New York Clipper (Jan 1896)

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em THE nSTEW YORK CLIPPEB. Januahy 4. ud P<ul RtCRtl IQ iko iirlnrlpnl roln. The p«r- ronntnca wu rtiMtcil ic, KOd -iM. Kinn'n Union Kqnnn Tiiiatrk -llcconl liro«k- iDg taillenccB were Iq allODdnnco nl tliln bniue Iml weok, uil, u n reiiiK of n (ipeclitl rnsrl l<i prewnl > bill of moro ibiu cummiin Inlciut, tbo current dtjii vm luiuiiunilcd bj n ciinllguikllon iif aUDdlrm lOon aiKllcnccii. Alldty loogoii UomlVi I"'-''^> tlM null foradolMloD uicd to llio uiiiiobI ihoac- coiODdtUons or tblH hxhicIous reiwri, tiid al nigbt •UDdlurooDiwaioot of ilic iiQcsilon *t an nrlj boor. TbB hill of conilniioiia viudovlllo ib«n pre- ■antMl cobttlntd nutor font urea or man ihin puiliia lalereii, the IdIiUI •piwuince upon Uiln siiro of 8«ommor, TeolrlloriulMi. mlmli: BDd cimjoo oxpert, tMrnB or cbler nolo, loci Hornaker, mo awett voiced h*IUdUt,*nd a fanrlia or loog aunrtlor. ntornod to frtODili maile ihnuiRli prevlnUBeiTuns ud fouDd renewed favor nlUi all. Hlic atemol In better >olc« than iinial and waa vocirerouiW ap- filanded ror ber acconipllalimeoiii. L'baa, A. Bnie- and, MlDnla Mar Tbuuipnii and Irrln T. Unali fliTdicU a akeloh noleui iflHi rifecilre polnia and ware dreneil vrllli ucaliic«H and aonil laile. Hbii Tbompnon'a dancloglanf nii excepiloDoHj blyh nttftr, and (ainod for ber laalloic pralu, John T. nionw and Qraco Uarleion fnoud ilieDuelmainooff old filenda, and gave tlieir wlllj nifcrlriK Willi tbeir cutODaif vim anil wlih good ciTect. Tlir »)llan TMo aang aa well ai luual, llnglicr lioiigheitj bfMCkt blianiartisilnga Into nUj with good re- milti, and titorgo Y„ Auiiin foiiod cooildenible flTor In Ilia conicdr wire wnlking act. Cbaa. 0 KUpaMck Introduced hl< ilinicull and novel IricK lilojcle riding, and wna nlil7 auaJaload hj Uadcltne Kllpatrick, iroo provnl lo l» a grAnfol and ikllimi wbcelvonari. Tbclr nut vaij Id ap|>raclailve dc- nand on tbia tbo occasion of Ha local Inlrodut;' tlOD. The Uaglnlcji rcappoArcd In Ibclr daring and clOTMlf accoiii|)1la)icd aerial act. and tbo All- Goatea Introduced no eireoilvo coiueil/ akelcb with muob iucceaa. Kraiices ilaniaon made Iter local debut Willi her band of colurccl lioia, and made an excellent lopreaalou, and Cbua. Harvey and John H. W.Brrne Inirodiicedtlielrmonologiie wllbtelllng edleet tIio Now Year will bo uabered In l>7 all day perfonnancea, beginning at nino o'clock anil laailog Ull mMnlgku ToNT ruToa's TiieATiiB waa on Sanday evi-nlog, l>eo. 01 tbo Bcono of "Aiiiit" Loiiiu Kldrldge'a an- nual Cbrtiiinaacariiltui,glrciiforiho lliileimeaof the atago. Tbo comniUtn' of arraogeineota hi' clodcil uianjr nomonpronilDeiitlntiago woil;, and Ibe; planned a moHtenjiiyaiile cveolug fur both big andlllUr. The exerdaca Ivgan wllu a aUme |>er- fomiance, roKowed by a liamiuet and Chrlatouui irei^, and wound upwiili a daaro, wMcb waa en- joyed until well alona In the liouni paat mIdnlgbL lIUHlneaa tianagrr Marry H. itindenun had charge of tne acllre aiTalr<< or Iho inalliT Id band, anil aiic caeded la bringing Iboontertalnnie:,! lo a graliry' Ing l<ne. Tooy I'aaior waH the preabllng aplrit on Ibe Hlage, anil iiiuler Ida illrcril'm a tliorougbly credllalile bin wan ii>nilered by Uie lllile people, who for the tloio being weru treed rrom Ibo tvAich- ful eye of the Inir, ami dlapurlKd ihenaolTca 10 tbe dellgbt of all. The Idll oniiiged ilie eirnria or Halpli Ince, llaby (^orlnne, Ufollu, liiliy l.ll, l.liilo Hnby, Krnnk Uuilaii Tlilillowlnka uud Jnhnuy llogan, llabyr THireferro, Mialer Ullly Uarry, l/iiile, IJIIy and Alex, (lonlle, In n acooe Irnin "aiioio Aeree:" llaby Uenntii, I'erclia \Ve>t, lilwa Scoil, Habel Bell, Uclllo Ciillyer Anna Whtct. Johnny McKeevcr, Ruiiico llamlall, OMve llruoka, llealrico I, ery and Flnra lliMnell. iba laal iianicil lieing a daugbler or John llniiNell,iir ilie KiikioII llnillieni, who Iben made herhminpiKi'runconnanyHliigo. lll'nia'H I'AUct Urati'x.—The curio hall pro- gramme ror tbo we4«k cnlid for tbo ronilnuallou c-r Wallace, tke nionatcr lloii, hi iIio elder rcaiuri, Tbe auihnr, Yoiina Anioilciia, Kl lion, l>rar. Ring and Biraaaburgor'a Daga and Morikoya are other ob- Jeoti or Intereuon tbe lower ilooi». Tlie alage ehow wUlheglrcn by lltnha Wagner, Ward and Ward. Bowen and Walton, Halea auil Ibilea, Koacna and Otias. II. Duncan. ToNT PAIfrOK's TiikATm.—Tbe concluding hair of tlie holiday rurinlgbt wan iisbortd In at tbbi home by a bill of nniiaiial metll, wlilcb wan wit. neaaed by an aiidleni'O or gcnoMns proporiloni, which act 11* atal or enlhiinlanllc npproval upon Ibe offerlog ptovlaed, making oapoclal iiulo of tbo many old lino favorlicii the IlKtairinled. Rirvn'oa- oent 1*01110 llnlmos, llio Irlili Diu-bcaa. beadn Ibo lillltianda down, and waa ncelvod nIMi nnnilelnk- able alvna or elucero wolcorae. During ber nb' Hence rroni thia bouao alio Iiia fuiiiiiUiited ii floo line or songa, and alio i*oiulfrt'il ihi'in wlili vigoroua Buocen. Iier warxlniiio WU1 lu niiiniilng na ever, and taernmpllon or Ihn nin:<t coniliU aorl. Iialay Hayorand lierllvrly iilckaiiliiiik'a, I'. U. tilmrllii, tbe adopt banjo itiaiilpiiutnr, iind thu VahUroi*, I'lovvr bloyellua, all found Ibeiiwelvca niiiniig rrlomla and mined Ibeir full mrod ul n|iplaue<i. Juliu and Nellie KoUartby, nnolorr bnco vt old ravoilKB, ren- dered melrbnght iMrmllcii iiid wliiy dlaUiguo wlih nntleniary excellrni eirci i, and iho Wllllaiiia Trio, mnBlelana, found ravor for ilieir lonlrlbiiilnn. Ueo, I*. Hurnby, a aamian coincilUn or Ibo comedy aoit, and Kluy Kurialu, h bilxnt aonbrello nnil clever dancer, guvo ibeir Hkcicii, "(in ibe fann," with bappy clfcnl, and Ktil ilonhu., who Uiily Blined ravor an a brlghi nioiiulnnuiii, and Vtm Blraao, a nleaalng elngor, oiroruil Iboir now coniil. huUon,anil then appoamlaa ii toaiii ror ibn iimt ilmaontbli augo. Tbclr «ark gained an abund- anoeorajHilauae. Inaddlikiniu ibo regularTiica- ilayand mdayariernoonpotromanccs, NowYcnr'a Day wUl be marked by n ajieclal mHllncr, and. Judg- ing froD the llbeiHl oiart ibua far, Iho week ilinnVd be one of pntli, oa the bill laor ibe muai aaibifAoioiT and aoiDugtily cnicrialiilng kind. Fiooioa'aruAniHE I'ALira—Tbo IHII prcaonled Oao. 30, for New Year'a week, wai one of ibo beat Ibat bAi been aeon at ihla popular rusnri, and waa acecrdad lla run nieetl or pmiae on the ojienlng day by good sliail audlencen. Fig. roniglnl, Ibo well kiMwnopentlo alogor, made bHdeltuion tbo con* llououa perfiirininuo iiago. and w«» giruii a lioarly leoepUon. Uile. rilarlli<rla, KiimuU laiiiomlnikit, pnaenled, for Ibollm llnieon any a'agc, anaulo- Btnu, entitled *'A JapaneBtfUoll,'* itv Vanro Tlioni|). ■on,miialo by Aline lAuliaiiiiio.Hnil gave n nleHiiIng enlertalnnient. That gnicolul divncor, Klile Adalr, appeared In tbionlal and TArblan daiiolug iiuvel- tlee and won much apjihiiiHe. Tho rAiiiser llroth- en conllnnod lo do thrlr woudeiful beail bah aaolDg, and Hhonzuii ami Uimlafy, ercentrlo oomediani, rulnmefl and fiuiiid ravor. The fly- ing UUIoua. ae(lallita, wetv (lupular lioldoverm and >ir<on and Krrol von in:iny laugha ror iheir work Id tbeIr >keieh, rntltlid '-Men va. Woiueo." QBorge Lockbart'rt iralnril tlephHnt.^, elghleeohiti week, oonilDued lo bo popiihr, ami iho lour Kehrode BlotMn, acrobalB, wrrv gireu niuub apiilaiito rm- ibeIr aoL (lettniile Uaiuileld, i-onicilleiinc, rou- llnned In favor, and IJIIIan Harper, Berlo«onilc Blnftr, did well, <ii hen lui ilio bill wbo made n bid rorpublloravor werwileurgia I'urker, coiuetllenne; Vbail. B. Ward, alnger: Anoebi Slalera, In inualcal noTdllea; Kan and l,adrll, Irlpio horliinntal bar Krfoman; tbe llewlell^ In a aketcli; tbeTbrte 10 BMera, In aong< and daucei; Holiert Dally, roffltdlan; Katelle I, ireulwrg, lu aonga and dancea, and the Canone, In a eketcli. Tbo uaual Hiinday ooncen waa given Dec. K». PaooTDl'a TiiKATHi.—AnoHior excellent hill waa pitaaoled at Ikia l.oiHe Kco. w, tor Now Vrar'a week, Tlie UUok luiil (Slaaleraiia Jonea) mndo her Brat appeanoi'O nt llil-* hoitao, and waa given an enlhiialutlrrereiiilon. 1'hoTwo nmionsi-oiiilnncd to win laaihi by Uirlr et-ivniili'lilea. Al II. Wll- eon, Oertnan oomctllan, soon talkeil bluiaelt Into the ravor or hU liearvr^. and tbo Ali>loua, acivlMia, were favoillei rruiii ilu> aitri. Annka, Itwj'.lka and BIdke, (lypar irb>, nem hnldnvcr ravorltra. and l.ydU Dreahia, vrnimoi|iilai iind carlivnlal, ivaa well Roelved. Ad. Ilynian anil K'bi liergrr wen amnilag In a akriiMi euiintil '-riie NVw Woman and tbe DM Uan.** Daiillnp Ton AMd, alngi-r, did well, and lt>>lieru aii,l Cntilu«. In a akofch, were well rccelvetl. Tho Tkrmt llulalona. lop boot dancen, fuutiil nmitltlvruUle rAVor, und Uouianue aud A'eal, miislral duti, n ere itrinic ravnrlira. lle^ tha Duniood, chanlrnir. WAiart'onled full recogni- tion r..r her work, anil Iho llrlvnp M-4irni. Jugillchs were wrii rcctfbvd. I.'iiv Vrni,in |mn-cd liontcir lo lieaoapildrd(ai'rl)ii|Ti)vni*diii,i,Hiid ihcTnro Dla monds, Irlnli coiiniliana nml ilaiicrnf. did well. Btmbo gave an exbliiiilon 1:i nivn'iuaiiey, and Urclle lAla woapleAHlcg In iwitgaali,! d-ince^. AiiBtY'it TiiiLAraK.-Jtiliii llam, Julia NrlN^n, FiedlVrTy and Iho tiiiirlck ThOAiro Co.. or l.-H]doii, Kng., began on lk>o. ^) Mm accml week nr Ibeir abayat inla honao \vIiii*>Tho Nit1i>rloiia Mm. Knii- amub" annoniteed an irtp Kole ttif.'rlng ror the week. riANe IDH Iho now ihraii-e In l,r,vliiglon Avenue, near V.irty.sevond Htrrrt, n blcli Kni>eri ami Ogilm Qoelet iDiend in bi 11,1, have breu nird In the Hulld. lug Deparincni. lUe goumt will lie broken fur Itw erecllon ol ihe new p'a)bouse alioui Uareh 1, aud It la expelled ibHi II will i« icady rnropenliig Mil aepieuilier. iflsiwH TiiuTiii!.-Weiier ,* FIcida' v.mdevliie (nub are playing a lotnrn engagement ililsweek. Tho ojienlDg houaei were big. Too «how,wlilcb rcnwioa tbe mine in acen »t Ihla house wmo lime ago, gave unhonwl «allAlAClbin,i-vcryi\ci on tlio bill receiving niticrlng appniv:il. Ilir Kaiiwna opened tbe performance wlih tbclr Juvenile prank j. BODin and dancea. Tho MMien Uuri niiig and danced well. Will 11. Fo.t g»»o bl» niuslcal mono- Iniuo and naaonnicnc or comlcallilci. lie jra nen nvo encorea for hU |iUno aeleciloiUL IJ/jde B. luy- nMnd'acbaarcleraungii hit the righi apol, Judeliig briboeageinnawlih wlilcb aho waa riidrmaniied. Icluiyieaod llcalli.ihelttraouabuckandwcnchlin pcraonatoni, aiau bad a ronaing reception, and Uielr Bonibem pccullarttleaeiaclM hcarii laughter. Ram Bernard, ibe popolar German comedian e funny im- pemonailon proved a rill tickler. At iheend ur bli icihe waa pfeacmed Dy Will U. Fox, on behalf t-r Wclier A Fields, with a bcuiiilfiil gold niaichboi, set with a good N»d dlamand and protlded wlib a conipanment lor a mlnlaliiro nortrall. Mr. Fox's pieaonlalluii apeech and Mr. Ilemard'a worda or [banka were heartily ap;laiideil. Tbe Mien Broth- onr.illoweil In Ibel-artlsilc wire act and balanc- Ing. "Tbe World'a llilkion," Hclnlyro and lleilh'B eiuemely runnr arierplece, lirouglil Ibe oliow lo a hllarloui c:oje. Jauiea Hclntyre waa conipelled to lay oif lonr daya last week, owing lo a Mvero cold, cnincled while In Canada, but reaunwd work on Holiday evening, greaily Improved. Next week, Weber k Klolda' UWD Co. KosruR It liiAL'a.-me excclleni bill pretenlcd IIK. -10, for week, ot Ihla popnhtr resort found Im- mediate ravor on Hondty nighl. Tbe Uarto Dun- bam Trio made tbeb' appcannce, and did a re- markably clever midair triple boruonlal bar acL Toe clever work or tlirlnand Dnnbnm on Irlpio iMra on tbe auge la well known to the patrona or this booae, hut their nddalr work, higb aliove the headi or Iho audience, proved a great noveliy. aud Ihey were accorded round after round of ap- nlauae. Oora Itoult, comedienne, mado her Drat appeannce at this lioun, and was aoon a favorite. I'tnrl Andrews, dialect nimlcwaaalioaiiewcoowr, and found iniicli favor wlib ber audience, l.lbenli' NcapollbinTroubadoars liegaulheir ninth and last week rontliiiied favnrliet. I'rof. Woodward'a trained aeala and eea llona(iecond wcekjconiloued their wonderful perrormance, wblch drew loith hearty applause. Tanl Uanlnctll'a paniomlow troupe, Becond week, coniloucd In favor. The Oragga, ncrobala, eniered Ibeir aecond week and were allll popular. Vmm* Ilosalte. comedienne, waa well received, and llemllo. double voiced niliiilc, began hii necond week. Tbo evening's cn- tenalnoicot concluded wlih KllaniraOlypturAma, which conllnnee to l>e popular. The .Sunday con- i:eria at tbbi house tuva liecn dl.-iconiliiiied, ibe Ual one having lieen given lico. tl. Fui'xrHSHTii siKKir TiiKATai.—"The Tweiillelb Century dlrl'' began a wcck'a ably at thIa house cn Dec. -to, and wan cordially welcomed on that date by an BUdlouco of ovordowlng slxo. Sloce ibe man- agement or ililri Bkit hAH lieeii tmnHlerred to Ilie Uandaor Ur. Iliilteo the changes brought alioiit are or a marked cbaractor, while the entertainment (.'IvcHorlilenreoliielOfivaatly lienellltcd liy llio con- aiant rorurblshlog II haa undergone, aud aa a result It may now lay. ust cViIni (oclaaBlllcatlun among Iho beat or lix kind. Tlio ciroria or those who contrlbule lo Ita laterpretHiInn are decided frictoralD tbeplay'a succese. aiicli mtaies oa llolly Fuller, John T. Kelly aud llus Wiillama giving assur- aoi-o or a pleasurable ooiconic or a vlHit, andaaup- port or uiuiaunl rociliHeiHoiftoadvaniago Ibe wort of Ihona already nionlloncd. Tukon alingctber, the vcrdli-t of excellent iwcnia but tho Juiil dnu of tlio enieriAlnmoni. The preaeiil ciat la an followa: Mr. Ulcb>el UcNaniara, John T. Kelly: S'lck Wcilille, Harry Kelly; Jndaon liliigleworih, WUIIam Cameron: Paul Wbinuireo Hioniaa l,ewl.; rmf. Augiut Herman Karl Von Dltderbogeo, Una Will- lama; (leodrry, AlauilceKvAoa; Un. I'otia, Oeorgia llawley; Shrlnipa, Ueaaenger, NcwaUoy. (teorge w. Thumoa: Molltn, Caitrilne l.lnyard: aiuce, Knima Levy; Kihcl, Ida Wlllienily: Sptnlab boy, Nellie llnlkley: Kulalie, Nnllle Juilaon: (^olnmtila, Jennie l.lAienilon; ivrcy Verauce, Molly Fuller. .Vuxt weok, ■ UIri Wanted." llAUXEssTiiK'a OLvxriA —Mnifrc—"Kxcelilor Jr."conllnuealobea nuBnetat this bouse, and U glowing In piihlle favoreacb week. Ii liegan Doo. ail ItH sixth week. Thenrtleth porfonnance of tho merry burleniue will ocrnr Jan. u. iind the occasion will tie marked l>y Ihe distiluuilon of appru|irlate aouvonlm to the tadlee In the audience occupying reserved aeAla. Miialc J/rrll—Yveilo Qul|i>en began her tblnl week and Htl rortolght wbh Increaeed p4i)Hilarlty, and Ibo atiendance at each iMrfunii- anuolaouiy Itiiilted byilio capat-liy or Ibobouae. Blio renilercd aovonl new songa on Uondny night, and wah givon thn uaual bearty rvceit. Iloii. Big. (ljunam V.iipe, niandollulst, on. tered blf third week. Ulliers on tho bill, wbo all liegaii iheir elxih week, were: The John- son Troupe, ninning globe perromierv:Cliariea Mel lou tirdohl, r'liiale Inipcraoimlor; the Kuraobioa, on tlio pcrponillcular iKtka; Flo Uaiiks, comedhnne; lUrry l.amore, grulirnriao wire perrormer; Lea An- dora lo chancier obaueua; Ulle. Fnisoliy,iicroballo diucer; UUclabi Holla Itocoa, vlollnlaie; tlia l,mni; Troupe, aeilaltiU; Itj Fairy, dancer; ilie Dwat' S, one legged i-lonns. and Uons. Ileweli'a klATlonctiea. The llfili Hunday concert was given De.'. with Yrelle Uullueit aa Iho chief allracilon. riori-lt'a TiiaATKg.—Ual llebra play, roraerly calleil *-la>gan'a lAick,*' waa prodm-cd at ihla lioiiae on Holiday oveiiliig, liiir, 3i, for Iho Ural time iioder ltanowtliln,"llununllcana." Thoauihoressayed Ilie leading role, omi aa Tom lAgao, Ihe manly bbckanillh, convict and wronged liualiaiid, enllated Ihe ainipailiy of his auilleoeo tlirougboul. Ilertbn Hello Wcnibiook (Mn. Held) capably tilled tho rule of Jeanello l/>gan, the udventiireA bovenlciir. lain cAlla wore i espomletl to by ibe eniiro com|any, Wni. Kniiyoa, so Jem Uasoii, and Waller u, llurton, at Fredeiick Armadale, well tilled Ibeir reapeotlvo roloA. Tho roat of ihe cuai ivaa afalguud aa iu|. lava: Utise Jonoa, WltUuiu II. dmeilTej; Jlinniy l.ogaii, John II. Rerinou: ljuipy Uorgan. Kille I'earl; Kbvartl llrown, Mamie l':arl: lllchard Hjrkhani, 1. It. Arieainnig; Biiinuel Ugau and kilke Uorrlgau. August Ue.lor; lleritarl Shaw aud Deputy Wanlen Wealoo, Cbarlea IVtmaiur: Tom Alexander, Kd\var>l Hoover: Hiilh l,'<rklaa, Hope Forrosier; SAmrautlia l."gAn. Ura. Wui, Itoiijn^; l.liile (irao) lAgaii, luiiv Fllit. The tuur la uudcr Ibo dlreuilou or II. U. Mluer. Wilson B. lto<a la manager. Ne.\t week,"The Cuilon King." Thoe. W. Mootu will have hia annual benelll at Ihla bouse on Sunday ovonlog, Jan. ID. U'Al.TtHSAM'oau'linBArBk.atTlilrt.r-nratSinct and Tblnl Avenue, will be opened on Jan. u. It la iHiIng ailed up under tho peiwual aiipervlsloo and dliecilon of Mr. Haoroid, who Is well known In Ihntrlcal cIri'ltB lur hiaiiianysuccesarul enterprli- em and to Ibe publlo In this city by bla inanagcmeDl oC .SIlito'H Thealrefor the last two.^eaaoDa that pUce of amusouient waa lu existence. Tlie InangunI play will 14 "The liroat Diamond ItHilicry," which bad aancceoslul run In this city duilng the early Knor iblsseaiiou. Aflcr this a ancceaalonof the It blab claaa facco oimcdloa aud inelodrauiatlo K)duciloBs will be piwluced bore. The prices wlu from *J^'. to ^i.anU matloecawlll lie given on Tueetlaya and Satunlaya Tho location la a Hoe one and tbe need of such a playhouse la shown from Ills rart tbat the aeasuu la boukrd aolldly until Uay, The cast or "Tne Ureal Diamond llobbery" will in elude Unie. JaDauachek, Un. Annie Veauatna, Millan iMwrence, Maud llinka, Fanny Oilicn, Hay llot'kwell, Frederic Ikind, (leorgo U. Bonllace, w. A. Wblleear, neorge l).i:hapllu, Joaeph K. Wbl|. lug. Kdward llollaud, Cbailes II. llAwtlna, Janiea nerlns,n»itave Fnankcl, Charles A. Denlthomo and others. Uisin'H liowanr Tiii:tTi<i.-lrwln Urothcn'Co. opened lo giHMl alied taonaoa on Monday arternoon and evening. Dee. :>i. Tiio excellent lilll piuvlded liy this ainiiig ainalght vurleiy orgAUluiloii was beaitllTapplaiideil llirDtRhuut llie entire porrurra. aiue. Uoors and Karrbor, musical couicdiane: Jitnnaon, lUveoimrl aud l.nrlK, hi their knock- aliout comedy Acmlullcact; Kitty KelsvD, vocallsi; Howard and Kmcraon. slngen. with UbMinilona; llaher and Carroll. Irish coinedlana; U'.Vell and ^^llhella^d, the aiinctlve lliile tlogera and aeiu- bailc daiicerv; Todd-Jmbie fVnillr, acivltala; Cuah- man and lloli-i>iiii'.luchanciirdtio],; Ue^irgeFul- ler ilitlilon, comedian, and tbo younger llroibrn Irwin, In *-lk*viiua at ihe '/.->o."nmKe up tho com- paoy. Neil wevk, l\voii A Nhorldan'a lilg Heuaa< lion, ACAPIUV OF liftl>'.-"Tlie .Spoillug Duchrai' cnnllnuea to ilnw kmA sltendance to mis >-tg p!HV- house. IVpular biioital lo tho nla^ doea not ap- lioar 10 dectvaae. and the end of (la run berv la uot yet In alglit. Ii began Her. M its nlueiccoili week. BaiiAinviT TniATBi- •■.\a AnIstV Model," which ltei»n on IN>r. an iho H'cond wrek or lla run. Is already an assurt<l aurreas. It bad excclleni boa Ilea all or lait week. l.vcBVu TitaATnK- "rhu Home Secretaij" cn. tend on Dee. W upon Hie olxih and laai week or Its tun. tin Jan. oibere will lie iirwlii,-i<d at ibia lioiiae •Ttt lleneni or the Doobt,'' a coinidy drama, by A. W. Pbicro. AT Ko-TiR A lliAi.'f Mimic nAU,on th««fienioen of Jan.;, a apecUl nuUnce perfoimance will be gtrea In aid of tbe Mdles' Henovolenl Sodelr insien of Hope), er which MiB. N. Oral Is mesf- donl, Mni. Albeil lllal treasurer, and Mr<.O.A\oll. helm accrclary. Tbo prvgreumu lor tbe enterlalD- monl will Include I'anI Cloiiuevalll, tbe king or Jug- Kleis: Prof. li. Uounetiy and bla mined animals and birds. I'anl ManlncUl and bis pantomime coin- paoy. In the rarce comedy pantomloe, "A Tentblo Nigh';" Pior. Woo4)«ard'B mined seals and eea lions, the wosdeiful Cragn, gentlemen acrohais; How. Iiemiro, dosMe voiced musical mlmlo: the MaHo snd Uonbam trio. In their midair triple boH- xoDlal bar act: Pearl Andrews, dlslect mlBlc; KlUoyl's tnaneioga Olypiorania, and musical Bei«- ilonabyPror.Haxaabrlel and hisorcbesm. Tbe pertormaDce will begin at two o'clock. llDBiR'a Eiaarn Avsxfg MiiBiug.-Tbe holiday aeawn has given an added atlmu'ns lo tbe regular hnslaeas of ihu popolar West Side resort. Tie management have wisely concloded to give iheli patrona the liest exhibits ot freakdoin In tbe mo. seun balm, while a better class of specially people In tbe Mage performances are engaged to famlih amnseinenl at hontly Intervals, la the carlo halla tbiaweek are: He and lllm, Uie rat and the lean bnriraque lioxan: the KeapoUUn Fonr, mnalral novelty; Piof. Ilavman, modem magic; Fay Delmsr, nueen of lire, and Punch Prior, Ibe Punch and Judy man. lo Ihe Ibeatrewlll he round the Two Kids, the Ttnnlan Broa.,llarTT Price, Ullly Jackson and llarrrB. Hsrlon. . ^. TBI riarHinoiS or aererel music halls In tbli cltT were Bummontd to appear, \tte. 30, In Ibe Jeireraon Market foUce Court, to answer tbe charge ol violating Uiat sacilon of tha Oooaelldalloa Act which forbids the sale of Inloxicaiing liquors lb a filace or omoaeiDeni when anything but vocal or nsirunicnial mu^lc rorma the entenalbmenL Al the hearing ol the coses Uaglitnle Kadllcb, before whom the case* were called, decided In tavor ol thedefendAnts. In tendering bbi decision, Jnstlce Kudllcb Bsid tbai, as the places or amusemebt which were dealgoaied by Ihe section reremdto had ror mnuy years enjoyed the beneOts confemd by Ihe licenses Issued by various mayon ot this city, during which time mere had lieen no atiempl at concealment, and the alleged violations bad been commliled publicly, wlthont Inierference, It wouk). In bis opinion, lie alnost cilDlnal to poblsb snyoce at tills late day tor sach alleged oifenae. HiMB'a Kiiiimi Avgsng Tosatsi!— Tbo Rose mil RogUeh Folly Co. Is this week'aatiracUon bere, and tho patrons of tbe house gave the popular on ganlxallona heany send oir on Monday night. Dec. :ui. Tbe theaire contained an audience or excellent Rl/.e, lud each specialty rendered lir clever enter mioen received gcnerona applause. The Individual meilta or the petfoimem were rully reviewed in these columns when tbe company appeared at an h^aat aide thoalni duilng ihbi scsaon, and then lias lieen no change In lla perwnnel aince Hiat llnie. Next week, lloncll Ilnw'. Comedlaoa. QHAKn Opbiu Ilorai.—Hanloii Broa' "Supeibs," bi Ifliiened up consMenbly with new coaloraes and 8r«nioeiroera, and also with many new reatures In the way of tricks, lllnslons.eio., began tbe week most aiiaplcloosij here nlgbt of Dec. no. Tbe audi- ence assembled was of good proporUons, and en- joyed Ibe panlomlDilo spectacle and mechanical Ib- venilonaor":lLperl>s." Next week, "The Maiqne- raderv," for the llrsl time In this theatre. MtrnoroLiTAH ursHA llousx.—The eevenlb week of the season of grand open began Dec. 30, wltb a fire«cnUlloD of ■■Fanat,''lnwblcb appeared lime, [clou, Mine. BcalchI, Mile. Bauemelster, Jean de, Kdousid de Itciizke, Victor Hanrel and SIg. Vivhiol. Funheraiinoonccmenls for the week In- clude '-LnclA dl liiinmermoor" and "Oavalleria Kusllana" Jan. 1,"Lohengrin" 'J,'La Travlata" and 'Ma .VavarvalsCS, "Alda" matinee 4, and "Rig- oletto" evening or tbat date. Woirii'a Hi'siux —The management of tbis house slate that they will take advanuga of tbe dull seasob in public amusements and close the bouse ror a row weetB, In order to make Important repain and allentions, conaequentiy tbe house is dark al present. A i;nnisr>ii!i dinner was given by Oeorge Uos- grovo, tho Auimllan manager, to the memoera o( "An Artist's Uodel" Co., now piajing at the Board, way Hiealre, which was tborougbly enjoyed by then all. Aiihe close ot the matfiiee performance at thai house tho alage waa turned Into a dbiing hall end the entire company aat down to a sub. alanllal dinner. VIoleta and other llowen were provided bv Uaiager T. Uenry French, and Al. Ilaynuu, with bla accustomed generoslir, contrlb- mod a very bappy speech at tbe ccncliislon ol tbe feast. AUBRiCAK TniiATiii.—"Northern Ughts" met wlib cnnsldenble appionl from the press and public, and drew good alwd audiences last week. Iibegan Deo. 3) Ita second week. TiiBtiAim' TuKATHR, wblcli hss bcoh running under the niansgeueut of Airred K. Asrana (or a couple or nionlbs, was closed Dec. 21, a depnty sher- lur taking poairaslob. TiiR UBiiusiu or the stock company or Adler's Theatre si ruck onl>«c.24aud refused lagoon when it WHS time lo ralae the curtain. Hansger Adier gathvied a company together and a pertormance was given, wlilcb, however, proved nuaatbiractery to ibeandlenre, and tbe adiiilseloo money was le- runded. The bouse was cloied 3>, but wasreopened the rollowlag night wltb a new company. Oahbick TiigATHi.—"The Fonnollng" began on Dec 30 Ibe third and Isat week or lis stsy. CUar Fllzgenid la illll its most aitreotlve realure. II will be loiMwed Jui. e by Stuart Robson, in "Hn. I'onderbnr) 'a Past.*' FiFnt AvBjiuB ToBATSi.—"Shore Aciea" began on Dec. ao tbe sliihand last week ot lushiy. It Is announced thai the one ihouaundtb performance of Ihla plav will be given at thia bouse Jan. 3, and that Ihooecaalun win becommonionted by thepRMn- Ullon of handione nouvenln. On Jan, d M. B. Curtis wi|l lie seen In'-flenileman Joe." Ila\7'ii TURATKi.—'-The Qiy Parisians" eniered on l><o. 30 npou Ibe lltteenth and Onai week ot Its ran. It has been rctvsnccessful and should have a Jood aeaaon upon the road. It will be rolloired an. 0 hy the drat roeiropoilian pieaentitlon ot Uliarlea U. lloyl'a play. '-A Black Sheep." KxriRB TiikATni-—uiga Ne:herBole began on Dec au the tilth and lad week of her stay, retaining "tinmen" as her offering. Ha Wedneaoay, Jan. C tlie stock compaoyor this house iviii return and will pitaenl a now play, by Uenry Arthur Jones, en- aitiS "MIcnarl anil Ula Lost Angel." I'ALSKR'A TitBATki.—"Tbe Bbop Qlri" iiegan on Dec 30 tbe tenth and last week of lis mu. II will ha rolkiwed Jan. c by John Drew, wbo will begin ills engagement by again presenliog "The Bauble Shop." llBiiii.Dg<jijARBTuBATRg.—"The Heart of Mary- land" bcgau ou Dec 3> the elovenlh week ot Its BUcccBirul run. The company was only engaged ror a short scasoa, but, so great has been tbe sue. ce^a or the play, the prlnolpals luve been rs-en- gnged, and ibe run ot the piece will continueiBdeQ- nltely at this bouse. Casikc— Fnuk Uinlein, In "The Wlisid of Ihe Nile," began on Dec. 30 the ninth ^cekor hlssuy. Leonard Walker on ihai date aasuuisd the role ol Ptaniilgan in place of Kdwln Isbam. STAnnABB TiitArsr—"Tbe Ktnnge Advenlnres of Mlaa Brown" conilniies lo bo tbe auncilonat this booBO. It enieied upon lis tflh week Deo. 30. tiTAIi TUgATSk.—'-The County Fair," with its runi environments, routlniies to be the aimotlon at tbls bouse. Tne play sppesn to sUil be popular, and good Bt'cndakcs Is the rule. It began lu loimh week liec. ao. iuhiiin Tiibatbe.— Uwing to ibe railure or "A Stag ftriy,"aad lla vlibdiawal from Ihestsge Dec S<, inu house la dark tbls week. mu WhluPlao-'has cona lo the Montaak for a two voeta- riar. oad "gash Clly"wlU be oaao at the Oiaiid Open Uow. Paur Mabw, poglllaL oaabtod by, Palar llaTea. tl tlie thief aluulloa at Uyda A BabnUB's, and Una IHll'B Kea York Sion an al ilobaea' Slav. CoicaBij^A radilonabla aad appnclallve andleoos araalod -LlMrtj lull." praaantsil by Chulf Kmboiu's vUnra hais n~. 31. "Iiau H »aa aaaa ror Uia flrrt Urns laUilacUr. Tlia ptaea labaodiooalriiioantad ud the coiniiaBTlaiood. ^aaait attracUoa ban will b« Olga h*aUiera«1«, in rapanory- . Piaa.-nomoa 6 Mtbrookaaad eonpanv ptaHoled ■Tba BpecalAlor,*'which waa asan hem for Iba trsl urns m to tba oaitoinafT laif a aadlaoes. Ibt aeana or tha plan la laid lo Oilfoso. and Ihe aur appaan as a darloi •PMuialororiha Board ot Tnda lalhatclly. Mr.Baa- tmka was weU iMSlvad and llbaraUy apclaadad Uinniiji- ootlha place- kollar oat wlih lueeew baralaslwaak. Pater P- Osller la Ma aaw "Ibe Mbtbtaiarh," wiu baihsntilauricUoohan. _ . „, BUOf-gaoaaer Uarry 0. gannady praseatad "A WhluBat,"wlirehdrswa Unio a<idlaQea,S. f,sp^lal IlKileiH.—Al tbe Harlem Open House bnsinen waa a,nl OurlOB Iha |iAit wt«h. Hn. Poller and Mr. Bal- lew i,|,fn».| lu a Un;t and frlaodlj aadlrace. "Tba lJiiB«i,'> .Narkbca" ««■ put oa lu mauainceol ityla, aa« « aa aprreclilad, lads lag Imm Ilia applauaa, Neii weak, Cliarira Kfohuun'ii l*i>.. lu 'The Uav ValUlaDB." Col.i'Hiii-ii.—-Rlian Xo. t' btna tha aaeood aosaaa- Bitnl \hi* If a«tn lo a. R. O.. and »houU da val*, aa thli rtMoraar U a preat liiiproTtinaol on tha altnclloDa of rrrisl idtiIi«i«iiUt« or six wtaka, gaal weak, "Savad Iri'tii l^•Pva." llLVMru'.-tOMin'* Oclorooni brola llia aaasoD^inC' niilal tbl4 hi,u*« Uftt wrak. Mlac.i'a"Oily Clali" niada lh«ir nrtl llatUm siipearanca ihU saaaoo to R ILU. tl Iwaulllul CKflumf j^pnlly racta am] lloa rorma Lara D"l k>al lliitlr tlnwInK tvwtra, llila co-v-MOf vlioukl lirwak all rtcordatil llHthftiBr, aod. ludalos rniii Iharaceptloo oqiha ofaolnablaht, awia will b« al a pranliiBi all weak. Na^l vath, '-rha Hiu«n«4id" nuria>,|-iaC'o. ItiHLiH Ht'ail'H —lb* hnalatita cbrlalmaa vrak va« a auriirUa.atallpravlouiChrlalnua aeak'a iwcorda fur tha raaial.^ >-a«ia arre bioAtowllliaciuadrd liouaaal Iba ••itaDiiiaor lliawaab. TtieanlarlalDtntnlanBagaa Janr and L,n«lH« shmDlniikAfn, John T. I'awari^ Win. and H^»ale Vrnllai, bnl lletmiKkl, l>aia>-and Sa.liaOranolBaB, Kit^tne Hoidav. K. W, Wwal, MIODla Antall, Ihwald H^ilieaw-. .Irtha ii4poraa aod Cairia WrUon. Prinre Vauia, kino. Jofanvia aad hdw Tlmra. oaunae wlU ba alvao on Haw VaaPa Day. J'af loa'a Sooarna-pUradUJ big hooaaalaalwaak. •■ la Bight ofgL raal'a" wlU be tha altractloa. ObaSd OrSBA norm -"gasbCllj;' opanal bora »to a hrn and spprMlallva aadlaooa. Manhaw and Balnr labo Uia cbfcrrole* and Ihara U no aod ot roa wblla Ui« plar UaiB. Baodov aod iha Tneadaro VaidailUaa did wall beta Uat weak. Tba oail aiiraelioo bsva will ba llalana goia, In "A Hoden Hapblrto." MoXTAVK.-lf07t's "AMilkWhila Flax" baana two waaka'eoBtgaganMotbsraalbarora llta ouial Moodar atgbt aadlaocfi. Tha moubllna la mora plctniaaoua aa^ Uia eoauniaa aicn "IMobbiB" Ibaa la iiaaal la plays nf Ita doM. and tbara a^a a oumber oraotanalaloi laoluna- Than are aonga aad daocaa la abuadsoca and ibaeompanr plarawlUiaarallloxaplill asil da<b. Mra. rnuaraadgyria Bellaw did vary wall while here teat HOI.IIS'BTiB.-<)uB. Hiira New York Btaia ara Iha al- iracUOD bin tbli weak, and wars greeted by a big ao- dleae«»- Tbe bill U headed bysnl and IjcLwbodo dailas reaiB oo Uia drlag timpais- Tbar an Ipllond b; the Amariean Uao. lo Uialr wall known Inah SMcbdUas; ■paimw, Iba Juislar: Ooldla. Rt. CWr aod OoMla. In a comadyabetcb: llllo. FtoihalL olivor danear; llaUiawa aodHonli^io eoiaadrahil; Bwan aad Bamianl,ooma- dlooa aod aorabaU: Zmina Ffonda, lo daneas*. Bhaip aad PUl, IB rno, nalodyaad music, aod Pled J. Rabar, lo aatroawromady- ... nvDB A BSHSAS'a—Tha pationa ortbia hoaaa bava braoBlTanoiaar iaurastlog bUla ibU aeaaos, bataooa or Urtm aiooaaJ u noeh aathualaan oa ttaa.oaa alvan thia waak,aDd erowdad boaaaS wlinaaaad tha two par- loraancaa n. Palat Mahar, pa lllal, aad blp apanlai paiuar, Paur Bnma. haod tba biU. Thay an rollo>ad [f Albert Bcboch aad Uia llacrigaD. bxigdlatsoca bier, cllau. Tbavariatrpanoraanan tliaaa aod Psttaag|ll, NEW YORK ST ATE. Drooklysa.—Three novelties are among tbe anodItilBBS la Ihla aaak'aMllaal lhakeat plajboaaaa. B»v«ml (oimar Ikvovilai also apt^ar. wblla lha vmadav Ilia hoiiaaa bava aalfmatlrw<tit<ot. Tha oawplee^aan "Lib- arty llalL" al Iba rnlimbta; '-Tha gMCalator,** at the I'aik. aad "Tba Wblia Hal." al Uia BIJoa. Iloir ''A la ibalr pc«l mm shaleh; Hurphr - eooMdlana; Rica BtoUmta oo tha horluoial baia: tlie (laiviaoDa, In timiaailaa; Ulnu aod Baaloaloo, bi a axateh; iha Blood SUlara. lo aAoRa; BlonaandlBloea, to a musical sot; D'Brlan and llaval, la conadf, aad Uia Blatara Conlaoo, lodaocea- AHvHlox—Kolwlitialaiidlng Uia nin atom, ao. the audlaoea that allaadad the opaoloa parroimaocaoT'Tba and HtOoy, Uai«iHaradan" waa a laroa one Tha by u •nutlty biluud eampurorpUf «noriri«l tWnj uid tbtlr tiToTtH n«t with hMrtrappUuae. (9uQiic«r nitttt wlllb*h«r«Jta.0, (A lh» "Jrlrii ArtltL" Ehpiu.— ")IanuaUj*'UDOTlathUptn eftovn am ItonghtinpUy 10 big BudltiKM. Tlivn vta ft filrif Kood ■Imlboui* prawtS. "Oo llt« Boworf** prared & Mffdnwlof cknliut wMk. Conlog ft, "Di* fftilu Rai" OAVVrTa-'Tlte AlM«tlan,"Clurto«T. B1IIi*d»t mulctl consdy, b«nt> ft vMk'iwpiteiHDt h«n SL TtiecAkt U »fD«oitd Uy ib« pnMDca of IUbrIi Clio*. Tbt opwloK hoqM wai good. "Obirlej'i Aval** vlli bo nor* v^k orJu.O. Lyciqm -Th« TUUAl bli HoDdtr DlRht Mdlone* tm prfMOt hm Dftc ao, •MD Bdfir BaUoo, aitUud br III* Mock compaif. prtMntcd Ihe Irinhdruna, **VIUo* th* Wiip." It In DMTly At* TMli »ln*« Ur. B«Mm) bu b«M MOD Id tbli put or towD. Darfni IM eoan« of ih* pcrfonunc* ipecUUIoi «*n iDirodDe^tl b; Bdnrd PhmiM ud 0#rtrad« ettavood. N. H. Wood, In the "W*i«HnrK«v Vork." vHl be here oext week. - UNiqiii.—Ttier«Tue blc eudteac* preeeDtaOdtipita the IndeiDOD: wtttber. T1i« /.ton Burlewtuo Co.. ibe wMk'e eimctlOD.1* new lo ihU pertol loi'DtodvIll dotbtlttu pntresvloDor. 6pecie1u«er« mirolueed by Ibe Hooro* Hlit*h>. CliMttfl Binki, Plih end (Julvf, UodBoeeihl L«unehmer«,llitlileiieDd Comn.ud Plor- eoce Bdverdt. sutUr*!! Barierqae Co. comet Jen. d. Albanfe^Tbe LeloiMl Optn Uoase wm dirk Ibe flni two Dlflfat* the patt week, end npeoedoi Chrlut' mu Day «lih t«o lanta houaee to wliDeM'Tho PIre PalmL" HieunH plaj-wu vItod tho rollowlBiBleltt, to Ul «Kc*ll«ni awlleDca. MlDole Palmer cave n. In borDewc«nedjofera."n)e School Olrl," aad appeared tooiceUentadnniafebertinoae ol the beH poawsef ibeHaaoa. Tb« vtek eloonl with two pfrformaacaa or '*Tbe(lapltftl." eo^eithlewaaa returo oDincemeBtblf Att«Dilaae*waflD441oedtovltafte thia rtallr Doe plar. ■*ne WlilToBqiiadron"coinfti Dea 90, AngmilaDalf'i Co., Id "A HuiuBiner Mlghi'i Dream," 91-Jmj 1; Bv- noT Peratuoo aitd 8L Uferffe Hmeer, la "McCeiUij'i MI«bBpiL" 1; -Ibo Fait Mall" \i. ■ * UiHHA!in Blbickir Bitie RaTO aa luCbrutmuat- metlonTbomai q. Beabraoke, to "Hie Rpecqlator," who dnvaioodelaodudleDceit twoperfenaaneap. CatoC mloO reedw, comH Dac. 9): John Drew. Id "ChrMor" 3r^"Jma.*'nieroaDdllaK7*7:* HarTyWofH"ftWllbarOp«aCo.iJ-IS.. . , , JiRUiiN IUll am bere ibe "Elite Ulodoo Pibin" for Carl Albanl'i beniAt, Dee. SO. Till Oitnv Thutrr bed ipleadld bailoeie ^1 the pait week, «liheitra tnatloaeCbiliitiDW Dev. Tbt V^hbon Slater** LattSoQMtloowM ihe bllLwiileli RttUfled bl| orovde U each peribnDenre bit week Tbe Praocb Poll* Co. cornea 3D^ao. t, fiam. T. Jaek'i Eitravafaaxa Co. (-11. BiDgbaitttoii*—Attbe SloM Opem House tlw CoraallTllee Olab ama Dec B, to a Unta aadlaaoe.^ Mr. u>d Un. ByroD. la "Upi aad Downs of Lirf." hid bir builoeei 11. *Tb« OM Bomeitaad'* bad 8. R O. 1ft, 0 and Cbrlatmu muloee. Prinioee k W*»t*i Hlortreli STarod to tbe capacity of tbo bnoi* 17. 't^n'Bollow*' Id DUily loodburiotai ffi. MecKar Open Co., In npar- toTT.>wei9Di fora we*k'ieDga<eineot BiJOO TiUTBB.—"DAwa ootbe Farm'* oane 9S-S, to fairly good benloNa. Shertdao aad PItod'* BUr Baa»- Koe (tare exeelloBi eail«reelloii to ptcied andlaoeae it every perltonDuia. *ia Old Maloa" cooiaa SMto, I, Ilonco Ealog, In **nie Widow Bedou" Kom—Tba mMobeta of lb* **Old Homeitaail" Co. w*r« giraa a haoqaet at tbe HoUl BeooeU Cbrietmu eTulDi Weaini. Prlmnute, Watt aod Wlbura wen mjallyenieiiHlacd by trliodn wbllo (d ihli cliy. Wta. Wtfl aod wira wr« th*(awt>or Mn Frank Bifleu, daofbteroraoe. Wlbuo, Trar^At tbe QrlBWOld Open Boom DftD Mo- narihy,lB"Tbaf!raekeen LawD,*jwcked thebpAMDe^ to, 19. Tbomu Q.toabnMka, la '"Tlie Specnlaloj,*' played ro Iba lirceot home ortlie pwiur 17. hIdoI* Pilaier, Id "Tbe B«hM»1 airL" bed a bla booee 0. "McTutbys Mlihepf* nmaeSltSI, *fbe White Bquadron" Jaa. I, ''A BUekaiaflp*'a.4. Rind's Opmu BocBB-43Bler,nlod readoFa bed t einall hoQioDaaB MihJe Crm[(en, Id "A Dael of Ream." did vood bntlaaa 21 S. Aintee Hemdoo, bi "Ceptatn KaU.(.r ANlRhi'eProliV'oonee SI.JaD.!; John Drew, Id *^rMopher Jr,**l. ■ ■ Oiirrr TuaaTHL—Tha FraDoh Folly Cadid btf bael> naia all Uit weak. Thte week Maoiger Ileerao hai a bonea«>)iow, hrwitil bynfreoe. The oonpany loclodw MoocriaraMi Wllafta.i(lkeTn(er. PnnkiriitDil UiUell, Loan end Rherp. CoWtj aad DewiiL HcOlood andiHel- Tllte. Mtlo. Worello, Lennant eod Rally, the JohmooTrio, nieniteU. Uerloo ud r»ail, tbe Sliaooou, and tbe Throe Monllo Bielfaera^ RochMtar.^At the Ijceam Jobn Drev. lo "ThrletoiihepJr ,"li«iitn alvoolfhta' etay Dea SO. Kale rtaitoD, Id "Tbe Two Orphaaa*' It bilM for twopar- ronutneaa New Taar*e iHr, aoil Aajtaitiln Daly** Con- panr. In **AllM«ua)mer Mltht'n Df«em."lii aoDOUDoed inrJan.Xi Edward llarrlaan lea Ueo. ia,ptayloato llffhthnaae*. ComlOR:"Trilby"Jio.0, 7, JanteJ.Cor bclta 9. "FnuivlIIOK" KL 11. COOK Opira llftCBB—ThlebouiehMl tlie Will Co. for IH etine* loo an, to nmelo for three ul|th|A.wheB Daa McCaithy. In '^le Cntlekeeo Lawo," conpila for ihelaBtthree olrbte of the week. "Bunao llaem" lelt tn. pUyInc to feir »ltad hoaeee. Uaderllaei: **M«- earthy* MlihkpM"C-ff. Od* BIIU VeodeTllIe On. »-||. AciDiMT OF Mnio —* Uofile Ton** fHbtn" we* pre- •enied 3). to play iha aotln week. Run T. Jeck** "Boll- lKhter"dMalam*ba*lne«el**tWHfc. Booked for weak of Jaa A. *0m nfiba RrmrHL" WoNoiRUNoTnbTai —Faopte fnr week of 30: Leopold end Sllro. (leorn Itren^ (nuriotta Ray, HaroDe aod AD4nw*, Fnoh iJelL Larry Tooley. Belle O'Lynoe and AoaaTooUy. Sfncmf^M Wlellog Open IIoum HlDOle Paboer. lo "tha flthOAl Olri,*' came to nod builBaa Dee. 0-1&, uieClaitca. Ia**rtte Two Urpbea*," had larct aitendaDC«17-B. The Oanlok BurlrMiae Oo. alU pre^eot 'Tbrilby'* 0*0.31 -Jao. I. Aamitla Dalj*e Co., Id ''A Mid- lummerNlehi'eDrtam." come*!. BiKTABUTnaaTRB.—Kellle NcHenTy,la *7haBleyc1* Oiri,'* Old f^lrlr aell Dee & M. Joeeph JelT«rw»i, In '*Rlp Vaa WiDkle,'' had R. R 0.17. A eacred coacert by aoflhit'a BiDd 9. Tlie BuniUr** Jen. I. II. n. Jarom* Otkra Hocae—"ODe of tbe Bmeef* came to good bnMoeee Deo O-S. "Undo Sent" had Larteatief dance M-XL TheWaahbura Blilen aod **Tbe Tonado" dlrlda week ofS^ (ao. i. ALiiAnnRi TuuTRC—Faderewtkt will lire t coo- cane. _ DairaU.—At Ibe Star Theatre "A Mp to Chloa* lowo" coaw Doc. HI Inr tbree olttbte, Aoole Wlaier, of Ull* city, RupportadliyBbaa Plympioo.appeenloRhahea peinen m*4* Jaa. M. EMy'e Conpaay, lo "A MldnBa- inorltlahraDraaa.'* nextwe*k. Ltcri-r TnutRL—FnDk Boih tbli weak. *'Cooa Hol- low" DVtt wk. Ooi'BT ftTRiar Thrathr.— * Tba BoU Plthtera" thU aoek.lrwnHrn*.*'-Mtteon^Beilweek. "Ddwboq tbe lowanee RIt«t'* dU nicely. CuxctRT UiLi—PrlDceloo Oke ClubSI, Blodoo Fekin Jen 1 IfewbMra.—Tbe Acatlemf ot Uuelc leocciiiti*.i weok of Doo^ by Maude UlUaaa and bar rnuMiv^ a npertofvof new comodlaa aod drama*, at ^^i!^ .ri»r(iqJb«Bd8icenU). Ti.eir npiiSfTfanK^^l •oelodee^ailiyB-**"w. -ftiuoi^ lo V* ikVe il^^i II. *'Potarty eVriar" Jao. I. ' My Beoor*" J. ••"B,r„^?C or Iloooi'*3. *'MupMi Nell '.*. Tlie natla^ I.IIU eleoaaiwoQctd ""•■^A^^Uuo KIOB'rrioiDrt lualaou Dec. 3. especially ibe areotbji porf«rm«« jbM the iMseo WB« packed. It wm on-of iliaui^I^ aodleneai la tbo bieloryuf ibe houaa. Siaodin- rrl!l ool/wu anqoBDced Ion; Mfon Hie runaln n"** >iy illUpaople wamcUmorlDic > ira'tmlpulon tIip wi.7 aey Oeetm Co. followed,». la -The renelne Uwi^' Kathenoe UemalDO appearluH In tite leedloa nle. BUaidaDCO waa hig, alUiooRh. u a rule, Balurlir Blcht l! Ilia poonet diow i.itlit of ihe «ack lurn. --rt. ■errr WorM** comcii Jan. 7. 11 ior«I»e Uie houu mLi be dark all oeit week A -larite ead r*4ii|stD*ti!l aadlenco Bkatmhltd et ihs AeadMoy or Uo>Icl v to lUtea to. lUndel'R oratorio of -Thv Uea^-Uri >• air,a by the ChDTcJi Uu<lc Awocliilua vf thU city, Duuhtrlra ODo hoadr^a eiKl liny v«ilce', auUteil by a mWiIj oicbeain ftiim the Plillbarnioalc Ka>cl-ty of K«« Vuii togelhar wlUi i*er«ml IocjI lDMnimenla!ltt!t. Tlieorr toilowaagtraaiolUeiilreir. Tlierelo*-! wfre Ktii. fin inike, lopiaao: Ruilt TliouipwHi, cooiralii; j ii UcRloley, lanar, aad Qwtiiiu HU»,i>aao, all gr.Nc* York t^iy I'olumboalUll laOark iM* «erk loi-v.-igt of tnfllBe«4 aad lo all prohaMlliy will rena'o *j rurat laeat two woeke to ciHn«.n4 ihe vaQileviild nuitmntta. larfftnaaoce icbeme. whldi vaviii l*e inansimivii ii, ocalpiftleaJu.cLbet falku ihranRb lorwjuiui 4uni dent capital u back IL Blnlrm^AtltaoIjrenDt Tbeelre KJvanl llai rifaa. Id "Old L-iv«nder," waa ilie riiri*tn) aitnci i** to acrowdad buii-p. "Loet Id New York" mnts IT, i,'. fair batlae**. "T)i« Fencing Mastor" I* ilao 3|, Siimt Robna Jan. 1, "The OU HomeMcad" 3. Illinois. Hv*u' lliLL—Oedricek appaii«,ln conJuoctkiQ wlih Ji«gofralni|yni»tMiynrrh*atra, Jao 1 Buoi' TiiiaTBK.-*'Two Old Cioalee" tbU week. liilcB.-At Ibe CUca Open nonn NeUle Mo- Uaarv. Id Bicycle iiiri," Dec ii. did well Prim- roae k We<u'e ■ laeirala paekMl tbe houao at two paKum- •ncee Chri*tma& MlaolaPilner, la "TheSebeoiairl," », rklladtodnw. Th* play weathlrly well fhr iheibird Grf^ance. *Tb* Pan Hall." 17, wa* well raealred. nilat:BMaddrM (local) II. Jao I, late nteibta. la *^Twe Orphau^" 1. "Uooo UoUow" S, *^ Whiu Binidroa** 4. Vriri PaiiLT TauTma.—The atbactloo*. *Heftatot 0'lCt*ia''aad "iBaultr," wen well recalled Cbilitmu woek. Anerieaa flpaeiaKy Co. aod "Uocla Jofh** vtU ba eeaamJes-i- Cble«go.*Dj5lueai during tlio holiday week bea baeDoscelleuiBtall of tlie playliouao*. r\i|^hnii daymailoaea wanclTio uu i1iri*una«iiiJ a lli iio rUn* oo Mew Year'eDay. Tiiere U bat one chioce v( bill ui ooaoeed,that le iho cuailogofSol 8 nlth R iiavlitu iht> araBd,wheTa*'ARaoaway CoU ' pla)ed b neok'a tfogate moDt. For Um near future tbe chief kiinictleaa aili la fbralfbed by theCo1unbl»,«li«re P4Diiy UAT«Dpon Uim appear Id **OlnnoDdi,'* Jao. 6, aod later oa Benlianli aadSIrllaary IrrlDgwill itUenngemeoi*. Tt»e pre*«(ii attnetloaat mel^uiuuiulaU' Hub Itiy." n hU-Ii ilr ^nai« reaaoo baa ralM lo produce a rvhI hii|>re*<4 id »v>"* tbo Cbttago pobll ]. Tlio aiieodeocabai oot tieea \^tf^ and Uia pirioni^oce Iu4 not bf«n apprtfclatwl. aliliua^ adnlttMtotraguod ilia Ll/M»tciu*d* lo tif« lo^kkia^ to be Coaod u tbe Clilra|oOMrall>>uie.«th«r»tlwrr duetloo lo pricaa baa lied UwelTMioritlllnK th« bua** tu tba doon at eaclt perfomuca- COLOMHIaThiuthr— "RobRoy" ban had oalyiufidir ataiuccetidurlog the past w«rk. It will cobiloue fur thiH week, aad will be followed by Faony luieopoti. Id "Qlimonda." HooLRV'H TRKATRit—Hr. floUiom liaa played ell lbs week teUrt*aodleocea, lo '^lerrieoaerof/eoOa." llla- oogagcmeoi asds wltboext week, aad than Nat Ooodwln contaa for aa eoqefloaeot lo "Ambltloa." GiaXD Grata H0F«a.—8ol Smiili Ronell beglo* hl*i aonaaieogtminenlDeo.31. Ue will bo eeea for tbe flrai timibr kical adrntrara a* Bob Aorej,la "Phe RlraU*" Later la the Mrfavnueot "Aa Brory Day Mao** w|U br- produoeda "ABaoawey CoH"cloMd 8, after a nieceu nil week. Baaeball ciioke cooildar Oapt. Anioa a griat actor. The MOP 0 of tbe dnowtle prDfeaeloo cooHldtr bim a (treat ball player. MoVicKRR'B TiiBATRK.—"Rory of the HIir'baidniDi good houaaa, where U wlU remain for two more week*.. Pnak Mayo will follow, with "Pqdl'Bhead Wllwa'* FcuiLLiB TuaiTRK.—PradericK Waide'i ODiairemaot wlUeoineto aeloie with ifala.week. Fortbla,ute U*i week or bia euagaaieat, he will praaaat a reponory oi' well kDowo pby*. iDdudlog Lloa'e MouUi," "vir riolae" and''Jullua Cwtar.'*^ *1llnbad'* corBei baokJao. for a iwo woeka' no, aod a Bpeclal effort will ba m»lr< to have thU ramlUar oM eitnraRania well eiafad. Cricaoo OrtRA UotnK —Bfloroioua cmwdaaw Eddio Por, In "Little BobUisoo Craioe,'* Un week. The plfct* will be cootleucd lorthleweek, aod wlU bo followed by "Tbe PaaelDg Show," which 0)40* i. Vwln the new- Bchtdolo of pricaa etaadlng room haa beoo at a pmnliua. HiVMaaUT THKATRB.—An elaboraia produetloa oi' *The WhiteBbTo** baalna Dec. 9, uoder the dlracUon ot Robert and J^o B. tiampbelL Toe caei lochidee U. L. Baador, Pnok Roberta Praok !(. Dnw. Cbarlea WebeUr. Thomaa Oarrleb. Cbarlea Deake. Uany Hockey, Oeorie Basda. Ilebu OoUlor, L4ile May Uimer, Loubie Snl- meib, MaiTBerTellaudRatberiaeCoUler. BcbbyOayW playadtoDlgboilQe*a,eloelDg29; ■ LincoLX TiiRATRa.-Por Ihla *e«k ''The Wire*'will bv Snmnied. la tbe cut an Bamlca Wheelar. Loulao lltchell. Zelda PoMI, Hercdlib PorTT.l'aul Olunon. Herbert B. Seara, Pranola Klagdon aod Walter CampbelL "Sweet I«Tender," by tha aamo company, will bagina week of Jan. 6. HOPKin* Thratrb.— *'Jlm the Penman!; wlU be ytv- duord by the flock company tbiaweek Ine YaodeTlUe reatoreewlU laelade theappeaianeoorBnatand RlrUn, Carroll Johnaoo, Uothao, the a^leei perTormer: (he Laattrda. Teny end Rimer, Oinen aod Beyer, Hoe. Tataira, and FleUe and Ballaa. Uoi*KiNa* TiiRATRR (WrstSidi).— "Tba Enelaa". will be- produced by the atock company. VauUerUle Cutnn*.' will Inelade Raya and Hooter, AiaeinHic aod ForUr,. Prey aod Lenalra, Hlle. Portefcue and oihero. ACADUvorMostc—"Down loDtale" will bepreeeatedt tbla week by a ca*t headed by Ullt Batlowadd wife.. "Ibo Black Cnwk" bad larie booees during tbe pe*i. week. AiBAHRiu TiiUTRi.—Burena Tompkiiu' '^e Black. Crook" opeoad Buadar efteraoMi. Pora UmeIlIooked> ai U then woild be aiegaloootaetorer tba right lo thO' ataae u the Albambn tbU week between two rinli "Buck Crook** eompanlee, bst the dlffloolty hae beeoi Qied up e« that the production andar tbadlracdonoii Boiene TonpklD* gol tbe etage, and the &>rlnfer k. Wohy oompaoy took the roid. UAVu:rsTauTRR.~'1be Brooklyo Handlctp** wlU be> tbe attimctoD lortbUweeb. Naxtweak, "rbeLlght on tba Polot" . . OLYMrio TnBATRL-LlUy Poet fa the elar attnctlon ^ . IBoao BrwL, naaw VBosHva^ nwava aa. awuaa,( VIVUU WUU m«IWia#, Keit WaBt,^ Baith and namioii, KIlUo Wllaoa,and Kalllall. Chaodlar'a 17bUa Orcbaatro. lanaiALMmo Hau,.—For ifalawaaktbapToaramnitf will ba nuntihad brLaoa, Ida lloaelL O-Briaa Bc«. Viator Laa, DsTa llatloa, IBUa. idlianl, Kma. Flcaida, AdalliM UaiMao. Colbr aad Bar, Flo llltcbal-^ Vtr- aloaa and Bnraal Walaon aod Barl, Han aad waaiac. nor. Da Vara and tlia traaton Blalara. Lroaua Tusaraa.—Tha Bonnl Athaoraio Oo, wilt niralfb Ibe Drofimmma ibla waak. MUa. Biaai, vantrllo- qabt: Frol. wonnwood'a troopa of aoacaud ablmala,. aaale Hart, Dotpb and Boala Lot 1b4 Loraoa and La Var,. Ltxila Molrer Bad Piarl Iodud, Majar Oabao, lAarlaa' H. KoDoaaU.and IIa|haMIoi1oa,HcBrUa and Walbai,. Inaahalrta, aiathaaBlarlalaara. - • SiH T. JicB'8 Oraax Uonsa-nanr Konla' "twa- Ufa Caalarr Ualda" wlU ba Uia altfoaloo llilaweat. Tbara ara tvo borlaaaota la this parronnaaea, "Tba Olrll Ba<bakn"aiid*ToollacaTrilb7." AmooiiOia apaolal- llaawlnbaaclsbrCoaklaraad aonar«,aad Nalila D«' Ooonar. uarHBua—Forlba comlOB waak Iba promfflma Willi ba rantabad br Blatara Miliar, Blancba £a Ololra, Monoid Nlpaoiabalibsa, OaunKa Kmaiy, raarl AlauMar, die' Cannaa Blalan, aod SlUr Boblnaon. f Fnr. Bkiula'a LoTr- BloiT" wlU tH contlnaad Tor anotbar waak. BuslnaMu durlDB Iba hallday aaaaoa haa beaa atataadloff roooi onlj. Ciaiia.—VDdar tha maaatamaot of T. B. Snilib tbio bauM la dolna a Rood bualnaaa. For tba waak iba pi»- 8i«nma wUI ba lonlabed br Foata Bool Broa, Tlinv otia, Halaa Aaaar, Ida Baruand, Aloaio Balab, Kbona aod Oow, BaanlOftoB and TltompaoD, Coooora aod Hack, Faiullo Bioo, Sehalfar aod Clark. BIU Oaclloiloo, Hanr Baodao. tba Olarka, Baaia aod Daadr. Howa aod BaTBOR, aod iba Blanlar Bl^ttia. WlUlan O. Caonna will taka Iha boalaaaa uaaoBamaoL Paai TnoaTaa—Tba propamma thia waak lochidta apoooldaa bf MoDooaM aad Blooa. Tlialaharand Hcrtiar aiiD, tba MaiTaFa, Fcaak Bon, Ocaeaaad Bairr, LotUa Bna. Panola Porraat, Charbanao Broa., Lota Harwood, aad Hr. aod Mia. Oiok Eaaamlaa. Eoiit. a BiooLKroa'a cuni Braan Biisii'if.-Ia tha cano ballapalrillad woman will ba tbe cblal allnctioo. Anotbar Taalara wlu ba Pmr, Oallowar'a iwaira nodal an* ■Inao. OUiar aluielloaa wUl ba ;oa Vltaoo aod bla an- iniidoi,Faarlia BoMaaon, tha mldiat; Bma: l,aI<oy,a wooUD with a narralooa litad or hair, ate. EoiiLA MiDaLiiro.'Cs OLont araaon.-Ell.Bowao, la|. lauaaiobal,aod liannaa Ho>a,tba llllpullan mualolaa, wlUbaibapriaclpaireatoraalnibaaorlohaU. Tliaatan partiiraaaca laeladaaaTarlatrorOrlaataldaBeaaanaa. rariarp parfomaaca. WHiTTa lo.iao.x Dili Hoaaar-Tlia auiactloaa for Udk, waak lochida Jandajioa'a Serb Marlooaiua. Fr«(, Flag- 0lD.lnjilai; B. P. (aliar,wbiu Boor; mi*. BtHba, CIr- aaaala^r In tba ibaolra Iba hooHj alaia pajfaimaacaia willlarlodaNaonIa BbodrMd.noiallloaOiarFollanl. DsoiT Baksr, Torn ror, In tarlatp. FiaklawlU laad itf Ortaalal daaoaa and wlU ba aaalaiad bp a eoipa or alaraia alfflaia. floraa-lUaaiiactloIaa haa liaiiafatnd Nallla Ballar rrom "A Booawap Coif to "A Blaok Bbaap*' Oo BaoiF Noraan, for naop paarn with TarlooaSaBdaraou ntfannnaa ,haa baaa aaiaiiad ftir "Iba lAdp BUnr-'^-.TTllloa Braaa nUnd fnm "A Bnaawap Colt" at Iba eloaaor tha Cbleam aonaiaoianl Tba Boaloolana-a^t Bandoplo tba dtp and auaadad tbe parttmaaoaV "Bob Bop" at tba Oolonbia Tba CbloMlo OpartHoaaa aolraaea aod lourior labaini ra. dacnaltd riana for tba nawDaTldsonlbeatrs are rapldlp lolof fervaid. Paoris,—AttlwOtand Opoa Hotua, loit wecli, "Fudd'obaad Wilaon" plarad one nlahl, to a Tarp lana honaa. 'Ttu Sanlaf'iaTeaniaUoaa, to fair botiaaaa,|bt partbnoaaoa. Tba Boataa Bowaid Atba. BpaaUltp Oo. plaiad to 8. B. O. Contai: "Oa the alppl" Dn. A BokL UUIIaid Jan.I,»naOaantir 01iaB"t. QalBar,—At Ito Empira "A Hoaty Older," Dec. 1^ bad alairhoaaa. -A Bantbof Kapa/'ApUpal n*^ aood baai n aa a , autlaaa aad nlghL "TbaWarofWaallb," >r, bad Iba baaaar honaa of iba aaaaoa. Iba B. B. O. alfik balap dbvlarcd. ''TbaOoaaupCttvaa" eoaaoaSI,"Faa- laaoa"JaD.SaBdt. BlaoualB(lM_At Uie Grand Open Honse the noUaa OoMdp Oi. cosimaoead the waak of Pec B, at popalar PTHao, aad an paaklan the booaa nl|btl). BooblDta: KMatt IllUlaid Jaa. 1, iba TwaallelbCantoir CooudUna I, "Tbe Ooootrp CImar' >. WYOMINO. Cka)raBBa_IIaile Walnwilglit li booked fop' Dae. "Alila ioalla" eamaa Jaa. I, Daa Ballp I.