New York Clipper (Dec 1895)

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632 THE IsTEW YOBK CLIPPER. December t. HTANDtRii TniiTn>.—Unlets all dgiu r>ll, u- other Ro(llih fu-co coinc<l|f found an empliailc Atnerlcin nicrtn* &t llili bouro on Hondij, Dec. 2, wbcn "Tlio Htnoge Ailnniureii ot Mlu Bromi'' wiiB acted fur Ihc fint ilmt In ihli counirr. Ilobeit HiichnniitD and Chailea Uailowe are llio sulhon of the plBjr, and It waa nrlRlutllj acted at tbo Vaudovlllo Tliealrc, I^imliiii, KOK.,Jiinr ';Qortbl« year, and not Feb. .1, an Iho prtRnmiiie, wliliotit waimiii, anniiimcci. AoRola llrlKlitwcll, a piifll ntMlulUimnoy'H acliool furiilriH, indCa|il. Oiur- lADajr, nfthn lonlrklllco ItrnKOuiw. are deapcnttl/ In love, l>ui owlntr to ilio ruct tjiai ^tnscla la a nranl lu clianccrT, not or anv, and llivrofore nnmanl' Kgcalile wlilifiiit coaaenl »t ilic court, a plao la laid by Major u'lliUiUher and Ida sonl mre lo Inaiire tlielrinirrlagoaiidinili4ci|Qonini|(lit(oilio Continent. Ttie Aral act fhowa tho iinancraof Major O'iJir lafflier at tlm llanlckH CiicltiiMrord, nhtru Captalo Oourtenay and Angela meet In nccoiilancewltn |ao- BrranROtneoi. Tney aei nir fur flio panion, leavlug Mra. u'tlallaRber lo do Iniiile *lih Ul>a ilomniy, ytUu arrlvra lo R^arcli of ilio iruint Aniela, una vliu If accompanied lir Ur, ll|iit)erlaon, liarnater. who In tlio Biiardlan, fitr the Ixjrd Chancellor, of tbe lirldu. lie tiiroma Mm. O'Oallagliar that to marry a ward In cliancery la a penal oiTisoco, and Huhjecia ttinae nlieliing lu itio rrloio to Imprlaoa. ment an anrompllceit. Tlmy dcpatt for tho atatlon «n a falw cloiv, ami durtng Iheir aiiaenco the lirlda und itruom return, to Icaro of tlieir predlcamenL Ulaa Itomney and Ur. llilibcrtHon onoxpei'tedly it- litm, cnnfruiil ilio (Aiptalo with Ihrcuia uf arrac, itnd reaolve to take Angela back Ui the hcIiqdI. Keliriilng Inillgnallon at the eoDdiiclof the UaptalD, tho Utjorand lilH wifo pruinbwto aid In puiiuhlog lilin. aloaiiwhllo Iho (^plali) baa dhuippeared froio thenaim, andaearrlirorlilni liy SerKi. TAtioner, a Hc>tland Vani dcterilvo, wliu liaa lieen onitiloyed Id the caie. rcmiUa In a riunr lielna fonnd locked, which, afler much fuM and delay, la opened, and h Hcrawny younit woman, itllred moat jirotcaniielf, It liroiiiht fiirlli and Introduced by Urs. (I'Ualla- fflier aa her niece, MIm Uruwn, from rortamontli. Ttw iiiilckly dcvlaed plan worki lu perfcelloD, and Angela reiurna (o achoul. The nccne cliangea Id Uie next act to Mil! Interior of Ulat lloinney'ii aeliool, where It ronialiia during tho third acl, wblcb enda Iho play. HUH irirrying out hie pre tonUud anlnioally to Capt. Oiurtenay, Uajor O'lUlhiffher a|iiilica In Ulaa lloiniiey for ihc • ndmlMlnn to liur achuol ot ldl<a Jlndro, nrg- Jng that, aa aim la an uuHoplilHllcaiod woDtau, ahu lain great dinger of falling a vlullm In Cap- tain Couruiay, who la iilll at lartio, and for whom a vlgoitiiiH acarch la bolng nmgccuted. Onco admit' tud. In Hie gnlae 4if Mlw r.niwOi the C«i>Ialn pUiiB tiicarry oiTbIa wifoaiid ily 10 lurta to CKapo ilie wraUi of Mr. llliilmnRniiaiid the atniog arm of ilie law. Ilorr Von Uoaler, ilien teacher of iiiuilo In Ulaa Ituitnioy'a liMIIIiiUoii, la duipentloly In love with Angela, ami declarca hla laloniloa to protect her fniiii what ho linaKliicato bo Impondlug hann. Ilarfteanl Tanner appoara on tlio icone and gains HlaaltoinneyMconnentlonniahi In the bouno for tlio nlghl, aa he that tho Cupialn Till nilomiK In eln)H> wlili lila bride. Sliunly allur the Innuiea have rollrod, and Bcrgeaut Tin' ner haa comfortably avitJcd hlmaolr for ihe nlghl, Ulat llrown KMaiani, titul im arrang' Ing urelluiliinrluH fur iliu clupomeiil. Iilacovcietl by MrgL Taiinor, ■'ahn" niren a ready oxcuie, niid while Id iho act of iilaylng co(|iiei in ihoorer auaccpllUlo aloutli la J,nii»l by Aii!|eh<, who la dreaiuulfnrthe cacaiKi, I'hvlr cunibliied coiiuelry Main IhroiTM Ilio a^jr^cant iiir hlaRuanl,andlnah clfnrt l<i play the (iiHlKing hu ivrnillailiolovrnto liaildcuif lilin. He U uveriuworud by .Muia llroirii, and Aiiguta nwkeaKo<*d licreacaiie, but during tho uncounier lielaruon Ulai llruwii and tliodoiecllve lIorTVoii Uimliir apiaian and pn^toilla >IUfrt llrown fiilliiwing cluacl.v u|H>ii mil hceJa of .Vngela. Tlie liaiaoi (a rfiinowhai lakeii up with Ilie rcclliil of bow Angela CHaipcd 111 lliiicabaiid Ihe delecllve*a cliaao over hill and UiUu aflur Ulaa llrown. lie finally leariia thai "ahu" la nHloep III a lielghhoiliig liaru ami brlnga "her" to tliu hcIhhiI. At Una Jiinct' lira Uajoririlallaiiher Had LUwIlu enter wlui AU' gula, bring Iho liiruniMtinii thai a mumliig uewipa- |H!r niimiuiicca ili*^ aiiildeii deatli ofaowrrelailve to Oaplalii i>inricnay, whu'li br-njiH hint liiio |Hi«ea- aloDuf ailiioufHiiilklriii rank to warrant hU mar rlageliia wanlliii'liaiicury,and ibiiaallendiHati*. factory. An will ih) ituietl, ilio cure of the fiiu lice In tlip iim^iiucTHdliig i>r iJaptaln Otuncnay, and, alllioiigli aiKiIhcr KiigiUli rarcH Iiirus ii|hiii a like rondliiiiii, lliu fad li Duly runilnbiuuiit wlion cui:* Mdurcil 111 i-oiii|hirUoii wlui the iiieat'iit anblcct. In oyiie tiiranitu AiU'entiin-a of Ul« Umwu" overy oliaracier haa i>]ipiirtuiililea fur nilrili pnivoklog. Tneiv araiio niKHlngniuiociibilnlho play, lutereat belnx oloaely miinlainiil In lira acliiil fall orilie curtain, ami It a'lniul la} a wl«) purauii, Indeed, wlio could furelrll Iho tinal litiuo uf lliu uilxup. Tlie farce la of llacir iindonialily noriby of n lung and highly auuceaaful i-areor, which will In galiieu not aluno because uf It-i iiierlt aa a farce, lint through ItiHilapiabllliy !<■ American hiraa of mnipanl bin, llf t'lu pii'wiiUiig company Hie ludlrlduni aur.reuea were made pnitalliln only through Uio dif- reronc«luu|iportiiiililuaairi>nletl. Thornoatdldllnct Irluiuph of iiio nlgbt vaa acored liy l«ouU Uann, whu, aa llcrr Voii Uoiler, oinroil a cbaniuierMlo aludy aiiMdnloly dollglilful lu buliulil. Nelllier oveidolugnrfalling at rtny|Hilnt,ho miMalueillbe Mh) In a nMiiiivr which ■liould wairant bini In vomniaudlng a high place lu the Hat uf chaiuctor aolora. Ilo waa Louipclled bi anawcr three aiioa. lano4iUH auil wull dnorved ncuno callii. I.llhan AlllRton'a work waa highly credlubloaavo forltie fact ihat alio dlaiilaved lark of iludy, wliltdi latro fruit In her liealiaiicy and aeeiiilng iiervonaneas; lint Ibia fault will bo eaay uf remedy, HIeu Uurg Wtti exiroiiiely cillcleiii, hihI iiuido a brtde Villi wurth Iho tiruggle, and to Mia Allen iiiuoh pralM la due for elTl'ullve aollog and luieillgrut cunrepllon of her rule. Jennln Halleriro watliapplly ciai and hilly auaialned Iho ROldou iipliiliina ner work had prevlonaly biuiiglii forth, C ora IJpiiiangaToniiii'h iiroiBlnence lo a role which lu uiltcr naiiila iiilghl have gono UU' niHIi'od, and 10 Harry Bniwn luiil John T. HulllTaii much pralM] la iliio for eiTuotlvu nharaoler work. llerlKirl Mpaillug acieit wllh Ihe air of thortiagh faaillhirty wlili Iho wiitk In hand, and iiacil ■ illalecl which Bcunii'd t>M:knoy lo ihn manner turn, 'yiui plav hail imiii well aiHged, aiiil John II. Itogera, whoIm'apnaluci'd ihofAa-e,lulu bo boanllj kviv grainlalcil u[m>ii lih acbloTotiii'iit, The caai: Uajur r. trilallaBller, Harry l(r\mii; Opuln l>airttiaay, John V. KulHvan; I'llvaie liiHrlicily, (I, Nlohoia; lluglrr Ualai, VV. A. Kasiwiaiil; iiargeant 'Unuor, llorliert .<|iarlltig; llerr Vun Uosliir. Ijouli Uiuii Ur. Illkberlauli, (;liatlo.i llarbury: Angela llrlRliI woll, Kllau lliirg; Mim Ituuiiiry, Ulllau Alllaton Ura. tl'dJllagllcr. Jennie S-illetlcc; Clara l,4ivarlilge t*lim Mpuian: Ml-w Uuilida Juiira, tillte Itoiliaih Kninw, Aunlii Dacic; Kuiihcnila S«-hwaria, Mial Allen: Ulilli'rni l.<ivrrlilHi'. iMrilu Sanbinl; IHw lillltii, Kale Miller; Ulia I'urkliu, Virginia I'aiil: Vlai Stuuuieruiii, Kinncra WItaon. (ItUUBiurrKix'a liruriA — rAmfii' —"KxceUlor Jr." began li.'c.'J lie wcniul week at llda hiuiae. Tlio merry bnrliiiipio baa Jiiiiipi'd Into favor and Im oujiiylug excellent iniilne^a. tin Uondny nigbl Maiiilo CalilU and Waller Jonca InliiHluced a now Hiieolairy, In which Ur. JoooBgavo an linlUllon of Chevalier hi a coslcniainger tong. .tfiKifr r/.ilf— laHik'ng bi iliu brat loteiVMiri and comfort of Ida lMii\iiM. Ur. llaiiiiuer-iieln baa leiuovcd aevvnil ui Ihc rinrrxiMa nf orchcalrH aoau, uiiiaadding iitaiui I a'olvo luet lu Iho pruuiciiadv Irick of ihu ur.-huitra. II la a Kri'ai tiiiprtivemcut ami uno vblch ail] lai filllr apprei-lalinl. Sluco Iho llnuao opened booiI bntllll'^a li ill prc-vallcd. I.iai wockV bill waa fnund III IH) HUiiK'li-iiily HriiiigUi wair.ktil lla loleiiilon lu lla vnllreiy, ivllii Lew Ii'ihiiii h4 au added fealurv. >lr. llliiiiiu npia'uriil lu hiMiiamii act and inrt wtili lir>'al favor. Kibili llrtaiil, fklrl ilaliocr, who did tail iipia'iir Nuv, -ii oa-btg li, lllucta, niado llrr Auiitlvaii ileliiil in. anil lilt-l Willi »ui'cea.|. The 'J'lllvii HurtcliliH, on thu |Kr)iiriidlcu'ar poU'si Iho Aviilui, hiiTl/.i)riiiil liar peifnriiirra; C.'urlea NieUnn i:nliilil. It'iu.ilu Iiii|hir4iiiia:itr; li.'IU It h-co, \l>i|lnlitlr; &ln;is. lluwi'U'a MiTlolirlU-ii, Ilio Loalliy .VitUT', acil.iM^i*; Ihe Jiiliii^tiri 1iiiii|ie, uu ihoiiiU' idiig KliilH'i; \.v* .tiiitoiii, clMiMi-ier chanao lair- foi'Ulci>: Mil'. KraM-ny. air.ilHlli* tlaltcer; IbolKi- luliv. uiiu ligiicil i-iiia ii.; Ibiiry l,-tuii>)v, guriv*i|iie ivire I :rr>iniii-i; Km liii"k<, t-iiiu*'ilionac: My ^^ull■y, Mllil mid liui-l; dancer, ilihl Ckar^crt I.IIII1111, atliili lutu, aliliiliiclrM'.-i'iiil wi'i-k, wrro p4i)iiilar. Tho Ur,«l Huuilat ciiliiii'll ir.i' irbcii 1*,^'. l.aiid waa a*ell alien led. Tui* nnhb* wa^liiniMiril b) Ihe Olynipla llreluiitrj. under llic illn-i-ll-iu uf KiI'e $<*hiel, who on llial iijc:ihIii|| lli.iile LUmolnilki.llnu dehill. The a'lhilila wi re Uar.r b iiihe Clary, I'liiibalbi; t^lurlca llfciell,Iclliir.ami Dcll.l llmca, vUi^lnlilr. (tiMYi //iil/>l*iiucrrl.uiv iilvni In Ittli ihtT.luu or llan; lUfii'i'bi'a iriplu Hiiiiiariiii'iii rt-iriit every cvcnlo| liiiiii '.'M uiilil iiililiili;lil. Mm iTcticiln leliig uhde l'<i> iluYi-llfU llf Tliciiikuc John. l.Yi-ki'U TiiKxTUK.-' Till' lloiiieSt'cretiryi'iiegan Ihev.ciUiil ncik uf lla run on li.'c.The play la urii iiciitl ami h:iiiil.«-iui-:) >.i»i;cd, lla liirr.4r) Infill,ai\' :ii«i\e ihi- uvcntKCi ami,though lia arailinciil U liiil ci-llv'lliclu/. It < klol) Uuf cunill jalivc lulereal. ForRnnmt Hmgicr TiiitrRB.—The nnt local pmlucUon nf "Hie Hldowaltn of New Ynrk," a comedy dtima In four tela, by flcolt Harhle, wtt giren it Ihia houBO on Dec. 2. II waBflnt produced on Del. T Itat, at Kellh'a Opera ilouie, I'rorldeoec, It. I., and Ibeao coliinioa reconily preaeiilcd Ihe •lory of the play In full. Ur. Itarblo liu pemlllcd himaelf to l>e led along tbe paHi an often ttanraed >>y wrilenof dramaa, and ihli productof hiB edOriB la clearly Been lo lie but a renr.x uf a acore 01 ollicri. Thedaunilembero, wliuMappcarancc Isever timely, and whoaederdaaro nothing abort of mlracolouM; the reckleaa elllalo, whoio tbirat for crime contlnueB unabaledunill Iho anal iceoo,and Ihe plilfBl vie- ilmi uf the lalter'a nuichloailonB are onco mere In eddonce, and hid In tho old fBmlllar way for our admlrallon, our contempt and our aympalhy. Resldea, the aiory haa not oven thooiie rcdctnilnir claim of conllnuliy, for Ita action la lulempied upon Ihe Hllghieat prclexU and originality of treat* ment Ib everywhere aacrinced for ihe nake of penaa* llonal eiTect. Forthermore, Ihe long amy ef spuclally aela with which It la la)MIered up are In- troduced at an Inopportune Hum and loainoatun. teemly place. We can accept Ihe vncal and lerpl- chorrtn dlveralona nl newalioya and bootUacka open a clly alreet at midnight, and llkcwtu a per- formance by a (rained hear, for theae ore iceneB which. If uncommon, arenolaltogether Improlatble; bul when a girl airafedln bicycle coatume enun and warlilea aeveral veraea of a popular dllly, thia death blow 10 raallan cannot fall lu pnivoke comment. Aa tlie play makes a dl* reel appeal (0 Ihat large claaa of thealre- gnera wlio are decidedly unlikely lo heaiow any aeriouB criticism upon It so long an tbo eye la charmed Iiy plciiireeque and elalairate scener;, aial humor U m larlahly provided It will undoubtedly bring lu lla pmdiicera a aalUfactory return for tlaj aiununl expended upon II. Cliai. K. tlct;arlhr, who la aim favorably reracrakeiTd for Ihe enident icr- vlcea he rendered to Kdward llarrlgan while con- necied witli that aclor'a forces, waa caat In a |iart almllar in Ihoae through which he fnnnerly fonnd auoli pronounced faror. Though he niiompied nothing now, hlaold methods proved niilllclent 10 •rio for him ronewed aucceas. Tlie performer whota work proved 10 Iw tho uiOBt enjoyable, however, waa ChaB. W. Aldrlcb, who waa ridlcuk>iialy huniorouB In iho character of an Imposalljle tiainp. The oiliorB were Imllgerenu Tne caU lofull: John I'ciniierton, Henry IHrke: Hoy I'em- lienon. llarry Johnstone; Sarto, l.ouli F. Howard; llslph Uorley, Ixalrr Uoergan; Jnck Ualn, John II. Uruwne; llolny, Kinllllueae;C'nap.s, Kil. Ileirtrmau; Untinna UcOurk, Charlea T. Aldrloli; oillcer lliiiry, Pilrick Fanion; i'oie, llarry K. WInanMii; tbe mon In Ihe lower, Kearniii I'. Hpeedy; Plcim, Julta Cirr: Fraiicnla, Nat. I'llifonI; Jaoo Ann Cnddy, Cbarlta F. McCarthy; HIen Harm, Adelaldo Coun- dre; Julia I'omlierlon, llachel tiiorllng; Agnta I'cDi- berton. Villa Uanln; Mra- McUurk, II. Fenion. I'KOi-Lk'ri TiiXATas.—"The Han O'lVar'a Man," wrtllen by J. W. Ilarklns Jr., received 118 Inlilal New York producllon at Ihia Iioiho on Dec-'J, be fore a falriy largo audience. Thiai. F. Bhea aaiumed Hie leading rolo uf Capt, Jack Conway. The phiy, which was originally pniducedal tbo Academy of Millie, Fall lllvor, Uass-, Nov. la a naval war drama, dealing wllh an atlompt iipon'lbo part of Kngland and two oilier Kuropeari powera 10 obtain imacBalon and aiiprenie ronirol of ilio NIcanigiiBn f-iiial. At 1)10 dediraiinn (if Ilio Vow Ariny and Navy Club, Now Vnrk Clly, Capt. Jack Conway, an Ainerlcaii naval oillcer, leama uf a rMM;rut meeilng laiiweon llieao ihleo forolgii iMwera, lo be held hi Kiimpo, and he obialna Icavo of aIhcdco from bis govemnieni, wllli ilio iDlenilon of ilnding out the jaaco and dale uf iho war council. Ho la InipilMineil lu St. reierahurg aud coudemned bi deatti aa ah American apy. He ofcanee iiu Ihe eve of hill cxocullun, and raakea Ida way 10 aeiiaatonnl, where he haa dtti'nvertil iho war coun- cil l4 in lie held. Ilo Is nreaoni ilurliig the pmoetd- liigrt of Iho council, und leanw that It la ihe purine: or too |iowi-ra m lake puaacaalnu of the Mciiaguan lerrllory ami aasunio pcrmaiKint dielatlon of Ihe Nlcataguan Canal. Ills Idoiiilty Is dlai overed at the cluaenf Iho proccedlnga,whoroa (hrllllogT«si4ie uccura. The iiewa Hiconvoycd lo America, which, anniecd, pnura hertroiipa lutoCcniral Amerlui. In advancu of tlio Invaulna powers, thus preKtvlog the eplrlt of the Monroe itoclrlue Inlact. liming Ilio acllou of Ihe iilay Jack 0>n. way falla In love wlili Kilnor l>«nlelgli, formerly a spy In Ihe employ of tho llnailan Qov- omnieDt. She worked for Hie Cur In Ihe bops of aeciiring Ihe niease of her father from Bllierls. Her bnilher la a Uiiaitan oillcer and a friend of CapL Cnnway, who dooa not know of Iho relailen- ahlp. Jcaloiiny la amusnl, and Iho aeparailon ot Klliior and Jack, wllh Iheir lliial reunion, fornu a aiibaldlar/elcniout of iboiaay. Tbo While Sijuad- ron la reicrred lo many liniea In tho play, being abuwn ell laMraii In Ihe rescue Bceue. J'ho drama Is calculaied to touch the imlrtollo enlbuajasiii of the audleiicea, and U Burccesful In that dliccilou. Thus. K. Mhea'a Caul. (;onn'ay was played In a niAsterly iiuniior. Ilia chancier Inipenionullou of Uio KiYiech diplonml, whose dlaguhie ho as. Biinica In order 10 aocure eoine ilhtpatchfa, WIS lutrUcnlarly good, lie waa forceful, yet not 100 enerzeilc. Ilemy Teala aa Capt. liarlUud, an Kngluh oillcer, alao was eiTecllv«. Jero UoAulliru prctuoied Hie comedy |Hrt nf Uarry llanlcy, U. 8. Kngluoer. Loiilso lloefer Ncanillb'a I erf.iriu- u-jo of Klluor Uonlolgh, tbe only tniport- nnl female rolo In Iho play, deacrrca farorabio nientluu. She waa alrong In her rmoiloiial rcenca. Tbo olliera lu tho caat wei«: UoiiL Schiller, Juaeiili T. Qroone; I'rlnco Usrouikl, Charlta Itolllns; Lleul. Luiiilno, Archie lieaeun: Kdmoiul li'Auvllle, Mark J. Ilrerno; Hon. Uyrll Denlulith, FIcIclier llavty; Count Viin Wlnlemeli, llleliard .N'eainlth;Uen. lie. Inivllch, Will J. Oamea; Lleul. Ijizaralf, Jnhn IL Wliun; cant. Amhnrg, llarry Uaradeo: lliiaaian Hoiiler. Wllllani Jolinaon; Josile Houlelgli, Kllnore Fninchi; lloao UouHiiu, Ulldred llyland. Tbe acenerr la eifocllve and auprnprlalo. J. T. Macau- ley la bUBlnesa niauager, \\ - J, Cnnica, alage man- ager; 1). lAwrenco, troaauror. Next week, "Ibo New KIghl UellB." aiuNii ni'SHA llot'SR.^udglng from thesteoof the audience which assemblfd here on Uonday nlghl, Dec. i, in wltneas llarry WllllaniB' intlo- dmnui. "A llowcry Ulrl,"lt wunid Mem that our Weat ride ivaldcuicra were onilrely unfanilllar with Iho peoiilo who live on Hie fjtsl side ol our illy. If II waa inls curloslly that proiupled ibe aMeuibllng nf IIU audience which nilcd orcry scat of tlie large ihcairo, ihoy neru cenmoly nol dUappolnlcd, for Ihc piece fairly iceins wllh roalhillo Kaai side life, aud la nrplciu wllh plcturo-iiuo accnes and loeu. Iloua lucmcniiil to life on tho llowery. Ada la.>e llafcoiu la Ihe aiilbor of "A Uowcrr lilri," which was originally pitaluccd In Clili-ago, III., at the lUy- iiiarkotTlieiiire, on April 14, ol Inls year, when Iho •Inry appeared lu this pa|ier. The dlalngiio U brlglil, und an liiioresllng alnry hi well ausialaed thionglinut, while Ita (-llina.MM are eiTectlve. Uan- a^er Wllllaliia liaa given Iliu producllnn anoxccl- leut slago Bulllnr, a very lliieral aoenlo ouiai, aud haa engaged nn cnilreiy caiuble comiiany 10 Inlerprol ita onlcrlnlulug siniy. Though It l:ad lioen ruponcd that tbo M:oiiery had been deitroTcd by nro III irausit lo thbi clly. In a railroad accident, such waa iiol tho fad, fur any damage austalned had liecn rDUieillfd,andiinihlngln lliai line seemed wauling on Monday nlghl. Tliu large audlesce li'otoiighly enjoyed Ihe play, and Inillcalloiis niilui 10 a successful aeaaou. Unia 11iropp doca ihu Ivai w„rkof her alago career Inilio leiiilliigiwubrelle nile. (leo. \V. Thompson gave a faithful presenla il>m of a pu'.IIlclan In ihp height of an ctecilon. Andy Amaiiii gavenii excrllcui bitoliiennBu ctaai- a^deriulliui, and Utile Juas la a prucoeloua and prundsliig aciresa. 1'he romaludcr ol the company aro In every way capable. Tho full cast fnllowa: Krnem Maii'iuiiK, II. A. lliirklianll: Mcliolas Krank- llii.Mark W. CiKly; l^airick llnllliwn. Hen. W.Thouip. ami; Cfv» Ik'rlnllua, Kdwatd Uldurd; awlpwy. John Dily; Aiigiislns llipfliancr. Andy .Viiianii; M Vuii, Kd. Colea; iinii-cr. It. II. Wluon: N«m Hal- nil in, Clara Tlimpp; Magsle Uonlsoii, Kiiiiiia Sar- dnu; Allria llerioliiia, Ucleii Jonea; Aiucalulairne, Uanile llyau; Him- Fmukllu, lloorale beater; Mabel, IJiHo Je^a- Kxecullvo alail' for llarry Wililanis: W. II. Challln. iiiislnrsa iiuDsgi r; Mark W. uiily. Slago dlrvctor; K. II. WontI, advaaco agent; It A. Illliii'irv, slago carpeuirr: Kd. (\i<e, uaaior pmper- iles; Uax lliuriuau.tHualial dlivetor. Nciiweek, Clara Morris, In ni|>ertoty. Tho dni or Ibis leasou's Sunday ciitireris was given liec- 1. Conductor Win. lujue, uf Ibo SIxiT.uliith lleilnirni IUnil,was iiiiiidi'al ditccior, and Mrs. Ii. I). Tual, aoiuauo; Eva llawkea, coniiallo; J. D. Filigersld, batli^ae; W. !(. UyKraniH, comiMlal, and II. l.sOBoh, acconiiaii- Isuappearetl- FtuiaK'a TiiiiTHi!.—There can lu no qncallon concerning Ihe pnpularliy of -Tho .ihop lllil." II has la'cn a irlumphsnl aiiccei.i fiuiii Ihoalatl.aud lla andlenrea have inghily trslrd iho capacliy ol tbe hniise. It Iwcan on Drc. i the aliih weak of s run which will sllll conlliiuc fura long Unte. Ai-AiiRUV 111- Miaic.-' TUs !<pi>nVug liooheia" couthiiiea 10 draw Isrge amilences, Ibe sliendance lorl week lH:lugnf the lecuid bttaking older, 11 enler\-d Dec. i on Ihe Uficcnih witk ot Its no. KErrn's Union Souahi! TiigATOi-Close to the record was the cash rtanlls of Ihe alUntonce at UilA bonae Ust week, and In splt« ol me steady downfall of rain Ibo tush of hnsloesB Monday, Dec. 1, would seem In pelot to a conUnuatloD of pros- perity for Ihe enncnl days. It Is Indeed an alUac- iivc Hireling held out lo dorolees ot lUe cooilnnouB limnch of slnilglil varltiy,aa will la> seen by a glance at the bill this week Bironlcd. Such pronil- Rent factoni In vrlely SB Barlow and Dunbaui, ox- perla on the liorlwnlal luir; Uie HImlo Four, hnr- leaiiuem and cbaracier impeiionaiorsi Geo. Fuller liolden, comcdlao and monologuUt; rtadle Liisb- man and llerliert llolcomlie, cbaracier rocallsls and ballsd singers; Wn>. K. Illmai nod harts Item- Ington, whose Ides of "Tbo >Uat Slile Ulokean i tbe Uowery OlrP' proved lo he one of tbe best IhlDgs on the bill; ihe De Wilt SlsUni, sccnmpllabed muelrlans; Sed Monroe, black face comedian: Harding and Ah Sid, clever acrobats; the Six lined lllrdH. pleasing comedians nod eniertalneis; Ulss Vera, In a very good aerial acl;0'llrien, JenDlegaasd U'llrlcu, In a neat stelcli; Uenllt and Bheldon, coniedlana and daocem; tho I'orten, In s very dim- cult and highly credllable aerial tnm; the Heagona, Comedy Duo, and TIllM Marlooetlea all offend their portion to the entertainment, and made up a bill of uncommon excellence. Not conltnt witta preaenl- lug to Ilia pairona Ibe cream of Iho vatleiy and oiienllc branch of Iho profcaslon, Uanager Keith haa Blarled a crusade Inlo tbe realm ol the legltl- mate, and will next week pieaent at thU house Chaa. lilckaon, who, aaelBleil by bla wife, LUIIan Uiirkhail, will give iHie Bslt cellar." Ulbcrs lu tbo bill will be Iho Dunbar Trio, tbe Oals Family, ChsrhiUe lt«y. who Is another nciinlBliloa from tbe leglHiiiale Held, tlie DretbetB DIania andolhersof e(|ual note. I'ancTOH'a 1'liasure l'ALACt.-lliuager Proctor preaenled another unnsoaUy strong bill at this house Dec. land week, Ihe sliendance on Monday being hirge. The ValdlB Blilers, who have fairly won Ibe Hilo of "(|ueoosof the Air," opened for tbe nrat time at thIa liiiihc, and were given cstremend- oiia rccepilon- Their work was of a high slandard of excellence, and their varlona feala ivon nuod after round of apjilauic. Lea F.doanlos, eccenltlcs, also made Iheir nnt appearance at Ihls house, and found much favor, (ieorgo Iflekban's Imlned elephanu began Iheir fourteenth week as popular aa ever. Clam Wlaland, cbsnlense Inlematlonale, liegan her second week an Increased favorite. Tho Famzer llrctneta, head balancen and aoro- bau, made Hitlr reappearance, and were given a wann welcome. Arauk^ Itoftlka and DIrtbe, (lypay Bingera and duiiceta (tenth week), were oinilnued favorllea. Major llurtte, gun aplnner, was accorded lull ricogiililon for bla acl. Bnillb and Cook Innnd much favor for tbelr comedy work, and the llland Ulsters, In songs and dancoa, did woll. The Two llosious liegsn their nrib week conllnned favoriles, and HIson and Krrol, 111 their Bkelch, "Hen Tft. Women," were amusing, lllcbard Uolden favored tbe audience with some of hia drelletles, and Uartleit and Kay, comedy duo, were pltaalng. The D'Kslas enler- talned Uielr audience wllh venlrilUiUlaD, aud Welbcrlll and Ilhoadea' Iloyal Marioiiellcs were pleasing. Jno. T. ]*oweia, couedltn, found favor, and Ihe TsDukaa gave a clover Ion eplanlng act, Jennlo Wbllbeck rendered negro melodies In a very accenialile manner, and tlie l,idy Orchestra waa cnnilnued In favor. The regultr Sundiiy concert waa given Dec. 1 laianoH Tiikathk.— Hire ,V lirtrlon*s Cnmedlana are playing Ibelrlrat clly engagement Ibis seasun at this house, and opened 10 lilg liuHlDesiUooday, Dec.'J. "McDoodlu and Poodle," tbo comedy by meAiis of which tbo e-xcclleiit company la lolro< dnccd, haa been exieiidcil coDBlderably, and now pnivldea three acia, Ihe fun being Inccaanl. The apecIalllcB lutrodiiccd during the phiy and be- tween Ihe acIa aro drat cUsn, and a pleaaliig per- fnmiaoec la given from siait 10 llnlsh- Frankle Haines, as Juliet Qorc, acted and asog wllh her sc- ciislDiiied success, (ieorge W. Klce and Cbnrles Ibiriou, aa Fooille and UuDoodlc, provided amuse- iiieut lu plenty by tbelr porUiiyal of lite escapadea of two gay married men. J. tjnigtey as lloineo Hnre, J. K. Mullen as Brannlgan, Annie Dunn as Mrs. Mclioudle, Uello Stewart aa Mm. foodie, Marie Hrldllh as Janet, Mr. Whitney lui Front, and Louisa Auber, Kva lluni', Fcnllnand Auber and Hay Slow- art were npproprlalely cast. Tho list of specialties Incliido nice, barton und J. tjulgley hi songs and parodlea. Uullen and Dunn, lu Hitir llrely Inter- change of repartee; Usne (Irlillili, whose charocler dancing made a sens iilon; Hie (|usker Cliy ((lurtct. In their bamionloiissoiiga, choruses and character ImlUHlona, as "The Villaga Ulackiunllhs;" Fraukle Halncs, lu songs, rendered in excellent voice; the Btewarl Slslera, who were well received afler tbelr prolonged bIibodco from Itowery st-igcs, singing and acHug lo Iho old time Bplritcd manner, were llbenslly encouraged, and Ihe Wbllney Uroih- eia. In their mualual iiuveliy act, which gained en. corea. The Inclilenial aonga, medleya and cuarac- lor blis are well worked up by the comiiaay. Next week, Iho City Club Co. UiNsa's Bowtiir TiKAmi!-— Qiib- IIIU'b New York Blaishold the alage Ihls week. It Is Iheir Orat en- gagement In New York Ihls Bcas^^D, Tbe UBiial ex- cellent companies galhcred under this title have al- ways proved potent stlrsctlons- Tbe present com- pany. Including, se It docs, mauy prominent vaude- vUle fealiires. Is uo excepilon, and the progrsnime provided pleusi-d Ibe Isrve audiences on Monday aflerooon and evening, liec. 2. Swau and bam- bani o|ained prnueedliiga aa ihe two eecenlric rc- cnilu In knocKnboiil comedy, which at onco aroused the audlcuce lo Ibe full anprodaUon of tho other good llilugs un ibo bill, Lotilo tVostSymonda, In Itlalichstaoler songs. Is a Hale and hearty per- former of lbs robust ijiie. Uuilhows snd llanis spiieared In Ihclr laughable sketch, Mr- Mailbews' make up and iinilca proving very funny. Ulle. Florlr-oll, whu performs uiaiu h gtsaa platform siu- ponded high aijovo iho alago. Is gracefully export, and was liberally applauded fur her novel acl. Charley Vase, 12 hla uiunulogiio, kept lUs audlenco In good humor with blj wlity aallles aud dls- cuaslon of local loplca. auldit, 81. Clair and (loldle. In the skelcb, *'(;inger Jane," provided fun, singing nnd dancing lu Ihe enllre sails- facilon of overy ono In tbo house. Spirrow, ihe clown JiigKler, amuicd by Hie cleror war In which bo handled aoiuo novel pttmptaemalla. Ilo showed Millie now and clever irlcka. The two American Macs, Mci^le aud Mack, asog, danced, pranced and knocked alaini to their heart's conieiit, and were rewarded wllh bolsioroue encores- Tnelr dancing encore act wan redemandcd. Aoo and Ino, two hauilaome female gyniuast-*, closed the olio with an aerial iwrfuimance. Tbelr act, as well aa appamiua, la llnil chun. Fred J. lluber's ircll known comedy talent la successfully lesled In "Sighia of New York." Iho afterpiece, lo which his adveulurea as a Veniiont farmer 011 a vhdi 10 llic melrottolla caused heaiiy laughier. Tne enllre company In Hun,airtai;(pilit<d tiirnisclvcit saiLirac- lorlly. Fred J. Iliiber Is manager for Mr. Hill; 11. mil, represenlailve; Win- Ualibows, stage man- ager; A. Slvaili, clecirlclan, and Joe Weeger, props. PaoirroH'a Tiiiatik.— An exceUont bill was pre- senleil Dec. i and ircok.and Ihla cosy honsseujoyed gootl altendance on Uou.hiy, Ktsle Adair, sorpen- Uno and Oilenlal dancer, nlurncd and npenlcd Ibe Bucceasabe uutdo at her former aiipearsnces here Tho '/.alva Trio, higb wir« iierformen, l«gan tbelr third aud last weuk eon,luued favortles. 'Jlieir ptr- formanco ranka aiiioug Ihe Orel In their Hue. Lilly ViM, favurAbly known on ibe comic opera stage. Appeared and won uiuch approval for tier aingliig. i^ira Koutt. comedicuuo, was accorded a heany welcome. Ucr aljle la tclcblug and aho easily found favor with her auillencu. italiiea and PutiluBill creeled much amuienieni In ibclr sketch, "Tlie Duly Pool llDom," and ino llroibrni Sencrani, acro- bats ard wheel tldcrs, wim much appUuse. Balo r>inud favor for hli comedy Juggling, and (lertnide Uansdeld, cuiiiedienue, was a hold over favorlie. Tlie lllg Four were as pleaslug at ever In ilielrec ceiiirlclilea, and the Dare Uuiibtra, horizontal bar perfoniiers, wen well received fur tbelr clever work. Her, Burke and It^indail, comedy trio, were amusing, and Uarry Cnnuall was au cnlertalnliig tiennan dialect cuuieillan. Kayo aud Henry, In their ekelcb, "Tho Uello and lbn rruui|>," did well, and May Huoney, vocnllai, fonud favor. The Sa EiiriHTgurai.-OI«a NelDenoIe, bow nnder the management of lioolel sod Oharles Pniliinan, liegsn a four weeks' csgageoeni at tbli hooss Deo S, prcsenllag as her nm offertnn Alexandre Domas' phty, "Denlse," altered tor tbe Kngllsh elsge by Cleueat Bcoll. Mr. BcoUbas done hli work well, ne has condensed the four acts ot Ibe original play Into tbree, and has cllmloated much ot the seimou- Ulng of Thouvenln. lie has also sboni the play of some or lla oblecllonsble nutter, while not Inter- letlng lo Ihe least wllh the upltlt of Ihe work. Ills version, moreover, shows ntenry skill end tbepol- Isbed diction of an able wilier. That memorr may be refreshed, the etoryol tbe play will be found elsewhere In this edlilon. HIa Netbersde has, however, lieen unfoi tunaie In bertelecikin ot playa. She msde her debut In tbis country Ina play that was aliBClulely had, nor can "Oaoillls," wlilcb fol- lowed, be recognized as a wise choice. Iter pres- ent oifcilog. In spile of tbe gmtoess ot its sonrcs, li ens that deservea no place upon tbe alage. It Heals In far loo graphic a aiyle ol a saliject wblcb, thus mated and publicly dlscntsed, hs offdnBlve to nlloed taste and ujurious to morals. We hsvebad far rooro than enough ot tbe pest lleDtlalttnirbnwed by tbe dramallsts ot conilnentel Europe and tbelr Kngllsh followera. We have tatted tie poison tar 100 often, and at our last awatenhig from lis lelhorglc sod nanseailng eifecis wo resolved lo drink In Iks fniun purer draughts Tncrefore Ulas Nelhersole Ixlngs her mnsiy siuir um late 10 this motkei. Moreover, we have grown veiT wesiy of Ihe prailngs about honor oor* rent upon the Krencb stage. A FrenchrosD's honor seema to be a slngnlariy opaque substance, wblcb shows no sisin from within, but csn bs maiTCd only upon lie outanrd sniface. It la never In his own keepliig, but In Hist of his filoods, or ot thelnllmattsol bla family. Leaving, however, eo diasgreeable a suhjeci, we And macn plessure In tho cooBldentk>n of Hiss Keiheraols's perform- ance, which, we may truly BUta at Ibe outset, re- Bulled In an absolute and well deserred triumph. Thranghoiii the enllre pisy she displayed remarka- ble Judgment and eklll. Uer repression daring almost tne enllre Orst act cansed brr audience lu be entirely nnprepared for the magninceni bunt ot power at IIS Inilsn. She waa like a fre smokier- Ing In ssbcs, snd then suddenly saplng Into name, dsr-zllng In brilliancy, and ihiHIbg In splen- dor. In tbe psiiful coDfeeslon In the second act ber an was ao nearly perfect ss to be beyond cavil. The bumlllallOD, tbe reirorse, the sngulsb, and every emoUon which a woniio ol senslUvs na- ture would feel throughout such a recllsl, wen fallbtnlly shown singly snd In blend, byvsrylng tone and posliire, and scerywhere tbrougbont the bouse tesn were flowing upon tbe faces ot bo'b men and women. When Ihe curtain fell upon this act, snd the painful lenslon was relaxed, the ap- plause bunt like a stomi, and the cunslo waa isltcd and lowered uuny limes before Ibo enlbuslasm bad found vout, and normal heart beats came once more. Nor eras ilieorrectot the cetssUou ot strain Icsa nollceable In bliss Nelhtrsole herself, who iintvercd with uniirunK nerves sa ehe bowed ber scknonledgament cl theplaudlta She swayed to the fooUlguis and retreated; ber eyes shone wllh kindling bra; sbe spasmodically nodded her bead: wHbexteudcanrmssbosbowored thsnks, and Onitlly, giasplsg Ihe hands ot those beside her, she Inclined to lowly toward llieaudlenceihstbui for ber support she wouM have fallen. Nor In all of Ibis was tberelbe slightest trace oc ibalsirec- luUonwlUi which she hat enooeously been cbsrged- In lbs llnal set ahu was as ono wllh dcadsied sense, dimly conscious of a great horror without shape or cenQiie, aud whan her dreadlnl fale nnally assumed abspeber pleadings fores<:ape fromlbiier- ron bought a retponalve thrill Into every heart Ills dinicult to anulyzo acling of Ibis silt, or to describe It except throogh Ihe medium of Its eiTecis; but In Slimming up Ulss Netbenolo's pertomance we may truly say It showed Ibat she posuBseslempersmeni, Inielllgenre, i.Tsce, stroog emoilonal power, dm- matlc lusHoct, n picniitude ot force, a floe sense ot pcrspeoilve and shading, an ezcellentknowledge ot the resources ol her art and of herownpowen, laste, tact snd lulnnUness, snd tbna equipped we Sllll maintain, as we did when flnt we saw ber, even In a bad play, nhe Is a great tchwasand one wllh tew peera. Her support was very capable. Ulta N'etbereole bed taken charge of all rehearsals, and Ibe acUng of each member was keyed lo hsimony wllb ber owo performance. Wiuiam Fsr- ren Jr., as Drissol, gave a tplended exblblUon ot dremsilo force and liiienslly, and our own Knie Shannon shsred wllh bini the prlDclpal bonora ot the support l!rne«l Leicester, laigl UMacbe, Ulss Kmerson and Hits Alexes Lelghcon were, how- ever, enilHed to far mora praise tSanour llmlu ot time and of space wUI allow us lo bestow. The cast was as follows: Oomis Andre Se Bardannes, Kmcat Ulcester; Uritsot, William Fairen Jr.; Fernand De Thauzelle, Tbomss Kingston; Thouv- enln, Lulgl Lablsobe; PonUeirsnd, George Ilomphrey; aemni, Horace Folloch: Manhe Co lisndannee, Knie Sbsniwn; Hsdame UeTtiauzetie, Ulss Kmuiereon; Madame IMssol, Ulss Alexes Lelgbion; Uadsme Iionifemnd, Luiltn llhusioo; Clarltse, Madge Meadows; DenUie Brlasot, Olga Neibeiwle. "Uenlse" Isannounced for repeuilon 3 and at Hie two pettormsnces i. "Fnu-non" wlU be pneenied during the rest ot Uie week, KojTBS t Bui's.—Uany novelilet have been pre- sented SI Ibis house, bnt none have possessed the elemenia of success 10 s gieater degree than KU- anyl'a aiyplortma, which was prodnesd Dec 2, for the Oret Hoe on any BUge. Thsaiypkiiama, which Is a nsw Ides In living plotutes, does sway with tbe use of cnruins, snd Is given on the dlBsolvlng views plan, one plclure fading gmduslly from view u> give way to anolber, which gradually appeals- The piclures are jiresenled In a frame, 14x32fi„ and con- tain from Qvo lo twenly-Sve models. The plotnies presented were: Michael Angelo aod Pope Jnllne ll.,JullnB Biusl; llomto Bath.L.IIIerte; Joyous ll(nd,Kmllslla}srd; Hoses In lbs BuUrusbes, Oba- doiiln; The Caravan, adaplaUnn: Slave Market, Meter OIniiid; Football, Overend; QardenotLove Schweninger; Siege ot Vlckshurg, De ThuUtnip; teniale Allracilon, Ilant Vabl; Tbe Tourliu Oiieni; Hay of Naples, adapbatlnn; Blue Cave of Capri, adaphiiloD; Tbe Oelnge, Kllanyl. The BCODcry waa nsndsomo and all oT the pictures were btauillul. The Uelnge, wblcb irss giveu In two nnmlHsra, was a rather daring gnnplng In Ihe nude, but tbe models wsre ideverlysrnoged, and the tlotm aod water effect of thlsplciure sddcd 10 lis allrecllveneas. Excellent mechanical snd light enecls, wllh line harmony of color, chancler- Izet the enlira series, and ihepreseiiuiilonwaas decided success. A ainng olio was given. Segom- m>r, vontrlloqiibiland nimic (laveath week), was a popular holdoTtr. Lorenz and Kennedy, menial telegrsphlsia, beian IlKslr Ihird week Increawd favorllea. J. W. Ransone made hbi reappesnnce here and met with a rousing ncepllon. lie ren- i'V^ SJ"* '""'"I great favor. The Bale Troup- •■— ■t^- ina. acrobala aud head baluuccra. won applauie r ineir work, and Hie McNiiliy bisierv, In a mga, daucea and abitiio clogs, were well received- Hay Csnilll, comedienne, waa a aiiccetiiful bidder for popular favor, aud Kraolun ami Welch, coiuedlans, wen laughnufckers of ni-ili- Nellie Ueodrrion. lu emja and cbaracier changes, did wtll. AunKV'sTusATits—Hriiry Irving and Helen Terry onlered on Dec- 3 upon Ihe^lxili week or llielr en- ■sgeuicni, preaeniloit "FausI," which Isannounced tor repcllilon upon ihe foliowliig evening- lleglii- ulng 4. "Much Alto Aiwiit Nuililni" will l>e sevn st all pirfottuancea, eicepling Ibai of Saiunlay nlghl, when "Tbe Dells" will be preaenled, laecedeiTby •■AChilalnusBtorr," Dale Trouoe, acrohallo blcycllals, liegan tbelr eighth and last week, and were aa ropiilBrastbsv wore on Ibelr opening nlghl. ThcV clever work always finds favor and ever wins heany spnisnss tor ibeu. Josephlno Babel, chanteusaninler. nstlonsle, was a conUnued favorlie, and Besale Clayton, skirt dancer, made ber Hret (ppearance at this retort and achieved a great Buccess. Tbe Yokohama Troupe, Japanese Jugglett. began tbelr last week contlnueil TavorlicB, aud linnan. with bis inilned dogs (Mtb week), oonilnued to Und fsvor- UbetiPa Ncapoilun nonbadoiin entered npnn tbelr llfih week hold over favorites. Iblor Newell, skale dancer, waa a new coiner, and waa well received. Tbe nhilb Qrand Kerker Concert waa given Sunday, Dee. I. The piegramme waa furnished by Ureiir-aud Kennedy, the .BollanTilo Joaeplllne^<abel.l,lberH<s Neapolitan Troubadeuni and an aiigoenled urcheaira under tbe direction ot iiualav Kerker. Ht'UKa'a Pauci Uiskug—Oood buUness and well satlaHed aiidleucea ruled at tbhi bouse MondsT Deo- i. when Ihe weeklr change lo sttncUone bnnght another good show- A beey ot more or le^preily typewrller gIrU U tbe atroog inlnt Ui the curio ball ibl, although Ihe Uetnan Rote, ibe lUlslob Urolbers, Me and lllm, and U Ibr and Honlsaey an also pleasing fealurea. The slage prugnsuma engages Cbarler Unscao, the Bmltb llroibeni, f-rnnk Drlgblon, the Zamwe. Banr B. Marlon, Dele \ant and Ibe Andersons, dood cniwOasn In atiendsnce here st all Uoes. and Ibe season Is proving a very proOtable one! Ham TniATRi.- -Tbe Qay FansUns" beian on Decs Hie elevenih weekoflumn. Iisexcells'-t buslnesa record nmalos unbroken, and lis nopnlar liy haa rarely been riceeded by any play of Ita bni a few weeta yet to remain taere. iiAnniN TlisATRi--- Trilby" began on Dec- 3 H e founh wetk and the last foitnlguiof lis sniiple nienisty season. TJio two bnndred and dflleth pet- forniancelB anaouncedtor o.wben aouvenlnwlll be given. Tne allmcllon to follow Is "A Brag «sc a'po^ri™"'"' i^'- ►1^1711 A!"?"'? Tii»»Tni.-Jame« A. Heine, In bU deilghifnl play, "Shore Acres," began the see opd and lut week of bU eniagemeot iSm. 2. a is almost needleas to sdd tbatbe Is diawlog nod bouses, or Ibtt lbs play cbamaaolyois, AHnioiH TauTBL—"A Runaway Coll," it« latest eObit ot Ibst clever fand pcolUlc wiiier 01 farces wllh peenllar lilies, a B. Heyt, received lis Irst NeV York pressnUUon at Uib bonse on Monday evenlsf, Dec. 1, It was ortgloally produced Knv li, at tbe U'elllng Open House, Syneuse, N, Y- The slorr-for, nnllke the rasjotlly ol tbIs anilmr's farces. Ibis one has s slight stoty—deals mslnly wtib ths love of Ibe Ameilesn people tor their well established sallonal game, baseball, and it has iiten conslracled espectsUy for the purpose ot hiirodnc. Ing 00 Ibe Blage Ibat pttdomlntnl celebiliy of tbe besetting sport, Ospt, Adrian Anson, tor yean ibe contnllhig Bpini or Ibe fsmona Cblcsgo anb popnlsrly known ss "Pop Asse," to Ibst portion 0 Ihe American publla who, Ibougli besting much 0 him, bavs never been snmclently Infected wlihibe bssebsll erase lo ki»w blm from Ibe commooeti ontflelder, Tbe gnt acl opens lo ibe parlor ot ihe Rev. Obesteifleld Msnnen, whoee eldest ion, Hanlev lshnbnedinihlbebfttehallspMi,and longs fonin opportnnliytobecomeftmontonftleM Inwblch he has nlieady gstned kical nolonely, Capi. Anion hosbeardof t^sskUlet Manlry as a pitcher, and being In need ot such a jpUyer to amngthen hli team, he has wrItttD lo blm, osertog. him au en. gagementoD lems ttitt prove templing 10 ihe son ot a counlry ptnon, for his falher Is tbe minister of a modest ehnnh some miles distant from Chicago snd bla Bslsiy Is nons loo htrgs lo enthio him to provide properly tor tbe vranis of bit family. Manley'sTaiberand other nemhenofihe family are opposed 10 bis accsptlog ths odOr, ow- ing to tbelr mistaken Ideas ot tbe cnsiacier of ihe CapUln, bat Ihclr minds are dhsk bused alter a per- sonsl Interview wllb the redoubtable "kickei" ni Ibe Windy Clly team, who has beet Invited to din- ner at tbe psnonaae, by reqseat ot Usnley. 11 bsppens ust tbe Ulsoop of tbe diocese drops In on a visit on Ibe tame day, and tbe atpprehenslons bla arrlTtl creates In tbe minds ot Ibe family ss lo bis possible meellag wllh tbe Cblcaeo capuin, aie qnlelsd by bis pnclalmlog blmteU, befonhand, a baseball player while at college, to enthualatt In tbe iport and an especial admirer ot Anton. When tbe Bubop'and Ihe oiher dliilngnltbed gnestmeei a warm gnMt ot Ibe band tollowa, and as ths genilemanly appeanocs ot Ibe modest bsll player imprestes them most favorably, Msnley la allowed to toUow his IncUnsilon snd Juin Ihe Chicago Clab. He Is betntbed to Mercy Ulven, a ward ot tbe Manners family, hot really a daoghier ol a rlcb banker and tbe belrest to miniont In money. Ibla faci Is known only to one Rankin UsJgbi, a bank cashier, who makes despenle Ion 10 ber, mslnly tor tbo asks of tbe millions be bopn to secure wllh ber, but Is njeclcd by Ibe yonog lady, who has already become engaged lo Ifanley. Uslghfa bnlher, being Isfemed by tbe latter ot the slate of aiuln, devises a scheme wbenby lUnhln msy gain tbe nilze. It hi ihsl be offer Hsnlsy's younger brotocr, Uollon, a poelUon In tbe bank, and ilieu entrust him wlib a isrgs sum of money to deposit, hut sfier bsnkhig bonis, on tbe Sstnrdsy when ths Chlcageesre to play ihecbamplon BalHmoreslur ths pennsni. Being unable to deposit the money.Dol- ton Is to be Induced to betthe money on the Cblcaeo Oub, tbe plan being 10 bribe Oapc Anson to lose ibe game, sna by threatsnlng to have Uollon anesied tor theft 10 compel Merey to accept Ualght'a suit lu order to save the Manners tanlly trou dltgraa'. Tho aobeme works adinliably up to Ibe time when the bribery of Anson Is attempled hy Ualght'a brother, hut the reception Ihe latter receives from "Honest Aose" upsets sll tbelr calculailona, be- sides rtsnliing In the comple'e rolosUen of the would be briber's appBreI,owlngto the roughnesso hhi recepilou. Tbe gsme npon wblcb eo mnch de- pends h) a botly contested one, hot Is won by the Chlcagoa, otherwise known ss "The Colts," Capl. Anson bltHng the sphere clean over Ihe fence after two men were out and excitement wsa at fever pluh. Nainially tbe villain ot ihe piece Is tolled, Dolion wintenongb money lo buy a diamond ring wblcb his beat girl cravet for, tod Hanley and Meroy are happily mtrrod. The ascond act takes place In Florida, the scene being Uie swim- ming pool snd gnnnds of ihe Csslno, St Augus- tine, where an eeeu several yoang ladlen In baih- Ing costumes thst lesve llitle ol ine tymmeiiy of tbelr nether limbs to tbe Imsglosilon. Tbe UIM shows US tbe gymoadam of tbe Cblcsgo Ulob, wllh tbe membenotlhs leamat ezerdse, snd here are liiindnced leveral speolslilee, Rohliuou snd Uaker, ibe celebraltd btosd, bigb and fsncy Jumpere snd klokera; Ibe lotceuDKinarter, andAI- iiurtnssnd Bsnnm, who attonlabed tbe audience by tbelr wonderfully clever club joggling. These speclsllles were all of bIgb class, sou they were de- servedly spplsuded. Tbe firce, however. Is Isck- Inglnlbeiun tbst ebanctailzea ibs other emaoa- tlons from the creative hrain ot Mr. Uoyt Ospt. Anson, for whom It was willteD, received s tre- mendously nslterlng reception osblsappeannce, and tbnngbent Ibe evening Ibe bsll crsoks, who largely compoeed tbe andlaacs, whooped It npfor blm, so that there can be do doubt ot tbe snocets of tbe prodneUon to far as bs Is concerned. Fortu. nstely no hat not nneb to do except when be la (■lad In bhi baseball uniform, and then he Is decid • ;iy more at ease than when ailired li a dteta Bjll, In wblcb be looked most nocomfoitahle. Sllll, he acted bit part Is a manner thst snggealed Improvement lo the near fntun, Be was ctllsd before tbe enrttln at Ue close ot Ibe Uilrd act, as was Ibe sntbor, tbs Istter relieving the uar, to tbe best ot his ablUiy, ot Ihe necessity ot makUig a speech lo response to the de- mands of the aodlence. Tbe letding memben ot the company, wiuiont ezceptloo, acqulusd them- selves cndlubly, tbe staging was good, snd the audience certainly enjoyed theniteiies. Here hi Ibe call: The Bitbop, Logan Paul; Rev. Ohcslerlleld Mannera. Hadlson Oony; ManJej Hsnoeis, Edwin llollsnd; Dolton Hsnners, Cage Chvke; Itankln Dalgbi, Oansce Ueillaae; mil Balght, bis bn- lher. Waller Turner; Tennyson Qreendek), W, F. BIsnde; Slelgb Bells, Joseph Smith; Luge, Ft, S. Metcalfe: Enreu, Jos. F. Sparks; Poney Ssger, Bdwsrd Leaby; Oadeit Oroan, Jts. A. Leshy: Sypber, Ed. Usgee; the Score Card Man, Dao'l Bolllvan; Mrs. Uanneis, Mrs. Ceclle Rush; Dolly Hannsre, Alice Evans; Heroy Olven, Qeitrade Perty; Rotle Hope, Jennie Weaihersby; Vhslnia Blood, Allle OUUen; Kate Ukeilde, Aggie Vara; Marie Early,Oene airland; Lain Kkld, Nellie But- ler; Daisy llreeatr, Sally Randall; Uelena Rush, Ella Morilmer; Captain ot the Chloagos, Adrian C. Anson. The tame auncUon will be preeenled uu- Ul further notice. Oasiko.— Vmnk Daniels, In "Ta WIzsrd ot Ihe Nile," bas Ormly established hlmaHt aa a meuopoll- Ian favorite. Tbe fame of his tcblevements la be- coming wide spresd.snd bis sudleoces are uniform- ly largs and very eolbuslastlo- lie enlered on Dec. •i uDon Ihe llttb week of his slay. IIPDta'a KioBTa Avsnub TaBiTii. -Tlis man- agement ben an giving iheb' patrons plsnly ot variety from week to week, and on Dee. t Uey pn- eenied, for tbe liai time, Ihe fat ladles' Moycle coniett Nothing more Indloroiu coold be Imag- ined, ihoagb ihese women enter Into Ibelr contesu wllb seriousneai snd a delermlnttlen to excel In pedallag, (Jiher tealures tor this wsek sre: Prof. King, Ibe paper king; DaUy UalI.elecirto lady; Oer- man hoee, midgst singer, snd Pnf. Frier's I'uneb and Judy. Tbe stage people ate: Ben Dunn, Wil- liams snd Johnson, Ihe Unique uosrtel, BUly WH- SOD, sssMed hy several Udles, In a flrst part and a cake walk, HiNiB's Eiaiira ATgKin TmarRi.—Tbe Ren't- SanUov Oo. heran a week's sngagement here most sntnlelonsly Deo. J, bslng welcomed by a large andlenoe, which denonttrsled lit approval of Ins two entertaining bnrteaqucH glwes and tbe clever spteWilesnndeRdbycompeteotpeifoimen. Tbe merits ol Ihit well balaoced organization were fully umniented upon dgring a former engagement hi tbli clly, aid no ehtigst have ocenrna except tbs sddlUon to the company ot Otnle Seott, one ot ibe clevereet exponenteot ibe"tonah glri" now npon tbe lUge. Hiss Bcou slogs welT, dreaee tbe ebar- anler carefully, aod gives a Uliblul repreieniaUon of a genuine chancier seen In eveiydsy Uie. Next week. Que Hill's New York Blais. ' ' ' * Oasaicg TBiiiTai.—Hiobard Haotlleld relamed to hhi own hense on Dec 3, tor m tuy ol one week only, dorlot which be will be leeo In a vailed npenoiy. Heopeoedwlib"lleaul)mmmell,"wblcb will agambt teen st the matinee I, For S, "Ths Story of Rodlon, tbtSlndsat" (a nsw plsyiru sn- nonnced. "Kniperoi Nspnleoa*' will be teen 4, "A IMuan Romance" evening of t, "Dr. Jekyll snd Mr. Hyde" 0, snd "llodlea" wU be seen st lbs two fTife wu?h^ fotJBU), In SuiiDay EiiTiiirAiHiiiiiTS.-on Sunday evening, Dec. I, tbe eecoud of tbe seriesof popoltr concent was given tithe MebopoHunOKraUonse- Con- eeita were slio given at Koater t Btsl's, lismmer* sMn's Ulympla and lbs Orsod Optra Ilonss. , niauj)eqUA««TBiiTai.-'*io Heart of Maty- IsBd," hi which Mi» Lesus Oaitcr U wlonlog mnch tame, la sou crowding tbe bents at all pcrfom- anocs. lilsuna<)DlvocaIsncceis,sadlsnotooIy reaping a rich onaadal hatvsal, hot Is nsklDg IssC log Imnnadons npon sn who tas It. II bsgaa oq Ueo,lb«nvealkTOko(Uitaa. a—