New York Clipper (Jan 1896)

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710 THE NEW YORK OUPPEB. January n. World ^Players — BeiardlDir Iho lercni nporiof the cloolDnor lha "Hilaurx'n MIMiarR' Co.. Minaxer J, W. Ho OneAjKMt iho hllawlnr: "Will joii kln4lrM*io Inyonrneil Iraua lhal ntlilier tircci* nor rcrelpln or llie above companr were adached. allbouKh auch ID •llcmpl wu made tj Iwo former emplojiy; mat Ihe uimpiii.T waa Doi deiajreil one momeni, liut proceeded lo New llrlUIn; lliat Mlatlea were paid Id fnll on Tiicniay, nod Ibai. nomlib. aUndlDR (be unpiofeaaloiial nondncl of two laie meinbcn ol ihe panr to hamper our moTemcnii, weareatlll In Ibo land of Ihcllvlim, dolDKliiial- neaa, slvlnff Ihn bcil.or uilnfacllon.and, deaplroall repona lo Ihi; contiar;. ilic iiand pinia on." — Jaek T. Wllllana and wire (Kva Maaicra) cloned with "A Ifoiire«i>lvo Woman" Co. Jan. 4. and will trend Bome wcekH at Iticlr home In WoMon, Mu, — Iloaler or iho linrilcilTnuire Co.: Owun llail- loll. Ulyde TrcHncll. Kred llaiileli, Harry Hamlin, uirlllo Hlowcii. Doi llarilcii, MInnloTreaiKll, Fan- DIo llcn TreMcil anil Utile Floyd llDmlln. We BIa.vcd UbrMmHa veck at Ilnliuqae, la., lo packed ouafa. — Joe llemlni cimcd with ihe Cnlcmon (>>mcdy (lo Ilec TT, and iraa prtMnlrd with a diainomi ki ud and ajiold linadrd cane, hy Manaiter colcmon. — JobnE. Toole haa la rclicarul lila new play, "(lypavdermu'i.'* — norcnoi Krcncli la pluylnH llic pari orTalilja ID "Hii) MldnllM H|>.-clnl. > — Nolo rram Ihe CecilHpooiirr Co.: nnrdnn Mc- Dowell. Klma CnrntI and Ihe Vcxicon 'I'roubiiloiirH have Joined ilic company. Tlie cuinuany liad a meiry (!hil>iiiiaa in UcHilvllle, I'a.. Riid exchuoied fiicHuta. noreofx Hlicrvood had lii-r harp broken n tbe trip lo Jnmi'*inwn, atid I'ror. Jlmone/. bad lo take It loNnw York for rniiatr*. I.'frll HpoinicrlH niattlh^ a bit with licr kalcldracnpc dance every* wbett. — Hcaara. Hoy M UrKfo linvu nrrans<-'d Willi Uaiuffcra willlaiiKon & Miiaiirnvo tn lake rhi!ir'*A TflptnCliliialowri' Co. to Auitralln next June, to pla5 a Bummer aeawn In that country. — Hm laaDbouuced.lnlrndatorcorftan. Ice her company. The iiienilieia or ihal orxanlM lloD bavo recelvfld Hie iwu weeka* ooilcc of dia* mlaaal.agd Mrn. I'nlter Intondi in eniage ancii- llrely Dew mninany In view of horapproachlniren- laRemeDt Id tnla city, rtiirlnn whli^h abo will pre- aenlODlyBbtkcaprarean playa. — Kdwln r. MllloD iMDcRoilttlDi ror a loc<il pro- diicllon or a new melodrama,"For ftco t.'uba," wklcb treatRof llioloaurrecllon, — ll.Ouy Woodanrd and wire, llcaalc Warreo. aie at prcaeni In TodcalooNi, Ala. Ur. Woodward Inlorma uaibai tlie Wnodward-Warron (A), will im out Dextacaann conducted on cnllrcly new llnta, — Ainle Itorralm Im iindrrgolnR medical ircal- menlror bertbroai. — Noiea Iroiu lliuwn'a KxIravagnnxACo.: iveare olnott reaily to npeii our HprlUH ai-u^on on Jan. lit. Id liuDcaDon, I'a. Tbu company will lie nnv ur the beatoiilfao road, and we pnall nlay two inualrnl comedtCH. "Illark FrllzlDArrloa''and"l)ulorilond- am," We will catiy a braae hand and orclicaira. — The DOW oiija bouao at U'cal llmuob, lo., n'ii> dcdicaicd Chrlaimau nlwht by I'oul llariland a Citterlon riayere. and a lianiinol waa Rlrou by tbo ' maBaiera uwiu ihecosoluiiloDurihojilay. — Marie llonih llnnacll cinaed her 'ThiiiIdk or ibn ' Bbrow" Co., anil opanrd «lth Frconian'aHtock Co.. Id Ulnnlanall, (i., in ttie ebanicler or Uorcede^ in "Munlo Criaio.'' « — Jaa. UcNavln.lho vui?rnn aitcnt aud lUiinaRor. Joined Hadle lUinioud'a ' Daisy, the Ulmuiurl (MM ' Co , lior. and will pilot the abow for Iho roiuaht- tlpr of the Boawtn. — Oilelto Tyler, now plavliiir In "Tbo Hay I'nttK. laDR,"at lloji'HTUMire. IhlHcltr, will bcilnnaiar- nn|ilo'irln-^o Oiunclllnr'a Wlln,"under Cliailca .FrohmaD'a direction, ni Havanunh, tin., on Kaaicr Monday. . —All arranKi'iiieiil haa liecn uiailu between Ctwilca Frohniaii, Al, llayman and ileorio Hui- rlfovD, of the finn or WllllninHoii ,V Miiigrovc. Aua. ralian tboairicil nianaiiert. whrreby "An Aniai'a J^odcl,''now at Iho llniadwav Theatre, tbia eitj, will niako a tour uf Auairalla niter lt« preaont Amer- ican aeaaoD, — tlldney liroWi <^oin|iany ainiiided Jan. 1 ui Mcraiihla.Tenn. — 11. R. MoKco and l>. H. Ilarreit worv UiiiTkn callorn on Jan. U, and roiiucaicil ua tu deny tbo rn. cent ruport that Itiu MeKco A May Comedy Co. had alrandod In I'ort Jorvw. N. Y., on Ilea :10. Itiu SODIIriuen alaied thai thuooinprtoy had laid ort fot ' a few woeka to atieDRtheb, and wouhl rcuncn Jan, I4,slllawley, I'a. — Moica rroui tlm Chate-IJaier Thcnlro Co.: The compaoy waa giron a aumer arirr Iho porforinaDco on (Ibhalinia Kve, by Manaicra <;baae A UMcr, artor which Hr.Ubano waa preaeiiied lir the com. pany wllk a bnDdNime nld chain and K, or r. i>liajn,aDd Ur. Llaler with a Ono allk ntnbrtlbiwltb loatberoiao. on llirlainiaa nliihiUr.lillllniiwaier, ■iDKe nianaier, imro the coiupany a baDquei, alter the perfomaDco, and on Halurdaf iilghi. Manager Hoete, or tbo (irahnni Thcalto, Waahlnglon, la., lava tbo company a aupper. The week waa a coo. llDued round or iialny. — \V, 11. Weaihciboo Joined llio llopklna UODcen Oa, al Aidla. la.. Ha printed. — Klaw A Krianiier, thuttlcal axonia ur tbiaeliy, are inaklDR oxicDilvo alloiailoua In the llii<linii HulidlDjr.Koiilolh Mroet anil llrouilway.lulowblot Ibey will more ihclr onicea In April, — Tlie Hale Hiook (^.. olTruy, N. Y'., produced "Imonno, or the tviiclii'a Hecroi," at Mcrbaulca- vlllo, N, v., on Jan l.niider Ibo iiiaunxoinciii or K. J. Iliilan andT. H. nnorln, — John F.lliirke la lo a»|iear In h now comedy, eDdlled'The lioutnr." vrhlrb will take the roaii about JaD, aa Alma Kane baa bvon cnunged to play llieaoiilirelte pall oiipmlie to Mr, lliirke, anil Iniri). diKie ber apeclBltlw. The piece will bo under the maDtimoieui or Ham Cuonilia. — Muiea from ihi iieotcr I'ayton i:n.: Wo have licen ontbo I'acillc toM lunt a .\aar, and UnU buil- ucm DDirorinIr Rood. \ve hare traveled to ilate ),IM nilln. inakbiR one, two nnd ibree week Biaiida. ■loiter: itonirr rayiou, propilutor auil iiianaRer; Frank llol>on>on. bualncaanianaiier; Albert iJiiido, alaRa iiwuiacr; ll, K. Ciitta, It. C. Mwrencr, l.iivd Fanaher. \v. K. 'Tbtld, Kd. Ilnnueltl. Jniiira II. Moon. Hade Unnrr. I.iiry raTliin. Vina l>attiin, Cotoellt CUI1^ lola I'ajiun, Hay Cooper Undo aud Haby Ouria, — May 0.8UDdlih, who U playing tbo role ol Mary Aylniar, In 'Ttia BpunluR nueiieiu." at tbe Acadanu or Huain, Ihia vliy, waa iimtrlM on lire. 1) to WllllHm H. Iloao (inn-proreaalonal), at Jeiwy tniy, N. J.,tba Rev. Hiint|tuuioi7 Joiipa uitlobtllng. The Diatrlaae waa not aDiieiinceil unlA laat week. — litni U. Ulller and Uarle llarcourt Jollied ihe Fiona Hianlford Co., al Urownavllle, I'a., larently. — Hanaiar florae \'*}ton repurta Ihal on Now Yaar'a Hay bhi comiianjr pUjiMl to tbo Rniateal number or paid ndnilaalona In Ibo binlory or the Yonngaloan (U.) (Iponi lluuxo. The bualneaa tor ' III* weak proruil In In the beat or the acaaiin ln.thal town, — Hlohard Uanaihld haaannoiincwl bla IntenlKn to ralln from tbo itago at tlio cuiielualon or tbIa Boaaon and iio upon too loeture puironu, li it funtior atatod that ho baa Initniiilei) W. A. McUon- uell, hia Rontnl iiiauaitor, to eaiu-el aa much aa imaalUa uf tbe Innr booked for hini iioxt araann. It la hli liiteutloD, bowover, to nil hta ibMtrtcal en- gaitomculi In Now York and nthor larRo citlri*. — Noloa rnini the "IM I1unkat\l Co.: Wo are In Kanna, and tbo wind la blowing dollan Into ihe box oniee. Bereml handaonio preaeiita wero ex. ohanieil among tba meniliera on Chriatni la. Ante liomilne, aoubrotio, nnd Tlioo. I'. Uanball, who wai« Dumod tvcontty at Huiphyaboro, III,, have okwcdftud gone to l>urU|o, Wla,, where Iboy will b< Iba Riieaia of Ur. Harahall'a pannia. They have boeu n-plaeed by BIclla UUIr and Waller U. Uv>ITI>y. La reill >t«ddto, who hai lieeuooudnod with iho lueaalca at Kanaaa City, rejoined the cogimuy at Jonlln. lie loat ouo aland durlug Iho recent heavy talna, on aeraiint vt a waahoiil. Mr. Ixwta la Bpartag no eiprnaa In ndranbiUig Uio abow tbIa arawD, and Hob Utok la eoDUunally orlglnatlug Boma novelty to aitiaot the publlc'a ailonUon. lle- aldeaeMTjIni one <>( the heat lund and orcheatna on the ruad.wa uaa elihleon atylee ol lltboa, fur window work, It^oiuua alnnda, iMnnera and atnall work. Tbetuaturoftbeconiiiauy Is aa followa: J. 0. Lowla, |iioprtet4>r; Uoli Hack, niannger; Herle N"iton, biialncaB manager; W. W. Ikiwrer, annt; W. II. Bnider, prea ivpreaouutlvo; W. 8. Uodty, muatcal dlnchir; X«rxe« llonton, atage mtnager: Htella Hlalr, Uliinle llertuni, tlmco Wbltnoy. L» I'oUt Freddie, OUa Hlmiiuek. Kiiox (I. WIIkd. Frank Camp, II- A. TuiMII (fiidl. Ilatl L.OoIiey, Jno. F. Beeloy, KA. y.iiunirruian, Cbarlea Hkaidon, llort Uivy, and tbo Iwo orlglual Uofia, Sembby and reley. -The now ()|ien Hall al Bniler, O., waa for- mally opened Dec. n. Floyd K. Wloo la owner and luanarcrof iheliouMt. — Oeoper A llaahluglou'e, Co. ch>BOd Id KI r»io. —Oopt. w. D. ABUot and Fred Moitlmtr hare romed a panrierahip tnd bare organized a comedy conpaDy, wttli iawell Datiall aa tbo iUr. Ther are toDtins tbioogh Iowa and lllloola,aDd report dobI. nesa an belDg vary good. — Roeter of tbe nrt* conitdy entitled "lYaapi of New York:" F. h. Taylor, iDaoager; John ftajtn, treaonnr; Frank Bennett,otanmanager; Al. llaidB, aoBlatant itage manager; Prof. Wallace, mnalw dlreotor; Thoa. Oolira, mattor of propenlea: Hitt Ilee, Thomai Hall, Mlaa Pcatletla, Lydia Temtle, llatel BL Oialr and JennlB Wylle. Wo are playing teexeellest boilneaaand recelV.Dgllattailngnreai noUeea everywhere. We are booked tbrongh Oil. neta, Indiana, Kentncty, TenneaBea and Oeorgla. —Tbe llmt hall in Iw given by Union No. tt, National AlUnnce rheattical Stage Rmployea, of Giand Ranlda, Hlch., lakea place Jan. la. — Billy lllll, corned Ian,and Loulao Rdmnnda, alag- Ingand dancing nnnlifette,liave algned lopUyniru and to Introdnco tbolrapeclally with Bnrr Robblaa' eomedr, "A Trip to the CIrcna," under Ihe inannire- ment or 0. U. Ilamllton. — Tbe memlMrn or many of the aecret aocletlea In Foaaalc, N. J., have itarted a nioveraenl to erect an handaome opera henie and lodge building at ttat place, -' noting Rohind need'a recent engagement In AUaeta, Oa., he wan jireaented with a gold bailge oladded with dlamoDM and mblea by the Clevelood Grmya. — ROBler or the "Oltcna Olrl" On.: Ned llalbaway and Onllle K.Waide^le proprleton; Ned llath. away, manager: B. Warde, treaaurer; Chaa. fi. Malub, leada; Ada Harlet, leading lady; Frank lleacb, Ruth llaydeo, oTlla Wnnda, Margnadte lllnoa, Mlaa Oeell VenoD. John T, Purk and Pior. NIxHt laind and orcheatna. We open Jan. ft, and play all nighl manda through llllnola and Indiana. — Jamea n. Uaokle'a "Oilnpa' Cellar lioor" Co. la laying olT two week* In Chicago. The company re. anowa llatnnr Jan. 13, playing lndlanapolla,ColDn- lioa and l>ayun, tbtnce PaaL Thoa. Addlaon la wrlHng a new comedy, entliled "A TownUlflwa," which Mr. Hackle nod Harry will laucch next aeaion. Bualneaa, ao far Ibli aeaaon, la alaied to have lieen very Atlaraetoty. — Harle Ariair U nendlog the Winter with ker mother In Ii«xlDgton, Ky. — Dollle Walbert, late or the "Obarley'a ADit" Co., and recently with Woll>eri A Itoaaell'a Stare of llepertoty Co.. la verrlll at her home In New York. — Allen II. Balloy Jdoed the Joaale Hae Hall Ot., Ilec. 91. Fred K. Ham Joined Dec 3a,and K. H. Vc- Auley Joined Ilec. 23. Frank Orandon and Walter ■■anptaln Ian Ilec. 31. Iloalneas reported to be tnid. — Jao. W. Poireel haa been engaged tor Waller Kennedf'n Company, lo mi rolea In hIa repertory and manage the alaga — will II, Davia hai taken the management nr Will F. UcSiltydatoor HcNultyand Han), and will alar him In a aelactrepertotr of Hr. HcNiiliy'a own Maya. He will be aupported by a company Inclid- Ing the llQiBlaD actroaa, Hoe. lyalal. They opon at Brockton, Hoao., aid will play through New York, Pennaylrania and OUo, and have booked eooe good urae. — Ttie maBagement report that "Chicago" proiad a record breaker at Racine, Wla, playing on New Year'a Day lo the banner honae of two acaaooa. The roater: I,. II. Hdnlyre and Chaa Hall, fm- prletoti; I,. It. Ue Leoe, bnalneaa repreaentatlvo;W. 8. Hontgomon, ause director: Pmr. Einlle Iloasa, mualcal director; Ohilalle 0. Kauago, machlnlBt; Jamea Haning, Warren Aahley, Utrr Conntrn. William Hall, tnnmy llanronh, Al. Ileelor, Fted la Van, Oracle Warren, Trlile llarloweand Harle Marion. — Iteporta or good bualneaa come rrom "7he World Agalnal llor" Oo. The rooter: Frank De Vernon. A. II. Field. Jam« K. Keane, W. W. liy. Inr, Phil. Porklna, Kugene Alton, Waller Nlchnln, J, W. Wallera, Rallle Ileahon. Luole Villa, Y'eo VIoIella, Ada HarcoDrt. Caoay Wllla and Little Mabel. — Waller Kennedy writaa aa fnlhwa: "Mv 'od.' In laat week'a Ci.trpia had the deelred cireoL It aeomod Impoaalhle lo nnd good people, with ward- robe, forBnakeiipearean tiagedleo, but the Old Re- liable Oi.ipr>R found me a good company In leaa than a week." — We are Infonned that Ooole<a Big Stock Co., al Canton, 0.. on Jan-1, broke all recorda for popular pricca at the Oiand. — The Colea. Jaa. and Jeaole, have left Ihe'-Vc. Oariy'a lleeeptlon" Co. — "Ad Rnemy or tbe King" la tbe ilUe or a new ptav, by IL N. Blepbena, wbleh haa been oubmllled to K. n. Bolbem, and which. It la announced, be ■III probably produce next aeaaon. — J. W. Heath, late of Terry'a "U. T. 0." Co., la odverUolDg agental the Andliorium Theatre, Feoila, —Robbinn' "UlUe Tllxle" Co. will lay oir two weeka In Philadelphia, Pa., opening their Southtm tonr Jan, a>. In Alexandria, va, —TheOao. U. Bnbb Oonedy Oo. played during the Ohrlatmta aud Kew Yean woeta at Uanoer, Maine. The coa:paDy kas been entirely renrganFail and enlarged. The reater: Florence I jtolle, Faiil- lae Fleldlnii, Nellie lilamond. Habelle Hllla, ik^ Holilnaon, llanr FleMlDg, Wllhor J. UIghy, T. i (julnn, Jas. K. Hllla, Kameit Rice, Craig n'>ybikin and Walter 0. Bailer. The bballenge Band la nnder the leedenhlp or WOUe R. Lincoln. Prof. E. A. Wright la leader or otcheatn. Will 0. Walte boa aiaumed the bualneaa management of the company, which la DDder Ibo Immedlato dlieotloDor Newton Beeia. — "Mm, rondorbDry'B Paet,'' F. 0. UumaDd'a adaptation from "Madame HoDgodln"( by Emtal Dliim and Honnl Toehe), waa acted for Ibe Int line In Ibla oonntry Ilec. 30, atHanaDeld, 0., by Binirl Itnliaon and company, under the title or "Forbidden FralU" —Feart Ryllnge, who waa admitted to the Plomr Iloapltal, thta clly, nn Jan. 4, aud'erlDg rrom alto- holUm and Ibo enoota or the morphine habit, la •llgblly Impmved, thoegh ihe ll iilli In a orllltal cendlilon. Tbe attending phyHelana have bopea ror her recov ery. LEW DOCKSTADER Waa bom Aug. IM, at llanrord,Ct. Ill-) llml pioforalonnl eniagcinenl waa In Aiiiinat, 1813, wbh Hany llleodKood. In aakclch eutllled "The Y'ouag Hranp." lllinextriiiageinentwaawlib Whitmerc A 01 irk a Mlneliel!). playing In rauderllld tbcalna. In Auguat, me, ho became proprietor of Newlon'n Yarletlcii, Hartford, Ct., but anid out In January. in7, to Ad. Wenver. Id April of thai year he opened naend nun and HpecUllal ai Ibo Adclplil Thealio, Dan Kranclaoo. I'al. lleturning Mat. ho formed a pertuorahlp known aa Iho IlorhMaderii, llhiriea aid andplayod ihovaiidevlllo IhcatreafornacaMn and H hair. In ilcpicnilior. IITI. bo joined Oam- rioaa' MInaireli, Philadelphia, I'a.. when- ho ic- nuilnctl eight yca^^ dlH^olvlnR pnrincrHblp wlili t^ariea IKH*katadiT during the aea^i n or liivl In lieremlier. laai, bo, hoirevor,ioui|inrArllr Irfi Caiu- croaa' MInairela, and remained away froiii Ihetii the laat hairor the aoiiion, during which lluic h" n-av auocea-ilvelr with Orotve Thatohrr'a Mln«in-M atiil Ilaverlv a Haoinlon jilnaircla. He rriolncil Caro- cion'Hiniurria In Auniiat, ia<3. liuMepi IT.IM, ho opened Hnekaindira Th'uln-, New Yolk Clly. with a nilDtirol company licaring bla iiaino. ard waa impricior, manager and Mar or the theatre rar tbivo yearn anil a hair. In Januarr. linn. ho Joliud Priromw A WcM'aMlaitrelaaa prinelpilcoincdiau, end reiniliied with Ibcui until Hay s ot Ibe fnlUiT- Ing ycnr. Koveii daya later ho Jolneil ilourR ThHirbcr'H UlDiMrela a< the California Theatre fiira tonr of eight wi'Cka. Ho then organlxcd acnmiinny ror the roid, kiiownaai.ew liockaiador'a Mlueirvla. with hlinaelf aa niur and opened July 'JJ, IDQI, at Rlchmnnd, Ind. Thinninipany ran ferihn-oyenm and a half, eloalng In Clneluiiatl. (i.. Feb. 2, K». .Mr. llockaiadrr then enteied Iho vnnilevlllo oibk. whorrln bo haa alnre been cxrini'lvrlr engaged. CALIFORNIA Laa Angflra.—At tho Loa Angelea Theatre IJ1- Ilia U>li |<r«Juml "lllmpalm" D*c. »-», to llalit hiul- nna, with Uie tirapllon or Cliriiiniaa nlibt, vhan itooHe ware lurafd avoj... .TheBarttaoh ThMira, Mlib '-Veulh" aa Iho bill Tor veok onOtai 0. altraclod amalt audlaneaa «xce|4luB Chilfltmaa alghuwheii llioboaiewaa packfcl to Iho doofi. Tlie t^arfbnaaacei wore oot up lo iho aunl* anl aothyUio Pra«lovCadana|llaonaol«i'Onlal Ifala hoaao, anil thaotlootoa tlovatrniaaowao vorr iioiIc«1.:p. Mlllun NoMoH, Id "From airoloBna.'* comoii30aad «orK. The OrMipiim ocor*! a too itriko Ctiilobiiaa wmi: with an •icoltont tilll. wbloh locladod Aodoioeii Mlalem, llona. W. RotNTla. (Innlo aud Moud, Dolloralll Him. Daomw aed Bwh, Judi* Hioo^ llio AIIIodq*, ui] Walhrr aoJ Wllllatni Tho Iwo bal ntnifO toami dopan 9,anl In Uioir |>lae«o on ttllt ooonlna 30 Ik found Loa TrUn Mulilotan.! Mile. Hotlhla Marllir. Tlio tlirhonni paoul luOrol aanual ntllo uoioSl.and Iho niinaaoiiioot ot- pnooooMiltfT catlitaoilita wlUi Iho lioi oltle* ohnwini f«r llio jm. It Uootlalnljr owoll et4jaolf«l ootaMlriiDtoet, aoil Dumhotolke lioot roMvloof ihlacllroinoaaliH roao- Uritotrono AtlToof^ Noi>fooonultvoRlliarlo»0«inca, nl >Ml9J;" Oowao Bowlo* and F. A. HoKoo. of Rot>«rt nowoiog. and ftawfOT Morrli, of May Irwtn. mako Now loaro oalto htn Aadoand Omno. tad Lllllo Al- rliht Joontiiao lollraid RarWalloa an at Iho Now Moaaa Ballot Cbrlamu bnoahl li«d choor ant proaoatatoraaaaxoroandoniploroiol local pUrhonaoi. Variety and iviinstrclsy Norm Kxnii \Voodwa>d'8 VAtDSTii.Ht».—Iloal- neaa la excellent aim thia company. We are tour- ing the Norlheaattrn part or Maine. Prince Went, worth. neniortloDitt and Innti umeDiallat, la a recent addition lo the company. Han J. Dwyer, Iriah comedian and dancer, la a airang card. He waa preaenied with «told headed cane on New Year'a Day by raemliem of tbe company. Violet Kdwotda' alnglng aptclally la greatly appreciated. Dollle C. Woodward, character change performer, nakcalbo bit of tbe ahow with her dance of all nallona The Woodwarda'meoul teleiiaph act keepa Ibe people gticialng. Wo shall carry a band aod orcneoira and go under eanraa In the eariy Bering. Mt:i.i.ANxr AKD 1/iKCOi.K laid off Dec. 30, and did Dot work Id Uepew. N V.. aa waa alated. lliKLiKDAKii l<ai.i.iNW)s'.Kngllabmualcal eccen- irict len England Dec it to ruldll cngagenienia witbn. F. Kclih aed Tony I'uior. lliRnr MORTn;:, or Harry and Oiiaale Morten, mouma Ihedeaih of bla raiher. who died Dec. 31, In Hbipleion, 8iaien Mend, N. Y. TiiR WttxiAMS Trio, vocalieu and lD«lromenia|. lata. cloKda aiircen'rul eniagement at Tony Pan- tor'aTheatre, ibliclty, Jan. 4. and opened t. for a four weeka' engagement at Moore's Theatre, De- iron. Mich. liKVV iNO DARkxn hare been playing the iKal cliitH. They will open on Ihe Keith circuit dnring this month. ciia.H. F. Ohorb Ann flko. 8. Raii. have Joined handa, and are touring l/)ulelaDa* giving mualcal oDtertalnmeniB. TiiR flHiAT AMiRicaN VAUDXrti.Li Co., Under the management of J. 0. Swagord. was to have taken the road Jao. 1, opening their lour at Bbarps- ville, Ind. Jack and Rosa IIiibbp. produced theiraewact."A Woman'a Iilca." ni Kclin'a Uijou Theatre. Fblladcl- fihlu, laal week. The? rejoined Picbla A UanaOD'a Irawlog Carda In Newark. N. J.. Ihla week, llARiir K. scHXiien win Inirodnce bis new apcclaliy. 'The Twcnilcib Century Ilube." over the Kelib circuit. comnieDCIOjt Jan. ST. Mahd MoIntviik boa Onlahcd a RUCCCHiful en- gagemont In ClDclnnatl. and will open, Jan. Ibo Ulympio Tbeaire, Chicago. III., after wblcb ehe win play ibcHootcand KeUh clreolto. BbeapenI a very pleaiant Cirlatmaa and received a number or preaenia. Including a very handaome sable cord ilrcKi. trimmed wlih sable tor, and a diamond nng rrom iierbiishand.Jai. Molnnre. Vkahk \V. or the "Frienda'' Co., Inrnrma ua or hbi maman to Nay Ingills, or the Worh- linrn HIMera' Co., In New York Clly, on Dec. S3. A. L. UoiiioN wittea thai Ibe J. 11. Haverly'a MlD- alrela played lo the boDncr bualneaa In tbe history or Ihe llrpheum Theatre. Denver, Chrbitniaa week, atMlvanced prices, twcnty.llvo cenia to one dollar. Hilly nice. Hurt Bhepard. Charles KmesI and G. U. Kayno made decided blto. and Ibe enure ncnver preasptalMil Ihe ainilngolUeaara. Alben Hawlbome, ncone Coalh'. Heri Nnnla nod Will lIoHoxwt. BegrIM and Odell were the leclplenla or valuable pRseiiix from Denver Iricnds. TOHMY (I'llHiiiN appeared at Tony Poalor'B Thea- tre week of Dec. 21. with Clara Havel, and nnl Fanny O KncD. as our lypeH made us siy at the time. Ther m playing Hyde A Debman's In nrmiklyn, N. Y.. this weeli. Joe. u. Mi'diiER ha' lust flnlebcd an eDgagcmcnt or four weeks In New Kniiliind. TiiKTi'HSKH.s. who were compelled to cancel sev- eral daica on accmini or the aerioiia lllncaa of Mrs. Viciorin Turner, reaiimeil work Jan. 6. NKn lit nr. Inicur lirannanaiid llally, wlabca to tbnnk hit filenda for Ihclr kind oaalsiance during bis long lllneu>. lie expects to go South for bla bealih. Ilir.i.v Woi.K Is tilll with Maneli'a' Souib llefore tbo War" Co., plajing Hnrle Kph. iTisannonuccililiat Yrette Qullticn. nt the con- clusion or her enBsgenient at llummerateln's UlyiiiplnMusii: Hall, Ibis clly, wHI make a abort concert tour uniltr the management or Tod l>. Harks. A ronipany bns l>eon ccgand to nunuort Mlle.ilnnbcrl and Bhe wHI appear In Phlladelplila Wasblninon. Chicago and Union. Bhe Intends to ull frou Ihla coinlry Jan. ss, but expects to re- inrn next year. Uhdoks, Iiks-tok akii OsaiiAK have been cngaied by a S, Stowort to replace Dore. Farmer and Uore, at hla forthcoming prize banjo conieat at the American Aradony or Mnelc. Philadelphia. Fa. FI.VNW A llARTBV'H Did VaUDRTI I.IE UOOU Will open al Kern's Open Rouae, Aaioria, 1,. 1., under the managcmsul of Hclroae A Uyen. Btaki.kv Axn ScANixiK. novelty mualcal team played Keith's Union .Square Tbesire, this clly, week of Dec. 23-'2S. TiiK RiwRLiJi will Iw seen In vanilcvllie bouaca Ibrougb Iba Kasi, and will then play Western hoiiaee. HARTi.iTrAKD May have Iwcn visiting at Ibeir boiue, riiiBbnrg. I^. Tncr were compelled lo can- cel Deo. 30. on acrount ofMlsa May a lllneao. They opened at Ibn Lake Erie Coalno Jan. a. Kh.<xst llArK.NH. or llavena and Andrewe, who has been HI for nonio time, has recovered, and was a Cui-i'BH caller Jan. 3. Tbe team twinnipd work this week at Procinr's Theatre, this clly, and were not al Itocheaicr. K. Y.. laal week, aa billed. Nbil I.itciikieu) Is appearing In his Yankee iiionolngue apeclBliy with ihe Anna Kva Fay Co. Kks'.so A!in \Vkia:ii bavo booknl ten weeka In KewVoik on Ihclr arrival b<'re, aa tbeir act has liecno Tony Poator's Theatre. They goto San Franciaco for eight weeks, then will sail for kuropo wlib a new whllo face act. In the way or a biirlesiiuc. Thcv have an opening booked at Al- bamtira Miiilc Hall, London. Kng.. for four weeks. llR.'>Ti.v AKn Caxkrus orc specially cngsgod with the WaiHou Sisters Co.. doing ibeIr speclsItT onlr. WKLCit ASP Welch sail ror Europe oo April l,lo piny the principal niualc halls. Tut! Vinocga arewiihthe Wnlion SlsieiBCo..sDd repoit biulneseashclnggood. TheyrecelvcdBome raluablo prtsenbieD Cbrlsimas. I'EARr. Baiuicrr atatea thai site has ontlrely recov. ored from her recent attack of nervous prosiratlOD. Will II. Fox.whoso specially. "i'RdowElaklo,'>bas been one of the aolld blis with Weber A Flclde' Vaudeville i;iuli, ckwes with that company ahortlv. KuniR McDONAUi Is wHh lluy lltos.' HlnitrelB, and la not or the team ot llmndoo and UoDoDald. IticitARii PiTHOT and Adrienne Anclone wtro icndcml a bcncot at Hie Empire Palioe, Jobannea- burg, BouthArricu, last inonib. A handaomo siiu was lealliied, aud a supiier rollowed iho ahow. Uollle ThonipMin, Hophlc i;iarkaon. noelo Lee. T. P. t'arroll, Roac .Sylveaicr, .Mlw Lllllau, Amy HorioD, Sltten' Wynue. Harry Vtulo. Olttera Wbeeldou, Mlllo Vcnio, CbaHea I'cnatone. Venio Foneeeoo Charles I'avcr, Maud Danvil, i:ora Kugeule and nrorgi' Uyford appeared. Hr. and Mrs. FItrot will ii'iiirn lo America next Fall. FixiHiitK Wkst repona cxeelleni auccessin Eng. laml, where she Is playing ibrco balls. Ibe Canter- biirv, I'aMRon aud Itoyal. Mhei rriurus loAmerica in March and ojiena April e >t KodcrA HIal'a, Ibis clly. 'fiiK I.AR.i l,AnMk!< FAHii.Yaoud compllmenlo Of tho season from Vienna, AuMralla. Jules Ureen. Iiauni and 4\«t.-trtc. Iho tilr walker, send similar rav- oro rrom Frankrurtoii the Main. 8UAKER AND ARtii.Rx are playing an eDCttflemcni at lbs IIMouTheatre, Norrolk, Va. JuKo Balho teceotly eloaed a tlvo weeks' engage- menton llonklna' droult, and la now on Keith's cir- cuit, doing Us original arihtl conh>rilon aoL Tub Fvltdn Uros. bare closed on the Orpheum circuit, altera succoaarul lour. R\'i Swimiurmb baa been engaged by Uanager Con, or Chlrago, HI., to play leading patta In bur lesques. Paul DansBR'n lew song, "Jual Tell Them That You Saw He," la In tbe popular vein or descriptlre eongi. Tiie wonlB Ml a pathetic and reallatlc itorr, and the laiUad la In lino with that compoeer's many previous aucccaaea. iiAH YioiR, btte manager of tbe Bodega, In BL I'aul, HlnD., baa, we are lufomied, bongbt Ibe Olymplo Theatn, oanio clly, and will coutlnue to ruD It aa H flrat cbuu vaudeville houae. A nioKneiOiiAL uatineb will be given at ihe Ice Palace Hhailug lUnk, Loxbigton Avenue and One Hundred and Seventh Sueei, thIa city, on Jan.o. Manager W, F. Fait Intornu ua that thla new addi- tion to our amuaomeut reaona la an entire snceesL Hh. MDcn, or tbe Warwick Theaire, Newport NowB, Va., leelgned to assume the stage manage- meni or Kalrer's Muaio Uall, teuton, 0. Pai'l Vusmbh's new bodr, "Just T»ll Them That You Saw Me," which Ibe publishers abnonnce saibe ne.TI popubat aucceai. Is now being anng by alnoen Id tho rmnt raoka of tbo proreealon, among whom an Will II. WiDdoin, ot Primrooe k Wail'a HId- sirels; John HuaaelL uf the (Kuasell Bros.); John P. CumtD.WHl C. Carielun. lilllan Wceterly, Jos. D. Naxwoll, Bob IMce (San Franrbiao HlnatreUi), tieorge Oaskin, Oanle Scoit, Harle Wonen, Nellie Parker, Dlek Tbomte, John W. Hyers, Joe llowant, Mwln II. Ueogon, Oeo, Evans and James Osvan- naah. Baibt, Daibimoiok oxd Baiut lenoit doing well Id the SoDih. j>Afr>iiimi Tinm" Ninn.—JobD J. Block com- gySraS»»gH autea that bU compaoy baa DOilOBtanlghtrtnee ttovoiined.Ang.t.Tws. Tbe company le doing iSl b'SMM. ?» New Veatji nlgS they ntna Sonata awav at l4yona,N.T. ThatTs tbe home of wJckoffrwho plaiB tbe Sberiir and Poetmas- ttr orrtckerbinrt,Bna a very entbaoUaUc nwep- tfoD TO a<»onlea blm and the whole company. SSrinTnie SrioSinee Hr. Jrifia beantirul gold beaded c»a« by b& Wends. HHl BlaS wai -tke leclplenlof a vetr handoonie hmeahoe of floweiB. I^"',» ""T'?" urded tbe company by the y™" <^P'i* tbelr club roomi, Id honor ot Hr. J^ckoff. Horto woo ruralsbod by our otcbeBtia, and a very enjoy- able evening was apent Hat OiiiFBiu."loaed a Bncceaarnl ejaaon irilh BlBDdell'a OiltertoD VaudevUlea "™^»'O; will latam Beat to ipeDd a few weeks with her mother. _» attracUoD at Proctor's Fleaanie '»»".'hJJL^i; on New Year'a l)ay;alao appearing at the New York ^NOTBS FROM TBB LkSiD' CLUB Co.-Oor seaion bsB been mot» Uian proepeioni. Among iheprei- ODtB made with tbe conpaDy, JDly Uiekart, wire or llirrr leonl, of Uonl and Everett, preaei>,<«l bltn OD Obrtstmas Ere with a baby boy, and all Ui well. Rice Brolben, borixonial har pertotmere, joined, aa did Etta Victoria and JoiephlnoAmann. Ddrimo the pertormance at tbe Union THeatre, at Victor, Od., on Dec. 31, a dUtorbaDce occDrrtd, which tesDlied In Uie klUing of Qeorae Smith, man- aier or tbe home, and a man naraea Fascoe, wmie another man was rataUy wounded and seveial olheti Injured. A nnmber of loDgbs of the town had threatened to clean out tbe honoe, and on New Yearl Ere they wero well represented at the Union. Uanager Smith accuaed Pasco ot being tbe leader of the gang, and lo an Inatauta dozen ptatoli wete diawn and llrtDg became general. Hanager Smith was bit seveml times. IHe llBbts wen all ahotont and the bonse waepttlty well riddled with bnjleta. HiRT iRD WALLiKa cloaod en engagement at the Imperial Hoalc Ball, Oblcsgo, III., and opened at Sao Jack's for Iwo weeks, commencing Jan. i. Hay O'Oat has been on tbe sick lUt ror the past roor weeks at ber home in Alloona, Pa. LORBNO ARD Ll Var loavo for EDgland Jan. u, and will opeD their brat engagement In UnhUn, Ireland. _ BI.ARODB LATILL AKD LOmB WlLLUNB haVB ttt- conie partnere. They an with tbe Eastern "White CrooW'Co. FRANg Ot>TNi, fonnerly or the Ooyne Bros., haa ntumed to Ihe elage, opeDlnjt at Wenger's, New Orleans, La.,lna olDgletom or acrcbatlo songs and donees. F. II. SrANSPiiLD, comedian and cbanioler vocal- lst,leivlththeMllton Family Ooncert Co., now tour iDg Ranssa and MHaonri. LriTLB iRiNi Frarbun Ib a feature ot "Tbe Prodigal Father" Oo. OniB. AND TiLiiB 8BLLB8, Bt the conolualoh o( tbelr Weotem engageoenui, will retnro to tbelr home In New Oiteans, La. Tdb BRornna CoRrr, Oeroan performers, who do a comedy act on tbe borUontal har^ are doe ben from Antwerp next week. They have been Imported for the B. F. Keith circuit, and will make tbelr American debut Jan. 13, at Ibe Union 8i|nare, this clly. Out Biotbsbs' HiNsnBLSNOTia.-While playing Id East Liverpool, u., Ibe show was prononncea one or tho best, and after tbe show tbe Ony Brolbera, who are members ot tbe B. P. O. B., were enter- lalDcd by the Kika and bad a merry time. Little Hay Ouy has recovered rrom tbe typhoid rever, and, alter an abKDce or nine weeka, returned Jan. 4. Pclkcy, our baai player, baa gone away, slok with InnsnimaUon or tbe bowebi. Baelheoa, oa OBaal, good. Our band on Now Year'a Eve playad the ohl year ont at IS r. m., a onstom wltb tbu compaoy for twenty-live yeant. Tub Dawbonb have Joined the Banr HonlB' En teruinera for tbe nmalnder ol tbe season. LoiTiB WrstStmondb mied the week of Dec. 30- Jsn. 4 with tbe Russell Droa.' Co., at tbe Weslmln- Bter Theatre, Providence, R. I. JODN 0. AND LiatB HCDOWBLL JolDOd 000l>B Big Slock Oo. at Oanton, 0., Jan. 1. Harry J. Howard was nreaenled with an Elk's badge by 4>)lunibD0 (O.) Lodge oo Jan. 1. RoBY RoT, fotmeriy ot toe team or Roy Slstere (Ruth and Rnby), makes ber Dratappeaiance, In thna yean, at the People'a Pabice, San Fraoolsco, Cal.. Jan. so. FniY AMD Li Hairs are playing a live weeka' engagement over the Hopkins clrculL IticBARD niuB Writes US rrom Hu Ctemens, Mlob Ibal be la rapidly regaining hU health. UoUoKALD AKO STOSB did DOt play ths Park Tboatre, Ohlcaio, 111., laal week. They wen at tbe Academy or Huilc, Hllwankee, Wla, havlog been reengaged ror two weeks. Eiuiisr WiuHN has been engajred lo appear at Keith's Union Square Theatre, this city, Feb. l> and week. BovABo FowBBB, Of ths Eleculo Qoarut, was tendered a reception by tbe BL Lools Jockey Club Jan. 1, iDtbstdty. BgRNnro, tho contortlonlat, was made a member of tbe B. P. 0. K., No. s. In PbllodelpbU, on Deo. SZ. Thb Misses Dunn and Collins, or Fiynn A Short, dan's Big Sensation Co., gave a Obrlstmaa party to Snyder and Buckley and Prince Flatow, ol that company. MUa Dunn received a handsome dia- mond ring en her eighteenth birthday, and other vausble presents. Ubxlit ard Uabbi have Jnat closed a sncceaami tour over Ihe Keith eircnit, and opeoed Jan. > at Poll's Wonderiand, New Haren, Ct, with the Orpheum olrcDlt to follow, NOTiai'ROH FROP.BllLBT'aSTiBSPBCIALTYCO Boalnesa good tbrongh Canada. Roster: Pnr. Bailey, proprietor and manager; Harry Bnce, Jack Campbell, 0 to Lyon, P. L. lienmann, Morris Web- ber and Unle Webber. 0. J. Uonola elesed Deo. 31. Prof. a. B. Claiton Joined Jan. 1. ToB Itioi Bros, and Btm Vletona Joined tbe La dloe' Club Co. Jon. t. Fbakci FoiiEiTiB, vocalist, opened ber Western lour at Oanton, 0. Flora E. Basoou writes that she has loased tbe BIJoo Theatre, la Lowell, Mass., to Frank FaObr. ALLBM AND DBLHAiH are pUylDg ovor the Davis clrcnlL HARAOtR Al. Rsbvib bss made a few obangea In bla big abow, whloh have proveda decided soccess. The following ii the nxterof bis company: Agnes Obarcotr Smith and OimpbeU, Ihe Ureal Jodgea Uunn and Bobee, Hltcbell and Jess, Pesri Stover, lielniore and Lee, 0. W. Williams, the Ulatis and Al. Reeves. At the leqneat or Hanager Harry Wll- llama, AL Reeves- and bis eKiIre company gave a performance for the beueDtof the Inmates ol DIx. mont Inane Avium Friday aliemoon. Bopertn. tendoDi Qrey gave the company a grand dinner after the perrormance, when toaali won ezehanged, and everybody thoroughly enjoyed tbe oeoaslon. Uakbrakduotdill, at the UowaM AtbeDoiDm Uoaion, made a aucceaa that warranted their r. teotlon there for Ibis week. Haixiib Wii.ijrr waa obliged to undergo another surgical operation, nuking the third one within ronrmonibs, wbloh wUI preventbor tilling engage- menu until late In the Spring. Wu. KLomniAN bailstlthe London Oalely Olris Co., and JoUied the Watson Blsten Oo. Frari I)b Uabro met with a severe accident Dec. 9, at the Bodega Theatre, St. Paul; be relimm his aerial rigging and bi now teld up for npalia. Days /lUMBR appeared at the AndltoilnraThea- tre. Toledo, o., week or Uoo. ao-Jan. 4. Kddib D( Alva, Juggler and wire walker, has neariy recovered hom his sickness, lis baa been In the boepiui si 1V>ledo. o., since lost July, wllb a seven atbiok or typhoid lever. He la now stopping with hlsbrather, at Hammond, led., but will Join hla old pariner, Oeo. Parenio, soon. Uabrv Hill, of Von Aukon, McPhee and UlU, Inroniia ns or hla marriage to Mile. Berdna, contor- UoDlat, In thla city, on Jan. S. COLORAOa MA SSACHUSET TS Boatoa—Three new bills are aiuoonced for pnidadlon tononow alsht, tbe moot Impoitaot beha ■The taaaa'a Neeklaca," by Hew. Potter and Krilo Ballew, at Ibo Ballla Siiaet Tboatre. Nat Ooodwlg dniM a lOBurkabla tDtagoiaent at Ibli hem* Jaa. 1 BoweoLv BooAai TaaATaa-Soeoad la lotanot win ho tbanttvalaf IbaBoiiolcaultdrainaa al ■anagorAtklo wn'a hooM. An •leellent company, eooiliUoR m Aabny Boockaalt, Badio Moitlnol, Loola llaaHy, ||,i,y Baaga. Aclbar Moaluo, B. Olltaa Looldtto, gondii WoatM, OooiieMorrar, Wall«rreDntniaD,aiic» Edkr. Ha aid Koto Ryan bare boon oaniwl. "Amh u Fono" wiU bo tho pUr for wook of S. to bo followtd, u by •Tho BhioBbiaoB,'' ancnoded by -Ttio ail],,^ Ba«D." Tbeieaaoa will.loot roor woeka IhooriRioi] acaoeiT and eoatomeo or tbe Bo^loo Maaonai, lo Iodo tk. ■eooeorihi oldor Booclcaoll'a triompha,will bouxd- aUot^oricloolfioncteauU prompt book. T^ibonio! dacUoa wlU be a hwa eoctofo Rooa wllhoot aarli,. "Savod fraai UieEaa" proved a big aoccoaa and «lo>o.l V COLOMaiiTnXATaa—ThlopopDiarpriced hoon In m. dor eotonrlriDg maoaaonieat, and loadnoff alghlotr. wllb another Dovolly, "Bonolo Bcolloiid,'' BMntj Elll>' fODCdr drama. It will ho llooly augod and coolomtd Wook of 13, "Iho Ureal Diamond Robooiy." Jaa. J. cor beu, la "A Navel Cadol," ondad a waok'a oo|igoaoni t. wlUi oieollontvocolpta.. „..,,.,, BoanM TnaA7aa.-«adania ModJoeha'aratowollwMk In BoaoQ opOBS 0. wlUi a ehonao or bill at oaeb povToin. aoco. MoDdar night "Much Ado About NolhloR;" Tuea. day niabi, "Moomire for Meoaun;" Wodooaday nulnoo. "A« You LIko It;" Wodnoadiy Dl|kl, "Mary ainarl? Tboradav aliht, •Twiltth Nl«hl;" FiWaj nl»hi,-|(M. beui." Tho flalardoy bliU will bo aoDonacod later. ModJoAka and hor oicollool companr bare boon mo^i coidlallj ncolvod dorloi tbo oaat wool, jMOpb Uawonh beloRfpoelalhrwolcomod. weak otB^Frlaiieao a Won't MiDatiela. TaBxcvT TBBATaa—"LIUlo Chriatoebei" baa modi a blB hiL Iho clover compaoy la winning fmh lauiiU from lanteaudloneoo at oaehporronoaaco. It will roo llifoiilh wo*k nte. ud bo follovod by Fraocta Wiloon, In "Iba Chlonaa," 19. . _ Fark Thbatrb— "A t:ontoal«d Womaa" boa hiUoO dovo wlih arldoDl coDlaaUDOot for a piolnctad auv. Cnvdod boQwa and bic advaocoaaloa coollooo from dar lo day. Till week, ckaaaoa la tbo apoeUllloa biiro dorad into Uie ploco, ood a now aoag by Mr. Uoyt, aro prom tied. Boaroa NcnoM.—Tbe aoDOoneeinootor tbo laal waoh ofToo MuchJohDOM''locreaaed Uio adianca raloa tor ihowook ore. and Ihla laat weak of olUolla'a ooRaRomooi wlU cloao a too moDlba'record of anooomiooaiqcooao. E. H. Sotbara'a oogagemant, lo "TboFrlaoaorofZoiuU," ''^SiJSTLa'fioeiRBTaaATBa—Moaagor Bow otTora a aoe- oDd woek or "Fauil" at hla boaullrul play home, which li nlabllr (lllod with dellgbtod aodlencaa. dan Laaa and Edith MoaoB allomalo oa Marnerlle moat aecoplablr; Peraao aa Fasat, Wolftaa MopblMo. Murra; aaValtnuoo, Row Lolahloa aa Banho. tbo Mlaaoa Ladd and Mac. drogor. oltonatlngaiBlobol,mako opa atrong cast. Iho atage f ffocla ar« apoclal.y lloo. Thla U Iho twooty^ovooih ooara prodacod lo aaeaaoo ol thirtr-flvawooka at thla hoaoe. RBlru'a Naw TasAvaB.—Bnonnoua andloooM filled Koaaier RalUi'a honoo during the eloalng porromancoa or Iho olophaola. TbIa waok Blchord Oolaoo la a coo- tlpoad ailrtctloo, hoadtog a Hat wblcb -loclodoo Libertl'a ReipolIlAn Troobadouia, tbo Ahbolt fllalora, John Hart. A. C. Moroland^Ruiart^saofntlaTionpo, Jor Denwer.—Althe Tabor Orand Open Honse, week ot Ooo. 3a "In Old Kontocky" plAyod to good bonaoa. Wook Jan. a Conlao Opera Co. BaoAOWiT Tnuna-Ono or tbo neoloat aUnellona thai boa boon at tbio boow, woo Iho tSamioaeb Opoia Co.. which eomo Doo. aMao.1. Tho houao waa nckod at evoiT porfonnaoea and many wore toraod away. It wu tho jnataol aocUty alblr wo bavo hod toroomoUmo. Mr. Daoirooch, oa aocooot ol nob a ohon onaojioiDODL Bavoanoilranaltaool. " ^ OarHara.-lllllon Nobloa, la "From Biro lo Bon," coma l>oo.30togoedr>uilnoaa. , Iba Abbott aialara. „«,,.^w. soofntlaTionpo.Jor. omo and Aleila, Oneo Roavoy Marrla, Clark aad BL Clair, loozMMunkor. Corvolt and HInda, Thiao Morello Brolliora, thoLa Porto BUIora. Madame Carllnl'a oduta- caleddotfoaod moakor^ MoroIaod.Thompaooood Bu«h. HideAna Leolo, and John Till'a maxlooellaa. HOWARD AraR.i.soH.—For wook of 6 Fropriotor LaUi- rop proaoDta Btco A Baruo'a Boao HllPa Folly Borlosoao Iho Howard Oomodv Co. Aomiy A Sro.ia*a Meaxoa.—The Cilppla Crook dolota. ttoB or covboyo, hooded by Broncho joho, will romuo one moio waok al thla bouao. Aodo aad Anio. JagRtara, and John Swallow, potior, wlU l>0 aoon lo tho lootaio ball. Tti4aURopMf>loare:DalIoyaDd MaoDlog,KeOor Blauo^ Tefgo nnd Daniola, Aodo and Malaula. ibo whlllnca, BlUy Burko, Bryaat aad Oloaror, Jaaoa Keaiy. CkoHor Dooo, Brandoa and Rogbil. Minnie McEvoi, tbo DowDIo^ Dick Bofldi, Uio Roioloya. Eomplon Bretkera, Kathloon yooQ. aod uio Throo Wohb Blalora. BoVAlMesiOM—Tbollatoratl'acUoBB for wook ot S ladudeaoao.RooToa, Herbert Warvoo, Henry Wbooter. FiaokCar^ Sam Muidoek, Oeo. P. Atbhiion, Broeol Taafffaoo. RaT Pranola. Ruor Oavla. Logo Biowd, May Bvaoa. Kalo Lynoll aod Bmllr RoaaolL So.ia's NICHBLODBOX.—Maoagor Dunn baa lofflo vorr atliacllvo foatoroa In hla laeture hall Ihla week, partial, tally Lata CooUh. ilio lialf man ball womaa crooturo, alao AHoDAo. Dolrli. AJax. Tora. Bid Back aad a bag puoobloR eoatooL Tho atago abow will ba rItod by ''Snltb aod Ghorloy'o OricDUl Oolorooaa." FAlAOi TaaATna —Thapaiticalar auraoUon or thla wook'i vaitftl bill la tho Wauoo Blatara* Biuaragaoja O)^ In boriooiuo and spoclalUoa. Amongthoao who ap- poar are Jaao do Zamoia. Tboo. Robtnaoo, Bonlloy aod Canoion. Lovtt aod Haoloy, Allle WlUard aod Kormon BrowB. and Uw VIdooia. Ltcsom TaRATOa —"Zoio," IntTodaolaa Joo Maddoo, Ed CorToo. Charloo Booka, Frank f^algr. Fiod Pbh, tho Monro* Bluon, M. Florooco Blwardeo aad ulboia ouoa a wook'A onaagomoote. nruMO Mcaaea—Hio diamatio bUl ror thu woek la "Hoop orOoM." with Koto Dallaa aa Hulb Bollloa no voriolr litt lodudoo: Porker and Balaido, Modalloo, Baker and BoydolL ZoUa Otayton. f^onoU and Larkln, Bimbo, LncoUe. and Ihonas and Wataoo. Kom —Maiw Shaw la vliltlogber rolAUna to tbU city. J. W. Eellrmada a iromondoua hit at Kollh'o Ihla paal week tho eulToriog Armontana will bo benelllad bv an afYemoon porronnaaco al lha Boatoi ThOAIro oo 7. Throagb tkaooarioayol tbo digonat maoaaars a varr allractlve profimmma haa boon compiled. Hodjeekaand cnopony wHIpiooept tbo Ihlnl act of "Aa You Llh« It," Mro. Potior and Eyrte Bellow tho roiirfh act ot "Tbo Quoea'a MocklacA." mombonorih«"LtlU«Cbrlitopboe" compaoy wlll^pnaor to apoelillloa, RIebard doldan and tho Noapolllaa Trouhadotfro, rrom Kolth**, wilt appear, and Mr. Barton, or Iho Oilumbia, offOn ooo oet or "BonaloBcoUaDd." Fall Hirer.—At the Academy of Muslo "Ibe Fatal Card" waa proaootod to tktr robirai. Olovolaad'a MIoslrala, Doc 9k were giooled by a (kir aliod aaaom. blage. Jooeph Morohr, Id "Bhaua Bhno." acorod a draw Ing caid, oroiy ticket botng aold priorlolhoriaeorUio curulo. Andrew Hack proaoou ^'Myloa Anon" 6, and thaca la the laracoat adraoco aalo at rofular prieoa In Uio btoorr or lha houao, ovory roaorrod aeat belOR loU ooL ^fi}^ SS"!" A "'^ Paiodlaa" IS. "Barmali" IS, IS, UUIe Cbrialophor" IT, 'The Twanllolh CeoUry aicP' IS, Pmablo,—At Ihe Orand Chaa. L. Davis, hi "Alvtai jMlIn," WW aiaolod by a roll boaao Chriauiaa DlihL Dr.A. A. Wllllugivaonoorbli Ljnum courao loetuoa loaUif« aad appioclaUio oodlonco Doo. ID. .v?!hV"»"i-¥''"Pae'»llr'blahojilo wu oecspM by I'!!!!!'?''* i"* Sfrwcabr COm wbloh Jumpvl loto town dlioctlrDBToiuwboralboy bavobooa plorhigooth* Unoawallolmit llioy hid a crowded bonoo oad sava l^?""""** tanodoelog aomaelovor anctalUoa Tho laadloa rolola eorriod by Bon Bodg- Ou, "PPortad, by Mraa MItao, Ahna daaiaa, Ona Latta, riaofc Ualaload and Haoriea Bayaea, NIckoiaoa'B Comodr Co. SO and woek. WomiaLAiD Tbravrb.— '^0 Ladloa' Olob" govo a lanoyperfonnaocaaS-a, lorolr bualaooa. SamT.Jaok'a Craolio,Doo.XWaa. I. hodgood rolurat. Malamo Do- I'P'i' MIoauoU wlU bo ow S-(, Iko BngHab fivi>iu».it, tho Fronob Folly Co. 19-I». Rica's TillATaa—"Onoof the brlBhtoataod moot ro- Hoed voudavlue oolorutomoDu ovor oooo hero," wu Uio uiUyanal raidlct ragardtng Plaids t Baoaon'a Oo. which boU lonb loMg boalooal-t Balombe A Ollrolta'a Naw Woodore bod fair nluraa DObStMan. 1. Ikta weok'a allraclton U The Dart>y MawL" "Downon tho Farm" comsil9-IA^"KIUanior^ It-IIL Nona—Tbe tvooUoUi annlroraair or UioopodIdboi Uio Aeodony of Mnito ocean 6, wboo Aadiaw Mack ap. peirw bi "Mvlai. Arooo." Maaagar Wiley U maklns pre- pontlona for a handaomo aoavooir prosrammo to bo dlalrlbolodaathatoeaaloa Thollnllod HaCMahota' AaaooUlloB aoRtfad aaau at RIeb'a nMatna.aDd at- tended llio porTormanoo or Flokla A flamoa'aOiawlog '9„f .."Mamlot, a Traveur Wllhoot o Fob," alU be alvao at tho Academy ot Moole V.». under Uisauiplcoo of Iho Unity Club, aod tbo opera, -PIralao ol PenaOBco." will bo auog later In Iho aoana by afflataura. ror Iho boooOl of Ihe koiorBoacy Uoapllal. WoReater.—At the Worcester Theaue "14W' plaiaed a larse aodlenoo Doc 9. Wn. A. Bndra "OM Olorydrew W01I9I. CbarloaB.Baoronl,BllbnR.Bpencor and Nora O'Bilan Ro. drew good builnon In "Iho Mar- giant or Vaatco." "Romoo ond Jotiol" and "Julloo ^w^Y, ''*°' '' ClovolAod'a HtOBInla S, -Iho Naw LoTURora OroRA Uovsa.-Murvar and Mack, bi "Fin. n san-iBaU-'drow Ibo hligoal wook'a baolnaaa In Uie bloioiT ot tho houao dorlog lha pott weak. ArtkorO. Rldiou, iD'-ASummorBhowor" comoa a-11, wlUi"Jolly Old Ohuma" to rollow 19-IS. Fao.vr8naiT0raaA Itoeai.-Tanioi'a Bnatleh Olila drew nod honaM Uu wook. Kew "Night Owla" Bor- lasooa-ILTomMUco'aOliy Club 19-15. NORAO'BRiurlaalck at Cwion, and har plaeo dorlog ueoogueaioiitolhoreomiiaayben wu lakaa by ber oodertnidy, karie Drotnah. Lynn.—At tho Lynn Tbeatn Joseph Horphy 25'.''^'""^""•"'"'pood altodaodloBoa. "LIlUo Ohftotoplior" eomoa Jan. U. "Bonaah" 14, "In OM Ken- lacky"17. IB. MenottAU—ReaoBrdoll'a L^doo BoUoo Borlo«ioo no. did a (at; bualnaa laat wook. nomine: "Midamo 'soSycfib' IMS' "■"> Tja Woai>nLASD.-Aa oilanilvo npaln an lo bo Boda hon^ la conplluco wlih ordon flom Um BIau BnlfclloglosMetora, oolyaaUgo porronnaaco ll bolog given una week. lAwelU-At Ibe Opera House Stoddoid dosed a 'eelun CODIOO Doc SB. Joa. Murphy played "Bhun Rtine'BI, 10 a good bonae. "Burmah'' playod Ivonor- rormaocu Ju. 1-1. la poekod honaoa. Booked: Sort t^la, to 'lha Now Boy.'^S. KolUr 10.11. • (!?%<'.%>J—"Illlaraoywu preaootal DoaBMaa. ■■by RE Oioridaaaod JuoBood,ubif bonaoa. Balam. bo ud intvouo'a Now IToodon came B-dTto aood bonaoa. "Downoa Uio Form" comooe-& "Bona and Hoao" O-II. LBwnBca.—At the Opera nnnse the Sawtelle Dnipallo Oo.bold Iho boarda tbe wook Dao.apJag.i, iolnod "MolUtoa'a Mrahapo" Sac 1 „.T""«atait,—At Ibe New Theatn Cleveland's MlulnU etnto Ju. 9. lo bis bntlnooa. "Mylaa Arooo" canu^ KolUr«. SOUTH CAROUNA. CharieatOB,—At Oweta' loadeniF ol MnMc Upiaa RoaoU poekod lha hooae Jog. L ol advaoeod prieoa. Chaa..A.Oaidn*tcoBoaT. "FrianSi"!.