New York Clipper (Jan 1896)

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Janitary 4. THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. 6J>7 Variety and Minstrelsy BAmnt Kn° Otiarr BmiBqoi 00., aMw ibe dlnciton of 0». II. Bnnu. wlli open the ttu^a Jul «. L. talUer laprepitetor, n, 0. AnttoD iviel MM muMta, ni WUluil Slanton gcMnl •geni. A fetlsR or tilt prognmiiw will bo tb* borteeiiae, "AUk eih*," uta tn eltbonio (lb(br ot llvUg plotniawUl tlM betBlmponuitfMlorlDltie iilll. nt cohikd; wtU lnclGd« O'BiltD, Jeimliti tnd O'i^f Ui« DeUnora BUten, BcbelTcr mi Ill*ke- lej'iTore end L» Hoiie, Smllti ead Rugen, Sikn- M ud BohomtD, Mejor lod Violet Qleuoo. Mile, liiene, Un VllitoD, tie Setaook Sliltn, Jennie DeWIU,IIrnl«Ponerend»clioruotlirelre. Oeo, V.'Banie, gtneimldlrccior, metCurriB celler Dec D. Mr. Banulain loinihnnngtilTreoistnlzliiitale compsoT, wblota will o|wn liuier eod ilnmer tau eTarstiliellolqueTDetlre, Bnwllyg, N. Y., week ot Jan. 0, Kew \ ork, BelUmoiMiid Bowoii to follow. Uelae Doiut, tae btnrootwibj dancer, taia cloecd wtth una company and te resilag at ber kome la Bnokl;n. Dor LiTHSor, Ida Raaull, Memle Rtaepan), Maod MoIat;re. UlUn Oena, Geo, U. IHamond, noi. F. Bradj, ttielladleje and Mar* ueilla New- ton, aU report maklog an excelleat lopreaian wlik Uio latcat range, "Mr Ueec Girl's a New Yorker," and "Ttie Itecner and tke Bot." Miu, John a, RuhmItt, lUe wife o( Jotan A. nun- neti, at one lime tnamrer ot tbe once fiiaone 8in Ituctno Uluuels. waa fonnd dead In ibe area- way ot tbe bnuseot AlbenA.MellK,{<o.Ul Wwt Beventr alicib Sinet, tbla city, abool ten o'clock on tbe evening ot Dec -.9. Tbe caoee ot bet Holeni deitbltnowtielnKrIgldlylnToeUgated bj tbe an- tborltKi, no clue fiaTlng been giren at lie time ot golDgtopree*. Uanut, I-oiitH kSB IIiNUY Will pUy ov(r tbe Hopkins clrenlt. lucHMOXD AND OijiniOT Will rot at ibelrliome tn New York unm Jan.»). Hi HiNiT'ii HiKnraiu bare diifillcated ttaeir ex- cellent teeord at iboOmnd Opera Houw, I'blltdel- pbls, 7a., and bare been n-engaged (or anoUier week u itae atiraoilon for tbe annual beneUt of tbe Hireet Railway enployaa. TBI KiLrATBicis, Itae popniar aiteir Irlck 'cy- oUais, will be tbe ftatnre at tbe Olympic, Oblcago, III,, next week, during tbe big'oycle enow In tbat city, ney are at Kellb'a i;nloa BiiuaieTbeaire, New York, tbla week, JOI HowiBO, of Howard and EfflOTUO, baa writ ten a new diwsnpUve aong, entitled "ill BOi Honif TomoiTOW NIgbL" It la aong and UlnHratsd by tbU team, wlita tbe Irwin Una. Stew, and will be pnbllabed by Joa. V. 8iem A Oo. AT Tilt HADDOH Sgl'ABI OARDkM, IbH rity, On Mareb t, Prlmroee A ffeet will celebmte tke twenty- flttb annlrereaiy ot tbeir Joining (oroes aa a aong and dance team. MAMm BOYO aLBiiB.'ns,wlfeotAI. ll.Olemenia, was taken veryalck In Oblcago, 111. Bbe will epend tbe Winter wlih ber staler, Hn. King, bi San An- tonio, Tex. SOAMLON AND iTauB, Caslellet and Eall, L')weiy and Fnnceaand ibe ItsTenport SUlersvolanleeied tbelr eerrlcea on Ctulstmas Ere to tbe newsboys ot Boston, Ifaa., and atter tbe peifofmance wan orer tbe company was taken toancKelendpartookut a well prepared sopptr. OiiARUi Rdoz baa been engaged lo manage mmper's Seabitgbt Pavilion, Ocean Oty, Md,, next Snmmer. Auoi Oabhuo, seflo coolo, baa been compelled to cancel all ber dales on account ot serious lUntxs, UinDAFOTlsDIllssa tb'ee weeks'euagement at KobI k Ulddlelon'skoaeum, Oblcago, III. T.J. UsraoM baa been compelled throogb Illness to lay off for tbe present week, but will open at Itae Olympic Tbeatre, Oblcago, III., Jan. 13. TBI Thui Bbotbiis KiaBro:!, pettormera on tbs Dying rings, sailed from Usmburg, Dec. 22, un- der excluaire contiaot for tbe Kellb drtulL llielr AmerlcsQ debnt will occur Jail o, at ttae Union Ckioaie Ttaeatie. Tbe Nigbiont' apparaluH la eald to be an enlliely new depaiture In nyloi tings ili- ;. Ttie Trio deKocb,In tbelr acroliauc ana bead Eaian( alanclngacis, will make ibeir Aoeilcan debut Jan. 6, at tbe Union Bqnan Tbeatie. Tbey ailed fiom llambatg Dec. 21. Oeailxt OAS! closed bis saawn wlib Que Hill's New York Stan at Montreal, Can,, Dcc21, wben be was pteaented wlib a gold watob by tbe com- pany, TBI OOLSSUtra Sisrnta ar« appearing at prints entertalnmenia In New Y'ork. Tbe; are being booked by I. OoMsmllh Jr- JODK WBLiv, ot tbe Wedey Bros-, black lace comedlana, wbo tia> been aUlng (or the paat yearn, wUlbelenderedabenelt ball Jan.», atBuiTalo, N, V. Him OOBXX, tbe OalKorsIa barllone, In "sing. lofUla Ust TlioQgbta Wen ot Yoa,** ihoftnted wuh BlliTlag mr piotimt, wUcb brine dowD tbe boon U eTOiT performince. Hons PBOU nil PHOLira & jAnanT Bia Ea- ropttoNoveliT Co.—W« left Nortb Baltimore Md pMkTedtotbe MoiMrbaalmsaof tbe setion. 0/de Fttlillpi la^Tlog tbe gnftteit.jDggllBg Mt evw prodQced. CbeTAUer Jirntl'i mtiloDettaa of llTlog browDleststbetalk ot tbe MUOD. HftittoUoKftTi onr nreet lltUe M>iibrett«» to wlDnlof ereiTone wlib b«r bright and OAtcbreoogt ftiwl clever dAo- du. Roale Neynon U dolog her clev«r glob« act, m bu Ibe Mdleoce irttb bcrBttlliltnci.wtaUe Ust, but Dotleut, tbe gmt Jobnaon, contort tonlM. la ft banttn pozBle to everyone. Ble feate of cod- toftlon ere almplj mArrelooB. Idle. Long, our clever ptulet, ts itltl wlib us, end pceteDted ber buUua wltb beQdflome disinoDd stud In reaMm* bruce ot Obtlstinu. TttsBoglUbBongPablliblDg Oo. bire jast pnb- llabed two new KuUeb soogi, brKcOleonoo, wblcb *reMldtobetb«bltHo(I«oadon. One la a comic BODff, entitled '-Do It jLgtln,*' for mftle slogers; tbe otbttTleftaoDgftnd dince, wltb wiMCs Jlg^enutled "Sweet Nor»b, Mr Own." BoU will tie iHued wltb orobeetn perte. Booiiitaa.—Tfae Kleo Mawe, Id QtloeTt op«o«d Dm. n, aader the oeoeRvmut or JL L. Morriii, vlth tbe lollo*- loilP*^tt.J'O.Wo(Hl,Ij*aVu Bann,0rutDru«.C1iUr Bliek Bftwk,0MtrrudlUehu4flOB, A.UHonU, Muole Mont* ud Batella filuk Tbe Blkbon Tb««tie mh- •duDepew. N. Deo. 1 imderth* miDiKeaiintorDe- mou k Bkorord. Oiu. o. Rice U butlisn ud auie mUMer. Camet bookloa m: Meek wul Coolur. Ktadi Mlironl. rtiDkU U Mtr.MiUUUrud L(Q.oola, mod DatIs and LIUUo Banuey At tbe rnokltn Tbwtie, Norfolk, : EkU Qnnrf. Plor«Bc« Jick. f. MornD,Jeek UanDenj', Sidle Moor*. PaoUao Howard. MvTeloH. Bom BeoMtL f^rMehorBvllo Do For- rwr, end Howud and Bar) Aitlie Eoplro Tbaatro, ran W*rae, Tod.: Molanro aod Rico, laox Paar), Otf* roll and OardMr. Dao BavlalU Came* and Wobttor, Koaa. Harrr Do Ormrtnd Kilo. JoaopbUo At Ba^ tm'B TtaaUf, ffowpon Navit, Vl : aitmn awl Nollbaro, Lovio aad OtiarhHi*. Panolo Ohom.Toail't Brao, Plor Mtee Edwaidi. A,iula HmlUi, John Banr. CharUj ReoU, Jake Ko^ afld Bddia Uillor. ORECOR PwtUBde^At tbe UuqtuDi anod ScbUllog's moatnla appearod Doe. 10 mad 17. Tb« altoadancoof tho looal lodge of BIki eontrtbuled largol/ lovardi Ollliii iholwuaoUiooftealDf DlfhL Thoobor »aa ikmt, bow. eror.aod tbe aecood nliiit'e hoileeM wea toit HfbL *tbe Call Bolt** eo operallo eonedr. woida and moHo bf Enobe rnnoei Btaar, oribia eltr, wa« proaoDled for llio flntUneoD uyKAffeUi It wai rreottd a lance ao- dkraaadnadeadteldftlblt Tho annual meolioir of tbo Aaaoclatad Charillea nan bold 19, Maaanr HoIIIr kUKltrdoaailnv tho hoaw and oabem for that perpo^. rrorHemoaaBopoaeJ AbeloroalarRaavdleaoo. Tbo adnnoeaalororuevook In Toiylarf*. Joe OowtlwrB MISSOURI. •I*l*owlfl.«-Cbriatne0 wkIc wei ■ protpenus oae^ortbeib•al^^atltb• boaioabctoitcnvdodotttho holiday. A bolter cUn of ttlneiloaM la U*i«l r>r Uili vook. auHe fiYtkA Hopsi -JulU NwlAvr TtWr anj RAbort Tabor boM ibi loaiJ^i ihl« ««ok. Rvbort Hit llacd vlll rollov. UrouD'a Vanatviiloi plarcti lo a llihi vaok'a buslo»>*. OLTHrir TUBATriL-'^O PawlDK Rli««" u Uio bill EiitdoJ brMaan^trrRhort for tbo currratwMk. "Rob rf cenira vook uf Jan. y ' Faniannn" pU) ed co fklrlr lonl ho^loru. lUiiAX OriiA 1T-nL-Bobby Onylor wID dtUcbt lb* maaf paiioai ot thU hooM Torn vook. In 'la a BIk Citf^ "A Railroad TIekat" did a flao bailaoM, and BuROtte Uanno^d vu aprlaidod tn tb* •fbo. Ooonro MoDiook Id -a UkTtr Lttilo Uom*." com»« t-ll TllBAru.-'Tba uril I UnBthlod Mo'* (■ bora Turn vook. "Tbo llaailoi" folhtva. Tlio Coootrr nrtai" pb;»d In ImmooM andloaota. iho8. ft. 4) >l|ra bolQioipo<«iluiH>Ui peiroioiueoAon CtiiUinaa Dftj. PTiNDABD TnuTaic—TiioNov Matoon Spaclal'r iVl MckodililitboaireaU laa oaob. HolUj i Woffl'a BIf Bbov la tho oomoi aitimciloo. Uarrr MorrU* "Tvoa- tlotb CoBiory If aida" naJa •uchahllbor* a lOflitlatit ajr>ihai tho« viiipiai- k i«tamda[ono,\t «ook. OARoaa TiiBATRi.—Briabi Biar Qiartei, Dor* Man. lOllo, Mlaa Octniia, Pr«4. UDilAr,(!IOTorCamll,J. U. Colllaa, Cobom ami OlliTnO, and Prod. Cleror. UBii TniAtu —Thii bnufo hia bfoaretiiod and to- doeoraiad.aDil vlii bortaiiar bo known u thoTbaairo Conlqaa. Ttio fvUovlDg eonnev Itanaoancod: Jamra and Loltt Clamoni. Uman and NIaa, CItai. and LIlUa Paroo, Uao. aad Amj UilUrt Lillian De Vaao, KItiU AabUr. Harrr Notior. John Nona and Mabl* Hall. Ehu nit's ALII AH eiA rAUCiTHUTRB.—WIU ood llartla, RKtr Bovard, VDIlAoa and TiMropaon, Blbo lllMlo^ Jobo Wlllianii, Tonj Rf an. i&o WalUco Blniar^ the Kahor fllaura, Oicar aoJ fUUU Kihorat, little T1ion)e,TIUlo ColliOM, Krank L-Oayand Atock. BRVAxrs Tflbini.—teliHlTor and Do Var*. Krllf Broil, Harrr Kruiklla, Blltr I^lad*. H. Pov«ll. Lilly Wblto, Haul* QorvloD and BaUo Pattonoa. Maw CAsno — PIcmIo ElUvonb. Corm Pniikllo. (loMlo Lx Vert,Loro(ta Do LltJ*.RarTle PeoDor, Ida Wamor, Blanche Adama, nalllo Adim*. Dottle D«lma)-, Uoorgia Paloor. Diamond WhIOocI, Ur»r and Rftlmood, J. C. Board, kaiuo Do«.KoDB*dr and Uarloa.HlcbolCoUoa and W.B.UoUen. Ooaair.-Ovlof toadoUfid train, aoronl oomhonior Caiman'aVanderlUaa dkl aot roach bore lor ibofluoda/ nlfhtopeoloaat tbo QrnnJ. Tbelr plaeei wore ODod by volaocoenrrpm Brrant'o and tboQardeaThoBiro At tbe Cbrlatnua olaht portomanceManaivr Jamoa J. Batlor. ot tbo Biudanl Tboaira. vaa proioniod bla ataROomploToa with aTerrcoailyand muulitcentioU bandied ambtelbi Oeonco t'liurthlll, lorviarly with "MoQuihr'a Mlriiap^" loloed ilio "Country rircna" at HavllD'aH OaCbrfatmaa Bva Llnla iUhar,atiho Palico Tboaire.wu pr«»oai«d byMondiwIth a modal PM ■ ~ apooch^^ru'mada'byVnLnk LTOay, iho auRa oanaaer Tobin and Loodbont, proprloiora ol tbe In^eftoma|n Rgbf pleco. The occatioa vaa Iho lira aiiDlTofvarrorbar ai>pMTaaM u^ion ilia aiaiio., Tho pro- bent, (laidoa Tboatro, foaatod iholr parTonmre Chriaimaa niaht Klitj UovanJ. manasareM of "The Black SpWef*Co^ vhlcbdlabtodadatLltcbaald HL, la alovlog at tbe Palace TbMtra Mrt. W. A. Colo. pr^rkiro«a orUieNevCaaiQoTboatre. vao proaonted with a allror titeher and a gold lined goblot a£ Uiat houae oo Clirlainuu Iro by bor omployaa BIcotto and lAoranea, who hare been i>la»lni the Tarloilas boi« for nearly a year, loare for Now Yoit noit waok. ooaae 90l aad *Tiio Defaotur" Jan. H. The Prawloy fiuwk On,, wblch vao bookod for Jan. M. baa etatDged lu - oniin*-— dale antll lavr la ibo CoiDUT'eTuBATBB.—Tho BocDD B'ootCo. bono a TO- torn oangooHni IB, and pmwotad " tho Black Plag" tbe rocnaUMor ol tho wtok. Good baaloe*ivaa attracted. "Ml^aol BtrofoO" vaa pnl on Q, aad **Maieppa" will follow flD. Ntw Pabk TBUTii —Tbe atock eoapaoy playod Co fair bailnoo* wMk of l&iba playa prswited botng "An Amorleu OUL" '^Doatlay,** "A Loyal potean''^ and *'tfoete Orirtol** "Ameftean Bore/** military drmna, waapntOQ B, tiofoie a good andleooo, and will eontlauo tbe nnalDder or tbe wook. "Ingomai" wlU be pneent- edA WoHoni^D.-Kallte Lamoro. BlfdU BanU llany Bannrd. Lnlo Watia, JollaWlDdiall. JMie Rood. Geo. TioielLCappoki, Bollo Iaidot*, Cairfo VlAClielL ARBReiiL-.Aaa]lta Oemo. MalMl LlTlagfltone, Id. Dobn. Oora Dovglaaa, Bra Ltator. LovvBi.—Th«LooTreLedy OicbotUa. L OUISIANA . V*w Orl««««.-4)brletinu weak wu proflteble all*roB^. AttbeOnnd Open UooMOilnSklaaorand bli eieaUaot coopeay pnanud "HU Once Ue Oram' noat," **TllloB.ibe Tagaboed,** "Batberloo and Polra- cblo** and "Tbe Monbant of Tonlon.'* As ofoal, Mr. •kleeer won gfooial coma&eodatloB, and this home added aaottaor tnccoaelol wtek to Ita alnedploog llat. Ralrlal eoaeo Doe. fl. AuenropMrsia—"TbePalal Gaid'* was afortanato attiBoUoo, ud kuva nodleotee prmd the rawaid ofibe good aeteneommlair the eo. ^ora,' Br. OiABUs TauTmL~''rbo Balm ■arge aodlaeooa wblls bore. Do Wolf Hopper pneeau •pr. ■yatai" M and wetk. Kaasae Oltf.—At tbe Ooatee Open Houae "Trllbj" made lis aoeenil appratanoo here last vook, and, wnlloboslooaa wu bottar than ihaprovtouatlino, ailli It waanoc what Itiboatd liaTobOfO. Hoary Carlton . .._ - .-.gj jijg Laini, -^.fby. TbU waok roinm OBetgomaBt. Na\t pUyed STengnli. Mr. OaorlaM, who Plared tbo Laird, TdlthCiMO laiUll frlfby. Tb' , ^.11 play a roinm OBetgomoBt _ _ . wook, fiuk Hayo, wiu -Padd'Bboad Wilun," will make Era Pay vlll j llsaratappaaruco boro. AtroiTOBiUH.—La«t veok Clay Cloiiitot, In "Tlio Now DoiDtD[oo,'*cnmotlio hntUttea alghu^ to r*lr bualooML Mr. Olomootacorod adaaoivodoiieceM lud rocolroil cur- tabk cnU« after eaob act Tho li. of M nioe Club glru a coooon 30. Oommoodng Jan.\ibe Wamor npora Co. vlU appear In "Lohoetrio," "Dlo Walkoro" aad 'The MolsleralDgar." Anenoniou«adTanc« Mloaaauroaauc- Orahd OreiA Hovax.-Uat vook Charloa II. Yalo'a "TwalTo TamptaUooR" Ud ablgweolc. Chrlotmu Uro Tke Kanttu Cliy irorfdtMaiht tho entln lower door and MTo tbo local nowatoya a theatre party. Chrlatnaa ngbt the bouae vaa aola out at nro o'clocb. Tbla vook, rroomaa'a "A Uallroad Ticket," and D«it week. "Pkn- Nix'Tii 0TRBBT THBATU.-laal Weak 'Hio nuvtlor" had a good veofc'a Imilnaaa, Uie .Xmo alteadanoo boing largo. Thta weak, ratnitn^o Spoclolty Co.. and noit vook. for tho dm time hcio, Boboy Qnrlor, In "lo a Big Llty.'^ OIIJ.I8 OriBA Uoni-Laat woek,tha Cn>w Comody Co., In '*LlBwood" aad **)llstakei," bad filr bouaoa. Thoy will nnala orar thli waok. Tbo roUooiog Im the bow ttatT: W.M. Mom, tfoaairor and manager; Hark Rob- lilBS, stage director; U. 0. Hoffman, nuMeal diroclor; K.*alo artlits; Qoorge Caratn. aiago onr- panier: T. B. WIUob, aantor propertlaa; A. Bnlnard, ckleroioculelaB; Moa AElokler.pobllriionprognmno. CoLieioi.—LIzilo Parkar, Tom Pay, Racklaw and mill- [sn.B«aaleVofioa,andPlAbartyandOnBort. Bnalnraa JoviLTT TuurRi^nis llioaire ckMod laat wook. Manager Monroa waa amalad and Inad $100 for aelllng llQHor In tbo tbaatro,lo bodocldfd Uiclooe the-hooae. Uo wDlntoCrlpplanreokandnnathoatio. MlkoWhalaa, Oarrie Wbaloo, Orlando aad Lorotta, and Lydla'iraj abio wont to Cripple Creok. It laruniorod that BartBar Ua. of SL Joseph, Mo., la ngnrlsg oo nmlng tbo Inoao lotoanosoun. - CuprsRi:«niL-Tbe Byatpbony prcboaira. ondor tlio dl- rooiloo or JdtB Bohr, gavo thoir contort at the Co*tot anaraooB of 3r7 Loola SalU, orSolU Broa.' Olrcua. vaa In town laat woek Win. V. Malaborg, an ohl time actor, ooe or Iho orlfloal stAck lo tho old Nov Yorit BevorrThoairo, laonw UTlBg la thiaclty Ly- man II. De Pay, stake maoagar of th« Oraod Opom ROBOo, was pntOBtaa vlih a diamond lattlal ring oa Ohrlatiaaa Bto by tta« otaga lianda of iba Oiaad...... J. P. O'Coanorhaa looceoded Chu. Moore u state maaagor ■ " ir Jadsh.r lonse Willi ofthoNbith Btnet Tboatro Hsikator Jadsh, or tito Oraod. preseo tad all tho attacbos or tb«li( some CiKUtnai proointa. ft. Joeopb—Tbe Tootle Theatre wai dark week or Dee. is eicopt a local ontartalDmani 19,0. "Tho War or Wealth'* cans A tO end OhrUtaaa matlnoo, to good hoaaoc Olar Ctoneot conoo a. frask Mayo, la 'Tud- d*nhoad W|tioB." Sl^Jan. I. OnAwroRp'a ToiATAi^AL Piold'a Hlnstrels, Doe. If, bad good taouai 'Tbo Umlttd Mall," IS, Z4. bad fair baalBosa. *'Tno Twelve TemptaltOBa" comaa ai, *TnU>r' Jan. L Kimball Opeia Co 1,1 EDU Mosii.—Boalaaaa has beea rerr aaUaractorT Tbe people for weak ar Dao. 30 am WlDCnlhaBo, WQl Woeion, tbo Pelli BUiom, Poaierand Wtlllaroa. the Jacobs Pfcally band, Ibe Bilrtm. llunrtoa and hlaksB garoo, and Jno.Tboapi9o, the blind vhlttlor. 8pWBaaeliI.«Attbe Baldwin "A Torklsb Detb" —uiio Chriaimaa, aad bad Rood hooaaa at both par foraancea. J. 0. LawU, In "SI Plonkiid," at Iho Orood, did raUboelDoa IheObertIn CoHtgeOleo IHub had a gAod auoadioco at thatr performance at Btono Cbapol. Drary CoUege, on 21 A charitr bnoedt ontortaJamont wlUbealren bylioiae DiBstrol taIeBt,under Iho director ablp or Joe DabtA on aneraooo and eroniog or 91; at tbo Baldwin. Thay vlU bo sMlsiad by D U.fltulolih.for- ntorlywlth Clarelaod'i Mtnatrola: Carl Botlar, In black art.eodB. 0. Buck... ...Tha Baldwin vlllnreaoatoa Now Year's Day tho Mlnball Onra CoapaBr. mpportlng CoriDOS, in "lloadrlck llodioQ Jr." Afreadr a largr advance sale has t>eaa made Rosa Lintfo Is in< arand'aneitatira(iloe,rAnlngDec.l9 .Tboold Pahy Opera UouM has beea flttodepandronoralod.and vLJI boraaftar be occupied b* Tarlatj companloa. It waa openad lo good bualaeien, which haj oontlouod all tbo week. L. J. While la baalaeu maniger. ThoL Eraan, J. T.LoToly and Hied Dajtoeareatproaont ocoopylog tbe aiage. BH ODE IBLA NPi FioTU«Bce^At tbe Frovldence Operm Uoiiac, Deo. O-0, W. 8. OloTolaed'a Mloalrels cano lo pmliy good baalneoa, PorthoreaalodorortbeweokModJeaka, In npertory, enJo>eJ ftf large baaUiau, and gave lbs beet orsatlsbcUos. Tlio sltitctton (or the proaeol week la Keller wbo will doabUeaa myeUfy largo audleucea. Tbo Petal Cart" faUowa. ^ , KaiTi'sOrsAA Uorei -Jaa. J. Corbeu. In "A Naval Gadsi," eaoDO B-fi. and pUytd to tbo latgeat week's ro- eelpla the hoaae baa known. Oa Cbrlaimw Day tho honae weeUhatdlr bavehald Uiepeople bad Itbeoo lelca aa largo. Thla veak Aodraw Mack preooou "Milea Aroon." PobowlogMr. MaokootneeBt«reBr«lle,lo''On tboBovsry." . . _ WBrHinTtRTiiBArRt.-JoospbOweohelmer's"Ziro* Co. made lUBrat sppiaraoce In tbeHty. SS-S, aad gave a blgahowtoa iToatblRbnniaoaa. yortheptvMnt wtek ■he Booaell Broa * Co. will ooUrialn, and rollowlaB e Mlaoo'af;ityClab. Lomaor a OraSA lIoi'Sa-N B. Wood aud Lol>i HtockCo.,lo"ThaOrphana ol Ka«Torb," and as the oibor booaea Uie place was Doilargo onouib to hoU tbe people. Tbla w««k. Kate Dallai andilio»iockoom- paey, la '8boi" and vo the loUovlog «eek Rdlth Mai and the einck will prtaaat J. Z Liula'a "Worlit." larAKvav iIall— RIvside will tiro a era cart Jan. t. None.—A duear wu ilvon U> the tnenbon oi i 'Zero" Co. oa Cbrtsiataa alght by Mioagor Oppeahoimrr. ... - ochoo - ....P» Monroe,'the wall Weirtali r pioa, otbor aruelae. _ ^maaacnoribeWeilalBatarr. waapteaootsd wlib a oev Pipe. Tbo Renis-Baniloy Co. alao seal Mr. Monroo aoma (airistBiaa nma mbraacea Tbo anuaneo and letrtv oT Kotth'aOpera Honoo lataaumily doeoratad wIthavermsBa for tbe hoUdava Medjoakswaa oa- inr the ProiIdtBoe Art Ctab danog bor nay In tartaiood Of the Proildtaoe Art (Mb danog bor ney tbo city lairt weak Prwk^Jalir.orriiJiaadQoli broke hli wrist bare laat w jak. IIR. Pavri«eb«l.»At tlie Fawtacket Opera Uooae Wballtnaad MuiaU'a "tooth Before tho War"Co.ma4e lu flnt vUJt b«r« Off. t&, and played loB. R i«n Crlomaneso. Banoy Pergnaoo. In **MeOanhy'a Hlr>' pa,** ato plarod to a good bonao B3. AbbIo Wud Tiffany, who wia karo oolr aohort time ego. ptaya are- tnra eogasomeat 91 In "A PatleJ OaU," aad on Jan. S W. B. Cleveland's MIonrela ooma Tblegaet this booao have taken aa enilrnly ww es pa c t eaoer the nmnage- meaior rnd, Btraaa, and It leoU as tboegb the people weald bat s sooe good attractlooa. OHIO. €la«lMBa4l,*Tb« ChriatDaB cti«er niMtbi bare lifvn more tMoniTuI froia a maiitRorblpolotorrlov, for JnpltorPlarloo«a4 to rharge of iho eltaonte ibii day, aodihlapati nrmuihar cinira tlunialit« rornivailathor- oegU anaktug. Miatrati^a vaaihar wAriod iho bMUoy vook, aoti aoriooaly Intarfvivtl vith tbovlalt»otof proi porliy vhlt^had tioao ihmvn upon iNe ranvt* ni iba l\itare. After iha lato canto lauv and a bllmni, ao>l lh» vMkdld not rqial la itio aigrocata aotne nl thoao In which no futal daya and olphia nguiod. iti ooum ihoro were Cbrfatinaa matlneei ai all the bo*iff aod ibe spirit of the day wsa loaiambciod tn every oompany by tho oxchangoof gift*. Tbe Rslllj A R'ooH OMnpaoy lodulsed lo a iiiiio rtstlvalon tatrtttmu Ere. Thaj auamblod aftor the ahow and gaihortd anuod an ImDteuaCbrlMwaolrea thai had t>oen trlmmoil for Ihetr ODjAjnitnl. Prmak D. Hrjan wia i»a*lar of oottnionlot and auda all tbo pr««- eaiAiioB apeicliaa. a buiquit fittloieJ. Thi* ahadov of anoUifvublaMBntfld thei:brl<tmai of Loaaeaa bcoii A Cummlneo,or rhe Niw loblrtaon Open Uooao, lor lha Rublnton eatatobrought anil lo forltit llie Iraaa bocauro ooowook'i rant hadoolttoea pabl. SJaoaaor Mcoitba* bfva worried i;:ovrriho iiniRgHt to aucettil. Tbo book- Inga have boon tfavatrpnisiiteeo atIbai honae (or jiam, but It la bolleveJ that inoRrvat poiTtougn ha^o yrr^ rooted poavlhie prodla. HberiiT ArcMable took diaigo of tbs bonao Doo. 0. and so matlnao was glroB lhal after ~aoD. tlugo Opira iroi*sB^PaBltBa Rallwai weleomeil 90, wban aho appeared la "Oortaa," B. M. and Jua^ph llol. land piwaentvd -ARocla! IHihwayman'* to lair buslooa last week. Rnlao*! Roed Jaa. 6. WAtJiT fliHSicr THBLAT1IV—Camilla D'Arrllle rerlvtd Madelatno. or the Bailc KIsa," Dac.SO. "Tne Brawn- lea" aajniod a MjiHim l&at waa falrli proaiH^ritoa. Horn- panlloch'arAirrfporv *'llaDieland ftrvtoL" Jaa 9. IlU'ciCit GraaA BurBa.-^eoTge W.UonTnacamoDoc. 8, In VA llapay Little llomo.** ^Darkoai RuhIa" did a very nice buleaML *TboBUTeior(loU>*JaQ-A. y(>t'.vTii!( BttCARB TiiSATRB.-llopklaR* Tram (icoanlc Btarv twinkled Dec. S. Tho tetnra ei "Tlio Prodigal Paiher" vaa marhad by Bllo. Paqoaraiio'a preaaoco. Hu>Inos« was vary good. Uaiinia'a Karopeu VaiiderlUo t>>. Jan. &. NawBonimox Ohhi IIopki—'*IIIh llaruinRcarum" waa latruduced, Dr«.9, t»r Amr t.«> intl Krana Itoanv. Laat week '-TbaOIrl 1 Uh Beklod Ma" did a fair buab MM Qoill Iho aboritrtoek hold. PinrLi'MTHiATNa—llorri W. Wllliama'OwniVQipany opanoal Dec »- The Rollly A Woal Big Cumpaey plA)'Od lo record t^rwaklog Iwaiaean. Madao Ellh vaa at nnce tnataUiU U a Uvorttr. Uarry Marrla^ Entorulnora Jaa. e. FnRiHA!(*HTiiaAnH-4;om YaaTaavtl hanJi>lfod iba atook oompanr, and made bar nrai opraaranoe Dea B. lo '^le lIMuea llsna." Hanoo Hanom vaa the »iar uf the olio, and ilio MoATora vore alao aein. Lvt voak "The Black Plag'a" revival waa apprwlatwl, and bualneao vaa abovs tho aToraie. HirK ASD AvKiiv*B DiHR Hi'nKUM.—I.ast fOAr'aholiday record vaa suipau^l iMt week, and tko No* Voat'aottar- ng. Indudtd Walllckor, Ilia lion; Indian B>iuaw Hand, tho Baums. Lulu and iTbarlei; Urov, aad ibe K«n- locby Trlu lo eurlo baU. The olio la the Pamliy Theatre waspri>vldfdbviheBllMTrki, PraakOmngor.iiracoIrooe Vine, Kate Ooo, MlHIe Oeriio. Aabton Brothon and llov- I >rd and Dojia Onrtni ihewcak Raa Mailmllllan (Tom .0 Roy). Uialloo lemor, la to marry AonloBlnklor InaMe theeage. Waillckar litotio"grouniaua." OaseiP or thr i<oaiiv.-^i. M. McDoeough preaont- ed Madge Mills wlto a diamond liig a« a airUiinaa lemembraeeo Kaiberlne Roland, of '*DaTk-sl Has- sla." waa lakan 111 dorlog' tbo veak Vsdorovikl willappearatthePiboJaB.fl,saalM«Hi by tboHimphooy Orclieotn Jack RlchuOH,oneor ibo four scratMiio brothon with tho BrovnIwL while lomiBgaiomffrMuli, tt, mlaaed the otioBklani or one of Ue i|uartat nod fell wiUi troiiisadAU« roree on tbe auge. He wan badU* Bhakonnp,butnotaaTfoo»ly hart... ...Hanacsr John H. Wliallsn, of LoulivlUa, Ky., vaa a antfl of Managor Pennossy during tbevook CIndonatlaaa ireroiur- prlaod to leara that Uarbert llesckaod Jamr'k. Kan- neaar had glran op the Uaaa of the Smpiro at Indtao- apolla ^111 Poonwar has arrltod to toll of "BIatoi orOobl." Holiday metlDoes srelroau laUIoeinnaU Tho tovlral of **flDropty Duraplr," by Nick Koboita, aitho Plhe Opera Uouae,failed toMspproclaiod KatOoodwla virad Chriaimaa gnallBgs to ClnclntulL Thla vaiihe first time In yean thai be baa not m»t Hants Claoa In the Queen City Mario Dacca wu again tita ■ololat at tbe Pop, Doc 0. She mod* a tnp to Nov York daring tbo veek B. W. KrackualurlanoloDgiT la sdrance of "A Social UiBbwaymaD." Maiiaver Halt ilrolib.of "IliaFrodiial Patbor,'* wai proaoDUd with an tika' badge by the raamber* ol bli cwnpnoy Manager fni 0. ADdaf«on.orthe Pountalo friuaro, garohlanair «c«piabierhrlatnasglftaorfrnmB3to|tteacl>, and they n turn flllml his dank with bandsocna alfU Manager Oeorge B. Baker, or Uouck'o Optra liooaa, la uraarlag a aewdlamotidstod, tboCbrlalinasKUi of tbe aiiadiea of that ihoaire CoL J. B Htaufa^d lectured en "The Bible" at the PiVe, Dec. 9 Dancaa B. Ilarrlton'a wife has beea 111 at ibe Mumei Managor Joho H. Uavlbi aponioart ol itteweak InBLLoula Maoagar AoderaoD liaa gone lo Bi Louia BMnay RosoaioU wase vliltordorlag the week. He la writing a new play for tbe UollABda GleTvlaair»-^rlatinAt week wu one of miser* abl<f vvailier, bat iko eeurtaloimnt prorldoil at the various iHiuioawaa in accordante vlib tl>oaplrltof the ~. Taking budnasi aluwediar, Uio mansgerabad evtiry reaaoo to lie lAtlaflod villi ilia vook'a p*irona|io. Evcun AvB.ius OrsRA Houea—camlllo D'ArvlUs, In Madeleine,or the Maglo Klu," mni tA good bouaoa vook ot Deo B. bot lha etlemlaac^ wah sot up to ibu of tbe Chriaimaa week laat year. The opera l« migninrently ■lagtd and tho coaiamea all oev, belon worn thiavoib for the Ant time. <loo. O. Boolfkce^ aa or nourniei, was a« funoy an ever. AltOe OalHard, ai Mary Doodle, hardlr Ulla tbe place or Marie Dresalor. Aabray BcuclcauliwsN alio mlaalng aa the Baroo, but Horace W. Ravonacrvfl niu Iho part very acoepubly. WIUO. Stavart and Ouie McDooald, both ongtnally Olevekodora. vero warmly received by tlielf om frtanda. Tbe atiracUon week of w la rabner Cos's "Brovolee," lh« foUovlog veok bolog divided by Delhi Pui and Jas. O'Mell. Ltorom TuBArmK—Wsnl and Yokes made a rory sue- ceMfol ''Eon on tbo Bank" during tho paat veok. Tbe aiisodance for iho enure wook vaa TeryMilaloclory. Tbe apedaltlea Inirodaced by tbsprtncIpsJaand tlio other membaii of the coemoy are aU food and were veil re- ceived. "Prlnceaa Booolo" corms week of 90. Krit week la divided bet«eeD'*rorPelrVirglnla" and Jos (Kt, lo "Tbe Btar Oaur." CLSvatJiXD TiiAiaK.—Prank Bsthju *'airi Wanten." pUjed to very fair booaea week i>rn, eod wlili h(a bb- mamuadlifulsesmalBtalned hli okl populanir. "Darh- eal Russia" comaa vook el if, wlKb"ZADdorihoLlrlng" to rollov. Btah TnuTRi.—Rice A Barton's Roan Hill Rogllali Pollr Co^ voek ortl, prasfotad a lively burlea<|Uo by way orvsrieirattbl*boiioe.lbe atttactlons Tor aoroe veaka fiuiliavfngttees oniie Taodsvlileordor. The unllorvlr orgs atlendaaco tlimogboat tbs week prorod the norlia of the companr. Olam Laurence, Urawionl and Man- BlDg, Pauline fialchelor, and Morton and Rrklioifwaro iboptlnelpalottmalooi. Week ol Doo. 3) cornea: Uua Ulirs Novelllas, with the Rente-Stanley Burleaiius Co. noit In line. _ Not*.— A partlonlarly Dlesaanl arsnt of Chriaimaa wrek was tbe proaentatlOD. 14, by tits enployea of ihe hj- csumaoifCloTslaod Tbeatreaio Manager Ileeahawoia very bandiome dliniood atad. Tbe praasofstlon wa* madeonthe Lrcesm stage,In ike proaencear tbeam- ploies or both booaas and uisnbon of tlio Waid anti Voiei and Preak Bash conipsnlas. Tony wnisms, ot tho lomer compeey, made tna apeecb In a very aocreas- fol manner. cslllDg particular iiteoiloa to tho high eataeiii In vhlck thla popular maiuoer la bald bv hlarin ployea. Msnsger Usnahev reclpracaiad by Inviting ih< entire party to an hopcoiiiptu npfor. Toletlo.—Ibe dow Valeatlne Hiefttm wna formal Iv opened Chri*imasnlBbt by Joseph JsflSrw»n, lo "itip Van Winkle." Uvaa the greateH theatrical oreot that Tolvio baa ovar weo. Tbo Valtnllna lavilhoui doubL ooe ofthe henoiooieat theatresln the I'alted HUte<. Ths ihsatre, with ttaia. dressing roomiL fuyar end lobblra. ooeaplaa a apace flO by UOn. Theaudlioriom hslor built on toe ayitem of concentric ai»J gradually eiMOdlng areba^atartlBf from the proaouluu and sitsodlnguu III tbey oinbraM one-bair Ihe darih ot the house, vlib an ellptlcal dome 7Vt st>ore th« flrat noor, lusksa iho ecioasilc pntpertlsa podsct. The decorations uf iho Iheatce axe tbe rtyle of Italian Benaluanra. aad tbo onamenistloos are In plMit« relief. Tho *estlog capacity la l,M7,vlth etaodloa room lor eo) addition al. Then la oo dreai circle, Lai a lento and beautl- fol orchMtra, vltli ten lover bovsj^ all AaUhed oKqulaliely In Atheolan marbb Altbougli mil com- pletslyrtscoratsd at proaeot,tbe KemilngilnusTo ivury and ecru, the <arf«ta being a rich groen, vlth Pitur dr LUpnttofn. Tnefnyer laapaelooa and thecellloiabeau' ilfBlly RTOOfod aad domed, tbe floor of marble nioaalr, tbehanilforoaAtbsnlsa msrble coionnaglvlagarlosale sod moil effect. The siace la Stn. In vldtb by 01ft. In depth,wliharlgglnglonftift. la helghL O'lofppad wlib rorlafa sod Bcanary rrem the itodln orThoa. U. Mnaea. Ttieacooattetseots are the leal ihat nonsyeooblbuy, aad ate pronoontad m be as t«rfoct sn ootllt sa vaa ever pland Id a Uieatn. Ttiero are alghteea drosiing rutmp, all flUed with kbt and cold vaur, baiba sodoloeiric llgbUL Tbe hoaae Is raid lo Im ebeotuielr flr»pro<ir. Oeorge II. Rolclitm la the aolw oworr snil LoeU.Boda maneger. The beat atinctlon< nbtaloab'o bare booted for ibe aaasoo. Pollowhig Mr. JefferMii, W. H. Craoe appMrvl lo crowded boaaai TT. M. lo "Ilia U'lfa'a Palbor.*''*Brolliar Jiihn"aid "Tbe Booaior." Tlio aun port wai eicelUnt. Tlis IlolUnda. lu "A Bnclsl IHsL. waTmaa," onaa t>. for three nlahia, Al ii. PUId'a Min- strels cone Jin. I, foilovod hr il>e Boauiolsoa, In "Prlnro Ananlai^' and "Hnbin Hood.** 3 and 4. Booked; Jamoa O'NelU ML Palmar tJoa'a "Btovolea" ft-ll. Psopu'a TaaiTiiB.-^tuari ltot«on. In "The RIvela' and **aoTommeoi Aeeepience."plared to crowded bouaoa V and n, twtb porfemascsa being highly eejoyablo. "The Bldewalke or Now Tork" oponodSO ffr week. Ward and Vokea, In **A Ran on the Bank," aopsar 5, foilovod by JooOlt.ln •■nieRtaianar,"d.«. "iHi tbe Mliilislppr f-n, BoUrtO Isgoroolllt. AcnrroRiui tiisTma—Hilda Tbomu and a clerer crnnDany plaiod lo crowded boaieo (.lirlitmai wook. Pur veeioriJilne Aamooa,CUrlie Trio.Hbarp and Piatt, mookalklaaa: UerUr. Rellar ud Harloy,varaaille trlo^ Oeo. Sean.Jogtter: Le Roy snS .<m»nr,norirAatal ban; Jno.DcRhey, trapru; Bar and Evaoaleoaedy afcotcbi and Mnrriavf aed Rlrb, grotSMooe eomedy. New BBieTHUvas -week of 9^: WiUad so«I llardsBu MelcotneodTbeols, andCardMaod Plsti, Perlormanee toeloaawlth'*Juho' Olaneadi" KKW HlMia AM> TllRiTHE. J lluvaril lllboOB, mA9 uno^rand inAiugor or-onMl Itsdoois Deo. !£. Tbo maaae coB>Uia or ihr«« ilMra, the Arst osedevoisd lolhsaire pun4Hi*a anq will hav<\ vhvn comHotnl. a antlBg ra rai-liyof KV Th« wcood floor U devntwi enilreiy to furtOA. frh'rk win rhange h vook. The third ftnnrlo ncfuplnl e\tln*lv#l7 hy a larve mUection nl anInisU In linn cAaoa. aB«l U a uo* iMima hen in Um roaaeiim ltBi>. PiilloalPg are the allrarlkini (>|>«ulD|r 90: Citrto nall-iiariir> i^iM-kran, i.Um. AlioB. Moiey, rmi. Adoll, DollA UaaUia, Prank VM-.niso and was rtfurra. Thoa. Il^-(.ulii Weotvpnh. Hchiijlor ainl Naah, Pot awl Rum* mora, Liilit Thlos,**ll)i«»nna" snl llailisj and IIsil l>A}-tou.—Al the Qnnd Ooem Houao Al. 0, Pirhi'a MIsMreU waro the ChrUtmu attrartlpn aid Iho uiitsi big ha>lB»a« vai dona. Ilnvt'a *'A Totsa Btter'' came Doc. SiLtn Mi lioalneaa. Onmlns: Ranrron, inagiclm. 31; Walker Whileable Jan. 1, Levi* Horn%>n. In "Pavat," a, 1 Park TuUTRB.—'The HMolghiRt'ScUVoccujiltd the wook ol Ilec. Zl, lA fair bualaraA. Dae: "AU tho Coinloila oriloino"aMan 3. Bni.MBSA' lIoMk- Thritrr.— Al. U. PloU's MIoHnis rams ti, and pact'd the honae. Walhsr Thliesblo cnmos JSQ 1 AMK'iiTiDX IIai.i— The RcAtonMantlollnOhihflava a ttltAvlngenioruiHinint and were veil paliontsad 2L (I. r. Klli>or(l«vturv> coraoaJao. 3. 8urlnKaeld*-Al Ihe (Imod Opor* IIoum Al. O. Flalil'aHlaitrela vare a v ory Hue Mrforaiince tu a well nilod hituae Oeo. 10, fb* Torustlo^ had cmviletl houaea bnth mailnts and aio.Mng 15 Pauline Hall, In "Uorrai," had a laras audlesce V. *^« Dariler" ronwi M, ''A Trip to tSifntinvB" sa ' A Baggage Ceeck" Jan. 1, Louis Morrlwtn, In "PabbL' i Rt.Ai-K's Oi'iHi lloi'AK —The Davtitn Rjrruphony Or* cboiira vuiheCliliatnua stt'oetlon atthlaliouae. Kl- doo'a OomeOloot Itegaa a wsok'a eogagomeat Deo. 9>. HaBaflplit.—At Ibe UcnwUtl Opera IIoum fUmlllo O'Arvlllf. la '-Mutelsln*,*'p|oa*ed a large hnnao Doe.W. 8.11 ll]t*Ta*(?»lnr>d Nu*kal i:oniedynoni|«oy waa Itio Chriaimaa illractloo, lo atnrklarate hmiao. (lay Hroihars' HlnatrrUaliu«ed tuaincdlum houMi}7. flliiAtI Robeon. In "Purklddrn Prolt," coaiBa .1); "Ttte PaaMr" Jan. I, iheOuniUBi^ Zameavllle.«Al Hcbullp. Opera lloiiae MlDQr\'a Dorr, In "NIobp." came Ikw., ttioa pa^knlbl)Uae. "Tlio tattler" c<imsii9>. Al. 0. l>'lsM'a MloaireU Jan. l.Lwaia McrrlmBd,?, "lha I'aaalng RbnV Iti, "On Ibo MlMla- alitpl'-n, nlwaM llarrlganjf. PInaiay.'Ai tbo Uarvtn Opem House tbe l>o llaron L'ooiody iVdlU h|g bnMlaan week of Doo. '.9. I^rtniloa: Nurna Uroa.'aduralod Mnloa eod doga "A Oreonlioods Han" Jan 4 r.H. Oliver la lulMnoln- iiatl, 0., attend Inn Ibo BlllPoaierarnlon mooting. Llma.~"lluinan Uesria,*' Dec. sn, bad a fair hAuae. Walker Whltoaldo, & pkyod to H IL i). Al. Piokt'a HloatreK M, had aparkMlhonio. r^mlog: J. K, PninitlJnn. 9. BlenbeBvllle.—Al Ibe CHy Opora Moiiho Katie Mniiiiall, la"Klllamey," hail a small Itouu Dm. 91. Hor rtaun's ''PSutt" conioa .11, Cliaa. tTowloa' *nio Coiinirr Msrchaat" Jan «. CANADA. ColansfeBt^At tbe Ormod (iperm Ifoase A). 0. P^sld** MIeaiMi nprnad fur ihree nlihts P#cSl Pau- line Msil hsd bli bnilaooa gj-s Rhra dM fslrly veil 16- B, 1b« Booion'aiecoao Jan.l aadf. Hiiie^iBVTaBAvu.—Ronlaoa'a "PaeaT'opeDa en oBRSf«B«Bt of tbrea algtiui 3D. Pred'k Bencroft bad UgbiWUMaaflaadBi. Pabaei's'-Trirb/'dld weU »- n '*rbeOorBsrUiocerT'*60MaJaa.l-l ]lIoB«tval,«At tlio Acailenjr of UurIr "Tbo Now Boj" had falriyROMi hotiaasfor vaek of Deo. 31 Booked: Wook Of W,JaBe Hay, lu "Mils. PyrnalloD." «eak of Jsn.e,'>IOi." gt'KRN'M Till AT SR.—"Jack Harkavay" ootertAlnB I largo audlaBoei lor week uf U Bookod veek nf ai. Hot oRoll. TilIATRR RorAL—Niimv iUd Hsck hlea^'l His !«- troBt ol ihlH hiiaae vlth Kloai^'a Ball" Boohed tor veok III 9Ul "A Ruverytllrl:" vMk nfJan.O, "ruinbi." Oniu Pha^uis.— TliU lionaa ilhl goml bualnea f»r week of 93, with "Los IluguaoDtV "La Usrbler do Mar- ine," "La VlcaW," "1<^ Mucoite" and -La Julve." llllod tor weak uf 9): 'TfavklA." "I,mi Uloelioa do i^meTllio,""namtan," "Lacia dl LAiiiuioruoor,""lios J" nooota," "KlaurdoTbo." INOHUH lUtA—Jan.Swill In flilad by Jeaals Aloi- snder and Charlas Roberto, sod Jan. 6 lbs Knolaal Musr- ui. lUrallloia*«-Al tbe Urand Ullo. Hay, In "MUo. rjgmallon." Ha)o<l allireodaya'eBRSgeiiiant, lu goial biiBloaiia. llorrlDm J. Vi'olfo, lo "Tlio Conlcan Brothan," did fairly wmWV,. Mr. and Mn. Hobort Wavno open aweek'a aogageniaot !U, at popular prlr#a. J. B. Toole, ln"Klllaraoy and ibe Hhlae,'* cnmoaJao.s. KvAftTiiRAiBa.*-l^t veek goad aodlsnceafTeeisd ihs arrumifra. for 30 And week 8i*rldan and rorreil, Ika rolch*. La Mir and YedJor, and Kan* and Welch. DrntKN tbeChrlatnias ontarulnmentaiiboKurTlioa- re Boaaav A Da ray. tkn proprietors, vero called upon ibe ataxo and. on behalf of liie aliadiea of ilm huuao and par- roniisrs, won prosanteil with hondutmo uipee. Tlio following Priiiay erealng Iho tnipbiyoa, |>crformer«and proaawsroouteitalned aldlnnerat ibofuuclunlunuf tbs performance. ToroBtOi^it tho (irand Opera Uouse, Dec. 21- 23, II. J. Wolf, In "TiM Oonlclaa BruUiera." hail fair bual Boai. "PrIocouRvnolo,"aS-Allivl big biialiiMA. "Pur Pair Virginia" cornea week ufaoL Tomo:ttu Umiu IUmths.— "Tin Lao<I of the LUlai." 91- W. dM very largo bualoaas. timing: 'Tuiedu" Meek uraj. I'HixriM TiiBAVHi —Tiowla Hurri">n. In "Kauit," Yorlok'a Imtb" ami "Hlcbollea." had blglioalnaaa'A-M. ravHTii.TflicjiTBK AT*ti Kurn Ht'sirii.—Thla bouie bail bla tHalooMalllAKt veek. MAVKiT's MUMK* Mi'HRi.—Tliaadoro Tlion'oa ooinaa Jao. 7 and If. Nora.—The Princean Theatre haa auipeadod bnalnaaa onlug toflaaaolaldiillcalilea. 4 Oaelphi—Attbf> llojal Opera llouee l«wbi Uor rIatii'AiirodoetloDof "Peaai * prograaaad vitb a largo ABd snihuilutio audleooo Dea. li. "A t!at'a I'as" bail good burlooae and made a deoblsd anccoaa 11. Julia Rtuart, In "A poU'a MoHio."ie. hjid a fair bouae. MIsa Riuart and cmpaoy will rest Nre uotll Jan. 0. Mansgsr TsTonilar'A Lenedl, "Hnaedale,by aiaataiira, vaa a aue COM attlailally and flnaoclslly 17, Paul Rloei iHai O'Rolh came to Ouelpb 73 to aea, for lha flrat time, bla CMnadr, "A Tat'a Paw," aclsd. Oooilog: Rhea, In 'Mimo iililoo''^aBd "NallOoynBo," Jin. I; J. B-Tuole, In "Kll- lamey sod Tlie Hhloe" 7. Lmndaii.—At llie tlnod. week of Deo, vi, Mr. and Mrv. Robert Waroe had pheBOweoally largeaiisnd- aare. Cfarlitiiiao Day the fl. R. O. alga wsa out at dhUi partomiSBcra Hliea ctiuea Jio. 9, Qaebec.—At tbe Arademj of Huglr, Deo. 'J.l-'20, OuN lini'a New York Htars plartd to food iHialnoam TnHiTHB niiVAt»—L)UlaB Tueksr, In "A llsrolue la RsgSi" tt-9fl, pkyed to modeitie bttAloeia. CONNECTICUT. New Uavoa^Al Ibe llypertoo Auffualla Daly'aCnmpany, In "A MIdiunroer NIght'a Dream," waa theCbrlaiiiiaaattraellon, and, despite varloua oUier at- iractlona rnr ibe day, vaa proaeotod to Idg lioalosu. CbsrIaa II. Hmpor, lo "Olidiinle Paddeo," came Doc. 77, 38, lotalr ntuma, auiloroalad an eicollont Improulon. TiieUndaer O|4rat>i.ceneBD,"0harUy*aAuol" Jan. I, Htoddarda. OKixitOrKRA HoL'ai.—Tlie Welto Cumi-dv iUt. Its') a rerr ueraural wr>«b,comrnosclagS. 'TltsHoaUiBofurs tbs War" Ubonksd inr-WJan. I.and Lillian Kenseily. In ■ribe (>uubln*t Marry Tiireo," lf)ij'H Wo?(PRRU!<it TiiaATHR,—Maosgsr Pnll report! ibohaetbuilnsaaofiboaoanoo iur tbo week ofn. Thla veek: TheNovBiMiyM'Ualotet, NovivB. Will P. Uepnay, llarrll and WalUra, WbIta sod (Jraagsr. Mr. and Mrs. Hlshort, the Brown Bna, Llnla Johoaon. and Hyde and Nrmii-—The raceatly orgulied Prean Ololi lisid Iti drat B^lieulaa bIrIii at lu naw rooma K, and had a very snJojable tins. Amonfe iho suaata of tbo ereolDg were: Htuartand Pilaon and KrroT. vbo von i'la>lng ao oe- gageasot at one of Uie lotal tiioatroi. Brldgeperi^Altho Park Cltr Tboatre Uodjea- kaplsyodio largo roiuma <9irl«imaa mstloss and ovsa- Ing. '^iiiedo"bad lair bmlnaaa Doo.», aa did "Mrlu AriHi&"2f. 'Howloa tbe Wlod,"msllneo and evaohif, will ho the aUraciiun Jan. 1. AutiiTOHiUM —"My tfocle^" 99. had only moderate patronage. 'Ttie IHfby Msieoi," 9L », altractod goud aited audUncsa. "Loill'avBdlao."9(*91 bad fair atUnd- aoco. PlikJi A llaoiun's Dmwlng i:srda la bonkedfur 3U. RiBiAU*! Ht'riio HaLi. —Pannis iioouloa.Clara Ools, Kdillolluran, AnnieAahlay.lMaraMarlon, Prsnk Msrloo, Kursl Hus(rarlaoUyr«r BaaJ, Nnoiii'a ihnixo.—Iflllle Moagrnvo Hyri Uio Tiimera, luyfurd BUurA Aenle Ward. irartrord>*At Proctor's Opers llutue Aui. Dalr'a i.*o, ckiMd a three nlihia' ongaaoineni. In a "Mtd- aiimbi»r Rlihi'o Dream," Uoc 3f. PlokU A Uanaon's r)raolDg (;afde coma 31. 'OfclUlon"all| be UiO New Veora atlracttnn- "Tlie Loat Paradiae" Jan. I, 4. Horn T Jack's "Mr t'nels" <;v. dH gwod boalosal l>ec. 7i. Lll Han Ksnpadv drew Urse iKiuaea U.S. Hslanboa an*] Cllratta'aOo comes Jso. 0.7. Mile. Jane May V. #Misccnancous # J. n. PRAaiiR hM boon engavnl by Managor Patrick a^ liii*liiouni|trasoointir^i>r Vtuf. D. M, RtUmra »VbiMil i f t-Mpcaird Hornet nuv inuring the Wsitern Hr^Uf ■ nn<l Mo\leiiloroi«irictl oxcallani boalnciA Rmior of rom pany: I'ml. [). M. Briiloi, pmpriotur: Jm*. (!. ralrick. manager; J.n.fliswiri, afltln< inansger; J. li. Krj*ini. hnftenu rr|>reianlAlive; ttrniy-nre imIuca!i'iI Imr^o, ponUasodilunkajat ilx proonis and • iitp^Tlor >taml soJ itrriieatra. Tlilaattractlon tiatoHlo In own vv*. PaiP. WAtraws wlm itvla* faliiiaoll the fanioa^ orlsl- nalaotl only "Mue MaOj bna Juat cbi*e«l a i»u werh*' ooBogvmontat Avery A llock'a Auaouni ClnvloKan, t>. ll HAI WlMLtV AM> kt*. C. I.A HLAIS, kuoaii tn llm Dr. Aloi. fInuOiP, oie murine ManllohA llhlhalraplritahuv, enUlltd "Iki ibo Dtnd HfluraV tiis Ki>mp RUtor*' llinmlroin* will i<o aitgineiiioil vluia Wild trail ahow aevl aaaatw. ObomiiI PkalSH vrlri«a un fTnn R<lgvooil. 111., uoilcr dat« el l>eo.Ta.aaoauiiclngtheiUAlli uf I'riuco l.uliinni, iiiUgoi, but (aIU lit iivo luiilirr Inrnrmailun conci'iiilii^ Ibaoocaasoil. MiwaiiaKRon Bitov?*.—Noira front the AniiAnil Blectrlo Urtt Co.: We bare Uen oaiar tmunil fur l«ii v«eh^bul buainaaa iiaa Iroon R-R ti- Wvliml a largH t'hrUtmas trvaniM wlih prsranU. |)r. J. H. Wooila bHi« Jolnail the M. W. A. Tho citmi^njr nre all « all awl happy, and lf>ta III CbrlktniAA bviaA beltts "tni an<l ree«lTc<l. BabyOllvo haahooaon IboKltk IIpI ii>r ilufedAfa KoataraBd notiialnMn Nn. 77,1'tnalllla Indian Urolriim lloupaoy: Dr. H.i:aniiJ>f>ll,i>rv|irloii>r: Ur. (lou. Panlr), mutagsr; Ur. A. L Rett, aatU'anl nianaKor; Joo Ko«liiti. black facocofBtdlanand gcnetal potfimnor; Hilly Karnli, Irian coniodUn ami Jig dnn\-ar; M)Ia Ktuinn,orHKniRi and aouhrolle; Badtr t-hcAihAm, evrlii tnmlo aliifpr. rbarleaK. Martin. tiai'JoUiotidnmiGilUii. IdMiki r^rvnilv. Indian': White Uhiiid and vi e, ItoJ lliid; Ho>l Tail. Never iVIasand Rod llnrao. l»n D«c 91 Kisl Hitil i>ni. soniod ber huiban>l, Wbllo l.'ltiuO, ultlt a Uby Imy. Mother antI child are dnhtg vpII. tu aint* \*t mlnauil mad the coaipaoy are doing sell. KrorylK^lir U l>aii>y anil an^lotiR lur Ibo rvgularanlval nf onr iImt dM fiUmi, IMB t^MiTSH. Krnlitnnift pBrrp|l'Harnil«il«aimH«Hnit BBn» nro i|iille a I'oaitiro Noiea fnuii T«1)ki<na lit- dlao MriMi'init t'o.: Muii". Ida Iti^iK *olit pnipriotitr an<l niAHasarui lhl«ciin)Miny,cl<ml a vory auoc<faliil aoAX'U inlValral Now York Dau :^ fur a l«u nook*' vacaHuii. We bare Umu on ibe rxwil elslil iiiniiib'. ami flATftl ■■• DBlytvi) litaingnaoka lu ibaiiliiia HalarIrM von^ |>aIiI In lull, and Ihoro la a RAnl »uiit on ibo right ahloul tlm laJier. Hiva lt% Holla and family loliirufd in Nawarh, N. J.; Mr. II. J.lrrim tn HnHikl/n. N. V.; lUnry l» I'blladelpliiA. Pa.; Ueo. Markhau to Hcrauloii, Pa., and OiUuiloatrraiid Palling Hlar in thnlr Itonipalii I'aiiaila. Mr. La Ualla «lll(t|4>i) again, villi iho Miiiit r«m|tany. i<n litog Ivleml, K. v.. In JAuuary. KvoT)lHhlyHAarvnioiii> l4ra«l on ChrlMinai, MAiiy |ii*miiIh a»T«airliange<l bo. tvaoii mriiilMni uf tlio awii|«tiy IniMin A Maakt'^ klckapmi t^ncert and Nnvdiy To. olnaoil a aurroHrul oaaiott IMe, Z\ and wlli rroi^Mt Jan. il. lu Ir. dlane. Unit liiiaon and wUo. Ilbaa. Rstloy nml Prank Kaymoml wrul tu ittiloAsn. dim HA<ir<>iil will vlail IrUntla lo kl Lirala. Monunr Hurt Intawt Umi lila l«t dng To|My. Wis waa a lavurlto vlth every* uo« Jlo»trr of Ur. I>aora Uoillcol ami Concoti l^> : Dr. A.J. Ilyn*. koluior. with e-ihliMtlunaitf tiaulal rargary; Praaa K. Maail. HI ly Wllluii, .lolm Kn»«liiHi ami Touey P. Iloottnl. no n|teneil (n Nitrvmnl. Maa^., liar. 31 lor two veoka....,.Tkii lion. H. Kllwouil t.nnruil and Novelu- am lourliiu Kantucky, ami rrpnri fnlr baaluoaa. Harry liAVHin. ilia varutitn comatllaii: rlill. W.HImon, titaaloal eiport; J. H. tlaniar, lugglor ati.t balancer, and Hr.aihl Mt».ilou. H RllniHid w th Hilly Bvift In B>lv«nDe,Hra all eajoting iiio mlbl olluiatPi>r Keotocky Noloa ftiuii the 'MM Imllan MmIicIiio Cu., Ho. rt: Ilr. H. Rvbui U pmrvlelur. Hualn^aa haa CfMlanil ihnghojt vslka ngiilariy. on (>lirlBliiia< Ur. finlaa |>ro«onloil Hro-Hvlae villi a llao pair or diainonil aarrlaga, ami iQ relorn re<olTO<l a full iliaa* auU t r clotba*. He aUo prv*oaUd Mr. Hell «llb a burafKlioit ararf I'fo. a lih«*lsiiinail aatUnicaad Mr. lAcvnira «lili la illiliinnd ring. la rviurii |l«ll and Lacenira prvwiita.! D/. Hvlaa vlih a lMrh*kln coat ami voatHinlaanocatti). , Dr. Harry Ho Pnreti oliMd bla party lur tbo Win- er, and will oi>on in llio HprliiK Kith a large parly. Il>« recelvail an OhrUliuaa a tiam uf four 7narrulU ami t\ btigey, and a Haa K. m I*, pin Klokapuot^i., Kn M. atin oarrlaa ilm banoor In I'aoa'la. On tnirUimaa Kth fl. I'nitorunlled l<ev HAoebnatarand U»t\tft Vilter In nurrluo at Hi Jtlhrl^ 1*. Tbo rerantony Umk place In Hlsck'a Open lluuae, aa a foatuia ul tli*« AruirDRitiii —Tbli place of amuHmont vaa opoBed - brltimai week fur Hajm«o<rs Vandevllloa, larlodlog T J. Haynoed. MlasRl. Alva. Alfred Ijeliili, tlortna aatj rol«man,B;roo and Blanche, Moot. Ilonly Kiallngaed Herrla,aedUiatvoBr. BslBHfS, Bualooia vaa only fair. T. J. HB*B'>Bd wlli La msaigor. and has booked the 1«ob- dondalelp lllrlsforl-4. Mif Kiln Paaaa W. Llotp waspraHOled viib dlsmood sblnsiuda by Uie bus In front of Uie ^ou>o Pisak 0. Bualer. eiuileal director at Uie Oread 0|*era IIduh, Boaibo, Biada a Tlslibere laat veek. CAUFORNlAi anurialiiDieat. Alter Ilm tornnnnr llinv neregroeli«l A|H<lauaa, Tbo Hi Jiiliiia llitlol. In hnimi uf ih** rlib vlhla eronl, RATA Uie coiiiMoy ami Iholr frlemlsannn a|iroaii aod aniM tho pdpiOnuof chain|iagno the ynung njur'*' ware wlaked a b>iig life aoiI a merry tlhrlaliiiaa.,. , Nolaa frnn llantHn Wiianl Oil Co., Ni>. I: Or. II. W. Wlblar, manager; Mra, Itairy Chrlatlo, aoeroUry; Mi*. Kdgar Oayer, traaaa sr; Kdgar (leyor, aUge ilirrolm. I'eriurmsrA: Tlie Maunulla ijuariet, tbe Teu L'brUtlaf, voflB|lsis;TvoOeynra. arrobalB and running iibibs; DrI Puego, cuiiiMlIsn; Pre<l RiiUndor. oniuotUnii; t1iA«. H)t(i|<- anl, voeallat; Pour Marielln Hroa, aomliAla: lhitl|nt(i>, ainturtloolil; l.aiii Wa'BnnbiA'lar oiliaml, sml riiaa. Knr guaoii. lesdaroforrbealra. We hare Itoon In IlllniFiaall peaaon, and biinliiRH la uiMal. We unite In aeudlng Nnv Vuar uieetlogaloTJlK IxircHH hotoa frurti Oroson " i.(!n. No. iS: Dr.T. P. Meek, lodurer and llgbiiibiif h o^lmetiir; .lai. Pita (leraM, aiajre itiauagar ami ■II antniiil pertiimier: Tlinmaa L. PInii, inanAgpr. Hu*luoia oiiatlBDea grmd. Tbo comitany laM utf twn dara for tJlirUtaaa, nml took a flying Irln In Naw Yurb. The Chlpitewa Modldne Cu., IT. O. O. Hfvnglor, Kriirlat ir, eluded on UtfO-ZI.Antl vlll upaii InUnakor- •n, Ps, Jsn, II lloaUr sml nutoa nl Hollinn Ttiumler'a Kmwa NmI. Oa: Knlhng Thuiulor and vllr, Mra. I, H Nnvoll, Hiina.<)tmblis Madge Ualinaro, Harrr Olios and I). I. Oaldwall. Mra, I,. R. Novell vaa |ir«. Boniod eltli a cottlflnatbiii writing doak ami ball rack a* a CbrUlmaa prasoal,anil |l. 1. iraMwoll adianmng ring fTuui Holllag Tliundor ami mtnilMira uf ibe rouipauy. Hfotor-laioea Mod. i^o.: Or. .1. Jamoa- msnaior a'n>i tecliiror; Jaiae Jaiiiaa, aarlalUt; Mn Jaiuaa, onnlm- tioblat; HiUy WIHianiN, bla^k race; Bun Luke, miiim- Ingulat; KK<>il HollaDloli. leader uf urohoaira: Heurr Rlay. urgaoltt; Mrs. Bert l.nko, S'mbrelto; Mni. K. Ltiich, tmsaurer Cliamkes Indian Msdielitit i;a., No. r: Mr*. Ur. M. K. Mnalay, iiroprlolroM: Dr, 0. K. Maaaker, lightning tnuUi aitraolor, loc- lunr and managor: Prankle Mauakar, tnasuritr; JuaHullivan,bat\JiiamriinMr«>natur; (^lllua and lliio nioibam, comediaQaand dAiicon; Kwa« CoUlnsPlanlai; Pror. Deveoporl, vantrHotiiiat ami iiiBiineriat: hidlati*, RUck Haar.Uray Kaglo, Running Dear and ITlilef Hu- cluiniiio Or. Kit Keoyon, IiiJopondent Moil, ('o., Klrkapai ln>ll>ri Madleil (Jo., cnn»laU cf Ur. Nit Kaayoii, lacliiror and iiianagflr; Mra. Konynn, irm Buror; I'rii'. O. A .MilloA,ni4gln; Win. R<iiiHblnn, villi . trained diMi; Harry Logranla, ballaila; the Oinrka, mml- act nrsry oso la lisuuy aod li««l a marry Xma^. BTSry Btsaibsr got vsliubla proionla. Ur Kit Ke«y«ti waa iTAMOloil Willi a u«*hl bamlwl can*, Mn. Koiiyoii recelviU a aeal akin coat, MrAiJIarh a ruM vairli eail cliaMi, Prvif. Minora atlrorebaTlng iittig ami many tii|iar vsldsiih tklo gi. INDIANA. lDdi8SBB|iolla.»IIeBVj Uhrialineii Allonilsiirn kept tlis past week well up to Uie avoragn. Noai voAk'a Bilnctlona are siririig, sml Now Year's week aliouM bo an oxcaptlooally Rood oni. ilNAHiiUi'sai HiiiWB.-^liaYaleOloetUuhdrovalafga (yiuaeUerfl. HlaartHnbaim flllatl a vary aucreaafUl mi- gagominl 94.95, preaonfJoB 'The HliaU^'and "llovarn- moni Arceplanea." Maitalan Hanaruft dsl falr-bakl. naM20-2H. Tlie BuahmlanacoiiirW, :il,aml'Tillbyi*fi*r ihs rohialndsrni l>>o veek. EmitiMHB'M (iriRAllnL-«K.-"A Tolas Hlaer,"19-n,dnw dpoldedly velLkuod Ihiumo grooilng Mr. Mnrpliy wU night. Mrs, Oon. Toai Tlnimb did fair bnaliiaaa 77,ai Katie kmniatl la dao a^^an.l. PAHKTiJlATNR.-Ploreaoe Rlmlloy AIM Iho weak gnxl Imalnsa^ pnaenllajt "Tlio Taiitaln'o MaIo." "TIiq Hpen nf Llfi" la dHO fMo. W-Jon. I. ■ Hlavaa ol llnM" 9-1. KkfiBBTHiUTRR.—Harry Morria' KniorUlupra All the eerrvDi days, r Port WAWBo^At tbe HaMinlo Tomiile '*Tlio Wlis" wss gnelsdwiih H- H, o Doo. C, mallnse an>i nliliL Rtuart Hobaua, to >*The HIrala," 90, and J. K. Kiii molt, Id ' Prlis In a ■■dli'ru«o,"n, remo to gowl ImoI- neaa. Booked: "AlalAraa" Jan. I, Ann Aiimr (Ilea dim 3, RoBlon llovanl (M. 0, lUibolt 0. Ingerovll 7, "Paual" H', and "A HitflalHIiliwayman" II. HHriBBTiiRATiiB.—irrlvatawoobnf 90: Dan Hamlall, Hclotlre eod Hica. lo«i foari, tjames and Wobatar, Ibo jiRDnaella, Mooa. lUrry De Uray and MIta. JosopliUie. Bualoars goo>l. VvBRBvllle—At llieOrend ilm Yale Uleesiitl Banjo Club IIM the huaae Deo. li H'lpklua' Tnn< OooanlcMur HpoclallyCn.dld a rsir biialoaaaafUrao'ii sod night to. Bvifktti: Jauitad'Nsill Jan. X Vabdaiitlk University uloe Oliib .1 "The Tvelto Tompisuunr* 7, "Rboro Aareo" lOl the White Nshatmaa 19*I> I'soi-l.s'H.-TiB Murphy.ln "AToisa Hieer,"dLd rery vail n. HrK. Tom Tliaiiio drew ivti ni'^oraU huoaaa (niilMiDU Dav. Joofm. tn"Tha Mar (later." Is Uwhet for S; NellieMclfsnry Jao. 8, Jules Wallers 10. MarloB.—Undlii llms., maflcUna, fliled tbe lOHMlHoSI. nakla snd Bsrton. In "Rl Porkhii|.''bvl H. K. 0.,S1. J. R. P.iflraat comet SO, Kopplor's NalifttiiiA Jao. t, J, (Aicaso La«fl*a'Military Band 4 Aitka Boldlara'llome "HI I'eiklna * had good iMnInsaa Dee^n, > II. Rinms Bancksr. In * Our PlsV cnniaa BL..., ..the Landla Urea, will Hn Waltece'aCUrnsoeatsasson LllllstMouu, wfib hrr habrdaugliiar, apaol thelioll- igli .. J. W llNrpsiilie,wlin lUr -■ itaidi Chrlitmaaets, at flaiillnsluo, Ind., Ilerboft O. MlaotMi, days la UiIo city with Nr buibsod, IS maosser ot^ lbs "Bi Per*loa" ilo Albr Uie lut ol '^eWfra" by Ouatsre Prrdiijian's Jno Hta|dotrM <-'u ■lageounageror the coiiibaoy, ao'l Mara Rl>iSfer»ein marrlml lo the prawaoaoitbeaudlenco W 'A. 11**^* mors, msoager or tho l«lma, O., bbuao, spent pan bf ilio holidays here. NEBRASKA: Loe AeiB«l»a.*De Volt Hopper ftT^ "^Vaori and **Dr. ll;niAi"at Ui* 1m AogoleoTbealro, Dor, 17-91 lA fklrlygood Imalosas. IJIllaoMwIa is tlm Clirlstmaa vsiksttracilnnatifalahoitta. Bookbga: "HPP'Sp-Jat, 4. Robert DowologC-S. Mar Irwin R-ll Tbe Prawloy Co,eloB«d St ibsBarbanhTheetge9l. A eompeay alyled lloUen'i Btealrior Co., hssdtd by R- J. lloMeo. pieeaols "Voatb" Chriatmu weeb.snd Ml Mlltoo Nobles bHioa aneaiagaaieni TlioOrpbeam offSre as new people fl: flreato and Msnd, Anderaoa Histoid DtHoroTII Bros., De Crvw lad Bub, aed Mona. W. Roberts, lloUnien: Iks AUuKTBi aod Jedge Broa. OmabB.—At Bofd*! Thealr« "CliRrloj'R Annl" eomsa Die. 90 Jan. I. "The War or Waaltli" did fair bsal- nsuUse.93-29. Tlie poortrtal- BO 191-0. Tnb CHimHToR.—^tba Tomailo" opened a waek'a en- gagamant Vt. "A Railroad Ticket'' CiifflsB Jan. f-B. *^rllbr" wlli »lsy s rsturn ooRBgemeot tf-ll. > 4ia llie MlBSimlppr' dM fair bnaleau * Pudd'ubsatI WIUon''dMablgl'Ualnsaa9D-M. • ' FremoBl—A obBoge lb mBBRfentbl la Ukelf lo mm ocour at ibli house, as Maaeaor B. 0. Uebars Isaae aiplriA st so early date, Uius meblBB booklsKS un> einals. "Tbs LlmltMi Mall,''Jaa. Oa tEe oolyatUaei Hoe iUlsd St pr^rent OonWlO 01 PABB 7A