New York Clipper (Dec 1895)

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THE NEW YORK CLIPP3jIR> December 28. nininiriv Tiiiitiii.-Aii t:ngllih corap«oy, or- finlmd by (iHrie KdmrtM, uA nniler llw iud- (gemeot or AL Utynitn Ml LUitlu FrobmiD, pit- MOtcl St t^li taoaaa on Dec n "Ad Artlsl'K Umlel," ■ conmJy, wllta miulc, In (wo itcK, by Otren 11*11, lyrlcD by Henry UrwiilMnk iinil iuiihIc i>y Hhlrioy JODCa. It wu ohRlniilly protliictd Fob. -i, of (bo cumnt yetr, •( l»ly'aTb»lro, l/inrton, Koi:.,inl Ibt preMnt piD<liicllon li lu llnl In MibicooDtry. lu (tory la pmcUully u followa: Ra<lol|ib, • yooog utial, Mulyloir la r«rU, la lo loro Mllb Ailtic, ui ■ttUCa model, but nbe jllii Mm for a ricb bualMnd. Bbe aooa becomm a Ktdoir and relursa to her for- ner coDpftnloni. Bba endearrm to ravitro nn- dolph'a tDfatoallon, lint, alibooRb abe la now wesllby, be dedlnea her ftil»nco>, and iihe, In a moBMDt 01 pliine, uwpu liurd Tbaraoamead, wbo bu been bar rellow imreltr on a royaye from Afrioa, At Ibia lime Oicre cornea m tb« KarMlan alodlo Mr. and Mdy Utrliua L'rlpp« and Ibeir BOD, I.uoleD, Toey are aoeklog Daliy Vane, wlo baa ran away rnm nbool, droeied aa a boy, and wbo la love wKb Algy >«■ Albu, a Btuileiil. liiUy'iRnardlan,BlrUeorgeHL Albu, and ber aclioolnlitrtai, Huie. Amello, Jola la Ibe i|U<at,and IMlay la Innnd and conieyed back to Roaland. lalbeaecoid act a ball la alTen a( Ualayv country bnnae, wbtilier hate cone ail of ber I'arUan coinpaulnna In rtapouw U) ber latluUoB. Ttw ball l« a fancy dreu anftlr, and (be Frencb ■mla nuke It a niy Kniy fiincilon. la (be end naaeaneod relestea Adele, and Ooda aolace la (be ■BUe* of How. Amelia; llodDlpb relenia andaccepta Adele'a promrtd lore, and Algy baring won iMliy, cacb UTS blitorr li clored by (be noal fall of (be cuiuln. Tbe pky baa many meilla and compara- ilrely few rauut. It ii for ibe nviat part cleanly, and (be tow llaea wblub mar II In tiibi rupect m'gbt readily bo cut out wlibont danuge to lie (air pmportlona. Ila dialogue I* well wriuen, and la comuenilably free from puna. Toe moalo la la tbo main ralriy iiood, wllh occaaliinal nuu- ben (bat are vtry iileaalni. Wblla tbere h ao abondanco of Inn iliniiinoiit Ibe play, Ibere la bntlluie broad comedy or the acroiMilo boraeplay aort. On (be cnolnry, (lie merry uaklag koefM well wl(bln (h« llnUta of rednenieDt, and ue (wo piUicliial mien are chtni'ierlird by eaneatneai and ojnliy. Tbe performance, wnlla nol or aiinor lallTe merii, wai nevertbeleiu very rooimendaOle. Nellie Buwan, In ibe ilibi rolu, >c(td wllh miicb aemblance of alDcerliy and aanff very well. Bbe, moreover, made f)ulto a chamilnK ploiure. Jobu Ooaua, aa Kiidolpb, was equally nlbfaclory, Ue la manly looking and of excellent deportmeoL Ula voice In a barttuno of lliio iiualKy and con* aldanblo power, and lie nang wllh tiiie and faelbig. riarle etadhalnie, aa tbe romplDg acbool gtrl, gareaverjaplillcd yet rellned performance, and von Ibe blsbeai need of pralao. Mauilce Parkoa, wbo, by blaacceoi, rouM be of Gallic oil- all, acted with teniarkaue grace, and lo ble aloat- Inv dlaplayed a iDiall bii t very awretiy loned voice, wbleb be need In moti aniillc faablon, llta laugh' ' lug aon( In the aecond act waa tbe rem of tbe per- roroanre, and proved bin to l>e eniltled to a place In tbe front rank of enttrtHlnerv. I.iwrence iviir- aaj, aa tbe Kit\ or Ttuimeamead, rontrlbuied a ebancter ikelcb, a heavy awcll, iba( was a moaurplcro of Ila kind, aa It waa tfuinugblr aiouilng wltbuoi being In the leaat allly, iHit on ilie contrary nliowed dignlt/and breeding, lie U of nne ph;ali|iie and looked every Incli the geniloman. Heveral oiberi In (no CMt gavo aatlafitctory performancee, wblcb, however, call for no apeclal meniloii, Tbe enteni - ble wuverraaUafictory. Tlio dancing waa good, tbe cbonu waa of gooil tono and voluine, (be movements and grouplDss of tho atago forces vtiro eioellent, tbe dresflog ot ihe alage waa perfect In detail, and Ibe coilUDilig waa rich and barmo- nionv Bom« ofllielinesipokcn Id tbe Iliatact,and wblcb were Intended sololy in Impart a (lalllc itavor, accomplldied ibut rmull In a way that waa uirontlvo to good lute, iind It li groaily to be n- gntled (bai ttaejr were pennliiod to mar a work which ralibt otherwbo rank In this tcapiot far above tbe aroraao nf Ita olaaa. Tbe work aa a whole Kortd a euccetH, anil aliouirt at- traotlargo •iidliiiufaduringiUcniIrortty, Iiwaa tbnaoaat: Adelo, N<lllo8iewirt: Itilay Vane, Uarle BtDdbalme: Umo. Aintllf, Cbrlailne Uatne; Iddy Darbara Orlpp*, llladyH llomfroy: AiuyiMppa, l/inle ronida; Luc lea Ortppj, KIna Unlit; Jeaaie, (JInle Nell; Uudolpb Ulair, John OMtei; l^iioDuet, Haurloe Farkoa; l!an ut Tbauesmcad, l.twrence UtNaay; BIr George 81. illtun, t'ercyHarsball; Al- gtrnon IM. illian, llany Kverallcid; Apihorpe, Gll- Mrt Portoua; Uaddnx, h'ntnk Uniliort; llatlleld, K. lAvat Fiaier; James Uilppa, Fred Wright Jr.; BDOHbu, K. \V. aarrlOB- Aiint('iKTaMHii.-''KottbemLl8btii,"admnia atroDf In cllinaies and Inleoaely liileieetlDg tlimngbODt, waa glv«n Ita nieltv)iolltan lulilatlon at till* house OS IXC. 'IX JancH W. Ilnrkloa Jr. and Kdvin llarbour are Ita eiilbora, nnd IIh aclloo con- aninea four aclii and lire acenea. Tlie pi ty was originally acted Nov. -I, at (be Ilowdoln Siiuaro TMetrt, Uoaton, Man., and Its alory bas already appeand In our coliimnt. Tbe houas was Urgo, and lbs ^ndlenoe at every point gave ei Ideuce of keen appreciation, and dnally Manipcd Ita seal of nrmapproval upon the finiduriloii una wlmlo. The riUj ireata of tbo pnvato life of eomo of he Anwncau aoldlery during one of tbo bait Indian outbreaks, and uirileii Ila aiiOIInn tbrovib many aconea of lotenae liiiervKt up to tbe Uaiitl nappy ciilnilaatloii. At nn timu does Ititarcsl flaff,norwBltcnilooau»talned by forr^d cifjit.aa tlio ialerutui<l«iiy>wlililu the p«lo of pnesllillliy, ab«l li i|ulte tnid lonature tbrvngbuul. Trie aiilboie have developed a luippy rrln of ouiiiur In eliaile oir lbs more paihetio Bceiiep, mill havo so roiutructed Ihe drama tbat rinuda ami aiiinbliie nnd place In a uleaalagway. Vlie entire prvductlun waa under (he nerioanleuperftalon of K.lwlu Uarbonr, nud tbe aadlence ibetehy gained the bonoot of his ex- peilcooed baud In the Mnio dcgivo tliat hie eklll- rul pen aeeuietl tu iloniliiHto tbo atroiig llnea and dmnatlu ills ptclurra tlio aullon of the drama btonght out. xVl'b a riiuudatlon of audi merit to bnlld upon, tbo leak of the ciunp>"riit i-aat wan bsltcomplcl', butbstl laiil In credit to all that thste seemed to lieAaplrti if ileiciiiiiDaitimpro- vallUiii wbteh ooulil briug nothing but uliluate mio- ocaa. WdbeveiythlDgriM for n linppy viitcomo. and wllh ao audteiico tnomughly atipieclatlvc of tbetaak In hand, Iho verdict of mii-i-eaa Iheo at- tained will, beyouddnubi.loug iDSUTo to Inn play Its lUbtlui sliare of {iMHpetliy. Wiu- Ciirtlcigli andUlarence lUndiHhli- hiive rva^rii to felt pnnid of IbetradalnniMiiH, aiiitiii l.tslo U'lgh and llnce Aiwpll Diuoh pralne iHdno rur ilioconwloniluus aui- lugbf ttaet^itcaaatlineiUbi in. Tluu-hirrtcinr work of Anbur Uuchaiuii and Frauk U. Allen waa very wood lodeeil, and lite audlouco made farorltoj of llinr Hllla and Nellie Unlbtban. An baa iKwn said, tbe eutlt« cast made tbe \w»l of their itppuiiunl- tlea, sod all bninKbt Iticlr rnll ponton tu tiear upon (ue p v*4 auocoai- '-Ndnliuru l.lgtaU" will endure beoanee of ItselcnieiilaoIgenulDpnirrli. Thocaat was aa follows: Jiihii iivifinlnd, Wllllani Unutt- lelgk: Sidney DbenriHHl, CtarxiDce Hamlralde; WaV bu<jlJny, (le<i A, Wrtgut-.LVI. Urey. K. Ii. Iiaulton: Iktn Uonoa, Mart. K. lleUey: Llout. Hlidrcaod, llany Ullls; K Itoi llirtlnalmi lllsgn, Arthur Uu- rnuan; lion. Ilnico liar«>. Frank U. Allen;QencntI (Aonk, HoliettlUuwm: ln<n Nailnii, Arthur llnw- aid; Ueut. Vurniiui, Jo«e|i1i w. Ilcaluy; l^iiiiorat of Ibe Qaard, (Icorge Wllioe; fun No. 1. Frod tl. I'ler- iioo;Uelen luro, Udo (.rlah; Ftoreiico .sticrwooil, tlikco Atweli; l>jnithj liuutvir, .NeUle (iaIlHban; Hutmubt, Lucy Ta)lur. auso UriHA llin'UK.'-Sutton Vane's Kngllab melodrama, *'llanunlty." niiiler tbo luanapeineut of WltUam A. Iliudy, HuJ n'llli J.isepb Otlinierand I'bivba Dtvloa In Iho roll", began a week's engigeineni hen iilgbi ol licc. .'i A fair idtod au. dleooe aaaemlilod In the kitrir ihirttoii ul tbn houaa, while Ibe vallerj. Judging by the niHM which caiiir fiota there during mo elluiaxri* uf the dmiiia, muat have been civwnetl. The coiuiuiny ■iip(Hiitliig tbe twopTlnclpalal4Hu eveiiljgiKHl luic. aiut tbodmtn* UllMmlly ntdgiV. Ai tn« eluao or act lino tbo atrtge Enseotod a Tory jirrt y plciiiir, the drparturii ot n unilns iiany, \irl( iiiouoird and accuuiunleil by a bcauilrul pack of houniM. Tlie Imrbthig of ilie iMmib In act foar waa cleverly nMuageil. Soenrl- cally, "lluinaidtj"lH«n ariixic licit. Neil week, Uinlnn Uiua' "SiiiwriM." lliiBSK's Kiiiimi AvaM'ii Ut'sBt'u. — Uaiiager Jauer la previiilng a HiHHig Hue ut Htiraeilona inr hb holiday p4tniiie.niidlin5iiie«iirtintlnupaio tiopx- cellenr. 'The laUlex* mwlDg i-«uiiist IiuIiIh over tor this week, inoaih-cnM nr itila roaiuro la^i wruk war- ranilat Iia tetriiiton. tuber leaturea for tbl.i week an: Mile. I.< Uairamt FiinrliMorilMy. niind read- en: Big. luiiiAAi. Kiin«|ritn nurvel, atiil l*rt<ir,i ranch and Jiiity. The plaice iteii|rr: lie Fiirreninnil lloUnson, Nanliive, U'aitbi \Vulnplr, Utile lullci, (be Holieruaml t>rti otinrnnl. BvtNoaaD TiiiATiia.-"riie Rinnge Adtenlnm nf Niaa Hrowu" Mgau Ik-r. a Its foanb week st tLli bouse. Kirrtt'K Dniom Bgu*»« TiiiATiii.-Tnc prcscnu- llen of a airong lilll nt Mralght vsilety, added tn tbo popnisril; of tbis resort, msde the week's begin- ning proOlabls In tbe exireoic. Thmughont the Bitemoon the aUondaiKe waa heavy, anil at night Ibe ataoillDg room waa early gonwuied. Uaggic Ulne la Uio principal lenloro iif Ihe current bill, and on Ibia, the occat bin of licr Oral appearance on tlila alage, alie met brr oaual auccna .snaansa BcbalTer, piedal Jaggl<:r,iUBdo an excellent Imprea- alon an<1 galiiod raucb apolauae, aa did tbe acio- liatlc Piren* of IJnl aad VIvi. Bmlih ami Camp- bell went with a mab. aa usual, their lirlgbl aayloga teeming with wit that found quick recogolUun at tbo bandi of their many frlenda. Walter HtanUD and T"* Corrl Introduced tbeir norcUketch and gained favor, and Kdwin l.itcll was vigoronaly nppltnded for the merit of bla muilcal sot, Clark and St. Clalie, In tlieir clever tketch; lleelyand Usrlia, a pair of very limber eotenalnera, and Blanloy and Scaolon, In their mualcal act, all carao In for much favor. The llelene Hbdem, gracefal dancers, and llanlgsD, tbe Juggler, were fa- voiltes, and UoHahone and King made good headwaywlib tbelrplantatlon akeicb. Ed Itogera, a well liked monologobi', and Oatlla'a doga and monkeya completed tbe list of eniertalnera. For CbrUtmaa Day tbe iiiuial early opening will lake place, and ibc ttlll orconUnnona variety will mii frum nlue o'clock to Iho morning uDIII well onto roldalghi. KoHrn A Bi IL'A.—Tbo bill odered fur tbe Olirttt' mas taiillilaya waa of nnuaual merit and found great favor fin tbe npentOR night. Dec. 21. The Cragg Family ol acrnbaU nude their reappearance and won pew ttliimpba by their excep'Joiially clever work. They rec^ved a very beany welrome, and their vailoui fen's were applauded to tbe echo. Prof. Woodward's tralneil ecalK and aea llims made tbeir flrst appearance at thia boiiae and made a de< elded Burce«H. Tbcy lire guns, brat ilnims, rtog belle, idck tbe lianjo and perform vailoua other fea ts wblcb It would aeeiit Imimwlblo for tbem to lit). Tlie moat remarkable feat la tbe JuggllDg of a drum major's idaiT by one of tbe aea Nona. The Imite calrbea tbo ataff In hia teeth aod toaaea It In the air a niimlier of times, catching It each Hmeaa lldoscenda. rant Martlnettt'a I'aiitomlmo Troupe reappeared In thla country and preaonted a comedy pantomime, eniltlcd "A Tcrrtlde Mgbt." Paul Haniucitl fully aiHiulneil bla reputation aa a nantomlintat, and ho waa atilyaa- slfteil by his brother Alfred and John Heard, Kmlle Jnaaet, Knille l.^pnccl, tV. A. Bmllb, Josephine tliobeibiand Clim Anilcr. Uona. Uemlio. musical nimic, nade bla Aneilean debut, but fniiod llli:e favor with the audience. Klgommer, venti1lni|ulat sod mlnlc, began bla lenlband last week a pro noiinceil favontc. lie waa recalled ii nuinlier of times, l/iree/. and Kennedy, menial telegnipblMr, sixth and laai week, continued to iiiyailfy their audience, and Mberti'a NeapollUn To>ubadnuia, and Duncan, with bla tmliicd dogs, entered I eir eighth and last week popular lioldovem. KllaDyt'a glyplonima courluded Ibe bill. Tbe twclttb Kei ker concert nccnrrcd Dec. 'iJ, and was well attended. Flom FlD'aysoN, conlralio, and Cbarlcn lIsKieii, tenor, wero tboaolobti.nnd gaveeutlreHitbfaciton. TboorchcBtral actociloiia Included .-.Im from "Ctr- men." Hliauaa' "Wedding Helbi," and a galop by Ur. Kerker, eolltlcd "iAo, l.linlteil." LONboN TniATax.—Tbat aicrtlog atinaciloD, llie nennt-Sanlley Co., Is playing a aecond engagement here this neck, aad the aitnictlve programme u«utlly provided by tbo orgablzallon under tbla tllle encouraged anillAnrea of good alza tn wIlneM tbe opening iieifomianceti, Dec. 'jn. UanBgor Abe leavlit bas altered ibe make up of tbe compaav In many liutances since their laat visit, Improving Ibe pmitammo considerably. "Twill Be Club," theHrst pan, portrays the prtnclpalcbaracierenod Incldenla of tbe ponutar play In an extremely comlcMl niaooer. Joseph A. lAiulo, aa Splogarllo, was tburnugbly and bypuotlcully funny. Lotile wtlghl, as Triiliy. preieuted many new featiiree. IVtll aelecied choruaea ami bandaone coetnmes mark this pro- duction. Collins snd (;olllnH open tbe amyofiipe' dallies In their parodies aod Tyrolean yoillliig. Whlllug and Hbepard were well rrmerobered In tbeIr alnflog and acrobatic Hkeli:b. LealleanilTeE- loy. Irish comedtaoa, preaontod t*ielr mixture of fun aod Bong with good enecL Tbo living plcturea preaanted (bo pick of (he cboriia In jbiBtIo pcsea andcauwd nanyexcUmnlloosof approval. (Jarrle Scoir, who baa. lately t>een added to Ur. (.cavlit'a forcea, numbered niauy admlroni among tbo audi- ence and bad a receutluu. llvr cbanaclcr eonga wero of the "alogory" kind ao much In vogu:.. Mian Beoli'a "tuugh" iDinersonatlona during iliu dnd pan were tborongbly charaolrnstlc. Vnii iMr aod Barton, (be knockalMiiiiii. played "rbrow lllm Down, llcCluskey" wllb oacb other \o Iho ediil ui- tlonaiidaatlafacilOD o[ tbeboya. "lloblnlluudJr.," tbo linrlea(|Uc, provide! many opportuultlea for daz- illng dl<|iLk)a of pretty edecia, aud they have been Iboniugbly nilUxed, ibo curalilnaUeii of female ibapellooiis and color of toxtu'o runulng a pleaa'ng picuire. I/itttc Kllloti, In the leading buy pan, waa wo I suppiirted by tbe company. Matlon Uiake'a baritone aoloe found rmdy reapouio and were heart lly encored. l|r. I,*avlt( tepona rxctlieut busloen thiia rur tbie sca*on and expicMiea bliii-ielf well ait ItOed. Next week, Weber \ Fields' Uwn Co. rioru'H TiiUT*! Joaepb I'ullaban, as Ue- pblalo, In '-Fault," la tbo attmctlon IliU week, and awdi dllcd bouse greeted bis opening perfoniiance, Uandny evening, |iee. -jn. A delightful entertain mont was pmvldcd, tbo old |ilsy bring liandBomely augeil. Ur. L'allaban'i liiipenionatlon aa the crafty niter of tvll Is exucinely well sliadcd, bbi e.vptea- ilona ur TArloua eniotloua wbk'b ahould animate a well reinbaicd demon being cleverly pjnrvyed. Tne anpporUng couipiny la one atroiig In alt rbar aoterv, and Is cant as fiUlowa: Sycnrax, Jualo II. KolllDg;/.oudue, Naitle Fullrnuo; K.iuit, Ktvln Uortiig; V.iltnlluo, Kccileiick ("uweni; Wngncr, J. I, Armmrwiii; Slobel, llmrv Uaiiiloe: llruiider, Itotwri warrlog: Froicti, tierliert iXiricr: Uartka, Addle Farwell; l.'u, Oenrudu Warr«n; Kisir. Ki- telle KIclilug: lllliba, l.lllban Im lInU: lUrtiara, lloiule Itngoar; tl irguerlte, Ikairlre lugiaui. Mlm Ingmm. ur. Itoiing And Ur. I'owerd did mil JUMIce to llirlr ndes. Ttie Breuery and ctocirlo disiilar vera applandoil. tllcbarl Uorrtsli if charge onbo tniir, nnd I- Koilug u In advance. No-it week "Human lleani." UiNEH'ii mwcav TiistTKii.-FlobU .V ITaiuuu'a Hmwlng (MrUi changed their tleld of aeilon Horn Ibo uptowu boiiio anil opened to good liouica on UoniLty, Itec. -a. Jack and llosi lliirke lire au ad dlititn lu the company for tl;o ic»t of the Keatnu, Tbelrarwrrlngand twgpunchingcxhlldilon waaone of the hlu or tbo bbuir. union, tne clever ri|ulllu- rlM, la alio n new nciiatslllon. Tbe rchi of the com' paiiy, Incbidliig l,ib>r and Caeater, Prof. Clian. r, uallctie'ainonkeya.WcdinSlAteia, Fields and llan< aon, rhyllla Allen, (^irotl and lllndea wero well re- uiemtiemt, Jue Fiynn, aa uiiial. caiiaed laughter br tail dititea and mrodloa. "Tbe llltek tlboul" cfiwd the abow lu a nappy way. Next week, irvio Biotheri' Co. UiRHicK TniATiti.—"The Foundling" entered nn Ilea.'.u uinn the aocoad week ol lu rtali lo tbli bouie. anj Mtjttnrald. who li aiarrrd In the |ilay, baBanowdanceluaildltlon tu tbat In which abe «■>» so great a triuuiph Ian aeason. All of ber llitle tricks are Btlll lu evideuce. niul abe la again wlDiilugraplurona applause. "TboUan t^painlm" U retaluid aa a eurtaiu rabier. nAHUiH TiiiiATKi—"A tilag I'any" began on liec.'J-i Ibe accfuit weikuflta run. After the ''cc- und pcrroriiuiire niiiuemua alterAtloiia wero made III Ibe ntny. whoreby oiijc-tlnnaiilo featnies were rtmuveil and uow iimiciUladdnl.aiid b Uclainied that great troprovouiehi has tvsulied. CtaiNo—Frank Dintcls' laieat oiTiTliig, "tbi WiMnI lit tbe Nile." began (be eighth weok or Ita run uii Ue;'. a Tlieinio bun.lncittb pcifonnance of tlibi work will tte cuninieiuotaitd, 3T, bv the Ola- irtliutloD ut luiiivenln. Ii U a'lll dr.iw°log good honaes. Lvi'ii u TuiATRk.—'-Tbo llunie .Seereury" began on lioi\ t\ iliu fltth a-eekor Ita run. tu conaeiiuence vt giving two pertoroianceau|iim Cbrtatmaa, there will bo no Tburaday matinee >hli week. There iv- matoa now but lirtefupponiioliy tuaee ibia play, for other attmelloai are In active pr,-p inatt-ia. ■'ALUiia'a 1 iiaATSB.-'The Shop Ctrl" baa abown 110 ilgusuf aaulue popularity. It tieian ou Har.-jd the ninth week and the last furtntglit i>f Its aiay, with an attendance which gavo pronilae of ad exi-etlrot haiveai during the bulliUy aeanm. Jobu lirew will Wglu ao rnBAgemeui at tbli liouse Jan. 0. IIIMAIP S^ut'Ani TnRArnR.-The combined at- tmctive reAiiireiAt ilili hmi^. xtr. . a gooil play, an equally mwd oerfonuam-o and bandaiiino Mage leitlbga, baa kept the attendauce at high water tiiark dutlagtne run ut "Tne lleait of Maryland," wbleb entered upon the tenth week of lu atay on Uec.a. TiiNV l'AKTOa'«TiigJTa«.-t'abcttdlnli.v a cntk- luglienenibonaetenemionof which m madcelie- wberolntbla Itsue). holiday week at (hU popular leaoniildaralrtoend In a most aatlafactory man- ner- Tbo regular 1,111 of awimeracnl for Ibe cnircnl dajH Ii of Iho uaiial bnilcUn tarloly,and wsalhur- uuglily ciijoycil by thoac on band Monday eveainf, Ik-c. 'li. Major Nu-«cll'a skating set, which opened the sliow, Rslncd lis uausl strong applanrc, and Ilsrrj and Dolly ltas»cll, wbo followed, slao gained approval for their citdltabloact- Joo Field! and l/urk Wolley kept iblnga lively duilDgihclr Imo on the atago, and Fanny ti ltilen aod ttam llavll fuundtbemaelvci Mrong favorItej. Tlieir an tiidld act created tbo moat opplanM of any cnntrtlwiloo onthetdll, adlsilnctlon Jiiitly merited. Tony Pas- tor next pasted In reelew and gave blaheaienia tine line of aongs; rendervd In tbe fashion so pecs- liar t» hlmieir, and gained a ilncere welcome. Jack and Joe Btoiu gave ihtlr exiremely fanny uiuAtcal act witb llstterlug auccem, and /.tmo came next with a Hoe oflngRllog of a sort not often seen. After a week's alnence llerele Bell- wood reaomed her engagement and found re- newed favor for ber songs and witty taono- logue. Nat Unloes aod Joe I'eltlngell brouihi tbtir usoal budget ot tirigbt remarks, and, bkving delivered It, fooDd It bard to gel avray. Edward and Louise l/itreit Oolahed tbe bill will) thelrnecromancf nadebiilowgnipbs. Tbo bill for next week will he among tbe season's strong ijneo, SB It locliidea auch favorliea aa Fullle Holme*, Hot;- phy aud Kiinull, John and Nclllo UcCanby, and othen- For thU week apeclat auentton will be patdtotbeCtiilstnasmstlnee, the afternoon abow Tuesday bavlug been nl|nsllr«l by tbe diatrltiutkin of dolls lo nil the little one>. PsocTOR'a I'LiaauHg Piucg.-llsnsger Proctor presented llec. a a bill ut uniiaual strength for Chrlsima! week. Tbe progrommo Inclnded Weoor A Flehls' Vaoderlllo Club and so excellent bouio bill. Tbo ever fiiony Benurd, Qorman comO' dlan,fannd himself suHing friends, and the Ucera Bnthen, on the wire, repeated their former succcaa lu tbla cliy. \f Ul II. Fox, In his fsrclcal bir, "Pade- wblakle,''waa given a hearty welcome, and blula It. itiTmond, comedienne, waa a favorite. Uclniyre AEil lleotb, blacklece comedians, were excellent fnn makers, end the Mtateis Bnrt, daetUsIB, did well' Tbe Fannonr, la a aketcb, found favor. Tbe Pant- r.or tirotborv, head batsacers, retnmed to Ibis bonw and were given a beany ncepuon. (,'eorge l/Kskbart'a Uomaj Elephants begun their aeveo- teeiitb week and were atlll iiopular. Charles B. Ward, wbo calli hlnueK "tbe Bowery Hoy," made bU brat appeariKe at Ibis house and did well. ForemaD aud VTeit, In dinclng rpeclulllee, touad mnrb favor, and l.)dla Iheams. ventrlloiiolst, was »ell received. The Fijlng liiHons, aenallsu, re- turned, and were prime favorties, and dennide Uamneld, comeilleDne, continued to be poeulsr. Iloniague and Wen, la a miiilcal act, did well, aod Urrtha Uumooil, chanteoie, was a favetlte. Wat- Boa aod lliiicblogy, Germao eceentrlce. made Itieir reappcaianee aud were beanllr welcomed, and I'auline vonAro!d,aluger,dld well. A farce by tlc- liityie and llealb, ontliled "Tae World's Balloou,'' waaalao presented, llisiiiii.iTiis'n Oi.vMriA.-TfiiviDr -"Excelilor Jr." I] aim the atiracdon at this houie. It con' llniiei to please good slr.ed audiences, and Is likely toremsin here foraometlme. Walter Jones boa re- turned to tbo cast. Tbo play entered upon lui Olth week Dec. 13. JIfio'i' /full—Yvette QuUbert began her second week an eslabllsbed favorite. Aa a mat- ter of fact, h^e Uu as completely captured tbe me- Uopolls aa she did any of tbe cities of the Old World, AI every performance Bbo Is received wllh demon siralKinsof favor auch aa are sehlom acconled lo a fooillgbt favonie, bowovtr renowned. Altbougb she la merely » chantouse, Bbe la one or the moat talented performers France bas ever sent to this cuunirr. She Is a perfect actreiB, pofaesslag temperament and maguetlam, wblle her power of expression by face aud voice reaches Iho very nemo of an. While she vraa mnob advertised before alic even reached these Bhores, tbo aucceaaof Mile, (lulltiert wonid have been none tbe less great had ihe come uuhenldeil. She idded several new loogi to ber list, snd alto randerad -'llcrOolileD llalrWas ilanglng Down Her back" In KnglUb. lie Uarce Fdix, with bis trick ponies and bjblinou, waa a new comer, and seemed to fileaic. Big. ueiinaro Volpo. raandoilDlst, began ih second week a continued fuvorlte. (l:heis on the tild were Charles Klelson UrdobI, female Imperwu. aiorj Uurry Lamore, wire act; In Andoni, lu cbar- acterobsuges; Mile. Fmsi iiy, aciobatlu dancer; Ibe Kuracbloa, on tbe perpendicular poles; Ibo botutoa, one legged clowns; the Jubiuon Troupe, on (boran< nlng globes; Flo lunks, comedian; Delbi Itecca, vtolTnutc; Mouf. Ilewelt'a Uarlonetten; the l,eaniy BlaurH, seilallsii>: Uy Fancy, sand daocer, all of whom entered their ntth week popular boldorere. Tbo lourli Bundny conceit was given Uoc 12, snd WAS well attended. Yveite Ooltbertwaa tbe feaiure of the programine, and waa ably arabited b; Delia Ibicca, vloilnlK'e; Uarle Urandls, aopniio utoger, and (ieanaro Voipe, mandollnlst. Tbe (llympla Or- cbeaira, under ma baton ot Fell/. Scheei, leadtrod popular aelectluhs. Ut'BSR'a riixa Ui'siuv Wallace, the lion, whoao prowess Is curbed by a strong Iron cage (tor which Ibanks^, Is tbe ptiiiclpal feature in tbo curie hall Uyout for tbe cnrrent days, and u s packed boiiao wai to line on Uondsy, IKc 23, the iiAtrons nre ovidently fund ot excitement. Added ractora In the downstairs bill ot fare an I'rof. King, ahuDwu anibmeilc; (ala, a lady wllb lung balrt KIbo, who dauces Jigs on tacka nnd gUias; vouni Anieilciisa nrvmlsliig ulbletc: Arl7.ona Jack am (itlabniiia Ulll, rtila ahoti and Wild Weatoxpoaents; liexter, wllb a phaon cell: I'rof. tlltbcn'a trained goat!, and Helvatne, a tattooed Individual, making tn ull a pretty Btroeg holiday bill. Too stage show IripTovlilcd by Charley Uuucan, comli- linger; Cy, rviie.on the high wiro, asalaled by Kiiaobio tsolcr, an acrubai; Rdvord K.Ilairy and Ulu Julinslon,In llTliif plotuiea, llliatntted WilliBOnga; tbe Howardi, llarri Itiidironb.ln a black face speclallir; iMlle anil llarrey, la aonga and faury dances: Fold and Tovey. In a comedy aketoh; Warren aud Howard, comidlans, and I [tnj 8. Marion, deacrlptlve vocal- iat, who then entered nnou another week ot a long ungagcnieni. All told, tn* programme Is ot'conald, eraiile merit and tborongbly lotereatlug, UtsBK's EiiijiTii Avasi'g TUkATRi.—Irwin Unw.' Big Bpeclalty 0». was warmly welcomed ben by an nudlenco of good size on Monday night, Dec. Since Ibe company but appeared ben ihen have Uoii aeveral Impoitaotcbanges In Ila make up, and ttie erganlmlun as now completed Istbetuaiwe have ever seen under the inanageiiieni of Iraln Urus. The now fut-ua with the company an: Klity Nelson, Howard and Kiiieraon. IVdit Judge FAinlly, Coahnun and lUlcoiiib nnd George Fuller tkildeiL These, with Uoure and Karcher, Jobnaou, liaven- port and lArell-t, >1aber and Carroll, and those clever aingera and dancen, Nollle U'NcU aa<l Llllle Sutherbtud, complete the Ibii of peoplo. Next week, ttie Ibiie Ulll Co. Woirn'a Ut-sicu.-Manager llewea baa procnred a atieng allntcilon fur tbo lillday sesauu for Ibe cuno ba:i. It la an experiment In levluilon. In which a younglKlylsappaientlyanapendedlnBpace without any vlalhle nienna ot supiun. It la a pnily Illusion. W Alter Went wonh alaoiutroducea bis per- plexing box nyitery. Itattelllo, wllh his den ot aerpenia.aud IthoniA. a singer, without an apparent Inly. An eujojabie bill la presented In tbo taestre by Ihe lloailaiiTroutudiiura, Kiri and Ward, Ittaney aud Chuiiiuera. \'lc Ituiber, Iteibt Gold, and King anil Allen. The opening. Uuuday, lice. :a, waa ex. cellenr. lluVT'R TiilATHL—"The Gay Parisians" began onl)<i^.'Ji the fourtoeoth week of tti run. Itnaa only two uion weeka ataoding to Ila credit at tbla lionse, wbeie li has IiaiI a very ptollbible career. It will tie followet liyUr. Uoyi'a play, "A Black Shcrp," wblcb baiDot;etl*eeu accu In this city. KariHiTiiRA-rHiL—Tbe cumnt week Isibefuorib of uiiA NetherwIc'a eiigsgemcni. Tbehou«>«as closed, however, Mec. 'JJ, lo permit ot a fliul te- bearml ot "CAiuien," annonncsd for production upon Cbil4imas eve. Film Avs\fi TitUTSk—".>i1ore Acres'' benn on Dec.',a the tilth week and tbe last fonnlghtol Ita run. The Intereailog auDouncemenr l< uiade inatou Jau. .1 the one thouaaiidibpeiformanceof this plav will tie iitren, and wHIbecomniemoniied liyltie prrsaniatlon of aouveblrv. ti la gratifying btnuioililH evidence of public appreclalljn ot Ihe ater.log luerlia of ihta play. Star TnaiiHS —Nell Uurgeiis eontlDnes u> aleaae ciiod altcil auilleaces In hN tamtlur creailoo uf ilie New Kugtand eploiier to "Tbe (youDty Fair.*' Toe play entend Dec. it upon Its third week at Ibis Iiuiiae. Ai'inRUV or Ht-itc.-"Tbe Sporting |luchr»" Is illll the aluacttuo at tbla bouse, with (iud allend- anee Ihe rale. It euteitd npoo lu elthtMnth week Dec.-a rROi'101'KTnsiTBi.-Forthe holiday attnotlon at ihlsroay pUybonse Manager Proour presenled, Dec. It, Hyde's OomedUni, In oanJanoUoo wllb t strong house bDI. The tVllmot Dno, Irlck bloj- cll.idF, recelvod a warm welcome on tbeIr ntum to Ibli city, tbur clever work on Ihe Wcycles finning rounds otspplanM. rollle Holmes, "the Irish Uocb. ess," found bcraelf smoog friends who fnllj deoon- atntcd their approval with Uielr pbuidlta. George r.Unrphi and Klulo KorBlMn a Gennan com- edy eketcb, entlUcd "On tbo Fann." were ai^Dg, and l.'Bic nnd viDDle Daly, In dancae, wert well received. Hanls snd Walters, cotnedy duo, found much favor, and Fannie Mora, con- tralto singer, received ample proof of approval by her beareta. Tbo BayB, comedian", found ninch lanr, aud tbe Newsboys' i)nlntet, la Btnglng and dancing speclsliles, wen well ireeelved.. loater and uSSoy, ^irodlsii7dld well, and the Mdjloys, characterjoveolles. wen enteiiatalnir. The honee b'llwsBmadenpor the following: Tbe Vatdia Sis- ten, nerlsllsts. nade their dm this bonae and were given an entbnslaitlc cecesdpn. Their clever work on tbeawlnglDg and n>olvlng trape«s won ronnd after toond ot applaoB*. TJe Two Boalens, eccentric comedians, conilnua to be no-ubir, and Cm Hmit, comedienne, wseBtllla favoilie. Othen on Ihe bill wen: Aranka, Roclka and Birike, gjpay trio; Jessie Uvlogatoue Foi, vocalist; Satsons, Jngrter; Bobert Dally, comedian; tbe newMts, comedy duo, and tbe l.j Vtenr-ilaieii, In BiaiDsry. A fsrce eatlued "A Horatog With Jnatlce Schwab" waa also pivaented. • MmoroiiTAS' Orgiu Borsi.—Tbo ilxih week ot theseseoootgnndopem began Dee. S3, wlihjtlll another performance of '-Trtatan nnd l«lde," vrlth the now familiar caat, with the rxcepilon that Betr Wallnoefrr took tbe place of Jean do Reezke: who la stilt onabie to appear. Further announcenmnta tor (be weeklnclnde "Alda" l\ Beethoven's "FIdello," In Oermas, 91; "Romeo el Julleue" IT (dm appear- ance tbU seaaon of Ume. Helbs), "Oannetai'mat- inee ti and "Ttenhanaer" evening of that date. ABDirt ToiATBi -John Man, tbe Rngllsli actor manager, supponed by membeni of his .Osrrtck Theatre Co., made his American debnt st this boose on Dec. tl, and gave tbe Drw piesenbitloa In this rosntrrot "TheNotoilous Hn. Ebb9mlth,"aplay, In four act*, by Anhor PUiero. Fnriber mention ot tbla event will be made In our next lasne, ' Foi'BniKTti STRgEr TuiATRi.—The second and laa» weekot "Bonnie Scoiland'a" engagement at tbla bouet waa liegun on Dec 'J3, with evriy Indl- cailon of Balb^factory auendaoce being bestowed upon It to Ibe end of Its ran. ' Tbe Twcntletb Cen- tury Girl" Is sDnounced aa the next aunoUOn. Ifarlain.—At the llariom Upon Ifonse,consider- ing the time otyear, the KnipIre Tbeatn Slock Co., In "The Nasqaenadera," bad a large house at Iheir ilntHstlemappeannce, onDec.23,aad ataoolddo a b.vnnerweek'a buaUieas. Kelt week. His. Potter and Mr. Bellew. COLOMiua.—OuslaeBS was only fair at this boose during tbe past week. "A lliweir Girt" opened good, and anonld pack the bonae the beat part ot the week. Next week, "Shaft No, 2." OLYuric—Buslaen was good during the post week at this popnbir vaudeville hnose. Iibam-a Ocioroou began a return engagement 23, and ahould dopllcale their former sncceas «l)fo (bey pUiyed to crowded houiea, and as the company baa few etjualfl on ibe vaudeville stage, they ahould bteak tbe record. At tbe ObrtitmssmaUnees Man- ager Curtin will present every child In attendance wllh a handsomely dressed doll. Next week, tbe Cliv Clab Bnrleiqne Co. Harlim UinRi'v.—lluilnes! conUnuea good. This week's bill calK for the nervlcea ot Ohss. Fny aud Minnie F.vanK, Fred Welrome. Rllnore Blslem, M. J. KeedhatE and Joe Edwards, Bert Ilale, Choa. Ollroy, lUxczwa and Little Caney, Young Bauer, Prince Yama, bleuL W. T. Banns, Eddie Thorn and Oapi. 0. S. FerkluV mined Heala. UaxAOiR Ions Isuax baa arranged for an elab- orate baoiiuet to be tendered to his Octoroons ChrUunu Iwy. M*M NEW YORK STATE. when be nvo bla lecture on the BIblr -n. WattabnmBMeraBold copies nt TlirTmm'ii iZ toot of Broadway, ai, for Ue benefit ol the Ve!rJ boys' ll0De.....t.«ntteat Howard aiti 1,0 S; Prfee^B repreaenlaUve when he openi theo'd 1 i Avenue .Vcademy. " land Iment benemof Ita leader, AngnaiuBElgle, asslairil h? ladles' Behubert CInb, of Uojion. Tbo \nL wu mied. On IT a perfonmnce was given lt local btlent for Ibe benedl ot Wra. II. Ward I large sum ot money was reptesented In tbe'ar dicnce. reler Maker and will Blilng appeared i< for two pcitoimatcer. In "Uncle ham." to fair iiuii' nes. Kellar, tbe magician, a>, 21, held Ibc iiinc>' and dmv oat good sl/ed audiences at each im fonnanoe. Mrs. Sellar was unable to ssHai. owinir to lUneaa. At tbe motlnoe performance, 21, Mr, Kti. lar did a Bncefnl act In nystortouslydlBclodiir from bla splili cabinet a gold headed unbrellA, ami In a neatspeech presented It to Addison iitrber the manager at tbo theatre. Ittnmed out to be -i Obtlstmaa gift from the atbaohes of the bouie "Tbe Fire Patrol", MIddIo Palmer Ut' "ne School Glri," 2T; return engagement of '-Ttic- Capitol" ga, "The White ttiioadnn" .10. EaRHAMi-a Blibcrer Uiu. held a very laito andlence IT, to bear "Princesa Bonnlei lung. liii. Helba Operatlo Concert Company dnw one of lue largeat andlences ot the aeasoo 31. Usdame Melba received onny recalls and wag liberally preteoini with noivcn. Tboa. 1). Beabraoke, in "TneSperu- lator." cones 2i; John Drew, Id 'The Banble Mhoo" and"ObrittapherJf..'iJsal. TBI Gamr Tuiirai gave as Its attncilon ibe pait week Sam T. Jack's Creole Co., and niccrednt In llllhig thehouse at each perfor^iance. Tbe Wniii. bum Biaten' Lost .Senauon comes 'O-v, folluwtil by the French Folly Co. ■Fvaewaa.—At Wieling Open Houae KdwanI llanlgan came, to good bna'aeas. Dee. It. MInnIr Falmer,ln "The Bobool Glri," ibe Unit production or tbbi piece In America, 23-%. Kate Claxtoo, In "Tbe Two Oipbara," comes 21, a. BiEriDiaTuRATRR.—lime. Uelba had S. Tl. n. is. Filmnaet WcM's Mlnatnle had good aitendancr 31. Nellie Mclleniy, In "Tbe Dlcyclo Qiil," cnnu'<: S(, 26; Joseph Jelfereon, In "IUd Van Winkle." 'il. o. R. Jaoobs' Teiatrb.— The city Rporbi drew weU l^IB, ai did "Loat hi New York" 1»-2I. "Umi ot the Bnivest" comes 23-2.'i, ■ Uncle Sam," with Pete Baker and Will S. Rising, 3A-M. ALHiiiBai Tbratri.— Padenwskl will give a con- cert Jan. t. K(nm.-Oiarles Plumber, wbo retired from Ihe monagenient ot U. II. Jacobs' Theatre, lias accepted a poiltlon as boslneea manager of Uhsm'a Octo- roons A Judgment against Henry K. Jacobs for tLMC In favor ot Patrick Lynch, part owner or Jacoba' Theatre here, was med In tbe Onondaga OonntyOleik'aofflceUeo. 18, imH .The Mllion Abom Opera Co. ainnded here, after a suceeaelui week allacoba', li. It Is said thev were $TM lu debt on their arrival "Next Year," a comii- opere, received Ita Orst prcsenioilon on any stage ui BaldirinavUle, N Y., on U. It is from the pen cr U. P. BIgelow, and Is a lucceea. Brooklyn.—Tbe oHiilngs Ibis week are excel- lent. Aa Christmas falls on Wedneaday the BIJoa wHl be the only one ot the local playhoaaes that will have an extm nutlnee this week. On Deo. 20 Manager UanyO. Kennedy will renew bla Sunday night enlertalnmeoti at Ihe BIJoo. COLDMati.—"His Excellency," a comic opera new to the tbtatngoera ot this city, was presented here Dec 23, and waa received by a good sized aadl- ence on tbe opening nIghL Ksnoy Mcintosh, an American glri, mtde her tint appearance In Brook- lyn, and made a decided Impmalon upon her bear- era. Tbe piece sboiiM attnct big bouses while here. Tbe next atlractton ben will be "Ubertj BaU." PABic.-Mansger Wothenpoon provided an abnn- dinre of mystiiy for his palrana when be booked tbe Kellara. wbo opened their annual engagement In this city 23. A weH dlled boose greeted tbem. Many new myueriu have been added td'Mr. Kel- lar'B prognrame. cblet among which are Ihe "Hre- tlo Uirbt of Bala," "The Hyirertv ot L'llaeu," ■The Diaolerte ot the iteolmals," "The oueen ot Roses," "The (Irowth ot Flowers," "Tbe Flight ot the Adepts." 'The New Sbrioe" aud "The Astml liody." Ure. Kellar waa seen to adrafatage In "Kavmoa," wbUo the whole penormance'dellghted Ibe audience. Ihomasq. Seabnoke will he the next attncilon here, Bijou.-Maoager Ilany 0. Kennedy baa In Ilan- lon>' "Saperba" a proper contribndon for a Christ- mas enlrrulnment. An. extra matinee will be given on Xmas. A largo audience was present ou tbe opening night, 33, when the spectaele waa pre- sented. New accnery. new tricks, new coatumes, new llludona and a ballet are among the Inteteaiing features to bo seen tbore this week, wben onwded boiisfsRl each perionnance ihoiild belherule,lt Uimdav night's attendance la any criterion to go by. 'The Wblle Rat"Is booked for next week. GRiNDOrxiu llorsB.—Ssndowand tbeTrocaden Vaudeville Oo. are the attrecUons Manager Klhlholc has tor biB patnni hero this week, opening 23. to a big houie. Derides the aur there sn N. li. Kaut- inau, fancy bicycle rider; Ihe Jordan Family, wbo perform aerial teats, snd the Loclfen. Tbe atst otirectlon b'rewlll be "Ruih dry:" HoKTAUK.-Mrs. Potter and Kyrie Bellew opened ben 23, In "The tioeen'a Necklace." which was seen fortbednitlDiebya llrooklynandlence. The work la ilcbly ataged and Mm. Potter appeared lu hand- some corinmea. Mr. Uellew appeared to good ad- vanuge In tbe role nt Cardinal do Rohan, lloyl'a "A Milk While Flag" comes here next week. Houits' Star A Christmas bill was preaen'cd by tfsnsgerJobnW. Holmes 29, which proved verr altnctlve. The bill was beaded by Sblek Uadjl'a Innpe ot Araba, dtieen In number, who perform cxtmotdlnary acrobatic feats; Haidlog and Ah Sin toHowed, lo a fnnny Cbbiese aol; Maude Har- vey, In lougs snd dances; Gotham City Quartet, singing comedians; the Dunban, tnpeie per- tormera; the Oarriaons (Jules and Knma), In a comedy;RackeliBrotbeii, three In number, musical hsrvestera; Fnnk Kent and Carrie French, hi a fonny alt, 'The Irish Senator;" lutohls and lUtcblr, In a novel specially. UvDB t ttiuiiAH For a Christmas treat Ihe pa- tnnsot tbla house bate Itnstell Bros.'Comedians, and big audiences attended thetwopeiforuiaitcS given 23. Among those who appear beside John and James Husnll, who hesd the Ull, an Hay Uow- anl, Btockson snd Darns, Johnnie Oitrell, vocalist and comedUn; the Horellom acrobat lo trio; Kaike and Bonion, In musical act; Capltola Fomat aud Wllltam Hasaad, dancing and tnmbllng, and Flelda and Lewis, comedlanB and parody aonga. The bill couclndei with Russell Itns.'farce comedy, enti- tled' Tne Two nft. Una." AuriiioN.-'-UAdame Saui-fleDe," wllh Kstbnn Kidder In tbo title role, begsn a week's engaire- nieut here to a fair ilzed house. Fair buslncu last week wllh "K'ght Bella. Coming 90: "The Mss- noeradeir." Kmi-iri,— Sieve Brodle opened to a goodalzed bouse 33. In "On the Boweiy." Fklrly good boal- neas altended "Peck's Dad Uoy" tail week. Tbe following auracUon la "Unmanlly." GAYnr—"Tbe Rising Oenetvllou" Is one of the tarorites with thli bouas's pstnns. William Bairr has niaor friends In tbla part ot town, and (her iienr tall to five blm a beany welcome. Cood buatneaalut week with the Waalibiim glsten Oo. Chulca r. BUf. In "Tbe Alaatlan," and Maggie OUMuwtbeeblel attractlona next week. •,'W»»Jt-W«« waa a rood sized aadlence pres- ent at, when Ibe Fny stock 00. pieaented '•nt ituier-R wile." tiood hualntoa lutweekT Neu week, "Vrtll o'the Wisn," rexi Ukuict-'Itie White Vrojk Buitesque Co. to here ihiB week. They wen msde welcome by a big bouse, TOO peoplo Inclnde Nellie Fnnklyn, Tnie- heatt and Kenwdy,Mile. Flora, Kenuedyand Ward. AnnaChtiice,Freda and GrUbn,Mile. Auaibi and iheMeidow Bnok (Juaneu Crowded honata were (lie nile Uat week. Uomleg ao, •7.en." NOKM -"Bab" logeraou Uled the Amphlon 92, Boffala—At the StarTbeatre "Princess Bonnie" comes Deo. 2a-3i. Fanny l)avenpon2T,s, "ATrip to Cblnalon" ao-Jan. 1. Primrose k West's tlln- ibmla and "TrUby" each did a nmarksble btuluero loitweek, Mcsio BsLL.—Paderawakl'a appeamnce, 21. amounted to an ovation, and people were tuneil away from the big shnictnra by bnndredi. LTCimi TaRATSE.-^oBeph Usn, In "A Cay Old Boy," thU week. Fnnk Bush next week, rtandoir and the IWadero VaudovUlca did an excellent bualneao. OOPBT STBirrTagATRS ~"Down on tbe Suwaoce lUver" thle week. Sam Jack's "Boll Rsbtere" New Year's week. SHiA'a MDStc IULi.-lelgh Sbilets and J. H. Moon's New Orleans Minstrels, Including Ueii Hnnn, Billy WUion and Chsries Johown, are on hand this wees. BiJOU raBATRk.-EltUe HItcbeU, In "A Crazy Patch," Ibti week. Ncm.—Core S. C. Dalley, the DAkota young- woman who has been In tbe Connty iM here tor a Sear or tvopast as an Imptlaoned debtor, moved for er release last week, bni Judge Beaver denied the appllcatloD. Mra. Bailey was Interesied with a Ur. Bbuny Id a company composed ot Tnrklsh dsnclntr ghls, aad a financial dispute arose between tbem. Tvor^lt tbe OrtswoM Open Rouse "Undo Sam" bad a small house Dec. 16. Kellar did talriv well 1;, II: SIcbardHanalleld, In "Beaa Brunimoll." was greeted hya large audience 31. Van McCattliy. la''TheCmlskeenl,awn,"coilie8K;,2«; Thomas ti. Beabiooke, In "The Speculator," 2;; luiuila Palmer. In "The School Girl," 29. RAHD'a Ofua UoiK.—Banlon Bmibem' "Su- perba" packed (he home 1), la. The WUIlamB Col- lege Glee CiDb was greeted by a large andlence 2ir. Calet, mhid reader, came -a; Ualda Cralgen, In "A Duelof Beatta,"2i,2s. aaiRTTIiuTRk.—Rice t Barton's Roeo nill Kog- Uih Folly OMnpany ailed tbe hoiiu at each perfonn- ance last week. The Frenoh Folly OorlcSQue com- pany came 33, for tbe week. Vtlea,—At the UUca Opera House "Princess Ronnie," Deo. IS, pleased a large audience. Tonv Farrell, la "Garry Owen," 20,21, felt the eiTecu o'r Obrlstmns. NeUle McHenry, In "Tbe Bloycle airl," comes 24; Mmroee Jb West's Minstrels.-Ji. Ulnulo Palmer.dn "Tbe-Sobool Olri," 30; "Fast Mall" 28. Utica Pamilt TitCATRB.—"The Two Orplrans" and "Kathleen Mavouneen" dnw well. Wlliani aud BaU'a Oo. wUI present "Senator O'Keete" ami "liuanlty" Ohrtstmas week. BlnBkamtaB.-.At Stone Opera Uoose "Uncto Sam" came Dec l>-2l,lo fair buslDom. Due: i;or- nell Glee Onb 23, Mr. and Mrs. Dyron, bi "Ups ami Doama of Ufa," it; "The Old Homestead" 2.-> 20. Primrose and West's Ulnstnla 2;, "Coon Uol- low" M. BuouTBiiTRk.-"MIUe Trtxle"had falriygood bnslness 10-16. "A Funny story" did tair buaTnesn 1>t21.. Due: "Down on'the Farm" Zt-2i, Sberldaii and Flyon'a Ulg Sensation 30-23. JTaOTbaiy_At Ihe Academy ot Hnalo 'The Ooiton King" ntuns Ueo. 21, the WhlmoTOpem Co., In "The Feoclog Master,'' 28, thefonner play- ing (he usual holiday matinee Uonlon Bios.' "Superba" had a nysl welcome lo. and wsa pro- nonncedbyone and all as one of tbe bettsbowa ever seen fuNewburg. It was the onlyauncUoa otthe week at this house Oolnmnus Uall Is occnpled tbla week bya local attnotlon, Ibe Oregon ludban Medlcbie Co. havbig closed ]l, tbeh' pro- longed engigement ot eight weeka. Certain par- tlee have rented the hooae Jan. 0-I8 tor a nllued nodevllle show oa tbe contlnaoua performance plan. YoDr cotreaDondeit Is unable to give Ihe name or title ot the eompany, however, at tbla writing Daudl's "Mesalab'' wUI be inng at (be Acadetny ot Music 3; by one hundred and dtly "'w. amlated by tbe teUowlng solo- ubi: Roth Thomnoon, contraltoi Kathrlu Hllke, so- E'^5?' 'iS- >'«K,m«yi 'Mwr, and Owyllen Miles, bssao. They will be occompsnled by a full aud completeorcnesln from tbe Phllharmonlo Society, ail under tbe leadenblp ot Fnt. Chaa. B. RuMon- ber......rhe engagement here but week of Uan- ton Bto*.' "Snpetba" wiu Its drat preaentaUon la Newbiirg, NEBRASKA . OaaaluB,—At Boyd's Theatre "In OM Kentucky" opened a three nights' engagement Dec. 23. The DatmoBch Open Oo. cornea 90-ai, "Charley's Aunt" 3MI. ObM. U. Yale's "Newent Devll'i Aaollon" did a good buslneaa 11, u. "The War ot Wealth" had fair bouses 2P-23. TngOiiuoBn>N.-''Oa the Htaalselppt" opened a "Pndd'nhead Wilson," cornea Sd-sa, tbe Columbian Of*," 'l""* Tornado" 2-1, "The Past SS";' did fair bnilneBB IW8. Cay dement, lo "Ihe New DoDlnlon." bod fair audlencea I>-3l. rJ'!,?^'"^"*' lanatog Theatre "Tbo Newest Devil's Aocdon" came to only a fair bouse Dec. 12. l*«l«.'»«n«pnBBnted "Oihelki," to modente \m»\- S^?''?:-?!"'"^^ The University of NebnikaOlse CInb opened their tourot the State here, to good hoan, 11. "The War ol Wealth" pleased a small aadlence l». •■The Fast Mali" bad a top heavy bouse 20. Clay aementa.lD "In IHd Dombilon," oomea 23; "Tbe White Sqaadnn" Co., ii^Li?,*v"'l •L* »«nmoky," «, hare canceled. "Fndd'abead Wlbnn'* cornea ai, "Tbo Umlled MslP'Jaa 3."AlvlnJoalyn"4, "Ttllbj"!. FvNki OriBA Botms.—The Annual CbaHtyOoa- ^^T**C**°¥>* P«*ed houialT.and wag (he ioctalevcalo Ihe aeoion.