New York Clipper (Dec 1895)

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688 'I ' M h\ NEW YORK OIjIPPER. Deoembeb 2H PR0FESSI ONAI3' BUREAU. WuiU of MMigm uid Ptrtomtn, Op«n OatM, (tOi— 8m AdvartlMmMitii DBAHATIO. lUrn Woodnrt'i Cnm Koid OomedUo) ciu i>o bookML IUB*(amli«MlDi cnnlncu foniw Neir Bnilleri BletaOMod, iQd., iiiouM nourj Oeorga Ui*dl«x, m Fnok McQltMiir li DO loD|«r connecM with tliu bout. "OM Uin Tocker" on IK Inokcil hj Wesun TUt week! ot Foli. 3 nnd Ibrch 2 *r« oircrcd to Dim cIui comWDadont it tlw (Imnd Opeim Moiino, Bcooklfs, tnil the wtek ot Unrcli -Jmitht lityetj Tbutn, Brookl;i, OMI'i Bl( Htock 00., Hopportlni y\oj Crawell atid ObulM MorUmor, can bo Ixiokcd. Pciiplo are waolad. Huaiai V. mntt a capable Iiub conicdlao and a fount nian for kid part. Ilraniallo paopio aie wanlod bj Ljroo. I.. II, Uod, Jolly ))ella Frinilo, (itajnn and TompklM, H.P.MoldOD, inilr K.1,ce, J. A, lllmmelelii, IlHirj HkeldoD LangiloD, fl. A. Uixod, Uarka liroiheni, w. HL Aubnni. ,\t Mliotj: V. l> inker, rrank I,. Wbluier, Am; IIiiDUej, A. K. Wluiiig, Ualllt Karl*, I,. Mrl Aiklii' aOD, Fnncai Orandon, Arltiir llnlkltr, Ldiu Khi' Donj, Leir A. Warner, MInalo Ilr.ionor, Joliii V, HalloD,Artburl.twnnco, II. iVebtter. AtlncUoDa can atrure llnio al llio rortlnnd, Maine, Tliealre, tbrouib <l. R UUimp or Tour Bmltt. HVBICAU Oturlei K. Ilarrl* ban Lugcd another ne<r and prtt^ aooi. by Ubarlei Ilnr*liz, enililcrt "Tliero la 030 race I Never U*a Korecl." wbtcli la piopbetlcd will croalc a seualloii. Mr. lUrrm' nilier publln- lloiu, "Jul a Bmall Itoon, Ilut li'ii llnmo," "Caat Ailde," "BetlerToan dold" and "Killj Yearn Arii," van aiao be ordered at dvo ctnii cacli, tritb urclita- tm parta, ten centa axlm. "A Soldier Jlor lo Uluo" U lamed \ir Uurrr I Hunt A, A. llurgrcti adrorUeca "Ujr I'iiillno," a popular •onj. "Tni CLirna March" and "Vnii Wcra Kind to Mo Wbea I Wim I'uur" an iHiueil iif Joseiiii Thuiiic. "llooIeBaDi'<Uarcb"la publliliid lij llarrr Pep- per* Co. til "Too OM Utiurch Bf II." which U litlnn rcnrlcrcd auocaaituU/ by llonia'd li;llio ami oiher alnicra, can t» ordeitd from I'. A. Mliia, trho alao piibllahea iOf enl other aoniia. II, 8. QordoD oiron a list or rour new nongt, tm> 10 ptafeaalonali, vrllb on:beair.t parii, t«Q coma oxim, HailcUiu an wanted by Jamca \ Loss, Joseph rmka, Upo and Itolnan. At l.lbeny: \Ym. Uodaria, J. J. Shaw, (Ico. P. Ulll, Comet; M. A. UcAdania, Bam Klaher. Joe yifnn la aliiilnn "Tats He To Hie noworj" and otber popular aoega, nlili Klelda ,v llanann'a Iliawlng OanlB. Tho Ueirapolliaii Miialc I'ubllib- Int 00. lapplr theao coDpoilik>nB. ''Oil, Mr. UltcblD," and oiher popular compnil. tlona, are adrerllaad by the Kngllah BonR lniillab- IniOo. Carroll and Oour baro liatwd a new walii; loni, enilUed "Uula Uagile Honabao." "I'll Be VonrMamnu 1\)ila;" can be nnlored from V. I. Djer and llro. "Kot Uacb, My Maty Ann," and "Hark to tho Blniat" aro anppllcd ii; lio Uarlon'a IMbllablnn Co. Too Pilrchlld lluidc I'o.orTirr aevonil newaonita to vooaUala. "Oome, Sweet Home and lliithtr'a Amia" la pub- linked b; 0. W. Mold. Kmik llardint laaiiea cnllecilona of wngH, rcclia- tloni.atvbeap prlcea. VARIRTV AND niNHTRELS, llonnunn otrera tho coinpllmonia of tho Hcaaon. lleatbandBllhorcan boaeoured for comedy or burloinue company. W, II, BDliti baa aeourcd Ibe Oialno Theatre, Ublcago, and wuata riiudvillle talent. Wni. J. rilooer la liooklnR laltiil. M'rritt and Blieidon bare llio weiik of Hoc. aj open. uKiiiienlH and Hiihn, In tlwlr charaulor hiaok face act, are cloalnii tho olio Willi Biiui. T. Jauk'a "Hnll Klgmer" Oo., and rcvclrliig ravomhlo nrcaa iiotloea. Anbur Uamlnit, of III llenrfSi HInslnlii, ox- preaica bit boat wlahoa to all. Tbe Tnioo I'oweri UmtherM, In tlioir conic<ly lilcy- ole act, alio iloglng and doacliig aiKWIalilea, can ho eofaiod, Bpeolally peoplo oan IhioK time at tho Theatre C'omliiue,Hew urieani. W. II. n'ataon will make the liljou Theatre, at Newark, an attnoilve rvnort at low pricca. Tue people beokeil at Uila houae will be llntclaaa. Ulan Honora la ae4'iirlog alx DOcorca nightly with llany Moina' Kiiterlalneni. Speolalilfa are wanted liy (Jngonlndhiii Slidluloe Uo., J. II, II, W. H. Fny, Klcuulo l>incrri (M., Itoll- Ing nunder, l>. K. Uilla, J. N. Uirtiin, J, Howard aibton, A. K. I«niHdy,iliclnieln .V HicliiU'ln, Ci'u. I,. Ilre(07, T. Vclovaiill. Tvblg anil l.undbcrg, Ur. B.S.Bpenoer. At Uberty: Hunt Wakclee, Prnf. J. Iiiiohneii, Uapt, W. D. Aintnt, iTIoi raa .Vaniin, Clarence Wor- nil, lUlph HoUiHiald. h'redlUder'a New Night ilwbi Durlesqiionacnred abig weekatailmora'a AiullioMnni, rhiladelplila, laat week, Manager u°. J. Ullninre endonca tbe alUiollon very biglilr. The wcvl: of W>. i; can bo tiled by Manager Itlilcr. noa. K. Mlaco'actiytlnbniaycd to aatonlablngl; large teoelpiji»t the I'niiiiie Theatre, Urooklyn, N. Y.,aaaindavlta will verity. Uaiiiger HIacii pulf Ualieii eaoli day'a recclpw, airgregating f'.:.l,M.Ki, eltarl; tbowlnii lliat a Kood ailrarilon can ilu Mttt- faeleiy biialne*>at Frank U. can'a bouao. Harry Bcdwortb and Mamie tllioppard have ]olned forcea lo pioduco nui comedy acta. Tbejr can be booked. Flelda and Volley hare olosed witb Sam lloTero'a Uo., ftftor % aucceaafol Ion wocka' engagciiioui, and have aone oiieu Umr. Ther Have algued wlik Tuny I'atlor'a Co. ror next aoiaon. Barker and Levy, In tbeir novel coniloal aUunR men aot, are dupllcailng their aiirccsaal thoAvcnuo Tbeatto, rillaluint, I'li., thla week. Idonard and Kulloit are coming K«Hlngiln and can IM booked to niuduce theb- new aci, Kddia udell'a eluglo comedy talking acrobatic tramp apeclaliy U one of tku leading fcatuiea wlih John A. Flynn'a London Qalolr Uitla. Jamet J. Dougber, club rxpcri and drill artlal, can be engixeil. AroMo and llote lloycr, ihe twoHtUoacMliatlu ComMy BketcbUlH, aiiiiouuce n aucccinfal engage- uieul at Uie Becklnghani Tnciiire, l,ouUvllle, Ky., week of Doe, II. Tbeycanboiecund by ilrttclan uianagm. Tbe TITO (liitcea can l>e enipigcd after Jan. i:i. In Uielr new acL Ueofoy and Uwyor, IrUk cuuicdUna, am a anc- ceai wlui Uowoctb'a lllberalca. Terry and Klmcr, novoliy daiivcn, aio playing dttea BiicooMfully. Ttiey bare the weeka of Fob. i; and 21 open. Uryden and Page ate |ila;lng datet aucceaafully In their new comedy act. Jaa. J. Amiatnng wants dliT Uil; blcycllaia. Hlctaid Warner A On. can mpiiIt Kumpean talent and book Brat elan Aoieilcan peiformera In L'lirape ud Aiiierlia. The Benl /oug /.oug Araba ran bo engaged. Ilajs and liajeM will retume the ro.vt In aiwiil H( weekt, plaiing flmt rliia vaudeville ilioairrsr MtuagerO.C. siuumwlihea to diapoioof a bat Inteieti. TbuKllpatrlukt. trlctblcycllala. can be aaeii at Ihe Union Bi|uaie Thcairo no\t week. Mr. Klliut- rick oifere :,uoo tkaica lur lalc. Mauii and Abacco having dbieulvcil parlncr- ehlp, Mr. AbaoM waiila lo litar irum a good acM- bat or comedian. The Acton* Kallmial riuirclirr Union rciiucMs niemben to aond In itaclr dun tor renewal of cardt. Heraril loportani itauluilona In omnecUon wlita ■ hit union weropaaaedky Ihc Feilcnitlon of l.abor In their conrenuon. Tho drat concur! and iiall tviii be bekl at Tamnwnf Hall. Kew York, Jan. iri. Ltmont i ItaodoTpb oiler a variety tbcatro near New York for aale. II. 1>. Ueald ainngea and couipoaat luualo. Uyd* aid Uebnun want Drat cla.<a epevlalUei (or weeki of Jan. Uand A). Iian Sheiman iMuca a notice Intutuing mtiiagen that he la ike ouly pcraoD auiborlied to uto the llllee, "Bhemianaud Honlu)" and "Jay L'lrcui." The ThiM Minetle llnilhcK, aomliaia, can l<e en' gaged. ^°illnion) and AiIiiik linve llio next two wceka open. vincca. llettb aud Bceti eiTer allow pr«|iei1y fur aalo. CIrcui piuperiy can bo Imugbi front 8.1.. Iiiirtou. People are warned lif 1,. \v, Waabbutiio, who nlao vilcra « car for aalo. Shew piupcity can be lecuiod from Andrew Vowolt. Jeaae Vf. Foatcr can bo communicated with by cable, from any part of Iho world, tieing regletertd under tbe Daron llenter arsiem wlib the word Jeaae. ■nOBLLANKOIIS, AUncllona can book time at Clemenia' Opeia Ilooae, BheiIdH, MIeb,; Mew Opera Itonee, nancea- vllle, Ind.; Andlioilun, nanronl, CL; Armoir, Oi- leva, 0, For aale: Open chain br Hoaman and Landia, klDtloaoopca by Hanilce Mnrlartr, dog by Prof. May, tent, elc, by Oeorge W. Hall Jr., aaiepbona by 0. II. Kempaball, Warned: An agent by Jamei P. btenaon, lectortm by «■. H. Foy. At Ubertj: Uirty TJvlniatone, agent: H. B. Under- wood, advance; Local Manager; Fitd C. (lollman, ad ranee. Ticker Drolben can rappi; superior ebow paint Inita. F. H. Wolf auppllea acenery free lo exchange fer advertlatngdrop certain. ■.etterheada are provided by tbe Creaa rrlnllog Co., Hoylance, and loo Chicago Photo Engnving 0>, 1. Fallen waiiia midwaj auncilont. The Onnd Open Hoaae, Boiton, can be leated. ORCHESTRAL CURIOSITIES. The orchtalm allached to a ihraira which lain llie habit of plajing rcallitic drama, thna Introduc- ing upon lia bnaida ttmm engloee, ebipe, nco honea and etmllar Hiartllog novelllee, iiaca same very queer loatnimenla ivhereby certain tournla neveavry lo the aurreondlnga of tbe acene may be Bucceatfullr produced. Take, for Inalance, the tearing of a lion. None of the onllnary braw Inatrumenta will give thla elfed, nor will the low nelea or tbe d luble baaa. To pro doce Ibe dealrrd aoiind a apeclal InHtrument mu«t lie iiied, led.nlcall; known aa a "Moo roarer." This In ft large, Inimpet-Hhapod liislrument. u,tually nude or tbcet Iron. Two thin longiiea ot tin run down tbe middle, which, when Ihe Inatniment hi blowa, vibrate anil prodoce an oxcellent liiiliailon of a llon^ironr. InRtnimeoia which Imitate the noicaof birda are to be fnund In mott orchealraa. A wooden tolie, down tbe lulddio of which runa a rof d. Joined to a tin cup, la uaed for Imliailog the crow of a cock. The note ofa cuckoo la lltewlae produceil by a reed Inalrunient, while a ataurt time ago an lugenloiia piece of meciianlain waa brooght out whereon the nolea of a btrk, linnet and all Uie llncbea o( tin grore could be Imitated to the life. To piodiice Ihe eiTeet ofa borae galloping along a roail aeveiMl i:ontrlranceaexltt. One way, aaalmple HI lilaeirocUTe,l8 to lake cocoanot HOella cut In halfandairlkeihemiiponaome hardeurface. But Botne orcheitraa can boaat of apeclally made In- Hlrumenti for llila periioae. These are wo"den blocks cut Into the ahape of a horse's hoof, to wlili-h real horaeahota are attached, and thla somewhat queer loairoment Is plajed by alrlking the shoes upon a piece of uurbie or atone. Very similar to Ihe abovonro Hie hollow wooden mallels Ui<ed to Imllale n dug dance, Auierlran orcbestna show- ing a great partlallly for these, together wllh "aand beards," whereby JIgdandnglsllkewlae counlerfell- ed. For Ifflliatlng tbe Bound o( a pofdog engine Ihe ]>layer holds In each bsnd an Implepient somewhat Ike a lirlcic, compeacd ot steel wires, and, In order to produce the pultpnir of a locomotive, strikes a aeml cyllodtr ot sheet Iron with each alternatolr. When the irain Hist ataria tbe operator atrlkci alowly, and cradoally Incrcatea ihe pace unlll, when the engine Isaiippoaed to have got up steam, he nirihes the cjllnder as quickly aa bo can. The nolae made by the lenw of a atesmboai, as well aa Iho puning ot a locomotive, baa also been sncceaaf iilly produced by ihe aid of a special Inalru- meni. I n appeananco ibis Is something like a large drum, wllh inu dlffeience, that lis two ends are of wood, the rest being ot parohiiieot, holding several quiirta of dried peas. Tuts Is lilted to an axis upon which It revolves. From tbe wooden endsprojra long peuH, nnd ai the dnim revolves the pcaa strike against the aarchoent, thna giving a fair Inillallon 01 the Homid nuido by tko screw (t a steamboat.— /AKf'ill ftis't A STRANGE EXPERIMENT WITH PISTOL BALLS. A curlouaexperliiiantliaa been madeatDrlancon, In tho prcaonco ot tho ell; oruclals and tlio oitlcers orthenrllllery. A quartermaster named Around bail received In bis bieaat two abota freiii a re- volver lo Hie hanila of a revolutionist, but, airnnge- ly enough, his mllllary coat waa not perforated, while In the pHpeta ana a book In the puohet ot the garment were foniid two drcular holes, corresi>ond- log In diameter with two balls found the day after Ihe sihuk on the iloorof the anenal. A llgura was dressed In a soldler'a coat and paperti, and a book BimlUr to tbOBO carried liy Annatid were placed Is ilie pockeL Several balla weie dred at the Bgure, but, although the coat vraH not Injured, dronlar holes were found In llie book coirtspondlng with Ibe balls of Ihe nvulver mad In the expeilmenL Ur. Paul laartler writes lbs following comment: "The fact doca not aecin very eximordlnaty. I hare mjselt seen a similar circanubince, or nther one Ihat preaentaaome analogy lo ibis story of the t^uartormaaier Atnwnd. A workman received a cm with a lulchet on hia ahonlder; tbe ileah was fonnil to be very deeply cnt, allhoogh his clothing waa not damaged In any way." A simple experiment will enable anyone to be- llevo In Hie poaslbllliy of this: l*ut a poiato, an ap- ile or any Hoft milt which baa no kernel Inside In a landkerchlef, auipendleg It i>y Uo four comen lied tugether, so that nothing touches It, Uy striking frem below wlihakltohen knife at tbe tu<pendea frail It will be gashed or ent through. Ilut however sbsr]i Ihe knife or niie tlie handkerchief, Ihe cloUi will not lie Injured. Is there not aonie relHilon between the eUSct of llie knifo In thla e.\perlment andihatof the ball aa dcscrtbedt—JlijJiiIiii- .Wnw .VeiM. There Appeared to Be No Alternative. Tbo Weather liureiiu was In full conclave on Mount Ulfupua vvhon a suppliant of genllemanly mien and noolo aapcct entered and demanded Jus- ilco. " It Is rare," replied Iho Prealdenl uf tho Council, that wo are moved ti> heed the petlllona ot mur- hila. Init putr Jiiatlce aUsda before ercrylhlng." "Then," aaln Iho siniiier, aa he dbxanled hb< cloak and exhibited a pninuiiBllo tall wllh a barb 00 Ihoend, *-ltnt, I am no mortal, nnd I conio tii demand ns niy right that you give Ihoilovllhhi de«."-ll(ii/i. SHE HAD TO HAVE IT OUT. What diiyou know abont women)" asked tho Iblu young man. Nothlu'," aatd Ihe fat man wllh Iho bald head. I guosa I don't eltlier, and 1 have been married three months, loo. Yesienlay my wife asked ma how I liked tbo dinner. Hho does the cooking, yea know." The fat iiisu illdo't know, but ho nodded. "Anil when I began to pnlae tho dinner aho bO' KQ10 orjr, and said aho feared I loved her only for rctwkiiig:" "iih," Mill III* fat man, "ahe had a oiy coming. That was all."—Onr/niia/i Kibiiilfn\ HOW HE MANAGED IT, fbc (writ)).-Well, If we must part, let us part ftliMiils. (lomt lifo, and may all thal'a good go wllh you, lie (ilccldcril;).—If all Ibal's gooil went with mc yon would not remain heD,\ Tben ahe smiled anil laid her head upon Ida nhonider; and then ho remained.—fif'ndWtifiiii A PROBLEM SOLVED. ■I'loolirn hcanl." aatd a young wife, "llial ihero iMi'i Huy money lu llietaiure, and now 1 am coo vluced uf IL" llowT" Inquired the valler. fharley haan'l a cent aince bo got aci|ualolcd with some of ihraegenllemen who make books."- tril.^flil/(t„i.^iir. A MORNING ROLL llii.i.v,TiiK lioar-Thal luaniiscilpt I Just ale lias plvrn nie an awful pain. NiXNV—ICK, deareat; tlial'a rallrti wrllrni' i-mmii.—ttiii'lfr'.i tklKnr, I'aiuiN ur AN li>ia.-"!)ay,"aald Ibe fat man wliti the iTil tie, "that ain'l a bad Idea of Killsun—a yiclii Willi ffnt b.ig ealLi, la II i I wonder wlien bo golu:" "Fiobabl;," said Ihe lean man wllh Ihe yclloir \tai, "It waa tuggeaicd to blu by UuinTeiu'' ON THE BRIDGE. I stood on UieBildge at midnight And tiled to get Into a car, Bopper was walling In Brooklyn, lullcoiildn'tgetthatfarl The moon ruse over the city, ' Whicb U to be lireaur .New York, With the help of Dublin and Poaen, Hamburg, Naples and Cork, How often, Ob, knw often, I thought, bare I tried to get Home lo a Dtldge car lo Bieukljn, And haven't succeeded yet! They alf u sens who are sisndlog And wslilni. Ihe poet hss aaln: Would the Dndie Troalees were Kianding And walling here, In my stead! And Ihat I might serve Ibe city, Tlie Qitater tbat bi to be, Bj loading them on a Junk scow And starling them out to gea! -J. P. 1)., In ,v. r. .viin. THE DUDE RODE TH E BRONCO. "I tell yon what li Is," said Johnny Fianz, the chaiiipton bronco liusiFr of Iho Uudklo Ulll Show, wbenthitonilliwaion exblblilon In Washington two weeks ago, "I've come lo Ihe conclnalon a long lime age It don't do to Judge a hoise by his saddle. I've aeen more'o one bad man get planted from foolln' wllh a peaceful looking airauger that didn't have no gun In sight, and I've seen lots ot long hatred men that done wdl on the stage git throwed higher ifaao a Bible; tent the Drat Hme they sired- dled a Inckin' hoise. "Uui the worst fooled oollll I ever see waa In Bos- iim two or three atasooa after the Wild West Marled. We waa Ehoain'there, and Duck Vaylor, that's down now hunlln'trouble In Cuba, was act- log matter of cerenmeles wllh the bronco honies. Tlie show had a crcMS-hrcd, aall-oycd coyote of a horse that yrar along wllh Ihe liad ones, and was oifeiln' ti't to anjlodr In the towna when tbey ahnwed who would come cut snd tide bim. Mke ler hsd ler pay tuncral eipensea tor ouo hayseed that thought he conid ilde, though, and they quit It next sesson. "But this year when llisy sinick Boston they were mating Iho iTRUIarfU play, which wan as dead Kste OS a fulUiouso agaluit a bobtail, and the Bret aflemoon at Boston lley had some tan. "I noUued silling up In tho front of Iho reserved aealB tben waa a dude. Oh, he was a dream! While llannela aud a striped blaur and tvlde brimmed straw hot, wllh a blue band around It, and a blue silk sash around hlswalau lie IsJnat the Bortot thing tbe girls ought to catch wllh a butter- ny net. I guess soieu ot 'em had, for he wss alttlog lotheroldat ot aliunch of them, and 1 could ace they were goyleg bIm snd making a play at him to renie down and tide one ot the horses. Buck Tay- lor seen It, too, siid when tho oiTer was msdo be bows pdllely over to where the dudo was sitiln' snd Bays: 'Olad to hate ;ou uy bIm, air; hs ain'tas badashelooka' "Well, It you'll believe mo, that dude didn't do a Uilog but get up and cone climbing down over the repea. I thought the puuchere with the show would have a fit, and ihej like lo let two or three of Ihe buckcre get awaj while they were laughing. Tbo dude was a slim little fellow, amoklng a clgsr- ello at that, and ho takes out a pretty Utile silver case andoiTdrs Uockooe pollidy. " 'Deah bey,' sajs he, ■! would like to twy thut 'er boise, don't you know,' and soon aa heard hIa chin I set bin down for tender, worst sort, and thoughtsomelHXly ought to go and aend a mMsage to Ills mother. Fact waa, I was sort ot sore on the giria Hxlng bIm up lo fei killed, " 'All right,* aajn Uiick, 'go nhcnd snd try bIm all jon vram to,nnd It'rt tv> If jou rlite him.' " tlh ! woally. Is llfaaja tho dude, opening his ejcs. 'And whst It 1 gbouldn't ride hhn, you kuaw>> "'f)h. It don't cost you r.othln',' snjs Bnck. 'Go shead, but you'll have to eaddio htm jouiself.' "Ilut Ihe dude stiu sorter hung around nnd looked tuck all over, like howaaiaklogalock of hlui, and lloally he pointed tu Ills chaps and says: '1, er say, what do ;ou call those leather trousers you're got onr' " 'Them'B chnperarui,' ssja Buck. ' 'Well, now, would jiui mind Icniling mo a pair of them,'says Ihe dude, 'wouldn't liko to soil me llannela on the eaddio, don't you know,' "lliick lellsono of the fellows to lend bIm aitalrof cbapa,aBd the dude nakos an awful mesxuf crawl- ing Into them, and then he sized up Uuck'ssom- brero. 'I aay, would you mind lending me one of those felt hats r I night hntt this one ot nine.' Buck gets him a hut, and then tbe dude loi'kaei tbo buckin' string on It niid aata what that la, lluck tells bIm It was to keep the hat on when tho homo got to pitching, and the dude hsjs: 'Aw, how siwsngei' end olaps It on him. Then nothing would do but he must shake Ills coat and liotrow a gun. Bidiln' It It was luaded, un It ho waa afnld It would go oiriiy Itself. "Bud pitohea him a rope, and bo looks at It like It was a new sort of nllllnerr. and saya: 'Isihls what jon call a Ussooi' That did make Buck tired, end ho says: 'New; It^ a riata.' "'Uh!' Ban Ihe dude like somebody was talking Choctaw 10 nlm, aud ho goes to looping It np like he had seen tbe Mexicans when they did thoir turn, but ha made a worse mess of It than he did getting Into the obape. "Finally he got It cel'ed np, and Hiey turned the horse loose, and tnv or three cowpunchen dapped their hats atlt, and sent It on a dead run down past the dnde. lie nude the awkwsidcst sort ot n backhanded Jerk throw at It, and the horse some- how'n another stumWcd Into the loop wllh both front feet. Wo was looking to see the dudo Jerked Into the middle ot week after next, but be swings himself halt round, tvhh tbe rope braced over lita hip, nnd digs his patent Icathere Into the dirt, and that hone took a tombh) tall over end like he'd stepped Into a pmltio dog hole. He hadn't uo more<a struck iho ground before ihe dude lit on lop of his head, and yells like ho waa Ibe boss ot a round np: 'Ver, you men, get a move with that saddle!" "Sumebody throws the saddle over the hone's back and the dude leia hint get tar enough np to grab tbe cincta undemeam bin Iwliy and then gives nlm thekneo In the neck and turn bIm itat as a horned toad, while he held him down with one toot on bis head Just bnbind Ihe eare and iHilled tbe cincbup from Ihe lack 'Hit Iheerttter grunted. Tbenliesatasbldenf hIa nccksud aqaeezcd hint wllh hisknees 'till ho look the bit In lilsmoiiili, ami veiled to the telluw wbo'd bceu boldln'tho rope on Ills front feel lo Met *cr au'!" "The broncho got up like a cm, but tbe dude w<a stop of htm, HUd he went buckin' and sunilsbin' and pitcbin' up the Held till he got to tho othor ond, when the cowpnnchcr usually Juuipa oiTu lilm, and when he eiopa the dudo pulls bis gun and goes to shootin' down alonnslde of bIm till ho ataned oir again, and bncka clciir back to the place whore bo started. "Then be swings outer the saddle far enough to keep from gettin' kicked, which was one of hroucb'a pot ptodlvitlea. He was sort ot winded, the dude was, but he grins at buck IVtTlor, and says, like be was talkln' leranotlicr chappie: "'Aw,ihanks awrully,deah buy. Ilavoa clga- lellai' "Uiick looks at hitu like he had burns, and eays: 'Who tbe h—II an yon, anyhow >■ "Then tbe dnde grins again, and llthea out a nice little silver mounted card case, and hunds him bis card, which read: 'llturyllauller Jr.' "lie waa tho eon ot onoof tho I'iggesi ranch own- em In Ttxas, and was guln' lu college at Harvard, "lie made the management congli up tbo t wenty- dre casee, but ho mtut rr spent inat and twice aa much more after the thuw that nlghi,ahowln' the oiitnt the lowu and btovrlu' *em oIT to a chaiupagae aupper."— n'dafihiiKun IWI. A REASONER. "Tberr. Willlr." said Ihe lad'a mniher, "la ten cenla for yuu. Now. what are you going to do wllh Ur" "Save II up to lui; flnworka for the Fbutth of July," replleil the boy In a tone whose poalilveiiees was almost defiant. "Why, Willie, you kuow you »re saving op your money to give lu ibe heathen." "V-ves'm, liut Ihc Chliine are heathen, aren't the; t'' "Ve»,dfar." "And ihn c'hinrw mako the fiRrrarkm, don't IhOV!" "I am luld Hie; ik>." "Well, then, the hcalbeu'll gel my money Josl Ibe same, su ll'sall right.-Jiiiilliii/Iiui Joiiiiiiil. llui'ND Til llAVK A Uasii.-A yoling wi>nian has luvenledacar fonder. If she can't nlcb Iicriujui one way slie will anultcr. EXTEMPOR ANEOUS PROPOSAL Touts Bellaniu bltebad forwud In hIa chair, nnllSlnp bli tnosan a ume at tbe knees, ghuced at his cnfIS lo He that they projected lie proper dbtaioe beyond Us coat sleeves, and nerTontly ''^ThiTe iometblsg la say to yon. Kale. I—dont lorn yonr face any fnm me, please. TotlMe not beeaesillni onons, hareioni" "SirP' "Nsllher have I. Listen to me. There Is eeme- Ihlng resting on m; mind —" "lopoe —" "Resttng on my mind, I lay, and It has become a burden that I am going to enake oir. Now, there Isn't any use In yonr pretending yon haven't any Idea what I want totalk ahont." "AMumtBg that I do, Ur. Bellamus—" "WeU!" "Let itpasB. (3eon." "Thal'a righu You act like a good, ssnalble girl In deciding to hear me. You might as well, any- how, because when 1 get started I'm hard to atop, and I am going to say what I came here to say this evening, u It takes alMf It takes a qnartei ot an hoiirTnat^ the sort of despeiste lover I am, Kate Kaggna, though I didn't mean to give the whole bniUneM away In one breath Uke that. I Intended to lead np to It gradually. I don't suppone, how- ever, the ahock ot anrptlae was very great. Yon hsd an Idea aomelhlsg ot the kind was coming, didn't yon I" "naiher." "1 knew yon did. But It doesn't seem arilstlc to block ontategnlsr form ot doing something snd then ny the track and lump across lots In onler to get there sooner. What I Intended to say was about Uke this: Ever since I have known yon I havehadadioeient feeling toward yon from that which 1 entertain toward auothor—hot before 1 go any farther I'd like to have some kind of hint aa to whether rn wasting my time or not. Some- how I don't feel qelle as confident as I did whsn I began." Ue slopped a momeot, look a long breath, and Inquired nneaslly: "Is It of any use for me to go on, Katot" Tbe rosy lips ot the fair young girl psrted and she softly answeied: "Nit!" "Ihat eettlca It," rejoined Mr. Bellamus, recover- ing himself and dnwlng on his gloves. "It bsan't tomed out exactly as i hoped It might, but I've raved at least ten minutoa ot valuable ume tor each ot us, and that makes twenlT olinles. I don't know what yonr lime Iswonb. bntmy time, com- puted from a bnslness point ot view. Is worth %lu> an boor. I will not detiln you any longer. Miss Naggus, Good evening."—C'AfcaiK) ImIIu Trtbiint. IBSEN'S TABLE. The papers on Ihe table were all most seally lied p Into ilule bundles, the manuscripts tsstened wittielaailc binds; everything waa In Its place, tor Ibsen baa s most remarkable love ot order and scatoeiM. lie Is faddy abnost to the point of old- maldlah, and cannot bear dborder. Eveiytliing he does U done Mowl; and neatly, aud ho Is always Eimclunl til a second. He writes a clear,ronnd and, tne very tsaence ot ciipf-book work. He Inlkavei; quleilf and delllienilely, undwalksand morea sluwij. Uehmeverlna hurry. This Ispanlulariy so wllh his work. It lakes him at least two yean to write a plar, for he writes and nirrites so often that by Ihe lime It Is tlnished not a line ot tbe original re- mains, and verv often the entiro plot has been changed, Indeeo, loparllcubsrlsheabouthls n>au- uicripis Ibat he baa many a time desirojcd ihe en- ure work of many montba became It has not given hliii sallsfacilon. He la very seoretlve alMnt bis work, snd no one ever knows what he' la doing unlll the btst sheetbi In the printer's hsnda. He la very palnsuking, and In everything except his extraordinarily advanced Ideas has fsr more ot tbe calmness sod precision of a writer ot the elgbleentta than the nbicteonth cenioty. ne never seems to be InOaenced by the bustle around bIm or the geneial rush ot life. Uo notes the inimoU ot existence In others, and comments upon It, hot It does not In any way Innuesce his own Individual lite. Cosllngoureyeaaround, we noticed Ihat by Ihe side ot the Ink pot on the table on whieh so many remarkable books have been wriuen thero stood a IllUe Hay, snd on the tmy one ot those small carved wooden bean so common In 8wli»rland. Beside It woB a lltUe bhick devil for holding a match, and two or three little cats and nbblis In copper, one ot the former ot whion was playing a violin. "What an theae tnnnj lltue things >" we queried. "1 never ivrite a sloglo lUie ot any ot my dcamaa without having itui tray and Its occupanin before me on the table. I coiud not write wtthootihem. Itnuy eeem slisnge, perhaps It lg; but I cannot write without theiB," he repeated; "but why I use ihem Uray own secret." And he laughed qolelly. Are Iheae lltuo toys, with theb' Htrenge fascluailon, the origin ot thooo much dlsenased dolls In "Tb» Mauler Builder;" Who csn tell t Theyarelbsen's accreu—reiiipfe fMr. THE ACE OF EARTH AND SUN, LonI Kelvin, P. B. 8., was tbe flmttooverilirow the N'hool of geologists and biologists called UnU tnnnlurlans, who oelleved that the opentlons ot Nature 00 the earth had been going on the asms as nowforanlollnltodeot time, by attempting to col- cotale the sge of the earth as a cooled and solid body. Bis esllmaie, based on data necessarily In- complete, was tbst the cmsted earih, Bt for Ihe Buppoit of vegetable or animal life, could not be leas than ten or twenty mlllloo, or more than four bondred million yean old. Dlnce he pubUshed this result, which wss dls- credl'cd at the tine, geologists have modified their conceptions, and even come to the conclualon UiaL after all, the time allowed Is quite. It not amply, auillclent. Dr. Ulaience King, one of our most em- luoni American geeloglBts, has calculated from geo- logical data that sU the simtiaed rooks could very well hsve been pi-odoced by the action ot water In twenty-four mullon yeani. i|ulie recently, however. Professor John Perry, F. IL a., has nnesiloned IArd Kelvin's eatlmste, snd, lusumlng tbst his lonlsblp did not allow enough for the greaier conducting inwer of rockator boat st high tempenlutes, hss calonlated that the age of the eanh Is one hundred and twenty limes whst Lord Kelvin made It, or a matter ot thousands ot mUllonsof yean. iMti Kelvin, tbns cballsnged, has revsrted to the subject and made eipeilmeam, only to discover Ihat ao tar from locis condncting better when heated, they appear to conduct wone, bo thst. It unylhlog, the lower dgnres ot his former eslluiate are probat>ly morecoirecL ThU reenit also agrees wllh Dr. King's condns- Ions, and wllh the ago ot the ann aa calculated by UelniholUE, Nswcemb, and Kelvin, at Bfieen or twenty million yesta for In accordance with the neiiular hypothesis of Laplace, the sun and planets originated In tho same nebula, SENSITIVE . Mb9 AKTiqi'i.-People st« slways talking ot salt made men. I wonder why they never raeok ot self mode women f Hire Ausrax.—Because a self msde wonsD gen- orally doesn't like to have It known.-J/aiwr's Aiiiinr. A BIG GUN. The Ktupp steel 130 ton gun has a range ot nfteca lullce, and can fire two snots a minute. The shot weighs'.:.ute ponnds; 'oo pounds of powdsraieie- iiutml for a chxge. no cost of a single round from this gun la *l,6ilo.—Zoiulon .'^Tniidnnl. SO IS THE IRATE PARENT. When sweet beans are seen hanging over II In ibe maybe taken for gnnied thelrkive Is progresalngataawlnglnggalL—niHodfipfifnrfiiiw. TO ADVERTISERS. THE CLIPPER Forms WIU Go to Press EARLY on TUESDAY, DECEMBER 31 PlrsM hAve BtlvriiUlBg aMiU«r mi ihU ottc« bi An in o'clock, boom. trick dOff Id the wortd. Ap«: Ouic^-'mS ror nTh ' nr Mr* or oom«dlaa to do a Unci* tct ot 10 6j 13n IbiitI.. UlTM » wbol» 4of clrewiJooa. Ab« Pan Doc 01 rs!r ooDtortloobt,•Uff >lDl^ IIjUO p«r plat 8 p»(S''.,,' JUr.ntw. foroelylLOO. EoelowptAiDpt«rRur yiv UuoTer, n. —nrrs9Bsnc~-ST7;;??=— .a....... WAn'l'iciMiNaEes and iuncekk yoi-Tav iMia topUjrtlutanlUTorBknJn la ToorML 8cih<fti rcrOitmtr's Pnctlul UatloChtrt. Tli« ODlrrtnUan.i m*T fytrntr notatloD; Jti»t vhiitro". ««aL W alfv OalMBR. Conpomr anJ ruh.. a Mel raMiAf ft^ TolS lT. it AT LIBEHTV, WH. MlCUATIIsT^rTn J>raniiD*r. BaodindUithflfltm; pUjr lIt«Tror BUckfac^ BipooiilbUtonipaglMi tddremOen. Del.. Dtntfr . Col. Billetl ATerpti la*t«lnut ptML Mil or tof fan or mitn'. MAUltlrF MOniARTY. l3.1\VMhlngmu Bl.. F<rHoc>Hp rlinii.H y SunOS coaPOBED. una. coRiiKUTBb aftd B«Tl>ed: Moalo pot towonSikor Acconip,inRi]Kr<ir Mtlodr; Baad, Orchemnor Maodulln MurIo Ami>c«d QllAB L. iBWia. ♦23 IlldimonJ Htwt. OlodnoML ft ABlATBVlUl^Uow (o eurt (n Hliow Hatlncui. whhx Act* to Lwni. ud How tn Lwm T^mll. polornoa flaUrv ud Pint App««nu)c». Lilt of Miujiera LtkelT to Nm^'i YoDrBarrlceH, " — tnoht. If in» Appwnuc*. un oi Miujiera i.ueiT toHM^i Barrlceii. ODP7orL«ttartoHanu«n-«tc. TvoUn;* 1,184pp., mtll, poalpsld,Bc«nta. QrUDaPub.Cv Tl. tf. T. M AfV AOERII. Koilce—The Aodltortoin. at ll^nrorO Cl, hu b»enr«Att«d firnn rivin tloma, llsbtad ilinnitii. ott bs ffu wl ptoctrlclif. n(«(«d by »t«AtD, n«v roldloc chulm pploodia dnisiaiiroonii pluitr of tctmry in t^x- dllsnt ooodllloi; U c«oimir located, one block Tntin Fa»t OincA.ud oD Ui^prlocIpiUtrMt: elnctrle cin> t<i ■11 MTtsorib* cll7 aod Mbntbiipui Iho <loor:«T«rjihlDc iQ flmdfcm onkr: Mitlnpopactlv, )luki;4r««i' flrat duicna. comiD« iliiii vtr would donAlltobonW thin hooif. Addrau MANAOER. Auilliorlum. nortfnrd. Oi. WANTED, INUIANSa INDIAN PEBTORHRRK AMDI.SD1ANS ITfril VOHO iIaIBFOH MBDIOIKRCO ; MUHT BR RORBIt, ReUADLR ASD UNPKniRNCED. rUI.L FARTICULARfl FIRST LETTER. 6ALAHY LOW. Addr»M0REHO:i IKDIAW MKP. TQ. Iloskloi. Neh. FOR SAbE 4IK EXCHAnUErorO^odComDl Wllon DfoloK tnd Bltplogoir.orufntherBHoivPrDP «tr. I 6KL Bax Car whh air bralioft. 1 COn. fUtCnr^i 4ML FlAi Car*, all la rnaalae order; 0 Fnll Cfrele CIrco* BifnK« Waiou. 1 BniaU nac good rormonkft,bln]i or niMll aDiiiiak: 1 Tola WaRon, very One; ICorablna- tloD Rasd and Tlekei W«kod, anr namber of 11 Tier Htal* and PoMIor Back RawrTM BMta, foar 14 Inch Roll'Dic Olohe^ t pair Roniao ladder*. 1 EiUoiinn Bnakavar XAodor Perdi aod B«lt.2Bnttlt*rActPailpi, Ttrr line: 1 Baluclog Ladder and Triprrv. 3 Bioela Tr*pet«, I DoaMe Trapeze, 3 FlfInn Perefaa^ 1 Plrinc Betum BioRlDf, Ter7 nao, tndall hlnd^of ClreaKproik aitr Teirebcap. Addms A.SDnBff DOWNIR. Box 7ia. Mrtina. W. Y. ATlilBBRTY Jao. 4, A. K WITTINQ. Chtmclens Comedies. Oeo. D'k.. T>onb<e llarltone In Bnad, SIOf^lDf; aad Dancinir: MATTIE DAYI!i,8oD>iretta, ln|c*nit<^. #ic., Sinf.Rpec Write«ratrnu*llrMra"J'>l"i>r-" Tel. Kin toD, Oot, Cuada. care Clw Hotel. Oec.34loU: Krite COT Hojai Hotal Wap.'uieei OnL. Canada. v^eW of Dec 3). WANTEU>, OOOD ALL 'ROUND COMEDIANS, Black Fkea, Iruh aod Duich, Rujo P]a)Ani,eic. Twr> veeketaadi. Ua*tcbaDxenlcbtlr, put An act*, ate. Biate vbatroQ can do, ud l^weu faiaTy. ELECTRIC CON- CERT CO.. Wo. 1 Kane. McKeu Oo. Pa. MEI>. MBN, I HAVB FIRRT CLASH RTBREOPTIOAN AND COMI'LETH OUmr (UO ulldef-i. Will form partiHr*>hln wllh ilmt claaa mu that hu meana toruD Med Co., or *lll accept aalarr. Nob<ini<. HTBBKOPTjrajN. care of CLIPPER. FOR t«4b« AT A IIAROAIN—A TDft. AvuDd Tnpivlth SOa Middle Plrre In Anl <-]w order. Nertr beea mlldewtd. Alaoa son. R^und Top In cood otdor. Roth readr 'tt wt up. K*a*oa for lol lop. are fHiamali. Will Mil the h<«toi>forf;.V Ami ili»»m. IM> fnr%Vy Ad- drraa OLO. W. BALL JUMOIl. ETaoirllle, RocV Ca. WU. Box 22. PljAYR.(lRltTCHEfl.MOSOI.OaUESnrilieo loorder. HABBY llEHDERfON. l.g30Conjir»ne BL.LoalntlJe.Ky. WANTED U,UICK,-C)ev«r Pp«cla]tr PoopU. SIuatToik In Itotomlmr. n->nd itroMera. mlarr loir, (iute p.\rtlaiilAr4. A'ldresi tJw. L. Oregorj', Treotoa Moieani.TrentAo. K- J. OPSIN, CLARBKCE WORBALL, CnraelUf, PlanlU and Baritone SlDRer; r^adii nuile roadllr aod cu play mloor parta. if rtaraoVl ud of prennwovilna iu>mar- mc«. BaepooHlbio partiea addrcM w. T. WORRALL, lUnafer.WT BHrorq AT^ouft. Brookltn. New York. WANTED. W0.1IAN FOR RRIDUET, WOMAN FOUVaLK ROLF.. A SOUBRBTTB. A FE- MALE PIANIST, AI.SO IltlSII COMEDIAN. OWa OtW Eirtleulara flrwt >iter. No IkraaadTjinced. BILLY P. RB. No. M Wohlngtoo Arenue. Itlchmnnd. lod. ATljiaBHT\.(brChenicipni.HoaTley,i:tJlltT:play aMrliltiM: on« plpc« co, profrrrH. Aadrese ARTHUR LAWRENCE, III >:aj>t 12ih Bt.. Sew York. NEW PAnODlE8.—"Mr (llrl-a a Corker," "Mr Beat aura a Ne» Yorker." "Hiuid Playd Oo." "What Onntd the Pcwr Qlri Dor 'OnXf One CUl," >TaTBil|«o AUep." tOcta. each, or 3 fer SI. Monologue ur utamr rpeedi. It. I>oabl« nketcb. 91. flooe*, p4rA4l«« anil pket^eanrlticQ to order, sianp for reply. M. J.BHUrB, Pultoo. N. Y. WANTEDs^A I B^nbrelte ud Coiiieillu, with oirn 1168. rura; Lnding Men. Cliirarter AcirtMs Leadloc Lady, lleatT Mao, Jorenlle Lady. Cliarectiv A*tor. Aelondoabllatbraaflpreferred. At Leader. MusJclaD* doiibUDvbra<n and ordM>«tn. Balarles lov. hni aure. I pay bMrd. Addren WILPORD ST. AUBURV, Nov. bomb. N. Y. , RAJLPII MeDONALD, DAHITONE VOCAL- IST, DISEMUAUBD. Tlile U tlie Dnrt time 1 har« bMn atllbertrlbrriTejear*. Amcood droi«er onnnd elTtlie riage. Reliable raaoagara oqW, adJrMn RAr.PII MoDUNALD. Boi 191. Paco. Mo. FOR. TUB NORFOLK, VA., MDRSter Midway Plaisance, TURKISH VILLAGE And Other First CIiissAtlmctioiis. Priwllegei or all kinilt to lot, com- in»olB( MandRf, Jan. 0, and contlau- iBsfoarwoelu. J. PAILEW, Superlntenieat. MEDICINE PERFORMERS. Wuted, mite Versatile Comedlin. ?B0-,;illrA8BR, wire. UB. B. H. Bi'BNCBB. "Illli MmBB."W »,'llll D.e.31, Ih.n Bl^Sloll. lie" WANTED, FOR THE IDEALS, PMPERTY MAN THAT CAN ACT, TromboMorOUriumt lobnn. I JHO. A. IIimiBLBIII, Houger. HorrllUwn. F... g-K. lUaillQc. P. .M 10 II. Hdyt's Comedy Co. WANTS, IMMEDIATELY, A JUVENILE WOMAN AND AN AGENT. IIABBV BHELDoy. Anlnnre. I.T. STOUE SHOWS nud SIDEiiUOWS Um nu bid > inon.j nuktr llQC Hi. Damon ClilM ujllIaowiiiotti.rhMlwM fouDd. Iiniiotltdfrom Jiff, TUB JArAMEAE UEt'IL FIBU CUIl£7(tilU(f. niHltrrul. Mtluui lo iMboid: u tllncmn mwiIdi ■UUiT tnd •Jooa: u hud loOopllcsto ■• lbs I'juinldi ofEKrri: • •Uoi*ilioi*iir.ii. Ptic turn: ttviui or- iHwdl. U Vu NonlCD 8lr««i. Wott CunbrMio. Han. WANTED QillGK-BAIID AND ORCHESTBA. Ilii» rapon btn Dir. a. Alio Uiillni tod L»a.l- UBOKUE A. 1>I.\U.<I. lu 8i.Dd.rd Tboaire. Tolfdo. 0. VARKS BROS.' REPERTOIRE CO. WANTS cuRKiriLL, o<iL,OM.ab>;u.t