New York Clipper (Dec 1895)

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Deoember 14. THE NEW YORK CI.IPPER. 645 #MisccllancoMs# Rom raoM ELUwoitn'a E.TnBnian.-EUsTorth*i ftlr Uroanl Bbow, Ko. 1, doMd Dallu, Trx^ Nor. a, fb« Ofkttal BwvtjSbow MaBcAnloPiDdactloBor-'A Wgkt la Inpt** ^a«d a th* latontUoul BiposlttoD, Attoatk. Ott., Not. ^ vlth lh« rollowlojc ptoHo: Phil kUivorth, lol* prafrt«lor ud iiuiurot; Mn. PUU EwvonbL tcMnnr; CIu»dc« L*k*naii, prlBclpal l«e- UMlCu.. UMt wMk to nnriatMdooaauieUooolhii Mw tnUduw for tin tipoaluoD. opoouK doii Mftj. OlUtOOir ULUM3f KOTD.—lltvlDfjuttclomlftMrlw ofbtUooo«ihlblilMuUiroa0b th* Biau of Hlultalppl, w« op*& lo Now OrtuDo, Ia «rbr U* kolldui. Wo hftvo liad ft moat tacccuful mmod, ud t» oro lU eDjorlor RoodbMltta. WovUllod the UftrrlaNlckl* fUiotfbowo ■I MorMLu, Nor. 3S. Wo ireel Tni CLimii wlib » ■mUo auh wook, Oaft. 8iD!rBT HiifVA^TTtUii Uut hU ncHt dimcoltT. ' di miaUoobu boon oudOtVAi with Fruk Bun, Nov Andliorinm TbMtra, Toledo, O. PBH5TiraL Iam MMii with tlw BaffUo BiU Show, riMeh'aNovSonMtloo Doc 1. JiiaioiD* vo : rnam Haciai«iu>n, pnpriotor; ur. l< iMtanr ind loolh HtiBCtor; Moo LuM,imtU«n«koqa< Juk UolaoA, blMk toco eomodUo; Ad* Uolmoi, • ooalcud Mot>r«Ue;UolniBaMd Uoloioo, niaolealU JolMd MWCi — Mfdlolao Co : Fnak Uaddlfitoa, proprlotor; Dr. L>qv, , " qooon; _. J. Mrlo I HftlenWi niaslcAl ttom; Iad(uckUiaqMvtodp«ppooiio. Builoewnod. Wovo loariag tbroafb Ohio Tbo Klctapoo ModlolooCo^ Mo.&li«port ft UoDor lniHlaBMiaUior4rf(orth. Mfto- u«r r. L. Hlnloi fill ftnd cothlob«4d opao whtio doloK tM U&p foft mo l>oe.a, bot CftDiB up mlliis. QMnon ftBdMftBCtaeitorlDtnidneoftnotfttiieofroctlD ilitlroov Joekor doR •poeUltr. Dr. 4. U. Vcjar ncolTOd ft btod- ooDOMfftcirfnoi tbo old countij ncontlj. ZaUo ftoil wiro hftre ftildod ft itrong nlriUft] reotanto thetrtcL ..Roater of rtck A be Boy'i Coocon Co.. now tour MICHIGAN . Detroit.—At tbt IjMum "dpi, Fftul" comet Dte. 0-H. Lftii v«ok Store BrDdl^ Id *'0o iho Bowory," piftyetl to big batlnott. Next ktinctlos. JoeOlit to "Tbo :Uaraaur." I«-1I. DmoiT opiHi Bonn—"Xme>. Bftoe Qeno*' Dee.»*R lAit wook' .A Trip to i}ilD«iowa" aTtnnod rtrr rftir btjilnon. Tko 8tock«eUno|tiiUn Co. mine Dvi. 1«-3I, folloved by "Sowing the Wlod" Dee. IS-ai WamBT*d niu!(ii OriRA lloni.—Tula wt«k. 6t*\ thrco nllhl^ Tbo lloitlor." the lest ihne alahuk Bobbr OiTfcir. ^'IQ ft Bli Cliy." Laot week **Jiob Uubftwiy'' bill ft Rieadr ftoil lacntiTO nil of pttrouce. ClMfHLLS VMPIRR THRftTfU.— IHU WOOk. "All thO Oftofortj ol lloao.'* Lui week BajceM O'Kourke, id *Tli*WlcklowpoMrDftD."niftdftap kCoM fam,w|iblho ftid of tbo tllirereot Irlih <oeie(lei tbftl ftlteftilod the ibow. CAPiTDLSqi'AM TniATRi.—The Uonue ViDioD Dnm- ftllcCn.. oumrtlnK Uft CUrton. In **K4atLTnoe.*' Bpf- ctalir bill: Bd. Aftron, EarUiftiid Pleinlift, ftad Tom ftod TriitoWftde. WoriDiRuntk TiiRATii Avn MrsiB.—Cerlo hftll: A ftDiele bftrborcooioHi. Thoair^rnncMCft Redding ftad Ilugii BtanioD, Will P. Molop, Dotftn ftod Leahar, end Kunochl. Sdunu—Lftat week Sior* Brodlo, dorlDV the ikhui hour, 00 d newuftpenlDrroDtor the City nell for the bfDtflt or ihf Newnloji' AuocUilea jfejor Plogreo bouftht the ilmt peper, ud txtoDdcd lapftymoet ft two dolUr bill Brodle knbbcJ It end nmorhed "No chftoge^" end pocket«d iho bill and ao oo with other* tbftt olTored more thao (he price. Id a Hhort Ume the itrettji were pecked, aadRrodlehad (OKwn inakeblaea- capoorttandUitchaoceor belogcnia!bad. Iloreallud fortf doUan for the "boya" log HlueaoU: A. E. Peck, buahicM mftugar: Fnok - . —. ■ ■•©nTMr ■oek, BportPeek ud ' I Orecoa Medlcloa Co, Mo UDoaa Terr good kod oaifthov li frirlogexcelleataatle- Le Bop, Dr. a A. Bofder, Jamo^ Let'onT^ni. Jamee I<eUoiL Mn. A. B. Vtck, flport Peek ud Jocko Lettoo... ■ ^ToUonom Ore^ Medlcloa Co, Mo. 16: BuiineaacoO' tkelloa. Tboa. u Plon aod Jaa. PttigeraM do ten hot ■eta. Cbfta Bhiteaa doea eight ilroog tana. Flaih, la mule, aod Cbaa-Pftiker'a atrial actare big liita. Dr.T. r. Waeb, oar allrtr toDgnc*! lectoreraad looth oitncior, bolda tke andlanc* ipell boood with bli orftUooa. Dr. Rmard Dairy, fnm Iho Vans Bprbg BMrratloD. vli d IftK week, iax Onck, cooedlao, aad Big Clile SutDgllePftitlloJoloed Decl Brarybody la well, a _ ^ ......Boitiarol klotftpooMedldnoCo.: iK Vlll(}«orgo.liiiiuj|er; Pror. AirWftlter.magicftiidTeatrlloQulaiD; PatCorngaD,Iritb cemady; Baoi In Vere^ blacV CUe. BaalDoaa ia(r. the nDUeoiftii In white appaara regalarlp "lotapoo Medicine Co.: Dr. -- " T. magic ftiitf Bftm In Vet& l , aod eHirhody with tie oonipeuiy hftpp7i7....Kot«a ftom tb« Or. Sd. Roberta Blectrle Btit and Cooeert Co., comprfalog Dr. Ed. Roberta, Hra. Bd. Robtrti and Dr.-L. PeeraoD, comedlin: Tlia coopaBr liad e rery nftrrow fmm • urrlblo death at Becktr, Wia.. Dea.& TiiebotelcauRhtOraat3SUi.M.,ftBd the eoUre hoU^lugwaaeoviloped (o nuDoabarore ftay alarm waa itifOD. T1»eoDl7inaaiiior«icapawu lo^Ria^h wlodowa aadJaBprhfrntkeaacoDd norr. Mr*.Uob«na wu tar HMy eatand bmlaedbyjamping oa broken gtani. Dr. L. FeiaivoD had e cloie call In trying to »ftTeiilaT«M, wlih watch ftod moaar. Ilehad the hair from one aide of bla bead benicd oil. Dr.RnbartalaQowatBTftoarllle, Wta., with fHooda. Ue Uterrlblycot and bmlMd, caaied bpklcklDiODtwlodowa. Ha la oiubla to walk, or eran more, wuboot cftoiliui iDtcona pain. Mr. Peataoa'a tnope of four tiaload dega were bum'd to tieftth. One Ruett or the hotel named Wm. Renter, waa boned u death. The hall and hotel wore fa one build- lag, and all baggage, murioal Inatranonta and other pftiaphemalla or ina oonpany wei burned Boater or UiM'a Pftwnee Indian Hedrdne and Specialty Co.: Dr. a UlU. pteprlotor and leauter; Mra. Mae Ullf. tmaurerand aoibratie: J.B.BaniMelle, »madlftn;Bob Uftnla,trlok doc daooar: Prat W. W. Webb, maalcal ak«idi.ftBd Botane Sampealle, planlat. BTerybwlyweU and happy, aod ptftylog to nod baaloaaa. THkCuppiK readiea ua erery waak rHeeiar oT Indetendent Pftrty, No. 16, Xlokapoo lodUn Bemtdy Co : Or. Uany Do Poreati owner and masagar; Knoi Braa. dancer* and idngoia: Mn.Dr. Da Poreat, eoroaUat, and Ltttle Bagla, coBloitlooliL We put ona boilni contnt, and haTo a Mir or Bae boraea, a rniall band and aevan Indiana. Hare not had a loalng loan In >lx montha Notea from Dr, Oaorge Howe'* Madlclna Co.: Oo tha momloc or Deo. 8 ve ware awakenad by aa alarm of Sie. Two bolMlnnoppoalte whare we oopped ware on Brft. Dr. Roweand tko net or the compaoy formed a buckat brigade, and aftar ihree boera ot Itard won wo aucceeded In iftflog the hotel Pftrty all wolland buunoa* rtir Roiter of Bo-Wan Oo ladlan MndlclDO Co., Ko. l:Dr. Walter Weat, manager and laetarcr: Nrr. Emma We*t, Toralitt and (kncy rina »bot; Laun Mky Wcai, chlkl Tocftllft; Cbaa, Meioel laelal comedian; BlltyMeClIotock, black fkoe comedian and dancer, and BobL ElMOhart, leeder or orohaatra ot loar placaa. Dr. and Mr*. Weat are making a hit with their fancy rine ahooUog and MeloalftndMcCllniockaredrlTlogthe natlroa Intohya- terica. The fliow la tonrlog Eattem Pannaylvanla to good bnalnen Rooierorlbt PowlerHcAlllatarHedl- olBO Co.: Dr. Cany, lecturer and oin^ worker; Harrp Jarrelt, Dutch aod black race oomedlaa; Alf Homian, rrog Bfto; Chfti. Bargea», mnaleal moke and blaek fkco comedlftn,and Powlar MeAllliier, famalalmpCTaooaior. Tom L. Ollmore. wlih Elckapoo Vo. no. A3, baa bfon rei7 lU, bat ha la bow on the mtnJ. On Dec B Andy Johoa and bla company Tlaltad Conpany tX and a geoenl good time rollowed. WASHINGTON. Beftttle.—At GordrttT'eTHeatre tht Bacon Stock Co. tMRftn tbatr third week Dec 3, In 'ThaSaiite of Han- nibal Howo," with PiiDk Bftcon aa Amon Uowo, to ft crowded booae. MUlon Neblai otTe. aaa fkrawall olTor " TierKcnlx'~ rappi* ..taking It nocaaaftiT lo , algnalrooitnl^uy. Weak ofDei*. 9, ihelaat weak ofthe - ._ ... «— gmiu, log..**LoTe and Law" and "fbe X" week or Nov. 0, ftiid the pfttrona ekowed thair appieolfttioa or hia aterlliiR worth by making It nocaaaftir lo poc out the B. RO. algnalrooitnl^uy. WeakofDei*.9," - Bacon Co., In "Bottom or the Bee.' BoairloeLelbCo.begfto ftreaeoo W. Bum.iTHUT».~DftD'lBttnjeftmaS,6. niaotferloRa wiU be "Daddy Nolan" ftod "A Day In June." Lillian Lewla did light boainetf 17, jS,"Chftrlap*a Aunt" cornea 0, U) TiTOLi TaiATRi.—Biftga Vaaftger Kom Qoldmlth la Hiring the purona en excellant Terlely perFormance. Oeorgie Roublen, Cftrrla Lft Roae, draco Lftyog, John ftnd Innle Baiepft Maud Barmood, Jaoftneeo Tommy, Moaa OoldamUb, Joo Uarlwilght ftnd Aioftndaftra tha Pactv.— WlUInflla. a yonnniuan ortblj city, made bla prorcaalooal dabiiwlihtheBaeoo BtockCOnatOonlray'a Tbeaue^ Dee. t Frank Jameaon. mnoftgerror Dftolol Bally, ftod at one timeft member of Oordrfty'a Block Co. renewed old acqoftlntftiKea durfoghlsitfty la ihia c"~ MIltoD Nobiaa leii for Baa Pranelaco a, where he Join hIa wire, and than organlu a compaDy lo lour Fftclflo ooaaL Ha recurw neie la April. SpokAn«.*At t&e Aadltorlaoi A. U. rft1mer*8 Co. PrwaoDted '^TrUby" Not. 3r, wlihaiatlnee, to baalaeaa. Bpokftoa Lodge No. 2A B. P. 0. E.. hehl„ nnal memorial aarrleae Dec. I. The exirdaaa wore of a hlghoidar, and ware atttndedbyapackadhouae. Bchlll- lori MIoatieli comae 14, "The Daraulier" 2S. noFLB's.—Xew fkcaa week of 3: Vera Bnnii, Arthur Aiobam. Phil akodla ftad Blftlrloe Lonia. BoalnoM la excellent. J. W. Conaldlne. proprietor, waa tried laat week ror theallexadTlolationoranew Stale lawproblbit' fog the enplojiBAat of ranalaa lo aaj place where llononareiold. Thajory dlAgreed. Ue will be put oa trial ftgalo. TmcoBi«.*AtTiicoaiA7titttro"Otiarl07'j AUDt" cornea Dea 4, Dux Sally S^'At Port UUia" 19, SlillllDg'a Mlutrala 2S, Joe Cawthom H "The DeCaulter?' SI. Niimi Btbikt THiaraa—Tha Clarka-naydaa Block Oo. pUy "OleneQcaaQ Caae" ( aod "Conradee" r. CANADA Toroato.»At Uio Grand Open IloaaA, l>ec.2-T, "MklaoeBasi Dane" had (Urboalneai. "Bonnie BcoU land'* cornea ML Faijrcaa Thutrr.— 'Tbrllbr," laat weak, had big bnalnaaa. The Toronto HuntClabentarUlnmaotli-li. TOROXTO OrsRA Uorak—"Btaft No. 7' plaved aaucceaa- hil week 2-7. *'PlnolgftO'a Bur* cornea week of 9. CiTsrAL TRRiTHR AUD Eosa MusBOH.—Big bualneM all laat week, le lecture haU thta wi«k the bdy bar- ben and ProL BalralL Tbeatra: Parklaaon and Roth. A. C. tjiwranee, Mr. and Mra. Manb and Morton and Ra Telle. HaflBiTMcaio RALU-The Silect KalibU or Canada cooeert, 9i waa a auccBat, with g. O. R Band, W. E. BdD' die, BUft Bo nan, Jaa. Foi>nd laadnr Klato. _ Col. B. Dai'l Bodxr loai bin |ioa Pedro laat week. The Hob mat with aa accUaot and Uood polaoning a;i In Id th« month, IIamIItanAt tbo Qrud Jobn L. SuDiraa came to a larto aodlinca Dac. 6. "Jack llarkaway" coiava 10-11 and "Wana" 13-14. Ttia Antoinette Bterll~ t^oertOa, which wan Doohad for 1), lua been cancel BrAa TflRATRB.—Laat week McCaheand ilnaly made a big bit Por 9 aod waek: Tba Dnnbara, Ilaaaon aod Mack. O'Briaa aod Dillon, the aiea#. aad Cook and Bnjd. NOTn—Col E. Dftotel Boone, wltli hIa dona or wolrca aod Sooth African lloni^ coiamanced aaccood weak'a aa- nEamontlotliUelty Dac.9,plaTlog to good aodlaneaa. Wlih Mm are aaaodatod noadlnraod Mile. Ola. Jarry B. CabUI aad Tbolma, la advaoce The llarrlaOrchaa- iralC1nb.aaalatadbyrrad JenklDa,wlU giro lu annual eoBcert 1ft, In AaaocUtlon Bill. ■oBlnal—At tbo Acailemr or Haslo I^wli Morrlanii had fair bcmaea wMk of Dac. 3. In "Pauat." "Vorlck'a Lore**aod "RkbeKaa." TheOarTfeb Bnrlaa'iBe Co, la"Tbmby,"comaaB-ll, *ThoNaaBof"M-3l. , , 1)PiHreTflBiT1lR^(adya WalllLla "Faocbon," bad poorly patmlud honaM weakofa. Hlitv MItchrli, In "A Cr«Kr Patch," lidne»-ll, '^eCapliol" ^ . . TRBATai lonu-Waber A Pklia' VandetiilariDb had Talrly nod boaaea week of 1. Use lllU'a Naw Tork Bian 11-31, ■ilbaaNo. r* ladno B-14, Opbra pRiA-AiaiL—IhiB booBe roll lo Una with the niber thaatrea ror poor buoinaai laat weak with "Ooll- laameTall""RoBe^ aod Jullatte," -Lucia dlMmmtr- m<)or"ftod "Nonnft." Billed ror weok or 9: *.*/impa," "La PftToriia,""Le Voon ft Chlor," "RItolaiio," "Laa Ilairoatiola" ftsd "Lnclaal Lattmermoor.'* avelph—RojBl Opem House, Dec. n. llRrold Rarrlf, tenor, mag in oeacart, to a Ikir bonia. In aid or Oaoera BoimliaL Jobn OrUBth wai to hftva played In "Ihe Bella" ML bat tlia data waa cuceM. to oome: **Waar' R, Wack Harkawaj" U Uwta MarTlan,t ■ **#aaM,"irrA0fttiraw**O^ tf* A BTABrD ifTStora, plfttoly ftddresaod, miiat he ncloiaod roraeeh letiar, and the Una or bualaeaa lollowrO by Ihe peraon addraaaed aboohl be fftren, (n orilrr lo preient mlaiake^ MOTB.—inweaaionala and olhen iboaU bnar la aled that all lattant etc In tnn^lt between the United Biatta and Canada, amai te prrpihi, oiharalae itiry are not ror. waidad. LADIES* LIST. Ormnd Raplda.*At PoweiB* Opera IIoum "Sowing the Wind" comrft Dac. IL Paallne Ueil IT, '*AI«bama"n Chaa. RohlU 21, 7J. aiU5D OPBiu HoFiiB.—Mr*. Oan. Tom Hmmb'a Co. played to good bualoea* 2-i. *Tha Scout," fr-7, drew fairly. "A Cmcber Jack" coneaOaiMl week. Siirn*a nrRRA Uol-bb.— Weak or 9: Ollmore and Boaheli, CliDllia, Dellft BL Clair, Ihe Draytona, Joba McCarthy, Loiu Mftyand theaiock. Kalamssoo—At the Academr o( HdbIc Ur. and Mra. Robert Wayne, In rapa'tory, wMk of Dco.t- had mod tHalooKa. "Tba Scout" comae 10, "Bowing the ^Inv'^ia. tiRA!(oOrBKAUotKB --Tha parrormaoce thiaweek La fblly up to the aiAiidarO. with good aiiaodance. Phillip* and Nayon, llnrry Ward^ennla Robey, P«r4u«oaBioth- am, ▲rUiur Dudley aod Wllllama aod Caxlatou. Baglnaw^At tbe Acadomr of Music. Dec. 4, 'All Ilia Comron* orilomo"draw lair honia. Mra. Oeni Tom TbumbA, 7. came to go«d bu*inaai. BORbwiLL'A OPBRA lIofBK.-LewU and Paul the Brft- lam^ Row Muaro*. Kelley and Uenderaon, tha Oiaytooa, Lottie Hall Anna Walch and tlia atock. Lanslmff^At BAtrd*! Opera Uouie SantaDelll baa had i<Mkrdliouerii week of Dec. 2. an<l will cloae with ao appropriaie Hundav perlonnanceri, "A Trip to China- town*^ cornea ltiC"A t;racker Jack" li,CharieaHaliirik In '^e Leareoworth Ca*e," S; Jno.arillUh'a "Pauii*'t7. "Wang" 30 At the Star D4nny Mann, Id "Mra. Fionl- gao," came weak ori-7, to lair bualnoH. Jackaoa^At Ulbbaid'e JeadeKae HaU. werk orNor.2&,cama to eaealleat biiaineu, tha eight or 24 excepted, when '^Thrllby*' picked the honae. "Tlie Scout" pUjtd Dec. 1 to top IteaTyhou**. Corolog: "A Trip toCbloatown" ll. "A Cracker Jaak" 14. BatllaCreek.—AtllBDilillDM OperallouM,Dec. 4. "Tlia (Xout" plared to Msht bualnaaa. Coming: "A Crackor Jack" 1&, Joba Orlmih'a "Faaat" 17, Iti, "Alaba- ma" S .^--^ CONNECTICUT. K9W Hnvan.—AC tlio lIjpcrlOD Wm. Jerome's Town TopIea"cama to email roloranDecL PaderewakI had big tauainacA S, "Tha Paul Card" 4, T. Q. Beabrooke hid oicellant relnma 0,7. "A Black Bbtep" coma* 9, and 03 Uoccura tliaannoftltwiefltor tha local lodgaof Elba. The remainder or Uia waak the houae wiU be oceu< plod by local auractloaa. OHAND OrBHA UoL'sL—"Tha Btmnle or Lire" came 2*1, to good bualnam^ and "The Cotton King," A-7. to crowdod liODioii. "riaya and Playare" la boohed ror 9-11. aod Chaa.T. Bill*. In H>a Almtlan," IJ-II. Pou'aWu.fiiiRiaNi)TilRATRB.—Bailneaa bare contin- u«9 brUk. TTiifl week: Mile. Margaeriie, Thome and CarlatoiLtho three Racketta,tlia Da Witt BUtera, Tim Cronin, the Chnin Trie, Fitd and Nellie Daly, Ada Jonei and Nullilly and Lincoln. NOTia.—AOMMiR the atiracUona at tbe annual benefit or New IJarea Lodaa of Blka, 11. will ba Crimmlaa and Core, tha Dotao Blatera, a. O. Dooean, Smith and Camp- bolL the Martona and Wiltoo Manaaer Poll'a new bQlhllog la being puihad rorward rapidly, and. It la ex- pected, will ba reuly for occuuncr aarly nail yaar The racelpu of Thnmu (j. Seabrooae ware attachad T to recorara claim of lleory Leltoor, of New York City, ror $l9a Tha cUlm waa Immediately paid and the atuch- mentrelcftiod. Brldgeport^At tDe Park Qtj Tbeatra Tbos. Q. 8aaiirooke,ln"BftbyMlne."dldagWKl bualnaaa Dec 14. BtodOftrJIeclarad toona of Uia largaat houoea of. tlie aafttoo S, and "A Black Sheep" did n goud bualoais 7- TlieYftleOleeOlub comeaO. AUoiTORii'B.—JohnoT Wild end Frank WIIU' Varlatlea playad to fair reiun)a2,S. "Tha Couoo King" did a good hnalneaal. "A Jay Clreaa" waa boohed ror 1*7, but aftfr tlie Ont perrormance the |)lay waa cut out by the maoagamantorthahouaoaabeing not whatit bad been repraaented, and ihecnmbloatloodlibaniled. NoDBv'H OASixa—Myrtle Plc«|uelia, Jaooy Petrr, Ida Ueridoth, the Wnlkenaod Billy Muigmro AUUHiiRA-Sadie Hart, BauleCarroll LaBtrange, La Croix KlBta^^ John Cannon aod Jolkn. WKK.fHLLi.JAVB May recently ippaarod In thiaelty. In *'Mlle. Pygmalion," Har. Dr. Pullman made liar the ■abjactot ftdlacooraa and call rtflactton oa Iter chanc- ier. He will probably be aued ror danagea by Managar Arthur Rehaa,ur Mil*. Ui>-'a cniupany. aathenubllahad rervtrta have bean aecured by him, and bare been died with bla aitoraeya. Alhtnaon, Baby Aihlay. Pearl mainng.Mm.D. Andrawn, Vaarl AoaoD, Ada Abram*. IdaU Allaon, Dm Andoraoa. Marie Barret tt Bmna Booth, Praneli Benell*. Aiken Raeoo, Nina Bond, Mabal Bartleit, Marie Blyihe,Uel(D BdII. LftOTft Brandon, Addle RUnetianl. Mar Bancrolt, ataudW. Burt. Nellie lain], Aualla lanum. Time lohee. Hay Uaye, Nan Bennlogion, Mra. &I ladram.Mn. L. J. Iriiion. Haa Bratoona, May Hiland, JulU BuUocb. DaUy V. leek, Kilt la larerlr, Dalar Bright]lag.Bridte BalmoaL Bylrta RurRor, Daby Burileik Panny Brock. Baaalo Barren, Hamla Ball May L. Boone. HInnIo OleToland, Mn. W.8. Clare, Mlawa Claire, Joaio Caatle, Lillian Celeaie, (tnoe Carragao, fUwe Clareland, Unco Cuanlogham, _ Loulae Cbeatar, Alma Carlilo, Agaea CJIor, Jaunle Corlett, Helan Carllogiou, Ella Carroll, B«uio CuootnRham, Mm. Jerry rhance, Anna Carilo, Ume. (Triton, Dora Cope, llaiile <:ielhind. Kranhle Carre. Pauline Counland. Era Chaltae. Vlrglnlft Cllne, Jenole CUrk, May Claire, Joalo t.'hapallo, Clam DIa, Lillian Dal ton, Nat lie De Lano, Marie Davonfort Panola Olamonil, Joalo O'Eate, llalea De Vara. Jannia De Loo, Irene Datly, Mead DlamooO, Hf*. Prank Darla, Etta De Boise. Plom Decker. Mm. Koae De Witt, Minnie l>eaTe*. Mni.W.B Dorotliy. Alica Deamoou, Elleea De Woir, Mane Da Horgaaol Mlla "^relyn, Anola 'breita^ - Elttag, Salome Elmar. Nallla Bimoie, mith Earl Alice Enl Qenruda BreleDeATyrene Edwarda, Paula IIartroTil.*At Proctor's Opera llooee "Tbo Col- ton KIOH" eomoi Dec. 9, R "A Blaek Bheep" 11. 13. "Pudd'Dlieftd Wllaon" )3."PrlendH"i4. 'Tlia Petal Card" draw large audlencaa 2,3. Chaa. B. Ilanrord, In "Julloa Civiar," did fairly well 4. Thoa. g. Heabrooka liad a large audieoev, in "Baby Hlna." 6. "Town Topica" packed the houaee, ''Pfck'n Bad Boy" had a top boftry liouaeT. Uodjeaka cornea 1^17. Port (lt*AND IIau-— the Roral Welah Udlw* Clioir cornea D«c. ID. Padarawikl packed tbe hoa<e. AVtiiTnaiVB —ProC Carpanter, In brpnotlam, dmwa larn audience*, aod will remain waek orO-ll. ■Ai'uBURANUBRjoIaed Thoa. Q. Beabrooke here a. IOWA. Dea ]lIolBefl»»At Fo3ter*i Opera Uouee tht ex cellpot prodnciloo or *'8lnbad," by the American ¥.\ tnTaganiaCo. rolled lodmw Dtc.i, 3,aadbuilneas waa meager. >Ta1hor Wblia9lde,aa'-Rlcheilau,"dellRbiad a blgaudlaace4. Clay Cltmaata' "Old Dominion" l« Im- proTod, anilat Uireoperrarmaoron,c, 7. did ralrbualneaa. '*ODwn in Dixie" comaa 9. Joe r)lt. In "Tlia Star," 12; "Id Old Mentucky" 13. "My Wire'a Friend" 16, "Tlie DdTll'a Aoctloo" 17. "rudd'ohead Wllaon" S. 0RA5U Ot-KHA lloi'HH.—"A Urseo GnodaMan" wu un naiiaiaetory and ilrew a iioorbouio). Jole Walter*, in "A Money Order," oomei aOia*. Barlln||(oB.*Attbe(lran<ltheCamllIed'ArvlUe Opem Co. tborouehlydellgbted a flaeaadlanreat mlaed price>,Dac.l. 'TliaLlnliaO Uaircame3,to llghlbnal- nei«. Olay CleoMOi. 4. created more aniliualaam ihao wo bare aeon for yeanlo tlilndty. "Hlabad" came 6, toKOod bualoeuand lop pricea. ComloB:Jamea B. Hackle 17. "My Wlfe*e Prieod" 19 At Tuner Hall bualoeu con- tlouaaralr. New racea iwrr are: The Tarlor*,Traranyeo Biiten^ Owen aod Blmllo. and Air. LI*"~ " ' niBwif^ v*«n mw didiiiu, mnu Mt. uikhiu D. L. Uaabea. or Keokuk Opem llnoae, aitaohed Uie "Blabad" Co.'m propartlea hare, Dec fl, lordamana ad account of noD ruimimcot of •ogagemeal to olay Itia honae. The Blierlrr allowed tha pmbertla* to he naad. lha cur* lain not rlilog till oenrlr nine o'clock. The properly waa Anally rei«A«*d by the "HLnbad" Co.glring booda, Ttaa caae will bo taken to the coarin Cedar napldi.«At OreoD«*ii Opem llooao the aale I* gond r<ir 'HlBhad'* Dec- 4. H. O, lag^moll coniw 5, Clay t'lemant 10 "Doan in IiiiU" II, Olgbr Bell II, "DOTira Auction" 18L Howard A 0«hnrne'a Hlnitrela, booked for 13, caaceltd. Walker Whiiealde, lo "Slip- lock," catoe to a lair hoaae2. ManlialltoHB.—At Uio Odeon "A Tarklab Ratli" cornea Dec. 6k "The New Dominion" g. "ffrlroea' Cellar Dooi" did aiooit bualnaaa Kor. 2L J. K. Kmmot bad a large houie V. Walker ff lilioalde. In "Rlehilleu," pkaaed a good audleoea. NEBRASKA. Omotia^AtOoTd'aTHcatre LodU Jameecomes Dtc II, 11. "Tho OoTira Auctlee" 13-1^ "The War or Wealih" ;)-a. The Boiionlana pUyed locrowded honaca 2-3. EmeEliplarhadfalraudleocaa&r. TiiBCRBHinTo:< -JoeOiU In "TheBiarOater,"opaoed a four niRhu' engaf amania "IIU Wlfe'a Prieod"coinoa IMI, 'Hie Pa«t Hall * IVI9, "Tbe Naw Dominion" 19-11 "Down Id Olaia" played to ptmr buoMa l-l. Fanoy HIce dkl rairhailoeaa M. Draa Mratia—Week or Dec 9: Annahalle Ahrm and Will Patrick, akelch artlita; lilpiy NorriJL Ijoa Panell MalVeraoaaod Vktort^Hitao. Bnaloeuralr. Llitcoia—Al ibe Lanalng Tlwstre "A (ireeo Oooda Vao"cameKov.26,toTarTllBhlbooM. '-Blobed" camen, toeacelleni bnutoi botn matinee and evening. RobL Iog*raull had a good audlaoce 39. Joo Ott came D<c4, to Igbt bniincaL i:nieElUUr.a.had a rarrp^r liauM. "Down lo Dlile"oumear. "DaviraAuction''11 Loui* Jftnca U. t.'. H N. Oka Club l^ "The War of Weallli * 19. **nie Feat HaU * t). Jan. 11* an oren dale. TUB ri'aNR.-KanBT Itica, aa "Nancy," came lo mod eraiebualBoM]. "My Wife'* Prkrid"c(itne 7. Tlie an nual eliarliy concan wtil he gltcn 17- Clipper Post Office FJgettoa. Lllllo ~tpx.Je«a|o L. Fedora,— Fremonuk LottI* Frank", Julia PitigamU, cuay Farrell. Till Forrest, Ruth Francis, lautft lolla lore, Alice Qlrftcd, Mamie dray, Uamle OlUoarle, Com Oay. Prediile ilirgory.Kata OJenle, Etta Ortmry. May Qrev, Julia lie Qraliam, Farm/ UaniBor. (luBla (llirhruNlaa drilllo, Violet Hamllltn. Ray Haywood. Lola Janer, Ada 1allatt,Mni.John HadJ All Rmilk tiaaiaton. violet llouaion. Klule Hart, Sadie llugbea, Floaala llarma, Manila Iiailai«n. MaM Harb*rt,Un B- lleodeiaoo. If aula llerodoo, AKoea llouk, Uooa- llaguewood. Kale llanitltoo, Alice Uoward, helllo llaaa|o,Mn.O,A Horn, Mar llobnea,Hoaa L Uamllion. Florence llotden. Jo«»la Jrwin. Mamie Inman, Peari Ingrain, Beatrice liittwr, uuilo ~'olioaoo, JaoBle Jewell, Helen Jaifraya, Loolm KennaJy, Hay Kaiieu, Boie Kaufinion, Had aline Kennedy, Uili»l Hllleo, Annia Honlflla. Bdoa Hoora. MlM R. Uontfonl. Jiar Moaan, iMIle Nevlllo, Virtle Nanlle,S^hll NInerBlMer* ^urrl^ Mr*. 0.1. Klninkr. bdElh ~ e«. Fioreaca 'Lcoo, JoDGia Lo3'aI. Lulu Lowie, Leona LonadcJe, I/>tlIo Lawler, Annie Lealie, llaale Le Cltoralirr, Ada La ForieBIitora Ultli. Rulir La Vcnie, Bella <, Dot lAihnp, Lulu. Mil Loaadala, Babm Lorraine, ClaiHlle Lane, Leon JL Leidey, Ada I<ea. Mioklo Le*. Minn la Morion, Annie Hajer, Oftuy Mearaon, Banlo UeTTlck. Prankle Morey, LllHo MeComlnr. Kannlf Miiohall WInalo Mantoll. Hulm May. Capt. fooy Miico, FAnnia Milburn. Grace McCaualaad. BuHit Marrln,Hni.(!. Hadlaon. Mnod 8c. May. Rmo Moore, Orace Hurpbr,Mnt.C. P. Mayo, Hoaa Maynard, Mn.Ed. MauiioTA, Oleo Halnu, Frank le Mich el*. Doria .Neil. Core pearletift, — ■^-^iMuaiwy, Anna I'icanl. Ante rrenilce, Mra.ll.C. I'utnaui, Fannie Packtr. Narr K. Parker, Nrllla Palmer, Lew I'mlmar, Inaa ftaT^ra, Ciauille Hm), Jrnnle Richard*, Kama Ray, Emma Rice, Loulae Hoaaelift. Maude RulTal liiTllk Hull In*. KlM)- RoataUe. Marie llaatl, Jeonie Kaudall May K. Ruuueau, laabel Hull. Babe Kuthfunl.Habal Hhoiloa, Kline R«d«ll Marinn SuniriHKj, Anna diuart, LoU Stewaii, lUiile Sullierlaod, Joalo Hi an ley. Dot Soulier, L«nore Slinlmao, Mm. W. IL John. Fraikle itroiih, Jeanrita Aeyniour. Vlrgle tlliVin, Alice MoTonr^ Pearl fttvlnbura. Eva !*VlTeater,Aimia E. Htun^ Lyila; St. riair, HaiilLa Buglranio, Mra.T. .■itiaonon. May dlnglvton, AK||>e flinlih, Ilia rttnilur. Joaaphlne iUiarwiKid, Florance Hlianoon, May Snillli, Aildio Schuninn, Jennie ''cblee, rlara Alono. Flortnce ^Fiiroe. Alice ■^Trarera. Irfila Ttnnanl, Dolly TrumliuilBiatera Ta)lor. Dul Tliomlon Bonnie riiuraa, Mre«. Tnintbull Fitnnle K. Tbompaon, Jeaalo Travera, Utile Von Ouire.Kmina VInieiio,- li^aa TaMol Com Van Ojilen, Hay Wreina, — Vakntlne. Ada L. TUTIk''' nutvr* " Wvit, UnUy William*, Kellle Wlon. Hay WvMiin, Doiilo Wadr, TrMe^B Wai«on, recll Washburn. Inne Welch, Mm. F. Waite,Uracle Wwnla, Janet Wallace, Kllial Allaon, AunleB. Whlinor, Amy Wlnfred, Julia Webiier, (Urrie 7uil4. kita ''P.imora, Joalo GENTLEMEN'S LIST. AlUo.Lleul W. Adama, John E. Appleton, Prank Anthony, Victor ArlingtoB, Bill/ Allmon, Dan Adam^ Adoir Anaiin, Wn. AtHlcrMi, Albert Antonio.— Armitftga, Frank Amea. Al. Alaon, Oao. Arnold, B. B. Athinaoa, Oeo. AncoletU. Billy Arnold. U. W. ArmRtroBg, a D. Acker. M. A. Aniiatroog. Kirk Aafaton. J. L. Arllnrtoo, B. AnHM. Blllr AnderaoB(aKaler) Anderaoe, Stuart Alburtla,Lauraace Alyn. Fred Andertoo, Pred Apdale, Jach Aodiada, U.J, AUlft, Prof. Arden,- Baoaett. H.H. Brainard, P. 0. Bigger A Dreher Bmtloo, nhea. Brtnhler, Robert Burke, John J. Barbour, Edwin Burke A Weat BaherAHandftU Browne, J. O. BlaUdall B. B. BUke, 11. M. Brown, ilaorr D. Hmden. B- A- Bartmm, C. 0. Barn It, Reliert Hellion, E. P. Byrae. Jaa. Brewaur. Blllp Bertram, 0. N. Brunaton. Harry Bllaa. Oao. K. Barton, W. B. Bynea, Andraw Bareetain, A. Win. Breton.Ted Black, John J. Batea Broa. Browne, Joe O, Baaaoll, Fill H. Brennae, B. Hrown Bro*. Banba,w. J. Barton, Hairy Ball C. A. Barrr. HIchard Bonta, D. A. Buroa, John BryanLKnnelaJ. Daaco A Hoberu Brandoni, W. BaldwlBa. Tbe Raker A Currao Breton, Ted Biiwn, Lew Barker, Henry Real Boou R. Hrown, W. 0. Bronrolnga.The Briekwood. Cilia. Boulard, A. Boraol Hroi. Barvloo, Aniealo Babel Augnata BuacliDian, Ed. Baldaln.P. M, Benedict. Lew Boalwick, Ur. F. E. Hell, llariT Buckay. Dr. E. L. Bardeti, Dire Braoliao, Pauy BeU. riof. A. Burr A Hay Barlow, E. Blodgatt. A. L. Bowera. F. V. Berkla. Jnhn Brooka, Loui* Bnnlgao. Bob Bnwo Bro*. Bimbo A Tab I Bnaa. y. D. Bowery Ed. Burloo. Praok Byera, B). Brown, W. W. Bryaata, The WIU Car Ml a. The ciirroid.w. CkTalaiid, (,*haa E. Cooy. A. B. OonalanUae. Chaa Clayton. Fiaak Cenalnghaoi. The ComnlDga, BobL Caaaroa. Aliv PauIK.tCooit.rmflk Cot, Archie Croaa, A. W. Crane. Cbu*. M. RlamanL Clay t:ha*r. wm. CUIr. Cari Carey,T^miny J, Collh*, WiliFsr Correa, J. T. CoIllBa, Jolin OlerelandtCbftrley Comatoch. Nat Cki ton. Webb Caller. T. L. Coldnn, Clarance fToftiea, Arcbor Colion, JolinC. t^rk, Harry Olapham.dao. T, Chatlaway. J. W. tMllgan.Vrank P. Clark, ILK. Cheurrouu Frank Carr, Herbert OannloKhftm| Core, John 0. Quae, VaI C6o|«r A Co. Clark A H. Clftir i^otuin, Joe Cou|«r. CdL A. Coo*tantla^ irarT>- iHooper, Cuihbert Cabler, Win. ilolentan, J. J. Carlioa, Maurice Clark, uarbart nooper. Prof. L. H tnayton, Frank t>inroy. Pal Clark A Si. Clair Ouk. O. R. Covall a P. •Collin*, llill Crowley, Jaiu T. Cuiditng.O. II. Qarllon, Maurice Crary, A B. CkiTrfand. riiaa. ClaTlwn.Wobli Onrla, L. L*unan. Jai. II. Gaaad.Ully Conlan. Jor J. Cliainbeni,H. II. Carroll. R. M. ru*blMD, Dora t'olchaon, W. F. Oehiior*^ Tom l>e Laoa^ Harry Debiiore A Lee Daly, Dan DaTldMio. Edward Daily* Hilton Dural, (Iflfi. Darla, Harry B. I>eDiauer. Wm. [><>Taay, riao. Doming. Arthur Da]t&n,.W.W. [>enion, Herbert Dedreu, Henry l>itacart, Wm. A. DIchavn, Cfaaa. Dunbar, O. II. Downing, W. W. Daren port, K. Vt. Darla, f(au. Darl*. Chaa. Day, Wlifnd II. Dawaon. Ham M. Davia, Kilain A. DktL Praak Dear, Lit tie IH Vara. Thoa. Dai lay Broa OeLeoo. II. IL DarlB, Chaa. tUrla. P.. r. Dee, Mitt Uoolinf, Luoi* Darrinter. A. il. Day. Wliliad II. De Vera. Kd. D'E«prwlM.O«u. Duey. A. B. UaMiioitMi, J. O. Doyle, Tbo*. De Vera. Oeo. F. Delmora A Wllaon De Van. Jelm Darcy.AI K. ^vana. Bart 'Everett. Frank ED0la,J.F. ElUnwboJ, Tom Ulli. Edaai ' lllcka, Jutlavn lllllllao. A. eiida,J. 11. I art Jr., Tony I 111 Chaa. llA)deo, W. I.. Ilaaaln.f^ari III " Eddy, Wm. lfdwanl4,C. P. Einer«nn, Wealey — Nlcli Ji»«ve Frohnian, Clia*. FlMlierAl.'iirniM Farguaon, J.M. Forreat, W. K. Fugaie, V. J. Frtilimana, Outlav ForlMi. M. Fuley. J.O. Freeman. Hai FllcgemU. T. FarralL Bltly Fiekla A Wool ley Polar. P. J. Kanla, Wiley Fallal Jakn A. Falrchltd, Tho*.H. Freer, Fre<l Flanlgan. 1*. J. FItzgaraM. Harry Fuller, Lando Frailer, Eugene Fiidinr ACruvroll FleklliiK, W. J. Fieldi, John P. Fierda. Al U. Farrell Tony FiKltor. Fmnk Fltuemhl, Tom FroHpI, W. .o'don. Lew Oonlhe Hro*. (llbaonAUuiUra (IravM, Marry ilillelll Monkey* itardoer, Frank A Hood now, hd. IIUna. l«em urulter, Ueo, (Jtblia, I'. A. UoUiamCiiy Uuartel i|<)uirellow;c. D. * iHlitert, K. H. Uamy, (HI llorliaiii, Elmer ilalleiu.Clia*. F. Oknrny A Fni (Inniiao A KieMa ilalUKlier, P.II. ilorman, Prank Inriie, W. P. liraliain. Via UalUuliar. Malt lUvlii, J. Knot Ulil«rl,f:. Uoldnn, Frank iliiiileo, Lmil* (lonuao, Hudd (lllranr^ a A. (Ilynn. Nick tJieen. Ilnrry Orore, UarH (lilmnra A Undiali (Iraiciirr, U. J. iireao. K O. Uregurr A Flu Iracr, 1>I. Iiiiiiurv, MiiJnr lurdon A Lick llonnan. K W. ijnyi, P.rolo (loohrlnicer Brnt. (laidlnar, D. F. nan, Tlio*. piBmin.Ca|il.H. Hariov'. Kre«i P. lla)i|i!D, Plilllp IluwaM, — (cool) f lalltbB. riao. llarrK II Holder. Matt llan. A. II lU'lIa, Fr*d llariy. John H. Ilarif»iflu. John W. Iloay, (Tliaa. Iliiyi, (l«Ki. Il'iwaii]. U.K. Harria.— Halt. Woi. J. Iluglie>. Pad'ly llualiea. Juhn A. IfuIUcuf. Win. Ilowaril, Chaa. Muwo, Jaolua Hopitr, l>e Wolf lleaieo, Oiaa. Ildmer, Pain llallE M. Iluran, Kddia llallAMInaay Com. f,'o, iiaiL Harry Edeanln, Bainual llluroriiray, Thoa. RUildffi.(;hM. R Heath. FlM Rmorr, Home Pylwanlii. Al. KiUarda. Frank E P.lllngAr, Hugh Bfao.T... P.i)lotiJr., Jaa. RiliotiJ .Jimmy Eaatoa, W. II. BiBon, John Bmtnos, Fiaok lUll Ja*. Illghr. II. A. llBriUan. N. II. IIa«Mio, v.. P. Hulel.l««>a. II. (f. Ilerr, Dr. B. Huan, Pror. flarr. Pror. R. N. Hayeck. Hartm lloilay. Bdward .Jihy,W. l*ni,»,Fml I to. lulltera, W. K. HcklrtT, Vt. F. lanillinB. II. B. lollum, John Iluran. Kddia Utile. Chav (I. Hide. < llinea. tliaa. liartvrt A Lano lllltnn, H R. Untie. P. B. Ilagariy, John HarrlMtii. Lae lii|>f, Kiaak L. loiN*ri, J. J. luitdlnl, Harry lay*iead.rhAii.M. lltiwardAHt.l'Uir Hayrm (iiai^ K. Hun 04, Frrenian llanley, H. U. Ilelmii.- Ileran, Jof tl. lleniltMni, W. H. Hannifin. Jntin 'lowanl, Fniik rwln, Frotl irwln, Witi. T«)ika, Ff'd ujoaea. Will ^■rr^rMiD, Jniiaa, W. Pled Joutit. Ff^ r.i:. W. JulinxoB, P.J. JamoA ilarry Joyce A Ormll J**!i, John Jonp^ Wm. Jim, Dm* lorJnn Family itrOau, ~ (ilbtu blower) Jaelpon, W. T. JatflMii, Hilly Ja«|«r./.tilu Knore>l. Fre<i K end nil E<m Kaik<2|, W. IL KIchlh.T. Kenna, t^rha*. Kennedy, Jait-W. Kelly. Jul>nT. Keouah. Kilwlo KKnienu K. Krana. Ja*. K. Klihl, Urn. Kalae,(lefi. Kelly, J. W. KtiWiormao.W. II KoBoy. tlw. 1*. K:\ml>«ll Jan. Krir.UoD. W. Koqtlallt:. H. Kpnn^ly, Ji>lin J. KlMiprinan, Billy Kftlrrlakl. Lintla Kerr. Julin 11. Keoyon. I'. J. Kmia, Hftion Khar. Jan t;. Kiog, W. K. Keoiicily, Jna. R. Kyllu, Kiilnrt Kyle. W. J. Kvcna.— Kiug. Frank J. Kaiiii'ton, lj. A. Kefttlng, Iteo LBP. / W. I^iiiin, Hona. I.Ili. J4niti Lot, Victor Lamunt, Albert liUrliar, Win. L« Nuy, Nai LIqmh a Korreat Lee, (loo. W. Uland, Cliatt. K. Le Mftrr, Ilnrry Loneri'iuil, Ur. luluiia, Kmnk UtllitiBRWoKNatr Launanl, Jnlm H. I«liirh. Holiarl iMwrj A lluily Lc«l(>ror, duo. I). l..swis, lt|i;u»r E. Long, Hunt Look, T. B. Lobe, Prank Ltritiwn, Hran Loclera Mlmi. LllliR. Hid LuiiR, Nick Luiit-Jahi, M. 11. Lan?. Kd. A. Lojai (Ion. lawMtn, Hlierman Lewii, Tvni Ue.ll. W. lAflwll Hftrry UHlgO, J. J. LoTinp, (lias. L««)le, lUrrr Idtell Le iU>y. Nat l^tro, Clarence A. Larwn, tlea Lynch, Klchard E Lyntoii. Harry lAHiDnt, LooU l.ea. Pnif. J. W. Ln Uarra. Ed. Luoden. Ueo. (I. Udell. Harry Urey, Harry U»o, C. W. iMovnhi. Ilarry ImU, W. II. Lyno, Jm. Laary, Juo Loot, H. E. Liieanda, Wm. Lainl'arl. K-T, Lruna, I.. M. Mvxart. B. Bllchell. L. I>. Haaao, W. K. Hillanl, Leltny UcClBim Hilly May, Uoo K. HiirtuD, P.II. Urlnt) n, Kubort Mack, Wlllil. Hackeiiile.C. K. MeTar*.M. UlUalio, Wm. HrKanUM*. W. II. Haniooltl.fl. Mllla. A. B Hllkllo, Aibarl Moittril, Jw J. Mllf* A White Hortimer. aliaa. Mankv. TUua. H, Houuiioa. A. MaoPhip. Lawla Mct^rt)-. Taaib, Hagie,J.K MiH>r», Itayoioa McOregor. Malcolm Marcher. tAaa. McUne. C.J. Nftiii^n A IVfttl .McFarUml.W.ll. Milra. Mklaltly.J.C. MelUraa, Oeo. MiiBMa A Melruae Heaker, Ueo. McCree, K«ao McFadden.Chaa.J. Mlldiell. J»e Xuiiftn, Frank Mllleite Hn». McLean. A. 1>. Hurplty. MikA Madlaun, Arthur Btuaa, Xahaia, \V. A. Bnktnry. W, A. Bitrwy, Virti>r BcUfHth, i*haa. A. Bnnin. J. R. Munnv, Ned Hetlary, Cua. Vrlftl. Willie Bariitn, Kaai Blirhvilfilr*!. Morrl*, Leon Uuifhy, IMI. B«>iicif, llirry Bnillne, Oau. Markliaiu, II. II. UKtrlwoy.M. P. Ui«l A Allen ilHiilneiil Etl BarleM. Ilarry BaMiit. Iwl. tiri'anliy, Dan UKcliolL <lat>. McKonna.lloo. HNiir., .\l. Uauiii. riia*. llalliewa.U. t;. Hufi.-typ, flie UHfliin, Julm Miller, riiu. 11. Mcritail A. L. -"alaon. J. P. .NehwD, Win, Nnreliy, — .Wtilim, At. .\>l>leil. K A. .Mpillk'. AOR. Kp^hi, U«r .Nrll. ltul>«ii NvlMm A UlllAlge .Vnvell, MiJorE. Salhaii, Jurt 'Yl>eli, KIward (irnona, John Oiav, —ijiigaipr) >nlway.Weudell II hinll, L. Jf. O'HrlenAJennlnga o«ter. Wallor H Hiirn, J. P. (tllTor, Ti'D) FrliiiroM, U. H, Piitov.H. L. riercr. W. II. I'rarMici, A. V. Porter, il«>. J. rrllell-rr.l). B. Parcell, (loo. 1*41 her. Tuny I'M he. M.T. l'«inb«rii>ii, U. W. Parry, tiau. O. Panaley, i:iia*. P(>n:iv«l IJ.U. rainier, Lew I'lno. W.A. I'urcvil. Finnk I'ciry. r. K. l*arkii. Hilt IVcli. timt. ralini. Marry I'ickelt^ Ham I'aarl, Lnuio Pine, Will A. I'ftyne, IkQ F. pike, Kil. riliiiriiMtjuarlet Penrl. Billy I'arher, Biiil I'ulk, K.ri. Qiilim, I'aul (JiiecD, Jaa. ''uuley. Jav itiiin, Kd. 1*. Rbaefer, Frank 6tack,Jack Rmiih, Oicar flallr, John Hanroid, Waller Mmoaa, Jaek Hveftiman, lUrry SeymourAndrawO Stewart, F. P. Jttmialo Hni*. HlchftrUmn. U. U. a) H«4l Jachei, Clilaf HuMvlLJa*. HIce. IVui H Kiilriielta, Juo lluuvll, Fred P. Kayniiiod, Uolihj KuwatlM.A Dullli Kt>i«lre, HnUUy Kulherrord, tl. U. Kiiwo A llenia Hiickvoll. J. U. Kvgkn, i:)taa. lUviiiuod, Albert Kdburi, Ilarry Htuney, Ji)1in P. Kuulhma. F. W. Hay, Jtrfiii KiHicli.Jfta.H. KeviHial*, Will. K( tilnaon. KuReBO Hatlian. K A. Kt>'a7r^ K. llUforilMIko KIce, VAma. P, Ktigvra, Ed. K'lP, M. Ku««ill,llarryAli. IttiKMlL Kd. H. Kenii. Will. Kwaciie, W. A. Itnunia^ AI It'iae, Ike KvxrorJ. Ktnier Slack, J. rtcoll, Litu HptnccT, W. rtaruiiy, (Jlllmtl rtrliWHJaiii Uroa. HcrirtHkr, P. Hltiwn.JiihQ P. HaUmaa, (I. P. Kcotl, Mlilnii rtlaiiMO, J4^. 1*. duly A Cunnln<liaiii Bawyor, Frt«l itrarka, Oeo. W. Rparka, Joa V. Mlalinrr. Nate Hrence, Hen. ■Ureei, Albert dawtell J. A. rtiuari, -- :hon^ Hanr Aatlmrk, Billy ilrhoanrelt^. C. abeeraaa, Tito Hinllh. Jaa, .f noa T. K. M. Htnrgejlatry tUunder*. W. Scot I Me, Nap (hrauaa, Haiman dhoaara, Andy Soucrant llrua. aieagri*. — Kveonay, D. Hander* A llaihaway Alrron, Will Mlmine. KiMIe lioltrmla, Wm. Itavao, liiaa. i(inoUlr,(lto. 0. HL CUir, Nalaon |l|tencer, — (dog*) Sldwe, J. F. SoulL (Irn. K. iUvtelk>. Hig. rtargent, Prml lUiaier. Harry ihrronA Hmiphlii H|<arka,(l. M. Htilllvan, F. II. Sefia, II. J. .■(iickney, KtiM. HIiirlalrA Uarilale Hliitl^nii. H. L. riealy, Uu Kpeliilaek, l*hll rpKua, Prank •■•Thayer.J. H. renney. K. K. renney, F. 11. raybir, Frank frovrr, Floyd Tower. W. It. Fitrarr, W. V. Taylor, itowanl rhacker, Frank rbiHtiai. W. H. Thtintaa A (Juinn riiomiiann, — Tliomlliiatiii, F. II. Tliiiel Ilarry riiuuiaun, Jaa rracny. Hike Tol«y, riau Teiry A F4mer Tr)dell Dan Tuti, A. L. ruwu«oitil, Cliaa, Turner, Oai>. II. rituiti, Wui. TlHta. D. Thump. J. II. Tulley, W. A. Trew.H. J. Thiiina A Orltun Tahar, lladj Taylor, Cbaa. A. Thornton, Ja*. Tanner. Ilernian [jnt:e,- VMIa, KamB. Vuiel, John Van Tlliar, Harry ' uyce. Dr. J. II. an, Billy M. Vruiiian, L. H. WInatJUlirv, H. Wurklii,Jeu WiHhla, Fmiulalii Wrif.wonli.Wallar Waek, Kuueuo Wumlaanl Theatre Co. Wesley, llarrr Wliirlioater, K. N. Wllaon, Waller Wadr, Tbt>*. H. WoudliuU, A. II. Wanaliyju Tlie Wllaon. Al. R. Wil««, Claud WoHloii BniN. Wabalor, (loo. II. Wood, Will. KlUnd. irhftK. Wllllaiii^ (leu. 0. WaUJi. John Wallare, A. Walch. Frank Wiilta M>»on. Olilor Wllkle, Herbert Wright, Frank WliMlor. A.T. WrlRlil.W. II. WhMhtr, D. II. WK«cutL L. H. Wf<ai Allle H. Whlla. Jiitin I*. Wartlo.HUnlay WHwn, II. E. Wei*Jale. W. D. .riliiiitre. Illily Wolibttr, Joa. Whllaker, (loo. J. Wlkniica,— Wllley, A. II. Wi.lley, Hark WIlwii.CllnL WIlMihA Warinff Wanl, Frrd'k WilmiiL K. D. Wiiir.TlifHi J. Wtlllaina, Him Wluior, Jiihn Waiia. Tom WllllnmaAHayorH Wariiii. H*ail WMIIaina, (t. W. WiHrar, A H. Wllaon. J. E-l. Yucca, — VanI, Oa<i. ZlDiiiinr. Jidin /.iiimra, Jiian /Alia, Frank H. iUoiora, Major Xannunl. J/W. /.Ininiariiian, Mai /tlva. II. -Tub CurriR Ankval aarertuioir forms will ctoto 1)90.14, audour pftHTtfuara ro(]iivtod lo bave Ibolroopjat (bla oitloo rinrlDg tbo wook. TbIs valaablo riKonl book, tb« only od« of Its klod pab- )tabed,haialwarfnrnT«(t RD BXdell«Dt adverflftloc DMdlum aod a iiimtillrect aionna nf (ximmiiDlcatloa fornanagcraof outr* Imuafnaad balU, Bolom aod porfomenlnRlldopartmeniR, iiiuacuoand alrcua mkDagera, UcalerH In thrairlcal Rooda and coa- lum^orMiioD* who >up|>iy anviblnff uied Ina ibeatro, clrciiinrmiuouni. Tub ah nual wlllbea mloeo/loiereitlnir and rdlUbio InfomiatUin, ect> bmrlns all tbo Iraporlniil evoitla to iho thfalrloal hlatory of tho paat jear, Incliidlnii flrAiappMraiicM and Ont protliictloiui, dramaUo. vailoij, oio.i lira Atnotlcan dotiut of wril known performcrB, ihntre nrat, a Mat of il«ath)i lu the amuioiiiant proifibduni, oi(^. Tbo tiook will l« ItUorrtll/ llliiglrated with bandBocne ongmrtnun nf odttd perfonnorR In tbo dmntatio aod Taudevlllo wnrld. luiea: Por ooo page, 140; for balf r pigo, fji; for i|tiarler of a tago. f 10; for twi'iiiT-iivfl linos, a|lRt^ for t«D IneB, ftgatu, ii\ for dvo ilnoa. Rfpite, f I. — Sotea from .Hadin HajninndV Co.: M*ilo Holf- neanx InlDcdHadlo llarmimd'ifliAlay, tneUlMotirl Girl.'* HCO. 4. to play tfio part of Mm. (Irubb. The companj nitnibora Dficcn itotntto, htrlndlna liand and oroncatn. IIuaIucm has ht^n oxcc|iiTonally ffood for tlie piist four wueka, the .m. il o. ni|m belBg alBpla70drroi|UFntly. llnHinr: Krod Hajmnml, man- WISCONSIN. MlltvaoUeffi—Al ilto |iaTldw<n Theairo Ward and Vnkea gnvu tn-ii |ierfi»nnann* of "A lt<in "n Ihn Hank" Dnr. H. KbI. Kmllli Kuuiall will luaugiiraU tbe ivraL V. with "Nr. Vaii-nllae'a ChrUliiiaa" and "An Krary Day Haa" 9-11. and "Dio lllvala" U ll. lovt acek JoK'l'li Muri-hvdiaw b>|»liitAry. Irnt prndialilo liuii*ea 1-4, and "lloiiian IluaiU" had llirlil allt)ndanr«£ 7. Pauline Hall In "Durca>."roii)aa|A.Ji(*ffHi Jeff*run appaara in "IHii Van Wlnkk)" Ifi, and "Crlrhrt on Mm lloarUr* an< -Uod M«iFi«*iHrillllni«"17. "Hlni^ail ' lV-21. HlJotflll-KNA lhtl'«K -KuKaniiTuuipklii>' "UlkCh (.'ronk' ruininaurfl lu itc<ik ^illi a larua advaoro vale. Tlia Caflvloii (f|ifra(-'omMlr Oi. g>*« "Tl>a I.My m Klitaraey" vcok, to Hiiht InnitM. 'Tli« Dar/lai" la duo seek of Ifi. Panht TiiKaTHft—Kir ADuoaiu*IIarrl«'0|>am(^>iii|«Byi In-'H^iietl AiHl dreinl." 10 Eoalkh. V, lu. and in (Jar man, II. Tlip *l"rk cuiiirany Hare Kell<ir A lleriiianna' new larrv. "VMllahte Uaaili-liaii," a. Ariiir.ur ur Mi'hm; —.Hartlfy Caiiii>>MiirH "Tlia WlilU HIavff," iiMllrife ami iiliibl h. a new deiarlure In heal lliaaifirHlaaml in lh*i ciMluri or Uila Imuae will com in«ncetf. vlientha Colutfitiii (i)>«iTa Co , In "Maid Paalia." hikI an oll'i n(iii|>riiilnK lliiuhsy DouBliariy, AiiiaJla (IPivnr, F.iry. V«nlu anil Hie BnaaM Hlal<ira wMl ha pre- a'niad, aiid ■ ill runilnuKtvIra dally durliid His waak, at lU, 131 anil yic»nU, Il lliU |>4illrv nie'ilH wldi aiirrrM, Ilia URie aiirle nf i<rr>rniHnci eili eonlhnie liHlaflnlialy. Pur WMK of ISHm o)>«ru will t« "AtutirKa" anil "Tlia Black IhiMar," Tbe aiwlally bill haa not aayotl/Ocn «oii*i(e>I. Wn.fiiRai.t.fn Hi'rtRi-N.—Fi>r wenh of P, Hm nirli lali II i-ccupiMl ■III) a iJraai WIiIum*' Courondoo. TTia auu*: HiiNliiKitil lUcklin, Hurt Wi-aiprn, Carroll bihI (lardlanr. dm CliirurU*. Hairy AOler. HM Jluockiey, and WMl and Harr«>tl'a (Ir'^liMira. UKHriov.—H'lilneai ManaRcr (Jauraa II. Niculal, "f lha Waid A VnkaaCo-, rlio'tk hands mlili Ilia mtny frleadr li«r^, vUareli* fniinorlvrnNldrHl an^l carried llie"H*ll allle 'creOenilaU Hanap^r l(i|ilolpli (Hljnhan, nf Uia lo Hall, ■leiarte'l for Kiir"|>«i). Ei|«jilil-'n Maalo Kan CjBlrei.''-Thn Tirclvo TcmplHtloOB' nnima'J at ibo 'Jrand, Al. U. PUkl'' Mlnalriila weie farorad «l(li a gor^l li'iu*e "n No?. 39. Alhainbra Vau'laTlllnaliKliiglii lia.lneaa Diic.S.aii<l the ll(d|-atli llraml I'tiocefi (.'ip. )i»l croidBd li'iuaa i. FonH flu har.—At Iho (;reM:ciiI Hal llold'i "Ifuman lUail^" Nov. SO. waa irrll iiraicnio'l, Ut ttry gKid bualoeia. John iJilton comaa 11-11. LOUISIANA. Ifrw Orivana.—Tlio pait week was one ot l>roAi to maoagarr, «B':ouraglflg lo playera aod Uior- ooRliir eotoyai/la io all. (iBANb Mi-ikA Coi rtR—Maria Waiiiwrlgbt. aaalated )■. ao »ioalkni rompany. t^i-t Ihlihou»«croed4-I frrtin the l«Kiitiiiail of lipr Mifaiemcul til iiacl'i>e,an>l. aaoiuat, |»ll li-r ati'li*nrfa ti<;llilriK lo «lali Tor In lha waji^f ^l.^anili'lartiut. Lillian lluiarllcMnoaDoc 9. Ai'iMiar MlPNr.-KaiP Claaton, in "TbeTwo Or- |liaii<.">lra«UrK« liuaiea. Wm. II, (liane, B-ll. In "H I Wlio'a Pal her" gr. CiukLn TiiiArRi.--Corinae laied ihe aaaiing ra. pacliy of Hill vary larxe theatre at all perlorraancea "T Uie operaiio eitraraiania, "UeodrUk Uudaoa Jr." Cuaiop A foi are doa World ^Players Hior; Vl?l*ii \. Varnc;, ntgti mrniaRor; lUnj If. inckH, Indorot IikhiI ; W. U Nuiin, Intilornt orchet- tni; ttedl, lUjmond, UmIs Hlli^hlr, HhzIo HoIj. nctiix, 111107 li. llnliiHi, Krod Hlllor, Jcmic Hnn- Oon, l> H. Autloiaon, I. K. Hiuah, Androir llainlllon, Win. OunlnorHuil Mule lavcH. Tlio cnmpux *ll< lonr Ulwurt, lorn, Kmiwi, Inill.n Tuirllurj, Had tlion ■<> hrfist. — Natu rmiii Jnlin ijHrmirrt riAjrora: Oar MMon opoDa li. Iniieiul ul;. The ciimpanr In mil Inotod throiiih Now Ynrk, rognaylvmil* lort Ohio. O.lrTiillle wllllio rcniimit. Tnn rmurU la fol- lova: Jobn Oamll, pnipilolur iiml iiiaiMnr; 1'. II. Willlanl, alavo inanaKiir; l'n>r. Uliiirloi T. Ilaycc, rouBluil dlr«utnr: lion. Soruian, Hilvabce irpre* •tstkllTo; I.eiil4 Warren, Tliiiiiiaa II. Iliilllr, t'lalr Tunis, Hario lloiiBlitoii, Mllllo llmce, and UIU« Ilia (Irnco, iho chllu dancer, ftirntorly wlih Uarka llrolben. Abnua Imntl and unihpalra if III Itead* dM Mfivr Uia lioltdaya. I rori'lvod una hiiDditd aod Iwemr-olghi niuwcrd la iiij nicuiil "ad." Id Tui Ui.irriH. — ItiiHioll llamtl plajcil lleo. lloyiiolila. In "A Naval Udot," at (lie niallnco and nliihi pcrtonii- aDcsaunlioc. ),*l llio IIIJiiii Thcairr, llnmkljii, N, Y. William llndr, ilio iiiaiiaiior, irhii had lieoD plajlDR lha mle (HilhouRh Iho namo ul K. II. Ilouiltr waa IQ tke pniRmiuiuofur Iho ohHraclan waa loo 111 lo appear. Il waa Nr. Ilrady'a liilonilun lo bavo ilarlM for Aualralla, but lin hni ntil yoi Kono. — Prlcb'rt i'opnlar llayontwlll npon Ihu now Opon lluiiaa al IMniUridKoliort). I'a., IKh. lo. — II. II. Wliali'it CiimwlUna uluacii at lllnadalo, N. II., Iin\ 'J, lint will Rouii lako tliu n>ail, inailg up a, rollowa: II. II. Wliall, pniiirtoliir; II. K.(lrl>- wnid, liualncaa inannmr: INiin wliyio, iilnga man*- Rei; Ut'Ih liojiaiiin, II I. WoIiIk, Knank Uwraaco, nraoornliw, I'liirriico Oxriiln, Ni'llolla Burk, U|. 11*11 lllRlnw, Uofllo I'aluior, and II. A. I'onney, miialMl dirtclor. — DaUjf WHdo la once mora alilo lo ninnio work, allorH loii/tlllDora. — Urj. Uonon W. (Jlarko dioil In Ihia ollr eail; In Nuvoinlior, and waa Ijiirlwl In ilrooiiwoiHl Uemoierr, HUo wiu llio widow ul Corwiii W, Ularko, an nid lliiio fnTnrllu aouir at llarnnin'a Untioiia, llroad* way anil Ami .siroet, ilila cliy. Hhd waa uovor on tho Blaio, liut waH tho innlhornC lla.>rt U., Wlllbtin II. and lidffln Kormt Ulnrko. Uuraun \V. Clarke Iliad Scpl. 'ii, wn, lintl Irfi coiialdomlilo pniperty. Urn. Clarko waa mvonly al.\ yoara old al tbo lime ut her ilcalh. — A HKxM mnllnM WIU Riven Nuv. Tl, al the l.y- cimni HioMiro, I^iikIdo, Kng., lo iimik llio nInoUolli lilrthdayiirura. Kcolcy. — Tlio llltdjH Walllii "Fanitlinn" Unmpany oloam In lUllliiKini, Ud.. IS. A new play will lio piuliicod liy UlM Wallla. ~ K.llo Kniuoll lua clnand horaMinn. — UUaiinccy DIuuil laya oir tho wook iHfura Ulirlatinaii. — Ailiilpb lAalliia, wlin rociilveil a alroko ot paralyMa mIkiiii one year hko, la now alHHil, having rocovenNi ■uhkloDlly to k" lo work again. — MInor'i Newark, N. J., Tlinaiiii will haraalur lie niaiiiiKed i>y Ita iimpildlorM wm, Ihoiiiai W. Uliur. Uuliintl Willlaiii M, Unnini realgnwii and tlio roalRnailon haa tioon aucrplcd. — I':fnill liuolar tloaed hla oMKagonient wllU II. K. UhdKII llcr. I. — wiilant cIihoiI with "llonnle Bcolland" la Uuifalo, N. V.,|ioo. 'J. — Ilarry lianinilll la wlih Tnmllnaon'a Oointdr Oo. -J. W. Wall, inanaRor ul tlio Mi;Klnlo/ A Wall L'o., wrtleatoTMKC'LiiTitK cnnrornliiR Ihe klillni. In aeirdereoaa, or Wni. Iiryniaii, al I'lirl Ullnion, (I,, Nov. II, lir tir. Ur.Kliiloy. lie nay,: "lie liad m hoartni Iwloro the Juilgoa »t I'roiiaio and wai put under ll.ini hiiDd. Ulilr.ona of I'nrI Vllolon, forlr III nuiuuer.Hlgnod tlio lionil. Wo nut lu no defence, proferriniflnwali until tho (Iranil Jury alt,, Jan. rt. Wo roiilil luro cleiircd UoKlnloy, hut ir wo had thoy would bave ruarrualcd liliii, aa thu llnr* inHimaro a hinl and ilulonnliied aul. We will Oil In our llmo In tho ^Iclnliy of Tnrt (.'Union ami then uinrt on our Hoiiilicni irln, which wo were alHiut lo Iwgln lieriire llio Iroulilo.'' — Hualer ul"ln iHil Maine:" 0. W. Ilrooka, nun- KRor; lliirallo Ciinia, naahilant managor; U. 1^ Ilenry, geniiral ngont; Dan Diirlelgh, 0.1). UulMoo, w. (inm, Al. U Mar, W. c. YoiinK,, I. II. Huh, Will Jonnaoo, II. H. IIoiiimiII. W. h. illinian, A. I,. ilrUwold,II.MImiiiiiiii, r. Mnriihy, lIuMl Uailalita, Nellie llelnier and lira. K. K. WlUlna. An oruhedm of aevan plecea nliarea the hnnoni wlUi Ihe piece. W. U. Vouiiga In loader. — Kal« fanlnRUiii (Ttipay) la wllli Ihe liaUs Harkou "L'.T. u." Co., wliiuliiR favor. — Iloory llilnilny haa lieen re onRagod for llio leaillDR part lii 'Tbe Hiowaway." — Jeiale Kiiilauii la playing Iho Miilirelia rolM wltb Iho HoiiDinn-llrrce ropertury company. — iiracr HIMiurn, of Ihe Hlllinra hlalon. Inronoa iiauf tho (lealhof Ihclr niutlior, tin.H, A. Wo'.it- liiiry, at lUywiHHl, III., Iioc. a. - ilanaur W. N. Adal lam,, or IhoKMatllndTboalre, rillH'iurR, I'a.. wilica lu iiaiif thulliMndal anoctH at hu hoiiiu) laat wuek of Cecil Hpoo.ier, In "Ujokjr Ullaa, thu i.'liciia Ulh." — Ilotitrl Kiiimel Hliorldan, Ihe Irlah oomedlaB and diiger, baa iilMalned fniiii Kilmuud K. I'rice ft new foiiracidraiiu, unmieil "Tlie llard of Wlok* law,"Bnit Mnuw engagingacunipelentcumpagylo priHluce llio aamo. — The illiek (Jonudy (Vi. haa recently iKen aug. mooud hy lioaii W'llkaaiid W, II. Ilagarty. TENNESSEE. NaahTlll«i**Al tho Theairo Vendonio I.U1UD Ra.Mll mad. Iifff Ural apiMaranca iMfur, a NMbvllla audlinca D.c. 4, iTMnlliiM "flinnrind lluclwi.." Nol wliltil.ndln, a Mr.i. ntiw .(orin, th. houM wu packvl uilltflUoorH. "I.a r.rlrlii,tft" wa. II,. 1,111 for A, and at' lrBcU.1 Biinlbtr laici* au.lUnu* (III. Hklnnar vu Ifaa allracU.,n e. 7. and |ir.>.nl-d "Villon, il,. V.a.lAad," "III. (Jrac« U« ilraiairtom" ,iii| "M.rcbaiil f,i v.alea," Thi. bu.loaM iliion *.« lair. Hliiart llot«,ii cabh f, [J.niioicb (Mra (>'. II, 17, IH/iiiialljr auil (llMnl 14. 17, 'A ni'i.1.1 |jr."llin. N,v MiHij..!'* TiiHTM,.—Tlie Dlilir H«ll (ip«ra Oo. cm, I. In "Kuirj Lm." aliloli «i. wiliipjuwl 1,)' a laraa auiliaoca. "rhn OH lliiiiiwlaail" ilraw l.ra. emwdlM. rrnlarkt VTarili, ,:<anaa li. Kali. l.'Uton 11. (, OI'EH.I lldi^H —"Tba llarlir Wlno.r" |,n>v«] (#i b« a iwil allraclloo. liut Tallad l(i draw vurr Urialy b-7. —^— Mentplila.—Al tbe (Irand (Jpera IIoum tlio IIIKI7 Ml (iptfiaUo. ctina lloc.3, aivf liraa.Qta.1 "Naner liM'* 10 a laraa alted and wril idaaaMl audlBon. Milt. MIcB MnrMh. aanaalKhtnr ( and niallnaal. ihlabalng liarUat Ippuranu in coocarl. prlrtr 10 aurllnKOUl al Iba ht§a or,urand crnara rn. Iroin Hin Krlnelicii, (^rlat- inaa ava. Inwblch plu. abe aoea dlrrrl from llilacllr. 'Til, fatal l^rU" waa prialucM lij a aood cumpaar. tii fair MmlaadlalKaa. Nut. rrnl tVardaCMnaB ID. II, ■ThallM'r'lMI, UiellaVlaloalil.ll. Niw Lwril'H TllXATHa — 'A Hall Koad Ttckal" auiuaad r.'ral/rd aixHanraiS'l. Tn. I^illbartfionleClub, of tbit dtr, Rave ao laatruinonlal conrarl b. whlel, waa wallal- Urund. Lillian Hiiaa.llla In i„,ha l,ar IdUIiI bow IfH Ntmldila a4'llaac«a. anil alv, a itiallnf. aifl nllhl Mr- formaac* 7. Tlioa. W. Kmo. did a lair bualiitaa nor. 0-51. 'Til, DailirWIaoar" coma.?, lu AriilToairN —Ptrri'l ri,ny an.l ll'.H Pliow roaiM D-ll, rrlflCKA ud VaUMan'Jcllu, Ouilar and(ll.«Clubn. ChaltansoBa.—At Ihv New Upon, lloau the llaMaln-]lal>llla7>i., KiiV.n ni li'ird lhair wMb loK. H 0. fiiiirb lUilrailawi LpAoeil tttr. ri,r Ibo waa10 a i^,\tA bojia. cnolinulna I'l .plaiidbl lia.lnMaaod wall |>I«M*I aildknca:.. Lillian llurlialo comu IC-ltt. SOUTH CAROLINA. CliarlaifoB.-Al Uweaa' Acadeuiy uf Hnilo ■^h, r,uj C.rd"dr,«ano«,1 liouta IM,.!, TbalaU- wlaMaltllJa Co. coaie whI 01 P-lt.