New York Clipper (Oct 1895)

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518 THE World^Playcrs — "H)inkeiipciiro*« llcmlnenon ibe 8i«Re*Mi the title or an liiiereMllDic ftnd thIiuIiIo work rec«ntl7 received from Ibc publlHliern, T. Y. Crowoll k Uo. It Ih from tho pen cif Cti»neH K. U Wlnffaie, tuiufcloff cilllor of Tlip JMon Jmrruil, And UontOD oorrcn* pondeot of Tlie A'ru Vtirk CrUfc. Tlio work li i wel* come ftddirioo tu HIiakvjipeareaD llteniura •nd to tlio lilmnn or the iiaRe. DcRlDnlDK with the tlmea of Un. JtollHinjr Kiiil of ihivid OKmck, ll tretta In tuni of tho fHtiiouH ftclm>eM. Unirn Ut iho pnweot dAj, vlio hAve ffoii i11*111 lie I loo In tho Inipcnion- Atl'm of the rHrlnuit hRmlncR of AhikkciipeAro'fl plarn. While iho work h«H much ittMiorlcal nml hliifmphlciil vhIiic. It U irnii«D Itrgelf In Knocooial rein, Kntl fm Inrormatlou concum* Inji the srcit actrciw-H of the put Afid of the prownt In wMourd with amnlp and Cfilored wltti roinADue In a nmniicr wliirh mukCM It rerr faKlnat* luK rcaillnff. It fflvefl aiiumlHnt proof of deep re* Mnrchiiiim fifm<Mi pHilcntnn'l indefatlgaiilfl toll Id KAilicriMft lliu iiulcrlHlii, anil itrouplnft them lo nucii Diitriucr n* luHkuji ihom liHndj forhantj refer- cncf. The work Ik copUmnly llliinlmted with por* intfrHof llioKO of n-lioin It ircaiH, nunj of tnem Itolnif roproilucil'iNHOf niro old iirliiin. The I took atioiild lirtvo A |ir«re In crorj llbnirjr, for 11 Ix iIcm* llni'd for H hmff lire, wlilch Htirtll fMnlcrffood mr* vIcolOHll HiunaiiiHiif Shakcapearu HmllnAll who wriitj uptin the thoineit which ho nnpplloft — Ilrrttn Htnkcr, the well known inanHK'r of Mr Ileiinr trvloK, U iho aiithur nf a rliArnilDR kIott, cd- tilled 'Tlio WrtiiiT'H Mou." which Unn rvccnllr liccn PUiillMlici) In A iifHl voitiniu lii I). Appk'lnn k Co. II hA Midry of Iho ctiiimimim inido iiinn tbe coant of HrnilKiiil. It I'IIh of mrc flilclltj lo tnitt And of wiiiuHii'<* hcndiiii. II Im wriitcii In pure llicrHry rrlii, hihI tllHpliijK KrciU pimer of Kniphli; duacrlptlnn. IiJt imIIhih U duepiuid Iriie, iiud lliu flmi hAiid HiHt iicniicd Iho Himi>lo mtd direct at'iiY Imd a liiiirh u\ mU hh iho down of a mnthur hlnf. Tho Hior; l.<i liiluiwol/ ilriirriHilc, however, Hiid It will lio KtrAiifTi'lf uducHiiiil Hiid lirtWHy luiho RtaRe. — NnteM fmm llio (Irahani fUrle U).: (Imltani h^irlo liHn Milil hUlnicrort lii the Oniliani K«rlc Oo, Id liU fnnnrr IminIiicki manafror, t'tiartoi 11. Kom- kniii. Tliu Iraimfur Incluilmi illlo, proMrlleM, R<-.ctierjr, etc. rimliani Karlo will rciiitlu wlili the rfimmiiyaHiliealirACiliiD un mUry. NnchanRCH will Iw inadu lu Ihu Runoml inHko up of Iho organ' l/,4(lim. Oim IUtniiiel-l>irle iMHlnalnpA iiowH<jnK, wrliirn fur hrr. (luorgu It. Dclirlcli, Ino iiewiinApur iimn.lH wrIlliiffH now play, which will Hhurtlj lib p.vKlitccd by Ur. Knrle. — Weatloy U suMi hIkI I'mf. II. P. ^Yaiiklln bave Joliictl Khlnn'M CiinHMllrtiiH. Ur. KIiIoii'h play, "Cf- clnne,'* wlih uUii|iL*clal HCfnory,lrt, wcarolnfomed, Hurceiuirul. (I. Klein will manARO I/iuU llArtman'a tour. —Ndtcfl rroin HiiArplcyV Lycoum Tlioilre Co.: Wo opoDfd our Roaitori at UiiiIihi, Mo., JuIj M, and have played lu gitofl liuHliiem. Alila Idiwrcnvo la tho Rlellar atirAcllon, nnd for her (uippurl Ur. blmriiloy haa oiiKHKed a wii)|H.'tont company and the per* fornuticcii bIwmjh kIvc MiilMfHcikin. The lAud, under the IcAdunlilp uf rrnf. l-*renk Klcaher, ani I'mf. Vlclur Kruyir'K OnhcHini nro l»eliig fealurcd, K'Mlor: A. J. Hnnrplcr A K. K. lA Ootnit-, nianafferB^ Alda lAwroiico, l.nuiu Uoroy, Urrtlo VInlon, Tnminlu WAldrlp, U'ni. hWimlA, W. II. Krodcrtcka, Monile l/iwlH, O. A. UctlliiiilH. I'mf. Victor Krojrr, I*n>r. Frank Kienhor, Hlg. Itoiiionlun Ituiolo. Ad. Vrndeniwrff, Frcil Krcyer, Urvor UcKlvaIn, Hiurcr I'cckBliantloyHnd Ikmnln llell U Oointo. Hlff. Hu tolit liA« received li linu clnrlonct from OacAr ItAtier, Aiid A. C. Vmdcitliiirg a new MlatentiirtAr cornel. — Nnlori fnitn llio Jemlu Mno Hall Vo.: The coin' iiany played the Itwt of iwclvo fHlm at AogolA, Bln.^logiHidiiuHlneiM. tlio recclpladniilikd the mc* uml uIhIM, and on ihrcu (»craiUiiitM nil pnivliiua rcc- onlH Hlnco I ho huinw o|iriioil weni lirckon. Wo wrrv iiUylngal hotiae prlcfu. Kmnk J. (Imndon leaves Ihn company Ocl. :£4. Urjilo (*alu IcAvori W. Marlon llnluHiitK) J<dnH Id nnd t:ltarleM Hohlmor the'^ili. JwhIu Mau Hall and Hark K. Uwnn were lunderod a haniinet liy Mr. Ilartjinck hikI wife At Kcndallvllle, Ind., Uet. fi, Afcor llie iierfornunco of "l/»okliig Uackwanl." — (Junrndo Hwlggolt liaa chiwrd with Walto* Kiaiuni <>»., and will Join llio *'l>r. Hill" Co. at Hlao furU, itt,, Oct. 10. — K. II. U'Uumor la iilayhm Iho lltle role withtbe "Mr. lMli*'Ou. thlH HOAHon. llln wife, Amy WlgOc tlanclng Iho kaiiKanto dAnco with Ibo aauie com- luny. — Al.Qrant, comodlaii, with lluyl'rt"rrlp inUhlna' ttiwu," ha^ itMdo Hiiplh'aiion fi>racopyrtHlit for tlie illlu."A Tlp,HTrtrTClirliilDnlng."Aiio\rfArco comedy, In which hu will alar next aoaaon. — Havld U'llrlon writoa (hat hU nnmlcnl farco com cdy, '-Tltu Udd FolluWH," la nieoiliiR with auccoaa Avorywhcro. Ttio noiii|Mny roinrnud to CliiclnnAll (loi. H,tn play a circuit ot (owiia ihrungli Weat VIr Klnlat Kuutucky ami Uhlo, aiuI lo sot tml now prints ig. Ohaa. II. King U allll oiio of tno bltaof Iboconi* iMuy. DavldainlironryhuveniadolhriiiMWcafAVOP lloawUh Ihoir itunotly hloaR. May Ituwo, a young Kugllali aouhroilo. la Appearing na ths iduomar glr. — Will J. tk^niiorv. known tvmfrMiluDally as Krio HmddoD. haajiulcomplelcd hla lonth novel, "Tho Second Ura. Iiurrlngiou, or In Peril of Ilia l*ABt,' whioh will soi>n aptienrlii T/if L'htcavn Lnlmr. — Nnica from Biitlon'n "Tuxaa'i Co.: Wo opened our Boawn Hupi. e, In Chlllloutho, Uo. Uualnevi iMH lioeu gowl. In Oklalmma Cliy, Ukl., on OcIl V, wo preMoiiUil, for llio llrtM (Inie on any atago, "Htmigoniury, or (he Umdlo of thoOouredcTAcy,*' A alory uf AlAbama In iHdl, Uur band aud or chomra la oxcellonl. Allien TaTlor, the alar, la gaining uow biurula dAlly liy Ids cliAncterlrjitlon of Iho pari of Jini lluwiu. Uaiidu Hution la dancing her way Into the niRvtlomi nf her HUdleiu'ea. Tho mA Aulivrgno liaH niado a hit liy her rncAllamn. Al. Whiltf, In lilaallly lii>y Mttvlally, captures iho houao nightly. Tnu cmnpiuivla alroug lo Ihi onllrvty, aud A gomi nconio pnuliirtloD of **TViXAa, or iho Slogo of thoAlAUio."U|iroHcniail. Wecarry aiturlalaconery, nnd Tkhw W. Howard IiIUh llie ahuw llku a circus. Col. nick P. SuKun lit Maihorlug In nhekela galore. — Kreiik Ih) lAinn, funitprly alAgo inanaRor and coinodlan of Hiii>duriuuiV Cuunuly Co., aovurcd his ctnniitcUnn wllh ilul contpiuy on Oct. I'J, to himnto hia own couiiiiiny, which will l>o known aa 1)0 l<oon A (lililMniHM'lHyorH. — Allan J. Hamion, liUHlnviw mauHRnr for Uotierl Uanudl. ri'jtorlN liualmui to ho uxriMlml. — Mm. NullluP. Aldliio nnd lior llilloaon, Harry, atv with JnmoH A. lUullr'ai^tniiutny. — Loth lt>i|iurw Johiuil lUo Maliul I'nlgo 0>. Ocl, At Alexandria, Va. — Owing lo a dlmgftM^nionl itptwovn iheownrr aud inauagor, aud numlltracinry Imoklnga, <7,u /o'' liaalKHMi trtnjinmrlly reilml. — llattio Ncvlilo hWT* Jolnrd tlio ntwk rompany at the (Irrtinl Own 1Ioumi\ lUwloii, Uani. — Uuliy r.rllou (Mn. Clmn. A. l,o<tor). will Join Ur. l<4HlorlnClni'lniiii(l,4>.,liHrlug ^rraily liuprovetl II liitalih. — J. Wlllnni liayh'.v luformM na of hla nwniago, ■Ml t>cl. I), at Mtiornuin, 1V.\.. lo UhUhu lliTiiialge, l:oih worvnioiiibiT^iAiilio ilnio of ihclr iimrrlaHO, vt thn Alcnr.Hr(liivra (M. — Fmlcrli'k ami Miniilo Spwnnt an* thltuMMMUi nr.tlurlho niHiid^'i'UK'iii of ll. 1^ Imwtxmici*. wllh an niMrely now h piTiury of playa and tho Hinnigeiii hupiiorllng nmiimny lhi»y vvvr ranlctl. Ur. Iaw- hJiii'O alAiw lliHi hi* Ih m-gotlrtilng fitrHovcial airong |ii.i)rt and will umkOH feainntor itii'iu. Charloa W. tiiiK liM lioon hIkhciI hh liii^inoMt niaimger, aud FtviK'ni-k 0. U<H>y na atago inanngor. — (iiorgp T. Meoi-h will vUmi wllh Lincoln J. CMv Irr'n -loniado" Co. At .si, IamiIa. Mo., ihM. IV. ~ NutPN rnnu thiMlrahaii) Karlr Oi.: llniditraH lii nr<it t-iMA''. Al lli^i|M(on, lll..Uat wi>ok,Ibo Chicago lUwInli t'Inli playitl nu ivxlilMilon gamo and at- loihlrd lht> iiorfiirinaniv m uiiirnrni In ilio cronlng. ClinH. l(ii<«AkNni. the tumtnrM luaiiABiT, haa aniuc iii'w HdwrilMiiR wlu'iih'a whii'ii nrv iH'udtng t*opy- rlghlH, an<l our uuw |\h|kt rn^ni llio l»oimld«on Uthogniiitilii»i t'-ti. Ih now out itud rvmly for the UoanlA. 11 uo all iHHiknl up (o May |, iMiM. — II. YiilA riMioriB I'Xi'vllfiil ItuAlur&t for "The Worlil A|i<«lniil llpr''lV>. — ";*l ivrklim" Nolca: W*» ii|»pnnl our aoaaou Sept. I'i, auil Hrr plrtyliig lo utilfonn giHMl luialnoiia. Urtii Kt.Ki'll liiiflu-i'u tnjioohillv onmfloil lo play iho Ihilcti iHinicd; pni t AUd luinHliu*o hIa m>eclallli<H. S.ini J. llurit>M Killl boaila ihe vonijiaiiy, wftleh uuin (wrv iwoiity-rour |M*oplp. with a liraM Imud and or ohntn. U'o imvol lu our own prlvalo car. Tho FIrIdH SlAti'iH, KitKo and Kniuia. JolnotI rpcoully, and nrv uiakliiR a till erorywhero. — K. U. Khiox liHsiU'iuctl tho IValMly InalKule at Ihtnvora,;),, and will play Alnnit twoulv drat riAM HlirMcilouri itioro during The aeaaon. — f-Yatu-olsComvr, vtioWARto haro AOooiii)>anled rhnrtoH Itoiiantti lo iUU couiilry, nailing fnun Paris Oi'l, 1-.>, tuts |HHl|xtii(>d Milling for a in<uith, aa hla lii'nlihaiiliu piriH'iililinowlll uol p«irnill hint lo lake thvirlii. Kihvitht Yi\tt>n), who la tu pnh1ut*«> Oip- IH'o'ri draiiM. "Kor iho Cmwn,'* oxpecta lohavo iho Mulhorhrrr to iiti|H>rlnli<nd thoproilucilon. Clarlaae Vvrl. of ilu< hiiirt iiiit'n tVnilque, aallod from I*ar1s ouOoi. A for NVw York, having b«en engaged liy Ur. VixHtiu lu UiiK ilir UuiaIau lore songs la tbe drama. — Whll« Ibe mecbanlca of "The DerlPa AoctJoD" Oo. were armoglag tbe utaffs of tbe open house at Oonrtcana, T«x., Oct 9. preparing for tho evenlog** performance, a gaa cylinder expkMletf, lasianily tilling Harry CooHdn. master of iranaportatlno. and WalterB.Hoore,Uieleftd1ngpT0perty man,both being ion lo piece*. Olarft Welir, a Utile girl be- longrDg to thecompaDy, and AleboaUanchllU whllei andThomaa Bole, colored, belonfflog to the opera bonne, were h«dly bamed, while Bad Peliben, a oegro. bad l»lh eyes pot cot. — Waller . Roib, second Itaas.and P. II.O'HrleOp first lenqr, bsve signed with Jotao B. BrennaD'a *Tlm iheTlDker" qnsnet. — Mansgen Fareone A Pool closed tbelr "D.T. Co,at AstHand, Ifaaa., owing, they Inform ua, lo poor bualDen. Toey may roorgkolze and go oot again. — "liCnnardo," a comic opera, Id three acis, mnslc liy J. PeAraall Tliome. libretto by OlMier Ror- geas, was ming for tbe Ont lime on any aiage Ocu 10, at the ProTldence, K. I.. Opem llonae, by tbe Doff Opera Oo. — Anna Robinson baa rmdgned from "A Trip to Oblnatown" Co., and Anna Boyd Is again playing her original pan of the Widow. — Kary l.lnck, an American contralto, baa tieen engased by HIr Aagnstns Harris to slog OonrDde, ' Mlanaefand Oretel," at Daly's Theatre, tbls cliy. - ilu YORK C LIPPEiB. Variety an d Minstrelsy «urt««n)ir«Sbjit™ Ocl la. It»"«>»J5«JJ¥ b« 0D« of lit «OMt pl»y hnoiM lo 'fl/'SKSS'S obSot »ii hoor before the flm nt <l^"»jj. t«niplowMtt«<l. Tbe lorn l«e»Uiii»ie d it tw.ow. OHia F/lRKr Altin Pn«, or tbe luvea," hj arngtC. lUzIelon Jr., wu hciti lor tbe trxt time on nj elaRO ()cL II, «t the Ljceum TtiMtrc, Italllmore, Hd., hj Crteum Cbrke. — "Bjlveno," UmuriiI'* ner oper*. wm flvm lu tint nnidiictlon Ocl. (. >t tbe new tnnlre, Btr- llo, Oer. It la mill lobivenchleredspronognced eucccM. nil raitisn wire" la ibe title of > new pUri wrillcn 1>T FloroncD flcbnclTol,» alalcr In lit* of John B. DcboelTel, wMcb Meile n>inirr1(|bt haa u- «pt«l and trill put In rcheaml for »n rarl/ pro- duction. — "Die Heart of Marjiand," a melodrsnii. In three acta, li; Itavlil Ilelaaco, wan acied for Ibe nmt time on Hnj aURO >, at Allen'a Omnd Opers nniiaa. WnalilDRion, U. 0. — iieiio Arclier wu awsnleil, OcL 10, In the Den- ver, Ool„ Oonna, R Jodiment nf |1,TU aRkloat Alexander Salvlnl for aalair duo Uln Archer and her biiahsnO when aba wuleading lad; of Hr. Bil- Tlol'acoinpftDj. — Aloimder ll>ill,flollnliil, eon of the fanwoaOle null, arrived lo Ihta conniryOor. 7. — It la repotted tbat Un. Ulldied Kwer, mother nl I* ItcRiiloncll*, Ii* aiorloaa and M Precloia, ilie child dancera. died rccentlrin Unill, H. A. Hie lbr«e girta, with Iheir four rear old liroUier, are aald to lie ali»ndcd In that coiintr/ wllliont monej or gnanlliina. JaoMt K.tlackett has ToalRned from Augiulln llaljr'a Co. — Hlonle Belltman, who la now lo Honlch, baa nnnoiinced Ibftl abe baa retired permanentlj from tbe alage. — II la now discovered ttat Ihe ladr whom Slma Ileovoa rocentlj mRtrled waa Maude Hune, one of bla puplla, wbo has gHlned comddemlile aucceaa on the concert Mage. — Mlldml Howard end Srdaej lie Orej were memed Oct, 8, at iloaton, Uau. — I.ew llenrj, lllllr llradir, I,ewla Lore, Uen Un- derwood, A. n. H}rd, Will Helm, Uzzle ilanten and game Oarr are wllh "Tbe Ooeo llollnw" Co., do- ing ihuir alnglng and dancing apeclalUea. — UualnenHanager J. 8..Pntb, nt Ilcndereon's Idoaia, wrtlea under date of ucl. li ai roliowa: i'omilt me lo Inform loii that we hare received more than one hundred and dfir lelleiH up to noon loilHTfrom Ibe ad. In ihia week'sOurmR." — The Charlntlii IJiiell Oo. open Ihclr aeneoo at Bnohano, Waah., Ucl. IT. Itoaler of the companj: Unarloira Llllell, Annie romemjr, Charloliii Oanihl, Hlnnlo Normandf, Wallitce Hunro, J. 0. Hacfar- land, Qeo. IL Woalon, llowani Scolt, Fred Moore, llnrtT Hanvlllo, advance; Cbiu. Cole, Ireaaurer; Wallace Niinm, manager. Nolei froni Ihu Tllilen Troupere: Our liunlnon lutH tHsoD good Rloce our opening, Aug. &. Wo Iwve lieoo playing aonie of tho Indiana falra, hut go Into the largprtowof. OurconinanvwUI lieittrengiboned, Ocl 21, lir llie addlllonot Walter 8. Malhewe ami lli-airico lUobanla In lead! Uiir re|<orlorT will lii- cluilo llirra plajn from the pen of Ur. Mathewa. We are liooklug In the larger towiu of Indiana, Ohio and Kontucliy. Will carrr ipeclal acenerr. Hr. Ilur- tun wan Injured on OcL 5. While aaalallng In con- tertog the Urienlal lii-gree he met wllh a aeven apniln of tbe right ankle, and was laid up the paal week. Mrw. Tllden ban auliacrtbcd tor the ''Old Rellalile" for a rear, ao we will alwaya have our Ui.iri'RR pniiiptly. The llgure In wblle has not failed ao tario put In a prompt appeannce. Man- ager Tllden waa presented Init week with a One WHtch liy Ibe company. — Jack Kaimvld han cloacd a three yeare' en- gagement wllh Marltle'a najcrA, and wlih bla wife will open wllh Kclly'a "Kipeclailon" Co., In Wells, Minn-, Oct. II. — (lenildlne Slockdale, aupnorted liy a caralilo roinpnny, opened al lllebop*a llall, Sheridan, Wyo. 8epL23. — Tlie Qlllienataavejuatcloeed a auccoasful sea- aon wllh Ihe Sadie Raymond Comedy Co. — Hr. h'nnk II. Wade, our correspondent at miitiurg, Vt., read a paper on "Our Nelghiiora, tbe Kconomllea of 1E06-1BU." before the lllatorlcal 8o- cluiy of Weaiem I'ennnylTanbt, nt lu monthly meet- ing, held Ucl. Allegheny Oily. — Kfulllnli l-agel loti Kcw Vork Ocl. 13, to Join Thonwa o, Acalirooke'a Oompanr at Chicago, III, Uln I'Hget la engaged lo create ihe principal com- edy part In Ur. Seabrooke'a iiewplay, which lean uuiiiircil ft^r produoUon Ott. — AUIe Spouncr Oo. notes: The faltw are over and niir liunlnoM wiu good thmughouL InBlgiHireoy, la,, wo purchaaed a Ba'edlih comedy dnnia, en tilled "tlwan tftini Sweden." Haaler UarMlllea, three and a half yean old, appoarad aa Mule Kdiia. a H|icHl(lbg part of alx pagci. lie epoko every lino ulearly anil plHtnly, and retelved rouuilaot apnlaiiae and a luvrly bouquet. Alllo Spouner Irt alnglng hur muigri wllh much auccoM. J. II. l.owla leflOol. ( for Uoaton, Haaa., on aahort vUli. — Notesof llu7t'aOoin(Mlyt>)iiipanr: We aranow In our fnuheeuth week, bavliii; nlaycd ihningh lllliiiila, Iowa, Kanma and Uluuiuri. Uualncaaliaa been lilg; have turned people away on every fair dale, liavliig playeil nine talm- We are now lining all ipecUl liiipcr from Onvn Lllhograpltic 0>., Uli- waukee, Wla, Kiiiogene U Maxwell Jolos next week al Nevada. Kiigene I>owem Jolnnl rei-ently. — llowani Wall wrtlea that bualiina with his niuflcal couiuily co. hai lieeii aailafactiiry through Ohio, lliri liaml and urchcriira I. a aintng fvaiurv. — Klar A Frlangor exjiecl tleorgla i>y van to re, tun 111 Aiiierlca aunie llnir this iiiniith -Uaingem II. 0. Miner. J. U. UcVlcker and Juaeph linwkn mel al Uelix>lt, Mich., Ocl. 9, aiKl further ivrfDoicd tbelr plane for ihe pun*Iiaso and pr«*aenlaititD of dniiuaa, operaa and cnnicillNi titrongh Iho iiwdluiu of coiniiaiilea ihur propow m fiinn. lilt'Ir plana have thus far lieeu given only lu nioagra dolalls. — Uaiiaarr I). Y. Arlhiir repona e-xccllcnt linil noita fiir I'luia. A. Uaitlnrr, ihua far, lu hi. inur oi "Tlie rrlKo WInnor." Ooo- Uanduliack la aald lo lio doing ciTi-i-Ilve work In adi-anre. — 8. Janiea liaa Imeii engaged for tbe liea'le .iDMipiKiriof KilleKlleler, — Il'wior iif "The Comlran llioihere" l>i., which oiwiied ihi>lr aeaHon at liavU* Thi-atie, Scianinn, IV,, Oct. 7: A.M. I.nwe. manager: llarrlaiMi J. Wolfe, Malcolm llniillor. Wm, Mi-lAUgiilaii, lloraco Itaul lull, ftoili'itck Miles. Kugeiio ll>>wi«jr, Jnliu K- luce, AltiVil Lcaler. Win. lure, Jciiiilv liarrali, l.lna lien, nlir ilorlrurio Hcyiiulda, Umlw t>(lne and Virginia Fsol. — Frank lUeIc huaivliimcd fiura Ibo Wont, where hotiaa It^nmanaBlng rahranpeolaclu. "Japanaud China," wllh graiirflng mulls iluanclally, — ISiliuur O^x'd "Brownica" aeeuia tu have bo come the favorllo khtnr of college aiudonts. Last Spring, hi Now Haven, C1-, Yale t>illogo took Ihe eiitlrii bouiie «hio ntgbl, and gave the pUy aud com nany an o\slliin- On Halnrxlay nighi of laai week, lu I'rovlilenrp, H-1., Ibe Mudenta of Urown Vnlron lly pun^haanl all the ttn-kenira aeala aud made a gala event of Iho ovouliig. Special college fcalurm were IninKliiccd by tbe "Bruwnlea" forthe occa- sion, and plenly of gonnlne menlmeni resulloil, —Nolca fiom Ihe TiMnllnaan Comedy i>>.; Harry I.ylon Jt4iia the company tbia week at llrldgeptin, CL, and will play leads. J. O. Feninn joined aa atago uuiwger but week. KellT llerce, leadlug ladT, loHvea tkia week. Hauile Uarrvii, laie wlib l*cc^ .t nice, will late Ura, rierce'a place, Mamie neining opened ucl. a wllh Ihla company and liecaiuc a favurlte at uuce with the audiences tiy her rvallv clever acting, — Cha*. Hobir. will begin hli alanlng tour, un- drr tbe tnanageoient of John II. Mre><b, ai the Schiller Tbeaire, Chicago, ill., I»e<'. le. Urighily Oayton will lie ItUHlnrss manager, and bis lory will Include "The Merchant o( Venice," "The Leavenworth Case," "HIchanI 111" and "A l>byil clan In Spile of lllinaelf," tho lant named play be, ug uew lo Ihe American Mage. — Manager liavid J. Han age,of the Oorae Pay I on Oompanr, reports that hUatiracllon la playing over old tervllory lo txie Weat lo Inoreaaed biialneasover last seann. Tbe company la aald to In very atnof, and Uie loenlo etiulpimnt anosuaJly complete ciBclBBBtl^Theiv have been two nupiiaes dorlDi Ih. wMk. Oae wu tbe aonosawaial niada br Manawia Rslifonli and llaTllB Ibat Ui.r bad dKldMltaibooka llmlud aoiobar of lhaatrleal itliae- noaa for Iba Pllia Opera lloaw, Um drat of wbleh l» eonnalllb. lh.eoiiipaiiTcrO«nnaD paaaaou Irtrni Ih. ll»lnipolluaOp.raHmiwttll.wVor». T«. oUitr «n- ullonwaiUiar.v<l>iloa of ijha 'ofaelal preblMjeoo- rnnllot lb. Una of Been A Coaimloga, ifi. « Ih. K.w RobloMD Op.ra llouia. llux cooinnoejl iMir idinlDWiallonilorlnalorTld Aonal '"aih.r-."'P"™- ■ar wu lb. boiwrt tor VMrs, an^ ai a eooMqa.nM Uia D.W niuiueniMl hM fi«.ii dlalreMl liJ-Wanola" andadiiillllM.otoi.riMaO- Tbuy Inwiedo«r»!*» In Momrr aoJ Improtoonou. For a "m. U loobM-H II Uio liouM mlRliI elow. t»l a Iniaafer hulmn iwortsd o(u.. Inl.ra.u or i barlw J.Se.llaad n»r.. Com- inln««li>Chail«.J.ruminlDg.forglflD. Forth. Pl«* eni«rrali«wllIa>nllnuea»lh.Tai.- nni:<n Oram lloraa -A. M. falm." •CSPfaaj. with Wllllani Colll.r, aWMrwl OcU l«. lo;,JLU> • C'"'"!^;'',- BlM'« BaiprlM Company foiiad "l«" no nacarlalD lawlna niianllir, uKlihe waak'aboiIaeM wu good. A WMk "A tMV- IfwiM" will b« P'»«*Jt*>i,^.S"i„B'tV ■n new h«r«. Tiw6nii»»»ra«Dt of Mr^J'oneraod llr Baltav mir Iw raokad wweMfiil. Id both tod •oeUfww. TIiaandlMceiweraUnraand lyHcal orOlnclaoill'H vettlUi and ruhloa. It wm the ar*t timi Nr* Pnur had sfer kpnared h«r*, and liir vcwmi oiiild n.»l h»T» bMn mora flonllal. tier Charlplie Corl V Dtl (h«M»r«l of Mr. B»ll#» (ormyd, m »U\k\nf t -r- tkiur* ihit tlrtrtwM a demind f«r'** "P?''"**' ho wttk t Itlll «M am»nd»d. '*Fr»oclllon"belna OTrM&\ - "-!.,(□ "Nancy fnHi7ti*a ripirtory." Thi'DlBby iuVl OpiriCo Lm." 31 nitictCfl Opin* nocat.-Tlie Wllbnr Opera Co. t»- iunwi I3ta M«oe«firM imny rormar trlumphi. Dorimt ihs weak DO lain ilun dIiid op«rai will he pra^enwd. Tlia Merry War" »a» al»« it Oil omdIoi muloM. in I TIrt Two ra|tilK«d»" al olKnt. iMl ve«k U»nlon«- "flnp«rba''pU»c<liu the iiraat«A buRloau ol Iht week, tnd tilt "A. H 0." RlRn *aa op at every ptrfonniDCe. Nrv Roni:<io.ra Oi-aaA lloesi.—Daniel A. Kelly oiteoMl IX In "TheOuteaWofaarettOlty." Lwlweek VraoM KIrairr't Balleu ud the Alhaubra \audsTlllee pttTtd tolKiprDe*iDo better than fair. , . Kui'J*rii5 fcjPAiaTiiBATRi.—"The llouler/* IheArrt of the DtrU A Keoah nccetaea, came 13. XaM week -Cuptd aCharloi*' aad TUtcher k Johowo'e Mmeireb iltyedtoiMiAlneuihat arenitMl fntat lalriogoM. "A ■n«llRal Father" 9. PaeHMAirH Tmurat.—"Jack o' the MiDet" waa pre- Moied IS by the mock cnmpaor. Law Docketader wm Ihe Mar of tne olio, ind oihitr eoieritlnen were Bernard D.lljn, HcClond aod Xellrllle, Aonle Caldwell, the KUhlNyn, Htrrr Budwohh aod Ute Eartecott Rlalert.. 0ufclnaw waa mncb boitor Lut weeh. faon.i'a Tiiuthb.— ll<iiueU Brottiera' ComediaDi cam* U, rollowlDR *The fUtuth Before ibe War," which did apreitr ROodluiineM. New York Biu«,». KOIIL iHD MlDOLtroNH DIN! UVfllDM.—Tliere WH a rerlTMl of the nid ilniecraie. a baby enow. In carlo hell li. where WhAte Oil Ouh aad LiMla MoDdaj. J W. Monigonierr, the oDe maa band, aod Allfraer, the llrinti ikoleioD,iil*n eppeared. In the aadlutrlum: The Cnm eiocki^ tlia Ttiree Rianfoplii, Dad'n Quartet, lAROOteaod Wem. Tuti Kkhi and Nome, 0win Brothen and Deo Rao- dall proTkled ao eoUriAlnmaoL BuMloen li fooa. (lowiK-neorKe ff. lleecli, nianajterol Walker White- eldei, mat adajor two here laM week Jack lllrMb, ortheTarenrOpetaOn., vaalieredarloR tlia week HaallolDrteh wlllbelhsiololiitit the firat ol the Por« at the WeloutRireetniMtre, Mot. 17 Rihel Carter and Kanortt Bi. Liwrtnc* were amooft thou who inner, oukir appUiided lleleo Moan oneereoloiat RobloeoD'a. Jn«epli DowetT, Eilward Armud, Ttioma^ J. Rerrl**, Henry n. Wadr. Plckerlnx BnwD. John Mtek and wife, and J. W.Coburn.Tbe»pUDR In dletreM from Nawirllle. en nute 10 New Vnrk, paued UitnuRli dunog tho week. Eii-BoobtaBK Ui "r SSJjM^bgtrtSby other SlInKi mSe BwniSnlniiodoced a very lak- St'?SXlllTMaSS» lUaco ha. Improved the are M'oV.°.?» "S^T!!?S«i» £ShS-M.«i^i» '^£r!£!!?^MLnBHiTMignuCo.—The company ^^^at^^^nn " baa been dohig SSu The rtSir: tocMtt Brot, proprleion. ana AB Raekelt. boalaeaa manager: I/oubi ZU^.TiLli wnFo«. *. W''<|!;ViTa" IngMenl: E. A. fiackett, leader of band; A^. Sackeiu leader of orcbeatn: three RackellBroa. U RelneTHanTaDd Eva, Erne* Alhe"-"•"'"S: riit-Stanley Mclntmb, abadowgraphlai: tbe lin- [ilS'alQiiartel, A. I>. FemB,0. V.Oowing and C. h. ^'STi'SSittouM cr«ted • tnirore durlog ner «r« engagement Id ParU,at tbe caalno.ln nerarUaUe "Sffil™act. BbeivllloienatueOlnueNoveaa for one month, and wlllthen play al B»ncy'a arqne.atLyonl; ApolloTkeatre, Berlin: Bonaeh- er'J Vienna, and other leading inualc halla. Frbd II. LisLii. wboae trtck doge. Including the aatonlahlnglybUb and 'o»« JnEP'»«,S2'';f n„i nick and wSeeler, are one of «•»'»"«•»' nill'a Noveldea, will, we are Inrormed by Mr. Bill, itnhelllah bin Kt by the addli on of oij«enaJve apparatua, ni»»-bigll one of Ihe bilghiett "'wiu.i'e E- BoTtR wrilen oa from Cincinnati, 0., that "OopldSi Cbarloi," pretenied by Raymon Moote'aconiedlahBand alnger*. together wlUi Oep. Thatcber'a Twentieth Century Mlnatrela, made a hit, nnenlDg to Ihe capacity ol tbe honae at both per- formancea there. Alma Earlehaa Joined to play the leading e«ol>rcue part. ^ _ _ _ Nlu. MORkLii) appeared at the Bon Ton Theane, Jrraey City. V.}.. week of Sept. 30. and laat week at tbe nowam Athenicum. Beaton, Mass. Her trained apanlela were well received. . HiNAaBR 0- H. BlTCDBLUm Infofina na that It was tbe French Folly Co., and not the Night Owls Co., that played bis lionse In Beaton week of Sept. 30, to big bnalnees. J09II CiBB. of the Two Cam, mualcal learn, lias been discharged aa cured from the St. Alexis Hoe pllal. Olevaland. 0. RtoaiRD rtrsOT recently tiled a anccesBful re- mm engagement at the Empire, London, Rng. Johh LtiODTON, conlonlonlet, dnaed Sept. le wllh Vaoghan A Martlot Bnnprevllle'sMlnaiiels, on account of the death ol bla falber. LaxRT FBiHioai has Joined bands wllh Jackson Gregory. Habiit wooDWABn InfonnB na that Btondell'a cn- leilnn Vandevlllea oolhtpacd at Itland Flails, Me,. S, Hr. Woodward engaged levenl memhera of Ihe company, and Is playing tbe small towns In Maine, Dicg AUBROeg AUD Ehsa 8biw Will wotk to- geiher. rgABLlRviNa Joined tte French Fnlly Burlesque Oo- lecenlly, and (lelen Wataon Joined the company ClevelBud.—So far as qoallly la concerned, our maoaaam conalnly drew prlaea In lha boohlQg. lortbe i«.t we.k, but II Momn our pMple hare oot yet uior- ouablr winiiril up to actloD, and attandaac la not what li>lii>ul<lbe F.iTLio AVKXoa OrKRL Hotva,—Tli« Htrla Tararv armnd(Jp.nii:o. aave an duringWMkof OcL Tan oacal I.Dt Toiartonr. enibmcing "L«i liugaeeola." TPagall- acci," '-t^vamrla Auatlcana." "Carmeo." "LucK' "II Trovalora." "Paoxl" aod "Lonaagrio." TtiatpMlalhlu of Ol. parlormaBcea ware made by Car. A. 1* Qulla, wlioM woQdarful tenor brought forth Ui. hlabeM ea conluDii. Hme. Vim Dot. dif Idwl Ui. bonora wllh Mat. Tavary. Vajoa Clarbanil H. AbraraogaUo.liarad la the g«n«rat volcome. Builneaa for tho wMk wuT.rvf«lr, but banllr up In ib. nauiu of Uit jtmt. Wio. II- Craao proMnl. 'ilfa trir.'. Pallor" wMk of N. Ur*. Toltor and Sir BolUw and th« Lllllao Ru.a.11 OpanC:o.dlT)da weak ofll. LTCCCHTniUTaB.-,Parhapa Iho .uecau of Ihe weak can l« eiedltad to Hinale Maddorn-Puka, whoaa fliat Incal aiJouranre ihli wai for aom. flvaraara. 8ho pro- duCTd, ID-13, "Tbe Qde«o of Llan" aod "A Doir. llouM." Mra. Kliba waarecelvid wllh qaltaalot of eo- thuilum, h.r .upport wu uolfonnly good aad lb. par- formanco Ihroufboata decided aoccaai. Donnallyaod (llraid. In "Tbe RalDm.boni," T-e.ald very good boal- Dpn and prewentod Uielr play, which hu bo-n Ihor- iingtilr rayuraoatHl, to .oilra aUtfacUoo. Inro Poi, prutkllgliAleur; Maude Rayinood aod rliu Roaa now ftcu aail tJ>omugbl.T .npnolatad. Haolou' "Pka- uiRia" l.tlie alliactloo «a«kiiru,tobarolk>wodbyjoa. Unrpbyll- OLavauHDTuuvHB —"Down lo Dial." Tua^owaah of 7- whra fairly good bualnoai wu the rule- Ttia coro- paoy bMbaonMBiawliatchuKwl rincellwu Men here a r.w mpDlhi an, and It may bo aaM lor tho Ultar. John K.mall, an "Tlie Aluaman," cooim VMk of it. "Itio Whllo Hal" SI. HTAB TilRATHK.—Plotdi A llauMn'a Drawing Card. Ihuro.atily pnvH ih«ini«lTOK «o«k of 7- Phyllla Alloa, roiilralto. niailo a Iboruogh auccewL Tbe iamalndor of Ih. rirtnMoy I. v.ry good, and Ihrnughnut tli. WMhwm d..«rfNlr popular. Tbo Am.rlcan Vawtavilla Coni E.njr, liu^on by Ola lltydrn. will appaar wwk of II; iicrldan A Klynn'. t:ity aporu II, PaHK I'AViuoirTliaATaH—Th. advance of Ih. aaaano aod tlw IncLiuont wpitli.r hu eat down th. allaodanea atthUraMrt, lluagwQtnooD.iuKtatocloMtbeboa.0 lb. lalt.rpariorih. weak of 14. the praaant olio will bo conllaufld III. coining VMb, and la addllloo boilag roatcbe«l«lw.en Billy Rt.lTuiLorOhlo, and Miirrl. Jacob* aadoili.rt-lovoland partlH will b. glvao. Llilog pi iitrvR wlllalMi bo i<nHluc«l- Barry Blao«n(.l alio will ba MOD IliUwmk. BanagerflaDoon wlllopoDblanawhouae fnrili. WIi,t«riio."OD at an a.rlrdato. TaooAPiHO Hcuo Hall— TliUhouM. which wuopeoal H«|iL l&aodeloNd Ropt. IS for warn of palronag. lo uilia Iti hirlh.r nr.. I. aaaio to ba opaned u a TandoTlIi. hniiia nait wuk, Booklag* haio not yot boon blllal. I'raM.—nam. Homor U aaalo huay, aod halhltlhatat an early data a fourlh theatre will »» added to our Ukl l>oirolt hitfllo* ar. Inoling an.r a numbarefralaabl. ■Ilea al III. |>r^*«nl tliii. Manager llao.hav, of tha L}-couiii Tli.Alra. waa In l>«tnlt and Toledo lha put WMk MInilr )>af^Ii.II Ity aloclrloltr wu iwa at Hutic llill Ocl. 7, K under Ilia management of Huaier llani, of tho KuelM Avenue Opera llnu... The CIoto- Und-Halllmore TomH. i:up gaiiiM playw] at Biltlmoiw; werw rapiuduceel.anddfvw cnivdauch iiay A lam Iheatrw tany will alfoifl lha performanc. ni Wm. II. tTran.'M''III. Wile*. Fatlwr," atih.RiiclM ATanaaOp«n lliiun. IICL IS. Tha wlmlo lower hodv nl Iba liouio ha* boon mU tniherecplIitnmmtnUt..oriliet^rTlaaaDeal- .r«' tVinreuUoo ol America. Toledo—At llie I'enple'a Theatre Oils Harlan In "A Hlaek tUietp." plaj^l In Muiding mom only OcL7. H Jiilio L. Rulllvui and hi. n>aTTlng lurtn.r. Pa-lily Kyau. iindMr lha uian.iieiiiitnt ol "Par^n" Daelo.. g.ra a 1 exitlbltlo" to a cmwdi^l hnu«A 0 Dnnaelly and OlranI, III "Til. R*lQuiak«r«." iilayed lo lilg IxiiIdh. 1D-I1 The Mlioa-1, a great r«rorlli» li.r.. And m.ny nofelilaihara iMten Adileil Alr.clAAl mamio. "rite Twn Jobn." cnoia It. \y fiilluvr,! Ity PrIiiirtMo a Wmi'a MInMrol. la ajid •rlie Btt.oTr lllrl" 17-19, NiiTKa —Tit. Itnlilu vtT,<, Auccmthil Oil Oar. of Lab. Erie I'Ark l^lnn, will. In tb. nur f^iur.. erect a WInt.r eulno Intb. hrAil nf Ihoclly John L,riulliraa wan prve-nied telth a bandeomo gold lieAjoJ Mtie by hIa maor Tttledit irloada. Uaylon—Al the llrand Open lloiiie lbs Ninth RoalniMit BaiiiI iti Ko. Vork kato a epeclal .acred ciucen ou Huodar, Uol. S lloyt'e "A Black Bhetp" itlaytal to hig lualnoiaa 9. 011. tlnrt.0 u a great lATttrlia^Aud wucAlIetl bofnre th. ctiruin rnraapatMb HitUitil Read, In "nna I'ol'tlclaa," wu well ivAtronltotI II Jil. wejk latllW Ity k.llar l4 Rle.•."U^T•|^ Claim Utttrlii 17 and I'rlmrttao end tVost lA Pabk TliaATBa—Thn Wilbur Opam Cn„ u nau.l. dl.- pUfwl Ibe 'It-R. o." .Iini .1 wh ponnmianc* weak orr. tVtmlna: Ju. B, UacVIn It-It. ■ n.lmi.nlcn'.al 8li"l7-n. Htiutiaaa' IIobb Tnmraa.—Tlia "Lomloo Uelloa" (So played In giml bu.Iunu 10, Pomlna; Wm, Barry, In •Tbo Hlalng tloaetallnii.'* IS; "Soulh BoToni Ui. War'14 aiLHt<aHowrt.Inmi.rlytr.uaT«rnf tb. ParkTbeaira. ha. gone lo Terr* Haute, Ind.. lo inanaga tha houaeibora. Calanbws—At the Orand Opera nooie Cleve- land*. Mlnalr«lAor.nodlortwonIghuOeL IS. "Soavloa 111. Wind" liAtI gitod l-aalaau 10-11 Th. PolUr-Bell." Co, com*. 17-IS. Ilinii ftraarr THBATaa.—"Oelraoalco'f al r' had llaht bualtiai. OcLJ-e. "A SlaebebMp"hadlarnhnui<>All, It, PrIniroeeA Waal'. Mloelreli coma 14. g.Tlar 17-19. Kieakeawllle.—AI the City Opem Ilooie "Dark, eel Amerlea" h»l good buAloa-M OcL I. A w.|| plua«l aiiOlmc* uw Wm, Bariv, In'Th. RIalna n.n.iwllno,'' II, The De Haven t^>1^edy Co. opeae 14 for Ih. wukT r.r.rtnry. Ui.aoii.v TniArar-Week n(U: Th. Jamiu. Mool r.olla M.rnil aati fth.Mon, WarlBg aad Fimier L-aor. Launnr. and the nock, Lima.—"A Bunch of Reya" played to fair honae Ocl,«, "Thw llu.Uar" had a Ikir houu 10, aad -Tlx M.w !°i "•.I?aenaallowIjif.lrhouaall. Coning:PrImiMa f ^iTVi!!^"' Hanmelala'a Uaala br wulf eommu? log gl, Oortlo. Rot. 1. laat week In Boaton, PRiNg l>. SatTH was Initiated In the K. of P. In HIirurd.N. B.,0ct.3. TBg latest depannre from the leglilmale to the vandevllle stage la Oerlnde wllh May Irwin at the Rllon Tlealre, thbi oily. She Isa graduate of Ihe Boston Conservatory of Hiialo. and has been engaged by Manager F. V. Procior for tbe enlire aeason at his two vaudeville houses. coooiH. Rard AND Tan, con>illuilng the Call rnmla Trio, claim that Uere Is another trio using that uile. WiLBin E. Maog Joined tbe Tnrkbih Knighis, a new company, under the raanagement of Bam Ptckeit, which opened Oct 10, at Ihe Empire Thea- tre, Indianapolis, Ind. Tiig TBAH known as Fhin and Wesley are an at- trsoilon with tbelr new talking act at the Olympic Thraire, Chicago. III. DoM.T E. DowB la tllllni an engagement In Bos- ton, Mass. PHIL. FtsagR and LoUle Wsllon have Joined hands and will open In alwut twn weeks In RutlSDd, VL, with Lottie Walton's OwnSpeclain Co. Karl Hatdn, representative of F. W. Pendleton's Minstrels, Informs oa thai, oiring to the continued Illness of Mr. Pendleton, ths company ctoeetl In Clyde, N.y., Oct IL AiLRN and West and Hind Harvey are successful over lha Kellh clrcuH. CsowLBT AMD FoLBT Were eacb presented with a gold headed cane and bnnesboe of dowere last week, at tbe Orend Opera Honss. Boston, Msea, HiRHY Thilo, one legged song nnd dance per- former, high kloker and chair Jumper, waa favor- ably received at tbe Oinhe Theatre, Philadelphia, Pa., last week. Proto, dancer and high kicker. Is a teatnte at the Cliy Trocadero, Atlanta, Oa. May YotTRO fell and eDdalned a veiy serious In, Jnry lo her kneecap, an<llitnObrlstH(>8pllal,Jeney aty. OuiBiB Arorl and Carrie Donaldson have formed a naitnerehlp, Jog Kbllt and Allle Woods are doing their new pedestal act. ROSTEB ANO MOna FHOlf LINDSAY'S SPCCIilTY Oo,—Geo, LIndsav, manager; Mm. Ocorga Lindsay, iTtaannr; James O'Brien, advance, and Fret. Suva's hand ol elgbtpleces. Wilton, the "Frog,"ls making a hit nightly In tak contortion and pedeatsl ladder. Mimle Lindsay, In her book and wing dancing and change wort, proves a genuine draw- ing card, Upton, thecomedhin and Juggler, always gives sallsfacilon, while Rolkjer, the myaterloui. In bla magic and mind reading, keeps Ibem gueaa- Ing. We are doing a big business In the North west and eretybody Is O. K. Tbr Hat of people for tbls week at tbe New Man hatiao Athletio Club, ihla cliy, compare veir favorably with Ihe egcelltnt aundsrd flxed by the raanagement for tbls seaaon. Billy Riob's HiNgrRBia closed thsir season at Kaoaaa City, Mo,, OcL 6. Tbe following Join Hav- eriyt Minstrels In San Fnnolacn, Cel., OcL U: Billy Rice, R. H. Kayne, Chas, M. Ernest, UIgglns and Leslie, (ico. Qtan and Bnit Norrla. CiSEUtN'S EUROPBAH VAl'DgVILLgB gave a full dresa nhearesl to the press In Buffalo, N, Y., Oct 13. Otab. Juggler, has Juat closed two weeks at ihe Howard Atbeneum, Boston, Masa.,snd opens on the Moorw circuit Oct S8. KiLKgg IlRSROHn has ugdergone a successful sur- gical opemllon for Ibraal iniible, and irlll he able to resume her wotk In a tew weeks. She hi resting In tbls city. ViK AUKgN, McPhee and Bill, In their tuple hen, gonial bar act, are doing well. ItwsiY WALucg, of Grace and Tommy Wallace, waa preaenled hy bla wife wllh a bouncing baby boy In St Lonls, Mo,, Oot 8. * ' Wkitino AND OuYRR opened with "A Turkbiti Night" Eklnavaganza Co. at Ibe Empire Theatre Indianapolis, Ind., Oct 7. OBAe. 0. AND Madkunb KlirATRiox, novelty ttloyellaiB, have retnnied to New York from the Heal, to nil engagements. They are engaged for Chicago theatres In Uei»othor. RioUARn PiTROT sailed from London. Eng., OcL 4, for Sourb Africa, to mi engagemenu. Ue will also play In Auaimlla and San Fnnclaco, Cal„ m imile for Kew York, where he expects lo arrlvo next Fall. JAHga TnoRNTON's VAusgviLui CO, played .v very proaiable buslneu at Ibo London Theatre, New York, last week. SiTD.JORgier, Informs us Ibat he was married In Newark, N, J„ Ocu «, to Cants Fnllnghuyeen, non-prefesslonal. "i—-, .ifiliL'i.''i°"i'°V Bros.' Msgnlllcent specSl^ cloalng the show with bis club Jofguig Notes raoH Miltiiu>8 Buou EmnTAiNgRS.- Wo are meellngwith socceas In Nsw England, nuty, i°/Sita mtShn""?. »i[5»t sunds. Allcs Evans and Lotlle HIanhOM Joined Oct! and nrove valuable acquWtlons. Mr, MelvlUe'a aoU"*alch ths PrcJ ressor," remains a Birong feature of an excellent progtamnis. ArtburPotier'acomet eolo and Emma JM!? IlP^tDg make a great Impreoloo every, wbere. The show win remain In iblTseeUon S- J«"»»«ly.IflUng Maine,SewHamnsWteand V«- '°*A''l,S?iL?l' I^l""^ towns ol aUSchSwtta: 2nr-^n '<5; ?^ ^« many Juvenile acquaint: A?SSJ, uSSn-^K" HaclTlPrlnce muSpI^IS!^ 2* •onivereary of her naUl day, JllI!tA^.TX,I^.K*^ «lu»ble pressDU In com- menioiatlon of the nccaaton. dSdl'^iii!!;^"' «>"•?•>»« vocalists, 232- KHt'tSS^S" 'Sngemeul irith the MarkM SSt? ifpi!uh2iS?t'^ on the Davta clnmlt OCTTOBER 19. Mom FROM TBI Al.a,FBlD BtO WbiTI HfR. stnlB.-Tte weather eoBUnnlDg cool.bnslness has besn op to the high water mark, Mnbllean^ap. nRdatlva of the metlls of onr show, floed the losse. TUe mailneewasa scene of beanty. Mobile's falrot danghten crowding tbe house. Bualneaa has been big here (Kew (Weans, La.) all the week, the show making a bit. The enilreprtsiol the city gneaklncompUineniarytenDsoC onr performance. Uncle Dan Emmelt haa been the recipient of many Bodsl attentions. Hevru made a gneatol all the dnhs, aadthe loemben of the fourth esute have taken blm nnder tbelr espeolsl care. He has, ss ibelrgnest, been shown all the places ot Interest arnnnd tbe Oreeceat City, Isdlcallons are that we will establish new records tbnngh Texas. Oolion baa comnenced lo move freely, and bnilnese Is booming In every line. Al. 0. Held, after a ham Oght wlib malarial fever, Is at his poet again, and TBBOUPTfB Is a welcome Ylaltpr. Nom ADD RosrsB ntOH Fox i Wibd's Nbt RsOned Hlnatrels.—We are playing this, onr sixth week on tbe read, at tte Palace Theatre, Beaton, Msas- to good business. In fact, ever since onr opsnlDg onr bnilnssa bas bcenveiy esilafaclory. We carry twenty-alx people, and our hand and con- certorcbestmlssblgfMture, We placed anonler wllh "Tbe Six UuloTallon" for iwenty-fonr New- market coats, of dark green material, and expect lo wear then for the Urn time In Bath, Me., OcL 14, on larade. Evetrose la well, and the "Old Reliable" s eagerlwsoogbt (or weekly bv all the boys Roster: Fox t iiran), proprieton; Wlllard Stanton, man- ager: 1. B. Fnsler, builnesa representative: Cbas, White, agent: Major M. F. Olcason, David Jordan, James RoatiDm, Pelchlng Bmn., Willie R. Lincoln, musical director: Csllforula Quartet, Willis Arnold, Oeo. B. HoKenna, David Uallentaie, Walter Cod- danl, Oee. Donaldson, U. A. Watts, a Deerbrook, Fred Naiik, Chas. Johuson and R^. McBrlde. CBAS. F. EDWABiogoes With Welsh Bros.'Twen- Uelb Oeolnty VandevUles, which opens Id Uncss- ter. Fa., Nov. 2. TONTMioRbaa llnlsbed a two weeks' engage- meniat tte Howard AtbeoOium, Boston, l!s«s.,and oMus St Keith's, Id Fhlhidclpbhi, Pa-, Oct. 21. KRNNO AMD WgLOH nn making the people laugh with tbelr original burlesque irepey-e act inih tbe American Vandcvlllo Co. Wu. Ol Bob, head balaDcer, bas closed a isn weeks' engagement wllh w. S. Cleveland's Uln- sinli. His act waa a feature ivltb that company. He opens at Keith's BlJon, Philadelphia, Fa., (n December, Nom PROM WBLSB DROS.' XXTu OBirrvRY Co.— Advance Brigade Nn. 1, under tbe ditocilon o( Col. H. n. Welch, U busy huslUng, gelling tbelr paper and truDts In shape. Everything new, bright, spick end span Is toe watchword with the (Monel. Special agent Obss. Edwards left headquBrtere Oct. 19L on a skirmishing tour. The paper that we nse tvlll compare favoiatdy with any snow oo the nadthlaaeasoD, Prof, Oscar Jones, band master; U. F. Owens, dariooet soloist,and P.J.Belmont, alto and aecond violin soloist, are recent additions to our musical forces. The paraphernalia tor our lorgeous tree street parade has arrived, and re- leamlB commence OcL 38, at Lancaster. Ths onenlng nerformance will be given Nov, 2. NoTD Ksox TUB HAT Avmu, Co.-Sevemi changes bare occurred In tbe company, with few egcepilnns we have played lo proStable business. Mtirie Roetelle has been succeeded by May Adsms, and the Rossley Bros, hy Fitzgerald and Kelly. Our roster: Oargen and Richmond, proprteton: Robert J, Ricbnond, Duoager: Ed. E. FldgeoD, bnslnesa represeniailvo; F. C. (joooer. In advance; W. M. llogan, nualcal director; Joseph Stevens, master of properties and tiansporutlon: E, J. HcOosker, eleclrlclsu; May AdstDS, Zella Clayton, Mabel Myrtle. Minnie Hyrile, Klule Clement, Keely and Flizgera'jl, Rose Leslie and Hay Harding, Helen Bales, VIrgle Lewis, Cbaries Robinson, Sim Co\nu, Ssm Rice, Mamie Blakeley, Sadie Orant and UUIe Rsmlhgton, (3babii8 Obabau, aong irriter, lost a lltUe son, two yeara of age, recently. He was buried In Mount Olivet Cemetery by the Acton' Fund. Daisy Wadx, who bas lost her voice through throat Double, Is convalescing. Tony Pastor wishes to call atlsntlonto the tact ibaiHlle, Paqnereue. who is aoon to appear at his tbeatn, thU city, U tbe original entertainer of that name, whom he brought from Paris aome seasont ago. Another singer (as appeared under the name from time to time eluce then. Tbb (^Hiqii Tubatbs, Kansas City, Mo., was de- stroyed by lire Ocl. », sustaining an estimated loss of |lt,OO0 OD tbe theatre and scenery. HARgnAH AVD Bbbst, mnslcal comedians, have closed with Barhiw Bros;'Minstrels. _ F. W. PBNDLiTOK, wbn Closed the lonr of bis mln- alrel company Oct 11, informs us that he will star Dan Darleigh, In "Down in Old Maine." ^ MORTOK AND RRTBLii BTO booked overths Moore and also lha Hopkins clrcnlt of theatres. Their act, they Inform us, U an aitnotlon evsry where. Tbr Jouk OnoRCH McBto PDeiiBiiiKa Co. bsve added tbe name of Okas. Lovenherg to tbelr list of cnmpoatrs. TheOntof biscompoaluonalobspub- llahsd by them irili be a descriptive fantasle for orcbeatrs, entitled "Tbe Advent of Spring." Mr. Lovenbing says hie "ad." In a recent lasne of Tbr OLirrxR brought blm nnmerons replies, and a trm ot well known managera are nsgotutlng with blm (or a mnslcal eiuavaianza of large proportions tor next sesson. Earl ATglKSON is again playing TDm Oarriogton In SUIr J: Nicolas'"A Ciacker Jack," making his (onrtb season, , Jab. n. LggnBAH, bead balanoer, stialned bla neck laat week, at the Howard Athensam, B>wton, ass., and had to cancel this week. Jack Uabkon bas tsken tbe place ot UUIer and Hay for Ihe remainder of the seaaoa wllh Ihe American Oslely Oirla CM. Hblkn Miohon, at the close ot her seaaon at Hon- iieal, Cta., will go to the FaoHocoast, where she Is hooked 10 appear for two yeare. Bbrt OiLDBSOY Informs ns that be bas dceed with Cleveland's Minstrels and loload bit brother, Parker. They will take out their owd company, nnder tte title of Ollderoy Brolhera' EniertatrDere. Among the people engaged are TOm 8. Twigg, Wll- "am Allanpp and WIIIA. Shaw. BOSOAN'S IIANOVBRTDBATRI AND HCSRB, Boston, , 'I Mass., opened Oct, 11, under the management of Jaa J. Mack. Thn fnilowlng appeared: On tbe aiage—niggina and Rollina. Hrown and Blume, Nat Huwaid, Jobn DevUie, May Frencis, Elale Oof- doD and May Hubetis. In tbe curio nall-Fnf. Uammond, Ben Snow, Seymour Crane, Mile, ue Levla. Jennie Lamont, Ida Rivera, Jessie Milobell, Emma Bmme and Loo Leroy. BzeouUve sialf: Nat Uammond, slags manager; Henry Uotgan, lecrarer, w. Fisoher Bums, musical director, aod James J, Hack, Diaoager. Kn KosTRR, the Arizona Cowboy and wire per- former, Is doing an act which Is reported to he sn especially attncilve novelty featnre. He goes to Europe In a few moniha, to oil ouniracls made while there I sat season. Hack and O'Uat, plantatinn sketch team, have been engaged 'o play the Hopklne clroolL OBiaO.SKAiiAN, a variety aoior, who was con- victed of murder In the aecond degree (or a crime comollled In Anguu, 1SS8, at Hount Clemens, HIcb,, waa, on Ang. 37, pardoned by Oovemor Rlon, Ho resumed bis calling with Manager Nick Norton at Ibe Park Tbeaire, Chicago, III., OcL 14. POLUB IIOLUBS, "Ibe Iriah Duchess," was pre- aenled wllh a magnllicent stand of dowera Ocl. 11, al Waldman's Theain, Newark, N. J. Miss Holmes Is making a success with Hyde's Comedians. HArvoKD A. WiLSOK, ohsreoier change per- former and vocalbii. Informs us that he has recov- ered (rem his lllneM, and will open OcL 31, at the Howard Athenienm. Bonon, Haaa. BILLY Hart and Ada Walling have lieen snccesi- fnl In ths West, and will rent at their home, 81. Louis, Ho,, three weeks before coming East with ibeiroewBct. .Tng Four SoDBongs opened OcL «, atlhe^Or- pbeiin, San Fnncisco, Cal., and are saM to bars bean well received. TBI aLoBB Tbbatre (formcriy the Oermanis), is Phlladelphbk, Pa., was opened SepL aoaaa vaude- ville bonne by Oeorge W. MarcelluB. Salt Lake City,—Ellason, tbe Mormon WIsaid, had light bnalaaaa at Ihe Bait Uha Thwut OcL 9, 4, Bookwl: 'The Paulog Show" U, 19, "A Conuodtd Womaa" H-as, asLAWfi.—"OnaEmr"lalha eurrant bill preaentad by tha Block oooipaay. Boeloeaa at thia bonia hu baw aiaadlly growing ainea die opening wuk. LTcaei,—ThU hoaaa win .pan 14, A aloek company wlllpreeantatandard draina atpopalarpricaa. IhaopM, Ina ua will ba "A Roadan lIoneymoaB,^' .„ NOTB.-T7ia Aral oonaal naollog of the "Bletaddfcd wu bald at tha Homoa TaberoaclaM, tolmaiaaeaaDdl- annee. Tbare ware roBrconoartA,ona below on thealtar a-oooXaod lha total Attoodanea Tor lha Ibureoeoarta wu over aSXOa The priBclpal contaiuwaiw UMoaBd tonl«t,wonbyBall Uka Band agalnat ibe Bulla Bead, and th. chopia ooot.aL la lha Utlar IhoTW wan foar eoatastaata; na pgdeD Cbomi^ the Salt l^katniona, Ui« Denier Chora] Society and lha Ball lAka Amauora. Bach ebonia wea made np of fmn IQD Ut ID Toleaa. Tea nntpriia of WOaeaawon by the Bait Lake Amalsnlia. The paarar Choral Sodaty won aaeoed arlia. Orar Uilin rwnria vern piwaent ai Uib onntaat, which wu bald avaa- tafd- ThanaxtClaleddfadwIUbabeldalDaanr.