New York Clipper (Dec 1895)

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G78 THE NEW YORK OLI PPEB. December 28. World ^Playe rs TO CO RRESPON DENTS. Mill- cormrmaenu nr« firrniv wMtfitl U«ilft»- llm XDiek jrtmllnv Ifrw r<aft /kiy Uirtr MIrn Umlt lit tfVifM mtuilortarJi tw fartlir thnu luiin/. Rf- fiorti Out In Otln offhv m TiteMtay fhniM nrrin Imr HOT IA7KH TIIAK MnSDAV. — Wd. Toonpiion'f |irlv*lo ur (Dilajr) ww wrfcked ai Waruw, Inil.. licc. H. Mm. lUlrj TtoataioD (Dilv Midi;) Mrloual; iDjorm, an4 MrtlKirr, ADDlcoRlclicitan, rlliblljrlDlund. Tbc nolj iblDft thai uvcd ihn comptn; rnn ilmnl ctniln dcfeili m*i huvf f«<1<;acmral]nii1. Aficr ibcnsmb nnlhectrciuRlii nra. hai iliellsniMweie «BilniuUb-4 lj«riirc niieh harm waa done. The rorpCiclM and cMilcwcreIn ihecDdftrihecarwhldi m dimaird iro*l. Nianxc In u;. ilie; cacapm wltb'oDljafnw hrnl^'-a. The nhow vlll have loir* OBID ihrreiiiilll Mni.Ttioin|iaon'aracotcrr, — R Htjiaoiil iilliKriwIil rcjolD ihc Honlincr- Mur^xh Ivwnor; (Vi, alirr (ho holida;*. Tboa. MaraliBll. It-adfr. Inrnrmit iia fhal hr? won niirlcd lo AkrIo lArralu Id Murplijulmio, IIJ.. no UcLll. —10 a coiomunlrailnn iiufwrimtilv Alvnrd hr formar nomlieia or \Vliall*a Comcilj Co. they wliih III 10 iiate Uiai the clualng of ihc comiiaDj wa<* citi«Nl h/ Mckoeiti aihonr Ha mcmlierM, Thej aim t«k« (KcaalOD lopxicnd Ih-lr alnccrf Ihaoltalo II. K. firlawalil, bmnnrHM minaRer. Tor bla klndoraa in then. — Jatnca K. Rica ha^ laadc arranfliinieiilH whore. ytj he will alar llarrj K. Italy, ihe ronwIUn, In a fari-e ronwly cDlliicil "llldlnK Iho (loai.'i and ha* aliiied wvoral pcnnlt. II will nnlve lla nml plOdli''lloll In Dcunli, Mich, — Noiea Irom ihu llli 4 (:niiii:dy IM.: (Iiir Hca- Hin npcoed Oei, Kvrrjimly \* well, we know ojr uexi lawn, and arr nni dntlng people away wlih cinlii. The rosier: Koneno Honla. binlneM uianaiier: Kramilii Miiiny, alaio inanaxer: Prank II. Iisnlil>i,rau<ica1 dlrKior; Ad, Kunk,ailrance: Walinr Dnwey, Philip niawr. Jack UllDe, rrrd faHeii, \ftt\K Ham Hoirr, lira. Scoli llaymnnd. Ixcira (Irahnin. and Miiy I'lercr. Wo i-arry iwcire opio. BDd du nol keep Iho prinleta liuaj nrlnilnR . H. ll.iiiKn>, iiul aim wc are In iheland of ibo llv. \at, and we never iiiliw iieiiInK ihe (lid llellahle, — Iiarnil Aahion aendi iherollowlnR: 'TogToni' linann Unmi'dy <'«mp«ny l> no more. Dr. Uouih and iny<(cir have laken the hliow foi dolii, ami from mil oiil II will be known aa Iho llarrlii-Aahlnii Onniedj i;4]tnpanr, under Ibe maiiagnmont n( John iloBili anil Ya. II, Haruilioad Jr. The aiiow now In hciicr ihiii over. Mr. Toinllnaon baa gone home 10 KOI hia lariii rcadr rnr neil Kaaou," — IHnlel It, llyan, leadmit nun of tho Howard Mock (h., haa aigncd wlihJno. A. illinmclion lo play Iraili wlih Utrric l.owla for Ihc remainder o( Ibo ajMOD, — Ham U. Ulilcr liaa Irfi Ihe Howard Hlock (;o, lo Jala Mowlon lleorn. He baa compli'led a mcladrania eolliled "for Cilia," which will ha proiliiccil In Jftnnary. — Cnpilo Palinuul. or Hluan KiiiuiMi'a 1:0 , K ■erhiii'iy III Willi lyiiLukl lovor ai Iho Miinon In- Irmai7, i.ouUtiiic, Kt. — ibiMcroribe llolien Harreii lUt,: II. KrankOir, proprlelnranil inanagcr; (I. V. Ilaaliroiick. advance agcnl; H<ibi'rllUireii. J. K. Uwla. H, W. Uunh, r. J. Wianlo. Frank llae Hello (liirney, niiaulo llroHCbc. Mia. H, W, lUr^li, and Mra. .Marrtoo, mu- rical dlnscim, — LliarltK IL Hwuoi J>iini»l lOi; Nom Jallliy Co. Iico. Kail Hirer. Mia^ — NolHH from Ihe It'Orinuml Cii.; (Iiir inwIneM Blltl coilllDllua uood. \iv have addfd "The Itcd I. ockei' nDd ''Tlio lronittaaier"ioniiriancriory, — I^nl Andorliiu, K'oor. haa Jidncd Jobii K. Hrennan, In 'Tun Ihe Tinker,'' 10 |>lay a pan anil aliKin ihoquarlel. — IJIIIno lie (Iraaa rellrcd from tlir Nelllr He IleorrCD. lico.2l. — Anbur llorclly Inlueil "A Trip In ihe CIrciK' Ko. el Wooalcr, U., Iioc. H. to play a part awl do Ma anoolnlllra. — fo^leni Hadclimi arrived rroiii Kiiroppliec. H. — Jaaea A. M, Uollonneil, rnrmprly bualncaa nanaier forihe Uura (;o.. Iiai alaneil (or iicil aea- mn In iho aanie rapacliy for AVollion A HiitHell k Hlaia of Kencrlnrr Co. — Cbaa. 11, l«i liiiroo baa wlilHlrawii Irom llarria k flillaKti r'a Co,, anil la vlalllMK hIa parcnia ai Hcadlni, \%. — WlilanI Ixe, who waa cuiineeleil wlib ibu orfiual prodticllun or "(Itnilcinaii Jiw,'' In l.ondun. Kill,, haa boon ODiaiii'd liy M, II. Ciitlla for ibc ADHrleaii pneenlailon ol ihal pUy. — ThU wawn will Ik ilie laai lor Uuliby Uaylor In ihlacuiinirylnrauinullino. Ilcupenaln IjOiiJod Ku|., April 16, mae. (or a loni nni«in. — Bnilon Yabo la 10 wilio a now inolulimuia on an Ainerlcan aulijoei far\V, A. Ilradr. — llrown'a lisiravaninr.a (!»., In - lllaek Hhlr. In AMci ■ am '<lul 01 lUiidaRo." will ojain ibeir BprlDK aDd Hninmor aeaaon alajul Ibv middle of January inxt. Tlio ouaipanr will lio headed by laureoce Vbandler. Jamea llaiika, liaiiw, and Abe Tboiiiaa, lonor. have Hlwoed, and a liiuw liand and orobiitiia o( oltliKon plcn'i will bonarrted. Twenty 10 lion Uilira HI Gborui Bluiieraand tbc Uhlu tlnarlci will bo uiunilieis u( ihr uraanlzallnii. A, 1.. uarlow Will nianaiio Ibu iKiiiiiaiiv. Hie ruuio will hj tbnugU l>cnDiylcnnla. iililu, liidlaua, llllnoto and Iowa, TliceoKiuuieawill badiniUliedbyShanuon VllkirACnna. u(Nrw York, — HIni, Wllllaina apiwan aa Ned FlaunlHau, In 'KlaiiulBan'a WctlillnR.*' II la hU Oral alleuini In Irlah chariclrrwnrk, — Namarei Terry, of ilio lluiilon ^\wV Co., haa for BOnie innc paid liovn nnalile lo play, owing lo lHckQi1<8. — Addlu llenaliaw, wire a( Frank V. Ilenabaw irccnily inrHiiiiicd lier bualiand wllb a haliy girl. — t'biii I ,>K Towiiacud. Ibo draiaailiu, liia Jnid com. plotid bla iblily.hiunb play, a oomedy, in ihreu HCU, I'Ulillnl, - A liselwIoi'aWKe." — CbarUa II. Iloppvrwlll prudiicu' Chlninile Fad' don" ai Iho Walniil .sirrci Theaire. I'biladelphla, l*a., on Jan. fl. Mr. Hopper will he aiipjiorled bv Hcboyur llaallniia. Ilcorao Na>h. Will (^iwp<-r. Hid- iicy rrlee, llarnoy lleynuida, William Hbeldon, John II. FutlODK, J. W, llonwu, Henry Ilawllll^ Heili l^uiklln. rnnulo Deuliaui lloiiyi, Mario Ibiieo, Utmo Kelltr and Irene Vlitiieiiiiri. — J. A. llaaah), o( (lakland. I'al., liaa aeeiireil a iiumtMr of pbi,n tin royally and pmiaiiM> 10 havt< a ropertiiiy comiaDy on Ibe I'nelile Hlune. — Obarlea II. Iloyl'a now work will be ealled "A Conlo Opon." — 11 It annoj.nd Ihal -'1110 Merrr Cuiinlea^." iindirlia oilglnal Fniat'b iiilo, "Niiilcbe," will uu (ID Iho road aboni). — Itlcbiird Haiuilrld Ibik eouclndrd loeonilniH' Ike luanaKenicnl ul K. kl,aiid Joaoidi llulland liiibo I'kiae 01 iheaeaaon Noxi nraaon Ibe lloilauda will iNi unilcrlhooiinaiieDieiiiul Ihe AinorlcauTbeairt- cal Kyodlcale, — "(^mieii." n roinanilc drama, In funr aoU, adaplcit (runi Prv^iter Norliiiee'a novel waa pro- ilnnd Ike. la. al ibo Catiloo In Now Hoebcllo, N. Y. Hill pctforiuaiico waa irlren nudor Ibo dim-llon or >V. A. UoKlayer, and IToleii Ibirry apiKamI In Ihe Ullc role. — William llH-f la rn><llieil wlih Imuiilnk hla Dew plai, -The (llolie Trulivr," lo Ihe Iruni rank or IklaaeaaouVancocMea, — Tbero have beenacveralchangculnlho Frank Tarker Co, Tbe loatcr now la aa (iilb>wa: liavn Alger. Tout Haniii J, Kiio.\ ilavln. ^YIII Clark, Kd. Pilui. I^nk llaiiily. Jenny Plall. Klhel Tucker, (Irani TJmn and Nellie Hoyne, Jamea Tamer laluaUvaiice. — NIckeraon (Ntmedy 1*0. Nolo; (Inr liand and ureboaira now nuudwra twelve men In orebeaira and founevn in iMiuil. Heaierur iheurcbi'aiii: o K, Wardwell. Harry From, II. V. Ilalconi. II. F. Ity. iltr. Atibiir Cauipliell, Jtrry KreeJI, Will Harder. K. Miller. Iiiny Kopp. I>, Mealob, lien Iiultlu, wllb Joa. 0. Keaiuilrb ainniiicat <lireclur. Tbe band la nliDrd for a Honiiuer voRaKenieni. eoninieiiclua Janrl. — Ucairli'e Wolutor, who hai been very III for eeveial wcvka, baa l\iliy reeorered. and will alari iin her Heuibein (nur next month in a new comedy, I hi* nilo of whicb haa noi .vol been aelixied. — Jack Fowler eloaed aa leading man wllb ibe Kmpire Slock Co.. and la vlaliinii (rienda al Uitum- wa. la. — "A Haa In lore," a comedy, In three acta, liy Anthony llopo and Kdwaid Itoae, waa aoied tor the dnt Hue on any aiase lloc. la, at the Fnvldenca Opera llouae, I>nvldeDC«, H, I., by John Drew and cvtupany. — "Clilcaxo/'a now aenaatlonal uonwdy drama, bj Gbarlea n. Hall, waa aotetl (er tho OratUiaeoa any aiago on (he aneraeon of lie>-. It, at llavlls'a Theiiro. Chicago. III. — Ttolifiailia Uoopany la nude npaa foltowa: May Hebaru, lUaa F'rancia, UUlo Usua, IMle Hua. aell, Karl, lUynrd and bteeia, Chaa. H. Ooon, Sam J. lloDtna, Fitd r. Uilgga, J. 8. lUehardMB, Bleeil and Hoon, pnprloloni and manaaan; 0. J. Moore, advance. — n. 0. noinnan li mnilcal director (or "Tba Oieen aoodsMao" Oo., and not Ohaa. HelTaiao, ai waj atatod, — JeanHenoldafllii, Fiederick Rcnoldi) opened beriunlDf inuratPeoiU, III, Dec, St, ma "P"- Ion, and win makt qiecUl yrodncdon ot "l.eaii, Ibe Foraaken." _^ — Kdllh RUU, who baa lieen ataiUng UU aeaaon Ui"rawD Ticket 310," cloaed la BoatoolMc, 31, 8be will open Dec. 2t In bar new farcical comedy, en- UlIed"A Batch ot Blonden," nndar itie maiwre- inentof Pisnk E. Baker. AU (be atraottti of (he "Pawn Ticket" Co, will lie retained (or Ibe new jlece, Inclndtnt Kdw, M, KIIU, Fred Wildman, Allan llamntoo, Pbllllp colllni and other*, — Kotea from tbe Aithor 0. Bldman Co.: Un ac- oonnt o( atormt oa tbe ceait we weie obliged to lay oir lire daja la Bmnairlck, Me.. cancellDg foor Blghta. Oal>eo. ietbeK.ofP.I>adgeattbatplact tendend the company a banquet at their hall, u kanor o( A. K. Wllurd, the only kol|bt In our con pan J. Tbe evenlni waa a moat eojoyable one to all ooDoerood, On WedoeedaT aveolni following we gave a performanoeof "A Snrnmer Hbower," for their benedt, at the Opera llonae, whIcb was very largely atiended, ootwllbitandlng tbe fact that wo bad erodnced tbe aanw piece tbe Wednesday even. iQgpfevlo ia. While In Hmnawlck we wareenter- uined by lAndlonl Crockett, ot the Otty Hotel. James llnbbard, treianrer of Scnbner A Hmiib'a UtrcDS, whose home Iain Brunswick,took the whole company for a ilds, wblch was dchi enjoyable. Our lonr waa reaomed at WaUrvllle, Me. The company remain! tbe name In every particular. — Wllllan A. Brady haa airanged for tlie ptoduc tinn, neilaeaaon, ot anolber local melodrama, wlib the Utie of "A BoweiT Doy." It la nld that ihU producUon will he the biggest of Its kind ever at- tempted, and will hare a lerlea of senaitloos. Man- ager Hrady haa depoalted tbe title In Waahlngloa, II. 0., depoalted two printed coplea of hla play, and la prepared to conieat any lamngemeni of tame. Charles II. Ward, the author of "The Band Played UOi" bat been oireiBd the star rote. — OUndle I/imalDe (Mrs. Wm. Mitchell) waa called to the death bed of tier aon on Dec. It. — Manager Chaa. K. Callahan hM tecuted l.tzilo Kvana (or the role of Oeorgla, lo "Coon Hollow." Bhe aasomed the part at lloboken, N. J., IMo, 23. — Krneat llogan, who niaytthe star part In Uncle Pete, I n "Old Tonneaaee," baa Iwen visiting (rienda In Ohlcago,Ill. JaneaBllvertaaumcdMr.Hogan'apart durlnji hla abtence. — Roller and nolas from Ihe HcKee and May Co,: Uotlncaa la good with ua, and we are liooked aolld opto June, lets, Mr, McKee la making a hit In hla novelty apadally. Wo ate all well. Will toon produce a new pity, >>y wuiltm Wl>eeler, written for Mr. McKee, eotiued "No Man<a Und,'' Uur rotter: H. Y« MoKee and J. H. May, proprteiora end managera; Loula Uayton, W. J. wheeler, P. 8. Uanctt, Ceo. Hlebardaoo, Hairy (;iark, Uanv U'Neal, J. R. Hays, advance; Floience Bberwooil, Klala Winter*, Ibinle Uawaon, Margaret Ilcaly, Katelln Gilbert anil Mra. Moone. — Manager W. b. tVatson, of '■O'Hoollgan'a Hsa- qnerade," loforms ns that hasloeas Is excellent, lie nates that the comnny haa not had a loaing week eince It opened. The company cloaes Its bm- aon April 2t. — I'earle Bight haa Joined the "Otsen Oooda Man." — Kred W. Foe and Clara Wllllanui Joined nora Stamford's Co. at Kltisbnrg, Pa. -The ParlorTbeauv, la uwlston, He., under the nanagetneni of Oeo. K, lloblnton, Is, It Is lald, meeting wlib ancceaa — W, J, Fielding, formerly ahead o( Yale's "New- eat llevll'a Aaotlon" Co., hi no longer with tho com oanr. (;harles F. Cromwell, (onnerly nnreaentetlrc for Ur. Yale, It now ahead, hla place with tho com pany ivlng taken i>t H, wiae. — Charlei and Mailon Uldgley have Joined James A, RIellr In the "A (ierman sloldler" Ox. — Haby Yavons, of the Ethel Tucker Co., In her apeclalllea, la received nightly with applauie, — K. II. Uarliour has completed anangenienbi wlih Cbarlea T, Han, tbe Irish comedian, to alar htm In a naw farce comedy, next aeaBon,eotltlc<1 "Itally Uoo." — ".Next year," a comlo opera, by II. V. UIgelow, was aung for tbe flitt time on any tuge at Bald winavllle, N. Y., Ilec It. — Ainu lleam opened with the "O'Uoollgan's Maaqiieiade" Co., fa Wabath, Ind., Itec. It, with onereheaital, playing the part of Panaey. — Iielbi Prlngle opened her Unit itand In Iowa In Waukon, to the lariitat drat night'a bualnesa. It hi aald, ofany reportoiy attraetlon thatbasplayed tbe houae. Tbbi week will be filled at theOnnd Opera Home, Deconh, where Mia I'llngle spends her BumnterH. —1>. B. Oool, uunsger o( the Grand Opera lloiue, Uanlon, o., baa organized Cool's Big Slock Co., wbloh Is lo play that thaatrn and the pnaclptl olUes o( Ohio, renniylvanis and Mew York, open- ing Jan. 1. Ur. Oool has seoured a tlrongornBI' caUon, headed by noy (Trowell and Obaa. Iloni- mer, alao taclndlng Jennie Burleigh, Helen Myrtle HoiiKrow, Oon Bnght, Oeialdlna Btooe, Utile Franceaca, Uaby Kern, Uwrence Kvart, II. I.. Webb, J. Frank Maoauley, 0. Ed. liudley, a II. Uameeand Iran Rlokettt, with C. Percy Weatbarell In advance. A car load of handsome scenery, by MauAndrows Bros,, will be carried, as well aa their own oalolum, ttortoptlcon and lime light outlll,and their own atige dittaing and docoratlont. All playi presented have lieeo aeoiired on royalty, and every skeetotpsper, both wall and window work. Is ipocltl and nthoaraphlo. — Tha Ohaa. Boeaal Opeta House, In New Bremen, (I., win be opened Jan. 5, imt. — Alfred Molander, ohanctera; Frank Fenr, comedian and dancer, and Mao F. Hoyle, hoavlea, Joined Neiherland'a Oomedlana to auppon the chlM aoubreite, Ulaa Esther PeUte. — The Inaugural opening o( Ihe new Orand l>peni llouM In Lexington, Mo., occurred on Dec, t, with Uuli Jamea and company lo "Othello." — Tllden't TronpeiB opened the new hall st the Holdlen' Uome In Usrion, Ind., Dee, It. — Manager II. E. Ortswold, o( II. II. Whalls' Caui. edhina, Informs nt that he cloeed tbe company at Troy, ll.,.lleo. It, after paying all aaiartea. — 0. Jay Smith and May E. Cnnard are now hi their twentieth week with Manager K. U.Macoy'i "AT<itthdiItaili"Uo. -IsabelleMoKltly, formerly of McKlnly'a Rep. ertoiT Oo., who hat had ohann ot oiutio lo the Wonderland MoekTbtatie, at Oaleaburg, 111., closed thenUeo,3l to aooepi an engagement withMaokle'a "Ortmea' Cellar Uottr" On. aa leader, -•"Tlie Funny Story" Oi, cloaed hi Bloahan- ton. N. Y., Iieo.31, owing to the eortnos lllnesa ot Chat. Kotob. Ills wife Infomia ua that the play will go out again alwutjan. li, n ilk a new com- pany. — Nellie P. Aldlne tawlth "TheOerman BoMler" Ol., now touring reonsylvanla. JOHN HARE Thilt actor, who (or many yuan ban lieen promi- nent upon tho Kngllib eiaga, made bis American debui Ilec 33 (ihe beilnning of the current week), at Abbey's TTicaire, In thu city, In Plnen'a play, "ThoNolurlout Mri. Khhanilih," In private life he It known aa John Fairs. He began hla pro(eealonal career ai about tbe age of (wen(y-onayran>. and made hi* (livt appearance In London, Eng., on Sept.lMMi, In a minor nie at Iho Prlaccol Wales Theaire. He made hla drat decided bit at that houae on Nor. 11 of the aame year, aa Ixird Iiarnil- lltnt,ln Itoberiaon'H comedy, "Soclcly." Dutlog tho (ID year* following he conilnuod under ihU managenieni, appearing la "Ouni," "Ottie," 'Hohool." "The School for Bctndal," "Money" and Dihcr playa, In whIcb be won a reputation aa a do- IliicBior of chancier. In ia7( ho aaauucd tho nian- agcuieui of tbe old Coun Theatre, Luidon, where bo organUed a company which Included Ellen Terry, Amy V'awclii, Mr, and Mra. Kendal, ChaHei Kelly and Mr. Komble, Here he proilueed aome of Ibe tiKMi aucccaitui p«ya iif Ihe time, among tbcm New Men and Old Acrea," "Olivia" and liord Lyl- ton'a iKialhuinoua play, "TI10 Itonae of llamley," In IDTt, In copannerablp wKhNr.and Uta-KendaL he aarumed tho nianagcinent of the tk. JameaTtiea- tte, Ixindon, The |anoer*blp wai disaolvrd In lata. At thu time W. 8. (Illben wu hulMing (or Mr. Hare ihe prreeni iiartick Tneatre, and pending Ha cumplctlou Mr. Hare Joined Mn. John Wood't company at (he new Uoun Thi'atta. Ue opened Ibe llarrtek Ttieatie on April 14, \m. with PIneio'i pUy, "Ike Pronigale," which wet loltowcd by Bar. dou'a "U TVMca," with Mm. neinsrd-Uceie In tbe line role. Then (ollowcd Sidney Urundya "A Pair o( flpeeueleii." In vblrh Mr. Hare won great fame, lllatnoetmentaucceas reenlied from bit prodnc- ilon ot 'The Notortoiu Mn. Rbbamllh," with wbloh ho elected to open hit aetaon here, aa mentloaed above. Variety and Minstrelsy THE CH RISTMAS FIDDLE. BY rRlKK L. tTAIITOK. There'a eometbUi' In tbe tddle'a sound that tome- how thskeatnd thrills , ^, My nol with tweeter mutic than the song o' whlp- pnor-wlllt, ^ ^ Ur lbs wild nous o' the nockln' birds when BprlnR bi In her prlDe; Bat, best 0' all, I love 'em when they're pityin' Chtlstmas Uoe. When the cabin Urea an Mailn', an' the holly With tempUn' tpnyt 0' nlstletoe are haogtn' over- head; When a feller's eye* ate chasin' 0' Ue dlmplo0' the ItlrU, An'he's lost hit way for ever In tbe tangle 0' their curls. Then I like to hear the fiddle, and Us every tone Is tweet; There's a twinkle In ny eyes then, an* a fldgei In my feet! When they nnge Ihe girliaiound me forthe dancin' aoou to lie. it's a lisllcluja tetion to tho very tool 0' me! Whin I tee tbe old iluie tddler, wba hss hcanl the Oddle ting Fur many a froatj Winter, In Bummer time. In Spring, Uy by hla coat, an' tirike a note, ll't "Uielbren, bar the door I" Fori know that ironble'a comin' on that cabin's Bandy Doorl Wlien I hear that ".Swing your partnen!" I feel my pulses bound— My anna Jttt fuU 0' aweetoeti, tnd tht room a gain routidt And, "liullet to tbe centre'." tn' "Hands round:" thrilU me through, For a glrl'a hand'a mighty tender In the liiown, broad palm o'yoal Tlie heavy ball nay palter on the ahlogled roof above; The snow may beat the song tilrdt from tht windy nestt they love; Tho cows may mlta Ihe clover on the hUUldi an' the lea; But In Joy I'm rollln' over when tbe nddle tings to mel But It't always tweeter—eweeter when the holly't hangln' nigb. An' the Obilttmaa lamps sr« lighted In the windows o' the sky; An' I think II I wssdyhi' I should tUUlie (eeUn' prime As the lovellesl ugel llyin', wlib a Oddle Ohrlilmat tliiitl —Itoicn Topics. Tilt iKMrju.BeKsrrref the Boeton Lodge of Elka wllltshc nltce it the Boston Theatre during the latter nan of Ftbruiry next. Not only will the ihettrei of Beoten and (he .New England circuit conirtbute ihetr attracilons, hut heveral mansgere ot New York (heairo have olferod their companies, and aiaay novelUea o( Ihe metropolitan riatc will lie area In Hoaion (or tbe flret time A beaalltolly llliieiialcd roovenlr programme will he publlihed hy lue coromlKee. ann thecotire proll:a (rum Ihe proRramine will lie iiimed over 10 the lodge rbailty (und. Ueo.W. ah'u Fkank iiatkk, laic o( prior anil Ciier. have Joined forces. I.r.v PALXKa. who rcreoilr Jnlncd Ham T. Jack'a "My Uncle" Co.. la aucccfsfullr cloning the ollowiib hla act. It wah tiik t^lKornla Tno.Cuogso, Ilmd and Tafo. which played an eniaiemcntroanily In Poll'ii Wonderland. New Haven. Ct. and alK) al tbe KIka licnellr. and not the Claflin Trio, at waa at iiett. TdR HcNi'm-siKTEna anii Uavok llAHVKYnre at <be city Troi-juero. Atlanta. Ga. CiiA)<. ('I>fliiiR"|0 Bhikn It In nnanclBl dUireaa lu Hunbury. Pa. Mr. O'Brien baa been tingularly un(ottunaie Inmeeting with four accidents to one of hlskneeatntweniy-onemootht.and last Summer he broke (ho wire, a mechanical aOilr 10 kid hit knre power, whito giving a performance. Yioi.crrA, the dancer, la engaioi for t.ree wecki al'.^arncroaa Thntro. Phllsdelpula. Pa. lloT Ct.AUs»:.>.'. alnglng and dancing aoutiirtte, baa lUNi closed an engagement wlih Coltrell A MardODnld'a Vaudeville Club Co. B11.1.Y HrKNCia, o( Spencer firoa., raouron the loajinf bl.( daughter. KxNSO AKD W'lLCK closed a aucceaaful engage- nien( at tho Lyceum Theairo. Chicago. III. Their aiM was Ihe bit ol tbe show. They have ten weeks booked in the Eaat lieforc leaving for San Fran- cisco, cel., when ther will remain tor claht weoke. FiHLM AND Lewis, tbe Two llotTamalcs. while playing at Keiths Boston Tlieslre Isat week hsp- pened to be placed lo follow Lockhari'selepbsots which position wsa conceded to bo the hardest on the pngrsmme. Notwilbataading these dlfllciUdcii ther plcaundy tutpriaed everyone by receiving heiny demontlctilont of applauae at (ha dote of their catchy apedaliy. They are with Huasell Ilroa.' UomedUinitortheseaton. Mianrrr AND SKildon report ihat their new act, "Tbe Two Rxtienea.' la received with applauie. JiMia D. Donovan, of Tbe Honorana, wnUe play- ing 111 Clerclaad, O,. with Bao Oevere'a Co., was (he recipient of a gold headed osne from Anhur K. Iieagon. of Ward tnd Vokea Co. TsRRV ANn ELHRii.wuh ibclr novelty dancing tnd atrip cbaoKta and Mlat Elmer In her aword drtll. are doing well. Pai'I. HcllosALii, black luce comedian, haa changed hla name to Paul Bluart. He will open Nov. 3u with Ihe "Bluebeard" Co. Wx AOgKOWLRtnE, With thaoka, receipt o( acard fioni the Rlxford Bros, extending 10 TiiK CLirraii Ibe roinpIlmeniR of (he araaon. HtixiiH BiWTiMA. bite of "The I'ouutrr CiRus." coulonlonlal. end Delia Clayton, late 01 the French Folly CU., have formed a team. UOT Latiihop Is alaglng eirecllvely "My Deal Ulrl'a a Corker ■ with tbe London (Isleiy nirh Oo. NoTKS VKoa Kms Stdkll<« I.onuon llgu-Ea Co. —Weareplsylnir 10 hig hnsloriwandphwslng them, the umc at ever. W. 8. Campbell and wife (lloae Sydell) celebrated their tin wedding !)«c. It, at Ikialon. Mam. They received a Urge aiHortment of tin ware aa pitaenta. The company was ten- dered a banquet by Mr. abd Mn. Campbell. Alloc St. Ulairo cnrlaieued Hn>. Camiitioirs Utile dog "Nlg,"aoverHl iptecbes were made, and Ibe picas- itro vaa kept up ontil the early nnimlng. Ail woi.t borne happy atiera moet enjorabts evening. Wiu. tlorr, late 01 lloyt Bros-, has Joined John H. Onns. Mahk \Yalidi( Is a pailenl In tbe aanliariuni at Clifton Spilnga. K. Y.. recovering from pneumonia end (over. She had 10 cancel aevcnl dates, and will iHi unable lo 1111 any engagemenia under three or tourweeka. KWTKS OFTUK UlLIAlN i I.VKCU COaSDVCo.- Dlllon and l,yncb, Joe WeMetn. Ueorgla Letter. Alice Bearlce-Hiiiiy Iio.v.the McKlecea,T. J. Shea. JoaleliOTe and a mas band. WVLii AND Sanvord's rccciulon at the Avenue Theatre, PlUabuvg, I*a., was so pronouuced that they wen re-engaied (or four weeks more lor tbe Davbi circuit, and they will begin In March an eu- gagenieni for Ove weeks on the aame clrcnlt. l.omi Wist dyhokos closed with Out mil's New York Sisrt Dec. u. Tug WiLUAMt Thio are apcndlngChriainiai) week at home In Fall Itlrer, Maaa. llArru NYkamnfomiaut that she waa manlcd to C. A nuooke, a non prufeaalonal, of Jeroey City, N,J-, Decs, PAriNTA, Iho niliTvr dancer, baa recoveml from a sivere accldoni al (he City TTocadero. Allsoia, Os., snd la again delighting the pativna of that re- aen. \V, II. Watson, of the snw Bijou Theatre, New- ark.N.J., which will be opened on or about Ana. 22, IMM, reports that IDe srenitecta have sent biniibe plana (or hii bouse. OHKodhotuiturea of the Ollrer llltson bencflr, held recently In this city, wsa (he alnglng of Btneai Wllion, banione, In hie laieal atcceis, "Homo, tlweei Uome and Hoiher't Arms." Eua Ut'NBAE. nubrettt, It reporied as msklhg an elTecim mark tinging hUday'a latest aong, "Answer Witn a Klat.' llilLXTT AND Carroll hare Juti dnisbed al en- gagement of ave Tceka at ino BIJoo Theatre, ilanllloB, 0,, and opened Dec. Kl al MIddletown, O.. tor two wceis. JUHETTS RoariLLR rcponaa good mark forher danrlngapeclalilet. LvLi> BHBNT.otlho team of Stewart and Brent, la vliiiiDg Ktiile llooaton tor a few days, while on her way to New York to Join her huahand, Utnr tHewtn. JASKiliiviKt^of DevlnesndMunme, was called home to the death bed of bis mother Dec It. JouN UoLTOv, cannon ball catcher, li In Ban Fmncltco, CaJ,, tnd will thoniy appear at Ihe Onteun, In ihtt city. D«i.w Fain, eword swallower, i^[<»"" ""Jf,?' he has began divorce proceedlDge sgainn hla wire, "cjA*;i2I!i*'BAT depsned lor D'lroli "Ij^v I!?,?- 21 to ilo ■ The Hew ^Voman" over the;Mooteclrcolt, Pni.i.T UoLMgRvlalted her mother at Proildence, R. I .iantweck, aslltde'scomedlsnslsld oir. JIRHY HiBT and Beatilce Uo, who hsro lieen Disybig (broaih (he Weei for Kime yettt, are ar- nnglng fora tonr of tho Eajlern vtrtcty housce. ORO.CAROWtnd Frank Herbert depsned for San Fmm laco. Cal. Dec. 2L for a six weeka' toor ot the Qrphenni citctn. ..... „j F.nnisBUiWEand Mac Wordon, who appeared Itsi week St Tony Paalor s Thcsue, this city, hsve booked s reloin dtiest thsl honto week of Feb. 3- HiLLT HiLU Is pisyliig (he Davis clrcnlt, FcluactOain leave the Barn Wiuiams Bbow Dec 30 Ui'cK DID Auci MoATOT Will Spend thtt week at their home, Toronto, Can,, snd will open on the Bopbint clrcnlt Deo. sg. ^ ^ , TBI team of Vago and Mitchell have doted with theExttrMlDttieli and have signed with the Earl BpeclaltyCo.,naw touring the West sit BCH Ajj, Hindoo conjurer and llloilanitt. It tnuring Ue province of Nova BcoHa, opening V. Yarmoath See. 21, with WUllan N. Oorman as ad- vance nproeautlve. , , BisNDON -WD MoUONiU), contonloDlttt, have Joined bauds. . ^ ma OiSiKO, Chicago, III., has anln changed hands. Maze Kdwarda having retired Dee. 22. Vui, R.aoKh.laieof Smith's Open Bonte.Orsnd Raptdi, Ulch-, who aetnmed the management on Uialdate, win coatlnue the honse lo the varleiy Held, and hsi engtged Waller J. Pilmraer to menace tbe slags snd txMk ihi perfonnen. Manager Bnlih brings many yean n( experience to aid him In a eaecetsfiil ontcomo ot the veutnie. Psop, W. P, McUaing. who styles hlmaeK "The Wizard on the Ivories," Is giving phino recltabi Ihrragh Penntylvanla. UiNCROFT SKD WniTB havt Signed with Al. J. Bar- raw's Comedian*, In "A Uloomer nirl," to present ttirlr lateat Dutch comedy act. "A Dutch Actor." TBI Unn Bisreas' VaRiirr and Aorobatic Show, under tbe management d Walla A Berry, will take the nad Jan. 13. im. The roeiar: George Morris, admnce; tha Una glHera, Barney Barton, lloae llowell, Frank A. Lyont, Kittle Ubuoood, Ben. Kos', Fannie Holmea. George Martin, itage man- ager; Ihe Brandon Slaters, tnd Andy Kelly and his Bintonlme compsny In "The noote that Jack ullt." TUBTwoEBiuAsn appearing with nyeiB'Col- ored Comedy Co. In their aged negro tong and dance. JiHis Wairs, comedian, ot the NaihvUle Stn- denu, has recovered from his tlckDes^ and hat le- tnraed to woik again, EiLT COOIIUN AND LlOPOUl JOBDAM lUtSUd gOlng on the vaufleTllte atage together In ohanctsr doeta. Tan HtLLaa Bscs, are worklna on an endrely new Idea In the way ot a apeeiacular act which they will produce next sesson. They are still a featnre of Prtmnse A Wettt Minstrels. ROSTRR OF TBI NEW Y'OSX IDIAIS.—HeSdO A Allen, pnprletore: Edwsrd B. Meade. Imperaoo- aior; Cart Herrmann, violin vbtuoeo; Jennie Roh- loaon, vocalln; GeorghMA Stevens, planitt; A. 0. A]l*n, In advance. Miniuhk FOBinn', (MKomla dancer, with the Loudoa Belles Co., wlU hereafter be inown aa Madeline. Wb are Intermed of the marriage ot Arthur Rig- by to Cora Strong, In Chicago, III., on Deo. 19. TBBTHBia BourOKB wenat KelUi't'ibeatre, Doe- ton.Usss., week of Dec. lB-21. Nona froai the French Ostely Olrlt.—Onr company plkyed to Mg buMness the past week st the Falsce, Boston, Mats. AH the mcmbere were well received. Tom and Oerde Grtmea, the clever ateich tean, wen highly pnlted, and also Boliait, female Impenonalor. WlllUms and Wright, Woods and Irving, Edward* and Oounolly, Ohasirell and Schuyler; Mile. Touinonr, In her daring aerial act. and the ckiver grotesque dancer. May Goodwin, were well received, Oor butlness Is looked sfter by J. Knitbt, manager, vrlth A. Wsrde, treasurer; Ban Pflaum, bunloeas represenutlve: Ed. Dein, propeny msn; Bam Osrdner, director or mnilc, and Tuns, J. Grimes, proprtetor. Ethbl IliiuY AHO IlLANcnB TsiRBRT lisve Joined hsnda. Ha. AND Has. R. u. Kkowlbs aend Tns CLirrtn a plemanttnirlstmaa greeting from London, Eng. JtjuB MioiiT.tbe accooipilibed contrattoalnger, cloaed this month. In London, Eng., one o( the moat lucecttfaleniaaementteverplayed by inAaertcan linger In tbai cliy. Her ten weeki' engagtmentsst the Tlvoll, ravllion and Oxford Music Iltlls were veritable h^umpbs. Blie ooeos Deo. 'J9 at Dick Whicthigtoo bi tne psnlomlme ot thst title. IIARIY an FLORA BLixi (ths Two Bees) tend greeting and good wishes to TUB CLtprtB. A ooHHCNiCATinii tlgusd May Y'ale, of the Yale sistsn, received by us but uonth, Informed ua ot themsrrtateof that lady to Aaron 0. Jones, a non- pn(ssilonsI, In Pbllsdalphls, Pa., on Nov, 18, Mlas Vale now writes as saking us 10 deny tbe tiatement publlsbed In accordance with t>ie above Inlelll- Bence, aa the metier "rrae trested as a huge Joke." [endaoliy ol thla aon may alTord vast entertain- ment lo Miss Yale, bat It lacka oorappredallon, and should the Isdy's future commuolcailona to os (all to sppear In our colnmnt she rosy And a leason (or aoch omisalon In the fable ot the sbephr ' ' who derived imusement (rom calUng wolf. Fam Yotoio AND BaiuB Bili-b send us the eoatont' ecuipllmonts thnngh ths medium ot a tasty card of onlque design, bearing a clever versa. Tbeir eoteipitoe fa commendable. PisBi. Li viNUiroNB Is tecoveriug (rom a severe lllaess st her home la tbit city. On the occaalon ot her last birthday, Dec, 17, she was well nmemlieted by berfriaiida LicuiB INS Lbslib have lieen playing dobs and private entenaluments for tha last tew weeks, la New York Their buriesqnea are In great dt- mand thtt teaton. Lima Abnold Is oiling a two weeks' engage- ment al Woaderhind Mnsee, Dee Moines, Is, DsYDBN AXD Paob Will msks ihtlr New Y'ork debut Jsn. 13, at the Unkm Bquan Theatre, OSB of Ike popatar aonga o( the preaent day It Paul Vretaerl unique IialUd, "Jntt Ml Them That You Saw Me," Among thote who are reaponaltilo (or IIS popttartty la Will 0, Carleton, of the "For- Ulna'* (Jo. Tail Lnma Lawbknoi Uuuxbsiidb Co. Is playing through Ultaourt and Is msds op as followa: lAw- reuce and Kobe, praprieton; Wm. T. Ely, nuinsger; Fred LockkBit, leader; Ohas. T. Ames, Frank Harris, Wm. Eomera, LotUe snd Msy WUKes, Carrie Amta, Usiue Kvans, Jennie Wilson, Frankle llama, Maggie Elllt and Batile HolL Tub Mi'iLji.Liv Trio are tilling a (our weeka' engagement at the Wonderland Muaee, 1X« Mdnet, la. Tub KuatBLLu are preparing a new act, "Homy and Heiman," and will abo soon add "Little Tim" to IbeIr sprelslty. "Tat PHOi OF ni Naw York Forci" Is the title Ota new act that P. E. Malta la arranging for a tonr ot the raristy theatres. J. M. BaiTB and UaUle Myera have llalshed a four weeka' engagement at Ueci t Aveiyt Motes, Cln- dnnaU, 0. Ilima Stbwaiit and TommIe OUlen are lost com- pleilngatoarofthe Moore circuit. EnwiN WatD and Bert Foi have formed a part- nership. Tub New Hosee and Theatre, Oolnnbns, O., opened Dec. 11. For this week the people sre: Ollnt wunams and pertonnlog bear, YVarren Slsten, Madame Derere, bearded lady; Lee Boy, nau king; Wesley and Lnin Bawn, uttoocd people; Prince Oogt and Prof. Ray Cabnet, the Royen, Fleets Bros., T. J. Befnn, Qncle Reed and Blondin Broe, CarllBlesndeLCUIr, L. Ed. Bona Joint Landen's Mlnstielt Dec. 2<, ti Potliioim, Pa, forthesesson. Janwn, Rung and Bimtibt send the foUowlDg from Viennt, Aaattia: "Since our arrival In Earope last March we have met with (tattering succesa Ws sre now fflllng a tlx weeks' engagement In this city at Ronacber's Muslo Hsil, reported to be the Insst mutlo ball In continental Europe. We are booked tolld tor nearly a year, and at pieient an inaue lo sa5 when we abslt renm to America. Irent Rice tnd titter an also tneetlDg with big tncceei at the above music hall, their aorobatk: and oontortkM daaclog te loudly ptalssd both by the press and pnhllo of Bnraps. We open Jan. I, IIM, at lbs Bvea Salen Music Hall, Btockholm, Sweden, for two montbL" TBa Raymond Sisms, May and Kitty, whoss dandng Is s Iianre of "O'UoolIgant Mtsqaerade" Oo., are rehesralog a sew act tor next season. Mr. Wsison has engaged them for his nsw Iheatte, in Hewitk, N.J. Loaiao anb La Van wlU open at the Alttanbn Theatn, London, Eng., wlih their new act, ahoitty. PaiL AND llATna Hillb report anccesstol esoage- menis at Ue Palsce Theaire, London, Eng. They wiu return neit season 10 opsn with Wiuisms' Own Co, Paiu Patucblapt has been engaged by V, B. Watson, msnager ot the fitjoa Tneatit, Kewark, N. J,, as associate manager, also as vnm uai geaerBl adveidslng agent PENNSYLVANIA. PbUaalelplila.-.The financial reaulls on ibe week Jnstpataod tave lieen very fair lodted, noch hetltr thu was expected under the cIrcnniMstctt. tuoday Md Wedoetdsy everything tns paralne^ by Ihs write, hot the remainder ot the week wu Itally good, although street car innsporuikis was lacking. UtoAS Snm ToxAntB.—Fnncit "Tim ChleftalD," bi the attraction nnlll funher noUce Budnea last week wss very big, Tke opera nrotM somethlogof a dliappolntment, hntWllaonVlon i> as ipontaneous aa ever, and FhUsdtlpbIa neret teems to the o( a " ACADHir OP Moaa—For he cuneot week ihe opeini are "Mantel and Orelel" Dec, 2i-u miii: nee and night, and oatlnea 28; "Robert l« l>iibie< 3l,"Alda'' 28, "Dlnonh" 2t, Last vreek "Iioneo and Jnllet" was given a csnabis preteoinUon betore a verysntllssdienca. Friday,''llTroriiiore"drew a very Itrie audience, and was received whh greai enihusltaB. Henri Prevott, the new tenor, made bla DrM tppesnnce, la the Dl qutllt pin ht itruck bit high 0 lu full voice and brought out considerable enthusiasm, UIs Hsnrtco It other re- retpcctt li miber commonplace. The great anliilt tnccets ct lbs evening was the Aiucena nt Rath- erlne nenlng, which won tbe well metlted ap- plause ot the andlence. She aang the pnnon ihon nnucs In pfaice ot the new conoalto.Leontlna liaasL who was 100 HI to appear. "The Uuinenota" wai repeated Saturday evening. CBtarNUT SmBgT Opiri Uoina.—Uenry Irchir and Ellen Terry open this week with one o( thi bargeat advance tales In the history ot tbe house. Theeroeraminelortse week Is "Tbe Merchant o( Venfce'T 23 and niaUnee 28, "FSaat" it and -a "Don (juliote," "NanceOldleld" snd "AStory 0! Waterloo" al. "Uoo ijulxo'e," "Jonmeya Eud lo Lorem' leetlog ' and "A Btoi; o( Waterloo" 2:, snd "A Cbrlttot^/, Stoiy" and "The Lyont Hall" 21 Fanny Davenport cloted a tocceatfnl (onnlghi'a ea- gagenKnt, In "Ulamonda," 31. Next week, the lau of the Inlng-Teny eugagetneni, tbe prninmire will Include "King Arthur'' Dec. 30 and 31, Jan. 1 tnd maUoce 4. "Nance OldUeld" and 'Tbe UelU" 1. Friday and Ssiurdsy nighta not yet anuounced. CHtSTMrr liTRBBT TBBATaE.—"A Milk \VhltoFlag» holdt over from last week. Fslrly good builuea bat atleoded the nroduction. Next week A. H. Palmer's Co., In "Trilby," will donbtlets other hi tbe New Year with the greateat success ot the tea- son. Walxut SiBBrr Thbatbx.— Chauucey Ulcoli, In "The Irish Artist," for Ohrlttmai week. Lan week theiucceea ot "The Greet Diamond Robber)" was uoi sbated. the sttendance being very large it nearly every performance. For next week Chaui- cey OlcotliriU appear, lu "Uavourocen." Park TavATRS.—'Tne Many World" Is Manager Worreil'aotrering forthe Chilttmaa aud New Yeai^ holldaja. "1491" last week did a ti-elty good bun- nets In epitu or the tncUoD troubh»,aome o( tbe houses bring crowded. AUDnvucM.—"Tne Twentieth Oentnryairi," wlita MoUy Faller, John T. Kelly, Qnt WlllUma anil other prominent playen In tho csat, marku Uanager (ill- more'tf holiday departure (rom his customary Mae otattnctlODS. Fairly good buslneta last week at- tended tbe engsgemeniot Fred. lUder'sNew Night t»ls. Nixt week, Flynn and Bhendan'a UlgScuaa- tlon Co. Natioku. Tbbatri.- "The Ootion King" will prove a htg twx oQIce wlimer for the cui rent week at this avcceatfnl theatn. "On Erin's Stores," a new lilah diania, by Mlchsel J. Horoney, waa bunched on the theatrical sea but week,and aeem-i likely to Hoar. ]ihaManlnierettlDgplQt,and atfoida abandaot opportunity for the alylo ot berulca which arouaea an (mpretalonable audience, 'ine prodoc- lion waa under ths auspices of the Ancient Older of Ulbernlaas, and tho house was sold pracdcalty B^Ud toi tne week. Next week, Steve arodle. In "On the Bown7," Gbaxd UfBRA Hot'SB.—Ill lleDTy's HInstrelH theaitmeHon for the (onnlght. Lautweek "The Patriots" received only fair encoungoraent, but the tlumlon of tho theatre it such at to make the eifectsot the stnbe severelyfelL jaD.6,ilnt pio- ducuon ot Otto Rick's new comic opera, "The Spar- row." GIRAKII AVBNUB TOBAIUK.—"Llltlt MIlS Buty- body," artth Mamie Ollroy lu the UtIe role, Is the hol- iday alttaciton. Tho production ot **Mooey" last week, Igis. John Drew and Manager Oeorge Hol- land In ths cast, was an Interesting theatrical event aud auncted large audiences, lieii week, "TUa Sheets o( New York." FoRXPiDOB's TacATRK—"Faust," as Intsrprettd by theFcrepaogh Stock Company, and with tpeclal scenic aad eleoirtcal eOiwia, will pnvs a strong hoUday attncdoo. Last week "Joseph" was given to good buslneea. For New Year't week, the iterllng melodrama, "Men From Uie." ttonxa THRATHl.—"Town Toplca," with tbe SlllereiterTllee^Ollnwayand MoFarlaod, William KeUar, William H. Mack, Nellie Seonelt and ue whole original caai, bi the cuireat attraction. Joaeph Murphy, In "Keiry Oow" and "Shaon Kbue," did well but week. "Eight Ilelto" for New Year's week. HTANDABD TBBATnt.-"The Sdugile 01 LKo" holds tha bosrds tor this week. Last week's bushieu ana quite io,)d, "Fablo nomsol" and llring pictures betvg theatlrectlons. "My Jsck" next week. OARHctoss' OrsBA Uousa.-rhe cntlsunss bin eubntcei: Amy MUler, Burton's Dog Wrus, Mason and Tuw, Schrode Brolhen, new satires enUUed "New Gai" and "The Undonaker's Daughter," and coucludea with oiTenbach's operetta, "Mr. Ohen- ituurl" Bualnest It veir good. Tub BiJOD.—OhartesDiciion makes hiskKal debut In vauderUIs this week, appearing In i comedietta, enUUed "Fhe Salt CelUr,'^assisted by LUllan Burk- hart and George U. Leonard. Thhi Ui tbe laat week ot Lew Uookaisder, the eldoUotoope Isexhlblted tor the llrat nme, aud the usual prugnimme Is given, Indndhig Uorolaod, Thompson snd Btuh, Monroe snd UeUDse, iSbermsn and Morrtsey, Oeorge K. AutUn, Oogan, Hand and Tate, ICenroa tnd Esius, WnghiSluera, WlUlam De Boe, Leopold tnd Silvo. Max PeliUiglll, snd Lortogand Lealb, Toe tpei:lally luong bill hut week of counie ituacteo largo crowds A new tceneiy set, designed and executed by Hlchaid aate^ waa uaed for the lint Ume In tku actot Lydla Yeanuus-Tllui, and auracted much attenlloD as one ot the ntoat ehiborate and briUlast teen on the vaodevUle stage. Tbb LTCBUU.-Ulaco'a City Club Bnriesque Oo. WlU snt«rtaln lbs holiday amuaement seekora at Manager Jermou's houae. Tumer't Engllih Gaiety Olrls Dad no cause to compiala ot their recepUou last week, Next week, the Itentz-Saniley Borlesnae Oo. Tub Ui'gii-]i--OapL Vetrlo, the man who eels pobun acd oiUer unwholesome subMancss, Is the aumotloa lu the curio hall, lu theihestra KlmniH and Ouuia'a InteraaUonal Vaudevlllea provide the enienalonent. Busloets last week tvss Mg. MoiBi—Max O'Rell leoturet at the Bread Btitet Tutatre on tne altetnoona of Jan.; and v Man- agan Ulitchler and Wait announca Uai heteafter Davit Keogh'a atlraellons will be seen at the Sundard Thetoolal session of thePblladelpblH Lodge of Elks took place Bnndsy night, 22, and waa an enjoyable aiTalr. FItttliarg.—Strong OhrtatmasattraoUoos In tbc shops and suopwlndom an Interteriag somewhat wltn tha attendance at our local showa DuqVBSMB TiiBATxs.—John Drew pisaontt "Ohrls- lopher Jr." thla week, for the Bret tUne hen. Hhca cloaed a good eogageoient 21, Wm. U. Orana la an- nounced lor 30. Alvin TaiAniB—JullaMarlowsTaherand Robert Taber, In repenoiy, form the Olirlttauw vreek aumc- Uon. Mra Pouer and Mr, Uellew proved (hemtelves popular latt week. "Uanasl and OrettI" 3il, for the Bm time here. Kbw QtAND Oi'RRA Uoi'SK.—"A THp to China- town" la the ObrtBimas bill. "Tho Lsnd of ite Llring" chMed an exciting week 21. TheTrocadeio VaudevllieB, hesded by Bandow, will be Ihe Nsw Year's week attnotlon. BijovTbbatiu.— "Ths Oteat Diamond Bobbery" will hold Ihe boards Ull so, when "The Oouon King" win asauus the throne. Uelene Mora, In "A Modem Jlephlsta," ihowed last week thst the Is well ailed tor the line of work to which she has aspired. Kast End Tukatrb.— Manager Adams wss to wsll pleated with the sxceUent bnshiees dons hy Madge moker's Comedy Oo. Isat week that hs has re-engaged ths compsny tor ths cnireBi week, dur- ing wDich "Bnsres of London," "Dangen ot a Ur«at City," "ne Train Wreckers," "Hush Money," "Po- Ucs Alarm" and "Beyond the Rockies" wlU bs pn- tented. Kbw AvtKtn THkatrb.— Crowds conttnue to throng ma beaoUf nl honte, and the ncceta of the eontlnuontperfoniuncelsilmplyphenoineBal. This week's lau introduces Urral Johuion, the Vsl- dares, lltgee and Criuimlns, tbe Angella BlBten, Levy aid Barker, Dryden and Page, atd the opeta or "Fliatore" by the Avsnus Opsta Co., InclndlBg Mjrm MoKIla as Buttereup. Loabis Mooie at Josepb- Uisand Uaa. U. Drew as sir Joseph Forur, K, O. B- llABur WiLLuas' aoaobbt OP Mine-UatTT Wluiama'OwnOo.hoMthebcardsthlBweek. Irwtn