New York Clipper (Nov 1895)

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November 2. THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. 551 wHt'i •BM«B«t bm OoL a. nia wMk JoMpb Hut, ■ □"AOftjOU Bor,"eomMnt Bdnrd Bftrrffu. In Ltrtndtr," ITot. 1. HIHury'i Mlutnli L Bookloti: OilTtr Dood Bjra ^ "III* Cottoo Klog" t-V. **n« 8llT*r ■■oi"JkB^^lP' IS. O- 4: B. UMBl a /uDM (VMaU 18, Tboc B. 8bu IS uitf wMk. BiCB*8Tiwnu.-P»tiT food bnnoM yneud Bij- tfio'a tMiUrol »Uj. "rortlMo." Oct U-m, Kdnnl ronbuk'i coBC«^on of ib« iMdbg roU, Juk DlftmAod. Ulof ft dnia>Uo tnfti, which tbt ftodlMc* wm ooiiiow loiDpnelfcUof. Tb* tuppori wu •imUcol Du Me- Cutbj. la "TlMi^Bunblsr from OUn'* ud "Tb« PrfO* of li»jo.^'>*»D«l hta li«rt ai-a Tb« nuirn* were hir. TfiUWMk:a«ont*V. LanH optni u tblibouM iB'TbeiUnAboatTowjL" Jefftv/i Uvia, booked for KoT. II. wmDotm«i«iUltu,u her compuretMot) Oct. lf»tHohok»o. H. J. OomInK: "NoU Amh''4-«i "MuUI. na'f Mlihap*" 7-9. WOKDUUUIO TUBATtL— Hw ODeoIOK llU4 tt Ihll hoa$*, throafh thf cucallDf of Die Uodxo Broa.,bai be«o poKipoaed aotll Not. 7. Qrvu chtagM litTo been toade ID ibe aMuruca of the theatre vlthia the PMt U*dtye,prDnlMot anoim «blch In the lobbr, which U» bMn noet iMwIallr and artotlcallr deoomtad la ■bltaand aoU. and wbidi, with thi addliton oT elenirle Hghta, nuieaft reiT attnctiTi Iraot. KewscaD«rr hr E. J. Martlo,hai,beeD added Uulv. The opodIdr atuae- Uoo. 'The Whlu(rrDok,*'7-«. In blll«l llkeaolrcu*, aod Buonoth ojoth ttfeamera and baooet* liare been piacod tlloTerlhepIfta alipiKllKiDiT iheopeDlof. atmj'aOr cheaii* ot ilK plecoa li uoder coatnctrorihe aeaion. The pricea will rante from K) (o eO cenu. Tb« WaiaonSlt- lart com* Nor. Il-U. Uaivtt iki> Buot; Tbutm anio do^ad lu doori Oct M. . WoRMlvr.—AC the Worceater tHeatre Hop< klu'TnneOcetDio Hur SpectaltjCadrewa blxoiDwd tkt B. B. M. ind Joaepb Ilollaiu) crowdwl the the*tfe U. HI MaoiT'elClnttnUcome21,0, >^wlDcibe Wtod' aa niir oaardKlocftD 3i. LorHiora 0»iu Uotni.—"Haodi Aeroea the Am' aatha ittnetlon canenl the "S. R. 0." aim tote huDt out DlstiUr Ivt week. "Tlie Derby Maacoi" comta »- Nor. 1. Tbo Babb (*«roedr Co. 4-0. FHOitr SntiiT OfBU HoCHi—'Ibe White Crook" drawblf hoanei all taat w»ok. Ilarrr Morria'TweoiUih Ctnturr MaldaS-SOL "Jenr. the Tmrap" Sl-Kor. 3. Kom-Lamie and Barbfer left'Tbe Wblie Crvok" M. ntj tare to nil a tea weeke' tomement at AtiaDta, Oa Helen Ruaaell waa pnieoied with an elenat flenl tilbuto oa the etaie of th« Front Street Opent lloiue,tl ....Arthur Hovaidjoloa thp *>Laad of the MldDtinit8ua"Co. la Boatoo.S. The builDota dooe by W. & Reevia' "Haoda AcroM ihe Bea" Co., at LoUt- rop'a Operft Houae, WoTCWtar, Man., week orOcLSI, wm UioliLnnit m the tilatorrof the boaee, ih»"8, R. 0." ftlCQ MnKdlnlared aljrbUyatru. Buodredi of people were actually turned away aierery perfoimaoce. Low«ll.—ACtbeOpen House "ATrlptoCblu- town" came Oct 11, to cood bneloeaL Andrew kftck 6leaMd|toodl:ODwiwIUi*^MyleaArooa"S.m Conlos: :Iee*a'*l49r'S,S. Joil llari, lo "A (lay OkJ Ro>,'*31: Uwie MorrlaoD, In "Faoit,'* Not. I. S; "flie Couldn't MarrrTbree*'!. Uvtaa Bali —*The Uldalgbt Hood" bad bJr bouMi 3I-2S Jula WalUn aod company aecepubly proMDiad "A Hooey Order" 34-2L to nod boiilaeu. Booked: *'11te White Ciouk" Co., aWiJ. '«lde Tracked" SI-Nat. X Buou TnuTU.-Tbe Klcbapoo lodlan Medicine Co. are kcIII bore,»Uylng to Inctwaed boalneaa. flpriasfleltl.—At OUmor«*a Court SqureTbea tr«, Oct. XL *-Tbe Great fireoklrn Handicap," to lliht houae. B. H. aitd Joaeph Bollaod, In "A Social UI|ih«aT' mao," cam« 25 to (tood rvtuna. "flowlnv the Vlad" eomea S, Andrew J. Mach3(L Nelb* Coo cert Co. Nor. I. "Unde Twni Cabin" a. "The Derby HaKOt" 4. TuoiiK'a Pahlou Tiiiuthb.— Bualoeaa contlooea Rood. Booked veekorOcLS: Dliooaod LanK.Boie HoiUDd, Albeitoa and Berttui. J. J. Peoioo, Qeo. P. CanolL Mat* Ue J.LarklD, Uie De WolTSIaien, aodClen 0. Mafeeand W. J. CilniDilna. isjnn^AX tbe lJun Theatre Aodreir filaok came In "Mylee Arooa" Oct V. to anall bualaeai. tloyt'a "A Trip to Chinatown" played to a fair boon X9. UI Uoary'e Hbutnli apoeerad 24, to a ROod alied audleac«, and netaon'a ''UneleToin'a CablQ" came for iwo perfonn- anceaaflvltbft^oodaaleoraeata. Coiulnf: Alei.SalTlni Nor.t. JelT^f Lewie ii, ii Mvaio Sali^— The Bowerd All Star SpeclaltrCorapaDy plaped to aoall buiInoaR the paat week. Coinloff: Horrfi* 'Twentieth Cenuiry Malde" Si-Not. % I«nwTeac«.«At tlie Opem Uouso Andrew Hack pland t«ft Mr wlzed nouae. In "Mylee Aroon." Oti. 21 "Side Tracked" bad a lop heafy hooao S6. Coming: Not. 1,3. ftloa'i "lin." Paiic TuuTRiL—Tlie follovlnq open at ihtM hou«e t&: PaoliorTrlo <aertnide. HUodie and Carl)t MIm CIotv tend, JniDH Noary, Lottie Burtreu, Jennie PearL Alf. ChrltUe, AfanaChrfatleand Billy lllckey. TaoDtoB,—At tbe Now Tbealre "Hie OoUon King" cam* Oct. 31, to good bnalDeu. Owing lo the can- celbtlon ofe«Terml eompAnlee the houu will remain dark until Not. t when Edward Harrigan will appear, lo "Old Lavender." J. J. Moore, for eevcral wuooe RUKe manager of the Rocky PolntCajdno. Prorldeoca Rlrer, hail been appointed to a like poaltlon at the New Theatre. OHIO. ClDclanatl.—OlDClDuU'fl welvoDie to UelU waa Jan aa genenua aa any er^rglren Uie song bird. Tl>« Ptka Open Houae was crowded, and out of tlwt trlnmpb came renewed diecunlooaol Clnclnnail'a worth an a muaica] eeoiie. The couilog eogagemeotof the Oaniroscb Open Co. wlUaJToid ■ crucial tett. ORASD Ophi Botmi.—Tbe Tavary Qmnd Bogliili Open Co., Oct, Q, for a week'i aojoun, opening Id "CiTallerla Rustlcana" aod "Luela dl Lammemour." "Cuinen." *il Pagllaccl," 'The llueuenoto." •Tbe Bo- hemlan OIri," "II TtoTatore," "Pauat" and "Hlgnoo" win all be glrea durlog the engagemenL **A Milk White Phfr woa preaentad laA week to andfencea of good nln. Jolla H&rlowe-Tkber comee Mot. 4. Walxctt SnaKt TaBATaB.-"Ula Wlfe'a Patber" boUs tbeitateill weekurOcLtt. (ave for one perrornuaceof "Tbe Benttor" en the cloelog nigtit of the eDgagaBient of W. U. Cnne. DIgby Bell la ODeorOlnclonatl'aaccepiad oporatio faTorltaa, and audlencei of good pnpartlooa were lotrodooed to "Nancy Lee." There were aerenl ohangen node In the Ubreitohy Edgar Smith dur^Dg the week, and more may roib>w until theoewmiulcal Tenlde Rlveaoompletaeailafaoilon. Eathri n Kidder, In **MadaDic BanaOene," Not. 4. UiuoKt Opiri Botwi.—"The Cotton Klor* will be Been ben for the lint Ume Oct 37. flldnay R. BMla did ■ fkir weok'a builneea In "Beonle Scotland." "Down Id Dlile" Not. 9. PoomiN SQOiiiic TuiiTiiB.—*TewD Topica" will be ftiothar bnad new orTerloR Oct. 37. 'Tbo Prodigal Pather"pUrotl to good buKloeva laat week. Cbtrleau. Yale*e greater 'Tweire TvinptnUona" Nor. 3^ Nrjir SUtaunoVa ofiha Hocm— Banleir Oampbell'a 'Tho White HIaTe," a faTorlle of tbe oM dayi, vlU hold tbe boorda week or 27. Oratian Donnelly** creitlon, "An American flirl." did Tery wall uoder the new inrlif. "A RallmadTIoket"NoT.9. PnuHAiraTUUTRR.—Tho auo of prosperity Uilnolng on tbo Woat Bnd BIJou u hat. "fliorm Beatan" will bo praaeoted by the Stock Company OcL 37. The olio will tie Horlded by imog MontgoDerr, WilliamJemne Amelia tllorer. Qeorge E. Auailo and Dean and Jon. PBOfU'aTiiBiTRg.—Plehla AHanaon'a DnwIngCanli will arrlre ^ Tbe American Vaudevillo Co. and OIn Haydeowere booked 37. but canceled. week the New York fitaradldabualaeaaihat called [orthooae of the "8. R. O " aign on aoTonl occaalona. Ani and Ino were the brlgbient twlnkkn !□ ihe cooiteUatlon, Tho VauderlUe OrubNor.S. PiKB's Opiu Hooaa—The Behllorace Peaoant Com- poop canie 37, direct fntnt the Meirobollloa Open Houao, New York. Tbelr Oral play waa *'Almaonnoch Bdolw«4ea." Unrcg AND AvuiT*sNiiw DiMK Mttait;H.—Tbe Block American baby abow, Ilarrr Biorilng. the Iron Jawed maaond OnndmaTbunton. wiiocUlao to belUI yeara eld, win be featured lo curio hall Si The Oydoi, J(m Oe- Tlne^ Oarrle Uooroe. Onele Leonard, the Sirten La- TlgDo, the Deromo Brother*, and Andy and Bailie Me- Kee, appear In the lamll/ tlioalf*. Boaloom laat week waa good. Uonup OP Till LouBr.—David Lyibgoe. the baritone of thoDliby Bell Open Co^ reeeivHl ateiognmthat liia alaterroa to bo married, and he left the company aAer theOm perfonnanee Chauocer M. Depewand Cor- oellua V^derbllt enjoyed "A Milk White FlaT' ma a box late In the week....Bdmuod T.ZIegler haa com- filaied a model of a hlaiorical apecude, *'Onater Macinnall." whldi will be proMntnl next B'lmnior Howard Saxby and Polk HlUer. delloeour of tho Bonthom nofro, have JoIbmI rotiuaaa f<>r a dual Invoolou of tbe lectun HoM Hubert llenok and Joaea B. Fooneaay wera boili In Indlanapolla laai week Jdin P. Plynn waa among laai weok'a tnnnlenia Charlea Reed, of "A Patted ColP' Co., pawed through, en rouU to Now York Uence Vlnlon and wliie an bock In OlnclDnail, as "TenneMee'a Paid- nei" has eloeed aoaaon Louis RIabop Hall Joined "An American OlrP* hen Manager danliaburr. .of ProamanV Theatre^ haa been eotertalnlDgJoloe Huitlg, erthoNew York VaudoTllle Bichango W. W.Free- nan haa gone to Kew York Pnak HcK«e baa Bent word lo Charlea H. Uert tha'. Cln- dnnall Is at laal being conTortea lo an ap- preolailoa of tlie lloyt school The iraak of Ellia Procter iHlLaelced while she waa hen laat Pall aiipear- iDg aaMra. Baailaketaiapel In "Tlie Cmat of Society." was uid by thafrheriirioaaturr a New York Judgmeoi of tas. OalrfeuO wu rmlliod by tbo aactioa Tbe Ponntoln BqaarwopeoioMbave been auch enahen that tiehoi ecolpen bav* iried to reap a barresL Then la an ordinance a dead leiior, bowever-nodor which one of theee mculatora, Goonte OrlU. will be proeocuied. Bd. tbarnauor was In Ihe clly dariDx the week. ChartaLmagne Kuebler now haa a eiudlo In Uie Pike, wbore be Is anoclaied with Ida RofT. Clewlaad. ■Flgnrnlffelj gpeaUng, at»fe life In Its various phases was deplci«d for ue doring last weak. Oor monagars gave us everrlhlog Item Molba. lu IPmod open, to Clly qjons, Id bar1aaqae)aod f^m Lil- lian Buseell, Id eomic opera, to ^Tho WbltaRat,** a aen- naxloDal dnmo, and to lb* credit of our people be It eald thai the atieodanoe at the bet'erof thoattnctlonawas •reiyihlnji tho nooigarlal heart eoeM dealr%. Hi-sio Hau.,— Molba and her cMieort eonpany gave oa an SBoepUoool treat Oct 33. Tlie atundance waa an- nsQaliygood. Tbls was Mate. Melra'o antappeamnee Id doreland. and the attendance jBSildee aaylog ahe esr- Ulalp acomd aa eieepllooal aocceu. She was aaalstad bp Mmo. Bcolebi, Big. rampansrl, as. D-Aabim, Mile ■aeomelsior oad lall oroheein under tbeleadarnhlpor LoodoD Rooeld. Bpcud Avnoa Op>«a Uocu.— LIUIaa Rasosll sgalo provad bar held ODCIanland andUaoaa, M-S, by playiai xnoTiona wday" aod "Th* Qooeo^a NocfetsM " to ww iS-'Wi w«pIsTdoe« not g ra Mn.PotUraad S;'a£uik»S?,^*i?tS!\l?' '"?'tay"ih.lrpowJii."*Thol, pneuuilonoi both the otbor playewaaa guod deal nor* L^mn^^l^J^ "•'7 ^"V"" Nov. 4 aod week. ».riI-*«?.l!H5*^-'^""' '0 ' Honcr," BD adap. taifon of the old a«rmancomody,"DniPasrBcfaithr" uL'5f!'"i*A5!!'»'»'"'.*«'»«»l'* actor, and MlM RIn'a HrilS" .^^^A*^^ • !?«*^ Murphy, lo s.^STit h*Ml r^?"" Rhue,"packerthla tll^in, ^'^ •r^ 'ho aeom nevar to Ur« thiN famnoH Iriah comedian, and who aUII rmire hln aa eoihuBlaMloi^ly an haa been their wont fbrioarapa»L ••Bonnie Scodand" will be leon week W. "All the Sm- lorU of lloini" Not. 4-6 CLiVKUSD TiiaiTBi-Aa a aentailoDtl ulay 'The While Rai," wbirh was Ae«n week ofOcL31, b a niccoaa. wu fairly good thnughoul iho wnk. "A Bow- •'y airi i«iwokeJ week of m followed Nor. 4 by 'Tha Block lirook. BliK TuUTaiL—Plynn A Sberldau'a CilySforUwon Mean week of Oct. 31 and did fairly w»ll. The mmpaoy la w<"*«hat changed alnce lu appearance ben last smmmi. aod. while then ailU nuiain aowe eiceedloily clerrr raatuna. tho eiuembU la nut what ll furmoriy waa. Thsir neweompaay, tha HIg.SeoiaUoQ. which wIlTappear week "•^^S-.C^'iS?**/***** aome ur_lhe llgbu thai formoriy »lione with IbeCl y Sports, and wUhout duubt Moaeofibelns. traor the teUer«as Uivrabydluuvd. Waiatl.tim'aSl*- len' "Last BenaaUon" come* Nov. 4 and week. Cvn —A rpeclol parfunoancr has be«u or ranged at the SurTbfaire on election night, Nov. &, whidi wl.l lake pUcaflarUie regular Mrformaoce PlyooJk Shurl- dan 4 Clly Sprnu and Big Senaailou Coai|>ani«a tueke » big Jump from Hsitlionro to Clevetsnd. and luiuiodl- Mely return lu mudetpbia Maoager W.T. Camw- h*ll. of Uio Htor Theatre, oiU his uoitor, Eleangrv. lo MrL John Porapaugb ... Uoory Scut, pnu aatnt i>i ihnSlar, was preBontsd with a vary handioiiie dlauignil aliirt aiud and gold cuiT bulloua by Ma friend. Uoory O. CorlOL r»r HInneapolla Mai Lulberit of 8L LuuIm, and tfeary Parkrr, of Erie. Pa., will wroMilo ai Ut> BUr Theatre alter tho ngular prrronnanco. Nov. | S^l JUorcoaieo vIollD rlrtuoao, will load the I'hllbaraonk uartauof thlscllr. ihU Mason Henry A.CIapoe, raniatlo critic of The Ikaten .iJKrtlrcr. leclurod on "Hamlet" at AModatlon Hall Oct 31. Dnyten^U Uos aeMom bceo recorded In (ho liUtorr ol ihc Grand 0|ten Uou>e that (ho orcfaonn moat bo removed lu tccoiuodaia llio crowd, but auch was tho ca«o Oct. 3L ■heo Wm. H. nrano pre««ni*l. for Uie (Intilmelien.''His Wife's Paiher." TheurchONim wm removed lo the balcony, and tbe apace niled In wUh chair*, and then many people wan lumnl nwey. unable togsraeaia. Theperfurmance was highly appreciated. Comlni: "Evyptia" a-ao(local), Uladya ffaliiaai, In Uia "Kew Ponchon;*' Wllber Bolertalnmani Co. Kur. i, 5. PsHK TiKiTHl.—The biggest Irualoesa of (he aesson wtsdoiiebr Whailool Marul's' South Bofore iha War" Co.. Oct. ai-t3. Hie orcheMro hen woi put upon tha auge for ihno DOrfonnaocea, in order to make ru»n fur the cnwda. "Downon UieBowaooe Hirvr"dld w«li34-15. ComiDjp: Ttie Prodigal Paiher" 38-30, London BoUwSl- NeT.2, BoLDia^fl* lloUi TnUTNi.—"^oth Before tlia War'* came Oct 24. to 8. R. O. t'.uming: 'The Tornado" S. *'Outcasia ore Great City" Nov. 7. AiSOCUTlON UaLL— 'The Clilcago RivsU" (>>nc«rt Co., locludlDjr Mn. Margnnt Bcnvlle Wllnon, Mary Davlo, Jes'le P. Ulllnerand Blanch Qulgky. enterulned a taiwe audience 23. Pnnk R. Roberson w|U Isctun on Cliino aod Japan 3tl^ 29. Golambnii.—Attbe OrHDd Opont llouM "Down on the Suwanee River'* vpeosa four niflii Hningeiiiont Oct 37. 'Tlie Merry World" Co. had fairly gocd ••uiIdom 31 aod 2t and onaitoiiipt wasma«le (AglTaaporfomaauo onSunUay.a). but ii was ateppedby Iho lligli Kl reel man- agomeaiattfaoODd nftJie lln>t aci. Ilerrniann bati geivl bualneKil.iandt4. ThomasC). Seabrooko.Sand IS, did well. *'Llltle Chrlalophei" cornea Oct. 3l-Nuv. 3. UKiH STHMiT TiiiiATHi.-^Udya Wallla and Prvl'k Paoldlncopen lo repertorySB. tocoollDueSandSD. TIib Tarnn-Unnd OpenOo.had ocood houaoSI. The Amer- ican vaudeville Co. canw u* fair bualaaas 21 anil O. 'Tho Adamlev Kdon" did w«ll 34. Win. II. Crone hid gond biiainesaZAandtt. Edwin Milton Rnyle cones Oct. 31- Nov.». Sprlngnald^AC the (IruDil Upcm llniine Hln- nle Hnddem KUke. In 'The Uuven of LlB^^" gave a ■nifndidenlerulnment(oaMmRllsudlanceOct.3J. Wm 11. Crane. In "IIU Wife's Patlier.'* Illloil (be honfe lo nrerfloelne Willi afashlunablo audiences. Herrmann, ilie mailcloD. aided by Hme. Herrmann, had a large aii'l antndative audience 2S. Coming: W. S. Clovelsnd'a Mlnstnb n. Thop. Q. HealKtwke 30, Cnrlone Snr. 1 BUCX'a OriMA llorui —'Tlie Drummer Boy nf fttallnh," U-34. did if»od iMi<Ine«i. "Routh Bofnro llie War" cmwded tho nonso 21 Coming: Upvclal Dc' Ilvory" Nov. 0. Toledo,—At Uie Petiple'ri Tliextre '-Down lo Diiie"cloii«tl a week'MKind Uuaiae«a (kl. K. Ilsnloo*' "Pantaama" opnns lor a week. "Bonnie Hcutbnd" cninea Kov. 4 and week. NbwEhaTubathk— WoMk cloalnff OcL a£. Kd Aantn, Mack and BlllolL OrlelU May, the Moore HiMArv, Billy Baker, Beatrice Anion. Honies and Ounroy. iveifurinanw doslos with "TTi* Unknown." Week ononlng 3K, Vlntei l(arie.UarUia8ml(h. LohIIk Howard. RMUs SUi-m. Rillv Baker, llomoi aad May, ■■orrnrmance drains wlUi "Hlsck Olamonda." fltwabenvllle^At tbe CItj Opent House J. K. Toolebaa fair buiinoM Ocr. H. DIoToIsnd'M MInarrola <v>ma KoT. I Alice HaolMnaM. o aUlar uf Will Mac Donald, of the Boatonlani. was ihniwn froin a carriaKO during a runawav eveoing ofUct 30. aod mo lull ly In- Jurtd that alio dItO within a few hours. PENNSYLVANIA. Plilladelpltl».—Ttie Dew comic opora^ **Ttie Bphlnr," a reTlrsI of'Tbe Princess Boiinle," "Ij0au-3I Hours." 'The LIttloK Olrl" and flwaei Lavender" an among the atincllona for the week. Builnea cooUnuoa verr good. Bboid Stukt TilgsrniL-Palmer Con's '■Brownies" lioMa over for the present week, having sttiscted good atleodance during Uiewooh Just closed. The catt Is a «trong one, and the many apeclsltles Inirodueod ore well up to the mark. Noit week. Mrr. Potter and Mr. Ballow, Id 'The Queen's Necktsce.'* OumsuT BrgicT Opbka IIuvki.— *The Rplilni,'* Uio new conic opera, iliat (a. new (o Philadelphia, Is Kiren thle week, aod, ir It cornea up to Itireputotloa and the ftnmise of the eicelleat co*t. should draw crowded iou«4s. Lane crowds ationded the perforniaoces of Auaoatln Daly's Company last week. llU forces wore ni>( dlvldwi aa thor were Isxt lea^on, and tho affect on the hog nfflce receipts was plainly onilcetble. Tbellrat pro- dectlnn hen of "A Midsummer Nlrbl'a Drwn," oo TTiuralay night, wasamost enjoyablesnialr, and crowded tha bouse. Seal attraction: Nov. II, NaL 0. Qoowlnln. In "AmblUoo." Ciiivr.'fur ftrniicT TiigsTag.—"R<ib Roy" emem upon he founli weekof llsrun, wlih wfllanslaioed popular- ly. The attendance fall olTsllgtiUy Monday nlgnt.last week, owloi, doubdes^ to a desire on the pari of tbe KMIe lowliness the new producdons, but It pldieil op nedlaiely afterwards, aod Ihe week doMd witli a largo averase atisodsnce. The neit aiinctlon Is an- nounced fbrNoT. IB. "The Mssnaandors." VTsLHtT Bf MSirrTniATHt.—Robert illllbud. lo 31 Hours." and 'The Litthwl HlrL" Is the siimctlon far thia weak. Last week Pour P. Dalley, Id 'TIio Night Clerk." packed the bouse at every perfenianco. and did one of Ihe laryeatweek's bualoaaa of the aesson. Mr. DalloyandJeaoleVeauiansboihaeorwd big hits. Tliair ftiQ alwaja dnw o laugh, aiid oil their sonas wor* en- cored. Neit week, Roland Bead, la 'Tlie Pollllclao." Park Tiirathb.— *The Princess Bonnie." wlih Hlldt Clark, Jennie OoMthwalte, Pnd Lennoi. Will M. Anii- atioog. Joaaph B. Ureensleider and ether favorKas In Uia caai,rithe winning cani wlildi Hsnaaer Bard Worrell plays this we«k. Byroe BmUiera' "Elglit BollaT' did a fair business lut week, and wonid have done better had ll notbeenso shonoUme aineettwas henlMfore. It la an oiceedlogly clever periormanee. Tbe Prioeesa Bon- nie nmalna neit week. At'DiToniUH.—Plynn * BherUan'a City Sports, wlih die Four Nelson HIalersaa the leadlni aiiractlon, huM die tMurda for Uie currant week. Tony Paaior'a Company crowded the hnnae at moit of Uio performaocea last waeV. and the "R R.O." aIgn wan In froiiueDtueo. Nast week, Janea Ttwmion'a Ellle VsudevllloOonitanr. NsTioRAL TiitsTlil.—'The Landortf:eLlring"lB tl>e cumot altncdon. Last week "In nHlcCltr"wM im- aented bf Robert Oayloraod company for Uiellrat time In Pbllailolphlaand fcored hothaflnaoclslaod ardatle success. Tlie play, the alar and tbe Cvdipsny Were llkeJ. NoKtweek,George W. Monroe In "A Happy l.lttle Hone" OiasaoATigOB THnAtaa.—"BwaetLavsnder" la Men* ager Bollsnd'a olfenog for the week. 'The AniUooa'* Utt week scored tho greatest saccesa of Hr. llollaod'a sesaoD, and well dasarvod tho large atleodance whidi It drew. Tho acenrry, Rtaglng and geaanl nanageueot wonoiceHent The three Amasona wencbarmloflyper trsyed by Bdiel Holilion, Marnrel DaJa and L'Kia l.ynne, while Harry Davenport as BanlngUm acted with dln- Uociloo, and made a vrrp raTonblo Imprtsslon, Naai week. "MlasDIile " PongPACUB'nTHgiTBi.—'The World Agsinn Her," in- Urprated by Agnes Wallacs Villa and corapaoy. la pUyed at thia popular theatre lor the currant week. Laat mnk (he Por*paugh Stock Oo. gore a Boa periormauce of "Ciwdit Lorraine." George Learock. Manhs Pord. A. It. Ibuart. Jesale Bonaulle and the other fevorltee had con Rnlalperuand acied them w(Ui (hair accaaiomod abllL 11 week, the stuck company ap(«an In Two NIgbU ia luine." Paopui'H TiiiATM.-Joseph Cellahta, In bis elaborais prodoetlon of "Pauat," la UM sttractioo for Ute curranl ■eek. Mr. and Hra. Ollvar Byrun, In 'Tha Uva and Dons of Life," dnw good builoasa (oMansger Bradan- bargh'a handaome Ihaalra last weak. Nor. 4, *T1it Tomado." BTAHbABD TllBATHB.—May Braith RuMilns. In "Llldo Triilo/' holda the bosrda for tbe preaeot w«ek. L«at ■f«k ^ThM Engineer" proved a strong suraeUon. and was well liked by the large oudlODeei prniicnL Joloi Wslurs, Id "A Monay Order." Nov. i. kaXRixiirog THnATBB.—Tlie llonrr Bnrlearjnere, lo a barleeqee. Mililed "Bob Hor, lo the weeh*e oiTerioK. week Taggori and Mack gave, with conaldormMe •occeoa. their new fane comedy, "HuUlnn's Mlahaos." ODder Uie nanagament of Robert B. Deadp. In which dier opened Oct. W, at MUlviUa. N. J. Noil week, 'Too Ola Cfbnles." CaascMar OraoA Hone.—"PeoibalL Peoaaj tjl fi- cen,'*"Dr.Nfekel and Mr. Prled,'"'A TripTtmogb tbe SonUi."tbe Mornlloe and 'The Runola NIgbt'maka up the programme nt ihia popular plnceoramuaemML Bu^lnasacoatinuoasuadlly good. TiiB Buut'.-Aklde Capitaloe boHa over tron last week. Wnwo a^l BInikIn, Ihe Sngllahea, UwBleam, and Pornat and MaaMud bead a Ooe proframna wblrb alao Includes Jwet II Oolbn, Maonfnjj and Da^.Mln. If?' Ooowetl and Bwna. William OiunrighilBlach and Hllloe. Burt Jordan. Ihe UdolU aod the Bnnnlgana The luual siory of cruwda lui week and a pnirmmme dial waa UiotvwghlrMilonbli*. e>»™«»w TBBLuBi-a.-RfceA darun'nBoae IHU BoiHdi Pollj Co ID "A Tilp lo Hownori." "Seaalda Prwlire" and a loaig 1U( of mecMtler. Is Manager Jeraioo'a olTeringlflr (he week. fisiQ Oevtn's Own Company Janmetl tha boaee nt mott of the poriormancea last week. Jo**ph Oepen- halmer'sapeolocular pndociloa. "JEero." Nov. t ThbMcvbub -The eioine marvel. Baauty. the life atse tigura i>f Holmes. In hli cell, and other altraeiloni are la Iheeurleball In (he (heaira Ute Beelou Breclsllr t'.<i^ givasihs entertslnmenl. The cuatouary gmO altaad anee last week. (lu.Hb OrgRA Hutnk -Ralnrdey aReraooo. Nov. \, J. M. Pootop's Juvenile pndectloD of "trinderolla Up to Date''will U given. an«l Nov. 4 Note flslabury'a "Bkck America" niorna for o limited run. NoTbl-lIlnrlch'a grand o|>en n|.eoa Nov. ML st (he Acadaniy. with (he dni Anerlran prodociion of Bmec( Reyer** opera. "Sigurd." In whieh Minnie Tracey wMl make hor drvl Anierlcaa appaannce Tiie araaon la to onnalat of forty itlghla and too malluoeeof t*p»n arhl eight cooceria. The fUllnHKor laas fbltowa: RnraoNe vade, Aroalla Lovontx Mlonlo trarey. Alire Juilaon, Aslma koert Knnold. Uootlna Daaal.Rmma LanakiK Kmllla UraaSL Kaool VkHa. Jnlsa roany. Brialo Plrola Pemando MIcbetena. dluaeppe Del V^oote, Lonls th Becker. Perry Arerlll Plelru Canava. Bugena Lomln. Menus Hahac AlfunM Roaa and i^o«Tmlru Sauontti, Julea Algior. aulatant conductor; Pnncea<iiliu|>ark jMder 01 ih« lallet: llormao Brand, concert mosier: (^riai T. P. Hchrodar, augn manager, and Alt>wl llosork, business maoager. Among (ha sokilata to s)«aar in the concerts mn Hafaal JoaerTr. JulU Flva- Klng aod Camlllo Urso. Tlie oele or bcies and aeata for the aeaaon lia« t>t«ii ao hrge an to oaeure die success of the enierprlae. sod niake lu perma- nency for fniure seasons o proUldlliy Ths Mual- cal Pond Roclolv Inldaloa aeries of symphoay eonreria atMuriolPuB.rilstl,N>T.l . .. Mr.and Mrs. Hai lleln- rich ctTo a seriae nf dirae nlgliis aod Uiree matlaesa of s<>ng recitals ai (he Nsw Century Drawing Room, W- ginning Nov. S H<ll Njo and Bert Puole teclura at tbe Acsdemy Oct 3d. on "Pannlog Kvposed." Nov. I. enncort ai (he Acadeniy. hy Knitl Plaher, a«- alatMl by Anton llegeer 'M^lllat; Conauniln fltiirn berg, pianlat Nor. 0 and 7 a Padirevakl ooii- cert, lo ciMluocilon wlili die Now York Rymphimy OrdieMro. will !« nlvoo at the Academy, under ihe dlreelMD nf Waller Dsmnwrh Miwday. Ni>v. 4, m>uv. enlrw of the lao hundml and dfiieth perronnance of "Hob Buy" will be diaiributed at Uis t'lioetnut Mnot Theatre An esco'laat prniranime la being provided furthaBlka'beoeAtatUieraiesmulHtnet Uron Houae Not 0 Tha Araileiny of Mualc waa crowded Batar«la7 nlaht ou the occaaloortf iho Malfa* Concert. Medauo Meiba eaog Ahfune lul from -TreTlata," Uieaarden acenefnuii "Pauat," om] Hie rabl acene from "Lucia." Por the Istler ahe recelrki a veriUhle uvaikin. Madaaie b'atdii suK Hobll Risuor from "Leslliigusnot^" aod Slebelln "Paast," and Caiupanarl oivo the pnlude to "PSHliaccr' and aang Meplilatoplielss. PUtaburir.—Unupually pIcrMnt wealher for IheauegolDgiliepsat wtek was largely m«pAn*lhle for the fact that moat of our niaoagan had notlilog to ceiii' plain of. RlJOU TitHiTHl —'The tirsater Twelve Temptatlooa" will he tried oo ua 'till Nov. 4, when (liauiKor Olcott will follow. (111. W. MonM«, In "A IUi<py f.ltlle Home,'' cle»(d oiiiiiih'ul week UoL 3tL Dr<jUKrt:tHTnRAtHa—ThoTeentloih Contery dlrl" la diln aeek'a offorlug. tiaiiillle h'ArvllIe closed o Rooij eii' gafieinent UcL 3S. (Mia flhiniier la underlined fur Nor. i Ai.vimTiiiitnh —PrancU Wllaoo omluceil 'TlietAlef. Uln"ihlswfek, rnr(he first lime hers. KaUar's trkhri proved lilghlr popular up tn(kl.31 James A. Heine, ir "Dlipra Acres," la the uiiderilne for Nov. 4. Niw dHA:(u nfHKA IIiiL-HB-Peinr K. Usllay pruducss "Tlie Mwhl Okrh" OnL 21. for the drat (liu« liere, and will continu* during Ilia week. Mario Waiii«ilK'h( cl»«d a Rdod week Oct. 30. IIi>y t'a"A Milk While Plag" hobaitn Nov. 4. IliHgy WIU.IAHM* AGAUiHTOK MiitM: -"RduUi Before the Wee* U the cuinot bill. Tlia Wodibura HiaUra doted a afHoBdId week OcLZS. Niw Avb:«l-k THBathb.— l'n>|>rlelor Harry Dsvis' irHBaforuisUon of (he uM HarrU Tlioatra InbdheNaw Avenue Theatre la almoel cnmpleled. and die lioiiae is nil* announced (o u^en i«»i(ivei)r un Not. 4. I( lian been mmle Intoa handaoiiie playliiiUMs ao<l will Mve features vhlch are novoltiM to Uie ihvsini Kolng puLlic Auhub llicto iiisy be inontlonvd oUdlv«' ttoiidnlr. vhvra lea will ItO aerveu all day tinir. a ronis of vhltn cappud. elilie aprnnod tedlfa* nialda, Willi will lt« In cooiuni ollemr enee to Hiillcipsta avrry want ol lady iMlnma; » hand atine resiling and writing room, n-lih lUakii wall titvekiHl with suilunciy, aiid a numery pmiile-lovar hy cmnpe tent nutse*. wheremudioni msy Imvo tlielr lilllouona while ofijojliig Ihe MterlainnifnL Tlio perfurmaiicaslll cotiinieoce s( I o'clock evrry snarnntm, ami mnllniie wlihout Inlermtasinn illl II o'cIikIi at nliht. Aiitung llia sUroelliiDaaiiouunced itirihe opening are W. T. (^le lue. die aerial Iwllat. Alice Hhaw, die whi-tler. aod a Hp*, lugffler, and Na>'ann. feinala gymnaaL are llif> moat nmeworilty ineiiiberm nf ihecurin liail cnotfrwsa diU veah. The Uieatra la lenderiul very marry hr Mc*:atie ar>d Kiniiirll, Nad UonrDo. Raker sod Boydell. Pern Helmaak NEW YORK CITY. And Miirnixan'l Mumjr. KuNl4>*ri Ul'j'ltiiH TllViTHI.- .Dil lllm-th. K.l And lha L>Mn iir Ir," lira tli. iirlticlpal cilriit litll canli Th«r tpiMiT Id a iKixtnii mairli .oil .ptr thiM rnunlt. UMirRS (, T.QIrlI(.|Ul.t, ud bll Boa.o, tiiio, ar. .iMi in Ui. curio liij). 71i, .l,io Kliuw I. tUmn li> McAvoj aoi} lUja.n^ ritaa llruv.u, MonerleraiHl Jniu,«tn. anil Uajr llllliin. Kmart—Ureal praparmllito. an lielnii maila Tor Uio (l.illcatinD or Ilia oea (^mexU MunIc llal) anO Lllirarr, mx Uia ODtraoro Ui Sclnwl./ I'arfc, Niir, A Hr. Anilrav Ctrn.alo, haVlnii iilvtD an oUiiaat lltirary and ntuijfl hall tit AllaBtMiiy Hums Uto jeara apk liaa duv glioo una lu Fiilabura. Tlia carainnnle. ordMilcallon awli iDdiul.m cnocart liy Ui. UumcCluli, Not.7, and otncan.hrlhe N«wViirllRyinl>)ioDyOrrbMra.illriici«d hy Hrall«r flan- roacli,fland aflamnon ot9 Tlia nrhtoUjr Parkllwlan vlll o|i«i Inr Ica aliaUDN NaT. i A surfaco fiutXQfL will bo oivarad by trllndal Ico. aaO Ilia pbca «lll ba under Ihe diractlon nf Harry Davla, a. pro|irlelor aJi<l maDtitar. Mr. Pavli liai aaauiiied Uio mananiDtnlorUie Oaainu, rice K 1>. Hchulls, realioM. K. D. Sehulii, Ufa manager nf ilia Rchanl.y Pari Caalao, aaaacnuluad OclSI. forUiaaeoooil Urn*, nn a diarge or lerualn. In wlntt nagreea Ui tlie f^lno aa ac- ceuo(of Uielr color. In Uil. Mcund lult hnwater. Ill, Jury plaeed Ihe eoau tin lilnj AI Ifao Alrlo Tlieairo, alUrooon of .Kur. 19, Uiara I. to U a blv benertt rnr III* Valimllr lloaplul. K. H. and Joaapk Hollaed alll five ao art ol "A Roclal lll,h*ayniao," ihere will bau act or "Miilauie Hana Ueue," and inaDr olhar altiae- llona AllIhecrllica or our local laiiera be.Uf.ed treat pralae uuoa Bartoo IIIII and llaltle RuMell, «ir Marie Waloarijlhl'H roDipaoy. Uie iiaat »eok, lur titrir eieelkntvork in "Tlie l^TeClia.«." RndlaK.—"Ul« lUnini Hcarum" did well ml Uie Acadviiiy of Uuatc ficL U. L'realan Clarke, lo "Tli, Poor. Haveage," playeil to e girad aliod huuee it. "flu Paat Mall" eaoie lo ai>f.l bu.laeu t4. "8hor« > cie." had inimenMaudlenc« t^ouitog; "A Black fliieali**21; "Allegory or America," by local taleal, 3;^ 31, "fhe lluat, ler" Nor. X OBilio nrau IIoI'hi —"riie Light en the Pulal" droa llRliUy It-H Bmop TilgaTRi.-Th« french Kly Kilrevagaau <^im- pany did well Tlie llaieir Tliaalre Huileuioe Co. ft-at '^lolllgao'. Ml.ha(»" 31-Nor.t. Natm-d. W. Illddlaloo, ol nilluio t HMilleton't Double Kapennry flu., waa tt aod Mdd lil. lataraJd la Uie BIJoo Theatre Ui irtiarlea OlMer, or New Yark, who huaecurod ak>Dg Iwooa Uila hooae, aod will lake poweMlon U lie Inl.nda lo loakeeklan.lre Improve iiienta dimiighout the eollre theatre, aad will relain Wallace P. Keiri.r ai boaloeaa iiiiaairer. WllliMbKrre.—Tbe TMubers* liuiUulo ocku- plal tfa. Utmnd Upera IIoum <ki. II-M 'Hi* llesUar," hail fair alt*ndanee. Tit eooie; f^ltauacey fHuriU In ■The Irlah ArUit, 21; "A Black Blieep" Nay. I, "Mioia AerfM"!. Huaio llal.l..-Agiiea Wallace Villa, la "TU World AgalDat ll.r." 11-21. played lo vary Koiid I1U.I11M T<«y Ktrrell, lo '*flarry Owea,"li-U,hadlilehbuieaaliht aod mallow To cooie: Hlee k Hartoo'. -'Haale Daale" M- 30, Baai Jack'. "Creole!" M'Nor. 1 EiImI Tuek.r. In rtp- arlory, 1-4, "Playaand Msien" ll-l^ "A Bunch of Koyi" 1<-I<. IIBH THlaTaa.—Tlie Bloode Rnlartalaera ll-M. To come: Paony Korreat.r'a Hpeclalty f^o.n-Nuv.f. Scmataa.—At Ibo Actdanr Uim«' "Klght Bell." Co. come. UcL M. *Tlia lluulfr" dkl w.ll0, <*«njloB; f;iiauBCfr Ulcolt U"Hlior« Acrwi" ai, Mor. I, Uorl'a "A Black alie.p" 1 THk yguTUiailHAH.—Bolaod Haed, K, cajoe toorfr. rh>wlag hooM. fTomlng; ClMV Pluitermld, In "Tbe PnuDdllnK." »: JantM D'Nilll Knr. 1,1 Daria'tllgaTMl—"A Mooer Order" flo. nnoia aUl. The flilely Theatre BarUatia, Co. cane S4-Id, le ,*cked lioeaaa Allaoas.—At U>» Elerenlb AveoM (Men llouie "All tbe f:oiorone or lluaw," OcL 31, eotl 'Tlie Mueller,** S, each had fairly gt..l houiai. (Ullaliu'i "yaert." 24, drew tiie lergeal audience alace the liwaee haa been In Ihe liuada of Ute preiepc mioactinent. Cha.. B. Ifaorord. aa Hoyloek, lo 'The Hercbaat or Va^ Q-ce," did wall ». Ham T. Jack'* AdimleM Kdwa 39, ■'TwaObl Croal«i" SI, Amy l.«e Ifor. 6, loyal WtUli r,^le«' rtaelr e. and L (/. Ingtrioll t At Harry Uaf Ir* Edao builaeaa mtM guoi weok of Itrl. 91>30. TbealtractloflaUiU week Include C. J. McLaoc, buRell Brolhanu RIaoor KmL Traab Mitfbell, MIlea aad Kay- mond, Ed. Roffeiw, Mr. anil Mra. Mareh aitd Trarelle. ■••tan.—,tt tbe Able flpen llooae "HmcUI Oellrerr" eama ia light bnuae OcL n. "Store Acrea" eroed*l the bouee f1. (>mloe: Kittle Rb*mim Vt lo RoT.L LamcMel«r..*At tlifl Fulbin fipen llouao tiTtae Rehlaa" waa well gUea tu a targe boeae (jcL M "The faat Malr* n Ham T. Jack'a Ureulea Co. II. SOU TH CARCU NA. CturlMloB.—AI UireiW Audtoif uf Huilc "IbeBlar Uaier" bade BillboeeeOct. II, Billy Vao'a Mleatfela played toe lap bearpbonieS. "lor'dldiued boalneaa K aad malloae. at ailvaocad prieaa. i, f, Roi. ueu eomeaaiiHol tm\Ui Boaeell Nor. I, Mr. aad Mra, Baldwin Hnxa Bloa.* Clict-i cciffiee Nor. 7. Laet We«k'e Ktuto.—mt fut w«k made k BMn liDpoitant nootd thu uj «(III p c xie w ew •lllC«lbeb«|(lUlllltortlll pCMtBI MUOB. II WU Ibe eoculan or lb« flnt pniNtiUoD ot two oil«- loil pUtji, lad or tbe Irat netiopollliii prodac- Hon or HTenI oiker work* wblob ooouniiMled •tlMUoo, HeremI OBdeBliMa lunaeim wan Bohlefed, ud bolb plewure aoil pcofli beio lud eUewhen, throof bout tbe muod, will aoaaim Um Tenllct, Uwlof tuVj to Ibe ODuoiUr lute oam- beror Dewitiiutlotuolhnd.ttaerawui roirked lni:Rue In Ibe voIddm ol bodiraM, ror, wblle isnn ludieoca lUoiided ill o( UM openlnn, Ibeto wti no tUIUo ruling off Id tbe •lleodinci nl hoiuei wbere Ute ittncilooi were aoobmsed Tbe comlniied iltncUou rw Ibo week endlof Oot. wen: Joba Drew it Ue KHriu, "Tbe FriMoer ot 74iidn" It Ibe LYt.iUM, "Tbe Uaj Fwlitaiu" •I IIOTtM, ttuu Kioellenoj" il Ibe UiotDwiV, Joieiib JeObnoD illbe aiBoiM, "Tlie Oreil UImhoiiiI Hobl>ei7" at Ibe Amiuoan, NaU 0. OoodwiD M Ibe rifm ATiNDB, ttunuel ind Onlel" el tmij't, "Tbe Widow Joiei" It Ibo Buov, "Um Oipllol" it Ihe l>riHDAU>, "Tbe Sponini liaobea"it the Avadiky OP Hiiac, "Tbe Ublemin" it Abiby'i, "ll«urde< LU" It PalmimI, iDd Obauieey Uli»llal Ibe Kni>B< TwiHTii STUir, Ibe Ibne Hit rimed bi*io| ckMod upoo Ibil itiio Tbe ooe week atindii cloilnB OcL M wera: "Tbe KouidllDi" it the iiiand Oriiu llci'in, ttTbe Stninle or Ufe" it tke Piorti'i, LjMUD Tbeiira Uo, m ibe Uablbh OruA llovm, ind "Slini or OdM" it the Oduimbi'b Varleiy eDunilnmoi wu runUbM it Tdkt rAnrOHl, Kohtib t IIUL'a,lbe I'hioh Sgi'iiii, Pioi-niK-a, ilm I.0NDON, ibe UAiirv, rBoonii'D I'UAmiu Taucb, Ibe Obvii'iii ind Hikir'i IIowbbv inil Kiiiimi AvKNL'B. ...l'arronuini:ciilnaenun vorefflreu It Ibe liriNii PAUOBiodaiBif tNiA.ind potroninncea In Hebrew it tbe Thauai WiHDauiand Adlbb'b, ... At Ibe Oabhiuk Tiibatu, oo Ool ll, tben wu pro- doced, ror Ibe Onti ttne In ibli olij, "Leoninlo," • nniinlloopeiKximliiue, In ibno loin, book lij Oil- Ijtrt DuiRui inU naiielo bf T. FDimll Ttunie, AIIHoiirIi Mmewhii Mvereir oriilolied, It win prob' iblj win I conildorable sbira or populir rivnr Nat 0, (loodwiD produced it tbe FiFfil Aybni'I TiiiAnu, ou ihjl, Xl, ror tbo im Ume upon inj iui«, "Anbltloo," I pUj In Ihreo hu, b/ II0U17 Ouj Uarleton, It wu in ImmedUU auccea, and will iluuiiUea prove ibe nioel iiluible pli; in Mr. Uood- wlu>a raiieitorr. It la ■ pollUcil pUr, tbn cenltal Biure or wblob li Senilor (Niidlib IMck, Cbalmuan ol tbe OnmmllUe nn Ibnlgn Aibtln. He lai auiinub advociio or Ibo leoofilllnn or UieUubin ravulu- llonlalf, nnd bia praienied 1 bill rmm bin wmrntl- lee pHcIng Ualan nnniiraijiiired mru upon the rise Illl, Ilia roreign pnllc/ la nppnaeil hy iho riw ■dent, wbo irier Ibe piawga or tliU hill Uj Inib bouiu bu vetoed It. 8eniuir lleckVi power la m (real, ho»uv«r, Ibil Ihe lleelUenl la willing b> iiiika bini Becraiur or fluie, on niudliloii ihu bo will cbingr hta aiuiiido lawin) ihlaiiueallon, llo bu declined Ibo ortlce, ind bla luppoMd Meoda hold out lo bim the mora lompllog lull nl a nomltia- lion rur Ihe pioaidencj. II la iboir iBloniliin b> ihiu force him 10 uhingo bhi pollcj, or olao dofeit hlai In Uie cnnvenUoii, and Ibtia loli blm ul hbt pullilcal alrtngui, llu hu ilaen rnini humble rank In lire, and, though not wlthnnt iDlilllon, letla liliiiaoir un- lit III hnid HO high and illRBlBcd an nnice, Ttinuuli kctn wllloil and <»palilo In liualnen, he In Hotiio- what caroleia In apeoob and ileneaiinr, iiid liaa tMxri nut lnH|iiljr alf led a Jualer even hf lila Irtcitibi. llo Ihcrcrnni reruaca lu allnw hia nan» In im pre- aonleil at thu ipinilnaling roiivoollou. Inn ilnallf cnnaenui ti> auch acllon upoo tbo part ol lila Irleiula, rcroalng, however, 10 give In ailvance inf pledHn. Apparenilf hhiatauaobeatrnonda are Henahir Hardy Harlan and John Maxwell, Ot Itante Iho lint unnti owcH hint a debt of oreMaatloR graUliido, ud wllh Ibo oilier Heck bu lualnlalned Iniliiinbi rilendahip lor maof yean. Maxwoll, wbn ilwelbi lu Iho lar Uoulh, iiu come to WaihlnRbin lo urge bbi rrlond b> accept Uio iiuinlnailon, and bu bnughl wlUi blm hli dauglibrr, llnili. ul whuin, Ihruughout ber chlldbind, Utvk hu lieon veif rood. Heotlag ber again, lieiting all Uio chiinuior uriy wenuiuhnvd, Ihli rondneaa aanoa Into audi ongroaitog hive Uial lleck noglecU Lual- niau Uiit be may woo and win ber. Ttie llmo ror tbe convenllon diawa near, H«ck dlauivon Iho ireachemua wilea or Marian and Maxwell, uil, aruuaing blnueir rroii bla leihirgy, liya bin plana 141 dereit Ibelr acbone. Ihe convention aaaemhlea In I WeaUru cllf 1 but lU loiderH remain In Wublng- bill. Miilin ind HaxweU come Is Ueck'a realdeuce Uj again urge lilu lo raoounce bli foitlgn p(»llt'y, and Uirealon lo prevent bla nomlnallun ahuuld ho reluao lu yield, IWegalaa have lieen bought wllh a corruption fund lllicmllf aiipplled by Hpalo, and Marian lUlnka Ibit bo van tbui aultlolenllf con- irul tbo coovenuon u> leoure the nomlnaUun hlnwiir. Beck grealJf diaconceru Ibeni lif Ibe luroroulJaii Ibal be bu dellnod lu alluw bla name 10 be pniented, Tbe Bnl laillot li uken, ind Uie manli la learned by private wire, Marian Ucka but lony odd vol«aar the numlm ne- ceaary b> a choice, Tbe olbor vuUa are widelf acallored, aud Beck>a candldaK, lluriieaa, hu hut aovenuen, MarianlaJulillsiilandlmmcdlaliUf wliea Inalrucllona conceraing Ibe deala becoiaary lo ob- tain Ibe lacking rolea. The lecnod ballut la uken, and tbe newa U lUabed aking Ibe wire Ibal It hu reanlied lo a DoalniilOD, Harlan la fraollc wlib Joy, hut bla rapture la ihnrt Hvtd, lor be leanu thai be bu rtallf bad but IllUe rullowing and BiircMi aecured the oouUnatlun, Ueck'a Itluwpli la compIeK, Tbe Culian hill lipaacd over lbs Prcal- dent'a velo. Marian, knuwinw Ibat Uock bu Ihe prool or bla dliboMit deillog, la forced lo wrlbi ■ letter wbeieliy lio ylcldihu aeitin Ihe HoiuUc. Max- well la rotgtven, aod ilcck wlna Ibe band or lliilb. Many chanolanur mUuir Impunance are ooDceroed In Uie action ol Ihe plaf ,bul, lor Ibe uke ol btevlif only Ibe atrongorouUlnoaor tbaaloryaiabara given! Tbe drat act of Ue plif proved Kmewbtt illa- ipiulnllng. It wu iBlbar loo Ulhf, inil oar ac. qualnlance wllh HeniUir Heck wu it ibai Una bui allgbt 10 permli or oar excnalDi bla lick of dlgnlif. There wu lltUa uUoa In ll| lod Ibo curuln lell it a Ume when there aaemed to lie nellber reaaon nor excuu rur Ita deaceoL In lbs aecond Ml, however, we leused much cooceralog Hemlor lleok which made ua Ilka blm, and when at ibe clou of Uiai ict be iwoke rroo bla dream of k>ve, and Uoied ua the quick, oenoua nan of adklra, Uw aeU rellani leader of men, we were enllrtif woo to bla r-auu, ud Ua nccea or lallure became lo euh ind every ooe pnaani lo Ibe audience a miller oratruiigpcr- aunil concern. FiDa Uiit tDoment, unUI bla con- plelo victory wu won, be wu 1 mio of htu^ilo mold, and tbe loleieata ror wblcta be Intlled liclng mi nearlf Uln to Uioas which an wont braUr Ihe heart of evarf Una Ameilcao, eillaled prufounilial aytn- patbf. iDapllaortboMuggtihmoreDieuloribellnl act, we round Ibat the plaf had gaibereit MnngUi Ibrougbout ahnoat llaeollie aoliaeoueotcourae, aivl bad wona magnicceaiiflumpb chiefly becauuol lb remarkable tiniltf. HoreoTar.UilBieaalt bad been achieved upon a aiatpeifonBaoca, and In apllo or Ibe fact that iba neceaalif (or mncb piunlni andal- lanuoo wu cleaily appanoi. Mr. cartaun bu Ibe faoolif of wililBi eioallent dlHogoe, aod Ua aklll la ihia reapect hu oavar bun Doretlwroagblf abown Una It bu In ibla plif, bot oeveniwlcai ibere ira occiMoail tapaaa Ibit mOlf air Um work, ind dlaplif III breedlot ibal la IncompaUlile with tba poUUcal aodaodilnak of HKtnmatUvmmt. •nam fulla' 10 mdUf b* nnedtad, ud donliUUi will ba,iod wIlliBUOh nvtalon Ur. Cirleion may clilm tbit b« biigtren ua In Ibla work Iho moii thorongblf Amtrtoan plaf Ibit bie ft! been put up- on Ibe niage. Other diamiUahi, who oUlm Ibla boaor, maf have rumlahed more attlklng plotortil preuntiUou nr Aniertoin life, hoc none have foi glveo a play ail Ibunughlf Anertcao In iplrli; one In wblob oor aacred InaUtuUona ire ao eleirly aat forth, or In wblob the undoHf Ing gnvern- Inc power nl our pnllilcal life, Ibo auunoh Intogilly or our people, bu rtmlvri] auuh recognl- tk>a. Tbo palrlollo iillenncea or Ihle plaf ire onl IboM or Uio demagogue, thof are not tbe Idle Kraamlngiof theoigloi butthof are aiiob u can- not M heani loo orien. ir wo doalrn bJ pntmola re- apect ror our Inatllullona. ami lo Iraoh lha rlalng lonemllnn how to proacrro Ihe ptirlif ur our na- tional honor. Not ahmo In Ibla rc«|teot, however, la Ihia plaf pralaownnhf, for Ha lova puieagoi un wrtllen with tho grramt uf ahlll inri or delluary. Borne or Iho rolea ire rather rxln\aginllyilmWB, and ire cartcatiirMnthrr than Itlo aliullra, Itiiithry eolerlatn and In nnwlao nitbnd, and In Iho niilii thn chariolrnt are carefully drawn, and Ihe work la marked bf doplhnr «liailtiig and gimil pvnjiecllvr. Mr. floodwin'a iwrrnminnco naa Tory pralaawurthy. llo contributed aoinewhat In the diMppnIntinent In Itae drat an, hut ho pniveil hliiucif 1 very aailarar- torf lover, and when tho llmo ramo ror vlgnnntH •ctinn he diaplayoil iinexpcclcil and nilirrwiao n- tiiarkaltlu virllliy, itonilnaUuK all thu ai-onea Willi a auatalned power an fnrolgn In hta nntiat ilpinmnnr that 11 arouacd cnlhualaatli: adnilntltnii fnrhti* wnrfc, Tho c.xcccdtug tlullratiy of Annie IhiMoira art haa nnly, llevor, lieonancharralnglj illaplnyvd, ami hitr IngeniifluaiioM and utter tai-k of aeir cnnactnimiiriw nilcd wllh dtllghi every inmiiciii nf her alay upon Ihoatago. lleiiTgoUwccll.J.ll. !lavltlo,V, K, Moli- lalneauil Adliur Hnnpa remlrnHl enVicllvo aiippcrl, and nalhir..ctnrf work wu done by acvcml nlhant In Ihe ciinipauy, Tho play waa very tifkollvrly aUgnl. At Iho vioae of ilio accunil nt:i, when) vlg- oniua Hcthiii liegaii, ilio npplHiiHu waa gtvuii with beany giaxl will, and luih Hr- llinalwln mihI Hr, t&arletnu weiucalloil lieforo tbo t'iirlalii,anil, aa bi urtual u|K)u Hr, CarletonSi drat nlithbi, Ihu aitii-t- wna obliged b) iiaurp tho authnr'a iitontgailvu aud uahu tho ouatoinary aitcech, irlilfh In tlila riiao wih hap- pily wnrdcd, Thu play waa iImm i-aat; Heniltir il'ta- ilhiu Hock, Ur. fItKKlwIii; .Mciialnr llirdy Marian, lleorgo Fawcetl; Hajur lliuiiiiike ibolmllir, tl- f. Hunlalne; Eonnr INtii luninri tie ArHUeltny Aribyita, llonry Ihiriiutali; Hon. Ilufua Keptnlie, Wathtco Urucoi Ingniiiar t^rlTlilgii, l.niilHraynu;Juliii Max- well, J, U, Havllle; HhiiiuoI liigo, Arthur liuu|in; Jerry, John T. Craven; lira- Uarinn, Jean llara Walloni; Alicia, Klhcl llniivniiig; Mn- Uriiniller (hiiieral CartrblHe, l-jtlvllo Uitiiiiner; I.Ady lAJaalng. HarleUiiniH; Ituth, Aiuilu Kuraoll At Ihu liaa- Al-ll ygl'AHl TlltATHK, Illl llcl. "Tlio llualt of HaT7Uiiil,"a niKiaiillo play 111 four acta, ity liavlil Ihilaaco, rctTlvul lu Ural nicinipttlltnii hearing. Kurlher inonilnn nf IhlHCvciil will liufuunil clau- wliero In tlila buue AI ilio laviMi 1'*r Tiika- THV, nn IK-L-J4, thorn waa pntiliinuil, fur Ihu llral llmo ti|H>n any alago, "Iter llexunkiuaot" ("Tlio Wlunraltavliiu*'), adraliM,lli thrunai;ta,liyllenn|u KoKet, ThIa play la niiw in tBhoaraal III Heventt Ihralrca III fleriiuiiiy, lint ihuirinillinr tudtid pni- dliclliilt waa Ihlla galncil liy UaliHgur l^iliri'lil, 11 waa favunilily mi-elvvil, tint illd linl liiuku a very deep liiiprcMalun. The ai:llitu nf tUu play ncnura BtiiirUy iH'riiitt tlio llliiu nf Mm Intllln nf HAairulilt, laoil, diirlllR lUo llivaatnli nf NalHiUinll tbiilaim he. II deala Willi Iho aiiildvn nwitkt-iiliiK nf liivii In Uiu heart uf a jniiiig anil iiliaii|ililnlli'ntctl iiltl, wliii mocla, ilitrinx Ilm niKhi |iri-i-ciltiiK iliiiitaiilf,a iiia- Jnr Willi, al Iho head nf hta truliln-lil, la riaily In vanipibdi nr In itio rnr Ifau Hlnrynr the Kaltieilaliil, lie aaka fur Hhcliorat lliu hiiiiir 11 grini rariiiur, which la liHtaloil at Ilm fmil nr ihu -twixard'ri lbivllii',"unlliuliip(ir which thuolieliiy hariplacml Ibi ileailly gulM In kill wlnmvur ilali-a In aiilur thn cabnn, Itlaacaanitr Invu al alillil, itnil Ihu major, pla<:oit iMtween iliiiy and ilr«:riliiii, reinatna iniu to hIa ciiliira, unit, wniiniled liiilntlli tijrtliii uouilitont Itullola, ralurna lo thu hut In Hunt in bn-uiliu hbt laat In thn anna nf Ihu iiiatdnli Im lovua, Tliu play wu thiia cut: Knrl Uixitlur, Uaililcii I'lult; Harlu Jung, Krait/Jaka Ihiaa; Kiinvnn Halli/, llriiim ilchl- nor; Juohon llual/.4itv, Arltiiir Kifiii-'llng; I'aalor Knoiiicri Max Hln; Kilix mn llelnw, llulieii Iteuach; Carl Weiwr, llarnirinniicltiiiel/.iir; Uuituui- aiitllliirli:lia,llenrg l,u llrel; I llii/-, Vcrwallair, Julliia Aachcr; UeM,HchaiIiierlii,Uaihllilu iitio; Hln Uor- pnral, Kuill (llbi. |I|hiii thla occaalnli Fralir-laka llum, who haa but rccunUy anlvcd irniii Vloiiiia, iiuulu hor Ural apiKiirabcR ii|Hin aiif hbtge, TI10 Ibaviirlan Puawiibt gavo iliirliig llni week twu perrnrtuaiicca nl thu UBriuihii.iTAH lll'KNA llnimR, (Jn lh:l. M tllny lireaollloil, fnr Ihu llral tliiio in thla ciiiriiry, "lier .Vuagrnina- aeiin" ('Thu Oatraclacd"), a drama. In fuur aula writtun uapcclallf for iliht cnmiiAiiy hy lluniin Ibaunlieneggcr. It telU nl Iho viclaalluiloa nf a yifung man who la wpiiigrully lin|irbaiiiuil for tlieri, Albiraervlug hta turni nf Iwo ycara Im ruliiiiia Ui Ida native vIIUmcIiuI biahiiiiiioalliyallnr lilaohl riluiiibi aavoapiMir iwaaanlyuiiUi, who liufrluiiibi hint and onaldea hini hi niako a living, Un loMra hIa awcut- liurl inruugh Ihu iiiauhliiallnua ol hIa InMliiron, but cvelllually laeuidu in ealaldlali hIa iRiinceniin and win again ilie tlrllm luvea. 'tAliiiriiraiiacliniid K«lelwelaa" wu preunieil upon thn ftilluwIiiK uvun- Ing, and wllh llila poifnrnianL'ii ilio uiigagniunnt nf Ilia cumpany In Ibbi clly i:Iom;i|, llitui-u Hi|iiAUB riiy.ATHK. -"Tlio Huurlor Miirj- biiid,n a four aul ronmnlli: pbay of Ilm war, verg- ing chacly iliain inellHlrafna, waa ai:li:d al thla liniiao nniful,'/;, for Ihu llral Ihiiuliufiiraainnlrn- pnlllan auilloiice. 'thu work, wlilrh la fmni the iwii of Havld Uelaaco, wu nrlilnally at;lc4l llcl, u, nl Allen'a llmnd fliwu llniiao, WmIiIiikuih, Ii, U., ami an outllDOuf llapint wu given In oiirlaallaauu. The preaenl alrilcluru la liy far Um heal luanlluir lua yni liullited, awl, white it la um anonilni dn- parluio rrniii llie cnnruoilniial war drama, ll cnnlalua aouie uuw Inrlilnnu ami la rrpiebi with aUrrlng aronua, wlilln Ua llilercatlng alnrr la cleverlybroughlmil, Tljn alrlfnor a.icllonal fiTclllig, and all nf Iholnuldnubiwo have leiirMnillhiouiili pni- vlnua itage plcliirna or iliu rniwiiioii. are aoiiplcil In Ibe pnauot wnrk, bill ihn iijriln.ilaof Ihelrprn- aeoUllfHi are. In a incaaiiru, komuwhat new ami tjullaaliraeUve. Tho play la nil«il wiili ullemncea aud Blluallftna thai crcaiai iiiimli enihialuiii.anil Inlereat In iheiinlolillngnr Ilioauiry Unulntalucd bi I pronounced dngree. 'nioa<:en»;rj laelaiHiraUj and handaome, ahnwliig wllh reallaili: raltlilulnena the lieauilea of Interlur Uarylaul, and ou Uila leaUire of Ihe prodiinUuii blngea fimch of Uinphty'a aucceaa. Tliuapteaalnglr framed, Uw work of iiMiatilbnr la auonglr lirnuglil out, awl ihe oxcelloiit work of Uio iirtaenung couipaur la abw Ihiia eohancal In value, Hr. Iklaacu la entlilud to aluceie uookralulattuua upon ine lioprovenieni In lihi work, uil we can, WlUi on auiall degree of aaaurance, haik for Ida furlber advanceuMut hi hIa clnaain calling. Hra, l«alle Uarler haa Jiial reaanii bj feel promi ul her advuceiuenl In drauiaUc wurk aincn aliewulaai aeen upon the augo, Hho baa evnluoily put hur Uiuo of lelauru to miial excellnui im«, and, while Uiere la aUII niurli htcklog Iteforo tier work can lai accepted wlihout reaerri!, ahe haa novrrUicleaalin- pfoved. Ill the more ijuloi porilnn or iiiapbtyaho wu not aeen lu iho iieal ailvaiitaNe. but In Ihe trying eninuoual aconca ahe excullenily aoiulucd horaell. Urral credit bi aid due Haurlce Uarryiimre anil John K, Koltcrd fia' thu gunuiiiu merit of Ibelr wurk, aoti bi Kdward Hnrgaii alao much commenilaUnn ahoiilil tin givnn. In Uie laat act I aparktlug vdii uf puro coiMily laahuwit, and II Ijtought lulu Rwal relief by Angela UcAull and (Jf rU HcoU, Ijblh of whom had dune rxiielkiil anr- vlce lhruugh';ui Ibo pby- Udell IVIillauw uuada liio moatof Ibellnillallonaor hta ruin, and bj flenrgta Uualjy la duo pratao for ber pteaaliig work. Tim ludlenco wu evhleiiilf htrgoly made up of rileuda of Uiou who were clnaely IdenUded wllh llie ppi-