New York Clipper (Jan 1896)

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694 THE NEW YORK OLIPPEH. Jantjary 4. World ^Players -Koin rrom <;illion A MMdlcioD'n AllnclloD: CIIIIOD *r.i HIdillclon, who vcrc Ufokcd llirongli ilin Molh, htvcconclurlcil luciincel (hclrdtiMln ibtl KCllon mi rirmdn Iti Wcnicrn reonii;lviDl» tai Kcv Voik Simc, wlirrc Ihc; tint Iiccd i>Ii;ID|i 10 good hoiiaciimr Hitcc ThccompaD/ iiiinibcnitir(nt}.«TCn p*oplc, hrtdcd l>; Jime Ag- noil. We have kd orcbr^im of elt-vcn nlcccii and a ImDd of founeen, tinier iltrecilon or Victor n. Ilosbnli'ln. nnirorninl ii wbllc hiiHuni. TlieOtt- Itj llrotnerK. douide drtim najon. Iiave Idm Iwen Atldcd, and two trained horM*. gi^nntne liroDcboa. lirokcn by JOMph n. Cllfion, arc uncd In ibdr plaja. Tito CDIIre repoitor/ conalMa of plain wrIltcD anil copjnililed h] Mr. Clltloo, "The HaDch Klog,'> • Mfnio Fcriw,'' "l.Vihj rnion," "lloici," "Aeroaa the Hoa," tie. Ilia lalcil plaj, 'The Dowcrr lioj," In Riao In the repertory, lie will Dot al- low "Tto ItoKc or virjiGia" lo Ik) prewBl- cd, and li lioldlni It for production next Ma- Hon. ItoHior of coinpioy: J. I). ClirioD & Ocortrc W, Nlildleion. proprtelom: T. 0. Howard, ad- vaoce: Juoo Agtioii, Marrclli Korreal.I.ula Kapr, VIolelH^ntonde, lloaa llaylU. Xllir ind HarjTreneh- ard, Ham U Arnold. Ilarr; llarton, IMrrr HtcUoo- ald. Ted F. Grimn, JotD Monla. M. A. MacAdani, CharltH Hcmlni, V. 0. lloebnielD, Kdir. Heilui, Wm. Hchnman. ilcrnian lltit Uhaa. II. nraid. Win. and Tlioa (litl^r.T. r. IMNiutle, Arthur Wlilgliam and Jolin D. I>. n'llivn, wlio naa tor eight jrean iDc Holo tromUoolKt ol ailinore'A famnua batid. — Kotoa rroti llie Irene TkTlor Vo.: (^hilatmaa Kvowana time of colclirailon and Joint; ■ni'<ii|i iho menlienior ihh company. Alter the oTenlng'i icrfonnance * cordial Inrltiilon wia extended to each or the plajfcrK bf the minngcr, (ico. I*. Ilrow, tuattend a mippvr, whicliliad liecn lildonlIn hia room. Oocc there,a incrrj iidio wa^anent Ujr all.and amid Iho cracking of nutH and the popping or corka. prcKCDia were exctinBged. The manager and hIa wire. UrM. Tiijlor. iitvo overdone prcMnt a handeomc and approprlaic gin, and received one from each In rdturn. Homo rcrj handMinie lokcna ncieglrcD, which plainly ahowed Iho ghoM mull have been walking In (oodahapo. Altera plearant evening (or morning) or Jnkca, talea, reellallonr, etc.(which iMcaaMd In nierllandnumberaiihe drlnkible* gradually iHmlnltUed), lereral toaalH wero gin-n and icufMudcd lo, and the minager elowd toe le<llvlilc* with .■ akort liul pithy apeech. "Auld UngHync" waiinung.andaHihe tuanclock cblnird luur we could licar dooni doling and kota turning In Ibo locka. which cicarij nbowert Ino companr linil gone In loont. Itoitter or compinr: Ir nulnilor. Maude Bolilou (wcond Kaaon) Teddy KarioD. llBiilc Miaulcy (rourili ncaaoD). llr<irgo P. Iiruw, Alviii V. Furniaii, OciirkV lloycr. I'rul. Himti, IKinald llai'kua (lourtb aeawn) and Fred W. Jem- mull (iidrd piiiaoii). — "Uncle JoiibHprunliy"Noiea: Allcr aMicouaa- rul tourer tho (Ircoowiilcircuit InTexaoililacom- pany jumpwl Irom Moumioi, Tox., to Colorado Hprliiiin, Vol.. and nu Ni<ir Vi'ir'H II ly will play the KMonilo, i:ftp|ilc Creek. Vic open a now opera liouao at llclia,(!al.. Jan. a. Many prcm-nis were pxoUauged i>n t'hrbittoaii, lltby Uarlu lliiilgkltiii lielogiia.llciilarlvravored. Owing toa"waib out" lui Ibo K, ami T. Itallway lagi week wc were un- able to niclj Waco. 1°CK , lo lime to play. A aptclal ithIu waa oli&rtcrod aud a largo audlenro greoled iliu coinpati) on ilitlr iirnval. It wan exiWDalve Imvc'llnii, liurMmmier Have It. I«vi< ' got mere." — "Ura. Fliiucgaii" h'utea: lianny Miiun la making a lilgitrrhit IDnn over lu hIa new chnraclcror Ura. Flniicgiin. Onr ronlcr: llaniir Hann, J. Cliiaiur liuinia. Al. i:. Kiiliilii.A. 11. hraiii, W. V. Uolla. I>, llendrleka. KhIh lirnne. Uano lllirirti, Jeh'.la Harvey, (leu. II. WcliKirr liurliicMmanager; Janiea ('ulcinan.ailvance: lleo. K. Haven, piuprletnr. The Tccil llmihera will Join ua Jin. 1, al Ilionmlli'Id. lud. Tnu iiiiulral nieiiriK'ni arc under the direction iifllo) IINiiuuwcn. Iiauny Uann waK taken and- ilrulyHli'katAtigiila, wblcn made II Innnullilo lo aililaicaat Kikhurtand Wnnaw, Inil. Wo all en- joy good hoalili, and aro doing butlneea above >'X|MciailonH. Allhougb Iho mud la vcrydreplntbia Kcoiiuu or Ihu cuuiilty. iho iiIimii walk*, and wu wailu llirough the mire ttt get Ibo old reliable Ot.ii'- I'KK, With yon a Herrjr Vliririinua and Happy Now Vcar. — nn. v. V. Uarliig. huh of llutie, Moni,. an- iu)unr04 her detcritiltuiilon lu endeavor lo onjiiln David llelaHco rniiu coutlntdiig porforniaucei* or "'rho Heart or Maryland," horliigheracllon on the cla'Ui that lUic bid at oiiu Ihuu writrou a play on- tilled "Houlberii Convict." Her conirighi rorilila p!ay liaald lo Includu a oiirrotv lull aceuo. w^ilch iionannheKtronKraijiulniHlu Mr. Ilelaacu a play. — tieniloiiinn Jur,-riho KogllNh play r<ir whieb bolb H, II, Vunia and Kndoliib Aivnoon claim to liomxi the Atnencan rlirbia, nrua tbeaulijoot oriwo HOparatclrullDHa lu the local rourta, lieo. 23. Mr. Unnia receullyapplleil lor au lujuneiluu to realialn Mr. Aronauii from producing tno phiy, but on Iho dale Minniloncd Juilgo Andtcwa r<nilorod a de- olalou agalurt Ur, Uunle. Inimetllaioly arior Ibo decMou Ur. Arououu apnllod lu Vhaueeilor Mcllill ror a docieo reatralidiig Mr. Vjnia from |ire«cuilng Ihe pliT aa advertised al Mlner'a Tlieaire. Newark, N. J.. UhrlHinina Hnr, Inil iho court alio ruruxd Mr. Aronmn'a plea. 'Jliin Icavo the nialtcr open lu iiiucli dUcuaiinn, and hiilber legal wraiiglhiuH may be oxiioclud, — Tno llongler Hlvion, who hnvi been dancing In "Kxcelaloi Jr,," al Oliinpla. In tbla eliy, vreiu laal week withdrawn rniiii iliu iiroducilun by the Horry Moclety,auil when ihe lualirr oauio beroro Mayor Hiroug loradjiidirailun hu rrluaed tu iierinU ilicin 10 renuiue. — Manager John \v. Iiuni.c dlatiandcd the coiu- luny aupiKinliii tiUU)n WhIIIk al llaliluioie, Ud. 1)00. aud ended herHlniring tour In "Faiirhon tbecriokui." ' — The t^irle Ituwoll Opora Co. were armicd during a nrrfurmaiji^r nt llnnvillo. III. Ih>c. u on narrauti luauiil by the Major, rlianilug Indecent CObduut. Afluf reiuulnliiH in Jill a rtoit ilmo Ino niumbura or Hie cninpaiiy wcru balled out and an- peatod In pollco roun Chn>inai> inoinlui. — ilOTO t;oglilau, under Iter logil iiamo. Iloia- luind MiHa yulllvin. aulToreJ ludgniooi In Ibo local cjHirta, Uoc avthtouuli i didcleuey cliliii tor f6.(1(1 lu ravur ol JuUwiii liiwHon, growing out or Ibo aalu ur bur huuau. Nu. « Weal NIneir-alxih Htrci'l, in (ivtulierlax,under rorucloaiirenraMcoud uionuage, un which (Il.t4> waa due. Tho lint uiullgago waa »lf.u». -nio nnilwrly waa bought In, It la Hkl, by Mr. IjtwMin tor (jl.Mio. — •'Obluinilu Faildeu." dramallted In the auihur, IMward W, l\(WniL'n<l, wan acitil lor the drat iini; un any alagu by CbiH.ll. llop|ieraiid blacompoi.y at the HIddleajx OjH'ia Him?, Ulddleiuwii CI Hec. ii. ' ' — "Vbo Sirango Ailrenturta or Jack auil Iliu Hoaumulk," a liutU'igULMi): K. A. Ilaiuui, la In rc- hcanul bv Wni. Si vinoiir. al the Treuiont ITicauo IkMiuii, Uaaa., for iHDductlun Feb. lo lir Ihe llontoii C*adota. — Filli Wlllianiii, llic cuiucillan of tho Uceum Tlieaiicaloek couiuatij. ha* nlgned a couiract with MaiMger Cnai, Frol ii to Join tho KmplrpTbeain alot'k eonipany next aeaauu. — Amy tlutby. wbu haa iKfn playing tho leading rule III "1110 F'aial Card." wu taken aeriouilr iPl and II now coiiniiea lu bor liumo In lloebeator, — Kalrlla Jordan obiiluod fi\im Judge lleekman. In the KupreuiD I'ouii, an unler dlteeitug UIga NeibviauKi and Chirln and lianlel Frubiuan lo rbuw raiiw why au Itijuucllon abould not IMuu ru^ biddluathem to prujiuoa play called "Cannen, " tirany luiltalnin thcicof, Mia Junlau. In her com- plaln), Hya that ibo lea dranatlit and playirrlghi. and that ibo la Ihu author or a plai' called -(.ar- mrn." which wai in|i.irlgbled by bcr Nov. g, laas anil rc'clved lu lliai iiulilto iireaculatlon In Ibo Vamiio. at New lluclirlle, N. Y.. Hoc. It, ICM. She ivyii aho la Inriiriiuil iliat (he dcfcndania an aboiii (u iirudu^-e the may. lUd that It la an Imitation of thai wrilton by licr. MIm Neinenvlc aaia thai while Ibe illira of ibe iilaj a aro Ibo lamo, tbe ulayi Iheuiwli'ia aro ni>i alike, and that her ventoii wai wiiiteu bv lirnr.r lliiullioii, i>r Lomlou, Kng, — aicorgla Cn.ivan auuuiincca thai abo wi:i not marthla lu-aniu. ui ibrbad nmteniplated, but will iK'glii bcr tour next Heiitenilirr. — A bruiite nieuiorlil inblei waa placed, Dec. -a un tbe houne al Hie corner or tllxtb and Spruea Siieria, rniltdeliibia. I'a. lu wbleh Joacpb feOit- Miu waa born. hrauclK Wilaou, who originated tbe plan, auiK>rinleudeJ tho i-errmouy. Tbe table! la •J by 3 leet. and lK»n the luihiwing loicnpiloui "Juicpli Ji nviwin. Ibo iieior, wai lurn here Mtb Februar), ISW. •Ilero'a your good beallb and lonr IrtinlliV Mai vuuall livo lone and proiper,'" Tbe luicrintlon l«auiniuuileil witb a lauiel branch,and at Ibe iKiiioiu riRlii ha ml comer li a iludeui i lamp, — "(Srudeiuiiu Jo.\" a niuiical farce, by Hull llooil. uiukIc Ii.v Waller Klaugbu r. wan im-aenied rur Ibe flipt tliiie lu lUu euuniry Dec, u (aticrnoou 1 itfuriiiiiicei, a, MtuerV Tbcilro, Newark, N, J„ by M. II. liuiili ami iriiiniuuy. — •llieValeuilneTbi'iite at Toledo, 0.,wai dodl- ralcil Dec. «t (evening iieKorniaucei by Joaepb i'^'ff"?,*" •' ""'P«n.'. who ippcared In -lUp Van iMnkie." . — Noica and Roller of Litna' Coneillasi: Onr comuny Inmped rioa DinlngtoD. iria.. to Walk- enonT HM-, and opened to good btuincri. nt rompiny l«ld ol Chiliimai Ere- Dora Lowe, lead- ing lady, waa prewDted wlib a marqnlM ring or elgbieen dlamonda. and aiirord neevea. advance repreienlallTe. wHb a dlininnd ibirt aind, Tba roller: Ueo. w. l.jona, nirord B«Tei,Tom nlch- ardaoo, CUod Italcllir, HIchard Manden. Dora U)we, Sidney llawklna. Mae t.yon, R, II. nowcra. and Hurtlla I.tod. llialocaa tlirongh WUconalo haa been good. — Ueorge .Vcrllle, lopported by Jlamle Aoitin and a company.In "Iiugeraofg Great ('lty,"undertbe managenwnt or II. i. Ilnaiey, played Kalen, Maaa., cbiliimai alKmooo and evening. Tbe H. R. O. iliD waa oui al both peifonnancei. — Rdmond llna«lii la ilaylog ibeJareDllo lead wllli>:agaDA Wdlior'a "jlldnlgbl Flood" Co. — The Coigrorea clowd their icaaon at l,apcer. Mich., owing to IbeicrerelllocH of Ada (^love, and tbe poor'at boilotaa eiperleDced In rour yeara. Tbey have returned to their nomea In Toronto, Can. — Uwrcnce Karl Atkliaon, wbo. for three aea- lona hai iKcn pliylor Tom Carrlnglon In "A Oroeker Jack," baiiwllbdiiwn mm Ibe caal. — F.d>ln raiteraon haarigned ai advance repre- aeniallvc wiilillaliert l^laille'i "Fault" Co. Halle ■.oranger Ijiindle lotenda atarrlng lo a new play next leaaoD. — (log Phllllpa wrllca ibal he wai married to (leoriile TIr.bler, a non-ptorradonal. In BuKaKI, N. r., on Dec. 10. — Nulei from llarrli' Comedy Co.; We arc lonr- Ing H initacm lova.ind received reqneabirorrelorD dalea Ibroiigh Ibe Slate. The company, aa a wholo. U a very clever Me, bar Individually, J. II. Rich- moiid taken the I ad. lite rendlUon or O'Nell. flicphcn Plum and Joe Morgan, three dliilnct and broadly dilTrienl cbaracltra. prove bim Is be an aclor. Tbe rooipaiy dedicate Ihe Opera lloui: In Oxford, la., Dec. 13. Reater: Wm. llarrli, J. II, Richmond, Hal lloodwin. M. Cliudo llrown, I. A. Edwarda, Ueo, Cbailton, Harry Warck. Nettle Kel- logg. Kdytbc Ogleiliy, Mabel Hatrla, Marie Ilayno an J IJitIo f redo. Qco. Miller In advance, — "Tbe Bpecnlalor," a comedy. In ibKe acU, by Ueorge II. Ilraadburat, woi acicfl ror Ibe llni lime 00 any a'age Hec. 2fl, al Ilannanua DIeecker Hall, Albany, N. V., bj Tlomai Q. Seabrooke and com- pany. — Harry Hail Inrormi m Ibal Jamei E. Fleming, manager ol Ibe McPbarliD Concert Co.. left Ibe companylDUMwaokee, vie.. In Onanclal dlaireoa, and Ibal the Kmpire Opera Co. tendered 0. B. Iloes (nhobadloii money wlib ihe compauy)abcne0t. Mr. lloaa will cuncavor lo keep Ibe company on Ihu road. — Vivian lie Monro wot compelled to cloao bcr a.-aaou on accointor alckoeia. Mm De Monio la very 111 lo nrccnvllle,Tex,, and would like to hear from ber friends. — Well HeForrcn and Jaa. Farley have signed wlib (>((o nck'a PlymoDib Opera Co., to open Jan. e, at Ihe Orasd Upeia lloiiic, Colladclpbla, Pa. — Tno McKee A Hay i^inedy Uo, iiranded Dec, 20, In Port Jervia, N. Y., aficr playing a three nlgliia' eiigageineni The manaiera illupneared and lh( •tagd propcrllea were atiichcd by William Welch «ared and the — ...^..v.. »f ..'llllam Welch, propilnlnr of ibe Delaware IIodm, ror the bills ol the eoupany. — Maniger Wilkcr lUaibinan. or Ihe Winchester Opera llouic, Wluche^ier, Ky,, lamied a aalin pro- gramme. Dec. 34, on I bo occasion of (bo engage* mcDI or 'A llagcaie Check," — Mme. Doi}*! lour will be under tbe Joint dliec- Uoo ol II, O. Miner and Jonpb Brooks. Mme, Duae will tall wlib her supporting company Irom Europe onJan, 29, and wlUopcb her icaaon here early In Feliniaiy, 800 will vhli Woililngloo, Baliliiiore, Philadelphia. Dcatoo, Urooktyn and a lew or the other len coast towoa, not going rurihcr Weal than Ihe UlaalMlppI Hirer or funnerSooUi than Wash- logtoD, Uer New York mason will be at tbe Fifth Avenue Tlioatrc, and will be limited to four weeks, that Uabout alxiern perfomiaoces, aa she only ap- pean three or ruir Umes eacb week. It waa Mme. Uuae'a Intoniloo tarlslt mis country early In Oolobor last, bui III boslih caused ber to cancel Ibis sgree- nient and roil In Venice. The company aupportlog ber will number ibonl inlny, and will be sub- suntbilly tbe aane as seen bore on the occasion or her nmt (iolt. Uer repeitorr will Include, In addi- tion to Ibe most pionouneed lacceases or her last American seaaou, "Magda," wblob shs haa pre- seated wlib luccess on tbe continent, snd two new works, lbs namee oT wblcb have not yet boon re- ceived by ber manaiem. — Kotei rcoD tbe Oaincollo Comedy Co.: Oar manager, J. W. Cklllcetle, gave the company a awell liamiuel arter Uie inow Obrlstows Eve, at wbli-h lima some very haiidiouie preunis were made, or wblcb Ihe rolloting Is a IbH: J, W. Oalll. eolle, a bandaone |old mtcn and obsln; our star, Nannie UalllcotIa, a btnibiome aolltalre diamond rlog; Fred II. nicber, our band leader, a three alar Boston gold cornel, preaonted by tbe com. iiani; l>. K. Ueaoh, a Taylor trunk, alaoa dress salt; I'nif. Foster, a baton; (1. B. Calllcous, a amoklng Jacket and a drenleg gown: 0. C. Oalllootte.a dtesa suit; W. F. Htewsn, » gold watcb guard; Cuire llowera, a tisln dreas, abionecklace or rhine stones; Fianklo KlllotLa stage dreis, toilet cose and a make up box; I. Wrfora, a walking slick, and Uibv Flos- afe reuelved many pretty loya. Oomiony all well and bappr. lluilneaa good, lleganls lo rtlends, andiWlsnlng all a merrr Cbrlalniaa and a Happy New Year, we an tbe U, 0,0. — HoMis. llrady A Stair lutte added lo tbeir cbalnor popular priced .tbeniRs Ibe Empire InlQ- dlanaiolli, Ind., of vblcn itaey will take pooeealon nextjniy. It wlU b« conducted aa a sinoUy high clasa ramlly tbeaire, arter ouderKOliig elaborate Im- provemeiiis next Bummer, wiib 16 u> 76 cent prices. Ttilenukes Iheelgblb theatre In Ibe Brady t SUIr circulu — A. II. Knull and HorteMcNeil, curaelUsls, have been engaged liy Jas. H. Walle ror next season. Tlioy wore Uie reelplenia or a magnlDceni noisl piece at Iho Oniid Opera Uouao, Uarrlsburg, I**., Ubrbuniaa Kve. — (lui Wllllaim conirlbotes Ills eustomair boll- day gieoilng to Tui Uurrii In Ihe shape or an unique oord, — Blllr Bndly,or "Tbi Ooon Hollow" Co., lolonus us Ibal he was tisirlcd to Uarab Uatlan, a non pro- roialuual, on Deo. U — 8. H. QHillUi baa oloiedwltb tbe "Down tbe Blope" Co., and Is speoilliig Uie holidays al bis buiiio, lu Urlgbtoo, la. — Jas. H. Adaam' nephew, Waltair Morgan, made bli Qntatage anpeaiaueeaa a clown, In "Uuupty liuinply," In UinclDnatl, 0., Ueo. U, and was pre- sented by May Ue John wlib a bandsome gold nng. Jaa. II. Adanis cloeed with Ihe company lbei«. — 'The Norttatm Fast Mall" was giwlcd with a packed bouae, we ai« lutonned, at ue New Hlob. ardauu Tneatie, Oiwego, N. Y., Obilauiiai night, onry aeal being suld bofore tbe ovoiture began. Tbe proprlelor, IJoooln J.(Mer, tendered hia com- pany a banquet at Uio liooHKle lluuie after tbe perfumiance. — Paul M. IVUersoUed tor Boulbamplon aa the repmontailro or A. M. Palmer to aupervlse produc- tions or "Trtlliy," whiota Is soon lo be piuduced under arraugonient wltb Mr. IVilmer In Qermany, htanoe, Holland, Bwedeo, Holy snd Aoairalla, li will be then preMntcd lltemlly as It Is now Using played lu I be Vulted BUUii. — Tne tniubleiol ihe Poeplo'sTnealro, of Cblcago, 111., Iho combined cburoband tboativ founded uy Ut>bup Falluwa and Ibo Rev. W. 0. Clark, rvaebcd a ciliuax Dee. M, wliea Ur, Qark died a petliUi la the Oiroult Court lor a reeelrtr. The ibeatnual part or the enlerprlie waa a rullun, and was Onally opposed by UShi'p (MUowa He objected tu Iho variety aliowa I ui on by l>r. Clark. — Victor Arnold, falbir of V. Ilanr Arnold, died lu Buuaiu, N. v., Ueo. M. Mr. Arnold woaweU known lu tbe (itofeisloa. II* •'•a an artist by pro- reislon, and wai couaeoied wltb tui A. B. Been' Tboalrlcal l'rlnliuR(;unipaaT, ol Now York, and tbe Struwbrtilge Ooupany, ot Uinclunail, For tbe paat Hvo ream oe had two lu thellthogtaphlodepan- Bteul or tlio OnuHer Cumpiny, lu UuDalu. — UharhjB w. iiuirlll cloioil wlib tne Nlckeraon Cooiedy Vo. In Uroekion, Hosi., Uw. 21. — Husler or "AD lloueali;ialu" Co,: H. B.Ijulter, proprietor and niJoager; II. U. FerrU, advance; Ooun Howard, ilaie uanager; Mike Burk, J, K, HInea, J. F. Mulligan, Jamea Onavea, B. L. Skinner, F.8. Aokelrny, F. U. Omrea, Frank Parker, Ruth Beuaid, Uelli Amier, Jus. Qrej. They open Jan.n, and oan7 a bnui band and orohealn. — Notea from tbe Uoetoo Ideals: We opened oar aaaoon at Peoria, III., Ue«. U, to tremendous liual- neas. Jean llenoldi (lira. F. Hsnolds) made an ex- cellent inpiaoileD; In tool, all the member* wero good. Foiiowlnf Is our rater: Hsnolds and Finn, Eleiors; F. Kulioly, advance manager; £. K. 11, stage niaaagei: R. Bullltan, pruperiy !r; Jeoa Denulda, Mislnia Douglaa, Lenon Jelllsou.Hay Holloa, U.vr.llonraey,Sdgar Lewis and U. BootL — T. C Uuwaid, agenl for CUtton A Hlddlelon's Uo., statai that Jimes II. Oltton bos a oopytlgbied ulaj, enilUed "Tke Uowery Hoy," and that Ue earns baa bean produced frequeaUy In past year*. Alao, tbaiibe plees bos been played by tbe above oom- pani sUico laat t)«piemb,:r, Tbe UUe ot W. A. llra<li<anow play Is "A Bowery Boy," and Mr. Uow- a d thinks that Un alallully or tlUts may (ana* ronftdoo. —Tke Elbel Tucker Co. bad a very pleasant Cbrtiimos Day at Ameterdam, N. Y. Ttt* comjany ^SSdMI«T*cker*1lb a beantirnl srtkl Awer nsnlcnn sal, each piece cngmved wlih Ibe lenw F occoppanied l.y a P«wryenpwwe<lcsrtj''Tto onr Ethel, from ker conpanr.and l/edennan'a Band and Orckcatn." Mr. Heldon, ker manager, waa alio happily remembered. Tbe prosentallon speecbeswcre nsde by Ibe clever child, Bshy Vs- veno, wbo In ittnni was preteoted wltb a nrj bandiume pearl ring from tke company and or- '""-^iRiea from the "Maloney'i Wedding" Oo: We played toS- R. 0. atMoberly, No., Chrlatmaa nlgfet, and after the perforaunce tbe compiny waa ban- nneted b| Masaier Macoy. Tkoie preient were: B. ). Camei, J. K. McDng. Andj Adams, l/in llaMall, R D. Bpoirnril, Elmer Jerome, F,ila OJerde, Nellie Howard, Blsncbs Biogan, Delia Walson, memben of tbe conpsiy; abio Hanagen Ilalladar and Ma- graw, of the rajeile Opera House, wbo wero tha guests or DnilntsaHassgerCsnea. Eocb memlKr ncelvsda beaoutul and cosily Obrbitmas preient from Mane Heatb. L. J. Oherwortb, agent, came on from Mancbill, Ui>.,aodipenia merry day witbtbe company. At tour i. s. we all went upstslis ror a welleamed real. . _ . _ . — J.N.Renimw Jr. haa Joined Katie Putnam, to play the Itleb comedy pan In the "Old Umo KUn." — nanT I„J>el»sg,trapdmminer,wllb llowanl TTalPa Co., bu letamtd to Fianklln, 1a., to take charge or bis IbealrlcBl bnslons at that place. — "Dosn on the Firm" Notes: Tbls company, wUh Obai. Hinlry and a strong csst, are doing a Mg boalness Ibnngk PenDsylranla and New York fliate. At Blngkamlon, N. Y., and Scranlon, Pa., Ian week, tbey p loked the honaw, and the show la giving tbe beat or sallelacuon. We carry a carload oraceneiyand makeaipeclal feature of tke Bow- eiy. New York, and a river of real water, represent- ing a Kens on tbe Ilodaon River. The comiiiny In- c'udeaaaeveral well known specially pe(>ple. Tbe roster: Cbas.Msoley, K. 0. Moray, Fred 8avllle,T. II. Folej, Frank Honlgomery, Wm. Weatem, Wllber Oirlaile, Ohat. Edgar, John P. TTebher, Cha*. U- O'Oilen, J. 0. Uendee, Kd. Meven<, Mrs. Manley, Una Jono, Hirgle Haaon and Ettle WIndom, neder tbe maoagetaent or KIcli k Hneder, John J. Irla, tirasnrer; T.n. Foley,master ot properties; Chaa. Kdgsr, maaler of naniporlallon, and Weber Chrta- ty, aloga manager, — Obailntie Crane, bite of the "Alabama" Co., haa succeeded Ilesite Orayson wltblIoyl's"ATessa Steer" Oo.,jolnhig tbi letter company In Chicago, HI., Den. li. — Jebn 0. and Liule McDowell, W. n. Hatibews and Ang. Bbort, mnilcst director, complete Oool'a Big Block Oo. — Harry Caioen Clarke Joined tbe stock company at tbe Lrceom,Salt UkeCliy, U. Mr. Clarke was tbe comedian a( ihi- Urand all last sesnon, and baa lust closed bla Ibestie In Denver, Col., wblcb be has beenmaesging thli sesaon. — Chariei Weotr.ell infonnsusor hU marriage, on Nor. 20. Is Balilmoie, Md., to Ura. Anne Ken- nedy, widow of Billy Kennedy. Mra. WenMH was formerly s well known aclitsa, hut wsa obliged to n<lre from tbe Mage, being nnilcted «l<h Ibe total loMor hereycslahL — Juan Baldwin wrlle* that tho partnership here- tofore exiallig between Mr. Whiiileld and blniaeir baa been mutnilly diaiolved. The company bi at present laying err at Dt O'aoge, Tex , where Hr. llildwln Intend) to reorganlte and play two aid three nighi slanda. canrlng a bnnd and orolieaira. — Fenli' ConKdlana nave Juel closed a iiiceen- ful run or elibiweeka at the New Linden Theatre, OblcaRo,andrepon doing a remarkably good biut- neaa this seawn. — Vivian Wood atatea that ibe will alar next sea- eon In a cnmtdy drama, entitled "My Roy Jack." — Obat. A. RItdel loloed the Dalwy Markoe "U.T. 0." In WaablDgion, I'd., Dee. 2*. — Elba Hoaland ban been aecnred lor Icada next eeason with the fltara of Rennnorv Co. — HanagerJ.T.Fynts.oi Keltn'a Prorldence, R. I., Opera llunae, leperii that Jamee J. Corbetl broke the i«conl (bere Ust mek. — Wilbur Hack and will West are with Bandy's rasaing Pisyera, phiylag througb Ihe Boutb. — Katie Watson Infonna oa iTiat she waa granted an abiolnte divorce from W. 0. Drown by the courts or Minnesota. — Nutei rrom Ihe "Old /ad lloatlng*" Co.: Tbla Is onr iwentlelb week, and bnslness bos been ralr. We opened tke New Opem House si Boiler, 0., Deo. 21, to S. R. 0.,aad a treat bit wss scored byHr. Felbam, and his ponuUr play, "Old Xad HaaUnn," Ii pronounced by all ai one ol the beetmralnbys ever presented. Wean booked well up Into May, 1896,and retomdates tor oextiesson are booked In nearly every home we bave pliyed this season, — An nnslgaed communication reads as follotvs: "Lizzie Hartla, jnnr bisband bi dying In Bellevno HoapliaLWaidt" — Qua'ave A. Btryker, Ihrongh bis counsel, Od. J. F. Mllllken, aitaobed "Tbo Derby Maacnl" Co. at Uridgepoit, OL, on Deo. 26, for |76, back salsir, and ce[leel«d tbe Indebtednesi. — Billy Roiell haa lotoed tbe Bnbb Comedy 0>., to play parts and do nli mnilcil ipeelslty. — Tbe Katie PatoamOo. laid oir In Oblcago, III., tbe week before Ohttstoas, when two changes were Dsds hi the eonipsny. — auberl Oomic Opera Oo. Notes: Our Uur lias been very sncceMrnl, and we have a fine Hoe ot bookings, under tbe dbecllon or Francla Labadle. Anna l.uello Ward Joined tbe company at Ashlsnd, 0., sad Aril Alogne Joined at Lancaster, 0. Mrs. Francis labadle Is mncb Improved in boaltb and expecis to reiara to tke atage next season to pkty OmcelnMr. L«badle'sproduc<lon olOeo. Upsier's operatic comedr drama, "Adamo, Ibe Han without a Boul," for which tlooe la now being booked In Ibe lain* elilea only. — Notes from "In Old Maine:" We bate been aiying 10 an excelleat business durtog ihe boll- ys. Din Uatlelgh, as Bl Slebblns, tbe eccentric Yankee, Is bliUng tbe people bard. Manager 0. W, Brooks has engaged a strong and compelent com- pany, wltb the Otasarllle Band snd Oreheeln, wblob b second to none on tbe road. 0. U. Henn la gen oral bueineea manager, and looks after all tne book Inge and ronllon. 11, A. Ounias, ss asdslant man ager. Is back wlib tbe ibow. Our band oonilHsof tfevee musicians snd sn orchei.tra of eight people, snd we bare elsbiecB people, all told, lu Hie com- rany. We shall play the New England olicult for the nextalxly days. — During s pertomianee given In Ilebrew, Dec. IT, at tbe Front Street Tnoaire, Balilmore, Md., some one In Ibe audience cried "Flrer' and caused a nanio, which reaullod la Iwenty-Uiree persons lielng onulied to dcatkand a large number seriously Injured. A lurther account or tne eaiastropbe will be found In the Baltimore letter In tbla laaue. — *'Tbi Friend ot Carloita,'- a comedy, In tbree acta, by GioigeHooy, waa acted tor tho drat lime on any atage Ihc. 2S, at tbe Ambler (Pa.) Opera Uooss. — Ilatry Deveauz and Sam Arobor, niembere ot Ibo "Malonej'a Hbibape" Oo., bave brought suit ror bsck salary against J. J. Sullivan and J.M.Ma. craady, proprtelora of the company, and tbe prop- erty ot lee organization waa aitaobed. The com- Kny wai therefore unable to leave Mlddleton, OL, c. 3a,aaiilanDed. -. Louis Uendrloka.of "The aayFartBlsns"Oo., now playlni st lloji's Tutatre, this olty, and Oeraldlne l)e llohan (>rtmes were married Dee. 29, bl Ibis city, Ihe Rev. Dr. stryker oniolatlng. —Manager J. 0. Davis has nearly completed Ihe booking! for Sbernaa It Uoriaey'a "A Jay CIrena" Ibnugh Eniland. Ireland and Scotland. A Rnbe band on Ibe ilreel and American lllboorapbs, wltb American Ideal In billing, will be allempied. The tour win comuicttco In Auguit. The Ueltorelll Hroihera. Ibe Ollaaandoa, Mile. Vallsca, and tho Uonlban bave lieeu algncd ror Ibe remainder or the pnaent Maaen. — ficoll Raymond Is wltb llowanl Woll'a Mnilcal OomedyCo. — Jas. W. Fomal Ust week Inlormed us or Ibe death, at Albany, N. v., or Lillian Pollock, claiming ber as tan wile. We Live einre that time received a communication rrom Mall. II. Pope, elating that Ulllan Pollock Is nil alts, and that she I* not dead, but la BOW ncorerisgrrom an attoek ot IsiynglUa St his home In Amsterilam, N, Y. The Isdy reremd to In eacb comnunlcatlon appears to be tbe Mme penon. —R. II. Bbirman baa signed for Iho season as sgoni ot ReUer's UramaUo Co. —Thoa J. Oooney and Oeorge Ooidon bave orgon- lisd tbe Oooiay k OMbaui Oo., and at* now tonring Oenlnl New Y'oik, plajlog from on* lo tluee nlgbi Variety and Minstrelsy — RE.KlekenoniaOomedyOo.played Btookton, Uses., CbrlsiDai, loone ot tne largest week'a bnsl- ■eu ever dene at Ust ihean*. The & R. 0. sign was dlssliytd on eereral oecsalona. Obriaimas was celsbraled In tbe narlon ot lbs Hotel Belmont, snd over two kundnd pteaeois were dluributed smong lb* dlOtoivnt nuuibem ot lb* company, srter wblcb Ml. and Br*. Nlckeraon Invited tbe eonipany to an eligaat lani|uel. Dsn J. Sprogne haa been leouied aa idvance agent, and llarton WlUlams, Badle Hiicim* and J. Howard Bsnioa are also memben ot the company. —J, A. West and bis wire, Minnie PratL bare dosed wim tke Farago* Thaaira Oo., and lolsed Ike New Brie Block Oo. Nona mog rai Niw Niobt Owifl BtntLWQti CO.—Bnslaea has been big with ni everywhere. Cbrlstmsswlibnswasaveryhsppyone. OnCaiiW- mss Eve, after the ibow, a grand banquet was ten- dered to llie company by Msnsger Frtd Blder. Coftn were laid for tblriy, and a most ei(»llent meon was enjoyed by the entire company and a nopiher of fiesta, Inclndlsg memben ot Ibe Btsd- Ing, ro.. Press CTnb. A handsome lonvenir menu card was fnmlshed by Manager Rider, and the amusing bin at tbe memben of tbe compaiiy tnr- oliibed much meirloieot. Stage Manager Bob 0<j- don acted as toast master, and succeeded In msk- Ing sU napond to appioprtsts toasts- Arter two hours spent to advantage st Ibe tesuve bosrd Treasurer ZledocalMd out Ihepreeentsfor Ihe dlger- enl memben ot tbe company, ot wblcb there were over two knndred, naking a load of beauHtnl pres- ents that compleiel; llUeif two Uige centre tsblM. Msnsger Rider renembend eveiy member of ike coDpiny, glvbig each of the lady memben a bogdsome Miqae vaae mied with choice per- fume, and tbe gentlemen each aotm nsetal arti- cle or Jewelry or wearing sppsrel. May Clark prtseited Mbis Miller wltb a handsome sil- ver nsp box and lbs Misses Walworih snd Bulelon wlib a beanlltnl watcb eacb, and gave eacb ot Uii other memben ot Ibe company a pmest. Florence Miller gave every member of Ibe coapiny a presen^ many of them very valuable. Miib:e llazletoo, Maodie Carroll and JoeO. 7,lelle also gavea prcaentioeacb member of tbe company, la fael, then waa an Interchange of presenis be- tween sll Iks company. Manager Rider wss not torgoiieo, and received gilts rrom all the company tesilfylog lo ibespiseclstlon ot hismsny kindnesses to ibem. A bsppler Obrlstroas was never spent by a builesque ibow, and after many ipeeebee, leclia- tlona and tunny aiories s good nlgbl toast was dnnk and all Joined In singing "Aald UngSine." Among Utose present were Oordonsod Uck.sabant, Chaa.W. Relnbart, Fred Rider. Blanche Walworih, Hay Clark Via Oaten, Obarlcs Ulllan, Mabel Basel ton, Lon Cailaon, Lew B. Canoll, Uunle Oondon, Boffl Collins, Itoele Msy, Joe 0. Zlelle, Hsnde EUs- ton, Florence Miller, Badle Raymond, John Fred- rrlckn, Wallace Keffer, Charles Qllder snd Ohaiica tt- S. SnwiRT,tbe popnUrmsnuraclnrerof ban- Joi, bu arranged tor Ibe fonrih annual pilze basjo c'onieu lo take place at Ibe American Academy of Mu*ic Pblladelphli, Fa., Jan. Id next. He will be asMBied In the amngemenis by T. J. Armnrong Slid U. N. OortOD. and Ihe entries lhn> tar made point to a decldcdij Inicresilng snd enjoysble en- icrtalnment Nine Bicwsri bsnjos In caies sre niTcred In comneiillon to as many lunjo rluba^ Ihe liBl of compeiilon being tbe HaverloM college nanJoClob. Ibe We4 llnneh Y. M. 0. A. Banjo Club. ot Uslllmore. Md.: the Folwoll Banjo Club, ot Cam den, N. J.j Ihe Diexel Insinuie ftinjo Clab. Ibe Kaailaim Banjo Club, Ibe Ceniral Branch Y.M.C. A. Ilaijo CInb, the Clover llanjo Cluh. tbe Caiterel llanjociub, or Camdcn,andihe Berwyn Banjo Ulnli. ludividnal contrlbatoni to the eniertalnmeot will lie A. A. Farland, Thos. E. Olynn, Deiv, Farmer and bore. Valsuliio Abl, Harry Mcycn, lAura O. Hirlu and MaaterLem Stewart. Tbepiogrammein lisentireir glreapnmlic ot being Ihe beat offered at these popular comptililons. Prof. 0. K. Rich. Ihe expert horsulioer, will b^ gin atwo weeka'cniagemeni ni Kohl k Ulddleiou'a. Chicago. III.,Jan. a. ALcHxn I)oniaN,conlorilanul, Is ependlng a few wcekiai blibonie,Snrevepori, 1.0. Tox HcCor. of Muipby and McCoy. Informs ns or Ills mnrrligc, onCnnsimas Dar, In Boston, Boss., to Alice Fli74tlbuon. ol the Flizglbkon Famlly- Amoko llie noialile itacairlcal offerings for ibc icasoa ot iSM-in will be an orginlziilon known as the Amcilcan Burlesquen. It Is Ibc Inienilon or the ptoDiotera of Iho atlrectlon lo present a gilt edged pcTtormancc or modern bnilesnue and eur- pcrilne vaudeville; one that will vastly (levlato from the oMlniry, and will be In every senu a novelty. Tlie conipaay will number about thlny tlvo In all. Bl. John Lcwii, acenle arilst.wHI fiirslah tho emlre scenic onilli. Tbe prinilnp will conslei or a vatlcir or atimctlve llibographlc paper, orlgliBl lo design. The management guamniee a company of pcrlonners tbsl will bear comparison wlib any In ihli country, and Including aeveial sptclilly Imported European lenssllons. RosnROPBAVEU^BEARCn k OuavFORD'sMln- sIRta.—Jimes Uavell, Jean Search snd Wm- Craw- foid. wle prepileiors; Jesu Sesrch, msnsger: Wm. Corcoran. Roes Fairlngton. Bert Rmo, John Need- ham, Drew Lconnird, Wm. D. Psycey. Dan Daly, Dick Wlls>n and ten chorus singers. Wc open al tbe Lyceum In Newark, N. J., next week, torn two days stand, and tbcn lake tbe rood, playing Ibe Esatcm drcoltoa rsrss Porilsnd, Me. Ed. Hrtait wlllcl^e his ongsgemenl iblH week onitae Davis circuit. IliLOA TnoHss AND FaAKk BASRY wcro Very succeutol SI the Auditorium Thestre,Totedo, 0., and wer« I^eogagcd. Msnsger Frank Bent snd wlfc,of theAadllotlumThestK, gsvc a dellgbirul cnrlsiniai dinner SI tbeir home. Tbe gneslawere: lllldi Tbomis, Fnnk Barry. Mr, and Mn. Ilirry Stanley, James Robinson, Qorile Cocbnn, Frank Cook and Ella Uorrts. Uhiiomo aki> Lorkaimk repon doing weH with tbclrnewati. JonM WiKTBR tais secured Ibe Hotel Normandic, Buffalo, N. Y.. and will condact the esrae ss a pro- reis tonal reion. Iloans Aso notbs rRoa tub Frinob OAimr QlriB Co.-"We irelnourienih week snd business coutinuei good. Tbe anew wss a big winner ai tbe Palace, Oosion, lost week,and woplayaretum date In the noir fotnie. Tbe rosicr:T. J. Orlmes,proprie- tor; J. Knltbt, minsger; A. Wade. Ircosurer; Ben Pfiaum, buiinoa reprosonisilve; Mile. Tumour. Woodsand lrvlnK,CbsntRllandSchnyler,Tomsnd Ueitle arlnKs,l<amrdaand Coouelly, WllUsmssnd Wilght, Robzait, Hay Qoodwln, Frankle Kemblo, Migile Laboe. Julie Irving. Nellie Burns, Maggie Uoodwinand Ed. Uoln. uasterot Innsporiallou." JonN 0. AXDLtznBHcOowEiL report lucccsalsst week at Iho Olympic Tnvatte, Chicago, III. LiiLY STONE, NcUlo nialaod Carrie llneaell closed wlitaihe H'sibbnm Slilcn'LaslSensailon In Urook- lyn. K. Y, Deo. 11. Makiox BuiiCB, Ibe femilo baritone singer, closed wlib the Kenit-SaiUey ■ o. Dec. 29, tiM a sicassot cogngcmenioraBeisonand s bslt. Miss Bnkcwss the Rclplcnlof many valuable Chrlumss iltis. LmuB AND Oatss, knockabuul comedians, src WilliBoyd'sModura Hinmrel*, Tiis McCAHVsn Bxos. wero made K.'i of p. recvntlT at Toprts, Kan. Thoy are wlib Al. U, Flcld'e Ulmurb. KijSBLL, expert gun Juggler, Informs (bat thtre labul one Mrs. Frsnk KIsicH, profeeilonally known aaSoliana. While plating In TTOy.N.Y.. recently Sul.ans muLwllb in Injury to one other ankles. UEO. Sims, ot Sims snd Wsliaee, musical com- cillaia,lsBpinalagUic hoUd*ys si bis borne In Slonx, Davx ZmitBR ippeored at Ibo Oanllol Bqusre Thcuin. Uelroii, ^icb., Uhrlitmas week. Illi wire. Myrtle Zimotr.aid little daughter, Panay,Bpeat llie bolldayiwllli him, TUB WLWAKLir ORornsns. while pUylsglasi week at Kelih'i Itteaire, Bosion, Mass., wore prc- ecu(cd Wltb a doral taorsoshoe, on Corldmas NIgbt, Irom locir rncnds Id thai cliy- uiiis. r, QRAits arlies: "Just bsdansrrowescspe rrom burning 10 death. In trying a new cxperi- meniln Ibowayolallreaei 1 lenlbly burned mr face and haads, ivblch will eautea lay off tor awcex or tno." Uasbt Bsandok, of BrandoD and Heglna, Id- fonni as Ibal he la not tbo pony ot inal name who Is nspoilcd to have rormed the leamot llrandOQiDd McDonald. NOtES FaOM BCItlLllNO'S MiKsTRBis.—The La HoaeBrui. areclodlag tho olio very acceptably. Ed. Ucaley, ot Urroll lad Nealey, la very HI inSpvkano Falia Frank llammund has lull tbo boipitiU Id Dearer, much Improved In healih. Ws AHB iiroRMiD that plaos bave been Bled and passed by the Building Uepanmini lor tbe erection of amuatcballattbejQDcilon ol Tniioand WuUs Avenue, itli. nutth or One Unndicd and Forty- emhlb Street. TtmwUl be Ue pioneer in Ite tbc- atrtcallineln HonlaanIa, and will be managed by James ybea. Tbe bouie will be uied for vanoevllle and diamailc conpsnlea, and will be ready by March 1, IBM. ' IHD ilxciauB, who recsnUv closed wlib •tht Browiles," ended a two weeka' engagemsnl at Uie Imperial Mualo HtU, Chicago, HI, Dec 29, and be- fan a tonr of tbe Kelib circuit at tbe Union Sanare beatre, tbiiclty, 9». llAiTiaSnwAkTAM) TauBUQiuBioreptailog tbe DavU clrcull at the bead ot a company ityled "Sieirari k QlUen'a AUileilc and Yaudeme Oim. binauon." Fonna imd I^aks send holiday greellsgs to Tub uurrai from Flagauff, Ant. H. WmusE * Sons bave secured aeoi|*Iloaey>s new song, "in tlu Language ot tba Floweii," word! by Frank (Mbum. It Iteats ot an eauiely new tbsma, and Mr. Roaey waa veiy bappy In asv ling mme ealcby nnslc to same. Nona num Oni. Biu,'s Naviun8.-«n ChriM mas Ere Mr*. Qua Bill (Rstslle Wellington) eavc a banquet at tbe Oanit Honse,Oblcsgo,ni,, lo tin mtlra companj, whiob was enjoyed and apprrri. •ted to the extreme UmlL Ons. UIH, 'The King " naacslled nponto give lbs flist toast, and he le aponded wlln bll usual wit, and waa ohllgrd to tinr ihllndtnair;. onder,orii<,|^ a duet with Freddir Leille, the boy won drcns fsme. Ixdles' No. > Club presented iiitir vice piesldenl. Mrs. any, wltb a dismond p) mur •lolae ring, wbleh caused great merriment. Mile I >etKscn rendered a lolo, rollowed by Mono. Petrexil wlib sn Rddrers In French, wblcb made a im Bonnie Lollle, our little annbesm, rendered a in|/>° the enilre company Joining In tlie chonis. IJiiio Dick Oardoer nade a clever speeob before nUring An exiemporancons pncllcal effoilon wsa glren iiy Bobble Fleldf. Toasts ilven by Usnnle Oinlnrr McOsle snd Daniels, Mr. Wm. Ony, (leorge Sihu'- Mldge, the Cleveland favorite; Hn- Ulil, and by ibc melnrr of Bonnie Lottie, and Jack Oardner, on the eporol tbe moment, composed an appropriate »c. ruUu. Preaenli ,were exchanged by all mem- ber*. A good nignt toaat waa given to our bnsilloR agent, Ike Roae- Tdb Fltiho BR06. La Tan closed their engage. mentattbe Oollon Sutes' Exposition, at Allsnia, Ol., Deo. 91, and itaned direct for tbe Oily or Hszico, where they open with Otrin Bros.' Circus tor a ten weeks' engigsmeni. Bah Yaobx, msnsger ot the Bodegs, St. Paul, Minn.,closed, Dec 30, lotakelbemanagemeniofthe Olympic, Id tnai dty, Jan. a. Nom PBOll W. B. CLITRI.AtlD'S HiMsnikui.—We Mdamon enjoyable time during onr three daya> any la Providence, R. 1. Onr manager, W. s. Cleveland, preatnted nn with a baaket or chsm- pigne, and we received two cases ol Export from NeUin Abdsllab, ot the Arabian Circus, sow with tbe company. On OhriMmas night, after Ibe ptr- fonnance, Mn. Ohariotte KHz, proprietress of uic Oeimanla Hotel, tendered the colored addition a banquet. Mr. Burton presented Mr. Palmer with a mecracbsum pipe, and Uiere were severelolherpre- ■ntstlons during tbe ipeecbes and toasts, laiilng ODtll the early momtaignoni*. Uaxrt LAxeiLL, who has been wltb Bl llenir's HInitiels for tbe post eighteen weeks, doerd Dec. u. Edna and Btxixa Lbiod, wbo went to the Paclllc Blope with "The Paaeing Show," and also llled an extended CDgaicment at tbe Orpbeun, Ban Fran- ulico. Cel., returned East ss fsr as BolTalo, N. Y., where tbey ended a two weeki' contract at Bhea'a Mualo nsll Drc. 28. They irtll linger Id Ibis rlclnlty daring the remilnder ot the season, Blllng engage- mm* wlita a new specialty. Jas. Bbadlkt, wiUi Al. 0. Field's HbudreN, Is singing John T. KeUy's pretty ballsd, "We Were Swectliesrts, Kellle snd I." EnniB Bbatnb and Mab Wordbm played a ipedal engagement at Proctor's Pleasure Palace, this cliy, Obrlatinaa Day, and departed for Fliiebnrg, Pa., I)!C 2t, lo nu H tonr weeka' contract over ibe Davis cbenlL Au H. Wbston clued wllh Slamm's "Plays and riayere" Co., In Bridgeport, CL, and opened wltb "One of Ihe Bravest," Dec. 23, In Byiacnie, N. Y.,to pisv a obsraoter pari and do bbi Unglng specialty. Mrs. Rosa Ahsbbson, wife ot York Anderson, nourna Ihe death of her mother, wbo passed awayin Pblladelphla, Fa., on Dec 2S. DtiRINO me BXa.taBilINr of the Ranlr, Santlay Oo. at the London Theatre, New York, last week, Mr. Wblling, or Whiting and Ahepperd, was hurt by a rail from Die bsr during his set, Wednesday anemoon, and was compelled lo close. Miss Bhep- psrd Dnlshed the weok. Mr. Whiting will not nam to work for a week or two. Fisher snd Ciowell have been engaged to tako their place. Carrie ncoit was prcsenledwltb several tloral pieces durtug Ibe week. Tbe compsny were handsomely remenbend on Chrlsimss Diy. London Jack Is sporting a beaniirul pair ot snipender*. HtnAMBABi'a troupe or Arabs will open an en- aageisent at tbe Orpheum Theatre, Frankfun-on- Kaln, Qermany, next week, FiLSSM AMD Khbol, Io their eonedlella, "Women VI. Men," headed one ot the atrongcat bills ever pre- sented at Poll'aToeatre. N^w Haven, Ct, lait week. BBHionTO, eoDtortlonlst, proved s good card at Kclib's, In Pblladelpbls. Ills work Is nowprodnced In black and white. "WnrrB Ohook" Kons.—Ed. F. Rush, proprietor and manager or "White Crook" Nos. 1 and 3, gave a pleasant and most enjoysble surprise tothemem- nn ot No. 1 Oompauy.lntbeform of an elaborate binqnetln Brooklyn, liovera were spiesd for tony- two people, and every member or (he company waa Eut, alao a tew chosen friends- Bongs and r reigned until tbe small boon ot the morning, nmpany preeented Mr. Rush with a diamond lookei. No, 2 wmpany lent him a beauUtuI geld bandied nrakreUa, and a K. ot P. locket came on by nail as the epeecn msklng was going on. Among the Invited guests present were: Ef. Hilton, Barir IIUI, of the New York Btare; Mr. Roderick, Frank Cair, Emll Bubatier, Alex, dorman, Aggie Behler, Tuner and Riussll, Truehsrt and Kennedy, Obss, Fmukln, Nellie Fmnklyu, Jeannelle Woodi, MH- died Howard, Ray Malcolm, Blanch Lalell, Al. latteraon, Mmo. Flora, snd msnyotben. EnVASDS AND (JORNBIL RTO SlOglng FOTd ODd Bmltin'i new coon eong, "Honey, Does You Love YerUant" Sr.JvuAN, female Impemmator, Is engaged for Ue concert wltb Dnffalo Bill's '-Wild West" tor sextieaaon. Has. Mab II0. Siiwart, wife ot John 8, Stewart, ptcaested bin with a baby boy on Deo. 23. Nona psov tub Titou Husio Hall, Savannab, Oa.—Weall enj lyed a meriy Uhrlatmas here Ui con- gfalnlallons, exchange ot presents and a tne din- ner, Including a biskeiot wine from the prtnrtetor and bis wife. In oxchsngs of presents Mr. and Mr*. Vlnlere received from ihe comnanya beanUmi and valuable lamp, moonled In gold and silver, also lecelTlng single gltls from the company. Tbey, In return, nresented each member ot the company a token of tbe bappy day, as toHows: Mrs. Sanders, a diamond hesrtand a dismond breaatpla; Mr. San- den, a One clutter ring, cone, boDdkerehleta and a very raluabls fox temer; the De Ive Bluen eaob received a geld watch and cbabi. Miss Ethel sbw recelring a vslosMe diamond soUlalre: Mr*. Ue Ires, sn elegant traveling ouiOl; Mamie Esrle waa the reolpleni of a diamond ring, coat, a beauUlnl TUxai pony and ouuil; El<le Young, diamond ear- rings and go.d beaded nmbrella; Harry 0. Wells, mutlcal dlroetor, received from the company a pair of diamond cuff buttona, lies, handkerchletg, and fromanontalde friend a locket set In dlomonda; Prol. Zeoo, tbe bAlloonltl, who now bssobsrgsoi Iks trout ol Ibe bouis, received from the company quits an elegant loi ot presents, Inelndbig a valu- able alUgator valise. ' MoKAOBa ABiBtmE.9BYiio<iB,or Iho Wonderland Theatro, Plttifleld, Maaa., gave a banqnct lo his com. Siny Christmas nlght,sfter tbe show. Mr.Seymoor Id not leaveany thing undone to make the auir en- joyable 10 the peifoniien ureaenL Ualo Johnson, Msek and O'Uay, JoneUe KostsUe, the Drown Bros., Al. aad Hauls Andenon, Jolce aud Fblpps, Eva Lealle, Msokle snd Wslker snd otnore snjoyed tne feeUvlUee. IK A Kora Irom Csmcss, Venezuela, Lnclano 1\iUII lotoms us ot tbe opening tbere ol tbe Oebal- iM k Titali inlensUoDsl VaiTelT Oo., on Deo. 16, and teporta success and good business. Tbe com- pany la to reniAin there all this Winter. Ci,AaACoLB OaiBvaa, while working at tba Hsn- baiun AtbleUc Club, ttls eliy, was presented wltb s handaome lUrer Oaak by ber rrienda. EmLiB LOYINSBKO played a speolol engagement at the WIroa (Jtub, Jersey City, N. J., IXxTzi. Lds romhbb, moaol.guui, oloies wlib Ibe Eldred OomedyOo. Feb. 1. Fixibbkox Zbilbk Ii playing over the Davis cir- cuit. YOBic AxDBnoN AKD Sah Wadi havs formed aparinenhlp. Uaxrt Nutbb has been engaged by Alberl Roberts to manage his new theatra,1n Cblcogo. SnBOMAH BwB.' Stiow Is playing tbiee day and week lunda through Boutb Carolina. Qussii UAin la anending tbe holidays with lela- tlvee at Ooeton Ulgfafandi, Mao. Tdb riRii ot Ooas. Uecman k Oo. are now wear- ing Hk bntions, bavbig become memben of tbe Brooklyn Lodge, No- 32. AL. UxuxTT Fostbu vrriles ibat be baa been tsken borne from tbo Norweglsn Uoplisl, where ho las oeen slowly tscovarlng from Injuries received Is Ibe Bea Bcscb ItaUroad diaaator, on BepL 3. Mr. FosieU sutes Uist hs will not be sble to work lor al lean one year. Ncnss PBOM IsnsM's OonsooKS—There was a neiry time In Uarlen, N. Y., on Chrlstmai, when Manafei liham tendered a banquet to his Iblrty-Bvo Octunons and isToial Irtends. Mr. ■|h»mf'i" tare each member ot bis company a valuable and use- ful pnasnL Mr. Iibam'a hoepllaU(y was greatly en- Joyed, and all voted him (he 'prince ot manager*." Uoaloiaa Is sbnply gicst, and all are happy and oon- ten(ed. Tub team ot Smith and Myen la composed of i. M. Smith and Clara Myers. A recent lUlement g'.iv j ue latteHs nsoe as Hauls Hyera Tu BUten He Van depart for Ban Francbco, dl., Jan. 11, tor a six weeks'tour on UeOipheam ClRUlL TuMnaloal Ravens an playing at Franks Im- perial Tbeam, AUaata, Oa, aDd not at tte oaMao, aiwassutsd.