New York Clipper (Jan 1896)

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608 THE ISTEW YORK CLIPPER. January 4. THE N EW YORK CL IPPER TNI nUMK QUEEN PUBUtHIM CO. (IMM), rSOFBIROIt. OlO. W. KEIL, Kiaion. 8&T0BDAY, JAMUABT 4, 180O. RATES. ASVZBTISIIiaBBTB. T««tr (Mil v*T M>t«ITP* BMMU*; tfM 01 OB iMh ma MO l—ltoL AdtdsoUoBofaptrMot ■Uftvod OB idnrtla«o«atj vb«a poU for Urnt U BdnaoB, ftnd CO adroiUiaoau UBiariBi 19 Ub«o BUBBOBmiON. Om ytw, Ib BdfBBM, t4; tiB DMalhi^ B; thno OHmtba, n. MnliB poMco ■BiloeoplM.ISotBM- OUB TIOIU iRB OiUU, . ...—^jj^ TO rain ^ LUIhMM lUfa MnitlilDii) ooTO ri elbor pBfBi OB ni« VomuOIoalncFroiBpaj kt* P. H. flMil iBBilt br nmm Boaor oMIw, Oboet, r. O. Or- 4oror fwutirod kuu lad ADDRKW ALL OOMMUNIOATIOM For tb« MUrlal or tta* BatlBoaa THE NEW YORK CUPPER, r. O. Bol Mat, or OLOTER BDILDINO, wt^ n ooaiiB ami, k» roik. ja EoflaA^—Til Ouma bid do obuloid, wboloHk ftB4 IBUU, or oar WBBU, Boallb, AlniUo A Co., ■ Miw. OBiUO lOBOt, BlfBod, LMdOO, Vfaor* bOOBd fllOB Of Ulll PBfM W7 bo MIO. IB fiiBoo^BiOurm u ob ■louBnaUBo'iaowi «r TUB RBW VOBK OLIPPBR rab- IbkBB •air •■• adlUa^ aad tlwt ii OmUi tnm Raw Yorii.^t QUERIE S ANS WERED. NO REPUE8 B Y MAIL O R TELEGRAPH. i>Baane*vBauuoonBarann. auiiqubi Off BOOl MOOLS WW¥1 TO raOBB WloB tlBT BBIl, II eio Off TBBOLIPPBB Poor OmoB. ALLivmuwiu. fi UTBBfiBBO on nn ovlt. Ir na bovtb or abt raiATBiou. ooariVT u bovoit, Bini n ooi uar or ■o«r« or uoniB rMi. Wi<un«ru>oi>snaT THBATKIOAb. R. U, R.. CInolnutl.—1, It your ptolagnplu tn moti H will tw Ukolj to tiHiBt }ou Id aeouilDg id BDfttOMOl, MDll MDIplt WlID JTOUf BUpUcBUOD, 3. Atnil Iwentjiloiunporveok. s. TLeraliUt- Ue deoBad for dbw comora. J, D. B., SI, Tbouiu.—AddreM iBlKr U> tlig pwtr Id our con and w» will tdreiUM Ik l.h.B., IkfU.—AddiBBitlieLBwrBDCoKoroltj Co. N Bod M Oantn Htieoi, Mow York Olj. U. H. O., AleiMidKa. -"Jerrr, tlio Tnnip," Bn4 "A Mollis Outeul" are falM lluoti ot "Oiili a Wo- DBo'i llaart," owoe« br u. R. QardUior, wbom lou a*iisddreBalac*(«orfiii Uiiprm. W. H. h., Brooklifa.—AddrauaDjotouraoDipulj lUtilDiBdTertliU*. U. W„Upoito.—WodoDotUilnkUioilUeluuover booD aHd. A. K.,Otilcaflo.~YoD are far too yonug to go iipoo Uioroad. Uu. M.B.A.-I. arlr Id Jud*. ». VoD would f Dd II or »dT*DiA|o to adfoitlao la TDD Uurrn. J. A. W., Hajlco.— Dm uiwtr to w. M, L. la tHla line. Ammn, Vlokibori.—Wa iMTbr adrlao »DTon< u> ODi«r tlia tiKBtilcal ptorcHloo, nor cbd wo con- ilitoDUi loDd onr aid Id aor wai tawird Uiat rtfiilk W. a. B., AadODrtHl b) WatiDan wnta tlw woidi of •'Sweat Harta" sod Haimon ICoore com poeed Ike nualo. W, U. 0., lleoUvlUe.—Addraaa tb« paiuei lo oare ot Tm ourm. K. (I. IL. Aniooaa.-Wrlu tlie panjr la oor can aid we wUl ailrettks the letlar. ^ J.a.,Baalon.-TneTat«lnUlilcago, IN. 0. F. B. A., Pen.—Tte wtiler to wlinra jou rarer liauiu. W. B. U., BrookljD.-l. ir we hare o»er keowD toe fknj to wboDi |ott reler lie liaa paaaed mm ODr meuon, nor oan we lad anj record o( lila dealb. I. OurlMk aiea >i« Dot op«D to tlw poblla, but we wUI litlen; uawtr ani nQcallOD tlinDib tbeaaoolanuH. * U H. 0., Naibua.-l. Tlw wbereaboali ol the panrlauDkaowntcui. Addreaa teller la ear ure. >.TDe€aato( "Tbe Nponini IHiobeaa," now plar iDf at Ue Aaademjr ot Vuido, tbla alv, liurollowai DuuBlaa, E. J. Hatolldb; tUnId, llor Wobardaon Vol DoDbUr, A. PUbtr; IU|or lloabnVFl^UarrrlS OaplAln l.ord vbUliolai, W. u. Uagdury: Caciaui Bifot, rikDCla Mellion; UoD. Qur Ikamlib. Ill»naa Jooea; Hapeit l«lgb. hruiiam llaroourt; 6amoa. IL A. {Roberta; Joe Aimer, J. ILSIoddan; llarliL AfDeaBootb; Hartal, Uotm Tuner; lira IKwellr.A! nootor: Annetla Uouellr, ttatt Bualn; Maj Ai^Mr. M. Robloaoo; Ylrtao iSamile, A. Vtaoirer; Kiucei O0II00I9, IDB lluiiiier; ClailiM Uod- Hain^litj' R>m; llortwut BeoklDibam, AUoa L.a.,BKiokl}D.-17e liAve made laqalrlea opon In gnond, but oannot diaoorer that tbe paiti in- aeoiad an ourtalo ralnr. 'r- a& •'■llogM, t2 UDlon 8qnar«,New York X ft Tro7.-Burr Molnloab pla;ed Uator lie S""-!?..'''!. t"* prodaoUoD of "Tlie oogarui," wblob ooouirad at RaDd*! thiera Uotiae, noi, N.Y.,0BN0T.M.IIiaT. "«;«»—*ddr«a T. A. Bnwilar, Adnr. tittr umoe. Boi ax. ton Klliabetb, Souib AMca, iMaee ot Ike Fort KlUabeU TBeaiie and Opera UiNtTiKTHliiiu.—I, i. Tie companr li not In tblaoouninatpnaeatinorbu bd; dale been an- S°'*£!!'.J''i" ^« P^tV be* »««bU UoenotbcairioalTentureiiliere.aiidao tar aa we know koa no offlce. Addma leiior Id oare ot Tui OurriB. Maa. A.a W.,llumkio.-wedo not know wben) Ike pantea are ikU week. IHe; ara, bowever, ood. auflli pining rarlcis bourn, and )ou ma; learn <'!!£*"'>7''*~l""i*°'aubfequent liauaa otniCurriR. L. u., Uhicago.-P. R oumore died Sept. Si, im B. T. U—Ve aerer tumUta IntomuUon coneen' ng ibi donwallo amun of profeodonala. Ban. A. M., Uuie Hook.-Wrtle 10 tbo ntnagen aoae of tbo niiaeonu, tbe name and locaUooa ot wblen jon will and brreadtoi Taa Uurrii. a. T., llamllioD.-We oannot recomniend anr one tor iba aerrlce rou dealie, nor do we bnowof anr one wbo deala In tbe nrt of material tod want, Vouni.—Addreaa tbe Lawrraoa Nurtlti Oo.,ni and 90 Oeatre street. New York aij. ^ ' Man. r. l>.. Ban l^clai».-Bee route llat In tbU laauN] A. M. T., Chloafo.-Addma tbe party In care ot -Addrea an; of onr aoog pub* TBiOurrL 0. P. R, RrookUn. lUhlofadrerUaein. Mou., rarae.—We cannot ailbrd tpaoeto enumer ate tb« Tarlou duUea alUohed to tbeinliloD. & S^.i.",!?—" D0dei«»i~ M. U. f., Uelbl.-i. Addreia itae pan; In oai« ot TBI mjrrn, s. Yon ibauM addrva aome ot our aoog puUlabln« adrertlaer*. a. We can In do wa; eaUmata ;uur cbaacea or aettlng mauer to newa- IVenton.—1. We oan In no wi; aaalat ;ou Sliltt'StiXiW!!**?^'- .>vH<»>«" Tiber and JnUa Hartowenber oUred at tbe bouae upon tbe dale ;on oentlon. S. You can addr«M a laiier to an; pnfeaatonal acqnalnlance In our care. »«I<>J).-1. do not iblok II would be In lemand. *. \ounliliitwaalblTobuia i« demani per week, Iheaian. Tan Brom—Ituf are bolk llebrewe, and are, we belltTe, ot Amertcan birib, "»-•», vlf*^?-:;'- V" *"» 'O"'» Oerman;. 1 Itls..'^,.'!". "">»»•"?<>«•»» deiiuinda It. a. You mlabl obuin aa a beglnDertwcni; dollar« per week. ~Smw Miioa,-!.'to c^oTMeilw 'S"'^ S"*"- »• »»r a O11I clBM aluger ••»en(i-dfe doliaiB. 3, One bindred doiuu*. 0. w. R, Waianown—Ullaia an adfeitlied one Jt-f:]f'J^»'<!*"'a.--nf, Uwrence Noteli; Co., »a and to Centre 8ii»et, Kew York ut;. M. II. W.—Tke whereatnuta ot ibe panr la ud- known 10 ua Addteaa letter la our care. OARD*. r. J., Lowell.—A hand In cribiiage ol three fa a a andaeoonnmiwenti.thrae. ■—...<. TJL.rwt Apapbe.-ln draw poker, when a call ihow bla band lo the board. B waa wrong. nlglilpoaalbljobUla lendollara a. we neraradTlat an; one to go upon Stocti.— • r. B. iXD 0. A., Ke*ark.-A "roni" BDib, ao called braome pla;eia,la aayatiatgDI aoab,coaH eaida not being neeeaaiy lo coDatltDle anch a Bnah. C. A. H., Hew York.—I, Aa nmall; played ;oa do not need 10 take a trick to claim oni, under tbcae clrcnmitancea. 3. lo Ibe two lianded game «( pinocle jon can onij meld eo qaeena and M klngi; In tbe three or four banded game jon are allowedlo moat coleitea 10 man; and meld out D. B.—neaae elate rourqoeailon plalnl;, and we wlllaniwar. Wethlnkibat;oahaTaomlitedaome- Iblog In tbe Btatement anbmliicd. T. A. E., New York.-No: be waa wrong. In the game «f caaaino a pla;er u permlued u> make an- other bolM, lo caae bla opponent doea not make ble bnlld higher, or be ma; pair or combine other carda, or capure bla adreraarr'a bulk), prenoni to taking lobU Ural bolkl. 0. r. 0., Long laland Cli;.—A la rtgbL V loec* tlie game. P. h. B., Badle;.—Altkongb A made In pla; tbe Ibiee be laTe, U, wbo bad ont one to go, won tbe game wlu low, which, ot conrae, ooiranke ]ack (n value. 1. li. 0., Bn)okl;D.—IB the game ot draw poker none hot the aie baa ue prlTllege ot going ( blind. The part; to the left 0? tbe eldett band maj iiraddlo the blind, tbe nexl pla;er double tbe atn^ die,and ao on, bnl tbe aaoiint ot the atraddle, when made good, mnat not exceed tbe agreed limit W. a W., Pilncelon.—It U a run ot Bra. J. N. a, Obarleaton.-A la enllUed to tweni; tor bla hand of three I^B and two Vt. BABBBAIiU CRICKBT. ETC. a. p. R.-We wJl aeartta oor Olea, and anawer In onr next laane. H. J. P., BrookUo.—Tbe Ht Louie Browne OrBt pla;ed profeaalonall; In inn. The original team In- olnded llradler, pitcher; Miller, catcher; Dehlaan, Ballln and Uaiae 00 tbe haMn; Prarce, ihort atop, and Oulbbert, Pike andObapman In Ibe oulOeld. P. H., Philadelphia.—W. (1. Oiace formed one ot Iba lean orKoallib amaleuracrtckeleni that tlalled IbhicouniiTluiaia. Tbe team waacapialaedb;R A. Pliigeiald, wbo ma then •ecretarr ot the Marrlebone Uleli, or l/>ndon, Kog. Bma. p. T. 8., ruxaUwoer.-The Oght between John L. Snlllnn and Padd; Rraa, for the champlonahlp ot America, look place at Mlialaalppl Cli;, iiiia., ou Peb, 7, KSl, Bninran wlonlog In nine ronnde, lant* Inieleren mlnnus. r. II. l>..llcXe<iport John P. Eckbard: ruldei lo t hia c it;, and a letter addreaeed In care ot Tni Curm will reach bin. He la tbe part; ;oo ra- ter In. T.j.T^lirookl;n.—Jotn L. BuUlran waa cham- pion piiililit ol the world, having gaioed that title bjdeteaUng Jake KUnln, at HIclibunr, Mlaa JdI; a, I88t, under the nilea ol tbe P. ft., tbe flibt taking place 00 lurt and with bare knaoklea. niRF. T. L. McO., Toledo.—Tbe raaleat record tor one mile made b; a running hone la IMk, b; Bal- vaior, at four ;aara. Mib iloih ap, on a aiialibi track, at Honmonih Park, N. J., Aog. a, laeo. 0. fi. P., Fleaaant Valle7.-Wrila to Waller Ohes- ler, U-n TImca llaUdlng, New York Vlt;, wbo can giTe you all the Intomauoo deelred. ■IiCBi.LA HBOVB. T.I..T., Boalon.-Addieaa "Tbe Harine Journal Onmpanr, 34 State Btnei. Mew York at;." F. B. K,-lt yon deaire tbe auiement aubmltied to be placed amons the ncorda It will be neceaaarr that ;oo torolan ailldartla algned b; the partia wboeuperrlaed tbe performance, tbe name 10 Im aentto Iblaoitlce, A. a. P., Baleo.-li would be loo lata for the nest liaue otTBi Curraa Ankuii., which will be on Mie about the middle ot January. See anawer lo "F. W. B. p., Charieatow>.-An Irtah-American la a penon wbo waa born la ibia couatry ot Irlah ba' rentage. I>. J. L., BaltlDiore.-Ve do not know their ad- r«aa. ^wevcr, a letter addreeaed to tbe Irm lo care ot Tna Currait will no doubt reach then. CHECKERS. •elatlsa of Poaltlsa No. 43, Vol. «a. _ BT r. IBVABD. _ BlBtkl 1 kl II It U WbiuB a u 11 s It I] ID It le lu e It a 17 II It BluklojikruddiBW. It le It 1< It It u 10 la !• 10 7 la B 7 1 - 7 II II 7 U III a ■9 • CI at DnwD. U It » 31 II II 31 17 II a 17 II a a I a e 1 u la 10 It IB O It la » n Paslttaa N; 4«, Vol.«3. _ . ar A J. IB rainr. Bad fUM BlUi BnobliB amaliDr. Bla el I 1 3 »Ji » II le IT D Oaaae He. «4, Val. SIKOLBOORKBB. Plwad Id NiwYora iK4Btl; belwara Hawi. Iiur* a la a II b la u a It la i< n a la < 8 IT a u la It u a> ti u la II la tt a M «l B 17 8 11(a) a m) 17 13 It • il la 13 a 11 17 , . -- a 17 K> i» , , w u » a i> a ai a It a> a 17 a 11 a la a t7 11 H JS." Dnvn. 11 » la a V 11 a I u a It . u la u It a I w la t 10 Hie la t a _ a la la 10 11 a J 7 10 a It •I la .- la It a 17 31 a » u i« a 13 17 u ll M a a It a> a la It i» la la It i> 17 u i> a a a .' " 11 t 11 11 a a 1 10 a I 11 10 7 14 17 10 I 7 10 a BmtUi pluad 8 IT IT 11 II 17 19 e I a ai It ■0 17 » I a 18 11 a I e I a 13 e It It a 1 18 17 II M la u DtawQ, I 10 a t 7 II a I 10 It IS r 11 u >7 a It 10 a n It 11 V a DnwD, aa. Tba aBlnBU w (ir in Alaiaodar, An«*n. Poacin, llirriofc. JokoMO. loovltoo, Iboatpaoo, Dr.Tltai, r* ' _ ... _ . .-T ^ ^lyBldrldaaaBd BplU- Baltr.nlorai^br. Walla. PnbBblrBli mas, of Btocktoo. aad TUlioB,of TIcbtIIm, aiii aw c laat WaaiBlad«bl«dt«D.l>aacaBrorlb«BiwiL Bartow of ipaFth'a Oheckar FUper. BSmOL. Than are a lolal of rurty-BT* Tanalkol on Ibu opu< " "taiiAn, lauBBr trao Wrllie iBd RobBrtaoB. TariatloB 1 li V B. lot.or Bbleb nr.'it. la. A, II, 19,17,17A, til,ai, t — .... ^ I— S aooSA mlTnm Aodanoo. I iranb liaa AUas. Yir.'i l,la,3b.MtaBdltAanbjt Robsitaoo. Tir. a U Iba laaa aj Armblf* Laaila. Var. 7 li br Tbim, Tir.B ll b/Braaihtoa. Tir. Oi ll b; Tteir, Tar.lOla br lllflarvar-fl li br JuTlir, rar. a li br Adair isd nr a Ubf W. U. BatheL The bolaaca va bira no prarloi raceraof. CHESS. To CttiTMp*BdenUa Jmr OiUDiiit.—0«eBimtaUl(ou oo yovrloDt rooDd rhippr Tiiliar Tb* foDrDortrlD<|DMiloD,pn>Hbljla t«av«Mi; mMawbiliL yoomtfbt ttKTtalhrM, Kcoupl* of fmn ud ft tv OB ui« itoeki. I>. J. Dmaou—Mr. Tney mti: "Mr. D.'i lolatloa of H0.1.QO !■ fttnisMlli plMMUU bin to pU» ft Bhok OP K RL u>d trr Ittffua.'* John p. Tuor —imi'i tb« vlit or tbt JiHB rAiTiuaoii,~WIU onr oM tin* fiiwd fftTor wlihtataaddrMir J. W. Du Bolt Oftdidw, Alft.—Wo HKTOt to tftj thftt thoi* U 00 sacb pulillcailoD 1b oklftMoo. TblJ ooantrr ■MBm lb« «n1 ^tblffft pUe* OB lb« ^ftMt tor ehMi , pftTilcoUrlr ol tb« ftmftUnr strip*. Ttu nft> ■OB \» DOt fu to wait. Wo eao bMiUr rftoonnuid n« ttrUiMhChoi JroffOftfKftt ooI/Tb. AUnlDt ft rur. Yoa cfto rabKiibo ibroiRb Will U, LjonM, Boe 4B, NoYport^ _iio. irsLHa.—ThmkK, ladMd, for jtnt fooUl eoDi •BC*. Wbfti vtni ur of tbi nm* mftr bo tni*; bat It'ft Joit Um klAdve'r* looblOK for •« fto ftaUdou for tbo oTOiftwiDff toftteb (usM 01 tbopiwooidftf. Bnlflnft IVo. 91,037. DuUSm evtniMQ tfcmU-rld Ttma-DemoeroL A nirlouR ftod iDlelwlloi ODdlot lo off bftod pUr bo- L*e«a Uio Ihib cbAO)(kloii,rort«rfHld Etrod (Bitot) tod at<)Bi<l, 1 KKtiq. KBI, Qa. BtKRa). XR7. Oklt, QRtl. urailulad Id ibii majtorlj taihlon: Tlw iiinawu Black. I..Ptoq7 !..£(«) +1 Wblla. Ills BS "'41 fUlfl Blaak. I.EttoBei BuORi-f i..I-Ktl n-Kll.f t..K-B3,aBd malaalatvo. Problem Ifs. »,oaT. Coalilbolid br "HiiaiB." and dadlcalad to btaloaira. Bma. rAuiiB,oLau.K.T. BLtCK (U eo. O. raraaworUi). WHITE (Mr. falQHrl. BUok'alait B0TawiiKlloqlt9; WbltsplirigrxF. ud If aow It X <). WblumalMlD two morn. Oaas Aa. St,037. Hie elireDlb panU for thi U. 8. champloaahlp. uaBrrs'B ktu aaiik. Wbto, ~ ■ LIpwbnalB. i..ruK« I..0KI-B3 3..r-KKt3 t..KrKP t..ii ii.Kia t..itrxKc 7..KKI-B3 a..qi{-giai| 9..r-l[R9l 10..autlaa !!-.»-«9_. a..q> 19. .0-1 U..P-I -birl u..r-4ji(c) ia..iiAU9 lis?' U..1-UI B..<]R-kt9 ii..<]-Kia tt..U-KI B..Kitaii) »..IH-<|Kt B..K-RKI ^..Kt-iitr 9)..k-KII 9I..K-Ulq a..KirxP S..It-EB 9I..KKI-BI a..K-hui a..qBx It l7..B-bU3 a.-KxKB a..BR-Ulq ' r-QH4 1»-iia o..q'3x'i 44..KRxr(0 4i..p-gBe it..RXBr 2-P-Sri kipxp ..H-IItt+ k-bbllB u'.'.qi Nom-A, SaouiN WALTlB. 9 B-KBI K-bll3 US' K-BJ BXEBP I-blll B-BI-f B,«Rt B^a-f B-R14 E-na H-XlBf K-bUS B-^Ba R-Btt4> K-hua Baihtai. A. J t'Atbamjf JemuX; Sao., Sao- (a) 1 r lh«nanllaallalaed brBlacklnlhliopaDlonDar BUkaDiaal«il,lbu oobUodiiIod Ii tbTonSla aaiur i II White a. .Bx for lb* dlTaaco.- _ (t) reiTPnttrrorofriDeaordarioM P, g to K'tTa; lU.CajUia, B lo (t 9. aad Uii B mau bi |Itu up for I B, or Kt— A. J. (c) Balur tku P x r, wbleh would aubltct Wblla lo a MVfnaUaak,bi(lnBloiwlibU..QBui]iq.^ j IB-.11 to B a coail DOW ba uiooaaruTir couaurad Kl )( r'.i.^llltb Whju^cauol Mwraaluni^^ Bl m 1. U. Jaarlar iliai UlaoriUtal but ~ rwr Jor a draa.^ounaeUB^DruaiaioaJ an? II u II la u a u a 'i IJ ao 11 t a a la 19 a a 17 u u r u 10 It II a 10(4) 14 a I 19 17 It ij 17 II 10 t It II II a It apparanlljia Ml BturiaH: 11 10 It It DrawB. (4) At ihla pilal Mr.JuTkr aau la hUnnavoib Rawa %r Ua Oaaa. Tba Nanrk Olub u io«a u> loaaiunla a baadleap •"W., Hi" I'M BwotiBt II waa aBaBluoouSTroia loUiilafMt WoprKllctkiplaadId iboBlna ofoar'■ : IMmJ Blaidli Iba haWvorb Olub bu dwa IL . ■Ml lerTlca la llarlloa Uia untiiar booni. WIUi ucb mao u \aooui, (^Ihil Oobn aad Varlar poihlu II to u lma,lha lounarbiWuad lo ba a lacMi^ ... Thi JaorlirllyaUB Blatk IXKtor nrnqnadMc; ^i^i^ aiB nalibfj, draioaaliaUBi l«yond a doubl ihat a ouu^ !!•','>(.''"" ™a'"'baod btvblu. Tba Ballcbarbuu, ^1 'if J"?."!!'' •!"' "> 'ha foit, proTlot tbal Uia 1< to It Ilia linnlraabU nirall aimoUokl poTmuL ThaHildoriba MIU ktIiIod. br Joa!ilalaaLbu!dwS Ua whilai u> oalr l»o Kfa llMa, iIl, l| lo If ud M u n •alllaa oul Ui xnal iiiaui ol plar aiMa bj Uia old aa: ibon, mumi^AiKlaTw>B. DrmnmoDJaBd ifu. And m ^vofhorrBTIiloi ud eimclloo loaa on. What bai bun, coaiUand aiT* u<t ami lodiy, and bu bau ag > louL WbiD I fonibia liapniTiiinaili alVaa oo a lloi b.Ta aa iiwca tl»bl u lata hli i^ar Ibu Uwr ha'i lo Jlw li dolna Uia rhNkirpUran a ^llor r.tor bi col. fi'*'l"'Ji'°'^T^"' HVowTlf dur.taol columoiTSd Uiitilair II la a M>Di|.acl ronii, ud alrlna ilui cndiL a "■<»;, pNlar iDd buuldal Wb'i chKtarVSjin aiar ptibllii,ad lahloaln coiiikl.rallr.ii iu riiMimii l'|»d "ivio a ihort llDii, la llrlaf cradll, aial Uiraaud ni.lM wa< (raajlljr aad Br Lm'i ihilllr, Ibimiu ._ , bU libera alio hna bra fuUj irpreclaM hi uTJ ■"f "*• ." ■" • >"»••'>■<" I"* l« illimR iS rSol S! rftH".." i''"„r,'~"' f - " ™» dliciim a liSJ Ibiaa.iod U ainiBf u Irt tu iii,a (i, |, u lira dalj lo Kboowhd,. li pioparij. .. .AteaSiuT; uanimlsd for Uia obinploDAlp or niiclm la ba pUjad BI Maebaaka' laalio'u, cwniiSiirSiT (dl It bjli , out lahjictuii hbniair lo too dugaiona u atlaah —1 ^) To eompwlalrnulHiywhlu'a lolaodid Pio Q (/) Not dailimbia, but pnbablr bait; aa aAar 17. 0 lo baat u B to B 4 would appanatlr Bira Whila Uh ■l abllrTa Blaoh'i raror; but tba lloa or play bwbulDi wia tiU OOTO la pisur^olwrly lU JudfaS; biTDaa oo aaadliaa eoupUcUloaa ud ulUaialalr iwulu dlmauvna J. Hiabould,«a lbtak,baTa nloraadlCttolCBtaait tBOTa,ana tbtowa thaoaua or Imtnadlala aaaraialra laa- UeaoD Wblla. -...^.....^ (*) Tba rorai of opaaint adoptad waa iba "PuIhd AI. laeb,*'oattaloly OBI It lia ilToajiaat ronna Blaab'ada- taoa wBj DoTal and oiltbial, u iba baat at my koowl. adn IDd baHat. Tba tama ran lolo rair lalanallDi llaai, IDd ualyiU laaiui to pnra tbal Uia daraoea n Biaeb ll» ban or IL UowaTar, Blaok plaiad waub U orariat u ai. or RU(ba Dlibl bara woaliaia by Kl to BI); andaaabi la aicbuibiir B'l a raw moraa Utar.- W? A ""'j '!• Jf" uaaTOldably loipanUra -R (1) OaTirly laklot adtaataiaar bliadianaiyaanor, aad whiBloitwoPaaaaUiaaaaia.—a. ir) Iba euUBlaiUag Uoiidar, a oanlail aod laaicua aUa OTBiiliibt B X B, rollowed by P x r, lad u u mji diaw.—8ao. •*• To llloitfmla Ibiaa loiponut aotaa, wa alra Iba pauiloaaltarinilua..rtol|S: .a"t uh * I I 1 t t I t t alKBI, gi, Kkta,Ill<, Ba, kt, qB9,Itt,QKA ^ i I S i 2 M 6 S'J'ck"i.S.7x"rWAa?.V.5RW, ^ ^{tj V*i7 suoor, Rlrto WbUo ft Bortoc* od ftU tbo Pi— Aftftlo tbopoiUloo; iblitin* ftftftr a * i ^£ j * alllBltUHl, qill. XBI. I itboma, KhT+. Tit BolvlUiuaDJlDB ibUaBormouadlnrily or roV. Bwal ianurbaUa.radlaa aanad, la wbWWblu a^ri~ aacad lauauil dIfflenlvriD rordu Uiawla. BowaVir Mr. L. alUaulalydlmraiwd a bliffiy l^nliWpRiiS!; Cloo* CII|l|Md Ollppiwga. nia moM Impanut kxa) liaoi or Ua weak li Uia deaa aadawiKlol rwouH'j two mora pnMam Ua^ A^?'.V,'V?"'LS"_f!??'"5« »a» aabndTud Mwb Moapilihad awaidi fbat Waabtag- Sebakr. «r.Bftjciir!iiic&, Mu«ft. Tb* priftclpftldnvbftokia •oBOtnotlTt •bUlt/uf'l*. iblBMtoa pnblMD brOUbenr (iro.Sr. la'Onuab*').batM thUbM twoioIaUoBo, Itdll.BOtMom tDbo>Ir to dlaeout'Ei- MUlor-A.* bittrllr, lo tI«w of tbo otbor iMtorw MdOftt ftddod. 'TliUftBt* bfto ft ifttbor quint aad mmet* k«7iiiOT«,udMi«te7i MiMD«»t«rftU|ir. oiA, ll porfaftpotlu nort dUBealt mbtom «t*nd-u* KUoD II b«ftT7 «Bd ftwkwftrd looklsf. tsd It U Dot tb« d of pmblwa thu I Uko, Mtaooillr. bat mast b* oUMdftooffOodODeofltiblod. Noft. 4 osd ft hiT* oftcfa BO •ic4)l«Qt k«r Bov*. ftod oomo good TftrUUou*'... BlibtotQ mtmban of tbt Motropolltfto 0. a ftmalfttod tb«BrookljBCIablnft'*ripld trftulf*porfonoBaeft.aad b«*t It la bftll tbt tJmft,DM.Sl. Le.: IB flttooa BteDoda tD ft inoToi Of eiano, neb pbgr U of do ooeoaDl aa eb«M, bat ODljto hftTO ft roaad of toUlcUaf raa. Bot TOO Uion'iftfolof taMJtbyfoUovitftDd ibat Ibay'ro cot ft hMltbr dab lo taloDjt to. Mr. LtlBdnr caaaoff flrat bau. Mr. Cob. Moofldl Tbo adjadlaatloaa la tb« Mooli«BM)iuwft Bftt£bof ut all la. aad Th« OatOU glna tb« flaal Hora ol l>oth laftteboo-dnwD. S; Moatnal, 5; rMuwft,B Cbiilat Qllbora li od ft tilplaCtibft...... Th* fourth ftDotaaiDlorcollotUta cboa bnraftowot be- BftB Doe. a ftt ih« Bamid Bcbool, tbU dtr. Tbo Boora aow modi: ColcmblB woo 4M: Ion, \%. IlftTTBid woo KM, IK- Ytla VOD, t:lMt, 4. KlaoOtOD, WOD I U»l,B. Tbe Bagle*a Chcaa Tvopb^i OBiLLBKOB OUP POR INTBBMATIONAL OONTBSTB. TbU trophr, vbUb ll lUolj to oao dav bold aonmlaoat Elaco iB UM affetUooi of all ebon Iotoib, u a tbiaa aadM •lUoT Itrlog cop, witb tbrao paaala, oao of vblcb ll loltbUnhroriho loKiiptloDi vbfobtbaooataiU wUl dttaraloe. Tbe otbor two paaolB ara ftpproprlftUly ODirftTM), oao irliti flgam ooiftcod lo ft laaia of c be iB . tbo otbor boarini tbo csp'i iDaertpitoa. Frovldod tba ooadltiODilo tbadeodol irlRftra ooDpU«dwiib,iba«p mar dnt be cooiaatod for ta Pobnaiy oait« wbao Iba flower of anal Brlula'i cboM cblvalir, oador tba ao- •picaa of the BHtkb 0.0. will eaeoiiDtar a like Uam ol AiattlcaBi, BDdar tba aunaicanioat of tbe BiDoblja 0.0. SI. Pelenbvrg To«ramm«Bt. Laakar aad Tatblforln pUfod tbalr poatpooad _ _«e. Si, Bbtt Lb. harlog tbe laora and pla^log a Boj' X<opei JJier fortj-flfe norea tbe fftma waa abaadoMd aaadraw. At tba third alUlDfof tbeaaeood roaad, wbldi occar^ ad J>eo.&.TM)btg*tlB w*j IU aod only oao ■amo.waa da- clded, PllUbarrud Laakar oonlat tofatber for a laooad Ubo. It naoftad In a wIb lor Puuban la ft Roj Lopaa ftflar fortr-Ara noTta, Tadilforla and Sulnlii plarad Ibalr poatpooad gama B, and aftar an Oambli < ■Ittr movaa It wMWon by Mr B. Tba flrat day'i ytu or tbe third roond took plaoo Dae 9. vboB Stalalls aaoPUlibiitT played aooUierdrawaAar tblity-flra moToik playlna a Petroif Delenoa. On tba aafflo dav iMkar dafaataa Taoblgoria lo a Otooeo Plaao In fortrflTa morei. The acoiaa to data: Bmanual laakar U. N. PlUaboir WlUUm Bialolu M.TBohlKOfIn J5 4 I W J. BbowAltor, V. a. ChsmploB. Jackion W. OiovaltarwoD.on Deo. S7, tbe roartaantli Eae la bli coouA wltb a Upacbaeti, and. tbanbj wod I natob. Tba fame wfta taplata wlib brllllaBt plar, %V Iboagb bat twaBlf-flre ntoToa ware plarad. and lEwlll mott llkelr ba aTftided ibe brtlUftaor prlio offarad by Slgoor SurlloR. Tba taiaa li a atribloa llloatfanon of Mr. abowaltar*a anfwnTa atyla, bla tonib doto. It to Kt A, balog tall owo lOTaotlon. aod tba hey moTa or m via* al0| oomblaaUoD. By wlaalaa tbli loatdi Mr.Bhawaltar b««ome« cheaa cbunplon of the United SUtea, beildaa wlBDlac tbe atftbi money ftmoootloc to •l.MD ftnd ft purM of cm. Iba llaftl aoora li: dbowaliar, T; Llp- aebBOta.d; drftvm,8L -A.THLETIC. COmif O KVBHTS. Ju. >r, uea-MaUoaal lUilaUe Olob and (Vmpasy r, Pony-Hrealb Roflniant N. O. 8. B. ¥, Jobtliidooi aaoiai, innory, Bnotlyo, N. T. Pib. I-Bew Jonor Atblauo Olob Oaralral ol Bporia, Madlua Siioiia Oirdu, H. T. oily. -r- — rib I—AmataurAUiladeUBloa tan mile flat ran aad two mill BlaaplKbtaa, for ehamploaablp. Kadlaon SonaiB OardiD.NiwTorkOlly. rib^a^-OomEaoT I, TwairUi BaalaiOBtN. 0.8 R. T., ud Wan BIda Albbtio Olab Jolot Indoor lamai, annoiy Maw ¥orh Olty. " Jaly a-Amataar AUilatle UoloB lodlrldoal all anoad ebamploDiblp oonpeUUoo, Bargaa Point, N. J. Harwaid -wa. Peaaaylvaaltb Bepreoenutlra ot Hamrd Unlrenlty and the Dnlremty ot FeanBilranla met at tbe Fifth Arenne Hotel, tbladt;, the fArorlte aaaemMy plaoe ot the nndergmdaatas and poUUdana, on Bamida; ereo- lng,DecS8,Iorlheparpoaa ot conaMerlngthead- TlablU^ ox iwviwg^awmnyftmfpf^ foy ^ onnUal dual Held meeting, Tlie auIeUo member* ol boib teate ot learning were In taror ot mob an amnge- ment, conteqnenlly It did not take long to arrtre at an nndentandliii that waa entirely aatlifaototT lo both Bidea. The retnlt ot tbe conference wia an aiicement to hold a doal meeHog, tbe Brat between tbeeecoUegea.attbegnnndii ortlie Unlrenlty or PemuTlranIa, In Weat Philadelphia, on tbeatler- DooaofMayie. The order oterenta will benefd- lowt: Onebundnd and tweniryarda hudlerace, one mile walk, quarter ot a mile mo, one tanndred and twontr yana hurdle raoe, one bnndred yards run, one nUe Morcle race, two noDdnd and tweniy yarda boidle raea, two hundred and iweDly yardamn and bait mile mn, ThltamngamentbetweeDHar- rard aod Pennaylranla la tbe neolt ot the dlaagree- ment between tiie toimer college and Yale Colrer*- Ity, regarding aihletto matten, and It la expeoted tbal tbe meeUng between tbe alhleteaof fiuaa- ctauaetla and the Keyetone Bute will be ot annnal occurrence hereafter. TBI NaTIONAI. iHTBBIOBOLASno ATSLBno AB80- datlon ma orianlzed at a meeting bold In thli oiir on tetnrday, Deo. 29, pnraoant to a call laned eoiu dayiago by the localorganliatlon,lnntlDBall simi- lar taaoclatlone tknogbont tbe ooontiy to lolo with In »^J.WO" ofpertecttng aoob an otwan- Ballon. The election or olBcera reeolted hi the oboloe ot the roUewlng gentlemen: Piealdent, 0,0, lloDarltt, New York C K A. A.; nee praldut, fl I. Pratt, Long Uand I.B.A.A.; aeoiwton, H?H. DoDbar.Kew BnaUnd traoanrer,0,& "'<**»'l»iJ<ti»T- fl.A.A. Itwma dSdSdtihold the Initial held naeetlng or the new aaoocladon '~ thUpltyon Jnne n.the oranta then decided to tor the otaamplonitilp ot the oiganliaUon. TaiMATCBAT tACQUBmlnwhlch deonte Bland- Ing, the tnaimotoroi the New YorkRacqnet and Tennlianb,ot ikla olty, nndertook toplay boU Barry BoUea, the pnfeaalooal ot the OhleaRO Atblello Ataodallon, and B, a, Qannendla, ot iBe M, Y. R. and T. Oj atlrnotad a large aaaembltge of nemtiere and thev tricnda to tbe oonrti od fiatur day, Deo, 38. Ttiey wltneaaed one ot the lineal oon teata that erer look phice there, tbe remit betng a vlotory for Booket and Do aannendla, the aoore of the ax lanea belogaa touoira: 4-ls, la-ii, ii-i«, it—4,14—14, It—17. Tux oLoaiHo oiKB Ot the raoqaelcompeUtlona between experts at the comae ot Uie BacoDet and TBDDlBCInb.ln uia olty, waa played on Dee. a. ly Boaiea,oii;nioago, iu,,and Ion, llaia.,belog pined agalnot ot the N. V. R and T, aTand B. Oeorge Bland- . '^r*" "* " *" *' v., o. s. Do Qannen- dbi. Tbe leaolt waa a TlctoiTtortbentlton.tbe sponattbeanlibBtandlDgaatollowa: u-8,al.u It-U, U—1, 7-11, lt-7. "-0,0-10, Two roorBALL oAiiBS Id the aeriea tor tbe cham- MoDihlpoftbe MatloDal AaaocUtton LMgnaweie ilayed on Bonda;, I)eo.»,ln tbta nclnlty, rmit ng aa tollowt: AI Oonunnnlpaw, N. J., tbe /nternai Uonal Aitaleilo Olub deteatadthe New Vork TlUtUea IL"^ ot aereo goala to one, and at Newark, N. J., the Otnnerllle Athledo Olob team were beaten by the Scoulah.Anericani by a like aoore. A rooreiu. HiTOH waa ooDteolad at Antonla. U., on Chrlttnua Bay, between teania repraentlnB the Anainlu and the Newark AaeooUUoo Football Oob. About three thonaand pereona gatbered at the groiiDda to wllneaa the game, which wae one ot if? W"t?"""™»>'^''»«'n » diaw.eaob aldebelngableianake bntonegool. .w^'i'l'**"'bole match at goltwoa oooteetedon Uie Ihikaot the Rockawa;ltDntOlnb, atCedStunt L. I., on Chiuunat Oa;, the oontoatanis being Pox- ball keene and TWboi J.Taylor, the lomier^ying tnmacrBtch and Taylor hatrina a handicap otlour ThereaattwaaawlcuiyrorKeenebyaaoon otM to too. • * "?.^L'<"''^'' oohtealed at Newark, N, atiornoon. Dot a, between the uauna ot tbe Keany Ranioa and the latamatloaal Athledoanb,tbe leaalToruiegamebelaganotonr fwuie IntoaaUoaala by a aowTot fou fnTto Thb ibaju of lha True Bine FOolbaU anb, ot Faianon, and the OUedoalaia, ot Neiraik. N. J minded tor the cbnmploBehIp ot the Anertcaa Ppothau AaaooUUon on BatniJay anamwaTMS ra, at Patenon, X. )., the home team wInnhSr br^ Bcora or 4 to I. ■ ' Jom> Haiwbx, the all aionnd athlete, died tew dayaagoalBoeton.lIaaa-at tbeaaaof Ihlitr- au. Ue gained wMe dlattneyon aa aahot Dattar ta.JSSr'bSSoh'S? brtagprxJllent: „Thb Tale.FiliMetoB tOoibaB taaa dttated Ike fSSSi^t^"" »♦ •'•"PWB.rain, Deo. M, by FISTIAKA. OkrtmalaB af Ewsta ta tha PagUlau, ooanuB ixrani LT roa ria mr tobi currni. Ron.—figklawllb bora bBBcUaa ara dadnuu,! v_ JJ»|JTa«n««UIImltad to laaa tbu ui^SSd'iUoJf,* A qieclal acaalon ot the Ugltlalnre ofT^xoa caiu b; the Ooremor on Oct a, paaoed a Uwaakin; prlie HfbllDR pnnlahaMe by Impriunmtm' thereby preTenllng the holding ot um chim plonablp aght between Jaaea J, CoTbeii u« Robeit Plizalmmone at OoUaa, on Oct ni arranged by the PioriaaAlhleUo Olub/ On iS promlae ot the mayor and a nomber ot bnaiM^ nen ot Hot Hprlnga, Ark-,01 a guaiaiicaTr tt.000 It was then decided to bare the «,* Uke place at WhltUngton Park, near that tit. on aald dale; the noremorotArktnaoi. bai' erer, oppoted the match, and hla ettiiiiiib m rent tlHflgbt taking place In that Bute wen. ancceaelnl; Pliialmmona waa arrcMed ai Tci arcana, while (n nwie to Hot Sprlnn Oci -» and taktn to Utile Rock, where Conieit >ur' itndercd hlnuelt Nor, 1, and on ibe followina day bolt partlea and their managen apoean.-d In conn when an order nainlnrni the prlnci. pale tran UghUng In the state, with or wlihaot SloTea. was annonnced; the Florida Atbleilc Inb tatd pi«rtonaly,oo Octal, fomally de- clared Ike match off. and the Hot Sprtnia Aib- Uilc Club, on Oct SB, decided to ofltr a porw ot tlo,coo tor tbo lliht on a date later ibau originally llxed. Corbett left Rot Bpringa tor HempbM, Tcnn., Nor. 3, end on 11 Intonsiiiy anoouiKed hla realgnallon at ihe cbomploDahlp and leiliement from ihe P, R, Arcbtr. Jance. b«ti A, Byan, tuo, itr,, Mm,, near Brooklya, N. T., Deo. ». 18B4. Abeam. Bob, and M, Finn, paroo. Sir., Ib. S9m draw, OalreatoD, Texaa. Pen. 17. Agnew, Lou, beatH. Fete, (210, er., 23m., tool Kan- aaaOliy.Mo., April 10, Abbott, BiacloD, beaten by Fearce. beaten by Zelgler. AoroD, Jotiin;. died, t3;n., New Vork City, Sept. a. Bork, JohB, and Obaa. Btietcb. pone, l(r„ 6«m. dmw, santhwood Btailoo, Del., Bepi. la. Barrj. Jlmny, beat Jack Madden, gale money. 4r. Um.,Mujieib,L.I.,M,T.,0ct7l, ' diawiriib Cupcr Leon, gate moBe;,14r.,Mn. (»lcaga IIL, March so. Bameo, Jaci, beat Borne; Kelly, porae, llr„ 430. Ooney bland, N. Y., fiec le, Boyle, Jack, beat Hike Coagrovo. pane, Mr., Hm. Lens lalaod Ctly. N. Y.. Deo.», ini. Bnroe. Dick, beat Tom Wllllamt, BMl, Dr., llm. Mailonol Sponlog Olub London, Rig. Batet, Jack, beat Barney Hurra;, puree, gr„ atm.. near Woodalde, L. L, N, Y.. April a. Boyle, Peter, draw wlib Eddie Hyer,tl,ooe,ier„lb. 8n., ataeriSlnieiteied, Erona, III.. Aog, it, Coagrore. Ibke, beaten by Boyle. Carey, Jack, beat M. WIImo. puree, dr., asm., foul. Jen«; at;, N. J., Dec. 37. isai, Clare;, Rd^ beat J. Bo;ce. W>, ar,, 23ai., near El- wood, ltd.. Dec, ai, laat. Coeuilo, Hirtin ("Buohio"), beat W. Blann, gate- iDODey,lr., 3tm., Montreal, Can.. Jan. n, beat w. VYooda, pame, lOr., Btm., MoDtiral. Oin., Mircht. beat V,8lavln, gate money, lOr., 3Bm„ Mon- treal, Uin,. Ha; 10. ."Cock Robli," beaten brjobnaoD, Coowr, Jack, beat It waodtrlicb, pnme, 8r„ 3lm., WDfleld,L.L,Feb.S. Orlap, Oeorge, beaten by Uriacoll, Callahan, Jick, beaten b; Parry. Orol^P^nt (-'Hariem Codte Cooler!'), ijegm, i,j beat W. O'Brien, pnrie, Ir., Sm- London, Eng.. April la. bealct by Creedon. (^nntlly. Ed., beaten by Fenlon. beat T. Onrrard, puree, ar., llm.. Cleveland, 0., tict M, Cooney, Mike, ot Boeton, Haaa,, died, Barana, Ooha. Ang. 18. Creedon, Dto, beat W. HcOorth;, pnrae, lr„ 4Ul, OalreatoD, TOxoa, April 27. bear J, Donfee, gate money, 2r,, am. 7e.. Coney Idand, N. T.. May 20. beat W. Benneaaey, pnrae, ar,, 93m,. Boeton, llaaa.,Jnne24. beat ;, Craig, 12,000, sor,, lb. l»m., London. Eng.. Oct. 14. Clark, draw wlib Oaronaugh, CoDnelly, Jim, beat U, Bmllh, gMO. iTr., ih. Tm., near Loidon, Eng., Anguai. CarauaiiRh and Clark, paibe, 93r„ lb. 31m., police inleriend and arretted principals, aeconoa and referee. New Orleana. Lo,, Sept, 2, Cortleld, Oeone. beat None Wallooe, t2,00t, llr, lb. lln..Bhellleld, Eng., Sept, g, Oulller, Jack, beat M, Dempaey, pnne, <r„2am.. luekawty, L. 1., N. r., Sept, 23, Dixon, Oeorie, and A. OriOlina, gale money, 2tr., lb., stm, dmw. Coney laland, M. T„ Jan, 10. laa. and Prank Erne, lOr,, aem., draw, Hew York Oily. Deo. a. Dempaey, Jack ("The NonpareU"), bealen by Ryan. tarewtll beneOt Hodlaon Square Oanlen, New York. June 8. died, eonaumptlon, Portland, Oie., Nor. I. Daly. Pot. IMttea b; Kenned;, Driacoll, Jein, beat O. Orlap, ttn, 20r., Ih.ltD., London, Eng., Feb. 18. Dime, Jimar, beat J, Manball (colored), gate mono;, llr., aem.. Cone; laland, N, T., Jan. It. Don tee, Joe, beaten by Creed on. Darta. Jack, and Qua Qorman, puioe, ar„ llm.. police iBieitered, dmw, Pneblo, Cot, Feb. Id. Denny, TOni.dmw with South. Uougoert;, Bike, beaten brOordner, Donn, Mick, beaten br Vueott, flake, Billy, dnw wita Wongo. Diamond. Aothony,beat J.rarley, |2M and pnne, I2r,, dTm., Birmingham, Eng., April 8. Dobbe, Bobby (colondL beaten by O^Brten. Dixon, Tomny. heat li. Oanlner, 18.000, 88r., at. SSffi., Dear Kanaaa Olty. Mo., May 3B. Dempaey, Mike, beaten by Oolller, Denny, Aimir, and Jim Morpby, pnrae. Itr,, ten., dnw, near Brooklyn, N. Y. Daley, P., beaten by Look. Brerbirt, Jatk, beaten by Larlgne. —and Owen Zelgler, pnrae, 2tr., Ib. sem., draw. NewOrleaaa. la., Oct 20. Erne, Pnulc, brat J, Shelly, gale money, Tr., 27m-, Maapelti, L. Ih M. T,, Aog. 38, — beat, aam..New York, Oct. 4. —draw with Dixon. Blltott, Yonat beaiea by Oaua, Freyer, Oeorie, died, Nottingham, Eng., Jan, t. Flabeny, Manin, beaten b; "Hiarllght" Ponytne, BUly, beat D, Basgh, panei lar., ila., IdlowUd arove, L. L, N,V,,Jan. »? — beaten b; wrenn, Fltzelnmona. Dob. held In tio ooo ball tor trial on Ibe oharie of mantlatighler In caoalng the death ot CODHIordan, 8;raoote,N, Y., Jag,28; onJul.vSa renlloi or acqolual iraaiendeiwd, Syiacate,N. Y. — and Janea J, Oorbett— whom bbb. — matclHd to flgbt Peter Haher, tor a puna ot 810,000 and Ihe champioBohip ot the world, Feb, Id. iwa. In Mexico, Now York Olt;.Deo. I. Parragher, Mike, beat J. Oallagher, (400,33r., Ih, ain.,roul, nearHomeaiaad. Pa.. Feb. 1. — heat J. Powcn, pnne, 2ar.,lb. aem., Olere- land, O., feb. 91. — beaiJ.Parry,pnrae,ur,tlnL,WbeeUng, w. Va.,Jul;a. — and P, Smilli, pnrae, Ir,, 27iBh police iDler- fered, dnw. Wheeling, w. Va., Korenber. Finn, Hike, dmw wlib Abeam. Fllea, John, chad. New York, Jan. at Fliinttnok, Jick, beat H. Upniden, tVM, 7r~ irn., London, Eng., Feb. e. Penton, Paod;, beat E. iMnnolly, pnrae, llr„ tea., Boeioo, Masa., Marota 28. Fete, Hicke;. beaten by Agnew, Pltogerald, u. R., local boxer, comminad aololde by haaglni, locbeeier, N, T., Nor. a, Oriatbi, Al. ("Vonniarim)''), draw with Dixon. — hear Utroee Leedt, gate money, llr.,4Tm., Coney Itltnd, N. Y„ March «. — dnw with Larlgne. llaUaRher. Jlamy, beaten by FOnagher. Ooman, una.,dmw with Dana, OiMulleld, All, retired hcarywelgbt DORtllat, died, Blimlngluca, Bng,,Jaiyiak . Uardner. Oecot ("Omaha Kid'). beat M. Doagheri;, 3r., la., Learenworth Co., Kaa.,March8I. — beaten by Dixon. Oarrard, Prank, bealen b; Connelly, Oan^^Joej^bsa Ellloti, pnne, ar., atm,, Balilaon, Oodtic;, ueorie (colored), beat W. Woodi, pent, aor., lh.lMi„ Balilmore, Md., Nor. IL Oreene, Fred, and O. Johnaon, pnne, Itr., ih. tn., draw, near Toledo, O., Dee. 8. llDbbardJIanay, died, Booion, Maaa.. Feb. 1, llogaa, "Kid." beat lY. Mnrphy, pnrae, ier.,gtnt, Untlnaail,0.,Peb.9a. beaten by Urtgne, Banghi, Maxey, beatan by Lyona,