New York Clipper (Dec 1895)

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December 21. THE ISTEW YORK CLIPPER. 663 any kudb unBi* lulDit thu Umut Irrloji, Bam Bmm haidtkBd oUitn of Um mwi fknioat ttan bkie pUrMl bfn M onllotrT Mma>M« tenDivltbontaDj ■awu- tMvbkUTtr.wdantodnHola niiun,..-llurr DmTl^ K[^«ior of lb* Nav Onnd Opam Uooia, Avioaa Tba»> Edan Moaaa and Naw World'n MaMUO TbaaUa, haa a oootnct «lib Park Brot., owotra of tba b*w bultdloir now balov tractad at tb* coniar 0I Pliih Atmo* and Snlibdald Stmt, ffirpMUoi tha bllti of hti bovmoa tlia r«Dca varfoanliDjr Uiatatncton Mfltn'a ritnn coocart at Caraattla Iflule Bt'.l 11 wai • trrat nuecaMi. MaiiaiflrfL M.Oullok.ortba BJoo.Ian 16 fora tMI to the ihtaini coouo'lad tf H. M. Oallck k Co. In Phlla de)[>bla, Broobl/o and Boatao, and la ib* Uit oumd cltf willIo«pactthtCa«tla BquaraTbeairewithavUwor ob- talDlDg oooirol of II RMdlna.—"F*blo RomftnP* cAme to Rood bual' oa« Dml vT Qorman Broibam, lo '-TIm aiUwoIaji Abroad." drawURbUr tO. Mloala Jliddtmnika. In ' fda Quaanor Llan,'>bada fceA iliadhouMll. SalrlaL la '-atatet.'*dld«an II '^oOM noiniiia«d" atuactad two lama aad Iww« 14. QUKO Opbiu Hocbi- — Waita'i Comtdj Compaof pUred u larga baatDMB vatk of 9. BuooTaiATU.—Tha Praocb PolUConpaoT did a Urn btulatu^ll. Major Sbatumanwoald Dot allow •Acrad coDMrt bibailTMi by tha coiopaiif (L Utorga 'Maoioo aod Paari StaToan, maraber* of tfaUconpaBr, v*r* mar- rlad OD tb* itaffali durlu tha parronDuca. Um knot balDttiad by Aldamian A.fl P*|tur.orihUclir. Roach and €aftlati>o, (0 "A Paoap Btor>v' dra* llphily ll-li. Tha Ban PiaDdlKoMloiuab arado* wa«k of 16. Brlv^At tbe Ptfk. Dec. 10. Bobt O«]lor, Id "Id aBlf CltTt'icamttngMHl baalaeM. >*Wuia"eaaaU,toa fbUoouM. Ward A VokuMS, bad rood bualD«s«. Ooo. MonriM, lo "A Uappr LIill« Homo." bad fair ait«Ddaaca It. ConlDi: Krla Vocal Seoleir, la 'Tha Crauloo." 18, Rlebaid ManaeeU 17. J. K. OlUU'a WOXDIHUSD Uutlg AVD TBBATllt.' ConlDR Dac U aod vaalt: CapL NaUla LItuL WlUlana aod CarlatoD, LooIm Bompur, ('arllo aod Flau. Max- loota, Farbauoo aod Roth. Tomaiy UafM, EU Bovcq and Laal Buiiuner. AliooBA,—At the Kl«reDtti Avenue Open Hoiue tha Btbtl Taekar Comodr Co., Id lapoitorr, did ir«U wack of Doc. 9~U ThU wa«k Juae Ajrnou. aapponod by CMC- too A Mlddiiton'a Companr, In roponorj of pUyi. Booktd: JamM A. BalU*y tS, (lormu'a "TbaOllboolaj'a Abroad" ai. Baut OiTtt* Edu Mmi had cood boBlieu weak of 9-U. Fwmb tbb woak: Priti, Uolla and Edd l«^ Mooo Wron. Uaitfa Rtawart and roiamr aUlaa, Bahir and Ljan,Eildj Helnaa, Aadrao.tholaooTator: ibeAuilra- llan BoomaraoB Tbtowem. Barnaj and S«oor, Educated Bqalnaa, aod /aob and JUl cnoiao eollof ItiuL Bctmnton.—At tlie Academv TbOB. E. Sbea wtakofDofl. 10, Wm. A. BradT'o "Uumanltr" cama 11 U, to good booaai. aalrlal, 1), had a largi aod dtllfbiau aodlaoce. Till PEonrmoDAV.—Dr. Parkhunt taotona 17, '*Tbe Mtm World" oonai IS. Di,visTaEAru—Dan McCanhyaodLou Rlpler 16-18. *^a Ungtaavr" played a ratura eogisamwi, n-U, to orarAowtng bouoM. ButoD^At Um Able Open Hoaee BetTlnl ome Dm-0, tofalrboilneM. ''Tbolriih Aldarmta"hedallHht houM IJ. CoalDg: "Co Er1a*s Bbora*" li, "Tb* Marry World" It, Tba Soglooar' tf, "Coon Hollow" 37,1'riai- nm A Wait'i HlaiualaSI. Allentown—'Aldeo Benedlot, In '*Ffttilo Ro- niaol," Dec. 7, did not draw a Tory big hoo«o. Tbe Oor- niaoLlo "Ollhoolaya Abroad." casglit* light bouM 10. "Uoda Tom'iCablQ" ooidm 17. Wm. Uoey, in *Tbt Globe Trotur," fl; OllTor Bond Byroo 37. MASSACHUSETTS. BottoM.—All except tiro of oar pUj botues «IU praMot new attractluna for week of Dec. 10. Nat Ooodwln brlasi "Ambition'* lo the UolUs Street Tbaatre, to bo glTon for tbe flrat time lolIiU city. BiKidraaco aalea lodlcate eiceUent boslnew dorlag tbeeogageraeoL Hay IrwiD, la ■*T1ta Widow Jonea,** cloied II. with dne racalpiA YAUtL Tbbathb.— "A CoDtantad Woman," a 1th OiTollue Hlibal Uort In tba title ro^, openi a loog togecoment at tbla bouae 10. Ai tlie He«o U a nortliy, crowded lioutee will uadouUiedly follow. Roland Road tarmlnated a wo- camfdl aogaiement li. Boeroif TuKATHi -Ia<i ■eaooa'a •a«ceaa,"Ia Old E«n- tuehy," returae bare 10^ with Lulu Taboraa Hadge, lor a two waoki* engag'nioat, iiuccMdiov "Bomub," wblcta ckwad, 14. a mipaioni mn of HfUen waok*. CoLCMBUTflkATRa.—WbaJloD aod MartoU'a drama of Tlaniatlou life, "iloutli Before tha War," wlU tw prodocad S for a w«elf. Cbrbtmai WMk Joeapli Murpby, In "Sbaun Bbuo'* aod "Kerry Oow,"wlil ba tbe ktirscUon OlaraTbropp, lo"TIi« Bovory Oirl," dosed torery good bualneaa It. BowooiH Bqoirb Taumit—"Pawn Tick«i 310." with Edlu KUU ai Mag, li booked for ible week at iLU hooita. Tbe utaal good paironage la eipaciod and will b«, doubt- leH, larBely Increased wtek of id when Meoagero Atkio- ■eo A Cawer will put oo "Bared Prou the oea," a new nelfrirama. *'Slos of Uie Nlgbf* do'od II. THUonTuiATHB.—Tbo OOO bundrod tod flltletb per- formance of "KleardeLb** will btcatobnted bya Mare- air nigbt 10, the beglnalag of tbOMCood eod laal week ol tbo Delia Pol Operm Company. Well oiled boaaet testify nightly to ibe pvpulantyol ilio coiupaoy. Porwoakof ZL Clata Morris, In "ArUde 47," "Miss Moyltoo." "Ce- 'nUle"aod "Raynonde." BOBiOH McsiVM.—'*Too Modi Johoion" hanproran one oftbesaaion's RrestSBcca^sesand 1h atHidrewlQRlarge bouiee. Ii eouraupoa Its diili wsok is OiSTLB 6QDABB TttiATtx.—'Kip Vao Wlokls," Pan- ■lUBUe's tuoofal opera, alII be lungdurlnctbocomlng weakbyMaaagerHoee'srleTercompeoy. Theruccassof tbese oparailo productions Is e*-Ublubed beyoad a doubt, aod larva aodlenoae fill ibo hoauat sach performaoce. Kenu's MBW TUBaTMK.—A foarth we«k do^e Lock- hart's parformUg slspbsou tha ralgnlog aimctJOB at tblaboue. Toe rat let/ bllllsofths urual ^lerllonce, aod eomprUos tha followlog ptrformen: Tbe DooUar Trio, Molatyre.asd Ueath, Bniet and Rlrlere, Soiuuins SehalTor, Palke an«l Moon. Pletds and Levli, Walter Buoton, Prank II. Wbtts. Lllllas Ormoger. Harry Bud- woith, the Braonlgaan, the Trsrallsa, Emery aod No- dloeTOesiallat and Uall, th« Uawleltsa, Oooalei Siaters aad Adolf Adams. Atnm.'* A Sroxe'e Husitfi.—Utnsjpro Stooe tad Shaw will praaenisomBTeryaitractlroaDdMnailoQal faaiorai In tbrlr laetura ball this waak. Among thoin are the Whirling IHrrlibea Mohaouoed and Pstlms; Lolu, the Soatlouneen; tbe Baoslan dog-facad ijoy, tha stodenu Milan. BltdielL tbe sotp lOMlrUr.ead-tlU Rube." The bonrly srage show ladudee Bicbmood aad Oleoroy, Marlon and Paarl,tba OlMaya, May Walsh IreUod, tbe Two Kids. Haode Dsur, RIcca Hleter^ Charlsa Dean. Coorersand X^ouBlB.UIIesaDd Ireland,SolitaBrotben, the Bartons. Billy Barke. William McCart, Raadetl aad Emmet, Martin Labia aod Horoman. IfowAkD ATBBy<«OM -BbUk Tsbei'fl Arablen Atlilotes bead a loog list of good randeTllle acta at the West Bod railety bouse. Tlie other* ate: Plleon eod Krrol, Llzxle R. Raymond. Blona aod Blnni, AL 11. Wileoa, Lydia Droaua, Montane aad Wast, Drawee, the Two Ortca*, MeOanhyaodReyookls,aertlo llarrlogioD. Billy Jack- ■OD. William Uray, H. Oi Drew. Ada Jones, Oraee Oere- Und, MUa. Perkloi^ Ettty ONaal aod the Hovard Comedy Oa Tai NicKBiADio:*.—Maaaver Duan hsa a atarillog etiraealoa la his curio ball, tbe Impalsment act of tbe SpanlslikDlfeaDd BKo tbrowsm. Ha aim profanuOlaw llammer Qua, Lee's Boyst Hsrioaeuss, Zero, WlUie Tucker, ehsmplou beg poacher: yoaoglsdlsa wood-saw- log oonteat, and Capt hchaot'a baarsnod monkeye. The ■take ebAwe laolnaa Biyaat aod MoBrld*.Msun Tra- malaa. Hovard Baaall, Kittle l(art, WsUb snd Webster, May Pbher, Dick Coisman, Frtnk Olrard.tbi Da Bar Blstem, and Oeorgle Malooirs Ptmala Mla«tr«li. Pauob TiiBATai.—Tim Preach Oaletr Oiria Is tba week's etirtctlon at this houae Hie olio Includes Oy- reae, Robeut,Cltaotrelland Bcboyltr, Jesaie Woodland Bella Irrlog, Millie Toomoar. Bam T. Jack's Creolee oomeB-aa. LTOBirHTUBATH.—BeseBydeira Londoo Belles Tanda TlUe Company wlU appear at ihU hooae 1& Tbe apeoUt- Ilea Inelode "Madeline." JeoBB and Le Pearly Leo aad Ctaapmeo, Lloeola BUwood, EtUy and Bi. Olalr, aad Campbell end Shepp. URsiioMosttiH.-M.B.Wood wlU eppaer lo TbeOrph' aosof Maw Vork." Tbeollo coioprlose relbyud Do WliL NanonI, Praaklloaod MedelL Jobo T. Powem, Jooea and Taggan Oeurge Martin. Joiia Mnrphy, Jan. UcElroy, Pruk Walth eod Frank Klrke- RuTiL MiJUUii.—The neir "dime abow" on Shawmat Avaouapra^ou the names ot Daoean and Hay. Bornatc aad Urlgia, Cora ArmatroaR, Mar Rtlrllsft, Terreooa Taugbaa, Pnlppsaad Joice, Pearl Uanlsuo, AanlaBoa^ as thia weak'a atlncTieo, J. U. Dwyer la the proprietor and manager. MoToi-YlUa Rnoi wilt appear aa lobellle. In "Pleor da Lie," at the TremoniTtmatre week pi 10, replacing Ida Plub'igh lo the ea<t Managsr Atbloano, m the Bow- doloSqaare Tbastre, haa cbasd oontiacts with Sadie Martlnol eod Aobrey BouclcauH, and, beglnnlag Jan. ft, WlU present a aeries of Boaclcault dramas at bla tbaaire. "Little CbrlatoplMr" cemsa to ihaTrenootTbseuo Daa30 J.J.Coibeit, In "A NavalCsdvt." comes to the Colombia Dee. 3D Behtamela lor ibw Cedei the- atricals bare tngunander ihe direcilou of Mewv. B«r- nst,Slaeae and Seymour. They will producs Bamti's naw play, 'Tlie Btrmuce Adrsoturas of Ja«k aod rbe Beaoatalk." * Tbo (Treat DIsmoad Robbary" ia Iwiobed for the Colombia Tliealfa Jeo. 13 Ader How Yaat'a the Uowaid Atbsnaram will chsoga the siyle of tbsir at- tiactloaa and preeeat oomblaatloaa Fall River.—At IDe Acsdemj of MuMo ~ ~. W. Arerill, boM fartb to erowdtd Orar two boadred local p*ople ware "Zepbyra," by B. W. Arerill, boM fartb to enwdtd hooseoDee. 1»-I4. Orsr two boadred local pMple wars la the pnductlAB. Wolford. Uolnee A mitridao'a t;o. will praseat *Tbe floof glsi^" " rhaXrala WrKksn'* aod "Underground" 10-lS. 0. B. Qanford gtrta "Jullua Craar*'19. Bprincer A Welty'a "Black Crook" tl. *'nie Mafqaender^* A "McCarthy's MUbepe" S, ''Old Olory" 17-fi. WoBUBaLAJiD Tbutbb.— Tbe Anerleeo Oalsiy Olrls enierulned ^liwbenfalr tHUlnesawas the rale. This wtelLtbe Pay PoaurCo. Tbe Loodoo Beboa come S-S, Bam r Jaek's "My Uoele" B-S. BiCB*aTaBATRB.-Tbs Nona JuUIilealo "Tbe Kodak." aotaruloed fair alsad bouse* U*I4, and bold mar 10-ilL ne 'TtM Darby Haicni" hava ebanied datea. Sam J. Byan, In "frtatt AriatocracT,"woek ofXS. pBOr. W.J.J.Toaiv.leader of tbe Academy of Mnah orebestr^ haaoloeed aeuotmct to tabachaTnor an or- ebealiaofoDeof theboata ptrlojt between Jlontrsal and Qoabeo oeit BomBer. Ptmaele Waat, of thla city, JploedtbeAmeilean OaiatyairirCo.laatvesk Tbe Talma Clob, of ProTkleace, R t., pressnted e three act comedy, ^'Bome," et Hnale Ual^ i9, befoie t good etMd WorceeUr^At ibe Worceater Tbeatn tbe only ettraetloB last week wu "A Black Bkeep," and It drew big hooaer. atadranoedpricM. Dec U, li. Tfe tbaaire will be dark ererr night this wsek bot one.and that will be wbaa JubB Draw comes id *'Chriaiopber Jr." ip. -Bamah'* le doeO-bl. Lomeor'H OruuA Hoi^ -"Tba PIre Palml * An^ good hoHiiies all last week. "dUe Tricked** l«-n, Tooy Farre ILI n * 1 Imrry 0« ea " fi-tt. PBo»rrBrRB>TOrnuUociB.-aam T. Jaek*iCreole Co, drew big buusea9-ll. Oaleiy Theatre BurleB4usCe.dld Calrboilnias 1»*14. Batlafs Oelsty Bavleeqoe Co. IMI, Watson Staure' Bar)e«sneOo. IMST L»w#ll.—AtibaOpere UouBe Btoddanl nre a BeeondlectnreDecf. '^ePooelag Kasur" played re- toro dite IS. li, to iDCteassd hnslaesa. Katberins Gsr- tnaloe gare a neepMoa after periumaneeie. B(odJai«l lectaiws It, "MoCarihy'a MUbara" oomaa 1^ It, "A Plack Sbeap"KL3l. HcTiiKi lliLL.—"The Train Wieekara" draw Isir houaas B-U. "Zero''BSTe good ebow and drew good baalneMlt- 14, TnrasrHUler Co., lo Tbe Qlrl Spy," cornea IB-IO, aad Noaa JoUliy Co. IB-SI. L^an.—AtUieLiob TbtttreWiUlan A. Biad/'s **Okl Oloiy" earae U. 14, to fair bBBlnraa. Cnmlag: "Sonth Before the War" XX Cbaa. Probnan'a Co., lo "Tbe HaMiaaraden," & Hu8iollALi^*-Zero"cameB>ll,toReodbaaUieH. Ham T. Jack's Creole Co. pkyed to fair bualn a* 1M4. Com law: The QNlety Tbeatre Burleaqoe Oo. Id-M. Davlae'a allied ettractlooa ths Now Jollity Oc as-B, Ihe Preocb Oalety Olrls* Barlee]uaCo. »-a. ffprlBaaeld —AtOllDiorB'sConrtSnure Tbea- tre Praok Mayo, In '*Podd'obaad Wilaoo," dilad thehnose to tbedoora Deo, l\ 14 "Tba Coium lUnr* badipedre- loroB. Jvhn Drew ooneaWC mile AkeratromS-ft. TociBR*s PiuoR TuRSTRi.—Tbe returas are good- Booked week of It; BlogiLaa, Adele Ductow, Jack and Tom Boaaleys. i(lule BtoghaiaTegg* and DaaleU Balle Varna, Wn. JoeleaadQeorge Beoot. TmaBtoB,—At the Kev Tbeaire "OM Qioir." Dee. 9. and "Tbe Koda.'* II. Iisd snail returos, owing to Tsry nrare weather. '-1«" earns to a Istm houaslS. Ilaadfard. Spsncer aad (TBriea, Id "Tbt Nercliant ol Tealce," come 1& ^ _ OHIO. ciaolBBatl.*<nirtsUn>g Bboppers gre ratber pruae lo overlook drmmailo feasta, bot the neaa olTsrcd by the loeal tlieatrical catsrere haa seemed attnctlre, aod bueloess hsa been ap to tbe osoal ante holiday aiaaderd. Both Harry Ralofonh and Jobo II. Uarlln are In ths East, looking op a surprise or |wof» their eon- sUtueoolea. The nnalcal arent of the week was the Sym- phony Oreheura laatinee at tbe Pike, when Marie Vau- derreer Qreeo aad Jowf Harlao were ihe aololsis. URiBD OriRA lioCBB-Walker Wblieslda began his eogagamont Dec. IB, lo -'Baffllei,"a character In which be bad already vob merltad raoogoltloa from tbe toTereofSbskesprsrs'edrmmaln tbeQueeo City. "RIohe- ll«a,*"'Tbe Merchant of Venice" and "Rltbard III" are also aoderlloed. Lau week "Chsrlsr'e Anafgare re- oepilone that were btrlywellatUBded. Claay Pliigermid, la "Tbe PoundlloiL'* tt. WALMvrBTRBtr TBUTBR.-Tbe Jdin Rtaplatoo Com- pany presented "The Wife" 10|and pioDlw "Americana Abroad" laUr lo tbe aeek. "The Barbelor'i Baby," the ooaedylo which Sidney Drew aod wife aMoareiC drew fair aliad audlsnoea. Palmer Coa'a *'Bruwa1«s'*21 DstKiH'a Opera Uooae.—l'Capula Paul*' waa esen for die brat time u. *ThoBpeiioiLlfa** did well last week. "Darkesl BuMla" U. hRVBoBiKsOHOrBRA Iloosi.—* The Tore sdo," Lincoln J. t;artei'a siage storm, bisw la 10. Ploreoce Blndky and "TtaeCaptalD'sMaio"plaaaedaud(eiiceeol good alselaat wwk. *Tbe01ri I Left Behind Ha" 2t. PovxTiix FqUARB TBHiTRB.—Sam T. Jaek'e "Bull Flahiant" arrlrad 16 Harry Morris' Twonilatb Ceoiury Maldadlda big baalnase. **nie Prodlaal Father" and PaquareiioIL pRorLi'e TiiRATBR.—An extravagaDsa company opanad U. Bberldan ± Flyoo's BIgBoiuatlonwaa ramlouceai orthsVloeBireat,andbaalntaewaRbig. RelUy A Wood's Big Btiow 23. PaiUAK'BTiiBATBB.—"Randi Xo. KT* was put on 10 by the stock company. BlUr Caitor, the La Furte BUtera. NattlePleldaa^d ibeBpeldlog Brotliera appeared lo the olio. Bflalae»a laat eeek was fair. Ubck a AviHVH UiBB Mt'SBUM.-The lodlsn Squaw bran t>and, Maxsy. the needle caur; Lula Maek.Ban eorne, Leon aod Iluso ware In carlo ball 16. Tlia KbsroB, Smith aod M vera, La Mamlhe Deylei^ OraoU Leonsru and (AarloeS. Knight prerldad tha olio 1b the family iheaite. Bualnesa la aood. aoNir or TRB LoBBY.-EmmaCatua Joined Bberldan A Plynn's Bhov hare The Playera ars to preaeot "Lore and War."... J, W.McAudreiia, tlia original water moloo man, who has been III wlih rbauioatlun here, la to bealrea a benadtatUie Fouotalo Square Tbaaire atL..... Billy PerreU snd Uartr Batou. ol BbsrlUan A Plyon'a Ccmpanr, war* "relied'' lo ibedagrae ol Maater Masons stBLJolio'sLodn doriog ibolritijoumbare W B. Poller, of the Wallace Shew. sueDi part of ibe week here. PaderawskI U booked at iha Pike Kdlih Ksnnedy Is a Clscloosil giri who Joload Sheridan and riyon laat week Uanaasr Albert T. Beok. of tbo Audltorinm, has guns to Xew York to book auractloDS.... Manager Sam Biady. of Uwoh's, Is here Maaagsr Scott, of Bobloaoo's Opera Uouae, haa been lU loraome ' a Johu 6 Flaherty baa been titled "aalorm mg- " Be came In adranoe of "TbeTomado." Hu- bert Ueuck and Jaiues B. Penoemy hare l>een In lodlao- apolls for some daya Clevelaad.—TUe pre-bollday seesoD, so mocta -tesded by ourmaosgen, bsa hsd lueOectthu wesk on bualoom at all the tfieairea. Taking low considerailon tbedelightlulweatlisrand ths attractive du^pla)S lo the abop windows, lbs managers bars nothlufriocoinplalQof. BOOLIO AVB.*(DBOnB.i HOIVB.-"Bowing tbe Wind" beM theboaidsDao O-li.ioralrboslnsas. J.U Ullmure,Maty Hampton aod TDoa.Wbliieo wars suoog eoougb atirao- tlons toorercome ereu mors adrsrss clrcumetanoei. "A Trip to ObloatowB** ployed 11-14 to unly modorau bouses. Ibe company la about the aane aa «h«o lau iiera. "Ala- bama" appeara week of IB, loUowt' CamlUe D^ArrlUe Oomlo Opera Oo. LToaUM TURATRB—Priuieae A Weet dellghied the minuret lorlng put^llcand bad rery gooi bualneuweek Ml 9. Tiioy are qolte up to tlielr okl aiaodard. inirodoclog this year, by way of a Qerehy forOerelaad, a geauloe Cakewalk, participated In by aofna of tbe colored mio- aueb^ butprloolpeily composed oilocal eelabritlea Tlie r -_ - ^i^ae, m lie. Joaaob " I 16-18,1 _ . Home." 19^. Ward AVokeaeonewsebofSS. m awafdias the prbea -- , In "AOay Old Bor," corner 16-IB, and Oeo. W. Mooroe, lo 'A ll«ppy Old loteteet taaen by tbe audU was reaiarkahle. Joeepb Uart, In "A Uav Old ClbtilaMd TuisTHa-Suve Bivdie had only fair ba*! nesa daring tbo week What the audlnaea taekad In numbenwaamadenpio eoihoalaan. Weak of Id John B- Toole nppoara In "KlUatney and the BhlBo," foUowed, 25 aod week, br Praak Bush, lo "Qlri Wantad.*' Star TURATRa—Manafor Drew pre«entsd bis ptirooa withe geuoios surprise Id Joba w. faltam'a Octoroons, and waa rewarded by drstolaaiboaaea, Tbemuilcal part ol theproRramraeeastertlcularly sin>ag,Hme. Plowar and Prsd. Piper iMlag ilie principal aiaia. Bam Darare's Conpaoy, witbOaisonaiaapeclalaiuaeUoB,oomBSlS-3l; Rica A BartOD'a Rom lllll Eogliab Folly Co^tBL U08I0 Uall.— AN anticipated, Melba vaa greeted Wed< neaday nlshtwlLb a larger sudlaoee then at her laatap- pearanoe hore, fully two ihoosaBd peraooa aojorlog a ireai such as ssldom conies to a ClereUnd sudieoce. Toledo.—Joseph ieffdraoo will open tbe Valea* tine Ttaeatre Dao. 0. widi "Rip Van Winkle." lie will »Uy "Cricket on the ll^b " aod "Lead Me PUe Bbll jlogs" 38. Tbe dnUhlng toodiea are being pat open the ibeatre, wbleh prunlsee tu be the flaeac In the Biaie, end Iheopenlag will tw the sraat ortbeaaasoa. PaorLB'tiTuBATu.-"ATrip to CbloBtuvn" op#Bed 10, for three nigbti, to big boalnaas. Bot>ert Hllllaid, In "Losi-34 Uoun,*'eomse 19. 31. folloaed by "A Uappy Little Hume" XI-IA 8-uart Robaoo Is booked for 37. 3B. AUOiroaiuMTHBATRa—TbeRB-O slaols freiiaenily dUplared at Uiia a»/ little tbsaire,aM Managsr Burt Is blgbly sailadeu with tha auccesa of ths veoture. For week or 10 be offen Uorolby DafTnn, Cbarlea Colby and Alice Way, Rnaa Wlaebeoter. Jaa. B. Ilarty. the Olaea, Leooaid aod Pultoo, Wliiiaffl De Boe, T.J. UelTroo, aad Chaa. and Jenni e Welsh. DB^toB^At theOraod Opera Home the Peaftaot TlisatreCo. did a (4lrbaatoe»a i»ee.9. Duwooger. mlod reader, came Ift, and waa wall palroaked. (^>mlag: r.oterle Mlaatreb <lo&>l] KKiuartHobaoa 17-lS, la "The Klrai^' and "itovtmmaot Acosptaoce." Park TUBATIH-Hlce A Barton's Cemsdiaas gave a clover perionoaoce Ml- Uopkloa' TraDa-Ocaaalcs turned people away 13-14. The abow waa Irsi daea Due: Amy Lee aod Frank Doeae, la "Miss Hsnio Scamm," IS-M, 'The Lliht oo the Pelot" IMI. SuLDiRU* llOBB TUBATHft.— *'Id Darkeot ItuesU"cornea 3t; AL U. PleU'a MlnaUaU34. AAMCIATIUV IliLL-—Tha Wllcuok Coocort Co. dr*w well 9. Treorlllo P. Klloer, reader, cornea Jan. 3. ■prlBifleld.'At tbe Qmixl Opera Ifoiiae "The Country Ulreua" nTee great abow and bid a well fllled hoaBeDec.9. RuUrt UlliUrd, in "Loat^ Hours," did •■•od bualaeu 9 'Trilby " preaeoied by A. M. Pabner'a Co , daliibitd a Urpe and aclect aodiance U. Comlog: AL a. KleU'a BlK WliUe Mlo^lreU JA BLALK'8 OrRBLA llutna.^:ama Ruaaelfa Operulc Co. gave a l>ad performance 10, ahldi waa rehemantiy ro- oted by the aa dlauce. Llma^Uawalbio Beod, Dec. B, bed a borU bu> dieoce. "Tha t^ountry Cticoa,** \o. orev a goul aiied cruwd. *'Alabama'* came toalalr boaae. Cooilog: "a Teua Blear" 17, Oamlils D'Arville ly. "Tbe Capialn'a Mate" 3U, "Uoman Uaarte" ir^ro oogagamaoti 33, walker Whlierlde, Cbriatmaa atiraciloe. iieo. W. Moo- 00 37. HauHeld^PrmiLk Ooeoe eod Amj Lee. lo 'Miss Uaruu Bcarum." plaasod a uadloni slaed hwase D«c-V. Mortis Uroa.* run; and Dog Show bad lalrbusl- nesa II. Oen. O. O. Hoeatd lectured an tbe Atlaou Campelga IS. to good bouae. "Alatmrna" showed to modarkU houm, but piaafsd weU. tomug:ObertlnOiee Cloh IS, OamlUe D'ArtUleS: II Petklas" 3^ Btoert Bob- aooSD. steBbeBwlUe^AtlheCltf Open Hooie RobL IllllianI, In ' Loot—31 Uuoia." wbMb eaa tbe occaaloa of the Elka^booeSt, packed the benaoDwi 11. "SeeeUl De- Ihevi** pleaeeJ a good booae i4. Oeo. J. B. Uonton lecures for tbe beoettt of the U.A.M.IS. Katie Km- etttl. FlBdUf^AtUielCarrla OpttiB lloase the Ha- waiian Hand, Doc II. diow a puorbooee. "Alabama'* played to a poor booae U CooIob: Carrie BosmU Bar* UaqaeOo. 1^ Beyt*« *'A Trip te Cblnatown** SI. MICHIGAN. Detf«ll.~At Ihe IjceuniJoe Ult, In **The Stiir Qanr,'* comes Dor. IS-St. Lait week *'Captaln Paul' played to arartm lair boslnete. Oomleg: 'The Rld*- walkaofHe* Verb- Deo. XM^ foUoaed by Ward A VohM. to "A Ruo on it>a Bask," >ew Tear's waek. DBtBOiT uraiA Motny—Tba Bwokwell ctighUn Oo. comes lB-31. iMtaeok "Mme.AAaaUene" opened fairly welL and Balibad to farge btiilneaa. Oolog: 'Hoeiag the Wind" DeaSMB, foiiewod by Peony Davenport 30- JsB. 4. Wuir.<(iT*a OaARD Oprra llorsB.-Lait wrek >^e Buailer"ai)d BobtvUkflor, la "iDsBlgCliy," divided the week, both to good baiHaflaa. Neit week, irhas. bills, lu "The Alaailan," tolloved br "Tba IathI oftha Llrlna." Cajpdbij.'b BiriBS TUBAraa.—Thli wMk, ttobt. Wayne'sCo^ In -'Prom Biro le (Um." L^it wrok "All Iho Cemforuof Uoma'* did oei lei iba loitrDaago ilie piece daMrred. oualooubelag noly talr. Noxieeafc, "A (Ireeti Ooodi Man," foUoved by ilallaithor arhl West, la "O'llooV Igao'a Maaiiuortda" OariTOL BtitrAHi TiteATaa—Tba llorars vlatonOtook Co., Bopporilag luU t'ls; ioq. Id "Ploh Dooilona." Speci- ally Mil: Roae tianoll. Irlfh olghtiBnals; Ed. ArroniL Oarmao coinrdlaa: Uarguorlie Howiua. wallvt aikd comedienne,and tbi French, Bnaok>vuliL J. K. Burke l*Mr. VIntoo'N proaeoi uianacer.wlills Jaok Vtnion rr ainiod til Join A- Ilaodj'a "Pacini Plsyara" Oo. WoxoiRLARoTiBATU a:«d MrMa-i^orlo tiall: Whale OilOas.,Madame Hayara.beanleJ woman; ApacU^aod ArltooaQeorwa aed nraeo I'-oonland Ibeatre: Will P Donoy, doKriptlTo olnger; tbt ValUBTes,bloyele rider*: Hre^oanand wbealer, aocleiy tkolch itam. and Ford end Lewis. Grand Ilmplde.«-At PoweiB' Opem IIodho "Sowing the Wind.'* Doc. ll, playtd to acrowded hnuae. Pauline li4Jlc<imMl7. "AUbana" CChu. Kohlfa3«,B7, Robert HlUUid SB. QRiNP Okbma llorai —"A Cracker Jack," 0-11, playod lo auod buainoM "Tbe Cumlmn Broiben** cornea week of leL *-Tbo While Neve'* aS-W. BMtTU'B Okboa lIuirsB.-Porweekof 11: The Brotliera Pkkaid. Paoiy WiIsod. ChoUta. Grace MandolL the Clsrka, the Dnytona, Delia Hi. Clair, Adulph tlonules aod ibeatoeb. LocRBBUV llALL.—Tbe PlakJubllseBlagan 19. Kalamatoe.*>At Iho Academy ot lIUfilo"IN)r- utbff" waa ooog by local Uleoi Dec V, for tbe bonelttof BoUwhla Uonw, and bad a larie audUnco. "Tlio Hcoui" Co. failed to du thair date n. C«iulog: **Bowlng the WiDd'* 11 Paulina lUll, In "Dorcas" II. aRA:<D Opkra llonti —Week oro-li; The Allyna, J. J. Hurry, Tom and Trlilo Wade^ Dan HandAll, Jno. J. M jr ray aod Ploreoce Hurray. Bullosas good. Haglnaw.^u gccouDi of one or two coiii' panloM caocelKiRthara waanoatiraetloaat the Acadonty ofHaslolastireeh. Paulino Uall'o Opera Oo. como« l>ea UL John Orimth O; 3L "Wean" la the Christmas utfer- log. ooBDwgLL'd Orsiu llousM—PrlreaodSoltli. Bil.sod Llnle rieU. Many Wafno. Aanle Wrich, Merioaeite Broa, Belle 8t CHlr. Hoee Muoroe and the rlock. liBBelBg.—At Ualrd'a Opera Uoiu» Uo;t'ii "A TriptoCblasiowD'* bad ablghuoaa Deo 0. "A Cracker Jau"camelltoonlyriatr'>uilu«ia. Ceeilov: Amorlran Ullpotlao Co. 16,17. Miaa Vaodelle Varoaru if*. Unlvrrally of Michigan UleeClub 19. Batlte Creek .—At llaukblln'B Opera Huuse "A Trip to Cliliutown." IMo. t, had good business. "A Cracker Jaok" cam* to Ifibt baehiau 13 Dee nolBe«,—At Foster's Upera liotuw "Uown InDlile" gavaagoodahow ua nnall houae l>ec.9. Joe Oil and a good company playal The Btsr Qazer'* tu iite- dtao bosloaiu it "la Ola Kaoldcby'* had a goud hnu^a aodgar.* a Mti>f«etory porloroiaaoo li. Bonkotl: "Mv Wlla's Friend" 10, "DeTll a Auction ' 17. "Pudil uhes*) Wllaoo" Ik "Oo the Mlasiulppr'SS, 'The War uf WealUi' 37. OkAND OriRA llonB.—This kou»o was dark all la»i oeok i)Mt will hare JaloaWaller*. la"TbellonfyOnl9r,** VaodSL NoTiM —"Cblraaonf Konnaad}'* was alrea InlhiOIrda IlallTliratre, lUaod II, by society people AlTle Wai- nor, who plsyi tbe role of Htdio la "la Old Kontucky," was III here, aod her pan waawoll cared fur by horundor uudy, Alice Bayder ^ Keokalc—Atthe Keokuk Opem IIuaM"ln Old Keotuchy" Rave good sutUfactloo ti> afall houao Dee. 10. Paolloe Uall prea«nt*d "Oorcas" II, toalargeand well plashed Mudleooi. Comp^lna'a Playornopon a assh'a an- ngenioDt 10. The llovaid Alhsnuucn Specialty Cii comes 31 "nie ailafhmeat »ult of Uaaager Hughe* against the 'fitabad" Co. for non-rulllllmeut ul aoon. tract to p<ay at the Ktokuk Opera llouaa, Dec 0, nieutlou ofebkh wae made lo your Uit weak'i Harllofton, la, oorraspoodeoce.coaioe u)i lo tbe DIetrlct Conti at ibe lattar place Jan. I3. DBrllBBtoB.—At the Granil Yalo's "Tirolre TemptstloDs*' came Dec 13, to Rood builuoos. Jaiiias II. Kaeki*. a favoriu h*re. should do wall IT. W. O. An- drews, Id "Mr Wlfe'e Frioad." coinei 19; Button linear AtLeDa.>umCA. S, Jule Walien37. AtTuroerMualc Uall boslnosa la fair on Ihe week. Coanrll BlnflW. — At the iKiheny Tboalre "Down In Dlile" drew e top hvavy iMHiie Doc d. Joe Ott, boohed fi>r7. caocelod. Loots Janoik lii *'Ollisllo," kttraoied a fair sited crowd 10 "The Mlkvln" will bo ■uog by aocUtypeople 16,17, t^ benoAta local charity. MarBlaall(owa.~At the OdOfMl the Wuodwanl Thaatre l^. In bookod fur 10-31. Hiogol Coocorl Co. chaognl lo C "A Tarkl*>b Hath" lud light houie 0. Wslkrr Wlil(«Hide did fair bssioass9- MINNESOTA. SB, Pmul.-At tbe Hetiopolltau Opera llouee 'The Paselof Show" had only fairly good busloam week nf Dec. a. Tbe Boaiooitns come 10, for one wook, lo Uie folkiwlngrepertory: 10,17 end matinee 31, 'AWarTlmo Weddlog;" 18 and tl, "Robin Hood; 19and 10. "Prince Aoanlsa.*' globed" oomssta; for ooo week. Oraitd — Tbe Carielon Opera i^o. Lad unly fair butlneas weokof&ahbeaRh tbe performance merited big busl- nana. *The World AwainaMler" comes IA, for one weok. 'The Devll'B Aoclloa" 23, for uae week. BoDKUA.—Por 10 and weak: Tlie Oreai Preda, fleitea aod Deagle, Madge WillUm^ the CIMbrda, Uie ldTelle«, Ueo. B. aardanr. Ham Vodarand the ateck. Baalness big. t^Hnlos: Tlie Ellsworths aod AiulL OLTMria—Haw people for 14 eod week: Olluon snd Hayaekl. Llula HcKeorer. Jaonle Leon, Doronda. Be- Dila. Levlna, Hacker aod the stock. BuHlaaaa rooO. Closing: UsFsa and Csrev, Prolldi aod Ablsr, HsTago, MorrUoo and All. MlBBeapolls.—At lite UetiopollIaQ Upera IIouie"ThePaulag8how'*b«fan a week's eneegObienI Doe U. The Boaioolaos mag to the saina Urge audi- oDcealliat ibeyhavaalwarsbad at tliUpiacr, 9lo II. BliOl70rKRAlIootV.—The Oarlaton upera i:o.opentd lD'TboLllyorKllIariifty"IJ. >T1io World Agilnat lltr" IsaodorllneJ for33 and weak, "lo Darkeu Uuula" ro- Jojed good builoeaeSio 11, Ifihoiliaoi tlie audlancas baany criterion. KoiiL A MipdltoiCh Piuci HrBBUM.—For 10 and weeb: Ulomaa anil Boy. II. T IJulror, Trick Dog Jack, Dtlbsuer. Einaia Woods, Oonkey, Bartha Poy aod the Kraoa. Bnilnsi e good. Dalotb^At the LyeeuiD Fnd'k L. HencrDft, Dec.9.H); Anna Farrell's CDDcart. 13, Emily Banekor. In "0urFlav'13,ll,allbsdIairbaarBBas. The Boitoalaas come 3^-20. Pablob Tub&thb had for atim^UoBi, 9-11. Tom White, Jaa crwalcb, Lewis Brothan, Tim Hyao. Fanaie Her- OAid, Myrtle Alwoud aad Ibe stock. Tom White, late of thaUem Tliealie, WeaiHoiHrlor, Wla^le aow maoageroi thie bouse. 1 IB M COLORADO. NEW YORK CITY. Denwer—At the Tkbor Onnd "Tbe War of Waalili" opened Dee. 11, to a good bona*. Nest weak, Louis James, lo repertory. Proauwav THRATKB^Kwoy Rlce, lu "AlUie French BalL" la drawing good houieaUileaaok. TlioCouk Telo Sisters'"U.T. II?' Co. I0-3L GRrflkliM.-"Little KublOHro Cruioe and Ilia Man Fnday" fa balue pl»ad lo giMid houses. Neit waak, LlooDln J. Cerier'e "The TDrntdn." Dec II. fuUoved liy Kaile Bmn Wealth" Maile Walnwr^Kbi 19. "Altio Joalln" Comedy Co, on t'hrii Paeble^At tbe OniDd "T&e Toroadu" comes Bmnell II, 'The War of - „it 19. a^Tbua. W.KeenoSI. ... ' Comedy Ca on t'hriatokaa day. roLOBiii.—"MuUoon'a Picslo" waa girea the latter l«rt uf tasi veok.tlja cnapaoy doling Ita rmtlior short rot succesAfulsaaMm ooBaturday.r. Hasiro.Hhstldaa A Wllllama. the managers, will put thalr conipaoyoo Uis road, uklAR In Uie priaclpal cittaa of t^lurado aod i;iah,and iLoBceiprobablr to Caliioroia. Tbas thei>>- lambla fa once more <k*a«J, witli oo Jumadfaie proaptc'.a of Ita rvopeolBg. Leadvllle.—At (he 5iTe»tefli Opera llouee "A Mirer Llaing" had a guod houw. Tbu4. Keene cornea Bee 30. LTCiDH Thiatrb.— "UndertheUai fjlght," weak ufd, had good Imaloes*. tiOLiMiirii'a Majhxit.— I»ou KaniaU, Alice Uraogar, EvaUskln. Minnie May Leels, Kittle WsIcIl FhMJe BauUU^ KllM Uorioata, Jos. Bmuamo, Will Ru«ar^ Annie Wrann aad Ike aad Loitle UoUmao. Boaloeu Sori.—BoD Loeb'a (>>Bc«rt Hall will opeo abnat 10 h aAnt cla aaeoeeerL MONTANA. BBiie.'i'Tlie resBloff Bbow" etglly broke the reeord at Hagnlra's,Nov.3B^. Uund red a were turned away algbtly. aed eo great was the preaeore oo tlie boa ofBoe Uiat tbe maasgeoisBl etteooed Its engageraont over Bonday niRhttPiayleaio a munatar bonse. Lucy Daly aod Jno. B. lleoshav easily carried off UieliOBora, the former naklof a grear hit *Trtlby'* cane Dee. 3-1, to lair baatneaa. Charlra Dkhaoa, sha waa booked fur ^T.haa eancsled ble datea, aad "l/ade Joab gpraceby.* wbMh waa to be bare 9-ll.w|Unet reachBeite bolure Febraaiy. Veil ettncUoe li *Tbe Defaolter," I0*U. Lass Week'e BTeBU.*Ttie put week fur^ bistiod seTonl laltreetlDg eTenls« elthoD|h ilullBeae Kitobded Its brglODlof. There wen but row Hoa< dey nifb( cheogeB of gttrmciloiia, gnd no DOTOllloa were tbea geeo, tbe prtnclpal new oimiDiti bev* log been pnaeuied leier la the week through chauRee of hills then ocoorrtnir. The bualneoa of the week wag In (be Rfnrreiate not Urge, although a f' w attradkiDS bed no caubo for completot Tbeconllnncd gtiracUong for tbo week eoillng l>ec. 14 were: Qnnd opera at the HsTRoniMTAN Oi'Siu lloPHg, Mtnrj Irvlni ftt Abbbv'b, "The flay l*ArtH- (ena'* at IIoyt'h. *MIU K.xotlleno;'* et Ihe Broad- VTAY. Olga Keilioraolo et iho KxriHg, "The Hhup Qlyl"Rtl*AUiRR*ti. "rbeIleArtoriliir;Uod<* at iho llBHALbSqiTAHB. *'7lie Home 8et*rcur|"itttho l.v- VKH, ' Shon Acres*' at the Fibui AvgHtiR, *'Tho wiuril or the Nile" attbeUAKiKu. "Kxcelslor Jr." BtOLVMriA, "The SUportlnR Diicheu" at ibe Acahb- UY OP UrsiL', tbe Htork Oo. et Daly's, Itler V. liAliry at (ho bijov, "A Uuuawar Coll" At (be AHgHiCiK, ' Tbo illranae Adveiiium of Hlsi UrT)wa*'nt lheSrANDAiiit,"Trllii|>.* etttio Oahpbn, Rud "The MlitowalkH o( How York" a( (he FXhir- TBIKTU HntgRr, (be tiro lait nauod harlOK closed upon that dete The one week elande dnelni Dec U were: Cl<*n UoniM at the Urand Opriu IIol'SB. "Klght Bella" et Ihn PioriJt'H, -t^iluceai Uoonte" attlio llABLiHtincHA IIockb. -Tbo Wltcb" at the OAHRicg, end Ullror Hymn at the Coi.i'Mil'ii Varlely enlcrfaalnntoat wee fiirolHliett et Tdkv PAirrUH'H, KOffTKH lltALM IhS (tHIOM MqtUHg, rKUCfUK'.-l.OLVMI'U, PRlHTnH'H l'I.BAfll>IIB t'ALU'S, Ihe Ii>NnoN, the (lAigTY, the Oi.vuru: iiml Uinrh'h Uowbry ami KiiiilTii AvtM'g I*orronimncrg In (icniian were given at die Ihvinii Turg and (Ibr- UAHIA, ami i>erroromnce!i In llodrow at ihe Tiiai.ia, WiNiienH RHit ADi.BH*e Nelli Burgoes rcvlveit "Tbo Couniy Kiilr*>on Dec 0, at llto Btah Tiibathb, fors niu OlffR Nelhoraolu Iickau on Ueo. u Iho BocoDd week of her staj at tbe KMriHR TiigATHS. She prenentfd "(Utnllle,*' whteti was her Hole nrrvr- Ing for Iho week vltb tbe exception of a elngle perforomnce of "Uenlae" at Ibo Wcilut^eday maUaeo. At the close of tiAt performance Mlee Neibereolo faloied from over work anil wbh udbUIo to eppcar In tbe evening, coDRcqtieniljr tbo house waH dark, but (or thAt night only, m llUn Neihersole heil recupentiod luDlclODil/ to nppoar evealugofl'J At l>ALY'HTiiKATng,on ixio. lo, wae proscnicd, for Ibo Unit tlmo iipoo anjalago.'Tho Tranalt or J.eo," a comedy, In ihreu ttclB, ailMpfwl from (bo (larraaii bj Aeguntln Ihilj. It omt ecarce- ly claim to havo achlered surceeii, for U war aoino- whR( ailfllj recuUed, iiitl (he conecnRii^ nf written opiulon wae far from raroralilo. No iiiendim was niRile upon Dio proRMDinitf of tbe bADio of (he au(hor of ibo (lornwn orlgliml. nor of tlio tllle of IiIh work, and only conilletliiK sbitQtnonts were inmlo i>y those wliu clRlnied to possoM tbls knowlnlHC. Thentorj rfUtcs tbat lieo, (lie heroine, a pantiKired ublltl of furiune, mHrrtena poomiiil tmprapomcM- log tovenior. IniaiodLaioiy hIiw the iiurriage oerO' Diony l«eo boglns in talk nf all thuae llilngB 'bnt are dear to the hmrt of a weallhyand frivnlouri wonun. Ilcr htiHliaiMl t^nrtM noitilng for ibu olijn-ii of bor de- sire, Hiid an linnieillHie iiuarrcl reHiilIs, which da- Hiroya tlie lionoymnon. Their wnniglliig i:iKiiht- iioii ilHyafirntny tinillfliiilly the hiisimml focM that he can no lopgor IIto In (he well appointed hr-nio wblub l«lonKs lu ble wlfr, su he takvH her (n llru in H dlRowl collage Ht Ynnken, where bURiiand hiiiI wife are at latt rocoDi'lled anrl begin life anew. The play was tbU)t easi: I^o, Aria Itohnn: Krlc Aubrey, Frank Wnrthlug; Unmthy llaclil, Jsiik-r IawIh; LeillU.Uni.U.U.ailbert; Hoba Uarth, UaK- Into Billot; riilllp Uoxier, (leorge Clarkr; Tnin lUy- cor, llcrlxirt areriliARi; Iteblwff, Tyn)ne INiwer; Or. l><)UclK, Thnniiu llrlilglHDd; Um. Ur. Ih)iii:be. UlMliellillrtrlb; llamllo Junior, lloliNrl Itunworih; Youog Hjlne, Krederic Trueedell; AuiBiidrt, KNiinle Uurrln; Bablnu, UI\a IteploD; Vateska, Hnphta Ilurr- inan; lUxier, Hubert Bbephord; Wlnlfrod, llel*PH Neliton; Ulnerrti. \V. tiatdiNiou "Ilrul Kngel lu llaitM}*' ("A llumo Wlib Tlireo Angrlii"),U/ (ntu Sclirejrer, was preHonioit tor (lie llrst iliiiu at ilii' iRtriNU Placb TOBATHS, Dei'. 13. Tlio play baa fnond fAVor wlib audlenceA lo nermany. |i tellnitn aniuRiGg ntory of three mnihorA In Uw imdor the Hame roof. Oiuar Freymuth, a >ounir widower, haa roulnod bin ntoilier In faw.Mm. Wllrtliuf.ln iitan> age hlH butinehold and to lake care of hid little iKiy. aho rules the houM «lth nn Intn hnnd. During ooo of hlN bUHluean trlpi hn inarrlM a chami* Ing young woubs, bat ta afraid lo proieiil her at ble home, dreading ibe oxploaloi) uf wrath from Un. Wlldhof. lie therefore lutroducon her ai h govemeee, Frieda, engaged for hli siRter, MlnRle, nineteen yeara old, nnd bUi lllilo lio;. MfM. Wlld- hof dlKovers Ojcar and Frieda In loving em- brace, BDd they are compelled lo tell her Ihe truth. The Irate niotker In law 1h fnribcr IricoDMd by Ihe arrtval of Frieda's ntoiher and aUo (hcar'K inotlicr. An uoliappj Htate uf alAalm ex- lets, and t'sv young wife U contlouHlly crli|> olicd by ilio old laUlee, wh<j aro Jealous of tbeir placee In thu bounchoU]. Minnie, who la iHilng courted bj a young forreRter, Krtch Wrrner, duvliuM R Mchenie tri get rid of ihe nirriiicre, u OAcar Is un- willing to go (o tbe eitnffllty of ordering tliem fmm tbo house. Hho Ukcs lolu herconfldcnco her uncle Kdward.A Jolly old liachellur. Hluolo and Frlodn are to rnn away from borne a shorl dlaunco. and they aro to leave s note, dlackMlng the (ruo roaaoo for their niglit. Tbey etart (n vUlt arcUlIre In a nearhj cliy, and upon tbe discovery uf ihe note (he wlldcnt coufUBlun reigns. The biiNiMiKt Onda out Um late thai bis wlfo'a poaUlon had Ifcen uuliearahle, aotl he ne()lvcB iliat In cau sbe Rhould rouim the; would live alone In the future. It devekipe ibereaner that the team wllh which Mlonlo aod Frieda had Htart«d their night bad runaway during a severe IbUDderRtorni, but bad been stopped by Krich at the peril of bU llfo. TTiey fount] abeller In (be house of a fanner nearliy. Ulnole leioriM and Oacar Is lufonncd of hlewire^i wbtrwiKmta Ur«rJo)r»l at having her daughter hack safe.Frleda'n moiborgives hereon- aent to her marrlRge with Brich. Through Ibo uiachlnailooe of Minnie her oiother U elected to the prerldeooy ot awuntao's aodety lo a nearby cKj, oeceaeluiloK her uklog ap her residence there. Uncle Kdward Riiccevfully Reeks the baud of Frieda's mother lo manlBge, and of courae tekes beravaj. Mm. Wlldhof, however,refuseslolcaTe, on account of little Fr«ddj, but when the obUd ac* knowledges a Biroogtr amctUm fur hbi sscood mamma than forbbignndmoiheridiesuccumbiiand bids a petbeilo rRrewcll,tittufreelDg the hoiue of all im ihree angels. Many aui'inlng sliuBtlou sro brought out lotbe play. Uosil Forai, as Minnie, WBH a charming cbsracter.and appeared lolliebHt poaalble advanisgo. Wllbolmlno Hchlueter's Mrs Wlldoof was alio commeodable. Max Blra ss Oscsr Freymoulb, Max Uaenseler as Uncle Cdvanl, and UernuA Hohxietur aa F^cb were ttrvog In support. The rest or tbo cast wag; Iliads, Anna Von Itomonuwake; Augtute Freymolb. Kmioa lUbelmaDn-TeUer; Adolflos Waldew, Ma- (bllde Ouo; KstbailDS, FoldJ PliHch lieory Irving, Kllen Terry and the London Lyceum Con- pRoy begsD on Dec. 9 the levenib week of their staystABBSr'sTORATRB wlib the presenlsUon of "The Mercbantof Venice," wblcb wu sLeo Ibe offer- Ing upon tbe nigbt followlBg. Beginning II, the offering for Uie reioalnder of tbe week was a triple blU wblcb loclBded *'l>on Qalxote,"a pUiy, la one set. by IT. 0. Wills; "Jooners Rod lo liOTera*Mestr lug,*' a proverb, In one act, by John Oliver Uohbs (Mrs. Orstgle). aod "A Btory o( Wsterloo,"a dm- mailo Rkelob, by A. Oonan Dojie. In "Don qalxoto'' Mr, Irrlng ooce more gave coovluclng proof of the gmtncsRol hU powers and of his rensrkaMe 9f r- aatllliy. The piny In tu two iconrm lo Ihe lint of which we have a gllmp» of ihii homo life of Mr nniee' hem, and eoe hint dnn hiR Mbabby old armor, - Rssbdeil by the ralthful Ranobo, (o «i«rt out ia fol- low hlR wits, which hitre already gone wandering. Tho rtcoood scene U the cogrt yani of sn old Ion, whiob the poor, tnbgulded genilemRn Iblnks la s CARilo, nod hither ho comes mounled upon his mis* emide aleed and winding bU honi, which Is an- Bwered by that or iho gnnee-herd. llfro la Doo ilulxoie Riilijoclcd (n vRihiui IndlgitUlM by (he merry vurIIqi. soil heiv, Inuglnlna ihe staltlo pump tu be a shrloo, be dotfe bbi armor nud koeps vigil hy nighl. Tbo mitlo louts siMller his Rrtmir. itnd he imt'es Iheu with bis lanco,liui UovrrirliclpHKltiynuniberssnd larudoly overthrown. One of hU turmeniunthon decks ihs pump with tho armor, eitrmonnilng the whMowlih tbo lieltnot.Rnilitmir Itoii (luUolc, Imagining (hata giant fuoslAiidR before hini, l<attlrawlih It Ouroelj. A enantry wcnoh Is prca«ntc«l lo hlmu IbatDol-- olnea to whuiii be hAn Rwoni fcallf. Tbe Innkeeper dulMhiDi Knighi, and liU nleco baring adiled her. poreiiBRlntw In Ihe uHiurm ho btkee her by the hand, and wllh elalely iroad he la nbnnt (o aeek net wlihln Iho Inn a$tlie oiirinlu falla. Mr. Irving gave a iiH4t RAllrtrytng niul cugrasHlng pprlrayRl of the gentle and klu<iiy ltcar(oil monnnmiiisu, ploturlng him ea uoo whnnu hRlltirliiMiloii waa nf varying doiwliy, Hiid within whiwo bmln tho rvsl aud the. unri'a) were HtniggllnK (ur rocogulilon. In btB maku up, his l>CAr1ng and hiR speech Ur. Irving displayed Iho pcirectinn nf nrt. llokrpt biB por* imjol Rirlcily vlihln iho tlmtirtnf comedy, without H sliijllo fRTvlcul bleiiiUh, and In apllo of tbe inenl- inrutheHrnURed he Invimltrd the nbMmctrr with a courtly dlcidiy lhat cuinplciely won Ihe nympathy of hUntidlmv. Nur wa^ihUiicrrurmntico Aoy Ihe' lORS ntu^^lnK on Ihis at'ciiubl. but, un iho conlrHry. no fsri'lcrtl trt*Hliituiii of tho ndu ciiuld liavepoaalblj liof 11 BO gonuhiely mirth iwovoklng. The oarnest gnvlly with which ho setalvut cnuh of hU ildlcu* liitiii iitakri, hia BoburupRH of at>ccoh and the niontal itln:Hgl« lo mconclle fact Ut (aiify, ailbrded oun- Ntnul uTidenco that (he iiioBt genuine and dellghlful liiiiiiDr la that which U neerest silled to pathoa Tho play was lieauilfiilly alagod, and Us two plolures were like genu of art taken from s«iine edition ds fiij^ or UetvantOR* linniorial work. I'ho cast was rr folluwM: Master i|ulxHda,otbeiwlae Ihui t^lxoteof iM klam-lia, llunry Irving; ttsnolm l*anEa, HrJuhn- son; Fsilior IVni'/., Sir. Valeullne; Fudro. an Inn- kruKC* Mr. Aroher; A rnutant, Mr. Iloynolda; Mule- ie(-r<, Messrs. Itoimoro and Itivlngitm; Aninnht; (J'il.i4dA'R nlorn. May WhlHy; Meile, hU bouROr- korpor, Ulsn Mllion; lliilrliiea. a couniry Rlrl. Mn. lAoy; Alt Old W<HnRn, Mr. Innrs. "Jour nufH Kad In l/ivurn* Heel log" prnvad an enioi*- tatiilnu irllln. In wliluli KIkn Terry rbarmed b^ Hudloitco alike hy Iter limuiy and the Unenomi of hur ah. Ifa Rlnry baa alrvady appvarcd hi our dduntna. In It MUi4 Torrj hAd Ibn aaHUlanre of Frank Coiipor, br Mr I'hDip Uouplw. and Don Web- Rinr.iuCAp'utu MarRimiur. lu"AHtnryuf tValtr l(Hi" Mr. Irving was mhir aa OiriHiral <ln*g(>ry Urewalur, a WAicrloo vulorRn wltn haa roRchcd Ihe ago of iiliiriy juara and wtio dvllghbi In rviwailng ii*er and u'ur iliu Ktnryuf thu deed uf ralurper fnruiod l<y him at Watrrloo, which was rewarded by ihobeHidWinenl of a ninlnl which repoHos Ins rraiiie, wborchi Ih iUwi proaervud a iiuwspapersd* cuimtof Iho deed of which ll la llio lifken. Itiere la III) atury told In Ihe nketch, whtrli Is lotrreHlIng only hy rcaeou of Mr. Irvlng'R conctptkui and por* (la^aluf Itiubluf ntlo. Ur. Irvlug'aart lier*ln has lunt Itself ciiriiplrtuly lu aid his menial creetlon, the rtHiiK lielug api>rr<irnmrice which aminUa remark- aide Hludy, porfnut In orury detail. 'I'ho shrunkon fiAuc, llni piping, iinuriiliiiii vidcr, ilin (nUlvd trem- or, thewoHkfncd nilud, Ihelitlun liko ntovuinentof the iHitiy haitds, the iiiiuiHinlnry Huriing uf Ihe iiDnrlyMiwiit vllnlliy, the wtalintKrlng vtj wbluh at- tended Iho dr<)|ipliig nf the pipe, aud the auddeb Icnpliigof the spmk iif llfo hiin ilaine at the monienl of Ibi final exiliigulithiiieni, wito among tho note- wuithj fcHiurrM of DiIa miui symuielrlcal oreallou. Ho purfei:t thruugbout wat lltn art whlrh concealed artiliRi U In a humio Icsnoncd thoeffOclaf tbe per- furmaiicu by hindering tho toHllxalluo of the labor aud dllllcullioR atlondlbH tUo perfoniisnce. Ife wlio ItearA with eaae n h*tRvy burden cohvcya bot Iho Idea of slnngib liniinileil tiy Mm who Iwws lioncHlh Ids load iind loiioninn bin way. No plsy In rhich Mr. Irving liiw afipuarcd baa mt Ihoronghly illaplaybd Iho Nironglh ami nrnincaa<j( bU arUatlo duTulupinrn(. Tlio uial hbr bh fiillowi: Corporal Uregory llrewator, a Ws(crlui) voientn, lleniy Irving; Heigeanl Archlu Uclhmsld, IL A., Mr. Ful- ler UclllsM; Coliinol JaiiieH Midwinter, Ibiysl Hoots* (lusrd, Mr. Don Wulwtcr; Nora ItrawaUrr, Ibe Oor- poml's grand nkcu, UIsh Uremia (lIlMon. All of (he |)lays embraced lu thu Irlplo bill wcro Ihen aeen forllw nnl (Into In Ihln cll; Tho fnurihweeko ihn HCHson <jf Huuti opi.rA al Iho MtTnuruLrTA)* Oi'iHA llurHH iHigHii Due. g, when "Faunt" was pro- wnts'il, AN ineniliined In iiur last Inaur. Uluok'ii "Orfeo** wae heard II, wllh (ho following cast: F.urldlce, Mine. Mario Kaglo; J.'Amore, Mlln. llauer- luelatrr; Orfeo, Marie Hruoia. Followluglhlaoame tliellratpreaeuutlinn In thla ctmutry uf "Ia NiVsr- Talse," the o|N)rH wtiluh Juirs Maamtiet wrote fnr Mine. Oilru, mid Ibu liiNjk of which was will- leo by M. II. Uain upiiii (lie futmdaUoR af* fordeil by "U L'tgarolie." a alory of (he USr- INI war, hy JuKm Claroilu. The horuloe of the work, Aniu (f<a NavarmlM-), Is lu hive wllh a vibllnr, whuNu father rtfiisoR IiIr ooubouI iu (he nurrtAgeunleRHRhocauhrlngaduwry. TlieHAiailSl rifn:u« having iieeu dnrcatnl In iMltle.dsnldo, Iboir leader, Irrluied by hIa defeat, declares he will give a fortune toaiiy one wbn shall kill his aolsgonlst, /.URcaraga. Anita liem sccHtlie opportuoUy to se- euro the woBllh, the hAck of which keepi her from a huelwtKrs embrace, and, gidug In tuo camp of Xaccaraga, ahu murdera bliii. Hho returru fur bsr reward,and,Iiavlngreceived \t, hiaatuber kiver, wko has licen aerl'iuely wuiiinlod In the recent ttat- Ue. Heeliig (be inouey he iiecouies furiously Jeal- oiiB, thinking It (be price of her dishonor; bat, hearing (he ifclli tolllog for tho murdereil geoeral, lieresllUR howeholiae acijulred Ihs c»oney,Bnd. bitterly reproaching her, bo dies. Anita, sselor how uaelosa lias Ihwo her crime, becomes lo- Rsiio from rerwrno and despair. Tbe opera Is Inlwu acu, which aro connscted liyBnlosiruoen- t«l nocturne. I( wsa thai cast: Arsgull, M. Lobert; rjirrldo, M. I^Uncoo; llemlgm, M. Uasleloiary; llRuon, M. Haogulre; llustaimale, M. De Vrtss; AoliR, Mme. Calve. 'Tsnnhseuaer" was sung In Oermsn, 13, wltu thu fullowlug oast: MlzsbsUi, l»la Ueeih; Faatore, Ulle. ilauentuUtsr; Veous, Mme. Nordlca; TannbRUCHor. llerr Wslloosfer; llergMO, llerr lluvha; Walther, Uerr Ulnialls; ifelo- rlob, llerr lUsdel; Ulteroir, Jlerr Uverman; Bslo- nar, HIg. Vlvlant; Woirnm, HIg. KBRchmeoo. Oa tbla uccsAloo Adulpb Wallnofer and llerr Uuoba made their lint appearance In (his eoun(ry. A triple hill was presented la, whioh Included ''FhUe- noD et Baucis,*'the uud scene from "llaulet,'* snd "Osvalleria Uusllcans," lo ihe order nsDcd. "Romeo etiullette" was given at (be matinee li, wlib Jasn ds Kcaske.and Utne. Harllle lu the leading tDlcs, sod "La Faronla*' was hrard STeolDg of that date, wlUt Mree. MsntelU as Leonora. Big. Ctemo- blDl as Pemando, H. Ilaoconss BsIdsamrSi Bsd fUg. Ancona aa AlforwK Tub FuiLifAHMoMu HocinFgarea concert Dto,