New York Clipper (Dec 1895)

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Peoembeb 7. THE NEW YORK CLIPPER, 631 oaiuiteinrat * 1i» tnrttjon TlitDk«(lTlgK Dtj, iQd tue dnmaflo oomapoodeuu were not forvoi- en ibDsgtra NIxoD Md ZlmmennMn an *!• milT iwokloR atOBctlonsud DMkliia plans for im- Moveimata lo lb« Acadamj of Unilo at Balilmore, ■htch tti«r axpMt 10 open In October, 18M Tbomaa F. HopUUi wbo for tlia paat in join DtoTed a» efflclant aa boiUieaa maoaiitr and tnas- urer o( Fonpaogti'a Tbeatre, ukee oliarge ot ih« Hnaenm tlila wtek aa boBlnerainanagerfor0. A. Uradenbaigb. Mr. napkins, bj bis uuiroim cour- UKT, ban made blmsair Terr popular mih aUwbo come in conlaol wlib blm Vaoager tValt, o( tlie Siaadard, baa diacorered a liquid whicb be ap- nllvi loscenerr to render It fireproof. Tbe sccnerr of me (beam Is now being coated with ibia prep- nntiliin RIvarde, Ibe BelRlaa violliilat, auil lleawlberg, tbe KnaslaD plaolai, appear In concert at tbe Academr ot Haslu Saiurdai, 7 Tbe FhlladelpbU Lodge, No. 2, 11. r. O. Klko. beld a Udge ot bonpw Snndajr afleraoon, D«c. 1. In memoir or ibe deceased uiemberv, iriUur <i(id«on,ll«rnr.Coleman,Tlmmas N. Bjan, Jobu A. Koreiwogb, Francis W. Baumgraiz and K. N.:llocum, wno died during (ba pau jear. Tbo iheiitn ma Oiled by tbe friends of ue uicmben. ■nil Ibe foUowlDg exercises look pisce: Anibeni br Uelmnnt Quartel, opening rllusi iijt ilie lodge, >«c u(i»iVnii,sung .brfelbialMth U. UcOulkeu; fnjtr bj llev. G. E. Svreelzer, nulamiKiiii, suns b/ Loiilse NHlall; address bj Rev. B. K. Sveelzerj seler.ilon bT Teunle Qaanei, addreaa nj Br». Samuel K. Peirr, I'-K. AUanUc Li'y Lodge; "Then la a aneo Ul'l Far Away," sung byKilzabtib a. Mc- Culken; "Flee a<a Bird," sung bj Jjugene Leauie;; cinlng rlloal hj Ibe lodge ana beotdlcilon b; Hev. K. li. Sweetztr. Tbe meeting was presided over by b'rand Rialied Ruler R. P. Simpson. Pltlabarf—Theatrical bniUness baa cenalnl; Btiuck a wonderful boom* Tlie Indications tor a balance on the right elds ot Ibe ledger at the end ot ibo season are more favonble than tor two jreara past. UUOD TouTSI.—HopklDa' Trans-Oceanlo Slar SpeclaltrCo. tbia week. "The Wblte Rat" closed a «ood enngemenl Kor. a>. Frank Busb, in "Olrl ranted J' pec. B, tor tbe flfst time here. Rier END T1iEiTBB.-(^ll SpooDer, In "lleckT Ullts, tbe i;lrcas Olrl," Is Manager Adams' omirlng for ihe current we<-k. "The Ideals" cloned a splen- did engagement 30. Stv AviNOR TnEiTRi.-NotbIng like tbe sncctsi ot lbs continuance poriormance baa ever bccu seen In this dij before. Tbe bonne has been packed to tbe d ime day and nlgbt since lis opeslog. Tnls week's companj comprises Uarle Stuart, Franceaca Redding and Uu^b Stanton, Van Auken, UcPbee and UlTl, HasoQ and Uealj, Baruej lleinolds, Ibe Versatile Trio, tbe Lotoues, Wjlle and Sanrord, Calreit, iTIIIIams and Tucker and the oners ol "Tbe Doliemun Olrl," lotrodnclng Ujra ilorolla and Qeorge Ijdins. DuQDiENi TauTEB.—"Charloj's Aunt" Is pay. Ing us Ber dist visit this scnsnn. After ber depart, iiie nichard UansOeld will come, Dec.«. Thomas (j. Seabiooke closed a mlitblul engagement 30. ALTIK TOUTBI.—"Rob Roy," Dec. 2and week, for tbe Unit lime here, Roland Heed gave sHtlalactlon np to 30. "Ttie FonndllDg," with Ulssy Fitzgerald, Iiec. >, for Ibe Orsttlme here. Niw Orand Orsni Hoiisi.—nanlons' "Superbs" will bold tbe stage Ibis week. Uoyt's "A Conleoled ^Vonlan" will succeed It Dec. 9. RobertUantcIl did well up to Not. so. IlAIUlT WILUIUS' AClDtUY OF Mi;8ic.-llan7 tjorrls' "Twentletb CentuiT Ualde" are the reigning aUKCUon. "The Ueicnrs" did Uie usual large boslnea ot Ibis bouse last tvsek. Rellly t Wood's Specially Bhirs come Ui;c. 9. lliRBi' Utyia' EbiN MtiasE.—The Auslmllsn BoumeraDg Throweta are tbe principal cnrto hall altnctlon. The lieairu abow la given by Baker and Lean, Wylle and Sanford, Uabel Clark and otben. . Nsr WOHLD'S Ul-SEVU TlIEATRE.—TbO ROUU Kouta Panccn, In their "Passion llance," comlnue tlie star feature, besides wblub llatUe Strwart, Ladejlaiid Alvarez, and Frilz, Lealle and Eddy are iQCluded lAan atimcuve programme. "S]')4;qn3.-PltiBbuig Lodge, No. li, B. r. v. or Elksitftla Its annusi mcmbrial services at the new Onifiiif Opeia Ilouse, Uec. 1 David Uendor eon Died In the United States Circuit Court bore, Nov. it, a bill In equity against Edward F. Jick- nuio, the owner of the JDuquesne Tbeatre. Tbe bUI slates tbal Jackman leased It to Uenderson for ten yean, the latter to cksnjre the lively aiabtc occu- pying the ground Into s iiieatre to corn t40,iioo, but vnicn cost $<o,ooo. la Mar, I8t2, Ueadeiwu sold the tbeatre to Jackman, am) tbe latter leased It to Uenderson tor ten years at fe 000 annually fur eight years and $10,000 for tbe remaining two. In April, 18D&, Henderson, being In financial dimoultles, owea Jaohnun tH.Wl.n. oesldes $790 back rent, and Jackoianagreed to laksa bill of sale tor all Hender- son's Interests under the lfi02 lease,aod all his prop- erty tbeu In tbe theatre, hold It oa collaienl secnrlV, and pay oir a claim ot tbe Columbus National Bank tor ti,tiO against Heuderaon, the latter to continue bis management and pay 00* tbe debt to Jaokman oiit of Uie receipts ot the theatre. Tbe Mil further thites that, bar- ing obtained tbe paper, Jackman ousted Ben- dersou, bus since managed tbe thealroaud received the profits, and has received upwards of 119,090, wblcnui more ibausufUolent to pajJaokman'a claim with Interest. Shookl'a beanog show oiberwlse, Uenderson will make up the deficiency. Hender- son asserts that Jackman frsudently Induced blm to sign the blU ot wlo without execnUng any paper showing tbe conditions upon wblcb It was to be held, uenderson prays that tbe bill of sale be de* oread a oollateial security for bladsbt to Jackoisn, and not an absolute sale, that Jackman be made to account for Ibe proOla since April g, leoi, that the UU ot sale be "sncelcd, ihatbeborelosiated In the thea- tre under ttie Icsh ot ll»y, Ut2, and that said lease be declared In full force James J. Bndy, man. ager of Thonlas 0 Seabrooke'a Co., left that organ- Iz ulon Nov. 28. Pfollet Paget, Seabrooke'a leading lady, tiillowed suit Nov. 30 The West Penn Hospital will benefit at tbe Alrlu Tbtatro In Feb- niary, during tbe engagement of Hoi Smith Rosaell. John T. Usnson, playing wlib llairy llonia' "Tweatlelb Ooniniy Halda" at the Academy of Hualc, Ibis week, was formerly a compositor on T/ie i^irsOurn Leader, snd our local printers will givu hin s reception Deo. 2. - n-^SIhT** '.''? "«mbers ol ihs Walto Oonedv un|«, HO. 8M, KnlAhlA Of PririUs *t h Aiwi-ltti 'no'j^ff^j?"'-po^wdu^iSSi^;. HOT. ». Too TOllOWlDff m Ibo >CnUKtnfiu mtm i»r "S"" '^"'J V b'wmTiTo^! ■my, Josepb 0. Bnwne, Edward F /leaii^r iJ^ Bleireu and W.lbnr Lawrinw iSJiour. The convened at o'clock at n'g", and Ui?^?k """" • o'clock in hemoraing? A enjoyable one to those participating. fefa"g.''1?lVT-h?'8i;?;rX"'l'"'^*'''^"^''"'^'^ iflSlJiiL'V"- "■»• 'n "01smonda,'> to crowded houeea. JI"'?>.''°F*™*—*'""'« "T'o Old Cronies" "?'«!«>e5-4-».--Tlmtho Tinker," Nov. »<-30, hsd cnwded houwa. •'T^'i'" Ch"- Frohman's Co.. la "Sowing the Wind," matinee and evening. Nov fl R!l"l"> large huslneas. Chas. IVohman'a Co., In *,^'?''"!?.''"l!'" SS" wlib a lull hiiuse 24. Oomlug Doc. 3 "Frieud.." consiani good at. teiKtsnce ai the Park. ^in."'";!'"'!? WONOERUIKD HUSXE ISn Tlltl- Ti''";^°/"*°?»"" weekwsa large, coming: im;i!s"eitrcl. ■ Ooodwln. lu "Ambition," came Nov. 3S, tna crowded OirvDne" to large booses as-M. Uomaou's "Htuai' had good business ffl. "A Biiucb of Keys" did well 30. I'rot. 1). Neuonn, ulod reader. Doc. 2; Hou ]esks, m "Macbetb," i; "A Fanny Story" e, 7 norenre Bindley, In '■The UipUtn'a Halo" and ' Iho PayTtBln," week ol Deo. I. SoLoiBia' lliiSiE TnatTHE,-"A Money Order' came is. lo gunl kutinesa. ■ ii'lloollgan'a Mas- iliiemde" comes Dec. 3, "Zen)" IJ. Araocunox llAi.k-rn>r. Favonr lecinred on "Kleclilclit" 2(1, and dn>w well. Hue: The Ruyal Welah Ltdles Choir Dec «. Wllneck Umcert Oo.». CaUrabiai—At tbe (Iraud Opom llonse "Damon and I'lihlaa," by local talent, npena for two nlihu Dec. J. Jos. Ilan, In "A Oay Md Uoy,'" bad fair hualnoM week of Nov. 31-00. TUe Jno. Btanleton Co. play a reluni oogageincnt Deo. 4-7. lliiin StiBrr Tiiiatiie.— Sol. snitb Husaell npened lor thrre nighb IK'r. 2. (itiaSkinner bad fair liuMness .Sov. a and 2«, aidld Kloience Bind- ley :!7-30. Melba (.\>ncen Oi. play a one night ea ipigeuent Dec. 0. Hpi'lagHaM.—Al Iheflntud Opera House Franli llosn.ln-nirl Wanied."dl>l good bualnesa Nuv. la. "In Old Kentucky" gave a good show ami had • well filled hoiUM 31. Sanduw filled Iho hnuae ti, "Egypia." by local lalenl. prnved a great auccota, and was largely atleudod in, a)-23. ''Shoto Acres" crowded Iho bouse nuUneii anil evenlog 33. Coai' Ins: "The Countiy Ulrciin" Dec. 3. -.K'-*'^.?,'" llousi-IUny Webberand Canle nilon Weiilwr Oulahcd a week's ougagemMit to fair bnalness 24-30. OHIO ClBclanatI—Three plays now to the gueen City make up an attractive theatrical bill of fare for lha coning week. Thanksgtvlng buslnea was great all around, but doubUess the crush represent- ed In a measure those who had detened attendance until that day. UBAKn OrsBA llotiaE—K. II. Boibem sppeared Dec.In "The rrlsonor of /.ends." "In Old Ken- lucky" did a veiy nice business, and from Ibeap planse that gieeied many ot the sentiments ex- piessed It Was easy to Imagine that Cbiclnnall'a neighbors across ths river had contributed laneir to Ibo audience. "Chariey'a Aunt" 9. Walnut Sthset TuiATXE.-Rabert BliHard niade bis drat appeanince here as a star 9, prescniing an. Older play new to Cincinnati—"Lost—24 Hours.' I.asi week IJIIIan llnsseM revived two oM favorites. '■The Utile Dnke" has not been seen here alnce the dAya of Alice Oates' popniarliy. Business baa been fAlr, considering the fact that the fair Lillian's tariff Is a high one. "The Onnd Duchess" waaputon late In ibe week. Sidney Drew, In "A Dacbelnr's llaby,"comeenexl. Ukuck's Oi-du 1Iou8e.-"A Modem Mepblato," with Helens Mora In tbe cast, oiwned I. Imi week "The Sidewalks ot New York" opened lo great bus- lne»>, and Ibe S. It. 0. sign wos used on several oc- l aslons. "Tho Span of Lire" 8. FDUNTAIK S<ti7ARK TUBATBK The Boston How- ard Athenienui tJumpauy came 1. "Plnnlgan'* Hall," despite the fact that It has been seen here several times, continues to prove magnetic, and Murray and Mack enjoyed the largest share of tbe holiday bnalness, People woro lurned away four times during ine weec. Harry Morris'Twentieth Century Halda 8. New ROBiKSON OrsRA llaiiSK.-Wm, Morris, In "The Loot I'aradlse," wostbeatiiacilon 1, following tbe successtnl engagenisnt of "The Counirr Circus." Floience DIndley 8. FHEBSAN'STdBATRB -"LOHt In LOhdon" WSU put on 1 by tho stock company. The olio was provided by Carroll Johnson, Mays snd Hunter, Uonigomery Irving, Ed. Oallagber and Josle Snthertand. Uual- nem baa been good. PEOPiE's TuEATHE.—Ilany Williams' Meieon ar- rived I. Stm Devore'aOan Company presented a good entertainment to business that ruled big last week. Sheridan t Fiynn'a l». t. Ubce a AVERY'S DiHEMFSEca -CapialDChitten- den's exblbltlou Of prehistoric jwopls and aborigi- nal America, l,eonidas and Son, and "The Blue Han"occnpled curio ball 2. T. J. Heif on, Fliberaud Will, Andy aud Flora McKee, Henri HIcharda, Oil- lagher and Allen, Charles S. Knight and tbo Uer- Urisr-RcRslgne Orchestra fumhhed the olio In tho family theatre. There bavo been several lunova- Uons In advertising Introdaced and buslneaa Is splendid. (Knsir OP TBE liOssr.—KiLel Coster snd "A Prlvoloos Widow Lasa" gives li up Huirsyand Msck are to put "FInnlgan's Uall" on Ihe retired list season, and win produce a new comedy, "Mnnlgan's Courtship." The old ibeairi,:al firm of Merntl, Davla A Mack vrtU dissolve and a new arm will succeed Ibem Frank T. Merrllt and Mark Davis wlU torn a nartnersblp and aiarTenr Ferguson and Oeorge H. EnericE In "McSoriey's Twins." Csrtotta Deavlgne was tbe sololatat tbe last Pop Oabrlel roUock baa soccaeded Sol White as scenic anlst at Freeman's Theatre. Bert Dasher was here during the week, Ilia wife, ARle Warner, Is Ihe Madge firisriy ol ' la Old Kentucky." Friday nights bsieatlar t tbe People's will be dedicated to tbe amateurs, aud they can saadwlck ibeir acts between Iho turns of the regclan. "Itie PUyere" has been reorgsnlzed. Cbariemagne Koebler returning to his old rank oa suge director. Tliere are tbiriy-llve menibera, and they promise to produce a series of playa during tbo coming Wlu* ler. Tbe best amateur talent In the city is in tbe organization A. Howard llln^le la Indorsing a rsvlvalof " . - - n SIC Hall.. MRnsIlrld,—Al Uie Heoinrial Opera llnusr, Nov 24 anil Ji. Ihe Trades Carnival llucal benelll) bad crowded bouses. The lloamn llowanl Alheiia'uin Us. played to niudeiaia biuliii'« ai. neldV Draw. Ipg C4nlM cuuie Doc. 2, "Mia* Uaruni Mcarum' "Trilby" o. SleubvfiTllle,—AtihoCliy Opera llunn>".'<liiin Acres" packed the liDiise Nov. -3. Wlllier's Knuir- islners pleased a fair house 2S. Ilopklna'Trans- Oceanic Co hail g«>d liualnras nn. Coming: "Caml val of Kloweis" ilocalj Doc. 2, Hobl. Illllhvit 12. Reading,—"A Bunch ot Keys" did a fair hual. neuatthe Academy ot Music Nov. 24-3T. "Eight Bells" came 28, played-to an Immense audience In the aftenioon and packed tbe theairo in the evening. Tte Ampfalunii, a local organization, pro. duced a bnrleeque enterialnment, entitled "0am- iindls," 29, and drew a crowded house. "The Willie Squadron" did a large business 90. Bonked: "South Before tbe War" Dec. 2-1, 'The Girt 1 Lett Behind He" 6, Robert Mantell, In "The Unsliand," c; Hodjcska 7. Qhamu OPERA UovsR--Harries i Oallegher's Siaodard Dmniatlo Oompauy appeared lu repeiloir week of Nov. 24. Tbe houae was packed at botn perfonnances 28. John E. Brennan, In "Tim, the Tinker," conies Dec. 6-7. DuoD TuEATDE.—Rn.w Sydell's London Belles played to large business Nov. 24-27. Flyon's Loii- don (lalety Olris did so excellent business 3-30. The house was crowded at both performances 28. Toe RtokAPOO Induh Meoicihb Co. exhibited to large business In Library Uall week of 24, and will remain IwO weeks longer. - HairlabnTg.—At lbs Opera Douse business was tsir with tbe Kilty Rboadea Co. last week. Com. Ing: "A Bunob of Keys" Dec. 2. "Down on Ihe Sawanes River" 3, Hodjeaka 4, Qeorge W. Monroe 0, Roliert Hanlell 7. Eden Musbe.— Business at this resort grcatir In- cnuti during Tbsnkwlving week. Week of Deo. % the Ban Francisco Mlnslnls, under the uianage- nentof win E. Nankevllle; the Williams Family, W. A. Worid, Dole Prior, Tbomaa Crockett, A. P, Hagor, Ij. 0. nuaaell. Osoise Ubbe, Arthur Kommeriy, J. )l. lluipbUI, W. K. Jsokson, Fred. Harkbam, Frank Beny. NOTEI.—The Kilty Hhoadcs Oo. will leai in thia city week of Dec. 2, to reorganize and rehearae a now play Tho Ulgbleys, musical perfonsers. wui Icavs 18 for Belfsst, Irsland, when tiiey have an eEtennlve engagemeni. and will begia a tour of Ibe other contlnenL Ed. Uryant, comedian, wbo has been confined to tbe hospital with lung mnbie, has almost tully recovered, snd will be discbarsril lo a few days Rogan and Smith will loin Clark k Tsmple's VaudevUTe Oompaoy >!ddls Ed- wards and Anna Hay Nellson left a for New York. Altoona,—At Ibo Eleventb Avenue Opem llunse, last week, Ihe Walie Comedy Company drew tbe htnrest week's business In tbe blstoiy of Jbe house. .Rolil. Hanlell comes V'c. 2, "A Uuncb of Keys" 7. IUhit Datis' Edbm HinES did a large week's buslneu, with the San Francisco Minstrels and our townsman, WUI B. NankevUI, astbs dnwlng altrac- Uoa. TbUi week: Coleman and Haillo, MeOahe and .Boinelt, Blaan and Morion, Maximllllan KInura and Otinra, t^jieen^lllsbs, glpay^ortuse isUeia, and rsTlvsl of the opera festivals hi the remodeled Mu- sic Hall John Berne gave a supper at Ibe People's Cafe to lbs members of the Bam Devere Uoiunany James Hyde spent a day here with his side psrtiicr. Col. James E.Fenneaay James D. Lee Is now press agent at tbe now Hoblnaon Opem Unufe Joele Oregoir, Harlln Thomas sod Ibe De Forrest Shiteis are at Peters' Ooncen Uall Harte Von Hembocb, Madeline Harden and lUancho Ksnirman are at Kissel's. OleTeland.—Expeclstlonsof good buslneasdur [ns Tlianhiislvloi wees **n rollj realised by the VAriouj naiiAKe". ^e weitliar si iSv opealoser Utt wMk vaa Tsn' laclemaol, but later ifnltod tMnlooly on tlilos* Ibt- alrlcal; on ThaDkaslviog Ds; eapacUlly each twuMWU crowUeil lo tlie douni. Bl'CLib Avaaos OraHA lluna—hoi RinlUi Kuusll'a aa- gacwinsDl. asukol Niiv. IS, VAA asrast auccsaa AD ai p.*dAl leslore wu luute ol Iba priHluclloa or -Tba RtvAlii," which was •Icatolosly wall ncalrad. Tli* burlaMjua, "LlUle ritrlPUtphar.^' will ba aeau weak of ber. 2 '-aowlns Hie WloJ" aod "Trip lo OblsaloirD" dlihta waakore. LVCKUH TliBATaa—At Uiia bouaa Ibe Wlltiar Ofiara Co, liicludlns their llvliia plclsiaa, did sa aicallent waeb'a bii*lDe«a. Rareral Daw failarai wera preaaolad iMif. Elolse Ifurtlnier. Uie primadonDa,laexuplli>Dally Ru«d, sod ancorei era fraiiueaL B. A. Clark, barltoaa. la alia wall lecalfad. "hory ofUieHill" Utheailfaetloa inrweak or Uoc.t ITImiiia- a Waal Dae. •. STAHTHaAiHS.—Tlia Naw Vnrt Slam rvcalreJ wall de- aerrail pslronsifa diiriss week of Nor. S. auslnaaa wia r:ond firoaBlioul week, sod oa Tlisakafdrlns Day oot aa Dch or aiAiidlnff rooin alUiar a], or down nuira waa UDoccuplad al Uia tnatlaaa aad aranlaa parlormsocaa- WabarA PleMs' Owa f:umptnr. wlib Loula rillioo aod Rlllr BinenioD OA brlgbt panicular ataia, cornea waak of Deo. 3. IdiaiiriOctoiooo Dac.Saad wash. CLBVBLaan TllBAvaa.—-X^apulD PauP'draw apleoUil- ly Ihrouahiiut week or Nu*. tt "Ra*h (^,ty"Dac3 aad week, '^o Iba Bowary" Use. S, ssd "XlUaraay aad Uia BhlDS" Dec. 18. _ Toled*—Al Ihe People's TheatreHteve llrodla,ln "Ou tho Bowery," played to tbe banner bnslnesa of tbe season week closlnjr Snr. 30. Joe Hart, In "A Oay Old Boy," opened Dec I, for five nigbta, to a large hones. Sol Smith Russell comes e. I. AooiroHiUH TuEATBE.—Amelia Okiver, Dr. Alma'a monkey and d.>g vlroua; Hile. Flora. Maude Mclniyre, tbo Hurrays, Jerry Sanford, the Three HlnaldOB,grolesiinej; llairlsooandOleveland arson this week's bill. Ncrrss.—Work Is progressing rapidly on iboNsw Valentine Theatre, and tbe oneolng will occur Uhrisunas nigbi, with Jooeph Jerferson Sieve Rrodle entertained two boodred newsboys In this cllv at Tbankaglvlng dinner. At the evening per- formance his llitis tilenda presented blm wllh s handtome silver moualed cans. Day tow,—At ths Urond Opera House otlsBtlo- ner made his Initial bow lo a Dayton audience, as a alar, Nov. 37, producing "Villon, Ibe Vagabond." Tbe perfoimsnce was weU patronized and tbe alar made bosu of admlren. Mr. and Mis. Han Why- Ull, lo "For Fair VIrglnU." was Ihe Tbanksglvlag Day sitnctlou. Toey hsd big bualneas al both per- formances. "Cbartey's Auni" cornea a>, Sol Bmlih Russell, In "An Every Day Han," Dec. 4. Paee TaEs-raa.-"Tbe Midnight Flood," Nov. 3fr-27, drew weU, and "O'Uoollgoa's Masqastode" opened 2(, for lima night*, to MgbntfaesL Booked: MASSACHUSETTS Ooslon—^The coming week will bo a i|iilet one Ihealrtcally In Uie Uub. Then will be few changes of lilll, with a coiitliiuAnco of current aliiacllous. Slid douhileas a continuance of the iinuanai palinn ago which has provalled at all the houses during Ihe post week. I'AKi TUEATSX.—Iloland Ibied iippcam In "The I'nililclau" Dec. 2. He will be supimiied by Iradom Rush and a good company In a two wceta' sngaH^ inont. "A Black Sheep," wllh (>Us Ilarian and others, closed a very iiucceartful two woeka' engage- ment Nov. 30. IIOLLIH STHBrr TUBATHK.-Uay Irwiu reappeani at ibla bouse Dec. 3, In Hc.N'ally'a "tvidow Jones," preceded by eniimiuiis mh-aiice sates. As her last engagement here was all too Khun, the retiring Ion night will Insure crowded boiisea. Olga Netbeiaole closed a brilliant eiigagemeiii of two weeks Nov. 30. Uownoix SqUAHB Tukathb.— "The Taonileth Ceniuiy Olri" will occupy ihe hoards tor one week. Tbe piece Is under the nmnagciiieot of Frederick llallen. Dec », "gins nf a NlgtiL" "Xonhem Lights" was wirhdnwii Nov. 30, and scut on Ibe New England circuit. TrbuoktTiibathe— "Puild'nlirailWllaun"eotera uiHin lu second and last week Dec. 3, ami bsa Rroved iiseir a nrnnouiicnl success. Frank Hajo as scored a big hit, and Isrgu iiiiil appreciative audiences Oil Iho houso at each perfurmanre. Delia Fox and bur comic ojient company. In "I'lour-de Us," come B. HonuN Hussna.—'Too Much Jolinson" alarm on iu third week 2, and will ho given until further notice. Ur. Illlleiti> and his alilu company sro play- Ini; 10 extraonllnary honaeH. Keitu's New Tiieatsk.— Treinenilniu audiences liavo ailed this rcDocd and cxcliMlve vsiiilevlllo lioueo ths past week. l/>ckbsri's porromilng oKi phsnis wore the special magneis. Week ur Doc. 2 the elephants will perforin again, and u long llatot favorite variety people. Incliiillngii'llricn and Havel, A. 0. Duncan, l-M. H. Favor, Kiinualo lima., Otillllr, Ben Pools, tbo Alinonts, llurwilz and llowera, Item- ard liyllin, Ihe Wood Slsiem. K. H. Hall, Oeorge Kvans, McCarthy anil lloynolilH, (juakcr Cliy (f'lar. let, John R. Uutty, Fninkllo and Hadcll, and Ibe Venllols. CuijjusiA TiiRATHB.—Jonn Uason and Doniliiick Murray, in "Tne Cotion King," bave proven great ailraoUnns thla post week and will play a second and lau week Dec. 3. "A Bowery Olri" will lie |sn duced 0. Boston Tiieatke.— "Uimnah" elans upon Its fouricenih week 2. In spite ot Its populartiy It will lu withdrawn In two weeks. "In Old Ken. luckj" will follow. UAsri.E SijiiABE TimATSB.—Tlie very excellent Iiroducilon or "i;arnien" lias Burprb«;il tbo patrons of Ibb bouM.aud packed houses leatlfy their sppre- elation ot Manager Hose's oifuna to give iiie public ao much for their money. It regular tbeatre prices prevailed here tbe management would grow opu* lent from Uielr recelpu. "Carmen" will be aung through a second wets 3. AvsnK ft bioNE's Husauii.—Manager Stone has secured still another novelty fur bis ieeiiire hall, the dancing and Juggllag gins ofToklo. lu addl. lk>n William Ford, Ihe Journnliai walkrr, will re late his advsnlures, and Clarence lAtes, an ami saa wondsr, will appear. TUo hourly stage ahnwa will Introduce the Bbcennn, Slaniey and Scaninn, thu Holbrooks, Hnllavey snd Uncuin, liO Col and Sis- son, John Edgar, Rarmood and Hallard, l-M. Rogers, Cogan and Bacon, HSerldsu and Hucic, He- Lean and Hall, Frank Marlon, A'la Hall and the Falmouth Slaters. Palace Tiieatbe.— Tlie May Rusacll Kxirava. ganza Company appear lu litirlcai|iie this week, and ino olio will bo onu of the best niTered at this house. It Includvri Kilty Clemenis, Chsa. iuwley, ths Koaa. lev Urothera, lA)ve and l.aiiiout, William 11. Oould, Dixon, Huwers and lllxoo, and Uunulnghoni and Sialey. .N'iCBBi/inioH —Thiia-^y football teams aud Ihe lady sharpshooters have iiruved such good dmwing cards that Manager Duuii will cso-y thcni over to next week. lllsoiheraUrAcUoasara: Halvo, I'rnf. K. W. Woods, Manlo, 1,'iln Hay, Oklahoma lilll, Prarie Hay and a l>ag punching coolest lietweeo Joe Uulleu and all oomi.*ni. The stage perforniers are; lluuoell and Darker, Annie lloblnson, Tom and Lottie Waters, Cora Armatrong, Konno and Kilwsrds, Mar llarn-wiii, Yankee Moore, the Lynnotl SIslen and Fanny Fay's female minstrels. LrcEVis TUBATiix—Aaniii'a (Islely Theatre Uur leaque Company Is expected here this week. In addlUon Manager Bacbeller has engaged the Kins- nets, tho Beaumont Sbitera, Htewan and llodge, HcBrtde and Ooodricn, Aiinlu IJoyd and the Irvlogs. The ReniE-SanUey Buriesque Company Is booked for IK-c. 9. HowAKD Athbnaiku The big feainres at Iho West End variety house for IMs week will lie Ibe wrestling ioumament, Inlrodiiring Jim (lllllgaii, Tom Jones, Joe Newton, Filiz Schmidt, HaipU Lord and Ullly Klvlng. Troja and Klnlfy'a ballet lead a long list of eolerlaiiieni. InciudlDg Hlchuiond and Ol&nroy. the Valdares. Thome and Carlelon, Faullne Cooke, May Clinton, Tbomaa Uiynii, Ihe Ducrowa, Mabel iliidsou, ihe Uurbmi, I.ennM, Unsay Ilan, Verle .Vulirigs, Lydia IMercr, Ulnsle Clliie, Hilly Jackaon, Hay Uryant, M. Hliicuro. Deliiion and I'aaqiiellna, IllibenSarony, Kiuy U'.S'eal, lliward Comedy Co. OEAKU Ui'SEUii.-N. H. Woml will present bis seusailonal drama, "The Hiir Detective," this week. Tbe oHu includes tbo f>ib«oiis, (Irace HII* bum, tbe Whitley Blsteia, Joiin Uraham, Haud Deity. Anhiir I/eon and John Pbllllpa. Notes.— Clara Morris hi booked st the Treioont Theatre for one week, lieglniitng Dec. v Jetfer. son, in "Rip Vsn Winkle," will appear st tba Iknlou Thestra lo January Uamager U. F. KelUi baa been awarded a specbal diploma for the model ot ■ be sisge of hbi new theatre, exhiiilted at the Hechanica' Fair Jut Murphy plays al the Columbia Theatre i;iiilaimaB week The Oilentai Dramatic and OperaUc Couinany gave a perform. ance of "Deboran" In the BIJnn Theaire 30 An Inpjrtani raeeUng waa held at the injou Nuv. 30. called by promlnsni Uoaionbiua, bavtog fur ita uliimate object Iho elevation ul the slags and lbs drama. Henry A. Clapp. Henry U. Rogera sod Dana f:stes were auiiinir lue speakers, and lettors were read from lleury Irilng and Joaeph JeiTomon. Pall nivar.—At tbe Academy of Haslc Ulllan Kennedy, la "Hhe Couldn't Marry Three," gave ex- cellent saihfacUon to S. H. O. aadlences Nov. 3>,m. Rsevea' American Band concert, for iMnedt at Com Rny M, drew a good bouse 2i. "Tbe Mrvggia ot re"enteilalned lo ibe fuU captciiy n,2i. "1«92" comes Dec 4, "A Patted Uaif o. I, "Xephyra" (local), for lienellt of Joint lodgea of Odd Fellows, week of o. Rich's tbbatbe.— "The Burglsr" gave a tne performance lo remarksMy good liustnesa Nov. 2a-30. "Tbe Country Hercbant" dnw good sllend* ancea 24-71. "The Police lospecur" cornea Dec. 3-4, "Bide Tracked" M, • .Voai Jolllllea" 12-14. llWoxOEaUHV Trbatbe.— The Bubh Coaedy Co. were billed tor week of Nov, 3>, and one ot lbs Urgeai crowds of lbs seasra was oa band tor Ihe opening, hnt Ibe campawy failed lo spprAr, Man. iger Hariln bad not been notified as to why Ihs company did not put In an appearance. A house Bbuw was put on the last tbrao days oC Ihe week, and did a fair buelneaa. Tbe Oaleiy Biiriosnno Oo, .-olenaia Deo. t-4, and "Hero" corkb 4-7, Ibe American Qaiety Olris come 9-14. JoiiK M. Wiicu pUyed a special engagement, with "me Barglar,'^ in Uertden. Ct, Nov. a, snil left there for Cbloagn, ill., to Join Ibmpklns' "ItUek Cmtk." John P. wild severed his conneclinn with Rich's Theslre 80 J. C. Welch, rocenUy pianist ot Wondefland Tbeatre, bu Jolneil "Peck' Bad Boy." I'yais.—Atthol^onTlieatmJamfaJ.iwiietisp- peared 34 In tis new play, "A Naval Uidet."iiniler tbo managementotWm.A.Ilrody, itlaaoonieilydnama, In four acta, by OharieaT. Vincent, and reoeh-e-l ill first nrod-ictkin In this cliy. The stage waa under the tlliecilonot HsKee Rankin. Mr. COrbell h area in the role ol Ned Onnell, a na\-al cadet, snd during ■he progress ot Ihs play Inlrodiicca his bag piinnh- Ingexbliililon. TheolhercbarauleralnIheosalara Ukcn by It. F. SulUvao, Cbarlaa Mason, Tnenduro Brown, J. F. nuriiridge, J. P. Koete, I,. K. Wood- tbropo, J. C. Kilwanls, John HoVey, OrUndo Ualla- lla, Monoo Cox, Mlllan Obanbin, Oenerievo Bea- man, Miriam I«atcr, Aonlo l,evan, Annie INanrke and HcKco Rankin. The acenio ponloo of iho pro. dncllon Is elaboraie and includealen seulnga coin plete. Tbe play was wlloeaaeil bya large audlonuo. who gave Mr. Onriieit an ovation whan no made his appearance. Barney f^crguaon, In "McCanby'a HIf baps," did a big huslnesa 38. lUce'a "1402" pisyrd a relun date .-», lo a fair kouat. Oomlng: "iir illory" Dec. 13,14, Whitney Opera Company 3i. Mfsic ilALi "Peck'a Ibu) Hoy" came itai. -a, for three nigbta, to fair business. The lUne lilll Rngllali Fnllr Ooinnany did a giml buslneai 2s-:a>. Coming: "Xero" Deo. 9-11, Ham T. Jack's Creoles 13-11. aprlnideld.—Al Ollmore's Conn Hqiiaio The- aire"Priiii»MDonnle"drewgood butlnssa Km. 2S. I'adcrewski csroe 21, to fsir nlunu. Hr. and Hn. Ryrnn, In "Ths Hps and Downs ot IJfe," 20, bsd s good houHii "In Old Kenliioky" drawthn Uargest nnuie of Ihe season 30. Many wore tiimril sway. "Parade," by local uleni, will lie the atiniiMliin DO". 2-J. (lii.uiiHB's Ui'BHA Iliif.'Ui was ncouplcil Nov. 3ii-a< by Ihe American Oaleiy Olris Co. "I'eck's lud Hoy" comes 1)00, a, Tvi'EBB's I'AHUR TnUTaE IS ihiing a goni husl ness. Joels Krooiy, IL s, .Vodlne, wm. Ilariieck, Hose aud Louie Bomerrllle, Culb; and ilo Will, Lou and Mamie Dlamoud, and J. W. Ilarrlngton this week. Lowell.—At the Opera llnnse Ollinora's Band Eavo a pleasing cone*n Nov. 34, lo a fair sized ouso. Sain'i Mwaida. In "A Ual'a Paw," bad a small house 2S. Rlce'a "1492" did good liualncsa 17. J. J. Cnrbetl packe<l Ibe house twice M, wllh "A Nam Oadei." Tlis Whilney Opera Co. presont- ed "The Fencing Master" in an socepulile iiiinnor 311,3U. to fsir houses. SpiiiigerA Welly's "lllack Crook" comes Deo. 2, Stoddard's Isictiire :l, "Norlh- ern Ughis" 4-7. Miisii) llAi.i—Halesnros.' "Ilumply Ihinipi;" Co. did good laialnesa 2r>-37. "Tho Ugnt nn the liiiiil" played to packwl houses 24, and did good liiialnsiw 2U,30. The Walann°Sbitere'Oi.comeHl)ce.2-l,aml Ths Hmogglcr" 4-7. I,awraiaea.—At Iho Opens Hoiiho Ulasy hUzger- ald. In ' Tho Foundling,'' pisyed to fsir liiuliiriis .S'liv. 24. HIce's "1491" pleased big hniissH 2N, at matinee and evenlnu. "Peck's Itad Hoy," 3, and "UcUirthy'a Courisblp,''30, played l» fair biialnoaa. Ths Whilney Opera Co. comes Ikao. 2, Nnhii iximnly Co. 9-14. I'AHB.—Tho bookings for tbo week of 2 Include Willlania and Uarbm, the Hltuhles, iJule Hten-an, Valeiilliie and Alberia, Harale Hhedd, Maggie Hague and All. Uhrisiirk Taiiaalaw.—Al Ihe New Iheaire "The i-lro Patrol" Nov. "The HIniggle of IJfo" 21. and "A Lucky Horseshoe" 37, 2i, to srosll liiimnsaa. "Town Topics," 10 fair returns, 2>. Uoniliig: h'jlwaril K. NIckeisou'a ComMy Cii. week of Deo. 2. MINNESOTA. Minnaspolls.—At tho Uelnipnillan Upem House Krally Uancker opened 3, for three nlgbls, and liancrofi, Ue magician, will finish up llisweek Following week's attnuilona not aniKiuoced. Jo aeph Jofieraon had Imicense houses—Iho MgicHi lie baa ever piared to In tho rliy—Nov. a-v, snil i'riiii rose ft Wosi'h Ulnstrels were well received -Js-:*!. Bijou Opeha IIouse.- "The Hreatcr Twelve lyimplallona" coiiiea Dec. I, lor week. "Harkoat HiiKsIa" Is uiidorilned fc H aod week. "Shaft Nii. ' had very sailsfacioiy onicu tucolpis Nov. 24-30. Koiii.A Hiniii.iTDH'sPAUCi MuHei'K.-For Dec. land week: Ualiy Chambers, Klusr Family, Mona. liuliln. Mils. Iliililn, the Woiid'a Trio, Annatrong aod i'orier, J. Boms snd Ihe Ellairorths. (kxid business. N0TBa.—llanz's first Sunday Oogceri, .Sov. 21. was a great success. Ilsroonls llaU was crowded liy onsof lbs most fasblooabto audiences ever si-on In Iho cDy Hobert ». Ingeraoll'a audience, 24, waa a large one, while DavliVU. Urn's, 27, waa only (sir Mellia asng loan Immense sudliinca, that was almost wild with enUinslapm, at Kxpoalllnii Hall. 29. Ht.Paul.—At IBO Helropollisn Opera ilniue 'rlinrnse A Weal's HInstrela bad hlgliuslnrsH Nuv. 34-27. Joseph JslTeraon, 21-30, with Thanksgiving Uailnre, played lo the full capacity of Ilia ii'iuan, every seat Iteing sold for each engagoiiiani. Fred, rick lUiirroft will iiegin his flnt pnileaalmial engageniont in llila city liec. I. for fonr nlghu, and Iho indications are lliat he will Im well received. F.inily Uancker comes 4-1. la "Our Flat." OSANO.-"ThsTwelve Teiiipiailona" had crowded housessll week of Nov, 21. "Ilarkesl lluwls" comes Hoc, 1 aad week, VtHtum Opera Co. 8 and week. UniiBoA—Uuslneaa baa lieen very gowl. For week of Dec. 2: Sefion and lleasle, Fhireuca Hiaiora, Oeorge B. Ilardoer, IasIs IIuicIiIdb, llarroy li irr and Ihe stock. Oi.rHi'iu —Uuslneas bss lieen veiy goMi woek of Nov. '24. Tbe lilll tor week ot Dec. I will Include iiie UNuai specially iieoiile. I'lmi'LR'H CiiiiBCU -Helba appeared to an Im. menso audience at Ihia large audlloriuDi Nov. 'JT, and scotrda succesa. David Mnnell HHIIectiirns'fi. AuiiitOBti.'S.—I'rnleaaiiraieaaon'B Horse HIhiw np- pearaso. This will Is) bla first appeaniicei kero. Ualisth,—At the Lyceum Theat'o "Hy Wife's Friend" came lu falraliod bouses Nuv. 'A. 'iii II. II. IngerMili bad a lilg sudknce 'ifi. Prhnrosii A West's Mlnslnls did good nualneaa 21, Z). 'Thu Passing Slinw" cointa Dec. 0, 7, Frederick lUocroft " 10, bnlly Hancker 13.14. I'AHWB Til BATHE—Cbas. Diamond, J. U. Welch, Turn Ueiuion, T. Iionnvan, Myiile Alwooil, Ada McOraib, Annie Kiiia, Mamie lluswIok.Msinle Lae, " A. Kramer and tbesiock. Uuslneaa Is fsir. KENTUCKY. I,aialarllle,—AtHacaoley'sThealrsTlmMurphr, n "A Teias Steer," played lo crowded houses ihs fore part of last week. "THIIiy" cams lha latter hail, drawing to Ihe caaocity of tbe house. Ulllan lluasell comes Dec. 3, 1, "ACootented Woman 4-7. TiiBTBiapi.a.-Otis Hklnner breaks tba darkness lliai prevailed at this hniisa last week tiy giving a ihr,'a nights* engagement, commencing 2, prodiic* lug "Villon, Ihs Vagabond," "His OracedeUram. moot" and "Merchant of Venice." AubitOHiL'if-—Hme. Melba will give one jier. fiinnssce 4. aailsted liy Bcslclil, FJolre. li'Aiiiilgnn snd Osmpaiiari. Waller Daoirosch Opera Vo. comes - 10. llusNn OpBBA lloi.'SE.—"I/Ml Paradlss,"aB ren. dered hy William Morris, drew crowdeil housos all last week, auesting the luleieat ihestrs gwra in Ibia city lake In a play wbao presented by a uimhI company. For week of 3, nturo eogaieniont of tbe John Huplaton Ue., In "Tbe Wile." Tub Ateiii'E —"Klllamey" was well patronized last week. Jules Wallera, In "A Money Order," week ol i, followed by Ilua lull's Novslllea week nf9. THE BrcilNonaii.—Flyns A Hbortilan's Big Hen. saiioo packed Ibis bouse nIgbUy durlBH last week. Au Eilnvsnmn Oompan; week of a PEoPLa'sTiiBaniE.—Now people weckot3; l«i. ler Kvans and Biiinis Uaveei, Kva Wright, May liaiBl, I'ariier BIttera, Will Wvalt, //>da Heyera and regiUar Block. HusUiess good. At. PPLEiDBini, chief oaher at ths Avenue Thesiit, snd Pearl Kerr wera married Nov. o, iiv Hagtalraie llsnse, la JeireiBonvliie, lad Frank Uughea, ticket seller at tbe Avenue snd a nephew of Fire Chief Hughes, was maiTlsd In legenunvllle, Ind., 71, to Pauls WblUIck, ot this city. The cere- mooy was psff u inBd by Ito Rst, Cbso. Flnsley. NEW YORK CITY, Last Wash's BrewU,—Hie record of Ihe psM week was rondored Iniporiant principally hy lbs opening nt Ibo now Dlympla, one ot tbe most atn- peadouaamuseaKntonieiprtaesotllioage. laaddl. Hon lo this, however, tbero wera several Intsreatlag events, and as Thanksgiving Day was enbmcsd within the week's llnillsthcm resulted a volume and an avenge nf liiislness Ibal was veiy graUfy* Ing to nianagora. Matinee pcrformanon wore given upon that day at nil hniisni excepting AsnBV'H The cnnilnned atlmollons for Ihe week ending Nov. .10 were: flrend opera at Ibe MEnioruLiT.«N OPBRA llotiSB, Honry Inlog at AsBBV's, "His Kxcelloney" at Ihe IIroaowat, "Tbe Oay Parialsns" at Hott'u, 'The Shop niri" at Pai.- iiSR'H, "Tho Heart o( MaiyUml" at tho IIeealo ^'|•l'AHB, "Tbe Wizard ot Iho Nile" at Ihe Uasiho, "Tbe Hponing Dnrhpsa" st Iho acaobny op Mrsic, "The Year Duo" at Ihe Star, "Trilby" at lha Qar- PBN, Peter F. liallry al ilin iiunii, John Drew at the Ksi'iHB, "InSlghlnf HI. PaulV st Iho AiRBtOAX, and "Sins of the Night" nt Ibe HTANPARn, Ihe Uiree last nainoil having rliiacd n|ion that date. The one week slonda oloalug Nov. 3D weir: "Tbo Cotton King" at the iihanii Opbri ItnvHB, "Old Illory" at Iho PBon.s's, ",\ Happy UUIe Homo" at Ihe Foi'RTEINTii HTaiir, 'Tbe Fktol Oanl"at Hie llAni.KU OrSHA linras, and "A Venn. Ino Ventleiiian" at Iho i^ii,|t»Bi>s Variety en. lerulnmont wan fiimlsheil nt Tiisv PAsnin'n, Kos. TIR ft lllll.'s, tho lltdON .Igi'AHB, i'BIIOniS'S, llAM- UKRirrBIN'S OI.VHI'IA, l'BIKTim'.-l Pl.SASVM I'AUCB, Iho lA»ii>fl.>i, Ihe lliiirv, Ibe Di.vKrin aad Minih'h liMWKHY and KiuiiTii Avbnue Performances In (lominn woro given at Iho Ikvinii Puoi and OEKUANiA, and iierlnnnancca In llelirar at Iho TiiAi.iA, WiNmoH siiil Ani.KS's \t Ihs Lrogiiu TiiBATHR tho regular aoaiun nf the suiok company began Nov. 24. with Iho lint American presenuiion nf" I ho Homo Mccroiary," an original play. In four acu, liy It. t;. t'-artnn. it was fmind lo possess many merit*, nlllud to iit least an eipial number of faults, some of which sro suniclenlly malig- nant 10 inliliato strongly sgalnst Its perntanent ano. cess llAHiiiniTRiN'H fii.YMriA was Hirown open In Iho piililto fur llio nrst llino Nov. 24, when throo Bopanto ami dutlncl ontoiialnmenla were given sliniilbiiioonHiy in Iho ditnirent andiiortums liencalh Its roof. In tho thcaire "F,xoelsk>r Jr.," n l>urlra<|iio, by II. A. Ibtira'tl, had Us fintniatropol- ilan pre«nulion. In ilio music ball a raudovuie perfnminnce was Riven iiy Kiinipcsu sppoialisia ex. cliisivoly, all nf wlumi, wlib tlin excopllonot ono team, thon iiisdo tboir iIoIkii In this ouunlry. In ibt* music hall an nrclicHiml pnuiionnde uonoert was given. A delallcd account of tbo otienlngot this hiiiiap, na well iis ii doacripilun nf the Imlldlng, apiiearuil in our Inai Isauo At Aiihbv's Tiibaths Henry inlng wnH seen on .N'nv. 'A, -.Hi in liU familiar rolo nf Hephlsliipbolcs, In "hiust," KlleiiTerry bav. lug iionn tho Uarguerito. During Ilia ronialndor of tho wuek, with llio exceplliin of Saliinbay iilBhI. lie |>ri>srnia*il "Thii Morahant of Venloe." ills Hhykirk was a 8no crt'slinii, Iboiigh occaalon* ally marred liy sumo id his vocal vagaries, whlnh ruuiloreil lilrf sih;i'cIi sfiinowbut Indlalliiut. ills iiiako up waa oxirenirly sriuilc, anil the ntage pictures proaeiiled woro, as iisiisl, Hawkna. MIssTorry's i'orlla Uiiiiioiig liurlieatcr%-vtli>iM, and tliu slatollnoss nf harwiiiisinly(llgiiliy,contraaled atllnivswilh tliiv magic whisonienean nl her man. ner, hehl hnr aitiltciiccs eiilniiicud. ''I.iiiils XI" waa Hie Natnnlay iilghl oirtTliig Janiss A. ilerno iHtgnn an ongagoiiteiil In lila faiiious play, Hhon Acres,"al ilin Fipni Avbni'I TiiRATas,nn Nov. 33 At liAi.v's TiiBATHX tho ainok company liiaugunlFil Ihe rogiihir m'bsoii nf the liuiise with a ravlval lit "The Hchisii fur Mcamlsi," which was thus cast: HIr I'olnr Tnaile, Kdwlii Vairey; HIr illlver Miirfsco, Jainos Iai«Is; HIr ilonjsuilii llaok- lilio, llerlierl Onisliaiu; HIr llsrry Ihinlier, Henry Oiiiuun; Joseph Hurfaco, Ihinrgo Olarln; Uharios Hiirface, Frank Wuriblng; Cmlilrco, Milncy Her bcrl; Moses, WHibiiii Hnispanii; ItowlDy, Tbomaa llrtdgland; Snake, lUilioil HiinpenI; lady Teazio, Ada ilelinii; Uily Hucorwall, KIImIhiiIi Unrih; Hra. Caiiilonr, Mrs. U. II. lllllieri: Unila, Sybil Oarlbde. . .The soi^nnil week of the seaa<iii of grand opera at tho MxTHunii.rrAN oi-bsa llni-HS la'gan, Nov. 'i4, with Iho prcsfliitallon of a d'Hiblu tilll. Including "I'hllouiun el tlaiirts" ami "Csvallorla Uiislicana," Hs menliuuud In iiur laat luue. Wagner's 'Tristan and isiiiile" was aung In lloniian 27, and tho ooca. siiin was nnlnlile nut unly Isicauaoof an aimiwl ilaw* loss iHirfoniisnco, Iml fur Ihe adrilllonial rnason that Joan do ltcH/.ko, Kilouanl do Ites/ku Mil (luUeppe Kasciiinann tlisn made Uioir flnt appearance In Ooniinn opera, In wiilcli, stsi). Mine, Nordlea made her nrstappoaniico In llitsciiuiilry, allbiiiigh famed lu Oomian opem almsid. I1iu enllru caat waa aa follows: Trialan, Jean do lUiszke; Kurweiial, II, Kaschinairii; Hnlnl, lluir llleilel; HliephenI, llerr Hiraalbi; Hariie, Kil. de Ibiazke; llrugeiio, Harin Uroina; laoblo. Mine. Nnrdlca. "IMnneo," wlUi an iinchangoil cast, waa tho oifering st thu extra Tliniiksglving pcirornMiico uvuning of w, tu's "Isa Favortia" wni given 20 and was Uius cast: l/!iiii(in. Mine. Msnlelll; luoi, Ullo. Ilauennehiler; llalilaiswre, H. i'lanciin; Alfonso, Blgnor Anoooa; Don llaajstr, Hlgnor VannI; Feniaiido, Wguor On- iiioninl. Of tito niHive Klgnnr L'remofllui, a young Italian tenor, nisdo a very siinccoirul American dr- biiL "Tristan and Isnldn" was rs[Mabiil al Ibe inallnno 30, anil upon tbo overling of that date Fauat" was given, Mllo. Wm Ulil/.ka then niahioa herdeliulin liilHcountry. Tliowork wasthiiscasi: Marguerilp, Moie. Francns Saville: Martbe, Mile. Ilaiiennolsiar: Uleliel, Mllo. olllKka; MephUlotelo, M. I'Uncon; Valenlin, U. Do Vilos; Wsgner, Hignor VIvlani; Faust, H. l,iiliRri. ; ino aiioniwii oi hoc. io, iub nroanway ro. Among tbose who will nsrtlolpate ars Irviiiir snd Kllan Tnrry, Olia Nelhenole, iraw, Baude Adsnis, Henry HHIer, Viola Al- TiiSEB TicBET srKi.'L'U-niHM, wli» allemiitsd Ui r-srry on their liiudness <hi Thanksgiving nlglil, Nov. '.n. In front of Ills flrantl Opem llonae, werosrrest- Kl altlio Insllgslloii (if Manager AngtiatusPliou, tine was arresM for silling tlckoUi dIrecUy lo front of Iho main oiiiraiico Ki Ibo liiiiise. Hiscouipankin liecaine aliuslru to Hr. Pltiiu. wbo at once haadsd lilni over b) a iiollceman, ana Ibo tlilnl was taken lntociistodyroraa«iilllagayoung man to whom lie had solif a tickiit which was refaiied al ths door. Tho young man could not gel hack the money which he had paid the speculator, and hovered alwut him advlidng (Hsaiiblo iloket buyera not to purchase 'root blm. At lenglh be aaaaulted Ibe roung man, anil bis airesl nillowed. Tbey were leldln liall fnrexamliullon, Nov. 2D, In Ihe JefiSr- son Harket i>iiiri. Tni AHHirsL Iniinflt of Ibe Acton'Fund wUI 00. ur on tho afleninnu of Dec. 13, at Uie Broadway Tboatro. ' "" ~"' —— Honry t John Draw ten, Frilz Wllllsms, Kllallne Tunlu, Maiiel Love ann John l,e llaye, of "Ills Excelleacy" coDDsnr, snd inveral neinbnn of Dsnlei aad Ohsries Vron. man's companies, other features are l>elng added, and Iho performance pruinlsea to hs a msmoreble one. Tni MEnuroi.rrAN I'ehuahent nnciiEimi, tbe object ot which will lie lo give wocal and Insim- mental musical conceris and perfnitnancea in Ibis cliy, wsB incorporated Nov. 21, at Allsiny, N. Y., with a raplUI of aod with lbs followliig dl- recbni: Anton Heidi, Joaeph FJIer, Otb> Hloecbert, Henry P. itcbiiiitt, Blgmiind Ibirnslelu, J. U. HIelEel, Charles Kunh, KnoK KIrclihuelMl and Henry Bus. wig. 'THE soiiin of two men were found on Nov, 38 In the ruins of Ihe Volksilarten, which waa burned 14, The remains bad not i«eu much honied, but were decomposed lierond recognlllon. Hamam UEHNiiAKiir Will open hercemlog Aroerlcao tour Jan. 2)at Abiiey'sTheaiie. Her rapeitoiy will Include "Isa Duubeaae Catherine" Iher new plai), Izayl," "Magils," "U Toaca," >'UBnillle,'' "U Femme de Claude," "Addenne Leoonvreor," "Fs- don"snd"Pbcdre,'>