New York Clipper (Dec 1895)

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December 28. THE TsTBJW YORK OLIPPER. gmltb Tas Naeh br Ifarpb|r. Sollr BmlUi, tbo CtlirornUn Ui],>nd DUIj Karpbj, the AusirelUn aghlcr ot ibnt Mine, cauio tofelbrr talboaroDanf thn Olympic Cluli, of Keir OrlCADS, 1,%., ou lUc iilglitor Her, -A luvlDg tigni lo Oght twentr-Ovo roiinda ror* purMOt fulr >l», Smllh tatd IDO Oxbt la Ml li>ni)« frun ihe biui. aiHl Hbowcd blmMir r«r ino pt>od ft nuu forUnrpbj, »nd It irA3 evMtnt iliil ho wuald wId. Jlurpbj woa rtluolcy ODoaRb and took Itls piiolflbmcQt well, iry- o( to kMp itm; 'lom tbe blows vbtoti Smllb bin)' mend It bliii. ilciru idembl; iiacoadulln Ibis uaill lh« nlxib rogiid, vben * (oort Uow on Uio Tieck Rent lilm down. It iiKined lo do blma gmt <|MI or ti»m, ami bo wu never qQlle im uDe nun •nerwnrd, lie muand lo keep ap lta« Ogbu how- ever, UBill ibe rouctetnih roDnd, vhon Soillb knocked bim doiro mice la r*plil aoccojslon. Uur- pbT got on lil« ftel •gain, but he vh Terr fnstj and complelelr it Ihe inerc.r oC Smith. The police, tberefora, lnterfoml,ind declared ttut tbe Igbt lud gone far enough. Smith got ibe declalon. PiN UuRPar, ot Wnicrburr, >ud Jitek Scullf, ot Wnooiockei, K, 1., met at ilelbaD;, (X, on the night el Iiec. in, and allenpted la Igtittor a pune ot MOO and recelpla, lu tbe lott ot an eld boioi, but atler ereiriblog ma nadr, and Ibe Igblcra were about lo tako their pvefllons tor tbe fray, Ihe eherlirtnd a potie maiie iholrappemimiice anil pre- vented lioiiilllileB. The lugiusia eaeapcd capture, andnoarrcalawerexnade. I>ici Asumx iXD HiKi Ili'DNS conlegdeil tar"the champlonahlp ol Ruicra Ohio" aod a pone at liheiTiKlHill'.c, 0., on tbe nigbt of l>ec. 18, uetore a birgo crowd. The men an bcarj migbis, and the engagennent waa limited bjr Ibo agreeincnt lo iwen tf-dve ijueeDubenr ronndti. but It lanted but uvtD. RonH, Kbo iraa badlj punlahed, being put ont or tbe game In the eerentb rouud. TiiovAS Itkioui.or tbe melropolle, and UIck Hc- Tlgbe. H lad retUlliig li Ibo CIit or Churebo, fought atcalchwelgbta, for a i>uni« of Buallel/e, at l,tarel mil, L. I., on Salurdaj nlglit, Dec. 21. The Utter wastbeclenrerboxerotthoiwalD, bntdldnoi possess tbe atrengib ot bis opponent, vbo bad also Tbeadvantsgein weight, aodafrera grad battle tbe Brooklyn bor was knocked out In rooiid seven. Jack Babmiis, ot tbe nelropnlls, and Darner RellT, or Urooktyn, net scar Conej lUand on the nigbt of Uec. la, and engaged In a gane ot flatlcuirs for a parte. TherUatiled for eleven rounda, In tbe latter at which Kellr waa knocked renaelcas b; a right ba nded awlnger on Ihe point ot Ibo Jaw. Jiu Ryan AHo Ham OAnnoLLroagliifor a pnrse «r (300 Id a room la Cloolaaatl, 0., tURbt ot Dec 17, and allbongb tberroiiiht lint two iioai(le both were iiadiT punlsbed, CArroli being noored ibilce In the Hecond round, tbe Insl bkxr rcndeilog bim seiite- lesK. F.O. ("DBNvea") Smra conienplalesa trip to the diamond fleldn or Sooth Atilca, nliba riew (oedect- Ing a match Willi Joe Ood>lsnl,who, be has heard, has nade a small torlunc bj dtoplajing hisllallo altlllilea In the preaencc of InckT mfaeis. I'AVkliENNiB, a boxer well known lo andaiouad the ifaaker iMf, haa been on the vanilevuie alage ror some time, appearlog In a new aketch with bis wire, formerlj known asAstmlo. The Coming Dog Bliow. The Weitmlnater KennM Club's tweolietb annual dog show will be held at Uadlmn Square Garden, ibU cllj, Feb. l»-£!, and rroin tbe nianaer In which the enir1C8 are being received ot the omce otSoper- Inlendant Jamas Uorllmer, .12 lino Stieet, Itoom 3B, tbe approaching flxtura will 'at leiut etiuel any that have preceded It. The list or Judges Is as fol- lows: Haatlllit, St. Uenurdp, bloodbonads, lloBSlsn wairbounda, deerlionnds, Rrejboumls. Koglbih fox- bounds, cnhlin, old Kngllsb abeepdoga, poodles, bulldogs, boll tenle'a, fox terriers, Irish teirlsn, .Scoulab teirlcn, Bedllagloa tenters, pnga, toy soonlela and mljcellaneous—Qco. Raper, tthenield, Kng. Oreat Laocb, American roxhonnds. Basict- houQilH and Uacbshunde—0. Hues Arnolt, Tucka- hoe, N. V. rolnters—James L. Anthony, Kolher- wood, N. J. KokUrIi sslterti and Oordon seiten— William Tollman, rialnOeld, K. J. Irish sotteis- Ur. William Jarvls, Ciaranont, S. B. Irish water spaniels, (number epaidels, lleld spaniels and cock- er ananlels—Andrew Laldlaw. Oalt, Oot. Beagles— w.S.uiark, Unden, Mass. Boston lerrtera-AT, a Hook, Boston, Uass. Nowronndlanda, bhick and tan terriers, white Kogllsli terriers, Vorkshire ter. riers, tor tetrlen. dandy dlnmont terriers, skye ter rlers, wnlDpen, Italian nreytiounds, acblpperkes— Dr. 11. T. Foote, New Koclielle, K. Y. TRUMPS? The cardsare dealt; turn up tlie last I What,clubs again, as 'iwiu befon: Tbe game may p'Ogress ilow or rast. But claba are trumps forever more. The heal t oo loogcr awajs our bands, Tbe spade has Tost lis huneat vogue; The diamond by iiaknowa ooaunanda Is halt synonymous with rogue. Club foUoiTB dab In endless itsve; Ksch haa a meaning and a uic. The tough policeman^ la tbe Icnave; Tbe pollilcbin's hi the deiicc; Tlie diuner club's are trays i ween, iir ebie casluos Mg and sduiI: Tlio woman's club may be Ibe ijiieen, But In my game ahe beats Ibem all. -Truth. A HORSE WITH A PAST. A liungry looking horso bitched lo a sewing nuctilne wagon stood near tliecoru at the corner of North Clarkaadlndlsnn sireeltyesteidayalleniooD. lie was or tbe "calico" rarloiy, ivlilibig reddish snots and sii csks over • hackgroand or dirty wblte. Ue looked as tbongb be had been a good hone In his yontb. A llitts tlernun baud stopped lu rront or a saloon near Ibe corner and began to play. Thetoaewas one of thoee staccato waltzes, oC lha prouounced "one-two-three" variety. Berore ten bars had been played tbe "calico" horse showed be waa deeply Inteisjied. no began to away eoruy fmm side to aide, and when Ihe lung legged leader or the band came ont strong on the lilg labs, tlie old horse began 10 lift bu front feet and dance. lie cun-eil his neck and pranced, and ■III the old pride ot his circus daja ahono In bU eyes. In two minates ho bed a cnnd aiound him, and Ihe Hsioonkeejier gave the nnalclansa halt dollar to play another tune. Buijuatai the band began to play a ted beaded boy dusbed out ot a etalrway. Jumped on tbe wagon, and, giving (he Itnoa a Jerk, exclaimed: "liowaot Wot'a der matter witl yert" And the old circus horse had come back lo earth sgsin,— Cftltaoo Jtl buiif. ^ ^ ALL SHE REMEMBERED. A molber tecenlly gald to ber live yesr old dangb- ter: "What ahull we name (bo bsliy.alaler t" "Call her Kariy, mamma; tbai's n pretiy name." "Karlyl Thstlano'.a llitieglrl'Aname." "i>h, yes It la. Uon'tyoiircmtoihcryouread to ne aliflnt the Utile gin ivbo was to Im the May (iiieen. and wlio wauled her mother to call her Kariy >"—/oii(fuu Amirtm. SHE HAD HEARD. When the lecturer laiiulred drdDiallcally, "Can any one In tbienomteii ae ot a perfect monr" there was a dead alienee, "llaa any one," be con- Ilnned, "besrdota peiteclvromuy'Tbsnspatleut looking Utile woman in a black drca rose np at the Inck ot tbe auditorium and answered: "There was one. I've orien hwrd at her, but sbe's dead now. She was my boalMud's Hist wire." —l/>HtU)n .tt wieen, SHE MI GHT BE BICHT. "Ob,"shewalled. "hit true thai yon an leading double lire, AlgemonV "Tliat 11 the drat I beard <ir IL" Le answered,"but ynn nay lie roncctly Inroimed. I know II coalji me twice aa much to lire since we got uiarrled."— iHitbtnnpdlti Jowml. ANSWERED, "Wby do you piiuili Hint hole In my tickctt" asked a little man nr a iBllroail •-■•ndnrtor. "flo ynn can pass through," na.i tbr reply.—nu- THEAuTRICALi. comKviD noM rsoc tsi. MICHIGAN. Detroit.—Tho tbealilcal offeiliifs rnr the boll days an very good. Uenltaeyaie:AttbeLyceaD, liavlsA Keogh't "SIdewBlksor Kew York" Christ' Dsaweek. Last week Joe Olt, Is ■^oHtarOaser, averaged filr boalnen. Oosllnnoas Inclement weaiberhadmnchlodowllblt. Mexl week, Ward A Yokes, In "A Run on the Bank." DcnoiT OPiiA BotsB.—"Bowing Ibe Wind" Is the slnng card ror thli week, TteStockwell-Oogb. Ian Uo. canceled Ibelrdatea bare, Dec. ia-3l. Fanny Davenport cones Iiec3(Maii. 4. Wimiixr'a Ounv OriwA noiec—nia week. Utaas. T. Elllt, In "Ills Alsatian." I,wt week Cat- nan's Vaudeville* played to verr rair bnalnesa. Next week, "Und of Ihe Uvlng." OAvrsiiL's Fjipiri Tuatu— nis week, "A Oreea Ooods Has." last week nobt. Wayne and Co,, In "Frosi Sire to Bon." played to light bnalness. Next week. QaUagher and wast, Ui "ti'Hoollgan's Hatqaende." UArmiL SqtTiu Tbuthl— Tbe Borace Vinton Unma'lo Co., snppoitlng Edna Clayton, In "Tbe Black Flag," wll£ the following ipeclalllw: Jen. kins, nusaell and Learla, comedy ulo: WIU Fry, comic and motto sliiger; Sohnyler and Nash, ao- detv aketcli team, and Rlla Oarllogion, vocalist. wosDxaLAND TBiuTU AND llin£i.-Caho bsll: Col. R. Daniel Boone and bis school of educated lion*. Theatre: Oharkitte Bar. as Ibe new woman Sheridan and Form, comedy aketoh team; Al. Qrent, mImic, and Albnno* and Bertnn, Juggling act and comedy aketch. Grand IUplda.-.At I'owen' Opem Bona* "Sowing tbe Wind," Dec. 14. played to a crowded bonas, aa did I'anllae Ball ii. "Alabania" conies sr., Oha*. Rohirs 2S, 31 and RobL BUllsid 3H. (iBAMo OrisA llocn.—"ne Conlcan Bnthen' was played to good bnalnesa llt-ll. "Tho White Blare" cooes a-28, Jebn Qrtmtb, In "Faust," week oral. Smith's Orxax Hocnt.—Cames and Webster, Beatrice Arden, HUH* Conger, Cbas. and AUce Clark and slock. Kalaatasoo.—At tbe Academy ot Moalo "Sow- Int the Wind" came Dec. 13, to good bouse, folloW' ed 18 by Psalhio Hall, In "Dorcas." Qood butlneas, No iiocAing* tor week 3S-2S. TBI (IRAND.—Mean. Bosb A Suny will open a theatre In Unahig. Hleh., similar to tbe Qraod In thi* city, 23, thus giving two dl*Unct show* three Digbts In each plaoe. Tbe following nrogrsmme thbi week, good bonaas: Uadler and dart, Hatue McKay, Schuyler and Kaab and Lulu Weuwoitb, SaglaatT.—At the Academy ot Mualc. Dec. lO, Ibe Pauline llall Opeia Oo, had good bnslneu. John Qrinitb, 3D, i\, dame to good nooses, conslderlag nin. "Wsni" cornea 2S, "Alabama'' T,. HOROViiL'a OriRA lluo8i.-Ed. and Unle Field, Belle SL Uair, Itoee Munroe, Annie Welch, I'rlce and Smith and tbe stock. IdiBielai|.—At Bslid'a npeia lionae Ihe Amer. lean l.lllpntlsn Co.. Dec. 10, II and matinee, bad fair bualneaa. V. of M. Qlee Cinb, 30, bad small bouse. Charles Rolills, In "Ttie Leavenworth Case" and "A Physician la Spite or HImseir," is under- lined. "Fsnsi" comes t,, "Wang" ou. Jackson.—At Blbbard's Ony Bros.' Minstrels pleased a good bonae Dec IS. Jno. OiinKb, In "Fkiisl," to a delighted audience, 19. Mn. Tom Thumb and Co. came to good bnslneas 20 and 21. "O'lloollgsn's Masqaerade" cornea it, "Wang" 31. TEXA& Oalreatan.—Atlbe Onnd Opeia Bouse Msrie Walnwrlght presented "Tbe I,ove Chase," loa large audlonce, Iiec. lo. Cotlnne, In "Hendrtck Hudson Jr.," pleased good sized bonsee II, il Chaa. A. Cardner, with "Tlie PriM Winner" and ' Katber. Iand." ralled lo drsw well 13,11. Creelon Clarke and Adelaide rrlnce were em huataaHcally received by a large audience It. They were tendered a re- cepUon 10 br a member ot tbe Hlttrloolc Society, ot which Uias Prince was a member duiiig her reel dence In Ibis city. UABSDiiy Bau Raby La Fttyet snd company opened a week's engagement IS, at popular prices, to a fair borne. Nona—A painting of the Battle ot San Jaclnio has been on oxblbiuon at the Tremont Opera House for tbe past week, to fair bnslneas Joseph Btohem and a siuke obsrmer have lieen giving dally exblblUons at No. 2 mt Market Street, to good rlzed crowds Dave A. Wela, manager ot Ibe Waco Open House, has chaDged places with bis brother, Sidney Wels, manager ot tbe Qiand Opera House, ot this city, Sidney Wels going lo Waco and Dave Wels coming to Qslveslon. San ABtanlOt—At the Oiand Open nonsa Corlnne, Deo. I3-It, played to Ihe capacity ot the house. Bookings: Oonroy and Fbx 30-22, He Wolf Uopper Obitatmaa oatlnee and night. WASBtKoiox TauTsc-For week ot 23: CanoU and Bork, Annie Leslie, Jordan and Roes, Orelle and Holt, May Cody, Qrace KlUou, Minnie Lee, Annie Sage, Dave McCoy, and Ihe Cosmopolitan ({nartet. Vic TOBATiiB.—XeUle Sawln, (ince Diamond, Mamie Boyd, Joale Wilson, Dowery Kid. Lllile K'ls- wonh, U Tow BIsten, Hsny Holmes. Nettle Hesa, Dyer and noward, Oeotse Fowen, Joe Orotty, All Baba, Jat-Y-Ha,and Oorcleano. Coming 23: Mabel Livingston, Misses Belmont and Konnan, and Hay am. Non.—Manager Walker, ot tlie Onnd Opem nooao, la absent, lookhig after his theatre In Uttle Rock, Ark. • Hoaston.—At Sweeney k Coombs' Open Honw Uarie Walnwrlght cloaed Dec. 13, with two iilg bouaea. Oonroy and Fox bad fair bnalnesa 17. Creston Clarke, 18, had a good bouse, Ue cloaed l>, with two perfortsancea. "riie Derby Winner'' comes 23, De Wolf Bopper M. AuomiuuH—Raby La FSycue closed U aflsr, two weels ot tair boslness. Paucs Tbxatu.— Bntlneas good. Edith Bel- mont, Flotrle Norman, Mattel Uvliigston, Annie Leslie WUllatss, Obaries Inness, Hariy lleld, Barney Finn, Maggie l^wler, and Hosena and Diamond. MoBiia' iLLVSiom akd Woxdibb ttlU continue at 807 Main Btreet. This Is the flfth week snd business Is slUI excellent Dallas.—At Ibe Opera House Marie Waliiwrtgbt did weu Dec Id, 17. "The Old llomeaiead," on ac- count of bad weather, came to a small snnlence lo. Tbe Klmbsll Opera Co, 20,31. bad good patronage, (inn's Open (w. conies 3i, for four nights, st poj^ olar prices. OiM TBiAHU.-Patsy Batrelt. Joe Adams, Ed. Sbaunevy, Tom Ilsrdle, Ed (lanoll, Ned Harry, Dan rowers. KlUls Howard, Kittle Onnt, the Stanleys, Dot Flaber, Billy O'Neill, Minnie Borke. Uus Woods, Ue msiisger of tills bonss, will spend his holldaya In KoozrOlo, Teiu. OAJtp.BimUT.—Annie Howard, Florence Chesur, tbe Reeds, Annie Hilton, Howard and Allan, Roscoe andLotate. Bualneaa la good. AuaSlBi.-^^lon Clarke save three perform- sncef, to good bitalneas, Dec. 13 sod II Cortnns csme to good bonae lo. utis Skinner canceled until JannaiT. Rate Emmelt canceled. To come: "Tbe Old llomeaiead" 30, IXinnelly and Ulnrd Jan. 2. C AUFORWU C LoaABgeles^Attbo Loa Angeles Tlieatrefair sized andlences gieeled not. nemnann Dec. 12-14. ...The Bnrbank Tbealie enjoyed lis uanal good palionsge week eodlsg U, with "Yonng Mre. Win- tbrop'>snd"aBplalsSwin" as Ue bills piesentsd. "Lost I'atadlso," for week e>dUig2I,cloeesa highly aocceafol eight weeks' engagement ol the Fnwiey Co. at Ibe Bnrbank. The aollday season will be dlled In witb a spectacular attraction, and Dec 30 Milton NobUa stAita In on an engagement DuslaesBsttheOipiieomlsgood. Olilbnl snd Uuib provs Itasmselvc* limit pressera by scoring a t<. engagement, ea:(«ndlng ibelr lime at ibia house. New people Dec IS: Judge Bna. and Ue Alllaons. Uoldoven: SadI Alfambl. Ando and Omne and Ut- ile AUrlght, and Amnona Cleriae Trio. Bbb DIege.—Al Flaber'aOpen House Ilsveriy's Mlnstrela came Dec. II to large borineas. Bean- seanl snd Fox, medlama. came \i lo good liust- ness. House dsik Ibis week The lao IHtgo Society area*, 13^ 14, gsve tkic* pcifonnancet to ciowded lent*. CANADA. Maaljwl,—The Academy ot Mnak wu cli>Mtl for week otUeo. M. Booked: For week ot 23, "Tbe Xew Bot;" week of so, Jane Hay. guisi'sTaxATUi.-"ThoCapliiil" bad fair honiea forweokot is. "Jack llarkaway" npenda Chriat mas week St home, SI Ibis bonae. Max 0*11(11 week of 30. TUSATiti RoTAi.-<;us mil's Yandevllle suis had good houses for week nf tn. Booked: For week of 2U, Murrayand Hack, In "Fmnlgsn's lull;" wen'«ol ai, "A Howory CIri." OraaA FRAKCAia.-Tbo pnlranago or Ihia hnuao was consldontily Inrna<ei1 tor wcex of 10 with the followleg operea: "l.a Ogalo at la FoarmI," "1.0 Barblcr de Savlllo," "1,0 Vnvage eii Ohine" and "HIgnon." Illllodrorwrok or 'H: "l«sllugiieno(s," '•\A narbltr ilo .Seville," "U cigale,'' "l.t Mas colic" aml"LaJune." Toniulo.—At Ihe Gntid Opera lloiisa"Waog' came Hoc. la-H, lo good liuilnees. The houaa waa dark 1»--J0. (.'oming: "roralcan llrotbera" '.'3-21, "rrinceas Bonnie" *J0-2S. Tneomi Oi-ska Hucst.-".\ Crazy I'atrti" came 10-31, to tilg bU. Coning Tveekol 23, "Tho Und ot Ue Living.'' raiKCKM TuSATai,—Jane MAy. In "M'lle I'/g- mallon,'' had falrilzed liualena I11-21. Lewla Hi<p riaon cone* week ot £i. CavdrAiTuSATHS is'n Kdrm MfaKcu hada auc- cestfnl week with Hvuk Whllnuin, I'roL SilvalL Knoch and I'mf. Klog lectiin hall, and lilok ana Alice Mclvor, Bart LUIer, A. U. I«wnnce, Valesca, Mort"nA0d Revelle In theatre. Massiy Ut^aic llAi.i Tiio linlvenlly (llee Club, 13, gave a aucccetful concert Melba Onenilo Concert Co., IS, played to largo audlenirr. TbeTU' nnto lariosu Ouii'a fancy, fair, hi, was a grand ancccss Theodore ThomaacomesJan. K. Ilaaullion.—At tho Onml tlie Pearson .''Inck Co. produced "Tbe Marble Heart," lor the Snd lime, Dec. 20, to a large aii-llence. They closed a week's engaKemtnl St. Jane Hay, In "llllo. I'ygmallon," coiiieif£t,2.*i,toahirgeadvanreiule. Mr.aud lln*. RobL IV'ayoe open a wcrk'ri engagement 30, at pop ulsr prices. STAiiTniUTiiit.--Kor t3 and week: Frink White- man, l«(Aede Uim., Woodlboqie and Floyd, Fred Vice and the Ilatriwna, NoTL—Kdwatd Knott, or "The Cotton Klog" Co., la condned to his home In this rity through Ill- ness. Ill] wife, Agnes lloeeilo Kooil, waa called rroui tbe company to Ills bedilde, but alter a raw daya a change for the iMtlor look place, and Un. Knott rejoined tho company again. Mr. Knoll la slowly recovcilng. HwebM'.—At Ihe Ttitstre lloyal Lillian Tucker, In repertory, did good Uualncm Her, lii-2t. ACADXiiY ur llii»HT.-(iii.< mil's Now York Stan come Xi-M, "Jack Harkaway"3a-Jan, 1. London,—At the (Irend ".\ teal's Paw" playoil a return dale Ucr. 17. An amateur cimcert was given by Ibe Young Liberal NlnalnMs is. "R'ang' played lo gooil xualncai -A), 21. Nina llelilne Hum' phivya Bang at a concert 'S. WEST VIRGINIA. WbeallDg.—Tbe week Just cloaed waa an In lercallog one In theatricals,dcaplte tbe fact thai there wsa nn atlncllon at ibo (Iprra llnufle. Tho lirand Opera House had "Special llellvery" Dec. imit, to fair builneH, lullowed liy llellly .V Wood's Specially Co. 10-21, to crowded hniiies. 'Hio com- pany In, without oxcepllon, ibcalrcngcst ever seen here lu Ibo vatiderllle lino. "The l.lslit on the Point" conos •f.-V,. lurry O'.S'cMI. lo "Klllanicy," 2il-'JIi, "Uty Hpnrta" ;ia-Jan. I, "Mlilolghi Hprclal" 2-4, Cbaa. Onwies, In "A Country Ucrclinnt,'' ti->i. OriRA Hoiiai.-no lionklnia an: llugeno lloldn- son's "A l-'aiicd CsIP' V: "A Texas Steer" 'JH, Mor- rlison's "KaiiafJan. l.clauas liramatli; and (^n- cert Co."A Tiln lo Cliliialowii" h. Norm.—Wheeling la to bare a new theatre at last. The now bonae will I.e creeled Ur Henry Bchmiilliacb. tbe wealthy lirever or Ibla place, and will oi-cupy Ibe lot ourtli of ttio (Irand Open lloiiae. on Market Street, aiMve Tirelltb, and win coal alioiii $,ooa Pit llellly, of llellly .t Wood, haa a laigo circle or frienda beie, anil tuor made blastaya moxtpleaaantone Uavn Tnilel and Herman Ulishberi;,of "Tbe FalM Oair"Co.,rspcct to next season pot ou a iieivcomeily, onlllled"l Must Have a mre," adapted by Mr. Illialiliorg. "A Trip to tho CIrciiB" waa^dlled at Uoiinda- vllle and Elaleravlllo 19.2<>, hiit railed to show up st eltber place. Ilunor baa It that the rompany stranded at Newark, 0 0. W. ,Mlen, or llorions and Allen, snd hia wife, have iiecn vltliing Mm. Alleo'A relatives In tbia citr during tho past week. Tbey loft 22 fur I'lltaliurg, where tho roam will appear at Iho Avenue Theatre during Chrlatmas week Tlie Kclliy ,t Wood Co. rested In Pllia- burg 17, IS. MINNESOTA. Minneapolis.—Al the MeUnpolllan Optra Uouae "Tho Rajnh" will open IHic. 21, fur Ovo nigbis, Ibe houae King dark -A ".SInbad" rnlliiws 30, for Ibo week. ' Tho Pawing .Show" bad good houses IK to 21, Bijou (ii'Sha lloi-iir.—"Tbe World Agalnat Her" Co. Iiegsn22a wetk'a engagement. 'The Devil's Auction" bi Ibo nest nttracllon, due 20, Tnn Carle- ton UpeiB Co. Bang lierore very sstlaraotoiy audi, onces IS to 31. KOBt, A HlOni.nON'H 1'At.ACS UvsKitu.—Kor 23 and weak: Mont VIckrrle, lUlley's Cloghaleae People, the Ilaywant Calluwa, Dog Jack, A. He Mee, the (larten, tho Atlyu, liortlia Foy, licrenda. Bii'lneM la good. .Voris.—liAni'a OrclieMm gave the third or Its eertea or concerts at Ilarmonla Hall 21 Sol Smith lluisell la apendlng tho holldaya at bis horns In IhlH city. He rcauinea libi luiir at the Ornnd Opena Houae, Chicago, III., 9) Tbeo, lUva, real- dent manager or Ibe DIJou, has licco confloed to hli honae by a oevere attack or rheiimalhni Hlnneapolla l/>dgo, K». 14,11. P. (i. KJhs, will have IIS snnuslbenelltatlhe l.yrouin TDcaire Jan. 17. 81. Paul.-At the Metropollian the Ii>aU)nlsna have duplicated their ronner aiiccesaes hen week or Dec IS, nlajlngto cmwilcd bnuMia their eiiUra engsgemenL ' Hlnbsd" comes 32, r,jr one week. atuin —"The DcvU'h Aactlon" camr> K. lor one week. "A Venulne Venileinan" cumo -.9, fur Ihe liuoKiA—Kor week or r.,: Tiio cilirnrdM, He Caotco, Prince I'anI, l.nuiltie, Italdwiu and llanry, Mona. Arvllle, (lunlner aud Kinndo, Mile. Freda, Bam Yager and the mock companv. ULYsric—Smlght variety conllnuea. Uutlncas only ralr. Dniath.—Tho Dottonlana will aing at the Lyceum Dec. 23-'-':, Tlie Psrior Theatre lias lor lu atlraetlon thli week Torn White, Tim llyan, Harry lines, OnasKllaworih, Amy Kllsworih, Ulnnle BL Clalroand Ihe flock. IOWA. Des Bfolaea,—At Foater'a Opera House "Hy Wire'a Filend" played to very light iiuilneu lo. The Devil's Auction" gaven good ahuw to a small audience 17. The local TUmura gave a coucert lo a packed houae l). Hooked: "I'odd'uhead Wll- aon," two performances. 22; "(in the Mlaalaalppl 20; Clay Clement, two pcrfunnancea, Jan. 1. QSAKO Ill-IRA lloi:*!:.-Julc* WalleiB' In "A Money Order,"failed tiiilmw2ii,:i. Coining: Ida Van Oorilaod and reponoi-y week of 'JO. BarllagioD.—At Ihe Onnd James II. Uackls, Der. 1), and W.C. AndrewMu, were adeemed by Ibo reaiful weather. "A Huney Order" cornea n, V.jn Kendall», "The Country Orcua" Jan. I At Tur. ner Mnolc llall biialoess was light tbe past week. Tbe new faces are Unglcr sod Oiroll, Mclnlyrs and nice, Inet rcari, and Owen and Bnolln The aUachmentaaltofMaiagerllughra,or Keokuk, against "Mlnbad"Co. was Killed tor |I2). Coaaarll BlulTa—At the lloliany TTieain a prodnctlon or "Tbe Mikado," by amateura, under tbe ditecllon (>r 0. A. Baker, drew good alzed crowds Dec. Id, 17. The Woodward Tbeaire Co. will open ror a week 2:1. "Cnarley'aAunl"la liook- td ror Jan. I,' The IJu:liFd Mall" 7. Cwdar Haplds.—AtOieenc'alliier* Houae "The Hsill'a Aocilon" draw a large audience Dec. 10. "Mr Wire's Friend" rones 33. Kzm KcndaU. In "A Pair or Kids" 2:^: "On Ihe MISAlMlppI" 17, A. Y. Pier son's Oo. 30 and week. WASHINGTON. SMllleA\tVonIray's Theatre the lAdlea'lIr. brew Soelety presealed tkeopenllo extmvaganta, "CbangChIng Fow," Dec. 10 and I', to Ibe capacity "1 thiscoay bouse. Tbe Racon Block Co. closed M ami tbclr llnal nifbring was "The llotloiii ol lhi< Sea," which received goml patronage Tho Siiilih. UlbUi. begin a ihn« weeks'suy la, when "Tho lUI Uaaqno" will Ihi iheir opening, to l>e roiloweil week of ai hy "A Fair llobcl.'i SSAvrLi TuiATHK—Henry lllxoyrinio in and 17, In "A l.4illi;ry or l,nve," 10 r«|r tiu-diic?<4. Joacph Ujwihorii.ln "A FiH)iriirl.ui'k,"comoa2i 2.',. TlVOLl*ritRATHK.--Cru\TU(ll hoiisni couiliiuo lo bo Ihe rule at ibU hoiifio. Poojilo ti:: itiy llainnlon, (Urilo l.a lUiae, John and Anuto K^ieno, (iracn l.^yiig, Amanda, l.omlne and llinvcll, Uono i:old- amiih, Jos (^nwilglil, KIrIn and Suns, mechanical wonderr. KicN.—Frank Bacon will nhorlly organltoa road I'oreiiany to nlay Ont claaa theatres, and "The Ks- tale or Hannibal Howe" will lie tho play In which he will star Tbe tnicilor or Ciinlray'aTbtatn haa been repatnird and repaired, ihe pnralling color DOW lieing pure white and gold. Tbo work waa all done at htght, after tbo performsncf, and thcioby not a perfonuani-e baa licen inlncil since Sopl. I. VIRGINIA. ■llehiaonil.—Tbe Yulellde fcatlvlilea had Ihe usual dcpresaing eiltcl on the Inx nniro rrrclpU laal week, but this was not uiie.vpci'ted. MInnIo Haddem-I'ishe. al the Academy or Uiiair, Deo, In, 17, atlinctcd ralr andlences. Ituland llecd, Ih, iv, had (uoil hoiiaca. Uiwknl: II. II. Uaniell ■■Krteada" 27, St. "Town Topics" Jan. I, Llllbin lliia- aell (ipen Co. 2, X HicnwuNK TitSATSK laatlll dacK. it-TSAH'.-i TiixATHi Uaiiigt's.—I<»t Wetk'a alrniig and altnrilvo bill la ntnlnnl. Biia'ncn la gimd. Norlblh.—Al the Academy or Uuair illnnio Uad- dein-FbikD. In "Tlie ijnoen of I.Un," nan noil ro- celved Dec. IK. Kulatid llsed,nrier an alnnnroor twelve yearn, waa most heartily welcomed 20, when ho pieiuntod "Tbe l^nUtlclan," to an audience or Sooil dluenalona. "TuwnToplcs" comoa :il, IJlllan iiBsell Jan. l. liiJ0uTiiKtTns.-O|icnlng week of Dci-. 23, Uiim Uoon, I'eari Aaliley, llnrry Bohafer and Curney Brooks. Uutlnaas Is ralr. Tho stock coni|Hiny pre- aented Air. Smith, the proprietor, wtili a gold rhalDls. H SI I ARKANSAS. Hot iprlnga.—At ibeOpera Hougs, Dec. n, "A Ride ror LUr" drew a vety alliii auilleiii-o. "Kan- laama" camo in, to big Unaloem. "Tho Hid llonii>- alead" waa greeted hy a latgs auillenro 17. "A Itallroad Ticket," duo M, canceled, llimked: Corinno 27, Oeslon Oiarhe ao, "The Si:oul" Jan. 4, "Tbe Oirt I urt Behind Me" 7, Donnelly snd Ulnrd III, Ysle's "Twelve Tempistlons" is, Llllle Roela_At the People's Theatre "Tlia Old Homestead" camo Deo. 10,10 a good linuse. Haii- liins"'Faataama," 17, Id, lisd poor budneaH. Hue: Ariel Sexioi 3:1, "In Old Madrid" 2.°., Vandeilillt Club 20, Coriune 3s, Creston Clarke .11 and Jan, I, "The Scout" 1 _ NEW_PLAY8. "A Man In Love," A comedy. In Ihreo aclM, by Anthony Hope and Kd ward llotc, waa nilglnally acted lire, la, st Ihii Pioridenco (IL I.) upon llnuao, by John Drowaiiil company. Theatuiy: Captuin IlllllanI, lato U.S.A., baa taken up hla temporary rcaiflciico In l.<>iidoo, (•iig., lu order lo bo otar Lady Nary Tliiiraion, wlioie rmiier llllllaid b^a saved rnini licing iIiiik-iI al carda while In America. Udy Msry ravum ilie aitenilona or llllllaidfmiicli to the illfgiint or a rival anttor, I'erclral Hehlicr. Chria Aiheltinn, a well moaning hut rather unoiplilailcatcd ruliow, niiil couiln to Ladv Maty, haa become hinil (irgsinlillng, and aeoma nulte unahia to givu It up, ovon at Ibe entreaties ol Kllly Holloa, to whom he la engaged. Ullllard proiiilaes Udy Mary 10 uno hla ezporlouce aa a man or the worki In bohair or Ubrla bi lbs end or innnenclox bin lo give up card playing. In Naw (irtnaoN liv (IllllUnI) had abol a mail l,ir i-lipailiiu ■I Ilia UIiIb. and bail brouHht awaraaa ln,p)iy m lilalily KhiJiad kllvor cllar cai« llirMisti alilcli lila i,|iMiiieni d naS trrt/ eatd dealt. ItllllaM daclitvi li, un lucti a rnaaoDOhrk iDordartballlia iiiaiijiinan may loaa all Ilia aiuaar to htm h«r,tr« lonii cant Urinvra inafeK a fiHii or Mni. To aacccurullr arrir nut hl« plan IlllllanI aotlrluilie aU ur I'arelial UvVkaraTid tl,o Rarlnri'ti aarlhtr, 10 Ilia litur of wkuin l,a aililnau« a ii,na. and lllvra It to Dfhkpr for lUllrarr. Thai nolo pxi.'alna liU nclitma, atiil llltdanl ralloaon I1U IrltDda luaa|>,Ma liiiu «li«i AUialaUn haa loat ararlr OTar/Uiius llial tan l,aa Oaltarnowttaalila „pporUDlty. lis kaoai My Man carta for llllllaid. If b« burna ttialnolalliao,aed aa- poaai IlllllanI wllhmil aiphinlBX 10 Pitlienhir, ba will Idwtr the Amaricaa l» llw •■Uoiatloii 01 lha woinaa lia lova;. and. t.r aiid„lB|i, •lllauccavl, innliaaa. In aalu. iDXherhanif. Ha ljumattia Data, but llioiiahllaiklr i«r lanaa llio mianilloo la Iront ol a l«r'acamara. wblnb UtiM (ha Iniiirauloo <,l Uia action. Ttia owtlng al r inli ubM i4ae«: llllhaM li »ptnsd; but Uibkar calnili denlaa that 6a bnoaa aartUon fasaidtai (faa nUn, lilt laiy II dl4(rar«l,aa»ptla Ibearta orLadr MaiT, al,!) laslaa to uodartland all A maxle Itnltrn aalillniliin li alHMt to lie Rlran by UiayouUirul nwoar of lbei-aniaia,aiiil ihn picturo vlilcli u tii oatch Parclval Uakhar In a inair U lu bi raal upon lbs cunaln. Nuauillva raniaiaa by MM llanl and tba boy lacturar Impraju Uakkar (bal ha la In i daoianua plariL and. Uroosli lack ol «p|ri-ou*iaI„n, Im baUar>lilaTlUalnr>liliaul tliaaiilnr il,o lall laltall,li,. I''W=„StflSl'l llllhanl. lataUMI A..JobnUiair: Hit sail o( I'llkanhtr, Itairjf llaiwonl; I'amvtl Dalkar. Uvia Bakor; ChAK ,\lhl«lton, Anlior Hyp.D; (lit linn, /rank AMilaataD, Arlhar Ufi/Iao; Maadoaa, cbartaa CnLB.;U)|rlla. Frank Lamb: Lvlt MaiT Ttiunliio, Maud """•*■ BlbalBarijinora; Ufa. Ullllu Halt, f.talt di> ,Jft. , " Chloige," A comedy drama, In lire aota, by Chailea H. Hall, n-HS produced lor Iho flnt lime on unyntago liitc. li, at Uavlln'a Thealrp, Chicago, III. The alurj: nick Darilog, a lioulblack, iilckiiauicd "Chlragu," and bUpal, "Sklnnr," oreriieard Draxlon and Ike plot 10 roll lllrani urceo. llnxton conreaaes 10 Ike that he and Nance, "aa iinrortunate rnini Chi-y. enue," had stolen HInn'a daughter, Panay, alxu-en yoare befoie. Aa she lean lielreaa, Hrextuii wlalies in roll <lr>.cn of certain papera, so as lo gei huld or I'anay's properiy. It Ih agreed loiiuirry her In Ike, and then Biaxlon Intends to kill her. Iilik and Skinny, buwevr, succeed In iliwan. log Ihe plau to nl> (linen, iind Draxinn hi arrested, but eiicapea. liick ami Hklniiy ■sain lliratt Ilia Mbtr pair of rofiiaa In an alltiii|,l 1', ablact I'amr, and In an iiroit lo uiurdar Nanrt Mlitn ditreriiiaaloKlTeniia Inttat and paiitra ii> Hra 1 loo.OnlcarHultaulaliBRln Ilia Ullarrtteut. Hraatnn • arrwIKi, but Aldtnaan HcllllHaao atriinaMa itltatt. !!f J"*'? «'»'?" Hauea, but la |,ravaau<l In Ilick, ani la raranit iiIm lu mi nca 10 Iba bouta Tliia liiaahasalaflrayaan In lbapanllanllarr,bulf,nrain<ii« '"'■ llBhlolBil, aoil Iba plar u brouahl loan ni. '■ "r. "'"Sf" ".r"X'*"!f e'Hnpanjf. flia catt: lilcb Uaillna, Wra. II. lalij llliam lliaan, Waritn Aiblai; Near Itt, LorIa lluaaid; Rlcbam Sraaun. Karl Duly; linear Hull, Urn Cmatra; aichlbaM Apinililn, At. Uacy: Aldirmao Hn»llll|au, Joba IMnlala! Hnytia a laOBb>alur, Al. Traliarni: Hllnntr. Albtrl llsclur; OH Kport, Cliaa. II. llall: Pan./, uracit Warrao: iranr«.(ladla Htocktna; MIdnlBbt Baaa, advaoturtac, Maiica ilailon: AuBt Haitlia, AODia Cuailalnia. "On Erin's Shore*," This mmsnllc Iriati dnnu. In runr acts, by Michael J. Huroney, had lis Oral producUon ou any sUgeliec. ll,at Kanton, Pa. Tbe plot deala with tbe etforu or tho vlllsin, Koliert Malvtni, lo got poaseaslon or Ibo catstas ol Kora SI. (leorge. Tlila iiroptrty bad lieen willed lo Ids aoo'a wire hy Iho falheror Nora's lato bnalisnd, who bad auriiecled bli SOI or a foruicr oieswlllanci.-. Ilul Ihu iiuih bad been that one lUcbnril llellew bad sisumeil the name of BI, Ueoige, inanicd a young girt, Marion, and tben dlaanpeaied. Seven years bare elapsed, aud Ijulh MarVia and .Vora conatder theraielves Ihe widow or St. ilsoiwe. Mslven, whole love proteitalhriM In Nim have been Iraalad wbb dlidaln. m^a lort lo Mtrlnn. aail lodonn liar to brief tult fnr ilit aalala aa Ilia dul aod laaal vlr* I'liltlKt I'. rat.<r;|laiataal U'lltoa. Illehaal J. Rnllr; JnllKr. A L IIiiM.'b: Nura Hu llaonca, laabalMtllama! Haib.a Hall,.* (knaan at Nation at Oaoraa), kaieJap- mn; Kill)- O'Bwira, Ada dllnuul; Uny O'Paa. Jamaa W. Keaiaa. DEATHS IN THE PROFESSION. i.rSLOaorsa, abltli III* faooaitlr ballaraa baraall to ha. Dtrioa a itnairat wllb oaa of lili inyrnil lima Malrain hllu Uiaoitn, andllMB aaCMaila la btvlaa Nnra'akitar. *t K *jha>alBta.l #^ al.a Ataa«*A*.k-^— d.. * Mrka gurkt, contlclad of Ilia crina aod atnuocad u, l« htastd. Ilurka aicapta by iba aM oraalllyaiid llalit liMn<d ptauol, Uriy Ij'IHa; Stilav raiuma tad •il'Utt.a ararrililBS u> Hattirii, and •llnaiua at*, uar M> Kuvt Ibal ■iltiio la tlH rial niunlattr 1(a la Umiouahlr daftalail, and nubaa i><it uf ■lour, but la iliol lir Iba puard In mliUka for Burt*, vlKiin b* blmaalf had pidarad abol oo tlabl aa an SKSM eoatltl. Tbs caat: llabart Malfani, Kd*ln It, j,.„„ Metooar: liita lark*, fraak r nMi Soiiiaa; Mikaid dlem-e, Ml«>, #1. Vrillaid Stmni: MIcbar KotaiTiiSar J. CNITIC- Utaiy; IHiby Dagaa, VUllaai J. Oallea; Patty lalOy, »n>. — JunsS, l,AK:Hlaas, rx-actoi and msiagtr, died IKr. I, at Warlntr, Idaho. Tho deceased wis bom In Ireland Sept. 21, IKO, and camo to Ibis conntif wllh hla parents when a Iny. FV>r eeveni jtan ha wasn roporteriina paper In ihlaclly. Its then ronietl a pariiierahip wllh Jnhn n. Alwaler, sod betamefa- mnnnaa a i-omodhtn. While plating In liOohport, K. v., lie met. and alicrwanl iiMrrled, Jfsnnelie Allen larcHi gnnddaiixbler of tho Itevolutlonsry bem. KMju^llen), a riover soircis. In IbeearivFUe'a l*rnl^B|B*S£'<' be tink hla romnsny to Denver Hiul liiin^B^H|^^atro llinre, which he managed for many ynRl^n.f also was manager or one In tialt Lake City. Many pnimlnonl pioreaslonals, niirh anU. W. Unnldnok and (leorge Tsunceron senior, wtro In bla ptoduollona. He was Ihe most popular man. both In pnresalnoal and social lire, tliat waa over prninlnent In ilutMctlnn. In mil be assumed Iho maoairnenl oT Wood'a Mosenm, Chleani. III. , which wsa dcidroyed aoon slier by tse great ilie. Ha ilian secured the only le- rMlnlng tbeatio, the ninlie. In sneetastnl cnmpeililon agalnit all the other msnsgsia, and mn It ii^r llir entire season. Ha tben joliieil with T. u. Ilonnl, a well known Raslera manager, and Ubartps Uarie, now alage manager o llanhint' "Snnerha,'' and secured the ternioria riglibiloilie "Tho lllark Crook," and lor many years tbo Unit or Howard, lanoriMhe and (^rln was tbe ninHtpntnilneotaprctaciilar nunagemeutln Amer- Ira. Their succtia wsa at Uat broken np by BIr, llowanPa llhieis. Mr, (Ssrto went to Qeiitiany, Hbllo Ur. Ipangriahe opened a Ibeatn In Dead wood, liaknta (now ti. Dak ).Bnd ronwlneil nnlll theTkbor (ipeialloiiaowashiilli In Usilvllle, Col., when lie laxaino Its lliHt manager, with hU iniiiier pannsr, T. 0. llonani, aa biialKsa niansger. After Iblabe slarred throughoiil llip NorihwesI and on Ihe I'acldd alope. In pannerabl|i wllh Mr. Howard, supnoried tiy hla own i-ninimiiy, and nnslly locatnl In Ward, ner, Idaho, wlirro be left Iho alago permanently and hecsnw ediuir and proiirielnr of Ttit iiiii-ilitrr .Vnr.< ||o waa appointed Juslli-s, and vaa olocteil Ibe Drat Slato Senator of Idaho by sn overwhelming vole, from Repiiblloans snd l>em- orrals allkn. Ills iieminal popularity nn biro far In advance uf bin ikkpt. For nliio yean he bad been Idahii'a popular favorite, aod coitfd have bad moat any oilico, had he uhiiaun to run for It. For aorue tlino bbi heart lud been aiieoleil, and a recent silarkof mnunlaln fever bad loft bim la a feeble ^>nllltlon. Ilo wont homo Nov. .v, i|itlio eihaualed fnim the work or anoxiralaaneof bU paper, snd laid diivii III trai lilmaeir, ,N'ii liiiiiiedlaie danger waa apimhtndcd, bnl he died aiiddonly tbe roHuw- lug day. Ilo was a niemlier or the I. o, fl. F., snd also or Iho NaBonlo otilrr. Hla wHo aurvlvca blni. Too tomaliH verolntrnrd under tho ausnlcca or llieliddFelkiwa, At.r CiiKivrik (Alliert (.'hrblliir), a variety per> fiinner, died suddenly Dec, is. In Boston, Hsss., agnl loriy-oiie ycani. The deccaard waa well known In the pnifAHlun, aud wllh his wife appeared ss Uliriaile anil Ivail. Ilia wire, Jennie irarl, and dauelitar, Ainu Chrlitle, siir^vo hint. JiiR WXHT, a variety iKirfoflner, died Deo. 13, In I'hiludrlphia, hi., aged Iblrty-alx yraia. He made hlriiiniresalonnl debut when nlmiil twelve yoara old, 111 llaltlni<>n>. Mil. Ilia Ural partner was John i:Hrroll, hiitbowsalieHt known for bla mnnei'llon ivIMi ilip tram nr WInalsiiley and West. He lesvea a widow, FiiAKukMti Kii.i.iri, a iniialrlan, waa found dead IKc. K, In hla mini. In ilila city. A row yean ngn ho waa wllh the Hauleaon Opera On, Wii.i.iAU lliAHii, a dwarf, died llei>. 21, at tbe (Irady lloanUsI, Allaiils, (la. Tho deceased was known III liio mUHcuiiia Weal aiidt-'oiithaaonouf thoaniallONi men on uxhihillnn. Tlio retnaliw will till taken to t'niiiri I'ntnt, (la., (nr Interment. JniiN 1). 1/iMi, pmpttoliir nl llin l^rk Thoslrn, Clili-ngii, III., died lici;. 2u from dropiy, st St. Jo- M'pb's lliuipllal, tlialcliv. Thn ditcensed wsa bom liriy-Mix yram ngn. In llorhrpicr. N. v., and al Ihe agn lit rlxhtoen ho Jnlnnl J. K. Wnnier's Clrotis u tirkot acllor, and waa aflcrwarda manager. Heast- Hull In Chicago, III., almiit iwenty llve yean ago, and tiirHoveral yrais lin cnndiioled a ten oehl aloio andafiorwarilaaidntly ninocoutalnre. Illaenlnnrn III Ibo allow liiialnraa waa made aa msnsgsrof Iho (lanlsn Thraiie. AlionI lirieen years ago he took charge or the I'ark Thonlni, aud In lila house J. IV. Kellr, "Hie rolllni mill man," tralhmms pop- ular. Ilu leavea a vvidiiw nod a young daughter. I.II.I.IAH rnijju'ii.anactreaa, died Sept. 2:1, al AL bany. N. Y., Inini hrarl ralliiro. Hho waa Iwanty- dve years or ago, and was well known In iliopnfea. almi rnr her luirirnyal or Hiiiilirrtto rolra. lU-r liua. band, James W. KiirrrMl,ntidaaonHUtvlvp|ier, Tko remtlnawlll im Inttiredlu Ihe lainlly pint alAm* alerilaiM, N, Y. ANA, MANA, MONA, MIKE, In an eniply ruoiii we three llaylliu gami^a wo always like. And luiliiit tnaes who "It" illsll be: Ana, niniin, tiiunn, iiilke. Iliinnd and miindtho rhyiiio will gu, Krii Ibo lliial word shall strike, (hunting last or ciiiititing a!nw: lUrrelonii, bona, atrlko, AVbiii It all binniia no niie kimwa, lll.\ril up like a peddler's pack. Am friiui diiitr III dour he giira; Ham, nan, rruw, (rack. Now we gnus and now wn donlii, Worda eiiniigh nr words we lack, 'nil the rbi tuing briega almut n'clriiineil wllh a fnr.well slmut: llillllcil, Intlllrii, wu-ttl-wii wark. Out! —TVirti/(/» Ti'ufft, HIS PAPERS HANDED UP. She was Hip daiigbter or a Judge, anil she llsleoed with laugiilil IntercH In lila plea. "I luve )iiu doviiiiilly," he dddarrd, psnlonslely. "I Hill prepared In dovuto my Ulo lu you." "Ho spcrlllr In your pleading," ibo cauUonril. "Do niitabny Imifar from Hie point at Itnie," He bealtarol, and then sahrdesmeally: "lYIil jisi la> my »ire>" "Ab." Hho Mid, "now I see Iho (lOlnl ynu wlih In iiiHke." ^"1 sill lint Itch," he orgeil, "Iml I have nnough In give yuii a ciniiriiriaiila home, nnd my pnapocts are hrlulii, 1 riirer you tho luvo iil sii hiincai mail, wbu will dnallluhla jioaertn iiiakeiiin happy, I—" Hliu aiii|i|icd lilpi by a geatiiro. "It la lit* lent III rontiiiiie at |irfHent,"iheBald, dnuly, tint kindly. "Thereare leveral cases sliesu ■if youraiiii the dncki't." "Hill," he pridiHied,"l wsnt—" Shesliipiwd liliM igaln. "I niiiat iiialat llial these tnallera lie taken up In theirreguhtriirder," alie aaldalinrply, "Pnlyour iirupfialitoji In writligsnd die It with my msld, snd It will rcrilve due attention when It bi rescbed In tbo regular ruurae or liualnraa. I baven'i lime lo llalenloornlarguineiim lu a cans that can ai well be presenled In iirltrs." lln left snd put In Ids time until late ibat nighl preiiaring a laiillloa for a reheurliig,-('/iftii{iu /vmI, EFFECTS OF READING IBSEN, Uhh. i;rixiiAiiif--Thal'a n iirighl yuiiiig lelluw ymi'vii taken Into Ibe inltcn, Henry, Ilo Iwika like it fifielgiier. Mil. ci'initiiti-Ves: lie'aa .Vurireulan, Mhk. Ciiu;iiAiii>—A Norweglsnl (looil grarloiial Tlii'ii lir'n run oir frniii Ills wirn nr iiiiinlered bla iiiii'lc iir H-iiiicibliiu I (let till or lilm iil once I- ./'iirA', A PROMISING YOUTH. KiiK-l tnlilhlni he might rail, hut that lather alwaya Iihm tlio uua tiiniud out at ton ii'cloek. Ua.— IVIml dill IIP Hsy In ibutr silk.—Ho anid lic'il iio sura uot to chuie liefore that lliiie. NOT THIS YEAR. "Well, ileorge, I aiippoio we will go to Ilie lake again tlila Munimerr" "Well, na,mydiar. Now Ibat we have liaby, I don't Ihink we'll laiiter. Htiualla ar* always ifan- gerons In lato regtons."—/fnrprr's /umar, A SJJCCESS. Kahaiiik-iiow did Ihe Umnder alltcl the an- dleoce, (^mc-li look the Uouie by ilonii.—,fyro<Mw