New York Clipper (Dec 1895)

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636 THE NEW YORK CUPPER. Beoember 7. Om of Ui« ufDnKnU •gslnat Uia doable umplnt (jMmlaUiittwelreeoinMKnt men cannot be oli- MMd. BowtTtr, Itnn lilionlil bs no trooble lo w- iMttaic • oonm of uniHrai fnm Ui* rolloirlnc IjMli, Raultt, Uant, Kcere, McUouM, Mnmj, OanitT, UoeMbw, Bnjilar, Jonet, Orapbtll. Ilunt, SwiitirooA tnd oUMra who can be added. Fair off tbeaan ao tint Uie jonnrer and leai experleactd nuD will go witk tbo Ttienna. Otauncer Flabtr, one of Ihe pltcbendmrud rrom Um Indlftupolli team by tbe Uinclnnatl Clab, baa ntamed 10 nu iDdlanahomaffoo Oalifornla. Ilia eipeileDce on tbe PaclOo Ooaat, gained aa a mem- ber of tbe Oalironila Winter Leaaoe, irlll laat bim a longwbllt. Ibe Olnclnnatl Oluh baa no* alnut given np all bone ol obuiaing Ularke'a releaae rtom tbe Ixiula- TlUae. Tberonnermade wbat ItcomldetedaTetT Ubenl offer for Ibe pla;er'a leloaae, lint Ibe Ken- tDoManadld noilookatli lo Ibeiamellgbt, and tbe ooaaeiiaeiiceaara mat Ibe deal lioir. Otherclnha will inbablr nmai bj VInclnuatl'a fallare, and ra- ooiMder taf deala tbej maj bave bad In ne*. II baa lieen •uneaied that a Irlal ebonld be glren toLjncb.or ibe BprlnBOeld team, of ibe Rutern Laagna, by tbe New Yorka, wban thejt go Honlb DexiBprlog. ObarleTSnTiler, tbe veteran plaTer, ban lieao ap- polnled an unplra bj lYeatdent lien u. Jobnaon, of UM Weatera League, for next acaion. ValenUae r. Anrder on Dec. 3 realgncit aa Ireaa- onr of Ike Veir York Olub and waa aucceeded br Obarlaa U. Pmnobar, proaldent of Ibe Irving Na- Ueoal Bank. Mr. Hnjdar'a private bnJneai pre- Tenled bIm trom giving too mucb alicntlon to tbe •AlnotUie cluli, I'imnk C. Hancroft, iMialncMa manager or ilie Oln* olODatl Clnl>, u making arrangoraeniH for tbe laam'a tup Heaib next Hprlng, Ariboagb Iho nmc- tloe aeaaon bi ntarljr rnor mnnlhi oir, liuncroft baa Bliaadr aecceeded In aecurliig the opiloa on two dlSarent b«ll parka lo Houibem clUea. draat iblnm are expecled fnin Hartj Uarger, kbdlfbeaboDlilaboirupwell during tbe prelinil- naiT ptudco he naj do tbe moat of tbe caicbing nail jew for tbe Iknuin leatii. Some know all are placing Joo Kellev on nrat baae for tbe Ualtlmorca noit aeaaon and liiirle In left Held. Wonder wbat Hanager llanlon baa to •■iroDtbataabjNL iobn 0. Ulartaon, tbe ex-profeanlonal plicbar, will ptobablr coach tbe Yale unlrerallj lenni next Spring. H. 0. Knowlea, tbe clever comedian, who to now plaTing la I,ondon, Rng., la the aiillior of an Inler- aaung article on tlie paai, preaent and future of baaaball In Rogland, whli-b recenUy appeared In tbe "WIndaor Magazluo. It la fully lllualnaied, beaded bj a group of toaeliall piaym promlucot Id don, and Inclading tbe champion lierlij leanL CRICKET. Tui ronrv RicoMn annual hbktinu of tbe Her- mantowii (Hub, uf roltadelptila, Ta., waa held Nov, ao, In Ibat oily. Tho iHwrd ot managom preaenled lla k^tuioal report, kbuwing Ibat Ihe lolal member- ablp t^' ue oluh la now 1,310, and that Ihe malt uf tbe work of tbe varloun cHckol leama baa been tbonngbly aatUfncrnty. llnrlng one week tbe club bad no fewer man el;;ii dlifonnt clovena In tbe fleld, aod It waj a no:ewortby fact that nellber ihe aeonnd eleven mrtlio Junlureloven loata ohaniplon- atlp game durlrig Iho noanon. 0. 8. ralteraoii liad Ue beat Individual lialilog and Inwllng averagea Id flrnt eleven aanwa. Klglit cenlurloa were Korvd by menbe.a or tho cluli during ine paat aeaaon, Q, B. Fatlenon being credited wlili four, F. II. Hohlen wllb two, and W. W. Noble ami a. II. Wnnler wllh one eaob. Tlie trcaauror'a report allowed ihe re- celpbi tor tbeytar to lie tu:i,I^ll.u& and (boe.xj>onaca tSiUO.Sl The following onicera were re-olacicd: l*nnldenl, Tbomaa UoKenn; vlcc-proildonut, K- Wla- ter, I>. B, Nowball and U. Tower Jr.; aecrebiiy, 8. V. Merrick, aud Inanurer, K. W, Ulark Jr. aiOBHi KaiiaAN, wbu died of lirlglii'a dlnaao at Tkink, Kng.,Nov. in, waa onco ibouuiK faniiiiia taat bowler of the day. lie wan bom July 2i, iMt, »t Borougbbridie, Yorkahire, Kog., and waa con- teoporaiy wltbTom KromelJ, wllh whom he made • treat tapiilallon In ibe Yorkibire eleven from Ilia to lail, iDolualve, Ula career In lint claiu orteket waa, however, brief, on account of onler- Ing Into bualnuaa. Ilia bowling waa excepilonally Hit, II coming unlckly nif the pilch wllb a very psBlIng aplii. lioringlilH brief cricket eaieerbo waa erodlied wllh numeroua inwllng feaia. lie waa alao a dno hlilor and acored largely at UnicH, bla muat notewertliy fwt In that reapect boloa bla IB agalnat tbe Iwwllng ol J. 0. Bliaw, Alfred Bbaw, u.Tamntand It. 0. Ttnley In laos. KreenaD la well remembered here, having been one of iho team of Kogllab profeaalnnali, captained by Kdgar vnuaber, thai vlalted tbia country In IHaa, lo ibo all ganaa Iheo played agaliiat odria Freeniau liowled w wicketa at ibe coat of only iko nina. Tni OALiroiuiiA OuiciKT AioociATiiiN haacloaed lla cbanplonablp aeajon, wllh the Alameda, Do- hemUn, I'aulllo and (^llfomla (^luba ranking Id tbe aaoe order aa In (he preceding aeaaon. Tue Oallfomla Aaaoolallon la to enol a taeadatone over the grave ot F, A, AiuonMho eapiain and founder ol ue Oallfomla Olub. The Alameda Oluli for Ibe routtb conaeoiiilve aewon won tbe ohaDpleiiablp, having pbiTod tweuty-one ganioa laat aeaioa, of which eighteen were won, two hiat and one dnawu In Ita favor, Tai repreoeoutlvea of Victoria, New Sonlb \ralea andBoulb Auaitalla, aiiosded a moeilig of tbe Auanallan Cricket Oiuncll (loL 0, at Syduey, and decided to aeud a team lo Kngland In iiM. and ■ oommunlcalloD waa directed to be aost lo 0. W. Aloook with a view of hia arranging a aeilaa of maicbea In Kngland, Itwiualao naelded ibatihe TlilUiif learn abould be illabanded uol hiler than Movenuiar, lim, In prevent any louring In (be Aua- tiallan colonlea. 8. M. J. Woom, who fonned one of Lord llawke'a team tbat played bera aoverel eoaaona iigo, dialln- gulibed blmaelf laat year liy umking 31ft luna In two hoora and thirty mlnuiea, for Souieraetablre agalnatimaaex,atllr{(hioD,Kog. lla made the laai ceitut7 at the mta of nearly tworoiia a minute, TBI late Oeeige Freeman bowled with wonderful egboUvenen agalnat the I'bliailelpbht twenty-two la IbM, capturing no fewer than twonly-aevon wloketa,aevonleeoaf which wore clean bowled, at tkeooatof onlyutruni. Kighteen of tboiu bowled by Freeman In the (wo liiuluga failed to acore a tun. Till Iblrtlotb annual meeting of Ihe Morion (Jlub, ol rhUadelpbla, I'a., will be field Deo. 1, wben uf- lloen will be elcoled and a banquet diaouaied. A dimoatlo entertainment waa given Nov. so In ihe new caaino building on tbe club gnunda at Haver foM, I'a. K. nooD and J, J, Uorlarty bad a oloee lace for lead In the IjatUng avengta at the Alameda Club, of tbe UillfonUa Aaaoobtllon, the former being Oiw by Tlrtue of tbree not out lunlnga, K. 0. Stoniaa bad tbe beat iMWIIng avemiea. It IS Uie Intention ol (be Oallfomla and Uohomlai Qaba, ot tin Qallfonita AiuurlaUon, to bare thuir gronndi at Oakland tebild and put In iboruugb order before tbe next aeaaon opeiit. W. a. Oaici, the champion crtckeler, baa put the U,O0D of bU alllllng loatlmnnlal Into an endowment biaaiuce polloy, payable In dneen yean. A HuoiiTT ot Iho morabera ot tbe Kngllib cricket team, canUliKd byLonI llawke. Bailed Nor, ai tor Bonth Africa. Tnn Funk i Wagnalla Oompany celabmted, on Not, 31, tbe Int annlveraary of tbe completion of their "gtandaid lllcUouHrr," by pulling to nrcaa the nlnelletb tbonaand ol llila great work. Tlila la a very large niiniberofdlolloiuriea 10 print Inaalngle rear. A feaiuro of IhU drat aunlvetaary of tbe puli- Ilcalloa waa ibe forwarding fniu ibe reuuylvanla depot, tor Michigan, of a big fnlibt car loaded wholly with "Btandanl IMollonatlea." Lane Iclleii on muilln auroaa the aldra of Ibo car told uie public ol the ooutania. THE niriDiMi siioiiT la the match liolween Capl. A. II. Bogardua aud W. "Tnnip" Irwin, for a gold medal, took place al Sprtngileld, III., Nov. a, and waa won by lloganlua, giving bIm Ihe luatcli, tbe cendldonaolwblob wore tbe l>eattwoln Ibrce to win. Tbe ralea governing ihn Kboot were Ibat only one barrel abould be uaed, Ibu riao lielng ditetn yard*, arttb a (en yard* circle around Ibe trap, and any bird kllledlnHlda Iho circle being acored aaloat Oarr, Jambi B. (Iokmn, the rctemn pluol ahol, now baa bla long ealalillabcd ride ami mvoh-er gal- lery at the New Uanhaltan Atblellc Ouli, ihia dlr, and bla gallery la dally vlalted liy menibera and tb«r gueau wbu are ex|>erta nr Icamcra la Ihe art of tar- get ahooKiiB. Then an on exhililllon at the gal- leiy a large collecUon of portmlia of noltd tuarka' men and abootlng recorda almoat without lumber. Biuii Wimn, aged toniteeu yean, la atate<l lo have won twn turfcoya In a ahnot agalnat men oo TbankaglTlDi Day, at fort Jerria, N. Y. Bbe bi a left banded abuoter and uaed a Renilnflon, ATHLETIC. comno BVBBm. l)«e. 7-&VH1II1 RailiDMit. N. 0.0. K. T.,aaaaal ladoor gamai, at ih.aiuMrTiN. V. City. yell. 1. lOM-Haw Jti»r AUitoiia Cub Canlval ol HfioTV. MadlaoD Aiaare Oanlaii, N. Y. Clly. PenBa}r*a Kiwg Pla, Aa In tbe game wllb Uanrard Ibe pnTloua Bator- day, Brooke, toll back ol Ibe Unlrenlty of Pennayl- vaola football team, waa the atarplayerof the match between PeanaylTanla and (Jonell Dnivenlty on Tbantagtvlng Day. Ula punllng, goal Uckbig and dlaiance manlDg wen amply woniieitnl, and made him eaally tbeberaof tbeoccaaloo. Be licked half a dozen goola from touchdowna, two trom the field, Ihe aecond or tbe latter being trom the thirty-elgul yard line. Ubi runa avenged all tbe way fnm twenty to aeveniT yarda, while bla tackling waa aucb u la not often wlueaMd. The bulk ot Ibe gloiT fairly belonged to blm, and ihe apeclatcta fully reallwd tbe fact, aa wuatleaud during Ibe game by abundant applauae, and at lla dnlu by many of the crowd Invading Ibe fleld and cairylng blm on tbeir abouldera In Irtnmpb. Ue waa very ably aupporttd, too, all Ibe membcn ot Pennaj'a team doing a goodly aban ol tbe day'a highly creditable work- Tbtagaoecloaed Ibe aeaaon of the nnlvenl- ty, througb whlcb the team have gone without a aolliary defeat^ The Klekbaaa Alhletle Club, Of tbe Oaello Atblellc Aaaoclatlon, held a aeriea of atblellc ganea at llecreatlon Park, Long lahmd City, N. v., on Tbaokaglvlog Day, and iBey wen largely aUeided. Bummary: One JuihlnaJ mardt run.—Woo by J. HoyliD, r. Baekley HMiDtl, J. Morlarir iblrd. Tln«,llM'- ibur AuKlnd andyorfirranU run.—Woo bj J. HoylAB, 1*. MakfOeyiHeond, Kllnliathlnl. Tim*, lu.ta /manfn^A^, JUrdndhaip.—Woo by M. O'Mara, ISfL ain. -, J. Hnrlia ucooij, Kit. III. yarv«fia»dffio^uinp«.—H'oabrP. Powtri,ssii. lOio.: l*. Buchley MCMd^arft. Illn.; Jamta Hoylan lDlrd,ain.MD. O'Mnra BMood, SBIU lln. nnulni Ue UK wl;*t—Won by H. O'llan, JilL 3lo.; 1', Hiicklay rwond. Oft. Ula. llal/nlU nm.—H'oa by M. Uorlao. tr.CHara Kcoad. Time, Sin. ttn. Klghlh BatlmlioB and Poatiina A.C. Tlieir Inlilal Joint alhleilo and bicycle meeting and reception will be held by Company K, KIgbtli UatUllun, M. (I. tl. N. Y., and Ibe IhuUme Atb- leUo Ulub at tiio amory. In Ibia city, on Friday evening, Dec. 1:1. The lollowing eventa will be open toallamateura: dOyda. mo, handicap; 4toyda. run, handicap; noyda. run,acntcb, for inoae wbo have never won a prize bi a nio; ibrco-qiiartere of a mile nin, handicap; 1 mile walk, handicap; 1 mile bicycle nee, handicap; 3 mile bicycle nee, handi- cap; 1 mtleliloycle race for chauptonahip N. 0.8- N. Y. l,-A.\V.andA.A. U.rnKaiwIllgovem. Kn- triea will ctoae 011 Saturday, Ueu. 1, with Vtjil. V. V. Slanliach, at Ihe anoory, and with K- Frlbourgh, at the lualliiie A.C.,8l>iy-ilxtb BIrci and Kut lUver. AM iMriMci.uB rai'iuoui cuKnsr waa bold at the llnka of the BL Aiidrow'a Uolf Ulub, near Yonken, N. Y., onTbaiikaglvIng l)ay,uio prizeatherefor con- alating of two baiidaome allver cupe, pmeoied by 11.0. Travor, of the Gblnnecock Club. Tho compe- tition waa jpartlclpated In liy leama from Ibe home club, tbe Boetona, Newporia, Ukcwooda, bhlnoe- oocka and Klchmond Oountlea, and proved graUfy- Ingly auccteaful. Reaull, tbe 81. Audnw'i Club being repreaeuled by three toama ol two pbayere eaob, wbo Onlahed tfmt, iccoud and tliird: W- II- Bandaand L. U.SIoddari.BLAudnw'a, ICO; J. Fark and J.U.Ten Rycb,8l. Andrew'a, litt; A. 1.. Mter- more and C. K. Armainug, liio; w. siiiir iitid U. li. Fowler, rblladelphia Country Club, 3IT; W- K. llodgman and A. Hoilat, BL AodroWa, 2'.ll; J. K. Ubadwiek and A. K- Fatlenon, lUcbniooa Uounly Conntry Club, 332; J. Held Jr. and IUku Terry, Sbln- necock llllla, 233; J. Lynch and Paul Kimball, Lake- wood, 333; II, 0. Trevr and F. Helta, Sblouecock llllla, 33U; n, T- nice and U- J. Henry, BrooKllne Oounlry Oluo, 334; J. K. Taylor and U. 8. Oarmen- dia, BL Andrcw'a, SU; J. M- Knapp and H. L- Cuih- bert, 8L Anlrew'a, 3W. Odmui K. Pbii-an, one of (he playen in a foot- ball match between the leama repieaeuilug reapecl- Ivolv Iho medical and hiw daaaea ot ibo unlveraliy of Vliguita, at VbarloUeavllle, Ya., Nov. 34, was aeen to fall to the gnand during tbe conteaL lie waa taken from the deld In an uuoonsclooa condi- tion, from which he never recovered, dying llie fol- lowing moinlng. An Imiueat waa held at the ro- iineai of ibt unlveraliy anlhorlUea, and lln. Buck- iiiaalerandOhriallan,of Ibe facnltv, wlio made tbe |wat mortem examination, teatllled before Ibo coro- nor'ajury ttat tbe blood ve»ael, Ibe rupture of wblcb waa the direct cauae of death, waa In a diaeaacd condition, and likely to be luplured by any violent exertion. A vcnilot waa tendered In accordance with the facta. II. 8. Vak UvtMM, trtaaurer of the arivlaoiy com- mittee baring obatge of tbe handling of tbe money, boa made an oilldal atatement of the ra- celpta and upenaee of ibe Yale-Frlnceton football game on Nov. 33, from wbtob wo leam that tbe re- ceipts were t03,DOj.ui, and the e.xpenaea W.M1.41, tbna glvbig the two college aaaoclailans tu.iao.oi apiece. Tils la conaldenbly more money than any college ever befonrecelved from a football game In this city, although the total receipts bave been larger, Ibe oipenaca ihla year were much leae, however, whlcb accounia for the dld^nce. A nurijia of the diacontented memben of the Alleiheny Uounly athletic organtsatloaa was held at initabuig, Fa., on Bunday, Iteo. l,at wblcb it waa decided 10 meet again ft and elect oitlcera and com- plete tbe organliatlon of a governing body for Weaiem I'enniiylvanU. The Intention Is to bold toutnaineals during (be Winter aud be ready to Join any movement mat may be Inatltuted wlIU a view lofotmlng a national alhleilo aaaoclatlon Ihatahall be hidependeni of the Amateur Aihletlu Union. UowuNo, one ot tbe meat popoUr among the Winter ladoor games which Ond favor among the loven of apott, eapeolally tboae ot (leman exirec- Uon, la the aubjooi to which the lateat laaneolthe Amertoan Sports' rubllablng Uomjiany la devoted to, Tbe book contalna clear Inainictlona for heglnoere, bealdea the lateat revlaed rulea of the game, anil other Information ot nlue to old and young play- en alike. Bisi'i Ue recent announcemeat regarding the world's cbainplonahip akatliig reces It baa lieeu de- cided Ibat theyaball be held Ibia Winter at BL I'c- lenburg, Huaala, Inatead uf Montreal, Can., aa origi- nally Intended, the nnderebinding being that tbe Oanadlan city Is lo bare Ihe meeiJng In ue Winter of ine-T. JoDH IliooiKS, the celebnted English nroles- alonsl atnlght and itlok Jumper, who arrived la Ihla country but a abort tluieago, bad the mlafor- tuno 10 bleak bla leg while giving a performance at the Orpheum Tbeatre, loa Augelea, Oal., Nov. it. lloaiKSOK AND Uaku, iho Caledonian bread, high aud fancy Jutiipen and ktckera, are dolog their apeclally wllb ue "A llunaway Colt" Company, now at tke Amerioan Theatre, ilila clly, and their act meela with doaoned applauae. A MATCI at iiuolla vraa played at tbe grounda ot tbel^leargald (dub, l'hlladelpIibi,ra.,Nor.26,John QniT, ot the Cheater ij. C, defeating "Ute" Jacoba, Qermantown Club, by a acore of lU to fo. A OAklof football waa played at New Haven, OL, Nov. 311, between (he freaumou oleveiu of Yale and Piluceton, (ho former winding by a acore of le to tf. Jusiru W. UiAiuiiH, tT, has been elected cap- tain I't tbe Oiinell Unn-cralty football leam for tbe onauing year. Taa voiaa or Uia Waihlnab>n-J«iraraoo Colltxa, of Vaihloiioo. Pa, aod ih* W**! vtraliiia UalTarahf era. lauad a fuilban atui* 00 Uia Wliaollna (\T, Vi.) |^lUBd^ Nor, B^rMulttag ta a Tietorj for tlia raBOAjlTanla boja Tlia Vbniloi IW. Ya) Tliaia dalialad tha Waalom llDlraraltr orPanoaylTtaik alairaQ Kot. fik at Wbaellnf. aem, U bo. A voevaaLL umn hatvaan tha trbealiDx (W. va-^ Tliar* and Iha Hailloa Fany (O.) VlalUoU lanilud In a Ue, Nov. at aodtna wllb Uio aroia ilaodlnaO-O. i\-QU^TIO. TBI Columbia Oillege Union gave an cnlenaln- meolat tbe Berkeley l^ceum,lnubiclty,Nov, 3D,In honor u( lla 'Vanliy crew. After Ibo iiertomance tha presentation vraa made ot tbe banner won at IMugbkeepale, N. Y., In June laat. Itt onalatedofa largo inan|tular ahaped Columbia nag, wllb Ibe naraeaof iGe crew, iiie date and place of tbe nre, tbe ciemtbat ronieaied, and the nana of thecoacb emblaaneed In gold lellfra. Accompanying It were the amaller nan, one of each of Ihe roHcien, Co- lumbia, Oomeilandltnnaylvania, Bacb Individual member ot the crew waa alao pnaeatcd with a all ver loving cup, the gift ot (he alumni, iTlraaB It Lniiaa, a mambir of tha Aaiarlcao Yaeht Olab, diad al hla boma, la Una city, Nov. tt, and alily- Bra yean. THE TURF. THHOWlf OVT OP COURT, IMmff Has • S«1ba«k« TUe loDg dimwD oot c»m of Henry 0. Jad«on ftffftUiit Ibe PloBtilog Jockor Clab ms fludlr ^ poKd of At tht Oeoenl Tann cf Uie Ooort ot Com- noD ncu, lo tbU dty, Dec. 20. Followlog Dp Uie recommendfttlOD of Hefene Vai IIocssd, tbe Coart beld Uut th9 cue iru & colliulTe one* etid, tbere- fore. vltliODtilUMllDg lo Uv. Cbter jDdg6 D»l7t la enitiinclDg tbe oplolob of Uie Conn, Mid thAt tbe retene'i report "full/•nstftlned tbe oontenUon of coomel for Uie Iflierrenora tbftt Uie PloBblog race w«i colJail«e, itaet II wu oot % bou fide cod> tot. bni ft preiended odo. Tbe Coort, tbereforei orden U*t JadgintDta In botb tbe Jadion and Dod- Icj caiM bo vacated, ibat Ibe opIaKma written lo tbeae cieen bo irlibdrairn from tbe fliea, aod lUt tbe ptpn In tbe cane! be placed onder aeal In tbe CDBUHj ot tbe clerk of tbe court.'* Tbe Hlta of UenrrO. Jodeoo and J.O. Dadley agalDetibePlublnff Jockej Club were orlgloaUj brongbtln tbe CItII Diitilct Oourt to Rcorerstakea wblcBltwas claimed tbe clab declined lopayon tbe groeod that the law—Ibe Percj-Oiay racing law—under wblcH tbe rmceswere roo, wanaocon- eUUitlo&al. In tbe IHatnct Ooorta tbe club was matftlactf, and tbe plalnUff appealed lo tbe Coortof Oommoi Pleaa, Oeoeml Term. Wben tbe caee of Uadlef waa beard at llie Jane sealoD of Oeneml TenD,OBl7 Jndgee Utscboff and Qlegerlcb were ilt> Uog. Tbe Tomer beld tbat tbe PeTC7*0ny law waa nocooeiliuttonal aod tbe latter Judge loatalncd tbe law. Ibe Ueoonl Term directed^ a reargument^ and wbw tho case was called a eecond time befon tbe OeDtfBl Term of tbe Court of Common Plena, Ue Lancer Nlcoll asked lo bare tbe proceedings dis- Dilaaed, arguing tbat tbe action was tbe resaltof colludoa, aod tbat tbe court bad been impoeed upon. Tbe Court declined to decide tbe case, and appointed ex-Jndge Oeorge V. Van Hoeseo referee, to near (eatlmooy and report on tbe cbarge of col* loslon. Bsf«m Vu IIowd'a rtport *m ta foUowi: "Tb* eoan- Ml forth* (QUrreoloi parUfs calied m number ol wlt> ntiinr vbo w«n twoni utl •xtmlotd for tbe purpoH of •itBblwlilDir thr toKfiwiUoD OD the reooiJ made bj tbem on ihectU vTilitcftieodir, u refilled In ihe order of ibe r*(AreDe*. Tlie tetUmoor of ihoM wlmeuee deerly teoded U pnre tbu Uie eo celled imc« atFluihUis oaMay li, IKtt, Tu oot e reel trial ol #peed, but uiereir a bod coinMtliJTe peniDbolatlon of iht track, bj back*, on- ndillfO,hired rnm allrery Rtable, without rafeieooe to their riuilliy.aDd riddan wlibout an eiTort toaaeerttiD «bleh wu Uie bML It alM tended lo prote that there were softakee omrtepetakea; lint UienvaaDowlooer, 00 loeer; no liability on the part of ilie Fluslitog Joeker Olub, Doraoy reel claim lo laTorof eliberDodleyor Jud- -ID. "It ■■*« ahoro I __ _l Dudley waa a porter Id the tm< ptoTof DeLacf ;thaiJadeoD li the loa of tbe deonoaa ID Mr. Dt Laer'aaoiptor, aud that ihoeolepurpoMufthe pretendtd race waa to iraote a iieali lor a euK, lo whlcb the oftDUltuUoniUty of the ao callfd I'ercr-Oray bill mlsliib4detemiloe<1, tnt audi lult waa oot toile between aciualaJreraarle* wb^M loterettJi really eoDdlcled. Be- fore tbe oDUDMllbr Ui* loterreDlDi i>artl«a had reittd ibelrcM-Mr. Man iledareil It to ba bla loteatloo to wiUidrKvliU appeannn. loaaoiudi aa ibe cfaaitcter ol iherwe«iliatwa)iniD,aiM thefaoiaai preeeottd.did oot Jumlfr Um a* ao aiiomev lo aabiof any eotirttooasa upon th«i|ueailoo lorolretl lo Ibeie eaaei. aod be wlahetl tbe Inielry Unoloatcd. lo tict, that he would oot be jDaUitoUIn eolnaaoy rurtber. "H r. Belnhanlt mm that he hati no olijeotloo to the va- cailoi cf the Judgmeoii, the eoures eufceeted by Mr. Uarx. la reply, the counael for llie loterreolofl parUea Mid thai the courw of Mr. Marx aod Ur. Bielobiidt leit ibeaiDotliloa todo, becauaeltwaacoaceded that the race waa oot a ml race, and that the truaacdons whlcb fonned UieaultJeetoftheaeilooaouihtootto beaubnlt- tid toatourt M Iha Ueala ol an adJudlaUoD Thead lalulenimada liefure me, whli a Tiew to ihe temloatloo orUi«lD)DlrT, comblDtd with aod reaarled as cooiple- meniarriu the evideoee rItod, aeema to we to re^ialre a BDdlDicuattheloterTeaiORpartleabare eaiabllitaed the aaRReatloD made by iliem that Uie above entitled actiona do not iarolre aoy real controTdniy, btiiwere btougbt to obialn a Ueclaloo of a iiueailon Dotlndlapato between actual lUInntM. "Noertdeoce waNotTared aa to wbtt eoanectloo, Iran/, -tilled betwceo the Foahlag Jockey Clab aod Nr. De Lacy, tnt ihe folloalni facta were proved: That the SlaloiItTOndleywaii lo I>eLacy'aaerrlc«:tliattheplalBt(tr udaoQ h the aoo of a man lootr lo De Dacr'a employ; thai SoltoinD, who managed thaao ea11e<1 raaln the oune Af the Phalitnic Jookoy (flab, waa on lottmate tarmi v Itb Pe Laci; Uiat Mr. SUlobardt, wlio appeared Id tbeae aciloDJi ior the Ftuahloit Jockey Otdtx la De Zaaoy'a coud- nkaadthatDeLaey lald, peodloR thta refareece, tbat If ifaeMictiooB tailed,others would lie brouht, From Iheae Taeta, which were fully eaiabllriiwl, my opiDloo li ihat ihaioierenee may be fairly drawn tbat Mr. De lAor really cwtrolled botb eklea of tbe action now before the court" ^ _^ ^ Sport at Plmlko. Not. a.— PIm race—Five rarlooRa-Beaale Abbott, IQB, Clearr,U to l,woo; Medica, Ktt, Curtl8,7 to Lcecond: Arlloe, lU^ BellL eto L tMnl. Time, 1:05 Becood race—Oae nille-kCaok Brigga, 113, Relff. 1 to a. woo; Defeadtr. IIL OarrlRan, 0 to i, eeoood: Ladylike, lU, Covlle, KUtol, Uilns. Ttne. XAtK. Third race-Five furloofi*—Ueleo Nlchola, 107, RallT, S to 1, won: Tom llaidlDi, ItlT, Merphy, ttol, eeeood; AmMrJIdLSImma, itoLtiltd. Time, lAl Fourth imos—The Flnlleo llandlapamlleaoda quarter-Maarlce, KSL BImma, S lo &. wuo; iiiieRTlir, n, Keefe, >0 to 1, aeoood; Aoiaeia Belle, O^Leary.S to 1, third. Ttne. Iris .Ttnb race—BiK furlooin-Soptuor, lOS. SImma, 1 to & woo: FineM, H. OlliToMl. e to I. aecoDd: Whlppaoy, ICO, aealy, latul, ihlrd. Time. l:ie>£ Bliihnce-Oae nlle- McKee,SO, O'Doonell, 8 to 1. won: iDtermlwloo, 61, Ulntch.i to I, aecood; Uanball, lib, Blnmji,aX (oT third. Tlme,l:4S<^. Nor. fi.—Finl rac^FIve furloan—Belte ot Vaahloa- lOD.lia;. MorvhyJWto I. woo; llediA, HT.SInnci ioa,MtoDd; lliaaEdrthJCB,Keefe, Ittsl^th rd. Time, jnu, am fiuiin, luj^ nwiv, im w i. wini. nine, 1:0ft Second race-rlre furloagi—Cblawlck, UIX HlutHOiS to ft, won; llaltoo, 107. O'Learr, 4 to I, aeonnd: Ti o Much Johoaeo, 107, Lend nm, 1ft to I, third. Time, IrOi?; Third race—nkcAaUtaiorc dCunilandlcu^ ali ritrloaia—Voller.lOL J. Uurphy.S to l.woa; Defeider, IQB. OarrlRao, 11 lo &, aeoood; w^itour, 114, Blmua, B to A, iblrd. TTme, l:18X Fourtlt race-One mlle-¥aa> rico,llt9loma,i to ft.woo; Pltfkll, 161, Johaa atol, aecood; HoKee, IGD, O'Doonell, 5 to |, Bolebed third, bat was dleiu^lQou for fouling FIrat Ll|bt, whodld oot fla- (ah. Tkiie.l:4eK FIRh race-Five tanonge-Ftorle, 100, ailbril,ejoT, won; Bhakeapeare II. lOB. Peon, a to I, ae«oBO; Premier, V7, Cojla, 10 to one, third. Time, 11)4*4 '*l>tb raca-Ooe mile aod a 8Ule«llh-)la^ ahalL W, BImm*, S to B. woo: Bellpea, lOSL Lendrum, ltd k. leoood: Fboebaa.M, Keefe,3>fito1, third. Tine Nov. IL-PIrtt nee-PlT» farloon-Beatrlce IT, IQ, JohoB.t to 1. won; Veaetla 11,97, Keefe. S to I. aecood: UeraaT4loe,B7.0*LenTy, lOtol. Iblrd. Tlm^liM.. ... Baeoad race—Five rnrloDR*-IrwtRMl,99,reere.S to 5, won: Trioculo, 107, O'Learr, 9 to I6L aooond: Merry Duke, IOI,llaly,n to l.Uilid. Tlme.lM3U .Third ne«- Bli furiont^LlttJe <IIb, 107. Murpby.t to B.woo:IUa>, lleaty,e to & eecond; Joaolta. 107, Keefe,ft) to I, tblrl. Time, 1;IW. Fonrth race—Oa» and ooe- •UteeiUimllee-Ma^ - ta Belk OP. O'Learr, Stol, thinl. Time, Emotlraali SB. Keel*. ■ w ij."'*: mwuni, na, iwin. i to S, McoHl; Telacmn, 01, alffoid. 8 to I, ihlnl. Ttm^ 1:IBX With raca-Ooe mile—llhime, 101, Hill, S to I, won; Utile Toai,BS>, tJodarwood, 10 to I, aeoood: Look- bridae^l04.Blmna,7to^mird. T1me,l:i«U. Nov. 17.—KInt noe-nve hirloo|»-OM BauRai. fBL Hlnch.10tol.woD; Brabm. 90,0'Levy.SK to 1, aecond; LlllleBlllJi,«9,0*DoDoell.S tol, thIrJ. time, l:tew BeooaJ race-Ooe nll^iuioaway, IIOi Healy. eveo, woo; TanuSe. 101, Keefe,2J to l, aecond; Tom Moore, KH, Mur- phy, A lo 1, third. Tlm*,l:3l)^ Third noe-ievan rurlnnfe—Defender, lUI,danniL t in 6, won;Toiioka, 01, Keifo. A to I, aecoDd: Neeior, «9. w Ml Time, I'JBH' Foorth ra ce Bli niTlonn^Palmeiiitoa, nr. Mirphy, 4 to I, won; The Sue, 18, UorlooJA to 1, aeeeiid; Damael, 107, RelltSto I, third. Tlme,l3ltf Finh raco-Ooe and a quarter mllee—ManhalL VA Blmmi, eru. won; AoRuaU Belle, 0^ O'Learr, S to 1, ecc«D4: lnteRrlty.ia3;Keefe,8 to 1, third. Time. l:t*M. Mxih rmce—Tbi«e^aarters ofa nlltr FjiIt MeCam, 90. Kottrand. S to k, von; Hauda Oir, 99, O'Learr, 4 to 1, aeceoJ; LadyAdami,10i,WipahnT,30U>l,third. Time, l:tl Not. 38—PIrat rat^-Flve furloan — Florrla UL 0*L»nrr, m to I, flm: Veaetla II. 95. Ke»fe. 8 to I, (krd- nod; Uerear.n. QltTont, t to I. third. Tina, IA tfecoDi race-Bevea fDrloona-LUtle Tom. M, Clifford, Sto I, flmi: Diabohia. IM, Murphy, t to I, aecood; Suo Up^M, O'Learr. 8 to ft, tblid. rime.1 JB Third race-One mile-Lady Adarai. 100, Mutpby.H to ft, flnrt: Fatal. IV, Rla^l to 6. aeoood; Kerry dow. lit, Foi, 10 to 1, third. Ttne. 1:&SS Foorth nee—llaBdicaok ooe nll^ rnialeT. 87. Maher.S lo I, Brat; Levloa. 10^ HIU. 1 to 1. wtond: Vulley.Ol, Keefe, 4 to 1, Utird. Timoa t:4»V lama, 1 U eeu>r».0' t ee Bli nirl Lcarr,Biol.Uilnl. tleAeU.4to l,8r«t. Treuurae, 108, Blua. imoa t:4»U. Ill lUTiooia-Bbakeneara 11,10, Lll ; Whlppaoy, 108. HeOTT tn |, - * a. 3 tob, Uilrd. TlBaeil :i93< riiUi ra(«-8li ruTlooia-8bak4 ■ - *' ■ -n 1,8— ■" ' — ■• nM-^)oe mlU aod'a eliteeBth-Bollpae^'ilS BituCTto 1 Aral; Ph<vbaa, ool Maber, S to I, aecood; AQUdM«,ai O'L*»ty.l0tol,ihlrd. Time,!:**. ood race—One mlle-riltaU,107,JohDa,8ioBkflrat:FaD- nia B.«^tlairlno, • t<> H««ond;,Fhoehai.9a.Keafe, a to I, thlnl time, 1:19.0 Third nc*-IJai)d(eap^ flva ftrloo|^KlBRl«UIBi,OeoRdoa,9iol,flrtt; Levloa, Bi,ceoRdoa,9iol,flrtt; Levloa : LllUe Jim. 117, 6lmina,3tel ....Firmrth nc^ilaodlcap, om m 41111,1 tu 1. ^ ihlrO. Tloae, l^H ....a,.a. ^ _ _ ull9-Premter,93,0'L*ar>\tS to LSraij Derendarlll, tlerdfOB. even, ncood: HMiiuer, lit, Ballanl,U to I, third. Time. 1:4^*4 Flbh race—Bla hrlonie-Wlab' aid, lli,Relf,S to«i; Maplt Prince, 97,Uaalr.30io 1, »Mond; HaUn ILHi, 91. 0*0000011,1 to 1, thltdTTIraa, 1 :t).S Rliilt race-Mlle aod a furlftnff-DiabohiB, lOBk ninm,t to \ nrvl; Thnnlon. lULIIliL? to I. ChaTlor,99.0arrlsan.lOlo|,thlid. Tlue.l.-OlM. KoT.aa cln«ioRdar.—First rare—Fire ftirlonn-Dam- P»L M\ iui(r4tSvli--- - — • K IUI(r4 toBJlni: Maple Prince, 10^ Muiiibj.4 to od: Llllle Mint, fi^ ODonoelUino LthlrdTYlne, 1:^ BooDod rac*-8la lertoBRe-PooUear, OT, O'LstiY, 1 to I. nnt; Clarooca, V*/, Meole, B to I. oeooad; T«ai Moor*, 110, GarrlfsiL u to I. tblid. TtmOklSM. Third laoa—Mile aod a fbrtong-lABidoo, MBL Llt- tlefleU, » to L first; Sue KlulSk «, O'Loaa.StolIns- ood: loa, HOLJobaa, T to hMri. TtmA.»: rMiftbne*-PlTS iarlflBgs-OU8ao«as,MXai&cd,lO tol.flf*tL«baeaMaiS ih^^x^i^^^^*o,iJSf^'"' - h. wTEsfa. ibtoluiid. «msj»«., s-0»e mile ssdaslita«tb-Ghand^lU^ bud. e to I. first; Fbabsa V!»pv9bj.ZUtLmf>oaAi 1b«bwalo,lkLlttleasld.3loL third. ftaijLl:flM^..... BlEth fsne nieeplerhne. over rati soorss ChsTV Chaos, UL Mr. Nlebolaa,7to8rBrM: Banrllarwood, ua Morrl* SaTB toT^ewod; Nadjk lUl Johnson,I uTl. tbiid. Timo,M«>i. BsMlMg ta LobIsUba. Tbs Orescsnt City Jocfcs7 Onb began Its Winter meeting at Vew Orlenns, U., Nov. 33, ibe attend- anoe being of splendid propoittona. A gnat nom- ber oC excellent tboroogbbRds an on band, and from preaent Indkattotts tbe meettsg, will nnlt anooenfoUfa' R. W. Blmmoni and Otarenoe He* Dosrell an tbe Jodges, R. 0. RanUn la steward of tbe meet and 0. FantigenldlsBtarter. Tberw- Ing to date la tbna inmidarlEed: Nor. a-Flrai racs-Insosoral porse. six fariongs- Qmoo Beaa, 114, Wins, lOto l.won; Ghamooofaaeoood. HI HoDrr third. Time, VM 8«ood race-Plve aod a half rhrlosfa,pune-Nlcbolao,UB,T. Marphy,S to I, Tbiti raee flevsa forloojai aeUlog-'Tom >>»0^ W, - - ~ - Bobe eeeood, MlBi Toons third. eoty a: Dock- ..... Filth Cap, 1(0, TaylM', 30 to I, voo; Locy E Time, IMX rosrtb : yaidf. purae-BoehT^ IIX, J. H1B|,< atadv aeoood,EaslslIrd third, ^ime, 1:44K. raoa-One mile aod an el|hth. osUInf-Bsl SeboTT, B to 1, won; Etna Mao iscDnd, PuUtisr third. Tlaae,l:57. Kov. B.—FInt nee—SMlloB, atx ftirlonst-Bkwmer, 108, D. Davla. 8 u* ^ flrst; Obunot, UO, h. Sootr. 10 lo 1, MOMd; BqSin UM, J. UloT IH lo U thlnL Time. IrlCX Beeond raoe-Porae, asren hirioogo-^ake ZtoneruaD, 107, Csrwood, D to 1. won; Ohaoaaoofa. IIH. B. DoRgett, 7 to HL aaoood; Mellle B., lOi, A. Banstt, 4 to 1. third. Time, I M Third race BoUlnc. mile sad e alitoeoUt-^lm llogg, UO^ MstUicwo, » to 1, first; Taaetsd. OOl D. Davla,! to I, oaeond; Dookaiader, UH, Bcliorr.Bto Ltblnl. Tlma,l:M Fourth raes-Baadl- can. one Dlle-Inp. Wotaey, KH, J. HtU, 4 to 1. flrot; NowboaM,atniay,lS to a, eeeoBd; Jim Flood, HM, D. DstMl 7 to I, tiilid. Tlns,l:40K ?lAb raos-Purse, Bft««a>oliloeoth* ofa mUs-^ror«Ua,lOLNsweom, 3 to I, Bias; Poiadam, 107, Byle. 0 to 1, asoood; Baois, 109, Ham, .- TlBe,l:WK- First nos-BU Ihrlonia, poras—Tit for Tat, a eir JoboTlM,A.Duffy,10tal.ieo' lOL OUy, 4 to 1, wod; dh .v*, a. . ood;Trills,lOi. AUer,aO lo I.third. Tln*,l:l«i Id raes-Ooe oUe and aa elabtb,r IK to 1 Jblrd or. M.-FI lo 1, woo; lOL Alt*., jO aodao ettfitb,selllBf—KusMaa, 100. Byle, 7 lo I. won: LIsBlfoot, U7. MeOlooa^ IB toToee- ood; Queen Bird, 101, D. Davli, 14 to L tblrd. Tlma, l*7U Third raoe—Ftveandahall (brlODsa, asUIng— Paools Rowana, KB, Bcborr, 9 to I. won: MIklta, lOB, Olay, lOtol, eeeood; BUlo Ferguioa. iBiByMU to 1. third. TlBoe, I:IOM Foorth nee Baveo farkwga, puni^ LoRu, 114, Noble, 3 to 1. won; Hiberola QtweB,BLT. Morphy, etol.Bccood; Mlaa YoQBg,ua,A.BeaDStt,4to 1, third. Tlme,lfl>U Filth laee-Bli farioonBoD- iBfE-Jeonle Juoo, lOl, Boaa,B to I, woD;ToiBmleBoiler, lOf,Caywood.» tot,eeoood; 0. B.Coi, K>4,J.BUI,Uto Utnlnf. Tlme,t:ieK. Nor. 17.-FIratnoa Bla rorlooga Mroo kfarioruiei 110. J. Bill. 9 to B, woo: Bloomer. lldiD. liavli, 0to 10^ aec- oBd;JadRSl}eboaee,IQa.Byle,)etol,lhIn]. TbDei.l:ie. Becend race One mile and a slitesslh. oetllog— Boots. UB, lIam,StoLwon; Inndo, 100, Byle, 10 to 1, aecoad; Tm h>ring.l(B, J. BlU, 1ft to I, third. Tims. 140*4 .Third rmco Botob fbrlonga eelllnr—Dr. Work, Ol A BarTSit,8 toS, won;0. B.Cox,99,Sedeo,5to Lose- OBd;l(aodo)lne, W,T.Mnrpby,7 lol,tfalid. Time, 1:1^. . . .Foortbimee-8linirlooH«.haBdlcap—BowUnROreen, 100. Oaywood,3 to l.woa: Jake Bbnmaruan, lll,01eiieo, 10 tol.aocondiOoM Dust,97,T. Harphy,10lo],third. Ttme, l:\tti Finb rncs- Beveo nirloDRB, pane—Ovsnlla, OSMtavoom.even. won;B. F.Fly Jr., 104, J. Ulll,eo to 1, aoeoed; Libeny BeU. 107. Uyle, ft to 1. Uilrd. Thns. THE RING. IiBTlgBB Ta. WaleoU. Tb« UKHUinds at apoita who Tiaited tlia liaad- qiuitera ot tlie Emp're Attilettoaob.atUaaptUi, L. I.,on UonUT nlgbt. Dm. 3, In anilclpaUon ot wltHealDg » lint clua pumge it nm Mtwean Joe Walcou, tH* daitar. and "EM" UtIiim, Ui* Weatera cnok, did not meet wllh dlaapsolDlnienL Oa Uie contnrj, tbej nlmened one ot tlie beat fonibt kkUlei Willi gloTes tbat baa been ?oncliafed ibeadmlreraot tbe game ot poncb In ibla Tlolnlt; torjean. The agretniant waa Ibat Valcou abould knock out bla opponent In fUiean Queeaabenr tonndaorloaetheuitUeand tbe major part of tbe caab tbat depended oboo Uia reaaltot tbe combat The artlclea conllned the men lo 1331h, Uie regular llgbtwelBbt Unit, and botb wtn ooder that dgure upon gouw to acale. Valcotlwaa tbe faToUla on acconnlorblBinpanot bluing powers for a boxer ot bla adToUdopola, hot, altboagb be proTed tbe better at beav/ .pnaobing, be was not ao oleTer pale laced adTeraatr, wbo dellTetred bla ottaner, and, Indeed, bad tie iMtler of tbe an- gaiement In all bnt a lew toandi, when be appeared lomewbat weak, and ibe dnair pug did Uie belief work. lavlgne raUIed, hovevML and, taking the lead, bad the beet ot Uie llghUng to the end, and when tbe lltuen tonnda were Onutaed the leftree. In accordance wtUi tbe agreement, and to the enUie eatlaracUon of Uie apeotatora, awarded ibevlclotTto blm. Ot coniae Ihe reaiilt waa not an actual defeat ot the colored llghtar, bnt, altbonghtbe WeaMraer euObted tbe most punlab- meat, eapeolaUj about tbe head, manr eicallant jndgea were of opUilon that In a Inlah Igbt at the aame weight, between tbe aame men. It wonid be qnliaaatelob«tontbe"kld"towln. It la bardlT lo be doubled, howerer, tbat the darbej'a beat Igbt- big weight la abore I33tt. Uvlgne waa aeconded by Bam Flizpabrtck, Tomor Bjan and TM Alexan- der, while WalcoU was eaoultsd by Tom O'Ronrke, Oeorge Dixon asd Joe Oordon. Um Hnnt waa lefeiee. Oaaper Leon defeated Joe Elms In a pre- Umlnarr go, tbe Igbt being decided on a foni oom- mlllad In Die fourth round. What K(-€haBpiaa SalUraa Think*. Vhen tecenUr aaked for hla opinion regarding ma announcement ot James J. Oorbett'a IntenUon ot permanently teUitng from Ihe ring at the preaent Una, John L. SulUnn, wbo haa the rapulaUon ot alwaya l>elng plain apoken and ot meaning erery- Uilna be aaya, gare uUetauce to the following: ODtaau mar M aelloa rtabt, bet 1 baT, mr ooobu. It'a nobodr'a baalaaw aieapt hla on If ba nOraa, but lb, pablle and apom taara aona rllbta. Maax paraoaa belMT. Uiat nuwamoaa can vhlp Corbatl, and Uian an iDBawboeODild.rCorbau fai nparlor ta ninlmaiooa IS a flsblar. Tbar. la a qoMUoo oT aapraaiaov twtwaaa ttam, aad It ahouM ba aatdad aow. TblJ nun Buan lara baeanpallltolT,aod wby not alT, blm ihacbtnoaf If b* rail.: why UiU lata Cortnu ouL Ir FllalmmoBa enrKCoibauwoB'tntlart,! laUyou.aad Bob vUlgn all Ihat la eomlax la aim. For mr part 1 wonId Uka to !•* Palar Mabar at lb« baad or iba rlo,. Ha li a rouoc fellow and fl|bu on Uia total I tuad to pilda myiair oa ttauona fact, and lialnkFaurOOM, too. BotUiatlm't Uh quMtlOD, Tba publlo wanta rlbalmmoaa and Corbalt to meat, They muat coma toiatbar eraBtaallr. and It mlcbtaa waUbanow aa u any oUiartlna. I wlafa bolh mwBQccaaa,andbop«nallliarvlUaatlaft. BatGorbalt hid batlar IhtDk aaala -barora ba dadlBei to flgbt. Ue mif ba Boiry In tao and, or aba 1 am Taiy nncfa mla- takoD. JiB 8mlib Beato Disk Btarg*. The glOTe ngbt between Jhn Bmlih and DIok Barge, tor a aide andapniae ol tl,MO, look place at Uie rooms ot the Bohngbioke Olub, tn Lon- don, Eng., eyenbig of Not. a. In the nInUi nuid Bttie, wbo bad been badly punished, fell aavetal times from ezbansilon, and Rafatee Angle deolaied BBlth the winner. Burga was not aUe to hit bla omonenL The articles, which were signed In July laat, prondad for a twenty nund DghL Smith ex- ceeded llUh, while Bnrie tipped ihe Kales st lust 1401b. Burge was a sllgbi tarorlt* In Uie betUng at the ring aide. The flrat round conilsted cblony of matilnR. In Uie aecond round Bnrgs landed sereml tinea wlihont a return, leading Smith a dance all oTerthetlng, nnui dnslly tha latter planted a bean Mow on Bnrge'a riba, knocking blm down. In the tblrd and fourth rounds Barge displayed remark- able agility In avoiding danger, bnt be neTertheltas tecelred ssTeral bad blows on the bead. Tbe flfth and alxUi rounds wore allihUy In taror of Burge, hut In Ihe following roundaBmim'a weight told, and he had the belter of the flgbt untU Ibe inlah. Dam SruiiT, of Texaa, anlTed In this city Dec. 1, sad was lo haye had a conterence wllh JUn Oorbeu tbe following day, but tbe sudden obasge in Ihe weather resolied In Buurt conhaotlng a sereie cold, which neTenied the holding ot tha proposed loter- ilew, the object ot whlcb waste secura Oorbelt'i consent lo meet Bob Fllzalmmona hi Hexlco for me poise oObted by the Texan; but, as Oorban baa n- pealedly declared, wllh amphads, that he wUl not Uatsn to any piopoalUon lo encounier Flia., Unre la bardly any use ot Uie meedag below lield. It suian (alia u> gain Uortieu'arenaeat.tbenliewUlendearcr to eObci a match between nualmmons and Peter Habv, which, froD allappeaiuoea, wUlbe a"dead eaay» nndertauig. Arm hla Hclory orer Iiuiie, Jim anith, the boz- U| champion of England, laaoad a ohaUenge to Oftt any man tor 11,000 a aide, apniss snd&e ohun- ^lon^lljrUch ehallengahas been accepted by FBAHkCmuo/'lheOona Cootar.naul Us aw- rtag patkur, Jack Lewta, win, at last adrUesL •mngaaeagagsansBt at tbeoa2to,i>aiia,rtancZ *hsi« they win wMlnealnd. Oil HtOimir. Uie erstwhile clever feathn weight boxer ot New Jersey, wbo during Ue eanv part of his llstio career waa unitomly and remark aMysncceasfnl, bnt wbo has not heenlbeamenuD lines bis flrst tight wtm Oeoise Dijion, Feb. lao me balUelasUng through screnty hard rounds mci reanlUngm a draw, died ai SL Fiancts Bosnliai Jeney City, on Frldsy nigbl, Knw. a, from kaair oonsampllon, aged tweno-elx years. The funeiai look place on Dec. I, me Inlennent being In Cklrarr Oemetety. Uo had been an Inmate ot the boaoini for about nve weeks. ^ BiLLT EBWim has bidden adlentotbe gorgeooa Boirmsn House Cafe, this cliy, and Is now manamr ot a road honge In New Jereey, preliminary, ebould eTerythlog mm oat lo his sadsfacUon, to tiylni bla luck aa a tuU aedged landlord of a resort of tbii character. Domnox HcOiFiBir, me once noted and iklji- ful heavyweight boxer, la now an Inmate ol si FtanclacuB' llospllal, Pittsburg, Pa. A MMOtxt Diciaiow of tha Jodga uf Iha CircnltCourt it HoaUoatan lavalldatad tha lav aaalaat prlaaOahtloc aodalOTo oootoau In Wait Tliajola, and pmilcaB Itgalliaa pnilllun In Ihat Slat*. Tlia raaolt la Ual ili.,. I. a nioTanaot on foot In Wlwallna lo haf a tha propowd Plliaiaimona-lfahar flabt pulled oir tbaia. Bona of tk« beat oluiaaa of Um Nail Cliy are lotaiaatad, aod, ir tkl daclaloo ba auaulnad by tha hl.ber anlhorily. tb. purw^ wUI ba made np In ihoitonlar. WHEELING. ComlBf ETeata. Dac. I^Tooraamant or Loa AaRolaa (Cal.) Whaabaoa. A New Trmeh Opened. The wooden Imck at I'olut Brce7.o, near Pblladtl- pbla, FiL, bnlll expressly tor me use of 'cycllma, iras mnwn open to tbe publlo on Saturday afttr- noon, Nov. 30, when a series ot races took place In me presses 01 a rather small number ot toversor me wbeeL Tbe nigh wind iDlericred wim tlie work ot me rlden, and nomiog out of the ordlnaiy- was accomplished. Summary: Ciumtte, Claia A. noTlea.—Pint hau: Banjamln e Orovall woo, W. M. Oiaham ia<ond, Charla. BrloabunL UiM. Tina, 3m. Ka Bacsnd beat: B. C. Ooodlaf irca OharlaaO. FoMar Mcoad. William Wala, ililrd. Tim' in. 7Ka- Tblrd haat: Walter lanaaea woo, Albert h* Fa«k aaeood, J. P. Stanffar) tblrd. Tlma, 2m. 2a!L KUik bear; Qodtoy woo, Poalar Mooad, Tairaaea iblid. Tin, *ii.llKa. One aiUc protaailooal, opao.—Pliat beat: II. E. Bmllli OB. Harry Uavthom aacoad, Oaorga B. Manhoo Jr Ihlid. Tlma,3ffl.SH*- Secood Iiaat; H. F. Bartbolormi-* VOL P. H. Kuhiko a«<«nd, Bnbart Landia third. Tim. Im. 31?^.. Final baat: Bobart LaoOia woo, P. II. Kahlkn "icoBd. Harry llawttaome third. Tlma,2iii.4l^.. One aiUe, tJlaia A,opao.—Flr.theat: Waltert;. Rooco woB, J Vamler aacood, W. A. Waaial Uilt\]. Time, te. Il^ja. groood baai: Baajamin Pack won, C. W. Krkk ■MDBd, U. H. Haaial tblid. Tlma, 2m.41a. Tbltd haat- Llord fiararilD wan, Olaraaca Bower* aaoood, H. w. CrDOia third. Tlma, 2ffl. SSMa. Plaal beat; Itooma wco^ Vemlar raeond. Kricb third. Time, Sm.tfH*. One ailta, profaaaloaaL—L. C. WlHooshby. l2StdL, wtni B. B. Barthnlomaw, 3SrdL, aacood; P. II. KBhIko, e^da^ Uilid. Tlma, 2m. 2l»i. One eUIe. data A.—nrat haat: Baajamlo Paok. TOyib^ wob: B- C. aoodlay, lUrda.. Mraad; J. C. Oouim*. IZrda, third: Howard eheok, MDyda, fourth. Tim*, '.ba. BflfL Sacoadhaat; Llord BararllB,6Srda, wdb; tv.n. Oardlnar, myd.., aacond; J. A. V.>mlor.&3rdi^, third; A. Ueodrlcka, TByda. fourth: B. P. SImiaoo. IliytlA., dfUi. Tlma, 3m. Z9(*. Final haat: BarerllQ wob, tlanl- biar*acood, Vomltr third. Tlmo, 3ni. Tleom race, claaa A.—South Bod wboalnpB'a taani, B40- JamlD Pack aod Prank Matrloit. won; Pann Whoalmeo'a team. B.T. Wallar Jr. and R W. Crouiio, aaeoud. Tlma. Im. Ua. /tee at. , wob; II. K. Smith. IS/d*., aecond; Ute mUa. prof«aiIonaL—I*. 0. WlllouRhby, SZSpd*-^ -ob; II. K. Smilh, ISrd*., aecond; W. W. Daft*, thinly P. U. Kublka.9Syda.. fourth; U. B Barlliolomev, 76vil.., •Ah; CliarlerTarrllla.*a)^*.,*laUi. Tlma, 13m. KVk Hllllsry Rela7 Dlatmnce Rldlag. Tbe latest lest of meuUlltyoI ihe bicycle ai a means of communlcaUon between distances far re- moved from each omer, which was participated In by servanis of Cnde Bam, look place on Dec. 1,2, from WashUiglon to New York, and me result was highly graUfylng to me mllllaty personages of bigh degree who were especially Interested mcreln. Tie cycUsis carried a message from Oeneml UUes, com- manding me army, to Oeneial Huger, connnandlog the Department of Ibe Baal, with headquartsrsat Oovernor's Island, The scheduled Ume tor me run by me roads selected, a disianca ot 239>f uillea, \na twenty-two hours, and the tact mat me Journey was. accompUsbsd In twelve minutes less than that Une. over roads Ihat were In large part very muddy, asd In some placesalmostunpasaable, rendered me per- formance highly cnidltable. Before leaving W'oah- Ington on Baturday, on an loapecUon trip mrouib me Boulh, Oeneial Miles dlclsied an Informal dl»- Patoh and directed BrlgadlerOenerslSamuel Breck, Is adjutant general, lo detaU one of bis sub- ordinates to deliver the communlcaUon to tbe mlll- lary 'cyclists. Daniel 0. Breenan, wbo was ctoaen for Ihb duty, vras prompUy ou hand early Sun- day morning, and Just as me bells were rtnglnff their announcement of aeven o'clock he handed the message to Oaplalo 8. U. Wlggsn, commanding the 'cycle corps ot the Dlsbrtct 0! (Xilumbia mlUUa, who mouuleo his wheel, and accompanied by Sor- Scant B. B. Dnrfee, of the same corps, dashed doim IS avenue on me road to Balttmore. A number of wheelmen had assembled 10 watch the elarl, and after me relay rlden had reached me White House, they rode after mem. The nuts mapped out was throogh Laurel, BalUmore, Belalr and Havre de Qiace, lid.; Blkmn and Wilmington, Del.; Phila- delphia, Trenton. New Brunswick and Jeney Olty. The weather when me 'cydlsls siaileit was Ine, bnt all me way to Philadelphia ihei roads were found to Im In a terrible condltloik. Alter leaving PhUadelplUa me toads were found to be ia Mr condlUon, bnt this side of New Brunswick the Ust relay men ran Into a rain alonn Uut retarded their speed. Ltenlenant F. P. Ubbey and Private E. A. PliUn, ot mo Uleuict ot OolnnoMa HlUUa, made tbe run from New Uiuoswlok. Itey were paced by Lieutenant Btavens, Vnlled Stalea Army, and Caplam Blanbach, ot Ibe Eight Battalion bloyole corps, and lbs party reached me.Uaige Offlcs at 4:48 a. m., covered vrtih mud au<l moronghly tUed, bnt In good splrlbi and elated wlth^ the success of the trip. The message was hanledi to Llenlenant Longman, of me FKteenm Inranlry,. aeueial Ruger'a repietenuuve, at me Oovemor^ Maud landing, wbo conveyed It lo the general. 'BACXOAiuioii"lstnaledof In mo most recent lane of me "Home Library" aeries of me American Bports Fubllsblng Company's books, and as the game Is daecilbed historically and technically. In a manner that wIU Interest aU who read It, me lioie book should bave a ready sals. A NEW PLAY. A play In three acli, adapted for me English stage by Clement Bcolt and Sir Augustns;Han1s, trom the play ot that name by Alexandre Dumaa, received lis flrst American producllon si me Hyperion Theatre, New Haven, Ol, Ool 32. The scene ot me play la laid m me cotmtry house of lbs Compla An- dre de Barbannes. The count has brought bla sister, Hartha, home from a convent tchool and placed her In care ot mie. Brlasot, tbe daughter ot the steward. An old love of the Count Is vlslUng him at me Ume me atoiy opent, one Hadanoe de Tbaosstts, andshelstrylngtosecurelCaithalnniap riage tor her son, Fernand. This yoniur man baa a pnOlgata psst, aod the count refuaea bis conseat 10 me mah!h. Martha's sfftctlons bave been won, however, and she autlhnles her brother's re- fusal to me htteitetasce of Mile. Brlisot, epmmoolr callad by Uia Chrlallao name of I>*al*a. Haitha aecuiaa Daaliaor Jaalouiy, and daclareabar In- uouon of manytaiBFamand aaaooo aaahabacoioaaof aia. Daolaa tow* to aava bar from anion wlUi aoch a maa.aTaaatthaaaorIOc* or haromhooor. Tba connt la In lota with Daalaa, bnt, laamlnf Uial aha and Far- naad war* altacbad yaara barora, ba damaada to know all Fanand aaloa conaaat 10 hi* ualon wIUi Maitka by naarlBs Uiat hi* oU lo.a for Daolaa waa para and Uiat thaadalrwaabrahaB otT Uitaoali iKtranT; bat, laonlar In aava Kailha, Daalaa raTtal* the ttutn to tn* couat, tallaor Paraaad'a erual daaaitioo, ot thadilld, bom vltii- out bar fatlMr** kaowMaa, lu daalh, aod Iho acooy of haraaUand bar noth*r In th*lr aacracy aad ahame. Old Br1**otoTaibaan Uia coBfaRalon, Fanand comaa la utho momanUand ttrt old mao.arouaad lo madoaa*. **liaa Uia batiuar by Uia Uiraal and xranu blm bU lira OB oondlUon Uiat h* will lapalr tba wioBg b> Daalaa b; a jnUlo mairian. Banba now TaecNtnlca* bar aaitor'a lafamy *od Daolaa** d«Totloo, mpbiaa bar apt to make anch a aanrlflea aa to marry ft nan aha loaUiaa, and a*h* her tji aaur Uia ooavant whithar Iha la harwlf raturalaa. tha bUiar eoaaaala and Uiaitlrlaaraimnathalr rarawallawhao Uia raual aria* oot to Daolaa (o lataro, aad aa ho daap* b«r lo hla am* tha cortalo Ihlla. Thoeaat: Comta Aadrad.Bai- ^^aaa, Bmajt Laleaatar: Btlaaot, WlUiam Fairea Jr.; FaraaM da lhanaetta. Tbomaa Klaiiaton; TbanTanln, Lalal Ublaeha; Fontfamad. Oaorsa Dnmphny; Ba>- raaU Ume* FoUoek; kanha da BardannaaT ibatrala alatar, Bffla Aanaoo; M^ame da IbaoiauarMlM Sn- manpa; ItaSam Btlaaot, Alaaaa Ulshton: kadaaM Poatfemnd.LtUlan Ulnaalon; Clailaaarber dap daaah !«; kadi* )iaadowK and Daalaa Btlaao^ Oln^I(tlha^