New York Clipper (Jan 1896)

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January 18. THE NEW YORK OUEPPEB, 725 OIBOUUf. u ruiri-iiuTiii* HI, ju. u, lodtaait*. aala>-BalawTUl«, a. C Jsa. II, CnitoD 17. Siimtw 18. MIKJSLLAIIKOCa, IiMrtelL Mr. tKt Mn—itnnnllta, tud, Ju. u-u. Briii»f»«il«l»«; OoM<iL (M, Jjj. l«Ji»«iiii,i(.it ^fftnm,Vi,aUnwaei 8friin,a,Oiud JduiIod PltdoMl, e. a, la. U-lt, Pelnt teleh•r'i OUMblowm-Oiftrlion, 1^ Jtn, 13-18. cn*l—LoalnlU*. Er.. la. 11, XubiUlt, Tub., Il- ia, BtooalsRtoD, IIL. n, F«0T«O. OofW'a MaMaB—Honiu^. T^z^Ju 19^ I«k«CktrlM. ^^tt-l|R» Ib«b»,ll, Jua««iu3l,a, uSta ■II rMtloi-UlklMta, lad., Ju. lit Il4l•lTlO^ lU., 10, B1 ruo 17, cuuwo IS. moL'i. H. U—DafMpcrt, fa.. Jao. U-UL HIUl<r *Bu«r>-Jukai>D,llla, Ju.a\a>, Utulbaiil a S. BmkbaTM K10. UaitiT>n>r.-B2lu«,Ju.U.Tinipl*U.AaiUa 17, Biaabam 1\ Waae a Cortteaoa 11, Waiahalobia 2^ laianplWrlinbO.Jao.U, FladUr ir.AllIaaea II, Ak- na IfiN. V. OltyS. K(lI>r-Lawnooa,lf*M.Ju.Uk LtnnlaiUt !«, Xotlh. tmvtn 17, aolioka H SpnenOaM B. •» Upi. (No. TDm TDomb-llariOD, lad., Ju. IT, 18. galliatolOUntta't-C<>ho<% It. T., JlD.II, II, Allnar 17. UL AmuaMim n Ulleill, Citiilaad n Shcdpu Bna.'— MibbIbc, a 0., Jaa. 18, la Vocdvaid'l^ Banir—Fanbiokft, Ma., Jao. 13-18. NEW JERSEY. JeiMjrCltjr-—At the Ac«4eiii7, tor week ot Jin. la, «n« Cotton Klni." "Trtlbj" waek ot 20. Bon Tox.— BnXliam DIsdu, BnOlej, Baik and Beam, Hike Leourd uii Ranleon J. Wolf^^Vlll, f, Kare and Ate Uenir, Iaihiu, the Dgnbtra, PnC.IIartme.llfdeknd Leolo, JeaoDette Ulford, Bnut and Oletrer, Hanr Hoote, KcOloud and ICaftlle, tod KuRli WeiL Builnea nnialna good. J. I, U.—Fnnlile Eoiaett, Jenoj Fenr. Annie tewell, Lnla 'West, n»T WastiteUe, Fror. Tnnibiil and Knd RajooDd. Hiulnea ta medlgm. WiaaiNoiOK—Her LoreKce, Ha; lladiaon.Hiud BennlogtoD, llelle SLAlra and B. B. Uareliail, Bodoeaa swdlom. NoTD.—Lonlee Dempiej, alUiongta billed at Ibe Bon Ton Hit week, did not appear nntll Salnntor vrenlng. SIckieas compeUed her to laj o<r E, B. Uinhall, oC the Waihlngton, wUl Iwve a bencflt at FhienU Park, Newark, N.J.,10 These people irer«at ih« Foaith Reglmeot mUlUtratag li: Oora Rontt, Bios, niania, Tbito SIstere Don. Bonnie Thomlon, O'KaUer Japs, Baldwin and Dair, and mai ndridg e. HelMkeB.-.Tlie Oaiilck Birletqne CoDpasj, In "nmibT," opened their auy it the I^lo Jan. 13. They gars one oC thenoal enjoyable perfoimances erer aeen In tbli olty. Tbe out was perfecilon, tbe epeclalUes ot a cUu iirtly ar«n, and ovtiy per- lonner menta comnendsilon (or bli or bar lnd|. vMnal endeavor. Kanager Elattz will reiain them onlU It, bavlng canceled tbe Conrled Btwk Co. Ward and VokM, In a ''Ron on ibe Bink," come 17, II, "Tbe BoweiyOIrl" ao-M "Tbe New Boy" 23-2i. BriR—Kanaier a B. Wclnthal, bavlng dlspoied olhUIntartat In this boose to F. Edward Daly, It will hereatier be known as Daly's Star Tbeairo. Mr. Daly aanmed conirol 13. and opened with a hoorn company compilslng tbo tollowlDK people: Pearl Raymond, Colby and De Witt, MorpV and iniion, Allen and West, Htud Barroy. Habte Stanley, Ken- nedy and Slewart, Woitta and Uanball, Chatlesand Bd wards, and F. 6, Daly and KeUle Daly. TIM hooee on tbe openliK was good. Joba netk, formeriy o( the Hoboken Theatre, has been engaged is man. ager. Al. Smith, who has been IdeotiQel wltb Bloater Welolhal (or many ytan, nnialns In chargo o( U)e cate. Next week, tbe Ulmic Four. IXFBUAi.—JeiB Bracken, Bariha Kruae, llattle ByeiB, HelUe IL Seldler, Kagens FolUid and W. U. ilandeis. Boslnesi Is (air. BinroM's Biu.—IJzziP Howard, liotOaita, John union. Prof. Holier and otben. Hons.—NelUe il. Uordaimt, who retired (mm the ■lege a year ago. Has made ber borne In this city, and will soon aosln letnra lo the ibcautcal (old. A large delegation, beaded byTVeasgrorWIll Black and adverUdng agent Ed. Cook, 01 Ibe Ijilc, attended the ball ot the T. U. A., at Kewark, Jan. o. Kanager John F. Slocun>, ot the Oanlck Uur leeqne Oo., mentlona that business baa been (uUy np to eipeel>tloD& ITewark,—At lUner'a "Ibe Fatal Caid" was well lecelred lost week bytair sized aodlesces. This week "lo SIgbt o( St. Panl's"iiukes Its lint ap- peamnce here, and a large home attended Jan. 13. callaban'a ••Fanst" comes weak ol JO. JACOBS'.-'lheBllTer King" and HnirayindUack divided last weak. Eaob did modeiately wtU. "iibatt No. a" opened the pteaeatwe^k to a good honae. It baa been aocctaatol here be(of«. "Soad- owaotaOreat city"appearsaiand week. WiutHAmca.—John F. Fleld'a'-UrawlDi Ctrdi" received a blribareot tbegiDeral busloea Isat week. Wllllaos"'HeteoiB>'pTeaied,al<lg honae 13, andtbelr aUythlB week wdl brtng good rtaalis. Sam. Ueveie's 0 ni Oo. Is booked -a and week. NBwa—Tbe ObanceTT Coort ot New Jrney do. elded last week tiiatTnos.W.ltlaer coald not be compeUed to display advertisements, between the acts, npoQ a drop ourtaln In bis thealre. This means a vlctoiT lor Hr. Miner and detest (or the ad- veitlaen T.F.Omnt, tbe well known one legged dancer, la reportid to have retired (rom the stage, and baa opened a resort In this dty, which he haa named '•nie VasdevlUe." .. ...Tae ddb aoDlveraary ol Newark Lodge, T.H. A., waa celebrated with a reception and call at the Aiidltoilom Isat week. The' event was a anccesa llnanolally as well as to- olslly, and the oommltteea am to be congniiilated, Ateatnreottheevenbig waitberendenng by the orchettn ot Ibe two iiep imrcb, "Fnstenal Qreet- Ing," composed by W, T. Fero, a memhor ot the lodge, and dedicated to the order, TaeaCOB,—At Iteylor'a Upeia House "The Old Homestead," Jan. 8,1, did well. PanllneHiU, lo,had good business. "Sbadowaol a Great City," u, came io(alrbnslnew. Bookings: "Hie Fatal Card" 13, II, ■'Unmanliy" II, AngnsUn Daly's Uo. le, (Blks' benedi), "luKlby" IT, "llanda Across the 8ea"18, "On Enn'a Shons" 2D, Field's Hlnauels 21, "Bon- nie Scotland"!». TUHTOK HoBi'ji.—Beglaolng 20, tbis honso wlU be nu as a contlnnons performance liooee. Toe uorto and lecture ball will be closed. The at- tractions (or 13 and week an: Jas. F. (Campbell aud Maggie Evans, Kdwird H. Banker, Will 0. Mack andBlUyO'Oay,Jennie ltobey,E4watd ILDeoter and Fogene Beaton, UIck Allen, John Urock and Hanj Allen. Nom,—The net receipts tor last montbatTtylor'a Upeia Honae were In excess o( any month ot Ur- camber In tbe blatorr ot ibe booae. The latest wrtnkle at Ihia bonse Is a "pbyslcan'a alate," hung Id tbe foyer near the enmnce. Any physician ai- ttndbig a pettoimance la miaesled to write his name and number ot his aeat. It he la wanted an uaber can easily nod bin Rose Biabl paid a Dy- ing visit to her borne 13, to aee ber father, OapL E. UBUbl,wholaveiTBlol;. PaUnoB.—At Ibe Opera douse "Sha(l No. 2" closed a sstlafactoiT three nights' stay Jan. 11. "Jolly Old Cbnms" iras deserving o( much better bnaloass than It had 0-8. The bookings sie: Cbaa. T. EUU, In "The Alaailan," 13-10; "Uooanlly" 11-18, "Tbe Midnight Bpeolal'120-21, ^'Bonnie Scot- land>> 23-24. Buou TBuTW-SydeU'a London Bellea Is the atiiaetlon at this honae (Or 13 and week. Bam T. Jackie "My Uocle" Company Is nnderiloed tor 20 and week. "Tbe White Ciook" attracted (airly good booses a and week. KDBKTaBiTtB.—Bnslnesa was fair at thia honae eand week. Eugene A. NMdert, Billy and Mamie WUiiama, Vivian Wooa, Upencer Bros., Ibe Uaven- port Slaun, Fnnklln and Madell, dec. B. Flaher, niu and KlUle Uarbeck, tho UarllogBlstan, Adolph Popper, Hanlit and Sheldon, the Blalen Heleoe, J^i^ud Danlehi, tbe Obapoun Blslera and St. KlUabetli.—At tbe Dnke OpeiaUooae "Tbe Old BomesMsd" came Jan. 11, lo standing mom only. Tbe play was well received. To arrlre: "Hands Across Uia Bea" II. LTOBtm THxtTU.—Cbaries T. EUla came 8, to lair bouse. "TheSilver King" came 10, loimall honae. ToaiTlve:nieMande BOUnan Rspisrtary Co. 13 to II. "Bonnie Bcoiland" 20, At. Field* Hlnitrels 23. "Tbe raul Oaid" 21, "Bpedal Uellven" (beneDI letter earner^ 2», Wm. Bany 30. FLORIDA . ■laekaaBTlIls.—At the Park Tbealre, week ot Jan. e, tbe Mabel Paige Co., In a repeitoiy o( mod- era plais, came to a talrly good bnslaeii. "Filtuds" coaeil^ Ooitoa'sMlnslnlsU. mmtt the Tcnts# TBI FionDnvx LuocB oy AmiutAx Bbowmix, wblcb was oigialaed In dnelnnsU, 0., a jiar ago met in that oily Is Itsucond annaal se^ Ju. t and I. Epbnim Bella pRslded airt Ibe raster of dilegateaiDClod<>d R eT Wallace, Walii{,5aJi~ rem, Ind.; W. E. Franklin, Boblnsoa's dftos, OH- cage, IIL; W. B. Donaldiont Clnebuatl, 0.; James Thompson, CInclnnall, C; \V. UMiin, Haln'a el^ SmtllH^'H 'f" *•»'■■• arena, tJo- l!E,^^''?J '•J'- Tf*"' manager Malnl S,'L'"/.fn'"iJS»'J."""' Btw., FilitSnbairo' Theo. Long, Bells Bros., Colornhns, 0.; F, F. Davis, Empire Ofrons, Keworieans; K.aBlike,BnrkS Circun, Chicago, lu.j James u^mlliou, WelSce's (Sr- cua,ClnclonaU, 0.; <V. K. roller, anosialagsot, Wal- Uce'a Circus, Peru, Ind.i Peter HeKaellslWls. II. Mew Igrk; Mike Coile, BiilCtlo BUll WUd Weil WestHbow,Cloolnnad.O.; Fled. Flsber, Wallace's Circus,New Urieans; Daniel Dale,RoMoion'ainr* 9"? Slse'nhstl, O.: John lowlow, ClnclanatL 0.: John F. Robinson, Clnclonau, 0.; John 0. Itoblnaon! ClncbmaU, 0.; h. c OanipbeU, Chlca|D| Rkk Hoberts, dnclnnail; F. H. Or.?ri,'KvaiS5le, Ind." P. U. Oliver, Flndlay, o.; Loola B? Itsmaey, Losing! ton,Ky.; c. P.Osmpbell,MensFanns, tf.l.; M.B. i.' v."" '*<>i»rt. Otaad Raplda, Mlcb. pedlMDSslonot excealve (cea (or llceaies In the Bouthem'Statea wsa tbe meet Important Item on the calendar the llrai day. Tbe general opinion waa that the mtes were nnieasooably high, and a com- mluee was named to piepare nlana to libt tbem. ThIa committee oonalsu of: W. II. Donaldson, cbal^ man; Oeo. M. Leonard, Uarry Btoope, ubatia- noogaj P. F, Sohaeter, Cblcaio; J. K. wmiama, Mlcnael BUesbaner, Minneapolis: J. Foallck,New Orlcsns; J. A. Curren, Denver; Oeorgo P. MoLaIn, Los Angeles; Martin Uooley, Atlanu, and Edw. Uereu, Loulavliie. Tbe Proiectlve League met In Joint eeaalon wltb the Associated Blllpoaura and the mieniate Blllposttn Aasoclitlon, and took up qnea- tlona ot tantual inteitaL Tbe league elcoted John F. Kobbiean piealdent; Oeo. H. Leonaid, Orand Raplda, Hlch,, tnt vice president; B. R Wallace, Pern. lud., eecoud vice prelldent; W. U. Donaldaon, Cincinnati, aecretaiy; W. U. Walker, Vetrelt, treaa- nrer; J. R. WllllAnis,Oblcago; W. L. Hatn, Main's Circus, Qenevn, O.; John Lowlow, Cincinnati; F. Sells, ilells Broa, and F. E. Davis, Kmpire CIrcue, New Orleans, a board otdlieotoiB. WhUi In CInoln- naU the dclegaiea were royally eniartained. RivsB Fbont iDaNVBB, CoL.) llirrwDias: Tbe Hog bam ot tbe New Qmat Syudlcate Dhowa pre- aenta a scene ot scllvliy from noreloi UU night. Six bead ot One boises, a recent purchase, are be- ing broken (or vailons acts. Uia Bairy Ring Is dolDgaDnehlgbclaasnabegeaci. Cbaa, T. Reed la breaking a novel (our hone team, and bis son, Maater Fiaucis Heed, la piacilslni a new principal borse, tbua having extra ring stock In case ot sect- dent to those slteady to service. Little Louise Bolino, tbe six year old granddaogbter o( Manager ItsnUraw, wlu drive a pony tandem team, ne orcbestrlan uMeau Is nearly ready, and will provs a great aci|uUlilon |o tte parade. Themailcal repertory cuualsta ot stlecUouH (rom varloos operas, nurohcs, etc. Tbe tableau will be drawn by eight camels. Pro(. John tluson Is progressing wonder (nlly in breaking the sacred ciitie to perform In coDjonctlon wliu male and feoiale tlrais, Uona. byenaa, scale and St. Benard dogs, msuog one o( the most novel and Intereallog animal exblblUona ever wltneeied. Nom vBOHCnis. LBi'saiiiAT London Oircio.— Tho tollowlDg bare signed for next season: The UKIODS, Billy and Jeialr; Ed. Parker and wife, the Yilioos, Toos. Finn; Oscar Jones, leader of band; HIcliael Owens, Will l>arkcr, Ed. Craw; Fred Jones, rider; llairy L. Rogers, Fred Uumll and Louis Uesurla. Tbe show will give ibe sirongeet ting perlormancc ever put out by Mr. Lee. Mr. Lee has been on tho aick list aince last Fall, bot la on the Improve, and will be able to go out ot doors nod. Tin, Jeaale Clllton, on Dec. 12, pretenled ber bua- band Willi a boy. It was tbe list child ever bom at Cbas. Lee'a Winter qnarten, and la named William Charlea Clitton. Vndonbiedly be will be a ohip of the old block. Our ring stock la doing well, andare worked every day by Fred Jones, wbo la gettUg to lie (lulie an expert rider. The gnop or Shetland ponies, 0ve In number, give u nmarfcaMe perform- ance, and we expect IIM to be a good season. U. 0 Wilson, general agent ut Harris' NIckle Plate Shows, Is DOW located at Joplln, Mo., wbete be will spend tbe Winter. Wm. K. Pecb, advance agent, will be with tbe Qreac Wallace Shows tbe coming season. Tbe W. II. Uajuis' Nicii.b Puts Sbowb arrived St Winter quarters Deo. 20. Ed. p. UaiHD hsa signed wlUi the Wlntermnls Uroe., assdvHDce sgent, lor next sessoo. BiaNOB(luiBoe,wTtu talsSontbAnienean01rcni,ls meeting wiibsuccess In Oliul, B. A. John Williams, leapcr,and a tavoilie clownot that coiutry,recently vtmieo Kngbuid and relumed, having pnrehaaed the complete outlt ot tbe Water Pantomime, and haa produced It wltb great incteaa la Valparaiso and Santiago. Faaxi Oardnib's BmiLten Oibcl-8, ws an in- formed, la dolug a fair buvlneas In Ibe iMier An. lilies. Lulu Motao, the Utue colored apprenace,o( Brtilsh Oulsna, Is tbe feiinn ot tho sbow, end Is crrstlog a senasiloD among the negroes as their Colored Princess of Ibe Air. W. H. WBSBLia, the clown, Is In nonaton, TSi., (rom whence be sends tbe eeaaon'a compllmenlato Tus CuprxB, and reporu hla taealtta as excebenL TUB foUowlDg people have been engaged tor W, n. llanle' MIokie riate Shows (or next season: Hannie Forepangb, bareback principal and hnrdle act; tbe Ueredltlia, aerlallata, and Ulnea and Colby, novelty perch and double soinenault sot. E. D. t^oLviN, the well known drcos manager, was a OurrsH caller Jan. IL Uehaajuatretumea (rom tbe Atbnia ExpoelUon, where be waa connect- ed wltb a auecasaful eoteri'Hse. TOE New YOBk and Obioauo Only Noith American Orcua Is no* being organlred, wlib Col. Jesa Foster as geueral manager, (or a tour ot Sonib America. Tbe company wiH, we are intormed, be one o( the strongest and best backed ahows ibat baa ever led New York. In addition to bebig a clreoa it will be a trained animal exhibit and Wild Weat show, wlih lodhsns, aceneiy, etc. THE NEotmaTioNS which have been pendlnglie- tweeaJobn F. Roblosoa, o( L1nclnnstl,u.,andW. E. Franklin, ot Colcago, III., have anally been linnght to a encceaadiT issue, and the (amona old John HoblDson Show will he on the road nextsea- aon In all Ita glory. Jobna.Robluon will repre- sent bla (aUier,and Hr. Franklin will pilot the or- gaDlzauoD. FiuNi FROsr, last season with the Pasmee BUI Show, and now proootlog tbe Australian Boomer- ang Tbrowera, and Archie Sands, bis asslatant, who waa also wltb the Pawnee Bill Snow, were CurrBB calltni Jan. 13, baring recently closed their lour. Mr. Bands e.tpects to go wlla Ibe Walter L. Main Sbow next season. In charge o( one of tbeiradver- tlalogcars. TUK HcuBEg bars signed with RlngUng Bros.' World's Oreatesi Shows for u«tt season. Paul Uracoabd, ocotonionlst, has Juat closed wlihJeaaDrown'a t^lrcoa. FxANX AprEL, lomeraaull rope performer, and John Uusba, bead balancer a'd trapese performer, have algned with ibe Oieat '.WallaceIbows. Mbb. Rose Kenbbbl, mother of the well known Kenebel family, cnnsBtlDg of Fiabcola, Eugene, F. llae and Rose, died Intbisully, Jsn 8,sfi«rashon lllneM. Usr nuuins were luierred II, In tbe family Bot in Woodlaws Mmetarr. Iter danghter, EUae, tho wife ot R. U. Dockilli, tbe eqarsuuodirector. LON. MuoBB haa signed with the Bamum A Ballry Show. D ELAWARC . WUmlBBlea.—At tbe Orend Opera House a crowded and well pleaaed hoaae greeted Billy Barry and bis sxcellant company, in "lbs itlalng Oeaera- tlon," Jan. II. ' The Fencing Mailer" made ita drat appeaianca here, before a very large audience, 13. Tbe representatloa was both heaiillfal and aillallc, aod the prima donna, Katberine Oermalne, a (onner rtaldentotanrciiy, waa given a cheering welcome by ber many well wishing (rienda. Coming: '>Tbe Fatal card" It, Henry U'allarion, lectan OD Un coin, 11; ' A MIdaummer Night's Ureaiu" 17, Ibe Oarrlck Lv>., In "Tbriloy," li; Al. u. Field's Min Htrels 20, ■ Hawing tbe Wind" 24. BMOr—San Prancljeo HlniueU illd only (air boa. Ineas »-ll. The American (lileiy tilrli, I3-I.^, hada One opening. Uonkfdr' linKilj'HBDorea" IS-IS. WoNOEaiANii.—Lcclorehall: Evtleen, tbe Water i|aeen,aDd Ittltlasaske llsll^icn. Theaire: Belle l<hten, Joe C. Uogbe>, Miles and Ireland. May Walali, Ibe Ventlnla, Howard Cllttoo, Ned and Fam Mouue. Clipper Post Office <r A auana avurapUatraddt«Bad,miit ba lasBM n>r aaeh leiiK. and lira lina o( baataasa louowttf ky th* pmoa Ulilsalll aheoU Ba gtvaa, la nun la prevent olstaksa gotB.—fniiaasua^ sad ukats ahetU tear In bIbO that all Mliata. ata, lb ntlwnMWaaaIKa Vnllad Suiaa «uMtda,auiibsavgnI<oib«iwin thai an oat for. AiBoU. Olsdys AAtov, Aanto Amber, UtU\ ABiott, Ads Adam., Trlsls AusUb, Lyda AoEny, uUm Ar«if, Mibal ABdsl/^j...... Ailitn, lliv J. D. ArBoK Aalla AntU, UsBriMU Archer, B«lla Anaoe, Jofaptalaa Atkutifls. Raor AiiBitiooa. Con BiSSoW.;,. Bord. Anu B«U, Hra.%m Bluelunl. lUf BaitOB, BUb BrutfoD.lddlt BaekaUlU* Boricb. lAU BUlrTHul* B«Ulo|«r, AU(« B«lil*r, AJMl* BaUoh, H» BumnaMn.aio. LADIES' LIST. Bckan EtU ~ nlhaiv U*k —Jndo, EmfU KTua, nor«oo< Bog* tram, _ DlMwmnl prucl^ B«nh« ^ Funw, Ba/ Pralll*. An— Bonn, Bobbj Blodlek. M&H* BcQvood. Utul Buniu Muile Btt•^ Adiii* BttH, Ura W. E B4ll«r. UflUD M. Both Ml, AlUJ Bruiloo, A»1Id» BAitr. Ulllu B«nlloe. (JtrtnidMHIlL Loitie PDllar. MlH («r RobtDion(>p. Co. r«nwt.M»d«UB» rrukiin. ^ Mn teller flonkllme. Pnwcn, Curie rr«akUB,Icva« alturdTlluto OaltM, Bmmft Onr. Mtrr A. OtklH, Nnu doi|b. Donit A. Onyden, BUle OrovloL JttDDlo QelRer. iln. Rich Q)«DD, Idft OnMllu (of Win- 4wter A Onj) UroTlDlAMimf UrwDOis Bollf □ft)lor, FktHlft nonnao, LoliIeW. anT«lI«, Rine OarrlBoo. Elb arvRorr.Mrs-A.W. gonewooU. Un. Bererly. DaInt Bner, Btm m. BaUler. Prukle BeoelLIton Ball, vareiiM BfTUtJIur Btooa. Bom Bun, Anole Clu too. Sella CitflLMar CUrk.Mra.Eil.lo. CoQilDf, Bluehe Clemfiitfl, Klule ConitA, Bopbia CtrllofftoB, BUa Colvell, OUle ChatlM,HlaA.Uc romaD, Hiu P. Carlton. Adate -i-Inilei, Linle IreltDd. Mar W. Carlloa.AOela OoiHlUt, Llllle H. OooT*/, Manle Ubcdar, Oorotbr CarlioQ. Adah GampbeU. Mar Carllile, Manle Olark, Nellie V. Oolemao, Ttlile Ceaa. Mar Cobea, Jotle Chr|ttr.A«|(le Cinv, PAQlIoa Clerk. Hrim OwlUle.B)doer OlMBetit, Laarft larvard^fw Inibari, Imi Moor*. Raima MarfOllh, Mihrl MiratHla. LiHila V-ixiell, IjiffttDD Hilir. A«Df« MenOlth. M«lwl B«Ui««,|!lar« MhjOt Ram Mtrdea, (V-ra Mohllci, LillUa Helton. Miry KriMD. Lllliaa O'Briea.Koim ti'N«il.Nelll« O Brien. Alice J. OarL Adtl* P. O'BrieD.Mn.T. O. PuMlLKiie t*emell, jNtnle Anna L *»iter, Mn Bn>wo 'alioer, laei ^rt«ll, QuHD 0. '*rclral, lubel Pt>cbala, Ueiel PIcanl.AoU PnrcelL Bale Rljtley, Jenole Itjclela, Lllilao LInrhart, Mute. :lot»r«.LAi|le Raodall, Dorothy RsoiftDv, llaleo RnwlasO, BmllyO. RIcbaiilK. Adele RMd^enny KATiBmnia Reeo, Jfonle Ruler. Ida R««d. Viola HamlltoD. Alica Uamllloo, Emily llealltoo,Oeonile Uaolef, IbM L. BiWltT. QOOTRle Hanlluo, LoulM HelRbt, tfaspe Humoo. Laura E. Ileter, AdoIo Heleoe. Llnla Uowaid. Barn Ice llacrer, Manle UaTarlT, Ma Uurla, Nellie UMlley.Uoleae - "lay UaiUe Jooo-. 17 Irby. Sadie ■^XlMll. Minnie laatabsBoJ* Keen. Sotllr Kane, Mabel UarroU, Uot Kenbedr.BihelSc^L Clair, Haul K(Dtle,Mari* ^ Kilo*. Manle E. Oole^ EateUa Carr, BagtiileL. COmpUHLMnLM.B. Campbell. Mtk. ChtiToo. Jeiele OUrk, Allle Oook A OllnioD Carloiu,— rureapott, Dol ^Oonner, Jeontr DeooDla, Vivian l>e«noea. Minnie Dloemora, Buih Deafle,MarrB. ItaOIer.Maade Detoe. HaJie DODD, NellA Da V«m. LolUe De Loo, Irue Oiiaom, May Daly. Linle DeoiiMey, Loulee De Vera, LUlUn Deity, Maqd DllkaA Wade Demlifa, AmIOe Do Wlu, Jeonle Daritoo, Kelllo Do Vera BUten Delmon, MUe. Uale,Liniaii DeoDOod, Eileen Dale, Qoeenle Debar, Florence Donbe/e Ediiti Dnnn. HeiUe 1?aatOD. Mabel ^Eeler.OarTle BUnronh. May EnnM, MMite Braoi, Jeonle Boeniiini, Elity BvelyD, Anole Bonnie lAinb, Manle Lake, Mra. Bert Leroj, PloreoceOi Loyal. Mm lie. LIUleDead Shot Ia Mar, Thireea UareL Lily Loyal, La lit Laac, Uollle B. Leon,Jeonle laUroli, Bleuor Uictfer. Lou tie .Lamb, Manle <LaBlanehe.Pk>M!« Lao caller, Lillian Leelle, Paooy LeaM^LIlHe L*lir. Mia Wm. Le^ ilnerraB. Lliroid.Jeaatite Ljtell. Florence Leigh Bliura. Urn it, Eltle " '^ir, Emma Jureita, May Meyer, Bonnie Meniee, Carrie Hewu, Uileae MooreBUien Madelloe.MlM Moaugua Loulee McPbereoD.Fennte 8. Morrta. Llllle Meen, Adele McComber, Minnie McNaiir, Ida Moore. Roee MoEutau, PatU Marietta, Mr*. Marrla-Mlllle MIlebflL Corn L. Moon. L*uue -« Qlnitlelon, Agatha ^locUlr. Haad Reabert, Mre Alei. Rtotey, Tiipple RtieUon. Lulu Kcoit Ormrle Mia'dera, Joele BheiTer, MIoole Sharr. Aenle fluiTonl, KiDoy fll><ncer, Nellie ftiiiiihe. Utnile Kmllli.Mn. CUrvndon Rlnniooe. Ltnlo Rniherlaod BiMera Ikanlon, Done Btaoirord, Flora Bontbem, Juliet iiwUher, Roeo BoDic, Annie Beeley. Mr*. J. L. Bum*, Emma M. BeUoo, Mtnd Steele. Badle BliAfer.Qotdle Bparkf, Ada -V'niMi.b ' Van Tai Seeler, Hay Bblelde, Flora l«pDoner, Mollle Bt. Clair, EilW Hbelton, Leilia Balton, Lnlu Hhnlmao,Mr«.W.a ThompflOD, Llllle rilfany.AnoUW Thorpe, Ada TaoRuay, Era Thornton, BoouIa Urn D.B. Cora Vtldar*. BeMlo Vjne, Biltnce wade. Dt\'t " Wania Tliyre WebMer, Bvairlce Wheeler. Emma Hiiiiiu^EvaM. Woblo. (trace WeAley. Ttddy Web*l«r, Era Wineheiiifr.RouE Waila. Tnite Weet, Clara Valli. Aooa WdTTa), Kate WalLace. Bma fflbon,UoI»e V. WeeiDR, Uarrlet . lflaalon,Mau<l WalUoe. Ethel Waltnn, Marie ffarreo, Marie VTood, Jgila iValiera NeUle Ward, BUodi II. Welter, Carrie WltllamP, Annie L. Wriibt. Hr-.W. 11. Wilifaoii, Gertie ^ulla A Lulu GENTLEMEN'S LIST. ^A.a Allen. Paul AnooaA Bdwanle Alaon, Oeo. Alton. Boieaa Ar(nMl,Joe Aleila, —(eonl) AUen,BIUy Allen, HatTT ABie, BlU AiiLor, Percy Atvood, Ocv, B. A. a. AnnoB, AL Albini. U. Aooun, Daa^ ^ Ammooe A Cleriie Alward, Dr. A. Arnold. 0. W. Areir. BalUy Aodereen, Loa AMiou. Oeo. Andrew! A Aeolian Trie Aleoo, Ceo. AUIcota J. P* Arllojiion, B. F. AnieU, Maater E. Ander^n, Paul Arnold, nainO. AndreweAMelraee Aekeman. 0. F. Acker. M. A. Anbroeo. Tom BIckoitJff.lB. Bovnian, Wllkid BruMellB, Ed. Baron, Uarry W. BUeaBam Brandt, a ueure BuueroeM, — Baker! KaodaU Brooke*, Corney Barry. W. F. Bella, U.K. Black. Jar E. BaneUo.K. Berol, Mei Beoiley, BlUr Barrio itoD, 0. B. Barrett, Ed. BryaBtTPr. Bim Boyle. Jobo K. Beebe, Wm- Boebtnan. W. L. Baker, John T. Beaneit, Clarence Bayard, Beit Beaton, J. U. Bad worth, Uerrr BoiklrlrP.ABadle Beyer, U M. Bnoneo. Hike PeiD,B. P. Beoiley, J. 0. BrahamaTbe Builoi,X U. BeU.Ueo.U. Berot, Wn. Bennett, Bam BeUALetenlfB Boone, CoL B. D. Booka, J. A. Boyd, W. H. Bleodelt.Bd. BnrtM, Ooi BaleTroape Beeker^J.^. Brabam, Lev Baieo, WlU B. Behn[ib.rafll Brown, Edwin 0- Bemeuadir.EII BeoBboi, Three Bagge«eo. C. L BltlaF.R. BrooVa, W. H. Btrtloe. Cba«. Biylla,B. Ho)dell, lUm Barker. H. H. Battla W. P. Btalr. 0. E. Brudi, Oottare Brooka Ban BerUoOaDel Brown, jeue Boreal. EanrJ Bamiu, H. d. Borlag, Edwla Beiei a Batea BesoneU, J.M. Braanan, M- Baker, Jolmnr Baehna, Donekl Barton A Meek Blxley, Ed|»r nrMieley. w. O. ^Oooner. Uarry -Md, Billy OlaTle*Oretten Oonroy A Dwyer CotUna Oeo. CllOen, 0r«0B ObeaeU, ileo. I*. OortlaAaoidon CofU k Bacon :aieer, Oeo. V. Jan A Tour] oe nark, U. M. Ceri^r, Win (col) CataiU. Jenr B. UoBtieleh. iVm. Clark, W. 0. ttrltwndeo. L. L. Oarroll. J. P. CroMAUolden CUpliau, Uarry iMMy. A. B. Comei, L. L. UnnU, W. B. ;UrcndoD,Cel Carletoo, U. U. CoLUMrmCo. Corell, n. P. Crollaa, B- O. Curb, Ouacao Carilae.JuhoU. CIrteur, Jotio CoUloe, Geo. IL CoUlnaelae. Collier, fcd. Ueoloo, AL CoUUan, F. P. CMmtDL our Ctlnmlna, W. J. Ciue, Oanlnor Carlton, Wra. ClirtoD, Bowanl narletoa. W, J. Onlg. Marata Coir, V. P. Callleoile.Ooy C. Cook, Blify Chiee, Frank Cooun, J. A. Cooner, T. J. CaeuUatAllaU Coeaioa Jack CballU. II. W. Cntft A. W. Ollitoo, Willie CerrerLPr. W. F. CUrk. W. T. CUrh, Prank If. ruir,Pror.<*arl Ceil ton, 0. U. Clirioo, Howard Oeolaa. Joe J. Caospoell A Beard Cirrae, Jobo K Cooyerii, Joe. Cartia A U. Cirtla Ned CoveLCbaa. i^pbell, F. U. CobD, Le«ter ClemuaL L. Uvanafb, Pel* CtaaaTO. W. Crawford, Jaek Coi, Archie ColaoD.0. U. riaveDMn A ^ LamarilD* Oajolhraaala, Dr> OaleBm. Damn, Harry Drew, BIdoey ()«aTe*.W e. DeBse. Blllr DLaoMod. Chae. Drydeo, UaiTT Delmenning Broe. OmtIIo, Jaji >eImore A WIUoii ilckey. D. Y. >olao, Jmm. F. Ueoton, John F. Daly, rmi DIania. F. De Woir, C. R. DIaota, A. >owa», Marlln lowley, Uan^ >elmalao, Uarry Dare firaa. Drew Ju. H. DeerdeU, John Delmaio. Harry Oyer, Chae. W. Xtctitader. Lew >rjdeD, Harry )Ickln*oo,i). )avla B. A. IHiiiond. Frank Dlion.Uwon Dltk<i A Wade Derlin, J. J. tHrlIn.Joe Elwood, (loo. M. Bartt, Uraham Edwardi. Uhaa E. Slliawood, Tvta Eaion, Harry a '-FngllUi HwelU'' Co. BrerMB. Herbert BTerKio, J. I*. Edward^ C. X. bdwanlaANellisin ffdwardP. Lloyd A. P.agae. Leula KIIU. II. 1. EeileKye Edwanl*. Jaa. & 'pl>nn,A.H.R. FUinlog. Frank Fran kilo. Jaa Fergufon, J M. Feiiuioo, Ed. Faoolog.T. F. Fleuiv. Prince FIdlor. Harry Ford.U. a. Ferry, Wn. Pol A MeNWi Frailer. Buieoe FrieAAIleo -'■3b, - ■ Louie FallMl. Jua A. FltiMerald A Dfanlea Bru«. Dlaea, Oeory De laacy. Jaa, 0. DnBtUBm Frye, Clayi«in Ftilier, P. D. FrJiimt, JulU French. Frank V. Forren, Or. H. C. Frit a Deloo Fnllvood. W. H. "Fire Patrol" Cq. Foley. John (J. Faauiaw, A. L. Forflir. Wa. J. Ponl. T. U. Foy, (Jeoe Fikber. H. U. rino. Frank fan I w. The FolUr.U. r PlmeraU, Ueo. Felae, Jba Fltloiore, H. e. PrenoBU, Tbe riemlng-Toffl Faoaee, Cbaa FloBlag. J. L. Fane, Waller UOooSfbar, Fate Irlener. Joe. B. Oormui, A T. (Ireee. F. uitiMo, Peter Oerald, JoliD (Jreee. Harry Qrehan, Fraab Onrmaa, Tbva J. Orar. Jaa Lawnaca, Lareader I Cea,U. w; Ollchriet,- aiailer.D. A. OoH,Uee.T. Qilnty Cbaa 0II r.>nJ, Harry iiibba. ff. R, Oaikell A BeU tluaeo, A.BL flatlMll, 0. F. (tordoa, L M. Oay.UfO. aordoii|J-11 > oraye, the flilnerr, Mijor (loimao, J, J, (ltMen,0. P. (lelientwriL I. U>id>i>,(l«*. tiray. W .Vftxm nalllBliFr. (Ini W. arai>*trln. c'haA. Oira>,ilit ll'HlirU. • u>. iliiT. Aitttur L. 0 illuvay. Dr. A. n 'tvnp, L I. tl:ll»ert^ Chte. nno, Haurlro llitodnieo. Arthur l)llmtire.Uua 11. (lla^ariinJ. Anilnw IIrace. Billy lIcorRe.— (wild man) iiynn^KIrk uamittoD. CttLO n II. llamlltAO, Wiley llenrr. Ill IIeBd»rv4in.0eo.A. Ilowanl. Buvard tUnilltoD.W. II. lledley.N-D. lUnty, 0. D. lUroi>iPD,Alleo A. HtlMoD*. ihree Holt, Edwin Hollo ray. Albert IUdi, Joe lleoderMn.Lnclut ilajea, J. F. tlnrao, Eihlle IMIenA Malt Ul»er, 11.1. IlaiMo. il P. Hetb,J U. Uarrry, Fred illckey.O. V. Howard, Joltn'A. Hilton, Wni. UarllorU, Oeo. Ilowley A Deyle llleka Louie Herbert, Praocla lIotTnian. H. 0. UeardO- U. Huwwn, Prof. N. lloDgerioht,Harry Hatch, D. (I. Ilodgta. Fr»d Harrla. W. U. Herbert A Laao lllltou, H. H. Ksaih A redd Hernandez, tiro. Hugo. Pmr. Vlo lleoOeraon. W. H, II an toy, Chaa Hene, Hert lluUion, Paul llRrMtrlle, J. W. Ituriry. Jim llarrlaoii, Harry IfarUo, Fr*d P. lleUiona, Three Henry A Wallace llaree, J. F. Iliifntea W. J. Ilelitbi, FreJ D. Henry. Prof. II. Hike, Harry lloran. Kddle llolbrDok.J.11. llunuoR, Bob llewklni. Eraeel lligue, Bert llepvonh.deo.lto Harlow, Prod P. llBirunt AHtntell Homer, Ham J. llarrUiualUgliei llaK, nen. la. VeaaiA ArcberlUocBOW, Rd. Ullnoor.B J. airrlaoo.J. AEIIa areeo.Jee P. Ooldl«,W.H. LeroyiaTbe Le«ti,riarew Lee^aaaV. A. J. Joe lender. B. J. oaroe, Bed Moore. J. a ManalDg. Oan Marble.>iwl W. MaMiD, WD. HiUilai, 0. Mrl^no. i^hU. Maeller, Ed. VolII 4irtin. Kr ni W Mclh-naldll J.iiY HoKtr, 11 E. HurUl.VIo. HoATpy. Ilniry ilflrO),^iu HcLeao AlUW Vanl#yM he* Ma»oo.WIH K. \luiltB.J. J. Mk>aO. I, Morpby. Bert MorriK, Jnbn UcOflwaa, V. J. Morrluej. T. P. HoaarC Ed. Herfes torn L. Mot lie, dm. r. Softrf, u. FMter ayer, A. MimleAUcOane Hal>ury,Jeck llc<lfitrr II. W. Mtai A llowland >lc<JillUb. HItchall MeArnyi, The Voi\iruack, Halt MelroMi. Willie McCdIlem, Bart ttathwwi A Bdlgerpilofluni. Frank f,---' llalLUIIt rwln, Freo tfeion, Frank O iiooi, u. a. - -d. Pcei „JeBbau«h, II. a Reao,aeo. B, R"b»y^f.O. oo,W.H.^ ^eaJTohaK. JhelL Joe flparke, John II. Rrrace, Oeo. M. fltaomoa, P J. taiuinpia Bd. F, i<«n(brd. Ed, Rantey. JiH* ri iti'Xi. rrenk !tiijder. K J. Miltt^ K l>. Meaart,C. M. iiinHifiiin, Harry Mctiroedtr, F. Bheinieii, pan Rpriniet, J. W. Hmlih. Jan. R ilteToueon, i\ J. teen ton. 11 K. ilwan, Wm. RlowAt Jdlin F, RhaiTer, llarrr itutiAB, Dick r. Rmilh, 0. II Stewart, Chaa. A Jennie Hcrlbner.a A. Rinylh, II. J. Riiiikln, Leo HalcHnbe. F. Rtao'on. llarrr Rmlth. UarrjrP. riMBter,C. W, 4hf o. MuRlcal Rehoiehi, A, Itoul, U. II. ilhon, Auguat Itune. Horry A. ay, John R. lorelintt A Heeler A MmIi Merh^ J. L. Borrlooo, Jliit KorMt, Win. Uanio, Frank UlidieU Lte HeHter. Iluk Havneld Bam Hover. Ilu^lt HatiBll, Iliiry Meido. - HcDunongh. Tom Murphy. Toia Mario.- Mdjuaiien A Metyaael) Huhfrof. n. ■orgenA flalierty Huore, EUillo HorrlMey.ll. B. Murray A Mack Uvk, Andrew Mortimer, Uua McKay. llHRh Miible, Edwacd HcKoble. Will Mnrithiee.T. II. Hllcholl. U. P. Mialer, Harry Maildiick, Dr. B. L Mirrelle.A. D, Hkdell, (leo. MeUutreA TlinmtnQ Morton, Fred Maitr. Al. McUnglilln, R J, Ueiey. II. I!. Mayer. Clirle Mjer*. Uarry Munola, O. J. Meeker, Ocu. MoteaLee Miller. Ed. MtCutcliion, Wallace Jroke A Cllirord JIni, Dr. Jone«, Fmok Jennler, tloo. Johneon, (Jeu. E. Jobnion A McDonald Jam«a, U L. Jtoklna (1*0. A. Jvnea, W. (). Jacliwn, Billy Jolinuo. Otto Jonee, Richard JoBe^ Harry KHly A BL Clair Kaana, Joe KIne NerP. - KllrayA RawMoo KaiHlalU Eira Knowloo.Deli KuM>ILHait Keea, Waller P. Kelly. JuhnT. Kelly, Jolio U. KMae,Chai F. Kelly, Dao A. Kr#Wl, Prof. U. KelUm. I^J. Kelly, Prank M. Knlci>1-, Win. KonDMlr.Mt-tiiphln Karl, Rldiaid Koennecka Emil Knuee.O.H. Kuti, UcKier Knigbt, Arthur Kennedy, Bert Kent A Prencti Keina t;. P. Karl. Wm. Kohiinan, W. P. "Klllamey" Co. Ktdil. aeo. T andnr. B. J. •Lii.fMer,Allred Loc jtrrw. Lore, Joe LeUnd, J.J. LoreUce A irhnaiopber Lorraine, Harry Lwnio. — Uo'i. Harry Ue. H E Luecile. (Inrdon I.caTlUANerllle Lablw. Oro. U. L^atllt II H. Locke. Fred Leavlit, H. R. Ia« Court, Arthur UMIe. Alircl LIndler. Harry laaitft. K. A. Luuilgwj Praob P. Ury, Win. L)un^, On: W. Luclfir, Wm. l>it|lht'in. Jnhu Loudon. T. 1. LiTlngeiono. lUrry U Bont. Arthur Isadell, Ben laacenira, Joe. A. Loni. W <:. lAvelli, The 1*4 Merr, Herry Lurlern'Mlniit. l/i»«i,(|eo Lviblo. CapL Qeo. Lor«o/i, — laawioo, Alfred Lahetuan. Clarence I.ogan, II. P. U Vuui>4. Fred I^anen. lleorW. Locke. Fird Iaaa«Ioy. Fred Laclede, Umle Leonaru. John P. Lao'len.Hee. O. Uala J E. Iianwnt. Htrt Lanaell. Ilariy Uog. Ed. A. Lowdeo, T1io<. Minli. MMon, Ed. Meeliaii, (Jua Murrla. Andy Mirrellw, A. D. Hclntiipli, — Hitnroe A MelruH Mcllahitn A KiBg UrIntyraWlll Marpby A Hack Mclntoah, Tuui Mirlon. Julin li. Moorue. Harry Morrvw, Wm. K. May. JuliB H. UerluD A Pearl Mack. Eugene Mack. Tom Muora Chaa. MoNllbrocb. II.W. gnrNiD, Jia. 1*. Nelw>nla.-> NulaoTJ. J. NeUoo, Billy ffoai. F«nl Kngent, K. 0. KaUen.Kant Miiah. Uncle Newell A Ford KurcruM A Kendenoo Nnrwooil. Jiidd Hnrwood, Ed. Kewlon. uiiaa. ' irtoB, Albert nriuian, — Owen A Riinlln O'Coannr. Edward Orey. Oeo. Ulla. 0. W. OweoB, It. I*. Pt*rce,Oea L- ■ Pierre. BertF. Preallcea, Tlie Pan leer Trio I'anley, Uea I'owelLriariiKe ParkhureL H. H. PoiUrAtlllbcrt Parknr, bddle PonUlla, A. Palmer. II. II. Prince, 0. U. Prattun, JobD A. I'ackan), (leo. I'aliuur, W It. PriiJargait, Iluk l'el»ra,W. A. t'Attereun. Main pnanai. Den Pr)oru,Cliaa. A. Plitey.a U Prola«lir. Ed. Pectr. AI Peillt Jr., Hen. PleMr.B H. PItniiia P B. I'alne.H. P. riilKleXB BtAl. Vt<JtilBn. T J. "'■ ■ ' aeder .(leo. HuarlM,!). VT, Hl<]dl^^nl1 ltn**el). 0. li. Hjiliiiiv>n, Jaa. Hldinida.0. E. Itlch. - KIchoiood, J. it. HIdi. Prnf (I.E. lUiwIey. Fred Itvllty. Pat Kiilli.Wtu. Itublnaoii. t|. A lautu Rice, UIKno.E. Huuell, II. P. KMitari, llanp He) uolJa, Fred Hfder. A. P. Kwnaln. W. J. 0c. K.>i>ey. W. tl RaoaMie, J W. Ra«Mll«. Ttie Ko)*blnB. Praoli A. li«>iiul<lB. (?.A. nmer. H.K. Kl|d«y. TiMfi. llulffOO, — HaeMll. n. W. KAzeiU. Hlllr lUv A I Carroll Kella. Harry Kvwe. Jiihii RweatDam, W. P. Rurr Uliy Qunriet Bnilili Broa Rctifleld A Flehl i«ilre. D. M. Reecner, Thut. L Hcoitelif, Eddie tkiulheni, U-lwin tUUmlwp, The Rauda. Arciile Rmlih.K. Dene iHilman, A. H. Hinthaeker, Phil Klianuon, Ueo. lUlmo. J. ritanion, Waller Bmllb.lntii rtlBBb. Jaek Roloinon, Fred M. BL Clair, llarrr Hpeneer, WllUrd Hully, W. J. Hwan.Kd. Kpamw, H. rtlaaial'iili HInclalr. II. W. Hlerena W. H, Hirnli, P. ^. MinrtA Bdwarie Haundere T. J. RtoHt, U. L. rtcorteM, Frank Rcanlvn A Hiereoi Bwirt, D. W. Mklonla, - RgrlbnerRam ilelrall. A. L. Rhiman. Wm. Hiaplfo, Kdwln HiuraU, Jaok k* Brua. a John P. ThuriKon, llowaid furaer, Todt Tiiompaon. Ju W. Trayaor. John M. Torrlaitl. Chaa. Thompenn. II. Tl|i<la H. H. Tnvla Billy Thayer. Roy Tiller, Harry rhunu>n, EiKoll Thomitann, Moaie Taylor, Pete Tliumpaoii, Prof. H. N. Tiimbult, J. W. Tliuinnin, Ed. W. Turpla, Reraanl Turner, TawiD, Algernon Thnionaoa, W. J. - Vtmoa, Oarl viBuor, Kraak R. VlDCaOl, Obw. Vin^A,, N. W. VsDi'lB, t'lias. Vton. n. J, Vlao. Hilly Van, Hlllr Voa Tltur, lUrry V.n VnBbio,J. H, Vuc llarrr Wiaa.r, Ral iflMa. ABilrsw Wrili A Banrufil »r<lliB,ll<l. WlluD, K.i;. viMiark, J. R. Willar. A. R. Wood, Oao. L. WllllaiBI,JoliBBVJ WlUon.Ji,. WBi,rlrarr,Ow.N. ValldB, 1. Walia. ». n r. Wauon. rraokT. Wood r 0. urB*l,l,urn. Ij, W. wiiiiBm,, rmi WbUub, WaBkiU Willi*, VmI JBJI.T. WarliBuBr, Oliu, Wilaur, llBrrr WucJillU Jib, Wood., H. II. wstan.M, a, h. tVll on. H.n. wllllBmiL Ualeaim <v.>u>B i lltrbart Wim«nia,K.T. Whlulr.DllB Will la ui a. J. J, Wack, KiiiaDS Waaloo nrua. Walib. II L. Walch a Walrli WiM^K Mnrrar Wllllama, llarr/ Wllllama.(lllir. Walcli, Hum W.liaiar, H. L. Wlll|>|i|B, WbUo Wanla. EdillB V\ illl,,,)., f'ha,. WMlilar, M. II. Warrao. Ilarbarl WiMMla A Wooda WriMliI, Krnl W. (Valibar.J. P. Willi.. l';anl 0. K. W.rd, R. II. Wall., 11. J. Wlllani, II II. Wllatiii. Illiu. Wlhl.r, ilao. II. Wllaar. r.rrr Wa.L'llur/ WiH.lBarO. O. D. WnulanJ.T Tra.k WalMlarllav. II. WItMa, TOBF WiKalhiill, 8. O, WmL Tliii". Yi'Uha, frank Ybiinl, NaBtoo Vila. Khaa. ViHini, llllla /Inn. A. M. "Zalli, llarrr ZirruTJ. W. fflmmannao.ll.W. /.imnra. ni«o Zlinm.r, llara /.alsam, — '/.IcuuiBrmaB.W. B. /»r.llB. Iluali /.,11a, r. B. WEST VIRCINM. Til curm AHMDAi, tor IWt will l» Mondaj, Jao. ». It WIU ooDlala an alpbabailoaBy ananiod llatot Inportaat tteatrlcsl avtala wtiloll liavs ocoutml duiinn tks'iiaat joar, » isootd of doallis in tli« piofnslon, boib bare and alxoad, and nnnwrouB portralia of iminlnenl prortsalonals, togelhor wllh tiloiiaphlml mention of eacb. — Joanib V. Vii'f. whn waaoonneoKd wllh th* .miiolB Wilson (iiwrB cn. In tiM capaolijr ot obM alti'iriclaD, rnnrafiiod tiili ide lij anootloK blj a aau Whsalliia,—ne week laatclOBOd was a good ona at Ibe local pIsjbouKs, and tbreeotlbo foor auravlloiu plajlog hsio bave aolistanllal cause to IN) glad to ba ainonK Ds. OfKBA llai.°sa.-llq;t'n "A Trip U> Cbioatown" drew a large liouio Jan. a. "Alaliaiiia" (uUowed 10,11, giving as eicellent pnrormance, to vsrj large aadleocea, Tbo companir waa odIj booked and billed 10 appear one nisht, lu, liui, bsvlog iba (ol- lowing nlilit open, decided at lha last moment lo giteaniailnea anil nigbt performance. Voniing: '•rrtncaa linboie" 19, Wm. o. itndrcwa, in "Mjr Wife's Maad." |i): James U'-Nalll 31, "Uo Ilia Mla- slMlppI" a. Uwatd llarrigan 27. •inaxu ifrKsi lloiie —"A Cracker Jack" gave an lorenor ptrronianc*, to fair hiiUncaa, o-l, Uiarlaa i.'owltafollowed!>.|l, prTMDiIng "A Uoiinlrj Her- cbaul." Tbe compaaj and pla; tbe beat of Bailtracilon and drew laige audiences. Booked; "A Pniillial Rather" (retomi |:t-l'>, Hlca and liar Ion, ln"llcl>oo<lleand I'oodla." II. in; "A Uaicbof Hiundera'' 20 it, "loal In Dew Yoik'i a-ii, "A llrcan Ooods Han" ^^t■^), Horeoce Ulodio/ (roiuro) SO-Wb. 1. World^Players in ih^birast Jsn ), al bli Iwanling bunseln PnNa* delpbia, ra. Tbs deed was coinnltird In lbs pteaaaco of hla rtwm male, William It. Ilasseti, wbo waa Ibe piDpcrtj man ot tbs company. Filia baa gone homo atioui four o'clock, and after talklns and J'>klDg wlih Mr. Usiaeli. be took a revolver rmni bla Irank and laid It on ibo bed beside Mo, and tbeo wrote a note. )<nailenlr, without wars- lug, he placM tho revolver to bla breast and wlitt the norda: "lletegoea. »o<mI hje," pulled tho trtf gar. Tne bullet pnaaotl ibmugb bbi hod/, canalna naiant ileath. Tae nolo wblcb ba wr te waa fonnn otiibslied,and read as fnllowa: "Thoonlionts I am sonv for an mj drar alaior, Itoae, and Miunnia; algned •Joe."" . — Tho A, T. Peanmn Wesism Htnck Oo. Inoludal lha following people: Louis IKclns, ned U. Uenb. ner, Cbas. v. Uno, i'realev B. Krenob, Frank o, Iieaon, Uatn R. Ireann, A. /. Ohipman, William H. Thonaa.Jobn A. Uelloa, (lao. I). Wallcia, aient; H;lvla Uldwell aul chllil, Irvae ixirliler andHaj — Uanager llanj tvililnm* haa enngcil Uia; H. Oreene to wrtte a uew drama, "(In Broadway,'' la wblob MagiM ains will star next sesaon. Ban Teal will suge Ibe prodaclloD, and Hlas Ollne will beaupnoiiedbyone of tbo beat companlaa obtain- able. Tbe Ume for next Maaon haa Iwin (nlly iKMked In tbe best ibaalics bj Klaw A IW»n««r. -H wager Tbot. ft. Oimdy, of the New iiptia lliniie, HonlgonieiT, IM., nporta excellent busUSM lor tuo present season. . . , _ — II. A. Off, managor of "In Old Maine," ID; forma lis that oo aocoimt of the aovtie Illness or Un. liarieiib the conmny baa been obliged to lar oiTfomfgw wccka. — .Noies from Ibo linliam.Kaile Co.: Among tba pruperiira need In ooo of onr pieces last week, at Xiiilnillt, Mo., waa* oandlasUok of solid allver, olaluied in have been brought over Is tbe Hay- dnwor. Tho whole ollf la proud of Ibe rsllo, kna Mr. Bianhnpe, lis owner, la aawnya pleased to enter, uln vUllon lu hhi "cnrloalty parlor," aa lie trrn» f. W. T. Uiirpby Hoed T, In place of Krtd Mul- lyneiix, wbo reilioed on account of hla alster's aeiloua Illness. >Ianw|er C. II. lloiw*am wsa a visitor of lha Agnua Ivallaoo-Vllla Co. lo, at Ho- berly, and nnora a vood tlnie and a good abow. — L A. Mwania InloroM aa that ho waareoently manled lo Nettle Kellogg, and not Ntttia Kclley, aa atated at tbe line. , , „„ — HIce Jt Uartiin'H Oomeillana are giving "Mc- Doodle adirPoodle" lo reportod ptvspeht; tbrouRh Weat Virginia. Tbo Urm la now preparing to uko ont another company next saaaon, under the rap. llontboanlelyKximvBRanzaDo. — The nianaier of llanilllnn'a "Trip lu ibeUr' ciis" Co. writes that over tin Iciten wai» rsfsived In aiiawer lo Ibeli' laaiadvrrtlaoment. — Moles from Ion Oamiirt llayara: We are nnw In onr tweniy-aocoml week, and biialnnia conilnuaa good. Jan. I'J. at Waterford, I'a., Vmuk Moore, ^mprlelnrol tbo tiagle lloUl, tondared a banquet Jo lira. Cauoll and uo mosilieM of lbs company. Tbo rosier: Inn Carroll, Jack (loodwin, Thomas II. Bulkle, Iiouis K. Wsntn, Waller Van, Frank I'oiter, Madeline Oooilwlo, Uailo llouicbton and Ulair Tiiule. — John llloinioieln's Co., "Tho Ideals," closed » two weeks'auiagomsntHi Ibe iimnd iipera House, Haailing, Pa., Ian. lu, and, II la aaid, Imike all pre- vluua rcooida, Tworty threo petfoniiancos worn given to H. It. 0. Ilaalrico Mrle boadn the com- **—'Tbe "Joabna Blmiiklns" Co., under lbs man. agement of U. H. Itcno, is In its eigbleenlh weak, and aald to ho doln* an excellent buatneaa In New Kngland. Tlis rosier of the company now la; U, II. Iteno, rasoager: L. II. IL Foulk, agent: inembeii ol oroboaira, llulavs rreeae, Werner Alibaus, Fred While, Cbaa. T. lljile.Toni Itlloy, II. B. Bonebiako aod ll. r. aiinin. Stage, Jaa. II. Tliome, il. h. Jaokaoi, l,ewU8uiherlani1,l,oaloi li. I'nwall, Krank TlKima, Uiaa. Oronk, Marj Freese, Julia Dannetta Bulberland and Uracle Haiinera. Aftor Jao, a) the show will be enlarged lo twonty tour people, and alldepartmeniaatieDgibaiiad. , ... — "Tn Irlabman'aTurk" la being played by Iba fiillowing company: AnnaTumage, Jeanneilo Oar- nson, Julia l&y,Bani liownoy, F. A. Keteer, Ilea. Van Nada and M. H. llurgeltc. " W, II, 81. Janes, i f Uncoln J. Uarter'a "The Fast Mail," was a tlui'i'iB oalier Jan. M. and Infomed us ikai be had purobaaod and, wltb bis wife. Intanda 10 produce Dsit aeasiin, "An Anony- Doua letter," a comedy. In one aul, by Kobard "'^funy Msrtell'a "flonlU llalore tbe War" Oo. la reporuidaadolnia gnoU bualnnaa on lis Boumsro 'llerliort Oarr latires (rom one of Ibe "Trilby'' ^, , „ ^ — Hohert Uowoing cloaca bla saaaon In New Or. leatia, 1^., Jao. 2fl. — Ilelen Weatboiaby Jolnfd "In Bight of HI. Faui'a" In Urooklyn, N. Y., last week. -"Tliollustlor>'Uo.oloseals. _ iTiio HUwaway" closed at Jatkaonvlll», Fla., Jan. 1, and lbs coiiipuoy camo lo Haw lOfk b| steamer. — "All Ihc tiotaforts o( lliime" dosed 'Is season on Mew Year's night. HaUrlCH are aald to b« la arroarn (or aavaral week*. ...„„_ — Un. Vbailea Peters baa rellrsd (too tbs "Ibirj of tbe IIUI" Oo. VIRGINIA. ItlehraoBil—with the mercury witbin easy balllog disUDce of the znni point, tbe comforla o( bome pmioi a aarloua counter sltnoUon to tboss ofourtheatrsa. lUoham Hanjillold,at Ibe Aoadimy of MuHic, Jan.«, 7, waa ibe sols exception of tbe week. Uuslneaa wllh bin waa np In the usual bigb aundard. "Una of tbe Uldnlgbl Huu," wblob fol- lowed 0,10, did only falily Well. (Iliver ilyron, at Ibe Itloliuinnii Tlieaim, n, met with poorirncuurage. mem. "Kalilo iUjuani,'' which waa lo bave been preaenled 7, H, closeil aritr Iba Oral prrfiirinance lor wok lit pairutiage, and tbo IndlapoalUou uf tba lead- ing ladr. AiuiMHV OK Mrnu "Tne Unltnn King" la. "Tba Uanler" It, Al. u. Field's Mliutrois la, 17, Henry Irving w, II, "Howliig the Wlud" >a, "Tbe Italn- maker," , . . HiciiHUNn TiiciTiii will remain dark (or two Pumaii'a Tutams Ootiigui.—Opening night of M: LunvUanks, Allel CVilea and Juliu Walla. Uusl- aesaUrair. narfolh,—Considering Ibo severe weather aod cniinicr aVr^ciloiM. last week's iiiialonas at the Academy of Muaio left m cause fur conipialnt. Tie amount nf bu«inuaa done tbe opeulng week of tbe now year seeuM bi bavo put over; une in Ihe best nf humiir, and If ndvaiice aalea are any ludlcallon of good buiinsaa Uie oiirreni week will aurtir hold Ita own "Faiilo Hnmanl" opened tbs w>ea'a at- iraclion Jan. a, to a lop heavy bouaa. Olivrr By- ron fiillowed 7, prsaentlsR "Tbe Upa and liowna ol Mfe," to a fair alied audience. Tlie play waa weU rrcalvad. Tlie week's onlerulninont cloeed 10, wbea"Undef ihe Mldolght Bon," wblcb waa Ibe sbow of Ilia week, broaglil tbe llnancea up with a ixMm. "Tba DavJei" comea l:i, Kleld'a Hlnatrria lb, "Bowing lha Wind" 'A "Tbs Hainmakeia" 93, "Tbe Inrby Wloaer"l4, Vi. RmouTnbatbjl— lAaiwaek'apeople are reulned, wltb a builea(|Uson "Tie Mikado." Uoalnesi good. ARKANSAa UUta Boeh.—At Iba Capital Tbealre "Tbs Qlrl 1 Left Uabind Me" came o. lo good Imslneaa. Ad amatani cbarltabla mualcai enurtalnmsnl, 9, bad H. R. U., for Iba btnefltot two Oieneo, Ilobbiosand WoDderlleh. tilled at a Ore ibree wseka ago. Iion- oelly and Olrard,ln "Tlis llalnmatan," 11, bad good bnalscas. Une: Yale'sTwolva Temptations" 14, (ills Sllnnar V: "Town Tuples" xi, Balvim it, tm, Mioola Maddarn Flake vi, Alcbard Manaleld ao, RobaatloienollFeti. I, Hat ■aalWBs.—At tbo Opera House "Tbe fllrl I l.<fl BHlad Be" waameanKd Jan.7, toafair al/.ed aoalMca. Uogntlly k Olrard, praaenllna "The RammaKen," came 10, to a large auolenca, Yale'a "Tweira TempUUona" comea l(. Oils Bktn- ner Ti, Mx. Helvlol 9, Mlnnla Msddem riike Jl, HIcbaid HauOlia »,