New York Clipper (Jan 1896)

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Januabt 18. TECE ISTETW YORK CLIPPER. 727 Biou Snor TBiiimi.—"SbTM ol Gold" c»im IS, 10 contioae Uireft nl^htt. *'ne S&ngtle ot l2,n|itdtolrDiulii<He-a,u<)MilMB<Mb>D a«w- ■itf AUi<iicoidOo.»-1I Jallslluioirenbereonra 10-18. TnHiwMinii.—BoiliiMilaioot week eodlnz II, iiUnls 18, eoilo htU: TtlklSK Bom "Sbtr- IKtL" Kaniia, Big. lAwu<l»,Pnr, Bauitne ua Indian ifatir tiiui Ixnil. nettn: DIui, ElU OUrk, Foitluon ud B*Ui, Btgm Sowoe ftad itie MUUOn !• HOWUB QlBSOK deillM tiMI oozo wlU Ma tut mtuiameat o( tlw N«w Hum. Dsylaa^At lilt Omnd Opon Boon "Yoodb Hn. wmuirop'' wu pndund br local Isleot Ju. g. A. H. Miner'* Oa., la 'Trtlby,'* wta ttia itmc- uoa 10. n, pl»Tlng u bli bailntn. Joil* Hirlovs nMT U booted tor It, ■■Rob Boj" io. Piu Tninn.—"Iiu Pndlfsl Fatlin" pbjcd to bl|boiUi«i8-8,*nd "Peckt i»a Boj" did fklilT mil Do*: Howmtd AUiaoaoin gpecUin Oo. 13-11, "8l*vn or OoM'Mt-U. SOLDina' Hon TauiBt.—4I«n. Ilowsrd'aleouira wu well ettended e. "Tbe PmllgU FsUiei<' did a bWbuUeae*. Oomlog: "aiUtLOore;! Abroid" 18, •TtiePajTnlD'>24. inoounoN nau—LevlDlrrliigHuidr (IwtsKr) St. ________ Spriu>*M>—Attbe Onod Open House Fred- eiiak WanM, In 'Tte Honntebuk," Dllnl ilie boiue JUL ), and Uie Beaton Howard AUiN)anm Star BpeelaltrOo. did good biulneas s. "PKncea Bon- nie" wt3 be ben ft, ■■Tbe PuaUu Sboir'' 82. Buof uruu Komi.—Ttu be Daren Oomedj 00. b^iloa a week*! ennagement Jan. 13. Fladlay^At Ike Matloe Open Hooae, sotirlUi. Handing (be Ikct mat Itbsd been plaredbenat mat ten Umea before, l(oiriiOD'a"IMaat'' irta giran to a otowded hooae Jan, I. "ne OlUbooleja Abioad" had a good hooM II. "Darkeet Rnaala" oomee M, Bobt O. logenoU IT At Turatr Open Honae Keinej and Balua comMnaUon came to grief and diabasded 4, before pertonnanee began, on acooontot a dkagteementDetireen memtMn of the oompany Oaro UUer, a member of tbe Rose Fajton Oo., Ii here at home, rerj slok. ZaBaoTllle^At Sohallz'a Opera Hoote "Ala- bama" came Jan. *. Ila piodaoilon ma nttoeoaed br a large and well pleaaed aodlence. Lerla Hor riaon. In "Faoat," plajed to good kontca e, i. "Ptln- ceaaBonnle"conias 14, "Hie rrodlgal FWhor" 18, 'The FUtlng Bhow" 90, "On Ihe Klalialppl" 32. Uva.—"A Baggage Oheck," Jao. 8, had a good hooae. Horrlaonl "Faoat," «, had a packed houe; Nlobe, 11. came to gcml bualoeaa. Ooming: "Darkeet Raaria" 14. Bobert O. logeraoll l(, "The Faaring Bhow" le, Robeit Hiuiard IT, "Tie Qreat BnoUrn Handicap" SI. BleakeBTtlU.—At the City Open Uooae the Carrie Uinl* Oomedr Uo. pleaaed good hotiaaa week of Jan. 8. Dr. Tncey cornea 18-28. M«M PENNSYLVANIA. PkUadelpMa.—TlieweekJoat peat, while an eioellentonelloanctallr, haaahowna alight loll In the tremeodooa bnalneaa that baa pmralled alnce OhiMnaa. The onnent week preaeota a number or ohange* ot bill whlob are llkelj to Klmalate popolar IntaitaC AoisiMT OP Hinia—For the ooirent week the opena to be gtren an: "n Ttaraton" 19, with Ttaor, Fleming, Del Pnente, Kalzao and Pnroat; "L'Atrioalne" it, "U Olocooda" it, and "lUgnon," wHh Nernda, at the niaUnee 18. laat week "Fault" and "Baniel and Qrelel" were repeated befontalraliedaodlences, and "Cavalleria BoeU- caaa" and "Fagllacol" wen gtieo with conalder- able lueceaa. In the latter open Freroot eaug ••Oanlo," and witb Del Puenle aa Tonio and Kionold aa Nedda, the performance waa a highly enjoyable one. Next week, "WllUan Tell," "Tbe Jeweaa" and "Don Giovanni." Jan 20. Uie third concert ot the Beaton Bymphooy Orobenn will Im given, In which Bafael JcaeOt will appear Jan. 18, the PhUa- delphla Symphony Society givea a concert. BioiD Bruir TuiATaa.—UlUan Rnaaell cornea forafonnlghfa engageneot In "The UiUe Uuke" and "La Petlcbole?' FraDCIa Wliaoa, laat week, oonoluded a markedly nicciaatal month's engage- ment In "The OUefialn." Olga Nelbenole, In "Car- men," la annoonced tor Jau. 2T. OHDnniT anan Ora&A Hoibi.— Thle hi Ihe aeo- ond and laat week ot "lime. Sans Oene." Ibmx week bualnen waa good. The production laabeautllul one and deaerred all the patrooge recelred and mere. Eathryn Kidder rtMlved much pmlae aa balng better la the part than laat eeaaon. Next week, Deoman Tbompeon, In "TheOld HmHelaad," and apeclal matinee Jan. 31, when Yvetle OuUbert will appear. OaiRNDr BraiR TeaiTita.—"Bla Bicellenoy," W.S.ailberfe new opera, oonea tor a limited eu- gageoeoL "Trllbi" haa been iratuteiTed lo the Park. Kit week uowed ao diminution In attend- ance, whlohalwaya has reached the utmoet capio- Ityol the hoon. The production la not recelred wltb u warm enihoilasin aa expected, but evl- deoily ererybody la delannlned to aee It WiUiDT BmnT Tautu.—"Charley's Aunt" li the auncUon tor tbe cnmnt week. Laat week "Ohlmmle Faddeo," a diamaUiallon by tbe auihor, Bdw. W. Towmand, ot hia atoiy of the aune name, waa prodoced for the ant tuse In thia city, and dnw well tiled houses. The play proved Intertst- tng, hot aa the plot la aomewbat lacilag In uolty ot Incident, the Inieteet Ilea mainly In tbe chanctets, which ar« weUdnwn, and were forUiDately loter- Eelad by exceedingly clever actors. Everyone In ecaatwaagood,butll Is doe to meodon Harte Bates, who, aa Hn. Morphy, aave a suet nnlihed Mt ot ohataoler aotlng, wUcb waa beartuy ap- plaoded. The favor of the audleaca waa alio •harad by Oeoige Naata, who U sild to have created a new oharactar In Paul. He oertaloly played a dUBosli light comedy part brilliantly, aid waa abao- loteiyeonvlnolag. Next week, tHeOarrtckBurloiiiue OoTt "ThrUby." Piax THiaiaa.—A. M. Palmer's prodocilon ot "TtUby" oomea here tron the Cheitnal for a for^ night, and irtll doubUeea conttoue lu triumphant career. Uat week Amy Lee and Ftaik Doane, In •'Mlm Baram Scamm," played a return engage- ment with fair reaolta. AuDrroBiOM.—The VaodevlUe anb la Uanager Ollmore'a attraction for the comae week. Last week tbe Meleon drew well ailed bonies, and aeot eveiybo^ borne well plMseil with tbe entertain- ment. Weber A Fteldi' Own Ooopany ahould pack the hooae next week. _ NanoMiL TBiiTBi Frank Buah, In "Olrt Want- ed," la the'aniacUon thIa week, and It la anre to prove a strong one. Lait week Frimnae A West's Mlnnels dnw well oiled hoosea. Next week, JameaJ.Oorbett. OuMS Oriaa HoDSi.—"Tbe Sparrow" opena the second week ot Its run, and Is Mid to have been greatly Improved alnce Ila Int ptoduoUon. Attsnd- anoe waa good laat week. The author. Otto BIck, wu somewhat Ota local celebrity before be wrote thli opeta, beoanae of hli adventores In the Ucenae Ooort. OuuB AVBNux TBuroi "Kan and Wife," Aognatln Da(y4 dnmatlatlon, la the production torthlaweek. It U a good selection and wUlpleaae Manager HoUand'a painna. laat week "Tbe Hag- lilnte"waaweUptoyedanddlda very lood bnal- neaa. Harry Hauball, Lotia L. Uothlcom and Tbomaa Fomn wen warmly apprecuted, while Hany Davenport, In the tlUe role, carried off the booon. Next week, Kamie OUroy, In "My Brother's FDiBriiKin's TaaaTBX.—"Dlplomacr" Is the cur- rent ptodooUoo, whlob will lie played by the nzu- lar sunk company otths theatre. Lwt week "The Bonsglen" scored a substantial succeia, and onwiBd the house neariy every evening. Next week, "Called Back," played by tbe atook com; pany, wUl prove an litareating prodnctlon. PiorulTBuTaa.—"Shadowa ot a OieatOlty" will dnw the Kenaloiflon populatloB out lo roice Ihia week. '•RumanlCf." laat week, did tatriy weU. "land or the Midnight Bun" ao. Bniisiis TBiaTas--"The Silver King." with part Baawta In the title tole,lsUie current attrac- Oob. Laat week "Uabda Acnaa tbe Sea" did a fairly good bo^Ueaa. ' Ooe ol the Bravest" cotnea Jaa.». KmanKiioNTBurBL—Ooe Hut's Big City Show holda the iMarda for tbe conaat week. TheFreoch OsMyOlrtawaa theattraodon laatweek.aad had no caoaa to oompUIn ot ap town appreciation. Next week, tha Ratty BMa. OaaMatMB' Orxaa Bonn.—A burieatne on "Mlby," MUa. Flom, the dancer, and the Baonacka, •rotaaqoe accentrtcs, are the ipeolal lononocemenis tor the oantot week. lajt week tsiny good bual- aeas waa done. Tu Buou.—Sam Loekbatt'a elepbanta head an especially attraoUva Mil ihU weak. Maggie Olne makes her intaptauueeat ihlatheatta. nepro- maae alio InerodeaZamo, Poor thndf*, Btaart, Bale n«a|e,tbs Healsys, Aeolian Mo, Jos Uaid- mao, OUTOU aod BIndes, lbs rollers, Yokohama noope, Morton and Mack, Cbartta Y. Seaman, Dm and Jose, aod Olark and Teaple. Laat week homes .7!!Si!ifSl1v*™"''?'"- The ValdlalJUterscon- Unned to be the Moatron, aod gsTi a nrj woodrr- folaod, at the aune iln», giaoefol perfonnaoce. _J?J ."C"™ -"The White Crook^Borlwiae Co., which U always soccesrful at IhU honae, leuirna for lbs current week. Laitweek Sam Ueven'a Own uinpany and Omeoe were the attncUona and packed the bouse at every psrtormaore. The dancer, Omeoe, la a gnat favorite, aod nightly wina tupuliooDi appuuae. Ishain<s Octorooos 2o7 .1,^* itP'Swrasuing lion; llou- dliu and Mils. Ola, msgtclaai; Sidoola. wire walker, aod IUuth,atreak,anlhenewalinclloaa In the cnrio hall. Io ibe theatre 8lg. U'Alma'i Dog and Monkey Circus and tbe Oeoiury Vaudeville Uo. af- ford Ibe entertalnmenL Crowded bonsesconunaed Isst week. Nona.—Ttie Olobe Theam U lo dots tnoble. Jamei T. Doyle aod Hilton 0. Sooti, lensee and man- ager, were arreeted and held In ball loit Wednra- day upon a charge ot iwlndlloi. The aUegatlon li that they engaged people u actora aod other cm- ployea, obtained money from tbcu aa loans and ts alleged security Inr tbeir poslitoes, aod tailed to morn lior pay tbo taltries when dne The bul- ness ttct and ripe experience ot Maoager John J. Uolmea leema to b« telling lo the boilnea aiTilia ot the Park 1 Mr*. Uambriihl. ot Columbia, I'a., died from heart failure In the andliorlom of Ihe Oheamui Street Open House, Saturday olght,luit before the oloae of the peiformaiice ot Mme. Saoa Oene Mn. FOrepaoati bu aeeored tbe tight to prodoce a number ot Biivey'a playi, "Woman of the People," -SInt of tbe NIgbt" and "Brother Against Brother." She haa also aecared a new version of "Oarmen." There Ui a strong pnba- bUlty that tbe Park will chania bands again thIa week. The deal may be coniumoated on Monday, 13. John Sharp, btie owier of the En]pir«, la r«- ported to be the pnapecUie leatee. PIttibnrw,—Bulneia lor tbe noat pari showed aomeiblog ot thenaual reaction after the Ohilatuaa and New Year's holiday tMom. Buoo TaEiTU.-"Dowa In Dixie" ibia week. "Eight Belli" nog out merrily laat week. Steve Bndle, In "Oo the Boweiy," la tbe underilne for Jso.20. AITIK THuniB.-"Tbe Uaniaeniden" Is the our- reot atlnicUoD, tor Ibe dm time here. UllUn Rua- sell olesed a tuneful week 11. The Uimrotoh Open Co. U announced for three nigtati and a mauoeo, commencing a. ■ Udqossni Taurni.-Uodjtaka. In repertory, li this week's attraction. William Ilney, In "A OluM Trotter," will follow 20. Jtit Scbllenee Peaant Co. cloeedan eogaaement 11. Niw Oaaxn Opiiu Uorsa.—Jas. O'Ntlll, In npor- tory, mis Ibis week's bUI. Nat a Ooodirln cloml a mlrtntul week II. Edward Uanlgnn airlvea 20. Biat End THuraa.-Uanager W. M. Adams an- noonceeEdith EUlaand berOoaitdyOa.,lo"A Hatch ot Bloodere." as this weekl bill, "a Trip to the Olroos" scored a big hit Uat week. Manager Adaou haa loet with gntlfjiug lucceas at this OKodiome honie. Hurt WiujiMS' AciDEvr of Hcsii: —Ruuell Brce.'Comedlaaacompnw Uanaser WIUIauM'cur- reol oireringa. Tbe City Spnita Big Show cluecd a highly eucceielul engagement 11. Tbo Roeo Ulll Engllib Folly Oo. coniea to. AviNUE TasuTax.—Calcedo, Cba>. Ulckaou and Lillian BurkbarL asaUled by O. Herbtri iMoard, Oyorl JnlUka, Ueoige Brans. Low Blouiii, Utile Oeitle Oocbnn, Sberiir end Tbropp. Topack and Steel, Oloea Bnthen, ibe Deagaus. Peruandei and the Two Kids mske up thU week's progrenime. The attendance cooUnnea verr large. Niw WoBiD'sHDiisijiiTaii'rax.—Tbelleuiy Bur- lewius Co.. la iheburlei<ineor"Tar •nd fW-Ta,"Ui holding the itage, with living bruoze etatuea aa an addldonal altnuilon.' Tlie prtuclpal feature ot tbe wonder hall Is Victor K. Cody, ibe sharpshooter. llasBY DAVIS' Bom Ni:scL-"Old Rube," asld to be tbe largest loake on eatib. Ii the principal fea- ture In thn oario ball, where I'nf. Uletrick gives an expose of spiritualistic aeancca Ohlet smong the enlenaluereln the theatreara: SIg. Femandns, 011- sou and Matthews, Ban and Rnna, John F. Kenton and Annie Ashley. SoBAra.—Jai. O'Neill b lo prodoce "The Ouurter ot Ijons" at the New Onnd attamoon ot 18, for the Hist time here t'bas. Ulckionaad LUlun Uurk- hsrtexpreaa theniselveiastalghly pleased wltb their experiment In Tsudevllle, and Hate that ibey will cootloue In that Hue of bueloess A decision very Important to the futan ot tbe BIJon waa handed down by the Suprtnoe Court e. In tbe case ot tbe Mercantile Llt>nty HsIl Co. vs. Pittsburg LIbnty Ball Asaocbulon. Tbedeclslon nt tbelowsr conn was reversed aod a decree made restoring fisrtles 10 tbeIr reapaoilve poellloiu prior lo the •aae ot January, I8tl, but saving lotervenlog rights ot lenants who hsve paid rents, snd othera. Bad the lover court been lailalned the mansge- meot ot tbe BIJou Tbeaira. vblch Is the old Uercao- tue Ubnrj Lecture llail, would bavo been com- pelled to ntcate the preniueson tbe Orel of next lone. AS It Ii, Ibe theatre will remain In Ila present location, snd next Summer tbe manage- ment will male the eiienilve impr\,vemenu they have been conlsmplaUDg, one ot tbe principal ot whlob will be tbe lowertng ot the theatre to Ihe Cnnd floor An attempt iraa mads by a skat- pariy ot thirteen colored people to gain admit- unce to the Ouluo Ice 8kaUng RIak la Scheoley Park, 11, bat the; were not allowed to enter, and several suits an threstened FJIen Beach Yaw will cuncemie at Qarnegle llall tbe latter part ol tbis month Hunt Oaliteid will lectore at Car- negie Hall, for ibe beneOcot the Newaboya'Home, Feb. 13, on "The Gold Dure tor the BardTlmee.".... Manager Adams, of tbe Esat End Tlieatre, has In- vited all the newaboya to vlait that bouse 14, lo see Edith Ellis aod her comedy company, to "A Datrh or Bloodera." Proprietor Hany Davis has lo- Iroduced a large orehtstrtoa aaancntaldeaUncUon at bU New Worid's Munum Theatre Every lady attending Jas. O'Neill's performance ot "Monte Orlito," attne New aiaaa,13, will be preaeated with a sauveolr pleura ot nim as Vlrglolus. Cbas. L. Uavto, pnpiletor of tbe Alvm, writes that boll haTlogoaect tbe beataeaaons with "Al- vloJoslln" that ne has ever bad Hlnole Mad- dera-Flake made each ao Inmanse bit here eariy la Ihe aeasoo thst the Duquesne tnsnagemant are contempUtlng a reurn etiiagement tor her la March no aoonal beneilt of the West Penn Uospllsl takes place at tbe Alvln early lo Febnisry. Proprietor llany Uavia la oiBsnulDg a drama- tic etock company tor hIa Avenue Theatre, It being bU intantloa to make dnniatlo pnduciloos a fea- ture ot tbe contlnnoua pertormancea at that popolar honae. Pnmlneoi among the engage- menu tboe rar made rer It are Victory Creese Bstemao and Howard Kyis. Tbe latter, who Is now with Hodjeaka'a O)., will cloae with that or- Sinizallon next week . Wm. F. Connor, Jas. 'NeUl's manager, sutes that he Is ouklng amnga- ments to take his aur on an AaiinlUn lour, and thence to Ceyloo, India, Italy and Eagland, givtog lo tbe Bilibih ngetropolls apeolsllr elabonte pro- daotlona ol "Mooie Crlato''and "VIrglnlua." There haa been a big snbacripOonsale for Ihe aea- SOQ of Oermsn open at tbe Alvln Jas. O'Nslll saya ihat irithin seven weeks irom now he will pre- sent an elabonte rerival of "Tbe DanlcbeOk," play- ing Oasip, tbe Bert. Ilaiwlabara.—At the Gnnd Open Uouae bualoeaa mi good thnngbout the week, irtth "A Texaa Stear" t, PaoUoe Hall 8, Tnomaatl.Beabrooke S, lU Uean 10, and "Hldoliht Special'^ 11. New attracUona: Uarrlabnrg Choral Society, In "The Heaslab" 14; "A Hidnlgbt FnUc" 10, "Uoe ot tbe Bravest" II, "Tbe Fencing Kaalai" 18. EniK Himu.—Bualnaaa coutlDues good. Wsek ot Jan. IS: Swedish mind reader Bundeen, O'Brien and Bocklay, Dolly Oowe, Prof. Bol.lum, Ueleo Uar- riogloo. Cteelao and Ohaae, aod BUly Wells. Nom—'Toe Specnlator," Tbomaa <). Sea- brooke'a new piece, acoi«d an liamenie hit here. It has been arestlr Improved snd U onder the direction ot W. H. LyteU, who haa taken ont all the nawa. Hr. -eabiooie wae given a curtain call at Ihe oloee ot every act and waa obliged to make an address Manaier >'ulierer, ot the Uageniown Open Unuas, was a vislior to ttie city lo L. & Barlow la In the city orgnnlzlna an extrevsgaota company, and vrlll ahonly leave the oltr oo a toor ot the amaller towns In the State. It will be known aa Brown's Eztnvsgaota Co., sod will have tttt people, locloding a band Pauline llall clooed her toor at Tnaton, N. J., IL Sbe expeou to reopen her eeaaon at Pliuburg, Pa. March lA E. a Herelerode, tonneriy manager of the Open Uouee, Ulddletown, will shortly open a dime anaaemeot place hi tbe Auditorium '-The Hidnlgbt Special" Co. Is now under the manage- Dtent of Barry Btrnanl, who haa succeedsd In brtnglngorderootofchaos. Tbe trouble was due to a contlaoona expreaaloo ot dlaastlsfacllon on the pari of ooe ot the memtiera. Mr. Ber. naid took charge, canceled daua op to Jan, 11, when the company reeumsd In ttiU city. The bookings doring Ibe remainder of the season will oootlnie without a break. Baivy 8. Mealy and Flotrnoe Pnoeh are no longer oonnecled with the oompany. Alberta Uadley lolaedthaooapaaylL She went on at the afternoon pertomaaoe aod as- turned the role ot Tabbs after a tew boon study, and mada a hit Raadla(.—'-ns Oollon Klog" ptavcd to a fair ilud aodlenoe at the Academy ot Nuelo Jao. 8. Tboa. g. SeaMoote. In "The Speculator," did well 8. Bouaa'a Band atincKd an bnoienie andUnce 0. "On Brin'a Shorta" dnw modentely 10. "Tbe Feodos Hssler" came lo large btfalneaa II. "Tbe SootilaD Rafonnailon," aaenterialnmeat and lecture by Mrs. U. B. Hoorne. b underlined tor 13, It; "A Hldaummer Ntghi'a Dream" It,"She Oonldn't Mirny Three" it. OaAMo omu UoiM.-ltlmnieleU>'a Ideals drew well week ol Jan. 8, wolcb waa the second and oloa- log week of thelreogagemeoL The Oonialei Oomlo Open Co. comes week rl is. Bijou TnuTna.—The American Gaiety GlrU drew well 8-11, on which datea tbey were booked to ap Car at Cheeter. ney were originally booked tor ree alghte only. The rrenob Gaiety Olrta are doe weekot It. KaatOB.—At the AMe Open House Tbe Waits Comedy Co. did good boalnoa week ot Jan. »-II. OomUii: "A HIdiummer Night's Dream" U, Prof. Couturier's Ooocen 18, "The laui Osrd" 23, "The Irish Vdonteer" a. Palics TUiATaa and Mraai drew fair houaea during laat week. Oomlog. week otls-i8: RIebleaod Richie, la a comedy Bkelch; Brown Bruthera, clog danocn; tbe Thoralona, In a iketoh; Uole Jobo- stoD, soog and dance; Ma|. A. J. HcOnlre, bttiad- swordsman; Onaale IM Forrest, In comlo songs; Fetching Broiben, niuilcal oonedlau; Eddie MIWs, In the attarptsoe, eoiiutd "Ubaeoiloo," Krie«-At tbe Park, Jao. 0, "Uarkeat Russia" p'ayed to good buHneiu. Ona Ulll, 7, oame to good atiendanoe. "Pilnceaa Uonnle," I, oaaie lo a packed house and greatly pleaaed the aodleoce. "A Mid- summer Night's Dreaii" came 0, to s full house, at advanced prices. Edward Uairlgan, In "Old lavaoder," 10, waa greeted with a large andleace. J. E. OIBAID'S WONDiniAMD TUIATU AND Huaoum.—Four fat blcycHals, Bryant andSavllls, and City Olub VaudOTine Co. Bualneea good. Soraaton.—At the Academy "Ooe of theBnv- «'." COOKS Jan. 13. Allegory of America, for the beneot of LHckawanna lloapltal. It, It. "A Mid. summer Night's Uresra," II, bad a Urge booas. PRonnNuaAX.—"Tbe Fatal Card" comea 18, B. M. aod Joseph Holland, la "A Social Blgnway- man," 23. Davui TaXATaa.-"Tho Smngglen" are due 13- II. Tbe Washburn Slitere' Ijui SeoiatloD, 0-11, had ovonlowlng hooeea. Alloona.—At Ihe Eleventh Avenue Open Room John Keroell had a fair boose Jan. e. Pauline Halt dnw a large audience t. Rsrry O'.Velll«, "The OUck Crook" lo, and SUtaon's "U. T. 0." Oo. II, drew well. Ooming: The Cecil Biioooer Comedy Company, In repertori, week ot 13-U; "Loet lo New York" 30, UI Henry's HiDilrel'i 22. Uarby Datii' Edkk Mtiexs.—ThU week: Maud Uaywaid, Ella Monls, I'eiry and Ten Brooke, Lil- lian retry, Shayne and Woidon, Ford and LawU, and Lerey and CUjIoa- Wllkaabarre,—At tbe Grand Open Uousa ■Tiie Bpecnbit'-r" had fair buMnoa Jan. 7. "Tho OoitoD King," 8. came to tair butlneea. "A Hid- summer Night's Urean," lu. for tbe beneilt ot Ihe local lodge of Elks, bad the iMoner bouse of Ihe seaaou aiadvanced prices. Coniloi: WkIIs's Haper- loiT Co. week ot IS-ls, at popular pncea. Hi'dic llALL—lucbelle nenard,week ot 8-11, In repertory, drew very well. Oomlog: "Tbe VVblle Crook" 13-li, "Tbe Ikrby Hsacoi" la-ls. Laacaater.^At tbe Fultou Open House Tlui Murphy, Id "A Te.xsH Steer," lo a large liouae, Jan. 0. Souse's Band drew s lareo snd appreoUilve audleoce 8. Pauline Hall, lo "Dorcas," did well 0. Thomaa Seabrooke, In "Tbe Bpevulslor," waa ex- tremely well received 10. He was compelled alter the second act to make a speech In response to the vigorous spplsuse of the aidlsnce. "Oo Erin's Shores" did well 11. "Tbs Midnight Special" cornea 14, "Tbe Fencing Master" II. RHODE ISLAND. PrairldeBce,-AI Keith's Opera Uuuso Steve Urodle, In "On the Uowery," made bla aecuud vUlt to thU city Jan. e-ll, and pUyed to a big week's business. This week, Haithews aud Bulger, In Hush City," and for Ibe week ot 21-20 U. 0. Mlner'a Co., lo "Uaman Uearu." FooviniMci OrxsA Uooux.-'The Fatal Qtrd" was produced for the lint Ume In this city 8-11. sod did very well. For the prenent week Olga Neilior sole will appear In repertory, and the advance sale Is eaomious. James A. Ilerno, In "Sltoru Acres," for a week 20. ff xsraiNBim Tuiatu.— HUco'a Ulty Club made Its aunnal vUlt and brought all new acoiieiy and many new faces. The week's nnelpu were very large, eapeclally fnjod matloeo hoosea prcvalllog. Thbi week, the NIgbt Owla. Umiaor's OroHA lloiisx.—Kdltb Hal, lo J. /. Ut- ile's "World," sapported br a strong compaoy, played to a fairly gwd week'a buelseasS-II. This week Kate Dallas niutna and presents "Ths Hoop of OoldJ' and tha following week we bare a sow one, J. w. Uarrtngion, In "Rube Hioey." Nona —Wm. O. Ohaae, wbo waa for many yean manager ol Lolbrop'a Open Bouss, this city, and more recently massger ot the Pawtuoket Open Uouie, latosucceed AntbnrW. 8Ubbaaa treaauier ot Uthrop's Open Hoiiie, this city. Mr. Btolibs goes to Boston... .Amy Bosby, of "The Fatal Uard," wko baa been nating on account of llloees, rvtolaa the company at Btliunon 13 Wllnore A. wio- ston, a fonner newspaper man about hen, and FSalelle Dixon, an actreas, were recently married In Providence.... John A. Bteveoa, Ibe aour-manager, was In town Ust week Hlcbard tileger, late of Boydea's "Ploafoie" Oo„ and now of Ihe "Jack Harkaway" (X)., waa lo Iowa Uat week, aa waa Tbomaa IMveoe, of the Three Dovenea Slaale- ntik Jones, the Ulsck Paul, will alog Ui IhU city It, under the management of Wni. II. wlog Some very elaborate hlihir polUhed braaa malloee slgoa have been added to tbe lobby of Keith's Open Pavnaohet^At tlie Pawmcket Open Uouae, Jan. 8, "The Loet PatadUe," here tor Ihe Int lime, went away mncb pleaaed with the msnsgement and Imslneaa dnn. Jos. Maipby pUyed "Kerry OoW'and"Shaoi Rbne" lo, II, to andlencca that Oiled the honae to Ita ntmoal capaoliy. On II Hr, Murphy piessnted eaoh Isdr at ths matinee with a ring. Mr. Hurpbv closed hU regular seaaoo here. "Boas and Uoaa" Oo. comea 18-18 and "A Trip to bbloaiown" 23-3i, • UTAH. Salt I«ka City.—'The Amaion" scored a hit at the Onnd aod dr«w good boslneea week of Dec. 30, notwithstanding advene criticisms by the local preas. Cunent, "IbsSUnrUolng." Ltosoh.— "Uartd Oarriok" hsd good houses week ot 30. The ounent bill U "My Awful Dad." The stock company b strengthened by three additional members. Hany Canon Oaite, Johooy WUlUma and De WlU Jennings. Mr. Jenninge haa bekinged to lbs local amauor lanka, aod U making a prom- ising debut on the professional stage. Bait Lau Tokaiu.— Tbomaa Keene had fair boalneaa 30, 31. UarU WaUwilght played lo a crowded honae Jan. I, hot had pour houses 2,3. Henry Dlxey bad a poor hosas 4. Tbe Orpheus Olob Pocal), In burieai|Ue. pUy t, 8. "la Old Ken- tucky" comea I, 10, "1402" 11-16, May Irwin It, 1«, "Tbe Delaultcr"20,31. Nom.-Edltti Pollock has resigned tram ths stork oompany at tbe Gnnd. UaUy Ixivertog will bike her pUce Uany Coraoa Clarko, who waa alter- nately cUlmsd by tbe Orand and Lyceom, gnally caainlalotwltbtho Lyceum stock Juat aa Ihe audience waa leaving the Bait I^e Theatre, 4, atler witneaalag Henry E. Dlxey, In "The UiUery ot Love," Uie root waa dUcovertd to be on On. The dspartawnt waa called ont, without slarmUig tbe audience, moetot whom went home without know. Uig ot the Ire. Tbe Ore was oolelly and quickly exdngnUhed DltsuD.ths Mormon wlurd, has closed s cootnct with W. D. THlolaon for an so gagementotel|ht weeke HIaa Alberto Gallatin, a member of Ihe Thomas keene Compaoy, waa taken III here, and Ibe company was compelled lo leave bar behind. She u now convalasoing at the Templeton Botal and U on the npid road to recov- ery The traveUogorganlxatloiia playing at the Sail M» Theaire have anlTered recently, owing In the two popolar prica Uuatns rnnnlni oonUnoooa- ly Willi capabli slock oompaoUa. only playa or stanof sxtraofdlnarr mertlare havlog mora than nedloaebr^— NEW YORK C ITY. I.aat Week'a Dweals.—Numerous hspponlnis, uf varying Importance, added tbelreharaollnleirat to tho past week. A new iheairo was opened, seveni playa, siteady known upon ihu rood, hs<l their Ont molropolltsn hearlng,one being accorded lie nrtl American producUmi; a new drama In Ibe nrimsn loogue wae preeeoicd, and a play, reconily given here In that toogiie, bad Ila Oral prrlomtaoce lo Kngliib. with ao maoy toreiuta lo alirart patrooage, ihen was oatunlly an lucreaw ot bml- ntaa. sod both ibo bnik snd tho atersgo of recrlpla were qtiUe ealtsfactory Tho rootluucd allrsc- llons tor the week coding Jan. II aero: (Irand open si tho MtcTHoroLiTAN OrsRi lloiiDK, "The linn of HsryUjd ' at the llnsALDSQiiiHa, "The Wlurd ot the Nile" St the Casino, "Kxcclrlor Jr.' st ihc Oi.Yarii. '-An AniM'a Modrl" ai Ibe IIroaixviy, John lla.c at Abbet s, "Tbo ftponlog Duchrm'' at ihc AciDBiiT or Hi'Hio. 'The County Fair" at Ihc Atab, -The sinngo Advrniurra of HIm Brown" at Ihe SrANiiABD. ■Kortbeio Ugtw at tho AMEHiOAN, aod Olia NetberMlu st tbe Km- riRB. the ooe last named having cloecU upou that dale The one week itanda cloflng Jan. II wcro: Cbas. Fruhman'a Co. at Ibo (iKiNn flrSRA Hoiks. Tbo Coiton King " al ibe l'Kori.i'8, "tllil Wanted" st 100 FouurEXKTii Sniiirr, "Tbe Ureal uuiiiond Rotibery ' at MANniRn'a, "Tbo Uav l>aruiana'' at Ibc Hableh Oprka iloi'SE, and "Saved front the Sea'' Ml Ibe Columbus Vancty enierialunieni wa^ifnrntabeil at TuxYPAnun's, ibo Union SquABR. Kosmin A utii. », l>RunnB'a,oi.THru, Iho l.(iNiiuN, PHUCrUHM Pl.SAyUHl PALACE, IhO Ol.YHI'IU Sllll MINERS UnwEBY and Kiiiuth Avenue I'er- forroaucea lo uerinen were giroo al tho Ikvinu PLAfK and IIEBUINIA. aod peifonuanccs Id IIc- hiew al the Thalia, K'iNDiion and Aiilbh K At tho Lvtaun Tiieathe there wai pn:ducud ou Jan. 8. tor tho Orsi llnio In Ibis country. 'Tbo IP.'urllt ot Ihp Doubt," a comedy, In ihrco sc(p, by Artbur w. Piaen. lis proepouis an not alluring "Ueuilenian Joe," a musical tarro, lu twoavis, hr llasll lluoil. wltb niuslo by Will, r Siaughton, was given tin Oral iiKiropolitan prnluc- tloaaltho Fiirii Avenue Tit eathx on Jau. 8. Tbo corapavy had been organticd li; M. U. Cunts, who bad loloOflcd lo appear In Ibe tlllo rolu of iho plar, 10 which ho had aliraily beoo aeeu out of town, but ho wai pieventeil from personally panlrlpallng In the pertonuance by an Injunction aecurutl by Ihu Hcanra Aronaiu, oinseiiiicoily bla rule was Dlleil liy Wlllard Lee. Tbe play won but lliile lavur Al lloVT'it TiiKATBV. 00 Jan. 8, there waa prciioblnl, forttio Orti time In ibli cltr,"A lliack Sheep, ' a farce comedy. In ibito acta, by chailci II. Iloit, which had aln-ady won tsuio snd aubmsnllal re- ward upon the road, snd wbloh wli| unilituliiuilly meet wlih like auccuaa liere John llrow iN'gaii on Jan. 8 an engagement st I'AiJiKHa TiiK- ATRE, reviving "Tho Ilsolilo Hhui ii Hut itcra- vlon "UIrt Wanted," a farce ruiiiuily. I>y It. N. Uiopbons, In which Krunk lliiiili Is alsrrlng. was aeon In this cllv fur Ibe flr>*I llmu on Jan. 8, al Ibo Foi'RrKnKTii MriiBicr Tiieathk On Jan. 8 ■ .Saved From Iho Sea," a ni 'iudraina, lijr Henro. Slilrleyaiid l«ndeok. bad I'n nnil hearing III Ihlj cliy.aliboCouiasu.sTiiKATHK, Harlem There whs protliiccil at Daly's Tiikathk. on Jan. t, tor the flr*i frau upou any iiugc, '-Thn Two Kn- culchcnnr," a comedy. In four artN. a traiiNlailui) and sitapiatlou by Sidney Hiaenfulfl of lllunionllisl aud Kadclburg'a -/wcl WsppcD," rccunliy prt:- dured In Ihe nriilnal touiuc at Ihu Irving I'Ucu Theatre. It was IbiiH raat: lUron vuii Woiliiigun, Kd'jrin Stcveoa; Thomas Foitltr, James I.4:wIh; Itu. ilolt.Sldiiey llerbrn; Voo Vlmk, Knnk Wortlilrig; l/)ienx. Trucsdsll; Wernlcbe. 8he|ilicril; Fiaiiz. Uildslsnd; llsrniaiadMIotiart llosworlh; i:i)Ui.Il>ioi lisiinsisdi, Psnoy UoiriH; Ibiroiicn WuillDicu, Ura. Uliuen; widow Hloveoaon, Vsxlno Kliloil; Hsr; Foalcr,Ada lleaan At AnaEY'HTiiKATHK, 011 Jan. t, John Hare cbangrd his bill anil appeared In Sidney Orundy'u three act. coiiicilv, "A I'slr ol Spectaclea," already well known boro ibruugh Ila production soiiio years ago at tbo UaillHiii Hi|iiaro Tbcstrc. ThU play bad lieun chown liy Hr. Iluro •a biH loiilBl oHDiIng In tbia country, aod tora lung tliuo bo aiouily loalited that bU wlahea should Ihi reapocied; but on Ibe grounil nt rxr-cdluacy liewaa Ooally overruled by bli Auei lean iiiiDBgciii,anil tho iinforlunalo blunder waa inedo which rrsnlled In bis sppcsranue Id PInrra'd seuacleHs anti cxiruiiu lj ohooxloui Thn Notorious Hrs. Ktiliamlib." In Mr (irnody's charming plaf, wlili which wo have this plevaut opponuulty to renew our ati|iialni. ance. Mr. Hare has raniod tho lictler part. It not tho xreator part, ot hb tamo In lila own boniu. Illii cicstlun ot tlie i^le ot Uinlainia (liililUuch guvo LIni a place In Ibo hi'aru ofblHfullowcuunirjnirii, and mado lilni lbs object of their affcoiiuiiulo re- gard lu a degree compirsble lo ibatliealowod by us npon JoiK'pb JeA-non, by reaton of Ills lllp Vsii Winkle, Mr. Hare hss proven to us that thla lu- gardlswell merited,and lliai.liku ourowiiravorile player. It owrs Its birth to Iho amlablMly and klnil. Ilneas of nis dUpoitilon, snd the gcDiluoeM sud rc. flood gm'n of hbperaonallly. Ho daintier piece ot coiueOy wi:rk has ever been seen U|Mn our atsgn. Mr. Hsn'a hiinior cuncs lo um liku Iho frairance of aflowir; lilsbiiicb Uuilrllcatauailiaioracarru- log band; his voico U of mml inuaiusl snd soothing qualliy; hn u a iiianicr of Uclall. and facile In exprcaalon; ho Imlcvolil iif manncrliirna; hU CDitiichitlou la clear anil ciUp. ami his vocal lu- flecUODs throughout ihoir widu range nowaiu^Hillily ona Into another *lib tboioiixb correclnera end tuturalnix. Tbo crowning chsrms ol Mm acting an Its sppanut alocoiliy, Ha thorough eiiiilpolsc and lis BVolilance of sll lu-emlog ot anItlcUllly. Ho shows Ihe tiiioyaocy aod percunUI youth ot Oolil Unch's ilUpoaliloo Cfinally In both Ila gubicR, dU' pUylog IhcinHilll, wbeo conlumloslsflliyiiiaplcloii Id Ihe ebullleni joy wltb wblcb he mica hla new hobby. It would be dlitlcult in ssy loo much In prabwot bla performauce, ami we may ilierefuro cease to praise ibal we nay eiabnce the oppor- tUQlty tolcudergood wUbts to Hr. Ilaie concern- log the pnseDiallfin ot Ihb woik during lila slay in tills country. We hope Ibtl ho may have en ry on cooregemeotto present lias olten aa bla eogaiio menia will permit, for It la a charnilng play, wltb a moral of Ineallmablu vaUo, aud yet free from didarilclam, and rendered Inib silur Ing and helpful by Mr. Hatu's pollsbod aud peifocl art. Tbe auppert wai, in the main, exccllant. Charles Groves, so actor already well known here Urougb his connection with ibe slock of Wat- lack's Theaiic, gave a capllal perforiuance ot tho rule of Uncle llregoiy.aad Hsy llsrvoy was oxcocd logly winsome aa Mrs. (loldOncb. The enllru cast was as fullows: Mr, IMutsmIn (loldOncb, John Hare; Uncle Gregory, Cbarles Uroves; Percy, W.H. Caibcari; Ulck. ailliert Hare; Loriuitr, Charles Hock; Bartholomew, Euipme Mayour; Joyce, Fred' erick Tborne; Hbnemaker, Henry J, Abboil; Mrs, Uoldflocb, May llanrey; Lucy Lorlonr, Nellie Thoroe, Pnocding Ibis pUy W. B. illlberi's familiar one act drama, "Comedy and Tngedy," waa prs- lented. Julia NelUon, who aaanmcd ihe role of Clarice, round good oppoitunltr to display her abundaol and excelleot iraluleg, and ma«' lered the Iccbnicsl difltcalilea of tho role wlib eaae, but much of her work tacked splru aod eponuoeity. Her luproTlsallon acsoa waa very aatlsfsciory, Int her freozUd appeal to her guesla In behalf of ber hnaliand lacked Ibe note of sineerlly. Fftd Terry and U. Aubrey Hffllih wentsptctally eonmandable In Ibeir respect- Iveiolea. Ttiewoikwsalhaacasti Docd'Orlesns,C, A.Srollb; IIAulnsy, F^d Trrrjr: tlorlor Uhminsrt, Ohsries Rock; Abbe Duhola, Kugone Moycur; Do (Inocy. P. (Irinin; l>e Is Krrir, Alixn Aiw- nl; Uo Oourcclica, f. HapbncI; VIcuinle do MauEam. Chstlos Canvoglls; Do llroullo. U. ■>owi«; Joacpb, II. J. AhUi't; I'uallne, Nolllc 'niuroi-; Clarice, Julia Nrllfdn At Iho llAnBiCKTMEATUK, on Jan.t, Stuait and coni|<aii; prrsoiiicd, for the flmlilmo lu Nuw York, "Mm. I'nnderbiiry's Piiai." a farce. In three aclK, adapted tiy F. C. Itiimauil fron'-Uadsmo Uougnlln." by Kruist Utnni anil HaoulToclie. Ila ilr>t prcsiiiiuitnn In this cniiutry occurred Drv. .10. ll>M,al Uaiwflilil. 0.,wben It was played iiuiler Ihe tlllo ul "Kurlilililcu Kinll." t'oilcr Its prewnl nnuio tbo play waa iIcki pruduccil Nuv. J, list, at tho AveDuo TbCHtre, IauiIiui, Kng.. and as Uailamo Uongnllii" waa oilflnsliy pruducnl Dec, II, l»M, at Ihu Vaoilovtllr, rnrK, Kr. Tim rbiry hlngrs upon a paat record whlob .Mri>. I'nnilcrliury Is aupposotl to |<iiiM>a, and wblrh liaM inailo It put- atblo (or her to twcoiitu a Mirnw, whoiloiulnicre over bi*r hiwlianil In tbo miiMt lU'c.liIcil mannrr. Ac. conllnu 10 ."tfn*. I'omli'iliuiy tbo wii^, iwuoij-HOVon years bole re il,e plajr beuliis, the huniinu df an sil- vcnlurc iho pnuolpal Ini'iiltiii uf whirh her atabttlug a man lu ibo ilcfundo uf ht r honor. Tho kolfo wlib which the alalitiing U allogcd tuhavo beuu done haa licon put In a frrtiue, anil la held Id roverciico by all wbo liavo bcaid Ibn ••(orr, which Mr, Ponderbur; la coiuihMK'iI Io rclaio to every one who may bapiKn to coiuu in the hntiao. Mr. I'ou- ileriMiry saicria lhat bla rcveri'ui-o fur bla atfe'a berotatu la Ihe solo csuao of bla wi'ak aiiltiiilaaton to biT l>nuur, anil In coiiM'iiiieiu'e aiiircrs hor lo look lilm In hla toniu and in ininlati lilin In van. oua utbcr waya. which iraaiiiiont aha Ksya la to puilfy biR Hoiil. In Iho Ihlnl nui OapL Jubn Hum. ford, au old filcud of .Mr. rontUrbury, appesM nnd ivlla nf iiii iidvontiir<i In wlilch ho tlgiiiid iwcuty-aovon jearM Iwlutv, Tho t'aptaln'a mory sgrvi'H Willi Mfrt. roiiili-rliury'a aa in ilato snd plAco, but differs lu u'licr reaiieoirt, Inajimncli na It pnivti.i tbut Hra. htuilcihury baa liiipfsrd ii|Mii Hie cixiilulliy iil her buslmnd anil (rirmls for slllhiiaoyearK. .Iiii^unlluu lo tliu Caiilatn's atury the lml.v cniiiTrneil In bla uilveninru klaaofi him slier he hail Itiii'iiitonally I'ul hla hand wHh u kulto ahc hiul, with ilir vl>'W In nliiiilnu tier syinii^iiliy. Mr. I'onilrrliiiry'a Joy knnvva no linim''a iit ilio pros- pect cf rrlran finin liia wlfo'ii tiranny, anil bo ItrliigM thn Captain and lila aiKuiao faoo lo tsoc. Tiwy recoiinixe riirb oiIilt. ami Hie t'apialn. una lo lu retract lila aiiiry, lakra hla leiivc. Thi' tallies siv turiicil iKlween Mr. niiil Mm. I'liiiili'rinir;. Nlio boga rorgtveneHii. and houMi'ria lil.i ilKlilaiia heuil ot tho hniuio. Uo compclii hrr lit cunaunt In tho iinlouoribolr nleec, Kiltcl, m Uurwiii Tliuriio, on artlai, ii> whobi Mbo lia.1 alsH)H Itrnn nppoacil, ami alM) tn urcrliiuk n illrlailiiii wblch Im liiia iicoii nar- rylnitmi with UaiUino I'uliiiiu dl l.iiwlnakl, fiir- iiierly I'lilly siuIiIh, ii hull aingor. and nil onila liaiiplly. fhu aiiilinra havit Ininillril their light mH'i'ilal III II anllrrau'iiry inaimrr, anil havu lirniliiccil a farco nf ctniauli'iHitlu rlrvrinuM*. Thuru aro Iwvlvucliarncli'n*, liiiir i>r triilrli sru only Intii.- iluruil lu funn s liiri-rd climax In the flrat act, anil coiilil rcillj liu dtniirliHcd with. Aa Mr. I'ltutluriiiiry, Itiiiarl Hoiimiii wih iiiniialnx. ami Iborougblr hHikril ami artcil ilm licniuckeil liuatiaiiil. Ilriiiloira ViuIith, aa Alra. I'lmiler- liury, will* II iy|iu-Ml aiinivr, aiiil Mrs. Ilotiatin, aa Mudaniii l'iilai:caill LowtiKkl, iMil well. Ilcnjamtn IliiwanI, aa Ucrvlii Tlmrp^, anii-il Itku u iiiivlci', Hiiioilnrii llainlliiin mnile nil tiai wsHpnhailile nf Iho iiiluuf iliii. Jiibii lliinifiird. riio cunt In full: Mr. I'oiidurliury, Siiian Iti inwii; Mi rvln 'I'liiiriio, llviijainiu lliiwuiil; fai'laln Julin llnindinl.TliiMi- iliiro llHfnIliuii; I'oirr, .mijiiihi llallliark; ilyat'lblh lirayllDit. Frank Moiiriie; Tbo Mayor ul Twlggln- httiii, John K Wuddcriuii; i.'oIijiikI Avrranui:k,JoliB VVolmcr Jr.; Ura. I'nndL-rlinrr, llrnrli'iiii VaMcra; Kibcl, Carriellailcimo; The Ijiily Uafi.tetf, lloncrva lugclaa; Ulai I'okket, KvauKu'lIno Irvinu; Mailaine 'olaccH IM lrf)Wlliakl. .Mra. Hlllsrt Hnltaon At Hie liiviNii I'l.ACK TiiKAiHK, Jan. u, Hicn- waa pro. diici-d, fur Ibo nmi lime In tiila cuiiniiy, "Her liorii- tiiwrg" ("Tbo Tliuniy rain"), a drama, In Ihrco aclH, by Fnlll I1llllli|il, wlllull la ru|Hirluil to llavn eruulcil favurutilii coiniiitiii In Yleni.a anil ollit-r Kurujicaa t'lIli-H. liUaairmg iilnr, ruiiinletluna mulhur'ri liiTO for hi-r aiin, iliu lilairk Hlici'p nf tho lanilly. F>rn<l llutlan liua aerrcd a ilin ii yeara' sun- icnco, having IkciicuiivIcIuiI uraliairaclliig a Isriio auiD uf iiMiBry fruin thn^afn or Mr. Wiik-klnil, In whoso I'inpluy hu liail taun fur tweiiiy jojia an caiblcr. Aitliuiigli Inriuuohi, hu ruiilil not cleir hlinacir, snd waa uinvlvlcil. 'Ihu ical i nlprH at a Kgun, Ibu aoD uf Weiluklnil. who, with liiu kDow- ledgo ur hla uiiitlicr, slMlraulcd tho money loisy biH ticlibi. Mra. tViiluhliid, lu alilulil liur aun, al- io aoiI llHi luiiiKuni u.Biiiu go III (irlMin, anil medio insku sinuiiila ny Iskliig Hiii lan'adaiigliler, lloioth.r, into Iter hooie and treating hL'r iia liur iiwo ohild. lloibeit iVcilckind, ULuibcr sun, a ilalng jouog lawyer, iKuuiiira Knuincrt-il ul linruthy. llueUu calla on Ura, Wuilehlnil, who had lirmnic a wiilow, nod lliHiika litr fur tier klnilmiaa lu hla iJilld. Iinriiig an Inlcrrlow with llrrlHri hu tonvlutoa hluilballio wax InniMieni, nnd ihn joung lawjcr dLleriuliita tu aailst liliii In n cuvi.ring his gonil nauio. Iltrlii'it liifuniH hla iiiu lit-r uf bis coiivlc. tluna, andaliueiitrcHia hliii lu hit the iiistter drop, but csnniil shake hla piirf.uau. Kguii, wlin hsa lieun M«MI tu Japsn liy Ilia unclu llrlnrlcli, ci.nilnuus In hla wild career, and U itculli il lu lio luki ii In band liiiHiinsHr hy hla unrtr. and, Iiiildi-niallr. Ileibcri and Mr. rnu-luiiim diacuti-r tint inith ruD(urnii.g the n-tilieiy. ami they liiilai upon Having lluelau vladlcui«:d. Kgun arciiaoa bla int.iln-r of being Ihu c;iiiHe uf hla dutrnfall, owing lu hrr In- iliitKcncu uf Ilia wllit exiraiHitanci*. Mia. Wrdo- klml iluiply rrgreta Ihu fiilKU cuiirao ahu haa taken In sllowing tbe Iniiureni man lu ssilbr (or Hui:b a Hon. nilllsLo iih ailawilh lluiUuluali. aisin Iruui tbo iiublleailuii of iliu facta,and lu abluld Ibo farollf nauK', lluolan and Kgun, snd t'jo wronged uiao lauiiuut t» icvtnu" lilinaeif'iaA it uf fruoty, hut hU dangbttr liuruihy pievalls uptti hint tu rshlgn hluHilf tu ilic luovitslili', and alkiwbia uwuaa well aa her iiamu bu viuillratcd iiy her nianluge with llcrlHirt, foei'tlm askn uf her hap- plneaii. Tho dilluwlng cast Ifilerprcteil Ibo play muat Intelligently: Oinaul llelonch I'nielorlus, Max llaenarirr; Frau Juliaitoa IVuleklnd. Wllhol- mloc HcMuuiir; lli.'r>,eit,'Hux Una; Alfred, iullua Wruiil; Keuu, lleriiL HohnlMkrr; Kilun, Marls Heichsriil: Krncst lluelau, Uaihlcu I'ftll; Dorothy, Anna von Itoiiianuwika; Fiaoz, Ueorgo 1/i llrci; llelrn. Una Haonaclcr; llcrlKrt's Ultrk, Hor- llz Wolu HANniHM'a TiiiATRK, a paillslly rehiilli aructmu, uccupjlog Iliu aite of the well koown pisyhuuae which aervird au lung a term ot uaetulncM und'r II. II. Jacoba' lUBoagttmebl. waaopeiedunJan. V, and will tmcuuducled upuo Ibo aapio policy aa lhat uf tho uld houao. Th'iro renmloa bat lltilo In ilic apiK'arsnce uf ihu new etIcHor In leull 'be uld hnlldlog, and wIthiM, though lb« healing airargciueuisara oiHin Ihe »ano plan aa formrrly, ri'inlra and dicuia- tlooaaro cverjwbere cunaHniuiia, and greatly add iMMh lu Iho coinellneaa and cumfuri of the houao. It la anilclpatui that ilio cllenielliiur thiatbcaire will now lie largely drawn frum ilie iMilercltsaea, aa the uaoairmenl a loinniluu la lu prcacnt ooly the cream uf uuludrauAllcand farrc roracdyolfcr- Ingn. of whicb Iho current aliraciiuo, 'fheOrrsl DUmond ilubbery, 'la a fillingoxsinplc. to view of the fact that Ibis play baa but lately lieco le- viewed, It Ii uuncceaaary at Iho prcacut llmu to Itt- tliw more ibsn a fSMlog word upi>n IL Frederic Uond's hsDdling of tho role of Dick Hrammaio was