New York Clipper (Dec 1895)

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662 THE NEW YORK CLIPPEB. Deoembeb 21. World^Playcrs TO CORRESPONDENIS. Our otrmimiaentM m hertiy noOfiii UalJOr llm fUfflCM pmtainti CirMniim ami Jleu ytar't IKiu IhelrleUert tlumld (» tnalliatottttcnaehutnrlltr man unidl. mpartu am (n IMt tgla im TiiaOan 1it/m arr/M lure KOT l.ATeil TltAK MONDAV ■br Ihi (uo lorJa (n iiuulUm. — MMn. JobD W. ntmUioD inil lleriiert 0. H«rw«1IIUIi«oi> the ro«<l,lbe Unit week Id Fob- ruirr, IIM, B new naiilul corned;, called "I'm- dtw Allej," Id irtlcli Hernej FtRin nnil 8*m J. llMn will be lol'ilr reXDivd. The iiI»t U mlil to DMDDil In briihi miiulo inl exccedlOKl/ comleil iltuiilonii, *na ■trnrdi tmple opportaDliln for ine dlnplkj ot the Uleou wblcli bm oitde HcMnu Ptftnud lljin papeliir thmiiiliout llie canntn> Bpeclel weiwrf mil it compunr niimbetlni Iwcnir olevrrnnd v«li knnwn piii>|iie win b* unled. Tie oomedr liiH, we %n Intnminl, n Mmtig i>nd Inter- etUng plot, wlilcli will loittMluce m>B7 onlgne ebnrMlen, and will leek to pre«n( nonio mdm- Uan«l nofalUee and Intitcaln neclianlul eHect*. "Far^dUe Aller" will be bnoktd odIt In prominent Ibeatrea, and li expaoled to cone Inlo New York fora ran later on. — Joe Mlllct'ii farce comedy, "\ niutrd t'Ircn*." Ii now tnurlnii Indiana. The r»ii|snj: Joe Miller, prnprloiorand manager; l>. u. ralmer, pmnliil: Ueo. U Hiiun, adTanoe: llonilcnnn and jacolia. Kclllc Uclinde. Ulllrr and McVMkIi, Kd. Ilcndcnion and MigKle ration. , , ,., — John IMIj Hiirpliv ha» lieen nDKUi'd lor Wm. l^aldcr'K production ol' Hivnl from t lii: Kci." — Onllaihcr Ar tVcai aronielilniiHiino chinuM In their "0 lloolliiaii n Ha«qiirr<de" Co. Tliry bavu eDKiui.^d Jo- UotiUn, ilMi Alma llcirD(-,wlio Jolnrd Dec. 10 at Wiliaiin, ind., rc|iliicloHld> Ituiuall. — Klla Hurton hiiH jDlncd UarkH Ilrn4.> Co. forlho 'itceHon — Uolla PrlDxIc opcnrd bcr tour Nov. A, >i Dodfie- vllte. win. — The Jobn D'Orniond Co. han iilded 'Tho llcd IiOckci"and ' Itoninatier' to it* repertory. — Olllo Mack, of Hurray tnil Mick, wan made a member of II. 1*. U. Klkt, lAdK^ Xo. 1.1. of Indlan- Aiidcrrou. Ind.. Iiec. h. VlBltlnn moin- beraot Inditiiapolln and Niiiiclu l«dira wcro prvn- out, and a aocUl iVHilun ww Riven after the inr- rormincr. — The new l^lly Hall at Applrliin, Ulna. w>h foniiillr oirtincd Mcc 'i, by TTioiniH {.cnnon and Uhaiu tiillii.ln "Dniiion aiiil I'ylbliH. > amiaieil by Apiileron l,«lgi.', Nn. 16, K. of I*. — The router of the llcilicrt l.aliaillo -Fauat'' Co., •upportlnit Uarlo l.oraoiicr Uliadic. U na milnwa: Herbert l«ibadlu. aulo prupneior aad niunaKcr; K. n. Ilarlnur. tioiiocHa inanancr; M. tvolt, auvancc repreaentttire; Jcao l)c L'oimln. iccnio arilat; J. HImoni), na^trr of proporiin*; K<Jniund Monimcr. Uhailea llan, Umt. (Jay, (lllter laiadic, OIKo Cool- Idiie, (Irnme llowo nnu Mane l,<iraDK''r l,ali3dlo. — Ijilwaiil II. Kelly wnim iii ibiti n friend re- ceaUy handed hin a cMpplnn from a tVemern nowapaper.pnlillalicd five ycatu aao. vrlierelu It waaaiAted titer Intel llftcnce had bitu received that Mr. Kelly waHan liimiioof an InndDcaHylnm. Mr. Kolh had no K.iowicilfto of luo nuitll'-nilonur the Item uiiill II tree rccriitly liTuiiuni uihlaaiiunllnn, BUd he now wMhcH tomiito Ibni It vax uncrtv wlili. 0111 fontiilailon. no la |iln)lnK 'Hi|iilre Tucker In "Alaiiaran,*' — Noiei from A. Y. rcunoii'n Kurthcm Hiock Co.; Opened our CaniiUiin ai l,oniloii, Cnn., ilcc,g,t»iliu laturHt lioweof ihcauimn. wlih in- dIcailoDH ftir n rcconl t)roaKlbK Wi'ck. Wolmve Id prrnaratlon a auikerli i>rodiictii>ii of "The Mariilo llcan,''aB a relioi Inmi ournmlodrainnilc tvpvr- tory. — Qraat I'arlah.lo ndrauce or Cr^itton t:iarko, repona a intat attractive sud iKcoularlly Mucce^F- fui lourlDfouvh tlm Huuili.eHpcctalty In Tcxaa, for hit Mar. (In Kub. 2 Mr. L'larko will beiiln a two weoka* eiiKtflenirtn at McVlckiT>4'nii'atro,Chlcauo. — Nettle liilion cloicil wlib Ihe "lljwn the Hlopo"Co. Dec. a, and rolurncd to tier liDme In A'lanilo, I*. — Mra.iMbyTapi<acld wlllcl<HOWI<h K. K. NIrk- oraon'a Comedy C4. Dec. IB, atid ko lo KImlta, N, v.. Where Nr. and Nn. TnpiiiU'ldwIII make their home Inthefuiiiru. — The Buraof llciiprtoiy Co., Wnllirrti KuHacI manaiera, havedeclileil buopen!tin IhulraoaauD Id NiaaachuMUa, — The tneatrloal tinnol lllch k Macder. lemceaor aovcral out of luwn llieairca, hqiI roanaKor of Ithea, have Incorponiicd under Ibu Biaio Iniri* of New York, Frauii lUoli In proildeui, and Frank Ifaedcr, virti prealdcnt and treniutor, — Ohaa, lleywoDd baa alanod to create the bari- tone comedy part of Ur, Novcnilalc, m Iho opera, "The Hparruw,t' to tio producud fur the Urnl Ilniu Jan. 0, ai th<j tirand Opoia llou«e, FlilladelpLIa, hy Ibe PlyroouUi Opera Uo. — Manaser Oharlee F. Alklnaon, of the llowdolD 8<iuai« TbeaM, lh>elon, Maai., baa concluded ar- rangamenu with Aubny Uouclcaull and Hadlo Hanloot toMar JolDily Id a revival of the drama* of the lata UIod Buuoleaull, "Anab K» I'osiie," "Uol- leen Sawn" and "The Bbauahnua," Theaeaaeo In lUMton will be for four Heekaai:d will iiegin Jan, e. The oflilual piDiupt book, with Ita corrocllone, eto.,madeuyUio auitior at varteua tliiiea, will bo naM Id the nroduotiooa. — Waller KeDnedyoloaed hia <'gania«n" Co. laat weok. lie will oriianlie a ooDnpnny to play a Sbakeapoatean repertory, lo take the ruad about Obrlatxnaa. . — John II. Ilanolgan la el lionie In WlluiliiKtoD, Del., under the docuir'a care, but will rtfium ehortly to bla poaltlon aa liuilneM manager of 8towo A Cu.'a •'0. T. 0." 00. — H. a Olarke hai nulled tmm the piofoniloD and looated In UDIuago, III., aa the UealeiD repm- aeaballyeol the Maibewa Nonliriip priuting eaub- lUhmoDt. — Whiluej Ueunlnglon haa len the Jeaale Maa Uall Ootnrany and ratnruod lu Sjianuo, N. Y. Uiaa. Mottlmrr left the unupanr Ueu. 1'.!. Fivd Hitler Juluod Ihio. 13 and Walter llauphlnti. — Ilarry S, lluiler, tnanagor <if "Tiio Midnight Bprelal" Oo., aad Ilarry llarnard, buhlneaa uiau- agar, aend Iviiuta ui Tut cliith re<|unilnguaio deny the rvcent Htateinent thai the roiupany had atrattded In ladlaUMitDllH, liid. TUo Kentluiucu alaii ntate that "The MIOulglii Hpculal" would till all Ib4 dalea. — An order baa iHwn graulcd In the Snprouio Uouit of IlUa Stale, for thu punlabiuoni of Ktuhard HbthI, nmaloal oonipuaor. for coittetnpt of runrl, fur falloie lo pay hli wife (.lllaa M.OMiartean uf all- Dooy. — Fiadertu i. Loog hni bniught aiilt against Mtuo. Blaalon)ltaJonea(tbo blaokPaiil)forltivauh of cuu- Iraot. lie allegea that bo inad«a two yearn* ruu- tnaol for ber oxelunlvo Kervlon, Ironi June 7, mvK. but thatwIttilQ two inoiilhaof that dale ahubiukelt. — L. A. lidwarda lufumia uailut be waa iiunled lo Nellie Kallay at Ainea, la., ua Nov, 'J3. Ikiih an tueuiltera of the llarrla Oomotlj l>. — Kllen Vookoy'a raclial at Itilekering Hall, llna. ton,Haaa., DIght of lleo. II, wasa auoccaaful atblr In every aeiiae. — Oeoim Kllol, leadUig niau lor the paal three ■eaaona with Katie Putnam, haa Jului'd the "llouule 8eolland"IXi. to pUy llamphrey ijuliiolioau. — Molea fiMDi iMoh A stcovlUo't Co.: We are nbty- Ingto Ihe beat bualnueailiiuuKti H'laconalu woliavo ever kDowo. At Uioadhoad we tenird luauy people away. Wo have eiigagwl Kdwanl W. Wuoduuncy, aeenle attlau — wiuum K. Connor obtained a deone iter. 4 lu the tXiurtof (ioinraou rioaa, ihla cUy, HUDUIlIng hIa marriage lo Floreoce Ikandou un llie ground that her former IiuhIvuI wae living at the ilnie. Mr. Connor Ilia Tiled hi«r In Jti no, IMi 1. — Jane May, who li appoarlofr In "Mile, ryg- nialUiu,'' haa ItoguiiAn aLMhui In iho llrldgepiiri. Ct., oouna for lUipl agalim the Her. Dr. Joaeph l*ull- man, of ibal city, 'flio acili'U la taieeit ninm a atate- nient which llr. IMIInian nude la a recent aenuun, aud which Hue. May cuiiua lailelanialoiy. — "Uucle liain," a couuily di^iiia, In three acta, by charlea W. Daiilda, araa acieJ for the dnil unto on any aiHio Dec. i<, at Ibe I'atenou (N. J.) Upera llonae, by liile llakoranil oouiiuin;. " Minnie I'almer, wito baa t««n In Kngland for a namber ot yoan, relumed lo thia country lieo. Vi. tthe will begin her Aiurrlran liiur Hoc. 'a, at Byra. cuie. N. Y., ID -The ^*<:boul (im." — Sal U. Ooodwln wa* prcMatcd with a allver loving cup liy Ihe Lamba' l;luli. In tbia city, Dec. t. — Hurt Mclutuiih altpped while getting oir of a cable car, llec. e,and lUtalnetltiU knee. Ileplaycil the mie of 'niifv, In "Trllliy," aa uaiial at Ibe uanlea Theatre uulll 13, when bla nhyadaii ailrlavd hlin to real, IIU pinca aaa nilcil by Mr. Ariiiim<ng, who li'ayedllH* rvte of Tatty vllhuueol me roadmni panlea. — Uw I'ang Uomp, boalneai manager ot Uie "(I'llooltgan'a Maaeuonide" Co., reporta good hual- iieaa In lodlaua. Ida lluaaell eleeaa at Alexandria, and Aliiu lleani will take her plaoe, playing tha mle i>f I'anay. ^ — John Oonoen, manager of Itie Oalnmet Thea- tre, honlh Ohicafo, III., will direct the Spiing toor of Evelyn UoidoD, In a rtpeitoiy Including "Ca- mllle," ''Homeo and Jollel"aDd a new dramatiza- tion ofHotenthall"nebormh," W.l^Oolllngehaa been engaged aa manager and 0. U. Orane for the advance* — While tho (Udle luymond hand were giving their regular mlddaycnncett lo ghelblna.Ho., an Infnrtaied imll, aitracted by the brlgbt red onl- fonna. made a daab for the playara, who acallered In every dIreeiloD. The bovine made nd have wlUi moalc racka, irapa, etc, Iwt no one waa hart It waa aome tinw before the moitclanacould gatbar conrage enouib to come hack and flolab the oencert. — White'i New Opera noon, at Marion, lad., waa formilly opened Dec. 12, by llcnderaon'a "A SlralghlTlp"Oo. ^ „ „ — nofter of "O'ltoollno'i Haaqnerade:" Matt. Oallagher, John Weal. W. B. Wataon, Wm. Unv, llan UcT, l-ew lung Uonw, Jeannette Uupre, Ida Itnaiell, Aii'-I« Umnieroanx, Klule Raymoaa, Min- nie Itenoat and Mir Raymona. — Itoiurand noteaof Rmna Warren Co.: Kmnu Warren, Hanile He Uan, Kdna Paige, HIa Hener, lJula Panllne gojmoor, J. 8. Oarallle, Percy War- ren, J. H. tuawan, CMr« Kvana Tom Smart, (leorge Waireo, oito HrowD, Carl Haker, Nory Dtiakwlne, Walter I'otta, Wn. Malthewa, Cleo. I,ndwlg. Pmf, Carl Meneer, leader ot nrcheiua, cona'atlng of eight plecea; Ui»aniir, leader of UaDdnt twelveplecea We are touring the Sooth lo good bnalneaa. B. R. O. roakea lia appearance two orlhree timea a week. TOO company li booked aolld aalll Mav, 18M. —JoeepblDB Oameron la at the Wnnun'a Doa- pltal, alowly rccoierlDg from adaagerona aarglcal opeialloD which aha recently iiadrrireoi there. . — Maude ArelMr haa lolned JoeUU'a "Star Oazer" Oo. for Iho real of the aeaaun. — Ttie American Unmedy Quartet Joined Corbelt'n "Naval Cadet" Cn. on Dec. 2, at the Uijou Theatre, Brooklyn, for tbo tcaaoD. — A leiitr loTuk UMfraaalateatliat Ibe liaggage car of "The Ulack Crook" Co. waa brokoD IDto and all the tnioka broken open and lolibed night of llec. 19,atWliwited,Ci. JoDoW.Wurld and lie llollla were 'lie largett loaera. — Mrinne and the Kimball Upera Comli|ueOo., now touring Texaa and the gnuibweat. will, on June 0, begin an eight weeka'Kiur ol itie Pacldc coaau preientloit "Uendrlck llad<oo" In the aaoie lavlih manner aa chaiacterlxed Ita preHniallona lu the Ktit. UanngerctH Jennie KImtiall conllnuea Halt L. Berry an buelneas manager, his aecond aea- win, aud haa changed Hie cinpatiy until It now In- cluilea Ben F. (Irluelle, Olailce Koalelle, Harry Ulckeraoo, Ohaa. Camenin, J. Henry Mack, Frank llaydcn, the NIchola IMater« (MiIkI and Lulu). Lil- lian Knott, Faeiile llacoau, Ueorgia Rush and an Mcepllenaily atrogg chnriia of Iblrty elx vokea. — "Uanda Acroo the Hca" Koiea: Ula N. Wloalon haa Joined the company aa leading lady, playing the partof l.llllan. C. Blancbe KIre wa* atrlcken with pneumoota at Itlogliamtun, N. Y., while playing the pan of Lucy, liec 13. Alter the performance Han- Hger I. A.Holomno, aeatng bow aerlnujly III Hbw Hire waa, at once wired (nr her mother, who lenow witb hor at tbeuiaadall lloune. HIa llico hopea to reJniD Hie company In Pliliadelphia, Pa., Jan. 0. lyittio Hope haa Jiilueil, to ainunie the part of l,acy. — lAUIeHelioae, wireot Henry Femnn, of "The Hldewalkaof New York" Co., preaented him with a batiy girl on llec.». — lUhy Itoy, Iho lira monthi' old son of Frank and Amy Whltilcr, made bla dnt appearaace upon the atage a: tbo I'lilalleld flpein Hou«-, PltiaOeld, He., on OctVi, on which occaalon Ohaa. Vaught, Dunager of the l.llllaD Tucker Co., prcaonlcd liliD with a gold ring. — Irving French, fomerly Irving Swarthoul, luta bookud H aU we«Ka*touro[ bin piece. "An Irlsh- nMn'HTroulih;p,"and,lf aiicceairul. will atay out for tliu reatof Ihesoaaon. Among ilio nieDibora of tbo company are: Irving Krencb. Will Itiirnoll, Ralph ll<wu, Uliaa. tirccn, llaitle llaynrs, Ulilu Burnett and lllaiiclio Kllkni. Advance, Jua'pli KoDncdy; Kva Harris, leader. — 1110 lluaaell .V Vaker'a Comedlaiig have die- aolveil. — Itixler of ColkimA Riisaell'aUomedlana: Ctdlnm >\ Huaarll, proprletore; Chan. II. ItuaHoll, manager; Andy Uitkiiii, iiage manager; Hr, Shcpp, advance; Jamea llwyer. Prof. Jake Koeli, leader; Jeaae Colea, Mini Cutum and Angle RUfaill. — Tlio lliilier Opera llonae will be ojiened llec. 10, with " the American Hero" <ln. — Harry (J. Dielz cluaed wlUi the Corinne Co. at fiavannah, Oa., and iipeied irhh "The Night Oloik" Co. lleo. 10 iniroduclug bla new apeclally. — Tho Uaaonlc Temple Anaoclailon. which bas been opurallug the Temple Theatre during tho prea. eiitaeaion In (iaiiiden, N. J., decided at a meeting on llec. \i to close tho theatre witli the performauce ol "The New Uoj" on lleo. l». — Corae PaytoD iDfoniia lie that ho haa purcbaaed of Kliner K. Vance bla new aeeoery car. — Jobn Wllaoa la entoilvely plailng Captain Blammerand the tramp la "LIlUo Cbrlatopber." — llertba V'arlng la wlDnlog favor Id her new dancing ipoclalty In "IJille Cbiulopher." — Tee Uiiluinlila Theatre nanagemeut, In San FnDolaco, CM., the iwal monlh have booked aev- eral of iho beat allractloDa la the coudUt on toun lo the coaat Ffledtaoder, floiuob A 03. are now lo touch with every manager to the eltlea on both the Union PaolOo and Northern riolllo Ilallroada, and are booking nutea without lemunerailontn Omaha, Kansaa City, Denver, Salt Like, Ogden, Portland lUoonia, Beatlle, Hnokaoe, Helena, Unite, RL Paul and Hluneapolla They are ako booking In all of the ol lea lo Ue BUIeof OaUfomla. — W, B, Waiaon will manage bin own theatre. Id Newaik, N. J. Ilia Inienai with aallagher and Weal will upln about April is, IBM, aad next aeaaoDGallaglieraDd Weal will be managed bye well known local manager. — Tbo uabum Ooniedy Co, opened their aeaaoo al Beatrice, Neli., IhH). i, lo a raiieriury of atADdard cuinedlea aud draioaa. Roster: C. A. Qaliorn, pro- prlolur and manager; IL A. Oabom, buslneaa mati- aicr; J. U. Ilaliaday, advance; Walter Mlla, II. M. DIako, Frank Brron, IL Guy l>autiaaD, Harry 8. la Camp, Jamoa Klbeno, Dbiacho Soymour Oabom, Kay Hdrldge, Loulao langdon, Mra. 0. A. Oabom, Hailalon Oufmau, Hr. and Mra. J. II. Hand, and Maud and llaliy Kay mila. — Kiliel Tailor retired from Nelllo HoUeniT'a Oo. llec le. — "Down on Ike Farm," wllh Chan. Hanlor and a competent company, under direction of Hloh A Haeder, will play Ihe holiday weokaat lllnghamton, N. Y.;Wllkeai>airaand8aranion, I'a., and Wllnlng- ton, llol. EDWIN CORDON LAWRENCE Was lioiii Nov, 1, l<U«, al Philadelphia, Pa, He grailtialcd finin the Ftlendn' School to ihal city when ^Ltlorn yrani ot agt*, and conimcnccti ehortly aflcrvvArdH to aaalat bla father. Prof. Philip Law reiico, aa an liiii:nictoT In tbo Lnivmic,; School of Arllug. which waa orlHlually In Philadelphia, liut rciuorcd lu Now Ynik lu IBTl Al Ihe ago of nine trcu he ronimoiccd practical elagp work aaa mcin tier ol Hicclu Hacka.iv'a "guetn and IVoiiiau" l oin pany.and hiler followed that aottir to the Madiaon Situate Ttiraira, aa ireafiurrrot tbo honse. Un Ur. Uackayi'H retiring from iho matugenicnt he went with hlni Oil hu private atcieiary. In the Fall ol IKil he arranged wlibT. U.French tolakoihe Union Square Theatre auoceaa, 'Tbe lianlohctlVi." on the niad. and loured vrllh It tbmugb the country, playlngihe cliamrlorof lilniD wblrh he met wllh conatdcmblo auccosa. Id tbe Suuiincr of IH^ hia faihor illcd. and he mired tram the etago lo take chaigo ot llie arhool. to which he haa ainco devoted hIa cnlltu attcnllon. appeailrg only al bencou and aiwclal perforiiiaurca. to conjunclinn with bla father bo wrote ihe "lAwrence Itcclter,' and he rerrnlly laaocd hIa own work, "Simplified Kloru- ilon." i work which liai Ihh*u very airongly cn- doi>(i>d oa a valuable aid tii lioili aiudenta and toarlioiv. Ur. Ijiwrencc will return lo Iho elage next neason, wbon ho will npHluce a romanilc Rua- alan dniua. cuililcd"Kor lleraakc.'* lie will liegin Ilia tour at iho Inland 0|>cra lloiuc. Albanr, .\, Y. Ho liaa been ravuiably known in llila cliy luanv ,vt'aMHa a tearher ot elurulion and Iniumclnr In dranintlr an, and hIa aktll In ihia dirccllon, adilid to hUvarlyoxiwrlcnreupuDlbealage.ainirtlaairong foiiiiilHtlon for bla bopva uf ancreaa. WASHINGrON. Beatlle.—AlOordny'aTbeaIre the UacuDSIock 1)0. baaaa Uielr fourtli and Ual aeak Dae. f, whaa "Ttia ButliiiuDfthpSu"wiapr«a4atal toablaau,ll*Dra. "f\» Balali orltaonlbal llowt" pioT«d a itiima draalaf raid «Mk ot 1 na Baautoa Lalb aad Cart 6inlUi t^.t>. baalo a ritrtnlahraaBaai*maal le. wbra "Tne Bal Ma^qu* wilt ti* UirlropaaiOROgerina Riinia THaaraa.—"Charlaj*! Auar'oant* lotairlieal' aeaa e aad 10 HaIiI. Ituvntaa O-U. Tiveu TaaAVaa.—mil Ii^um ntallauf* to •irawbta eniwila Willi lha fiulpwlaa tiltl: Tti* PranlM^ Oairta 1^ Roia, Litrimlaa and llowaU. Titniniy JatfarMau One* l.ajni. Julia and Annta BatrM.Hoi* nohlamlllL llarrr KtQK, Joa Canvrlffhu and kIhb and 0onp, nacAaalou woBdara FAfTa—ItM ladlea' Maaloil ntab will pradoea OoUlaga anil lira}'* "NaU of Mllaa" doriap Janaavy. Variety aad Minstrelsy TO CO RRESPON DENTS. Our u)ii v ip o n de»t«ar« ftneM; noKAd thaljor Ute uerJt* pnenUnff aauimu nnd Nob rmft Ban iMruaern tlimiiabemilleato at lonaOixutanitr than vnal, KrporU diie <n (Wa ofa on TMtay tltautd arrlee Km KOT LATER THAN MOSDAT JOr OuUco uerJta lit vuaMon. J.P. P.Ilrm, the well kaowo theatricalsgcat of IxindoD, retomed to Eorope od Dec. 14. Hr. llyattexprtaaeahlmielf In Ibe higheet term of ad- BlrailoD for America and Anerlcens. During hIa atay he haa been the gneai ot the Lamba, Lomt, Playen, New HaDbatian Athlctio aod Uptown Clahe, It waa Hr. Hyatt who Inirodnced the Oeo. Lockbart clephaDis to Manager Procior. he haa alio booked nnmerooa featorca at Koou^r t Rlira, Kclih'a and Tony Patlor'a. Hr. Hyatt haa forlho pa't twelve yean auppllcd iho Oryital Palace. Lon- don, wllh Ita apcclalty aiincilon«.thai be repre •cniB la London. He looka after the Iniereaiaot Jaroca A. Bailey, proprietor ot the Bamnm A Bailey hhow.and he lathe aieDiofClnqaevall,lhaSbai)era, Blondln and othen. Bruce L. Biidvis. lor many yeara aa acrohaL gynoaat and boxer, haa retired from pioinalonal life and become editor of a newapaper id hIa home In Caacade, la. Hllb. Tiieou, of Malcolm and Ttcda, waa called to 81. Lnoli, No., OD account nf ihe noddca death ofherelaler. At,. AND Hahib AKiiiRaoN, the black maacoia, bad aucceaaful engaiemenhi In New Tork City and UrooklyD, Toe team are od their way Wear, aad left noaion Dec. It Special aceocir and new llih- ograi'ba are being made for their European trip next Spring. sit APBR and Ahu lit cloacd a ancceeatnl engage- ment with tbe Anedcan Qaleiy Oirin Oo. at Fall Hiver. Maak, and will play Weal again. Bii.i.r Van U again a member of UieTTOcadcro Vaudevlllee. iTieW.H. MooiiBwhomTheo. A.Meizbaaplaced lo charge ot bin theatrical excbaage. id ihla city, during nin Eoropean trip, and not A. E. uoore. as waa elated. The laltcr Is In charge ot Ihemoeic puhllabing department forUr. Heiz. Lew and llARgRR lu tneir comedy strong men act. are playing ilatoaaucceasfullr. This week Ihcy arc at ibe nanhatian Athletic club.Ncw York. They iDinduce good comedy work wllh their feats of htreogUi. They bare lately opened n school for pDjslcal culiuio In Orooklyn. N. Y. TniionioiNAi. Wood SisrRna. Julia and Fraacls, me wllh Iho llvry Norrlo Eob-rtaloen. HANLr.r ANn llAKTConilnae to receive good preaa notices for their mualcal act. TaooAnKRO VAVDiviLLBNoroL—N. E. Kaufman, irick bicyclisi, who has made such a decided bIL with tbo 'hocadero Vaudevilles, returna lo Kurope linncdialrly after the rio^e of bin conlrACt with Hr. iCIeitcld. Mr. Kanfraan la compelled lo return lo fiilllll hIa Kiirnpcaa cngatemenla, b ,1 will reiurn here In tho Fall, under Mr. Zlcgield's manage- ment. Mr. Xlegfeld la perreotlag elaborate prepara- il'ioeforbla tour with Handowthrough Ihte country i.rxt rear, on hU way aronod tbe world, tine of llie tcalurcH of the company will be IvankolTH ininpeot Rusalnn Btogcra, woo were heird at Mr. /.legfeld'a Trocadcro during Iho World's Fair ID Chicago. III. The troupe conalaia ot tCD beautiful Human girls. Another feature will bo the Introduc- Hun of a ponabic Kimball pipe organ, In conbccilon with orchestn, to produce desired cgecta Id 3an- dow'anewact. NOTKS KROX IIII.I.Y BaRUW BUHTON'S HOTSTI^PF Show.-llualoC:Mi giant, tiirolog people away every DliTht. We have doubled witn smith A Thomas* All Star Comedy Co.. mablog tne biggest hinBltiac- Hon on canb. Pcrlnrinrranf Smith k Thomas' Co.: 1110 KImos. I'cic and AlllcQermanakeich; Eragaid and Kcnols. songand dance; tho Lorcllaa, ahadow- Praphe; Solih and Thoniia, musical comedians; rut. 0. C. Hruco, muajcal director, all under ttio peiraoal maoaienient uf Hilly Harlow Uunou. The Hkowm IIrur. mourn the loss ot ineir rather, who died Nov. 17, In Bury. Laucanblre. Rug. Marion aku Peaiii. have databcd two aucceesful wecka tn lli'tion, Haaa. Ai.i.KH aniiUrijiiin. vllb ihclrllttlesons.Oordle and Alva, will spend the holidays lu Whcellog, W. Va. SNvniiRANDBccki.Kv, Of the BIgSenaatloD <3o., were presented wlih a noral irlbnie. In tne sbaiw of a beer keg, by ihclr friends of Ihe Frank Fehr Urew- Ing (A)., at the DuckinghamTheatre, Loulevlllc,Ky., laei week. Jiv DUNOKT has Joined Chaa. CobaUe. ADA Ai.rxANbRA, Ibe Hutch Oirl, recently on the road wllh B. B. Itlte's "Olobe Trotter.sailed for Europe Dec. il. Her hualiaad, C. E. Uaverly, also goea 10 London to easume the ediioiship of a>ni- merxt. <:tiA8. IKNES3 la playing over the Texas olrcult. Madden aku arahs Lave closed with Kalbdeld's Orpheum Stars, and aiu now fllllag a Southern en- gageueuL lionwDRTit'ii MiNsriutJS opened their scauon In llurdrntowD.N. J., Pec. XI. Tbe roster: Prof. Wm. Uewonb. Janes McKay, W. J. Rrlllr, Jerry Sonok, J. J. Atkinson, Ed. Arno. Albert lliuba, liemono, and Noon and IllDes. Mabii Kicuuond, of HarTT Horrla' "TwenUeth Outury Malda," who tell upoua aword, liijurtng berseir ao tudljibat ahe may lose tbe sight of her eye, la slUI wllh ibai company, Tui nAM of Andrew and Colemau have diasolved uartnenhlp. Horace Andrews will Join the Amer- ican Trio. Uioaoi Daveitbv, conlorUoDlst, latoimo ns that he was mairled to Irene Uondrtcks, aoalmtte, at Uadlaon, Neb., Ilea 8, They have signed with Uen- neit*a Concert Co. Flossie Ili^uHm, who for the past two weeks haa been alck lu bed wllh dipblberbi, la recovering slowly, but bad to cancol all her datea. B. W. Uban writes that be Is reorganlzhig the orlg- Inal Jockey Hlnairels. Uanaubh BOLriK, of the City Trocadero, Atlanta, Oa., reporta excellent hualnasa tor bla minairel com- pany at the Trocadero. RCBY ATXixsOH haa closed with Uatrr Woodwatd'a Vaudevlllee. HiTA lli'BAMD played an eDiagemeatatttieUan. hatun Athletic Olnb, New Y'ork.laat week. Tub Elikorb aisniRa have cioead a Dve weeks' engagement on tho Loihrop cireult and opened at the Hanhatun AthleUo Club Dec. la. Uurv BBoa., drum majora and lightning dtllllate, cloaed wllh Ihe Ulnule Lealer Co. at Ilalnoeld,N. J.. Deo.T. Tub gi'AEBB Oirv l)i'iRTTr, while playing last week In Kolih'a Boshm Theatre, Introduced qulio a novelty In their new blaukamlth aet. Mr. Kelib gave orderw to have three ot bla owd honea no the atage Id the bhwkamlib ahop scene, with two of the meiuben In the act of sheeing t he norses at tha me ol lbs curtain, which made a prauy picture. Dur- ing Ihla scene Ur. Kellh had it pbotogiaphed by flaab light In the presence of the audience. JOUN (I. and l.inii HcDowBLLare no longer con necled with Slair i NIculal'a "A Cracker Jack" Co., havmg closed llec. 4, at Pulloian, III. Moi axD OcoPiiioK, In UieUr skating aet, began a week's eagagement at the Oaslao Ice Rink, Pliia- burg, Pa., on l>ec. 1. They were ro-ongaged for tbe week of Uee. a. Till wm of nomaco F. Edwarda presented him with a baby boy In SU Jobn, N. B., Dec. 3. Bakbb add l.yRS are playing a six weeks' en- gageuiest on Ibe Davis circuit with succeaa. They open on Keith's cironli abonly. FiiiLaoELruiA UipiiK B. P. 0. ELie will Indulge In a aoclal seialoo Sunday eveolDg, Dee. 31. Od this occaalon only menilMn of tbe order.wlll be per itillled to attend. A cordhil InvlUilion la, however, extended lo all Elta who may tarry In that clly a( tbe Blue, Notes rxOH Ruse Sydell'b London Bbujs I3a>— ThIa compaDy Is In Ha funrteenih week aod meet- ing with anccess. Hose Sydell Is well received, alac oar Diah) sopnno, UocolD EUwood. lie lllla the Saco made vaeani by 0, 0. llavla. Utmpbeli and lenp ate aa tunny aa ever. The little favorite, Madeline, Is still irovbig a card. Leo and Chapman ate dolog oleverwork; alao Kelly and BC Lnalre, Jones and Laprane. Jenale Ripley, anduole and Dlison. Rose sydell at Worcester received ceally presenia W. II. Oeleet Is lookhig atterthe frentol the house, and Joe K. Kelly Is alaie director. Tug Focr Ooians preaentea "Oogglea' Doll llonae" last week at tbe BonlXm, JeneyUlty,N.J., making a bit They are re-engagwd over the Keltb circuit, a'lao at (he Star, Brouilyn, N. Y.,ln Febru. atT and Mareb. FRANE Le Bar Is producing a skeleton coDtomon act HarDE DiRVRT sang "Oolog lo Paris with Papa,' "My Beat Olrl'a a Oorker," "Just a Utile, You Know, go 8u." "Uh, Nr. tlltchin," "Before and After Taking" and Inlndnced ber dances, night of 13, at the Jeraejr Uly Atkletlo Clab, Tbe manage- ment offered lllis Haney spaolal Inducements to go on anil doting the avanlDC bolahewaatoo eahauaiM. Fair AND La Hiiu wUl optD on the Bo^na elreo^ to Chicago, HI., Deo. Cifod In Bao hM- ?SS Cal, March 3, al the Oiphenni ««»*«• SSry TtH and Nettle FleldB,hock dancen, have "ffimaifD OurroRP play an engageoent over the '**BnIi.Y'?*B«Ill AND HllBT ElTON, ot the Big 8^1iS>D O?.7?rie ii*le member, of the St Johm LodgoTNa 3, Dee. 10, and an dow Mut»r Mmom. neyaie aiai; membwB ot the K. ot P. Lodge ot Ctn- ""pSm! RRcaiB opened tho Oremome, a new place ofsmniemeDtlnllIaeoola,Mon.,Dec.a. Wg ABB INFOIMID thai the Casino Theatie. In ColnmbnB, Ind., closed on Dec. 7,oo account ot ''^'cln^'BiDNgv HmnAK, known as (Jueeole 0»r5topher,tbe ladi life saw, wlU learj to the suae sgsbi, sod will rejoin her hnsband at the Olympic Thealre, Ol"'"?'.•?('•„_,, KonlFBOBCOL- B. 5. DigOLl's HEinOPOUTAK BpeelaliTOo—WeoMBsd the new opera hoase at Apple Cnek, 0., tn fig ^^*^,^Lt^L moodo waa a welcotne visitor 12, havlog Jast re- tamed from Beaver, Pa., where he wsa an Impor- ^Mwluess In a inurder hial. Onssle Peirrlaa newsddlifoD lo Ihe show. Frapk Oteeo, onr Oer- man coniedUD,and Ool. Dlegtoare mak'ff We are tooting Ohio, and we cany the man la white "LuSrE CuFiDN, slnolDg and dancUig "onbiette, wbo haa been serionsiy UI In Fonsmonlh, Va., from a inrglcal operaUon performed on her threat, la slowly recovering. Baoib Wallace, male Impenonator, way present- ed on Deo. 14 wlUi a allver monnied banjo by the membereof Benneu's Comedy Oo., at Amblsr, Fa. DgMomo AMD LORnaiiig are wlto tbs "Fan on the Bristol" Oo. Albbbt AND BOWABD bAvo dlsBolvod partneishlp. Lew Albeit will work alone. „ , Noris FBOHODT BBoe.' HiNOTBEii-Boslaem a excelleatpUylDg eoaie alghrs to B.B.O. Eddie McDonaldTolnedaaDee.o. TbestaiDoaciof Chaa. Albert and Edwla Ooy Is a feature. Lyooa and Herbenaragieatfavoiltea. Arthur Qay Is ttklng Tooy Coniya place la a knoekahont act, and doea u well. Conly had to go home, ven sick. HcVey la astonishing them all. Unghey Kans U an attrac- tion In hliDncfc dancing. .... ,. Rhni, the one legged gynuast and skater, haa dned haoda wllh Peter Orolhe, ol the Orothe Bna., n a new act. , . Tag WiuiabsTrio have Jost closed a Dve weeks' ongagemsnt CD tbe Davis clroQlL Fbuik J. Kbllt, musical director of Kellh's Bllon Theane, J^lladelphla, Pa., was made a mem- ber ot PbUadelphla Lodge, No. 2, B. P. 0. Elks, on Deo. B. HoiuN k Sanson's Star Specialty Onmblnallon opened He season Dec 12, at the Soldlen' Home, DaytoD, 0. The sistebs Don have Oalshed their engagemeot at the Atlanta Trocademtand wUl appear in New York again next week. Tney are booked for next season In leading BriUab and Oonthieotal music holla Paduni Batchblke, althoegh seriously HI, con- tinued tier work wUb the Rose UHI Co. at Albany and Newark for Ihe past two wseks. Her specialty andiolealnUie (ret part and bnrieaque were as anccemf ol aa ever. „ MoNA Winn llalshad aa sngsgement at Keith's Union Square, and Is now on the Davis circuit, this being her third time over that cIrciilL Lvc Veinoh, song writer, Is In Uuqniam, Waah., having left l>alla^'nx. FiisoN AND Ebbol wcn BmoDg the leading fea- tures at Harry Davla' Avenue Theatre, Pltlanurg, Pa., last week, playing a sncctssful eogagemeDl. Li Vi.air AND Leslie have Just Uolshed another succeestol engagement wllh the Fay Poster Bor- Icsqoe Co., thb< reaklog tbs second time that they have strengthened the above compaoy Id Boston, Mass., this season. They have signed contracts with the maiiagement for several more weeka dnr* Ing lbs aeasnn- . ^ TBB Wiuior Di'o, nick hloycllsta, now one of tbe leading fwiotesot fl;de'sOomedlaDS,are recelvUig tbs highest pmlae from the press wherever the com. paay appears. Notes ntOM tbe Fay Fosria Co.-Hanj changes have been nude. Several penple llnlahed In Boston, Mass., Dec. 14, but will be replsced by Hay Adam^ FlizgemM and KeUy, Thompeoa aad Buaell, Harry Uaaiings aad othen. Cod Bayer will be ihe new leader Of orchestra, and tbe choms has been aug- mented by seveial new and ap lo date arrlvala. With new coetnmes, tbe beat featuteanialned. and the new srrtvals, the company wUl nnuln up to lu standard. . , TBI RoYiia opened atthe Backlngham, Lonls- vllls Ky„ Deo. B, with their new act Ouis. Qetib, contortionist, stales lhat he will put out an open and minstrel show that wUl appear In small oltlea. RH ODE ISLA ND. Pnvldeaca.—BatlBess at the various thea- txaa for tba pait week hu bean prelly Itgbt, owing to the aimctloaa ottered aod Chrlaunu being ao aaar. At the Provldenta Opeia uooie Prank Uajo, lo "Pudd'nliead Wllaoa." Dao. B-lt, waa lli« etroageat altxaetloa of tba week, ao4 IM ba«lo«aa waa falrlr Rood. For tha T«- malnderof ibe weak Cbaa. B. Uanfoid, Ellbu Speocar aod Non O'Brlau mada Uioir appearaace In lepenorr. aod did Bot bAva good hualnaaa Joho Draw, In "Cbrtato- phar Jr " and "A Man 1b Lova," cornea IS-18. Cbrlatmu weak wlabedlvUad batwaen Cleveland'a Mlaatnla aod ■odjaaka. Kainiv Oniu Hocsa —"A Wblle Rat." made lu Unit at>PHniBce her*. It wia far rrom balnaep to the Biual atlraellooi ogar«d at Uil< bouaa. aod the builaeM ■aa Ib iceoidaaca with iba pUr. For ibe pnaaot weak JacobLlu'a 'Shall No. T' will oceupr Uh tbaaira, aod oa Hirtaunu waah Jamea J.Corbau,ln bla new play, "A KavatRadsl." waaraiXriTan TRaiTax—The London Bellaa aava a Tarr aoed ahow a-ll. bat had only ordlnair bualneai^ Aba Laatlil'a Raau-Raatlay Co. nakea lu aooiial vLilt 10-31. and Id lbi« cotapaoy la kiobed ror a big vhow and bla boalaeaa. ' Zaro" cooioa 33-38. Lovnaors OrasA Hocsa —N. B. Wood, aopportad by ooe of Lothrop'a Btoek eooipaolaa, praaaolad ^Tfio Boy OatecllT*" vevT craetubly. to fair rocalDla. 9-11 Tbia week Kola DalUa. Ih* favorlla. ntnraa and pnaeota "In Ihe Heart or tba BlarTU." N. a Wood wtu lalare 2M), lod prawn "Out lo iheStreata." Hxauia Parrih. who la tiaaaarar Bf Ihe Waatmlnatar Theatra.aad haaboea cooSnad lohlabedlormaDT vaaka by MilonalllBaa^ U lo bava a baneflt 31 BoUerPoIo haaaaala caaahl Ih* town aa la pfarlouayearn, aod Oia audleoe4>galhefad lo aao a same ar* vary tana Ed- win P. B««ne*hu become bualn*eaoiaoaa«roftheChaa. B. Oanford. ElIbB BpaDcarand Mora 0*Brl*a Ob Tti* flm panof "Tb* rwlll Bo Olab." thai la uaed by th* Ronu.8aBlly Ca al l>*e Waanntnatar Ttiaalra Ihla week, ta the work afProf. Cbaa. LovaaberE. of Uita oily, aa u alao Iba borleaqa* of "BobUl Hood." Pawelackel.—At the Fawtuoket Opere Houae Rtca'a "tin" plarad lo well nUid boaaM Dao. 1.10. "Bid* Tracked" cane II. and did not do much "OhI Qlory" 01*1 with aboat ih* aame r«ault 13. "Black Onok" Co. comaaaOi OREGON Portland.—"Charley's Aunt" was leen Dea 2 and 1 Bualaert waa good. Dan Bally appeared 6 aad T, pi*a«otteE "Daddy Molao" and "A Day la JuDa." Bad- aaaawaitalr. Uaory K. Dlalawlllbeaoen Uand U,lo "The Lolleiy ol Lore." BebllllOR'a Mlnamla cone IG andir. Ooaouv's TuBATaa—The Bmltb-Llab Oo. ptwaaotad "Tha Bal MaHiB*" weak of X BuitB*aa waa fair. "Tbe Aimtitaa NlRhtM" wma pot oo 0. "UerailBe*' will follow It. Tha Ba(nn stock Co. will latom IS. preaaoUag "Uoda DanlaL ore MoiaaaRav fmo Jarvia BboiIob." Naw Pabr TSBATaa—'The AwiBrican Olrr waa aeea 410 7. BaalBBM wmi ratb«r Hxhl. "KootaCrUlo" waa KMiaain] 8. "Deallof" win b* a*«B 13. and "Amariean ni" 14 WORaaaLan&-LalQ Watta, nanr Bernard. Jolla WInchell. BInlla llank^ Laoera Hlalara, o*o. O. Tni- elL Carrie WiocbalL Awaavasa—Ilia Byuia. iralial LWIogatoB*, Ed. Do- laa. AraalludBanm, flna* floathera Lovvaa—Th* N«w York Ladlaa' Orchaalia. Noraa—Mo^Jaaba will Inelade.Fonlaod Ib bar fai*- w*]t laar In IhraoaaoBoftlBe Anioaalh*n*w book- InRalorlhaHaniuan Ormnd af«niaTaMerTla,lheCat1*- toa OpaiaCo. aod TbatclMi'a mnatiala. CAUFORNIA. Lae Awgalea,—ne Loe Asgelea iheatn held good alcad aadlaneea for parrormaacaa by Havarlr'a HIa. atrala Dao. lA Tta* Bavbaak Tbaaba eootlnaaa the vtryaaUitaetotT boalaaaa which baa dbaractarlud Uie BDRainaianl of lb* Frawl*y Co. "Tb* W**tan«r" ra- c«lvM Ita llnl pi ' •■ ch a Hce) i*eonipaor. ^ - —. ,'CaMalB Swin" IVlB Mr. Flmwl*; bu i«:Blwd tlakla laltoo br Iba eoaipiBy % aad pnTetlnichaHccaaalhallt wlllb* addaJ lot}i*f«p«r lofTOf th*eonpaor. "Voana Mra. WlaUin>p"a-tl, aad for'TlHLAit Paradla*," aod will pndaca ItaaiheoffarlnR or the Ooal w*«k of bla pnaaot aoRaa«m*al. aodlBW II. Thacnapaar will tlivn uka Iba road, plarlni BaaJmo, f^l .13 and weak: Oakland SO aod wo*k; Uiearoovar lha Na.-Uiw»«t clreelt aad aaaiwavd lo I>*UT*r. Ool. ObI. Ctarka Balk^'rfijolaa bar* an auxa maoaxar for th* oompaAy. Tb*Olph*Bniintaac*in*BthBaB0coDiplalol aa ta patiBQiRo. New p«ofte 0: BadI AltartbL Boaaid Bm., Aado iBd Omaa, aod Ltula AltrlahL Rar«alara ai«; niffofdaodBBttL^Afwmsaa ClarlaaTrlo aad Prank M». raa QaiMT Wallar aloppad or*r hareS-Am rvale for 8t- LoBl^ Mo.. wh*r«fa*wtn look Iba aliaalloe oiar with a Tlaw to epBolns aa Oipbaan einalt hBaaa la that PENNSYLVANIA. FkllaiolpMta,—Alltaosgb not np'to Ihe high aiaadaidorUiapi«adlnifotulght, bnilaaaa laal weak waa vary food, aod with fliat elaoa allnctlooa for lha ennani w**k lha aal»Cbrlllmas daptaaaloa win bar* batlltda tanor loroai maaagata. AOASUT Of Mraia—"loaao aod Jallet," D*a i;, with Nevada. Oogoy, Malaa« Do Backer and Lomln; "llTiwratare," wlin Mtante Tiacay aa Laoaora aod Uie flratappaaia&caofih*o*wtaaor, Henri Prero«t, aa kao- rico, S; "Laa UogaaBota," II, with Kiosold aad LoreBU. Ih* piodnctlona last w«ek ware fairly aaeeaatfal. and draw good builaeM. Monday oiahl waa marked by Ui* fliwt HMarance ihiaiaaaoa of the popnlar prima doooa. BalaiaKroaoMKoon "Lada," Wadnuday nlabt, bad alarcahoaaaaDd anaaad giaat anthnalaam, Bama Ne- vada batiii at her beat la Ihe ItUe rata. "LobaoRnn" waa BmoocElyaaoaoo Friday olghL Porrr Avorin mada btaBmappeainactUilaeeaaonaa the IIeraM.and ht* epBBldent^a Importaaca to the lolo. Far Chriaiaiaa weak Ibe anaouncaoiBaU era "Bobert La DIabI*,'- "Alda," "Dlnerab," aod the orlslnal Oainian vanloo of '-UaoMl aad QrattL" DurlDg tba panomaneaa of ih* lallar opeia, which lakaa plare oa Ctarlatnaa aneniooa aad nlEhC popolar prlcaa will pravall, glAll helog the *''J1hoid BrRBET YMaATRB-Francta Wllaon. to "Tb* Chtonalo," cooiaa lora llmllad aoEaRemoaL Jolla Mar- lowe Taber aad Bobeit Taker ck>aad a aoecaaaral fon- nlRbt'a BDaaaemeat le. Ib a Ibue reoaitory of tea boat piaya Uiey did aoaa aaiaaat won, which waa baanlly appraclatad. ^ „ ^ ^ « uaaTNOT BraaKY OrSRA Hocaa.—Faony DavaopBrt, la "Ulamoada." remaloa over rran laat weak, dnriox which aha played 10 *icaU*nl bonaea- Next weak Uaory Irvloi and camoaor beala a rortalght'a eoxaaanent, preaoBllng for tha Aiwt week a lapartorr ot "Tba Mar- cheat ot Yoolca," "Fauat," Doe t^otiola/' "Nance Old- flald." "A Scorv of Waterloo." "Jouraaya Bad la Lovara MaaUBE" and "Tha If osaMall-" CHRRTRor SrnaT TRaina.—Uoyt'a "A Milk Whlia Flag" la tbe camat attracttoo. Rmalalow for Ibe fon- BlEDL The eoBasenaot ot Uib Empire Tnaatn Co. haa bean traija pbanonenal aoocaaa. Danoa the fonr waaka tbay have beea bare baldly aTaeanteaat was tabs found at any parformaaea; bni (nea Iher pree«nt*d taiareallDg glaj^ aad aotad tbam wall "Trilby" for the New Yeai'a WAUUTBTaaBTTaBAVRa-'Tbaaraat DlaaoodRob- beiT"*Dt«re upoD tb* aaeood and laat weak of Ita aur wlui letareat uaabaiad- Baaloeai taai week waa tbtt lAna. Cbrlaiman and New Tear weeka, Chauncay Okolt, In '^ba Irlab AKbc"and "tlavoaraeaa." Parr TuRATaa-Illea'a BnnriM Party, In "14SZ," la tha correot attracUoa Oar old fneod, Wltllam Booy, provad aahprnorooaand latertalalBEaaavar laacweak, la "Tho alobaTTOIIar,"and vaa oumpallad to reapnod ta many eocorea nf bla favorite bode. "The Moo Who Broke tha Bask at Uonu rarlo." "Tba Harry World" wUI be tbo hoUdar attraction. AooiTORiDH-—Tba NewNljiht Owla Barlesqaaiaeome for lb* praaaot werk u> btaoagar dllnora'a popolar tha- atn. Lxal waek OBiloaal waa vary good, and llarrr MorrlA'Eotarutocraprvaaotad an oaeollaat orvgraiBma. Tbo Tweatlelb Ctotaty ulrt' la Uie altiactlon for Cbrlel- naaw^ek. Nauonal THBArna—Michael J. Moronay'a sew Iriih drama, "(Jo ErIn'iShorea," la, produced thia waek. "da- perba"^ packed Uia bouaa aU laal waek, ataodlng niom only belog tba nlEhUyatory. "The (Mtoa Khir* aeit WBOk. Obaxo Opbra Dona—Carter and Adlara opera. "Tba Pauiola," will b« ilran for oeo weak only. For Cbrliunaa and New Yoar wsjia Ul Ueory'a MInatnIa wUl b* lb* al- iraei loo, altar which OU^ ElleVa new comlo opaia. The Spartaw," will bare Ita loltlal pioduettoB, aad nmaln for a run. GIRARO AvB.VL*R TURATSa—"Monay^' with Mri. Jabn Draw a^LadjPraahlln and Maoajier Oeoiga Bollaod aa llaavyOrerai, le Uieourrent prodoeUoo. "The a«oeTa Uroaa^ had ao adaqoAla npraaentaUon laal week. Harry Maloball, Ldu LyBna-LlnUileum and Eihal Motllaoo wore aapeelally happr la their paita. Nail weak Mamie Ullroy. id "LllUa Mlai BBiybody," wlu bo the attracUoo. F0HRPACun*6 TaXATRa-"Jooepb" la ih* weak'a pro- dncttoo, played by Ue ForapaaBh Block 0>. "DrlfUag Apatt" war Riven Ian weak la a maooer to dellwbl the targa audtancae ta auandaoc*. Uaonto Learock. Martha Fold, Joaale Booralle aod othen were daatrvlnKofareat pimia*. Aa elabaial«productloa or"Faual" for Ibeiioll. days. rROVLB'a TRRAVltx—Joiaph Hnrphy appaan Uila week, preoBBUua "g*rr/ Oow" IC. 17 and III and "Shaua Bhu*'* la.SUaodtt. "TbaOlrlILallBabind Me" pmrid a blx dnwlog catd laat ireek- "Town Topical* for Xmaa weak- BTA.inAao TuRiTas-—"Fabio Hnmaoiraod llrloEblo- tuna maka bo Ib* auiactloa for Ihe curceot waab. Laat week "Coon Hollow" waaairao and dida very good bual- Tba bolfdar attnciloo la "Tha fliniESla ol Life." .tcRossOraaAUoDaa.—The bill al thla ponaiar n- aonpreaeoulewehinaaarBrthBenrreBtwaoa "Tiollay Tiao.fara. orb t^auor Walk," conliouoa to amoae the nifbUy OTOwda. Violella remaloa Prince and Prhic«aa TaoakapreaantUioIr JogxllBR leala. and Uia BaDaaoxa aBUrlhafinalwaahofihelreogaEameat. An«otljenaw bUI UpromlMd for Ctirialmaa week. Thb BIJOU-—Tha holiday Boveltr pneentad ihla week le Ihe paalooitm*. *Tb« Fairy Tallamaa," performed by the HIaco Troop*- Tha uaaal rarlBty bdl la alao sivaa. In- eladlBR Lew Doekalader. Harlo aad Doobam, Lydu Vaa- iDanaTllBn,7.BlvaTilo. BmiUi and Canpbali, Mar Weat- wenb, HoMaboa and King, Nelaon Trio, John E. Draw, UlichoU aod Jev, Iba An«ioa, Meeker and Hack, lha Dalya. aod niikeBiid Wade. Buelnaaa laat weak wuAiUy DP to tha ilaodaid. Thr Lvorox-— Tumer"* Boallah Qaltty abb bold lha boaidaatMaaagerJermoa'aTbeatra for ibeweak. Tba Londoa Sporta Co. bad a big weak. Keat week, T. B. Mlaaa'aCtiyClab. TBS HcaacM—tfoniana. from ZoinlAnd; Dalao Frlbi. awonl awftllowBr; OouffBitoa aalamandar; Bella Oartar, Amallna, and other atlxaetloaa an in the carlo hall, wtilia thaaalartalooeot la tha theatre la himlabad by PiekeU'aAlabAma Xleittala BBabioaelaalwayBgood. Nom.—Manaaar W. J. Olhnore la arooad aaala at. tandloR u> 'inaiaeaa. varr weak, but appareatly fally cnnTalaSMnl Then waa a rwraor thai oarla A Hco|b had made a eomblBatloo wllh auliok A Co. to oootiol twelre tboairaa la Ui* principal Eaatata eltlea. aod that Ihcy hai abontconplatad nosotlalto&a for an- -'hertbeatra in Phliadalpblal a abort etalanoa oplown. ....A perfonnaaoa of'Th* DoU Fairy" aad "Cavalleria Buallcana," by iba Hiorlcba Oi, for the banaflc of the Muaaum of Uia UDlTantlr of PanBartvanl^ ukaa pkcaal tbe Aeadamr IB Haarr Irrlax aod Bllaa TanTPbiT lor tba b«oaAl of tbe Jafloraoo Maiaraity Unaplul. attar- noooof Jaa.3. "Aetoi7orWatarloo"aad"JoaraeyBEod lo Lovara HaaUOff." Tka aecoad coocart Bf tha Boa. loo SympboBy Orcbaaua at Academy IS. aacand mail- nee 31 OoDOBit by lha famoua rlnlinlat, EdBuaid Banaayl, wlu b« glrea lo the hall at FBrty-uat Btioet and Waatmloater Araaaa, Dae ao The TempleThea- tre. OamdeB. N. J-, te cloaed from laek of pairooaga The"NlBbt Id Bohemia" given by Ihe ren and Penoll laadTag eomblnatloaa in lowo took part to tha pro* gramma- Than ware over ooe buodiad iavllad gieala. Asoctalaamlonof tbaPhlladalpbia LodaaE-P.O. Eika, wlu b* had at their haadqBatteis, mlH. Nialb fltr*«t, Dae 8A at 8 P a Nona bflt mambora and oro- r«Baloaal acton and mBalclaaa will be admitlald. Tla ttios mala profualooali an coidtally hlfitad Mra- B. D. Lea. promet«r ol tba Rlvaide concert, wbtch had BBCh an UBfortBoata aipariaaeo at the Aeadamy laal weak, aoafiBBoea saolhtr BIrarde coacait to take place at the Aeadamy, Jan. 4, to which tleketa aoM for Uie fomar concert will be good. Plttabaxs.—Advance sales Indicate good hnsl- neaa for tha cnrreot week. ALviH TniATRs -Mn. Potter and Hr. Bollaw. in npar. lorj. Uila week. JbIIb Marlowe and BobanTaiberooma 3L Claay Pitsgamid doted a good we«k to "Tha Pound- llnR"14. Nxw niLxn OrXBA Uodbr-— "The land of the LItIob" la tba eumot aitractloo. for the drat Ume bar*. Carolina Miakel llnylpniTadaTerpelrDaB atuactloa lo "ICoo- looted Woman" Ua woeli. "A Trip to Cbtnalowa" or- rlvaaaa. BUOO TBSAVRE—Belena Man la preaanthig "A Mod- am M«phlaio"tkla week, for tha drat tin* b*r*. Frank Ba«b. Id "Olrl Waotod," cloaad a Rood aoRagaoiaat II. *Tb4 nrwat DIanoBd Robbery" le oBderlUieo ror3&. Bast Biib TliaaTax-—MBdReTuekar'a Comedy Oo.wIll hold Uia atasa In rapartoiT till 31. Flora BtAofoid. la "Th* Boldiat'a DasRbtar,"dldan alagant baahieaa laat waab. Niw AVBROl rnSAVRa.-Tbera la no dlmlnatkiD In die erowda at Uila flimty aatablipbed conlloaoaa parform- aaea boaa*. Bryant aad Biehmood. Dlioo, Bowan and Dixon, Ua«ly ana kartia. Alice Baoaoo, the Savani, Boo. oer aad Ilia comic open of "OlndaOlroOa," by the Ave- Bue Opaia RoopiDy, Inuodueloa Myn Morella and Loaiae Koora, aaka op Uila waek'e Dill. Duquiaxa TanaTaa—Bhoa la oneanUeg "Nell Owjone" far tbe tint tlms hara Btchard Maulefcl doi«d a apland Id aoRaaenwil 11 Joba Draw 23 HAaav Davis' Boas Jlrata—The LirlOE Brania Btamea of laat weak haTa beea rwplaead by UvlOE eilrer onae In IbacarLj ball. PromhiantamoawlhaanlertaliiBnlnlha uiaaue are Deoealo aod Lormlna, Beegan and Bmllh, Clarke and TampK aad BrroB BfiauQ. Ksw WoaLO'sHrasoaTsRATBa-Tbaaaialy Bnilaaque fte.piennu "A Hot NiRbt lo AU*Rh*By,"TnlrodocIng Perry aad Tan Braohe. Oua*y Nelum, Dolly Uowa. LUliao Pany, FloraacBZ«ll*r, Low Raadall aad Blhaiw. llARRV WlLUAIB' AOAOBXV OP MOSIC—IlWiO BIOA' Star Sptclalty Co. Oil Ihla waek'e bllL Ralily A Wood'a BigBliriw Hid aaptaadid boalBaaaan to 14. Uany Will, wma' Dan Cotnpaay come* 33. Jorri-vita-Then will be ooly three ehawaa dayattbe No* WorU'a Haaaom Theatn Uila wa»k, iaaiatd of four, aa aaual. owIbr toUie sreat len(th ofUiaeBUrlalBmBal. ^....Al the WedaeadaymaUoaa al Uia BIJbu thUweak Manager Oollck will preaaal aaeh ladyBceopylDEaiMt opIhahiwarnoBiwilliaWorld'e Fair aouvaalr bottle of Ptaocb paifBwia Mieb Bdbasb. a Pitubam natlral KdiRT, gB*a oa Ibe road mu weak w>Ui Joba A. Kallr'a _r,Beaw BoileMua Po. Uadoaaanaci aimllarlollia 'PadBwhlBbiB"orWlli II. Foi Mjrla Bellow Uabow- laa ben with aiwal pride aa autoanph lallar of aa Aoa- trlan FleU llarahAl. a raUthin of Bdl*wa by mtrrlaR*. oncloclBE a eajal'a comBlaaioo In Iho Aaicrlaa army. "Bulaaa" waa Rivao at tba lllpa Tbaatn aiur- oooo of 13 for Uia GaDaSt of Ihe Booa or Amariu. WlUiam A. Wood^ a uleotad amalaor of ihta sity, baa baan •niiafad for Fraderlea Warda'a S"-,."!' eaeaoB... TJamaa I. aBllck. of New I'^'^'lf',. broUiar, Manaaar R. M. gallck, ol U* BIJOB Theair*. Uila weak Bhea la u> delirar a flea Uam on "Manoleon" at Ib* Da- lawaTheatrei altemoOB of II Tha Woman'a Prata CiBblAuTuxiasatealDhBBorof Madama Janauacliak at lha Haul DoqBiaa* afUinoon ofs While playlBW hen at tha Oul|<la«^ laat weak. RIchaid MaoaSBlIalal.d "'•I neat aaaaoo ha wlil pUrt** waaka or men al bla OaiTlck Tbaatf*. Haw TBTk. and will boi play lo any athar city aav* Chieaeo. excapt bo eootraou euior him elahty par not. of Um froai rKolpla, aadjoiaraaltolag that Ilia >han ihall ba not laat Uiaa gMnTpar alahl. Tbia aturaacw aro<atd eamtldanbl* diannloa la lb«a- trli^ tbrdMi aad the hKal maaagara beiag aaked .'SL.t?.'' with tasaid to it, eevsnl aipraaaad " <*• natare of a •'liwpet" aad daalaiad SiiT Uiay woobl aarev give tTiariili