New York Clipper (Dec 1895)

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ODWilghteil, 19M, by Vu Tnnt Qnntn pabmnnj Compuiy (LUmtedj Founded by i FRANK QUEEN, 1893. ( THE FACE AMID TH E CROWD. wiLims ron thi kiw t irk rurpiB. BT HARK tlERi:0I1ll. JSTKW YORK, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1895. IIITO vllbia a drcum iixlay, A dnam of awMi (lennit I For 'mid ibo crowd, bo pusiog giy, There dawntd opon n; tl;bi A rtce I bad not ucd for jeara; It brouRlK Ibe put agnto, Altbougb tre parted coco la lean And bliceroets ud pain. CuoRua: Ob, loving oyea ibat looked In ulne, O'er Life ibcro bung no cloud; It brougbt the gloir or long aco— Tbai face amtd ilie crowd! One glance, and all tbe biiiemca.', Tbe tadacsa, aed slir! Tbat amlle again waa mine lo hleto. And Hope abonc llkr a atari It aeemed to lead me t>ack to Jo.t, Tbat glance of olden daya; Andjeara of gloom could not dcalruj Tbat momeni'a bllnlul nija: Twaa bnl a mom*ry of a face TbatoDco waadesrio mel A form of ancel and angel grave In Life no more to bel Tbe vision passed—again ibe cloud or bopcle$goeB;i Tras raluc; I blessed the face amid iho crowd That brought me dream!) of IhlDc! HIS PASSION. ADAnSD PaOH TUI PKSXni POR Tlia .fKV YORK CLIPriH BV DUDLRY VAN ZANDT. Sjlvain Lonna; had been appointed Dlslrlct Ai' loroej at Salni Orcqnci, a llltic lown ot a few ihouMnd souls, lolall; waollog In diversions, and wlioso alow InhabllBniB spend ibelr time in occnpj- ing ihemaelves witb their nelgbbon, of whom they lose no opportunity lo ap^ak III. Sjlvaln, who bad Just left Parli. found hImaeK much cm o( his element and among atraggers, and be would have eoccumbed to melancholy had be not bad a paaalon—love for Iho blc;ole. Ah «oon as bo felt bored healtsddled bti docile wheel, and, de- vourlug apace, lied from tbe Ulile lown urt Ita gos- sips, u bury himself In tbo coniemplathn of NS' lure. Winter set In, slasi and ilita It rame ibc heavy nlna, enow. Ice, IrripracUcshlo rosdo; It was Im potslble to go nni. Ttien Sjlvain took hli bead lie tweenblebandaaodnaked almaelf wbstwas going to become of bim. Juataaaoonaa an unmarried fuocllooary lauded at Saint Oioiinetho waa expoaed to the aiiacki more or leas diagnlsed, of the noihera wliu had daugbten u> many oir. So the young msglsiraf: was assailed wItb Invllailons. One evening, Dotknowlng wbai todo, bo let blm< wif be dragged off by tbe tax collecUir. bis table companion, (0 an eniertnlnment given by the local notary and his wife, SylvalD found atU. Fargeot'a all llio clllo of lbs society ot Balm Uroquet, but bo had eyes only for ■he dangbier ot a public olllcer, lleleoe, travbiblDg blonde, who was entering her twenllclb year. When Sylvain returned homo ho wis bead over hcola IQ love. He went to the notary's again, and soaght every ocosslon lo approach Ibo jroung girl, who did not seem displeased by his slleatlons. What wu to be done In this lltilo town uulcss lo get married r Sylvain asked for Helena's taand,aod was ac' cipKd, on one condlllon, whicb ibe young lady's patents rlgoroualy Impottd: Uo niut give up bloyole riding. Olio up bicycle riding I Both his smis dropped. What was Ibis now piojudlcer Uo waaicd lo dis- cuss tbo mailer. Tbo mother In law opoclally (howod beraelf lauomble—loexoraUe is deolloy. "Never," sho sUd, "shall our dsnghter belong lo a nan ao little jealous of hla dignity aa to make a speciacle of hliuseIC, bumped up on those odious Utile machines 1 We doal wunt a rlolcolout sou In law. A magistrate on a bicycle—for ataame! Il'sa waDtotscIt respect, ofproptlciy. Oeoibouldcom- mil one's self uccording lo onu'a posiilon." "llui, moiher—" "Leave tbat for coromuD people—sud whai itropio i They look like bagdlts wllh Iholruncovercd breasis nudswodilllug clotbeatsoon Ihey will s|i|iear ijulle naked; It's aUogelber Indecent I" ''I doD'l rido IQ Hwaddliug clothes." "II doesn't lack much of II!" 'but bicycle riding has entered loiu our cua- loma." "II won't enter Inio tbosc of Ihc Paricoie:" ■ I could menilon people or high aiailon —" "Dsslcaal Yoor propic of hlib italloii are up- KUria. Uorttback, that's aomeihlnglikel Talk lo iiie about hotsemiiuahip—Ibais dlKllasulahed, dig- nined, whilo ibis bicycle cnin: —'' "And besides, Mr," broke In ibc loiary, gravely, "Inaddlilon lolhls popular pullme being ot ques- ilonablo la^ie, Ibere arc other rta-ionu more turlona ibatobllgo afalhcr aolldloiis of tbe healib of bis progeny lo pni an Interdict upon It as far ss hla children are coucerned. Tnis cxerclHela dsirlmcn- lal 10 health." "Detrimental lo heallb:' cried Sylvaln: "on the couirary, It la recommended by physicians." "Of coursel lt'< to Ibdr loicrcat. Hut air. aa my paper well remarte. what about the cardiac funo- tlonat \rbal do yuu do wlib ibcmf Aroyou not aqualoted with Ihe works of Iho lllasMooa Piof. Uarcyr Tbe bent over posliinn la bad; li Is aniu physiological; li provokci airophy «( Ihenoscles of Ibe back and lumbar regloiL" "One can hold one's self straight." 'that's much worse I Tbst prcdlaponcs lo hernia. Uoreover, the tnpldailon acie on ibe loins, brings on softening ot tbo D)aiTDw,and Ual ends In a general breaking down of tbe ayalem. I do not speak ot vanxea, colds, falls, eic." "Never," added ibe noury's wife, "aball our daughter be the companion of a bloycllat I" Sylvaln pleaded In vain Ibe cause ot the bicycle; he wis obliged lo promise lo renouBcelL Heleoo •asopRityl "SIr.'i ssid Ibe noliry lo ihliu, "my daughter Is ccnsinly wuiin a bicycio 1' The mirrlogc took place, and Ihe happy couplo ctlabllabtd ihemaelves In HhIoi Croquet, not fsr from the home ot iho bride's parenls. Sylvaln was very much lu love; noi ibe snullcsl clood Came lo uliscure ibe honeymoon. Whcu .Spring csmc roiiml agiln Sylvaln grew pensive, laclium; hla face darkened He acemed agllaltd, could not keep lu one pkcc. Ills wife undtislood nothing m ihia cbsngc. lie reaunjcd hla liBcbelor hablia, forsook his wife and relumed to Ihc club, llii got Into Ibc lubltui It; he went uutai Ibrce u clock, and did not rciurn until iho dinner hour. I VOLUME XLIIk-No. 40. I PiiM 10 Ctnti, aucb a purpose, where ho waa sure ot being aato from prying eycsr Her pain was lioracn>c; wlih iMterlog steps ab' niaile her way bark home, ami. under pi«iexi of a headache, went lo bed. whoro sho passed an slro- cinim iilghl. Tbe next day she went lu the llaiinlcil Hoiihc again; liy ihc lau abc founil snuhl peaaani. whom she qiirniluncd irtmbling: "How. my gixxi loan, nrc you not arrald id Im an near iho llaunioil llouae. even In iho day llincf" "Kb. lady." rcpllc<l ihe aged mule, iloning bla grensy cap.' whai will your Hooey drives away fear; bcsldn. ihants lu ihe Holy Virgin, I'm nul ■upcnllilouf like ibu itsi.ainldot niyownihidow my rival In ihe Haunted House. Sho dellcs nis at my very door I Who would bavo Ihoughl that of lilmt Whom rbtW I conlde Ini I aball unmask him!" She ran lo her parents, lo whou she lold all aho knew, while aheddlng a lomnt of lean. "Tbe hypncnie I" cried Iho ndary a wife; ' ihsl doean't snrprlw me; ouo mnal eipeol anything on Ihe pan ot a niagUlnle who ndes a blciclo. Yon Khali get a divorce, my daughter. Tomorrow wo will go and lake bim uoawans: raesnwbllr, not a word." The next day Sylrain worn out as naual; half an hour later his muiher lu Uw and wire look iho way 10 Iho llauBiod House. Hulonc was roused; she became Jealous and dhi- aembled. Ujlviln had recovered his guoil aplclts; be ap- peared bappy now, and on his rclum was moro loving. 'I'bal'3 In order to lull my auKpicloua betler."Bhe ihoughL ■■rompied byjealonay, pbe folliived bim. At nrai Sylvaln directed hIsdeiM toward Ihc club; euddcoty be iiimed lolo a lltilo street and made bla way 10 Croque Hon Hoor. He took a path thai wound BcroKB ihc dreary wasle. and which Ird lo a bouse aurrouudod by a high wall, aiandlng In the middle of II. She aaw hini enter the gale and dU- appear. Ileleno Mood siark alllL agape, her eyes dilated. Had abc seen srlghir Had her husband really cnicred Iho premises ot lbs llaiinlei lloiisrl Tbo linblisiloa known as Ibo llaaoird llouae bad Klood for years unoccupied, with Iho nionruIanU winds sweeping uierclleaaly over, aroonil anil agilnit II. helping the baud ot Ttiie In lla work o' devnilailoiL The former roaster ot ibc llaunled House bad iH-on an old bachelor ot eccentric hahlti', a man i\ ho bad led the Ilfo of a hermli, and come, from no one know I xacily whai corner of Ihe globo. lo build ibli dwelling on ihls bleak and forsaken spoi. At hla dealh Ibe llaunled House waa ckued up. and If he had any relailvca Ibeyhnd noi al Irasi ehown fbero- selves In ihoee pans, and lell ibe llaunled Honsein lu tale, Jnai as It waa, wlihin aod witboni, al Ihe Ime of lla nu^lcr a drmlae. The peasants ihcrtaboolB bad come lo look upoB It as a son of pbaniom of Croque Mort Uoor, and It was not longbrfore Ihelrsuppnililoosgaverlao lo stones of Ibe prrangc noise* lo l« heard coming Iron Ihe houae nlgbis, nnill there was scarcely a Bonl for Dllea round about who diil not give ihc place a wide lierlh aa much a^ po#f litle. bo what,ihen,waanol Helens s momenlaryaslOD- Isbmenl to aee her hnaband enur Ibia Ig-emened placer Bot ihe next mlnnie a ligbt dawned npon her. and she fi^lt tbat her mlafonuno waa certain; tbat her bnaband had abandoned her. alur all monlba of wedded hfe. for the nval whom he had Inalalled In ibc an called llaunled Houae I For, In- deed, what beiier place could be have found tor hereaboulii-uut I, Indeed!" 'Thisltcnisihe pliiceihai U. lAnnaybaa hiredt" Kho asked ai n vaniure. "Yea. n'am; how do you know! He wauled II kept tiecret.and forbltl mo lo open my moulh.''pald Ihc pPBpaui, miiving imeaaily, lud oasllug a aide long gIsDce over ihc psih In ihc direction of balDf Cro(|ucl. aa It be expected somu one. aecrel,'* ileleno made baste In say. "but I von 1 briiay you,'' alie addeil. allpplog a stiver piece Into tlic H ltbi-red palm of Ihe old man, whoso dim eyes lirlgbiened np at Ibo oontaol. "Tell ine. my gciod luau. dwa M. Lounay come here ovciy day I" "tvcry day. m'ain. Ii'a hla bent, m*am; br can't do wlihcul II. Aa lie says, It'i my Utile amuse- menb" "Uh! becallrt II bl^ firrie aiiiusmirftj, does lief' fHid llclcnc, her pretty ereailubing. "How long Is It ainue be loiinduced this—this—IMMgai/iiue- TKrtil lioret'" "About two monihr." "Two monibs." "What will you; It's an old paaalon." "Ah. an old our t" "He waa obllgi'il in give II up when ho got uiar- rled. Ihiiho dldn'i lone algbl ot the apple of bis c;e; ho went iiack to his panlon. Ilo couldn t belli II. you ace, m'amf' "The wielcli '." abe niurmutcd, clinching her Utile hinila, and prcaolog her abirp while tcclb dorp Into her undorllp. '*And be takes prcciona care ot hla —" "Olil paisNinr" snapped llelene. "No donbll WhDe he iKtvakeamc!' abe added, aollo voce. "Ho hbsnpayforll!" "He makes no nolae." resumed Iho peaaani. "He remaliu a couple of bouri*, then he goes aa became, aleallhtly. He lold me noi lo aay a word about II on account uf his wife, ao " "I know, I know; thanka. toy worthy man." And alipping aoolherallver piece Into ihe band of the garrulous okl peaaani. wbo scraped and bowed, ■rlnnlncwlib deUghi, nelene withdrew and Hew hack home, where she locked hcraelf up In her room, a prey bi the moat violent angulita. "Base wriicb!' aho aollloquiced, "no more la deceiving me. Ifs baa Indeed Inalalled Nolwllhslsniling tbo vehement piotcatotihe old peaaani airy anieicd llio laoUied haliiuilun. Tni'y found nu aigna ot recent occupancy: Ihn faded tumliiiro waa moth eaieu and covered with 'liiai: Ibe air was damp and chilly, aa If Iho auiillghl bail iini euerod the windows for ycaia. "A prelty place u> carry on any hlml of love Inl" said tile noury's wtfo. >nlinng lliu air diadalnfiilly. ' Hhemnsl bo a slallcrnly liossy. loilerd. In put up with auch aurroundlngp. Only will—only waltlil I lay my banilaon herl Wbwre can tlioy keep lhi:ffl- setrenr I aco noalgnaof hfs Ahlliero amiraokH leading lo that door. Conn, niy dear daiigbtor, wu have Ihemt" Kaying which llie Indignant moHior lu law rushed tiirwaiil Inward ibc door Inillcalrd. wbrn liic lailnr ■ippnrdauddrnly. andHylvain Ijonneyhliuaeiriuadn hla appearance, with a alariled eiprcMliin of cnun- lenance. •So. niy worthy »on In law. you didn't rxpcci lu per UP. I ilarepiy,''palil lila luahed niolber lit la". P'rltlnsa iia-iloatilludu. 'i.'ume. aland aaidc. air. ne have nn worilBlo wsstir; we wuh lo cuter thai rivin. where ihi^ proof of your guilt la dotibllesa conrealt-d. wri-lehrd man I*' "Holrue. lihal dues IMn meant'' paid Hylval-i. wllh an emtiarnuped look, itbtalng ihp ilnnr and piandlDg Wllh lis liack ayalnst It. "It iseanathai wo bivedlacovaredyourpeindy," reiilied IKIenr. almnal hurtling Inio Irara. "And that wr are hern loacn wlih our own ryes what vr bavclong •iiapcctcil—Iho evldeme of your falscnus I" broke In l*r notary a wife, looking (tags'is al her son In lav, aa ahn airndstothe guarded door and ailempie^ lo opnn li. "Very well."Bald Hylraln,nicekly,alepplngnaldp, alocr you iKiih have found ine out, I sutmili; yet I illd my level Iitri in conceal my aecrel, Heefur ynamelvM I" And be Ibrev open Ibe dur. Tbe room waa devoid uf foroliuie, bnl In una cor- ner, leaning against tbo wall, stood Tbe outraged raoiherln Uw, who hsd sprung for- ward wlib Imager eipeciailon. snipped short, ruti- blng ht-r eyes, aa If she Iboniht tbry bad deceived her. while Helcne, throwing heraclf upon her hua- ijasd'a neck, exclaimed:' Tbat—that's my rival—a bicycle I Ob, Hylvain, I iboagkl ion were aiitroe to me I I ibonghi li wrb a wiiinaii > Oh t forgive mo, lorglvo mo fur having aujpeotcd yuu I" "KiRjIlah wuiiuiii, you thought I loved nuolherr" said Sylvaln, ktaalng hrr fondly. And he added wllh a laugh: "Had you only rnnio a few minutes later, you would have caugbl niu In Iho very act of riding your rinil 111 Ihe Urge yard hrlnw. I hiroil Ihia fiimakon place tor Ibat very purimae. Kurglvo ino for niy woaknera, dear." "Uy atm lu law,"'said Iho iiotsrj'H wife, luuklUK iiulio MbecpHI), -"yim iltilii't kocp your pnimlao all inesantu." ".Vever inlnil that I" crteil llelone, ' I am ao happy t"* lluabaiid and wife rvtiirneil arm In arm. And, would you lielli'vs lir soino ilinu after ihal, bid- iltngdcilBncn In iho dear mother In law, they bolh ruila a'"latiduni" bicyrlo. THORNE AND CARLE TON, J. T. Thnrne (Jtibn Thriialon Tbonitun) la a Vlr- gInUii by birth, and hss tho illallimiloii of having gone to school to lien. Itnliorl a. laie, who waa at that time iiivahleni nf Waabliigluii and Unlver- nity, at l.exlnglnn, Va. Ilrnco Uirlolon (Hanile McUalie), bin vlto. Is from illilu, having been iMm ,lu.Raaeavllle. Thoy havnlmnaanoolalod In thelast tew aeaaona wUh anmocif llio leading specialty or lisnlullnna, such aa Whsllen A MarteU'a UomUna. Hon, II. W. Wlitlsiua' u>., Hyde's Uunmllans and uihem. Ttipy are oii eollogly Rtttdliius and ener- gollo,anil thnir moibmls of oiiurulnliig am |»cu. Marly nnli|iiu. They aro raphlly Imconilttg iiuo nf tlio most popular juiiuMly runplra nt Iho vaude- vlllea. Al preooni llioy are Dlllng ilalen lu Kaatsm liousas, prusentliig a sUlklngly original balking uoinudy sou THE WAYS OF THE MONKEY. "H|ieaklng at iiiiiiikoya,"aRld tbo uld shiiwinan, "we had atiniit llilrty ill ihuin niiro lu a big cage wllh a alielf alMiig each pJdo, up high, for thorn 10 llnnn, anil it lliila ilnad tree with tno ctiila ut Ihe lirHnrlios pHwpil iitrataiiiting In tits iiililille fur Iheni m clliiiti ii|i til thu alialvu4 liy. and In hang nn bi tiy Uiclr uila It ibuy wiintwl lu. one day wo set In tin Ihe Imttolll nf tlin uigu H ullHlltpaguo IhiIIIo Olleil Willi very highly ferinonto<l nait Iwor, and with Uio ivirk liold III wllh a cnid lleil with a Ihiw knot. "I'bo moiikoya got upon llio atiulvua uinl up In Ihe Hiiimpy Ireu ami Innkud down nu this Ikiiiio very ■usplclnuily; lliially Iheir euiliMlly gut ihe holler nt them, ami they iiaiiiodnwn and moved aniunil the tH>ttlo lo Inspect It. At bait Ihey gut iiusr enough bi touch It and handle It, and dnally tliey upaet II on Its aide. Tbununeof Iheuiuitksys liegan pull- lug oil the Hiring, wllh Iho rest sit oliialereil aniund. At biat Its iiiilleil Ibe knot louae, and taiug I went the cork and away wont Iho Iieor. 'The flnt niab of It kiHiuknl nvur three nr fnur of the mniiheys iiaarcat thn iiiuutlpot lite IkiIIIo, and It droncliod tiatt a (I0/.U11 of ilioiu and wet all nf ibem mom or lasa. fnr It vunl tliruiigli tho liuiiLliof iiioukeyajlkoa piitr nf aiiinke, Hpnllertng and nylng In nil illroMlims. Ait IusIhiiI later Iho tuonkoys were up Itiu ireu ami lying alniig un Ibe abalves; Uiero wa?i nniiiliut lufi nu thu Huur uf Ihe cage but the eni|ity IkiIiIi.. "A niinitier uf tlinos altur Umt wu sol Isjlllaa nt iieeruiilln Miesjinio fomieni, ami Uien act Ibem In tho i4ge, tiiti llio iiiiinkeya iievor would biuob Iboin, We i-niild aol lite tintllrii lo, liut wu couldn't insite Uie tiiiinkoyri pull tho airing, 'Tliore waa a loily auaiiillug lu truiit uf Ute oago nneday wliu hail nu a h,il wllh a tilg tiuiicli uf red cherries and a tiilnf nnvoninn thn bipnt II. A looukey ruacliPd thruiurti thn liani anil gmlili^ l the cburrlOM, Tlis lady pulled tNU;k, but llio monkey bald un and pitllod Iliu hat nir ami tried bnlragll through ibotiurs lulu Ihsuage. Tliriieiirfoiirulher vlalUtrs aiandlng near niahod tip anil gratitrud Ihe hat, and tliey piilled una way wbllo Iho innnkoy pulleil theolliiiy. They lliially got Ihe hat away tnitu Iho inunkry anil returned It bi the lady. Tlie uhcrlns w«ro atroittall |nnu,HiHl what Ihern was leftiif Hie real nf Ihu hat realty wasn't nf much au- iriiuuL Tile lady paid ilie would Iihvu Ui Irfi (lold for tbe hat, and ahu iiiaile r<ir Ilio imix nlllce. "'Why, rnrialiily,' aald ttiu iiiau In Iho Ih,x uillce. How niucb tloynil valilo Iho hair* '"Five diillara,'lliu lady iMld, Slid Iho Ihii onlce loan handed nut thu luoiwy. Ttiu lady atidled; ahu was oviileiitly ittooaetl. -l •Udii'i reiilty oipti:l ynti wnuld pay fur It,' sho aalil, anil ahu tiinied In go away. ■Madam,'Held Iho man In Iha lioxnillce.and Ibo lady liiriii:d aruiind. "■We'll lake Ihe hat now. If you pleoae.' ■■■What I' oald Ute Udy. " Uio liil. If yiiu iHcaae,' aald thu Ihix uniuo man. 'We'vo pahl fur It, ami wu would liko lo have II.' "Of citiiao, itiu laily aiiililn'i go away wllhoul a bat, and Iboupalmlul II waa that ahe returned Ibo l&aiid weolavay wlib Ihn lial. 'Hlandlng In frniii of ihn cage nun day waa a man who hud on a pair ut gold apeclaolea, A monkey reached Ihroiigb ami look Ihe apeotaclta uiTIho man's IHM«, Tlieiiwuwaa greatly auiprlwl St this, hut he waa a great deal iiinre aurprlaeil whPhhn Mw the monkey. Mill suiidliig close by hlin, push Ihc glaases out or Iho fraroo and pat Ibem In bla OHiuin and alow lueiii away, one In each cheek, and then prncetil lu twist the framss up, like so much wire, lnb> a amaU iHinoh. itm I t uiir men wnnt Inio Uie uge and choked Ihe monkey iinUl he got ibsghunesout of bla muutb, and thsn he got Ihe frame away front him and we retnmsd tliem to Ihe owner. IK course, Ihey were Dotof much use biblmin ibataliape, lint it waa the Ileal we could d«,"—,v, r. Aiii. IN GREAT LU CK. FRIBWU-Ilowaroyoo cnnilng unr Auriioi-Uooil, I've got Ibo iiiaUrlal on liand rorallnlclaasoovel. '"You are a lucky iiiaii." "Tliai'a not alti I've got the material for a splen- did comedy liealdea." "rouaretortonaia." "Yea;sll I need now bi the malsrtal for a new pair o( trousen."—/Mrson's tyetktu,