New York Clipper (Dec 1895)

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631 THE ISTEW YORK CLIPPER. Decembeb 7. THE N EW YORK CL IPPER THE FRANK OUEEN l>UBUSHIN0GO.(Un)M), PROfRrtTOIU. OEO. W. EEIL, Muiati. SATURDAY, DEOEMDER 7, 1805. RATES. ASTBBTIBIIMSRTO, T «isl7 o«au p«r 1Ib«, MtU typ* oiMrar*; ip«M 01 oa« DOh tXM euA uuaUim. A didaetloa oT S p«r euL li ft*ki««l oa •JTtniMatnu vh«n p«ltf for thrM noiUii Id adfuc*, ud on AdTtiUMnMOU mMiDriOf UD Hdm Of noiii BOBSOBITTIOn. Oa« lolr,In idTuea.U; tli moiUii,U: Ihmmoolhl, %\. roralRi poMmn oiiim. HIniilo ooplM, lOooauuch. OIIR TUUm ARE OAmi. TUB RLIPrER la iMuod oftir WxloMlir nonloic. ThollUi, ISU> ud IWi UdnnlJlnip mw 00 TO riEffi ON MONDIT, ud Iho Kill, UUi ud oUiir fttm oa ruEaoAT The Torma Clodng Promptly ftt 4 F. U. Pluw roHlt hf oiproM mooof ordor. elwok, T. 0. Or d«r or ruloltnd loiur ud ADDRESS ALL OOMMUHIOATIONS Par llM BdlUrisI ar Uia BaaaoM DepartmoBt to THE NEW YORK CLIPPER, p. O. Boi a^Mt, or OLirrSR BUILDINO. ^udBCumRUMI,Nov r<iik. Id Bnilud—Tal Oumi cu 00 obulntd, vhotMolo ud rotoU, or oor " " uouo RtlMI, Sim OMT bo iOOD. Id Pmoco—Tm Cuma la oo aaloot Bnoluo'aoowa dapol, 17 ATODOO do I'Ooon, rorio. 0 BnilDOd- - - - _J rotoU, or oor axuu, Bmltll, Alnalla A Uo., V Naw. oootio RtlMI, Smoo^ LoDdoo, vban boflod Oloa of Uila 1 »«1 lUtaM OBl|f OBo aallllsB, BBd tbkt UdslW tmm Naw Vorkt'Ci QUERIE S ANS WERED. NO REPLIES BY MAIL OR TELEGRAPH. ABDUSBOI WHILlllOmVOTairU. A1.LIP or noil U0UI.0 wtin to riou wcos tut nu, if OiUorTUBOUPPEHfonorriui. alllrtiwiij. ■B JOTBimu OVI WIM OILT. Ir TBI BOOTi OT ABT TflUTBJ04L OOBUn IB BODOBT, RBtBR TO ODB LlfT Of BODTBS OB liroraBB PiOB. WB OABBOr BBBD BOOm BT ILOB TBlBOBAPlf TJIEATRICAIm ToBBADO Oo., RbwIIoii.— 1,9. OtArfle K. TorUKM* dro not plBT th« "nurry lilil* mououio msld" id "Adoali/' wiiBo Srei producwl lo Hew York City, but lit did fill 111* ralaforBllme her« durlnathBtsnniciiniSDL i. Tlw Uat i>erronnine« glTao Id HooUi't TIimM oo- eorrwl oo Apn) X), IBSS. 4. "ClodaniU* si Hchool" oneoed Bt uuih( r. T.. WulilDfftoD Court IIouBO.—Addnsi lb« puiy Id ur« of TMBCurrHN. W. K. a. nilM«Iplil«.-A4dr«u ihf party In c«n ol TflBOurrBB. AUBKT, fkboliftrlB.-!. Thirty dolUn |t«r vtik 1 Fir- t«eo doiun p«r wMk B. TvMty-draUnlhm. 4. Tlien In prHllul); no domuid. 6. In Uit Mriy Srrlofi. Mai r., CuaDBmvllla.— ai b rule h« ■liouu noi, uqImu {t\m \ rmatiean*. It doptDdn, howBT«r, ■omtwllmt qpod tAi oontiruuiftD ofthn iiBte. UASTLU.—AtlJUMtlt* |>Btly III (tir carv. ConiTAVT HBAiiBR.-JfttiieaU'N«lll appwitd lo thtpro- ducilon (rf '7h« Two Urpliuii" ftt Uio Uolon 8<iaKre Tn«a, tr«. iliUelty. J. 1.0.—I. Thty Br* too nuoioroui in inoolloD. ]. W« u*r«r «ipr«tt fto u|tlDttH) runcaralnff cnmpaitliT* mirllii. Mahkikh, l*roT|JWic«.—Advartlsa loTBBCLIHr H, H«« rBtOM tl Ituul of thli eulniiiD. We caoool quoto nUiy. D. A. Uurlmnoi).—WliaroabouU uokoowo. Atldrw laltar In ourMroud «• wIllBdrortlw It. BBS 0., Ewt 8ulHW.-Th« tcl you dtwcrlbo U atrDnB, but *< cuBot tall what atliry tuu oouM conimud ■lili- out koowioi liow wall you ptrrono. B. P, Urmy Uliy.-I. bch Mttntr touM b« Indlrldu- ftllr lkbl« for lb* •■tin lodniiictlnua. 1. Ve*, >■ s rulv, Blluuih itioUwcporialnlni luiudi au«« rary lo (llir«r oat (Uklu. W.J. U, AlltillnDy.—Tu th* bomofour rocollMlInn w« Dovar hoard oraDV ofilio rlayo you mooiltin. J. J. L.. BFoadiOlta.—Haufn your buainoaa. VImIi tlilt clijr lo Jtto* and Mrk ao ragairotnoDt In ionta i»r ibo compaolM tlion ronnlnu. If luccauftil, you may cIoh your iiimliau berorath* rail laaaoa. W. L. nilbd»lplili.-rien»vfrdld. A. •., HurtlnirloD —AcciinhDft to lh« houta pnimBiino Will II. U*lo nipke dllad tbanMnf Jiwli Bpniuiby uiwu the oocaab>n you mention. H., I'ravldaaee.—Vouraoilii ooi nironR onouiU Tur llio ■taica. J. U. W.. PfalUd«li>hlB.—Your aci !■ not (n deuiaod, and yoo vobM find Itdllflcull to olilaln an •oniieiiwol. It lawortb aboiii twenty JDllar* |ter woek. t). A. W., Wa<«rl>iinr.—I. Wa IiaVA not yit t»*n IL t. WrIU lo Rkruun) k Bailey b»ul<|uarUr^ 109 Wait Thlrty- WTC^th Htraet. N»» York Clly. 3 Tlio puoiiiR will b« fL-uod lo ■•v«rainitmbeninr Tub UI.IITRR. 4. lU li oni II ODthaitajta. 'Wo eanool idvliia you, fur ytmr lucciM would at Prvaonl on tha itajta. N. 11.—Wo eanool id , . , d«i»OD(l ao iiraaily upon the inoriu ol its iiluiw. A. II. M.J JACkaun.—Wo kaow of oo wurk of that lort. B iHb B.,Uniod IU|>lrli.-We ililok lonr act would malia a ptMUDf Dovaliy. Thar* ihotild be no OillleiiUy InarranRiD^Kai It li onlya Tanaiinnol Uio ramlllar >-blMkan.*'allli lljtbti arraoRrd In iha Mmo faablon, nliwiiBtltanod In froitl hmiI oiKnRnlBhail erorrwIisroDlco. t. 11. J.—Wa oao Und nu racuM uf any porjonnioca by rrmok Mat o In Dial bouM. f K l\,PortlAnd.-A*nrjrctofvnlfaorrbm(^lr J. Mrlrllle JaoNOO, BDltorand puMlkhor, l,IUS Walitut Hir««t. Ililla- dalphia, V%. B«« "ad." in tbl« Iwun. 11. N.yo,OrO)ntlll«.—AddroM lllnridia A Oo.,3l Park fUoa.Mov York 1)1 ty. nvoLl TflUTBl, 8avuitali.-(1. L. Km aiid J. W. LIo- Aird vara la iiartoanlilp In ibo Naw Ho«*ry Thaaire. ila oily. W. O.P.. Wiwark.-A.lilroM Rhannon, Millar k Oiano. TW llroulwBy, Naw Vurk ritr. II. I .Taiiipa.-flyi*arA tNi.,«fl PiOh Av«nue; Fmuk Uuwia, lA) ruurth Atoimio, Iwih oftlilnclly J. n 11. k BO.V, Dal rait.—Add rvu tlin ttany Id cat* uf TiiBtXifrsB L. N.. tMileaun.->About twanty dulUii |tar *oab. N. R, PhlUdalHila.—Yuu bail t>«l(ur vina bar* In June ami mako pinwnal applloallou lo inaoifarBof ui^racunt' pmlai. o. H., liidlanipolU.—Addnaa Ilia i«rtl»« la oira of TUBOUI'rBI. C(i!fiiTA!iT KKAOlH.-lla «ai Dot: iIih ninix of tbo Hrty tu whniu you |)TutM)il)* r»far l« Waldnin. U. B., llB!iilllnn.~Addr«M Juho Aulraontl. ftJ ttnloii l*.acii, Now Turk tMly. J. U.U B-XliapapariaraoutofprlaL ATIILBTIO. J. O., Kntl RUar.—Tiia l««tait tuna uo racorO r<irrun> nine DDo linailrad yir\li li 9S«- Tinia m^da un traoka tliat ara not hiTal, nr muu dvlnil atartJL ara not rvroidi H. 8., t'hlniin-A yat*% tlia hmt bal Bod w|dr ih* wo- oml, ibe llo balwaen lha Uoaino a. A. init nilraiv A. A. oitt loaklnir Itia wanr un that hiiiib a dtmv. AiuilB. OiMn.—Tliadvcliluit ol iba rKfertfa waa Onil J. II. n.. Lllllo Kalbi-Wo Alinukl bAteuifd IhownnI "L4i<t" ln*la«il al "vuo" In the ao»war In onr lau Inuo i\>rein liaviDB wim iiio arani rafarrotl b>. aABBIIAI*L« VHICKBT, ETC. M.U. H.. Billlitmro—Th«Allila((olMHh.ori'tilt«le)phta, r« , In 1(VI wuultmchinipltiariilpur ib» lint rtBUlarly orwaalml lUMietai Ion o\ vroraulunil oIuIm. W. H. W., nilU<lplpbla.-l. Four irauia nf KtiBHab pn»- rauiookli liira rMtMl IbUcituntry i\\m I.Htf in data, ho- tog oapulnnl. rMpaciUaly. by 41. I'nrr. K Wlltahar, It. Dan and A. Sliaw. t. Iba itwiiii In Wem IncluilH it. lUrr, K. Oarpoulvr, T. Ilnynanl, II. II. Hl#|itimviD, A. Uivir, J llruntly, J. Jickivii, J. |!n>*«r, T. Utrkyar, w. tUtlvu. J. WimlMianilJ Lllly^hlie. * > i".-- B. F. J., Lowall-ll liatlnw. A411IAT1C. II.r. Il^ Yirktr.—Tha Miiiaro runt ol >«ll, asivr lulo, carnad liy Im mni|k*liDj| yarbia In tha Uat raroa lor lha Aiiiarica Cuf wriv aa rbflov: Uafamlpr, liaU; Vallyrla, RING. U. B. M. r., (ViinfrBTl|la.~In lhair nglil it Jaehpno- Tlllo^ Pla.. Ii 1(W, Jint Corbait ««l|lied lIlB and tnurloa Mltehall U7b. r. W. H, «:)iloarv—II ■»* not a knotkugt. ()i.p8t<Bm-iiinKH. hiubura—Jobn L Bulllran l*aeanta rhamplon paBlMM of Iba wurhl by tUraillna Jakr Kllnin at Hkhtiurii. HI>A. July 14, lAV. Ila Innsbt (V>rbolt lor lha bniliitf (ur ilof a) cbaiiiplonUilp of lha world. «> » B p,1^f- .-a . a_ a' vio lipubir«ii»J'|tv 1^; K latnphor A tV,'lkt«ion,'HiM!*"fba CAiinpllar la n. II. Hantoo. R. W. fi., rhlUdalHiU.-'io.nla fUiiaiiiL" a iiockot ?l'^^!..l^2'iJ''-"J i'HBiiiMa._wiih uiuiitTmiiooii. 4X»mT*RT ItiiuiH, N(>w Yorh.^nhD U RulilTaa da i#AI«dJak<i KHraln at ItMiburK, Hiu.. Ji only nra roandBh.>lnRcoDla*lail Inlh. IOat._„. J.J—JnhB L. Hulll'an wai champion |>d|ti|Ut of Iho f'w.fbt •paelally for UtarhaniplnoHhlp w tc • ' 'haniplooiihip or ollhar Kaitand or Autlmlla. T.ft. W., Bruoklyo.—No; iharlaltiillialttn lharallramanl of Jamai OtrUtl Ih^ rhaiitploitAhlii ravartoil lo John L. SullUan !■ ilmply lUunl, hut lianllv innr* no thaa lha eUln lliat i tMt»r valihlUR urar IMk l« i iMUiaiwalihL Tha IlUa la now In abayAm-*. an Iba rvllrwmini of iVtbatt Ian It wiilioatapuwMiir, hahiTlnii on riiht to bf«|ow It on aQTuDA. J.He<i^ Paabodv —t^aoDot acctHummlaia you, a> Uit only way In whUh you un prorur* tha DM-ru«ry loionti ailun bywhirh loaaltlath* iiumIIou Ir by uiaklotai) )i|IOAiIont«> Uia panira rafarrnl ii>. and li t> douMiul Uytio wouU Kal U than. OARDft. C. K. N.. lt«if\ilt -^'hit drpaoda. In dra«r wkar. If lha di«al»r. In d»«lln| tha canli, air^maa a rir^l tha nUyfr t« witon 11 ia daall ntuft arcapt ll; bat If lha card UoiivmO In lhadraw. Uia plarar caonttt arrapt lu l>ul It la twod on lha Itolloiu Ol ifaa pack, and ihrpUyar la Rlron lha naxtranl frmu tha lop of Uia daek, baluro my i>lBy*r to iiu un uiif||>««l. ^ H., tlilraio.-IUeb pUyarhaTlaR bul one point hi inak«, gnd^HharlosniidalB playibatwn hafara,foaiootoo J. H.. Vow Tork^Tho oBiwar lo yoor qaorr M>p«Bnd iBTBBOLIPPBBdaiad KoT.aO; , . . _ B. II. 9, Bl raoL— B.. baTloit ooly l«o poind U iDd boHroB biBh and Jack, wob Iba «un«. , „ . L. T. 0.0. Kaokuk.-A playar baa tbarlibi to look it ooly lha U«l trick lomad. .... .l 8.8., Korfolb.-AeeonliDr to tha nUiof ibo laiBa Um pUyor baatotakaaaoibarUIek baforo hacu.iomBar point! ka baa natdtd, and wbldi an ataadtng to hii BrookljD.-A li anllUad to cUin twantrthroa for hlBbiB4ofthraaft'«,B0aDd4. , ..... n. L. T., AlbBor.—A haad lo er1bfa*t* l*o ind aOcooDU foartaon. J. J. P^ Hawarba-lt wai not a r«Toka ao loac aa tha trick wu not tnraad hafora tha mlauka waa dlaoorired. BILLIARDS, POOL, KTC. R E J. JaraayOiiy.—Will yoopleaianakayoorqoorr mora aipi kit. HIICELLAIVSODB. B. N.W., Uolon Olty.-Vaa: Edward ARiokoahMbMi tha ree»(ni>t*<l proprlaliir of tha lloffaian lloaaa fora BombororjaBra. _ . - , M. 11^ AlMntnwo —Tba wmoar of tba play-oTT Ukaa Qrtl Criwnod titan ths otbar two play for choice of aacondaod iirdprtiaa UieloaartAkloK third. B K.T.oNaw York.—l)o oot know In whit BiaU tha lArty naioad realdaa. ^ . , J. w.. LooB lalAod Clly.—Tliaaojwarappaand fa thi iMiaarffoT.SO. Bbbmilu— Mnoay recolrad. u. B. H.. Haw York.-Tba bet la deeldad by iba veu for Iba head ot ihe eounir tlekat.CouDly Clark and la Hanrr D. ParToy,th•Tlmo)aoroAndldal^wllnmela^yr•luma>l u havliB • pluralliy of ooly 17,644 or«r TTina. L. Ilamll- loo, lha fa#loo ennilMala, the party «bo b«t that tha Tammaap ticbelwould via In Nav York Couoty by 0.(0 or mora Pin rail ty loaea p. A.lf.P..Na*Tark.-Bwon Ihobat. Rao aniwario -O. B. B." A, S'a« York.—Accordloi lo your staumani oach parly to tiHi bat woo an aitual amount of mooay, tao dolUrt. T. B.,n4)aabuni.-THiCLirriB Ax.<(rii,ror IM wdl ba Qo aaloinoat Jid. 7. OHE88. T« CorreapODdBBtB* Ebili Pbaoiiibat. Riulobn, France.—A ccapt ourliaorty thaoka for lha kind and painiuklnn Iritar lud lha tvo probtena. You hardly aaed MAonnca ihit inythlar Irom yoor facile laboratory will rac^lva tba fullail altM- i>on. "AiLUB."OI«ao, N. v.—Truly. It la aooihar liam«rr»- vard frtr wall doloB that oar pntad oU frlaod ratuna lo tha fold. Ao otUacl from year laltar laior oo. Mb. I'auiir, Olaan.— Do tou knowiliaia pkyarwbo eao atand op to Oeo. O. nmavorlb In Intt aturly faahloD, laaoealderatam %X oareootrlbotloo bei t DU you, or "AlUlo." or aar nibor mao. avar koow of a tlna whea THB OLirriB woulda't beatovoflia abuodue* to pTOiania iheproiiraaB and platraraorBmatenrnf OiiAB Aa aiLBiBO.-No Bpoloflai Bod iBcb: con* u ofioo u cooTaolaat. Tbaak yon for idulwoa oad oplotoaa. D. J. Dbkhmorb- Forv Oeorfol But that'aa brala nuaaliar; when wo gal to It tho boya bad beat aea that thalr'-nantal chamkali" ar* lo tha boat ol onJor. Tbaoka for ooUtloo of No. 1.QSI. L. R WiLLiAVB.—IQ B rarr plaaiBoi nolo Nr. Ttbct ACkoowladKaa your "boat" or lOQ, and adda ooo of hla own- bat rackooa both eaa ba ''chok«d ofT' br raroarlof the Black P at K R1 and addlai a BUck Ktat K R1 JoikK-Tbaot.- Hiaoh too; Uiat'a about It. «hT Wu. A.BinHBitAir.—A|taIocomplImoaledbytbaBonbar or Brwt r«U arlUu who aolra Bad pralae year work "Mar*," plaaao. P. RicuABPBOir.—In a letur Jaat rocatf ed. H. Pradlivut ackno«ledB4B thai ooa. it lia«l, of hla damolliloni of lOlS will not work: to one In 39.. he allll adiwraa. Thaoka for «o1otlenori,CSI. BRO. BBRNIB —Thank yoB forOanadlaa Itam. RKO. Ublhb- ThairaiiBoatJoa ia naltarfDR. nod ikoald IDT way BPpaBr ooea by which we could aceompllih nay* thiDji gaarul In lha role of paclAcAtor, It iliall ba In- prorad wlih all oorhaart. A. W.Allin. Datroli, MIoh.—Tliaak you rorthaatiaa- lloD,tha itamo ahalt be aiBnlned, bnt Tour aaoood ro* ■laait UaomeihloirwoBOTaraltampitodo. SolatloBB. BY LA RCB WILLIAMB or Ralinna No. 3.01Bboih |uri« have baao proiedanilct< ad with aocoHd aolullooa, ao lat Ihtm pa*a. OPPHOBLBM KO.IaW. 1..K tolilR? BloKte 19..QtoK8 Any 3..K-B8 R-B& l4..ftraa1aal 'YhKirl eoou Bh ror aoy oae.^'—L. R W. Tha Taichroaon mau rum ihaa: I. .0 x P +; 3.. R -t; S..B-(-;4..Bdti4- oiala. OP KNIOMA NO ion. BY D. J. DBKMIOHB. l..StloB4 PmoToa M..rioKt3-f K moran a..n-BI ProoTaa &..0-4386+ K biotm 3..B-H4 PmoToa I e..4>Boq I'mala*. Probkm 3,(0t.— Mr. OoMamlih may be prood or tha lUt of maaiAr aolveni. vlio roaaliad ua In tlia followlBB ordar: HaMrndllbarB. Deoaniora. Kulcliar and Wllllama. I..Q lobar BB-f: 3..B to KlS-f : 3..Kt 11 Kl 9+ : 4..R lo H7 4-: S.-BloKRI tftl-f :0..QtoRe + :7..Qb> karB6 4; B..B to K Kt Ki. c«>mpelllDff 6..Q M Q, maU. Blaok hia DO cholM. "Ai BD«1 11 tho bail: oTory more t punla." J. T. F. • • • "Verr baauUf^i, ihouRh not flifllcult. Tlia ireoeral poaltlon aooo luiprfuaa one with Uia way mate udbI beBlran; It then only ranaitu to force thtt poalilna."-L. R W. A aaafbl blot; ud wa will ai*d lo lhoa« who an Jaal atadylnc Into the nitan and motbodi ol auiiBAteathat thay will tod no mora aattalaotory kajvio than tofn ihroBRli lha above, Radian oo( tba raaaoaa of Rlaok'aanawertneach more. OP BNI6MA NO. 2m. L.ltloqRS PtoQft ■ - K K B K-llaq K-R2 it KKt-f Kt-KO P.B4 P-BA p-n« P-HT K-Rmi K-H3 K-Km) •..Pbac.Q 10. .2d q-Bl ii..9-ifa.f It. .TdO-Rl i3..Kt^r + l4..Ktl< P-f lft..Q'ns. coDpellloB I5..PXQ. mita. ~< B )< Klo R2 K-Kaq B-R3 K-Ktaq K-Rmi P X ici(a) (a)lf I4..K to Ktaq; U..( to RX Bv Kt, mate. "In lha WallAca iniarlick Rima, Mr W. ui(|riit naTa announcad mala In four, four unraa aoooar Uiao ha did. Aftor Black 3r..K to R i: U..Q X Kl+, K X Q; a»..R to Kt ri) 4- Toat obrloua.''—L It. W. OP PROBLEM NO. 103^ 1..K10B5 PtaRS |3..QxRF-»- RXQ ]..Kt-KtS PXR |4..R-4)4<f KtmaU Bnlgmm Ro. ll,033* BT IIRRB i. RUBQ. alKll. qn. KT. Q3. udl, KRl, ^ % attiUKC KH7. Whita aulDiataa id loor. KRi. qt, qst, KKii. ^ W 1 t (Ktt. KRa. ;, KBt. Wblta molOB In aoToa; or, aulnotao In ootod. PrabloD) No. 11,033. WHITE. Willie lo Ihlrloan nioTao. Ommr Na. lt,U33, TTia altUt inrtle lha U. B. ehuiptoDahIp, hVadbd; Wtillo. Hhowallar. .i..riiiu< t..r-aai 9..q Kl-HS <..<] H-KIO • ..K Kl-B] <..r-K.l r..qR.Ba,| >..K ln..i^lei II..U-KI ll..irH^Ji.l - K R-iSlail K Kl-K > "KB J Ml-Kl »X Kt qllBRN'H OAHBIT K< S 1 BUrt, UpkcIiuoul r-K? K Kt-BS K H.K1 CoMloa K Hi SB-1 ■liKt KN-Kan l'..OHt(a| r-URs r-q Ki I I Kl-Ba.1 fxr uSil 8 KTl.rsj" .KIl-KlagI Kt-KI. .U.KKI9 UKt-It(c) .KBkKI UfXB ,U Nl-n a K-KI m, UKI-Rl U-borSit) Whilo, Rbnwallar. at..Ki xr + - Bi-xq K R-Bai| B..KH.RI KIT* X P .KI-KI + KHXBF KR-BJ Kl-Ha+C) K-Ba<| KIX rdll4. K-KIBS Kl-B t + K-R >g KUIili<«U+K-li<inio 10 .KI II..KI _ a.. Kl-B (t Blaot, LIptchuala. K lo Ba.) KK^laq H-R«| R^IBt p.Jb« aH X P -KIM an K K F X RP .Kl-B If K-Baq 'Cl-H>^4. K.homo K-B >i| ^ It* KB-i ..Kl-R>dll+ K-KI>| ..P-HRI RJllaT ..i)R.Bi aBxr + Ratlin.. U.K-Baq 19 It M M. ir IS: t) II n m::!! Ki-q7i Oxq 10 .q NIX B.f Kl P X NUTIM. PRtiriN, in nwl'lamonUL III) Barrlnn Ibooi. of Panld.., Uia dabuthna followad aluioal aiaeUj Ilia ileaahipniaol lo Ibo aocowl nuii^ oad lha p«tilllDna ao lar oro fhlrlr oqaal. Ibo |><illtt3' kI ILI* movt. biiwoTor,driTlot ibo i^foiM B too ouoooaq,lo Flhamoubinil. l9..KlloKAInato>d:nnil Ihan,!!!!.. X B, KI X KtL BMnia lo riold Block Ibo InltUllTo. 10) DMiblUu orarlooklDO Iho tlOTar l«aalbllllT of •hich Vhllo In.lutir oTalTt blmaoir. Ill iri.<..K XR: I9..q lo Ra+, K to Klaq: D..Q XP +, KtoHI;ll..qx B,olr. Ir) Tba noBMl P itlua raaulllDK Hdio tbia odlf laaTao M'hitr olio 0 itraellcollr woo ituio. It) nia aoetiod oTomfbt CMla u tddlllooal P ud lUoa Vhllo onolbar poaaod ono, aftor ohMh Upooboan (1 Wo *n oboal lo bo maud to «n oodlpit •; ;»lina la lu wtj ao wu Ui»« ootio opooloi oehlotod br Mr. ■lofallu which wa illaanlad notlonoojto.Md otar wblrt Ibo wbolo ckooa world Uoibod. Wa dolo opOn o Uo|K ud Doaar wlllloiilr omit u oppoitoollr of botlBR «?• « I 1 ^ M g S ■lEIt, IB, QRT, KRT, l)«.IKII. J. KB! * I I 1 t t j I. ORB, QRiq. KtloB0+. S, Ktl, Kft. atMKt, Qu. MoTBmide-al. ' Pllbbarjr "BllndftilA*' The artlaile oiaBoer lo which Mr. PlllaburT trapped Pr«re*aor Raymond'a Quato la the eililbllloo at ilie llnolltan Clob, 16th Inat., wu mneh admired.-tfnsollira FRENCH DKPEKCEa Plllabory, I..PIOK4 S..QlCt-R3 B-KI6 -KB aB X n t-hlat P--QB3 5.. i" lo!!. II..K Kt-RS I3..K B-QS |S..OaAllaa ..Q Kt.R3 ..P-KB4 Fror. R. r to K a<t} KR-K« KKt-03 SXQB t-KtS P-QR3 Ca*Uaa ?-W4 P-KRS QKUB3 Plll*bor>-. Pror.R l4..QRtnBBq PloOBS I4..«&-Klaq P-K Bl ^ l6..KxPmp- QXB2dP 17. •"" ^'"f" IS. 19. 9. 31. 33. ts. 34..- ^ ^ - 35..KUBfi+. and the aalila moearcli alghalh aod alof' former naUoalorBmoklyo. bot lalbertyof JWg«F. haa aialn tUea op the ■atne, ud J"/*^*"*}^? nab amoiji lha cliy pSajen npldlp. Joroey City oa DOW pot a (aaio of roar atnog play en to the nroot. R«tUw or Spkr^h** Oheeker PUjmr. DBFIANCB. Than an twraiF-foor rtrlAtlooJ pobllafaod on tkU opeoloir, o'lhaao the irunk H^*'"-*^ Wartlaa. Vara* U hyTatoe aad Wpl'^f^ SlTM nr. IA. nu a'd. p. tbi.'b X H. S. 10, lOA. 15 Bad T7. I^Bdanoa'arooithilraarar'a 1. xClh '^ii*. Var.SAlibyJ.W.IIovard. J*J.T(a WDrtok«**LJ°u McKantle. *ew ^aotond CHakar '^oKf^ Oaoie ISL »A R by J. Blnchan, awl w. It U by J. W. Bovmrd. Ia tbla openloi the nib. TarlaUon dA U Ibo only one wa obts ao pnTlotra ncflrd or, ao veaetndlt llto Mr.Bpaytb. Oot or tvaoiy four Tarlail ooi mrea, on e la arfflaaL The Y. M. C. A. rs. N. Y. C. 0. JaaloTS. AO latereailnf; taam matfh vba playedIhiae two iMmaTecaotiy t the N. Y. O. U. rooni, «ai BoTeath Arenue. rfraltlDRln the rolkivlait aeoraa: elk: "Panaelll a loof finwall to"-tha pardierol me loyaaodMmnl . . (l) Take fila nme aad the blaiorkil Tialiatloa Bro. Polbck iDfllcte<roa Bro.Tarxaich loiha araat lonraey. and yon hare u aailafactory a eonmtniary oa the ntier- ante or Ihe Rond old Beotchmao aa cbeM can furaiah: "If ODj mon wanialo be ilom'd, let bim be oom'd." Camnt Cllpplnga. Mr. Plliabary >ot ull for BL Patenburir. Kor. 30. ah aa- nuaocod. On hla dapartun he «aa preaeattd by lita rrlaoda. ttirouvh iba liindaofMr. Doral wllh an appropri- ate chain fur (lis vatch Blno it tba (mat raceptloo ..... M^an Rllaell aod BrvckfniMaa hava Joat flnlahMl a Abart natch at tha BronhlrnUlob,therurmerwlfloiof. Mr JiAaoffrodafcydldootvloiha chimplonablp or thaMinhaiianO.n. Tne oatcome or tbe uwmej waa llo iMivcaa Mai and Mr. L>. nn)>atA Balnl. Ia pfarlDS ofr Mr. H..rurilia fnunh lima, won the coTattd title, for whIchMr J. ooihlBoccaalonmadean cillant allaht ll will be ramembartd that Mr. Halnl la aVo iho N. V. Btaia ditmpinn ThaMHranoUtAn I.aARua lailllltlialoido III aaruMtdlacnMloo, baclt«il byoAroeat effort'* louln Iba problem. TIte welithtof ofialoo li certalaly In faror ol Ihe leavoa roIdb oo, eran irthe HaohatUn parmu la lt*real(aailoo. At an eiecutln aawlon orthale^Rue'R otHcar*, BO Innnentlalcommittee, headed byM. DeVlA^r, roiofurced bj Dr. HooaKvr aod Mr. Taium, waa ap- pointed eiprea*ly to coniar wlih tha muAB«ra ol the Haoliatian tu aae vhailier aar tema coald be rormulated noJer wlilcb Ihat club oouM be Induced to reaclod lu vithdrawaL .1'lacooreiuedly rary daalrwb'atbat Ike N. O C. remain, but hy no meua Deceaaarlly latil to tha leaicae.r^oo which aa much inn^l la aun to accrue to mampolltu cheia. irit panlaulo aiayloR out We a are corrort In flupnoainjr that Mr. SabAter (? Poajoaa JuAO) who diad of panlyalA. Nor. 11, at liS Palbaile ATtnue, Jaraay Rliy. wa> llie famlllAr ud «a aancd chw patjoo aod player Mr. R waa iraAiunr of the flpinlah cikAmber of Commerce, of N. Y., oa eicertcbau piiyar, and niamtt^r of the Brooklyn aod MaDkatiu blalia By vinnlai tha ninth (nme of tkeU.n.cban- Rlan«hlp match, Mr. Bhowaliar for ihe Itrat lime took IM »ad, rour to Uitva. Thn aoreiith, a dnv, ouiilit really lo haie haan «on by Hr. M acboeli. bat by a allp aa lata ai <*).. hla Tletnry dCRaoeralfd Into a dnw. In iMrth the a1|blh and ntalli, Hr U vancomnlatfly ootplarad and, loToilltya baatan early In both. Ill* rlalble ralllototria the*e UiCrr ttaoiea. ud tho corraapoadlni rlalag lo the rc^ulnmaiu of lha aiiuatlon by hla antawunlat, an ma^ leia of B^naralcommaot. We Uar that Mr. L'a phyal^ue lNBol«<)iialtoihapnloaf[edairaiBOI ahanl inAUfawitb aoch anaDUBOnln a« hr la no* looellnic Brooklyn and WaMilBipoD, D. C. are eni-ied In a two ffame matcb by eorraapoodanca Tha Bronklyo 0. Co chanploa- Bolp uumay wi« aat dnvn to coaimance 20th ult Tvalra eninnta ven ann: MaaAra. Bnckenndee, Dalnar, SIvell, Piolay, llalma. Horphy, Uoovaine, Tatniv, Tur- ner, Rocaniora, Hutli aod Mhovaltar Then la poattin aod plaaaurable eicllamaol In the Amehcao bnathaa ot lha Brlllah Ladiea* lotaraatloDair. Ther^wllihea cibla match helwa^□ tl a paraut clud In Londgn ud Its Aaaerlcan brauc^ aa, to be definitely arraond aa mob aa PlUaburr and StalaiUntan hemcL In a hluhly apirllad and panoailre addraaN to all American laily playento cnoe lorward and Jolo Uie ruka. and aid lo pn- matlDB a caoM ao Rood aod worthy, Phtnnte Orrj, fur Uie B. L. 0. C hu thia airlklnir aod rorclUe paiaajte: "While It la quite troethAt All aoperior aoman do not play ebaaa. It la oquAlly true thai womrn who play ohaa« are loperlor; ud novibat we han recelred ao mach avuranre or tha eocoomitenent or the santlameo phyanof the Uoltad fltaiaa. 1 hallare va ftnnn In fulleat o^ddenee that oar BAAnolilloa la not oaly lacmaiBB tbo Inienal la tho raaclnailag Ranie oi chea aad nf iha hoowledaa of iia ralue aa a menul tnlnloR, bulooe of ml allllty lo comblalaB womanlyeadaaTon." We ara nrlralelv loformed ihit TA^ Atntlm Oiplc d#algoH offiarlnn a nluible cup, one worthy of auch amalatlon. lo be Brat competed for lo Ilia forthcomiDK Brltlth U.S. cahle maich; thencer-Tth to nmalnaperpataaUliAllenite cop to wbaterer oalluoal achool faelatne atnnicih and anbltlen lo eonteod ror IL No wonla or oara can add to ibe lounit la thla aplaadM noreneotor our iptrlifd ooatamponrr Our Oleaa, N. Y . correanoadcat la- rotnii oa ihat thai b<irK Iiap had no chaa* club for onr tvo yeani, and but few or the oM Kuard ramilo there. He- ceitly Champion Ueo. n. Kanirorih of BurTalo appearad anoDB them, wham Mr. Palmer, a local amateur, faced and TA. erto tbatdouihiy KiorCalaaa luida a Mora of one each ind oao dnw. One or tha andlnRahii been ■eat UN A cheu and dircker club hu beau or^ulutl In the Wett Bod V. H.O. A.,ol Torooio "Au reter- Folr." CHECKERS. tolallaai or PaollloB Ho. 3U, Vol. 43. MO OAMI BT W, aeWillD. Block 1 S II II S Wbllo91 91 n S 17 Vhllo to pUr uil win. .11 ■ 11 17 d la 17 u IP 10 a II ,91 M 1 a II IB a II and wlilto vlna hf oownloR Uia man on 10, and comlDK down aod aiduoaioR iba loao on H, lharobr Torcloa tint Itoalllon. . PaolUoB R'o. «0, VdI. 43. lloipiT Kiunlaa on to Ibo ud, praMkBOblF n«a a or da^. Whllo9l 90 a II l« II Willi, to pla) anil draw. OBBaa Na. 4U, Vol. AJ. LAIRD AMD LADY, nayail In Rrooklyn rocanllr Ivtoeon L. R. I J. Do Pioaat, Ibo laiur playoil blnrha. II 21 IP II II a 17 a u 17 It 10 17 91 It la IB la a 19 17 91 a < » a a IB a S II 0 10 II a i« HXol o It 9 It r 0 l> Id It IP a 7 9 10 a Id a II 17 a to 17 U 91 tt la II 10 w n IS la Drawn lo) In Iho raalrtclad mtlcb bal.oon C. P. I J.r. RoKl Iholallarrtrlcd alIhiapolotwlUi 1 S n Uii) 7 10 It 18 II 10 » It 10 la » a 17 a 90 7 9 lU s a a i< a a 10 It le 0 a It a 10 Drawn. It) Duilr iiUoa tho rollnwloji: IT a 7 10 la la II 19 a 7 I II la IS II 18 a a 18 e V 7 S 10 U II 8 II la II 10 It II 1 It 17 7 9 17 U 9 7 n a a It II la tl IS It IB U II B 17 B 9 77 a a u a r u la IP la II la IS II IB 11 II 18 IS II Nawo af tha 0»ma. "V<*^ "awn. Uar, tnootor, Rapp ud Uallaabor, moot nnlorlj n>r piactlco at Mr. Blow. Itlo Holol. on Oommuolraw Aranuo, arart Tnoadav OTanlna TIalloia conllallr walcomod. Mr. Blowllt baa klaillj irinatbomaroom forplu aotl a laajn of four lo pnpoaod br Mr. Bapp to coolaatiillh Iba dlifarrat oaatbr Sjiloa HaMia. U<il(u. Ouban, Vatlor aod Jdrn Bo- Raleo an worklnii hard lutmolalloii riiloa, budleaiNi aikl roanlaltooB lo r*rora llia Innhcomint Now Vnrk totnor. A dallnlle autameot will aooo ba niaJo br iho Cfimniluoa^ ud Iba totirorr will comtnanca about Ju. 1. ^......HcAtaor, or Tkr I'AiowkK-lvlrvnip*, aua that "aa anort mar l>0 niado bj Eopllrii aulbura Inlaroalad t-i S"'^'^^?«!''•,."'!^,''»'" ^' wIm tho ImporUHon ot Bnjih ObKkar Plajar " Tlili wouU bo mora lo Iho dia. adrulaao or our koallah cou.loa tbau to Iboir loloiwau ror aoloU Ibor naro norar had lha oppiinuoitr u liava Uia play ol Parnt.Rluroaaa a.d Aodaraoo In aurb pro- aooubla ikapo borora. >nw Ihaj tu (ot a naaldoal or L*'? I» Ji'salir pilton up book,and atlU Ibarara not hillj aatiaSed Blrbooahaw, Uia Loodon oiport who rwonllr daloolod Roaltloaobodti.loudoaroilniui »t on a maub with IUttt J cob for £fi. Mr. Jacob la a Uknul cbookirlat, aod will run Blikaoaliaw a bald ran. ......Tba aeolllafa oUrora aro aolhoalnalic erar lhaIr '"""Jl,.'^'*'*'-. V <'■* loadiBii pivoa ol BoMlaod will maal ntalr panlclpau r»r B'ortd «ra Ihat H. B. MaraoHo toada tbo rollowlni acoraa: BatuoUa 0; Mow. '"«•. 0: 'rawD, t. RajnoUa I; tlMjUi,0; dlawn.l. P*'"'SS'= ''^"h*- diawB,! W7«obia.«i Plllo. barr, I; drawu. A Anoolda. 0; Tjaoo. 0; dtawn, i. karBoklAl; 8chaarbr,li; diawa, N Qiut •app.a Y. ■.(: II. Uolhoo. II. Oppaohalm 0 0, HelBionkon. 3 N. BulUo I J.Bnllh 9 II. Muaaon I iron.LoitIhii. 0 0 0 N. Y.o.a KOotmn.. a TcoBiaaa. A. airlchar.. <l. Kanon.. J. U onaj iro*.£oilX)nl. ...s 1 a ...3 2 I ...S I 0 ...2 3 I I 3 I t:ipL Doroolar. I 4 1 TntaU It 17 a Tolala 17 U Ihla la oolr Ibo locond dofaal Uio y. N. C. A. hito rooalrad Ihla aoaaoo. Tbor wo o abort o o or tbair ouoaaaat plarara, B. J. Varlay. who wat hard at work on arruKaoioola Tor tba roralop lourooj.udnodoobtUio acoro woold haro baao mora rarorabla It ho bad plajad. Itwillbonollcod Ihat MaaurRnahao toopoopbla rxa. Ullon. Ho la a lonap plaior or much roreo and ciiat promlao, and iBBure to bonoa ol oar baat ir bo eontinaoa atlhoiaioo. WHEELIN G. Naw Jenoy'a Haw Boalawatil, wmcli exlaDda trom Fnit Leo to Beigeo Polol, iboot rourlwB milea, preaeotlng t msgsUlcontatreloIiar HbeelloK rosil, waa fomially open«l on ThantB. giTlbg I)*r, and Ibe occasion brought togeUer Desrlj Bll the iirlic«lincn of llils aecUon of conntiT. The chief realure of the doj waa the parade. In irhlch siioot (wo thoosaod tidere look part, iudj Of lUe wbeela bolog Itandaomtlj decoraled wllh naga, biinilng, nowera, etc., while the resldtncea aloDg iborouie were, many of them,BlBo tMsottfollr decorated In honor of the occsalon. The Board of Freeholden tnd msnj thouaande of epectaiom, a large nmporUon of the number being IsdIaa, wlt- nemed the mmde. Tha prize offered tor the best decorated wheel waa atraided lo JohnRodgei8,of Jiney Clir llelght^ and that offered lo the dob bBTlnp the largvat number of menbcta In line was taken bj Iho Oreenwicli Wheelmen, or ihla dir. The parade alaried at 101. B. from Ihe entrance to Schueiun Parle, Uolon DUI, and proceeded to BaTODQO In three divlalona, nude np as follow: rirat UlrUon-Orand Hsnhal, Cspt. WlllUm Buckbee, Ullo Wheelmen; aaslaisnia, BidoeT Allen Arthur Ruhllb, Fred lUpp and Edward UoIiiBisnD, Clio Wheelmen. RJTenide Wheelmen, Qreenirloh Wheelmen, Oeniurr Wheelmen, Hlchaux Blcjele Club, and Yorkvllle Wheclueo, Mew York aa; YoDkero Wheelmen, Ccninir Wheelmen, Newark; EKBt Orange 'Ojrclcra, Bergen Cooniy wheelooen, RlilgeOvId; Union (Ainntj RoacUiera, Raharaj; Crcaecnt Wheelmio, IlaloOeld; Kings Coanij Wheelmen, Brooklyo. Second Dlvlatan—UsrahAl, Ihnid IfartlD, Arcanum Wheelmen. Jersey Oily Lelghla; aolstsnia, Oeoige A. Riley and Hartln Loekwood, Ufayetle Wbtel- men; Walter Uawby aod Edward wlnert. Olo Wheelmen. Clio Wheelmes, Arcsnnm Wheelmen, Lafayeite Wheelmen, Kudion Uounty Wheelonen, UayoDOe n. nnd A. A. Wbeelmen, Kewsrk Bay 13.0. Wheelmeo, Now Jeraey A. U. wheelffleo, Gaatle Point 'Cyclera, Dllltlde Wheelmen, liamuion Wbeel- men, Jeraey Clly Tourlata, Koyauns Wheelmeu, Barrow Wheelmen, Hamilton Park Wheelmeo, Palms Club Wheelmen, Jeraey City Club Wheelmen, and Catholic Club ■Cyclere. Thlid IMvlsloD-llsnbal, William Sollh, Olo Wheelmen; aa.lalaoia, Benjamin Taylor, Albert \oD Neaae and Ceorge Fenton. Lafajreils Whfelmen, Lalayctte 'Cyclera, Bergen Lady 'Oyoltn, Puilian Wheelwonieo, Jeney Olb Uelgbia Lady Toanats, Brooklyn Bicycle Club, FlalnOeld Wbeel. men, Tourlat 'Cjclera of Patomon, and uoattacled ildera. Each rider In tho parade received a aoureslr badge of a unique dcalfn. In ibe afternoon iBtre were races held nyor tbe Uayoniis section ot Ihe Boulevard, wllh tho bUrc and llnlah oppoallo the CaalDO picnic jgrounds. Sommary: Oneaillc. noTlco.~Won bt JamaaSoudor, P. Bowaa lac- one. 0. OMaoBladt ihlrd. Timo. Im, ai. fnio laUa.—Won by J. T. Dionpaoa, BCralcb; W.A. WbBlplar, raida., aecood; A. C. Uioao, aeralcb, Italid. Tlnio,aai. loa. OiuiaUe-Won bjA. 0. Orotn.acralch; 0. OMenitadt, TOjda, aocond; J. Thompaoa. acraleh, Uilid. Tlno, 3m. 41a. net niUa.—Won br J. IbompaoB. A 0. Oteon aecood, Ouatar Llppman third. Tlma, ISm.3Sl. Om Billi: coaaoUllon.-Mroo by A.J. Pord.D. J. Haw aocond, J. KortiBBdnrlar tblnl. Tlmo, >m. 90o. The Wheel at Lakewoed. The road races cf the Ukewocd (S. J.) Bicycle Club, held on Tbankeglvlog Day, Kot. S8, were nit- nessed by about three ibouaand persona, a very large proporUon ol ihe number tielog ladles. Ihe enlrlea reached over ono hQodred, sod a good day's aport was enjoyed. Summaiy: ItaoUp Bila rnce. Ocou Coonly champlauiblp -W n ."l'TSS ""f°l,?S.''"?»'iJ""<'n' »• Loiraraon, TinOiOMi. I(i7,a. One MIt. no.lco.-Wop bj Oeonto A. Ilawmoa, Bad lllon, K. J.. Iblid. Time, In. Ila! IJifiailla opoo.-Won b. r. A. Rlcht. Bmolilrn, lAd^: Piailarlck Sbario, llaoillun. .1 J. aojjda. lot tm «i. ' '">^" • Tl«^ rJ!!S^W-iS"'-^^"Z "T Hanleon.AoborTParb: v!;'r::^!'rd.''?ftntv. <""«•'• ^^ATiAiS.:Si. tt: j°'te » gjd iOuUUi. Ilamllloo, K. J, lOJida, tbia? TiSmS: UaUmlU, opan.-Won by Jao Htrrlaoo, Aabury Path; V \ r!r'.'*°l aocond; Cbirlea M. Etu, Maw York,Uilrd. Tiraa, 101.80. ^ <anOam.-Won br_W. H. Owon, Brooklrn. ;°1 tfanahaw. Raw Vorb; T. F. aiodni.D, Naw Y«k W^J' '• 'i"}"!?? onlr.-Won by W. P. Ray. noUa.Hilda.; p. 8. Bhlon, acialch, second; i:. R. Btalan, JOrda., ihtnl. yuoRcr Billc^jaorilToars and uador.-Wonby W. •lino. Lakawood; J. punn. Ukowood. accond; R Van. >chaon, Lakawood, third. The naclHg BMrd-e BwUetla. flr^inml jim/l«(<maJa.-Frank F. Davis, Doter. N. U.;Jnacph OreT, llorer.N. U.; Frank J. Uoston KeiinebHokporf, We.: Will llowsrd, Nottb Berwick Ho.; Qeuige Sarhello, Maine; WlllUm 0. Baxier Houtrord, wis., also snspended unUl July I, ieta.tor compeilOR lo unsanctioned races: P. Ktoll, Hy Bone, Wis., siso suipeoded nnUI Inly 1, IBIS,for cooiiMIIng In nnsancUoned races; Roy 0. Smelker. Haillaan, Wis., aim suspeniled not I July 1, IS9e,for f!i"'.l!"'5»..!.° nnaancUoned race: Arthur Shay, Ulgblsnd, Wis., also auspeortedunUl July 1.18«6 for compeiing In unsanctioned races; Chatleallofer.St. fttuf, Ulnn., also suspended pesdlag InpesUni on; Cooper, aransda, Jl^n., also aiiapeoded penTlnam: veallgaUos; Quy V. Carson, Winaebago Clly, HTon., alao anepended pending iDTeallgalloo. I>iin«lT»(o dn«>a—F. Bsnon Slows, OoDwsy, llASs.; John II. Oardner, Weathon, Haas.: 0. M Ans')S0b,Clsrlnda,Ia.;O R. UsIl, Honnd Clk Ho.; m''?S!S.''u "''^'-„'^"'' I'""-! <^'»« R. Bock Uamllne, Minn.; aepmo T. Bigta, HlonaapoUa^ Minn.; Pele Osilnnd, HInneapolli, Il{un.: B. irTKc. Cleary, SL PanI, Minn.; John Xelaon, MIoneapolla, MIon.; A. 0. Herteo^ 6L Psnl.MlDn.,sl«oiii«peiDde<t pending Ihtesllgallon: J. Wlnen»ibn, 81. Paul. Minn., also suspended pending iDTesUtallon; a. a! HadlioD, St. Pool. Minn., also euipeniled peodlu laresllgallon; J. A. Uaoson, MlMeapolls, MIoS? Rlao a-epended pending lureatlgaUon; HnvaidPilr ■Inneanolla, HInn., alao auapended peodloi Inreail. gallon:!. T. Dugan, llamlloe, MlDD.ra1soauspended pending luTcatlgatlon. —a-».«™ TBia riAB money prices will be gireo the Ont fear men In the annual lloMeanx.rai1a.Fr., race. Imtead oftha mce being open only 10 analaura. Thepnnea aro: 3,000 franca to Unit, 1 .too franco to necoiS, w francs to third and wo franca to fourth, nie rice inil come off 00 Hay 33, 24. X. !.'"*!2.* ■■"ROB were made at the Uollseum. lisabTills, Tonn., on Ihe erenlns of Nor. 28^(1016 from flying almitii, unpaced. L. D. ternelt loweiad reduced Ihe tre mile* racord to tgm. is. F. 0. TsoBnoN, of WaahlogtoB, D.a.was Iho winner of a Iwenly ollea naS nee at lU pUn! Thankagirtng Day, hla ttme being tim. as. Tire roadwaslDgi)odoondlUoo,sndtheraoewsspaftlcl. paled In hy fony.three wbedoea. Baired FmB All Timeks. The Aat ot the Racing Beam ot Ameilcsn Wheel, men In the esse ot Ibe crack Olsaa B itden, Fred J nma, Oiiaries U. Horphy and L. D. Cabanne, has at laM been annonnced, and the penally for the offence ot which they have been convicted Is a TcmeTcro one. The omclal tnoooncemcDt losde br ciiaiV man Qldeon Is u followi; ' B7 Tola or the Ru'ai Boaid L. D. Cabuoo^ Bl Lahu Mo.: 0. M. Mnrphr, Bniokljo. H. Y.. uSr.jT'SuifK^ YoA CUT. R. Y.,hara baen placod uon tha llalorflSS mea who an pormuanUy barrod rrom l\irUiar paiticii.. iloB In loaria imcsa. Tbla anapaoalondnloa man Sod i ISAUio man baabis taaa pomilued U) Hda an^Tr piS looixadlniiMttloinantartholreaio. •••iiarrio. Tto Charges agaln« Ihe men were of aiieoiDilnir to divide between UenuelTes the ipolla or Uie sl lionls bicycle meet, beld Ang. M. Rabsnoe lived at BL Louis, and ms asztons to mate a good aliow iDgbefors hla filendi. ItwasoIalniedibstbenK. arranged wllh HnrpbTSDd Tlios lo let the forinrr win tbo hail mlln event and himself OolHh Imi in the mile open. Hnipby won the Dim race wlih an. pareni ease, bnt whon ll cane lo Oabsnne'a inm to Silnt in Orat in the mils race Uaiphy darted naat m and woo. After the msei,ll laBld,Obaiino and TIlua uiked abont the alleged crookediesa of Murphy. The words came lo the ears of the raclne board member, who letegraphed to Chairman Old. eon the infonnailoo. The uatler iJDmedistely %\u ponded the men, bnt sfierward sl'owed them to ride under protest. Being lotervlowed bjrs reporter ot iTis ifeu rork Sun sfter the promolgstlon of the vordlcl, Tllut said that lbs decision was a great sorprlss to him as he stonily molntaliis Ihat neither Morphy Ck- basnoDor himaelf are goiltyof Uiechaists. lie farther says tliat tho Rtveralde Wheeloien, of which he la a member, Intend lo bring the case before ihe Natloaal Assembly, whea, he believes, the decision will bereveiaed. Tltoaeajshe andenundalbatof Ihe Ave meraben ot tbo Aaclag Board, two voieil for aci|nittsl, two tor convlcUoo, and that Ohslr. msn OldeoD cast the goal vote, which was lo cno. vlot i^banne hae annoonced hla intention to seek rodten In the conns for what he calla tho outnie committed by the racing boan], and. In tho mcau- time, he has sent Ihe followtog wsmtng coumunl. cation to all tho dabs which havo wllhheld prl«s won by him at their ueeto: "I irsnl to DoUly yoo that I wlU bold yoo legally reqmnslhleforprueswon by me and held by ynu It delivered to anybody else. It my saapenelon la a permanent ono, It la my Intention to bring suit agslnat the L. A. W. I have consulted lawreni in St. Lonis sod New York on ihla oohjeci, and It you will do likewise yon will Hod that yon are lesnoii. elble, or wUl be reeponalble, III win my aulc agsioet the league, which Is a sure Ibiog. In courui nr JnaUco fa the United Suie9 hesrety evidence is not uken, and this is all there Is agBlnai mo In ihls case. I do lot wish to serve you wllh an bjnnc- Hon eolt, and do not wish lo incnryoorenmiiy. Vuu will please hold these prtces as! hare asked,ortste tho coneequenccs ot s lawnilL" At the CotteB Kxpoaltloa. TeDttaousand person! gathered to witnessed the ■cysiing meet held at the E.tpoelUon atAUanta, Qa., on Saturday, Nov. 30. Uoforlonaleiy Ibe track ivaa In poor condition, and in consequence ibe nc ■ log waa not as exciting as it woold have been had the rldera been able to do sll that they are capable of. Biill, conaldembte Interest stuched to the events decided, whiota resulted as ahowain the summary below: J:A- <t.W.l,b Onil.Pnok Daria oec- ood. R. Walthour third. Time, Sm. iHH '^J^ B.-0>i>. 3iyi:, Irai; Llat, eoyda., aae- ond; Coulter, acratcli, third. Tlina,Iai.39^ ""J'Hf- ptoraaalonal lljing atart—Boilo dmt,Cutlor aeoad,Bllrlo third. Tlma,3in ll^i Jto> alia Up nee. Out B.-Coi wou Ihroa bpa ud loatono. Time. 7m. 10a. Ou,|burlA mile, opoa.—Walthoor Orot, Uollo ucnod, Dudlor thitd. Tlmo. 39Ka OM ■Utppoj, Claia g.-Conlt«r Brat, C« aocoid, Van Uarick third. Tlmo.lin.aa. DoV ralie, prolaaaloMi, iljInR tIait.-Berlo llrat. Bo- CoidyBecond,8oavyUiln). Tlmo, Im. lOa. UaUmm, opon.Claaa A.—Lum, or HonliomoiT, Orat; Waltbouraoonnd, Dulwrttblrd. one mile; Blala cbamplnablo.—kl. Dnillor Iral, Wai- tbouraocood.Jobnaon ihlnl. Tlmclm eSKa. . Oraacut team from Unltrillo Kr.mTean «. lilMtlOB ran of thrao mllaa. Tlffl^iIn VH^. In tho loam wolo J. B. ud W.B. HllcboU, Updyke, Uanawonli. DuhoitBBdJ. CMIIdiall — r-» . The Wheel oa the Mope. The two daya' NaUooal Clrcolt meet held si Saota Anna, Cel., Nov. tl, 28, opened lo a poor at. tendance. The track la pronounced exceedingly faal. Bald and W. A, Taylor wen the star perform- ers on 27. The Boffalo Oyer cut down a Held of fourteen In iho mile handicap, irlnnlng by a cnm- furhible margin. In the two mile bsndlcap. Class A, Taylor, Who hails from Duarte, Cal., eaiablUhed a world's record of 4m. MM*, iiuarter mile track. A itrong breeze hampered the laceta. 0. M. Uurphy waa present, but received notice ot his snapenslon from Cbslnnan Qldeon. Sumnuuy: pntMTt mite, elaaa B—Bald won, Cooper aaeond, Klur third, WeUa roortb. Thno, ttVa. UaU ntte, opoa, daaa A.—McFatlud won, Oownlog aocond, Praeman ihltd Tlma, lin llo. One oiUr, clau R.—BaU won (torn acraUh, Blear, ajrdB., aocond; Hct^aa, ajrda., Uilrd; Cooper, tarda., lourth. Tim* 2ib. 17a. n > i . noo Blflca, claa A—Ctomvall, tt)7da„won; Toomu, aOrda., aocond; Taylor, a^nlcb, third. Time, tn.Ila. Ihra mUca, claaa B.-Eltchan, lUyda., won: McCraa, lOl^s., aocond; Ulbrecbl, iOrda, third, tmt, ia. UH'- Preata Reeoida Abraetd. Two now recorda were added to the list in Eng. Und on Nov. is. At tbo Oatfoid track, London, T. Oaborn beatp. w.OUlon's hsltmlloncordott7!Va., by tiding the distaace in 5rHa.,alB0ll'lngr. Qlb. bons-Brookce'andA. W. Barrla' quarter mile record en route, so)<a. Over the same road conne ridden uy A. Peliant and Leitch when Ihe; made a mile on the Unriem In im. 31Kb., Earl and Pepper, nalog an ordinary chain, rode a mile In im. ztKa- Aa wo suted {n last week^ paper. In retemogtoUiicb and Fellanfa jMrfomance, the Orat bait ot the track was down hOl, thai invalldsllag ths time as a record. Caaaot RecoTor lias's Badr. In a letu:r to his father. In Alton. III., WUIIam L. Sschlloben writes that he has been compelled to give ap the Idea ol iccovoting the body of P. a. iMZ, the mardered Aoorlcan 'cyollat, as the mon undor arrcat refuaed to divulge ibe burial place. Oe Alio eayi that he will leave Brzeroom aa emn aa possible, as the recent massacreB there by the Kurds, and the knowledge which these deaperate oharaoura have ot hla mlaslon, have gresuy eo- daogetcd his lite. u, u« o gn»uj oa '!,""'!'*'> 'A0« was held at Aahuiy Park, N. J., 00 Nov. S«, under the soiplces ot the Kolkhts of the Ooldon Kagle, and waa wimeased byaboat one thousand people. Twentv.gve rldera book part ^the event, twenty tour Untehlng. The race was won by IraOIuinn, 10m.siart,iaSTm.;Obi1a.Hapa. 12m., aecpnd, in dlra.iits. The aim umo pdte waa won bv T. Vandemer, In 81m. 80s.; Qua Hoaaland second, Sim. «s.; Oeorge O'Brien third. Sin. 16s. i.A'^ RicB between teama representing nspec^ IvciyFrance andOennanytook place atthoVelo- drome d'lllver, Parti, Nov. 10. It was a tandem match between the Famam Bnihen and iwo Oo- derboraa, the Int heal being 2,000 metres aod the aecond beat 8,000 melna, and Ihe Frenchmen both ?iJf^™.'I?:3'- •"!! reapooUTely. On the Bsao day Jacqaelln Oolthrd flitt In a a,000 2JHSL".'iS'_'" Joureler seoond and Monoger third. Ah iNTinMATiONAL Blx dsys ladles' bicycle tonr- nsment commenced at the Royal Aquailiim. Lon- don, Rag., oa Hnoda;, Nor. IB. Owing to the lanre i'h.'^,^' ?f na\ni li waa dwidea lo ran J.^lu.VJ",!"" aec loPi. Iho rider fa eitheraeollon JS!£'fi,1.°£'f*'^f»'*"i?'"»"'*'» the week to ro- colva the main prieo, English, French and Belglao rldera are engaged. . 5!?5' *»« "» winner of a ten miles road race at Long Branch, K. J., on Thanksgiving Day. iDe race loSk place on Oman Avonoe, Onlaliigg In troni of the Ailando nmel, and Raid, Ira., rtding tho dlaunce la aom.SDi. Ttie «Ks. ' V""*"*".'» OBOROB noKT, Ihe Engllih sma'eur rider, has. It fM-'?;M'»"_T''i Pn'f«*onal, and as a reward for this action hn la said lo receive a aalaiy of t!,M0 •^ii^.'Si.'."'"' ♦?* for each wlnnloi event and tan for each meant. Many aaolher 'ipin am- ateur' wonhl follow Dint's enmpis U offered the same inducements. JoDK 8. JOBNeoN had another crack at Ibe records st Ibe Oollaeom al NwhvlUe, ttau., Nov. », when he rode halt a mile from a flying start, naeed. In in. as., and later lowered the Tutoac raoord. nnpaeed, flying start, to lis., L. & BsneS luviS Just before BadeII InitKa.