New York Clipper (Nov 1895)

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560 THE ISIEWE YORK OMPPEB, November 2. NEW I>LAYS. *The ColoMl'i WIvM," X farcical comoSy, in ibree acti,b|B«dle7llrowD, WM mUhI for tbeflnt time od ioy alage H«pi. 21, at Btockdin, Oil. Tbo iiorj: Col. UcVelfth. a nuo put middle ige. la rciiunted itj an oM friend cn hU dMUitMd to manr bla daagbter, Hafjory, wlw la maD7 jeam younger iban ibe colonel. Tbe 7oang ladyftcqnleacM, wltb tUe ondentandlng (hit tber go abroad and remain a year, panlDg an UtDeraDddaughler.aDd tliat ilieir relatlonH sliall baaucb. TUti tbe coloDel conaonu to, and hia real iroablei baglo. Uajorr, being l>oth jnoDg and beantlful. U ioon sarroDnded 117 Huiton, ainoog tbe nnmbflr balng ibrca cniipve mntleoia. For a lark Bbe encoungvs tbeir nulla and pfomlaea to marry eaobof tbein,pro?ldtngtbe7 obtain her'TatbcrV' oonaenL Tlia lotarvlewa Iralwean the yonnv men and the aappoaad father auppllOM tbe Ont network of tbe many compllcatlona which follow. Tbe colo- nel, aurmlalng tbat hbi 7onngwire la endeavorlDn to have aome fun at hla expeoae, girea Her band to eacbotUie joimg moo. in fact, prorolilng her to the ■toitorlng Hiadont before the latter can open Ua mouth to make known ibe object of hlH vlali. 8tlM, he dooa not approre of MaJorr'A conduct, and, to make bar JealouH, he gela up a violent ninalloii with Hn. llomjhM, «lir) |i ' ttu f*lr tad roiir," ind wlio I* Kuldnmiilv lAhorlns to rHuc* h«r volt' dupolii by th« old tif ilorablitlu »Dd ODldour civrclM la th* maanilnt* ftrrtiie, a f«tDft)« OttecUvo, hft« tpM4r*d upoo tm ic«n» Id Mtrtn of k mtn aoil wlfa *bo kt* coa(M«Dc* upentbr*. aotl wlm ant Itnown lo be i^xtng tliemiatvtiofru riihvrtiiil OniKiirnr. Hiig k^tnaol tht oloDtl'ii Mcrai aitrriM*! mO I'rapftw to rticli bv nine. To add to i)ie conipllcml"ni. wiilch ora nuv trlt- lofl (utl Md forlouilv, thn coluDtl'* ttnl wUf, kIm U uppoMd ui hftT* IfMQ iMt at HM minj) Mn ajto, awtan. She and Harjorr iMrn ihai ihara ti a ftmtl* delKlWa id Ui«hoaM,aiMl ilitraach linulD* Uit oUiar (o)>«Kflr- nits, and twih Ht (0 work uiohiAlo adtio*. Tiiay •rani- \\Mi\j aMAbluli Uialr IdMiltr. and iti« lun ti«*[oB la i:ni«it, 10 the dlKomdturs of tbe cakmol. Un noknal WuhlniUtD MoVvIrIi, Ku. I. Iji aiixhMH lo r*HUIfliili Mnair !■ ifc* Iron •lllfd rul«r of iha McValih iwrab- llabmeot, whik wife No. 3, »liu Iim uiat a fumitr kTar, Couot D« Roi|uorort, In tiiiially aoilnui lo n lloqulih her claim on iho iinlii|i|tr colooal, bat - - .- -- — , _ji|7 CD CMM«alJ lier d»«ln. In a aitlrlt of fun Mirjoi oaa llrelj for erciybiMlr. aad tlie n. I uMlowa on tlia colonatla "gatl aodwom- vood" tAtli*uaiipa<i«nl vUltor "rh>i» UiB iwifomorui* •M." Firratta r^upeam aoil ■rnauOolobal KcV«rafa, belltTlDf htn 10 b« a nolad canllilvnrflon«rKiiir. Tin cokinal tonpoMa that h» (1 IwlnR nmMad for blinmr and ohaarhtllr •ubmlliu lie ailniita llial Mtn. HcVilRfa }fo.luidRoT. ftiTftiit, iha mlnUt«r vho(•erriinnrtl rim arAeMad. Haturn kre Antlly ■tnlfcniviiuii out an«l nil •adaba|it>lljr,tlM colonal ami iiIm flnl wlfo Ifalng rnunllvU and Magorf narn liiK ilia Count. Tha caM: Marjtirr MoValah. AnaaParkor: Ruian 3lcV«l|ii, Annit Mctirttfur: Pamtl (ilatMllva), r. AiUla Note Utn. llnDMltw, AdalllaBaiHtr; Col. Wanhlnmon McValffn, lluHa tlick*; Oouni da Itwiuarort, rarer iiiiniina: Jack McVolph, Thomaa RajnuUa; Unci* Afn, Cliarle*I.^a: Kef. Hamuil Hafaia, Harry HjnM; DaTld, l^liirlMflullhnn: Hanor, RobartMcAtlRiar; Krftd.Oliartaif-illor. "My Son Dan," A come(l7, IQ tlireo acta, I17 KdwanI llarrlgAn, waa acted for tbe Urit lime un kd7 atngc tk|iL 21, at tbe Fateraon, N. J., (i|tem lloiiae, I17 Kdwurd llarrl- gan and bki ronipany. Tlie aior;: Urrr Ugan, a kind hearted Iriab shoenwkor, and Itoiiert Ollwn, a Uverymaii, are tenanla ot Ainoa TiiUlc, n wcahhy land owner and commliiilou nierriiant. [.ogun oii- Jeota to tbe opening of Home winduwH In the stable, and QlUoa endAavora to purcliaiw the propflrt7 In orderiogetrld of Lognu, who hiw i«en Hnoccu- Kntof tnepremlnea fortweniy Uvu vi-htf, iitii Mr. Ule rernni lo acll. ae, aelde from bin kliidlj feel- ing towardR the old ahoentaker, lie Ih verv much at* tached to the old houae. Imhau'* mn, l>iiu, occu- plea a reaponilble position lu ibe oiticu of Mr.Tuitle, vbara (llluia'a Mn 1« alM eiiipk>Tcd. Thg htirr, whll* proraaains hU iiraai rajianl tor yman lo'iran, l« lo raalliy lil< itraatail anamr. Dan. liaTint ti«rn a^ ceptad aa a auilor forUtohinil uf r«rrl«.tliiti]auRlil«r orTultl*. youDf Uilaou r<in>|i|T«i Kit'i I<In UMitr m Bn> compaMlila nifo. Barlf Hlllar, n iHilliIrlan ami wtnn irlaod urtkaLonaii, faarlnR IndlrtiiMni, ImJucra Dan, vbo vaalonnarly hUprlfnia awT«iarr. lulMva iiibcli>- aod ranwto awiyuoi.l iln i>andlaa lanu or cuiirt baa raMad.amaiBOtlDR fh-m tilm a itrnnilw iiotloletliU nUiar koov vh| ha vani a«ar. Mllirr ngrrpn to Infom Totilaaiio ihaeauaaorOtn'AaiiMnca. anH Dnn, liaTinn vrlitao a ihortan|« lo hU railipr, aHcr '• .Mnr r«rr1o 11m raauit for hit Wvlni ilm city, Inkan liln dviurlim. YouuR ftlliuD ab«tnut«(h>m lli« dwii to IrfHtan'a liuuaa 1100, whkli hail baao itUc«t ili«r« lij-Uan, i» ivr 11 car- panur'a tilli far Titiilo. A nunnilitM ui rilincmafeenr Uolon, Ni>. 4, haThtR |«lil in Mrry HOD tm aecoiioi ot duaa, ato., utas Ilia ilaak [4 laardiad iij Kauck, and tita luontf not ruund, Larry loiUU iin iiiai Ini a furtliar aaareh, am, aniMtlluilnjr Hit* llio. «l)1ch ti« liaa nralrnl fntm llia Unhm fnt lliv alalrn mooay, h« mvm tlia honor of hla win An Mmnd uh(« rlacaattho reaUanca nrToUla. A Hhli>carn'lDRa valu- aiileoariolaraportad l«t«i- youna iiilwii rlHiiiiH tohavti dlacoTervd dlacratMDclfln In iliacMli IhhiIi dI' Ihiii.atid an tnvauiRaitoa by Tutila prnrn that a olianilcal ha* tiaaa umiI loitmluea Hi*clinnna. Dm(Ivnlna tha acca- aallon, ami farry accunri tllUitn nml liU huu of oni- SIraay to rulo bU Imy, l>4n, haTlnit niitalned i<w«<li« the vlat coDUlnlitK ilis cliomli-ai, ilvpi It lu Utltar, who Andi tIta JrngtilH (nmi irhotii tlia druR waa pur thaaad, who raro(tit/.a^ yoiiiiR UIIpimi aa ilia man in whom (1 ma Hohl. Mr TuliU, l>eln|[ ainioal ruined hj tha iMu or till ramel nml Iha immay Klnlan InMn film by rouOR iHUon, In oiiablati to iiiaka a npw ttait a IKo with tita aid of nHmay lea to Urry liy liU aid ftland Oitanor, wboin ha had kindly raratl for, hallarlni liliii lo tw prxir and rrlantllrat. Tliv rani: Larry Iiona. KilwanI IUrrlK«n; Wlli»ar Walker, Pun Oolljrar: Robsrt tllUon, llnriy Kltliar; AiunaTutilr. W. J. Ilorlay: Daa Lonn. PrMlarIck Hacbua; ur. Hcrijainln Bajralay,aDOrnMarrhl; barty Millar. Han Htiiko-.Uon rad nilltni, Dara Brahfim Jr.: ^'nuk Ullivii, Janwn J. tiaaaady; Jamai Martin, Wm. J. llaolay; MareoH i-*Diay, Thoniaa Oollumj DniKglBt, Loula Pt[lM<r; Carpanior, Kraok Wyatt; Oanllna Hlnmrty, lUitIa Mimre; Cariy TulUa. JaaaBorby; RualeKandur*. rarTivrnlller: Naiify eaadon, LtlllaoABwart: Jannis MllUr. HmioCvlllar. "Stu of the Night," A dmna, la live acta, hj Frank Harvey, waa acted for tho drat time In Amorloa (lot T, at Brldgopon, OU It waM originally pniduceil Unrcli 'M, imo. at Uie Tboatre Hojal, Uamnte7, Kng. The atorr: IMlubv Thome, an Kogllah geDlleinaii, tlbduhurltrt hla aan, Uaruld, on account of hirt uuirUgo to Itoaa Karotaanl, a clrcua rider. Harold leaveabUfatber'a hotue andgoea to Uexloo, wiiore he l»ecumeafiiip' orlDtendent o( a ellvor mine at tela del Uaraien. Wbll« there ble father dlea, and the eiUte la left 10 Ilarold'a ooualn, l<eAlle, uu condition tbat be luarrloi Ointhla Uajue. Tbe marriage la dleiMterul to botb OyutbU and l«uie. Uyathia U lo love wlih Harold) and plota lo overthrow lioaa. lieallo la in a tiaaDdary. llo baa givou hla notcH fur largo amounta ot money to a Hpanlant, Hamcr. D'Alvara, butaocordtiig to a clauao In the will he doud itol ctuiie Into potaaailon of ilia itiunair uniU una ypar aii«r tli* (Ujutra'* daatli, and thto ualy oncoadlilpn iiiat llirvhl doatDOt ralan lu ibatilnta. I.a4lt« htan Uial llarohl laallra and Uabla to roiurn at an) mitnttnt. IteiellN Rainaa, vlio. to ura liia ntonay, rkTora iiatilnit rid uf HaroM abnild ha avar raium. L««lla, ihoiith wMk, la not tuul at liMrt«aod rvfuHi llitau lu ilia I'mroMl. Raniaa ukai tha raifiooaiMliu i>n lilt uwo lOiotif \m nad whao llarohl doaa raluni within lha Ivalte nrnnthN bo plotahlidaalh. ItelurM llarukl and Huia tu an undvr- ground oallar 00 iha i4uka of ihaThamaa ami inahM lliam pftauatn. Tha rlftioi lUa haa alnicMi rtlttd Iha raUar with wati«r, ami Tim Daiiar aiid Juha Mar- ohaal, who are nwlnc^un the rirer, liaar llantld'a rtantlo oalli for halp. Tliay braah ihivugh tha rtiiiin wall* and raaeaa llarvM and KoaajuaiaaUia waiar* ar« febo«ttoaDT«|ofith*m. Indiala>taet iltatv !• lo bo a Roaptloo at U)« hauaauf iha lat« Squire Thonia. The ft of piaau haa baan prrpand tty Raiiif r, and l.«id|p (■ i«adla|orar tbe namea, whan llaniM anien. A mrvna aoane ToUowa betwmn tha ccMialaa. La>lU eiplalaaall and llamld farclTiH him. Raiiw Iben tnter*. ilan>bl taiba lilitt wlthhli rllUlny. Thay aia alwui Ut ittme ht lilowa wlioD l*iblo, the brother or Altmina, kIm* haa Iwn lMtray*^t by Riiiiet. ruiltw In and ilatM lilni 10 ilralli. OynltaU la runUaB, llartvM reiralBa iwawDlon <>l hU ttwoaod ttie curtail) lalla. Tlia ra«t: llaruki Thuiit. Frank llarrlailno; Manual Katuft, L>iulaiJloT»r; l.fallti "dw-V P< - ' " ■ n, VM\ Prlc«:OranM^iiaH. Kilnii: i/om, Hutia WNllia; iHuthla Mayne,Rliati'Nt>al; AUeiiitiiH. I.illtait I'rire: th>lly IVarh bkMMtm, Kior«nfa)lartiin: J*iiuT, Bfairlce i)lvi*r. "Edpir Allan Poe, or The Raven." A drama, Id five ariH, I17 Ucorgo llatleton Jr., waa acted for the flrki time tm ait7atat[u th-t. 11. at Albaugb'a Ijceum Thrnlre. Halitmor^. HA., hj Creeton Clarke and compAn7. Tbr pl<i7 openn at lUcbnoDd, Va., In the home of John Allau, where Ibe atory of fN)e*t earlj life la learned tbrougb a converaaUon bet ween ICr. and Mn. AUan.of whom be la Ibe adopted aon. Returatog from the I'Dlvenliy ot Tbfima, Foe falla In love with bla cuualn, Virginia Clemn, who la alao lored br Roaooe l*elbaui. r«l liam telle Mr. Allan of Foe'a RautblUig debit, and the Toutu puei U dlalnberiiea. Uq iwvwt home, Uking Virginia wUb bim to Fordhau, N. V., where tbe aecond and third aoU take place. Foe Iwvei tbo bouee lo aell Home manuicrltita to tallavr lh« diatren or Virginia, i*ho ladjtntnlih n>D _ . . _ __ ^ „ HrKlnla lb Brwltl. ._ . rrUa i>rioi iVta, lo wIh»i> anaa Aa aipirt* wlihoui Thome,Kdw.J. PaobtayJr.: SiiulntTtiDme, (1um«tup Bookar; Tin l>ettar, Phil. Mct'arlhy: John HartJianu Battram llftHl-Tereoea r»l«>, Jolm iMct: Pabh>. Lillian bUaea tn hla dead wife easaaa bin lodrophlaplaiol lo InRbL Tb« founli act opaDa la a onet lo BalltBiora. Poe baa baan drlnklnjt baarlly, and Ualaa, towhoai lia haa haooma aafand, oraaa him to raionn..lla U da- llrloua, Md wMm a Mnna raaai ooulda rtcliaa two ataotaa of "Tlia Raren" aad falla falDilof to Ilia door. Act V ahnwa I'oa In an uacoD- m:Iau« rnadltloo on Uia *irMt, be barinv iMea dnifiol aad uptfl aa a repaatar to wrora the aleclloD of Palham. Tony Freataa, a Irkod of Poa'a, dlacorara him and tiiaa lo rarlra blm with braadf. Bee- log the botUe Foe daabaa It avar. aaylni that ha bu at laat eoDiiaared tbe cure* ol bla Ufa. Ilethlobihaaaai Iha aplrll of VlrilDta, aod aa aha appntachaa ha falla daau. Thecaat: John AlUn, J. L.Carhart; Edgar Allan Foa, CrattAO Clarke; Haaeoa Felham, A.M.,PredarichVrM>in: Tnnr PreatoD, WtD. Owen; Ertbua, Uarl*aTt Faltte; Wliriam Hhucka, Rodney Barton; Fanoo Frlor. flao. flflreai«r; llrdifn, Ethel CarpaDiar: Hra. Allan. Ako«i Haynard; lira. cUmm, Once Addlann; Dolly. Ayatha Dranyam; Virginia Clemm, UeUn Whliioan, AdrlaUa Frince. '*The Sidewtlki of New York," A comedy drama, In four acta, hj Hf:oit .Marble, waa acted for tbe riret time on any xtage Oct. T, at Kelth'H opera Monae, Providence, R. I. Tbe atory: iUtj rambertoa, ion of John Fembertoo, a w«alth7 New York broker, be cornea entangled with torio, a crmftv IiaUftn, who leadabln OD from one theft t<i anotber nntll hLi father. In bla effona to preaerve htagood name, Uneartrnilned. Inttaeopenlngact he la abODt torccalrea large aomot mooay from bli rallMr.tbroDKh tlia kindly lDtore«a4luo t>t Ralph MorUy. wliolaaaollurfortheliand f'rhi* alalar Agnra. Rarui, who wllneiN«d Ilia Inirrvlew ibroogh an opfo win- dow. Klioou tiia oU man, awl In Uie aidlrmeBt *e curat the mooay aod mabN bla rrcapa. Hnrlry U accuaail of the crime l>y Kny, Hart^i and Kllan, B^nu'a ■latar, who la atao koy'a inlau*aa,and Uia liallani am aiiout in raiaro to ibair naiire couptry whan ihe crnna l> iiataneU otoo lu author hy daieclUe Jack f^ln, aulNied by UuttooaMctlHrkandOrapa. The caai: John Penber too, Itenry Barker; Ror Penberiao, Bairy Jobnatono; Harto,L*irU P. Howard; Halph Mortar, Leaiar l^onargan; JaokCaln.John II. Browne; Heloy. Einll llneael; rrapa. John Quaea; Huitooa Mdiurk, CharlaaT. AUrich; ome«r DulTay, I'atriek Ptntoa; Fala. Uarry F. Wlnnnan:Thi Hao In tha Tower, Kearney K. Speedy; Platro, Julea Carr; Kraotol^ Hat CtinonI: Jana Ano Cuddr. (Iharle* r. McCaitbr: RllenSarto, AdalaldaOoaodra; JnliaHem lerton, Joitle JIarworih; Agnea Fambarton, VIIIk Mar- tlD; Mra. Hctlnrb, Mra. O^Keefa, D. PaninD. "ACafi Paw," A romedj, In three aclti, adapted from |"Le Voyage do U, rerriohOD"bylUxO'R«ll,waNorlglnall7 acted Oct. 14, atXroy, .S'. Y. 'rheator7:1Ard George Twy- ford, an Kogllali nobleman, and Fmnk Horton, an American nrtlst, boib wlali to man? Julia, the daugliter o[ Jonathan F^rklna, a retired Amtirtcau mlllluoalre glue merchant, who bi traveling Id Euroiv with fiiJi daughter. Mnrioo Korea a polai by aarlng I'erklna' lira,andT»rford plaOH|autotlieold(ran aaarat'a |«wIn wnoliig fda dagyblerbypUylafropoo Iha ranliy and afoUiiu of rarblaa. Twy Turn ao arrangea It iliat FerblBH cannot help aatlug bla lira, and Uiao pralaM blm lor hla hraiary, while Id Ikct Perkloa la aaar- rant oowAnl. I'erklna wlahea Jnlla 10 tnarrr bla lord- »lilp,hutBha la In lore with Morton and raruaea. Mr*. UpUM), FeiklnV aliler In law, dealiaa tu aecure Uie Bo«- llalintan aa a ItUhhaiKl lor her daiiRhler, Mane, but Iha laiier luira i^iia JuliD Snttth, and thej mile tbe oiitioT hy eloploK. Miaa l>arklna rrlgbteaa I/ifd Twyrord oul nf hla nit for her hand b> actlna lo a muat unctinventloanl inaonar, wlliit he congratuUtea hituaair nn hla lucky eacai>e from roarryliig li«r. Rha aod Moitnn flaally Toi'if, AilliSr aikaTjoim "Braii)i7 W. ll.'WHIiinriir; jvill. l'.rklna,(lol<ll. Mm. nut. Uplu., An.s Bnl lira: M.rl. Upliw. Ljdl. Knoll; Anlu. .lull. Uilroy. ni.fi7,«n«l .v.rjl*'.!.'j. TIibcmi: JuiuiIim r.r kiDi, luiii'l IMvuil.; ftuk HnruiD, u.iidit a.iiih: Loij tlwna T'TMnl, ynd.rlck Miyunl; Major I;. MY FRIEND OF THE BOWERr. and Inl. 10 8. with him, 8b. raluiw, uhI b.r rriM l>rioi ni., lo »lH»it .np. ab. .iplfva wlltwul (MaaloUni hint «llh I'jiii m'a ftrUj. la Ih. (talnl .cl fo. Ii .iMul to iliowl biiuaall ot.r TIrflDU'a mr., Vbu U.lttl Whilmu pww. utf b.r .irlklBf tUMi I IBIO > llowtnr nloou ud nt down it • lalilb III alp « Kiwa ot beer wil lian a ,l>Di:e al Iliu ciimcn anil goora. A liard kxiklDV toiidr ni.ii, who alio •ptwaKil lo be vciy liard ii|> ror CMb, ni nor nio ami waa iDvlied lo alp al iiij cxuenaK. lie called for a "Hchoooer," and alier dilDklnK a pan or U he tfreiv confldeiiUal and nid: "I IlkH a iiiaii who dotn the rlHliI thlnR, aiul I'll put Tu oil." "ilD III iTbal)" "ilDIotbe blooiiilii' lilokcawbat codk. In jere. IhelltNt I wlllnsDieliiIhe llealcrSlreet Kld.Hiiiheir calli blin. Uo will Ond fn here, and walk tlRhl up and hit yea bliTeron tbu ear." "Kor wbatruMonr" -'Wlial run Whjr, aaan excuae to anilch Ihalnln nOr jrcr tie, or cmine. That'. bU IIIUo gamo-lilifln' andinalcblD'. Tliene.rl one bi Uowt^r Ulll. lle'M a.\ ;o what Uine II tn, aud then rail )o a Mar and land a wtelter iHi ycrnoac.', *'KorwlutroawHiT" "Ciirlo Rltjer watch, ot courw. While 70 ar' lioldln' ;or now he'll awlpe Itie ticker and nak* oit with II. Itie Doxt to rame In will \m luxler Uireel Jack, lle'llimilleatjfoaudpnricudtahev met ye In llumioand hold out bla hand tor a lUake." "And nkat olijeut will be have In view)" '■Tbe objlck vl anlibln' ye I17 the throat and pk'kin' yer tiloonilu'^porkela at ibelr bloomln' graeu- liackH. lie hain't nu ekal la me UlzaMi, Jack hain't. Nc.\t to hlmnlll come the chap au ihey call. Unulienj Jor. He wou'l wcm m look at ye or know of jer proaenco, but all ot a audden bo'll' nuke H nuU anil hit ye right In the ainmintck nnil kiKiok the breath oni 0' ye tur the neat two liounL" "And will he alao have an object)" I aakeil. "(It counie he will, and tbatubjick will lie in bII down on ye and acareli yer bablllnienKturwhal the ottaon iiilgtat taev uvertookeil. .\» a halillhiieiil learober he'a away at the top." 'And who will cuniD alter Cianbtnr Joe)" Wby, ChlncaeToni, ut counv.anl hla objick will bo III (tralyer chilliea while ye ar' Inu dying i-oullili. un. U.bbe ho might loun yer nndcrclothe^ imi ll'a Jest ai ho bapuena lo feel about IL Wbcii be gelathToiigh bi''lldragyeoutii' Ihe iMrk door.'* "Anil wint then t" "Ubi Hooiebotly'il call a cop and tbe cou will give re Iho collar, aud It ye ain't got a pull with iIk Jedge npyo'll go tur a Ihlrty." "And yuii—4[oa't you coiiio lu on the deal aome. whore 1" I askeil aa I |iald tur hla aecond glami. 'Of cuunic—right here," he rt'plled. 'I don't iindentand." 'I poau Intended wiclluu aa to what tuay liap. pen, anil Iheiii Intended wictlraa techi io graivrnl tn Itio that tkoy buys mo liecr anil allpa nie a dime or ■u. SomMlnien I alM) exchangee Willi'oni.°' lluw exchange)'' Wby, I exchaugea tbe glovee which wui taken tniiii Ihclr iHH'kcIa by MDulHidy tur a iiuarlir." "Aa I felt you when you look mine aud knew you had 'cm, I waa waa gouut lo aak you how u pro- reni to int 'eni liack. Ileie'ayour niiartcr." "Aud lii'n'a your gkivea. I lalcca the ulnioat pleaauio In oayntg Ibat you are one ot thedneel Inlciided wlclinia 1 hev met with In a year. li<.|ii' aa yo ar'ao good hearted and arnainiu, I'll hniid over yer ntulirolla and cigar tiaae aud hanilkerchlet wllhoiit O.Vint coal, and Air tear 0' turtbrr aod- d.nla uf a itAlutuI character, I'll ea^'urlye to Ibe dwir anil wUih jo gooil luck."—/wmll h'lif ;t)w, A CONSCIENTIOUS CAB DRIVER A tauoaa Kngllah actor ooco undertook to take pan In a ccruin aoaieur paifonnance al lllck- iiioiid, bul, aa he had to act the eame evenlna lu Ibe nnt piece at the Uaymatket u Lord Fopllng, he had not mui'h time to low. lit accordingly atopped troni the ilieaire liilo a cab In hla alage atlire, and uaeil Uio veblrla, ou hla way to Watorluo alailon, a* a dreaalui ruoni, ukIng out of hla oaipet bag the ainock truck and gallen lu whichhe waa to play bla nil. Uler on. Ili< had not a minnio to aparc, auil. tbniwlng hla tare 10 tbe cabman, waaatiuui lo ni.b liilii the booking omre, when ha found taliincif pinioned trvin iwnlud: the driver liad gut him laM. "l,etUMRo,youtool. I have paid you alxpence nuiro than yoar tare already.'' "Hans your alxpence! You are a uiuidoror! Pu. \We'. puilcoV TUe actor waa toon lu ciiatudy, aud t hla was hla accnaer*. alory: "ThI i couutrymau baa inunlcreil a nobleman who eogaged my keb In the llaymarket.'' It took aunio lime 10 explain uiat- teni. HUd III Ike nieanllmo Ihe aclor loal hi. train.— Mm ^\^lt^•^K\^ „4IVomitir. MIKE AS A FIREMAN, Mike O'llagan had ucvcr been a aucce.i. lie bad been dlarliaiv«d fiom ihe aervlceet a leamlDii coin- Einy lor allowing hla cart to be anuahcil by a West ud car, and inuu the seivlce ot tbe Weal liad tor bumping Into a cairlage. Filially, howerer, he landed In the File Uepan- Dciit, aud all hli titanda exptoted Ibat he waa aet- tlnl tor lite, lie waa not, howertr, tor In l«« than a montli he waa again looking for a lob. "How did 11 happen. Urn)" eald Mike'a friend ivt lo NIke'a breiner 'nm. "oni lell yc, nie bhoy." replied the latter, "^ute, there came a teli'O, aod Uoike be winl with bl. catrl. An' nhin he got there tbei« woe a man on tbe top ov a blarln' bulldln' achnmln' for help. 'What'll I do al alll' eays he. 'Houkl 00,' ma Uolke. aa* ho t'low. him a rope. 'Tie II round yer noi^k,' aaya he." "And what did Kile do Iben I" "Ue polled blm down."—A»ion AidpM, HOW THEY D IFFER. Uao la a crratnre ot cait Iron halilu; woman adantiheraelt to clrcnmuncei; thia la ibetoiinda. Hon ot the moral illlTerenco between HieiD. A man doea nut altcnipt to drive a nail nnleoi he haa a liammer; a woman doea not heoltata lo utilize anylblDg, from the heel of a boot to tbe back ot a bruib. A nun coDtldera a cork icrew abeolnuiy necea- iaiT to open a bottle; a woman att«mpU to extract the roik wllta Iho Hclaaora; It alia doea not aoccaed readily, ahe paahea the cork in the Imtlle, ilnce the eaMnlUI thing la to get at Ihe nuld. Hhavlngl. me only uie 10 which a man notaa raxor; a woman employt it tor a chlmpodltt'a pur- ""flSen a man writea everything muat iio Inapple- pie onler; pen, paper and Ink muat be Juat», a profound alienee mult reign while he accooplUbea thin Important foncllon. A woman gela any aheot ot paper, leant It iwrluipa from a liook or portfolio, ■barpcna a pencil wim the ectnon, pnbi ihe paper on an old alloa. croaaea her feet, bahincea beiaell on her cbair, and conOdes her thonghia to paper, clutnglDg from pencil 10 pen and vice vtraa troni Ume to iTine, nor doea aho earn If the children romp or the cook cornea lo .peak 10 her. A nun aiorma It the foiling paper la not conren- Icntly near; n woman drlea llio Ink hr blowing on II, waving ilie paper lu tlioalrorholdloftltncara lamp or fire. A man dropa a letter unhealutingly lo ibe box: a woman rercaila tho addreaa, aiisurca herMlf thai Ihe oDiclope laaealcd, the atanp secure, and then throw. It violcnily lino Ihe box. A ODaii can ciita Uuk only with a paper cutter: a woman derily liiscru n hnltplh, and the hook lacuL Fur a man, "good.I}y"algnlfloa tbe eodotacon. vemlinn and the moment ot bla departure, tor a woman II I. Ihc iieglnnlug ot a new chapter, for It la JuHl when tiloy nre Uiking leave of each other that women think ot the moat linporlunt loplca ot conrenAtloii. A woman raoaacka her brain trylog to mend a broken oiijeci; a nun puu II aside aod loriela that ror wklch there la 00 remedy. Which U the an- perlnr)—/.fi»p/NU)rf*a Mo. HE WAS A SCHOLAR. There U an old legislative story that tbe men who hear II are never Ilred of telling. Tlir rtiUaaelvhSn /fi//ri/m-rcporta that ilic ladilcnt that glresliiia fiiundsilon occurred lu the ilays when Senator Tliomna, e.\-Hhcrlir Conncll ami CongreasDian John II. Il'jiilnton, lit Delaware, weie all young and bud. ding niuiubers ot tne lower house, in the aame boily vere Iwo liemocmllc inembera vho were well known 10 everybody. ono ot them, since dead, rejireacnted n down town ward, lie waa a man brloirul nt real Iriah wit and repartee. Tiiero waa hardly a npecrUmaile in tho houae that did nnt cull forth from blm aome lirlBht remark. Tlie other Democrat come from an uptown dli- Irlcl. Be was mure of a worker and le?^ of a hind at Hie game of repartee. 'Tlieao two liemocrau hated each oilier fur aome rcii!«oa, protMbly because each WHS Jcalnua uf ihe other'.-* peculiar tuienN. Uoo dot "Jack" lloblDwni a-as making one or bhi iHusliv vigorona specclien, and In the coiirw of bU ronurU ho wound up n sentence with "Vo.x p«ipr.ll vox llel." As lie altered the fdmlllar iiuointlon tbe uptown Democrat tiiroed to his rival anil exdalmco: ".lay, you're h j blamed smart, I but yon ten dollare you ilou't know whni 'Vox iiopnll vox Del' means." "OIH take ye/.," waa ilie i|Ulck answer. Atur the speech the two walked onttogeiher.and Ibu uplownersald; Nor, cnmCj what did that quotaUon mean?" Why, In union there 1:1 siruugth," retorted tho ■inlck wlllcil down towner. "i;oQround it, here's your ten," eald tbe equally Ignorant up town rti-al. "lliir. Hay, on ilie lewl, i didn't llilnlf ynii knew II. WORTH'S PREDECESSORS. There were male ilreaamaker)! betoro Worth. The lint cdelirtly who umdo liU mark In ihls par- ticular lino waa Ithumiiorg, tho son of a bavarian lieasaiit from the nelghtiorhood ot MnuK-h. one day lu ihs month of Uay. ITW. a beauiltul conipage waa necn dilvlng nlioiti I'aiH with aa cscutcueea In the shape of a comet slid an oiien pair or nclaaora In tho lutOdle painted uu the panel or each door: that, waa liliomlierg'd cunt or amw, and It told Ha own talo. Ho waa a genius In hla way, and owed liU ouccess chleilyiu hla skill In dl^ulslog alight defonnltles and bringing out tho muat ntiiacltvo chaniis of hla fair cnttouiera. Ho rapidly made a fortune and left his helra an anuual liii:ome or fraocs. Undoi- Iho Fhat Umpire and Ihe Iteaturatlon l.tnysup- Klled the dreaaea or the ladles ot tho court and the Igher nobliliy troui bla splendid manalon In the Hue lllchelleu. An eirualve encoulnui whs written upon iilni by Aiigcr, a uicniberot the Academy. HAD A FELLOW FEELINa "I want to make an Inquiry of you," be said, as he stopped a policeman in front of the Clly Hall tne otser afternoon. "All righl, sir." was the reply. "tVouhl It be agin' the law lui me to rubmy back agniD' the walla uf that building >" "Wbat'a Ilie inalicr with your IWLk'i" "(lot u porus plaster on li,andHlioneHK>tlukt I can't keep ni.v lieela 011 tbe ground. 1 wuot to lake oiT my coat and vest and bark up to tbat rough wall. Would libeagHlu'Ihe law)" "I diinno ns it would Ue breaking any law,'' said Ihe onicsr, "but I think I can put you ou alietter thing." "flunks I What Is It!" "Down at the dock at the toot ot this street you'll llnd a apllo all nplluicreil no aud drtveii full of nails and pleceaofsciap iron. It's handy to back up to, and Ike |ilace Is nut i|nlie to pulillc aa this." "All rliiDI—much uiilcegcd. I'l go down and try her, and If she works ah right I'll recomDeud her to iny friends when they happen to be In town. Uiit boiiie I've got a seciloo ut iKMnl tooce Oxed np with curryconius, carpet lacks, pounded glaai and uldBcrlhoblHilcs. Inn I'i wait to git tbar! Shake: Vou feel tur your teller man, you do, aod tbe fuTBt ibing when 1 gli home I'll aoml vou a bushel of tbe nicest pop corn In iho6MlDot NIcM. gan v—i*-frfifr yir« iirss. HWItU IIIT8, nv. ucli UI frur. Urcli. lou. rsch .\lta. "II Vour I'm* W.a Klrli Lik. MIn." (dilld viil iMai.). "11. Wax III. only Un. ni.l Hail O.u" (Kroat, aulla all). "Who VVama tn Uiijr Ut, I'lii . Couul Fnrriale" tbiK lih). "Wiial Will Vou Uiiy With Your I'oDnv)" 1.00. noj chilli.) "RrlKht I.I11I. Spot no the t)r»in" (do. IrUb MID.), "illri. All lloncl Irlrh L.1I n Oli.iice" (aonx and iluic.) "Wou'l V»o ri..^ L«t Her Uu IImu." (d«acnp. llv. hit). blTUaliiiii Wnlii(w(a fln. .ii'l pupnl.r valu). WM. J. A. LItlPKU. full . im W. M Park How. .V. Y 1 :il)■ SKIfiTCIlKS. i^iOKN Ct.nittJl.a, Borl«N|uw, .Ic. imlnonl.r. Ilc.i.'iirk. Kiaiup reply. jlM. KHK- ailAWjas K.lniiuuiiiAv... riiilaJ.lplila. I'a. roil ItALK.—.Hti,.Dii.>tOianrlos Cuiloa.od I'alol' lag. ID Aiiterlra. Al'uStot Marlllo.^ LungT.itera.aUaa BIoiriDi; t^ayiiul, ni.colilcnl Hplrit riliow OulAl (rablo.l .10.). Wouhl .xcJiaua. lur dral elaaa .itnclloli. n.w m Buriip., or teal 10 r«»|.io«ltil. i«illf.1. V. IIO.VTKOHb (r.rnianMil a.ldr.M), Tomnu\ fan. Ord.n la^cii lor llOTil I'i.h l.ciuiln. lKlop.ia.1 'I'U «IK A,\.\runV.—DH. RUBKHT IIOi:llMt'TII,niaimr.clotor ot iho noMlarail. ut Wax Allaloinlcal and 6p.Cllil.BI. [or liAlifil ri.ll.ioi anil Mu^.utua. tilj. well k.o.D nnn. iSiiir.). jj.' eill'TII Kli ril AVK.SUB. .N.w York. llpkl'IAI. MTANDM.-lik.M) >1 AND HBAUI.S'O HAl-TbH PUK HASiri.K Idl'V Or t) BHKKT lUT. Liriiu. arAM) is aiLiiiu. mk.skhy ash mbk KNOW l'AI.\TINll AI.SII IIOWAUI) HnOV\' THIXT, ISI'i W.*h(oal«n airv.l. Hotlyil, M.i^. WIUH—I'LAIN .VKOHU WIOH, I'lm' CENfU; Krielil. fl. Any at>h> Cliarai-t.r Wig illomui Halt), 1'. *>. I) III lo.pwllun. Hal ill. for iiiM.brTiii.ol. ,^n\lliloi Id lb. ihMlrlcal llh.. Hump 101 aiah-EU.. a. STUAKT, i\ .ml n Tlilpl Av.nii^ M.g Y«r> LITIiO« OMK CtVT 1C.\1:II, HTVLES, fuiKvlui iti.ik t-vn.l JVC liii .aiupliM. IIAHHY ULAHK, 1.171 aoulli ra^lllli Slir,.! I'lina.1,.lpl,l^ Ta. WANTKU. LKlTCIIEIt AMD UPPICB WUHkbK. 10 .urk lui 1\ I'v.-iTIil I.I aal.NUl.1 rll^owa. Dr. Vurvtl Qordoo, «tiii;. A|.<ii't.tit-jiliuiil.t dolus .Jack vlroar oib.r»pMi.lliHi. Noobjci.-ilun lo svol aiiiauor. MUrtprWMUn dimt on Ih.Sniolsliu IIAKRY JABKBIT. ilM.i.r. t^ran.r IIIIU S. J WANTBD.CUtCVn CAN'VA9, NOT LESS VIIAK OJKT. Mutt li. in Kuwlcvoilitlon. uil cbup lorcaitk. A. T. (lILUlO.' 0. NOTiCL-THE WHITE PALACE, EASTON, PA. Od MeouDt of uukToKitlile virviiiD«uac««, Uie ftboie ImaM Vltli KOT U« oreoed uoUer rof iDUkMratDt. Thinhiuc til reiforuiire lor uttw*. F. E. aAMUBLfi, WANTED, Usaful Rtpartory Puplt. AilJr*M TWO llbOHOlEfl COMBDV CO., Iowa FilU, lovft. PROF. 8E0. E. RICH, King of Horse Shoers, wAwnt or 500 DIFFERENT KINDS OF HORSESHOES, ^ Bma OB •xhlbltioB luo dlAireBt dlaeaatd feet, canaad ttom negleetaBd Iballyehoe- Has a Uankal Foot in Mm, Takes It apart Bsd eiplalsis at each ler- lara. PflOF.BI0Hla«adai|rlIieeBl7man Ib the world who caa baek up hla prln- clplea aad theoiiea with his owa weak- BBanshlp. lie aaka fbr eompetltloB. and iBTllea all the eommaBlty, •apoclally horae saea aad horae ahoen, to call and a«o him aBd hla Kreat Tictorjr 1b kUIbb comfort to the world'* ntvorllo animal, THE HORSE. Great aacceaa at Haber'a Maaeam. Re. eDRanad fbr throo weeha leaaer. Blan- Bgeraaad others ahoald not fall t« haar hrm,fbr HR. RICH c«rtalBl|r has a won- derfal hnowlcdge, and lo master of the nItaatioB. His lectarea wlU eallghtea 70a. TToDld Refer MsDagen to MB. HUBER or hiB fnanagcr, who irlti endtne hlni, or to Bay jierson In twonty^oa* gtaiea where be haa lectared aad ahodhoroea, neTer Alllns to aatlsf^ hearers. Uaa* aaera aad pobllc certainly ean make no iBlatake la PROP. OEO, E. RICH, Care ot CLIPPER, or OKO. LIHA.N, aaeat, 104 B. 14th Street, Hew York. HERiLD SQUARE THEATRE. CIIARLEH E. ETlMa, Fnip. W. D. If ANH, Maaager. ~'' ru tmt Htraet uJ Broadway. BVB. S.U. BAT. HAT. 3. DAVID BELASCO'S raw ROSANTIC PLAT, THE HEART OF UT TODAYI * MARYLAND. GABBICK THEATRE. RICHARD HANBPIELD, Leaaee, Eveo'DlBlitstSia Matloe.Bat.at2. 8EC30ND WEEK of the I.TIUO OEM, "LEONARDO." GRAND OPERA HOUSL AUai'«TU9 PtroU Lwjim aod HuaMr. Enilr«orcli.,7te.; orcii.clr. ud b»L.flOc, rewired. MmiIdmi Wedoealtr wl Batanle}-. CHARLEY'S AUNT. Preaeated by the origlaal Upw Yerli caat. wMk-Ju. C. Boach. lo "Roirofth. Ulll." LYCEUM.—llh At.. aaU Hi SOTIIKRK DAN'L FnnilMAN Husgtr 9 Mslk To..., TlialiL, Hat. nloKiia al B ali.rp. Kim ul at 8J0. Flay eoiU 11.10. nOTRERS. Ill '1IIE PRmOWEB OP zfc<DA." PROCTOR'S AUUBBUEHT DIBZOrOBT. PUOCTTOR'S OPERA HOV8B1 Hartftord, CI,, AHD bBLAKD OPERA HOVBE,AI.BANY, il. V., STARS AND COMBWATIOMB. PROCTOR'S THEATRE, NEW YORK, OBIOINAL COMTINDODB VADDBVILLB. HIgb dau QorelU.. all Ui. tlm. from 1030 A. M. qdUI DMTI711F. H. PROCTOR'S PLEASURE PAJkACE, Ulh BL aid 9d ATSn M.w York. nRtrrCLABSVAUDEVILLBABTISTBwrite lordater. OoaaM.r all.Dca a polite D.gaUTe. Adilress all eouiniDOlcaiioas F. P. PROCTOR, Proctor's Tbutie, 33d Baaot, oaarStli Are. lUNY PASTOR UOHIE AGAIN ■With H.Ih Grnnd Company. MLLE. PAQUERETTE. VESTA VICTORIA, English Comedlemt. CUPFORD AND HUTH, H.rbertund Caroa, O'BRIK.N ANU IIAVKt/, TUB VAI,DARE\ ..snu MATINEES, TUBSDAY ANO PRIOAY. lllnn. aad Blana, THE AIJ.IiONB. UAJOB NEITBEl. KOSTER & BIAUS, 34th ST. THE HANbSOyEST HUfUO HALL IN AMERrOA. PraMuiloit Hi All Tlntt^ e UIgh CUa ProBrmioae, Cod- •ktlait of ABfERICAN AND EUROP£AN VandevllU, OpecUlUem, NovelUes. Erealoga9.)9. K« HttlDe* llA. B. F, Keith's Amusenieflt Eitsrprlses. E. F. AlBEE - • - Otm. Hg'r, a F. KEITH'S NEW THEATRE, BmIoii, Mm.; THE BIJOU, PklliiitlpMi, Pi.; B. F. KEITH'S OPERA HOUSE, PravMtne*, R. L, AND B. F.KEITH'S NEW UNION SQUAHE, UOHE or MB. EBITH'S ORIGINAL ContanuooB Perfonnanoe. NOON TO 10.41. NO STOP. STAR PERFORMERS WRITE FOR DATES, HUBER'S 14th STREET MUSEUM GEO. II. IIUBBR, Pfop'r. UUBER'S 6TH AVENCE BRISEUIL a. M. JAMBER, aiuiftgvr. WANTBD—StrooB FetturtM, LUlog Ciirio«l(l«i for Carlo Hftllt: elao llTih CtM Verletj AcU for the Tlitetr*. Add rets ell Uitsn for boih buui«i to J. HiANDERSON, Mgr. Hiber'sMth St. Uasem HAKLiEIH MUSEUM, imtlt Bu aad TtalBil Av«., N. V. city. TBENTON MUSEUM, Notth Rroail Btraet, Tnatoa, K. J lOHN HAMAON.. BDWARD C. BM WANTED AT ALL TIMES, Sirang Peatare^CurioaUei eatl Nov«iut« for Zjactar* llellii: eUo lllxbOUaiTuMle- TllleAcw TorTbeeine. AUeppllcailoiii lor engmiftmeoi* (both houMM) mult he edUratjed lo EDWARD C. SMITH. Uetlwn Huieen, THE WILMOT DUO, W. D. WILMOT AND \V. II. BABBBE. Eo rout* vjih Dnlf't ConieOlut. Per. lildr.ZSErleSt, *^"^''''«*t^ria ThU wttV, l.yteuB. WeablDiten. Trra.tla.a,n, WITH AL. REBTEH AMD UIB BIO BUOW. AJilraa. care of 01Jpf«R. Ena Bertoldi EVBRT EVENlNO. CABINO. PAKI& rBABCB. HiBSEs COOKE @!l CUNTON WORLD rAMni'BBUAKrSIIOOTBRS. AT LIBBRrr. AJl'lt.™ »I7 E. liTU «T., New Vor>. TO TUTIIll IM Wm will open our ItOHee ini Nov. 1 Air ieaeon *\}^ and 'UO, huH wmbl good attrmc* tloDa. IIa%'e ifuod liomr, aud moaej plenty. Drawing po}iul.iilon of ::,O0U. No (ronble lo oaewor «;orT«epoBdenc«i Jiaaagen, wiilo at aad eenil open dfttoe, We are •Itaated In coat v of largeet mlataK flelde la Hocklag VaU*y. Ad> dreee M* ROBB, Manager Clly Opera Hoaee, Mnvrajr CItrt Ohio* Oh, My! Jonah. . t EtlitopUo Soar. SMo ipllltlofr vorOi by RENT, J , eotltoror *'Olnih Up.v* ChUluD." A "hot" J ' I MOf, ftod bound to no. Cot It while oew. 1 ■"THAT SWEET, j SHY GLANCE," . r ByCAIlRIE DUVAL ALT.BNie Voir PfetlrBoin-4 . t Tk« sbOTO or ftor of tbe TollowlaK 'iilie,''^ 10& to 4 , profejulooahi mdJIdk cerd or rTORnminfl: or-£ ' [ cheiira parii lOc. oxint: "Oltmb Up, Yo ChlUuQ,''r "I LoT*<l You Belior Thtu You Know" (kIio for two T TolMKir d«ilrti]).'i Lore You YeL" tuctr Tbur-1 • r lont "Aotwor With e KIas" "OotiU I But See Her H . r Keeo Avtlo," "D'Ormdy ai the none," "To Tha*. ^ ^ Dur IlMrt.*' llliih conwit M>og bj mUI/rc,". bnntooB nr tAimr, ''Why Doa't You BpoAk fur Yoiir- . Mli;jDlin,""r>keUlDiioYourlleeTtAgain." Pro-j ' C fewlonaU lo tonD are cordially lovlied to cell ud 1 • ( mike ilionMlToa at homo at our Nov York oarlon, . r 30 WEST Vnu ST.. onpoRlta Imparial MuHe Hall ^ OuraoQiiilaurlttrrM. CHAS. W. HELD. ffU. U. FRIDAY Jr., MaoMer. WANTED IMMEDIATELY, A OMd SOVBRETTK, maat b. T.natlla aad thoraaahly ei|ierleBC«4| a COM* EDlAM, who dooa a atraog apMiUltft a FARCY DANCE H, chanalMS dancM Blahtir, to plnr iBR.aae SDVHRETrEBi a TSaod Capable ACTOIi, (br ■ealwl hMTlM aad faT.BlIaa, mnatbe yoaaa and aood loofclnitt alao. othar Good VBBETUI, •EOPIiE rornpartoiy. MumtMsDotl flraBMra OD aod offUit tlac.. loconpa- taot p«oj)l« alll be dltmload arurihe Omt nheanal. Poiltlrali 00 rana ailvaocad. Uuu Im raul; to Jola on nMlptofwlia. Seod fullpanlcuUni and lowau talarr la am lettor. Mujaaaoioat para Imanl aod liaTallDl ai* peoML Addtoaa .MANAOER, P. 0. BolSU, WIlkMhirw. Pa. WANTED, tFIRSUUISSDOTCHnUII WITH STRONG SINGING AND DANCING SPECIALTY. AddnM MANAOER, "Oada Jolh Bpniabjr'' Co., Rad CHk. Iowa, Oct. SI. Oloowood Not. I. Coootll BlolJ Kor.!;Mli«oiirl Vallor Nur.«. Blair Not. a. PfMootNoT.t Margaret Terry AND ALBERT P. KENT. LEADS, JUVENJLICB, LIGHT COBUfiDT. Joint cD|it):cnieot oolr, *IUi alock or on* placo co. Reppoonlbln manasni addren ALURRT P. KEST. Oault Home. Obkago. 111. THE WONDER OF WONDERS, ai O - alO, THE DOG FACXa> BOT. ClodDt the MawD'a suaaceoiaDt with BARKUM it BAILBV'R OlIBATEST BIIOW ON EARTH. Will ba at llboiiy lo play niuieum^ coiDinoocInK Kot. 18. ^ouU wUh tOTliliMuih Atneria, Hrxico and other ronlKo conoiriot. Aftaroa« NICII. POSTER, ManaitBr. I.ln) Tlilid AreDUO. New York. "The Sunday Call Maxell" In maktiiir a blu hit wherevor playotl. Proroiiloaal price for onhtitra. teu parta and piano, 'iOe. ; ptiuw nolo, lOc., naodolln aou gattar, 16c. "The Darkey's Courtship," Tbe btMt darkey piece wrillan In yearn. Price for piano aoto, lOc.; banjo rolu. 10c.; banjo duft, IBc. Addrom JO-i. TIIOMK Ml Mull Btiier. Wewaik. W. J. A WEU 0R6ANIZED AND EVENLY BALAMED Dramatic Stock Company, TENPEUPLB, ihnrouulily rapaiiloand c^mpeUntof pro- dnclerone nr more arama^a week. 8<aaon'a oDKaiie* iDBQi ir iviuractiirr; iiain*ii of cocnpauy and photo* Biaithii. No inocy ilgur«i<. Bilenee poilie neiiatlTe. L. M. Cm* FORD. Topek.. Kimaa. WANTED, FOR KINGSLEY'S STOCK CO,, SlroDi Coruet and (Tlarinnat plaTom; alao an Biperl- •DceaAciorior LeatU and Qooil I'Mrul People for nep- ertotr. 3lu»l be readr (u Join on r«colpt of wire. Pre- fer lfao>e who can Double loBrwn. Write nr wire quick (o BlMinou. Indiana. P. W. POE. HALF TONE PORTRAIT GUTS 2.00 BEND rORHAHrLI-aOKLErTERIIEiDS. FREI!. CBtWg rRISTlWII 10. m Oeailioni Strnl, rbleaao. Wanted, (or Roller Skating Rink, Fancy BIATENBANDBinVOLBRIDEBB. Aildtau gTRVmg* ffAIUtEII. WallOB, y Y. AT LIBERTY, FOR HEAVY OR GENERAL WORK. .>(O.HBBUTRBUABLBMA.\.\aKRS AIIBirER. JIERB. BIIAW, TH IWIi Bliatt. monoapoll.. MIou. (SXEREOPTICON OI'ERaTOR, frlili aT.pat«lu«coinplelo, atoltd for Not. II. IrftniaoMnnitor Ooo villi «[>«clHiiy pratfrrrd DO'/ 8.V0W. KIrtiiwiil*!.' XoTQllT TlioiliT.TfoiiHie.y. l. Hy AililKta WhII. Hani la COL. JESSE W. FOSTER, III) niUHIII AVPM.E. .< V. tily. Ufn D 11I1TTCI'"''^XAS. l)>■rl«^c|J.^Skalcl:t•, Wffl. H. WAMi|g-.-a".^,v;„'y,'-o__«--6^ m BUVERV. .v«iT Tor*. WANepCK, JUVENILE LAOY TO JOIKONRSOBIPTOrraLBORAM. ADDUtt JACK OOODWIM, BoUTor, B. T, Ij