New York Clipper (Jan 1896)

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Januaey 4. THE NEW YORK OLIPPEB. 609 Hu<]|»r, JiBDr, bett A. O'BilsD, nla nmuj, lOr., am^ Oontr IiUoil, v. t. H<Dii«9M7, Bill/, bum bjOratdoB. — be*ta«org« L» Bluieb*, pans, ir,, am., po- . lloe iBCerterrat, Ltna, Una, Mot. IS, H«J«T. iiok, dnw wtui B«attt«. HatcUnMD, ur.,beM o.TtpplDr.fmie.lta, un,, BnnfliuD. Bag., Oct 39. Eatunbotit, Homua, boilag lutraolar, ooamlt- Ml niclde, Brooklf n, V. Y., Nor. 34. JotiiiMii,Oli*rlcr, beat BoMomo, 13,000, tar., tln^ LooMD, Knr_ Ab, lu beaten D/ VBlentlse. ioliuoB ("Ttmblo Swede*!), beiiaa by Paitel. JotDaloii, Andr, beaien br HalroT. Jobnaon, Oeorge, draw wllk aiwoe. Kennadf, Dave, tat P. Dal;, |M, 10r..aMii,, ixar BfDokl|ii.N. r., Feb. 14. Karaoagb. Jack, otloaimliLdM, Baltlnon, Md., NOT.UL KllralD, Jake, and 8l«Te O'Doogell, pnrw, Dr., no., diaw, BoatoD, Maaa., Mwch ID. beaten bt O'DonneU. KemDlck-Cbailej, died, lim, DeiiTer,CoL, Kellf, Bane/, beaien b> Biraea. Leon. Oaaper, draw vllfi Bany, Iijnob, Jaek, beat A. HcOan/, llr.,1301.. Long laland, iao, 0. Lowla, "Kid," C4nvlcl«d ot cDstging Id a p?laa tghi and aenieaced lo paj two fliw and be lo- priaooed Mdaja, Fi. wonh, Tez.,iaa. tl, Leeda, Hoiace, bcalcn bj OnBlu LynoD, Bainer beaien br Ftaelao. Lock, Artnur, beai P, Kaley, pune, »r,, lb. Itm., near TroQvllle, France, Aa|. 11. Unduy, JImmr, conrlcied ot jnaaalaogbler In Ike killing o( Fletcker Robblni, Plsitamonib, Neb., Narcta T. On Marcb 21 be vat aanieDced lo iiro monibs ImpilnonmenL Laamon, Tonng (coloraj), draw wllb Hooaliaii. UTack,Jobnnr.and F, Macleiraki, |M0, at., lb. aoi., draw, Wbeellng. W, Vs., Mar ». Lyona, "Dolly." beat M. Bantb. gate money, Mr., 8tm., Coney Island. N. Y., iUr 20. La Blanche, George ( 'MaHne'V, testea by Hennea- »ey. lafigne, George ("KM"), beat J. Krerbatt, gais money, a)r„ lb, iga,. Coney Island, N, Y., May an. beat J. Iliodler, gate noaey, ir,. Mo., Kaa. petb, L. I., N. Y., AQR. M. and Al. arlffliba,^s money, a>r. lb. Itm., draw, Haapeio. lTi., N. Y., OcL 7. beat Joe Walco(t(ihelailerto knock bis man oot In Itr. or km), gate money, 1991b., nr.. Km., Maipelb, L. I.. HTy., Deo. 3. Uaber, Pelor, beat R. Harabill gale money, Ir. am.. Coney lakuit, N, Y,, May 20. beat BleTeO Uonnell. gala money, Ir., Intlilo im., Haapett, L. I., N. Y.,Ifor. 11. maicbed lo llgbi Bob Fluslnoooiu— wboh BIE. UcKeerer, Obatley. beat A. Valeatlne, late money ITr, lb.7m.,Mupetb,L. I,, M. Y.,0i:l.3. MoOarfT, Andy, beaten by Lynob. Maraball, Jerry (coloRd), beaten by DInae. beat J. Fvrcf. pone, 30r., tt. Urn., Wlieellng, W.Va., Marcb 3». draw wli b Van Ueeat. draw Witt Van lleett, Maher, "libador," beat u. Needbam, pnrae, lOr., asm., Cinclnnall, O., Jan. 32. Hurpby, Jimmy, beat J, Scbtenborn.pnne, a4r., ib. ITm.,neariM. Panl, Minn., Marob It Uurpbr, Billy (Aniualk). beaien by Hogan. draw wllh While. McCoy. "Kid. ' bcaieu by O Bnee. Malouey, Jack, b(atB.UruIr, t<W, nr., lb. Mm.. Nuweaalle, Eng., Marob li Hnrpby, Barney, btalen bj Baiea Hackwski, Fraik. draw wlib Larack, Hiimy, Barney, beaten by Baiei. il;er, Vddie, draw witb Boyle. Madden, Jack, beaien by Batiy. Meaaber, Fred, beat 1. Teaay, fin, ITr- 11m., Nortb Baiiimote, 0., April a. Honaban, and Yotug Lawaon, law, icr., 3b. aim., diBW, Albany, N. Y., AartI Is. McOaitbr, Billy, beaien by Cieedoo. Hier, Eddie, draw wilb Koyle. Hounby, Cel., died, sajre., St. Frances Uoaplial, Jersey CHy.N, J., Nor.», MoAnllffo, Mike, died, Kiyre., Brooklyn, N. Y., Sept 23. Maraball, Bob, beaien by Maber, Miiltoy, Mike, beat A. JobneioD, parse, I4r., um., near Brooklyn. N. Y.. Sept 1. Madden, Jack, beaien by Barry. Maisey, Henrr (colored), a looil pngtllai, killed la an allray wild Helton Catey, Bt. Loan, Ho. Myer.Blliyc'SitcalorOTClone"), beaten byBiewart Mntpny, Jim, draw wllh Ueunv, Needbam, Uanny, beaien by Maber. NIkIrk, Uarry, beaien by ScsdIoq. U'Brlen, Dick, beai E. Binney, pnise, 14r., Um„ Boalon, Mats,, Feb. 31. beatBobby DoblH,piirae,2Ir., lb.3>m.,Bos- ton, Maaa.,Apnl It. beat "KM "MeOoy, pone, Ur., Ik. atm.. Boa- ion, Mats., Har so. tKaiun by Wtlcoll. O'Uonnell, Stere. draw wllb KUialn. beat J. Kllraln, laie money, Sir., lb. 23m,, Coney Itlaod,N. Y.,Hayia. beat W. Woods, gale money, I4r., Wm., Mon- Ileal, Oaa.,Joly It, beaien by Maber. 0'Bnen,AL, beaten by Eandlsr. O'BhtD, Wm., beaien by Cn\a. Fosis, rred.bealT llabena,tlOC, 4r.,ISm., Colum. Ma, Fa., Feb. It. Powers, Jeff, beaien by Fanagker. Phelan, Dick, beat k. LinoE, pniae, llr., 4am., Brooklyn, N, Y., Huoh 27 beaien ty Bnrke. Perry, Jim, beaien by Vtlenilne. Parry, Jaok, bealeo by Maraball. beat J. Callabao, pone, itr., lb. am., ffbeel- ing, W. Va., Uay T. beaien by Famsker. Poitel, Padde, beat Jotineun, pnrae. 32r., lb, STn., UtilenB, Kan., Mtreb 20. Pruelpala ansaied, coDTtcled ol prlio dgbiuii, anil MDlenoed lo one year eacb In lbs ptDiienilaiy, Weir Oliy, Kan. Prliohard, Ted, bcaien by Bmllk. Peny, Fat, died, ityra.. UlgbiMe iDBnnwy, Bli. nufbam, Eog„ HepL la Pearce, halie, beat B. Abboit, pnne.tor., lb. Iso., Boston, Hitt, Jnae a. rumer, "Fedler," beat W. PUmncr, |2,UI0, l<r,, Mm., Cool, Lundon, Eng., Xov. 20. PlImmer.BUly, braien by Palmer. Qninn, Bill,beat Fred woodi, pane, Jr., llm., near FDiUTtIle,Pa.,irov.t. Bran, Altaur, beaien by Arclitr. Ryan, Tommy, beat J. Uemiiaey, gale money, Sr^ llin.,llgni aUipped by leteiee. Coney Iiland, N. Y., beat T. Tracy, pone, sr,, Sim., Oblosgo, III., Marob :o. and W. Umllb (Boslon), isle mmey, nr., lb. llm., police Inierteied, diaw, Uoney ultnd, N, Y., Way IT. RobeiiB, Tttm, beaien by Pooli. Rllokle, Jack, beat (J. Smlin, pum,23r., lb. som., near Br. Loola, Mu., BepL 11. Ray, BlUy, beat Jlo Tolly, pane, Tr., STm., near Newark, N. J., Not. IS. Siewait, "Ginger," beaien by Vatenilne. "HiBillgbt" (coloRd),ct Anunlla, best M.FIabcity, parse, tr., Itm.; uuer broke bij arm, Boaion, llaat.,Jaa.31. MsTio, Bill, beaien by Coitello. beaien b; Coalello. BcanloB, Tim, beat II. NIkIrk, |1,0<», ir., 3m„ Wkeeling, W. Va.,Jan.30. BUTln, JickTbeaisn by Woods. Behmldi, Unla,toialiy Inlared loa glore Sgbt, Mll- wanlee, wlii.,Jnly 31. Bpnrden, Uarry, beaten by Fllipairlek. Bmilb, Solly, and T. Uennr, nis moiey, lOr., BSm., draw, Const Iiland, N. V., Maroli 4. Smiih, Billy ("llytisrlnua"), and Joe Walooil, nIs money, Itr.. torn., drew, Bosiou.Msis. Msrcn 1. dnw wllk Tommy BjaB* BolUvan, Jobs L, leitlmonial beneCI, Ibe beneOd- ary and Cbamplon coibsil tpairlng three ronnds, Hadiaon S<|aai« Garden, New York JnneST. SImmi, Alei., end U. Wall*, puiee, ltr.,4Tm., draw, Akion, O., Feu. 3T. BlaTin, P. P., beat V. Cralg, parte, ir., Inalds Sm^ UindoB, Rag., Manb II. Behnobbin, Jimmy, beaien br Mnrpty, BMdoaa, George, beaien by wmie. Bmlib,Jlm,beti Ted rnicbsnl, 2t., Tm., Loadoa, —?S^i a. Barge, |i,too, 9r., asm., Uwdon, tag-, Nor.t& Baandert. "Ud," beaten br Tinsley, Bbarkey, Tom, beat w. Smnb, pane, Tr., arm.. Ban Fnnclaco. tal, Joly 2». Bmlib, Haiiy, beaien by ConntUy. Bmlili, Blllr (AettimUa), beaiea by Skarksy. Bkelly, Jack, xetiea by Bme. beaien by Brae. Hmlib, Paddy, draw wlib Ftmcber, BmHk, George, beaten by Taa Uesai. SinlcB, Obailer, draw wlU Boik. Bonell, 8am, beat "l^cr" Bnoka,p<ns,10r.,lk. Itm., LondoB, Kng., Kor, t. Jeakrsonniie,Iad., Bmltk, Obsiley (ooloR^, besten by Blishle. Tney.Tom, besiea by Ryu, Tebiy, Ike, bsaitn by Mesglier. TInsiey, "Red," best '•KB" Ssondtra, 4f., llm.,8t Jotepb,lfa..Maylo. nomsA Mleksy, smI R. Tbompton, parte, Itr„ IbTllm., dnw,«)alnsteB,rtu^lBly». ItoapaoB. Bob, draw wlik TtomMT nuy, Jimmy, basted br Rsy. TIpplBg, Oeoige; bettae Ba^ TalanUns, AiUsr. best -Hunger" Slawsit, psits, 4r. lint. Londoo, Eng., Dee. It, }mt. beat B. Webtter, pane, 10r.^Km., Loodoa, Eng., Jan. IL beat i. Perry, parte, Sr., lan., real, Loadoa, Eng., Marcb X beat JobBtoo, |3,00», tr., a«aL,LondoB, Eng., —^^^Jaten by HcKeersr. Balled from Nov York lor Raalaid OcL SSL Vsrley, Jack, beaten by Diamond. Van Beat, Johnny, and J. aanlull,pnrM.SIr., lb. aam., dnw, wkesUBg, W. Ta., isBO a. and J, Manball, pane, sor., lb. Itm., dnv, WuhlngioB. D. C Joly 31. bast a. Bmlih. pone, 3tr., lb. stm., Bsiu- mon, Md., BspL & Vernon, BlUj.beslJ. B«Usr, pone, 4r., Itm., Lynn, Msai..8eptl0. ■I Wilton, Mike, beaien by Otrey. Webster, Harry, beaien by Valentine. Wongo, Fnnk (Indian), and W. Unke, pnite, llr, 43m., draw. Norfolk, Va.. Aac. M. Wblie, Frank, died, i^. New fort, Feb. 3. Wnon, Jaok, beat W, FoniyUie, pane, sr., aim., BarUord,a. Fieb,l. WuBderlicb, Dick, beaten by Cooper. Want, Barry, draw wlib Blmmt, Walcoil, Joe (colored), draw wlib Boltb. • beat M. Bonn, gale money, Ir., 31m., Coney laland, N. Y^AprlTa. beai R CBnen, pnise, ir., Intlde So., Boi. ion. Mast., Aag.2& PilaclpaliaRealed,andon Bept I wenntld In (1,1X10 Innda for trial; Sept. 3T,aciinllied. tilled to knock "Kid" LaTline onl In It leondt. Woods. BUly (IlenTii),baalsa by CoMello. beat J. BlaTin, gale money, Ir., llm., pdloe inlerfemL Moaiteal, Cut, kay l(t beaten byO'Donnell. beaien by Qodtley, Woodt, Fred, beaien by QnlnB. Wblle, Tommy, beat G. Btddont, pone, tr, 2am., UbloagoTllL, Hsrcb IB. snd w. Hnrpby, poite, aor., lb. itm,, dnw, Uolombus, 0.. Jul; II. snd E. BeiesAB, purse, a>r,, lb. itm., dnw, Oolnmbns, 0.. Sept 13, Wsliacs, None, beaien by Ooifleld. Wllllamt.Tom, beaten byBurge. 7.elgler, Oweo, beai Sitnion Aoboti, pnrte, 30r., lb. ItflL, Bslllmore, Hd., Aog. It. dnw wlib Brenart Williams, TVhb, beaten by Borga, PPIBPraR M A HOSPITAL. Natr Vwh*a Clever gi uf j Baaanaam LaM rp *rR«palia—OUurlatanatlagltawa. Wort oomea from Oklsogo, DL, that Fred PrtObr, Ibe Tsteraa and popnlar ascond batemsn, who bu been tngsgtd to plaj that poalllon asil stason for Uie New York CIit>,ls la a boapllal In that city. Flemrbas bsen inOblcago tU WUHer attending to bntlnesslnwhlohhels Interested In a small trsy, Us baa lataly complalasd o( feelbig nn down, and at tbs sdTlcs ot Mends he saw a pbyaldan, who toM blm he waa ttraatansd wllh tppsBdlelils. At bis own nqneat he waa taken to the Chicago Hoapllal, whan he waa enmlned by Dr. Oothbeit. son, who told blm men waano danger whatersrot appandlolOt, and that the only thing he needed WIS rest. IthsdldnotlikeIt,letbnslnetBsloneenUrsly, Ibe doelor ssid, he woald probably bsTS a bieai- doWD, as be wss sntlnly worn oul with orerwoit. This waa laat Bstorday Blghi, and Fred enjoyed the noTSIiy of tn sbsolale teti In Ibe plessani rooms of tbebonlbri. PfeObr Is nidonbitdly playing In hard Inck. He waa off the diamond lait teaaon, and It waa thongkt that bemlgbtsotboableto play neit Bommor. The msjor league made Pfellsrilietcape- goat for tbe aela or s number of oiber people. Be wu certainly ibe rlcilm ot ibe meet nnjutt act eter peipebalad oy any baasball orgulatuon. He was one ot a nunber ot penona whoausmpled to organ- lie a rlral basebaOl oiganlzadoB to the Bujor leagae. For the put Pteifcr took In ihat work be wBslnedJMOsnl pnoilcally blaekUtted for one aeaaoB. wUUam Barale aad A. a Backsnbsrger wen pnt on Ihs tarns list, bni tkey tacoeeded In bsTbig their dlaaUUilea nmoved, while HeiTer had to Tlnnally remain Idle all ot tbe put teaaon. How- erer, the local enibnalasta wlU be plsaatd lo bear thatllwasnotasseilousHatllrtlrepoitea. When at bit beil Ffeoei hat few etoals ta a teooad bate- nan. Who will captnln Ihe New York ISam neit aeaton It the qnettlon that It laisitaiing lbs k>ctl enlbiitt' attaaiihspiesent time, nen sra soTeial appU- cania tor tbs posutos, bat that natter has not aa yet bssn telued. Oeoige 8. DstIi hat been men. noned tor tbe place, bnt, U be Ut lo be pnt bi the ontfleM when tbs team la made np, he will hardly be named. The oaplaln, to baTe good command orertbeplayeit,itionld be an Inlelder. It la ra- mond that wuilam Oleaton, who oomea lo the New York team from Bttlilmore,ui enhange for Doyle, wanta the capulnoy. Jntt whether or not he can lUlhepodUoBlnamUtlactory maimer is ysl to be ssen. He bss bad eipeilence enoogb lo di blm for the place, bot whether or sot he bas tbe other n- qninmsnht tncb aa batlog peifeot cootnl over hit dtapoalUan, being able lo dueot hit men In a arm bnt qolet manner, havtng plack,nerTe,qnlck and aoondjBdgmeattnd tbe preaeace ot mUid lo act promptly stsU ttmst and nnder any clroomslance. (uanaonmayhaTeallotUieaeqntllUM; If be baa, than he la lost the pemon needed to csptsbi Ihs NewYorktesnt Of oonneHananr Irwin will lad thia ontalier he hat uken tbe p>yen Sonth with blm neu month end given ibem a thoioBgb titat Even had the newt about Pfeflkr'a tlckneai been aaaertoBsat Itbsd at Stat been reported Ibe New Yoik dab would not be to badly naadlcapped by kia abasnce as It would have been • year sgo bad a liiniiar oolsfoitune ovsitnken one of lis plsyen. Bhonld Pfeiier be too sink to report when the men tinit Boalb either Qleaaon or FuOsr csn bs nsed to 111 the vacancy. In case It ahould be the fonner thsn George Da via could relorn tohla old poallloual third baae and the ouldeld conid be made up from tae aurplna young playeia. In ease FnUer could All Ihe Mil at aecooa baas the mt ot tbe team ccnld be made up as atatady dated. If young Foaicr innaontioiie aagood aplayerta Ispredlcled be will msks why would It not beagood plan to keep himand Fanell In iheteam allorthetlDer Alier note then behind the bat and In left Held. Famll, 0. Davis sod Tienun wooM make a line batung^brlo for any clnb'a onileld. Then with Bsny iSvls, Ftedkror FnUer, Oonnasgkloo aad Qleaaon on the bmeM the New York team asoild be fuimldable enough to hold iheir own wlib tbe other eleven major league laams next Bummer. Tbsn It no isUlag St tills early atan ot ihs game lost bow Ihs team will be msso up. Bowerer, It Is certain that Manager Irwin bia a Oner lot ot maieilal lo ailsct a leam from than had Manager Oeorge Davit it thla dme last yMT, and It Is to be hoped that be wlU be able to gel a winner. Be kaa a big lot of toungalen trem which he ibould be able to develop ose or more good pitcbna. It la not expected that he wlu gel another Rntle cr a Maikin from among the lot of them, bnt there Ui so teuing jnat yotwnat tome of ihemmay becomeafiera teaionor twolnamlnor leagae, which, after all, la the beat echooUng young playen oan get befoi • the; expect to bold their own or even naka a fair amnd la ibe major lasgus. If Meekln It all ilgkt,or Isia his itMpIloniBi toim, snd Basis sod Olsrkrepoit In good trim the weal pubUo aesdBOtwMTyaaohsnunTnewtltchciB. Wlihiheie ihits mso St their best, they wlu be baid lo beat Other laams may be Jott ss ttiong la tbelr pllohlog destitrntoit, bat they will benosinoger than the New Toska wllh Raiu, MeeUa and dark al ihetr beat. It la said Ihat Ibe Bsw Tctk Oiib wIU control tbe Jaiaey City tiaschlte In Ihe AUonuo AssocUHon niiilsnsiiiii u that la B than Ihe oinb WlU havs aa axsaVent oppocuuUly ot deialsplog Ita young pisyan, and the local aaihntlaMs wUl bs given sn oppovtnaltyol wllniamiig theyosngtiets at wort, ysitey City will todoBbtftUy have oae of the ttnng. ' ■-— In the Atlaailc Ataodatloo, aad ahonld ime gm data gamta next Bommer. I yoang plsyen Haasger Irwin wlu be abtsTS plane liue Jansyaoissm an Doheoy, OOL Bsytaoor, Bow«, loneh, Cwch aad Kagey as pdSsni flnl iaiMi n dark. Tow gag— and olbin BOWnodiw eoaMcboa ihe itatiis Utt or havs beta diaflad by the Raw TotkOtab. la any 0. B. FUher, a pitcher, who waa loaned lo Ibe In- dianapolis leam, ot ibe Wcttem Lsague, duiing Ibe patt teaton, by the Cinclnnall Olub, ot ihe National League and Ameilcan AtKiclallon. wat born Jta a, 1113, at ABdenon, lad., ind learned lo play ball at an early age In and around bit nailve ptsre. II le Hnt Rgolsr engtgemeni wss with Ihe ptofesslossl team that nprmcBttd Anderton In ibe Indiana Slate League dnilag ihe teaton uf uao, and hit ex- cellent woik that teaton helped hie club lo win ibe champlonihip ot lit league. In lati he played wllh Ibe Appleion mm, ol ibe Wltcootln League, and hiecino Inltbrd lecond In ibe okamplonslilp race. In ISM ho Joined ibe Oshkoih Club, ot ihe fame league. He bcnn ibe tetson of llta wlib ibe Ration Olub, of ue Penosylvaebi Biaie League and oul of Otieen gamea, la which he SUod ihe poalllon of plicher, he won all except one. This record attraded Manaier Ctupsun, who wet iben In charge ol ihe BuOklo leam, of Ihe Katiem League, and be oblalned bit release for BuOklo In June, snd hs DnUbed out lbs teaton ttlin ihai club, laklng part In ihlriT^even cliimploublp gamea, and bit rxcepllonaily good work for loe BItont Juxly brought him pnmlnenily loio the btaeball world. Tbe major lesgae naiuiieiB, everon tbealeit for promlting young maieilal. made a bid tor bis ter- vlces,MsusgerTebesu, otibe Cleveland Club, being Ihe Bitt 10 pal In a cUlo tor him. Ttbean went lo UoOhlo and warned FUhrr lo go at once to Cleve- land, iHitiba pitcher would not do sounill he hsd seen FmldeBi Fisnklln and Manager Obapman. After caiefull) coiitldetlog tbe miner, Ibe BoOilo mtgnateicoiuenisdiu lei bin go tor a monelary consldersilon. In IIM hs began ibe teaton with Ihe CIcvtland Mub, of ihe Kallonal League and Amtrlcsn AstoclsiluD, nut Onlihed It niib ibo Cin- clnaall lean, of Ibe ttmo lotgue. Ho wa« r,-iorved by Ibe Cincluoill Club for ihe isstoB of ihm, but wss loaned lo ihe Indlsntpolls leam,of ibo svtiilrro Leaiue, laklng part during ibe pati sotsnn In Oliy- twocbtmplouhlpcooirtls.ind ranking iccond In omclal pliching avenges ollbal leiguo. Illamiporb pllchleg grtuly aldtrt Ibi Indlinapollii Club In winning lut year'* Wesltrn lAiague peaaaui. Fisher bss been crrdlled wlib a uumiicr of nolo, wonh; pllohlog feala dunug ibe patt few year*. Among loe uioai proinlneai uf lb<-ie occuiiril whiiii cennecied wllh ibo BuHkloiod Indlaiupolletuauiii. Wblle wllh the formir he prcveuled Ihrredliruieul uanafromaeunngiruo Id ib many roniiecullva champlooiblp garnet. The last uf ine ibreo io<ik plate on Aug. 31, ai BulTelo. N. v., agalotl Ibe Troy Club. II required Iwelve iDnlon before a rctufl wot reached. Bolb leaintwen Mankedup lollio Iweirih Inning, when ibe lliilfiilos inauageil tugn In Ihe only and winning rut, Theloeeramade ouly tbite tcstlerlng iinglrs og Fithcr. On July 7, al Providence, B. i,, ihe I'lovidence loam inndo only two Btfe taliaoir Kiahcr, but tuccei-dcd lu defeaiing IheBuBltloa by t lo 3.allhoaRb ibe laller were crcil. lied with Hvcn atfe hlia. Une or bla lirti penonn- aneet during the piii eeayin wat pnvruiing ibe BU Paul Iran Irom msklig more than two >sre hliioghln. Juno to, si BtPiul, Ulnn..yetihe 1st ttr woo by 'i 10 1, ollbouih IndlauspoIlN wan rreil- lied wllh len tsfs bill. Oo May -Jt, at Imllataiailla, Ibe Mllwaukeet made onli tour lalo blltolT blin. InillaBapolia winning by a icore of 13 lo I. Flabur held Ihs gsnist nilvaitowo lo four ufo IiIih July 1, It Indltnapollt, Ihc hone Icsin winning l>y s tcoroof 3lol. event Jensy Oily Is likely to have obb ot tbe best tssms thsl dty hat hsd In Bisny s day, and the local eolbutlasts WlU tuve a greater Intenat In lis weUan than la any other one that city haaever had. Aliogelher the pnapecia for Jeney Oily tor next teaaon an veiT bilgnt and eneonngbig.. Evtiythlng IS quilt In a baasball tents on tbe othsr ude of the big bridge. At the present lime It Is not known lost wturethe club will be located osxt Beaton. It may be found doing bualaessst lis old stsnd St Eaileni Pstk, or It msy be found elss- where. SiUl, wUle thit subject, which Is an all Imponant one to the olob'a topponen In the Cllr of Chutohet, la In absyanos, the oitlolalt an not Idls la regards their leam. They will have a much stronger one neit teaaon than they bad during the past one. Undoubttdly this Is tms ss fsrsa ths outOeld Is conesmed. la McOstthy, GiIIBb snd Jones Brooklyn appcan to have an ouldeld ascond to none. If HcOuihy baa not reached the "has been" elsas, ss waa at ons lime feared, and can get himself mto anjlhlng Uke aa good toim M he wat In a tew yean ago, ihen Brooklyn haa captured a jewel of Ihe Int water, tor McCarthy, aa a boiler, laae runner and lehlcr, wis lecond lo none. Be- tldet thete comblotd qualities, to necesssir lo make a am olaat playtr, be waa ose of Ihs brainiest men on ihe giees dismond. Us wss always ■/■'■^ing aone new Irtok lo help bla club to wlB gamee. Even It be baa tallen offaomeln hit play be will tdU be ot great value lo tbe club la helping Ihe men lo do team work. We do not blot or oven concede ihat he Is not at good u In former yean, bntan ahowlag bit woith svsa though he ttaonld Call lo cone up to his high mark In uio other reqolnmeots. Oiinin Is lo wsU known to need sny Inmdaetlon now. Bsaldes, hit wotk doling Ihe past ssaaoa was u good ss at any Urns In tbe patt few yean, ind then la lluie likelihood that he wUl not do at well again next Bummsr. Jones Is sa unknown qoanuty, Allbougb he comet highly sndoned from one ot tbe strongest mUior Issgnes b> the connny. BtUl be may fall far abort ot oiling the bill la Ihe malor league. Uowever, then Is no lelHiig what hs will do unUI given a brial. Clarke and llolBUg, two pisjen ot the Louisville lssm,who arevtiymach wanted by lbs other ma- jor league clnla, wen biougbt oni U a tlmllar manner, and who can lell bnl that Jonea may prove as good ss either o( ihem. In pitckenBmklyn Is preily well supplied. Bev- enl loungitsis hsve been ditfisd, but the club Is not depending ipon ibem. II they should turn oul to be good oatSiSomocb Ihe better, but ihs club haa Bve irted and ataanneil pllchera who ihouhl lie able to do all the work In thdr lias In a tailtfaclory manner. Tbey an Ksnnedy,BleIn, Usub, Gomben and Abbey, wno. If they aia In good oondlilon, are enough plicben tor any ooe dolj lo carry duvlng a season. Bowever, It will do no harm to give loe yoongalsna thorough Ulal. Tbsn should tney tura oat to bsgood onei the club will lie a gainer. In Ihe calchuig depaitoent It la also very well aup- plied, Orim, Boirlll aid Con Ualley are a ulo bard 10 beat, IMUey bta beeo aoOned to a hotplial tinea last FtU and even It be ahould not recover suoiclenily lo report lor duly In ibe Bprlog, Gilm snd Usmll will be aUs lo io all of ibe work bo. bind the bat. In a case of emergency Tom Duly can be ntUlied at a cateber. It ta tbe bigeld that la m doobl at the pnaeni wrtUog ind UUIs can be found cut on Ihat isbject. Piutsbiy oolblsg dsOalis will be given out antll alier Uw Bpnng pnc- itos. Tbe dob has lacbaoce, Daly, Bonner, Cor- conn and gbhidle to telsci Ha laoeld Itom, but tecoad bate appean lo ba the only pout io be aetikd. Honncr, who haa bad major league sxper lance with the BalUmovo and Bl. Loult eluba and allowed to go back lo the minor league leanheoilglntny came from, baa been drafted and will be given a trial at aeeond baas la the Spring, bnl It heU sUU found wsnUng Daly will probsbly rsplaoe him. Then sre ftw betlsr Selden In ihst poslilon ihas Daly; beddsa hi Is ons of lbs bnlalest isyan m Ihs proleodoa, but he fell off la his balling 41 teatoa and that It why he la to be replaced by oanew. The latter did excsllaat work afier hs isMaed the Wllkesbsirs leam, of the Rsslera Usga4,allhMgb k«dld ooihlng panicnlaily bell- BaatwhUs wtu BtlUaatt aad BLLook. BtlU he ayjnitp laatxt teatoaaod in Ibtsseoad bast Kpoeltlon lo as snilrely taUifaolory msnnrr. Uiook- Is looked upon at being much ilnugor thlt year nit hat been lortome time In Ibe psHt. It It nut claiming ihe pennant, bat It Intcndt making looie of Ibe aapliania for Ihs cbtmplonsblp honors huaile to win when they come lo Unwklyn, or ihe Bruuk- lynt meet Ihem oo their own gioanos nsii Hummer. It ta lo be hoped ihst tbe mauer ol gnundt will lie lelUed by the olub befott many more weeka mil around. Juil where Ihe Boslona an gulog lo taod In ihe next major league champlontblp nee la proltteiiiat leal. Manager Anson, or Ihe Chicago team, liiabia ibit Ihey kavs no cbsnoe tor the penninl, but he declines to stale bU reasona for Iblnkleg so, UI coene. Ibis ta ooly s matitr of opiolun on hU part. Aa he baa ao ofien predlclf d bis Chicago isam lo win Ihe psoBsnt al thla ilme of ihe year aad ai mioy Ibnee ibey hive failed to do w, he may be equally at far out of the wiy In hta predlellon about ■he Boaiooa, Tbe tatisr bare already made a oum ber ot ohaogea In the mske up of ihelrneitassaon't leam and an likely lo maks some more, therefore li It Is hsnl to IcU Jattwbtt itaey will do unill afier the champlooahlp aeaton begins aod an Idea can be (onned of Ibeir work upon tbe fleld. It will uke eome lluli time lo diiu tbe new men Into lbs wsyt (onntdbytlievelersasleftonlhiiiesm. Toaceruin exlaat Nash and McCanby will lie mlated, allbougb Ihtlr placca will be Oiled by very clever plaien. OolUnt, wbo will replace Ntab al ibud bate, ta louked upon by many as btlog Ibe euual of Nsah alresdy, and Uaalllon, wblls a belter batter and baae runnir, U not Ihe Belder or all around team player Ihst U McCirthy. Uowersr, It wsa ctalmed thsl. iht old ptayen on the team of Ule yean were oot nolllsg logelher and tbataohange waaooceaaan be( iomiheycoulds|slsespecl logelawlnoer. Uogh UiJin, the clever IliUe oalflelder, will la til proli- aMlliy be tbe next oas'alt of tbe lesm, snd he wl I bsTS no eaa; time of It If be Calls lo laud Ibem In a beiisr plice In Ibe next cbamplontblp nca Uan Umt occupied laai seaaou. In pllchen tbe leam wlllbejntiattuungaa btrelofore when Ihey were teverel Umee champions, but Uclr wesketi piilol, however, U behind tbe bat Tbey have never been then since tbey kal Charley Uenneii, wbo WIS obliged lo retire fniio the dUniond on accouot of a aerioat railroad accident. While eirorU have been made each year toward iireogUienlug the leam In aU oiber napecii, noiblog appareniTy baa been done loward gelling aoma Int clam caicliere. AnumberoleiperuneuUaave been Hied fnimiloie to time, but aa yet ihe club bas not obUlned s resl. lyctovernisn for tbatall Imporuot poslikm. Tbe Phlladelphlaa are another loam Ihst ire com- plettlr puxiling Ibe knowing ooet. They are iielng placed auyabere lu Ibe cnaiiiplotublp nco from Bnt ptece to tlxib. None of Ibem appean lo know whelbcr Ihey vnu be elrooger Iblajear Iban they wen Ual, or In (act veiy much aixiui them. Home ol the cnilci condemn ibt trade In which llamlluio waaixchaofed (or Natb, tblle oiben tblok thatibo taan bat been tlrtngihoMd by lhal deal. Ilerelo- fore It waa evident ihat Ihe leam were ladl; Is need of an abta captain, oral leaat Uilt has tieco the csae dorlog the paat (ew yesre. la thlt retpect Hie club tua been a gslner. In Nisb II baa obtained a man who haa hid oonddenUe expeilence la Ihat re- spect, aad be ahould tie able Ui drill Ue meo In leam work, a thing Ibey were bereUitore woefully dtdtleut In. The rhillica are one u( Ilia beavltii btuiog, aa wtU at very clever Oelding, leamt la the country, but wllh one or two exceplluiu wsie TitT poor tow ruooeia. Unless Kasb, wbulsnoiihe batl^ or bate rnnner thai U llamllloo, oan doveUip Uomen In leam work and Intlmcl Ihem In Ibeartof baae runnltg, mere will lie many people In the <4uaker Ot; who will believe a great ulauke waa niadt when Utmllioa was excuaoged for Nash. OalheoUisr hand ihouldtlie PblUlea win the pen- nant thla year, or even Oolah In lecond place, Iben OsplaU Hath will bare pltnty uf aduiliera, atd UamUlos'a weak polnis sill be freely pointed out At present ihe club haa two or more men lo n 1 even oso of Ihe nine poeHlons. Aboat the only really weak place appean to be In Ihe pllchUig dc- fattmeni. IHUI, then lino isUIng what aiieogih nay be abown Utrs It Ihs men an sll In proper eondltlot. Bealdia ths velsnns these are asvsial yoBBgMn who WtU bs given a ehsnce la lha Spring, to show wist ihey ran do In the war ot oarving tbe ball, Mr ihi oihsr positions Capiala Nssh hu Oemenls, Boils, nndy and Buckley, ealchen; Brenihen ot Dnyls, Bnt baae; Dallman, Cioaa, BalUvan and ilultn, for lecond base snd thon Mop, and Nsah or Cross for Ihird bsse. For Ibe ontSeld there are IMebanty, Sullivan, nulen, Tumtr and Tnompaon. From inese men Csplaln Nssh should have lliilo Imiililc In telecUnga teem. The Balllmortt are lenenlly locked upon as tbe most fornildsl-le lesm In ihe Ksiiom aeelloa of ihe major lesgss, and In many caeet are conceded lo again win ihe pounanu Whether or not Ibey will he able to do ao la ytl lo l)e teen. There Is no de- nying Ihe rsot thai Ihey till bare a much harder ilme1ntIelugaothla)eariban tbey had In Ihe psit two. Mearlj all Iho oiberIi-aniaof iho major lesgun have beeu malertslly itrenglboDed alnce Ibe cloie ol Ihe psal chaiii|iloiuhl|i aeaaon, anil when Ihey lake Iht laid next Bprloii iho IMlilmorea will dnil Ihst Ihey will hare a veryhard mad In Invel. lail aeaaon iney won tbe pennant only at the end of Ibe race. Ilail ibe New Yorta hcon aa slreng Ihea as Ihey appoKr to bo Inr Ibe coming aeaaon Ihs Ualllinons might not have won II afier all. We only draw IbU pen pldura to tiibalaniUie our olaloi that Ibey will have a uiuoh harder lime ol II next aeiunn ihan ihry had laal year. The Italilmorea have been a<moirnat •Irensihened hy I he deal wberaliyaicaaiinwasrirlianged^for Doile, of the New Yorka, liut otrn wllh Ibla addlilon ihly have oot beeo mado so much aiiongerlban ibey wenIsnl year, when cnmparod in ilio chsngeadiado In eome ol the other tcama. The nalllmoiea will leke the delil Ihia year In much lieilerahape than Ihey (lid laat Hprlni. On Uila orraalon they will ttitvs the iKiieBlol MuUahnii'a aervlcct, wblen Ibey illd not havo Isat irsr uoill vrrr lain lu ibo teaaon. Then, loo. If iho olub c*ii coiuo lo tcruia wllh rilch. er llHWke, wbo remalnod oir ibe ilbiuiond all lit last sesaon nlher Ihan at-i-ept Iha lermt uffeietl blm by Ibe niaoageuionl, ilio lesm will bsvo one o( the beat STrsy o[ pllohera u( any olub In the malnr league, l^k al ibe vi-icnn and irlei1 Bltchoralno club will haro 10 depend on. They are cUahon, lloilUr, fitper, Hemming, Ciarkaon and llawke. Then for raichen there are Holilnaon anil UUrko anil In caaoiif auemergancy lloyle, Wllh Dnylo or Uarav on llnil bsae; Hells, second; Mc- Graw, Uilid; Jonnlnis, abort aloii, and Relley, Iirodle ami Kcelcr Fn Ihe iiiileiil, llalilmoreana ahonlU onl wmry much alioul ibe poalllon Ihat team will oi-ouiiy at iho end of ihe next cham- plonthln nee. U U prtlty eafo guoaalng Ihat Ihey will be In Ihe llraiillvliilon, nr In ol her wonl^ among IhslrelalioliUia. Few penmna oiiialile of Manager Hchmrls, sre Ksclng the \S'ssblngianH In s higher potlllon In lis yosr*a clismplonahip nco Ihsu Ihey occupied laal aeaaiin. Wllh all Ihe olbor Icania ao much Uronger than Ihor were laat year, anil Waablnglon apparenlly alxiul the la bani In lee bow Ihey an going tn do ani beller even If Ihey do aa well. Diey will haveallg nghinn ihrlrhamlaihli rear, lo keep ahead of louUvllla anil HI. Unls. If waahlnglnncan lieatlheni at Iho mil of Ihe ni!e, who eiee doea It expect lo dnlah ahead nf? About Ihe only obangoa In iliemako up of the leam ihia year over laat aeaaon are lis Hiinlrovlllr, at abort aiop, and l,uab, In Iho niiiilold. Whiln iho (nmier gave promise of lining gniid work itiiiing Ihe lalior part of ihe ohiniplntiahlp seaann laat year be baa jei to prove blniaolf as lielug sitle lo hold hbi own In the niajor loague. The nlher pntlllonssre slmut Ibe aaiiie u Isat aesaiiii'a lesm. Then where- Indues their exlia alnsrnih Hot Manager Hrhniel/i has drsflcd a numlior or young plsyerv, and fmm Ihe lot iiuy ilevclnp aevemi Iral olaaa men. Hat Ihst Is ooly a auppnalllon, and la not auitlclenlly en- oouilni enongh loliulM up nno'a hiipea nf geiung a winning leuni. The Inillcallonaall pmntlnwaiil WaahlDgton'a iiccnii)lng the Iwrlflh place In Ibo next cbain|ilnnshlp nee, unloas Ihn HI, \m\n nmwps can ileprtre iheni nf lining ao. DIAMOND PIHLD UttBIIP. tiatsst iajrlage sad Uolnga of Iha Baas- ball IfTalaralty. While Caplalii Anion waa In Ihia i-lly, ncenlly, ho uonvereed alaiut Iho ocrlain loania In the majnr leugueaud Ibelrvhaiices for winning Iho pennant of imw. Among mhor Ihlnga, ho aaFd; "Pllisbiirg bss a allow, hnwever iniair, and Ulnclnnall mlglil Hiirprtae anmo nf ua. HnHimi hSH no chance al all. I'll nni lell you why I nay wi, nut Jiiat mark my word and watch for lekulia. rhilsdelphia haa a boiler uhsnca Mian Hmiiiii, but It la allni. They have nut ainiigihencil IbeIr pliching, and Ibev'll not lie any lieiter oirihan ihoy were laal year. ll|l' llmnre bu Ihe nKial llkiily i haiire. llaiilon haa an aggroialrc, llveljr luKiryniiiig iilayrn around blm, and aaet of gowl pllcbcra. IMve mo bla plloban and I'll aitee lu \U:k hhinul of hia boola, beoauae I oan oiilbat him. As II aUnila, llalllninre haa lbs call for Ibo-Kaaitrn (lubn Nukt tn Hslllmore I oUm New Ynrk lu ihe Knal. If Mothlii cntnea Biuiinil all riglil, and lliiale and Clark alleml to liualuear, Ibenlub will have the lieat pliching corps In Ibe country, anil Ihat la what pays In a cli»e flgbl." nilsliurg cuunu on Knnk Klllen rounUIng Inhi Sood abape for oextsestoo. Hhonid ho aucceeil In ningtu, he will lie una u( Iho Hniohy Ully's lieal plicben. Uuliuqiie li anxtoui lo get s fnncblae In llie WesleiD Aasnnlallna It la said Hist s number <ii promlnoni iiualneas nen win tulaioilba |a ooo in lupport a leam ami poat a 12,000 guarenlee lhal Ihe team will play oul the leaaon, Unltsa other arnngemrnia are mado In the nil tii. Ilme, Ihe Uolveniliy •■( Clilcain loam will make an Kaalem ulp In Ihe S|iilng. Ihivy Force, Jlmniy Cllnliin, Charley Jooet and ulher veleran playen Wintering In inla vIclMty, would lit good mon for ulnor leaguealoaelecl IbHr umplreafroD. Ths Yale Uiilveis<lylesuiwlll meet Ibe New Ynrka In sn eihlUtloM game on April 14, at lbs Polo Grounds, Ihit oily. Msnsger BohDelx, of tbs Wuhlnglon Club, hi out wllh a predlcUnn Ihit his Usniwlll cnnieprelly nesriy leading lbs clubs uf Ibe seound dlvlilon. Msnagen CoDlaksy and (oflua are on a quiel hunt (orplayenforllieColumbua learn, of the wesi. era Leaiue, (or next leason. Tbe annual mteilni of Ihe I'enmilvsnla Blale League will be held Jao. ID, al PlilladelphU. The Phltadelplila Club la Ibe laleatun lbs list iil sppllosnit tor Ihe acirlceB >'( Ih n Inks, nne ol Ibo plloherHot Ibel.oubi«llle lean. Will Inka lieo<me amiiher wunderr cap). Anton U aald to have bet that otilhsrd. Ilavia, -nsnsn, Ulesaon, Van llallren, II, Ihivis nr ConniugbUin will lure a lalltrgpercenlagsss high at .3M mxl acamn, Hanagir Uiicheiiberger U buay algnlng playeni for hta next ictaoii'a ntninn tssm, lu lbs AUsnllo Aiaocbillou. He IblDka twelve men will be enungli 10 carry Uroiigb Ibe aeaton. F.fforts srs i«lng msds to orgsnlie a Noriherii Indiana iMgua, wllh olulit lucaled at Bremen, (loabeo, FJkhail, Nappanee, Hnuib Ueiid and War taw. Tim lluni, Ihe well hnnwo umpin and reforlo, receuilyiultd how he managed lo get back hiin Ibe major league atdat Ibe tamo Ilme lie alluweil lo conilooo l» act at referee al Ihe lilg Sghia bin^ln IbeEaal, lie tald: "lamglsdlugel backlnlollio major league. My ralurn blngiil on Ihe question nf ijuliimg my occupstlon st referee of pnifeadenil boxhig boutt. Wuen Prealuent Hyine, ot Ine llrouk- lyn dull, came lo his uio Isat August I made Ibe case plain lo blin. Ha aald Ilie league wat oppooed lo myrsfereeing proteaahmal boult, but Ibey did not olijecl to my i.illclailng at amateur conleait. Kuw Jul hKit al Ihe fnoJUbneat of aucli a Iblog. I luld nim 1 was gelling good money from ihe profeislon- sla, wblle It would In a i»ssof aniill pay from tpe amattun, and Ibeu liuslling to get II. I added lul It waa a great deal lielirr for tne in referee bou'a during Ihe Winter Hun Inoiirns gin mill or tone sucb pisne, anil lis san ed wlili me. Tbtasrgement litoughi blm sMuna to look st ihe mailer In ilir light, and Ihe oilier meu Onaliy followed null, Frcii. dentSodeu.of Ue Ikulon Club, wat Iho biggest oli. leclor. lie U s comcleoiibus nisn, Ihouan, anil Inokaal Ihe ibliiglronia mural alandpoluT, and la sincere In his cniitlcllnoe, I sdiiilis blu for lhal. Hs afterward agreed ihat I waa right,*' There la annie Ulk among the dubt ot Ihs Cnpi- lierlsud Valley Lesgue of sppl)lng fur biolscllnn nnder UisNallonsljiirtemenl. Tlila would cost ihe cluba from I2M lo tl,uiv, according lo Ihe class of prolectloB deilred. Home of ihe clulis tavor Ihe acheme, while othinobjacl. Ihe maltor It still In slieysnce. Tbe inniial meelltg uf ihe alockbolden ol the Loutavllle Hub wat held Dec. 21, al that clly. All uf tbs old ertlcenwere raelecled, except IHrickr Fred Drexe, whu wu succeeded lir /sck Fbelpe. Tbe dosnclal report ahowt that lbs club made tome monty laiiieaaon for ihe Hnt time In lu hlatoty.; An effort U being made lo orpnits a 1t1 BUle Leagas wlU dubs locsud st cllles In Ksntocky, Tenaeatee aod AUbasu, wlUi a aalaiy Ualt not lo ItM.