New York Clipper (Oct 1895)

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B32 THE ISTEW YORK CLIPPER. October 26. ^Theatrical # UTEST BY TELEGRAPH. KoBdar Hlclit's OywiHis <a aO iba BIc tkow TowHa. GOLDEN GATE CLEANINGS. The Putlng Show" Suoeeiifully Pr«r tented at the Baldwln«>The Boitonltnt Continue to b* Great Favonte* at the Columbla-Tha Aetort' Fund Benefit a Big Succett. IRpcdil Dlipilcli III Th« Kern York Cll|i|wr.| San PiiAKi'iiin), Ocl. :a.-AI tb« UaMwIn Tliealn "Tbe raulDg Sbow" wna preMsled Hit eTeo- iDf, ID > packed borne. lUeitafeot Ibebouae wu too oull (or tbe tmr ot pretcy end elupelj girle wbo ulat IQ tbla pnxluoUoD. Tbe exlnngana la full of preiv mule, aod nUI no doubt tKitot crowded bouMi ibrougbout tbe entire eogogemeDt. Tbe Leigb tualen did not appear, In couequence ot tbeir bkvlog been engiged tt the Oipbtnm. OauniaLiTBUTU.—Ko better Indication or tbe great taTorwIUi wblob tbe Uoetonluu an regarded bere conid be diaplajeil tbu tbe wall worn "8. R. O." Mgo nUbtlj illapUjed bere dating tbe put two weeka. "rnnce Aninlu" waa aung berolajtnlgbt, and lliree theatre patUea ot our aocletj people oo- copled almoal tne entire orcbeatim circle. Ttvou Ornu Uoosb.— "CaTalletti itiiiUcaoa" wu prodaced at tbli booao but evening to a packed boiue. Kmellc MelTlUo baa liecn engaged to appear here Nov. 4. QiuTiii'sAuiAZiH TiiiiTBi.—"Pink Domlnota" wa« produced at tbla houie laat nigbt to large bual- neas. Howncol flHAMO uriRA Ilousi.—TUa booae wu Saoked to ilie doora lul nlgbt to wllncea tbe pro- ncUen ot "A. Dark Secret." OBrakUHTniATM.—taiB Zulla, Ulu Hariow and Plunketl, ttia Loigh Blatom, and Cbarlta Knox were nawcomeia lut olgbl, and were greeted bj a large andleoce. Nona.—Al. Dolaon, lllllr lUce and Bait Bbepard bareanlrcd ben rnm the bMt, and an organiz- ing lUTerli's Minitrel Uo., and will open at Ibe Colnmbla Nov. 10 Tbe benedt In aid of tbe Acton' Puml waa giren at the Baldwin en tbeatier- noon of 18, and wu a big flnanclal micccaa. Among tboee wbo appeared were union Nolilea, Wllinn iactofe, Alice i;itrle and II. Oouller unnker. Tbe ■Trtll);" Co., Ike TIroll Opera Co. and Qravor'a Alcatar Tbeain Oo. alao took part Boblij Uorle, Blancbe Uwla, Vnak Foley and Wm. Odell aretbenewtacea at tbe Bella Union no Bla- ten Burtla, Jobn T. Bplokeli, Roj iMont, Moll|g*n and UntOB, Volojr and O'Uell, Edna HcCullougb, Mend DamllandLenolrappoarcdattlieAadltottuni mil week Jobn lllgglur, long dlnanm and tnok Jumper, baa been Incapaellaled b* a ipialied ankle reaelred lu a faU at the Oipbeam. FROM OTHER PO INTS. P«t«r F. Dallty, In "The Night Clerk," Wtll RMelved In PhlladelphlB-"The Wizard of the Nlie" Hndt Favor With Chlcagoani- Gooil Newi From Other Plaeei, IBpMtal DUpalchei to Tbe lfa« Tork Ollpper.l PoiiAniLriii*, OcL Z2.—Witb verr tew ezcep- ttona tbe openlnga lul uignt wen well attended, nen waa a cnwd at tbe Broad Street Theatn, wben an elaborate production ot Palmer Oox'a "Brownies" waa given tor Uie Aim time tbU tea- aon Ada Uetaan, In "Tbe Hallioad ot Ixive," nued Ibe Oleetnut Street Upen lionae. Hbo wu aupportad bj Mr. Dalj'a regular companjr, mocb to tbe gmuocallon ot tbe audience "Hob Roj" bold over al Uie Obmtnut to a fair alundance Tbe Walnut waa Jammed; alioolulely evoiy teat and even Inch ot aiandlng room wu occupied to eee Itler F. IMIev, wbo nude bU ant appearance here In "Tbe Nlgb{t'lerb,"and to aay i be linnicoae audience wu In a good humor la to toll but bait Ibe Btoi7 "KIgbt Bella" wu given at ibe Park. Tbla tavorlie pioducilon ot tbe Ujrne Untbera bu lieen aeen ben tiefora Ihia aeaion Tbe audi- toiluD bad a large crowd to wltueaa tbe on- teitaloment given oj Tbnv ruior'a conpan; llobert Uajrlor preaenuio, for Uie Ont tlnw In PMlndelpula, "In a lllg Ollfat tbe NaUonallut nlgbt, and crowded tbe bouie "Tbe Ams- Kons" wu auoceaatnllT produced at Uie Ulntd Avenue and Httracted a good attendance. Forapaugb'a waa crowded, "Cndit U>r- laloe" being tbe production Iir, and Hm. Oli- ver B(ran,Tn "Tbe Upa and Uowna ot Lite," at- Inoted a large andlenue to ibereople'a "Hie BiCtneer" wae given at the Slandaril to a crowded bouae Tbe Kenalngton bad a good attendance, "MulUganU Hlibapa" aud tbe aparrlng conleat proving a good card Oamoioaa bad a good nouue The Hljou, aa niual, wu orowded after noon andennlDg Bam Devera'aOwn Oompanr pnt up a good abow and crowded the Uycenm Tbe uauat largo attendance waa at tbe Huaenm. "Illaok Aniorlca"la to ntuin to ibeOnnd Openlluuaeh'uv. 4. DonoN, OoL Tbe rntk Theatre waa tbe onlj houae preaeuUng a novel! V lut nlgbt Tlien "Tbe Baobeiort Uabj" imvod a uueoeaa and dnw a crowded bouae "Mowlug the Wind" opened at tlie llollle wttb undlmlulibcd aucceas. Marr Hamp- ton ud Jaa II, aiimour wen oapecbillr well n- colved, anda largo auilleuce gave a lieatt; wel- come to aDottaer one ot Frobmaa>a clever compaolM. Tbe fourth and laat week ot Irvlog'a engage- ment al the Tnnont Tbeaire liegtn wuta"Vaual" andabigbouae At the Columlila avcrjlam and eiilbuahMlle audience proved lia rondntwfor melodmina b; the welcome accorded "ilumas- lU." -The Fatal Card" al the Unaeuro, "Bnnnah" at tho Builon Tbeain, and "lu Bight nt 6L Paul's" at Ibe llowdoln Bfiuaro Tbeatn played to |oo<l liouaeH "TnoOhiiiiea ot Nor- iiiaady" at tlie Caalle Si|uan Tbeatn dnw a fair aiiondance At Kellli'a and the popuur price honaea boalneea wu very good 'no (Sniiid Open liouae prounted clowd doon to the public Uiiioioo. Ucu 21.—Ot tbe new playa In town, Knot Uiulela, In ■■The Wlr.ard ot the Mile," bad niber Ibe lieat ot 11. lie It very popular ben, ud Iho Onnd wu onwdcd at hbi opening perioim- anoe "Tbe Old llonieaiead," at Uovlcker'a, dnw a good alLOd auillence "iy>wn Koiiica'' camo In from Itnchoalor Sunday, and opened to good bualneu al tbe Schiller Itonnelly and 01- mnl mied Ibe bouae at Ibe Chicago, nteaenilog a belter petforauuice than they over did bctere lu ■his city BleveUcDdleapokeala Mlaalon Sun- day School Sunday, and phtyed "On tbe Boweiy" to a big matinee notiac at the Albanibn Ot Iho playa tlutt bold over trom lait week "Too Much Jobnaon" la playing to the capacity of the bouee at Uooley'a "liHilanM) Sana Oene" opened tbe laat week ot lu engagenienl with a good audience at the Uolnmbla Tlila hounc tiinied bundicdn away Sunday nlgbt who won unable to get etand- Ing room to hoar Ool. lugenoll. St. Louiit, OoU 01.—Oood aUiacUoiu and line bouaM marked tbe Sunday openlnga hera. At the Olympio "Ultle Obiliilopber" wu wall ncelved by a packed booae. II la new bore and made a gnat bit Ttie Onnd wm crowded Sunday nlgnt, when Wui. Uany pteaoiitnl "The RMng aesan. Hon." UolU pertonuauceii at the llagan bad tbe "S. R. O." out "Ox>n Hollow" la Hied ben and la better than ever Bam T. Jack'a "ne Bull nghlei" packed the Hundairl and la In for a twowecks'run "Sbati Mo. 1" turned people away at Uavlln'i and ellolied much applaoae Local Tbealrlcal liecbanlca, amilatlng wlih uie Amoilcan Federatlou ot Labor, made ihenuelvea again felt Sunday, wbeu ibey called out the"gilpa." ortbe "Ooon Hollow" Co., at llaian'a. The ealclnm eiTeoli loat no value from manlpuUUou by bouae handt. WiiHiMOTON, Ocl.'/.'.-Iloyl'a "A Black Sheep" wu tbe opening atmoUon at napleyt NaUonal Tbeatn, drawing a good bouae Fred lltlien'a "Tbe TwenUelb Oeatuiy flirt" wu received wttb marked approval by a large audience at Allen'a Openllonee Smart Hobeon, wllb "Ocvenotnl icoepianoe," a play ot wblob tbe acenm an laid In ibU clly, wu well ncelved aud genenuriy ap- Slauded by a large audience at Albaugtt'a Lafayeile ■luara Opera llouie "On tho lluslaalppl,"at lUinley'a Academy ot Hnilr, bad a good bouie "itiiia of the Night" recolved ibe beany approval nt a packedhiniaeal Malou'a UIJouTbeatn Sara T. jack'A i;Ttolra had Iheir niual good reception al Kemau'ii Ljcrnni Theaifr lo "8. It 0." "Illaok A uicilca" vomtonaUy mied Ibe Immente audltortum ot Convention llaU, making a decided aeuaUoa by lunoveltr, OixoiiiHAn, Oct. 23.-T1ieati1C8l oTeMcwi again rejoleed wrenl nunageilal hceit*. and tbe week oeitalDly bad a pnepenua beginning. Prom ibe advance ale li lookau UtUgby Belland"Nancy Lee," al tbe Walnnt. wen In for a nouble engage- Dent. "A MUk Wblte Flag" amuaed a tbiong at tbeOiaid "Tbe Prodigal Faiber" packed me FouniaUi Tbe tide aeema tobave turned for Ibe goodatnteman'a '-The American Oin" gave largely attended receptions at RoMnion'a Hie "g. It. 0."algnwaeoutat ileuck'e, wben "Bonnie Scotland" wu put on, and at the People'a, when Ibe New York HUn twinkled Melba'a visit called a fwhiooalile aodlence to the rike. KiKHis Crrr, (ict 22.-llanlona' "gnpcrbs" opened at the Umnd Itiinday matinee lea lilg nonae, and hitdthe "S. It. II." aign out ataeven o'clock at niglii "Human Bean*" opened al tbe Ninth Street lo two good housea Tbe conUnuooa ahow al tbe Olllla called toilh big cnipourln(s. "Sbadows of a Home" wu put on by itae etock cotnpany and auclslUea by the Iledleys, Uenrr noStnaa Ingebelle and l.enton Broa Do Wolf Uopperopened at tbe Coatee, In "Ur. Syntax," for two nighfa only. HiiwiDigK, Oct 2i.-<nia Bklnner commenced bla engagement at the IMVIdion lut evening, lu "Villon, the Vagabond," to a large, appieclailve audience Tbe Bijeu bad itenauallaigeBuoday bouae to see "Chat an Amertcan Bor," inih Katie EmmattandcoDpanr. 1^ nigbl'a nouae wu alao good Chaa. u. iiopper gave ot our lint view of "The Vale ot Avoca'' at the Academy, Sunday, to talily good bnalneaa, and lut night wuabeol Uie aame. The company give a bignly creditable per- formance. BurpiU), Oct '.U.—At the Blar TheaU« Lillian Rnisell appeared to a crowded bouae Jobn Ketnell had an excellent iMglnnlon at the Lyceiro. Tbe Watson HIeten, at ibe Conn Htnet, and Troja, al Sbea'a, draw toith tbe neual Monday con- ilngest, tbongh pollUca and big atonopenings wen poweifnl counter atlnwtlona. MINNESOTA. St. Fawl.—Al the Hempolltan Opera House 'Trilby" iDAda a snalhltudhadblgbaiUneaaweekor Oct is. SudovaBdtho TiMadaroVaudovlU* coneaStl. a, Rolxn Dowalgg It, S, "Hie Clitrll; Ball." lorllii MoeSl or 8L Luke'i Hoipllal, of Ihia dir. 2M8. Tht GQIIiriaVo/ar Onnil Coecort Co. 9, SO, "A T«au 8U«r" 91-NoT. 1 Mtniser Bcoll U eipocted back Ui* am of ntit votk. 0aAiiD^"A Modem Uepblalo" liad a big boHnow IS- le; *H,e ITiir of WoAlth" iipeoed le bla bualoen )7-lP. Tbli pleu wltof m il Iba lalum of John B. MiUier, fftr. merlyorUiaallAnNolll fliookCo.,aiul bowuliDtfcroO an ovatloo tho OMOIna oljthl. ror wMk ofax (•lc«pl2^ "Plonlg«D'a Ball." Ilaaloo'i "Superba" comaa'fl? Tor ooe walk. RODKU.—Boilneu wan good weak ofH. Far «o«k rtt 31 Oibaofl aod HtyOelil. CtMriaaaml Jtoay Welch. Lillian Mareli, HOMOnc*. Oaome B. Oaidoer, Sam YlgarlnO ttio ttock. Clniloff. Ilia Uine lAvunlea. OLYHno.—Vnr wMh or ai rroreiuar flhtrman'ii Edu- CAlod Ooala, LIxzIa aiennao, John lluihs. Ella Hnrrli. Emma Leo. Lllllin Taonor, Rom wlacliaaur toil Mom. Bu*ln»H fonllnuts Tory good. ifow.-lieory Uooro, pmprletoror llia nodega,ill»l or (|Dlok eonHnmHIOD is. He wm Lwooty.otat jun oVl and taaToii a wlr* ui moam him. Ilo wu proprietor of Iba OrcbMlrloD Hall at MlnneapollH for rear*.and opooed Ibe Bodua ono roar ago. PuiIqom will be cootlnued br Chaa. ll.BarT, hli raUier lo law. nin funeral took placo placo the employoa or the houio.' Ko waa hunvl at (]akwi II, aod Iboro was a floa dliiplay of nnni daiilgnajIraD^ Bllnaeapolls.—Al tbe Holropolltan Tbeatre Robert Dowotng eomai Oct aO-2S, ainf will bo folloTcd I^Raadow, wbo ItDlaliei Ibe WMh. 'Trilby'* draw flcolr RlJoD Oraaa noDHB,—"A Modem MpphUto" la on D-a. aad "Plaalgan'ii Ball" will be hero work of It. Daniel Billy did a aoml average butlnou 13-IP. KoDL A MiDDLsroya riLAoa Mcaai'H.—rnr al and week there are: BUi.che Zelka, Pwlrllo. lloniiiian, Ilollum and Adelloo, MiO. Myere. llnlluol Corned) Co., Rurln uil Hlrhllng. Tom Vernon. Noriega, Bennen'a Marioaellea and .Marie l.llllnn Caalle. huilneaala geod. Dulatb—At Ibe Ijceum "The Warol tveallb," which waa iMoked at Uie Temple (let IS, IS, fliled the lime 10 lair tnalneM. but not aa good aa deaorred, Tlie aale of aeatn tor tbe Trocadero Vaudevillai^ 1«L li^ U good. "A TexaaBuei" Thel*ar[orTliealrelaclou»l. but will open a under Hie intoageoieol of W. J. Delil- nrom, who la reoomUng It at prveeot Tha Dululh 1/Mlgeof Blka gmveaaoelal aeaalon IS In honor of A. 8. LIpmen,ol'TlieWarorwealllt"....Mtnager J.T Coodon hen daperted to lake eherge or Uie Powara Ormud, Orand IUpldn.Mlch Ida Van ConUod aod company look their SuDday dinner here, U. n raarc lo Bimlnard. HlDn. Maoagor Jacob LIU took a nio op toaee "The War orWealUi" at the Lyceum. 15 A. Sliinelln UranBlaa auaallanalomlnlmuaeum. Bualneailallgblatpreaaat Oollie night 01 12 the Temple wu oumM lollia nound.wllh averyUiIng It conlalned. llaDlol Bully, In "OaddJ Xolan," gKTo Ihe Um perfonnanca, Ttie houae waaopoaed Ool.II, IIV, by ReeoCoghlan, la "Jnaelya" Tlie tiouao and aconery wen well loaured. but Manager rvindenbad nolneurance. lllaloAala abontll.fiOO. The laaunnce la not adjnated, hence II la not koovnil tba houae will be rabnllL CANADA. Ottawa—At the Onnd Opeia UoiMe Jsnee O'NolU UM a rory Urge builneaa Oct 7-9. Jblla Btuait, la "A Doll'a llouae," lo rtlrpalronage, IS. l>ne:"WBaB" 91, D. dHaNTa II.VLI.—Tlie Marka Broa.' Oonedy Co. doaid a Terr auccauiul four weeka* eniagemenl 19. Hoatlr<al.-.Tbe Academy ot Muslu wu dark week of Oct R Rookeil: Jnlla mnart aaalaled by rharHa lluar. Id "A Doll'a llouao." lUZS; Yale Oloa t^lub, PrineeloD BaoJo tlnb aad McdllltMontreehOlee ud Banjo Club, aaalaiad by Hyrla l>*rench.Se,lS(iBal|. nee): Hnip. Eveline Hobertl. aaelaled liy Mine llalen Ton Dorehuir. HIgnor Dante del Papa, Perry Amlll aiM laldun Luekauino.M (evening); Aleiander Salvlol. In The ThreeJluardamen.'"*llamlel"and "Rujr Btai^"7r-<ai ...... ,eilie*er. - - "Wang," with Al. llertBeU,*.^.,. - eblfbuHlnaaaforweekuril. Booked; Hobert Man- _jl.lB 'theC—'— "—" " .. haalua" anil tall Corelcau Rrothara;" "The lluaband," "I'aTr- . . I "Munbare." Bancnift mailclBB, nook or Nov. i. TllSATas BoYAt .Runno O'ltnurkc, aupporteO by Belllna Olrmnl.dld good bualneaj, (or week of Uvlih "TlieWlchliio t'oaiman." Booked: "IIom aad lloag'll and week, Weber A rielda Nor.« and week. Ol'BliA PaA!<aAlMB.—Thia Iheeire did good bualneaa for week of U wllh "Lm Trmvlela," "Lea HotiaiiiieUlreo de U Relne," "Mlrellle." -ai J'oula Rut." Binid (or weak oral: ■'geniie,""8iJ'eula flul," "Mliellle" and "Car- men." NuTta—lleory Irrlng donated the aum of fttuithe Ttiealrlcel Meebanlca' Aaaeolatloo. Lodge 41, of Mon- treal Al. Ilatt wu prerented. 1^ wllh a haodaeiiie pla aad cane by hia nunieroue tHenda lo MoiilreaL ToraBlo.—At the mncesK Tbeatn JameeU'h'elll piOMnied "VIrglnlua." "Monte Crlato" aod "Tlie Courier 01 Lvoa<' Oct. lO-ia, u> big bualneaa. Ilooao deih we«k or 14. Ohamo OfKHA ItociiK.—LUIten Huaeell and bar exi'ol- leat coujpany ouened lo a big houae It In "Tlie Tiigaeo," ud nave an excellent perfomiaoce. "LePertrliole"wnl bepreeeoted_ia. 10. .'"Sliura Acree" vwuea ai-as. 'llio Wiok. TbnoKTO Qi-saA llul'aa.—Ramey Perguaon. (a "M^ Ctnby'aMlaliaiia," U-ie.hea ratr baili ~' lew Pnalman" cornea ai-'Jt. anvani. THSiVHa-Ttie rat Ledlaa, In an m-ellenl ahow, are orowdlng Ihia leeort ^^MASaaT Mraii' IlAlk-CblcaiO Mlrioe BenJ ccnea ijOBdsa.—At Ibe (limnd, Dtia Skinner, Ui "Vl|. loo. Iho Vuabond," lied a poor bouw Oct 14. Walker WMlealde, ea Hamlet 17, had a good alird endlfQce. looked: "HoCaithy'a Hluiapa" B, Chicago Marina Bind Tss Le:fpoN Muait; IIalu which baa been iboruuihly renovated, will play popular price atlracllou. It [a In a good localloo ud ahouM do good butlaeea al cheap pr1t«a. HaDtllloB.—Attbe Onud Barney Ferguaoii, In "MoCanby'a Mlahai*!." comae Oct al. and Joe. Maridir 3U Sraa TaSAVsa—Laat woek'a bualaeaa wma above Iba avelwaf. Fbrai and week: ReyRlcbardi^tbeBllawoiIha, RUly Hill. Baker ud Randall, KMora and ,Varlnr, and Mona Wynn. NOTB.-Ttae Thlrteealh Bettalloa Baod will give their lul of ft leaioa'a aucceaerul ccnceru aeii Ttiundey ave. ning.wbaa ibe hand will be aaaltled lir Mr.. Mania Nor- phy, w. Andenon, lid. nieddea and 0. U H. Ilairle auslpb.—At Ihe Koyal Opera Uouae, Oct 10, Walker Whilealde. In "Itanilet" played lo a laraeand da- llghlM aqdieace. Coming; VI, A. O. |i. W. conteit; £^ Regena O'Bonrka, la "The Wloklo* Poatmu;" Nov. a, Marble A Olaik'B MInittele; ^ "Trilby;" H Robert Mu. tell. In "Mo^b aie." _ ALABAMA . MabUa,-At tbe Mobile TbuDe "Tbe White aiava" ctoie Oct 14, 'to good bualneaa. "A Fanad Oalf," l^ did ftlrly wall "Spider and Ply," le^ bad a vuy good honaa. PN.ictRi TugAiRa—.<. K. Emmet opaaed tbla honae oo 17.19, and did an Inimeaea bualBoaa^ crewde belaa loned awav. belea uaaMe hi gel alaudlns mm- i^mlg ud arahan'aRtock Co. will opeo al tbla houae ai- Blraailafhaai.—At O'Brior.'s Opera House a top heavy houee wlineaeed "Ilia 8paa ofLllk," Oct 14, It "rMh'a lad Rot" drew a gno,l bouee \t, "iJ» OU Umt Iiln"pleved, MIA 10emailaudleneaa. Elbe BUller, In "la VouUke It wUlappMrIt #0n the Road# All RoutM Mutt RMch Ut Not Lsttr Thin Mendgy. ,TIO. A kirelnm'a, Ullie-ftiolh Norwin, Ot. Oct a*-* IJew A |||»^ i, 9, Bandy lleoh 90. Wat«!mry9l-IIOT.9. Alloc A Ullla-Mpldlavllle, CI, Oct.91- WB-K-touS crariicj:, Oct a, gjd- wiur ai. Adrian 9V Ano Arbor 9t, CbailolU at, laU- Ai'rSn^Th^TlS-ASJS'aaV 111., Ocl. 9l-», Ctfa. B- Nov a Aydirlo'».loolae-Edonloo,H.O.,Oet n. -.^ Artnijead Comcdy-Uualep, Ia,0ct31-». Chllter Dek "Aliiia''-Wlaona,Wle. Oct Jl Baa OUIre », Olp- ..^s^£i'•aT,l^^st?ate'iW i{5fenW:sfi'iiaia:s*^'pJ^'-o«t-^ -■'^duii^Maia.,9l,arMaSaM S^mtuur iD, Paw. BloSiiy^a. rtoVanoH-baltlmorjJId, Octal* BeneaA Marvln'a PUyere-NorthatU, Minn, Oct ai-as. Bhe eerlh Clly »-Kov. 0- . . _, _ Benr'a. Wra.-m. loula, Uo., Oct3S-a). _ „„^^, _ Bevilelt'a. Owen-Lauo, III, Oct ai-aS, Cbllllcolhe B- Nov 9 Blrihe'a, Uelen-Rocbealor. N. y., Oct »-Nov. 1 bifw liimady-Rockvlll^ Ct, Oct Jl-a«, IToonaocket Br«oiSI'"olm E.-areeowld., K,Y, Oct 9t PMImont 3a,(.-hBUiam 9S, Uolyoke, Mats., New ilavaa,Ct, Baocron'a, Freaeilek-WaUrtown, H. Y., Oct JS, Og- daBaburgai. UlUwa, Con. 3S, % Moalie»lB-Nov. t "Baclielor'aBabr"-Boalon.MBaa "Blnlaofa realliar"-Delrolt Mltli,0<t90^- DeOance, O, as. Wapekoneu 99, Trot 30. Daylon 91-.Vov. 9. "Bond; 01 l;e>a"-IrwlD, Ka.. Oct A No. Caitle 94. ThoavlUo 9>. Oil Clly as, Rocbaalar, NTy., 3>-3D, Aoburo JtHyracuaeNor.l.a. „ _ "Baigage <:heck"-Albaoy, N. T., (let 55. 9B. "Blul Crook," Tomphlaa'-Ttoy, N. V., Oct >t Albuy a^au, HochealerSI-Nor.9. „ ,, , "Hlach Cmok." flpringer k Welty'a-Cedar RapMa, la-, Oct 91. (>iuueil Bloda 90, Omaha, Neb.. 97-9. "nMwnlea"-rblUdalphlB, Pa., Oct9l-Nov- 9. "BItyeleOlrV'-Waahfngloo, D-0.,Oet2i-Nov.a. "Vuinle Bcoilud,'-Olnclnoatl, 0., Oct 9»«, Cleveland 28-Nov. 3. "Bunnali"-Boau>n, MauL.Octal, lodelnlle. "Black Bheep"—WaahlBfilon, D. OcL 31-34. Harria- herg. Pa., K. Rtedlna U, Tnaloo, N. J., 30L AllaoUwn, Ha.. Jl. WIlleabarreNoT. I. "Hreray Tlme"-WllaoD. N. a. OcL 9S, OoMaboro 91. DflriiaiD a», Olfoid as. Heodenea 33. Raleigh 39, (Ireonaboro 30, WlnBU>n 31, Sallabury Nov. 1, luue 9. "Bowery OlrP'-Saglnaw, Mich., Oct 93, Clevoland, 0., as-Nov. 2. Cbrhe'n.Crwloa-Roadlng, ra.,Oct 93, York 14. Wll- iiilogtnn, Del-. 2S, Waahlngtuo, D. C.,3S-Nov,3. Canlnguin Dnunailc—Chlcopee Kalla, Maaa., OcL 91-90, Nerili Adaina 2tNov.9. Cnalg A (Iraham'a-Moblle, Ala-, OcL 91-30. Crow btiMore' Comedy—Traaton, Mo.. (Jet 91-36, Nary- vlllo S-Nov. 3. Cniiraid'a, lllnrlch-N. V. City OcL al, IndeSnlle, r:lK\li,n*a, Kelo—Ellltbelh. N. J.. Nov. 1. Crwie'a. W. Il--fl|iringeel<l, COa.O, OtrtooP4,Cohlm- blla^^as, ClnclnoBll S-Nov.l aiaao'a, llollle Bemsrd-SeaUlh Wtah., OcL 31-3. Coiepton'a Dramatlo Playere—Appleloo, WlR^ Oct at-9S, Manitowoc atNov. a. Ctii'eto'a Pmrneilo-Macon, Mo., OcL 9l-3e^ Clillllcotbe M-Nov. 2. Oeinll'iv loo, Flayera-Unloa City, Pa , Oet91-HLBba- rvn 2S-Nur. 9. "Cealented Womao"—Bait lAke Clly, U.. Oct 9^40, Og- d*n art, San Joae. CeL, 9, Siecklon 31, Bacnmant'i Nov. I, a. "Ciuka"—NewbuiTPort Maaa., Oct 91. "Couon King"—CInclonall, 0., Oct ar-Nov.9. "CnckerJack"—Couaell BlulTa, Ia.,OeL 77. "Caot. Paul"-Chlcago, IIL, OctS-O, Mllwaukae, WU., I7-Nov,a. "i:harity'B Aunt" No, 1-Brooklya, N. Y., Oct 11-9^ N. V.CIlya-Nov.a. "CUrlry'a Aunt" No. 3—SL Juaepli, Mo., Oct. 23, Kanau Clly a(-aa "Cupld'a Charlol"—WllmlBgtoo, DeU Oct 29, "Couatrv CIrcna"—Bloghamtno, N. v.. Oct Zt "Ooon IIollow"-8t Loula, Mo.,Octl».at,rua,ia,taL Ttrrt llBulo Inil ,39. AodeianaSCkFortlaad91, Newark, 0-, Nov. 1, Wheallni. W. Va, 3. Dnw'e.Johu-N. Y. City Octet lldalolM. Douuelly A olraid'a-ChlcagD, la, Oct aMS, Mil. wajkee. Win., 37. Oailey'a, Peter P.-Fhiladdphia, Pa, Oct 31-S, nils- borit iS-Nov. 3. Diiiliam'a, Lllllaa—Fulton, Ho., Oct 2), JolAiaonClly 34-30. Lavwnport'a, Feony—Brooklyn, N. Oct 3S-Mov. Z Da lleven Comedy—East Liverpool, 0., Oct 91-2S. DoenloR'a, R. L.—Hlnneepollt, MIOD-. Oct 23, Bt Paul 31.35. Milwaukee. WIe, 31-Nor. 1 Dftvia', Aana E.—Norwtlk, O., Oa 91-91. 'Dvlmoatco'a at 0"—Oblcago, 111., Oct. Detroit Mich, 37-Nov. 9. "Down on Uie Buwuee River"—Dayton, 0.. Oct 94-0. "Delaultef'-Omaha, Neb.,Oct9VFalbiClty3l, Paraona, KacSk muhurg 2S. Joplln. Mo,a7, Fori Bcolt ku , ai.Sed>lla,Mo,i«:jejreraoa Clly 90, Heiico 3l,ChlUI- colha Nov. 1, Oltumwa. la-, 2 "IMI'B Honaa'^-Montiesl. Ctn., Oa. 21 "Dalay"-JeTaeyvllle, 111 , OctZl, Sparu 23. "OarhfBl Baaala"-Doralur, 111, Oct aXBpringOeU 34. Bloomlogton 10^ Chicago 3t-Kov. >. "Darby Maacor-TvorTN. Y, Oct 21 "Uowa In Dlala"-Toledo, O., Ocl. 91-33, Lima 99, Fbld lay VP, Tiffin 90, Lancaater 3l. "Otnlst"-Wlc)illa. Kan., Oct U "Devil's Auotion"—Shanoan, Tec. Dot 23, Donlaoo 31. PiriB 3^ Teiaikua U, Hot Sprioga, Aik., 33, LInIa Rook n, Memphis, Tena., ao-Nov. t EUalev's, Edio-Kew Orleeat.lj^,0et 2r-Nov. 2 Eldon'B Comod laoe-Olrard. Ill, Oct 21-30. Emmolt'a, gatio-Mllwaukee, Wla, Oct ao-as. St PaaL MIna.. a7-». Oululh. VI, 31. Elllawood'a riayora-Miadlatown, N. Y.. OcL 91-20, Port Jarvlaas-N'ov. a. ErnplreTtitetre. Frobinan'e-Provldenea,R.I.,Octtl-3S, WaahlngtMi, D. 0., 9K-N0V. 3. Ellli'. CbeiL T.->lereey Clly, N. J, Oct 91-3$, Brooklyn, N. ■''•■' — "EaglnoaV'-l^lladdphla, Pa. Oct 91-aS, Korvlatown 9MU, Allanllc Clly. N. J-. 31, Fnnkronl. Pa-, ,\'ov. I, 9. "l:iglit Belb"-nillailelnhla, Pa.. Oct 91-U- l^etrla' Comodlaoa-t^hlcago. lit Oct 2(^36. ^ Frmwley Sloch-Loa ABnla^ Ct>., OcL 91. lodellnlle. Flake'a, Mlonia Madilora-Mllwaahee, WIe., Oa 94-10. "Keol fur Luck"—Oalvealon, Tei, Oct 3S- "Ful HeiL" NnrUem-Carllale, Pa., OcL 23, Bead log 34. Lcbaouo is, llarrialiurfc 2C Lancaater 18, Pottalown 39, AUootowo 9Ul LeblghloB 31, Olypbut Nov, KCerboo- diloa "Fau Mall," Bonlhera-Seatlle, Waah-. Oct Zl Olympla 24,31. Ponbnd, Ore., 30, Walla WBlliL,WaKh-,ag,I>eBdle ton. Ore , a>. Baker <;ily 30, Bdae City, Ida-,^, Poca- lelloNov.l, Logon. U-.l m. . "Faniaaaia"-Delioil, Mich, OcL aD-ac, Toledo, 0-, s- Nev. a. "For Fair Virginia"—llarriabnrf. Pa., Oct as, Harlem, N. V..aS-Nov. 2 "Faoat," Morrlaoo'e-Rocbeator. N. Y-, Oct 3I-3S. "I4«t," Rlce'a-Ballluoro. Md., Oct 31-30, Lowell, Mua., 331 Lawrence S. UaveMillI 30, Wuicoatar 31, BpnogOekJ Ngr. I. Nvw Haven. Cl-. 9. "I4U," Klaw A Erianger'a-Alluta, Oa., Oct 21,31, Au- icoata IS. Charleaton. il. 0 ,34 —•.-»>» "Foi«lvea"-FBll River, Maaa., Oct 34-90. "Foundlloa"—N. T. Clly OcL 21-11, Treoton. S.J., Nov. L "FauaL" Callahan's-Alloona, Pa., Oct 94. Philadelphia 38-Nov. 2 "Failed Cell," Bulem—Now Orteena, La., Oct 304S. .Meiiiphln, Toon., 9S. EvnnavlUe, Ind-. 31. "Falel Capl," E.atem-nnaloo, kaaa., Oct 91. Indeflnlte- "Falat i:aid " Wealeni-Ilhaca, N. V.. Oct 24. Syncuae 3^29, Waienonii 'A AubuiuS. Rodiealor90-Nov. a. "FlBiilgao'a Ralr'-Hl. Paul, Minn, OcL i^-O, Mlnoe- eaptilUar-Nov. 3. Gooilwln'r. N. C-N. Y. City (loL 31, Indednlle. Gll^laer^ 0. A.-Uoa Molnea, la, Nov. L I Uaylor'a. Hobby-PhlUdolplile, Pa .Oct 31-90, WllllaoiH bnrg. N. T, Zt.Sov. 3. "Uay FarlaUoB' -N Y. Clly Ocl. II, IndeOolle. ' Wrl I Loll Behind Me"-IlanroM, CI., Ocl. 29, Bridge ixirtaMlobokon. .S'.J ,39-S). -^a.™,. "Oreal UlnmnaO Robbery"—N. Y- Clly Ocl. 9l-.\'or. 9 "Olil WantatI"—New Haven, *X, tJcl. O, Uoboken. N. J.. 2l-lS.6|<rioceeM, Maa.U. •".,.»., "iaiven,]locda Mail"—Eaat Bt. Lonk IIL,Oct 27, Louie- Taoa. Mo..» Mailro O, Columbl>30, Moberly 91, Brook nud Nov. I, Clillllcoihii 1 ' ITarvlKao'a, Eawatd—Pall Klver, Maee., .Nov. I. AA- llllioan^a, Maade-jDlmnovn. K. V, Ocl. ll-a>. Rthenectadr 28..S'ov. 1 llan'e. Joaeab-Piovldeoce, R I, Dot 3I-1sl Fall Blver. Maaa, V, Rrockloo 30. Allleboro 3), Lowell 31. llolroke Nov I. Bridgeport Cl., 2. llofwonl-Royce-SI. Paul, Nal>, Ocl- 2t Urceley ';4, Old 21. Ilasilllon'a, Chaa. E.-Maryavlllo. <Vll. Oct 39-90 llailliran'n, \V. II.—Canal Dover. O, tJct. 34, Kaeark 3S ■A rar«r 3A. Bawluaty 99, Shelby 30^ Bellavue SI, D* dance Nov. 2, Oeiieva I. Oiiilamra. E. M. end Joaepb—Worcealer, Maaa, Oct 94. Knlnjterkl 2i, llan/ord, Cl, 29. BoBlan, Maaa, llaaileraoD's Comedy—(lalloo, 0-, Oot il-aS, Akm 38- Ndv. 1 Iloey'a, Wni-—Omalia. .Veb-. OotSLSl. rinerord'a, Chaa. B.-AlUMua, Pa. Oct 21 lleiidlon^Phllllpa—BloomdeM, lod, Ocl. 31-39^ Cayuga lloyt'oCoinftly-MunolL Mo., OoL 21-11, Aaron al-Kov-1. Ilyoe'a i cmady-RrownavlUe, lOil-. Ool 39. Uaira, JeaalB Mae—BvanavlUe, lod-, Ocl. t>-la Aleun- dtla3S-Nor. a. UllUard'a. Rnbarl-BrMklyn. K. V-, Ool. 31-9B, Phlladal- jphla.Fa.,88-NOT. t "lluller "-Alloonv Pe. Oct. D, Harvlabniwat "llaerl of Marybnil"—N. V- Clly UcL 31. lodaAnlle. "Hoaaud lloaa"—MonlTUl. Can, "HaiidaAcieuthaBea"—Woroeeur. Maaa, Oct 91.30. "Heniaalry"-Boatoo, Maaa.. OcL 3l-.Vov. 2. "Homan Hearta''-gasauOty, Ma, Oot 31-Kl Memphlf. Taaa,3l-Nov. t ^ Jri|ori^ «eniT-B<«ton. Maia, Oct 3I-9S, K. V. Oily 39- Irwln'v May-N. Y. Clly Ocl. 21. ladelulu. "la UM Kenlocky," No. 1-RllaabaUi. N. J.. I>CL 3t Paler. •ooa».a«,BaMlmol».Md..3»-Nov.a -.raiev "'.",'"''J^*"'"",!!" 9-II0I l!prlo^^ Ark., ocL 34, Ullle Rock tVfSvanavlllai Ind .wi "loRialil otBL raure"—B,iat„n.Maaa„Ocl. 31-Nov.a. fuhnatone'a, Ouule-^oplhi. Mo, ocL 31-11 V Jainea'.LoulB—Oalvealon.Tea,nct.t9. Jeffarona'a. Joaeph-N. V Clly Oct 91-Nov. e. "JoilyOU i^huuu '-uskalooa^iv-OetaLManballma •Cbea Molnea ■kta.EaJIufM^^^^^^^ 'Jack IlBikaway-Ualvbborg, Pa., Oct, n Bn«l» N.' lftlSinJ-.LW.-Allu>u, oa, OCL «* BubiWH T jSM^jai^ PnbBU'a-Dailea^ N. T, Oct II-BS, {iiTBSvutSpiLwnlc^III,OctJ-*^ . . iJSiJroooilllua-DuVlilo, Va, Oct 91-11, lynch. t£S35'tSliMl«-amyna, Dal, Oct 3Me. Cbaaiertoa, iSS'ftNSl?«k"J9rid«.t,Ct,0st«* ■Lllbt 00 Uo Polof'-Keadlnf, J-, g*- Jt* :{:!Ss%Wai'W-'-j?"dc?k'K'ri..,t«.2* ..M{ifr'-N.?'o''r°i.'i, la, 0«.».No. 1 -LaSS of the Llvlag"-NewHaven,Ct, Oct34-3«, Pblla. .ffl,tt'feSs2'a''S.i«"-Bocilord, 11, Oct 21. Ml^ »?S-'iSi''L.?£:Brooklri, N.Y.. O* 2IJJ lyn, Ju Km.. 28. Balem 39, Lawreoce g), Dover, N. M, »1 )<SS;'i."<!S.'B-pliSborg, Pa., Octai-^WIIUame kccIfo5'i!fD2l^?llf Elver, Hue., Oct tS. „ , „, SSSh/i Tta-Llocoto. Neb., Oct II. Ban Clalia, Wla, ka?u'i'l°'bllly°'°.-|ai^U.e. Mich, 0«. a. gSflelfi. R. B--Montiaal. Can., Oct II-M, Quebec 38,39, .2{p"r^Tiphl?Se'W^&ioct33, Torool* Cut, KSS, Eoirfon i>ooSKok 39, Ba^u SO, Oawego, Bctienira, NeUle-Newarii N.J., Oct 3l-a^ nohokeo Mackie'a, Jaa. B.-Menphla,\ Teun, Oct 34-30, Spring. llSS'a.'^leleae-MlaneapolU, Mian., Oct 30-13, Eaa ilSaT^»!!iii«St3^ Mllw„k,^ Wla, ',a.9a.DeaHoloBs.Ia,Nov. 1. „ , MMUBro«.'-Aniprlor,Can..Oct2l-Nor.2. SSdJeek^Bcookltn. N Y., Act at-* Boljaki 31-Nov. 1 SitterV Aahley-iJallon, O., Oct. 29, CunUbn 21, Bavea- aa30. KlyriaNov, I, LoralotkentS-^ ... „ „ Btifa'TiMfa-Wadiwinh, 0, Oct 9S-2«, BavlUe 98,8peBcer 29,LaaiUBeao. WoUlaguaSI-Nov.a' "Mio Ahli^ifewn"-FBll River, Maaa, Ort.9Ml:, „ ■■M00BV0i5ar''-Manchealer.M.II.,Oct9t.Lowell,Ma«a, 2JVBcrwitoa, Pa. aWO. ilnidiamtonjN. Y., Sl-Nov^ "Hylea Arooa"—Uwrence. Maa., Oct S, HaTerhlU a^ .'ir'IS.''^55'^Sb1'c.^. IIL, Octat^ 8..L«.lt "Mld'nlgbt'Flood"-Lowell, Maaa., Oct a Kucheater, K. "Mai^ Worid"-Lonlavlllo, Ky., Oct214>, Chicago, III, -STrngti'; Mlaliapa"-KenalBBloa, Ru, OcL 31-94. "Malonsy'a Mlaliap«"-Browaovlllo, Fa..,OcL O. Belle Veraoo 24, HonoagaheU City 9\ CoBaelb>vlUe9S, Unloa- town UL 0reeaabnrgS9- „ "Malonay'aWeddlng'^-Albact Ua. HIaa, Oct 23, Eldo- "MUndahtSpeclar'-Scrsnun. Pa., Oct a, Blnghainloa, Nj^Y-|94-arOivago 28, Cortland X), Batii JI.Bomells. "Milk While Flaj"-Clodnuatl, O., OcL 91-93. Detroll, ''Mlu'ilarum Bcaniro''-Wllnlotton, D<l, Oct. 38, Blcb- raond,Va,Nov. t2. ^ _ „ „ „ "McCarthy'a Mlahapa"—London, Can., Oct S, Oiand RapldB,illch,3l-l?ov.2^ _ „ „„ » Voblee', Mlllon-Portland. Ore, Oot 28.NOV. a, M NeUieraDle'B, Olga-Boclw.iter, N- Y, Oct IMS, But- IB1O9M0- Nlckervoo'aComedy—81. Joha, N. B.. OcL 31-Nov. 2 Noaa JolUty-WalerV>o, N. Y.. Oct ZtByiacaso 34-30. '■NBwBoy''-Uulavlll»Ky, 0cl3|31 _ . ^ "Nloba"--BaTirord, Ot, OcL 31. IIabokon,N. J.. tl-Nov. 1 "New DomInloa"-NaBlivlUo, Tann-, Ocl 2M\ Hamphli . atiao. 0'Kelira,Jame>-RodieaUr,N.Y.,0ct.a3, Blnghamun 39,Elmlra3a „ OlcoU'a, OhaaBcer-N. V. Clly Oct 31-3B. "OnUiePolomac—ML Vernon, Mo., 0et29^ OreaoSeU 3t-93 "Okl Romealead," No. I-Oilcaao, III, Oct. 91-Nov- a. "Okl Uomestead," No. 3-OniUa, Nab., Oct ZM4, Dea Molaet la. 38. „ "OnlheMUalBaliipl"—Wuliligun, S. C Oct 31-38, Jar. aevClly.X. J,a-Nov.2 .'Xlur Flal''-Keokuk, la. Oct 21 Borllnitoa 38. "Old Okiry'-WIUIamBbarg, N. Y., Oct 11-98, Newark. K. J.. 3S-NOV. 4. ''0'FUrily'sVaeatlon"-Keohiik, la, Oct. 24, Burllngtoo ' " Peoria IB-31. Famer Ifopkloa"-Waraaw, lDd.,Oct23,Boart>ca 2S, Peoria IB- 31. "Old Famer Ifopkloa"-Waraaw, lDd.,Oct23,Boarl ' 2t riarceton IS, Chemniico it, Ceadallvllle 28, la Greoie2t. "Oa the Bowery"—Chicago, lit.. Oct g^Nov. L "Old RobeTaaaer"—FrankfortN. Y, 0:t2S, CanaataU ' 21 Onelda38,Cazenovia99, Norwich Sn "OM Linn Ella"—Atlula, oa.. Oct 39, as- 'X>'aoollgan*B Maniuerade"—Froatborg. Fa., Oct 23, Ut PleaMntatOroenehurga^BlcKeenoit ae,NewCaalle 3^ Beaver PalU39. Baal Liverpool, 0..90, Wheeling, ff. Va,3l-NoT.2 "Oulya Faimer'a Duihler"—OreeavlBe. Teoa., Ocl. 21, AahavUle 2t MorriatowolS. RaoavlUan^ Chaltanooga 29. Athena Si TnlBhoma 31. Nailivllle Nov. 1,3. Ptlor-BoUew-Cleveland, 0-, Oot A Balialo, N. Y', al- as, BalUmora, Md, aS-Nov. a. Fayton'a, Coieo-Parherebarg, W. Va. Oot 91-96 Ma. rieua,0,28-Nov. X Pringte-May—La Oiude, On., Oct 3I-2G, I'omeroy, 27-Nov.t Tbe Uaala, Hlmoelala'a-Llma, 0., Oct 91-91, QaUn g. Too|?a /ohn E'-atsnhuvDIa, O.. Oct m TaJuSt, Bthal-lbialtoa, FB^ Oct il-aa, Pliuu, PeeautTlieaIre—Newark, N. J, Oct 23. Pftlge'^Mabel-RalelBb, M. c, Oct aldO, Oohltboio 3S- Piloe'B Popular People-Jaffeieon, 0 . Ocl. 33. Andovar 34-91 olnid. Fa., asja Conoaautvlllo 91-Nov. a. "Pudd'nhaad WllBon"-Wlllamabnrg, N. Y., Oct 31- Biooklyaag-Nov.a. "Paaalag Show"—San Fiuclaco. Cal, Oa. 31-Nov. 3. "Prod Igal Pathef'-Olnolnaall, 0. Oct lo-a. "Fay Traln"—0read Juncdoo, Cot, t>t. 2S, Oleawood 3t Aakia 2S, Laadrille aei SalUa a. Canon Clly 99, Cripple Oreek 30^ Victor 31, FuabloNov. 1,Colorado Bprtnoia. "Pawn 'ticketaltr'-Bueyna, C^Oct 33, Wabajh 2t Fort Wayne, Ind.. 26. Chicago, IIL, 97-Not. I "Power or OokP'-Elliaheth, H. J, OoL 31 Balllmore, Md, ^Nov. X " rlaya and Playenr'—Orud Raphla, Ukh, Oot 31-21 RuaaeU'e. Bol Bmlth-Bahlmora, Md., Oct 31-30, Nor- fiilk. Va-, A, Hlchmood M. 30. ' Huaaoll A Baker'a rnniedy-Uavn de (Ince. Md , UcL 33-10. Aberdeen SL3UI Bllalon. Del . 31-Nov. a. ^o^^flo-V"! Wort 0, Oct. 23, Delpkoa at HI. Mary's 2}, Wapakoneu 21 Bollly'a, Jamea. A--Olney, 111. Oct 2t Waihlagtoa, Ind., 91-i), Evtnivllle 97, New Albuy 38l9- Robaon'a. Sluarl—Waabln-too, D. C, Oct 91-19, Balti- more, Md„ 28-Nov. 2. Rowland Buck-Wlalttld, la, Oct 24-20, BIgouioey 39-1). Behan'a, Ada-Phlladelphia, Fa, Oct. 31-10, Beaton. Maan. a}-Nov, 2- Boyle'a, F. Hlllau-t)ulncy, 111, Oct. 331 Burilagtoo, la. 31 Peoria 20. Raed'a, Roland-Ulica, N. Y., Ocl. n, Bln|bamton 31, Pataraoo.N.J., aa Rhoadea', Kluy-Baaton. Pa., fkl. »Sar. 2. "WJ,''' .?''I!t'S '(y*!. "••' Od- A Uolonviiie a^ ChllllcDtbe27,aa.Brookvllle 9. Mawa city 3l,M«ira Nov. ^ a Rice A Barton's Comedlua—Aahlaad. Pa., OcL 33, Ma- hanoy Clly 34. Tamaqua 31. Xauch Chunk 31 Wllkce- Inrre38-90. Marri.burg 91. CorllaloNov. I, Yoik2 Rulle.lgo'a. rilny F.-Jama«porL Mo.. OcL 23, I'aihiaa- burg 34-30, Kidder Nov. 1,2 RIce'a, Faony-4:iBvetand, 0., OcL 24-30, MaoAQekl 28- Rliea'e-Albaoy. N. Y-, Oct 21. Koyco * Evua' Tliealre-Uebel. Minn, OcL 31-lS. Frei Ipu 28-Nov. a "Roiy of the lllir'-Brooklya, N. Y, OcL 31-11. "Bide for liro"-.Vorfolk. Va. Oct 34. Richmond 98. Foorlasii! ■' ■'<*"'••'«' ». "BaltroBd Ijckof'-Wllllanabunt, N. Y, Oct ai-as, Ttea- Ion, It- J, as. Qolhorj's, B. tl.-N. Y. Clly OcL 31, Indillnlle. bo?o"»,£.'' ''•-■'•'"•'I'le. Ity,0cl. 30, Colaai Halvlnl'^^oi.-Wheelloe, W. Va, Oct -a, Montreal, BkinnBja,OUa-MllwMkee, WU., 0«. D, Blooolniloa, "'^'£;5«^^^i*>'urg,Mua.Ocl-ANarlboro 31- B^ijfonl't Flora—Johnaiown, Pa, OcL 31-38, flometaat '■ffSf j''il'^'^""5'^'"l^ lad , Oct 23, Bliood ai-wa ■euleon as-Nov. a. Badle IUvmond-n>d Bud. lit, 0ct2t.8|atlat3.Murpbya- .auo,P Boulhera Frice-^reavon, Fa, Oot 91 Portase 21 "^idfJ'ni SSiVT'"' ■ ' No" 1°'Chicago, IIL, 91- <>«'■ ».Indelhill.. "Silver Klog"-pnriljnd. Be., Oct A 21. Relh 31 Anna. SnS; SflSS." nS."- '^"•""'"» sfliwlatoo 31, lK !Jf'''".•■'* Fiy"-Ne« OrleBn^ La.. OcL D-lS ^""i'NoVa' c. OcTai-jo, n. v. '■%"ki"4w;;ii;i?e';'5i'°*""^ »^' !Jt" ""J-'K-S"? Orlcaae, U, Oct Itss. B Sr^ '"' " "'•' Otl- O. Naw Btvao, O. ■'•feoKlniTl'ikYi**-*''''*"' ». His*"**' *■ '"^""^ OctaXBuaUo, N. T, TlSifivT"-""'"-''-^-'f"»>»".»' IS""* ^""i" No- 9-Eulon. Pa., Oct It Raed'oe «l >l Sr'"',!'"^"!,"-''' f City Oct 31-21^ B«adagaMl "Shlewalka of New York"-Nawatk K j rw ei,a Brooklyn. N. Y, aJ-Nov I ' *•• Oct 3|,|^ rSJr 37 0«- 30J^ 8c. Paul, Ulna, 'Hmugiiera"-CaBal Dover, O, l>ct n Wane, k d,^ *"Wt,'a,'9aoreenabnVg SoV?!^ T'^e' Vl''??"'»''<-»"""l!«tao, Ill.^0ct39, ru.. Tuffli'?SlSjy^Vfflit5;K°9Li^ SL 91k Maiiavllle 98, Baits »ISAucoodi afat?"'" Trip n <»lna«ow«"--Me2Pbjl, Teeo, Oct A Jaclao. aiBijW^Paducab, Iy.,«, (i&o. ni, A iw'e Johna"-Wbealbig, W. Va, Oct aawaahnnm Pa, 14. ScoltdalatS, CmmtlsvUIaA Hthaia^iG^ •Twelve Templatlou"—Pittsburg. Pa ,pet 38-Nov. t |B"-Httsb«r«. ?a,Oet "nntby"-anuha. Neb., Oct t^M, kui 9S-N0V.X Clly. Mo, ■Town Topic<"-Chlcago, ID., Oct 2>-a, t'ladnnali. o 27-Nov.l • 'Trilby," No. l-WUIIamabnrg, N. V, Oct 9S-Nov. 2 '•reiaB''-WlchlU Palla, lai, Oot A 94, Bowie B,j(. I>acalav98-3aroit Worth St., ^ Tonado.''Nortbein-Chanipaln, lU, OcL A Maliooa 34, Faria A Tme Haote, Ind,». Uchnoed A DtiiS^ 0,99, ZuesvUle 90, Waahlngton Conn Honje3l Cu' neWllki, Fa., Nov. I. Wllolugtoi, Del, X "Tornado,''Bonlhani—Bllaaaburi. tvaab, Oct ATaeo. aia 34, Victoria. B.0, A Naoalmo A Tucnvar si Seattle, WaakTA 30, CHyopU 31, Ponknl, OivNet: "Two Old Croolea"-Wheellu. W. Ta, t^t 94-A The CapltsP'-H. Y. City Oct 91, iBdeanlla. 'Too Much Jobnaon"—Chicago, IIL, Oct D-Nov. a, "Thorooghbred"—Bulland, Vt, OotAOreenllald, kaaa^ AAlholAaanlnarALehaaon,N.ll,30. ^ "Trilby," No. 2-HlonaapollB, Minn, Oct. It-A 'Triloy," No. S-Demlt Mlcli., Oct IMS. 'Trilby," No. i-8an Abloolo. Tea, Oct A AbbiIb u Dallaa A 98, Foit Worth A Tybr 9, gbravepori, iTl nLltlUBick,/rh..,9L ^ 'Twentieth Centary dlrP'—WaiblDston, D. C, Oct ii-k PIUabnnr,Pa.98-Nov,9. _ _ iiTTndB Josh Spncshy"—Boooo, la, Oot A Dea Halnta tl 21. Xno»IUe s'Albla A Charlloo A IHnSL t Coning A VlUlacatl, Olaowood Nov. I, Coundl tlns'a 3,Mla<auriVallB>4. , ^ , 'Undo Toffl'a Cabin," Btatlon'a-CaocoTd, N. 11, (Nl 34 Franklin, Maaa., A Lyan 38, Wamo art. Ware 3' BlB/Tord Bprioga A Falmerai, Cblcopae Fella Nov. I. Van CorilaadX Ida-Wlnalpoc, alan, Oct at-a;, Vu Dyke A Baton'a—PnmoDi, .Nab., Oct 2l-Nov.2. Vlcu>r'^ John A.-Mt Veinoo, lod, Oct at Evuavilie A Mt Camel, lU, A Olney»SliNewlan3l-Nav2. Vu EUa'a Ada-Hamllun, M. T., Oot A Cllnua 91, BooariUaALowvllleK., ^ Vlncaat-atrveui^Tlplon, lad.. Oat ll-M, Booptaion, IIL. 28-Nov. X Vera Reportory-Elliabelh. N. J., Oct Jl je. "Veadetu"—Waahlogtoo, D. C, OcL2)-.'iov. I •nraiowrlghl'a. Maift-ntlaburg, P», 0«.31-A 8lea. " beuviua, 0., A Wheollng,.w. Ta, 9, A Wanar Comedy-Fraston, alnn, OoL A 31-11. UaleloBh Ward A Vobes'-Pbio Blul^ Avk.. Oct A Uulo ll«k >i. Fort BmlUi A BprbigaeM, Mo., A Eanaaa clly a;. Whitaaldes', Walker—Bay Oily, Mleh, Oct A Luaiag at Uiand BapidaB, 30,Blkhan, lad, A Laportai, eC wood A Indlanairalla Sl-Xov. a. Walle Comedy, Eaatora-Salem, Maia., Oct 31-A Ktdina, N.U,38-Nov.l. ^ „ Walle Comedy, Weatan—Piukllo, Pa-, Oct 3l-9>, oil city 38-Nov. i Wayne's, Mr. and Mn.—Jackaon, Uleh., OcL 31-A Baula CreekA-Nov.2. wTuard'a Chaa. O.—Plcton, Cu, OcL 31.28, BellavlUo B- Wall'a,Bowsid, Mudcal Comsdy—yindIar,0,OcLll-A Warde'a Fred B.—Hichnoad, Va , Oct 23, Boaiioke 3t Xno<vllle,Tenn,A t^batluoou 31 Allaata, (ia., a. SL HacoaSI, JackaoavTllo, Fla, Nov I, a. WaOla', Oladya-Naw Alluy, lad., Oct 33, IndlanaooUa 34^ Colomboa, 0, V^4a, Dayton31, Tern Haute, Ind, Wldilow Poslmu"—Toronto, Can, Oct 31-A Qoeleb 38. "Wblw Rat"-OtaveIud, 0, Oct ll-A Chicago, III, 91- Nov. t. "Whila gUve"-Olnclnaatl, 0, Oct 37-NoT. 9. "White gqnadron"—Dallu Tex, Oct A 91, Oalnaavllle A Faria A Sherau A Denlaon A Tegarkana Sl Uol Bpringa.Aik,31,LluleB«ckNow.l,t. "World Against Her," Agues Wsllsee-Vllla'a-Wllkea- "WorId"-^amokUi, Pa, Oct A Snobnrr A DaavlUe sl,Wllllamsport 81, Malunoy Oily Nov. 1, Tamaiua 3. Wllkeabarrat ii7en<"-WUmlngton, DeL, Oct 3t Newark, N. J., S- *J Nov.l HVfllOALa. Amsrlcan Opera—Trentoo, N. J., Oct 9I-3S. Bosloalue-aan Flmncllco.Cal,Oct9Lladellalte Chicago Harioe Bud—Torooto, Ou.,0ct A London94, Delnit Mich, 98-37. BnWale 39. , , , Oulle Biiuara Opeis-Boiloo. Maaa, Oct 31, Indenalle. Oaaadlu JnbUM Blagera-Hadaoa, N. V, Oct 31. Cat- ■klll39-97,8ugartlu A Elnmon a, Ponghheatalen NewbuiwBI, Nov. L Flabklll2,9. llamlUe IfArvllle Opera-Pliuborgi Pa-, Oct. 9i-S, Wheeling, W. Va. A Uroad RapMOUch, 31. (Pieman tTomlc Opera—Dulolh, Mtnn., Oct 94. Sorinne—MuaOaM, 0., OcLA _ Dllby Bell Opois-CbicinsatI, 0., OcL 91-A LeKlaiiMi, Ky, A Bunilnatou, W. Va, S. Chorleaton 30, Rich- Dond31,Norfnlf Nov. 1,1 DoBOpera-N. V. City Oct. 91, brdelalla. Dunbar Opeia-Wlnnlpeg, ku, Oct 38-Nav. 2. EdaaidaaiComIc l>peia-N. Y. Oily Oet9Lhidelnlie. Foi'B, Dalla-N. Y.OilyOctai-ABtrleni. N.T,38-llov-l. (liau Open—ChatiBDOogft, Tenn., Oct 21^ Ullben Opera-Hndaou, allch, llov. A Waaaeoa S. .Va. ffilean, 0., 11 Paulding A ion's Bud—Bslllmore,Md„ Oct A3B.„ _ ., . , Uooklus' Coaort-LUa Oiy, It.. Oct 91-A WaU Late as-Nov. X Uall'a, Pullne-Portlud, on. Oct 93-A Uarria' Engllah Cipen-N. V. City Oct 3L IndeOnlta. Uopper-a, lie WoU-Kuau City, Mo., Oct A Omaha, Neb:, A A Msckay Opem-TrenUMi, N.J, Oct 91-A Melba Concsn-Phlladelphls, Fa., Oct A Baltimore. Md, A WaahlDgton, oToTs Oriolo Operm—Oraod Fotlir, N. D, Oct a „„,.„,, "PrblceMBoonls"-8allliaora,Md.,Oot 3I,A PbUadel- £10, Fa. IS-Nov. 3. hHoy"-PhiUdelphia,Pa-,Oct91, IndeSallo. Hnieeira, Lll lan-Bugalu, N. V, Oct A Cleveland, O. 9t-A Chlcuo, ID., 37-Nav. IS. "Spblsi"-Pblladelpala, ra, OcL 3-Nov. 3. Sonaa's Baud—Dallaa, Tax, Oot 91-Nov. S- Tavary Operm—CInclnnaU.O, Oct- 38-Nor. L Wllaon■^ Fiucla-N. Y. bly Oct 91-A Fluaborf, Pa., 9S-.Nov;9. Wilbur Opera-LoulBvllls, Ky, Oot3t-Xov.X "Wliaid or Ihe Nile "-Chicago, n , Oot D-Nov. 3. "WuB"-OgdeuBbun|. N. Y, Oct A WaurtooBtt Oi- wego A iTuca A Albany A BaimUga B, Ooboea A Xlngstoo 31, Newborg Nov. 1, PoBgbbeepde3. Americu Oalelv Olrls-Tioy, N. V„ Oct 21-A Coiitcklo A Chatham 19, Fliiallehl,Maaa,UBprindeld3t-Nov. 3. American Vaadevlllea—Wheellag.w.Va.l>ct 9. ^ Albambn Vaudevlllee-WIUnuiirillnB., OO. A Aihkod 3t Sauk Cenlra A Fetgas Falla A Moorhsad A Fano. H. D, a, HUlabon A Larimorall, OaisoUloo Kov. I, Wahpeu>n3. _ Bloodell'a-New Boaton, Hleb, OcL A Flymontb A». Walla 31, tVayno Nov. I. X Oarilon S, a „ _ Cannu'a-Bodiealor, M. V, Oct 91-A Bvncolo CM^^Bpoiu-Olevelud, 0., Oct 31-A nlladdpbtt Fa.. Cllv Club-Chicago, 111., Oct 30-38, Mllwaakee, Wis, »- Kov.x Orcoloa Jack's—Washlagtoa.D.O, Oct 21-A , ^ „ Deven'B, Bam-FhUadalphla, ra, Oct 21-a, N. Y- Clly 3»- Nov. 2. PleklB'DnwlDgOaida-0lndaoatl,O, Oeta8-Nov. 2. Fnnch^FoUy-Boilon, Moas, Oct 21-A N. Y. Clly 33- Far Foater-Boston, Maaa, Oct 21-m, Uarian,N.Y,l»- Hov. X FlynnAHheridan'aBlgBenaatlon—Syncnaa, N. Y, Ocl. a,Clevelud,0,38.Nov.t _ „ "Uaimaheis"-Pullon, Mo, Oot 3X California A Ver- aallleeai,B«lallsNov.l,BninivIlleX „ „ _ „, IIIIK Ou^ NovdUee-Pftleison, N. J.. Oct 31-38,80111- more. Md, 38-Nov. X , „ noWBid Alheneium-N. Y. City OoL 31-A Rochsaler, N. Hyde's ComsdlanB-Balllinor<,Md, OcL 21-A Wuhlog- 1oa,D.a,at-Nov.X , , Ueary Burleaquo-Sciutou, Pa, OoL A Baich Ohout 3L tablgbtoa A Blatlogtoo A PhUalalphla 3S-Nav. X leham'a Ocl'>roanB"-wnilainabaig, N. Y, Oot. 31-38. RochssUt3S-Nov.3. Irwin Bro..'-N.Y. Oily Oot tl-A . „ ifyt E«tnva«ui»-Bt Louu, Ko.. Oct D-Nov. 1 KelUteld'e-Hiiboten. N. J, Oct a8>Nov. 2. ^ I^doa Belief Brdelra-LculsvlllaKy.. Oct tI-2«. Horrjs'Twsoliilh Centary Malds-Pnvhlesce, R. I, Ocl. Ma^RusseU-Xorih Adamt Maaa, Oct 38, N. Y. C1ty '.!rt- Maiu'l Al-Brooklyo, N. U, Oct. 94, aiaeavlllo S. Md. ford A Now York Blara-Olnduaatl, O., Oct ai-». Might OwU-Matlna, N. Y', Oct 31-A J>'"'>t',!i.^'"» (toad>-FhluJsliJiu, Pa. Oci.,8l-'Jl „. Boae uni-N.V. City OcL91-A^ iHillailalphIa, Fs., 2»- flOv, X RaaseU Bna'-Indluanolla, Ind, OoL 3l-3(, „ - B>nu.Banlley-K. Y. Olty Oct X-A Altany. N-V,»- POV. 9- Reeves', A].-Albur, N. V, Oct ai-A BiDghamloo a»*l, ^Berutoo, Pa, 31-(lov. X --i Wdlr A Wood'a-Newart. N. J., Oct 91-98. "Soalli Befora Ihe War'-Davloa. 0, Oct A 91. „. „ Troeadan TaiidBvtllea-8t PaoU iflan, OctaxMlaoe- apoMa 14-A kuuB City, Mo, 97-11 or. i OonnoU Blulb. Thoiliton'a, James-BalUinon, Md, OcL 31-A WllmUig- ion,Del,awa - - Trua-Oceulo-Woicaaur, Maaa, Oct 13, HaiinMd,OL, OotANawark.N.J.,as; „ ^J*'£."'!? "latanr-Pltuban, Pa,OctlI-ABQ«ilo,N. „i, B-Nov. X „ , Wilaon eiaun'-BuOak), N. V, Oot H-A Patataoa, H. J-, W-HOV. X Wehev A FMdf VandevlUaOlab-alcago, IIL, Oct »* 2'i!"5!P'J?rJ?r««ar, "aaa, Oct n-A 2^!'* ^""l' Own-N. t.oiwoetai-iB. . . „ „ WIUlamB' Meteoie-N. Y. «ly Oct 91-Nov. X ■^llf" i"t'-0''awa, lU, Oot aWollal A ■"o*^ Wis.. 3X Raclsa saTMIInakM <7. A Wuka*a s, Rockford A BlgtlTlIL 81. "ord'o-Oolonjhia Pa-OctA MechulsebaigKLwIa Ion A UunUngunA Oavelaad-a-LoSk^ By, Oct A