New York Clipper (Dec 1895)

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Deoember 7. THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. 633 nm Pifioi's Tauni.—Kinigv Ftalor bu booked » Uioroofalj enJOTtbla bill for thU we«li, uid on HchiiUTi Dm- !i • tooi bouw MnmbM (o enjor It lAtUa Tsiwn, on tba Bluk win, wu tlie optniig torn, and aba wu (oUowed bj MUj and Leu QiBca, who won tbalr onatamkir taror. Kelllo irataisUienungknnmbar ot OelUo ditdea w|ih (ood aireol, and nva wtf loOeo. and Eona BIgb la wbo oOemd tbalr meiltorioua miulcal act. Next canMTOiiyraitor, who btongbt with bim a (ood IM oC taking aonn, whiob pnt him In re- levad demand. Usbella Carllnl Ibon Intndaced her mlnad don*, wlihtbe added Bbanitthot a tialneil bur. the uUcs o( which nined oiQch applanM. Banla Ballwood waamade the faToHta ot ibe niRbl, fnABkuE beneltlnto the good gnceaot all. TbeOol. daa Tim aforded nnch amuBeoiant bj their clerer xuclaliT.andM'H.WIUon waafoUowad hjUerbert aSa Uuo.wtao tinlabcd the abow witb tbelr acro- batic 'cicllDg iiMcUliy. The pertonnanca mna snocthlT, la ''*f IhtcnsUhS to loren ot good vultCT perfoniuucaa, and la thoronghlj wortbj ot tba vopnUr boon where It la ptaaenlad. For oait weak Kasager Faalor haa engaged another axcal- lait bill, the llatbicludlDg Herbert and Caron, »l. Liwiaaca and Nna Uanington, gbeser and Olake- ler, and cibaia equally popular. BiuMDWAT Tbeatbi.— ''Ula RicallancT" began on Doc. i the eighth week ot Ita run, wlib tbceo weeks atlll alandii'g to lla credit trom that date, na auandanoa la eallafactotr, and It la claimed that the eogageaiant baa been rair proHiaUa. tronrn's Mtmuii.—Tbla popular bonae pnrenes the aien tenor ot lla way, cataiing to 119 regular cbantde, while Ihe location ot the building drawa a HteadT patronage ol what Is tanned our "itoatlng populalfno." T&a cuilo hall loaturea tbia week ccnalal ot a maa who ailcka plua and penkDiTea Into hlmaeir, aaamlngUr wllhoui pain. Ifohtanio, the <]nban wunder.ilrea a bkwd cunllug act with nvordt; BI117 Well«, who dedea atnng aien and sledge banuuen with bhi Iron lite akull, and Hable Ulton, tba woimn wllli a phenomenal growth ot tutr: Bartello aod Uanlay, who dlaconree popular □Halo on many loalrumeuiB, including the bamboo liella, and a troupe ot Bohemian glau bloven, who will preaent ererr hidy patron with a batdeomo aourenir ot theb' attlailo work on Krldaj. The eiaga people give a pleaalug portormance. Tbey are: Allan and Uelmiln, Obaa. I>a Canto, Judge and WU- llama, Lilly Keanedj, nucbelie, Uany Duigorne, 'Ihompaon and Alder and Schuyler and Cbaoirell. Star TBaATBC—"The Year One" began 01 Dec. 2 nba flttb and ioal week ot Ita mn. The play has, -untoitonatalr. not been a aucceas, and Ur. Ourgtaa ibaa wUiely decided to withdraw It, and In lla gicad ■will prennt neit weak an elaboiaia revival ot "Ibe <;ouoly Fair." Wo lympathlze with Hr. Baneaa for bla dlsappolntoeot and lossea, and aincereljr hope abat good tortooe nay come to him and abkio wicb mm. M>rBoroLtTi.s omi Ilovai.—The third week ot the seaaoa ot grand opera l>egan Dec. 2 rllh a per- (onnanco ol "LobeDgrin," which turnlibcd occs- alon (or the American debut ot Ijola Bceth, who as- aumed the role of Klaa. Further annonncemanta for the week Include "Hamlci" i, "TrtsUn und Uolde," In Oerman, 6 (Ural apeclal aubacrlpllon alotal), "Oaimen"0, "U TtsTlata" and -'Uarulletla KuaUcaaa" GUlluco 1, aud "II Trovatoro" evening of aame date. Harlem,—At the Harlem Opera noun John lirewopened, Deo. 2,undortavaiableclrcom9tuocea Tbe house wna aold out before g o'clock, iho liar Mm Club havlDg boogbt the lower pan of the audl- loriuui. Tba bonco was decorated wlib flowers, and :tt itn oloso ot Ihe perfomanca the memhera of the company were tendered a bauqaetai the club bouaa. Hm week, "Frincoaa Bonnie." CoLinuDS.—William Harry began hia Uarlem en- Gigemant 2,10 a packed houae, and la llkeir to do a ( week's Liuelueis. Next week, UMver llyron. In "Dpi and Uowna of Ufa." OLTHric—Buslnesa conilnues good at Ibia houae. The RuaeU Btoa.'Co.opened 2, to a crowded houae, and gave general satbtactlon. Next week, The VaodevlUaOlgb. BiBun If iSBuv.—Qood atlracUoni never (all to draw at ibis popular place of amusement, and crowded bonna are the rule. The bill this weak Includea: Jaiaes and Com Neabitt, Oeo. B. OlenHeld, Jack and Wally Dnwn, LItzle Johnston, Charles Facr and Ida llanle;, John F. Taylor, Bella Carter, 'Coot and Howard, Alice Bablom, Ulllle Biintceand iProf. Flank's Dioom Factory. NEW YORK STATE. BrDokl|ra.—Buslneaa went awlmmlggly lait week, the flae olfetinga atlnotlog good bouaea. Betirn Tlalts to Ihe city aaem to be the order of thia week, aereral bouses being occupied by attractions which have been seen hcA before. TUen are only two plays new to Brook^ltea given tbia week One of tbem la "Tba Naval Cadet," In wblch Jamea J. Oorhettapiieara In the leading role. Tbe piece waa wrltteD by Oharlea T. Vincent, and la preaanted with a good eaal. Including MoKee Rankin, who baa ibeait engaoed for the double oapacltr « leadleg isapportanaadreaatlo Instructor to iheax-cham. IPloo. Tbe other novelty la "The Oreat Diamond iBobbeiy," which was seen a week or t*o ago In itae Eastern DlalrlcL The other autaellons are :goo<l, and ebonid do well dorlag their brief stay ihem. Tba vandaTUle bouaea have e-icellent bllla, atnddnwlaiiecrowdaat tbe opanlngperfonnancea. OouniBiA.—Delta Fox opened night of Dec. 2, In ■■Fleur-de-UaJ'' beton an andlence that dllod ibo Iioasa. Ula Fox, In the leading role, has a char- acter ot the rollicking aort, and aha eolare Into It wltb vim tbat caplurea her audience. She waa cordially greeted, and her eDdeavore found ready leipooaea tbrougbont the pertormaace. Jeffenon Do Asgella also came In tor beany exprenlonaol approval. Ibe piece hi handaomely moDoted. Next waek'a altnoilon wlU be John Drew, In "Cbrliio. pkerlr." Pau.— "The Great Diamond nobbary" was pre- sented here night of 2 by Heaira. Palmer t Koowles, and wna seen for tbe llrel lime In Ihia part ot the city by a large audience. The play met with oonsldenble aucoeai In New York, and la llkeir to lad tavor bare. There are a number ot old favoillea In the oast, who were weU received, partlonlarly Hadame Janauachek aod tfrs. Yes- nana. The next altmcaon here will be "The 'Twentieth Oontury Olrl." Biion.—Hanoger Uarry 0. Kennedy baa Uie chief :novelty of the week In "The Naval Oidet," with JameaJ.OorbettaatheatallaraUnctlon. Standing roon only, and precloua little of that, was the onlar of things oa the openbu night, Dec. i. Hr. Corbeu haa many admirers In onla city, and his nameolone li sgaclanl to draw big bouaea every linn ha cornea bere. Ibe play la haoilaomaly mounted, and aome •ot tbe Boeaas am veiy atttactlva, particularly tboae 'Of the Untied States Naval Academy, at Annapolla, Uld., and the deck ot the S. 8.8L Loots. Tbe place jua many redeeming teaturea In Its atnngaluauona. Ur. Oorbelt was given a great reception, and waa ulberaily applauded, aapeclally In the last act, where •here la a rough and tumble Bght, lo whioh tbe ex. jbamplon tbrew one man out ol tbe window and knocked ont another, greatly to the delight of the oocnpanta ot the gallery. McKaa RaaklQ added freat atraagtb to the piece, and waa Ubarally ap- plaaded thcougbout the play. "Slaves ot UaKfls the next altiaoaon. coming ». Cum Ofisa Uoiiiii.-WllUam noer. In "The Qlobe Traiter," moved over here nigit of -i from tbe BaHein Diattict, and waa given a great reception bj aaaadlence tbat fliled the houae. The comedian la aMonoancedfavorltawlih Bnwklya theatregoers. The piece, which brtaUeawlih fun, gives Ur. Uoey ample oppoitnnliy to dlaplay hIa uieaia In Ilia fun Dallnxiue,andbe caruinlyaucceeded In pleaalug tne audience on ihenpenlng night. KellleHcUeniy, In '^a Sloycle airl,''comes here next week. UOHTAUE.—Alexander Salvlnl opened hare night ot 2, In repertory, before a large audience, llla opening pleco was "The Tbree Ouardamen," which wllT be repeated on Tuesday and Batonlay evsnlngn and wedueaday matinee; Wedneeday night, "Buy Bias," will be given; Tborsdsy evenlog and Bataidaymatlnoe the bUI will be "1>oq Qcsar I>eBaian,"and on Friday night "Hamlet" will bo seen. Next week, N. U. Good win. In "Ambition," will 'beiheaitraoUon. HoucB' Bran.—An exceUent vagderlUe bill has tMSD snanged here this week, beaded by Lew Doekatader, wbo gives hIa akotch. called "Ororer at Ony Oablaa." Tba otbera an: Tbe Oillfomla Trio, Ooogan, Band and late; wuia andOoHlna, In atetch; BImn aad BImpklns, burleu|oe maBlclana; Camp- iMll and Beard, mualcal cnmedlana: ue Nelson Trio, In sketch, "I Wsnt to Know;" Drawee, Juggler; Thomas and llolnn, comedians; tbe Rjden, la "The nube t^ns;" Walt Hitters, vocallitsand daocaia; DoUIe E. Howe, In tne laieat Kugllab tonia, and tba Unique Pour, In aonga, dances and comedy. Bna A BsnatK'a—Another big show hai been tuied tor this week. It Is AJ. Reerea' Oonpasy, ivhioh opened here with two perfomaoces on 2, tiefon crowded house*. Cnthan, tbe siraleaa won- te, heads the btu, and the other people are Agnes flharaol, bvpnoUat; CMmmlna ana Oan, In iketch, Mftnlog nmngh tbe aya;" OhailM A. Loder, JuSf'Sl^St?: "i> Bobena, aerial com^ Sfti.?™ *°>J»»r gome, hen next week. AMPBIOH.—Sydney Orundv'a period Dlav "Bow ?Si^.y'.'"''" "".k*? ''«^> tKoi^^e^thlTi MSS,MjK?.".nK".r'"5'' "> audience that SJ5Sl'.*i'"r "'>•'•• - May Hampton's portrayal ot lluamond waa received with a alorm Ke.W,Tw„{rh.?."5"~ 2,3i:;'o«,Tn'.nTii.rD;,s2",;^S': .Ti!'' ,',"'*"',''"'" 'n ««ii«iloual mekKlnna, "The Ups and Downs ot Life." Sailataotorv buil. belt. Id "A Naval Cadet." r.S.VSlT'i''".'. •ffHenty tirought a new variely asptraUona to become a "new woman" lllaa Hc- "iirV »■'«'''«? auccena. She la well lupported •'•"./M''"''' ■*""» lunnetJ. John Webster, Onarl(aHonlton,Eihle Trier and Henry Umonil q«od bnahieaa laat week. Cuming u. Ruasell Uros.' tomealatu. ~tJL°."i^.:";''^i"!i »'ock company Ihhi week revive "hobody>a Olslra." SpecUl scenery baa been aecuicd for the presentailon. A well flnlabed performance waa wltnatsed by an audience that miedihe house J. Big bualocss laai week. Tbo stock compaay wlu be seen In "Wife (or wife." iJi'"S'7'7"'"'^. crowded 2. when the French Oaleiy ObU' Burlesque Uo. began a week'a engagemooL The membeni of ibo company are In- SS!'°S?5,''i.'5.* »P«olacular exiravaxanra, "The French Flj." SpeclalUes an funiUheilby Hnbtart, S^S* ""•..Wrtght, Cyrene, Woods and lr^•|ng, Ulllle Turner, Mwards aud Connelly and Slellta- sen lien All'« troupe of AnbUn acroliats. Tlie ner- fomunce concludes with ilu burlelia, "iMwnon the Farm," Oood bualneu laat week. Coming v. the Ueniy Borl eegue Co. Ultchell, fu"A Crazy i-aicb," Nov. 16,-JO. wblch aerveil to amnae good alxed housea. "Ttoau Tonlra" Bayed a return dale 27, to excellent butloesa. Nellie lellenry came 28,», In "A Bicycle din," and drew ont fair attendance. Nat 0. doodwln. In "Ambi- tion," cameSO, 10 tba capacltyof the houae. Ur. Uoodwln,aa always bare, received an eothnalaillc recepilon. F,dwBrd Harrlgan. In "Old lAveoder," Dec. 2-1, "Tne Capliol".6, "Jolly Old Ohum«"», V. UARVSNrs Blkkckik IUli, had Fanny Daven- port NOV. 'A '.is. wbo presented "Olainonda." A Una andlence waa In attendance at Inili performances. Ill llenrj'a Ulaetrela, 23, gave two performances, which were wlinesied by big bouses. Tbe hall will bo occupied Dec. 3-7 by hone bdent, under the di- rection of )IargiiretUcl.esii-Kaier, when a"Uarle Antoinette Fete" will be presented for a local charity. OuoKKLLonra llAi.r. hold an lulereated audience nt largo proportions .Vov. 27, to lIMcu to Max ii'llell's lecture. Tub Oiiarv Tuutbe bad a good btialnan atlrac- tloD laat week In Ihe Fay Foster Co. The bouae was wall dUed at each perforewnce. Tbe Rosa Illll Roglleh Polly Company cornea Dec. 2 7, Ibe Wat- aon Slateni' Co. 0-14. UiSRY llASTiNns, lale of Ilaatlngs and Harlou, haa Joined Ibe Fav Foster Co. for ibu remainder of the seaion Tom Mlaco, manager ot the Clly Oul) Burleiqua Co., nrventcd Itn. Uarry, manager- eai of tbe naletv Vh'.iiro, wlih a pair ot gold -laeaea at the cljaa 01' hbi week's eogageneuL lis waa lha banner week of the KCason at this houae. Rochnler,—iMt week's bualiieis averaged up well. The crowd* attending the Tliaokiglvlng Day perfoniiaocea materially Increased the liox oDIce recelpta, making the inanagore ot the dinereni houaea and altncilons feel as If good timet had come again. Ltcbum Tuxathb.— This bouao presented Ilhea, hi "Nell tiwynne," 1, to remain fortbreanlghta,giv- ing way to the opera "Wang" (or tlie laiil Ibree uightaof the week. Bob lllllltrd.ln "Lost-2t lloom,'' '"'ocal papera acorlog the play un- ng week: lUrard Coucen <X>. 0, 1>~ 10,11, Jane Uay 12, Trocadero Vaudeville 13,14, COOK OrsBA IIODBB.—Hilton Abom's Comic open Co. began2, playing an enlire week'senuHgemenL "Jdly OldChuma" and "Qlorlana" left Nov. 27 and 30, respectively, each doing well. Announced for »-ll,"Illobe;''l2, "Derby Mascot;" 13, H, "A Trip to Chinatown." AuDBxr OP Huaic—This houae hsd tbe"Clt; Sports" for a beginner Honday, inaklng a week's vlalt. Isbsm's Octoroons phiyed to crowded bouses during the week, giving a tacrsd concert 1, attnci Ing a Targe crowd. Next week.s-tl, "(.Igbtr " Point;" 12-14, Tony Famll, In "Oarry Owen.' WoNORaLAKD TouTRB.—The following compoae ibla week's bUI: Re-engagements of Will F. Denny, Dolan and Lenbam, the venellan Seraaaders, Prank Uall.Tom News snd lany Dooley, bi "Uuldoon's Picnic," bicludlng Huldooa'a Donkey. gyracaae,—Itunkaglvhig week liaa'.been a banner one (or tbe theaDna. The S. R. O. aign bat been dIapIaTad at each bouse. Wunxo OrnA IIocaB.—"Around Ibe World," by tbe SyracuBB Tom Vanin, had large builnets Nov. 21. Stetaan's"U.T. 0." Co. to the uapaolly ot tbe bouae, 21, "Sowing Ihe Wind" loa.K.0., 28-30. Billed: "Wang"Dec.2,"Frieada" 4, "For Fair Virginia" «, 7. BisrAai.BTBBtTRi.—NatO. Ooodwln, In "Ambl- Uon," to B. H. 0., '^7. Ohaa. T. Eilla, In "Tbe Alsatian," came to good butlneas 28-30. Uooked: Sacred concert, by Ooellel's Band Dec 1, "MIobo" 2-1, "Tbe Deeatrlok Skule" 7. U. R. Jacobs' TnBiTSi.—"Fawn Ticket 210," to B. B. 0., 16-21. "A Bowery Olrl" bad hirge attend- ance 88-30. To come: Sacred concon by Qaylord'a Ceninl City Band, Deo. 1; "Jolly Old Chuou" 2-t, Bobby Oaylor, hi "lo a Dig Ully," 6-7; week of Dec. 0, Hllloa Abom Opera Co. Trey,—At the Qrlawold Opera IlouM "A Dower* Olrl" played to top heavy houece Nov. -U, 'it. Klt- Ue HItobell, In "Crazy Patch," had good house 27, and lamed people away 21. Nat 0. Ooodwln, In 'Ambition," lliled the houae at advanced pricea 28. Loal bi New York"dnw a big houaea), "Tbe Capitol" comes Dec. 2,3. Mile. Jane May, In "Ulsa Pygmalion," 4,6; Edith FJlIa, In "Fawn llcket 210," a, 7. RAND'a OrBBi llav8B.-HI Uenri'aHlnilrehidrew light bouaea Nov. is, 21. "Ur. Illll" packed tlie houae s, 19. Edward HanlgaD, In "Old Uven- dar," cornea Dec. 6,7. Oiicrr TnuTiuL—Alfred E. Aaran'a HurleHiue Company drew uighouaeaall last week. The "4-11- 44" combination, wlib Bonnie Tborulon at tlie bead, came Dec. 2 and tor the week. Miisio UAU.i—Paderewakl packed Uie bouaa Nov. la, at greatly advanced pricea. BaCalo.—At the Star Theaue "Bonnlo Scot- land" la Ibis waek'a attraction. Rhea Dec. a-11, "The Oapltol" 11-U. I,iat week "Mine. Saga Oene'' had an excellent vlalL Mgsio Uau Koyal Welah Ladlea' Choir I. Lycidm TaBATBB.—"Humanity" tbla week. "Ruab Clty"followa»-14. Oouir STBIir TliBiTRB.—(abam'a Octoroons ttartod 2, tor one week. Neitwoek, KlynoASberi- daQ-a City Hporta. Welier A Field's VaudevlUe Club did a Ug bualoeaa laat week. SBSi'a Uiniia Uali.— Fear Andrews, Dalty Mayer, Joe Uardmen, Tbompeon aod Bunnell, Va- leaca, Fred McOMlan, Hay Mlaon, Clan Raymond and Lottie Rogen. Katbbvk Kioobb waa prevented (rem apiiear- IDg In "Hme. Sana Oene,'' 18-30, on account of lUoeai, HIaa Coldthwalta Uking her part UUes PiUlman baa returned boms. BlaahaiBtsB.—At the Bione Open Honte "Wang" came Nor. 21, to big builness. "NIobe" draw good slied andloocea 28, 'SI. Agnes Derndon, In "Captain Kate," had large attendance 18 and matinee. "The Masqneraden" delighted a large andlence ». Sletaoo't "(Tncle Tbm'a Cabin" bad good bualneu 30. Uooklnga: Obaa T. mu. In "The Alsllan," comes Dec. 2, "The Ueny World" 3, "For Fair Virginia" 4, "Tbe Milk Whita Flag" e. Buott TBUTaB.—John F,. Bnnnan, In "Tim lha Tinker," had good burineas Nov. li-27. lloworlb'a lllbeTnlcon came S-30, to bigatiendance. "Tbe French Folly Co." came 2-4, John H. Wills, In "Two Old Oonlta," i-e. Vtlea,—At Ihe titles Opera House 'Town Topics," Nov. 26, fslled to dnw, Chaa. T. Kills, In "Ibe AlasUan" 27, was well received. Nat C. Ooodwln,ln"AfflbIUon,"wastheTtiankaglvlng at- traction, and packed Ihe home, Robert Oaylor, "In a Big Clly," oomea Dec. 4. "JoUy O.d Ohnna'* t, "Toe Heny WoiM" e, "I/Mtln New York" 7. Fabily TBbatbb.— Tbankaglvlng weak altrao- Uooadrew welU Tue bUl: "aubooley'a Itoablea" and "lUe Boy Scoot" week ot X Tba open chain fOfintrlyuedalllie Utlca Uij Opeaa Uonae have b«en parchased by IhU tbralre, and are being placed. ■laalta—Ailhe l^cenm Theatre Charles Fnh- manV; (».. in "The Haaqneradera," waa tho allne- iion Nov. 27, to a crowded bouae. "Vang" was pre- tented TbanbHgtvIni, to B. R. 0. Oeorgle Redfen Calne waa III, and HaUya waa Immimnaied by her undeniudy. Norma Knpp. Dan Ihirlelgh'a "In Old Maine" did fairly well i». Coming: "Tlie Uern Wortd" Doc. 4, "IKiwn on tho Siiwanee Hlvrr" 6, "AMIlk Whlio Flag" 7, "Ibo HfBgarSiuUpnl" It-U NoTBS.-Kimlni l/xlge. No. 62, IL r. I). K, irill hold wemnrlal tert li ea at tho I jreuin Tbratn Dec. li Ulchael Flahlvr, nrofeinloiully known aa TMIIieri, illril In tbit clly Nov. 37, aged tblny-ihrn yean. Ue waa a dancer with llaverl;'^. UcNhih, Jobnwn aod Slavin, and Oeorgo Wlbum'a Mlnimit. He retired from the pntfeaslou tome) ean ago u. E. porter, wbi< cinted wlib Iteno and FordVi "Joali aimpkloa" Co. latt Augutt, dieil In Uoreelli- vllle, N. v., Siiv. .10. Neni>nr||,—At tho Academy o( Uualc "In OM Renluckj" la duo Doc. 3. W. 8. Cleveland'a MlnalRl Co. 6, Ulle. Jaue May, In "Hlas I'lginallon," I. "Irlah Aruiocmry" slirecleil hlgaudlenceaThanka- glvlng I)iy and evening, allbough not up 10 Ike ataiidanl. "Tlie Cnplioi" waa booked (or 9, bit failed to appear. Ur.aiidMra.SldnoyllrewplaaBnl a good stead audience 30, In "The Bachelor's Baby." Wm. Bam cornea Deo. 10. In "The lllalog flenen- llon;" Banger .t Daniel's "Uncle Bam" 11 At Oolumbnt Hall lha Dngon Indian Heillrliie Co. atlll remains. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. WaaklagtoB.—'-The Old llomraiead," at AI- litugb'a lafayelle Hquan Opera llouio, did an e.v- ccedlnglr Rinunerailve biialncss, nutwlihsMiulloB the frequency of Its prewntatlon bere. Tbe mutlo and singing Incidental lo Ihe play have liccii made a special feature, and add much In Hid pla;goer'H eujoynent. "Hob Roy" was anccoaif ully Introduced to Waililngun audiences at Raploy's Nailonal Thn- tre, and was an Inaiautaneoiia aurceta. Tbe bouse waa crowded at every performance. Lizzie Uc- Nlcbolaaud William I'ruette are Irleht fealureH in the caet. "Tba Merry World" had an Mcelleot week at Allen's Urand Opera lloiue, lielog now bere. lla apechilly featiina were nrntt thnroiigbly enjoyed. May Irwin, In "Tho Widow Jonea," (airly captured tbe town, and packed Itaploya Academy orHiialcateverypreaanlatlon. Thu Ikntz-Saniley Compaoy. at Kenian'a Lyceum, repealed lla funiiar tuccees, nillog the houto nightly. Kvery hnuaeln town bad a Tbankiulvlng iiiatluce, and all were well patmnlzcil. ALBAuan'a l.ii'jkvinTB Souirb Orsai llufHa— "Prtncna Bounio" Dec. 2-7, H M. aiid Joseph Hol- land >-14. Rai'UiYD Natiosai. Tiiratri.— Nat C. (loodwln. In "Ainlililoii," Dec. 2-); FmucIa Wlbioii Open Co., In "The Cblelialn,"a-I4. ALUN's Okand Oi'Kka IIochb.— Concert lir Wash- lugtont new nllllary liand. Will A. Unloy, illrevlor, Deo. 1; Llant Horrta, In rapenniy, Dec. 2-7; OIHilya Wallta«-14. llAi-LKV's ACADKBY OF HUBic 8aci«d conccrl for Uie beneilt of the wlfn of (>)niiul John I,. Waller Deo. 1, "TIieWblio8i|UBdron" '2-7. "Town Tbplct" w-14. KBHHAM'S l.VCXliB TllXATHR.—Klolly >V Wood'ii Ulf Show Dec. 2-7, Irwin lliuilicn' UIg Cn. t-u. HRzBR(m"a Ut'aii: lliij Waalirngion Htileg OrcheMra Dec. 7, radurewakl recllitl 11. NorBi.-beUa HIacy, lain or iho lilgliy Ucll Co., la lempomniy reaUng 111 tbiH cit; entries W. I.uckett, who for the paat four rean haa Iteen an nther at Itaploj's Arsdemy uf iluilc, anda very eatlnuble and popular younr roao, illed from hiel; coniumpllon ti J. T. SoUiunD, a ruling lawyer n, Hjt of this city, haa made a|>pllcAtl(in (or a divorce (nni bis wife, now pUylng In "Tuo Ncrry Wnild" under Ibe name ot Ireuo Bcniloy Aiinlol.ewbi departed for Thomaavllle, Ca,, '.'7, wliuro the will spend tbe coming Winter, .she la conOdentuf an early return to p«r(ect lieallli lo llio aalulirloui cli- mate o( Ibo "Bunny South." She will mil pity again Ibla toaaon. M«M MARYLAND, Baltimore,—llatria' AcadoTt; wuh lllled lo lis capacity Dec. 1, when "Tbo Olil Homestead" re- peated tbe tucceaa o( (ormer ;can. "Tbe flreat Dbftnond Roblwry" had a proapemia week, ending Nov. 30. Rohort Uantoll comoa v. FOvo'a UrxKA Uocn.—Fmncia Wllaiin tcorul an Immediate aocceaa, i. In hIa latest aciiiilalUon. "The Ohietlaln." Tbe houna waa lllled In every pan. "A Milk White Flag" did an excellent biislrioH Ittt week. The Empire Theatre Co. hrlogt "The Idaa- qiiemden" 9, AUAUOn'S LVCBVU TUBATRB.—"A BOOlSl lllgh- wajDian"wta presented In a delightful manner*-', with E. U. and Juteph Holland aa liiint atari. A goodly audience teallflcd Ita appreciation. Ithea'a engagement laat week waa tho munt aiicceeaful ever had by her In thIa clly. Modjeaka It due t. HOLLtUAY 6TRBITTnBAT«B.—The Utiinl I'TOWllOd matinee ushered In the week for "Com llnllow" i. John Kernell closed a good week Nov. :u. "Tbo White Bquadron" a. UOWAHU ADorroHiUH—Irwin Brotheni' Big Spr- claltr Uo., with Lyilla Veaguga TIIiu at lha leading feature, altncted two large audlencet '2. Al. Keevea'Specially Co. Iiad aKood week .Sov.'J.',- 30. II. W. WHiUunaMlwnCo. Iidueo. KBlNAN'a MOBUllByTAt. TllKlTaB.—Illg liiuliieas marked the opening of Washliurn Hlilani'l.tai Sen- aalloo i. lleUly A Wood's Co. drew fall hoiwt all week, doting Nov. 3u. Tlie Night Uwit nit ihU wajg. L'AsriNB's OnBON TnBATHB.—yew people 2: lUlIni and Wade, Uebe Rial, Cbirlce Vance, Marlun F.. Kcdell and SavlUe and Btswart. NOTBs —Atroupoof Hindoo coDjurorn, uodor Ibo management of Major J. B. Pond, occupy the aa- aemUy room of Mualc UaH iblaweek rade- rowikl will be beaitl for the only ilmo Uilt Heawn 11. Balllmore l/xbte Elka held their annual nic- Dional aervlces at Ilarrbi Aiademy 1. Viuvy II. Williams, of Brooklyn, N. v., made tbe principal aildnss. WISCONSIN, milwaukae.—At the IIIJoii Openi llogae W. T. Vtrtolun anil company preaent "Tnel.llyaf Kll- Umey," current week, opening Dec. I. "In Dark- eat Ituaila" cliiied a roualng big week Nov. 30. Hugane Tompkins' "Tbe lllach Crook" comi;! h and week. DAVineoii TuiATKB.—Joseph Murphy gavo his uaual Illll, "Kerry Cow," mailoee and ovtoliig I and evening '2, "Sliaun kbue" 3, and uiallnee aod evening 4. Hal lleld'a nolodtauia. "lluntan Hearts^'6-7. A.M. Palmer's "LltUe Corlalopher" prnpered largely Hiinday ami Thauknglrlag, bul Ilia other daya of their week, ending 3a,flrew hot fair aliondance. Kaonlo Jobnaion doea the beni wnrk In the pruducllnn. Wanl and Vokot abow ut (wo "Hunt on Ibe Hank" h,hoI smith lluaiell. In repertory, II and week; PauUto Hall, lo"liortaa," 16. AuiDkMY OP Ut'aii.'.—ti. U. Ward'n "lirlDOiili:o'A at Six," maunee and night I; John lilllongave "Wanted, Ihe Etnh," In good hualDa's. "Tlio Wblle HIave" comes 8, and iho Oilomlila Open Ui. commencea a two weeks' SDngemoni u. giving two performances dally of comlo uiiera, with Amelia Qlover aa ao exUa. During Ihlacniptgo- oeni the pricea an In l« luo. 20c. and 80c Paan iHibatiib.— " Wie die Allen Biingen," a four act comedy, by Nieman, waa produced wllli tiich tucceaa 17 too alnck, 27, Uial It was repeated 1. Frederick Bancroft, heralded u tbo l>ifiico uf Maglclant, did an average liutlneaa n-3>. Were bla pemooal andeavnn upon a par wlib the ataga aeltlnga and perfotinera aunounding him, Mr. Ban- croft would be varr succeaatnL Theodore Thoinaa and the Chicago Orcheain will concertiza 1, HIr Angualni llania' Comftaj, In lha falrr open, "lUnael and (Intel," »-ll. woiinkaLtNO Mi-BBt'u.-Uec. 2 end week, ciirin tub: Latao' Lowho, acolcb fonuna lellei; Hath- away, den ot Boakea; the Cambric Kloi: Trilliy I»ng, dancing glaoleaa: 1. 0. lllgBlo, rfne ahnu Blaga: Tbe Moniallena, lie Vanney and Hay, Nellie Bon, Dan Randall, and llolnwa aod Waldrtn. MRHno!),—Manarer Hheraun Brown, of the home from joiir dty (nr tbe llrst time In a rear i, IL HUunt, manager of tbe John IMIbin Company, waa bere 'Jt, to wiinea* Ibe opening n( the coiopanj'a aeawn 'The Charily Ulrl" preceded "Ully o( Klllaraer" at the BIJouuilaweek UeorgeN. Ytnowloa, the present nauagerol the Academy, bat dUiMted nf ymtp. vtni'i A'nea, which he haa aocceatfully conducted aa a aoclctr weekly for the (atl twelve yean Rudolph nujnhan, who was Ihe propiletor of the Eipotldon Mualc llaU Hammen of ISKM, bat leaaed Ihe bollding from next May 1 to JuIr 4 Xlcolal aod Blain' "A Cracker Jack" Onnpany raaaed through the clly 9, playbig al tba National Boldlan' Home, where Waid and Voke* pUj Deo. T, MISSOURI. ■I. Loals—Excellent biulneaa al Ihe theatres Ihia week waa due to Ihe merit nf the altncUooa aud tbe Thanksgiving Irallvllles. niuNn OrxRA Uoi-ac—4)arollno Hltkal-ltovt haa trade a decided impresalon here In "A Contented Woman." Paulino llaU la Iho card for Ibla week, wlib Camlllo D'Arvllle in fnllow. ui.YiirioTiiBATBB.-lUldle Foy. In "IJiilo Mobln< aon CniMoe," dbl bul a fair tiuUncaaou lla return vitll Uai work, "lu Old Kenlucki" holda Ibo lauaMa thit week. Her. a, '-The llniwnlea." llAOAN OrBBA lloraa.—"The Prodigal Faihrr''la Ihe aiinciinn that will be teen ben for the tirat lime ihleveek. Joe Murphy, In reiienory, will fol- low, Donnelly and UbanI, In "The llalnnlake(^" did Illg butlneas la«twoek. BTAHDAnD TiiBAXait—<lua lllllt Norelllea la Ibe Illll (or Ihia week. Fields ,1 llanaiin'a Drawing CaMa played to crowded houaea all week. Next week, lUMtivi Howard AthcoH-iiro Oo. llAri.iN'u THBATBi.—'On Iho Himtalppl" Is Iho atlracllon tumlahed Ihia week l>; Manager tlaten. "land of the Uvlna" will follow, last week "Hie Wblle blave" playeil to good biitlneaa. wiimiH llABPBH ANnCnxcBBTUArB—Lundbtrg and Tobin, twonldnrleiymanaRemhrre,rcnpeneid the VInter Harden Uunday nighl, with Ibe tnlkiw. Ingnater; Tom Doyle, lUokaford and Ohapinan, Ihe Heea. Hlrardo, Hike Finn, I. Huastll, lUker Hitt«n, Ada Vaugho, Frrd Hoasnihom. liBYANT'a TUBaTBE.—Kellv Bna., Hcha-ilbr and Devem, Joe Adami, Rllly Wlede, the laivlnoa, unit Wblle, Uaiile QoMon and Belle Pallctaon. KmiBR'a AuiAHnsA I'auub TiiiATaB.—Tbe Bian- Icje, Rsher Kitten, Heeao and Swan, Wallace Hln- tcm, l/>llle Thorn, tho IrvUigs, Flank U Oay and HlOCt. Kbw CARiKn,-lll|gInaand Nelier, Oolille lavert, Ibo VIcnienis, Ixintla He IJIe, Cure FnnkUn. Lil- lian Do Vnnn, Fioatle Klawoilb, KIttIo Aabley, Chaa. (Irady and atock. Qku TUBATRB.—Uarmn and Kennedy, liedinond and liny, J. J. Murray, John Cotium anil tiock. (loaair.—Tbankaglvlng niailneea at tbo thoalrea wen well paironlicd Ada Vaughn left Halup day Willi aoveni pcrfuroirni, 10 play at Ibo (lorn Theaue, Dallas, Tex.,and inako nrlgnborlnii clilea. FloBSIe Helm bnned her (albor In law Friday. Kuaaaa Clly_WhBt alerted out In lie a bad week, on account of rain ami tnuw, waa more lliao evened up by ThankMglvIng bualnraa. No leaa.lhan l&.to) piiopie Innieil oiiifornniuitenicntonibAtday, and Tlianhtfrlvlng bt proving tn lie tbelicat of all the lioIMajri. Tlie annual funlball gaiiiu lielweoii Kan- tun and Ulaiuurl i-alkduul an alivmlaoce uf l:l,iiuu people, uf which t.uoii weni Mtnngem, and In the evcningt the nliuw alinpi n>aped IhPlrlieneOla, COATxa' Oi'SRA llorsK-—laat week rtullne Hall and her very clover company preaented "Dorcaa" the Orel Ihreo nlghla aud Wednoaday matluea to onir fair bualneas. Win. II. crane opened In "Ills Wife's Father," with a Tlianktglving inalloea, lu an Iniuoiiee bouae, and at night lha record at t'lialca' ivat broken. Tho orcbettn were compelled lo re- tire Into Ibo mUHic riKiin unilemealbtbo auig(\and their chiln were told (or 11.60 oaoh. Kvery avall- alila apace waa Ollod, and liuniliedt wen iinalilo to gain ailmlitance. II waa mmelhlDg never before beard of at Iho Oialee. "Tho Henatur" waa put on Saiuntay night tn a nacknd liuuio. Tbla week wo will laugh al Edwin Pay. In "IJIilo miblDwiii Cru- wve." Next week lha huiitewlllliedarkforlliodrMl tliito nlghu, and the remainder uf iliu w»ek will ba given over lu local iniduclliioa. Aiinrninii'u.—Cainlilo Ii'Arvllie, anpporlcd b/ den. HonKavo Jr. ami a airnng cumpauy, gave "Madeleine, or Iho Uaglu KIm," for (Ivu iier- (orniaiicea, cnramonolng wllh HuinkHilvlog luat- liiee, to great butlncta. Tbankaglvlng night'a hoeae was a record Imaker, Rtamlmg nwm only being otiialnalilelo Ibecuinoiodluiia tnoatro. Tbe lioxi^ were dmiwd hi rolom and nirciipled bj tlio Kantaa ami Hlasouri (ooliiall lusnis. Tbo bunto echoed with ctillcgo yella. Hiicecbca weru msilo by lliorcapectlvocaptaluaanddovemur tunno, of Mlt- annrl. Ulta D'Arvllle illd tbo hunon anil preaonii-il HUannrl. tho winning team, wllh a tllvor r-up. Hho was given a nceplloii which will long llngor In lirr nitmory. Tbla week Ihe local (avnrire, Iionla James. In "iilholh>," "Vlrglnliu," "Hamlet," ' Mar- ndun," anil uuThunHlay night, for Ibo arailliuo on any alago, will preaent "Henry uf Novorre," wrlitcii bjr Collen Kemper. Nothing «lcDolio It lionkeil at tlie Auilltiirliim iinlll Cbrlalmna woek, when tho Utrlo liorca Oranil Opera <>>., lu rcpehoryi will ap- pear. (IBANn OrRBA llniwB.—Uat wook "lioirii lo Ulxle'a" Sunday iipuning waa lnter(i<red with liy Illll weather, atlll good audlencea were iHnmnt, Illll Iho uaual H, ILO. sign was talwlng, TliIiigH were more than evenwl up on Tbankaglvlng, when tan H. It. O. bonaea were reconled. Tliln week, Uhiia. II. Yale's neweaf'Devll'aAucUun," and next wruk, "On Iho Uliolaalppl." Niimi KrKXKT TiiKATHB —laat wook JiioOlt, In "Tne Blar (Inzer," had a big waek'a liualneaa, WIIU iburamoreaull aa repeated above im Thanksgiv- ing, TbIa week, lioniivlly aud illnrd. In "The llaln- nakara." "The lAnilled UaH" coniea Dec. H. (iiLits (IrBRA lIui'HX.—Tlio Winter Urcua clnasd u Hiiccenlul Iwo weeka'engagonent lut woek, and tbIa week Ibu house wlH ntum to Ha contlnuoua plan, the atock company lielog omitted and ■might variely will bold (ortb. Tbe (ollowlng will appear: Hnliel KakerLllerrUdwU IleokJr.,Xur7, luckeu llroa.. Pearl nalghl, Harry Uendeii, bertha Fiiy, W. N. (Illlien aod l.jdla Uray. toUHRuif.-This week: lloatlo Vnrvfin, Tom Far, Itecklaw and Ulllegan, Alice Cllirord, HIatnnn and Hheldon, and Honla and I'arker. Bunhieaa laiUiifac- lory. SavBi.TT TUBATIIB.—Unina and Nina, Carrie ivbalen, thu Kherns, the BHrvra. Mike Whaleo anil I'lOLBwatzlgg'allogLlroua. Uuslnaia gund. CurmBiNiis.-J. W, Klnnor, (urmorlr of tbt Bradr atiraoilons, waa In the city laat week, horald. Illg (Ibuitlle D'Arvllle Maoagur Choi Crewroril baa dued up a new iidlce, which adjulna the lioi omcaaliheilHIla Upon Uouae The Mnoro A IJvlngabine Reiwrtury Co,, wlin have been "unt nlghtlng" Kaniaa and Mbiaaurl, iiaased throiigb ben last week, and npon good biialgeas Uan- iger Chaa. H. Yale, of the "Devll'a AucUon" Co., arrived In the city lati Friday from the Houlh laura MoiigJennluga, formerly a clerer local ania- leur and late of tho "14M" and "rhoTweiitlolb Century Ulrl" forcea, waa In Ibo clly vkUllug her lamnla on Tbaahtglvlng. Bbe leavei for Now York :i, tn appear In her male Impattunatlooa In tbo conilniioua beutes Banger's Winter CIrciu, wblch Juat doted a tucceiaful iwo weoks St tbo tilllli. will Uke a fonnight't rest, and will then take the road, opening In Umaha 1). The abow travela In three aiMclal can, carrlaa Iblity head of hones, a band and tnnr peifornwrB. Popu- lar "Jack" Holland will lie lo onarge Manager Walker Sr., nt the Oullaeuni, liaa Ixieo abaenl from hU usual post lor a week; aluinding hit ton, who baa been very III with diphtheria, but who Is now convalescing During Uie Slav of "Ationlanud Woman" bere Frank Lane aod Wra, liny ware en. lertalned hy Jib. Hileliel, president of tbe Kannu City Alreet Sprinkling Co Stage Manager Chaa. Hacha, ot Ihe Frugreas Club, gave a clever urlslnAl enlerulnmeni nn WedneMay evening, enuiled "Mvlng Hongs," conaliUag of popular melodUa, IHUKixaled by living plcuires The annual poultry aliuw took place at Ihe "I'rIeaU of PaUaa Dun"laaiweek, and proved a reiogneretlvo event. Manager Judab,o( IheOrand. haa lisencon- (Ined lo hbi mom with aallBht attaok of pneumonbi, but la now improving, audit nnoe more at hU deek. flprlnaflold,—"SInliad Ibe Bailor," at Uia Crand, Nov. 23, bad a bla hnuae, II was ono nt tbe most gorgaoiu and well enulppoil aceolc prodgc- llona ever given hen. Pauline IIall,lo "Durcai," coniea 30, giving nuiloee and night performance. She wUl lie followed iiy That. W. Xeioe, In "Hlotatnl III," Dec. X BALDwiHTnBATBB.—A bowlIng bllzzatd did not prevent a good alxed audience from wltneanlng Vale'a "Devll'a AucUon" at tbbi h»uie Nov. -a. tun. John II. Gordon delivered Ma leolure nn "Tbe laat Dava of the Oonfederac;" to a anull bouae 27. will O.Wheeler, advance agent for Katie I'masro, wat through as, lillllug the blur for "Tba (lid IJoie Kiln,' which plave lis relun eogagtinent Dec. 8. He re- poru buainen exc«llent. "Ttliny" coniea 14, fol- lowed by Henry Watleiwin II. ^Miscellaneous^ BtLb** WiLu WBirr Nonw.—n** cl<i«M iii« 1 ai tftrbunt, N. U., Hur, ti, lo lniin»itft« litclnM*- DirldH thf aMftou Illd »hnw imTflfit lh^^)■(l nliietrcn fIttlM. AvcnillaNih* tiUBlnsM nitiUf hy «)■>■ mm Ito DnNl itucrwmil i^Atnti l*«vUf» HllPn t<liiiir Dter PiBdUr*—At tb« Mftnria Opm IIoum "Tbe Wife*' («ve ft iruUDn koiI Aveolnt pe i f vi mmca Nov. 'J\Ut Ursa and r«HlilftnatHe iu*1leoe«H, (Jom* Ior: O0UDU7 Clrcoi** Uao. 6. "niu)l«n'« tali" 7. SOU TH CAROU NA, ChariMtoM^AI Oir«u* kc»6mf ot Huilo Oonroj ftod Fox, to "trnuMfH VACAlloiifi' dnw froodtiouMlVir.9. 'Tiwllair Boj" ti»4 » poor bvtiw ». 'The r»ui uuil'* cofflM Dm. ft, tbe lUId VLB MalviUa Oo. vMk of 9-U, «lp*n*nM(l. mil iliimhuif will Ko mil lit ItW binrr iml bHitr U)W CTer. Hut on* il»Hlh (Kvunni JuiIuh Urn MMnn—ritif. Ilufih li«nn'. Ir«ilf>r nl tUtt »U\* tUi\w ImiuI, VMi coolntl**! nitlirU fnipr vlilht tn Tpim und dlittl iiti tin rmiii l>ihu hnmn lii WliHhMi^r. Va. Al WftyMo*^ *lLi •IhIuv-iUo t^u|i)M «|ih ilie wtn l»l»i<nptl Ttt* t>ulM>ii !■ tiiiiivt)*!! In liftVQ l^uttiii In ntllk UkvOat ihsonok loot lij ■ tnan IouhIi, wbo frrettctl • noittliiilHt III* lianiUnf thv "ntvnr IircIii" wlilin iiii. iMdini. lio«*Ter, on OMlhn omiir#(1, IIuuikIi i*Anni>» £lllwm«Ttrf litv liir*er*nil hrtiM. Hiil fi'ur itfrrniiii- urwi wtm nilmtl ilurlnjt tha m«amii, «ii<t no PvriniK ftKiU*ni«oc«arTMl. tllleii l*iillnun n« t)ia ii«nprKi •t«Bt hod UJumly imtud ol lli* iJiuw>»iir«4<iii. Ilm ilita H0« illO t>h*niiin»iMl tiuBlnwa, untltr tit* •llrMllmt nf .1. P. llatTlMD tnd lUtry HArk. KmUrlek, U.I.. will iha liinw'l Wlnl*r t(Uirl«rii. mpit«r«l|iinii will Ik* iiitiln rvruMrly Rt>rifiic n|>«alnit. MaJ. LfBlloitnil wlfn win s|b«D(l Mivn) «MbB nn iii»lr Karuu i>lMiiUtlnit, an«ir vbloh I'hlUiUli'hlk. 1*1.. will bn lhair kKIln* rUiY. A MrvDR Kunbi>okH Kl(Tmclli>a itt (vmlar\-4 Willi lli* HIM Wtti ovil Hwii. NOTtll FKUU MytL KlWTVH^ UrMRI-ll.—\Va rlABftl In llnuilDit.Tti . NiiT.m Kllft n lour iruiii lliDlliilf lu VAtX' ailiaul twlum. Thla luatvent v«rr Hticcwhil twon villi up W« lolriiil ID WIniiir In fhtullmm T«>h«. O. B. IliKiiHAViH iiwlih l*rDr.i:&n'*it>*ri Ihe BiMinar- Uu l^:fI R. IIVRiM IMP win, Uilllx ttiMnt. miBlrltit aihI ■•tvMt quMn.kra pUTlnx (ir«r llm Knhl.^ MliMUrtiR drealL Th»)- tvport pavIoh cluml a i<li>ttMiii apAitin «IUi luDfllDg HriHi.'4i|rcn«.inKhlnii iliair MK«tntl wmkhi illll that ihov. OitT. HllLiar lliMlAXillf* Mfvr, c^MiiiiUUn «>r iini>rci. fOKnIoatI irMtmtDt Krtnk Uurl, ii| Mutitv'a Uiiai**, Tolttlo, 0. RoaTBHol IhaAiiiaricanlilllnulIan r*».: U^nxn KpHUan, fraiiKoiiT ami ninoaitar: Ktl. Huhti, ailTtiiro aicitnl: ^■a. MullaniUn, ln>M)ir»r: Julin Ityait. rnturnntiiirr and llthocnr^ar; Willi* I'lii*. r<>l*>r>*<l cmrlininn; lUrty lUlum, Btaa* manaurr: J><^ UnW^i. i>Mpi«ri)r mnn; IMitQlrat Maafl (Mr*. tUii«n1 Tdiii Tfniiiili), (Snint Matrl, Hitim JIatfn, Ji>iinld giilitlit). Ollla Nourl. hlhf\ (ln>r>tlia Oraal IImiiii, llailhaj hihI Mart, TImn ll»niv tail unirnaHma. Thia dinii'nnv itlayii Miiw nlslitiihil ftaak Nlaitil>. lluklB»*a Im^iBinnl inlwTar) uimkI. BaiiAUIitR. KaTlti(.a w»U hmtwn innkpai nr iimilral itTttralua. illwl Sor. ai. al IiIh hiiinit In l^lirNrs, H-i^«.. mtnt h bloay Inttttl*. IIm waa tiny aialit ytutia nrniif.Hn'i hail (>Mn arkt*aaluilitnl ami liiTunlor In iiiftriii- li<r loiiy yaan, ami, II ta a«hl. waa Ilia t'llulitalor nf inniiy itlt'V^ aihl illnMima, ch1i>r anmnN wlilrh U llio llliiali>ii, "Aa- larta." t*ii>baMy row liail inailn a i-lii*Ar *tiitl> tif, nr wsi^tMliar iHtMnI III. niaal<\ attilaltliniiidi iiol arllvvly In lla rullitvlni, Im *«■ wril annwaln ihn iittiroMlint CiUHLtnHULiiim, lha well hiinwn tlata miKt walkar. aod Calliitrliia Jamna (n*tn-pmrpaa|imal) war* niarri*! Not. W, in fitiiitlnn, Ku«. MMiicm In rv|M<rUi1 in Iuta ti>nialncv| nii<Utr walorat WuiiJf>rlaiiJ, Oairvlt, Mich., f(<iv. .V, lur Imir nilotilu anil pltiKlwin wmntla. Hnit.fni ClUHLII'H niJtnr Hlliiw ai>n |iUylai[ t^d«)iar, i-Aii.. Iiaa iliMn itarliiniivra: rmr. MtiK«>. itmiil- nan: Mad l.ttralla,riiiii>tilii>DM; Will Ani'iiif\ nrmlkti; Annfp Clark, anak* rliariiiar; Ikmilaiin and ilm b«)\lnii Riul wr«ailln^lf**r, Th^hlon an<l lior(tuii|ipiirp<hinv(f<l (i»*a, tlw ratliAnd.aud I'rur. (Miaa. Tli(tmM)ii> ruiicli nud Judy. aSurn VHitH AMKifrK Tin* Hrinw.—rim wnatlmr ban -W* a(il«tii|ld itiilll tflkl wMk, wlinii wi* nkiHtrlfiirMi larr'bia rain »li>niia, an-iiiii|»anliN| by Hulii antm. Wit eliia* Iba ■ra'Mitipro H»t, 3 1, ami oritanl/i* mir tiall •lin*, umUnhn Utla id Ainrnt Jk Murtluirr a t%iini<i1y <*<>., r«r- rylDv alclil |»«(tidnajl idM. J*nn\ will ilm Piar Intinr i« ctwtailr, "Hvlli and Nolt." I'HOK. ll.R. Hicii Inliiriiia iia Hut ha la IIIiiik n iIitpii waaka' anKM>iii<*nt villi hln h<ir«i« HlutalitK act al llin Silan Hiiata. T(lrl»^(i^ Can. tiRO. II. HMOW, itianaKor nt Hnnw'i I'aiiliiiulinn (Ni., haa •niarirail llla l«nd lit l«*lva |wii|>lii, and la imv iiiahlnH an altfielha airaal tiarwla. HlM'fi.UMMiiiriiHiiMWM -.Huiteritr III* UiiMillla ImlUii Maiilaln* IX-Ur. M l.'ami UIL |<iti|<rlrii.r: Hr. <l Vmi- nrann, inatiaHar, loaliirar ami tilllfd aoiknr: I'liini'arriill, ■lavn Nianauar: lliiiui lUrndl, alnMl'tU ^•■•'•rnKp; i'Ihh, r. HIcli, ninalral nitiha; Mliilfh. laminKilnniniy; Jutinmii Bro*., aiii'Iral laaiii and Iwlnra id ni^iidtdlit nrcli^fdia; Indiana HliipN<>ae, Hlilnini l>r«r and Kevpr Wurh. Ilr. Knienwii laavaa ihin coniiiaiiy ISl Iml will i>inrn in («i> wMka Hiialar nf llin lint HinlnKariiiiriiii i\i.-|lr, M. ()i>(WDli»lin<ir, loi'lninrand hriii riflnr: Mid J.ilm liar- rla, lianjit {lUyar; WalltrM, aliiiar: (-ary, Uniilidrrly, miiiadlan ami mualrlait; AJai. rnnliiilliiiiiHl, ainl Hr*. M. lllwulMlhiar. (rnaaiiritr. TniirlliH Ilm HtntUi l>i lair ImfhiuM. Waallior fur |>aal lluna w«rka tort riil<l Ii>r iliaHiinnyKiiiilli. Wawalk tnnr u\Um ilraiiiniln I'nwiit in KM al a ni|ir fil Dim •■UM KMllaliln ".... .Siilim rn>ni tlial'arlfla Meillnina Cuncart Til.—Wn ara luniliitf Nurili Ihikiila Id Talr liiiilnnu. jlr. Frank II l^ir. alio rMoiv- (•rwl a|i|iarantly rtiiin iir|tliiilil fovHr, nflar iiotnii (nil Tnr ilir*«i wenka liail a r«Ui«fs and laiiuw daiiKanin*ly 111. All Ilia ulhrr iitainlv>ni uf ihn rmiipiiiy am wall tnd " ili<r*if/.iinl lii'lian Htttlintiii iV, Nu. _ , liiiiiaior; lira. K Kwlaa, irnanurar; Ja. Itacnnirm, aiana inanauar, and a irtiiiM uC iiiillaiia. Tlia mnirillananra IMI and l.arrntra, iniiali-al r<iiiili|iir>i.«liii ara tnaklnir iraal hlta Wt< inakn waak »land«. ainl mi«|. nauliHi"*! lltMlar id llin Krwaita lii<llaa UnlicMtn i'<i,~l)r. (I. M- rinnrli, |>rii|irlriiir: rnd. Aiiuimi Hlmit, idanlM: lln*. W. I'lrklna, Ti>in Tair, Utiia riiinall. lUtrn rinncll, I3ia*. NIicImN and !U«y; lllllllll^ VttiinR Haar, Mn Ma Urn, ('nnmi. Kn I'm Vmi .Nolna mm Ilr. Hlua Hunnlain .Iw'* lllf Hh<iir.-i|m*| liiiilnaaa atlll ciHillnnaa lliriiiiirli<)<it tlm falmalla Nlain. TTi* Halliaan llrna/Hand olovd Nof. 21. al rilllnii, and ware antrvnlMl liy IW. II. I. Clianilwri* md lliu li>lk>w. Ini raualelaiia: cfiaa. HHUilhiiii, tUl 0. NtilU .1. Uaar- I'. M./nni. la. l!U|>pln and 11. Mi-flrady. TIm Und and orc)i*Blrali llia laatnro id llin akov Kfilii.iatHl riMUr or iha r'niatllla linllan Vwllrliia Ot., Ni>. Wi.-llr. U.llamptaill. iiriijiTlaliir: Ilr llail (Ikiiid. iiianniiar ami laeturar; Mr. Hllaa. ilaKn nianaiar. ami black lara auil lluich C4Miiadlaii; Hkniaii, ab>ik wirn walknr and lrj|ia: H*nMannllin. ladlana, i;iilnrrilian> Ai, Mntkan lUwaml ItilDaaay llurae. Tlda cu. la iiuw In IkiuUi l>4kijU iluInK lair iHialDaBA, ^ CANADA Monlrr*!.—'Hiu j\iMdeiny nt MimIu wim ilnrk wook or Nnv. 'a!^, IhHilrcMl: IKr. J niid wcuk, I/jwU Mornwii, la "Kauit," ••lUcliollou" iiul "Yiihrk'4 laOVB." QiTHN'H TimATMii.—Jnhn (Irin)ili iimiliii'ml Knuil" for neokor 'ii, tnllulit Unmf*. iu»t\iv.i\: ii«c.ZKn<1wcel(.()lti|>M WNllKaMlaU'd tiy Vrrt\- ortck l*aiili1liiff, In "Knncboii;" wnukufliua. 1, "A Omrj Ilitcli." TiilUTnk lUivAi.-KIjrnii A Hlinrt<liin<H "l.lly Hporii" dill |ikh1 Itiialnnaii wotik »f 'iA. Ilnokitif: WMk o( lloo.^ WfiberA Flnldi* VhikIqvIIIo Uiiti; weak or iMo.s, "HlmrtNu. X" WiNlwiii llAi.N—HKMick, tho vliilinlal, liail k(mh| liOuio 'iT. tiruuA Khancair.— ThiH hnnno plm-oil "Mmnon," Lm MiigueiiiiU." "Umim,** "\m Tnuivcru" ■Dd "Cttnnun'' un Ibu bottnlH fcir wnnk nf to KOihI boiiiMH, IMIIeil fnr wmik ur into, 'i: "LuciA fll lJitnir.omirior," "Nnritm." "(JiillUumo TftU," "Itninoii mid Jullnr' und "U Mancnt." Non.- VAiidlrIc, KmIhiI'm biialHinfl. Iiai laluijr olned (ho Prounb Opoim Uo. Iioro, and hM iruite » )|0 bit u Ont tenor lo tbo vsrlniia rulei. Toronto.—Al Ilm flmml 0|Kim llnuHa, Jnaapli ('allaJian, In "Kaoat,** raniB bi |4Mir ImaliiaML Kalliryn Klddar, in "Hnia. Haoa (laoa," cania w»4ik m TUHfilTTd flPlRA MftiraK.-Tarnian'a llnya) Kunipnan Vawlaflllaa eania Nov. m-.V, Ui a rarr larita liuilnau, (himlnv waak uf D*a i. "Vhth Nil 1." PNI?ivinTillATHI.-4lladya WallU |>larad Hmt. 21-3J, lit fair iMnlDaaa, "Tlirllliy" mmaa waak nfiHc. y. (IlTNTAL TlllATRI AHtt KURW Ml-akltH ^Tlda hmian la itMoif a TATv laraa hualnaaa. Iiachira hall: tuti. K. Danlnl IbwnaAndfilaHuullt Afriran Munaand frof.'1. K. Kkli. Ttiaalra: M»rton and KMralla, l<x»fitrd «nil Kntlon, llarl- lallaod Mar, KntUa fialdaand A. <l U«r«nrn. Maaair Mvhw Hill.— Tlia otnMrt ilvan -M Ur Mln Rararlay Kiddnurfi, aaaJainl by Hanlni. Tlidlnl*L and RrMikway, (ilaolal, niai villi a vary tarKa and luUhnmUln Aiidlanea. AcuirauuM.—t^iarMahar will ap«r Jim Ifall Hut. m. QaabM^At iho AcAdemy or Uiialr. Nnv. 'j/>-9i, UwlN UorrlMnn, In "Kmiai," "III'.-In^IImiI' ntiil 'YfirlOk'a l/ive," playtid lo tnunantlinii ImalneHH, Thbathi lUiYAia^Melrln'a Hpacbalty Di, |d»jctl to r»lr bnuam 'H-m. KNOi A Hiwii.i. havi hnd Iho Acadomy or Uiiido onilrBlr renomad, Dovr Rconery udcled, iDd lliclr orobenn liiertftKn. f«oadon—At tbo (Jranil "Jack Ifarkawtiy') ptAyed loliularalrliouioKnv.'^ul. Jnlm Orinttlijii "pAtiil," conwH 1)00.0 Tlio "Jmr" 0». Uld oil hfifo ^;^^7 "Undo Torn'a OtMn'' wiw iKMiknd foran, irtitclmietl MoiDovtiero lo UlulilKan Tbo Youiif Mirtsral UlQ4:iel« will filveia amateur ndj. cort p«rfunnanc« at tho (Jmml Imu. ix Mni. rbll. II. IfcliOfHl, or tlilA city, lion daiiucroiirly 111 al a b'Mpllal. Hlio wilt ito rfini»!iiiiirrrd un helofl aamkUIwI m lairtocr wllli Frvd Wbllnuy In tbe opnm |tn>diic(lon liul year In Nrw Yurk HarahBll (Irconwood, a KiiialclHii wiin Uuj iinm.* MlnMrelA, wan taken III wUli pnoiiiniinin litniHi.d lert rnr hiR bfiine at lAtciinln. .N. II. llanllloa.-'At lti« tlninil Harry Un'llry cIim':i| a Nuof'aaral wcck'i aOKikcmRiii Ntiv. :io. Jnliii tirlfflll). Id "Pat'Nl" and "i lm lifiii," cuinpn m a lood adranco Halo !>eo, 'i. n. Tim Wntdiitnu C0DI9 6, Jubn la. Hiilllvan 4, Antnlnutie hinrlln^ ('un- cart Oo. 11, BDd"VVNnB'' 13, U At IIIM Hur TlrtolfO, for iKn. Sand we«k: Honii. (Iidirr, .Ui'L'aiio and Ileal/, Alico Camnllu, lli« 8t. CUIn and Leoo- bM ud FuIloD^ WYOMING, Ck«]r«an«.i»Ilnl>ert ItawiilDg In iHwkM at tbo Ohoyenoo f)per» IIoum for Ueo. 4, Fauir Rico o, Tbot. W. Keeoe 19. w ooimjtuiD ON rAoi en.