New York Clipper (Nov 1895)

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November 2S. THE NEW YOUK CLIPPER. 006 THE TURF. Bpori mi PInllco. ne &«ntog& RaoIdr AbwcIaIIod bcgta »tpecUI olflitoen dftjra' niODtog HHMdog it I1iuUco,dw Baltlmor«, Ud., Not. II, Mr nUfiiidAnco and lDl«r- upon hftTlng marked th« mtMr to date, Tbe mck U oOloered u followB: Uoa. Rdward Keamej nraslJoDt. n> H. PrleMr treamrer, U. A. Chlltoa bcc- ni^rj, W. L, Fowore Jitdgo, and \f. i. Flt7.pfttr1ct Burter. SunnDU}': Not. Il.-Fimi rmc«-T1irM y«ftr oW* mad unwuO, At* rarloiin—A(ne«r, lew, n«lir. 1 TO l.woo; I'iKall. ICU, Ctr- rlnD 6 tn I, i«o>dU; Tnoculo, 1(8. PeoD, ID (o I, Uilnl. Timf. lAn!£ B«cnna rae«—MftM«n two y«%r oMi^ lira uhI » hull lurlonjpi-Bwi Iilcsl, KB, U'L«wr. •»oo. woo; 111 lift. IQf O'DonnnU, H tu I, ii^inil; MllOntl D, lOtI, flimaon.S lo 1, thlnl. Tlm<i, l:l3Jj Thlnl nc«-For iiMnrrMruI<)<^(><i« iolle-tDft,lUP I}uirff«it,2 to ft, voo; Vm UruoullL J>MiirP>>r.3v lo 1, Mcuud; Hon Up. lU, lUIlL Ihtnl. Timo, l:4S......Koarih Tmc«-8«UlDit, two M«r oMi. rlTS rnrloatA—RouniUmftn, 109, Doufeit, 8 to 1, W emoUoDftl.9r. KMr*. lO lo l. HMOUtl; SintDo. m ClIllonl.lOtul.tMnl. Tlma, lDi].>; VlUh nc»-d«U- UK. one mil* « «lilMDlh—D«ii|i«t^ l». Doneit, 7 t« ■a won; Hftnhftll, IGS. J. Uuqihv.a lo V<>*conO; ^dtl* bm,IQJ. IIe>ly.»l0)> third. 'rimt,l-St. in }. VOD; Vftn BruDt, ll>^ N. 11111,7 Ui IhmoiuI; Oil; UaitiDiOD. 107. O'Letry, 15 lo 1, thlnl. T(u«, 1:01 TblrJ nc«—llftodlcp, ODd lollft-Lako Mton, ll3,Slma, 61DA, wod; IlogtiPftnnr. 131. H«lfr, 7 (o 10, ■MODdlLlttto Tom, liD. Cojlie, « lo I. thlnl. Time, 1:H>2 Koarlb nee-Aii rorloDK*—DeremUr, 1GB, (Urriiiu. 7 ia a. won; KIDB T.. lOH, J. Murphy. I tn I, aeconil; Tuiiioltak IIB, KMfe. 2D U> I. llilnl. Time. 1 I!)); hlUi rmce-4vr«a furloo>n«—Lvnnawell, 110, .I.Maruiy. S to6, woD:Cackoo, K, ICeere, 3 tii I, «ecoih]; Meny Ihike, lUG, Lonilratn, 4 lo I, ihlnl. Time, lJ3U- Not. 11—Pint TM9—0n» mile end a ilKteeaUt—Doc- Ketl, 100. Johiiii. I (o \ Aou: rii<iliu< lol, N. Illll, 4 (o 1, ••cnnd; Tom Moore, ilU, J. Ilorton 00 to I. lliirtl. Tim*. I:fi0l4 ReooDil rue—.Hli rnriuoiii-Whlppeoy, SB, Heely. luto I, wou; Btau Mml III, o'l^ftry, 3 to l.Mc- ond; FredlcainoDt. lUi, ronn,7 lu I. Ihlnl. Time, 1:19*;. Tlilrd rac«-Oao utile tnd eairlollc-I□^ lOL Jobna, I to H, woo: (Jhtnwle, Ite. BHllird.S to 1. mcooiI; Itailr Adftmii.99, Keefe.-JU to I, ihird. Time, IMU Koanh race—Torn llutliDfC. IU>, J. Uerphy, 12 to 1, wqd; 8lrec<o, lia,ltelir.2 to Lwr^tn't; .Xmeor.lla SImi, 3 to 5. thlnl. Tl^l^ 1:U2!X l-'inii rare—Uoe mllo—iDternilMloo, lit LlttleOoltl. 4 to I, woo: WlAhenl, 111 UellT. I to 6, Mc- oDd; BcllpM, IUl Ltndnira. 30 lu i, iiiinl. Tlote, l:iSlf4. Nov. l4.~Firit nee-KiTu riirloiijf4_ciieiter,10l,(lir- riiC*D,4Co IO.dnit; Beelrlce m. N. 1(llL3tol.wcoDil: Ne«tor,IOi.Keere.l2iol,ililnl. TImr. Becood rmce—One mile—McKee, M, O'DoDDell, IS tu &, Brat; Cen* deUbm, IU&, J. Uurphv, G to I, *«coDd; Lonjt BrMce, V&, HiUUni, 0 to ft. tlilrd. Timv. Thlnl reco-aer- itiula Urewery llftaJini', ooe mfle tod a rorlonK—Leke Shore, lie. Rim^ 3 to ft, llntt; Uenditll, 10), Keefe, 0 U* 2. MCOuil: lleleo Nichols lOtl, R«I|T,9 tn 3, mini. Tliae. 1 liSli Fiiitrih race-Six rkrtonRN-Pltrftll, 91,0'Lewr. 3lol, ilmt; Irlob Itee). Iia SIiiii, II U» 1, HconO; U»or.« Ulion. IU3, Oarrlpan,to I, tlilnl. Time, 1:17 Fifth raeo—Uoe mll^—^Wor. 107. J. lfun>hy.7 lo S. rtnt; Koul, 107. BalUnI, 110 2, second; Muicarel, 1(7, J. lIortOD, lA to l,ililrd. TUe.l:i9. Nov. 19.—Kim mc«-Flv-e farlonirii-rAlmeiiilon. 110, Blmm«,C Io&wod; UiraiAii. '.il. rilnonl,In 1, v-cohl; Kmoilfioal, 10. Keele. .lie I. iliml. Tune. liUIJU' Recuiiil mce—Riiuw llciuM) IfudlcAO, vIk nirloni;*— Lo- vIda. IIS. Mur|ihy.3 tti I, wttn: HounJKinan. Ill.Stnii pO lo 6. mcoimI; Triociilii. I'lO, renn. I lo I, ililnl. Ttw, l:ie'4 Tlilnl mcA-r>ae iiiII«-Vkd llrunU lit). Illll. 3 to t, won; Pliivhu4. 107. ToDQ. 7 to5, hocouJ; WiIU>q. 107, ClIITord, Uliil,lhlnl. Time. l;M KotirUi raru-TlTe fnrionii*—Venelln II, lOJL Ko«re.&) lu 1, von: Danuel. ICH. ltaTir.7l»5 MMAiid; yortiel. 103, ClIfTiirl. 6toS ililnl. Tliiw, l:U& Pinii rnre-dae mile end a lurlnnjr— LeuiiKwall. lUH, (Iitniptriii. I ro I, won; A>iiiii<'it Beilo.0!). O'Loory, 4 In 1. refftml; Ledy McCud.'JJ. Ntminiod, 3B to l,(hlnr. Time,2AUJ!^. Nor. 19.—Klnl nee—Firo fiirluii|r«—Tlie Bitre, 117. Ilor- loo, 10 to I. dm; Ttm Uurh Juliimou, 114. DiUlenl, it lo 0. lecnitd; Mattel nienn. 110, Blma. 7 10, ihlnl. Time, MMH Recond raco—4hi#> «nd »nr->lMeenth DilIeH— Lake Hhore. lOV Hhiii. I Utf; nrxt; liu, 101, Johoii, 7 to i, ncoDil; iDierrliy. 10&. Clarlc.soiol. ihinl. Time, 1 Thlnl nee—Iloiel Heimert H aril leap One iniw— LeTlQft, l(D,]lill,2Uia.nriii; HcK««, lUjrO'OonoeUS to 1, *e9iud. Tlnto.l:{r.*£ Knurlli nre—I'Ire furloon -Aineer, U0.HII1III, 1 m fi, lint; llultoo, 107, O'Uanr,l0 to I. Msrood: Adiilft, Hllder. (1 to I, thlnl. Time, IrOfW Finli race—One luiJ i>no quftrternillot—Mar- ■liftll, lla(llm^ I tn 3, nm: Dta1>•tlu^ IDI.(liirrl|r«ii.ft} lo I, necond; Oiiamlo, llo, BHllanl. 4 lo 1. tlilnT Time, 3:I7K SUlh ntco—ytreitledie'ie. full couran-Km' iireM. Ifttk RldiAnlllnnier, 10 to I. rim; 8llv«r Bill IftO. KobertRlderJr..4 lol,>wnd. No lime liken. Nor. 10.—Fir^i nice—Sli rarloiie«-)lerry Ddke. lOl Healer, 3 to 1. llrM: Fannr B., 101 Oarrlnui, 10 lo I. Hcood; iQiOBrliy, no. OUrlt.r>ioft. ihlnl. Time. 1:10^. Becood race—Five furltMimi—Hack BrtRirt. I ir.. Kelir, 1 lo 3, flrat: Traiiian:r>, iv',, Curtle,/> to I, eecond; Veaetia II, 97, KWe.Sial, Uilnl. Tiiiie,1:06>4 Third nee— One mllo-Van BruDi. 101, lltll,3 tn 3. ilnt: Hue Kittle, »).U'Leftry,3K|to l,iiecontl: Juanlti, lOi, K*efe.20tu 1, thinl. Time, I'M Foartti mile-Larloa. 110, Harphy,3 toS, lint; Lfooiwelt, 114, Coamlon. II to KJlMCODd. Time,l;4(tt; Kifth race-Five OirlonK*— Baalrlce IV, K. Ki>efd. 6 to 1, lint: PrlnceJi H«r4*r*t, 90, <)'LearT. fl to I,' w:oo(i; OU Asa, lo:i, lli>aley, ft lo 1, ih'inl! Time, lAV?i4. ...SIxUi mee—One mite aaua ilxIfteBtJi- R«li|N«, lOt. Lendnim, 0 to 5, llMt; riin bui, 90, Malier, eT«n.aecoad; Konioka,CI, W. Rearo, I Ui I, ihlnl. Tlmo, Radag In Kflntaeky. TlioKonuickyABsoclaUonbegAQ ita FbllnioalDg XDMUng at Le.TlogloD Not, u, and will codUduo nclug for en lodeflolto period. Tbe events to date hte Bummarlsod as follovii: Not. II.—KInt nee—SU rurioDC*—Twiokle, KB, J. (lardDer,0 In ft, woo; Major Tooi.M, Divli.9) to 1, Mc- ODd; B«uleMUikar,m,Iirekit.SOtol. thin). Tlrae,l:2DK- Secoud nc«—Four tod onaliaK rarloDpi-Eaxt Wind, 109, OimDer,ft lo 1, woo; Daytonla, 10,Jooe^2S to 1, eecond; Braiobla Loaf. 103, Blarloii, 7 to S, thlnl. Tlmo, 1 AI>| Third nee—Four aad oae-hair rorlonie —Ferryman II, 10), A. Clayton, 3 to l.woo; Manlo, lua. Ulcka, 13 tu I, aecoDd; Latdter, MO, Van Kouno. 3) to 1, third. Time Dot taken Kuurtli race-Doe rail*—Ace, 01. Jonea, 4to I, won: Oraenwich, Si; R. laom. 13tel. aee- ond; llalUtOD*. 97, Erorelt, 0 lo ft, ihtrd. Tlne,l:tf>£. Filth nee—FtTo rurlonffn—A.Doa L)-le, 93, iHoa, 7 to I, won: La Wanda,97.UinlDer.7 to I, aeoood; Punt,91. ^kk^elol, tlilnl. Time, l:Of.U. Not. 11-Fintrane—Salllor. lOTen elBhUiaor a mlle- ir,CA,ObeDftull, lllol, flrnl: UlasTilly, I'fl^ JnD««,3to2. aeeood; Diliy Bolander. aS,1llcki^S to 1, third. Time, 1 -Jitj Second race—Three loiinhi of a mile—Colleeo, 100^ llarOner. areo, lint; Tenor.OO, laom, ft to 1, («cond: Myrtle.05, Blerlai, file 1, ifalnl. Time, 1:30*4 Third race—FlUean-alxieentbaor a ntll^Unala. lti4,Tborpo, 1 lo 10, nm; Jiniea Monroe, 77, Cltenatill, Ift to 1, fecood; I^y Pappar. KM. Inom. 3) to 1, Uilnl. Time, l:n Fourth race—PlreelRhilii of a mllo-OM Ccdiio, 1I:L T1iorpe,ft 10 i. On); MoyUo. Ill, Er«ret.eren, weoDd; Fair Liidye, luO, Ixom, U to I, iiilnl. Time, lir; Piftb nce-One mlla—AdroeAio,9i, Jonei, ft to I, lint; Landwer, 9C, Dupree, 3 lo I, eecond; Slnbertha, Si, Curd, lOtol, Uilnl. Tlme.l:0. Not. 13.—Fini race—Tlirae-naarten of a mlle-AoDle M.,9V, Walker, 3 to I, won; Relict.96, R. I«om.:i to 1, eec- ood;llliDiH.,7a,nupnM>. li)iol,tblnl. Tlme.hUJi Kecood race-Herea-eliththa bfa mile—Olid, IIXThorpe, 13 loft, won; StUTa. IQO,CllFton, 3 lo 1, nee •ml; Sluea^d tIny.lOB, Feniliiii,0 lo irOilnl. Time. Tlilnl nc»-8lE nirionie-TupIo, in, I. llurphy,8 to l.woo; Major Drlppi, lOS, Thorpe, 2 to I. Mcood; llatovay, 122, BUrlock.Mol, Uilnl. Tllll^ I:I8. Fourth neo-SH rurfooKa-llalUtoDe, IV, Tliorpe, H loft, won; Ooareito, 97, Campbell. 3D to I. aecoiHl; Tw'Inklo, 110. W. J (a tut, ft tu 3, third. Time, l:IT>^ Finii race—Fife aud a half fflrlooia-Umbrella. lib, J. Oardoar, 13 lo I, won; Prince Lief, lOa, I'erklos 1 lo ft, aeennd; White Oik,(b, W. Jovw. 100 lo I, Ihlnl. Time, l:10)(. Not. l4.-PlrM race—Oae mlle-BRbert, lia ClaytoD. 3 tol, woo; UranIa,lK),ThoTiw,3 t<) 1, MCODil; JaneaMon- n)o,83.Chouult7a)lol. ihlnl. Time. I:4r4 ....Second race-PUe turloaite-lll* Brother, 91. Joqm, 3 to 1, won; Ontieleue. HI IIoukIqd, 0 lo 1, second; N«ida, % Tbomp- aoo,Gtn I, third. Time, 1:01 Third lace-^reo fur lont(e-Moiiiua,69, RellT, ft lo I, von; Bllro,9X Jone*. 8 to ft,a«coud; Adrocate, SO, Kewrotn, 10 to I, third. Time, 1:3SK Fourth nee—Five furkmici^Anoa L7le,Sl It. laom. 6 to l.woo: IdaWaeoer, 01, Ev«relt,ftlo I. aeeood; Lawaoda,V7.aafdloer, II lo ft, iblnl. Time, 1 JtlH Finii race— Six furloaRe-l'eto, ini. (inmer.eTaQ. won; Bnblio, lis, Hnrria, 3 to 3,eecond; Nellie I'arker, lU), I'er klna.ft tol, thlnl. Tlmo. I, ... ^ ^ ,„ » Not. 1ft.—Flrat nce-FUe fbrlonjcft-lllckok, 10), R laom,30 to I, won; Martin, ItD, OUyuia. 4 to 1, aeoend; WblUO*k,fOLPerklan.3 lo 1, Uilnl. Tim*. 1:33 Second nc*-8*Ten rurlon«a—U Moon. lOi. Olayton, 3 tol, won; La Creole, 104. R lNoni,Oto I, aeoood ;itunbunt, 107, Thorpe. 38 10 l,Utln]. Tlmo. 1:39. Tlilnl nco- Blilorloo0a-Ol)enoa,lO9, MorrU, 10 lo I, woo;nrcloDe, HI, W. Jooa«,8 to ft^ aeeood; Summer Coon, 111,Erereit, 1ft to 1, Utird. Tlmo, 1:17 Fourth nce-Sareo i^r- long-Leo Lake, lOJ. DaTio, 4 lo 3. won; Prioee Carl, 111 T1iorM.8lo2,aecooO; Olad, 107. Perkloa, 9 to 1. tlilnl. Time. l^U Fifth nce-Foor and a half lartono*- Klcanor Mae, 110, Thorpe, aio 1. woo; Jullod'Or, IM Relff, to to 1,aeeood: llolfo EelUr, IIU^ F. William, » to 1. third. Tlme.0:ft6V. „ Nor. \c —Flnt nee—SeTeD-elfliili* or a nille—Orven- wIeh,99.W.JoDaB,av*n.wuu: AbiiIcM.,9UL Kverail.7 lol. MeoDd;LltUe waller, 90. F. IVIIIIami, Slo I.Uilrd. Time, 1:3SV Becood race-Ou* nil*. fenileiDen rMera-aan- bnrau 10), W. Applante Jr- 3 to 3. won: Imp. Bomeruult, lax J. Chlon. 4 to I, eicoDd; Hajor Tom, Itt), A. I'altermn, 3 to 1, Ihlnl. Time, 1:49'; Tliinl raeo-Fire and a half nirlonae-Prlnc* Del. ll^ Perklni.3 h> ^ -'•»• aooe, 1Q>, Vao Keareo. \i to 1. lecoaii; Sublia KM. Rrer- •It. 1ft tu I, Uilrd. Time, I:i0 Foortlt rat«-Tlir«- tinarun of a mlle-^odge Lrle, 1(U, He«eom. 3 to 1. woo. Hlelimood, 102, Bwaener, li) to 1, aeeood; Knlak, ir7, TbODpaon, 7 to I, Uilnl. Time. 1:17% Mflh raoe- Plre alihUia of a mlle-tOa Wacoer. 01. KeliT. I to I. woo: Oracle. UJ,Walker, 7tolu,acc<tm]; UIO Centre, 101. I*ar klna.6lol, Ihlnl. Time. 1:01*4. Nnr. la—Flnt race—.(>Teo furh>nK<t-Onirello, 1(6. Walker, 4 lo I, woo: Fnd Barr. lua IvtktoM tol mc- oort; Bematra, IIQ.Rhrton, C to I, Uilrd. Time, l:*'t- Becoad nce-On* mlU-MIH Boy, W. Tlwrp*. S ti. 3. von: Tenor. lOD. W. Jrtnea. ft to I, »«rood: Rldiinood, lip, Hweoney. II lo I, third. Tlni*,l:0 Tlilnl rice-Bli riirlonita-Beaala Nldi'ihi. KB. J. «tanlorr. H lo I, woo; Prineo Imperial. IlKL naylon. 3 luS. aecoiid: (>illeen, lOft. P*rklB«, Ift to I, thlrsl. Tim*. MUH FoorUi raoe- Flf* farlnnn—PeU. UX J. iianJner. i to A. woo; Ida Waaner, 113, Clajlon, ft lo 1, Mcnod; Moylan. 1(H. Pertloa, 4101, Uilnl. TlmeilAlH Fiflb race-Oee and one- alitaflilh oill*a-OrIoda,109.CUrlno,4 to SkWOO: New- cam, iiB, TtaoTM, S lo I, aeoood; Bine and Uray, IM. For- klDB,3toMfaM. TLbw,1:I9. Hot. ll-Flfwt ta r e fl ft ll loi. fbnr aod one liair lur- lonRi>-Kaus,llllL Neary.a to ft, won; Blondfi VIcUni. HQ, Cevao. lOtoL •ecDod; TubalCalnJr., IIOL Ferfunii, Sto 1, third. Tina.lAl flocood laco-Maldoua,two rear oMa,balf mile-Tnanni, 101 ill*a«».e to ^ von; Kara, in: Taylor; 6 to I, aeeood; HoUachBOf*. 104, LyBc)i.moI.tblrd. Tlmr.O^U Thlrdnae-lMHo? foor aod one half fHrlonfa-Maaher, lit, Delahaaiy, 7 to i. was: Canaille. lKaieawin,B to l.ieoond; Doroai L.. 101. NeaiT.a lo I, third. Time, I:i0){,.. ..Fi*unh rw- Belllnv. half mllo-9urrrl*e. 112. Lynch. 3 tol.voo;flL Lawrence, m, Fenroaon, & to I. aecond: Alva. Ill Fletcher, lo to I, thlnl. T[i»*,OMW PiAh raM-Hli Fletcher. 10 to I, thlnl. T[i»*,OMW PiOh and a half furlonRa-ikecrod, IM, KlUa, 1 to i, voo; Alr- plant, 111 niraaoD, ft to 1. aocond: BIkiiv. HS, Luhnnao, lo lo I, thlnl. Time, l Blith raM-Aelllaff, (Ive aoo one-half rarbng»~LamlMrTnao lc6. Neel. 1 loS, eiin; Red Croaa, 107, Oaeat, U to 1, aeooad; Luke Klchanl*, lUL Fletcher. 10tol,third. Tlne,l:l4V Nor. Ift.—FInl nco—Four aod a half f^rloon-Bob Miller, l(ttt>.81ieehao. 4 lol. Aral; Qoldipee, HU, tiloimo. 3io 1, aeeood; Jevahatp. iaa,Clac*. U to I, thif\l. Ttra*. 1 Dl Bocmd race all runoooa-^eney, lii7V>, Taylor, 3 to 1, flnt; Vononia Bell*, lot, BlHa, S to I. aecond; Hlaeb Hawk, IU9, Bloia. 6 to 3k Ihlnl. Tln^ 1:31;^ Thlnl rmc^VIre rurtoon—I«Qmb*nnftD, llflt. Dclabaniy, 9 tn i, nnt; Taocred. m. Bllli, 1 to ft, aeceotl; Jim IKMiIao. 99. Fletcher. IS to I,thlnl. Time, 1 :QS Founh raco-FUe luTlon|t»>liap. Velvet Boa*, 9Sk, Bltla, 4 to I, flnt; Car- nallle. lOL Oleuoo, 7 to 3,a*coad: Blva, », J. Mooi*. eron, third. Tlmei, l:US Filth nc*—Four aod a hair furlooita-Phlladelphla. ICBIb, Fletfher.Sto 1, Am; (Gorilla, loa. natchlDioo,6 l« L aacoDd; Oropbone, ICL R. Brown. » to I.thlnl. Tlme,lffiW Blalh rae*--BiiUi uda hairfiirkmaa—FoigloTe, NM, Neary.S toft, flnt; Toloia, JlU.Fletcher,*) to 1. »ec«ntl; BUck Beauty, 101 Avery, tol.third. Tlme.l:3IU- Nor. 19.-nnt raee-Fonr (tartaiira—Criterion, 107. Cl*ia,Stol.flm:OoartiieT, KB, A. Moore,«to ft^ n«cond; Blaek B«autr, 107, Avery, U to 1, ihlnl. Time. QMy,. Beoond noe Bli and a qoaiter InrloogA-Piyche, 110, R.Ktoir.lotol.rtm; Beettoo, IMLC. Marrhr.4 lu l, aeoood; Lonit Slianka, liu^ Delabiatr.8 to 1, ihlrd. Time, 1:31 Third race—Four aod a IwrAiTloen—B>oad)'a Vieiliii. 109, Cowman.«to 1, Bret: Muher, 111 Detahaaiy, a to ft. aeeood; Oaroveo, KK A. Moore, ft lo 1 Uilrd. Time. 1:'«?X Fourth t«e*-Plre furleon-Camalli*, 100, (lleaeon.S to ft, tlm; Velvet Roae,iaLBUIa,1lo I.mcodiI; Nemo, lOft, J. Moor< Ml to L ihlnl. Time. XyjJii Fifth race-Seren furiooga-BamarllaP,97, Oleaooe, 8 to I, flnt; Mote, 9B, Fletchpr, 8 t^ 1. aeeood: Bnalrae,^.!, Mie*hao,8tol,tblnl. Tim*, IMS Rlith race—Bit aiMl at|uart*r rurlooi^Lumbermao. Ill Uelalimir. H lo i. flnt; Jereey. lOS^ 0.Taylor, 3 to I.aecond; Jim li^olen. 97, Fletcher, 6 to i thlnl. Time,l:fl*i. OM DohIbIob JMkey Clab. Not. It-Flnt nc*-Half a mlla-Uay D., lOft, Lobnoao, 8 tol, flrat;Red Btm, lOS^ Bboehin,4 to I. aeeood; Mayor B.J, lOft. Kloir, 30 to 1. Ihlnl. Time, 0:ftl.^ B*cind race —Bli and oo*-fonrtb f^rlooie—Cockade, 101, Naary. 2 loft, flnt; Bob Bluer, SB, Kboahan, 1ft to I, aecond: Itadovac. Be.IjohniiaD,ftioa,thlrd. Time, IMU TLInl race- Five lurlonga-llopeful, 95, Bheeliaa, 7 to 1, flni: Sir Wil- liam, IQft. Nearr,3lol, iec«nd;Br«ofall, 107, BUIi^4 tuft. third. Time, IM Ponrth race—Pour and oo*-half ftirloDBa-IIla Unco, lia LohraiaD.e to I. flnt; dullla. 104, Neary, 4 to&,a*eoDd; Tim Plran, 107, llcDennott,6 lo I, thlnl. Tlm«,0:tfX. Piltb race-Four and ooeliair forloBita-Fiarln, Iw, EUlattoft, flnt; Blot RIUab«th,8i, OlaaaoD. 4 to 1. aeoond; Traitor. 110. MeDannoti, t> to I, lltlnl. Tim*,0:flft.U Rlith Tace-Bli and onftialf lur lone*-0'Ueani,»l,Ole*M,9 to ft.llnt; DIIIod J., luft, Taylor, 4 to 6, aoeood; Pdi4, loS, Pirka, 00to 1, thlnl. Time uoi lakeo. Not. 14.-Plnit nce-8olllnit, half a mlle-DeeeHrul, lUO^ ATery. 1 lo^ voo; Paitblio, lOO, Xloir.40 lo l,a*erihl; IriahLaM,n,Oleaauo,3KlA 1. thlnl. Time, 0:4i^i Beound raeo—Belli ok, nla and a half lorlonit^lDJU Rub- ber, 109, Kinr.t to I, woo; Paymavtor, 107, La«r,a tu 1, neoond; Frmtber, 107, RoMoaoD. Ift to 1, Uilrd. Time. l:tt.U Third race-Btveo nirlooM—Harry M., IU7, Onve,3tA 1, wen; Ponooa Bell*, 101, EMU.ereniMicood; Uualrua, 97, Bheebao. S to 1, thlnl. Time. I 'Ayi Fourth r«e*-SeIlloit. flroforiooank-Robollak. lia Heel. 8 toft, woo: Bervya, lOT. A. Moore, 6 tofti, aecond: Culuiobua, lI7.Bheelian,8lel, ibinl. Tlui«,l:Olti FlfUi raco- Balllng,all aod ahalf farleagfr-Bllly Boy, 107.Htelniburg, even, von: FraokTolla, Rft, Neol,3 to I, aecond;l>eTla«* 1t«7. llutdiiaoD.6tol, Uilnl. Time, 1:9 HliOi raee- BatUnir, aliuaanuartar rurioDRa—Traitor, 1*4^ HoDer mou, 4 toft, won: O'Heam, UBl Uleaaoo.H to flL'aecond: Wenmao. B), O. Murphy. 13 to I, iblnl. Tlmo, 1 itM. Nor. 18.—PIm rac*-MaIdeii two year olda-Plve fur- loo ^a-Wellmaa, lOBL 8h*|iaD,7 10 UK dnt; Earo.llO>.', Caraoo, ft to 1, aacoiid; Uaoda Off, IQl Luhmas. Ift to I, thlnl. Tim*, 1:07 Pecood nc*-Hli and alialffur- loofta—lllaarace. 110. LobnnH, 3 lo L llrat: Kazao, Itti, Neary, 2loft, aecond; Bolle of Perrauy, 107, Ellli, 10 lo I, itilnT. Time. l:tB>a Thlnl nee—Four and a half fur- loOKa-Qaella, lOiK, Neary, 2 lo 1, dm; Taocred, 119, Ellla, II10 10. aMood; Blaelro, Bheliao. 1ft to I, ihlnl. Time, OM^i Fourth nee—8li and a quarter nir loO|i«-.Slberia, lot, EUla, ft to 1, flnt; DIIIod J. tllTay- lor. ft to I, aecond: Cockade, I04,Nean'.7tol,iliInl. Time, Ivaii PIftb raco—All anii,fbar forhtDica-Barwyn, ~ A. Moor»,IO to l,flm: Boboltnb, lift, Neary, 7 to 1 and:Deceitful, 11^ Avery,4 to fli,thlnl. Tln«,0:fl0V . ...BhUi race-Oaa mlle-Vilhyrie. 98. ElUa. C toft, flnt; King Paul int,Nttry.fttDl,»eooDd: Harry M., Ill, r:rowo,3tol, thlnl. Tlme,l:49. M*M Till CA8R or lli.tRT O. JoDWX It. tho PlualilaK Jockey Club, cixoe up oo appeal In tb* OeoenlTerm of the Court of Common Pleai, In ihU city. Not. tL before J uJnea Daly, BoobaUrer aod Firor. Mnch lo the aurpriaa of Uiom Concerned. Joaepit O. Auerbaoh, counetl for Die Jockey t:iub, entered a proteatagaloat ihe conaideratlon ofUie caaeoy Ut* court, clilrnlan It tetteaeoUualreiae, andaa audi had no aiaodlDi. The eoart rtaerved lia decUlon uoUl II wben EiJudge <l*o. H. Van lIooHtn waa ap- pointed referee to take lenlnoay aa to the nature of ibe cane, with InalruoilooN to flie hia report 21. R.C. PATB'8 oew tmcb at ih*Cllyot Mexico eaaopeoed aflemooD of Not. 17, aader moK (krorvhle eunpleea. Tlie wealth iDd la^ilon of the caplul luraed oat, aad more than Hve tJiouiaod peraooa atlaikded. B^Teral of the Preildent'a eibloet oine«n mre proaeiit. aaong them beinc Manuel Peraaodn Leal. SecreUry ofPablle Worha, andJo*i|UlnBaranda,Becrat*ryor Juatico Bod loatmo tloD. TlieOoremorof the lederaldlairlct and other dlR- nltariei aho were lo attendance. Fire racen were on Uie program ne. BKHittiii ii Bhotiiiri, a Oru of Ixwkmaken, aaed and recovered from Cbaa. Bradley, lo Uio City Coart. Not. II, anallegodgambllntd*btnf93n. Bradley wu hnowo lo one of^the booknulng flra, vliorouabed for b(a for a hot of|33a which lb* derewtant refiued topty after har- log loiL Phlotlrf Mt up the plea Uiat Uie ran amouuied toapenooal kwo, and aaalgatd bla dalin to Frank Al- biDger, who act«d aa th* IwumtlTe ptalntlS; The Jary found iBilnatdafeodBat aod awanled ooatA. Joan R. ilHxntT. pacer, rteord 2iO}£, aad Baronet, iroiier, reeonl 3nf. boUi calebralad ai*llIooa,bare been retired to tbe etod, and are now auanered at ilie Ainiao- ac« Stuck Farm of L. Baoha IIoll, at Orahau, N. 0. Mr. Holt la u«gotIatlnK for the purchaae of Joe Palcheo, aod If be aecurea him Ula famoua pacer will aUo b* nlegaled to tlieatud. SiLCRii. a fouTt«*D y«ar oU bay DUy by Imp. Ill UMd, out of Brlgazee, died of pneomoola, at tli* Keotuoky Aaaoolailon coiirw. LexioRton. Kr., Not. U She vai the property of W. W. Frailor, orc^othlana, Ky. Ai4WNi,Hlraol Benton Wllkea.andoUi*rfkMt troiiera, haa b«eD eoU by <J*OTf • A. HftvloRtoD, of Adama. N. Y., loUootaoa partlea for nearly $6,930. lie wan foaled In 1(80, and waa aired by Aleyoo*. Till DtRBT Cuf, at 1000 aoTmlgnfl, waa raeod for Nut. 15, at Derby, Eng., and vaa wi>o by w. W. Piltoa'a Laod- amla, O'turt BairMCOod, Red U*art third. FoiltALL KiukM Boliemond voo Ihe race for the Ouy Welur llaodlcmp I'lat*. at Warwick, Eog., Nor. 18 Cora- ion waaaocoDd, PHesloiia third. Till PaclQc Ooa»t Jockey Club will open Ita meeiing Nov. 211, at the new track al lDRl«>Ide, Ku Fraaclteo, Cel. EuwjtRii J. Wooiair. a nwrnber of t^o Jockey Cluit, died at hie reaWenoe lo Astoria, L. I, Nor. U, after an III- neaa of aeveni mootb*. JocKir ViCKi fill vlUi th* horae Cavego lo the fourth race at Leilogtoo, Ky., Nor. 13. aod broke hta collarbone- I.-r A HWiinn-AKn plfooa, abootlng oooteai at P^ choRue, Not. 7. for the clitmplonablp of Loob I«land, W. M. 0'BenT,or 8L Jamoa. vaa anccoaaful, UUlnv all hIa tweniy-a*eblrda,ftnd defeated John Wolfert. lBlip:Joho llarria, Smlihiowa; Robert O'Beny, 6U Jamea, aod QennteMarka, Boiieola. TTieaveepaUkoaamountatl to •SU). "Thamp"Ihwib daroated Bonidoa In aplgeonahoot atParIa, IlLNorO-hllllon 41 w.^l.lT Boranloa. The weaiherwaibad.mlo fbUlof IndrlnllogCaiblon throogh. uot thecunteat. A MiTca at n<iROirn.twanty.flre H« Wrda «cli. for $100aaide,lietweeoL-H-Cauipbell aod W. 11. Cpohllo. came ulT at Long Brudh M. J.. Nov. 9, Ui* r*ault being a lie NX tweoty-oo*. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ J^EW PL AYS* "Hii Purltui WIft** U a modem eodetr pUr. Id roar acts, hj Hre. Klor- ODce SchtciTel, ftod wm orlflraUr pradaced at tbe Nev Oraad Open Dodh«, PlUibarg, l**., Oct 23. It iBRBtonr of New York ftocletr lUeoI tbe preaeDl dar, and deals wltti tbe Toicd iiaeitloas or tbe eexefl. Urv. liuDbarle married tuft rone. Wbeo HbocomplaliwbelDfomuber tbal be ti oolr ex- erclalngibe aan* (reedom that he Ja perfectly wlUlog that Bboafaunhl enjer- II«r i«rlt*nlaltretoingmakeatlira enure* repugnant to bar. botahecooiulia witb bar couilo, Olailra Bruniuo. aa to lb* bail coone lo punur, aod la idvlaed by b*r to enley berMlf In the aauje maooer aa herliaabaod. Oladyafiao ailveoturiai. and la gulliy of rliodeatloe nioaUogi wlih th* bnabaod of h*r fri*od, Mn. Dunbar. Mn.Doai*r la not aailifl«d wlOi/iladja' ailvlee, aod eoDiolu h*r Ilf* kog friend, Baodolph Nor- ton. who. koowloR h*r onloved^coodlUoB. uawan her tppeal for adric* by aa arowal of lor*. ThU borrlflea and diiir*aa*» her. wd rtie oMen hln from her prBaence; lint abuut the aame momeet ah* dl*eOT*nli*r hual>ao«l In a WBl'nmilaloippiltlon with bercooalo ind coofldanie, OUdya. TliewK.'aeye*areaudilenlyaodenieUyopened toltiiduflklly of her ooniln aod ber ha*teoJ. ud In li*r •lelumant *aJd*H«lr ,*».»riUa a no!* to lUod^ Nnrioo, ■hom ahehaa ao UielyrepuUed aodonleredfn.M ii*r ttreaenc*. and retractewliat *l*e haa laid lo him. An lnlr4iue eoauei aad ih* baaband ilia<»T*ra a noie whlrh li lien wniun by RaniloIMi lo Mra. Uua .ar. aod lo I.U rawlT* opI'TBlda har for her perWr. II* al?empi- lo leTr* th* houM, wh*o li* la natnlnad by hta o«o para- nour tilawiroVcnualoOladya, vboeoBvrncee Mm thai hf h 11 ini iV Mhia V lf«Jhat II waa a rim* Ural Kd pUyaTNflth th* wliiidrawal of iiUdr* baabaod £Sd vffe era rMclM, aod aa *odi hafpplly. The rial: Rani|ii1|ib NurUtn. Naihankl llirlwltc: llarTT Duotiar. Joaaoh B. tahoar; Areiili>il<l Deaver, Al fred Humham; Arthur Uonoi, (taoilHy Hteln: WaHer Denver. C^cW Magntii; Jaektnn, Jttha B<tnl*n; tlladva Bronaoa, Oallle Ruaa*ll: Mr« Donver. Itorothr Thirnlon; Mathltde Denver, Oartntde RIlloli: llelene. Rata Brum- Ivo; Bllae Daoi«r,MaileWalawrlRbt. ' A Matrimonial Maze," A rercli-al t iHiiody, In three arm. hy WRiior H. Crmren, wms imnluced for tho Brut ilmo ud any Rtnge Oct. W. at (larko'a Ijccum Ttieaut). Henrer, (N>). 71)0 stnrj tollji of iho RdTeatiirm, m^rapiii Rnd cum- I^lcalloiu of two ji^ong fellnwii, houh rtf wralltij atbcra, who hare Iwcn tvnt, fngelhor with a liiti>r, upon a lour of Kiimiu. VnknowD in tbeir f*thf m thoj meet end merry iwn Atorrtcati g1rL<( la rarla, RUd when the curialu rlKCs on art llnal It n'vrMla Idem at their home lo a nat In Now York Oty, I1ie luior. who feQOva of tlioir marrlaKe, hiil who li awoni to Mcrec7, Hllll oiDllnncR lu liMrb iliom. Their falberu bare bcrnmrtncrB iDbiiKliiorvHll ihrlr llres. and lire In adjololiur tiouaea. TTi^y Are wtduwera, and each hae fallon In love wiih iila boniekeeper; tbe bousekcepon each hnvo a dauf btcr, wbom the old men Iirto deiorralDcd iheir reipeclWe door nball marry. T?io UnuX pareni* lake a irip to New York, where they ttiid Ibelr Mina Ib thflrflal. Tfaeltuyacoocoal thair wlvta Umpir- arily, but dually, becoinmR eoraervd. each nn* d^lana Uiat lb* woman In iitieiiltiB U the wife nf lb* tator. AfX MCond abowa the twin rlllii* «if ihe old mon at Vnukeia. Thebity hare couie hnnie on ii\l<*(l,ao<l at III* re>|ii«at of ih*lr faihera are appaiently layloR court to ih* hearu of Ihe haaiek*«|>en' dauahlani. Titer flnally ri>Droa* lo thi* giria that they are really roarrl«0. i*ie R>rN ronreulog In return thai toey ar* eagaml lo other i>aTtit». and wlih thia laclt uoderaiandlnR tnry a^reelo mak« v1<il*nl and perfunciory hiv* only In i'>ot>raf>riic* of lUIrfailiara. Raebold nao vhom*t iheauitiward tnlnr'a wtum ihneliy became;T*ry;mtich [aaelnalcdjwltli har, and each ili>t*r- uiloeatotjrloglifrfhHii ihenily to VooknrH lo aiirpn"^ Uie tutor, wlio haa ahbtJolnr«l llio Iwya at Iimii*. Thua ihe real vlrea appear upon Ui* aceae only in Had their huH- baoda naklnjt vinlaot love tu the houaokeorera'dauKli lorii. Act third develofieaifae reltim of th* wive* lam- Knrlly to th* flat In n*« Vork Itaforo InivIdr fnr itiulli ,kato to aocura dlvnrcoL Tli* liouarhrotwra' daiiRh- t»n hiTlng In the meinllme marrinl lh*lr mcd NweelheariH. com* to the ilal In P*an'h of ihe two foung fellow* lo oliUlo ili* aum of nnnity pruui ■*d iliem by the younic liUKhandH to cnrry nnl the loveniahlog M'hem* wMdi tbay |iranlr*d uikio Ibelr faiberiC Tti* old mro and ihe lioiiNeko«i>«rT, whoni lliey luT* married, appear in 10*1711 of iheir tlaoghter^ and, after aome ftmny roniplU-atiuoa, explanation* bn come genrml and ihematrlttiAiiUiitiare tvrmiiea unil^r ■tood. Tbe caal: Jackal Mugsiridge. M. A.. Harry CoriHin Clark*; Roliert Raddleaton. dtorgt* K. Mall; ThomaaTyn dak A. W. Fremoat; "Olok" Kidlenton. l>avM H. Hurray; Percy Tyndftl,Tlion:ia VV. R'i«i: Fturrli*. Jean Cliaiiil>lin: Lilly, Lonna Atwood: Mn.. MMdIeaKe. Hiulg* (^rr i^>h: Bibel, Jeaaio Iiatt; Mra. Iliimfalelon. I.olla lleauiiitnii; Polly, Frukle HampMn; niarloiie, Noiilf AiibtHL "The Lucky Star," AO KORllBh moloilnaiiia, In four acis, liy (Icurgo Comer, was acted fur the nnit tlmo In America nt the Ormnd open Iloii«. itneiiin, HaiK. Nnv. 11, Uiinire Wlddliigtoo, iireailjr la dcbl, l« roxIoiir llml hla deughter. tlooslant^c. ahall narrr H\t Klcbiiril Ualet, whi> holdii r miirlRiigoini Iholrndaii*. Bho In Bccrelly iiiarrlcil m IMilllp K-uUlle, of imLerlalii aotecodeniR and riihiwciciI of licinu In lore with rba*l»e Atklnt, R Tllliiso iitHldcn. I'lm-lie bi intir- dered lij Mr lUchinl, wbo hccuhch riilll|t ot tho crime becatiso a Jewel of LIti Ium l>oeu rt>uuil In tlm glrrR poAaesdoD, rmiI lie Nhh been aeon In hiTcum- Eftoy. TlionapArtoenhlpIni-rlmo iJironn(*d liutircun lllOnidRe, a rrlecte.1 luvrr of PtMi be,an.l Hlr IllclianI Malet. niHip. the h«ri>, u««l aopeara In iJie KnRllnh array al Boudan, where ih* vlltalna tnc* liliii ami al- Icmpt to aaatmlnat* lilni. Hla llfo li aavnl by r.oniiliJire. who baa folhiwetl liliii lu llie deaert. tliiqnilM>l an an Eogllab private. Five )ear4 later Mm. Kutftlln. beller- logherliiintanil and auirerlng great ixirorty. mar- rlf>M Hlr Ulchanl. Ader tlie ceieninpy flim U liiiniMllalelv c<infrontad hyharfunnor hualiaod, Phllli>. Kir IllclianI acenaoi him ol ilio u!tl murder; It* \* linprU oned, and O'ccap** Jual lo llmo lo reap Uie iHsntllt of the irwarhery of (Innlit*, who ronf<nw*a and dl*clua«N Hlr Hldianl'a KiillL Tlia laltar illi*^ Inmi acel- dBOtally drinking a polaiiu he linx piii|iart>J for llnidKu. ItilUp la eioneraieil. prnvod to hav* n rwivctaliln ancun- iry, and lareMored tu hie mi it I «n. T1i« caat: lliillp B^- dalle. Arthur Korn>«i: flir Hklianl Mi,lfi,.lnhn FIinhI; BlllUmdge, Waller8. Craven: lluch WbUlngton. J. A. Watlibourae; B<|ulre WldillnRlou, Hydney frlcf; Tnmiiiy Athlii*. Will. Culllneton; li^maUiire Wldilinaloo, Laura Hun; Katie Read. Kailla Marllnul; Hally (irudRe. Fanny BkMxlgood; Mlnni^ OUto Rmllh; nia-U Alklit*. K<>vi TIlTany. "Northern Lights;* A DOlodraou, In four acIr, by UeBatB. Ilarklos and Bariwur, whr produced fnr the flrvt tlmo od any alage Nov. 4, ul tbe Bovdola SfiuaroTliCHtrv, Boh- tou, Han. Tbe ncenoof ncllon Is lo Uonlana, In the lilUe Big Uom Valley, In IHTO, wben Qen. CuHior madelilR memorable charfre againtd Silting IIuH'r encampment, ibo lndlaoe,iiniaz«ttitiho flaHhlng or the nortbero llgbtA through tbe atarllt ikT, re- nnlltaea elgnal for an uprbUog, lud atUck the U.S.troops, who are lo command of Cook,Terry and aibbouR. Tlielieru, Wallace llrar, laa aoklUr onder (N>ok,aod lheHOOoranarDiyoinc«r,(>i1.Uny. Thmiiuh pnieraaluni lnilttenc«i balaaltllcted with a horrible l^er of flreanne, and after recolvlnu a wound lohia dr'i action, deaerw from ali*«r Irlghi- lie la c<>uitinanlate«l ami eoodemnoil. Unknown to hlmaell bli wound haa fmod hIabkMMl frum ih* taioiof fear. A voluntaerU called Inr to caiTT de>patcli*ii in Col. Uray, lurruubloil by Ihe one my. Wallace deriundi the rigiit toaav* lua rather and redeem bla raaollDeaa. Tie inl>uloD In *It*u hlni.and, thoogh terribly wounded, he r*acJiea lliacaiitp and aavaa tli*dar. Thecaat: Joliii8wl|1wln<l, William nourtlalgli: HIdoey Rlierwood. Claronce IlniulyNldeM^ Wallaee (Iray, Oeo. A. Wrlaht; Col. (Iray. K.D. DenolaoD; Han llurton. Mart. B. Uelaey; Lieut. Hherwond, Harry Mllbi; hUmt Barrlojnoo IIIgRi^ Artliur Biicbaiiao; lluo. Hugo Dare, Pnuk H. All*o; (l*it*ralCriMk. Marry (Jwyoii*ll«: Iron Nation, Arthur Howard: CapUlo Hcrong, JnMph W. Ilealy; LleuL Viraum, Fnoklyn HutMrta: Coiporel of the lIuard.OMrge Wltton: Poat Nn. I. Kred B. Pleraoo; ll*leo Dare. Llal* I^lgli: Fb/renre Wierwtmd. (Irace Al- w«ll: Uoraihy Ouobir, Nellie Callahaa: Htarlliht, laa- IttUe Parker. "Jerry, the Tramp," A comedy drama. In four, iiy J. W. Hnmrncn. waa acted for Iho Unit Uiiio tn Amerlcit Oct. ni, at tbe Froot BlreetOpera llouev, Wurceitor, Urhr. Tlie alory la of twin iirotlicrH. Jerry, ono or thoin. la seot to prison for a crime coniiultiod by hla brother, wbo laalckly and could uot aurvlve the Iniprixon- ment. AttorHevctitecnycHmhonAnageiiueKaiie. •Dd, dlBgalaed aa a tramp, WROden to tbe hunse of Col. Lee. a ridi banker. Tlier* he la r*cugnli*d liyono Jamea BUekbura.p<aa*u«4| uf a aecm or the Coluoel that hla RuppoiMl daughter aod helrftu l« hut an adopted child. Tbrouit^ threau of a«BdIng Jerry bark lo prl«on aa an eacoMd convict h* fnrcea hlin to repreaant hlma*ll aa tii* r*al faUitr of Nana Lee, aod ler aome tin* Uianafur uaea liim a* hlatnol. Jprry llnallydlacoTeniliatNana laaclually bli own Hilld. Ha ibeo preucta b«r froio Hlaekbum. «iiu*o ■cheine li la 10 narrrher. Thabrolberai Iaatconrea«<rthIacrliiie and at hla death botioeaiba lila mllliiMialtiblabruiher Jerrr. Theeeaoeean laid Id America. TlieCMt: Jorrv Waaton, Robert ilnliam, Cbin. II. Meauyar; Jimea BUiibtturo, ChiB. W.Traviii; r«il. Dick Le*. CUud* (luunad; Jack Worthlnaioo, I- fl. Allua; Dan Crawlmil,Tliom H. Hall; Mn. Dick Lee. Alice Arlington; Ruile, l^iKle Dally; Nana Lee, Pol lIaBronka. ^^^^^ DEATHS IN THE PROFESSION. LomB FouBBiT (HUalielh O. Camberlaod), well kDOWoasan aclresaafew ycani ago, died Nor. 0. at her borne, lo Fhlladelpblii, I'a. Tho deceased DSUe het debat when twelve yean of age, at Ford's Opera House, Baltimore, Hd. Hbo msdo rapid Erogreaa,and UDnlly rone lo Die rnnk of teadlog idy. Iter work sh Oreti-ben. In "KlpVan Wiuble,'' aod nta MsreUfO, lo "For a Ufo," wrs parllculRrlT cooimendahto. Her last eogBRcmrol was wlia Foregaogb'aTboatreCo., Pbliadel^la. Bherellred rroffltbeRUgeelRbtyeainago. Tbe remalos were interred Not. 13, In Femwood Cemetery. lltioa Fat, tbe well konwn acior, died Nov. 11, at bis borne lu iblj diy, from cooriumpilun. the decesjed was hom Id Pmvldcoce, It. I., forty ibree yean ago, and made bbi debiil at the age nf elgbtaeo. lie waa bent knowo In M* conoecUoo wUh William Uany, with wbom be appeared on the TRUderllle aUge nod with wbom Hlarrcd lo "MuldooD's PtcDlo,""UcKenQa'H FllrUtlon,*"*lrlRb AJlstocimcyanduttier play*. The tuara wDaratnl eeveral yean ago, owing to the 111 hcaltbof Mr. Fsy, but rejobetl baodn ROd worked loueiber again for seTeiBl aeiaona. Tbe noal diaBolutlou of ibepari- nersblp occurred abuut two jean ago, nod Mr. Fht made nls laat appeanoce lant yesr. In Ilrooklyn, N. Y., appearing In^'Old Cboma." lie wrs twice mar- ried, and learea avIdowRnd two children, tiy hli flnt wire. Tke remaloa wero loierred Nov. l-i. 10 Woodlawn Cemetery. Tbe runcnl wbh Ritcodco i>y memltenortbe Amerlran Uglon'tf Honor Hnd the Koipire Cllj Chapter of ibe H'lynl Arcanum. Ijjnwum Uata, a veteian Rhuwrnan, died Sot. 12, at Ht. VinceDi'A Itutpltjil. ibla rity. In bis yonng daya he bad licen a cirvua clovo. but tor DiaDj yean bo bail i>een the aci;reury and geiieml biiaJneiH mao for Chlarlol, the wril kwiwn Hiiiiib Amerlcao circu iirojirleKir. Mr. Mara arrived in tbla clly Nov. li.accompanied iiy fila danghier. lie was very III nod waa takenat noce to the hox- pltal, where he died tbe rollowlog day. Tbe re- DMlai wen loierred U. UiiAt Riiam.!., an acirf«. died Nor. le, at ibe lYeebyierlfto lloapltal.Cblcafn, III. ibe dcceaRtd was at otto Uib« wou known la tbla liiy, having Itren a member of the Mock at WallackVTIicatn ror aaverRl yeara, beglnolna wltb tbt aeaaon ot IM19-4. BbetUayedlberrtteoT KmllyMenlODlnihe flnti AoMTlcAn produouon of "l>ece|)UoD." wbloh ucruired Jan. 17, IfeH, and appeared u MallMa Hotalo lo "lAily Obtit" wbon Ibat play waa given liR American premier, bN)b. 1:1 or iho aanip vear. Hhe waa tbe Nora Kti/gemld In ibe dnd |tn>iluiMlnn In ihiR country or "llarreau" wbloh occurred i)ci. l*t, IHsii, and on wbloh i>ci'tulon Orenlon (-larke made hla American debiii, appealing hh Rot HRniim. On June *iT of tbo rollowlng year Mlsa Uunsell a.>uuractl iho ixilo of Una NoIs^ir, In ''Ilarhor IJghlii." whlcb waa Ihon |in>ducod fur the tint time itefore an Amortcan amlteni'e. After mcellng wlih dM'Idcd HurcfMi hr a inciuhpr ot llr. WRllRck*)! titm- mtny t*bo left tbo nrganlEallont to imr. aluco whirh time abe hHR played wltb Tartoiie nm\ cmopanleK. .*4he waa IIiIk aeannn a moml«ror iho "Mntlcm UephUin" Co., and wra ron'Od, ihreugh bor lllnoRn, to go 10 Ibe boapltal almut two weckaegn. Tlio re- mRlna will l>e bmuaht to thli cliy for tnlonneni, and the rinenU will tRko piRce rrom the rvaldouce nr Um. Oeorge DIrkera, a aUier or Ihe deceased. llATfilu>K TOBfiT. at 000 llmo well known 00 tbo coDcert abtgc, died Nov, 10. rrom gaau1lla,Rt her borne in this city. Hhe waa bon Feb. 91, iHia, in this city, and at nn early an took up tbe aiudy nt miiRlo, ftho flnt devoted Donolf Uk iho violin, and then lo the cultlralloD or her toUt. which wan a floe contralto. Fnr llie violin aba Mudled umlcr Henry Appy, and then went to Unimela and plarnl hentcir ondcr ibo tutonhlp of Wlcnlawnkl. llor Tocal loatnit'tor was Jullua Rtookbaiisen. For a number of years abe ilvToied lieneirbi oboir slog- Ing. Bho waaaueiuber of tbe llymouib Cbua'h choir al one lime, her anwirlRtM boing t-^nnia Thunby, Ooitrge Hockwood and Henry Camp, ami later l>«CMme allaohml tu tbe Cbrlul i-hiirrh chidr, which VRH tliDD the leading ohnrch miiair urganl* xAtloa In tblD clly. Hho aftorwanla jnino^T ilio Clara Mulso Kellogg Ooncorl Ui., with whlnh Rho imvtiDd ror ttovefml iieaaniis. Hlneaa Onally do- prtvud ber ut her volco and alao lni|Mlred her looh- nloil skill ariHvlotlnliit, ami Rho then toi>k np Iho learhlni or miidc. Hho wrh a Htator or Thcoiloro J. Toedt. wbo recently Itecamo blind. Tbe fnnonil will occur Nov. 10 fMrn her late bnine. llAKJOiitB Bomhrr (Uatborloo F. doodwln) died Ruddeoly Nov. II. at bor hrmie In (bla city, fntni an nrenlon of HHirpliloi*. Tito docoRsed, wlm \thii Ihlrty-threc yeara of ago, war aHlaii'ror Ihe Ihio liyra Goodwin, and waa i|nlie well known In iha profeaalon, bavlog at one ilmo nlayed toAdlng n)li'ri wlih Uargaret Hather'a Cti. Iter biid aii|«nrani-e waRmade Inaun/ /trat^i perronnanco nr "Aa Yon IJkelt."at Haraiii»,N. Y. She reilrcd from tho pmruaMon alMiut llirco ypan* ago, Hml hna sliico Iiecn uDgaged In ihealrlcal drctuuuikliig. Tliorlr- (-uii)HtRnrca nileDdltig her ilcnih inlnt to auleldo. .HhoieaTeHaalMor. Till wiKi nf Joe l*eillnglll, i>f llAlnoH and I'ol- llnBni,dled Nov. 4, at \m AngotoH,CRl., rntm pen* tonltlR. Mn. I'Plllotlll had ueou r varloiy pcr- fomier. The rvnwiOH were taken to liRlilniOFC, Hd., rorlnlemioui. KowAHi) r. rV.RKK*') 4:tUMDaHUiN, rnr many yeiirridiiorkoutiurHl Nlblu'H ilAnton and Iho ritinu 8i|iirtrD Tbeairo, ihbi I'liy. dliHl Nov. ir». Thu dv- ccMM'd WAM a memlKir of iliuNew York l.iHlgi<. Nn. 1.11. I*. t>. KlkM, and (ho runoral vam hold Ih, rnmi thn litdgo mfmiH. Ahtiiuh Uacrb and Ills wire, Any lbj-wlli<, who, Rcconling 10 dlapatrhw, rei:onlly coinmtllcd huI- clile lo Hydney, New Hontli Wain, wore well kiiuwn In ihlRcountiy. Tlioy wertt known In prlvato llfuaa Mr. aod Mn. Culver Jamea. Mr. lUcrt) viNlird tlila ciinnlry for the Oral lime In IRin, nnd rauiu hrro Again In IHVI, wllli bin wHu, when ho wna ungHgnl (o Hii|iport Mm. IamIIo (Hurler, In (be pHKluclInn of "The I'gly DuukllnR." lie reaisiied rmm iblH ooinpany In Ion than a week, and Jolocd AiiKiiailn lirtly'D Cu. In April, ikuI, lliey were eugagnl by Itnao (;ngnliia in npjHuir In a curtain ralsor, whirta prccedtil "Laily Itiirlcr." SiKiu after tlilR tboy rciiinicil lo KngUlid, wlioroMlriS Itoiclle played aRhnrt l>tiidoii ongagcment. Ariur an uttiiiiii:^^!! ntipiiipi in iimr Ihe iirovlnrea with a coinpany of llieir own, ihi-y wont in AiiHtmlla, lu that rnnntryihoy pni- duued "A Hcrap *tt lUpor," "LlMto." "Tho Inm- muater," aod other iriuya. Tlieir l4Mt proiliicllun waH "Qi'mlcman Joe." Mr. and Mn*. Ihicrii atorHl wutlln Iho iiruferiRliin. lluWHulba Jhiiioh lUlalnn In "Jim, tno Pi^uinan," whoo Ihut plRT wrm flnil pnMliicod at tho llayniarkot Tbealre, utnilon, In IHHO. lie was about rorty yeurR of ago. Hho waii younger, QniHUB KvBHiriT, niHiiaRcr, dIM ()<-(. 22, al hla home. In Waahlngton, 1). c„ fnimcongrailiin i>f tlio InogH. The dcccafled waa tiofll known Ihmugh hU cunoectlon wltb t*. !£. l<othnip*ri enlon>rlHUri. Tlie roniaiDH wore lakon to IIohIoii, Mahii., und wuru lii- icrTTd 2T, In cedar flnivo Cemetery. PROFESSI ONALS' BUREAU. Mantt of Managert and Ptrfortntra, Optn OatM, (tc-Sa* AdvertlMmanla. DnABIATI«. K. K. Nli-kenHm waniiidMnMtlc jwniilit niitl iiiiihI. cinni for liU Oiineilr On. llonilarwin'a lltg ilomuij i'-ti. cnn In limikuil. 'Ito OiliiintilH Ttaoiln, tan Fnnclwo, OL Ih iHHikliiir iliue rnr ncit kiwii. UaimKen Fnuil* luiiiler, (Inlilob * (la„ piibllah • twilmnnUI InitDr rroD) tlio iiiuiftKemeiit uf llio Ihuiiunlaiu). MUIiit( rorlli tho raclllfleii with wliloh ■ flrat ihuH pruliic tloi) (ADiMttiown to (lio liCMt KdvHntHito Ht Ihia hniiHo Ktiil to tho enllru MlltrAoUouorihixrniiiponf. llMtr Bro*.' "A Willi llooM Ub*M" Co. au bo iNHiketl during Jiiniiirr Hnrt fobniary. AltnclloM COD Moure ths wMkN or l)or, lo, Koti. 3 ond iu. tt tho UruDd Upon Uoum, Uruukljii, N. Y. Uio llitmllton Pbllllpii iile&l ThMiro L'n. ran bo liuikeil for L'brliiirau we«k. Kuiinu and Wolrb, In their ftcnibitilu cuninl/ urt, COD l>o oQgoBCil. Tliof liaro cImwU with (be Amcrlrsn Vauooville Co, lirHiniitic iKiinlo in WKntodby Ucnnwon A IbiM' Iiy, K. Droko.J.ll. FnnclH, FrcUlhiyiauDil, Juhn J. Illick, lliirrjr Ubinlo, Uluu. K T»;lnr, UMkoll A llell, I'errr li Pmaily, Alhort Hlono, Mrl>irtli> A Hftnia, U. A. UalKini, A. J. Krwnnd, Hnniigiir II. I'. Druw. Kompton Komcilr Ko., TbomoN A VVilNiin, HiDHior.T. J. toundom.Uorinntiiii, lialiilc UurkiHi. At U\ttnj: hkluM Fiiwbtr, II. I.. Wiilib.L'baii.A. Hcliratb, Kolllo llelnwr, Taiui HtnlD, Julin V. Ibi. liiKh, Otni Ihtlloy, Nellie Miller, Kinll Miller, Kale Hmnipiion, Uuf CufniaD, UaileloD Oanrnuii, Tlio>i. T. lUnk, lloorgo K. Murpnr, Tbo*. J. Oouner, Anulo Aidilor, will J. Jeniiin, Cecllo Woliun, J. J. o'lbmi, Mniond C. Iiurruiiilu. Oiniblrmtlurw cmn liook tliDO ftt tho rortlaml Tlir* Hrro, J'orllADil, Mo. "The HInibKer'i Hlonr," a now wiDg iUrr, nid bi iio not 10 • uklDf nuliidj, Ih puldlalioil hj K. T. I'NUll, tbu aulbor. wiiu wilt aupplj pmrcimlifniilK wltb copleji on receipt of lOMinpo rnr p-iaioBo. "Illind Hon'* UluiT' uin he ordoreil from J. I'. Venoe. liKmllloa R. (Jordon bM Imacd "UyHuun, H; HiHck Kjed I«d7," awl "llaiineli, tin Hide Your lUfMmem," at ten centa oacb, with nrcboalrm parta. "la l<OTO Too YnuD(" l> laued l>T W. II. Uauibr; A Uii. "KtlKl mil N;o" adTortlaei three now miRanl too ceof a each. "Ilo'a My Dill" Uatrooily rtcoininendod by ItavM J. Aoilrada. H. Wluiurk A H«D>, Uin publlahera, will Bupiily tnia lODi for tea ctola. "I'll Tell My Ha on Ynu," "Hwent llunoh ot Ualala" and "My Hweelliean, Nellie Wand," are lunnl l>y tbe Waiauli Miulc <lo. "The 811a May Hhlne Tooarrow, Jack," Arthur K. HlU'a bkUat mni, la aupp'leil hr Ibe aniimr. Ttie "lien Ihill" March aad otbcr InalmuieoUl plecaa are eupplled by l> K, llooa. Muali.'lana are wanUid bf llanian A Wlllarri, Bouriiiao A Yoii0(, Win. Klliliell, I'. M. Udeniian, Uuwnrd Block Uu., V. II. Iirluol. At Uiierty: U. Ulrkel, UlK Four Hand and iirrbei- Ira, Harry W. ilroaa, Hainuel Hchlller, J»iiri H. Kgan, Uox "Tbe feail I ik>l Fruni tho Ho." can i>o ordercil fruiii Ibe I'eail Mutic Pulillatihiii "Fair Lilly, the Bella or lliaTuwn," la publhilitil by H. Cuoinba A Co. M, J. Hhaie advenlaei inrnllea on pnnnlar Mnii<. Harry Hhcldon wrllea rrom Ihe ''(llrl Wanlad" Uoinpany that ha iHinaklnr Ibe hll nf bla lira alnK- loK "The Hweeieai Utile lllrl In Town." The pole lUbeni, J"a. W. Hum * !».. nala Ibat O'Hrlon and llavcl and otbcni repfiit HQcccaa wllb tbli catchy *ing. Tliey alM pnlillab Ibe clKmia nt thtlr laleai bit, "My Ileal <Ilrra a Skw Yorker," wlili;h U litloi aungallxvor Ihe Vulled Bum by leading vocal lata. A niimlicr nf other oew lUtDira, a. well aa Inairotiirntal cotn|*'lallllln^ are adrenlaed by Ibem. Theae marcbca and walizaMBre eapei-lally ailaplitd for drlllaand mnalc Incidental lo variety aria. Tbe flOKllab Hoiic Fubllalilni llu. bare aiiiiie now aoogL T. H. Kelleyailreniafii IhiM ttw anoia, aoUlM •Tho IJllle !«UraAr« l«>kln» 8«ml|ht atlfOT, '"no Huni Aliino Un TeU" aud "To U» IJtUe Wlith In No. H"allwenly-nTecoal><eaoli. "Oh, My Junab'' la adreiliaed by 0. W. Held. VARIBTT AND ■INSTRBU. Al. and Manila Andtmna ata at the AtlaaUo Oar- den, Now Vork, Ibla week; next weak at nolmea' BtorTliraIre, llnxiklyD, N. Y. Babe Mo<in wania a partner. _.. „ DanclUK la lauiibt by Juhn HcOirthy aud Will B. Mancheaior. }. Ilnwani niiawn wanla aperlally ponpla, cnrloa, otr., for the Now Uiwe Ttimtrv, (Kilunihiia. Ilttcae anil Hwnn an lioiiknl at rnK'tot'iTboatto, Now Yiirk, r«r IK». .'U and Jan. a. Tttiii HIpley anu:>unpca hla auci'Ctf wlih the Krenoti KYIIyCo. Harry lla\1a haa Mnlillabeil a New York cnica for bhi amuaomrnl lin-iilt, with Walter lludaon hla top- rcaonlallve. Mnnnn and Heveilo tn at Hhoa'a MiuUo Uall, Ihiilklo, Ibla week, no Iboir "bikoe." A. T. Iliimiian'a tljiiu Vaudarllle Co. la liolnR l«oko<l rnr mxt aeaaun by Drew anil Campbell. Tbe AiiiuKina^SnlMi Trio aia IllUni an enjpiRO. niani over Ihe iirplieuni Wrcall. Their mualoal act la a aui'CCBH. Sporlnltlci an wanted Uhaa. U. Allen, II. M., J, llonnan, MrCiimiark and UnnanI, A. R. Ixiinaiiyi Ivie Sun, Uualral Partner, II. II. Hplcor, Iro Ylllon, l«w Walen. Al IJIwrtjr: Mra. Ilanilln, Hilly llanmi, Toirgo aod lianlela, lUco imiUiura and Kib, Vli'lurla, Pnir. Frank llnitlon, l.ew and liella Waloni. Tte T\irklab Tmupo ut Itaiivora la l>eln( booked by J. J. TVkmlnoalHn. J. Molvllle JanaiiD'a KncyrUiiiedIa ut Uumody la lilHhIy toromiunnilnl Iiy |iniiiifn«nl perfonnoni. It ('•inlainx a largo iiuantlly nr iiMlerlal naelnl l<i rnn- niakerH. Harry llowor can lio eiifcaKnl In pniibiro bla novel alnile aerial act. .siwi'lally nrrrnmioni and mualclana i-aii acciiro piiMllona Willi Lnclor'a MInalnU. Tlinmu and (Aarlelnn'a now ucl aocnroa thoni re- turn onKHReiuoniH at every hoiiio ihoy play. Tno Ta'u tlracca. wIhmo art waa a aiiorcm at Kulib'a 'Itieatro, riiliailcl|ibla, ran tm accuitil. ilraroy and liimioti can Im) oiiKaftod lur noxt week. Mlaa A. waiila n narlnor for h akoloh. Ilanllnu and Ab Hbl ami Mile, iillvu a|ie«k lilRbly or Ibo l-MiyTroi-adoni. AtUnln. Tliitiiuwand uulnn ran lioennigetl. Van Aiikeii, StolDiii ami Illll can In aooii at Iho star HicHIro, llriwklyii, Ilila week. Tliry have a (nw upon wwika. JampH ilpamo vaiita cnnililnallona lor upon daICK, lliilo and IMilitiun want atrnna a|ioi*lallin<. Ill lloury wantHinlnatiel iHnipio. Kllaon anil Kin>l nm vlayioK ilaloa auunraafnlly. llmntbiD and Htglul tiavo nuxt wopk open. Thn Four KiiiiH-niiaiir Miiali- lMvi*Hiiiiion|H*iitlnio. iirliilD'H (luliloa ran lai w-nuri'it tor nnn diillnr oni-h. ]toi\ 'J and u are npou at llio lori-piini Thoairo, Clil* lauo. .Mobnior hirk, Uonlrrnl,OiiiailA, iiinraiiiion llnip iiinimblnaihinH. Tho iiaoin or the (Ipni Tbpiiiro, WllkMHirre, I'a., ailvpribHil In nimtbiT ciibimii, baa Iwon nhnngod In tho AnItiniultoTbi-nira. Uwlii bklell laai'nniy hialnr'aTHcatroihlaweek. llo i-aii Ik< pngaffrd. OIBCl'M, Wllllo Marka oiToim a rlrciia horae rnr anlo. II. Itpiir WHiita a riinily htainl privllpgu wlili a guiHl t!lri;na. Chaa. K, iiriiilD ran aiipply Iho lliiiilliig Uroiw Ibinio Itonk. J. A. Uallity haa opeiiKil lila nnbm al 1.1 Weal Tnroniy-BpvpntliHiroei, Now York. It. II. IhM-krIll wanta iwuplu btr tbo VVIiilor Olrcna, Chlrnao. (irrin llnilbpnwiali In cngHHoallnirlbnia rnr Ibelr clrriiH In Mexico. Col. JpMu \v. FtNior putillalioi lihi addnw In Allll-lli'H. MIICKI.I.ANKUVa. Aliraclbina can iHink Ilmo al llio llevlngtun, Kaa.. <i|H;ni lliiiian; .VlhanibmI'lii-iilni,'I'aroiiliini, I'a.: lluililnk'H Now Opera lliiuao, Ullllbib, 111.; Him. rno Upon. Iloiiae. I.owv|||p, n. v.; Vrinohoalor, Ky., aiera Ibiuae; Yorra' npora llniiao, llonlon Harbor. Ph.; Ujiera llouao, KIk (biiiirn, W. Vn.: Harla' Theatra, .-cranlnn, I'a., ami Ibe llljnu Tbealn<, innjihainion, N. V, Fnr Kalu: l.liliiia by 1'. Hiilllvaii. ilng by I'mleaaor, lili ka by W. II. J. Hliaw iiiiil W. II. U Ibiy, dogn by I'rnf. <;. i^trllalp, iraliipil bumea by Wlnflnli'Hp- UiiKbllii, iliiiiliiv, iirl, dr., Iiy K. tl./.ula, Hoeuvry by U. II. Ikilirniiillb. I'mr. J. W, Ueiilry wanta a ilng Iraliier. Harry liavlH wafiiaaknirrH. Uaaienler woiibi n laialllnii aa aiago carpenter, oli;. Iiuiiilcy anil nnrwlRinaenranlnro tenia, olp. Dr. F. Oppoiibulinur want a a iiiwIIpIiiu waguo, II. U. Kniery waiiia riirluHliUia. k (liililaiiillli Jr. iiiiiniiravluroa Ihiialrb'al Irunka anil niakii up Ui.vea. II. A. Hlnuiiooa iranla Uk-k liluycllala ami akiilrra birtboKllle Itink, Cblraun. Tim llniel Warwbik, UnlcjiKOi oirorn acniniinnln. Iliilia tli |inirri«lii|iaM. Kbiiin ,\ Hbow wiiiit III bear rmiii lliick Tkylnr, alan rmili drat rlaaa ciirlo.. Frank W. Wllllama waiiiHibiiw ram. I'mreiHlnnali can acruro nanna and lamrd at Ibv HIandnrd llntd, rhlbidolpliU. A. Ilerimnil. latlliit, ran lio enitagoil. Will. liavlH Hall ran bo Hcciirul aa bualneaa iiiaii. agar. Ilhea, llie roHorakatlna and allll walking linrao, la nmirod rnr ailo by lir, w. F, Junea. NIlMiii'H Arilal lullcl rao Iw pogagcil. An acting dug can lie aecuruil. II. M. riiiiioi.-« wanu III hear from I.. 0, Yeonuna. H. II. taill can ii.-"iili gyiouaau' gnnon, , WANTKU. IIKI>. AWn NI>IMI. 4r4»N., IN llw;., Jan. ami fpli. fnr my cliruli In w. Va. and Hi], 1 In 7 WMh.* aiMil lili. AU.I, I'mij.!. In mnil.l.l. Ilr.malln rii. HilarrTiiw. bill am. i:. b. WIHKMAN, Mir, IliHiia llnuaa. Bit llanlaii. W. v.. , KKlUi A PllliNICI.VN OPKH A \.wl.i.liilri, ln.|._ lluUH Jaaic<iini.|plail. IHA'll'O'llik. • w"',»i^"aoiB, aiuwav J^m\ c<iiiijNpla<l. KTnryllMlIK oawud ili«l>«(L R«allDtfr«f«rU) 501. Wani daiM »lili Rwiel AtiiinMilaa. MnM rd'iW tli«r ara unial. AiMraaa KKItlt A rVHSKUU. MmiaRpr*. VomUralMirR, Iml. Hail. 3, «llli IwiiiiiiirtlirrAaaa'iii Ilia ealaiidnr. lti>|Mii|iiiy roiiiHiiy «rll« iir wlrn Nulrk. ittlinr u>hh| matin lltim In liw.. Jut. and Kiili. AiMroHa all iiiatlar lo n A- Mrilul- lif.U Jr.. HanaRor. Ibwiy* (liMra llmivi. Umrlltfi, N. V. AT'LIiVKICtV, A Ho- I HlKhCaci au'rUuf^i (.'•mifi •llah. call cliaaKx usmty nli(hl fur l*o wnnka. HIliRtr, ■liiiRvr and ac/idtat. A ii*t« ■cmbalir rurm afHicraily, (iMMldrtiaHf wi uhI i>ir ■!■■«. ltt>j>iiiiilbU iiiHoauM*. «ri#r« iiinniy U «ur»,aiMrhu Ulf.LY MAIlNlfH, IlirUn. Allan I.'m., Ind. _ HIIKKT. Haiiirln V) aliaai, In fuiir rulura, Hm. ijitvl mm **■ "»*)l'KH.<'«ff»/»lll«. kaiia. riUKAl'. AiMrnpai'raj'liI/ In r. HOimiNfC8<9ialliaiil (low, HiMon. Haa*. A r<>|'y *>t RtMiTB, i aRi. fi elihr4Clnr, iiUy ttir uhly ||. lira malic. MInarral an<l V«rtel)r iHialijMidff all kindi) wriltvn l/i opl^r, i>r rarlawl. rlitai-. Hiaiii|i fnr rHi>ly. IIAHKV IIKNPKIUU).f.>n«ra«« Hi., f.'tiilat III.<. Hy. ~oriiijru£~ll. iill'Af*, i/oiiMkltrv "OK iMjLUMil ri, vlllhaarwintoifiliiif lulilaatlraniaita by ad- draulHR II. (I. ft. .Nr> jfiW iibKL. i.'loElDaill. fliOk.M. i;.€AUl«IHL|Cllaa>iir Kaln aTfuu|« orS Dor*, 6 iltftrcuHbry iraionl, «Dil kI*« f^ill ptrfnriii- anco: oua •init flll* In by kMf'oK mla mint *m\km un lilml |«|l«.)rtili|iilRh Ui l«arii:e'lnRa,lravalloR iKii*RaiH}pro|,R airo'ini'Uio' (^<aap. !>•*«■ Bill •ork foranylMdy. frof. K.*;.(:arlla)a,Lrnn, Maaa. _ WhhtUlK irii I'llkiiii'AHK^'iilrKKfrTH huH MacMn*a of avary dvaerlplloB, aai^clally |>lioooRrR|ihB. NraHiat4">a**e raconli. otc. Id fact, any faaiure nfmarlL ■ u M «hoac. for mU, H bkvl In tilul I'leluro Ifarbleia. t). H. HIIKA. HarllMniuih Haaa. '^Afi'tuui ~A %^fciri«Atifi;k~coAiKirrAK and If ANiiKR, or any K'»l Kniaruliiar fdr MnlTclb* tUim putr- Ml.ln lovff.t aalnry In Or.t l.ll.r. I bay IwanI •oilUaoHinllallnn. Aililrw J. IIKKMAN, Ko. <)lNl>rlh Klalilb Hlraal, Pbllail.lplila. Fa. WANTtftriHmi'rroS an TilDeT vCAhh, Al WiNH HKI.I.KII. I.'ao .It. Ii..i i.I laltnnc... Ail' dioM i:IIAn. AI.I.RH. lUiclM.ur, Pa. ' l.l'rliUNO.^k UKf^T ItAtll.'Ail.irH'I'VI.KM', rullci.lorwnrk. Hand 2U). r<iri.niiik.. HAHHVflLAHK. 1.171 Mouili Tv.lnii Hlnak nilla.l«l|jila. Pa. "wANti'.W.'to" idVii! r(iK"iiKA'ii'Ji< iSfria, HHAI.L KKr W:K.SKKV. Mall, aii'l a HTKKKUPTII.'ON. Will liiiyalw, i.)ion>iaraMi r»«/n).; lalMI aod aiMl popu- lar iniiaiMO-irilu. rhnan liir raah. AiMra.. nulokly, T. J . HAJ.'MUKHH. lailUnill Ml.. Hiirtnn, Mou. willTAAN'riraiier "iMHiiilCCf. ATlMWit I'KKKOHIIRIi. Vanlrll4' Mialc. Ilolrli and BUck I", An, D.v. iir, llKI>IrlNP.(»l. TAKK XimilK. Pof. Hnnia toil llnorN. Abvinlrr... air. AiMrwul riiiiK. rHANK iioiiiHi.v. in nip.uwicii ' Ato , Naw York. GfH'KVVili'WliH'tKIKU Pailo'.r, IS work In tpcanlric rMiiiMy .katcli. InU'Mlucloa IrIck ilugi, ate. Hiial tl. rUvar. a KanH.aiao, anil wall kaowo In tho (irtrwloo. HIIVHI.TV. cara or VLIPPIIK, MlMfr lUt'tiitLlK«'i<fican.(ra'Hoi»i.r'llr clifAlra. att: balo.l Aerial HiiipmbIod, $10; lllodoo l.'binn Trick, twir'abliial In a|4«ar or dlaoppoar, fkli wunu uada rnr oil loaalo louuin. HKriliSW, (iuaola M lU, Fa.