New York Clipper (Nov 1895)

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NOVEMBEK 9. THE ISTEW YORK CLiPPBR. 567 WoRMXr^At the WoitMtarTtaettnHIHea- ni lUiiKnli came u ttlj bunloui 0«L 29, a. "Sowlnc Die f7lnl" pUjed to "S. R. O." 30. Rice's i<i«2'<coiM* Not. 4, i,loia K<tiMU, li "TbaItlali AJd«nittn,"e:WeUliigtonRU)a'llliulnli(loc*l)S,>. Loraior's Opiu Bodbi.—"TIw Derbr Mucot" to ciDWded houMS lut week, and tbe "S. R. 1)" Mm was diuUied nlgtailr. Tbo Bsbb Ooawdjr (i. Zi, •TtM BoFgUr" U-W. Fbont Srun Oruu UODU—Htny Honto' "TweaUel'' OoDUitr IUIda"dnir the blneet crowds ofttaesuaoD SS-a>. "JenTitlie Tnmp," did fair builDeM lor lla opening pertoroucee 31-Nav. 2. Kon—"Bowlof me wind," at the Worcealer Tiieain, OcL 30, diraw Uio blgjest aodloDca In tlie billon o( tne lioiue. Tlie orcoeatra «aa forced od- der Uie auge, extra atalre <ren) pnc In, and even scat Id tne nonie and ererj avaUable loot ot uand- uuripacewas men. I^awnBce,—Tbe Opeia notuo wai well tealed j-nov the put W6«k widi u tttimctJoa ererf nliiht, uJ u ft ran til butloM pienllMl. Tbomu £. Siita, Odu B, Ali>"8l>ve> or Sla^ uil "Dr. Jekrll ud Mr. llStP Morrlnoe.lD "Kiuit," 90; Klce'a "l«r' s Hor. I, "Bllier Ileii"3. ComlOE: Alex. Helrlol 7, lluminltf*' A. e, Walte Comedy Oo. Il-M, Edwanl Hai> imjia), *^tie roaodllni" a. r^Xiia.—Tbe booklnp u thU liouie, o^Ior week cl Nor. 4. Include IdeBudani, WlUlama tnd Benoo, Emmi Couriy, Ktou ead KIIdo, Ctiirlee Baienoa. LeuU wrlttil, 1)1. Cbilnle end (%rrle Morrli. CrTT BiLU— TTm Old BeildaDii coon* ol eDlertaln- nwamopMed Oct. 2a with the folkiwloa; JooaleCroeker KDlUt, FuDte B. Hull, Bmll TlB«n>, Arthur Beiwtonl ud OertndetJhrlitU. BprlBK*aM.—At Ollmore'i Court Square tbt- aire, OcL a, Frank Bueb, In "A Qlrl Wtnlod," plared to a llgbt bonae. A liiys and entliualaauc indlence greeted "Sowlnit tbe Wind" 29. Andre* J, Hack. In "Hylas Aioon," came 30, to (air tetunu, Uelba Concert Co., Nor. 1, packed tbe bouee, with naia at a good premium. "Uncle Tom's OaUn" plaied llgbt builneaa'i. Booked: "Tbe Verbj Hae- «it<>4, "M«"«, 7, "Tbe Fencing Muter"), Hod- JesUlX. Tuoani'o PiBLOB Tubitbi.— Tble bonae repotta good bualnea week o( Oct. 23. Booked week ol Nov. 4: Rbea and Lonbi SUbetman, Botibj Mack, Wood SlBlen (Francea and Jnlla), Locler and Qreve, Loulae Uempoer, and Ueatb and Cttdd. Loerell.—At tbe Opera llonae lUce'a "1«2" bad Iwo crowded bonaea OcL 23.29. Joseph lUrt pre- nnled "A Qaj Old Bojr" 31, to good bualneiL Lewla KorrlMn'e "Fauai" liad two good bonaea Kov.l, 2 and at inaUnee2, "Yotlck'a Lore"wu •cceptsklT played lo good bouae. Booked: "Sbe Couldn't Ibtrrr Tbrte'>^ 4, "Uunianlljr" e, 7, Alex salvlnl, In "Huf Blaa," e: "A Bachelor's Baby" 0. Ui«10 Hall -"Tbe Wblte Ciook" Co. did Mg hoalneas OcL 28-30, and "Bide Tracked" drew larie houaea 31-Nov. 3. Oomlng: Edwin Foraliurg, In "ForolTen," playa a rouim date 4-6; "llanda Across Ibe Sea," wlib Hax Freeman aa Jack Undle/. 7-e. Buou TaBATBX.—Tbo KIckapoo Indian Medicine Co. are holding tbe boards bera lo large bouae*. LyBB.—At tbe Lynn Tbeaire Lewla Horrlaon presented "Faust" u> a packed bouae Oct. 28. lUce'a Surprlae Party played "l4M"ta good builncas 38. Surprise Party plare "Forglren" did fair buslneas 31- for. 2. Coming: Kilward Uarrlgan It. UuBio llALi Harry Horrla' "Twentletb Century Maids" came OcL 31-NOT. 2, and played to an Im- mense busbiesa. Tbe Wblie Crook Co. Is at the house (or tbe ont tbree days tbia week, and Satler'a Burleaiina tbe bistibtee. TswBtoB.—At Ibe New Tbcatra Edward llarrl. lau. In "Old Lavender," came Kov. 2, lo goo<l bnel- neaa. Oomlng: Sawielle Uramadc Co., In reper- tory, week 0(4^ PE NNSYLVA NIA. Phlladalplila,—fbo Ibcalres generally con- tinue In a flourlabing condition. In aplle ot several vei7 disagreeable nlgbls last week, tbe attendance was goo<l all along Ibe Hue. Tbe currant week offers several Important additions to tbe list o( strong atlracUona: Mrs. Poller end Mr. Deilew at Ibe Broad, Roland Reed at tbo Walnut, and tbe re- inm o( "Black America" to tbe Otand Opera House, Uboas Btbir TiuATBB.—Mre. Potter and Mr, Bellew, in "Tbe Qoeen'a Necklace," come lor a (ortnlgbL Last week Fabner Cox's "Bromlea" closed a sueceastul (ortnlgbfs engagement, and le(t wllh Ibe good opinion ot tbe many who saw IL Kov. 18, Uelbi Fox, In "Floor de Lis." COBSTNIT SmsR OrBBA IIOUIB.—"Tbo Spbinx" holds over (or tbe current week, after u week o( .u'^J'''"''''':- ^">" • comedy qiecUcle, la tbe aitracUoD tbe current week. Full bouae* k*t week attended tbe perfomancee or tbe Rose Ulll FoUj 00. Neil week not announced. TBI MoaBDif.—The trick borne Bonner and Ibe long manad and tailed Baanty are In the carlo ball, togelber with big Ben Uleks, tbe talleat man that ever lived, and the nguro u( Bdmea and oiber carloalUea. In tbe thcaire: UU ReraUke's per- forming pigs and tbe Urienlal Specially 00. Bosl- neaa conUnnea good. URAND OriBA llouBC—Male Salaborya "Black America" raiuma (or a llmlled aeaaon, having been ao aucceaa(nl when here belore. Saturday, Nor. 1, M. J. Fenlon'aJgveuUe Oonipaay, In "CInderalU Up 10 Dale," gave a smooth penoruiance belore a lanie audience. NOTBs.—Next week tbe Oral piodgcllOD In America ot Ernest Heyer'a "SlgnM" takes place at tbe Academy, under tbe direction o( analav Uln- rlctas. The <nena waa Hist produced st tbe Theatre de la Monnale, Bruaaels, In 181T, and achieved a [real success at tbe Parla Ope» llouae In 1878, It lad been wntten main yesra before, buitbesolbor wasneglected and had no opportunity of producing IL It waa not nntllwllbhi the Isat few yearn ibat bo acqnlicd his preaeni great reputation. Tbo atoty Is quite almUar lo Wagner's "lUngdea Nlelwl- nogeo," and the mualo la said lo pooeaa great dramailc power Tbe Art Club bi prepatliit (or a recepdoo, Jan 2, Is Uenrr Irving The Mask and Wig aub la holding preliminary reheamto for lla annual production Ulreolor Ulnrlcha will laaue, during tbe opera aeaaon, a haodaooe pro- gramme containing halt lone ponralla of the pnncl- lal membeta of bla company... .(A)Dtuey Thorn baa leen engaged by MansBtr Holland to (Urect ue re- beanahi or "My Lord In Llvetr." Tba pro- [ranuue for Ibe BIka banedtat the Cbestnni Street Opeia llouae, Nov. 8, Uioludes Roland Reed and compaiiT, Mm. rourr and Mr. Bellew and conuBur, Loubo Natall, llnghey Vougbeny, La Feilie Kdlib, Baby Mabel, Flora Parker, James ThomtoD, Ed. Laiell. the Three Karvelles, Smiih and Cook, Flor- ence Edwaida, Anna Hay Meroy and the Uelniont tjuartet PaderewskI concerts take place at tbo i.cademyMov. eandS Hr. aud Mra. Max Ueln- rich'a song lecllaOs at tbe Now Centurr Urswlng Room Nov. 8 and 0 Tbe Tbeairlcal kecbiolca* AaaocLiUon, No. 3, of tbIa oily, ht preparing for a monsur beneOt. In Januatr. Haiugar Uowe baa icndered tbe use of the Walnut Street Tbeatie, which oirer baa been accepted, and ibe event hi expected to be the grtaleat Muelt Ibe aasoclatlon ever bad Norman Jedreys baa been appolnied press agontfor Manager Brandenburgh Bual- nea Manager W. U. Vollz, of the Huaeum, tus led that bouse and eagaged with Ttm Tinuv Director lllnrictas has sent out InvlbiUoas to Ibe gnaranion of tbe opera fund for a oomiiU- meoury concert In the foyer ot tbe Academy, Nov. 0, at which tbo leading sinaeraot his organisation will tender selections There was a alTibi lire at the Renalngton Tbeaire early last Wedaeaday niemlng. A heap of mbbbih at tbe aiage entrance canght llie, and alwnt l&oo damage was done be- tore It waa extlngulahed, big business. Tbe opera la an nnmlslakable sac- cesa here, being bright and well acted. Kdwin Stevens, Oarar Olnrd, Arthur Pacle, Harle MlUbird, Minnie lie Reu and others won well doaerved eU' comlums. Next week, Nat C. Ooodwln, la "Am- bition." CUESTMUT SniR T0BATKB.-"ROb BOy" Still bolds tbe boarda and draws the people. Monday, 4. la tbe tbiee hondredib performance, and bandaome BouvenliB will be dUlrtbutcd. Friday, 8. will be a special occasion, to be known as ScotlUb night, when repreaenlaUves of several Scotch societies will be present, and tlie tbeatre will be decorated with a variety of mrtana. WAUruT BrBBET TnBATRB.—Roland Reed appear ln<n:he PolltlcUn'> tbla week. Last week Robert UIUIard,ln,'»Tbe UUIestOIrl" and"I.oal—24 llonis," played to crowded houaea and made an enofnouB aucceaa. Curtain calla were frequent at every per- formance. Tbe cast was eicelleni, Madeleine Bonloo being eapeclallj prabied for her One work. Next week, oilaSkhiner,ln repertorr. I'AiK TBBiTBX.—"Filncesa Bonnie" will cootlnne at Hanager Wotiell's line theatre (or the cnnent week. It was given laat week In a manner wblcb rellecled credit alike on the oonpany and nunager, Tbe scenery, costumes, ohoniaeaand all appoln^ menu have been Improved aince laat seen here, and the large sncceaa which attended tbe production during the week was richly deserved. Joseph llsrt. In "A Osy Old Boy," come* Nov. 11. AUDtTDaiiiii.-Jamea Tbomlon's Elite Vaudeville Co. provldo Ibe entertainment (or tbo cuneniweek. Tba City Sports Co. drew crowded bouses last week, and gaveanenlertalnmentwhich all presentaeemed 10 thorongbly enjoy. Next week, u. W. WillUma' Own Company. NinoNAL TUBATBX.—Oeorge W. Monroe, In "A Happy Little Home," holds the boards for tbe proa- eat week. "The Land of tbe Uvbig'' last week, althouiblts second engagement this season, drew Mg houaea Next week, "Tbe Bldewalke ot New York." OiRABn ATunn TinATRB.-"HlBa Dixie," PatU Roea'aplay, with Hamie Ollroy In tbe title nie, la Manager UoUand'a prodncUon for tbbi week. IM week "Sweet Lavender" was preaenledbi a credit- able manner aud drew good business. Ilarrr Uavenport, who haa become a great favorite with the palrons ot this tbeaire, achieved another anc- ceaaasDIokFbenyL John P. HcOirdle. as Uomce Bream, vns also well liked. Lotta Lynne was pleasing In the title role, aa waa ahto Mamie Ollror aa Uln^. AUce Shepherd, aa Ruth Roll, achieved ber greatest luccee* tbbi eaason, and must be cred- ited with an artbitio and thoroughly convincing performance. Emma Madden, always reliable, was an Ideal Mr*, aiimilag. Next week, "Tbe Twina," bi which Ceorge Holland will make hbi Oretappeamnco this aeaaon, and alao tbo one act comedy, "Hy Lord In liveiT." KoBBi-Avau's Thbathl— "Two Nlgtala In Home,' played by the popular Forepaugh Stock Company, Is the current attncUon. Agnes Wallace Villa and ber company presented "Tba World Against Iter" hkst weekTto well llledbouses. Next week, (ho alock company. In "Don Ccaar Uo Bazan." Fioru'a THBATUii.—"Tbe Tornado" comea for Ibe week. Laat week Joaeph CaUahan, U "Faual," Save one ot the beat pertoruancea o( tbe aeaaon and row big houaes. The acenery and mechanical eoecta were vet? etrecUve. Next week, "Tbe Bowery Olrl." STiMDABi) Tdbatbi.— Jula Wallcn, la "A Money Order," Is the attracllon (or the cnrrent week. May Smilh Roliblos, In "UtUo Trixle," drew crowded bonae* laat week and afforded grot pleasure to aU who attended. "I'ock'a Bad Boy" Nov. 1 KBNsiKonNTDBATBX.—"TwoOld CTOnlea" Is the prodncUon (or this week. The Ilcnry Uurlesiiuen Bad a (ab' patronage laat week, and their burleaque on "Rob Roy" afforded much amnaemenL Fijnn'a (lalety Olrla Nov. II. , ,„ CiBNoaon'Orxiu Uobsb.— Tbe programme ror ine current week IscludcH "A Trip Through Ibe South." •The Foot Ball Oame." "Love's Conaplncv," 'The New Man," Haaon and Tltoa, tbe lllosloulals, and concludes with the opcrciu, "Cbarltr Begins at Home." Duslneaa good laat week. , ,., TOB Buou.—The Jne pnpanme pmvlded lor Ihla week Include* tbe Anderson SUIem. Mottle West U'Almaa CIrcua. Al. Wilson. Thorns arid Utrleton, SIrron and SImkIn, lasbelle Tronpe, Mae Ora»- He guatleis and O'Coimell, Olenlleld, Le Roy and UaT; ton, the Maglnleya Wewart and Uodse, Oampliell and Beard, and the IManwod*. Aa u> baslnea*, the ■usual story, crowds. West Show, closed^. He left (or nitahiim Nov. 2, when he expects to aaaume his old position al the Duqnesne Florence Wealey and Kale Qreg- ory, ot Ibe atranded "Kaml>ler" Oo., lett 31 (or Pbwnlivllle, Pa., when they will Join a company which will ahoiily take the road Frank M. Villa, one ot the original "Two Old LYonlea," will loin nls nrit kive, which la now owned by bla bntber, during week o( Kov. Il I'rof. Foley's troupe o( Uobemlan lllam lUowera, organlicd In thia city, open at KImlm, N. Y., Nov. 4. The ram- {any locludoa: Frol. J. 0. Foley, Hriie. Ian, Prof. I ^ra and Mme. /.en. ReadlBg.—"A UhKk Sheep" droir an Immense audience at tbo Academy ot Uualc Del. 'JU. "Alle- gory ol Atuerica," br local talent, did a poor bual- neia 30,31. 'Tbo lluallcr" had a large audience Nov. 2. Coming: Walter Saalord'a Stock o>upany 4-S, "Charley's Aunl" 7. Obaro Oi-XBA UoiKS.-Mny Smith Itotlilna, In LIlUe Trixle," 7-v. Buou TUBATHB.—The (Ulely HiMtre BurlcNiuc Co. did a big bualnoM UcL £i-ou. "Uiilllitau'a tlu- ha|«"drew (airly well 31-.Sor. 2. Fay Fmler 0>. 4-0, Ilflnr7 Uurleaquo Co. 7-0. TiisOHYSTALHAUiand tlienohl Uliio did a large bualutas at MotropoUuu Hall (loL lu-Nnv. 2. Wllkeibam.—,M lbs (Iranil Opera llouae Cbauncey Ulcott, lo "Tlic IrliOi Artist," <K-t. -.^i bad Uigbualneaa. "The Foundling," 31, had (air tiuil. neaa. "A Black Sheep," Nov. I, very gomi houite. "Shore Acres," Nov. 3, raallncu and nigbt, line kiul- noas. Musio Haij Rice and Ihirtoii'a "IUr.ile lisule," OcL W-30, had good aileiidnnco. .saui T. Jack's Creoles, 3l-Nov. 3, to InimenM Imalneft*. 1\i come: Kibel Tucker, In ropetinrr, 4-v, "I'lHyH and Itayeni" 11-13, "A Bnncb o( Keys" 14-ls. OKx TiiBATMB.—Fknny Furrvster'a Knterminem had (air busloeaa Ocl. 3ii-Nuv. 2. Plttabovs—Atler having bad a surfeit ot liut- toonery and nonsense at all onr Icgltlmau houses the past week, onr tbeatngoera are gbtd to wel- come aoch wholesome aitractlona aa oils aklimcr, James A. Heme and CbaonceyOlcott, with "AHIIk Willis Flag" to liven thlnga npwith allttio linocent ttm. Nbw aBA)iDOrBHAnovaB.-"AHIIk While nag" Is now waving, and will be pulled downby "The Wblte Slave" Nov. 11. A huge number ot gueals regbit- ered vlih Peter F. UaOey, "The Nlglit Cletk,'"ibe past week. Buou TUBATHE.—Channcey Olcott, In "The Irub ArtlaL" la Manager Qullck'a cnrrent oObrloi. Many wore tempted l>v "The Twelve Templallona" Hie past week. "Old Qlory" Is the underline tor 11. UuquBSNB Tdxatbb.— Oils Skinner, lu repertory, dlla tbIa week's bill, lie producea"Vllion,tbe Vag- abond," 9, (or tbe Drat Umo here. Many nlgouonfli ceulury maids saw "The Twenllelb Centnir Olrl" laat week. William Barry, In 'The Klalng Uenera- Uon," comea 11. ALViN I'BBATBB Jsmcs A. Uotne, In "Shore Acres," will hold ibe stage till 11, when 'The Old Homestead" wUl bob np. nancia WUaon closed a good week 2. New Avbmub Tueatrb.— Show goen who bad lieeo planning to attend the opening o( Proprietor llanr UavUi'NOW Avenue Tbeatre, on 4, will have to wait another week, It bavUig been found lm|H»al- iilo to get everything In readiness until 11, when the bouae la again announced to open nisltlvelv. Tbe tmnalormaUon made lo Ibe building u remark- ably complete and bandaome, and no one wouM over recognlte In It ibe old Uarrla Tbeaire. Ue- RBlgna In atucco relief, Unted In apple green and old, and lighted bv maiiy Incanoescenl electric ■his, cover the wah and ceilings. An Immense chandelier of novel design reacbesaluiost across tbe audltorluni, near tbe celling, and rniia back on a line with the front tailing of Ibe gal- lery. Tbe vestibule and entrance corrldore are tiled In arUstio designs, while tbe building la walnacottsd thnuibout irlib marble. A broad stslrcsaeof elegant ciesign aacends by broad, easy stepsfromtbecorrldor lotbeaudltorlum. Onslther hand there Is an elegant newel poet, surmounted vrlth onamenial eleculo lights. Tbuuuu 0. Moiea has etocked the suge with elahonte sceoerr, end Minied a drop eunabi which Is really* work of art, and which harmonizes well with tbe decontlon snu ornaments ot tbe bouae. The andltoilum Is seated with luxuriously npholaleied folding chalre. and wlllaeat 2,000 people, eidualve of Ibe boxes, ot which there are nvo on each side or tbe stage. These boxes an of handsome and novel design, and ricblydnpedandfurelshed. Tbe ladles'boudoir, tbe chlluen'8 nuraery, tbe amotlng rooms and the lava- tories, of which there bi one on every floor, sre all of the most comforuble and luiurloua description. Among the opouhig altrscilona already announced are AUce Shaw, the whUtler; A. 0. Duncan, Mgar Beldon and Cbarlea Jobnaon. Tbe bouae will be opened contlnoualy every day, from one to eleven rrB., during wblcb hours then wUI he no Inlermla- Hlon In Ibe iierformance. Tbe prices of admission will bo 10,20,25 and 3i cents. Uabhy William's AcADkuv op Htisii:.-Hyde's Comedians hold the slage llils week. "Suuili Ue- (ore the War" closed an Immeuaely successful on, Eaiiement2. Qua IIUI'sNovellloslooni np 11. llAHRY Davis' Eoim MtsEi.-Moorlsli dsncem. In tliclrkouta koula dance, will be tbo |irlaclp*l feat- ure tor Uio current week. Among too otbere who wUI oulenaln are Stewart and Morton, Harry and HayO'Dell, andHcAvo/and llogera. New WoHLD'e Musnvii TniATSB.-In tbe curio halhi this week tbe principal features are the edu- cated bean, which box and wrestle wlU each other aud wllb any ot tbo audience who wish to volun- teer. and tbe Zaraa, who do their docapltallon act, Ucdoud and UelvUle, John W. World and Ocorgu Aualln an foremost among Ibe theatre tnteruinere. Dusr.—Several ot our places ot amusouent wUl have the election nturns read from the itage 6...... Robert CamplieU, a eon o( UarUeyCaiapbell, anda naUve ot Mtmhurg, where bis (alhcrwaaa newa- wner man tor aeveral yeara before bo took u> writ- .ngplaya,la being entertained by old friends here wbllo mikUig arnngemenu tor the forthcoiulnB eningement of "Tb? White auve" at the .Sew Grind Opera House aeveral large theatre par- Uu have arranged lo vlalt OhaunMf Wcoil at tbo BIJOU thIa wwk 0. B. OoUboM. who pUya Eduund Dean with Channcey OlcoU, hi "The Irtali Artist," la a lUbiburger, and a eonol the *le J. Newton Gouhold, who once managed the I'llls- bunt Opera House, now known as U» New Orand. .....(iMrge (lallagber.wbowaa gojenil agent of Scrtbner * Bmllb'a CIreus durUg tbe paat tent- Ins aeaaon, Is now liuilncfl manager of Hydo'a Comedlami. who are pUyliig at the AMdomy lb a ~k Lolu Olaaer, the AlleRhen; girl who la FrenclB Wllaon'a soubntle,reMlved a poildcal of altcnUon, while pUyhigal the Alvin Cut WMk, from b?" f«mer acbtJoltnalea. A "om^rcthtt friends tendered her a bamiuel 1, and afterwarda wltiicaacd the performance lo a body. HBrriabBr«.-At the Open llouae bualnesa conilnnes to lunrove, and IndlcaUnns are that Ihe realpSi WW InUae hbUl >^ ^y^Vi "ffiU' will &> at Its beat, and very good. ley and Appall have done mnch toward maklni hulnCM iMtUr Blnce tbev have Inaogureteil Iheir nwMde ofprlcea, wblcb Include popular r*M* JSdSunSa'foTllie Batorday atlracHonj. ''A MbTck Sheeo" drew bit OcL », and scored a big hIL nice Md tononl Comedlan«,31, had a fair crS?rd?id WUU- "TWO OM Croalea" played to tm laiie andleoces allemoon and evening of SM 2. Oomlng: Jennen Miller 6, "Charley a ASnl''».''ShSre Acres''7, "The PrIvaiaBecreua '•em5 HiSiii'-ltoUer Bd. Toneg b. doing a '^'^ burtHS? in ^llSnallng vaudevllls wllh ScvBBloB.—Atthe Auideinyof Uualc IhoUllton Alwra Opera Oo. woek of Nov. 4. "A Black illieop'' cams 2, lo a large huuae. "Slitire Acrce," OcL 31, Kuv. 1, to good builnow. FHOTiiiiiuiiAii.-Palmer U>.'C's "Unwoles" Nnv. ,1. &. Jamea U'KelU came 2, lu good Imalncsa. Obny Kitzgonatd, OcL 30, was well received. Davis liiiATas.—Sam T. Jack's Croolca C**. Nov. 4-e. Al. Reaves' Spet-lally Uo. Oct. 31-Niiv. 2, u> large bouae*. Laaoaater.—Al the Fulton Opera Uouso "The Faat Hall" csiue to good bualueaa Oct. -a. Sam T. Jsck'a Creole t^o. did well 2>, "Ttio llusilor" had a large bousoai. "Tbo Foundling," with Uliay Fllz- Rcrald, waa well received Nov. 1. Webih Uroa., mo circus owuen o( Ibis city, gave a i-arlety outerulu- ment to large houses 2. "Ohartoy>H Aunt" comea b, "Shore Acres" 0, "lllrda of n Koallior" 8, "Wang" U. Eaatsn.—At the Atile Open llnuiio Klulo llboades closed a week's gooil bualncss Nov. 2. Cuming: "Oharley'a Aunt" I, "Tlio Hustler" 8, "Tbo Tornado" 11, "Wang" 13. dmnu be°S;'cai;ht me *Mk'S Niv. J.TSr lJ.55^1?rlS; aid MrOare, the Great In thwlre Nil. 1, and "Kathleen Mavonmcen" In thca- "feaSd »"ii,ruSss;'.nWeS RHODE ISLAND. Provldence.*At the I'rovldcucc Opera IIouho, OcL 29-'», IMward Uarrlgan nwiln bla nrei apiicar- Slice here lu many ycsn iiud picivntcd "Old l,Hvcn- der," 111 only fair bualnoss. For Iho reiiialnilur of the week "Sowing Uio Wind" did a niui^li tieltcr busloeaa. Tbo preeont week will see lAiwhi Hor- rlaon, In "Faust," and the tolluH'liii; wc«k will tto divided between Alex. Salvlnland lluyt'a "A Uliick Sheep." Karra's Oi'Kha iiousil-iicl 2)i-Nov. i, Wni. A. Bludy'a "The Cotton King." For Ihe present week (tus Heoge will iiisku bla flratappcHninru aliico hla recent sickness, and will prcaeiii, fur tlio llnit lime In UiIh city. "A Youuliio Vviiltumaii." Week nf 11-10, JoBepuOrlamcrand Phn-lwlhivlcswin lieaeeii lu "Humanity." WE8rMiKsranTnBATHB.-Week of UcL28: Itelllyl Wood's lUg Vaudovlllo Co., with Hadiiu KIIIh aa a (eature, gave* good ehowand did great big liualnow. This week John Isliain'a Octoroon Co. iiiukcs lis nmt appearance, awl ibo (oUowlog week. .SamT.Jack's "Adanileas Kden" Co. LOTURor's OfiKA Hoi»K.-Wcek a( Oct. 28, KaUiertoe llober made her last apiicatHnca at tbiH bouse before going on a lonr o( Nuw Knglandnnd tbo HIddle Slates. Tbe biislneHs was very birge and Uss llober received sevcmt iturnl IrlliuICH (mm her Providence (riends. Tbbi week Kato Dallai, a now aurattlila house, iiiakca her lint appcarHUco, In The Udder of U(e." N(nx8.-S. T. King, formerly with IM Woir Uup- per and now manager ot "TlieColKin King," will uke out "A Teiiiponnce Town" iio.M seaa<in, aud will have Kugeuc Canllold and <leo. Itlclmnla In tlielr old parts o( Blnia and Hick Jones Fred I'cel Feel, o( "A Yenulne Yenilemsn" Co., was In town Nov. 3. The coiiipauy also cauie In on that dale and nbeareed at KeiUi'a (or thbi week's production. Unnngtbe engagement"( Itellly and U'liod's Co. at the westmliiHier Theatre, last week, Uadge. Ellla gave awayphotoauf henolf as aouvcnlre bi the ladlea atunding James HcElrov, well known In Iheotrlcal circles, was vraylald and robbed of a gold watch uiie night laai week while en bla way to bla hotol Oliver llyron, who waa to have played lu Horldeu, CL, Nov. II, will lie un- able to till thai date, as the tlicstre will not be com pleied In Umo. Pawtucfcet.—"Ilory of Iho lllll" played the Ooera llouso, OcL 2S-30, lo a fair bualueaa. Ill Henry's Mlnairola made Ibelr llist appearance 31, lo good buslnoaa, considering Iho weatbur. Oliver ynn, In "Tbo Upa and Downs of IJtu." Nov. 1, 2, enjoyed fair budncas. Win. A. Unuly'a "Hie Cut- Ion KUiR" Co. cuuics I, and ihu advauce nalu la good. The next date la 13, when Curl A. Ilaawlu will preaeni "A Silver KUig." Wootuooket.—Ill lleory'a Ulnstrela caiiio OcL 30, to good liUHlnon. Jamea i>'Nelll, lu "Hoiite Crbito,'' cornea Nov. 13, Alex Salvlul lu. MONTANA. llBtle,—"The War of Wcullli" ciiniplctclyiiackcil Magulro's Opera Huuau fruin pit to dome Ocl. 27, 28, wlU matinee. Coming: "(llorliiim" 31-Niiv. 2, "Tbo lis/jJcr" 4-0,1'uiilino Hall i-u, IJIIIhii lAiwla 11-13, Dun Sully U-U. Kailo F.iiiincli is-u, lloae Coglibin and stuckwcll'a Company M-a, "The riiMlngShuw"2rt-30. AubiruHivn.-CapL Jack Crawford, Iho p«el scout, camu 28, to fair UuhIucsh. Casiko TUBiTRK.— Nuw faccN at Ihls nMorl for cumnl week are: Uiiiolo Faucljetil, HIniile Kiiiniott. Kollle Grey aud Iteno Hooker, lUu laitcr having Jolaedberahtler Cum lu teamwork. Tbociirbilii raiser Ibbi woek la "Okl 40," picaentcil by the Caaliio Stock, wllb tbo following ncuplu lu caai: Malu II. Ibur, W. U. Slockdale, Wiu, UmIm, Kami Hlller, Frank lUce, Jamea UcCarihy, lien Uaiiu, Com C. Hooker, Fkirunce rcasiiall, Nellie (Iray and KIlUo KmmelL Ihiilneaa coiiUnuos gooil. KuTB.-ThIa scasdli so far u proving a record breaker al Hagulre'H opera lluuia:. TliuaUeiulauco has bordered oii llic pheouiiienal, not a alnglo com- pany during the iiaatinonUi having (allud lo com- pletely ml the houM at overy rerforuiauce. ami lusny of tlieni turned people away. Tbe oulhMik for Uie entire acaiom waa never brighter, aa the camp ki eajoylng greaUr pruaperity iban evur be- fore, and the clam of onlonalnmcuia provided by Uaruger Maguiro la lioyond qiiutUon the lical he haa over preaenl Ml. CALIFORNIA. r.a* ABgele*.—Hie l.oa Angeles Theatre waa pickvd loil>ailouraatperrgnnaoc»ii or -Trlltir." Ljr Uis A. M. I'aliusr Cu., fIcL U-K, nvliia Ut lllnall, Wlllf,a Lai:ka}'a dkl ool at'iKsr la HrriiKall alUr Uie n|«oloa nlBlilurUi«BDasH*in«iiLaiHl Ui« |«rl was very acc«|ill LU nUtd by blvtn BraoUL Mr. lacksya laavra llie cuiu PUT al ImiHr. <v>l . Nil?. •. B<oalai<: "Ilia Pauloa Mhuw" Nor. JuoCavOtom 11.13, UoflUinlaOR 13-IS , 0<Mjd LualDcM la Ui« nwapl "I tiieHnrl«iik HiMira niau uainaol duno* Uia taaaaoiatot of Uio l^avloy A wMk of '•a»Ml l^»«iJol ' ondsJ OcL V. folJ.»»l ■/ •Tbo Eosllli" rt-Ko». S IjilyWiollu Uousluu. alio vftji a eooeart hall ■luaai prl<ir b, liar inanloao. a row muollii 1X0. LoKso aa ouKaaamonL al llio Sorliaiik Ocl. 31 sad on Uittdsle plAiMlioB roiiii «u aia iironniiiii. alia apvoarad Lalpooa Uit ecu or "Saool Urooilor" lu a iloilDX and daoclos luro. anil Is inmioncod r„r |«ru la faluiaeawloaof |,lkra LyUia yr»»loy r.«......V.i,d> rlllaaodloltlMioMa li a comLlnsIInn which pltsMo ll« mroos aad maosaoinool tiT Uio Orvtioma. Maw roeoo bcL V: Fiollowshi, Momp^ils Koaovly. Kolor and 0*llall. Ilrmowor aod llaolini. Tlio oorlaU aro; lfuri«r and Mack. ilaiDoa and rolllnalll. itsnric Torcr roaol- mora. pn-atRVDlal Uio OrvkoHin. Is |>lAaDlas a loar of Uila iactloa wlUi ft CMDfBoy liudwl Ly Zaotic Ffaak Bmrnaiwlll do iho ^rosa work fur UiohnuM to ihoaloooca of roonlnnro A iirooa dlfpslch frmn rrowilL Art- uma, OBdrr data ts. aulM Uttt l,llllai Maairfi aod olhoiv whu Ion Ihls ellr oe Mrreloa H^pu tl, l«Ba.l for AUaota, oa. are siraailod BUtol Arlino aad Amaad lad Cansaii. aro at U,* Now Vlsnna HulTol Uooora riaMlloa. Brnha Hsnlor and Blllr Mnnoa aia at lha gballaCoecoitllBU. NEW YORK CITY. Laat Weelt'a SvaBta.—men were but few changes of attncuona doting the paat week, but the eventa whloh occnned were moaily Imponani and IntorNUng, Among Uiem were the retorn ot Henry Irving, who I* always a welcome visitor; tbe llni American prssentaUon ot a popuhsr Rngllah mualcal faree; the reopening of the Star Thtatn, under new managemenl aad with a new policy, and Ibo tranafer ot tbe (>ouneenlh Street Theatre lo Ihe Uai ot vaudevlUe houses. The bualneu of the week waa undeniably good. Tbe lb>t ot ourront st- iractlona Is remarkably strong, and it Is greUfying 10 dnil there la tnU meaanre of public a,-!! reelailon. Tbe aeaaon In Uda city baa Ihua far Iwen auroeaaful ainioal lieyood precedeoL There haa been an un- usually laige percentage nt MiUataetory prmluc- llona, aud a few iiiagalOcent nucocNiea bavo boon achieved. Tbe bualueaa done to ilale greaUy ex- ceedalnltulkthatuftbe rorrespondliig time In any recent season, and then la evory proapeet that roc- onta o( paat Onanclal aucresaea will be broken bo- fore Iho curreut season close* The con- llniied aiuaetlons for Ihe wrek ending Nov. 2 were: John Drew at tbe Kvi-mi, "III* Excellency" at the BnoAoa-iY, "The l*rlaoner ot /euila" al Iho iYUB|i», "The Gay rartalana" at IIott's, Juaeph Jeilhraon al the nAROEH, Nat U. Ooodwln at the Fimi AVBKiiB, 'The Heart of Maryland" at Uio llBHALO MqiiASB, "Tho Qaplliil" at lbs Utaniiahii, 'The Widow Jones" at tbo Buoi', "Tlie Sporting HuchcNi" at tbu ACAdbby of Uiihic, "(.nonardo" at the (lAKHiol, "Hanaol and llrelnl" at Hti.v's, snil 'TIiu llrtftt DlMiimul Itobliery" at Ihe Ahbhican, Ih4 ono lust nauHid having cloacil upon that dale Thoono.week ttanda closing Nov. 2 were: "Charley's Aunt" at Iho nHtMn OrkHA IIiiit.^K, "SInn of the Nlglil" at the I'Bui'LE'a, "ncur-do-IJa" al the Hah- I.HB Oi'iHA llni'tk, and "Fur Fair Virginia" al Iho Coi.L'UUi'S Variety ontertalnniont waa fur- nhihod at Tohy PAHroa'a, KiMnia A IIIAI.'S, tho Unium SijUAHS, rxoLToa's, Uio KuiiaiiBKTii Sthut, Uie lAiHnoN, PHOonHiB I'i.mmiihb Ptuiv, the OiiBr\', Ihe tiLvario, and Hinbh's novBKV and Kiuurii,\VBNiiB Perforroancua iDOeniiaii were given at the laviNU Placb and Ubhmania, and perfomunces In llolinw at Ihe Tiiilia, Winihor and ADLBRiS Al rAUtBRiS TlllATRS, OII Oct. 2s, there waa proiluced. fur Uie flnt lluie In this country, "Tbe Shop Olrl," a niialcal farce, In two aeUi, by II. J. W. Dam, mualo hy Ivan Caryll, wllh addlUunal numbora by IJpnol Honcktun and Adrian Hou. Tlai work waa originally pro- duced Nov. 24, liiM.allbe (laletyTbuatn, Undoo, Kug., where It met with great sncceaa. "Tlio com- pany proaentlng It hen bi oiiderUie local nunnge- ment of Charles Frobnuin, but waa aont fmiii Eng- land liy George Kdwaidea,pniprteU)r and mauager of the (lalety Theatre, (it lu prlncloal iiienilHira only two appeared In the urlgltul l,nndon prtKluo- Uon. The slury cunceraa a aearcli for an holraoi. John lb-own, an Aooilcan inllllotuiro, haa advor- llaed IhrouKh hbi solicitor, Bir George Apploliy, tor a louiale foundling, tbe child of bis lale psrlnor, who Inboribi a largo furtuno. (Jolonol Hlngloluii, a re- tired uillcer; tho (>iuntSt. Vaurleu, lecratary to Hr. Ilruwn, and Hr. Hooloy, proprletsir of tbo "Ibiyal Storua," aru In poHsendonot the secret lhata fortiinp f four millions sterling awaits the mlaoing holnias, whorio Identity Uiey hope to esbabllpli by nicana of a lilrtb mark kuown to exbit, Uaoy fumiilliiig glrla preaeni Uiomnelres, bearing congenital marks, but all are doomed to dlaappoluUnenL Hr, Hiailoy liollerea be baa dtacoveral Ibo inlaliig girl In Ada Srallli, a good mitured butlllltaruto and snmowhal vulgar apprenUcu In bla employ. He pmiaHieri to tbbi girl,and she accepts and inarrtasblni, although aho la ongagod to Ur. Higgles, a floor walker of Ihe eaUslillahmenL It la oveiitually discovered lhal Iho real belrosaUlleaaluUrent,lbeprelUeiil girl lu tbo atorea, who Is engaged to marry Ubarlo* Appleby, son ul tho solicitor who bi aeoklnf ber. The farce baa galuud succeas hero at a bound. In facl the nature ot lla reception waa almost a foregone con cluatun, for the coming of the company waa eagorly awaited, and lbs advance sate of seala showed thai outliing lean than an abaolutely tsail {airfoniuiuce would reb It of Ha anUclpalcd Uluaph. The event proved Uiat the perfotmanco waa very far from bad, altbougb lbs Inok wu ei|aally far from goal, and Uie mualo waa not above mediocrity. In aplle of all ahuruoiuluga, howeiur, there la aiiitloleiit ex- hllaraUou supplied hy the petfonnen lo warrant Uiu favorable veidlct rendored. The stage lorcoa were admirably handled, and from Itie pilnolpala down b> tho most obacun member of Ue company overy ouo waa In constant motion. The principal come- dians, Including Beymour Hicks, Ueorge Uruaainllb Jr., W.II.IUwIlns.Hertle WrIgblandUonrge Honey, are undonbledly clever. They lalKired aaalduoiialy and effectively toiiromoteuiornnienl, anddbtplayeil powun that auggesteil their aliblty to accompllab even tietlor reaulta bail they a work which would al- fordthein greater opportunllles. Tbefeinsleconlln, genl,bowever,Bbuacd leas capability thau the male, bul Ethel Myiliiey, u Ueaalo Ureni, aod Connie VAlm, aa Ada Huillb, (alrly.wun an excellent report, Hlaa l-^dlaa being eapodully deserving ot raenUun for guiHl ciimcdy work. Home very pnliy dancing waa Hliuwo, hut the Uinndclioresa (eaturea wore leas pralaowortby ibsiihavelKon aeeu In prevluuaGaleiy producUuiis. Tie sbsging waa quite eflboUve. The lint act sbowud Ue Interior u( tbe "lloyal Hloroa," and tbe action lu the second actncnurrMi In a (anoy hansar at Kensington. Some ot the coaiuine* warn very pniUy. Tliera waa iniiub color shown bill liy reason ot strong cuuUaata there waa Utile hnniKiny In Uila respect uad iniirli gaudlneaa, Tlio average of lieauly among Ihe women waa not blKb, and In flgure tliere wtu shown more l>ulk llun ilaliiilueM. HIIII Ibo abuw tliniugboul Ha length was raUier pleasing lo Ibu eye, and In aplle of Ibi (tlakloena waa reailul In ao far aa II made no deinanihi wbalever upon Uie InlallecL II waa plainly In ovideuco tliat It affunlod Ibe greatrat do light lo that portion ot tba audience which, fur a very iilirloua reawn, iiniuglil no liralns bi bearupon IL The Asalgnment of rules waa aa fullowa; Hr. Iloiiluy, W. II, luwllna; Cbarlea Appleby, Heyiiiuur lllcka; HerUo Hoyd, George aroaamltli Jr.; John llrowii, M. Dwyer; HIr Oeurga Appleby, Walter HcKwen; Uul. Ubgloton, George Honey; Count Ht, Vaurten, A. NllaonFlataer; Mr.Tweeta, Alfred Aaberj Mr. Mlgglea, IMrUe Wrtgbl; Heaale llrani, Elhel Sydney; l«dj Dodo Hbiglotun, Annie Alt,u; HW lloblnaon, Uarls PauceU; laily Appleby, Leelle Ureenwood; Ada Smith, (Jonnle Killaa; ValUi, Hay Bcauganio; Hope, HInnle Sadler; Uhailty, Minnie lloae; Maud Plaiitagenel, Adelaide AiUir Kva Tudor, VIoItt tlen*: UlllaHluart, Ida Wallace AdaJiamson, UyldaGallon; Babel Uereaford, Nat IIB llbEley; Florenn White, Un De l.'Ome; ntrdle Wandeafaude, Nome Unglon; Maggie JiH:elyn, Vio- let Dorkin; Violet Dsveney, Annie VlvUn. A aiiki danreln Act II ivaacontributed liylKirolhy Doug- Ian, who waa nut Included lo tho aadgnmenl. Of Uie above Beymour lUcka had already Imeii seen here IQ "Cinderella," and Adalalilo Aator, now Ibe wife of Ueorge OroaamlUi Jr., had prevloualy ap- licarsfd here upon ttie vaudeville alagu under Ibe nameol Cbay Und. Wllb Iheae excepUuna all of the memljen of Uie company were, upon this occa, alon, seen here for Ibe llret lime.... Henry companled aa bereiufon by Hlaa Terry and an Kog, llab canpany, tiegan ao engagement at Asdbt'm THRima ua IM, 7>, preaebUog aa hU flnt othr Ing Hhakeapesre'a Uagely of "Haclielh." Tbe prodocUun wa* IdanUcal with that given by Mr Irving at bla Lyceam Theatr* saveral yean ago, al le**l so far a* slagUig waa ooooerned. Hr, IrvhiCs performance at that time occasioned nuota conlroveny, nor wa* any agreement concern. Ing Ins merlls ever reached. It has met wlUi much hsrah etitloism bera, but viewing tbe produoUoo u whole, Hr. Irving'* aoUng inoluilcd, It la aafe lo predict that lb si|ual wo will never again witness. The nvo acta of tbe pbiy were divldeil Into nineteen acenea, each one vioinu with Iho others In beauty, conpletenoiBi and eiTbollvonfaa. Kdiicaled In tbIa reaped aa wo have l>een by Hr. Irving, and accus- tomed nf lalo yean, by reaaon nf bU teachings. In olabonte acrnio preaenuilona, we aUll found In tbU, his Ul«at object loasun In ua, iniich to awaken iiiiprlae and adnilmtloo. No piKlnroa so perfect bare over been soon upon Ihe mctrnpollUn alage. They were alaaduto genu iif art, and when the abMto waa peopled tho eiuwinliln etiecl faithfully reimiduceil upon cainiu by an arllsl'a bnish mighl hallcuKO Ibu Ileal of works, anvlenl or mwlero. von tbo front dmiw, used to veil tbo work ot suiting tho more orataimte ai-en«a, coninuthled adnilntlon, and ono eapoclally, employed In the funrtb act, a vlow of a oonntry lane, sraa uiie of tho naiid iieaiillful bits of Uiiilacape paliitlngevpraflonii|ion Ihnaiago. Hoinnrbbiem- limced III Hr. Irvlng'sHbtgocrafi.Hrrnory.dinlunie*, pnperUea and llgbt eiltcw, all giildod and governed by kconlinoi of arllnlla porcoptlun and utiiiual re- Ilnemont iil taate, iliai II lanliuoat Impmailtile, within rcaaonaldo llnilta of lliuooruf apaco, toanatyu bis work, or lo iKwUiw n|Hiii II Oiling wiinia uf pnlae. Ilonco nmsl wo In content lo consider only Ibe en- aeiiil<le,aiid, In lion nl othoradei|iialo lemia, in apeak nf II almplj aa iwrtcct. Of Br. Irvlng'a iwrinniunua 11 la dlilloiilt In Jiially B|K«h. Wo aro (nrccd In admit Itial bla well known maniiertsimi, Inrluiling bla (anila of apeecb, wore mure apparent than ever luifon, aiidai lliiaialiowaa even liiciibonnt In ultrranco. Uoreover, bla coiiaopUuii ufthe cbarHolor dlilbn materially (nun Itial wtili b niaiiini haa sancllnneil, and It la lull uainral that hbi lutamra ahniild Ira Inlh In ailuill that tboy bad Imweil furycaialothe wrviig Ideal, on the other liainl, we iiuisl niiknualeilgo Iho montal gnsp ol Hr. Irvlngand Ihosiililloly nf hbi dls- coroiiieni, aud reaiwcl for bla genius bids ua pauas erowoniako liauuwlih bla uonclualotia, oapeclally an bo ahnwa au plainly. In many liiabiuroa, tho mental pnH-eaaoa by which tboy bavo liceii ovnived. If not Ibiaouglily cunvlnci'il tlutl ho hi right, wo aro by no inoaiu preiinnnl to say that be bi wrong, ami In any event we aro grnaily bla ilohhini, Inaaniiirli aa Uio gllniiMoa ut hl> iwianing Inive affiinloil a now light by a tiluh wo can atudy mil only Macliotli but all niankliul. Thnaigli llils dollgblfiil taak wliluh Hr. Irvinglina givon iis niimlal aud mural tnlbi entirely at variance wllb uacb idhcr, which no fr«|iii>nlly con- fouiiil our Jiidgiiifinia by lliuir oioxlatence In aoiuo alinoniuil lieing, may l>u fuiinil lu Ira lew nlloriy Ir- rcciinollalile. The Ihniiulii and iliieii study whloh Ur. Irvlug tmd lifa'iiwcd iijiuii iliu olianiclur worn cnnalaully a|i|aironl,aiiilallliiMi|li Hllliiiiialilsvoral ucceutrlcltloa iiuiilo btiii bmiii luwavor lu einpbaabi, be nnvortheleaa gnvo iimsl Intelllgunl renderingof Ihelexl, and liy |h>mi, aotlun ami faulal oipreai'Inn added to Ibu llliiiiiliialliin nf Us moaning. Ilia lair- fnrmaucu waa wolnlly linpn<Mlro, anil In vlow nf lla tniiienihiiia iluptb and bruadtti lla dufccbi, arialiig fniininaiitierl«nui,wcni ilwurfud Intn liialgiillli'ancu, aoiliiur n-uila wore illlcil wllb the granilourof Ihu ciiiicepUiiii, I von liiapliuiif ihow^castinial iiloiciirily lu wblcli It arua shriiuilwl. Klluii Torry'a lauly Haciratli will iinilie niiiemiHiroil aauno of lior lluual arliluvuiiiollbi, tint, iiuvuilliulcaa, Il waa a liinat agrceablu aurprlsu lu lliiiaa wlin knuw nnly bur laiwer excrlail In auftur and nmro wliiiilug iiiiwda. Tliu mlu aeamul al llinea In uix bur HUuiigth raUior kHi aovcrely, Inil alllt liur lliiillallnna lu Ibe nitu wore louaily physical, unil,u|iari fniiu lira fact lhal ber iiiothoda were Uxi iiimluni lo tie In niiiipluhi liarmony with hiir aurnninillnga, hiir perfnniisnce merited high cniumundnlbiii fur lis cnnvliieliig curuoaliiuaa, and fur lira clennieMi with wbloli aha cnuvoyuil to lis tbe full iiieaiiliig nf the texL Tlie aiippiirt waa iiiilfunnly giaid, and umlll lur valiialilu aid la duo t" all whuau iiamaa appear lu the Inllimliig raat: liiincaii, Hr. Ilnwo; Malcolm, Hen WuliHlur; lionaliwlii. Alias Craig; Uaciiellii lliinry Irvltix; lbini|iiii, Hr. Hai^k- lln; Haciluir, F. Ciaipor; Uiuiiux, Hartlii llarvuy; Ibaia, Hr.Tyani; Uuntrlth, (I. Taylur; Angiu, Ur, Ibiynulils; Cklthiieaa, Ur. Iluwaril; Fluaiicu, laai llyme; »lward,Hr.Taiib; .Soylun, Hr. Ucy; two utber iiillconi, Ur. lllvlngt'iiiiHr. Hariini; a iliwter, Kiillur HelllHb; a auriiBiit, tl. Illack; a iwrter, Hr. Jobnaon; a iiioaaeiiKcr, I,. Iielinuro; an attendant, Hr. Unabliig; inurderora, Hr. lleiiwl'ick, Ur. IJarter; KcnUewuiiuin, Hay Wbllly; a acrvanl, Hlaa Fiaiter; Uily Haclielli, Ellen Teny; llucate, Hlaa llalleU; tint vllcli, Hr. ValoiiUiio; seniiiil witch, Hr. Hague; tliint witch, Hr. Arcbor. "Hanbolh" waa pre- aeiilnl at all iwrfnciiiaiices during Ibe woek, excepting Uial nf Halurilay night, when "The l.yniia Hall" waa given Al tUn tliiiiiax Tuiia- Tax Joseph Juiruranii cunllnuuil l» preaeni, during the tlrathalfut tbo wuek, tbo diiulilu lllll, "Tlie Cricket on tbo lleartli" and "Und Uo FIvu hhlllliiga." ihi 1'buia<lay,:il, hu rorlvoil"IUp Van Winkle,"lu which ho waa aeon ilurliig tbu remainder uf tba week. II waaUiua caati lUp Van Whiklo. Juaupli Jeffunwn; lierricb, John Jack; lleiidrick, William lloacb; Cocklea, Jiiaopli Warraii; Mulb, Willlaiii Winter; Ved- ■ler.J. KIley; Mretcliun.Hnrr Kliaw; Huenlu, lAiUie AlUir; Kalcbeui, Mliinlu Parker; Utile Moenio, bila llryden; MUle llondriuk, llahy I'srkor TboFnuM- TXBKTilHTKBn'TnBarnB waa, on iicL 2a, added ui Uio llni III vaudeville liuuaa, and irlll In liilura Ira coiiduciwl upon Uiuojnlliiuoiia (lerfurmanca plan, uiiiler tbe manugoiiieni ut John II. IsiiU Aloan oxbllilllon ul iHirtnlbi i,|ieiieil al tho Natiiimai. Acaobhy iik Iibhiiin on Oi;t. :wi. II Is given fur Ihe beiielll ur HL Jobii^ (lulld ami llie Orlbup<»llo lloapllal Tbo Hras Tiisathb, wblcli variy laal Humrner |iaaaeil Into Ibe contml uf Noll lliirgeM, waa reopened .Vov. V, wbeii thuro waa proaonted, for the aral Uuie up<iu any atagii, "Tlio VuarOiio." a drauui, wrlllun fur Hr. Ilurgaaa hy Lliarli-a lianiaril. Kiiniier monUunof Iblaovuiit will la fiiund luaiinihor place In Uibi laaue U. Uamlck, an umlnout French vliillnlat, made bla American ilelnit afiemion of Nor. I, at a rjiiicort uf tlai Hyiiipliuny Hoololy al UABNnilB MlIHIU IISLU WASTiiBATHK.—ThIa boiow, iKiwiiwIer Ihe 1 ahip uf Noll liiirgcaa, was ruupericd Nuv. 2. Tbe largo audience wlitcb gaUiorwl u< liuiuir tlia occa- sion liad niucli reawMi bi lai aiirprlseil and ilollgblad wllh the nian|>luip<»veiiionU wbluh met the ga», Tbe old time illuglneaa haa all dlMppcared, and the house bi now brigbt and cteanly, handsuiiialy deco- rami, well seated and admirably llHhteil. The pre- vailing culfira uf the deUHallnna are I'lanpellan ted and buff. Tlie celling la oapeclally bandaomo, and abaul the dume la a row <il lnraiidRa«mt llgnt* that have an excellent effei:t. Tbo •tnUra audluirliini la apleiidldly llgbbsil, and. In fact, lha oleelrlc equip, aneot ilirouKlinut Ibu bonae la very coiiiplet*, Uw lubliy lailiig lirtlllanlly llliioiliialnl, and two lluiusanil Iricandeaceiit lamps Iralng need upon the stage slune, accinling b> the aUiUiment ot Ibo management. Tbe tronta of tbe gallorlw are UaUly llulabed, and tlia fritrji la atilk- Ingly ladif In design ami plrasliig In cohir. Tbe pnaKenlum (rauio hi iieaily lliilslird In gold, ami the lioxe«,nuw all In uumirar.arn roomy, band- Rotnely dmped and aupplM wllh raUan Qitnllure. The huuae la bright, cliMry ami Inviting. Thesuge ha* lieeo lowered two feet, and no longer haa an upward Incllnatliin toward the rear, aa fi.nnorir, hilt la now level, lo front of ihe stage la a pIL In which hi placed Ibe orchcaiw, bus keeplog the mnalclanaoutof sigbtof the audience aaaled upon the main nmr. The oponlng Year Ono," a play. In four ai!hi, by Uharte* U*nara. It w*s wrtUen fur Hr. Hurgo- In order lust be night have a role almllar to those In whteh he baa won fame and fortune, and at the lama Uuie nUllg*