New York Clipper (Jan 1896)

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CopTilibM, liw, br Tht TnaV Qmon PibUiblig Coopuf (UnllcdJ. Founded by I FRANK QUEEN, 1893.1 NEW YORK, SATURDAY, JANUARY 4, 1896. (VOLUME XUIk-NOk' I Pric* K) Ctnte THE HEART THAT LOVED YOU. vKimK mm tbm mw tobi cLif ns, BT HOHBOR H. BOSBMrSLD. I gu* ipoB tlili hdM anm'T Tod g»Te n* In ibe olden Unit; Tbo' bllghUd, It KcallB tto hosr Wben Lore via Id Iu lolden primel We llngaM, Iiappy, 'ntaib ilie nan, Yonr ohttki I uw wlUi blothni |Iow; 0«n }oa(onnt—do jon ngret n» hewi tlut loTtd joa long Bgor CBOBDB.—Ob. lell me all wu not e imm\ Oh, bitng me bMk Lite's olden glowl Ou jog toigti—do jou legiei Tba lieett Vax lored joa long ego t I know we mir not Beet (gain, I know our vtjB are eeveied wl4e; For JOD Ibe ioj, for me Uie palo; I lore joQ ellll, wbtie'er belldel For TOO I widi ell bipplDcn Tbal Isle Md fortime can beelow; Can fM forget—do jon legnt The heart that loved 700 long agot TheT un me ;on are happT now, Anolber'e love haaoone 10 Ueea: I tbink of joi wbll« here I how Above Ibia fair an4 silken treae r We ne'er nar meet In Life tgalD, And jet, bot ihla I fain wonid know- Can jon forget—do ;oa regret The heart lhat loved roa long tgu/ THE ROMANCE OF AN ACTRESS watTTiif roe tub nw tou ourras,' BT BDBEBT B. BOBBTOX. U wss the beginning of the diamttlo aesaon of IIT—, and domeiUc drams, wlib s flavor of molo- drsnsaboni IL,ws> becoming the rage in London. We of the stock eonpailee In Ibe obecue theslres, man; of na awkward novlcea Just leaning to face an aadlence, were obliged to follow (he taatlon, and, while preserving Ibe fnll aplce of nelodrsms, wliloh onr pslrottswonld have, ailamptan Infoslon of pathetic dlgnlt; or homel; vutues, wblch often, In oar nnakllKd or Inchoate taleni, tegsneisled Into ridloolons halhos. Bet Ibe ssdleoces were not llkeir to And Isnit wlib Ibis cnggeratlon It weoni/ ehbnied onranthor'a lenilereet eenllmentsin looee la split the eare of the "gronsdllngs." It wss ao cording to nie In onr tbesira and In ctbers of lis class, snd mar be let, for aught I know, for ihe gentle maiden tn the bands of Ihe polished villain (while a whole oonpanr of dowdUr dnssed ailslo craUc tevelleia were cinttered onlj Ave feel awa;), to shitek at the lop plub ol her shrill voice: "Dnhaod me, nlDsn, or I ebsll sanmon assist* ance." The merr; compan; cbslted neaawbUe In convsnUonal b; plaj, or promenaded onmoved close at hand, never seeming 10 hear It,snd remark' Ing nothing eittaordlnaiT In Ibe strugile going on betwoea the polished aeonndrel and bis Telling pcej. Tbls was onr atjle of an. snd salt seemed to please oni pnbHo, we kept up the presante an Ihe time. iBsnohs aobool li U • wonder that anj of na ever came In be actreases before an; rcllned as- semblsge; bat we dM, and several who have won high positions aa -stsrs" went Ibrongh Ihaivsrr roogh mill as a preUmlnstr training lor the lelnea woitttaejdonow. Well, this being Ibe prinolpsl role of artprevsU- Ing In onr school ol Ibe dran«, Imagine onr sor- pnee when Ihe nmor ran sroind one da;, at re- heaiaal, that Vers ZapponI, ibe once favorite emo- tional aolreaa, who hsd retired weslthj Ave jesrs before, on the death of her hosbtnd. sn IlsOan Coant, or someibing of that sort, vraa to retur to Uieeiage,and, otsUplscts,lnonrlhealre,ssamsm- her of lbs slock campaaj. She wss lol to do the leading bnsloess either, bat wss to pla; a wicked old woman ot tlie fotelgn nobUltr, who was 10 be kicked aronnd, ngorallvelj, tkroogb two seta ot the new domestic disma,brail the vlrtnona ohano- ten, and In the laat aot go mad snd rave smong Ibe monnialn ctaga In Ihnsder alorms, onnlng the diamslls petsoos at ollmacUc points In the play, SIM shrieking txnj ber noxlona life In the denonc- ment. We oonM scarcelj credit It. Wbst I Tbe dignlfled Vera ZapponI, who had captircd London, wbo had toured Ihe world In nriumpb, snd reiomed laden down vrllh wealth, to come toihlat Inanchsirob- aoore iheaire, too, and In sncb a reduced atdetJc poslllon I She meet have lost sll her wealth; lhat was certsln. Bnl we aovlces, siplring to ibe posi- tion she hsd once held, declared nnanlmonalT that, II we ever should atlain It, we would narvs hefnie we wonM retora 10 Ihe dag* In such a bamlUaiIng plight as hen- Well, the flrsi itbeanal came, and the fallen "slar" wss pronpti; on bsnd. It was. Indeed, Vera, bat so obasged; still beantUOl, bat faded. canwom,andBoqalcUj,alnoK ababbllr dresaedl She waa meek, too, wblob we temembertd ehe had not been before. In her dsrs ot tnnnpb. She seemed omsbed bj some gtesi somw, bat there was still snOlalenl prtde In ber 10 keep ns sll si \»f. snd repel nil wsaolts of eorloflltj. We wen all dflng to know, ;ou know, bat not a word dared anr one uk. It waa lad 10 see ber slopped sbmptlTin the middle of a long speeob b; that old bear, onr stage nsnager, and told: '^ihere, there- hold on. Thai will never do, Mn. ZapponI. Ton naitllinw more flr* Into IL Yoa most talk oaL Olve joir voice toll pley. BepreuKd emoUoa la not In car line, snd stsge wBlspen wont go wlib car sadlencet. TTt >bst again, and oni wllh It nowl" And iben to see her attempt to caat off a)' her reined methoda.aadtke deHcaclee of her att> and aaboli to being laated 10 Ihe eboettng point ot dnaailo trenir, Hk* tbe rest ot as—II waa melan- chdj, WtU, the flnt perfoimanoe waa given, and ahe never got a '^nd" an tbrougb It, anheigbber Tolewaaa-^" one Id Ita war. and ibe sllnatlona were atrdng wlih aueh an aadlence aa oars. She benlj ahouted her waj Ihrongh. and won no recog- nition, ne laanager. a tu IIMe fellow, with a bnsUlBg.cheerj maiuer and a coeiennongei'a Idsa otnOaeBMal, waa much diaappolnlad. Be bad trade* M Ike aaeret hope thai her name OB Ibe btUa ■Ight being oat soot o( ber oM admlran, aad iBat.' Ibenewspsptramlghtbeln the buoor 10 recount some of the lonunUo stories of her eirlr (rlumpha. But not a ctMcappeared, snd not 1 line wssde- voted 10 her. Tbe plar wa« a ireal aaccess. boi she remained throDghoal lis ren but a mere llgare of ibe back- gronnd. Bvtrr night, clear or stomx, ahe would don ber ehahbr gannenis, and, dtkving her laded cloak about her. hasten down tbe iiain from Ihe stsge to (he long, dark corridor wkloh led 10 Ihe stage door, and. pausing a moment lo greet Its sul- len Oerbetua, wooM push salde Ibe swinging door, and, attar peering out to Ibe right and left, u It ahe feared eome lerrlMe presence, woild glide igulckl} awaj Ibroagb the narrow aller. Never did she He selEed her hand and led horpaaslvel/lowsrdu the door; bot Iherowat aucb a look of horror on her face ibtt Qreg. Jones. Ihe surlr doorkeeper, swoke from tbe taciturn bulldoR watcbtolorae lhat cbancterlted hlBi, and cimeoulot blalliue ken- nel wllh a btavT sided hound. •'See here, mj flr cove," aald he, "thai ma; do In eome of jour swoU Ibeaiies, but It don't work In this here eslsbllebnent: leaalwsjs while I'm on hand. I lakes It I'm onU a-doln'ot mjr dooi J If I gives jou the neatest hit a' bidin' that one 0' ;on cbspaerergoL" Andwltblbst be aelted ihe airanaorbT (he col- lar, planled one hie big Bala behind his ear, and the two lamhied through Ihe swinging door Inio Ihe and alwsisenieredby Ihe back door. Thstabowas In tear of soma one, or ot aonetblng, was evident, andliww pliln,ioo,tbitahohadlentf;lngDsuaDfor concealing heraell. Then I began 10 auapeoi that her poverij raliht be onljr asiumed, snd there wsa Bome deep reason for this prttonee ol her mum lo the alage. At last iheio osme 10 her over Ihe foot- llghlaabouqncl wllh a nolo In II—anngh aonp of paper, wllh a tew lltiei scnvled on It. I saw her stand In the King and hullljr read Ihia mlwlve while walllag tor hor oue Is lelura 10 the aoene. She lemed pale add dnpptd the paper, but ber agllauon could not reprens a feeling ot pleasuio thsl set her eyes aglesm and her face aglow. Her "cue" came Itiea, aummonlni ber lolbo wild action alart on ber loneaomeJoumeTtolbednatTlodg- Inga wblob bad aolalelj replaced berpslailsl sbode wlibout laklng these seemlnglj anneceeaarr pn- canllonn. The cruel wlla ot the companj had their fling, ot coorse, earing she had bken no heed ot matorlng jeaia, and, lo a f atnooa tuAf lhat she sllll beldroulba prialoner, dreaded thataa In Ihe old limes, some Infstuled admlnr night bj Ijlag In wait to abdnel ber. ghe could not fall to note lhat ahe waa witched, and wsa an ohjeet of aecrel rtdl- cnie, and kerdark ejea often flaabtd angir glances at tbe botderiplrlia who undertook lo rail; her on bercaailoa; hot she did ool In the leaat abate her watehfulntaa One nlgkt, ibongb, a dark and alormj one, Jgst sa ahe waaabontlo step out lntattealleT,after taking ber nsoil piwaotlons, she gave a (nihiened ezola- mallon and aartcd tack Inio ibo psaaagewaj. Im- medlatslT lbs door wss flong open, and a lall, thin man, wlib veiTblackhatrand e;ea, and a amooib, oval tac«, relieved onlr h/ a Mack and carted monstache, atrode In. He wa> a bandaome, well clad, dalnUI; gloomed person tron top to loe. Ilia manner waa aardonlcallT aoave, and bla taablloal amile. ahowlog hie white leetb, bad aomethlng Hephlsiopbellan abonl II No wonder poor Ten shoddered and shrank against tba grlmr wall ashe apimaebed, hst In band, to addreee ber, tor ibe ootward psuiomlme of pcUla breeding waa evt- denUj intended tn deceive onlj aa walcbere and goaslps. nehalafullookbedlmted ariheahilnk- lng wonuo seemed to pierce htr ver; aoni, and nnder Ita hiBoenee ahe hecaiae hij slave. ••lb I" aald he, win a allgbt lialtaa aocent, "I have tonnd jon at last. The Zspposl I have touod In'lhia place,wasttngheraitonllMseeanallle. Tell mo—what does It meant WhThavejon sold year ptopenjt When have |on hidden jonr mossTt lo what aqaalld lodflngs have ;aa tried lo ccneeal jooiaelt fnm net Do 700 not know 700 cannot escape laet Oaa I not teava the eUf tat a week bwlTvanalglvewaylotheaenadptankat Oobm^ fonabaniellBMall,'' sueet. In ihe melee Vera, who, ibroughout, had appeared sa one In a Irance. Heemed 10 shako oil a spell that hsd been cast over her, and, allpping by the conhsunla, made her eacape. Uld Oreg.lei his victim go after abewaa out ot alghi, snd re- turned lo bla Uille boi, snd the Itsllan, rowing vengeaoce, weni away, too. Iben wss aomethlng glittering hrlghll; lo hla bsnd, wblcb was aapposed to be s Mllello, s snaplelon which seemed lo be veillled hr Ihe diacovery, shorllj stier his depar- ture, lhatOreg. hsd sn nglf cut on the bsnd, snd that bis clothing bad been prciir well slashed In his opponent*! loeffectosl atlcmpta to atab him. After Ihia mile aOklr a strong watch was act on the alley; but whether Vera'a rlallorwaa awan ot Iho trap that hsd been laid for bim, or bad aban- doned bla design, he did not appear again. Yen continued sa meek snd mlseitble as ever, snd no men than tnrroerly made cosOdanU ot any ot na; so we could learn noUiIng u> relieve the bnmdmm eilstence of people cast In a long ranning play. A doll week passed, sod Iben csme another aen- aailon. One nigbi ttaerams bsnded np over the Iboillghia a cosily stand of choice dowers. And who, of sll the world, do yon Ihink It wsa tort Why, Vera—tbe "old vonsn'* ot ths company—Ibe ono member who bad nel made • bit In ihls prosperana pisy. Every night In the week this tubals ot gow- en wss repealed, and Iben came another aurprlae. A neat hroogbam waa awaiting her at the alage door, and ah* no longer Iradged awa; Ibroagb Ihe reek ot Ihe dliaial alle;. We were an alert lo dia. cover lbs admirer wbo was ibowerlng Ibeee gtfia on her, bnl nd a alni of bim could we flnd- Wo remarked, though, that Vera had begun to grow cheerfal. Ber amlle had loal llainll ot aadncaa, and eceaslanall; she lisd been heard 10 laugh. During ibia lime Imaiwgedto And ont Ihnmgb ■he call boy-a el7 Imp ot miKhlet, wbo spied on ber and followed her boaw-lhat ahe Uved In a small eouage In a knmble anbub not tar away; that ahe lefi her brougham two K<>*Ra away each aiftil, and saesktd home b; a lonodaboni way, ol borbearleat acunc. The lluia nule was left on Ihofloor, wbere Itwual ibo merer ollho call tM)y, wliowltboHtado rblapcrcd Its conlenta: "Icsnnirt see you aulftr In poverty while I, whoao lite snd honor run prciterved, am eejurlng wealth and ease. Anawer yes i>r wearing lor onir a niooieni Ibe great lellow roes In llie centre of IbU liouquct.— YnurTssao." Wben ahe camsdoanstalradreHcd for Ihe neat act I noticed lbs wore a yellow rote on heriwsom. The cunalnaof oneotthsuag'iboiea were drawn aalde aa Ibo acl opened, and lia eolo occupant, a man, Itantd forward eagerly, lie was a lall, hand- some fellow, wllh long, light hair, which bung In a sort ol wavy nuns nearly tn hla abonldera. and hla faco wsa atnootb bul tor a very iblo, lawn;, silken moasiache, which gave blai a borlab raiber than a manly air, desplla lbs fael that be muat have lieon fully lhlrlr-elght.aad thai hla Agare, albHt bony snd aomewhai angalsr, wsa thai of sn sibleia. I saw s glad look of recognlUon as she came on. and I beard ibe osll bor whisper, "That's bin. That's the American what eel ne a follem' of ber. Re's the wNalcaaeofdesdgnnelhaleverlsee. Orlekey, liot he thnwa hla noeer sround when roa works fir him I Tbe old woman of Ibia here eompanr's gol more fsoner Is her for me than any of Ibe juveullea what puis on sin and thinks lhayreaweel enoagh to eat. Tbe old lidy'a Ihe one lo bring Ibe dooksand coanlaaad Anierlcana. Bbe'amrklnd," and the yooog rogue hnallad awar In obedience to a tnaile psniomlme froo ihe furluaa prompter, sisndlng at his peat 00 lbs opposllo aide of Ibe stage. Wbeo Ibe play waa overlbat night Ihe lall Amen- can waa awslUng bar at tba alage door. The call bor wascronched behladlbe tiroogham, spring on hin, and getting logelher Ibe details ot ihemrsieiy wtleh nuke ibis aiory posslUs; for II waa only Ibraugb hla ncllalof anhacqoentevenlalkat t waa enabled lo clear It sll np 10 mr ssUsfscUon, and to tbal of aeveial minor peopla of onr guidplog com. pan;. Themcetlagboiween the iwo wtsconllal, though Van woio the same timid, hunted look.and did net fall to make her usual Igapeoilon tight and left aa ahe stepped out from mo doorwar, "I am glad .von have corns, Mr. Ilardr, and ret sad,"sho wblapered. "t.'all no Jsok," uld be, hcanilr, and wllh s pro- nnunoed Atnetlosn accent; "Jack, aa ron used lo, llrorrani ago; It sounds pleanni, tor llnmlDdH tno ffbai a hrere. kind woman rou are." Hhe shook her bead adly. "It la all hitlsmets 10 me. ihlsarcni; 1 am glad jou are hereto nllere nentli. vFl t am In loimr lest jou sudtr ihroogb yonr lmpniitonc<<." aalit iho. "Terror former Uon'iyoutrsr—nobody's going to make meafrald," he replird, wllh a langb, "Rut I bare your seerM," ahe Inlerrapied, "and. 11 la being wrung mm no hr a villain, a man who has me under a spell, whose will lapanmnunllo all my sensca. wbo haa Iml In oonmanri and I ober. Infaliiated, enalavcd Air a lime, I permuted hira lo wnck ray fortune. At lul, though. In a momsnl of ainngtb, iliiring hla ahaence, I breko the liond, Inrneil sll I had Icit lata money,soi'led lion my child snd iVhI back lo mr praleanlnn In this humble capscUr," Vera paused In ohoko down a terrible emollon, and Ihen weolon: "I had ihnugnt, when be loiind ma broken down Inaplrtiand pennllesa. even hla haaa nature would reloni. bntno. bo puragca me aim. lleknowaof ronr Morrl, and will wring It from mn bj hla mya- terloiis power. Iln will, he will. I know It" "Yon're meamerlaed- -thai's II. Meddles wllh nr anhtn, does he. Well, jnu Jnal hoop cool now, and 11 aco If I can't lircak Ihe spell," said Jack wllh annihrr osmcas laugh. Thon Iho pair drove ud In Vera's tiroogham, wllh the call hoy banging lo the aile. The neat day I axtoilpil fmm him thai hewu Iu Iho emptor of Vem's lisllan fiie as well aa ot her American frietd. ' I'm all for Ihe Ainerloan, though," he said, "lie para Iho iieai, and tbo other cove's a mean one, I glvra him any alory I please." In a dar nr two Iho Iwy came lo me radiant, and lonlldcd In cnnddouce lhat ho had been ongagtd brtho liallan "<v>unt"to acl as page In Ihe Zap. posl, 10 late charge of Ihe door ot her humble od- laiis. run bor emnds, eacon her to snd from Ibe thpslreand nxerotae a general rsiilonago over her at doss quarters. Tbo "Oounl" whose real nano wss t.'srin Anmnl, bo iteclsrsil was no oounl si all, liulan Kngilah deioallve who bsd sn Italian hlbir and an Kngllib mother. This Anient belonged la nao nf those prtvsle agennlf s whoso enplorss spy mill dlplomatki analn snd deal wlib lha peocadll. Inra nf the upper elaiica In a sort nl dainty war, never ileeccndlng In tbe lower criminal atralun lo iheir rcaearnbes. Tbn American, ton, be averred, was a (Isteoiivs on Iho loohnut In liondon for Yankee bond rnbhora and millionaire apeeulalorawhoml;ilil Its lilacknisllcd fnr hesvr anms, I conk! acsrealy credit UilB, linl ho wsh no poalilvo and earnest thai r waa lorced lo givn a hall hellel, al loaal. Dut my astouhhnioni waa gnaleratlll when he told me that ■he two deteollroa, tiM Italian and tba Amertraa, had Biniek a hargaln between them, and were working aoroo aehsma tn rob poor Vera of wbsl lltilo weaHh Bho had left, nnder thran olrconBlances the spying Imp wsversil In hla Isllh b> Ihe AmsrIosn, and Anally Roncliided lhat both nf hla emplorera were "a bad Int." Thn American had lienn aeeorded a week In whinh lo iireliln on aoma prnpnaiiinn which hsd been msdslo 1 Im hy tho llaHan. Wben Ihe lormeroallcd on Ibe anpololed evening al Ven'a llllle collagB, where the detecllvs. AnIonI, was now nasler, Ibe hor wsa anugiy enacnnaed In hla hiding place, and wlinawid all thsl ptsaed, "WrII." Inquired Carin, as be uihered his vlaimr Into the Hills drawing room. "What do yon Ihlok of lir Are wn In Iwpannerst" "Yea, It promlsra well." dnwii d Ihe Amerleaai btir shn aooms a raoel itncommno ainbbara one, and I don't aco how ihe can be made lo talk on noeb a siihjpcl." IMn't Isar," aald Anionl. sagerly. "I can mate Iter talk, and II will Itt at Iblogs thai «III Intaraal vou—nf mnner. of liurlad Ireaaiire—yna. I.urled told nverlhsn In lbs noonlalna ol your nounlry—Ihe wild placo rou know ao well, and where you otn Isr yniir hand on II. tor roa hnnw how and I do not. anil sn vou are air partner, and we afaall abare and ahtm alltn. snd we shall he rloh." lis leantd fiirward and atudled lha oiher'a fsoawlih Mailsg *te>. and mad wllh Ilia exaliemsnt nf the Ihoggbt that ha night einlch Ibis wealth haspoka nl. Thn Anwrtcan. hoartvar. waa Impaawlils. He tnn this nisrnesa wim a ainnr alare Irom bla ateel giavyea. "Very Inis." aald be, "Ihls mar IM all ■ayoiissr. tint she aeesia In heanleldlogsomo one. Whs' r>r htm. nr Ihem.ln case she should hs node tn IPllsinhnarcreir" AntnnI mhlml his hands Joroualv. and with fsvsrKd ranrneaa replied: "Ah, Ihere's another iblnr. There may In a largn nward. IHghpeople nay Im nnncnrned—Ihrests of expoaun—more wpaiiNfnr ns—ihsllloof nahohe.and nnwnrktodo. And 11 yini ajJc why I 'ham so irest a pmAi whan I airnis mishi iske sll. I qnlsi ynnr douMa by aaying I do not. nnderaiand her deacilplloga ol ynor country. I know only there la great wealth Ihare, Ihai she hnnss Its IncsUon. rso deaerlbr It acooy. aielr. iini f nndaralsnd It nor si all. It la lor yon lo iindetvtand her and follow her dIreelloOB when I shall mats har Islk. Dnyoaagraer" 'Weil."Bald the wbsr. with lha earns cool manner, paualngamnmenl. rellecUvelr. "this la Ibe laat week of herrnragf ment at Ihe theatre; than Ibe rMamt anlBioprlvtle life, aayonaavyeo have eomnaodad her. Let me are. Can yon make ber talk, lhat la, lell all. neat Monday evening. Yea. Then It la a bargain I" and tba Iiallaa't '••s gleamed *lth Ibetnyofgralliadenpldlly, Tbe man shook ktadi, rspealed "Monday night," <imlnr4 each a slaai of wins, sad asparalsd, Tbe <Jnata ended lia no. and wlib II ended Ihe engagemanlnf Ihe ZapponI. Hhe had not beao a aaccraa, Ibal wss eensln: but she had been a direr, ainn In mr, and f viewed her with awe a« one o<lhe nysterto'ia berelnea of romaace, Iwaatnlyaany ibai ahe wtta going 10 leave nailt weoM Men so duU withont ber. I fcH. Rat I aim had lk« call bey Irage, lnralyoB,an(IUislnlaRataid BeKtfMka told lb< itory from day lo day.