New York Clipper (Jan 1896)

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January li. THE ]SrEW YORK CLIPPER. 717 iMKiloa.—At llie Onnd Joitpb Dart, In "A air OU B^T." Dm- nmla bli flnt ftrpwmc* Ufona LaDiloa ii^laoM. TlH Ivrawna woVlllM. RhMkIn -j^MolilB*, BuDitM of tbe Pnadi." Jta.t,kiil knir liadwilltaM. J.E.Ti«l<kli''IIIIJ>raarMjl^lUilai^" had two poor audlooeo* I. "A Toiai 8Uor." Valktr Wb1IMMo(f«IQnid«ta)iti4 "Tbo Uonr WoflO" uo tli* ODlf ftUncUoni bookn for JaooAir. aadpli-—AtR'>T»I Open UoDir, Jid.4, Illic*, In'Vovpbtnp. Eapnaorilio Pnoeb.^ot oimtlato, aoit >'KaUao90ao.*'lBUiooTenlnir.btdBn«lhoaiei.Coinlov; LncU cAOcort 7i E. Totilt, la "Klllaroa;" aotl **Tba Bhlofc"a TENNESSEE. Heaplila.—At lb* liraiid Open Uou9« "Hie Badialoi*a Babr'' wai aubloU lo ahoa up Dw. SWu 1 byRawnof MioanarDouftUn ItivlDg paM Ifaa /area of lha cooipaD7 lo ibia dtr -fram NaahtUla. wbara ll vaa aboot lu Ro to piftcaa, Tba compaay did a floa biulofaji Itira, wbldi In a stmi nMiara araa dua to Uio populsritr tit two maoitiara ol liia eomblulloa vho ir* iiatiro Hf Biphlaoa and bavo recanllj wttntl lha llieatrlcal pro- leMloo. Aflar tba oloaa of tbo aogapmaDi, no I. Uie cooiDaDrdUbaiidail. aad, *ith Ilia a:tcaptlon of lha l*o llMiIbulia allndad Tore T.iUnr and Sllu Koala- doaloo, a«aiTlMdj Uft lor New Vork Oitr- "llawloc Itia vla<l"ooaaad to • fair lioiiaa, for throo nlihta and a irallmJao-2. "fbaalll I Ufl Boblod )to" riocalad QamlUa FArrllla comoi m II, 'Tualia Tamrta- ^NrirLTL'loilTHUTiil.—OratftaCUrba opanad S lo a fair hoaia, praiaolloa'"Uamiet" *'PooI*m itfvtDia," '-HiiiMOaadyoltat" aod "KlehaUaa" will lit ciraii], 4. Jai.O*ll«llldldaBnabaalQatnOac.0-t}, Kailo Koinotl comaaJaa.B,9. CbattaDOosa.—At Iho Now Open Uouw no- taod Haod cama Dae. 30. lo alarga bouat. "Tba Paul Cud" I'Uyad to a apleadid atMloM, bnt on]/ a fair licuaa uhilit of Jan. I. waliM'a lictnra (beal] dr*-« a rorv uiiaUbouia*. Comlof: "Tha t;otun Klot" IC Da VfoK lloppar 17. "«<wlDii lha Wlad" la. NEBRASKA. Oiamha.—At llojt's Tbeaira Elmer R. Vance'a ilftnia, "Tlia LInllad Uall," li dno Jai. 6. (. Tlia lloUaa Cmnadr Co. aUl bold Iba boanla for ibertualodar of tba waak, lo a rapaitolT of popular plara. al cbaap Pflcet. "OiaHay'a Auni" pbyed In fair biitioasa Dec 29. JO, SI. TUB CMliillTOX —"A Railroad Tkkal" opaaa » four nlnbtf amonamaotS. -TillHj" cntnaa for a raloro n- cuaMaot », 10. II. "Tba Tornado" waaboobad for lha aallrawaak taal, bolaflorpUjljg four olKbUlo lalrau- diancaa wa» Induced lo.eaoc*! iha raioortdar of tbe weak and Prank Maio. In "rudd'ohaad iriboo," playtd a ralom eofncaiiiinl i ohr« e auiHanran. KANSAS. WIetaltB.—At Itae CMWtord (Irand IlKTerlr'a NIoilraUrccelred falrpairoaaso Jaa I. "Trllhy" drew • a laiia booae at adTMced pricea 3. .Tlia Klmb^ Opera Co «llh CoHnua, lo "liaadilck lliidaon," dM Rood boaioeu4. 'Tbo Kan Vail" cooea 0- M*M KENTUCKY.-f3«e rageai.) Pailocah,—AtUorton'ii Opnn lloiiw Ftorduce Blfldky, In *Tba Caplaln'a Ma'o." Jan.]. bail iioo Ihuti- oeir- Clay CUinent In 'Tlia New Dooilnloo," kad a larm and appreclallTa hooaa. '^aelra Tcmplaihon' cotnea 9. \NroMiNa Gheyaane.—Daniel SdII; comes inn 7, [.;ceiim Icelare eonna 10 and 11. F3REIC N SHOW NEW?. "Kiirr CLiri, Acraiss," it one act (ilea, hj ('ranUort Hoore, was acud for llio Oial time at tlie Ronltr, London, Bog., Deo. 11. '-KlKii Daviu iNU KiMi Saul," a Ore act open, Uy La'loer,«a<prodaced atIhsStaniltrdTli:atre Lroulon, Eng., Dtc 7. 'TBiiiB AMD BiCK," a farclal conedj. Id Itaiea acU, bT Qeo. Arl«9, was pirfarmed for C0D}rl|[lit pnrposoa at the neatte Rojal, Itilli, Eng., U<c. 12. "HIS9 OiLiTiA OK ORidos," « p'af, la three acis and prologue, hj Ellla Alex. CltTeland, vai glfen for ine Ont time at tbe tjcODm Toeaire, stairord, KDI.,Dec4. ■'The Umuiosr FARniKa," a four act pUr, by BetUOane, waa piodactd at tbe I'rloce ot n'ales Tbeatia, SoniliampioD, Eoir., Dec. 0. "A Wind ExriBinci,''a dnmailc aketcb, In Ave scenea, traa orlglsall; acted at Sidler'a IVella, I, ODrton, Eng., Deo. 0. "Tei OB0ai. Law," a four act comedr diana, bj Waller 8. Craven, was atagea lor llie llrat tine at tlie Theatre Royal, Btnllord-on-ATOD, Eng., Dec. le. "Ah DHsaKcnnBD auuiucr," a tbree actuooedj. b; Omj and Uatien, waa Bini given at St. Qeorge'e Iliill, London, Eog., Dec 20. "FBiDiuioiiDi," a are act lyilo draois, liT Loola Qaitlt, moalc hj Rnieataolimud and Qamlllellalnt- Satna, waa prodaced at the Opera, Paris, Fr., Deo. 18. "1). ().,'> a three act pla;, \>j B. T. Jobnsoi. waa originally prtsenled, Dec. ti, alUiePilnccsa'Thea- tre, Uriatol, Eng, ^ "AFTiB TSB HTOBii," a ODO Bcl flay, by Cyril Awen Lee, waa given lis Inlilal pertomunce Deo, II, at the Borgh Sail, Uombarton, Kog. 'Tub KoTrnax lDOL."alouractplsy,byniehard Baunderaand Uaarlce B. Bandoann, waa orl|lnaliT acted Dec le, at Itae Theatre Royal, Sondtrland, Eng. "Ll OoiTBi," a three aclplece, by Paul Adam and Andre Plcard, waa piodaced at the Theatre l.?vre, Parts, Fr., De c, la. DEATHS I N THE PR OFESSION. RODBRr L. Vkbd, a well known aeenlo anitl. dkd D*o. A at bla home. In Jeiaay city. K. J., from apopleir. lie wubom JaaSI, lUkla OraoKa Oountr. K. V.. andbemo Ilia ibaalrlcal career In IMl, at Poi'a OU Bowery TTieatre. tbia ellj. where lila woit in paatomlne prodaoilona raokadanong Ihe baiL '*The TrograM ol a Xatloo." vllbdjonmloageelJ^ wblcb waa produead at llooley'a Tbaatla. BrooblTO.N. Y., and which aaloitd aftreotauC' c«ae,waawriueoaodpilotadby nr. \Tftad. ilavaaalao tha aolhorand paln'-ar ol "ChlcaEO. llafore, Durlog and Alter tbe KIra." which biorad tba couotry. Por Mreiwl jaars III health had preranlad bim frora foUoaliiit bla pnfeotlon. lie leaves a widow and Ave ehlMrtn. JOBSB. Buia. palnur and Invaator.died Jan. 1. la Ilia Hoaa For IneonbleKCIilcaRO. ln-,af;ad atiout niaety-Ova yeaia. The decaaaad wai the nrat to paint any araat pananmaln thlacounlry.and waarenewaad aa apalolar ofwarpanoramafL llawuaaeacaHeat rorlraltpalolar, and lha portrait ol Prealdeal Taylor, wblcb haaai In tbe Whlla llooaa iiallerr. Ii the work of bla bmdi. He clalqiad to ba tbe loraotor of tba allk ban Ban balloon, wbleb la now lo uae, and la alao labl to bare iDranlad a bloyele flfty yeait ago. which waa coouruclad on Iba lloaa ai tha safety blcfcla of the preaenlday. lie waaatrlcken wllb parallila aboat nTeiaaraoao. rear an he became blind and wol taken lo the Uo aeaimblea. HnniT J- Papooox, (omerly wall hooan at a ihaalrl- Atl manasar. dird Jas- t at bla bona. In Uila city- 11a mirrM ManfalllUliallbi lie,and waabormaoawarfi r many yeara. Thay had two cblldran. llanry aad Kai- eooo. Tha eoople were dlrorcwd aliool eliht yearn aso . Oborob BNIrB, nianaaar ol Ihe I'olon Tticatra. al VIelor, t;olo., waa abot and hilled dorlog a dlaloili^oca la Iba theatre oo the arNlaa of Dae. SI. Furtharmrnlloo of lha alTray will ba loundln another place lo ibUlaauo. . Jobs Tinoli, a thaalrleal inaoaaar. comnlIII«l aulclde byahaaUafUao.n. In(}dland, Cat Tlie iloeoatfd waa well known la Ihe WeiL and owned an Inlarou In two lbeatraa.oaelnOoraLyaMonelnTriaIdad.Col. lie waa la Iba taat auaaa of ooaaomptlon. andlila aclla allrlb olad utbia Killer delalU of Ibe analralll bo louad In aoolher colanin. PaiBOB LnnaBp, a well known mhlfol, died Den. 29. at Idtewood. 111. OainiB Pal,lo:<l,awall known atlor.died Jan.Cat Ihe Hortoo loaimary. Loolarllle. Kj^ from typhoid fever. Tha deoeaaed, wbo waa Iblrtr-alt yaan of aae. waaanauveorllalr. but bad been In tblaconolry lore namliarofyearw. llawM an eicelltnt character actor, and had liaan eooneotcd with duo/ of iba laadlna road ooupanleaand withalookcompanleain KbllailKlpbla. fa. Ha waa anaanod thli aiaaon wlili Bmart Hobwin'aCo, and wu Uhon iU In LoulflVillo while thacuDirany waa playing Uiera durloifTkankaglTlng week. Tha foneral will ba under tba aa«plca< of Unalarllle LnJco. R P. 0. R''1 lha raoialoi will balnurradln Blka'Ke>l, bi Cars IlillCaoieury, thatclly. IN THE PARIS THEATRE. The Fatla Theatre Is a pecullsr Inslltnilon. It Is (dond by all tme ParlaUna, bnt even they cannot olalnthatltlsperttot. When they get oatlDio the foyer betirao the acla they stieich their cramped legs wllta a aigh of relief and Uiey dnw long breatha of the comparailvely fresh air; bat whan they go beat to their leau again they do ll irlth an egpnaalon which plainly aaya: "Willi all her faolls weloTsherBlIlL" BsTlBg decided on lha theatre yon winl (o visit, yon e«n next bay yonr ticket—ir yon chooee. A great nsny people cbooee otborwise for retnons of eoonoaiy. A seat rcaerred In advance costs from one togrefnncsmote than yon Till hereto nay If yon bny It lost before golss Into Ibe play. In tbe latter cass, however, yon do not itcelve a check (oraay partlcnisr seat, bnt yonareadraltiedtoibe isctlon of the honae where yoo belonv, and tbe nahar, who baa a Uat of the oaresetred aesla In her •ectloa, ilTcsion whiobeverone Bbe pleaats. TblinaherlsBHrayBawoman; not a young and pretty one, aa the nnltlated would be likely lo e.i:- peet, bnt a middle aged or elderly female. The oaben Rcalve no aatakilep. lo tact, they otteo piv a bonus to the theain for their plates. It d not lake ipuch ctlcnlauon lo flud who auppllea ibl % bonua an4'ibe mlaitsg salary >a acU. It Is tLu thalreiorr. • Bli cnsnce U) oonirtbots to tbia dellcit conMn early and of len. 11 ho has bousbt hie ticket at tho door loslsad of In advance, the looailon of bU seat depend* pretty mnoh on the lemperof the usher. 1( be placstea ner with a klndty gieetlog and a gen- tle Up, the-wotld Is his so far as the usher has 11 In her power to beetow. Bnt the end Is not yek Tbe iiiber takes bis coat and hat aid gires him a check for It. Thia proceeding Is not lupposed to be ob- llgatoiT. but the oonsiruotlon ot the avennsrarla ibeatre rendere It so. The seals are ao nanow and tbo rows ao closo togetlter that there Is barely mom to e<|iie«7e Inio tbem icltbont having a maaa ol heavy wiapa lii tbo way. Consci]uenay the luiher holila ont her hand fnryntircoai and hat, as a nutter ol cnufsB, and Bbe gets them. She gets another Hp. ton, al Uio end of the piny, or lost before the last set, when you eresent your check at tbo mf fnliv or elite Have her ring your things to you In your place. After Bbe has taken your wnta she bringa yon n prognmme, and that means another dive IdIo your pockeL The amonnl of ihe contrlbiiuona la to a certain extant optional, bnt iha programmea are re- tailed at a axed price of from two to lire cetiia each. Change, however, la had only on n<)uesL Finally, If you an socoupanled hy a lady, tbo nshor anpeara with a lllUo wooden alool, upon which Kadamo may place her feet, Uadarno being anpposed to be alwaya abort and atouL This callii for anoiher mark of sppreclatlon. of cotirae, bui this Onlahed, yon may at last selUe yonrtelt to an ebloyment ot the play. It wont do to say aellle yoniwlt comfortably, be. cause Ibe obanceaara that yon won't be able lodo BO, no matter bow turd you may try. Vou are cnmpcdajid crowded. The entire auditorium la abut up Ugbtly by solid walla back of ibc boNcs and gallenes, and during tbo play the doon am Bcrupuloaaly closed. As a eonse<|ueiice tbe air la simost nnendunble. Iitit yog wcuM put up wllb sll tbis II you could only see the tuge. Aluwai eveiy Paiis theatre is constrocted on a plan wblcb seems to have no other excsae for lis exlalooce ex cept that ol anllqully. Tbe Theatre Krancalse and ttio Odton, Ibe two grealesl French tbeairea, an tho must iianuil/.liig from the would be spectstcr's point of view, and Ihey seem lo have tieea tbo model for All tbo roil. The audltonnm Is a boraeaboe In shape, and a iiioio diabolical Invendoa ol an aichlioct never oxisied. Ot conne the seats oi» tho noorof the bODse, the part we would call the orebietr* or paniuet, face Ihe stage, and, althoogb there Is very little dlirer- ence ol elbvatloii, one can have a comEaniiU'ely good viewof the play. In tbe Tlieatre FmncaLv, however, this part of tbe bouse la reaervtd exclu- sively for men unaccompanied by ladles. Ko woman la ever admitted lo tbe ''fautelU d'or- cbeatiB." As for tbe Here ot boxes and the balconiM above them, 11 one Is fortanste enough to hare a pluco directly opposlie the siage, one can ses very well, though the dbiiance IssomeUfflesanoiiJecilao. Iiui aa soon as thsinm Is reached one sbaniiiiely loies sight at the Bisge. Rren In ibe from row ouo can- not see without leaning fonrard. while tbe un happy ocoupanta ot seau In ihe otSer rows or of the back chain In tbe twxea are compelled to aiand In order lo aee Uie auge at all. It Is no wonder that the Patlalsnsare so fondot their promensde between Ihe acts. Tho foyer, which Is on a level wlih the main Her or boxes, le Invaded from all direotlons. Tbe crIUca from Ihe oi«bealnt; the dames from the boxes; Ihe hour- geoUIe, fatand comfortable,front the ilisl balcony; oven to the aoall shopkeeptn and workmen and sindeniB ot Ihe gallery—they all Join the double stream which circles aoonttne long ball, briliiatii wlih gliding and flashing cbindellerB. When one U lu the loyei one cannot nuke up one's mind lo spare It from the euwuihle ol tbe theaire; but when one le liying to answer ihc conundrum ot bow lo get Inio a seat lathe Iwlcooy the glotloe of Ibe foyer fade a good deal. Atier sll, perhaps, ibe brightest souvenir which ono brtogs away (rem Ibe Pans theatre Is the im- gramme. These are literally brilliant, especially those of ihs music bsUs: and, looking at tbelr gay covers, wllb their rollicking sptlter, ono forgeis one's cmmpedknaea and tbe crick In the neck ibat one got In looking over the balcony nlllng, and Is ready to swear that the Patlilana are right In ador lug their theatre 7teM r. Swi. professi om'als' bureau. Wants of Mtnagm and PertoriMn, Opgn OttM, eto.-^ Advertlwnwntgi DRABLATIO. Mrs. Dora Paige announces tbst she Is the sole owner and mausger of tbe Mabel Paige Co. All dales will be lllleil. Hltchell and /abm want repertory people suil mnslclsns. People are wanted (or the Woodward-TTamn Co. an attraction tumlshlng a Bret class entortalnuieni and which can lie booked (or next season. Nell Uiolineld can bo eniageil. Tbe New Onnd Opera llouse, Oquawka., III., u theatre which Is thoroogbly equipped with the latest Imprevements and appliances tor the com- fort of patrons and pertormera, offon good open ume to good attractions. K. A. Iludsou will con- sider appllcallons for dates. Ths Bl]on Tbeoire, Lowell, Usaa, can be leased "A trip to Ihe Circus," Including many auncilve features, can be booked. Col 0. II. llamlitoo Is Ihe proprietor ot the company and wanta mualclsns and cinns aota. Delmora and Wilson want lo book llrat class at- Incilons at tho Empire Theatre, llolyoke, Mass. Drsmsilc people sre wanied by Flora Sianlford W. IT. Cnig, Bauyuntbeis. WMlace Hopper, llep- ertoln Manager, Ftoat and Fanshaw Co., Fred Bobbins, I'rot.T.BUrk, Coraon Clarke, F. 1. Ualiey, KlUlo Arynun, Ikngaay oo. At Ubeny: M. J. Iteynolda, Itobtrt Founlain Norma Yeager, Will Fry, John V. Mellon, Oliarles Tremalne, Marie Tremalse, cam. Bailey. Flora Sblelds, A. Idwrence, Josepli Flitpalrlck, I'aiil A. Uamll. ^ Frank M. Kelly Is In his third season with "The FMend" Uo. "The Kew Woman" and "Sudden Rlcliea" are two original comedlea oifiiied for asle by David Lotrry. ■vaicAi.. "Just Tall Them That Ton Saw Me," Paul Dres- ser's hilest aucccBiIul song, la being sting by many prominent protesslonsla. Uowley, HavUanil A Co. will aend the Boog, with orebeaim parts, on re- ceipt of poalage, to alngen, endoalng card or pro- gratnme. "bbe Might Flirt With Others," by Dave Marion, Is a new and aucceiafal song, Bupplled free by Iho I'elrie Music Co. Arthur Ison wishes lolormstlon regarding M- mund uuin Isoo.or Harrlsoo, formerly leader of orcheain al Wallack's Theain, New Vork. Fred White, nnilcal dliecilor, can be engaged, De slao ogore an openUe ipeclacaUr exinvsganza for nie. Pobllsben will pay cash (or HUB. music. "Nobody Wanta to llay Wuh Me" will lie pub- lished Jan. It, by tba Thoi. M. Uowen MiitIc Ou. "Mc(MITetty'sFeel,"anewiong, can be ordered from Oeo. Wllllg A Co. ".Non,liear,"lslsatictf byllaitbolomasuaBreihen. ■Ihe Dooirlne of Monroe" ciin be secnred Irnro Waller Uauphin, Joe Fiviin's new songs are aapplled bylheMelrn- polllan Moalc t^i. "Dainty, Balnily Erica" la a new tore aoog, pub llshtd by Uasler's Music llouse. The Eagllsh Sogg PubllshUig Oo. can anpply a number oinew aoogs. W. E. Mloahall, song irltrr, of Oblesgo, oirere three dew wallz eouga, "Uj Ut'Ie Mwcetbeait, Jennie Lee," "Aren't You Oolng lo Klssnnimc?" and "Some Ssy Klaalng's Naoility," lo professionals. " ■Twill Be AU night To-motrow» U tbe ilile of James MoKeman's latest song, and not "I will De All Right To-morrow," u printed In last week's Is- sue. Mr.Kerasnhasalsowrluen"YouDon<tKnow Uow Much I Lore Yea." Ttaeae son|s are loued by tbe Uolled Publishing Co. st uo cenis each- wlih orcheetn partem ten cenia extra. Muslclsns an wanted by U. A. Cunls, WIU J, Bankr, E. E. Niekenon, Uaya Bralben, llairy I' nuliasr, Prof. J. W. (leotiy, Uatrr Qoodman, lletu * llalbekano, T. L. M., I'ocle Joeb Spraoeby Co. At liberty tO. A. Blod|eK,P. II., James and A W. Onle, Oeo. II. OnllDiger, Peter Jenklna, i. I, Powtr, Annlla Aitntz. Tbe Falrehlld Muslo Oo. have laaned drs new songs at Ian cents each. u. P. Mnnre's lAdlee' Bandtran be booked. Frank Usidlng baa lansd a namberoC new songs at len cenli. Kila Donbar Is meeting wllb unpreceOented aso- cess In I'eny Unntis song and dance, enlllled 'Sirollini On Ihe Sands," pobllssed bj llamUlon B. Inrliin. at ten eenta 10 profesvlonalB. - Tiir uiiio niri Next Door," a new song, Is pub- ll-bi-d ■-■ tihas. W. Ilefc), Ulber popular publlca- all Aim Issnod hy Mr. Held, Loula A. llanvey vnnia a Drat tenor for Ibe plre tliy Qiianeu "As Ibe ivalir. NTent On" can be ordered from W. 0. Parker. "Ob Horn, AlB't It Ooldi" Is pnbllabeil by D. Mone. "My Panllns" hi adverUsed by Ibe A. A. Huigien Pohllshbig Co. VARIETY A3ID HINaTIUDLI. Wober'H Olympbk, a canfollyielecicd oompaoyof proiiilneni vaudeville and btiricsque pertoimen. win ehorily lake ibe mail. l«iia Meredllh will head iboorgoniMilon, while Ibrrr LeClsIr will di- rect Ibe burlesquo. to Clair and Lealle, In tbelr laugltaHa burlcaquoa: Mile. Httlla, the elecutc ilaut-er: Harry llasilnga, the well known Auslrallan actor aud vocalist; Tliotuas and ijniun, eumedlsns, and Mabel HuawII,nlU liiirailuco ilieir ipeclalilea. "Tne .S'sughiy liaobcBS" and "Yenua Jr." will be produced In lavlita style. Ilaivy llaatlngswUI be adlng manager forPioprlelor I.. I.^wreoce Weber. Applicailoiia for open iliiie will be cnnaldered by Mr. Weber. Tito Vauderlllua will be another com- pany which he will place Inclrcuiatlon nut aeasoiL vtill u. Fox ("IlidewhUkle"), who originated the comedy plann musli«l act, witn which no hsa been pbtjlogaaicsand wltb coobtnailonaataonieofthe oest vaudeville houias lu Amerioa, Is In Ihe market. Uc will close wlih Weber .V Fields' VsudevDIe Utnb Ol., Jau. X and can nil dalm theiealier. Mr. Fox has aludded bli act wltb nuiiy lirlRht mualoal and comedy s;lecllons, Bonio or which he cislms have slruck tbo fancy of a (ew musical teama, wbo dud tliem useful adjuncts lo tbelr lunis. The Bos ton lloiranl Ailttuniiui Co., Ilii|>klna< TranaOoean- Us, and Weber i VkW Cn. are organlulluna wlUi wliK'h Ur. Fox lias been engaged thus far, al blghly gratiryliig .-otlailcs. He cau tje signed for next seaaou. Miicliell ami Jess hare been engaged for the Al. Iteevcs Ulg ^how. Moreland, Thompson and httah, la their new spe- chtliy, aonounco aucccssfui eiiiagenneols on toe Kelio cirouli. Tliey can be engaged afier Fob I. Vaudeville comMnailous ard wanted by Uany Havlr, 10 play Ihe Avenue Tncaire, Pillsburg, ou a cerlalDiy. Denny and Cameron's musical set Is nported lo bo a III! wllb tbo Wauon BIstcra' Oo. Man Kiiscll, comeUbin, cau be engaged. Thorec and Carkiion, nhoee new au la a dMInct lsu|blngHUccees,wIUJulnllydes Comedians, Jan. 13. Ibixo and Reno, cumedy acrobala, late ol tbe "Uecry Wurid" Co., can be engaged. O'Uilen and II avel announce a Hnccessfnl opening at Hyde A Dennian's Theatre, llnollin, this week. Tuesplan wauls lo lieurfroiiiasouwetteaspart' uer. Colored dancer), muslclsns, etc., ale wanted by Ell- F. Uavls, The roalcr ol Uairy Morris' Kntoitslnen, which luclttdes many popular and sm-ceasfal inres, Is pob- llibed In their card. lilrd Laredo wabCs a forwHitl bonder. Sjieclalty tit;i..i are wanted by 11. D. Patce, R. Kiicrulg, 11,'. KJn. Itubens, Elociria Enlertsloers, Jack Ooss, lir. H'm. Uyder. Duncan dark, 0. S. Max- well, lIorMii Mild Iteynanl, Dr. C. U. Spaniiler. At Uiierl): (>corge Aikliuioo,Tutl and Woodard, l-carl Emiiieit, Sbeiiles aisiuia, Marry James, BUly lie Foresl. J. C. IV. wants lo know tbe address ol Uoorge iVtu'Ood. AKhiiolii's Japsnre recommended byMsosgerJ II. IVbulien. Jerome itnd Alexis, lite frog end II/. jrd, will make Ibolr act mure aitiacilvo by Ibo addition ol nsw scenic paraplicroalla. Tney can bu engaged. I'rof. Jos. ll'jacii'iidani:lnK academy oiiem faclll- lies for lite rapid aciiulrumeut ot lerpelcboiean prollclent-y- J. U Jnti>on'ri KucyclopcdlA of Comedy can be relied on lu futuUii niauy viiltiable addllloos lo an act, or even an oiillrely now acl can be conslmcled fruuiEOIeciloiiaor liauonientd. Hbcrman and klunlssey are under contract wllb F. y. rrocinr lo produce tbelr act, "Scenea from a Jay Circus,'' ul Ins bouse In New Yolk eieloslvely during Ibe eiiaulog year. They can produce It at ulber clues during a fowopea weeks. NextBeaoon they ivlll bo seen io"Uld Dan Tucker." Tito Klicous, In their musical acl, can bo en- gsged. but. Stone has illssulvad partoerahip wllb Uenrl llolislr, anil can Oil dates In New York, Gracry and Dumect can book tbelr strong comedy acl fur ino week of Jan. to. Tbey are al tbe Avenue Theatre, I'lllsbuig, this week. Hievo Tonry, iriok bicyclist and Juggler, Is at Ubeny. Tne week of February io la open st the Bocklng- hauTbeam, l/iulsvilie, Ry. La Hoy Millard, eccentrlo musical monolognlst, hss closed wllb Ul Henry's Mlnatnls snd Is at liberty. Tbo Myore, Will and Irene, can be sngsged after Jan- n, when they will close a successful luur of Ills Davia cireult. Boyil'd MInitrela wants performeraand mualclsns. Frank Wagner wants to bear from Mr. and Mta. Wash Damiw. Claybin and Onnt, musical comedians, an Intro- ducing many novel Instruments in i beir acU Tbey an at the Uoward Aihenifum, Uoslon, this week. Jnsepit Oppenbelner wishes lo dll tha woeke ot Msrcb 2, lOHUd 23 for "/.ero," his popularattrse- thn, which Is playing lo crowded bouses st each BtSLll. Juiin A. Morton, of Morton snd Eckhoif, wants a psrmcr for bis musical act. C. B. Blilelds amogcs nnalc, etc Fields nud Wolley aro at llyda and Bsbman'a Theatre this week. The New Blar Theatre, llobokeu, Is now under Ibe nanaBcntont of F. Rilwardl>aly, wbo will nnewall niandlng contracia upon appflcailon. A house sbow will nppesr week of Jan. 13. Kenno aud Welch, liurieaqiie trapezhils, have (Igued wlih Iho Uoslon Uoward Atbenu'om (lo. for the remainder of the s^asoit, commencing Jan. 13. Tbe Ucnl '/otig XougAnabireuiio rau bo engaged, A. D. Ilobnauwants Ice staling rtnk allncilona. Wanied: iMIurens by While Frost Co.; vnx Dg- ^im, br W. P. Wsllaoe; slsaa oalloeo. by 0. Ford; toot jngglhic outflt, by Osirter; BRtnt, by 0. (in- dole. rerSale: KBlre^ byO. Asbsy; tsnl, etc., by 0.U Bohaenr; sbow onilt, by Wnu Thompwu; sword walking outau, hi Wm. Kelson; maalo, by w. II. J. Bhaw; pboaognpba, by Ameiicsn T. H. D. Uarvy ailBMte irlahea lo let an I'ncle Tom ouiQi, or win take s panaer. M»»a YULETIPE OFFERINGS. CIRCUS. Damum and Utlley, lu active prspartloo tor Ibelr next seasons tenting csmpslRn, wlab lo receive the appllcallons of lint rioaa depariment men, who are rvqucsteil lo nddreas the surwlntendenis, as Inillca- leu. A complement of almllsr help U also wanteil for litiifalo lllll'a Wild Weal Biiow. Waller L. Main wania perfoimen and working men for his next season's tour, lie offSn privli. eges fur rent and wUhes lo aell some show property. ^Carl Clair wants liufllen and musicians fur Ibo luronni and Dslley Bbowa. Hinds i Aiiley's CIrcnn Is In search of per- fonnen and people In all depanoenla. J. D.Mc- Uahon and 11. Oualello will consider appllcsllona u Indicated. J. II. 1/1 Peari wants people In all lines. He also oifers tonu, etc., fur sale. J. V. Uirecy can be engaged with hiB tiick donkey. (leo. W. Coo oifen clreiia properly for sale or lease. Billpoitiere are wanted for Ibe Hoilbner A Bmllh Circus by Oeii. W. Unllsgber. Jess Drown wanta circus people. ■ibcbllahkoim, Atiracllona can aecnre ilmo at tbe Bijon Thoairs, ningbatnlou. N. V.; Ilavla* Tbeatn, Hcranlon. Pa. ClarK Opera lloiiic, Norwich, N. Y.: Pavilion, Feiu Ind,: Kaai Hrady Open llonae, East Brady, Pa.. 0|Kra Iluiiae, lYInicloD, Ind.; Fnnkton npem llmtie, Fraiikion, Ind.; i.ewsM Optra llouse. Port Henry, N. Y.; Usnimm IUll,Mariboro, .N. Y.; Mc DnnouBh Tiieaire, Mlddlelown, Cl- The liert l.llho Co. can aupplr alasdt snd dales. The NewCrawforrtTheslre.BL Joseph, Mo;, U of- fered for uie br Httlvaoe Ji Bells. K. Iluwardadvertlaesaei'rcls. Uhas. L. Ilurllogsinc A Uo. can supply magic, 11- luBlons and niod reading acts. Slacker oiTeis lo teach wire wslklng. John U. Wllaon has a Pallnun car, wlleb can lie rented. At Ulieny: I'ettrU.Bejilon.agenI; \r, It. Davl son,agent cosries Woll fsrelibes sliow palsilngt. The Monrow Dog and Uone Show can be Iwoked, The Lawrence Novelty sud Bopp7 Oo. can tur- nlab plays, clogs, apsnglea, boxing gloves, blank C4inlrecis. etc. Ilessore nescb, at Brtdgepon, CL, ogen a fertile Beld to specLiiaUHS who wlab to Invest lo the an menus rnvlleges ootred br McHahoo * WrrOc Moral atlrsclliins, such aa Iranda, spectacalar dls- plsys and other cti'-door realniea an wanted and are guaranteed good bnalnesi Tbe faculties for irensporuilon are said to be grst class. Prof. Ainuld can furnish s new freak, cic. Tncker Unthen Oo. can agpply abow pslntlnft. Our Lut Initsllnwnt of Profeuionalt' Chrlitimt Pretenti. The WaahboTB Bislen' I«bI Sensation celebrale<l Christmas Hay sDer ibe nrat approved fashion, presenis being e-xbhanged by all menilicRi of the company. Blanjh Waakbum sends iis the (ollnwing report of tbe gifts: Units Ruble, Iho msnagcr, was Ihe rtclpleDtofagoldlundlAl nobiella from llio SIsten, and a handsome ItoBslan Icallier collar utid oniTbox from 0'Urttn,JenBliiga and ti'Drlen. Mr. Ilnnt, gold bandied nmbrells from tbe Slaicra, and slot ot bsndktrphlela, Ilea, collar and ouil box tiom iiiombenotoempiny, U'llrlen, Jennings ami O'Utlen, aolld gold pea and pencil, allver tonib bniab,Bllvtr bntton book and silver match case, (rem Ibe Ulaten Wastibum, and MilleAnttlo U'BiHn, a handsome |old mtcb and chain, from her (atner and mother; Emory and Marki, gold mtch chain and ebarm and gold necklace, trntit the Blatsn, and silver neap box, bandkcrehlefs, Grfnme, from Mn. U'Bilen. Mrs. Harlo pmenled r busoikDd, Mr. Emery. Dllb a geldwalrh; Hra. O'Brien to her huibaua. gold bandied umbirlla. silver "trouble dask;" IJltJs Annie, a silver hat brush and btoomiMtss Deshon.apalruf <llaiuiindeanltii:ii and goldTillhy heart snochsln livinthoHlilriB,Hnd banJkerohler, tllver bntton book, loilcl eel, and a silver Bouvonlr from each niember of the cottiiwni. Front the Slaters lo Mlas Heck, silver button nook; .::^V,Nonb, gold thimble; Miss Eoglo, sllror nail meandtollstset; Miss Fobwn, silver touili lirusb: HIaa lluward, iHiokcl bonk; MIbs Walker, giild UtUabletMlanSload, pocket lawk; Kibel Nay,BlTvor Bosp box; Hiss Ackennan, loom bitiali; Find Tur- ner, mauerof properties, a dumoitd piu, lies and handkerebleh; Mr. IaiiIc, silver maicli safe; Mr. and Mrs. Jsmsoo, nllver mstcli box attit gold neoklace; from Miss ouvia, silver powder aad pnir box and Iwnqwt hoMer; llslna and Pellenglll, sliver maiob btix eaeu; Whiiclnw and Peny, tllver knife and dust brooui, haotUer- ohlet and ties, and silver toilet aei; llyan aud Mason, allvar matob box, handkercblof and lloa. Hra. and Mr. O'Urlen were presenied each wlih a handsome leather invellng bag from Frank rarr, otthe Unliine Theatre, Dnoklyn, N. Y,; IJIUu Au nIe, a large doll and tllver Jewel case; Lillian Washburn, gohl pen, illver lewd csao, pocket Iniuk snd a sun of money, trou her iiiuinor. aud oia noml buitemy from lilancbe. Ilbinohe tvoslibum, BllTer perfume case, silk akiit. sllror manliurosei. from iJllIan, snd diamond snd turquoiso hug, gold psn, glaaaea snd solid i liver curling slovu and It on, from her husband, Jack Crawford, of iho llosu Mill tx>. lie lo return, an atllgaior imveilng saicliel, wllb contplele alivor toilet anil nliavlug nut fnitti lila wife. New Vean wasnitlorgoiuti. aa lltere weio many bandsuttte pttsonis exonangi^d Hay A. Bell, wllb Harts iiri>.'si.o., wsh |iresoiiIed at ,\'ow Year'a wltb a dlauiuuu rin> aud a gold wati lt anil CDSIn and necklace Hym Ciliius received a diamond ilog, silver lollei set. ntakettp box, tttlrror, silver plolun Inmt, watett cbalti. iieifiiinr, Ism abawl, lace skin, glures illppcrsiuid bt^nilktrclilefs. .."Ths I'rogrvsslve VVoinatr' Company excliattgeil tbe folkiwiitg presenta: Ibairlue Ihurne recelvcil from ittecompauy agold watch; fitiuihor huaband, Louis Fierce, a gold chain, allk underwear aud u box ot bandkeronltfi; from Mian Norcoit.aillaiituiiii nog, a sum of money and a aatln dreas, and f niiii Memo Bpeocsr a slumber robe. Han.iger l.utila Fierce received a gold beaded cane fruut iho com- pany; from Mies Nurcoll, a gold watch and chain; from Hisa Tboms, a pair uf guhl eye ghttuieH, allk handkereblif'ana an liililal ring set In siuail tim- uonds. HbsSorcotrecelvedfromHIsaTountoand Mr. Fierce a alik waist, a gold pen and an upal niig and a boule ot peifumo, ana rnni Mr. aud Mn BImmona, kid gluvea and bandtirchtefa. Noltio Bpenaer receive fruo oer bitsiuaud, Bert Blmniiinn, a traveling dreis, gkives snd a guhl beaded panuail; tram MIsa Norcot, a Blorllng sliver sUmp box aitti a drcsi, and from Ulat Thorne a silver cup, a liicak. last Jseket and a velvet dress. Mr, HItumuns rs celved from bit wife a Booking lackei, allppers, handkerobleta and a iwx of cfgure; fnuu Mr. Fierce, Mbu Thome and Mhia Nurcui, a ahaving aet and a ttirllng allver lisper culler, and lonumeimble aiiiall arllclBS were given to lite whole oountny Usvs l.ewlaL uf Flelda and Lewis, pteaenbd his panocr, Al. II. Fields, wlih a gold ohatm studded with diamonds, and Mr. Fields Save Mr. Lewis a deed for a bji In the vicinity of ew Iloebelle, N. Y The Unyson Bisten weru presented wlih a palrof diamond earrings escb, and many oiber pneenls Harry lAopuliI received a diamond uud, also s gold titig set wlili dlamondi,, tisy Bryant ncelved a writing dost, cameo ring, gold iratoh snd chain and torqitiilite diamond samngs Jas. A. Ilsllly received from Ibe memben of tbe compaoy supporilng blm lu "A Oermsn Soldier," a dtsmond ring, tbe prcsenls- Uon bemg luade during the laat act of Ihe pbay, at WUkesbam, Pa Raibiroe M. Evaus received analrof gold mouoied eyeglsisea Irotn iiiciobem of tne Eeloh sod BoovUle Comedy <;o uur correspondenl at I/xilsvUle, Ky., sends tho followlBg nport: Ool, Sayage, treaaurer of the UuctlngnBD, was well reoiemiMred by bis Irletida, receiving a tmotlog Jacket, dressing case, sllppen and clgavL A. IC I'slton, bualnvsa manager of Grand upon llouse, received a bandoomo gold waich, Bilk suapenden, Bilk haadkerchlefs, silk iiat, ahlrtfl, tlel, cigars, illver match box, rtrsasliig cawi, and several oilier bsndsonie glDs. Dan l.ungacra, dooiteepsrof the llrsnd opera House, received a handsome nmbrella. Will Hull, manager uf thu Avenue, wu preaenied Willi a pair uf eittbmldcreil aUk snspendera by tbe atlachen of the Ituuie. Tbe aluobu of the People's Tbuslro sttrprlseil the mansgereaa by presenting her wilii solid gold nwded umbrella, a dieaalog rase, tnanlcure set snd eevemlplocvHOf brlc-a-bnc. .- Harry Morris* ^^tertatnora oxclisngcil tItiiHO flifbi: The Dawsons, silk hat and diamond csnTnga Martin OWsll, sUKsiispaadere snd smoking Jacket; Uun Bonora, luanlcnn aet; Fred Liicler, snavlng onut; Uairy urevs, dlsnund iiicket; lUrry Tituiiip- Bon, overceal; James txilllns, sllppen; Jsntcs Hntiin, diamond pin; Jauies Cent, diauiund nieovo iittiiuus; Julia Wood, gold neck cnain; Fnncis Wuoil,illa. mond ring; John Ituwe, gloves and shirts; Hons. Travelbt, gold headed cane; Hllo. Travelu, seal cape; I'eier Cavansogb,aU)rm overciisi, and Han- sgsr Janes F, Wood, a gold waicli from tlto com- psny Jesnnellellupree pttaenled horhttslianil, W. D. Wsisoo, vrilb a diaunnd stud, gohl cult buttons, a meenchanm pipe stid numerous otber articles Hsi UUelLof "McCailby'sMlibsus," received from Hinnle Hhw a gold locket and chain, allk boM, Bilk waist and ikirt, stiver trimmed cNisk, stiver pla my. Jewel box, make up box, and from Msrguartis Ferguson, handkerchief, Japan iny, glovu and many other preusta .Tlie laiwH tlonedy Do., sptbt Ubrinmaa at Ueiblelteni, : Manager Leirls gave each meulier of Ibe company varloua iireoenla, and In return nH:elved a H'lld headed cane and nmbrells; Maude Klllolt received a toilet Ml, two dismond rings, sllppen and dress- ing gown; OUyton l,eggerei;Blreda diamond slud; JeoeiBun Oarielon was remembered with neckiKs, handkerchiefs and sUnpria; Frank lloneion re- ceived a new drtaa suit and cane; K. Ilenneway received a tmnk: 0. Allen, a uew Hicwan lianjii; Amele l/isee received dresilna gown, billet set sitd gold watch, and Hibb (Irtswold recelvi^d bsndker- chief case snd lollet ul The band and orchcain pnsantedU. A. Ktiabroek, the leader, wlih s noe sealskin coat and cap, ana J. 1. Uummlngs wllb a new ooreel. AD ibe orcbeotrs anil liand received, la retoiD,biairuinentcatu,handkercblefsabd liillci sets Ubsa.HelU,o(Vhaa. snd Tilllo Hells, sends the (ouowing: "My wUe recelveil (rum me a gold ring, witlia mby seulng, alao a plo<ta album, and I, In ntttm, received from her a corabliutlun gold pen and pencil, and gold walcb charm. Baby Inns BeUa received a irftycl and a aok) allver cup. THE EFFEC T STILL APPARENT. In Mil as nnuberif yean ago llvedacuuple IhewUtagpod woman, bnt not very lirtlllani In Iniellecu The bnsbaod bad tnen very Intemperate, but had rtfoioed, altbobgh at llmea bis appearance BOgieated loat tbe refonuatlon was not a complete one. One day the worthy woman called upon a neigh bcr, and dtiilafflbe convstaallon anilonslyastid ber U sbeconld tsll how long Ibe odor of Uouor re- nal it d after s man left oil ditnking, for her tans- b nd Bigied Ihe pledge two yesre oefure and bla bitalb Biill aaeUtd ot lliinor^£(«. THE INQUISITIVE CLERK. The InqnIslUre oMrk Is ovenwbere, tad *tbit- body has bad an eiperience irtiUi bin. CM o( the genua was "oallad down" In a remarkably (noar manner In a Wut End dnig slorelbls week. A tall, solemnlookUigmancainoln and asked lor s half doten six ounce botiiea. "Holllea I" asked the clerk. "Yes, liotilea," nsiMtded lbs man. "With or wiihoni corkal" asked he, "With corks," waa tho response. "Want'eiu empty!" "Ccrialnlj." "And new!" "Do you suppose I ivsnl bullies you've been keep- ing sirychnlne In!" The clerk said such nu Idea hart never entend bis nilnil, and then sskod: "What do you want ihem for!" "Tn brcsk," rx'apomleil Ihe Ininatlont customer, pnitnnUy. "WliatI" Tho cuBlomcr lirrkiinert lo him lo lean over the couiiier.and cnnght hnlil of the lapel ol Ihe clerk's coat anil whlsfiered: "I wouldn't want tbe itelghbor'a to get onto It, but I niherlike tohear 'citicnek. Juatswblfflot mine. It's letter than ureahlnfi wlmlowa, and gtvea me much pleasure, lull my supply hss given onl anil I waul a tow In hnlil ine over until Ihe next cartoad arrives." The clerk looked at ilio cuslouer dotiblfully, "Oh, well, of coune, It's nothing to mo," be aald. Then wbnl made you ask about III" demanded the cuslomer. The clerk made no nply, Imt gni tho bottles. Aa ho waa making ihe citange, nnwcver, Ihe spirit itiiived liloi lu sak: "What do yon do wllb Iho curk»?" 'Chew 'cm," wta tho reiily. "It's good lor di- gestion. Ttyltsomo ilnip.'' lliuti Ibe citstnnior walked ftiil and Iheclerk shook his bead ami upprd hlafiirahrsd, liuthe asked ni> itiiiro iiucHilutis.—.sr. Utulj* l\iM,uhitih'h, rst.r*< TiiKV Am: Ijiatiiiii.—Usiiy a nun who IhlnkM tti'':i a wrcHiIrr rsiit't oven throw dico.— l"/i/,'iiiWji«ir IMwI. LAOV PIANU i'L.A VKil, TIIOHUliailLiV c.Di|.alaut. a|. to vatlaty anil roncati, dailraa auady an* caiatnaol In pla)- alth sooil vliilln iifa>-ar or orohaatnl cttyurnlaaatiara; nu travatloit. Addm« aXHira AUksr/,. t ntun Siaara lliilat. W. Y.Oily. CASIKIItl^ ULKMICNla, IN Ttln LKsdInU rnla fltlacb Klas"), aato Biii|-la pnint Ibal lie ladaaarTlng tiili«cl.>A*d aa,:iia lit ilti. niiMt rninilalna yiiiinsaetiita • '-■-•■■HlKll TKI.KiIHAI'II. Addraaa I'. II IIIIX I.7III. Naw York llTly. „c:LAIHUNic'Tia'T.liiKaibr^'kAUH' kxM'i. KHUK. Hitlol*l. dr.lnr tn hioau Willi soihI baa.1 aad tircliaalT*. aliaio can gal apoallino at anaiarlagor light loot niaklns. Can tbrnlali fiaal n{ retoraneea. Imih ablllly ami workioanahlp. Atl dr—aK il. . rar a of H I. Il'PHR. MAWXtlKHN NuilTllTcii>l <:TiItHri1<tllAT tit luake iniiliffy lo ■oinatlilnit new. u|i to date nod baviind; aa u|<«r«lla, nna art. l;ao drill no ; havoor. rhealrol oarta lln <akry paicfolaiia. HMK TAYLOK, Kwini SIT. Ilia tIraiMl. AlUnta. III. fOH nVi.K inr't'iiAlVic.—wiiri.TiiAlilt FSli TuiiiK Dtsiii, iiisiii ri.vK HLat'K AHr; siiod aanaw. ALWI I WANrTIl HI'V TIVOIIH MIttIK IMIIIK OlMia Miiattia S'lal anil>. NMUKIt'ri blHI iJltllUB. _ HI Kiiiiit Biiaal. ll-anil lla plila. MIcb. wA'xi'rKii. uiMiti Alii. 'ii<M7i«ii'c'oMUbU AN AND KKUniHHKBH. lliiiM thai I'Uy plann or organ, lur weak iianila. Huu W aiitwr and Nolaraa a,l>anra.l. AiNlraaa DAMAIIKII KI.KiTlllj KNTgR- TAINKIllt.:iTan'h«iran.W|i««ltn«.w Va. AT "i.ilikin-v-.ii. kliU> TIIINAI. ANII IIBAVV lll.t) tIKS Aitdiaa. * """^ _ _ i.iiiiiiiMatiH Mr. I'mahurg. Pa. A-i< l.lilkit'l'V.'Vjnn'l''«:i,ANH qtJSB THtlgBll.\K,ll.,ul,le hlraitirlli nilit Vliillii. AilUroM _ BAl.l'll K KK SN V.HIblay, Iowa . "hh K't'Cnks, KiiNim, n>BKinKj', nnHLilwiufiiil Ktc, wriitpn In iiplrr; lia.i workiitily. Hand atsinp- JlM. KKIUIIIAW. la Katraimi nl AM , Klilladalphl a. ~kroR'iiAT.<if.-<(i«'te iilt'ifuitKU Mn.lAWl, A mil. tl..iiiii| T»|< Talir. Willi Iwu ajlt. Middle Placaa rii«dy tu >«l uii. In gnMl ciindlltiin- Una But Hound Top. SD- TaniiurallklmUtiiraab- IIIIAH.LHIIIIAEPPP.ft, taut Manufanitr^r. 310 W . KlawHl. I.ancgatar. Pa. ]^ Al' T.'iiikit'l'i AKiKii aViiii, "lw: V.TTtiiLlS, Hll'la Triimli'ino aii.l H nal ToaorHaiiiphoiia Tul>a, Doable lla>a and K llal HuaHaac.|<liiiBW. Kavnral rrara diowoi. iwrlrore. Knr t>arlintitara, aildraas iIKO- U. UUfl.- INilf.n. Navaila.^11. _Hn>iii..Na_S "IIKIIK lit WIIaT' ■I'lIK* ALIi MAVl AKIMOroH HUYAt. TIIUUl'R UK JAKANMK^Iaa ju.l dund a uicraiBliil maagaiiiatil of two waata with lue. aoil gave axcallani aatlilar.ilon hnUi lu my audi. pni!a and ni|aair. twill alwaya lia glad 10 have than fa. turn tn wr houaa.aa tliay arn|iarrfimiaraand gMllanao, butli un aod off Ibo atlKa. Yauis napaetrully 1. II. WIIALLRN. H. Allktlffl. Kei:ei llouaa, rraaklln and WaaEbglon Ria.^<lhlraua. ltL_ _ _ HUNu>''<:iimiHmiiiT>, 'nss. viiuiikOV'ID and H»Tl««d: Maalo nut In Wanla. or Aceump. maaa lor KahKlr: Band. Ortlinilranr BaadiiUn Mualo t UllAB L. LKWIS. aa Klclinond BIraat. nraelonaj, O. T/CMATRIIIIH.— tliiw u sun In KhowHualoaaa wkat am, ami lluw in Loam Tlialii, Fulbia oa Rolarr - Appaoianca, Mat orHanaaara Llkslr U llaail >our Benlcaa^lSAfiy,!^! I.allar tJiManagara,a^ Two,lar|la - JOJ.! Snahea, gl U aadi J 11. HW HKT. AlUlllto OIH, g. J. . ilcaa,llAfiyori.allartiiManagar>,ato. Two largi . lAlfip.. by QaU fiualiiald.lS oaata. Orlnla Fob. tiii, n. H. r- kliCia ur Haul, Mociiaolcal Waa KlHuraa, lllualppa, lllioal Hbow, HaaSariMOL I'alal losa.HtuirMl Aalbiala. Kl faa ilh Ibe Kiowa Hare opaneil ltllKrfcA.^aiii In nil wav Enunaolail w lodlaii Madlclnairii ,iif IVIIIIaniBiiiit, Ka. iiiv iMaitiiuartpn al Slsainlniig, l.'alt. I!'>., N. V. noLLIKil TllumiKK. iirlgloal Kiowa lodlan Hedlelne I'll. Aihlra*! all Iwltw ra aa iltata. "likt*, FI.AV', ''jlAKH-l.tcTV' II^IH isUl. Copy of abura (4 arla,a paiiplt} l^uniMiy llniiia. "iin|y" tl. Klaia Hkaldiaa. UunubiKUOA. Aftarplaraa, Karc*a,BoiiBa. I'ariKllai, alo., wrltiou lu urdwr, or ravlfad. Baud atooip. IIAKHYIIRNIiKHWIN- I KU l>naraaaBI-. (.nuliTlllarll^. -'ordrobo* Quick iUiily. Twalio laara' aaiiwrianra. Ilau Inio on I't ar (alas'am. AddrMB TIIOMAH' IIOTKL. Oaa- _>'n«raaaSt .. i<iuliTlMa ^' Ao*;j;'ffKirs^'A>,'/A^ffi^ "ulci - ■ - • • .... IH*«l|i- ^ tnl Art.. nMr I'non. K»m| Knd. P Hiri iurg, nilAHIiV.tAM1kr<'|iii)iHt «nTbt(ir(ojr/:nin«l[to. Hlllv l>o KurMt, I'luio, lluilc«l soil Irlui f^inittlUu, viJiiM llkolfi liMr from A nrat clau turtatr or ttmiI. eo. Huutli. AtMrr«* .l.\UVA ANU MH KUHIHT. _. - . M*!. tin,, W>rorTlll». Do nn. AT iiiukli'l'V. I'AriahMfiiipir Hlitff, pikrlinia. KMifirlonrfd, unip«r«tt, aofsj wirdrxii*, trnftll M)«rv. Wrlucrwlroi. A. lsAWI(KKnK3ll K. PtUrriithNt. N. V. ' AM'Al'kUllW WAfc*|-fci>,T7iT<Kow tTia^^ fmn Ion III Acr, furclrcuR urUiHifn. «i nnc«, «IUi my ■|)|iiiralu«. A ciiiipleiA rlnlflff. lilph mIiI* >hM4 mill fdll lntlrurl|^tl^ Tur Imt ilnlliirB, Kl«taa|/#or ibM, A. T_*ttLJM I S, Kfmoot O. "~A if ATlllKli*'<r tri<iiiiiv*^in niV'biiklutu. TluoiaUiIni; nnv.luM rriiiii Ibn Patani fffflc*. PArlotrtrtnlvd «llhliiiC ■■u iliaa tUU; tiM ■ trpiii>«<irirloa htriwitraanit llntuU fiiroodiin tlofln. mho ■aiit In Mil iiivllclitii. WlllfUrnlpJi AllmlfKl". A ilOfwia [IH. HHP WO l.r. rmllMl fofil. Wft. tVAlf'akil, Al fiANii n.Ai^KK. isMir or unt, (ItiiiiiiruilrtKiileto di'itnlihla. Lvlyftbomuitwork Iri mtU. <ko OM n \ara«lltii ikateii inm If ona |>hTji piano. Kuialo««ai««|iiry In flnt Ullar. llllUBKKT A KBV.VAHU-mufciir M #>1. Tn.. MlUn. M ii. iVAHTKU. AhVaHT H»Y, fPim Kta U rMnuf Ona UiRi ran innitila. K rumI Iiam* (or a cmi4 Imiv, AO- ilrcH hmi'. T. HTIKK, Ktirk'i OrniDnl iiit. Hut IhM. WARTKO. HratnluaNLowior RaUruiaimou, ■! •Hsrlitnrn lltll," at Harltitpro, I'taUr lU} , K. V., no Wmi KIhtb K. II.. Ulwoan NaWmrK ami KlniitbHi. Aj lit* nianaifar U a (.tirliilM, Imniorallilaa mw tw aielfldid. nugm 3S«n; mtaiifif. t<laiM. (:a|<aollr. GUI. Not* Uili unlr iDHrlliii. All lUlva ann ati-apt from Jan. 0 lo 13 aoir Jao. II. lA an>l3l. and KaU. A ami A Waiilad, •pMlallr, ariralClaaiWiiiaDtal w«»li. niUIIAHl) II. rATOIIU, »IANA<iKIIH.K4lTM;K,—TliaMuIiONOrflll TIlEa ATIlK,ai H hi'I will Mil, L'tfitn,. lita liaan raililad aa « mn* tar priN hount; pieoi/ (irMt«iMrr,lnaKMl)taleMOltI«i: la caDirailjr locat«<l.(>i>i<oalu f^rainiltw; ala^trlettraiWM Uia Ubttirn: wailnff rapacHr, >U): ium|illtt brufft to PvrUaiKl, inaklnv a i<u|>uUili>(i of lo drav Iron, MMMtirii III (Inl claa* u/a. cAtolni Oila aav would do wall urvGnt llila ttonia. J O. Wll TllHAVIt, Mtoaffrlht MrlK) W»l flll TIIBA THK. M WUli.wn.lX ^ If irricic* Tooi'KiiA iiovnb MAfi AtiienM'. ftfod 10 riHD tlint fur Januarr, Kanmarr and Har^h villi tlmli«aliiiiaraalaa y^u caa irfTar lurUia Clilciio tadlaa* Hllll«rt * >Mici«it Hand. ». r. MIJKlifj. Manager. 741 riran-i if.. rhfeaKO. Ill lllach Kaco (Uitrtadlaa and inaDlai lo atraDitbaa Olovar <:uinad)r(;o,tiiJ(ilnat fine*. Thnv*that canpUr Idhbi) prrlmrtd. Wcali *>taniia. Halarrmuittwlow. Addraaa l>H. WM. ■w>lf Aralafblp, K. V, T. J. mm, Hianton Tuckw. Hpo^lal.) A.W.MilludJr. SHOW PAINTINGS, TUCKER BROS. CO., ata spniifu aTHBRT. Every Kalntlng alll lie dniigoad and itrawn Uy Bfeatnn Tucker. aie.lO lOr. for Iho Ijrnat Kesn> Jutillaa Knd Boas, "Oh, Moees! Ain't it Cold?" RODR bj liarktal Amarlrawltli irraat aoe<*M II. MOVK, )U Riraat, K«v Tork. WANTED, USEFUL MAN AND WOMAN AKO COKRIiIAK ruR RRPBBTUIU. KlTTIBA*yKAN,<Xisaeaat,OUa,