Jeal auandaoca. Coming: 7-9, Worrisoo's "Faust;" 10. Waltsr WhItesMa. aaaUed by Malda Uraalo, In "Ham. lall"ll,l3,"A0lrlUploDate." Hauaniis Blbbi'Kkr Hali. hsd Ctias. Dlckeoa SepL 30. iD-'Uther I'ooplsaMoney," precedod hy aconstntalsar. "The Ball Cellar." Ttis auaodanca was light. Oct. t. Cumsiock's Uooster Hlostrola pave a parfuruiaoce to a top lisavy house. 4. s oaa ilIM by "Mliore Acres, spteodkl tusinssa. Tho play waa aialD received Willi gijat lavor. Coming: S, t). "Itie Coinlry Circus;" It, •Hie Twalvo Teinpuilons;" IS. "<;iiicley'a Aunt;" II, Olaa Nellisrsole, la "Romeo and Juliet." Tits (lAlKVT TRKATHa Itad Iha ben week ro farihls aesaou,UisIII|ibt ilalsbeing the aitraethia. Tho home waa packed overTalBhtwiilt |,lta<ed nidlancea Coming 7-li, Harry Honla' '-rweolletlt t'enluiy Malda." Boffalo,—UanastrStlrllng'sallrscllnnforwoek °"i"-J.'"Daniel"'"twrai'o. In "Tic Wlianl ottheNMe." "Paul Ctri" Co. netr week, sol Hnilili fiuaaell Anif bed a big eoaigeinent.. ,..r.''fi'."'.!'l>'^;'T''"'''«'"*Conceni'.o.contes It, Jaiiiss (V.Selll IS^S. Chlcsio Xarliio hsud IP.U. Couar Sraitr Tiiratre-a bouse ahow Uil< week. CMraan'a Own Co. next week. Fields t llanun did w.ll. LYraeMTnaATail.-2l.ll Hobloion itlll utAsagM this theatnaiid olfsiaihla werk Hantuns' ' Fsn-assiv" wllli '-nioWhltoRaytp follow week Otis. "Uoun In DUIs ' did a snlamlld busloeas latt week. aiiOA'a McMic nALr..-Cook and Clinton. Fiirhos aud Irwin, MortOD and Macl>, Kllly Moitno. Uss lowerj. Campbell and Beanl. Xsboa HswIsiod, kitty (lUmnreaad djirge Flildlnii. Trojs next week. WoxnsaLAXP.-BAbr Chambora, Rrofoid Bhler^ Psr- lelloa. Hnlmea and WaVloo. Hcfianho aod Relna. Tommy Hayes, the Jairetu. Selbert aod theairmao Iloie. Tioy.—At tbo Qrlswold Oiiera llouss, Sept. n, lleirmaoB drew a big bouso. '^lore Acres" did aooil fS!!"*".??- '.>-.Toav Fatiell, In "OanrOwen." JM f^ljl."!',* J Faoel" drew well s. Call A. Haswio. UTcStoa" H'it ■ ^ ""^"l"" '' <"*"°' "Haso'o l>l-liaA UODS«.-Comilock's Mlnslisla drew a blg housoflipt. ltt Mlosrva Dorr. In "llloho." did tlahi buslitsjs Oct. I, 1. Walker Wnlleald^ la "Hamlet." 'emesT. ''*"Tl",T''^?"'-"7*''"*g'v"e»'nehada house com- laor at tlila theatre last week which tilled the place aaeli il«ht. Tho Miitbliistloo Included Cyrana. the two Irisli •?•' Oeorge W. Woods, Unla Uab veyand rrati lomaa. Leona UwIa koakar aud Mack, "!!• Stewart aoil Tomoy nilleo. and nmeoe. Alfred P.. Aareo'a dalety Theatre Bur. wiue CoBipany came 7 for the week. Syraonee.—At Welling Open Uouse "Ohsrley-s w™n" ''i!'^,.';^ '•_!»' BnillbBussslLla "Au "gfffellK." tf.'ial ' namlei" aud -f^tST.I'i'^i Tu'sATur-'nioa. 0. Reabiooke, In "A World SIiI^! 11."'".'^" bnaloesaBept. 30-Oeu 1. "Csp- Uln Paul" Is on the canla for 7-0. B.',':i.&. TUBAraa-Oan UcfTaithy, In "na !?uh''h^,.'i'?1'3*'? FrIdeofKaiV'pUyeii U.n*!'£S''?^"iSt "^O"- 'T" Frodlgal Father" J2"t,?* ?if?f """.iMf"- .Booked: -Uowsnd Horn" lu",™; ifJSi'..?5'; "f?."- 9V l« "A Wde for Ufe," lO-U; uarvy Wllllanu'Co. 14-10. "Paasl" ir-V. i^?f.°'"'*"5i''",'—*' SlohbOpermHonaeJeUrevs fill's'W.iSS'- lo ."yorgeflle Kol"and 'The SIfi5:.J°t'''l''!"rt buelneAs." "apUlo P««r' drew "iii'*i! iR.-!?! V Uilllaid, Id iSr-blsluffli;-* '•••H-bo';" BlJuc TOBAtaa—"Iho Mldalahl need" hsd a fSIr fiiMjIlteJ:?? "•.■!"■ *'-9"-1 "Sil-nsrs lUffla''dSw ifflflSJj^w.ii"'!' !£• 'The LIrtt oDtherolnl;" lO-lZ, Harry J. Wollfe, In Tlie Cortlcao Unte." iiiJSII,^?.'''"*'.",' Avadcmy of Hnslc F.dwsrd '«hl ?!L™,if.,"F."'"''1' generou; welcome Bent. 90, Id •The fl?l7.?"i.-|,.'J w",CarlA.llsawlo,<Scl.a,lD S.»f ..Ni"' Olory" serrod to atiratt a f'sSrilS.!-'!'.'?"*..'' 'V* F»" Rioeral saUslkcllon. Jli 5AJ5;k.V.''ti"'*J'''''' I" all probability do wall, Tii;hi^tl°/ifc."''« •i';"nM ule. •7ero"Mmes IS. 5 loi.Umi'aiSJr"'""' " »■"'" • A^'n.'JSir^'^ 'L" "e™ "<«>•« Joensrt, In "llS!'.Sd'lS2' a.?'*.'!'''- waa wall ncalved. oldTiJfvA'ISS- 9?W> "li" •» Jraw. UUlaaKee- SST'Jo AMMolgbt's Fed 0." cMaad Ihe weak 4,8,10 jl»J boslDoss. flomlDg: WalkeTtSlwIld; bi •'llV