New York Clipper (Oct 1895)

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OCTOBEB 26. THE IsTEW YOBK CLIPPER. 541 IK VACSEVILLE UP TO DATE. ^*^*»s^ * .BM^^ ^ ^^^^-^-fc-B* CBA8. O. BMIXH. Proprietor. , . OOMPOBED OF THE LEASHfO SPBOIAJLTT ABTBTS OF AMERIOA. THE FAMOUS lATKOFTHBHVBItlLEBCO. »III0IIIO ABTlWi. CVBEDT ACROBAT4. THoncipsoia. and. Colli nn, Liicler arLd. O-ieTre, Oa-vaileld. and. 0'35Telll, PARODY KINOa. MtlSIOAf. OOBUDURI. mUR COMBOIANI. PJL.EIVXY OF PKIIVXIIVO AND IVOIVE BETTER. ^elsozi azid. D^illed^e, Cemadr thMcli Team. A HIM*' ** **><* Tlan*. Conolndliis with the Comedy Af terpleoe, entitled^ "CONFUSIOIT," hy Marty O'Neill, late of Yernona Jarhean, Kate Oaatleton and All Baba Oom- paaies. P. S.—We honor him whose name we heart Address all oommnnioa^ons to JAMES r. WOOD. Manager, t. J. AHMSTRONO'B. 10 Union Bqnare, New York City. IQf, R.KlD(r,10 to 1, tKond; >omi|[«. 10r,Cbr«.S (o S, ihin). Time, 0:67>a Tblnl nc*—8li tuil a i|uaHer furlOD(*-Alf?Uoi, 0S. Oleuoo, 4 to I. flni; n«l«tr,9;, Andrava, A to 1, MwnO; Bilrer Quten, M. NtMhin, 3D Ui I. iblnl. Ttffla, 1:13 rosno rac^riT* TurloDD^ umaplftDflOr. A.HcN)r«,3U> Uerndon, 107.1 (at* diloaoD. 6 to I. McoDd; Joa Jap, lldL JobnadO. IS to S, ibltdVTIma.lM'i. Pinii rac«-8lx aad a bair fkir- loaia-BDBlrlui, Im, D«Ubanir,) to 1, Unit: DavlJiae. 110, Naarr.S to 1, aeoond; I^r Taatiier, l(B,CUr«,20 to 1, ililnl. TlmSflA .... Bixthtaea—Fonrfbrioiia-Daealt' M, UP, ATaiTtJtoa,arat;Camallte.liu. 01«aaoa. 4 lo 1, Moood; Imp. Plondanr, UO, Clara, e to 1, thtnl. Tlma, 0JO>*. ATHLETIC. comno BTEirro. Dm. 7—SerenUi lUtlniant, K. Q. 8. N. V., aoauftl indoor swnei, ft tlio ftniury. N. Y. CItr. Poll. 1, im-HeT Jonioy Atliiotio Olib Ctralvtl ol RporU, Maillooo S^nire (Itt^ui, N. Y. City. AaoBg (he LMther Kiekon. The ismea o( (oolteU plsje4 dDrlng Uie put WMk tij Eutern claba and college tthm^ wlin the mora tmponant coaleita Uist htra Ukee plica In other pstta o( the coaclrr, ere henwilta samiiur iMd: OCL U-At Phlladelpbis, Fa., Unlrenltj ol PeuKjInnlt l>eat Lehigh VDlvcnlv, M lo o. Oct, le-At OunliiliJge, Uu8., ilkrvard Uukenlij t>e*t milUma College, 33 to 0; it New Daren, Ct., Yele UQirtmtr beat Dtrlmoiiili College, 2eto o; a( Now York, Oulombla College Frahmen li«at CuUer Bobool, IS to 0; Banurd School beat St. Aua- tlD Dcbool, as to o; at PrlhcMon, N. J. FrlQcetoo OolleKe l>e>t mocaton Seoliiarj, io to 4; at Amheiit, Mus., AinheiBt College lieat Wea- leno College, 12 to lO; at Boaloa, Mao., Uoelon Athlallo AaeoclaUon beatUaasachuseUa liutltiitc o( TtehDOlogT, U to 0. Oct. le—At UnDgo, N*. J., Ynle UolirersItT beat Oraogo AUiletlo Clui>, '21 to 12; at Cambililge, Hue., Uarmd Unlverdtr beat Browo llnlTenltj, M lo e: ai Philadelphia, l%.,PilnceiuD College beat Lehigh Itnlremliy, le to v; at BroohljD, N. Y., Creacenl Atblailo Club beat Aohent College, 20 to 0; at Ithaca, N. r., Ufajette College best Cor nell Uolrereltj, 6 loO; atWorco>ter,H>aa.,Worceater Academr beat Urovrn Cnlvorelt;, -JO loO; at Ilcbokeo, N. J., Saw York Lire luunnce team beat SL Oeorge Oilckct Club, 4 to O; at Biltlnore, Hd., BalUmore AthleUc Ciab beat St. Johii'a Colltge, lo too; at St. tool). Mo., Colaiobla L'olTerallx beat Pordae Uolvenlij, is to o; at Aonapolla, Ud., Naval Otdeta beat KnaUlo-UsraUall, M too; at Bbath Orange, N. J., South OniDge Held Cub tieat l(oiiter«7, M to 0: atSrarthiioie,Pa., Swaibtnore Oollega beat BalUmon College, nio o; at New York, 8L ViaDcla Xavler College beat College or the CIlT of New rork. 10 to 4: at Uraiige, N. J., Y. M. 0. A., or New York, lieat Y. ll. 0. A., or Oiuge, a to 0; at llartford, Ct., Trialif Col- lage beat Amlienl AfilcallunI College, 21 toO; at Manctaealar, N. II., Uanmoath College beat Haaaa chnaetu Inalltate or TechDologT, 30 to 0| at Middle Iowa, Ot., Wealejan VolTerelir Mat New York Uol- venllT, M to e; at Slaian liland, naigllloD ItuUlate beat BL AiuUo School, 14 to 0; at Fluablog, L. I., BlataD Iiland AltUeUo AaaocUUoi ijtatSeruiteeDlh Separate Oompanr, Uure being no (coring b> either elae In the Int hair, the rormer team making one goal In the eecond tiiU; at FhlladelpbU. Pa., L'nl- venltj or PenujIviDia beat Ualreiett; ol Virginia, M to 0; at Btooklrn, N. Y., Pratt loalltute beat Adelphi Acadenv, tw to O; at Sclitnecuutr, N. Y., Union College beat laureate lioatOlob,8too;at Weat Polnt,N. Y., Weat PolatCidetalj<atTu(taCoUege,u to 0: at Oarden Ctiri L. I., Berkeler School beat 81. Paul School, a too; at \rilllamtioini, Xlaaa., W||. llama OoUega beat 8monae Unlvenit;, ±i to o; at 8oolhOrange,N.J., Bcton BaU UoI.ege beat llan battana of New York, a to 4; at Peekaklll, N. Y., Peekakin HIUurT Academr beatIM La 3aUe School, 28 to o; at New Bmuwici;, N. J., Kutgtrj College best Boaevtlle Athletic Aaaoclatloo, U8 to 4; at Uer- Ea Point, N.J., Neir Jeraer Athletlo Club beat tokettatown Collegiate laadtou, 22 to o; at LIt- Ingiton, B. L, Slalea bland Cricket Club beat Met^ ropoUtan loaurance AthleUc Aandallon, o to 0; at Ohloago, III., Nottbweatem Colrereli; beat Uolrer alty of Chicago, 2 lo a. Oct. sd-ai (loeena, L. I., Ooeena Field CInb beat Hohawk, 12 to t; at Bay Hldige, L. I., Ramo beat Bij Ridge, n to a; at Aa- toria, L I., Pioapeotbeat Leonllae, 12 to O; at Uou Haven, Someraet t>eat Clarion, 12 to 10; at Aalorla, L. I., (lerald beatBlake lMt o 4. Oamea at Colamtia Oval. * Tha'groiuHla ai WUllanubrtdge, N. Y., were vla- lled br aboat tonr hondred peiaooa on Samnlaj artamooo, Oct it, when the Fall gimea or the Co lombla College AtblelloAaNclitlon were held. The entrtea ror the apona nnobered orer nlneiy, and the contetia wen generallr o( s aplrlted natan ar- fording nachpleaaure totheapectaiora. Snmmatr: OM KimM mnb rim —Won>y IU|vli Uodorhlll, IKfilL; L CuialU W, liin., loand. f lin>J(K>. iHW Awidrttl and twaUu tori* hurtlt moe.— wod br t on Baur,*n.lydf.; a H.BIJar. fr. •cnuh, i>«com]. titno, ''i^wrtaiad/edaBJArttf rardf run.—WoD brO.T.KIrbr, •WL^IOyilai WeiL Sirily;'- ' OM auK ma—woo lir ^IplL, aocoDd. Tlmi Tsontlu " --, . >yil«,M»ood. Tim*. UH*. OM wdu run —W^, or Bacop, "Be, aonicli; Anniiraof, Tcontba Uetcu not. •-l,BaooBd. T lUlff Mob iltMD, 'm.8io.,moai. fi7aht,aii. _ -Woo brDJtkk, 'U; W. H. Pur Tine, Ooi. ItM /ifv,—Woo by Fonnon, "99,9la.;P«ll. JtuiiilM lifoit ywip.—Woo'br 0. B. Clark, vr, Olu.: Burko,-iC loewU. DrnMi3»Jft.7lD. TtuvKlMo tA« aaanur.—Woa by Knipp, *07. IBn.: For. nuD.'O.aon.. aocoBl. Sluuco, ML Uiio. Btniggllaff fbr Palat Prltea* The membera ol the WluiuDaborg Athletic Aiao- datlon engaged In point compellUona at their gronnda on Long lahind on HondaF aftemooD, UcL a), t'na conteata being wltneaKd bj a namber or In- tereated apectatoi*. Bammin: .vtaiidJiioA«n.jfAaiblJuig>.—woo to' II. Ifoodonon, U B. Paokoco HoMHl. A. H. FUailroil tblnl. Pou mall.—Woo br A. B. Flaadnu, I'l. cin., wlili ■ ▼aaUofrn.; LukeB. noktnl, lentcb, oocooO.ail.; S. A. Waiun,i'Leio.,ihiri.<n. _^ ,„..„. r» iMitdrra nod tumlK IMrdi nin.-Won by H. A. Wolura B. P. OoodirlQ loeoml, A. B. Flawlrau third. Tlmo,J)>ii. ^ „ . . ™ ,. , . One UouMAd ysMi run^Won by B. A. VallorM. J. j. looDud ioeoad, B^F. Ooodolo tblrd. Tliiio, 2ai.^i. One mUi Won by Joba J. l«eoDonl, B. A. Woltort - rUilid. TiBO. tm. Ma- rtin.—Woa by 8. A. - - - - .ill, D. io«ad, itmm Ka«>y Uilid. Tloo. tm. ma. atM awidrctf voMi run.—Woa by 8. A. woii.n^ OoodvlQ Hoood, J. J. LooDird ttilrd. Tine, Im. £10. JtualnoAlv* J>iv.-(roo by a a.Walltn, tlt-lla.: R. P. Qoodwio roOTld. AantnobrMdionv-—VoD by R. P. QooUvIo, IVLIb.; aA.«alunaoand,A. aFludnalhlnl. ^rw nitla rvn -Won by J. J. I/Oooiid, KfiUb: 8. A. Walloio MOODd, Jimof FMDor tbicd. Tlmo, lOn. flOi. HlBi nowLAKO Fois, on llct. 19, for (ha Ihlid time won tlie coatir allrer cup preoented bj Nina Bowland, aad amblemailc or the ladlea' chain. Plonihlpor the Montalowa (N. J) Ool( Club. She made ■ aeote ol 1« holea; Hla U. ShelUiD. U; Mlaa Iltao, Ida; MlaFiaier, loe; Bra. Phlppe, n. Hiouw B. KooaB, az-chler or the I/ng Branch Fin DapamiMol, died at .AitievlUe, N. C. Oct. II. rn>a oonaampDon. lie waa formerly a member or the Long Bnocli Police, BiDllarr and Improveineol OofflDlialoiLUd u IIM took part In a lu daya' go aa yea pleaaa lonraament at Madltoo S<iuan Otr- den, la tUa city. Tn Rzcaiitor CnrUng aab, or Brampton, can., laceitly aleelad the toUowlng omceii: Pnaldent, 0. R. ladenos; vloe nragdenl, H. NIchol; aecretatr and tnaiater, noe.Thatihnni; rapreienlaUve,/. A.CIotiMUig. F.S. KiDiaaii, or Vonltlalr. N. 3., a Freahntan or WaMran Dnlreriiy, Mlddlelown, CL, whUe en- Madia a gaoe et football, on Got. 17, waa aarlou- ^utja^bloir on Uw liea<l,caiulog concsalon or Baadi Wlaa (he Bprlata. The annual Fall handicap gamaa of the Union College AthleUc Aaaoctallon came oirat the Urirlog Park, SchenecUdj, N°. Y., on Friday trtenoon, Oct- IS. The Ulneaa ot 0. H- Kllpatrick, the hair mile champion and captain or theaaaoclailonteamorath- letea, detracted from the Intareat relt In the meeUng, bat yet It waa aocceairul, and afforded much Intar- eat to the aoeotatora, Banda, ihe mnner or the New York Athletic Club, waa the hero ol the occaalon, taking the one bundled yarda, the "two twenty" and the guatter mile tuna, and oolgg the "hondred" la MMa, a new record ror Ibe college. Bommary: OwAHndrtdtnrdrnifi.—Won by Stdda.'W; Lyon, "WL ■acoD0;O'llollUiliil. Tlino,IMi. £l9AIAundrrdflndd0Aly aoriu rwi.—Won by Cratoa. 'n; Lyoo, *a3, MCood; llarlDogto, "(9. tbiid. Tin*. 2m S*. Two mllttblegtie rott.—Woo by CompboU. 'fid: BonosloU, '99. unnd; Sincblr. Uilnl- Tbno. loi. Ofa. rkrewlng UXb JWmour.—Won by Mitn, *», wlUi 68n. lOlo.; HollllUn, tK, Mcood:7arlor. '9tClhlrd. 7100 AundrvJ and fvntff mrai rvn.—woo by Soodii. ta, 0'Holll.'9r,Mcood;BelllllAO. to, third. run«,ZI<. Faillno ith MM.—Won Iv 'Torlor, "n, itllh SILtln.; Hyan, Hcoodj CunpboU. ■91, third. OneaUenm.-Won by Crvno, '99; Holhor. V, Moond; WilRbl,t9, Iblld- fioo hmdrtd and tiomttr yanlr Aural< rare.-Won by Mron, tS; Sylrottor. '9a, HCood; Vrooniu. IB, Uilnl. Trine, tt^ Humtnt htoh /UMp.—Won by Ltoo, '9a, «llh ifL IIUIo.;CunpMI.'9a Mcond. naif nlle nil-.-Woa by Collon, '97; MeMiUu, tut, ho- OBd. Timo,4D1.Hl- /bur AHfldredandybrfoMirdinm.-Woo bySaoila, 16; Oommoi*, tS, Mcond. TrmB.aii. Aftoir ru«.—Won by the IB loam. Stnila. Ftlrweallicr, Utnooalo and Bnmfflon. Tlinl, Im. 4S>^ Aunnlno brood JiiMO—Won by JOOM w, vltbluiiipof l(n.sln.;Cunpb«ll,'«;M<»nd;Faort<, IT, third. Bpoita a( Prlace(OB College. The annaal gamea or the rrlBcelon Unlvenlty Tisok Auoclatlon were held at the 'raralty Held on Batorday ertetnooD, Oct 19, In pleaant weather and on a track ibat waa In capital condition. In the Freahmen qoaner mile isce doldthwalte broke the roimer Princeton record bycoverlog thedli. tancelnGia. Summary: Ow Auadrtd yorfr nm.—Robb, ISrda, ar*t; Jamlioa, iyitit , Hcond. 11ia«, lOi. nur Aundnit and/brry yard* run. FrvohmOD, acnlch- aoldUivalie Drat, Coirolt Hcond. Tloif^ Ota. T*onUa biciftu rare.—Parker, aciatcb. flrnt; HcFHr. Iln. Hcntcb. ucond. Time. din. l^i. One Aundmf and lioenxy yortfl Aarrite ni«e.—Roion. •cnteh, nnt; WIUoo, Side., locood. Time, tifi*. ive voulc-Tmloor, Ilia., dmt; aoldlbvilto,3lo.,iMc. ond. Il<l|ibl.l0alio. nuiln? lib <Aiil.-Copl. (lorrolt. zn., nnt; Enlntn, an. tin.. Hcood. OliUnce, 3711. 3}jln. //l9AyHap.-aarreu,3lD., drat; Holliror, i4cratcli,Mtoail. nravlnff I6lb AdMrner.—Ochmolborvt dnl, lilt; Ed' wardHMoond, Utt DUunco. loun. Illo. Mrpod ./UMp.—Roa«n flnt, icrateli; nirroll locood Distance. Bit 4J^[n. IVDAiuuralofkf (wmlavanUrarL—Juntion 0r«t.3yd«. JoatM wcnnd, 3rda. Time, 2tV. uat/tme run —Jaralion (Irei. 40jdA. ;8tareQiioo locood, lOjdo. TInit, 3ln. t)i>. rvo Aundred and rioenry yartfr Aardte race.—Wllion drat, <;Ji.; Cobb neeond, lUido Tloo. mtt. OnenUenM.-KoobUrant,GDyaf>.; BollHcoaO.Mmtcli. Tlmo, im. aiH«. The MetrapalKaa Aaaoeladoa or the Amateur AlhleUo Union held their anna meeting at the Ailor Uouae, tbia city, on Honday evening, OrL 31. Attar ike reading of the annual repoKa a resolution waa oiraied and adopted lo (he efltcl that Ike wreauiog and boiing oompeUllou be not held by the aaaoclailon ihia year. The rolktwtng named delegaiea wei» elected aa the Board of HaDaien ror Ibe aoaolDg year: Obarlaa White, Clinton A. C; B. Idea. Sllrer A. 0.; J. J. Oar- roll, cathedral A. U.; J. U. Qullok, N. Y. A. 0.; John r. Boyle, Faatlmo A. C; W.J. Unlhan, Rlvenlda A. C; I. Uppeit, Anchor A, C-; J. Btall, New York Turn Vereln; Jamaa K. Hulllvan, N. Y. A. 0.; J. A. Douglaa, Elinlta A. 0.; Ur. Courtney, Byraouae A, C; F. A. Vaaey, Albany Valbollo Vnloa; F.. J. VaO' tlobacht. Orange Flekl Club; J. J. IHion, Nattonal A. C; 0. B. ■. Bhartc, Niiloiial Tnm Vereln; I. R. McKnlghl.BlarA.C; K.W. Hnblen, SL aeotgeA C; II. X. Xuai, Twenty-aecond Retlmeat A. A-; A, i. Bamea, Wluiamabarg A. A.; John T. UooUn, Xaviar A. A.: Thomaa uae, Ulpper A. 0.; a J. Uarvey, St. Btevena A. A. The defegitea elected to the A. A. U. were: Jamea B. Bulllvan, William B. CurOa, John Stall, W. J. Unlhan. J. J. Oamll, John IHion, K. VanUmhacbt and II. Ulmae were elected aa alletiutea. Immediately atier the adjonniment or the regu lar meeting the new boaid or iianaim* coovened, Jamea K.SullIran waa elected preeldent; w. J. Unl ban, vice piealdent; John Dixon, aecietary, and John Stall, lieaaurer. The roliowing cluba were elected to luemiieKhlp: New Weat Side A. 0.; Oatu. die Club, or Jeney Clly; PrndentUI A. 0., of New- ark, and the New Manhattan .\. C-, ot New York. Iiatea wen approved aa roUow: .S'o.v. 16, Xavler A. 0. and Company B, Twelfth Heglment A. A.; Nov. ti, TweDty-tlilrd Regiment A. A.; Nov. Twenty, eecond Heglment A. A.; Feb. 1, imM, NewJeraey A.C. Bporta bf Wealegraa Btadaata, The annual Fall gamea or the Sophomorea and Freahmen of Wealeyan College, Uddletowo, Kate., were held on the camptu on the afternoon ol Oc(, le, (he feature of (he occaalon being the lowering or the college record lo the quarter mile race by Tower, 'M, to an»., which muat be rated a good peitormanee. Summary: one Avidred vdrtfi run—North flrat, FruaMcood. llati third. Tlma. fit. oneoiUerun.-Loworflrot, Hllerocood, Bradford third. Tlmr.Sm. ITH*. Tm Aandrol and iwenly yordi AvnUe nue.—North 3nr, SorKont Nocood, Albro llilrd. Tlmo. 3aH>. Ouartrr ntU run.—Towar flrti, Faaloian Mcond. Roffota tblid. Tlme,UUii. noo mlut bicicte pooe.—Rockwall flnt, Audrenii lacond, rovonthlid. Tlmo.ani. 21,ij4. FWe raaJt.-Wytll fliat, Ulaohlar Moond. DoIbIii. •fcain. MioinJiwOiood Jump.—Boblu flnt, Wyalt Moood, Piatt third. DUtonco, ITD. (Un. nrovbtp lAe lAoL—Moyla am, Darllag Mcond, Orlga third. l>l<laQco, irn. 410. AunnlnoAloAMiip.—Wrnttflnt,Blavoaa »«eoBd,Hub. bard third. ll>lirbl,4IL afn. iretdr nue.—Won by 'Be—Fraoo, Flau, North, EaitDto ■od Towor- ifr-Albro. TtckabMvy. Bofdao, Hmllh and Btrgoot. Tlm o. 4m. 40. Soholan In the Field The Fall apona or the Hinaal Tislnlng School, or Philadelphia, Fa., wen held on Fnnklln Field on OcL 18, the evenia reanlted aa follow: One 3rd I. Uuel.- -, lla^ milt nn.—Won bjr^. O. Pavllor. "VT C, tOrda, lo me Aundred yard* rtul.-Woi br II. Llppiocolt. '97 n., IL. In III<<.; II. Rolchnar, tl <!„ KnlH, Mcond; W. iehUr,-9/0..lyd«..Uilid. 3iii.J7A^ P- laj^^Um, , Mntcn, ; F. Kegel. one Aundroi pdnif run. Bonlor.—Won by W. Bowno, '94 C. In tIKl.; 0. Ilorl '97 N. R.. weood. one mite Mcyete race.—Won by II. Blitrwood,'99 N.B^ In lo. 4IH*-: R- A. Ilanbey, '97 M. B.. Bydi., Hcand; C. w OaoDoobtuer, "BBK-B, rcntcb, third. ricD AundrAJ and Itorntir yorde run.—Woo br D. U*yl, '97 0.. Ijd , lo BM<.; U. Rokhiar, ■a? C. aydi, eooond: a Hoymator, ■97 0., iydn., third. ^dlfMtte Ueycte nice —Won by 0. W. DaoaoBhauar, '99 N. £;lntm.aW<.; R. A. lUrAoy,-97 N. a, wonj. /bur Aundw ond /brty yardj run.—Won by 0. Baoilor, tc N. a, IiTd«~ >n aia.; N. Inanhun. '970.ierdi., Moood. KvnnnolUffA^uaip.—WoobyW. Bono, wO. * M-SXIn.: R.Cooper, ■esc.zio One mite run.—W( , lentch. on br II. Bieha.'99 N-a. Kimloh. In loi- amo.: F. Nollwn, '99 C Oydt.. weood; C. W. Broomell, W 0.. aoida., Ihlrl. The Weft Bide Atbletle CInb, or ihia city, entertained a number of ftlenda with a act or gatnea on Sunday aflenooD, Oct. uo, the erenta being decided on the club grouuda on the Weat aide, with the following remit: .Voen/y-JIre pardj nm.—Won by TtiomM N- Mulltn, Sjiin.; dead hut ror nocond ploo* bolwoon Aodoroonand . Undervood. Tlmo,8«. AunolnoAIdAJuinp.-Won by 11. OboTtubbinla^ 3ln.. lOi Ml Vila.; weood. Undtrwood. Iln.. widi SR-lUbi.' br Orlor. Uclntotli. third, KuIMn, ieraloli- tIL '.iln. Taree Anndml pant* Aurrfle raor.—Won icratch: Hcond. cnoiploo. lUrdN.; third, Bhai. Tlp]o.3l'i4. meroall.—WuubyJ. Oro^ Un., wlUi 9n. lilo.; we. ond. A. Andonoo, lontch, 8(t O'.ln.; third, Boimn, 0iD., llh7lt.9,',lB. oncoiflerun.—Won by Mnchor. flOydi.: weood. Bagu, ■cratch; third, Morphy, TDydi. Tlma, 4ai.eai. Tng 8t CitheiUie'B Curling anb, ofBt-Caihetlgee, Can., held their aiuual elocilon laat week, the fol- lowiBB being choeeo: Frealdent, wiuiam Eilla; rice prealoenl, Jamea McNeill; traaaurer, John Marahall; aecniaiT, wuilamT1iou>aonM»mmltieeof manage- tnent—E. W. Qroome, W, B. Towen, UonaM Robert- Bon and J. C. Noirla; r e p reeentatlvea, WIIUamTbom- aon and U. J. Jolinatoo; aklpa-^amei McNeill, Oeorge Oawaon, II. J. Johnalon and Wliilam Thom. Bon. TBI Aualiallan croaa country champlonatilp, ama- teor, waa nn for andar Ibe anaplcei of (he dydney anil, or Sydney, N. 8. W., on Saturday, Aag, <l, at the Kcaehlll coune. There were one hundred and nine enlrlea ror the eTenl, which waa won by the Sydney Bantere, with si poloia: Dirllogburit Bar- ifeia aecond, U2; Redfem Hairlera (bird, 194. The flnt man home waa J. BIggt, oT the winning dub, J. mard, aama dab, aecond. TBI recently elected olllcen or (he Athletic Aa- aoclailon ol the Dnlvemty or Ihe Clly of New York an: FiaaMent, C. L. Head, ■Bd; vloe pRalnast, W. n. Roberta, "eo; aecreurr. J. A. McOagne. W; trca- auter, E. U Oarvin, <er. J. B. Walahelil la naaager of the football lean, or which Kafka la captain, aodfortliamalolaaaaceor which manhenot the Alnanl Aaoclatlon hate aabioilbad noo <teh. The Football tlaaie at Priaeetaa. A meeting waa held at Princeton, N. J., on Mon- day, (K'L 21, iiy F. w. Boon, graduate nunager of the Harrard Football Anaodatlon, and Manager MUliiank, or Ihe I'llnceton team, with rereroDre lo the approaching rootball game iietween (hete ccl- legea- HauaicerUlllbank,anerthemeellog,Hlaled that, although then waa one rule ngatding ellgl blUty of plajera not aa yet lutiafaclutlly aaiued lie- tireeu Ike two captalni. the manasera have decided (0 go ahead with acilve pieuatallona fur the coo- taaL Tliere will lie four nianda creeled on the' Var- ilty gronoda. to aeat tan thoiiaand penona. No ad- niiaduh tickets will be aolil beyond thia number. Thin la done irecauM or the laik of nliroad fai lll. Ilea and the poor accommodallonN for handling a largo crowd at Princeton. All appllcatlona for aeata will have to tie made by meaoa of blanka, which will be illKttlbuied anong the Fnnretoii and Uarrard Cluba In the dlirorent citlea wlthm a few daya. No anpllcatloDH for aeata will be received after 12 o^clock, noon, on Monday, Oct. tf. Ar rangaiiienta are now belug made with the Faun, aylvania Railroad ror the laying or tide Irackato accommodate the treliii<- A uoLK HATCH, for tl><MO a aide, Iietween Cbarlea E. Sanda and Wlnthiop Rutherford, took Blace at the llnka of the Meadowbrook CInb, on empalMd Plaloa, L. I., on Saturday moralog, ucL 19. Thawealher waa tine, bnl there were but lew apeotalonpreaenL Up lo Ibe eighth hole the play waa eren, not then Banda look command, and waa oarer arietwarda beaded, irlnnlng handily by 3 up and 910 phi J. TOBiAB HoiiK, or Toledo, O., who It allendlng (he Ottawa UBlvenlty, ouawa, OoL, waa dangenualy Injured wklle playing loll back In a rooioall game on (he college gnnnda, Oct-11. While dropping on (he ball near (he Una he waa aocMenlally ainiek on the head by one of the playeie, who waa nuhing allor It. bo waa rendered unconaclooa. and upon enmlnaUon It waa found that be waa anflwlng fnimcoucuiBlonorihe btala. TBOVAi CCONHku, or WUmloiton, Del,, who waa among Ihe beat all atoundalbletee In the At- lantic Aeeodadoo, of the Amateur Athletlo Union, and who waa eapeclally good at aprlnilng and Jumping, died recently In Ireland. Tbb Qianlte OorllDg OInb, of Toionto, Can,, held Ita annual meeUng Oct. 13, with (he following re- anll: Prealdent, w. u. Matthewa; vice nreatdenl, II, Jennlnga; aeorataiy and troaaurer, 0, P. Smith; rep- ttaentaUvea, w. Badenacb and 0.0. DaltoD. TUUB waa a foil fenclDg conteat between WU- llam H. Roaaell, uf Idwreuce, Maaa., and J. A. Hcaolre.or New York, at Oaleilonlan llall. In Ibe former place, (Mt. K, Ruaaell winning with a aeon of 40 polota to 31 ror McOnlre. Josh I. Wbbnk, or South Boalon, Man-, who In MV3 won the Junior croaa couniiy champtonablp ol America, died at Boaton on Oct. 31, aged thlity yean, TBB Cambridge Unlvenlty athlelea anired la London, Eng„ UcL 19, on (heir raluro Iron Ameilca. W. P. SrAKTOir, according to a diapatoh tnm Denver, Col., Oct. 17, walked one hundred yarda, heel and toe. In 14>iB. Haybe. AQUJLTIC. Yale wa* Harvard. A dUpaloh from New Uaveo, Ct., dated Oct. 19, reada aa roUowa: "The Yale crew managera hare decided to hold a coareranoe with (he Uarrard ciaw managemen( Rlailva to a mce next Spring. Aa (he live yean' agreement eipind laat June, a new amogement for tlie annual ncea mnat be made, and the npogla attrtbuled U> Fnf. Amea. of Uarvatd.that Harvard will reloae lo meet Yale In all albletloa ror (woyeara hare been ao peiriataot that Yale will look Into the matter. In case Har- vard decUnea to meet Yale, orenotea wlU be made by Yale to the winner oT (he Oirord Oamliildga meet rora face In KogtaDdnegt year. The general wlah or Yale nndeigradaatea and alumni la that a race be arranged with Uatvard." M«M Tale** Claai Bacea. Hiadenta of Vale met In their annual Fall regatta OtU a>, on Lake Whltiey, near New llaven, Ot., the tpoit being eotertalalDg and the conteata veil foogkt out The Sopbomorea won from (he Junlon liy Tour lengtha. Time, (m. loua Tlie "She!" Freahmen woo rrom me Academic Freahmen by (wo leaglha. Time, im, 3t!.a The Jonlon won from the "Bhcl" Fmhmen by one length. Time, tm. isjit. ^ ^ JotMtrTrA(jL,(heei.piore9alonal champion awlm- mer ol England, who recenur beat the record (hla own) tor awlmmlng two honored and srir yarda, la the mprtetor or a pobUo honae lo Staieybrldge, Bog-V which U well paironlied, ao that "Joet'< aeama to be comlorubly atloated tor the iwnalnder or hladayt- JiKBS BTAnaDBT, or Sydney, M. 8. W., the world'! champion, on Ool. la accepted the chal- lenge or "Wag" Harding, the EogUan chanptoo, to row a nee for the champlonahip of the world and I n,taa a aide, iht conteat to take place on the • tamei River, Eoglaod. TBBAnetlc* Onp Oommlttae.or (be New Talk TactatClnb, OB Oct. IB, mailed lo the Royal Tacht Bonadroo'a aecreiary, and to Chat. D. Rosa, coplee of the condltloiu for next eaawa'a cnp racea. EaxBT A. Roenm, an active menber of the AtlaaUc Boat Club, of Hobokea, N. J., waa loaad dead In Ihe clab booat Oct 31, havtag ooiaoiued He m* turty-eeven jean ot k*. Tka Aaatiai Rafatla. Inttrttt lo (be Inlenatlooal ngiUa (o ba held at Autlln, IMx-, Nov. 4-a, waa nnewed dot 3D by (ha arrival al (hla pon, on that dale, of (he Rngllih riiufeaalonBl roar oared crew. Die qiiartel oanalK- ng or Wm. Hahiaa, Wm. Baiiir, Oeorge Bubear and Jack Wingils. Their manager anf minor. Qua Brewer, eumjplaled the parly. From our correa. pondam at Anatls, we learn that the Oaudaur Bii>U)en, John Teamer aid f!. Hogen are on the acene and pncUcIng dally. M. Haobu la niao then with ma crew, which conatala or 11. il. Peiar eon, Bd. llunan and Uaeketi. The atriral or the Urltont will dooblitu Increaae Ihe Iniarait, and aa natten now eland Ihe erent atema deatlned to beamcceia. M*M LoaoliuiiBAriNaald, liareoenllnlervlew: "My motive In laslng aji the Valkyrie In linoklyn waa mainly the oope that ahe would get a ohanoa to race for Ihe onp again lo lats agalnat the Defender. AnoUier teaaon for nir laying her up waa liecauae I waa unable lo oomffluiiloaie with Maaan-HcUal- moat and HoMnaon, who are part ownera ut the Valkyrie, to aaoeriaui their viewa of the allnatlon. Vam I ooofar with them the tntnre of the Valkyrie la unoertalo. I aaptclaUy deeira to have It out with the IMeDder In a fair, aquare nco orer a clear eotiite." Tng'acuujNa cnAMi'iomuir of the Netherhinila waa decided on the altemoon of Oou a, on the Am- atel lUvar, at ABWlerda[n, and wia won by A. 0. Kvetlit, of the London Kovlng Cluli, who darealod with taae bia only opponent, J. J. Bluaee, by ten leniitha, m Im. taut. Bluaae waa the aucceaalul oontaataat tor the Junior acnlla- Loio DineuvBH arrived atOowea, Scot., ool ik, on board J. F. Laycook'a alaam yacht, Valhalla. THEATRICAL. OOKITOUVD FROM PAQI AST, COLORADa PaeblOa^At Uia OriDd llojt'i UtulproducUuii, "A (toDUatfld Womaa," with Caollaa Mltkal lli>> 11" tho laaJiDff nim, will \m pniaDlaJ UcL II. Till CuLUMHU TiiiATiB ouDtlouta dark. Nuni —Tha ritaadanl Ttaaatra bulldlov haa l*aeo oon v«riMl tau> a wliolaiala waialivaaa, mo ilial llila Ba'tlfa tbafataof iblaoU rarlaly liouaa. wlilch waa urliloallr t»IU aiprwalf ftir a rarleif uiaain (tha nnl aror oMoad ID Fuablo) la ISLaoO waa liiaoaurmia*) by Ed ellh, Ilia aiuatar, who liaa broujHit harw bti varlair eom CDjrrDiB Boalla,Col. Tholinuaabad lla upa aod dowoi, .1. aa a nie, ilpafd wall all tha ililTannt inanai«ni alio rao It at ditfiraDt iltnaa durlof iha lait ruuTra*n faan. _ ____ _ MONTANA . Baitea-Cirlor'rt '-TorawJo" Oumpsiij op«notl at MaKulra'a Opara Houaa (tel. 14, lor ihraanlihia, to Iha bliiaat buitoaaa of tba immo. Paopla won turned awajr at aach performaoca. *Tha Oaular" la tlia aail atlrao (Ion, GiaiHO TiiBATEi.—Naw <koaa ihra waabara AlaaoaaoO laa Hge. Tba enrtalD rmlwr la "Mjr l^rtnar," vlih M lowiot paepla Id eaat: R. R. l^oi, 0. f. Buickdala, I* Jamaa lluihaa Kaoa MIlUr, Vnnk Hlc«. Jaoia* He Oarthr.BaaD HaBD.Janita Rrta, Lou MoDflrlaiT, Llllla WIUoo. Com O. Boofar and Kloraora raainall. OtLVaiiU OaiDiM.—Or. Oarwar aod oompanr Rkv* ad •ililbltloD at ihia raaort ia« larga aadlanca IS. CAiiroa.Hi Moitio IUll— Oaaka'a Uillai' Urehaalra. DEATHS IN THE PROFESSION. Juutrx WiiLT, wall bonvn aa a maniKar ot (larrnan 1tiaatraii.dlod auddenliOcL 17. at liU bona lo tbUaftjr. Hp wai nWiBl thlrty two raara ofaf«, and waa a nalira ol Barlln, CJar. Ila caoia lo iblacouatrjr aboat lao jear*. aoil had baao hlaoilM wltbUaman ihaaira« la (hU city araraloot. At tha nuiaofhlatlaatlilia wu bmlnaM taaDararorihaaarauata71iaaita,aMaltloo bi had hold for two or thraa aaaMM*. Ilawai lonnoriyiaKnaiarur AnbafB'aThaatia (oow iba livlaii I'lnea Tbaatra). HiiiRTllODaD,inanMiroriha frMloiia, RL I'aul. Minn., 4lad UoLlOt from hit hima Iq Uiat city. No waa ivaoir-aloa yaara oU. Ila waa formarly propria- lororih«<Jrcliaatrloa Hall, Mlooaa|iolla,aodo(iaoiMr Uia ..a 1#. ^(j^ — — Bodaiftooairaar a«o. Ilia wlfa narv lew bim. TTi. ro- molni w.ra (otarrad la it Oahnmid. Br-iirtwB ADiaa, a varUfy Mrlormar. died Oct 10. il Dalla% T«i.. from haan tronlH.. Tlio r.uialn. vera In. Urrad II. by tho mombanor lhacanip HtioatTfaMtro Oo.. .t thatpac*. lli. docoawd liail porloniiwl. JuBN T- lULOxav, doorhoopar al Falm.r'N Thwiro, llila city, dial OcL 19, at FalrluTon, N. J. Ho had at TorlDue iluioi boon doorboopor at tho FirUi Arooua Tbwire. Hadl*oo Bnotro Oardoa nnd riud»ii Ttiwtra. Bibi Bj. llAUALi-BaH.lliiianaD.HAarivi.Anliianaoro. bnl, diod UCL 19, at (ill bonw In Braoblyn, N. Y., froin hwrt fiilnrr. Tho down wit, who wu .fghly ywra of IBO, WW wld to haro I«ob tho uldau Arabian Erunwr who liad iror rbllod Byrupo and Ainor- u Ilia tnopo off acrobat, wu brouatit nr.r lolbia counlfT In 19% Tor tho Fiiropaugti flhovc In thn rullow- laaiuBmar lioitorfonondai ibo Eldorado wlUi Klroirv'a aoociada. In IVI ho wu wlUi Roiralo Bill'. WlU Wul, lao Aurrleoj Co. and Frlmnrfo 1 Wwt'a Mlnltrola. Tho lirowot aili n n ho porftrmtad wlUi HI. llauH Bon AH'. Royal Moorlili Acrobau. and eoollnna) with Uio troopo opto vlthlon nonUi of lilidwth. Tlio nm.loa worn In- r.rrad OcL 11. lo ETonfaMia Cm.lwy- H. A. Foeraa, a wall known manaK.r, dl*l ileL 19, at Kochwur, H- v. At Uw tlmo of hit dwth ho wu oon. noctad with ilio Oraad Open llouw, AIMoa, and llia Pari ripora lloow, Niagara PalU. Daring th. waaoo ol IKit-'O M waa naaiair of th. (look dpora lloaw. Kooli. oiur. aad bofore Hint ha had Imon eoaoael»l wiUi tho. alrw In Oaunlt, aieh.,kBd Brio, Fa. a N. ntorON, mleatnl parformor. Km .h.lch In an- olhlr paga- ^ F0REICN8H0W NEW& "Lai Ttlllll.B^" a three act comedy, by Fanl Ilerrlau, waa produced at the Fnocala, rtrlM, Tr„ Bept.iH. "La Via," a three act play, by Adolphe Thilitao, waa produced BepL JO, al Ihe Odeon, Paitt, Fr. "A> Aimr'a Modbl" began Kaaeooiidedltlofl at IMr^ TheaUe, Ijoodoo, Eng., BepL ». The comedy la IB two acta, Uia l)rio by Harry UntBback, tho moBic by Sidney Jonea, "JOBH MaBTiii'a BBcBsr," a lour act diaina, by Button Vane, waa orlglnallf acted Sept. ai, at Ihe Hoyal Arilllery, Woolwich, Kng. ''LnTioiiHaiBOKit," a comedy, lo three acu, In verae, byllenrt llarnani, waaptDdocedalthaOdaon, Iini, Fr„ Sent. JO. "Ak AoroB^a Faou<i,"a two act mualcal omiedy, by Ooy Logan, Ibo noalc by l>r. Stover, waa per- roraed for the lint time oo any atage al (he Opereda Uonie, Oaclooon Sea, Fjig., BepL 3u. "liBB WBOaiHO Irav," an emtfilonal play. In tour acu, b/ E. T. de fianle, waa, OB Bapl. do, prodnced a( Ibo New hoyal Oouniy Tteatre, HeadUig, Kng. "UioiiB, TUB Oimii'a UADOOTBa" a new thiM act lardcal comedy, by Qatar Mack, waa produced at ike Public Hall, Oraveaend, Eng., Cel. 2. "Uga ADTOOATt," a three act play, by Waller Frtlh, waa, oo BepL M, ortflnally acted at the lAike of YoikTlieatre, London, Kng. PROFESSIONALS' BUREAU. DBAJUkTIO. Open IIB, laoffired togooil eooiblaatlooi at tha BUon " Wlhnlaguo, Dot I* jai Tbwtra^ wrhnlagloo, C. F. Cnwiotd «f aadarUlaaau Allan Wlgbti 'uu dramatle Mock peoplo, alw TaadarUW aata. Cor amW Tbonlro, XaofW Cllyrko. Allan Wlgbtwaa, enaadlan, allh apatlalUaa, eaa bo cGSTrny and Mlarga Braaa an at llt^rtr. Oenpaalaa can boel good tJina it BoAliogaa, I. Tf. wm Frad.Tpreer. Lao Bonadar aaata allnelloia for Uia Opara Houh ruotia lad. llanlalloabaaU la Iha eaat ol "Ma Co. bor alailaa waclalty Mag a aaaea Bosrr J .vofkaf, nw aa d lan, an ba ao gMatla Pff*f amC f&w*Eir 000. rjll&iu Oo!,^laauSw,1wowao aiaBirortf,ioa CwroiOeliU Marks*. ■arpUy^/aakgj^a. MonCwt Ml Mcrgaa, ffor Uia Opara Houw, lb* eaat ol -Maloear'i Mlahaw" lyWag a aaaeaa- •dlan, w ba 001 ■ :.m°oi;jK and Baaby. Flura . W. War Ur~ Haidoek; Bi Tha Kait Bml Thaatra offan gwil opaa Iln* U Snt elaaa aitraotloaa aftar Kor. la. An oMneoBpaDf nir TbaDhulTiu waak aadoihar coiupaQlaaarawaAtMbr w. Ma Adani. Tina otn ba booktd al tha l*DrlUiiil. Ha., Tbaatn. O. n. failar wania aitraoUnna for tba Aaftdainr ol Muila,KlDntoa.N.T. AtLlbaftr: abaa.A.Hc4)r«(h, J.O. B, RIU VaDOar. RadtaHtookiOD, Mr. aad Hrt. J. tt. RoMimir. Jaak rowUr, Sdaa ralni KItila InilU, Clara Btiwar^Juha r. Kally, onion MoDuwalt, Kbua CorvaU, Paray (Mall, Bamwa OhiUrao (ipan Una oaii i>a aaeurad at tha Iiyrauu Thaaira. Daimit, uTeh. MVIIOAU "Duntiby" la a Daw ai>DR lanied by K. T. Raldlnit. "My l*auHoa"oan baitplirad fh>m tha A. A. uurirao IMiiUihiB|C}o. Win,A.rond A Co. bara luua<l 'Th* Naw Yorktllrt" aud "Down at tiihrani JoboMoa't." "Lora Haa Boood Our llaaru" l« publbhail by tha WliTloaT HarTlB MuiloCo. rnutt Maa to UbaniaOkl Iralaad," aoawooalo Bnoff, la rmmmaDdMl to Iriah ooniadlani by Cain and DaTlaa.«lio aupply |tn>r*aaIoual roidaa, wlUi orrhaain- lion, for tan aania. "A DrMui ol Iha lUir'anI fotir nlliir naw WDKa mt baiirdarad rrom tha H. RnlnanraHtin*' C>: "Mr l.ltllK Baaa la Uor Callr** OraM" h liautd lir Iha RudiilHi WurlllaarDo. "JoBt n Hiiiall Hnoni. Hal li'a lloiiia." a naw ti\nm hy Dafa MnrhiD. pul>lU)ia<l ht irharla* K.Karrla. la balDv anal vary iiuMMhilly hy J»a NaiuiL l*ri(raa>lonai rii|ilaa eu ba onltrad for tan ratiiH. ' llarh 10 iba Mniar" !■ neoitioiandad tonrofeialoeaU by U»a IH Harfon I'ubllahlDi do. "Walilor, Taa Walllnt fur Ma." a MallmaDUl wnlu ao», liaa b«ao_Mbllklt*l by Kaltar BrolharK of IN BUla Biraat, Batam.Ora. WaiiraQ Baab« arraoitfa muala MualoUni ar* waotad by Tlioi. n. Ryara, Caltlcotie Vo., iiaplnar. I^wrrnca anil Haward, II. Iirwliiiilar, L. W. Wailibum, Olto II. KruM, llarrf riliiarald, 0. H. Raan, W. 1> Amant, W. K.4inimaa, W.V. Ilandaraon. ^At LIUrir: lllmo tKillar, IfaUl* aillllaitd, K. (Ilyda Bradbury, W. L. I'oita, fl. VnlUi, rranb lUlda, llany fliaTr.tltdinaMllT, Kiiinallaaaliv. K. R. Bata, Harry OaI- Hni, RiiianaWtoi, Riuo, VIollnlaL Tha Booa Madlq fuU. t'o. ailfvrtlio Iha "Kanlucky Hiiuina." tlia "Had Uiiai" Harrh, and ilia 'Two R«aa^* pdha for banda ami oraka*trma. WillliRia A Mavara uva ranlrad many aneanrulBir lailara fhim Tnaalliti who am ualn* tbair nublloaifnoi. "rhaI<tiurnftrHar," "Honaai, Won't VtHi NavarTalir "TliaOM MapliTraaabyiliaKprlD|"and "Baek xo My L>far ()U Honia" ara ruimlar luccaaaai. Thay ara auii- pHad tn* tn liroOMJlenati. c'liaa. r. Yalur*ann<l aUiar maalrlaoa ran ba angaiDl >Mirniily urjololly, Jill. V. ritamAOo. litvaauiua ttt tha moat popgtirTu. oall4ta on tlia rarlaly aiid itraniailo ilaia to llna,^ilD|'~ Jill. V. riti oall4ta on tlia rarlaly aiid ilraniailo ilaia la Una, ■Id|Iob lliair tllait «UM¥i*rVil nubllcailiiD, aiillllad "My Bail Olrl'a t.Vaw Yorkar.'* Tlia ■nlngtni nilndynr (Iiaaonn rwwwtinaadi It if> ili* tirvitr«var)r una In ihpir audlanca, ami tliiy raidilr riiiiii* In with iha f«icli> ebnrua. Cop- 1 .^«.— . . — Im arntiipbllad Oaa; orcbaairm pari*, fanraau. nUToli by Hoaaabarf, Uia eiintpoatr of 'Tho Monayiiionn * " Tua Hkndlcap," liiB baan laauod, iiHt trmiij pni'iiUr. ftU raady tor profaa. Usnh." aautlfi)" alonata. ThIa Min|iaay'a nihar Inatruiitanlal pliraa antitn«rBia«l In tlifllr unl can alanltaonlnnd at aialad raUA. ■ Iruiar Brnlliara har* la«u«l "I Irfiva Yun Mura and Miira*'^and "l>«arar Than Kvar Nnw b> Ma." "Tha Pfininltin What IVyou Call It," la lialnf rcfliloiHl aartaaarblly hr May Iroln. "A Llltla Vi>u KoDw.Hu Ho." "Wllba l.lllla I.ump nI Wadding In Ilia and nia naw lonii by Falli MrOlonnon araalut Iwuad by Iha KnalUh Hiinif ■•ublUblON iUt. lay aapiil. , frmiik tlanlliiir ailTtrllaa* k>oa iMwha at low rataa. Thn I'auln Mail. . .... _. _ twUadi, wlilrJi (liay aapiily |r«a (o tha prDraailuD. luun a III! Ill Cootie anoia ami ■ ' ' iltn —I awii Afw*rA ^ ff ft lain aurnbar ^wl^l nrohaairallua, ■lay, llafllaod Ai.'o., Tba Kaooady Pol iMilitoff iHHiaa liava publlahad a num. bar <iroaw a4iD|a. 11. W. llaM haa laaaadanunilMroraoaia. , "Jttrt Tall Tliant itiat Vou Haw Ma." Paol DrMaar'a UuaifucoMtlul Kuif. la imlni auD| 1 of pnnaaional romliiia. Tha aong, wl_ la aupfilM rraa In aluiara by llowlay, L wiMicanaUoiupply orcheMrapanafor a DumbaroroUiar KoutI aoDia. VARIBTV AND BflNIITRBLt. A. T. llnlTnian waiiia a oiutlcal taaui, a aong aatl daoM lady aiti] dataa for hU vaudntlUa aiara. ■ loatral iiaopla aia wantad lor llaliirtrh BrtiUiira' MIn- alrel*. HaD l.o<-kliart'B Iralnad aUiibanla can Ihi annind, Parforaiara and rarlna aia waniad fur Uia Whlu falaa*. KiNiitn. P». Kil. and Koaa Maton can ba aaourad l» iirtiduaa ilialr mualcal aot. Olio Way), It la aanouncad, la no loBiarcoBnaciad wlthtlwtmrTnica'larD, Atknta.Ua. Parfiiruianahutild addrau W. II. tlmaby. f;arlln aad Ularb, Ontch ooonadlaoj, can ba aniaaad aftar Not. II. ^^iS^ fl- "^''Ttf' "'SJ* ^t1°"R*r» ami niiraUlat fur Ilia Wimdarlaod Huaaa Thaatra, till Oltv. ^a. rUblaaiidUvUhaTaJMnad Kuaaall Hrotbara* Coma- dlaoa for tJia laaaoa, dualng tha idlu. II. II. BloDdall'aflrltarlirfi Vaadavlllaa ara loarlof iU0- eaainilly. Ttiay want |iwd novaliy a«ta, and baTa a Taw •laiaa opao. ■pa«llltlM anvaiitail brOharlaaAlUo, Oll>li|a,ayn aaat. llr Watlar W«>t. If. K. (Miaaot,>awBiaJi and Moera. Dr. ToaatnioaJiaiiilA, Maaila jod Allao. Watklaa Bmhtn |»r. 0. M. Baiiliain, Dr. Mrara, oTll. I'lioii. Harry Munlall, Hum Huti, finncaJi i.lark, Jlin WamU. Wialli IMJ Tabar. II. 0. Ulnl. U. W. WhIU. Or. fjlnm. nrare'aThHtj«,Ur. Jliu, Baall Mollaory. At Mbarir: MlaiHorraiu. UwlaaD/omea Allan, Roaa l.liinolflff, Hi»bart l.lrlniilon, A.H. ftrahall. A Tiudarllla ur Ijurlaafiaa mmblnailaa can iHMk Ifan WMk ofMor. II, at tha Kni^lra Tliaaira, lo'llanapolli, Tha Antora* rmlaetira Union, So. i, of Chlcaao. ran iMhawMlialontatall ibnaf. ni«.n, w At Iha Hljoti Tliaaira, fataraon, K. J.. Maaaiar B«it Li<a*luaaaiiiincaaiiia biu*» bualnaaatlneaiuoMnliira pUy«t tfi by laham'a Octoroona laatwaak. Tba^iouM liaa boohad tha laaillni aiiraolluaa. Al. Kaaraa baa airanathanad hla aliow cuBaMarablo, l»r«aanilDi| an aicallaot programnia. In wlileh appaar oMiiy Ural claaa acta. Tlia frofldaaea anfajranant waa apilraly Mtlaraaiorr. Opan ilma caa iMfllladaaityaar. Marhoa, bypnoiUf, la opao for ■nKaiamaot al lint oliaa hooaaa. Tiioma and OarMoo will bring thair oorallraciBiat vary aliortly. i:apL HMnar lllBhian'a Ufa aarloiaotaaa ba anuffad. itML* ^ vaitia rarlaty paopla, an aiaat aad Mtr^ng tpaclaliy acu ar* waalad for Uia Boaton Kowanl and Ma l>all ara praaai Too Thoaira, Jaraay Ol.,, , Allao^aod Boyd, In thaIr nBwaet,''Baaard'a Bay," can aod. (laorg* tllakaly hara uoltad to prodoaa a ...EiiacL TlM/ran laaaonrad. Morria' Kniarulnar* U a naw atirtottoa bilog AlhaBauM. yrankUnand Mal>allara praaapilngilialr nuiJeal act al tha Bob Tua Thoaira, Jaraay 0 ly.iJila waak. Allao nod Boy^ a. .i.-..-.i ...'i «- ba onBanil. I>ava roy aoa ir<Mig vancliac Man/ Morria' ._ iMdkaa by JantaaT. Woul. CIBOVI. Cipl. WliKaurfori Wlniamuanara fur aalnati, fr«« a| cbarga. ^ A cfjniplata circua oulAt 1« oiTarad far aala by f. 0. Bot ^.aw .Sldiola wanlii aldaahnw [fwipla Pir Wallaca'a Miiiwi. (J U. Oolliiiar ofTara a wagrHi alioa ooiflt fur aala* .- - - aaaw Jaan <ra<>iu«B*aoU a blllpuiur. Jolin n. Hparka waataclrcna pa44»la. ■IIOBLLAIIICOVI. ^AllractlonacaQ book 11 ma at IfauibUa'a Opara UauM fUiilatJtaak, MIDI.; Wallaea'i Upara llouac. Kaabuafa. N7 v.; (H-n Uouaa, Lowvllla, llfauM. Kl Uondo, Ark.; Rannkra Ktw (jparL (lilnlno, lll.;(Jii*rall'iHaa. MUdlali>wB, Pa.; Muaralfalli _ .If. v.; Haara'iTbpara Rfnnleb'a Ktw (j^r% llaau, '\K. Y.; 9Pora^ llonia,IUkion. Cy,; LonduB, Oni.; „ lliHiia.aehuylarrf]— ,,.r»mm.n»»wu. t^i.-. BIJOB TbaaiTD, Blaffbanlso, aad Dafla* TMir«,BenD- ItiO. ,JyrM»:Uol hrA.t\jt\ow.»at\»^uil lyaara by Diek Ullla, mailo by U. h. Burflogafoa A Uo. and A. HourtMra, macliaaleal wondar by "floailog Parla." Attalbartr: U. r. Millar, afaaT or biulnau Baaagar; HourtMrg, Par la." ,..... , .faaf or biu.o..^ . Prad U. (Mbnar, aatati Him rulMni, advaac* agtoi b«alaaa« Bfiunaf ar aod iraaaiirtr Pror UarnnaaB. tba Oraat, aad Ma*. IfarrmiBn BlajadtAraeunl braaklni racalMa at tba 4lnoil Opara 1«M >*l(UV"r«< «ia^.WbalDg thaIr flgur*. Tba Hll LdlU Tafloni adrU* Uhm* vlihlng lo Uk* adraaraffoftbalrllbaralvitar, aat forth In tbolican), to onlar ibalr cleibaa at ooe*. ThaOraat AiDarf«aa KagnTlngand PrlollflfO*. far* niah tliair papar al low pricaa. Uulitthk Co. maanfactur* nuaio boiaa. magle Ian. tarn a, ata. TbaOr*T*UthomplilBgCo.,MII«aak*aa Wla., hara a full aaptH/ ofitoeb abaau la all Draneiiaa. Praab O. RIc* offaraa baUlotaraai In a tliaalr* far m1«. Blrlrm BaaaBBl.wbo (■ callad iha Pamal* Bandov, la- luaa a cart of Intartat to otbar ttrongwomaoaad Btan- I* Mwraac* Noralty Aopply Co. daal In tbaatrteal a Toduea a ooral wataribov a aarurad for parka aad lika- irtaar to aaoagatba aam. aponleg gMda, phoioa, aic. (^apt. Paul Boyioo will or foraait aaawro, wbkh can ba ■Ua raaorta. MawaBlaaMrt W.D. WUBOihaaaatabfitbadaa aganay Ibrthaanpply ofoow modal Ififawrltar, eoBTaoiaat for tnraUlngpao- pla. Tliar ara M Oioaad by BUDypmDBaaaimfaauun* aia. «howa(ifyih*rrai'pforaloi ibamaefalaaa. Tbayara aaldu rary low Ocataa.