New York Clipper (Nov 1895)

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550 THE ISTEW YORK CLIPPggi November 2 World ^ Players _ Kniea fron Churlei (>. Wlllmnl Co.; Tl» rompaiiT iJi'lnii iinuminij well. lUny llitre/, oar Ictillng nun, clowa In iwa week*, In nrder lo pl»7 •'llcmoD tnn r;tlilui" rnrK.of P. lodge*. Mr. Ilftrvej will cirno"" "PmI«I KMurj aai cot- lomts. nillr Wnlkor Joined u. Hr. WllUnI bu kuunied (he iiiaDiiiamont or liU own coropan/, J. ItaTTT Oordon rollriog. Mr. Oordon w«j flren ■ liinnuei ni riclno, OnL, l>r Hr. TVIIIutl and hUcom- mnr. The HetmpolimnHhow Pclollag tu>. IncalllnK out ums new dealRM at npecltl iilieet llUioa. Wa MITT fourteen iMwnle, all told. Hie roater U u m- Iowa: onarleaO. wlllardiiole pnpitctor and man- aRor: J. Ilarfej Oordon, linalnon manager; llatir. ifanej. «i*?} director; Piof. Ajanta, murtcal director; J. T. Forrcator. J. Moj Bennett, lllllle Walker, J. 0. llovea, NaL uninijircll, Marie Bjlvln, Alma K. i.ewli, Amjr Konyon, Ultir Ollre and Batij "—'fieimm. nice A Ihrtoo wrtto ua that their "Mc- IH>odle and I'oodlii" U>. la metUng Willi aiuceaa lliroiigli Pcnnnylvanla, and alale that tlioy h»ve k- cnred many return datea. , , — Tlig Knid Mayo Co., under Uie management of Karrtll A Mar, will lake llio road Oct. 31. Tlio roa. tar: KnId Hayo, Kilen Vockey, Jennlo Iliirleigh, Agnra Hoiray, llanj KnigUi, Ilarokl (Iraham, llSny B. Farrell. Wm. K. Koolo, II. K. McKee, n. B. nicbardrwn, John It. May, J. Ilnlletl Olllwrte, II. II. Wliall, Al. J. Iluniiw In advanco. — Il>»ter »r the I'lUlm Aydcllo 0>., under loe inanagemont of Bcaa. I*nii>l«cr A Camplwll: Ixiulao Arrtcllc, Virginia Melville, Je"'?..f-ixvul. oiigli, Kclllo anil ll'im t'iiiinlngliam,Hiid l,ltile Nellie HolTllIu, Ulchanl llayiiiimd, Wni. II. llnpnnl.Joa. Mealy, t'liarlea II. I,nyliunie, lloriry I'onilienon, l.wr Uaiin anil Clirinn Grant. The company li touring Houlh. , . ^ ^ i,, _ iiT luymnnd llrlggM, who liaa heeuieiloiidy III, la ainwiy Impmving al lila hunin In lUy Cliy, Wen, — H«ry A. (Iniy, niiiihcr of W. Ndnon firay, who la a ineinlKr at Vrank i^ing'a Vo., died (li-t. I«,al hcrhomoln NllwaukM, Win. , . . ^ ,„,,.„ — Jaa.T. tIcHiiiira Joined "Iho Midnight Watch" Cn. al Ilea Unlnci, fa. ..... ,., . u,, -Uhan. It. Mwcci, Willi "Tlio Midnight Watch" Co., la doing well with hliTmmp apeclalUoa. — U. 0. Hliowallcr, who liaa l>een Tcry III at Oha^ lluld, HInn., la recovering miildlj, and will aoon re- join III* roiiipanf. „ „ — Itoilor III Kmiilie Block Vn: llnaa N. Koigan, manager; Jack Knwlur, II. It. Atlierton, Stoan An- donun, 11.1, rune. M. K. Mi.lhinald, lllanche Mor- f[an, Carrie l.a Boyno, Katia Kuhn, and Jeaale Mel- nunir. BiialiiFM rujiorleil lo lie oacellcnt. — Harry illiriill, ilie wlilallcr, who ha« been with llnyl'aalinicilonaauromlaeaaoiu, liaa Introduced a nowapeclally In "A Trip to flilnalown." Ho hat a wlilntlng aulo, Willi vailallana. cutliled "Mttle uueoii Irene." , . — Manager Uone Pay ton recently added to the acunic e(|iii|>munl nl hia nnidnotlnna a (3,KflO order fniin the aiiiillii of K. ll. McAndiewa, making, all told, a ciiiniiloic car load. Ilia palace ael, conulD. lug one liumlrcd and flrty IncanilcHcent llgbta and lliuottiorllMimlnatedacenca, aruaald lo In u One aa any ever put on a aiago. Hr. I'aylon carrlea, In iirder to pmiwrly inniint hla plecea, an cicctrlolau and lliioe atage niochaiilw, and given a complete nruluciluii or ovcry play. — Kdward Adama liaa rotunioil from hla lengthy nrnrcaalKiial vIhIiKiIIioI'hcIIIc ciiaHt.nnd wlllagain lie with Fanny llavonport'a company tlilaaoaaon, ho having lieon Hiiniinuiied In Join her In timo for nor opening dam hi UnHiklyii, thla week. — DlyS. mil cliiM'd wllh the Kittle KhoadetOi. al Kuiiiii, I'a., aa advance repreMiniallvc, tu nccept a tinillar pnalilun, and wiu aucceedcd li) J. Rd. "-"iiiKiili II. Whilo liaahniiiglilault ngalnat Kmn. I'la Wllanii, uii n claim ivnlgned lo him liy Sidney Itiiaonrdil, for «7,un. Mr. Itomnreld nllegca thathe adapioil two rittiitc iipcnu fnini Itio French for Hr. wiltoii, liut that ihoy were not accepted. One of thnlHHihaHilnpted naa"l.'Kinll«," which Hr.lleaen roUl callnd "King Frolic." Mr. Wllaiin did not like Mr. Itnwnfolil'a work, nnl had another adaptation made, which waa called "THo Men; Monarch." Mr. Ilonenrcld nlwi nilapted "Ualailln," but In thhi oaae alao another vemlon, known aa "The llovll'a lirnuty," waa uaed. The amount aued for, Mr. Itiiseiituld nllegca. waa duo hint an royaltlea on tlio two llliniiioa. Mr. Wilaiin haa been ordered to appear In Biipreiiin (,'ourt Ohamliera, Nnv. 1, and explain why ho haa nnl paid the hill. — (icnrgla Cayvrti) haa purctiaaeil thoAniCficau iluhia to •'Vanity Fair." — "Tlie llHoliniiir'H Baby," roconllT iiroughl out liyMr.and Uni. Hhlney lirowHDd HoKeo Rankin, nr<ivi!H 10 bo a venliiii or "llooUe'a Baliy," the a niKool which KaaJuhnHtiangeWlnler'aateryor thalnaiiio. . . . — Joavpli AronMin, lirollier of Uudolpn AroDflon, waa riiniid iluail at the fool of the aialrcaae In bla Indglnga In Uinlon, Kiig., UcU 14. Ilia neck had been Imiken, and It la thnnghi that In oomlns dnwn ataira ho had auirere<l an allaok ot heart failure, and hail fallen, aa ho waa nnlijoct to heart trouble. He waa funy alx ycara oraRe,anil waa an oleolrlcal expert. ^, ^ — "Tlio Prlvatoer" la the titio of a now play which l/)wla Horrlann haa nocnred, and wlduh be will nrailuco noxl Fall In lloalon, Ham. — Tlio (irighinlS. II. llyera'Uiilorod MnalcalOon. odyUo. played In the Ihldwln ll|Him lloiiae,Oou noaui, ti., (let.'J.I, agalnal a re|iuUllran iiiaaa meet- ing, to atanillnK nann only, ahowlng the popuktHly of thla houM and cinniainy. — rrof. FntdC.Tnnman, iiiualcal dliwtor, and wife. Mar Ifair, cloaod with the SInimona Itopeitoiy Uo, In liiwa, and joliiml liixinc Ic liiinn'a Iteiierloiy Co., at Mparta, III. . , „ — Ilonrluitu l.tmlcr haa lieen engaged bvMan »tm I'aliiiiir A Kiiowlua to rrnhtce Blanch M'alihi an Mra. Itiilfonl. In "The llrwt IHamond ItoUliery," when that iilrco mart-t on III mad tour, Nov. II, npeuliig al tiio Ani|ildoii Theatre, llronkiyii, N. Y. — (liMil biialniiM la Ilio report fmni the "A Tliiitnughbrcd" Cn. N.I cliaugca have lieeuniado In the company alucn tbi u|H<nhig. — Kvclvii llonlon cloanl Willi Com Van raaaol'a "Tcnnca»<i I'anliiir" IM. at lUcliiiiond, V«., and ivliiriinl to her home In Ulilciigo, Oct. 'Jl. — Oliver llirou Notoa: The liuilnnHNr. Uyrundld at Iho I'liiiple'aThcaln!, IMillailnlphla.l>a.,laatwoek, wllh Iho rccoii'tinirtiMl vrralon of "Tpa and llowua of Uro," waa phriioinciial. In fart II Hiiniamiod Ihe grvai aiicciaw of "Ai'nM:< Ilip Cuniliioiii," at the old Aroli, twenty yraia ago. no ono nccailun the on healra waa piiahi'd >u cloac lo Ihe aUigo Ihe iiiiiiitclaiia riiiihl lianlly nao their Inalniraonia. Iluiidrcda axm HianillUK lip anil many were turned away. The iirw vonlitii la an iineqnIviHwl aiicoeea. --Uharlca Unniiiior, Iradlnu man, nulled fmm Oiiniu IHylnn'a (^>. Hi'l- J'. In till llin aaine poalllou wllh Jeaale Uao ilaU'a IVinpaiiy. — Wlllani and Hall Hie playing thla Hialo under the iiianagiMiieiil of win K. Ilurlon, and reiairt do. Ing a BiHiil iiiialiicas everywlirrv. — Tno incniiH'W of the "\iiifle Jiwh Spriifcby Co. had an uti|ili'aMnt o.\|)er1oiiro leceutly, at Aek ley. In. TlinniKh wniiu roaann eaiaplng coal gaa iHinnmloil thniiighoiit the hotel al which ll ey wera alo|i|ilng, and the company iiairowly oacapcd lie. Ing asiiliyMalod. Funiinately, iKiond a nnmlier of i-aaisaof iiauarn and a|illtiliig lirailarhea, no eerloir nwuliK followed. — Krlly'a Kxpectatlon Ciiiu|«ny opened Hi llilnl acaaiin »l Wclla, Minn., iilidur Ihe liianagc inent of Unilwit and Wllllaiiia. Iliwler: Dave II. Wllllania. Frank IjindHTI, Hairy U. Blakv, Jack Fiiilox. Will liavia, H. II. Adama, l.<Miia Faifox and Clam Wllllania, na Ihe altmcllon. Hualnraa aluc<> the nm-nlnr iviHitU'd to lie laige. — Will iSinuiiw, of l*niBona .» I\miI'h "H.T. 0. t!o., Inm'ovriliigninn IIIik'm. Tho runi|Mny may uo oui again. Kale I'arilnglon, Ada Itiiilun, Uolivrt ItiibiTiHiiti. rn>r. w, Kendvll llallowell. K. II, t.iininiini:. H. N. tliinton and tho llarmeohiae (iimrti'i, (W. II. Frigiiaon, J. M. Itoed, II. A. llcilT. licvand J. IK'ali) are alopidiig In tlock|Hilt, Maaa. _Niili<afnini ilio LliiiUin "Son of Uoutp Orlalo" Co.; Manniii'i .Noimt canrolril all Noiihom datea anil Jiiiii| Ihe vnlirr coui|iaiiy fiom HInneapolla, Mliin., to jAi'kwni, Tenn.. wiioiv we played lo tinu IiiikIiicki dniliig Fair w<>ek. The company waa ten. deinl a iiani|uei the cloning night by Ihe Jackaan KIta, and a nioai enjoyable evening waa tpeot liy all picaent. The nnniiaiiy will remain Bouth for aomo llniu. Tne nwier: flank IJndnn, C. W. Oouit- - |g *■ aeUoB brdogbt OoL », n U» arcjil Oonit, Albany, V. Y.. It waa iliown that the tand- •ome toobatoM which manu the naTeot UiaUte jT rT Rainet, to the Albany Roml &nwten, ^ net been paid for. The aolt waa hiooflil by Uie Kmplra F.nimet. A >iW»Dt of tt,m waa lenderei] ID favor of the granite cooipapy. .i„ti„, - Marienendemon baa beenengageduleaitlog woman for Chariea Boblf doilDf bU nairtng tonr. -Arthur Borellyla anpeailoi In the UUe lole with Woodholl'a"My Anni4ally"Co. - "HU Pnillan Wife," a new pla;, oy Mfw. Plor- encaSchoelW, waa acted tm fitiMtimonmtj ttage Oct 3«, at the New Orand Opera Uoiite, Fltu- hiirii, Pa., by Maile Walnwflgbt and cenpaoy. - Hiring the pertoimance of "ltoveameen"at Uie Foniteenlb Btnet Thcaiie, tbU city, on OcL It, OhannceyOlnolt waapieaenled wllh alovlngcup, the gift (if Ihe Iilib KaUonal Alliance of J"", a large delegaUon from the organlnUon being '"^^Wienlae," an adaputlon by Clement il^u and Sir Aiiguatoa llama of M. Dnmaa'Blay of that UlJe, waa given lu HiilprodnoUon lo H'''"°Sl^^?i;,2! attlieHypetlon Theatre, New taven, Ot, byMga Nclbemoleand comnany. The jlay In lt» preaett form waa lliit acted *og. a of tila Je»r, •! «Je Prince of Walea' Tbeatn, BlnnlDgham, Kog. Tba nratproducdoDlDlu original form occnned Jhp le, IW, at the Theatre PiaiKala, Parte, Pr. - Arrangement* are being made for a .J peifonnanee lo bonoi oTMr*. D. P. ttiiti". t- taks place on the tftleth annlveraaiy of 1.- < >ii on the Bla(e,an event which ahe will ^ brale. , , - "IIU Beat Boy" lathe dlle of a ij; .... Neuman, whirh Nat 0. Ooodwia haa k-—••'Pd and will pmlnbiy produce tkU leaain on the luad. - UeorgaK. Koiieacueand Leo Ullrtctaiteln have lieeo engaged to appear m "A Blag Farty," which la lobe produced lo thla elt*. _ „ =_ —Uiace Huntington na* left Thomaa g. sea- ney, TVini Ooleniaii. Ma.x Henti, Kmeat Flaher, C. Wiley, Uadgu lieiinaiiil, Maude Oonnnov, Klla Maaou ami Helen siraiiacr. Chaa. K. Norrwl, man- ngcrand iiniiirtotoi; Klui Allen, Inialneaa mauager, and rnif. Iioiy. niiialeal illieeloi. — Kdwanl 0'('.,iiiiioi, Iho lilah eomeillan. Joined lleitianl * Wlllanra "The Knglerri" Co. at Phim- ileiphla, Pa., 11,1. '^t, for the leading Mie, reiteclug W.J..>iiiea. - (iiga Nethriaole, on iicLfJ.purchaaed tvent; fiiuriiulldlnglotaal Hepew.aiuburbof liunklo,N.* Aa Mlaa Neihcnwio 'a not a rlilun of ihlaceunliy ibeiiilelaliFid inlhniianieof Uharlea IHIllDiham, aaiiuMee. The pntpitrty embnceaa whole eloek, licit loibat n-eenlly pnivhaae by th« VamleitiUta, Aaieiaand Woblw. Variety an d Minstrelsy nioke'a companv. _ ^ . — Daniel and Obarlea Frohman taaveananged for .tonref thlaconntiyliyOeofgeAlexanderjoilthe HtJameaTheatraOo., of London. Kng. The tour wIllbeglnloHeptamber, 107, at the F.inpUeThMtij, IhUcliy, and will be directed by the Ween. Froh- '^M*rle Dreader baa lecenUr lieeo playing dueeo laabella In Bioe-e "Iter'while num- fng an Important role In "ExeeWor Jr." The company waapUylng In Waihlngwn week of <)ci. 14, and en Friday U\m lirtaaler aent a deapatcb to Manager nce,DoUlyloiblm that ahe waj l»v- logforWlcafoatoDce. It anpean Uiat ahe bad already algned a connaol wliS A. H. Paloer to ap- pear In "A Blag Party," and U expected In ihbi cliy inoo. Legal conjillcalloas are now likely to arlae. — Theodnn i. fnedt, once a popular tenor alnger of thli city, and whoae lea of voice alasot iwo yean ago compelled him to atop alngtng, ha* loal hla eya- tlghL *- "A Matrimonial Hue," a Uuee act comedy, hy Walter 8. Graven, waa prwaated Oeu m and week at Clark'a tjcenm Theatre, DenTer, Col. — Harry T, Qllok'a Ooot dy Oo. will atnt out Nov. . making one and three Dl«bt atanda. They cany beclal piloting. -Note* from Uoyl>* OomedyOo.: Muilnee*rtlll conUnue* at the top notch. Uaul Harrlaon, our aoubretio, with her catobjraonga and dancca,lea great favorite. Uoe Klbbey'a ipeclalUa_are al- way* greeted with round* ot applanae. We now have a reperlon of alxleen playe. ^ ^ , ,.. — II. 0. Fami, advance agent, hu rigned wlib llertiert labadle's "Fauat" Oo. 0. Vordman, lalo of tne (lllhert Open Co., alto joined. Mre.Ubadla received Die aad newa of her •lalar'a death Oct. 21, In Melbouroe, Man. _ „. -Madam Ogarita and Kari Bayard Staem cluted wllh the lloene A Dunn Oo. at Uu ijuolo. Ill,, Oct a, going 10 Clyde, Mo., as, where they head threenignu aund repeiloiy company,i}hiylng the hirgertowna and citlea of Miaaouri, rillnnla. In- dlaoa, Kenlnokyand Weat Virginia, opening the new open houae at Clyd^ Mo., under tbe manage mont of McCarthy A Siaei*. Follawlng la the roe ler: Madam Ogarita. the llulcaD.lndlan actreai; Karl Bayard Bteen, 1. A. McCarthy, Ohaa. 8. Coon, F. W. Whluomh, Oeo. Bryan, 0. J. Hoore, advance; JiinU McOarthT, G. Fnnota Dowdy. Una Dowdy and Stella andOhadwhJk. — InfonnaUonlaatband eftbe amndlDgof tbe Lola Wamll Comedy Oo, at Bordentown, h. J. Altachmeuta were iMoed on all penooal property and baggage of the company. The meinheiH are wltboulTunda and nnable toleave the town. — We an Infonned Uiatthe opaia taouae In Dur- ham, N. V„ wa* demnyed by lire seme weeka ago. — Boater and notea from tie A, Y. Peanon Pacltc Block Co.: Ohaa. B. ftykir, proprietor and mana. ger, and K. N, McDowell, hnnneaa mannffer. Mnna. rer Taylor haa aecured the righu to play Iho follow- ng niaya: "Midnight Alann> "Whits Bnuadion," 'ISillce Patrol," ■ojind of Uie Mldnlgbtilun" and Deiby Haacot," and ha* foimed * new elock com- pany, whioh U now tonrtw the Norihweal, wllh the ollowing people: Cbaa. B. Bnnell. Ja*. B. AUen, Edgar Harrey, Frank Cotton, 0. N. Hocho, O. 8U MarUn, rranVlIn Mllee, C. Boardman, K. While, Winnie Hogere, Hand Oale, Jeaale Lansing and "^'¥1 H'.'j*mu oloaed with the Flon BUnltoid Co., u manager, al Johnalowo, Fa., OcL 2t, and liaa toiia lo hb home In Baltlnore, Md, J. a. Olaagow, 'nimeriy In advance, haa taken the management. — Hazel Uorlland haa doted her engagement at the People'a Theatre. Aibubula Harbor, 0. She waapreMntedwIlhalieaiiUlnl goM watoh by her friend*. -R.M.HeAuly haa Joined Howain WalPa Mu. aloa Ktoinedy Co., as alnglog director and drat tenor In Hit quartet. . _ — Manager Underwood wrilat that tlie Paragon Thwtn Co. played tila houae OcL 2l-'4l, to crowded HiiRia *MD FiitM, aketch team, formerly wUh tbe Hellly A Wood Bbow, were Cupraa callenOct. 2i and made tt* (ollowing lUtement: Thai during their engagement with the aboTeconfany at Wald- mannt Tnealre, Newark, N. J., la* week, Ihey were approached by Manager Waldmann, who lold them ha had been Inloimed by Weber A Flelda that they woSm SSTaTeogagenenl- at bl«,Vp.i^« Ibdr three companle* nnleaa the t**m of Unnl; neldi wulomedlalely prohibited from appetrieg inlhdr "t"^itbe iagiof hi* tl>««7-,l!»"2; and Heldaalioiuted thai, loconaeqnenceof Weber A Flildrhavliig punned a •Imllar conn* with ^ugeTi S( llmire* where me Bellli * Wood to. ^nitS appear, they were obliged to ctoie wlUi that the ftclaltot, Infonna o« thai he wae narTled.on Oct. l«, to BU Mtyen, a non.pnfe*- ""A^Linia,algned by eeveni formermeinbenof caid^ioiS^ nanyttnnded lael raonUi at Clartnda, la., and that the perfonnen did not receive thelraalariea. Piiai. K. AHMgwii, foraierly of Otilton and An. ilrewi WIU hereafiei bo known aa Wle. Few";"*;, rav Au>ii"<»-Ouaiai! Tniowere tbereclplentBof r bai laorne. donl piece during "••''n"'" menta' Ine Uowaid Attemcnm, Fotwe, UMt week. They go direct from HoJUin to 8u JPJE- lug in tbe orpbeom aIcnl^ Nov. 10, for an ex- "T^S!.Lral;m« L. vva. >*w» Uumh callere flcl. si They have reran ly entered the Hit ol the vandevlIlM, and report bav M,«Jlneg favor with their act, "FauMlne iTp to l»»/^ "^Jcb they have ibna far preaentcd at the Court Btreet Thnlre, Bunaio, N. 'v.; the zoo, Ulnclnnail 0.; Poira Wonderiand. Now Haven, Cu. and B. F. KclUi'a, Philadelphia, I'a., and Botton, Haat., """•ToSii' nuiHM, the Irleh tinging and dancing comcdi . i Joined handi with Oeo. Webeter. llj ;r.v K/ir inoii *iiD ANK* 0»miF are well re- celvi: M' 111'- TwenMelh Century Malda. Mi^ ht iiAKvmr began a two weeka'engagement Oct. h> sliM't Hualc IlaU, BullkUi, N. Y. I.rr.iJ liiunio, daughter of Frank Kennedy, Dotch comedian, while playing *n engagement at the PartorTbeatn,8prtnglleldJk*a«., w"PJf2°"^ vrtth a very handiome emerald ring by Annie Mablo 'Brteo. of U'Urlen, Jennlnga and O'Brien. Till TUM of Jobnaon and Tnompacn have iwp- ented. Pete Johnnon K wlih Al. U. Pleld'a MIn itrehi,and Fred Johnnon la reheariing a new act PBi* "'"iKaS'iir, contortlontot, hat left Ludei'a HInnirela. ,., OwiKO to HIta Lincoln leveily tpralnlng her ankle on Ocu 14, at the Bon Ton, Jeney City, Ihe team of IJncoln and Olllell wer« compelled to cancel the re- malnderof ihelreogagemenlthcie. Nona FROM Milvilli's Buou RimiirAiNiMi.— We are in our nfth week Jn New England, are playing to good hualneas overy when, and tbe ihow a girtng iutlacUon, MelvlUo to pretenttd wlui a iMautlfolly ornamented chali for hla "lloat- Ing chair act" by a leading manufaclurer In Onoge, ***** Norm Fxoii ItBAM'a Octokookb— Brooklyn waa not alow to recognize the mertia of tbia company, conaeiiueotly o large bnelneaa waa done. An order for twenty new and fetching coeluma waa placed with K.HaemeiooUcl.2l. Klectilclsn Pecklaebortly to Intrnduce a new eleclilcal elTccI Ihit pnmlaea to lie »tinnllon. HeventI new aliiactlooa will alto lie added to Ibeuiganlzailon, which Ucotceededtolie the leading cnionalnnient of He kind jp exlalence. BrimoN'a TBI FOLLOwnto rfSSi''^T^vTc^- ingroriooaw""---.---—-jj-^O^ Hr.Wood boneea each nlaht. — Hii. Qua. Hrnno Jr, wife of Out Bruno Jr., now i"Oo, with Chaa. U. Yale't "Twelve Temptations' rt ) birth loababyboylQrhlladelphla,Fa.,UcL£i. . "The Bloomer olrii," a new musical faieo oomody, under Ibe mantKeicent of Hairy Mwla, will open liateaeon Nov. 10. lloaleri Kthel Carter, Jode Bnlheriand, (Mile Kobens, Jeaae May, Fannette Kt. Uureuce, Hay WUaon, Cante IM Near, >ell l,!u»-oln, FnnV K Olllell, J. J. N. Kane, Chaa. Hob- eria, Harry Fnemao, Ki. Wayn^ Frenk Dallon, In advance, and Uarry Uwla, manager. -Bhaip'a Open llouia, liumboldt, Tenn '^'^unitoMr.and Mi*. J. W. IlaipaWte (Utile Coleman), 01 Ihe "81 Perklnt" Co., a daughter, ^-■^ii Flaher. Ul« lllbognpher wHh Siiringer Welu'a "Hlaek Crook" On., la aoUng as adverllalng annt for the Taylor Open House, Treulon, N. J, — A new Irieb play, which promlaet toihuwaome new Ideaa, enUUed "On Rrto'a Shores," la vrrliun liy MIohael J, Horoney,Bnd wUI open Itateaaon In Philadelphia, Pa., Deo. Id. The dnma ha* been iKHiked for (he entire waeon, woare Intonnedby the American Kxcbange, and I* under tbe manMo- mom of J. F. HIncber. R J. Mnnney, one of the linitheraof the author, will play a prominent part In the dnma, and Ada Oilman playt Iheaoubrette rulea. J. V. HIneher la the manager. — Hack Loon la nheaning hit play, "Hot Ta. malee." RHODE ISLAND. Pn>vlil«.r,t<-.—At the Providence Open lloiite, -sOti»fl««rrolniaa'tNa»VockCo,ln■Iba MaaiuaiaJan" aad "LlWnr Hall-" cenpan; waa vfrvaln>exoD»and woiUiyofDiuchbauarbaBlBaMUiaB imlvMl. For On i>r*»nl aaak l»o HioDa •luaellcoa W..I l« oll»r<«l Tha nm hair af Ilia ««« EdwanI llairl- aaa will apoMl In "OM Laiasdar," ani Ui« iwialadar -' tlio •wk'%i±lDa Ihe Wlad~ vMlconia. oolbawMk Net. 4-IL Uwla Merriaoo. , gairiOa oriai IIiicaa.-W»«k of 0«t «Jt Jtmi' ItavimKU hU«l»l appMiaaoa hfi»almaIhodtjaolallop ol Italian aad Han, and ha dM a R. O." hojiMaa ihapreaaat WMk Riadi'a -Tlie C-olcoo Ktaa; eoniea. Waak o/h»v. i. Iliia llMa*. In "A Vaoiilo* J«llem«^'' aaraihavaa TaaavaB.-Wa»k of lt-3*. lurry Morrfi and bla "TwaallaUi l^uiury Ulria" oima and aav* Uit hHt aaoa alvao In Uia hoiua Uina far UiU MaMO^ " Iht bualoaaa doM waa Uia laniMl la Uia hlanrr pi - houaa. Itia llvlaa plelaraa Inlnalnotd mm a laTelallon. S5S p»alblr w.ra raqoniltila for Ui. UTOM atuail- .aMoSiawid. Thla«».k Balllr andKooJ'««l« Bho. fJiniT Wi^ of Nov. 4, Jobn tahaai'a Ocureooi wlU — '^^!}^^5y•S°0rau Homa-waek ol ttJB, Kalheriaa B. b. "lo--nit LtlUa Dalaollv*" ali.diaw lann hoaw ro-l platMl well Thla wMk Jllaa Fobar nakM har U.I and Haw Voik aula. TS* pcodacUoo will be -A Bankara tlaullilar." aad wlU la pat on la xiaad ihare. Th* MIowlaa weak Kale Dallaa Dob (^Ikmb. makaa har nm apfMimac* here la "ma,taddar of lira. „ . Inriaviiv tlaiu-Raoiaarl. viollnW, aad hU onud Conean Ci-. eonia 3a MelU aad har oramlta eo, are dot "Korw.-D.W.Tmaawaa la Uiaellrand "aabapoj bi aaa aaih a UrM audl.ooa al "A day ptl to, " kj Jmpli Itan Ha niyalal Maaa.OMaaJ lalhtacltj a faV waaki aim, la bale* vavT, w»n palnalaad and IbereuaMr anjeyad by all who villi Ik Pawtwekal,—Bdwaid Fnadierg, la"rpnl*i dMaiatrbualaaaaOel. tt-a, aad lb* real of lhai Rleh and MaadafaVawjatllla; lava a"lalokMalM ant elan baalaaaa. maw*tk,"llaiTi>r>h*UIUfc" aad giiod baalaeaa wlU ao dosht prevail. "pUlJI'iWEMe.of Welch and '•'•'"'Sf' £TSly»^^'am"iwWo..SSd-l?i Sfe?ndnMkV.««^J Sxi-r whloh o^SJ «i:eS^MM?£"S vwSw; Sy Da" "nnlat and'fancy ride shot nS ; w'ard's'lronpo Jf dogiK Wrti and inonkeya, Anna Tuule, aklit and 8panl»h dancer, »nd A. F. ^"j'oWMm'i^o BM,a or^Si's;:.'*-''""'" were raanled In Pine Bluff, Ark., Ia« *«•,''•.„■,„ _ CoMiniiKB. wo are Informed, went to the'wall In Unacogce, I.T., wllh salaries dua Ihe performere, who make the niual complolnl of un- pnfetalonal trcalmtnt. Tut AUiniis (IVm. and Hlnnlc). eiinlllbrieia, will al the doae of their aeason with Uunilng't Urcue, open their Winter aeaaou Nov. m, at Kelih'e Union Biiuure Theatre, tbli city. Uarhi* K. Htci and Jeaale L ICeeto have aepar. atcd,Hti8 Rice htvlng retired fromllieatagc. Hla* Ileeae will wortt alone. _^ . ^ ^ Tm HtHLo A»o llimnAH Thio, aerial hortzonul lure, will appear at Kosler Bltl'e, tbU citv, during Ihe latter pan of December. II will b« inelr tint apnearance In New York at a trio. W. W.Frihan.oI Freeman'aThettie, VInclnnaU O., waa In Uila city lait week. It. (TAPr) Voi.TA, formerly of Volia Bnihera, agents. London, Kng., It now aaaodated wllh the Covell Amuaemeol Aasodatlou. IliHHI OAZUAK'a opening ot hie lour with hit Royal Rnropcau Vaudovllles, In Bumio, N. Y., Oct. 14, waa attended wllh entire tuccesa. The re. malnderot that week waa played tbeielo veiy large builoest, and tbe prcA commeaia upon the menu of the oiganliailon were veiy compllmenury Laat week, In Hochetter, N. Y., the aam- ImmeuM hualneas followed, and Hr. Carjnan' eiTorta to place before the public a flm clata vaudO' villa enterpriiw will doaiueaa meet wllh eucceta. TB* Ooox BM08'. "Alaiiama Cood" <^i. report* goodbuilnetaihrougk Ohio. Bin Fbimps, foimorty ot Philip* Uro*., will tail for liindon, Knn., In Noveinher, to Join band* with tbe Rngllthpeifonner, Joe Kill*. W.B. WHianT bos rvllred from tbe agency bust, nees, and baa taken iho busluets end ot ilio Uaven Blereo Huelcaica, coinblnlug the Three Mumy "jinxBANO (JuproHD are playing orei tlieUavIa circuit. F. H. My*b cloacd with W. D. Anient's do. at BU Iduls, Oct. a. Llwis U1CK8, late undentander of the Three Ko. daka, baa Joined the Athiona. Tbej are doing a three men aoL TUB HoiiKtfiiHwere compelled to cancel an en. gageiiiont laat week, aa Mra. Huirls waa aulTeriug irom an ulceialed toolh. Tliey open at Auetln ,li Slono'a, Boelon, Haat., Nov. 4. jAMiri LiviKiHTOH, coiitortlonhit, cloned with Al. Hartt'e Bpeclally Co. al Hllford, N. II., Oct. 20, on accouniotalckneaa. MoKcaiBP A^u JKS), comedlant, open at the Worid'a Thestie, Allogbeny, I'a., u iiroduce "A Wild Oooee Uhate," aunportal by Fred Ueler, (>ulgley llrolhen, Luttlo llogera, Mamie lilllon and UcAvoy and Bogen, conunencing Oct. -JS. W. E. Nankiviuji Infomit ui ibat the San Fmn- cltcoMlntlrclt will open Nov. II. Ttiocompauy will be under the niaiiagenieut of Hr. Nankevllle. and win conhkin eome of Hie beat nloatrel people. The Blnglng will lie a feature, together with ihe or cbeelia, nuder the direclluu of Pml. linger. Tlio San Franclacoquariel laauiongtheonngemento. l.HW IlAViLLA, of the tOHUi Of Uaitonell and Havllls, Intornit lit ot hit marriage, on Oct. a, at Janialoa, \*. 1., to Anulo lllldertimnd, a nun-proiea- Blonal. Al Iho same place and tluioV.'alterWeni. worth, Iho aged coniortlonlat, waa iiarriod to Hra. Hoalo Friend, alto a non-profedtlonal. HoBWin ANO Bowaui appear at the Olympic, Chicago, 111., thla week, after whicli they play the cIroulL They will open Nov. a, at Tony hutor'a, Iblacltj, In their hkicat piuducuont, "ll'aaLong Time Coming" and "llefore and AfieiT^tklng." THOU L.FiNH,renu1loiiultt and lllualonlst,cloted hie tecond eeaton with Lee'i Lcadon Bbowt, at Canton, Fa., and opens with bla company Nov. b, touring VermouL Hilly U* Hack'h Uia Suow cloml Its aeaaon (ICLl. cats. Kbhha'8 MiNurBBiB closed auddenly at Biincook, N. U., Oct.11. A thnrounb reorganlra. Hon la cvntemptated.nnd a reaunipuuu of iheir tour la unilor negoUallou. Tub Wiluahb Thio will cluao a ■ucecmtul on- gagement on Ibe Uany Davis circuit Nov. '2. J, 0. Hi'dnBB gocH out wllh Pendleton, Marion A llugbea' UlnatRb. cuts. Hack avd Holly amoi'b, iho linlrenlly Duo, are with Uenderevu't Big Comedy and gpechJ. ty Co., doing comedy and leading aoubreues, re- tpecllvely. Jaoqubunb, serto corale, doted an excellent en- gagement al tbe CiaHnoTheatre, Aaiorta, Ore., and opened tu San Fnncltco, Cel., recently. Fbanb Wbitvan, trick viollnlat noddancer,oloted a auccHaful two weeks' engagement OcL -a, al Uie Huaenm, Des Holne^ la. Onb billt Farbbll and WUlle FamU won the Int mlM cake walk In Bocheaier, Ky., against T. U. Seboaer and Mlaa Hart, Oct. IS. Torick AMD 8TUL, after laying, oir tlz weeks, oauted by Mr. Topack't Injuiy to Ma knee aomo time ago, are again all ilghL They opened In Chlcagn l)oL V, at the Olimpic, In their original act, "UaiTiHiu and Cleveland," wblcb they bavo dune for the laat tour eeasont with tncceaa. From Hop. kin*' olnnll they go to Bah Flmnclaoo, opening at the Orpheum Deo. 'Jl, for all woeki, then return But. BBBiB BBUwoon Intenila to tall for ibit connur " nuiTT rBMVBaBBS Will tall from llngland Nov. t, lo appear al Uaomeretelnt Olynpla, thlt city, whiob opeoa Nov. 1». lat'^dV^m^'BB'in '•d'is,?^^^^^^ House, Chicago, 111., have recovered, and are again appSflog wlft Flelde' Dnwing CaSa. . W7i. UoiPiH has ttken the management ot the ^Trif^M ll^SSlS'BSis., ~:rot>Bl.. met with suISSJaf" rac^'Open "Uou-, Pbl^^^^^^ tort^k, and have been reengaged tor another week UATTlB AKD I.IIZIi NgWMAH UW WOlklhg In natnSc'tontBurtetqnerealUie Ctork Street Mu. '*H'5i5ilS'*VLv.."Ten Nlgbttln a Barroom" CO JltSed a meceetful»'>J"<»°!"h°°Si!- MILTON AnoBM baa secured Irene Mnipby, for- merly of tbe Baker and Seabrooko open compa- nies, to play leading roles, opening at Scnown, '*fnB°Kd'leon Comedlant are rebwdng a new faree comedy, enUUed "Man In and Hin Out." TJe company la beaded by Jim Dumeni and Jett Bd- warS ilth Con Cllttnn as leading aoubrelleu Tbe following companv: Daisy Ct.j>ni. Om mu>t, Arila North,Oeorgla Bnden,Art. PeMerjFred. P. Sullivan, with Oeo. Allen In advance. The com- nny Is booked South aa tar as New Orieant. They eave about the Itb ol November. Maooir WiiLBTT, who tor the patt ten weeka haa been tcrionaly 111 wllh perttonlUt, underwent a tur- Blcal openUon last vreek. Alitaooih eitremelylow at preeent, her chances of recovery are good. Lbofold ahd Silvo have concluded a aucceioful enosgemenl over the Davis ciroull, and were ape. chHIy engaged tor Beyd'a Mlnaire:! tor week Oct 2l-m Aey will be teen at Keith's Union Bqnare Theatre, thla city, la Iheir miialcal act NoTis FBoa ScnuBAM'e Vabietv ano Novbltt Co.—We an playing In Harenhao, Brazil, to large buslneai. People are uimed away eveir peifonn- anee. Tbe company has recently lost three of its membere. Mm. Annie 0. Ewer, moiber ot the three child dancere-Regaliinclta, Precloea and Oracloaa-- Is dead. Mre. Ewer left tbe children In the bandtot our Impreaaalro, who la to care for them until he heare from their father In Ohill, or until we meet blm there nn our tour. Mile. Klevom Uavlnl left na In Para. Nile. Oavlnl had lieen 111 for a few weeka. Mre. Kwer had auifertd from liver trouble tor some tine, even previous to her last end fatal lUneaa. P. Knne^ our violinist, did notahow un when the companylefl Pant, bnt remained with Mile. Oavlnl. All ina real of our troupe have been enjoying excel- lent health from tbe alan u, the nrcienl with Ihe ei- ctptlon of Hr. Beck, our stage director, who tiayed behind In Hansoa, but whom we eip«t to rejoin us aialn hy Ihe lint attamer down, we are now In Horn FiOM rai Au 0. Fibid Dio Wditi Hi. ■tTels.-Ttae gotden ton ol pnqertty Is theddin, il brigbttat beams opon ns sbM entertnr^xa? K has bean a case of "capacity ot the honse" ai^ J: enured ibe borten of the State. vSrStSV^Jt In pralBS of Ue merits of ibe petfoSiancfSah! panda and tbe conceit which we give daiw Ualveatoo, Upnston and Austin we tnnicd ,wa. bnndreda. The dniis did a big bntlneis at ihl attsmoon neitonnance In Oonlcana, but we can.!! tbe crowd at nIghL Allan May johia na u n Worth, asdoea I^wrence Olaiaond. John w NnT ton bat about recovered from tbe elTecit of inlsiS,' Uli tplendld basso voice lo heart to mre sdv>nu« in bu sslecdons. Teemer, tbe Oandaor Broiben Uanlan and the other oarsmen at Analln were oar (rneslsat tbe evening perfonnsnce. TbeycnloM Qie show Immensely and pronounced It a winn» "DUqila," our buriesqns cirant. Is the bit m Sl aeaaon. It la greeted with nan of laughter fn,n the me nntU tbe faU ot the curtain, tKodin. andltonawaywreaUied In amllea. Hanyj. Uov aid Is Rcelvbig many complhoenlaiy notices tw bit singing. TheBrothen Hohrtng an tbe fcatnn of "Dtopla." Tbey are doing an exceedingly dom and gracefol torn, 0HA8. B. NB180N AKD UaHIB HlLLlDat reonat nt to deny the auiement Ibat tbey were enniri wlUi Baiiy Moms' Enlertalnen. Smith AMD HBAOAxan playing ov«r the litvia cironit, appealing In tbe nans of the minhiierand tbe tonHb,ln "Mnldoon'tPlcnlc" " ViDAKiANB (Wilson) It Tltldog SI her home hi McComb,Ula8. She la pnaidnganewtpeclaiir whlebshewlll lotrodncethorUy. '' Burt Jobdam, eccentric buck dancer, opened « tho Eeltb olrcolt it Philadelphia, Pa., Oct. -a, wiu. New York and Botton to follow. Ww. F. GOELD hsa a new tpeclally, "The Now York Street Sweeper." Bob SCBUTLIii,ot Scbiiyler and Saab, has entirely recovered bit heaim and la playing datea. They iuai closed three weeks on Ben Manin'i Mtn Insee cinnit, sad will work Vux around tbe boll, days. ESTBF AMD Uioos Opened tbe NaUonal Tlicaiie Tacoma, Waah., Oct 1. ' BiLLT Hill, acrahaUo comedian, waa at ihe bur Theatre, Uamlllan, OnL, last week. BiLLT Maci, botband ot Battle Wade, la very low with hnlD fever at Saonmento, Cel. Nona FBOB HiACO'8 OiTT Olob Co.—Oui bualnea at Sam T. Jack's, In Chicago, III., haa been ph«. nnmenal, and we have canceled BUlwaukee, n'li, In Older to play bere three weeks. We lay oir week ot Nov. i-g. Manager Hlaco and 0. 0. Ball win spend theweek In Medina, N. Y. The company wiu play In Cleveland, 0., week ot Nov. 11-lt, ni nwie Eaat. Uany Bryant and Chas. D. Seamen will, no doubt, create a tensallon In the Eatt, as ihey are both wearing sealskin overceals. Buhy Marion will sorprite bar many trienda when aba Inuodiictt ber comet solos. Bbe Isnndeilhetntoreblp of our lender, Ed. HneUer. DORNLiT AMD Bahhinotox sn booked for ike Keith circuit, to open Oct. 2, In PbUsdelpbla, Pn. FuLue A Haioom's Drawiko Oamis opened to a nuUnee at ihe Lyceum Theatre, Chicago, 111., Oct. 23, to tbe largest receipts, our Intonnant siatea, that bavo been taken In since Jannaiy, 18W. Tbe >how madenn ezceUeot Impression, and tho new act of Fields and Hanson caught en In great shape. Joe Flyns made the bit of the tbow, and decided inc. cetses were also made by Jotef Flour, Carroll and Ulnea, Pbyllla Allen, the Weston Dlsiore, Lalor and Obesier, and Cheries Oaleiu'a monkeys. The show Uisllll managed bj Jaa D. Flynn. MASSACHUSETTS lovely climate and all feeling happy, and send re. gardt to our numeroia Northern trleoda, from whom we shall be glad to have leUert, additaaed care of Anencan Consulate at Rio do Janeiro, where we will he In November. _ .. _ ROSrtR AMD Noras FROM FOX A WaHD'8 NBW Rl- Dned MInsiRhi.—We opened our Eastern tonr st Bath, Me., Ocu 21, to a large audience, and are booked tora return date after our Canadian engage- nienls. Our Newmartiet coals, nisde tor us by the "Klx Utile Tallore." have arrived, and were worn on parede for the Oral time on Oct. 13. Tbe boys an delighted with them, and they make an exceed- ingly neat appeannce. Everybody It well, and tbe "Old llelbklile" Is sought for weekly. Our rottor fol- lows: Fox A Ward, lole owoere; WUIard Btanton, manager; J. B. Frasler, butlneai npieaentatlve; Prof. Uncoln, reuilcal director; Major M. F. Oleason, drum major and lightning drill; Wllllt Arnold, Jusbtbimb Dbvbbb brought tult, Oct. 94, In UUt ally, for a tepanllen fmn Bam Devere, who denlea that k* wis ever married to ber. □ runi UUftJur nuil ll|}UUilUH uii,,, i,,uwnj, James Roslnim, Cbsi. Wbluey, TMn Stewart, Fred Jtckton, T. K. Curtain, John Conway, Willie R. Lincoln, Han Obaae, Fred WarTtn, Coas. Wilcox, William Jobuon, Harry Watts, Joe Hathewa, M. H. Dnuahue, Fred Cole and the (Junn Oily Quartet, with Frank Cole, agenL PmoiAON, Uariom a Pbabl's ViMSniBLSopened al Noiwlch, N. Y., to a reported big houae. The Rrade was a feature, wlln Pendleton, Marion A art at tbe trent. Mao Faktas, of tbe Fames, percb snd serial ner. tonuera, fell from the dome ot the Winter Oaroon, In St. loult. Mo., while doing tkeir trapeze act, breaking hit right wrist and severely Injuring bla back and ahouldor. Tbey viore obliged to cancel six wceks'tlme In the Northweid. Has. KVA TUATCUBB, alter a aucceasful Iwo weeks' engagenientel Sam T. Jack's Hadlton Street opera Honee, Chicago, 111., In engaged at the Clark Street Uuteum, to do prtnolpal Iwy parts In Befton A Desgle'B Oomlo Opera Co. Tbli b the drat time lira. Thatcbei has worked alnce berhntband's death. Sallib Pbrhy, wife of Bllllo Wolf, partner ot Savill, tnvellng now with 'The Sootli Beton the War" Co., Is In New Orieans, U., paralyzed and In dealllute dreumslances. UBASLk>"B CoLORin M1NBIIUI.S shandsd In Red Bud, lU., UHt week. Priob ANO Watson, German comedians, play at Wonderland, Erie, I'a., thla week. ROSTBR op IlASklN BRO8.' HlNBIRBLB, WblCll Open aeason In Baltimore, Md., Nov. 1(: filUy Olhaon, Hocking llird Rube, Oeo. DenDhi,Joe Boyer, James llarrlas, Tlllbler Bros., Edward FonJ, Robert Usnks, Ulnule llsokley, l>olly Wilson, Mamie Ulgga, Lotra Jonklna, Pauline Brown, Mme. Ultckwell, llaaklngs Bros, and Ulnm SoireU, under the inanagement ot (lllwn ASonell. J. H. CBB\'iB lus returned to the stage after a three yeare' aboenco, and will appear In couJuncUon Willi hla wife, Clara Ohevee. Job amp Uorris, comtdy and musical perfortnen, liavc lefl the London Kmplre Kntortaln. ere, ot wblcb Mr. Uorria waa mualcal director. Nans FROB III Ubnhy's MiMsrRXLS.-Bualnees baa been almply great all through the Eatt. The allow hut tieen a big hit, and Is undoubtedly the boet Hr. Heniy bat ever had. Our star, Arlhor lieming, hat been unable tu work the naat two weeks on account ot a aevere cate ot tonafllUs, but ho Ll Improving, and will he with na again In a few days. HI roni Wanl haa made a big hit, and la iimklng many new frtends In the Fast, where be haa not appared Id four yeare. ON AOcovNT ol tho lllneaa of Hn. Louise Cun. nlngham, ot the dnnlngbama, they were com- pelled to cancel aeverel weeka' engagements. They will open Ibolr Kaaiern ongagemeni In New Voik,at lToctor'^ Dec.». Waltsb Caow, tbe "Oootler vloUnlit" and char- acter Impenouaur, who tor tbe latr eevcn or eight yeare bss been doing lyceiim bureau work, again contemplatca golnfilnto the show butlneaa. 0. II. Harris, bualneaa manager tor Andy llughea' notion Howard Athenmm Co., realgned that poelUon In Balilmore, Hd., Nov.«. KOSrSB OP ALSRIIIBT A MaAS' HlNBTRBia— M. Maaa and Eneet Albright, manaien and proprte. ton; V. Blenns, A. TOIIver, & Kshn, R. Bounelton, WaltereandWelilnger, A. Larkin, a Rlchardt, 0. Weaver and tlx mutlclans In band and orebeaira under Ue direction ot Prof. Fey. noSTBB AND NOIlS PROM TUB LONDON OAIBTT Olrtt.—Business Is much belter than last sesaon al thla Ume. Eveijbody lo good beallb. Tbe loaler: John A. Flynn, proprietor; Roben Hills, bntlneii manager: Teiry and Haggle PciBnson, Keating and Alexander, Deveie and Leclali, CbappeUe Slstere, Hoi Lothrop, Dot Oulchard, Vligle Seyoonr, Ada Ray, Ullla lurdlng, Oertle Kenwlck, Mabel Lyle, Nellie Uhike, Lonla (^enwlck, Eibel Ugrange, NetUe Oorbln, Blanche Allen, Wm. HoMnmandllauAlex. *nder. 1. tTT AND BABtBi, who WON at the Bijon, Phlla- delpbU, ra.,latlweek,arepla|lngat Relth>a new Boelon Theatre UOiweek. Tbey bave booked re. tun engagementa. BoBion,—Tbe honore have been evenly divided among Iha plavhoiuaa durlos Ul« paalwaak. TliaTre- Dwot Theatre bore off Uia palm Od tt, tha ranwellniclit ofthelrrlDg'Terryeogageaiant, when abrlllianiblll va« gtvan. The nala lotsraat waa ceotrad lo "Jouroer'a End In Lovara' Healing," aone act play, by John Ollrer llohba and (leoixe Uuom, and produced hare for Um liral lima IB Amailca. Bllao Teiry aa Lady Duuplae, Kiaok Cooper aa BIr Fhillp, and Ban Waliatar aa CapL Mam- iiiour.conipletalr delighted a leiy laixa and eoUiuHAa. tleaodlanc*. The cotopany playa a mora aagagaiiiani hare Id April. Ttala waah tbe UoUanda open In "A Sodal ligbwajinAO," aoppnftad by memben of lha Oanfck Tliaalre Stuck Coiapasv. The adraac* ailea pradlcl ax callanl bualaaaa for Utalr three weaka' engaaamaaL HOLLia Srailci TSBAVRa-Aaolher treat la oflortd our lhaatreaoan uila weak widi tbe coming of Ada Haban and Daly'aCo. ta therollovingreiertoiT: Moodav.'Hia Raltniailor Leva;" Tuaaday, 'TwallUiMlahr," wadnaa. day, maUaae and avanlog, "Taming tha flnraw," Tliaia. day aad Friday evanlngn and Saturday nalluaa, "Mid- aanimaT Night'i Diaam;" Saturday avaolog, "Schoolfor Scandal." "Sovlsx lha Wind" ckaed ie,averTBucc«aa- lal waab'aangafamaaL Malt waak, "TheCaaa of Rabal- llouaSataa." Pahk TllBAVRa.—"Itaa Bachelor'a Baby" haa baandraw Ina crowded bonaaa durloa lis flnt weak, and will doobl- laMconilnue lodoao during l[a aecond and lutwaak. Sldaey Draw, aa Adj. Roderick D'AreyJio baa uiaJt a dUtlnct anccaaa. aa wall aa Hra. BIdnav onw u Billy Breexa. The pleca la partlcularlr wall eaat, with ona cbaoae ooiau lor iblawaek, BelleBtokea nplaclog Annia Loe Hodgari aa Mra. Col. O'Arey. Nail week, daiy Flu- aaraM, lo "The PoendUog." OiLOMUU TuBAvax.—'^Uumanliy" haa crowded Una houae nlghUy for the past weak. Pniebe Davloa and Joa. Orlanwr, under the rDanigomenl ol Wm. Brady, lava nlledlhalaadlORrolearaoataecaplahly Tbe onnkaniont aeda ihin weak, aad "The SIdewalka of New York" will open Kov.«. , , BotfTON HUflloa.—Tbe end of The Fatal Card" Is lo algbL It will umbiats a remarkably aaccaaatai angafia- DoalofnlDe waekaoo W. On Wadneaday, Oct.90. alter- nooD,Ui*orUalli patformaaoe win be ceUbratad by ibe diatrlbullon of baodaome souvanlia. Nov. 18, "Too Hadi Johaaon." Cahtl* SijUAaa TuaAvaa—"Tha Cblniaa ot Normandy waaaaDg la vary good Iwuaea laat weak, aiHl "Hlllea Taylor,'<alvaya popular, will oa pel on Uila waak. hata DavU, ArUiur woolay, Wnllam Wvlir and oUiera aeon weakly auccaaaaa bi ihaae light aad tanalbl opeiaa. AabadyaaUartclorraueodanca la . _ _ jraiah,"iiow antarioi on lu oinui week. OaWaOaealay.a, WlU bocaltbiatad the aavealy. nnb poifoimanee. BowooiR Bovini TnaAvaa.—TbU weak larmlnalaa the ran 01 "In Sltbl of Si. Paal'a," which bad llva tiaeka oi axcalloBt patrooaia. On 4 aootkor malodiama, "KorUi- om LiRliia," will open al Ibia houia. , QRAMO Oraaa uocaa.—NaUian B. Ooodnov. owner of Uie houae, bu noally decided to aaoma Uie peraooal au- pervliloo of Uia Unatre. and will nopan ItwIUi a new sUMk ronipaoy. uader lha mAOagamant of Qaorga w. Hasaa. It la Br. Uoodnow't IntandOB to aoaaga only actaraofnpuu aad ability, and to prodooo flrit cumadlaa, drmmaa and mBhidrafflBa. At pnaaat tha houaa la unUerxolBgaoma atlaraUonaaad Improvanaola. Baivn'a Naw TiiaAvaa-Mtnagsr KelUi speelallv rta- lorea the Aodeiaoa SlaleriL the foot Jugalara, and Fforris Kbbl Tha lilt of Bttrecilooa loclodea alao Utatan Ban All'a Troupe of Araba. ahanoin aad Korrlaaey, Oe Be.v Ball, liar. Burke and Randall, Uoward aad Emaraon. AdolNi Popper, UtInaoD and Heiv>n,T1ui Oioato, KilUa O'Nalil, Un PiUglbboo Trio, Uvy aad Barker, Paynaand KaadtU. Chaa. & Abbe. Ameilcua Comedy QnaitoL BiirnaaodHaitaad Knj tod Leaialre. PAiaoa Til KATaa.—For Uiewa*korOoL28Llhe Anancan Oalaly Olrla, In two buriaaqoea "Tha Blooroer Ohib and -Bob.ulp.lIer.Boy," win ealerUin Uie palioai °l Ibia houaa. lo tha olio will appear Dixon and Lang, Joa lAiraloe and odiem. . „ ,, . Dt'an'a NiOKtLoniox.-Thia week It la 'Tha OU Malda CoBvantloa" al Uaaagar Daon'a bouie, followed by abax puuchlBg coaiaat baiweeu Oaorie La Blaneha and Joa Bullan. aad iarenl nUiera. BaUltaoaa Joe, wiUi lil> performing aaakva: Oklaboma BIIL Frelrle May, RoMUa Bndblamoakeya.BellroBM, Slagaid and olbara. .IB the iliaaira wiu ai>paar allmore aad ramall'a Tando'llla Company, and Oalay Davaoport'a Famala mnalrela. In- eludingiKinbar aad Olonr.Aliea WeaUin, Fbll Saltan aad bla acbool ot aducalad dogiL Bay HaridoUi, Juiiea StaaiBe, Hacy aad Waal, aad Uie QloBD Blltart. ,^ Autri.v ANo BTONa'a lloaBUM.—Tha fat woman'a bicyela lacaaare on again tlila weak, aad have proven a auvng allracllon. Tha iKlon hallaihlbll locfudea: BellaCar. tar, wllh Ihe hona'a maaa on liar back: Jaa. Leadhain, theupBhladowo man; OU Ruba,lbB giant anaka; Rod. arlgo. lha anaka charmer, aad oUieia. The ataaa kiow indiulaa: WaUrhury Bm., Cbtrlaa Eanoa, Wylle ana San ford, Siitan Snaoai, Bryan Oelllaa, gale OIlBtan, Coo and Ward, Tom Konoady, Johnwo Trio, Coalallar Hia- lani,lllaana Lee. JameaOaybr. Laalla and Caidy, the Wabatera. Broad tad Blory, Cliarlle Deaa. llovAaoTuaiTita—A Dovallyii offered at Proprietor Lolfarop'a hou« Uila weak, namaly: Jobn W. flhama lletoroon^ a tnupe ol colaied conedlana. vocal Ua and mclally parlonoara, lo barlaatiaaa and opanUo aaiae- tiona The vaudeTllIe aeu Included SeanloD and Waldi, Dave Rardau, Dick Band a, Lowrer and Fnaela, Ed. OalU. ghar, Kluy Praetor, Uanrr T. Waluand nUiaia, LvcauMTliaArBB—Tunar'aBaaUab Clrla. la a.moal. CAlakIt, OCCUPY the Ijoaida Uila waah. In uia vaodaTllw oho are O'BriaD.JaoBlngi and O'Bnao. tbe Ammooa- OlarUo Trio, Bob aad Kilty Emmat, Ohaa.H. Doaean. Baldwin aad Daly. Bobby Mack, and Haya aad Haalar. QRAIfO McsauM.—Manaaar LaUirop naa orgBnuaO a saw alockeompaay.wllh Rata DaUaa aa Uia aur. The othornambaraaraLoreCllft, Frank Dniffllor. Fno Mur- ray. Park Baaba^ Fnok Edward, Evarall King. Cora Prrar, Core Wlnlaoia and ElliK lladaon. Ladder or Life" will be praaanlod Uila wNk. A lood variety bUI followa aa oluij, lacladloi Rwtka Braah, Uia Tanakaa, Ray Wllaao, Bryaal and Claavai, lha Patchlnx Broa.. BIktTracay, nig. Baraea and Blla. Paiblna. Noraa.-«adla Bartlnol baacABctlod haraaaaiamenl wim Haaaaar AtklBun Jaa. O'MallL In ■TUgloiw, aad Frank Mayo, In "Pudd'ahaad Wllaoo." an comlat altnctloaaal tliaTremoni "Tba Priaonar of Zaada wUl beglraalulrn Bonun pcaaanuUoaal UiaBoaUm Muaaamand Bolat Uie lloUla aa ffnl aaoouncad.. ■ ■ Manajiani Alklnpon A Cahlar have aaolhar brand new mahidnma, -Savnl frtim the flaa," to foUow "Northare Llgbta." Haouar J. B. SdioaSal walla lawn Friday. B Baitlar HcCallom haa baea engtiad aa alaga maaagtr by Alhlttsoa A Gaidar. FaU RlTer,-At the Academy ot Mnslo fair alBadaad|aiMH naalagajut^Nj^'(j|,'"Su^WMda neord for Uie Bawtelle Oo., which I