New York Clipper (Jan 1896)

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732 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. Januaky 18. K. B. YouMT, pittldtDt of the NtUoul l.«i«no . tni Aonlmi AhmUMoo, mket Uo ftllowlDg u- DoouotiMiit: Ptoytra alfnt with WMhlnitoD, T. AnAanoD. O. It. Abbtj, T. T. Brovo, J. IIOTtf, A. aikNwdl.O. Orookn, E. Ctitwrlglit, J.N.dllroj, W. IL lajet, W. B. Herctr, A. J. lUul. J. lUlarkeir, I. T. Kadaln, 1. M. Jkinei, F.Hbeli>Mk, A-Heliscb, W. U Uib, 0. HolMwonli: wlUi Cloclnuil, Vf. A. UcTti; wttli Nair Ynrk, N. P. FTalTer, K. P. Uuller, 0. B. D*Tli, H. U. DkTli, iL n. IkiheDT, K. Ktiej; ffliti PlUitoort, P. J. UoaoTin, J. aicntel, B. Monn, J. I). Femuo, Jot Owr, Ohtrlsa M. Iluilua, R. r. Haw- 1«T, IlewlU; wim l/inltTllle, P. U. Clarke. 1. W, Bofiiia,W.O. mil, A. D. KcPmIid; with tlilcaon, 9. Mai. RalatMil bj BtlUnora, tn Neir York, W. ai«ui>ii;N«w York hu itlcwad to UalUmor*, J. J. DojK. OtulM Fund, oiM or Uio otcben of tlie New York aob, h*> Bccopuil tHo uniu iiuomiuei] re- otoUr bj u* clob^ ATHLETIC. The Clipper AsBaal tor IHVe Unovtntliebiadiof Uio Mnden, and liefore the Ime ot the next nnmber ot Till Ourrm It will be Vlteed on e>I«. Thia ibouM be welcome newa to oor "MOiUnt nadera" ana "regiiUr auiiKillicn," Terr luojr or wbom baro alreadj Neni Id aoxloae lo* qoMee aa to tbe data ot appearance or tlila jear'< Iwia ot tba itandaril auihorltf and ipililo tor all tboae Uitcraatat In aar braocli ot outdoor and In- oor aporta, M llkewlae ibe tbouaanda who are aipaolallT daalrou ot becoming ttaoroiiRblr poaied In iSfMd to tie dolngi or the tnemben or tbe •muemeot proreeilou dnrlOK tke put year. All know that batwean tbe cov-eni or Ibis rolumo can •lirajaba touod arerrtlilDgobtainable, and nt In- lareat, In >ll dapartmeou or iporl, ae well aa apper- taining to Ibe iiaga world; conKqnenilf tbej are on tho alert at the bedoiilng ot each new year tor lb* appeanica ot that wblcb, ao to epeak, haa bacoma sometblng oaenllal to tbeir eilelenco. TtwANNiTai. will be found to bareiy macli larger thai lait jeat'a laaiie, and lla pagea aro eDbclllehcd with a gtaalar snmbarot aniatic halt tone piclurra ot pcomlaaoi atage tarorllea and clitnplutta In tbe athletlo and 'ojcllng world tban ever betore. TBI Long Idud laltrachclaallc Alhlello Amocla- UoD, at the icnitar nionibl; mealing lent week, deolilad lo JolsuieNailonal Intrncholaatio Amateur AlhlaUa AisooUUon ot the Unlloil Bialoe. The Indoor guses ol the omanlzatlon will be held Feb. S,attlia ArmoiT ot the rnuriaenth Regiment, In UrooklTO. Tba bandball BOd baeeball jwUodoIca will akortlj be amnged. A FoomiLL hatcb waa cvntaaled at BayoDna, N, J., on Sunday, Jan. li, between Ibe Ueniravlile AlhlaUo Utib'a eenlop eleven and Ibe Inlemalliinal Athletlo Olub, la tbe National AeMrlaUun serlea, ma reaultot a capluily pUyad match wataUe, each ilde acoting three goalr. Til elaelioD or ibe llnoklyn Atblelio Clab Uit week renllad In the choice o( iherollowing omcen: Praaldant, John J. Bradley; Tice preildent, William fLEMar; Inanelal aeoreury, Ueniy (lelgrluh; re- cording aecietat;, William 0. Tomer; ireiuurer, Ohartea Kaopbataon. Tai Tutia College looUwII taam, at a meelliiR lield IB Medtord, flaii., Jin. 9, U. X. Uavla, 'U7, ut Roibniy, was eleaied captain ror ibo season, lie played right end on the Tutti team ror two years. A luTon at tootball, aasoclatloo, waa played at OoanopoHtan Park, Kearar.N. J., on Jan. II, the contandlog teama ropresentlsg the Caledonians and Keamay Hangeis, and the roault being In lavor or the former by a score or seven goals lo one. Women Race liz Dsye. Wm. Kaddan ami liavId llolland'a lAdles' long distant Uoycla race came lo an end at midnight on Haturday, Jan. 11, with about roor thousand per- HODS la eUtndasca, Aa Isoiually tbo mie In "all aooh cassH made and provldod," the ilnal Ivuo waa In abaraooe up to the cloalog houhi or the meet; In fact toe nanllot a spurt during the last nioniciiia ot the eonleat gave IhedoolKlon tn Prankie Nelnon, Who was vlciorlooa over lleleu Ualdwln byaacant length. The atiendanre dunng Ibe earlier days ol Ua race nnged tmro poor lo rair, but Interest waa iDonaiaa by the anuounceiiient that toorot tlie conlesuita were praoiloiill; a Ua, wlih the Dtih only a mile away, which itsva a splhled Iniereii to tba closing days, and when ine last night wasat hand those who had Iniettslcil tlieinnelvca In the lepoita ot the meei made their way to tbe spMlous Interior or Hadlsou Hqasro Oarden, and found an adeiinalo tetura ror their trouble and monay. The aurfaca waa flnt class, tbs apeutatore Bolir and the yoong women suiprlslngly vlgoroui, ooMdatlng tbeh' eovere latMrs, "The oondlilons or the oonisst provided thst macompeiltors bedlvldcd Into two aqoadi, each division li> noe two bouni altaiwtelyi from a r. x, to midnight dally. Job. K. IMgw O. II. T. OoUla, KredoiTck 8. Ulbba aiul Thob H. Hamilton ware announced as Judges, ilie lateiaa being Albert Shook. We itppeno Ibe score: rlHIlT IMVUIUN. jni«<. iijii. Mllti. lain. ■sin «IH M.Bnwn 4la I SaMiilo tit ■ Ml" <!! 7h««" MKCOND blVIHIOX. mitt. upt. .... M eiBnckwK)-.. .... .ta 7 8ui<lai Mil • OaiMosli.. Vl fldtiraDian.. Jllla. Coin. ...SI > ...SS 7 Htalaar PUIier Oalrait Plaaafan... Deaali BOWAIO K. IliTnoND, cx-ebaliman ot tbe Rac- Ina Board ot the I Ague or American Wheelneii, nlnrned to New York on Jai- ll, altera Ulp abroad lasUng six weeks. Derora tsklng hli depsrtura ror Ohtofo, 111., the earns evening, be look occsslon to say, among oUior thingii, iba( ho bad vlslicd boUi the London and Parts 'cycle ezblblllous, nelihor ot which ha considered aa couiparlDg with simllsr shows held annially In this oouniry. TBI FredaUct (Mil.) Blcjoki Oliih chose the tollow- Ing'otneara'at Its annual mceiing held Jan. 7: lUchaal J. Kennedy, preslilant; Harry II. Brlah, vice MMldant; John A. Kennady, aecreiary; (Merge Wialy, treaanrer; J. Hurray Urisb, caplalu, and Oaoiga II. Keywr, lleulenani and linglor. TBI IttauoU <Oyole Cluli, ut Balilmora, Hil., noenlly elected trie rollonlng oniceni to serve duilna tbe ensuing year: KIlO. Uechi, president; IrwlnritMbllcta, vice prealdent; Kimer Uupbeluier, Horalaa; L. U. Ilceennelst, treasurer; Pbll Kown- Chal, aapbiln. -A.QUATIO. CoibIbk Bventa* Jaly7,^^l■wl«r■<llral Rn»la> llrnUr oa.TIianirr, IteHaad, Worid'a BewlllBg CtaBDaplonahlp. The aahih batwean Jante Siansbuty, or Austrt- Ua, and OharleiR. (belter kooim as "Wsg")IIatd- lif I obamplon ot RngUnd, wasratlllod at a mealing held at the Kolland Ami), T«in Bulllvan's sporting dnuBi at llanmenuiib, Kog., on the evening or liao. a). Bardlag wu preaent In prison, while the Anilpodeaa was lepreionted by his rellow rounliy- rnsB, Ton SulllTan, ek-ohsaplon or Knglsnd. Tbe eondllloas or the match, which waa airsngad In ahon order, ars to row over the usual chauiplonship oousa on iba Tliaiua, tn'n I'uiuer Bridiie tn tbe Ship at Moitlake, on Monday, Jnlf 19, noil, lor ('J,iOO a aide, tba obamploiuhip ot the world and a ohamploB oup. The men ar« to siart by mutual conaent, and It Ihey do not get oiT In Btieen mlnulos, the nmplre to start them, fwoaslde wasdenoslied by each party at the time otilgnlug the an Idea, the reoatnlng depcalis to be iHaied upon liiiure dales Axed upon In the a|Tvtmeni,al iimerent sporting houses ui the Uilttsb meirapolls, atier the cualoniary fashion. Miob Inlomt will allach to this malvh, not only In Bniland aud Australia, but In Amrrira as irell, wbera tbe rerord ol oacli principal Is well known. Jsuo Brimni'ar.'ihe champion sculler, now matched wl>h •■Wai" llardlUR tor tho champion- ship or tbe world anil a stake, la ivimrted by t-able from 8;dney, K. H. w., Jan. lo iiiMit upon bin laca with Harding ehp.ll lake iilare In Auanet next. Instead o( at ihe t^ne B.wl in the article*. The i-aiiiegvamalaoiiatei that Hunnbury will nwko a maieh with Js.yo (Taudaur to row on the Thames, ID Ragland, tor |3,MDa aide. A. Rniodt, tba well known Rngllsh prerenlonal •wimmer, died very niddenly Id London, Kng., on Jan. 2. THEATRICAL. cownHDiD noB rioi fa. MrnOURI. at, lionls^Boilneaadurlng the ireek has been light, eicepUng at the Standard. Thoifh the at- liacUooa were onlTormlj good, the theatn patnna wen lokewarm. OLTiiricTiiiiTHi.—Delia Fox U tba premier at- traciloo, ln"FleQr'<te-Lls.>> ••TheroiQdIl-ig" follows. "Hob noyi'ihowcd laat week to nndcscrvedly poor houses, wltb all tbe talent and good maHc In evl- dencc. (liuiio OriBt UoDBB^Sol BolUi Rnaall la ua attiacUon Hanager MoManDa oBSrs this weak, and bh ranie assures bim ot good bulnesa. -.Robeft Ullllsrd did fslrlr well on the wqsk with "The UUlest Olrl" end "UM-M Honrs." "Pilncasi Bonnie" comes 10-16. BTiMUHD TBBiTBB.—Bany Konts' Twsnllelh (kniuty Mslds bsve broken the record ot this, Ihe Urgest thestra lo town. Ilsur WlUlsma' own Co. Is tbs current altrsctlon, lo be followed by Klehard A Frtogle's aeorgia MlaitreU. lliiiiN orsBi aomi.—Thla waeg, "Ttia Star Oazer." Pollowlog will come: Ohaa. H. Tale's "lierirs Aucllon." lAaiweek Oeo. W. Hoorat, In "A lUppy Uitle Home," did en exceUent bnslneK llivuN'sTiiiiiUL—"Tne f^oild Against ller" la tbe cuirentatmcUoD provided by Manager daran, to he followed by "The Bldewalia of New York." ■Tno lluatltt" played to a good week's budness. KsatHH Aluaibu Falsoi Touns.—EmeiT andltuesell.i&berBlsleis, Nellie De [avlne.Ubas. lla;oes,HliverBlsten, tbe Kebema,Mlke Hlgglns, John Wllllsms, l/Oiile Tbome, TUUe OolUna, Frank I,. Osy and slock. IlsriKT'a Tbiathi.— The Scbseiren, Kelly Bros., tho I'olalDcs, Hioison and .'^belion, Belle Pallerson, Ollly Uclede. haw OasiHO amy and llediaoDd, Oeorala Pal- mer, LoUlo Kstelle, flan Kennedy, (loldle He l.Ue, Lorelte, Maud Uoirell, Killo Lee, Hiock, Ryan and tUDlih. UiKoiN Tiiiatbi.— De Varro and OsssoD, Wilder and llarrtson, Idubi Flizfciald, lllne Family, John Collins, IJda Temple, Cora Hwan, NSW TiistTiii comgns.—Klille Aebley, Welch ami Kmncls, I'earl Aikinson, lue Uurleia, Bd. Ue- llo.AI.KIrk, MlilesusDeld. (knsir.—By reqoest of the Merchants' Kxcbange Manager Uuuer has ealahllshed a regular Saturday niailoee at ilie Biaidard Theatre, lo addition to hia regular matinee days, Sondaya, Tuesdays and Fit- ilays, the unprecedented Bne bnilnaai done by Harry Monte' Twentieth Centoiy MaldS laat week, and Ibe tact that members of 'ChaDga hare Satur- day atiernoon OTT, glriog rise to tbe retuast "Toe Hustler" iiots trom Uavlln's to play one night elands, and ivlii ck>se Bstutdsy night In l^xlngiao, Ky, tor Ibe season. Reporu or poor busTneaa have decided the company to cancel their six weeks' Bouibem booklns "The Star Oaier" laid oir last week In 81. Lonb The lieUa Fox Open Cu. sirlvedhen lutTbsisday from CHvelaod, C, and rested until Ihelr Sunday night opaolng "ine IHrby winner," stter a rest of Are weeks, will reaumo Invel sgalu It, omnlng In Belleville, III 0ns Lee, tba old time clown, naa been pay- log a visit here. Ho coniemplaiea going Into the aUMk lalslng biitloeiu .Thompaonand WUIIaou, of this city, Iniend to open a new vatleiy taonse In Ua B«lo, Mo., with s slock company. Chas. Urady will be eiage roansger and B. Buirsno leader or Iba orabestra Ihe arexorys are laying off here thiH week Tbe Uvlngaione Family arrived here rrom South America last week. Kansae Oltj,—At Coalas.Opeia Uonas last week's buslnsM wu Immense siul the stinctlon was a deservedly one, ttelng Frank Mayo, In "Pnd- d'shead Wllaon.".N'everbasa company been more enibuslastlcally received. Tbe opening was the larseal the Coatee haa bad ibla aeaeos, and the aoilleicea Increased every night, and tovard the IsUer part or the week s. H. O. waa a trtioent oo- currence, whiob Isqnliea novelty tot tbla house. This week, Fanny Uivenpott, In her atipendons pniducUon ot "(llafflonds," foUowed by Rice's "I'm" for two nlahts and a mailnee. uh*nu Oruu lloini.-Last week llanlon'a "Fan- tasma" had a fair attendance. Thla weak John Keraell, In "The IrtaH Alderman." Neil week, llopklos' rrsns-uceanlcs. NihTueraiirTnainu.—last week Bobby flay- lor. In "In a BIgCliy," bad llghibouaes, aa the ehow Is very week. Oeo. Monroe, In "A Itapay Uuie Home," Is ihe oiArlDg this week, snd "tse White Ibst" follows. aiLLia.—Thla week Uie Boston "U. T. 0." On. wUl appear. cuuuiuii.—Ton Fey, Uzzle Parker, Hain Rack- law, Heaalo \'enon. Uce Mllllgan, John A, iOnmer, Jack Flaherty and Bobby Oonnois. Curi'iHtHin.—Bobby Qaylor's "In a Big City" canceled three treeks of lime booked west or here, and will go Into Chicago tor a two weeks'tay off. The Kansas city OrchestrsI Society gave the third ot lla season's concerts at the uosics after- noon ot 10. Another success tor Jobs Behr, the director, waa woied. WUl Murray, a local bait- toue, waa the soloist on this occasion... ..The suge hands ot tbe Ninth Siioet Theatn walked out on Manager Clark at the inallsae ot "in a lllD Oliy'a'' openbig. An objeclloii to one ot tneir nuntnr waa the reaaon gtveo. Manager Clark at once hired new men am: tbe following will comprlea tba auge eiew In tba future: Jas. Dbigbam, atsga manager; UC. Uebr, electi1clan;Thoa. Ilyan, Wesley Dunham, T. U. Sparks, Fred Mears, Kdwaid Byre and Fred Blood The Polan Oomedy Co. wUl appear at the Audlloilum 17, tor the benelt ot the local lodge or Traveling Men Qeonn Marlon, who iraa uaosterrad to "The Uusllet" for lu week at St. I.OUIS, Rjobied "The Irish Alderman" hen Hullis K. Cooley, sx-tiesturer ol the Ninth Street Tbestre, la bore renewing old acqnalntanoea. He la nanageror "Tbe Irish Alderman." ipilBg(el4,-At the Baldwin, Jan. 3, AL 0. Fteidu "Darkest America" draw good bouae, not- wlibslsndloK tba Inclement weainer. Ksim Ken. dall. In "A Pair of KIde," eomea it; Sam Jones, In his lecture on "Bawsletj," it. Oharlee Frohnan't Uoopsny preaentod "Chailey't Auni" .e, at the Cnod, to good business. Coming: Montson's liisiutio Co., ■•Fsuat'i II; "MsloMI'i Weddlsg" 10; Alexander Salrlnl, In "UonOanrdeBaian," -js. Nuts.- U J. White, ol Oblcago, hsa leaaed Uio eld UutlaUallandDlled It up torpopnlarpdoenpa- tuiy companies. A obsuge ot ptogrsnune will be uude nigblly and change ot naople weekly. It opened 10 packed business 0. nelacesatpteeent en: Slanlilgh, Buck, Kvans, Boiler, Woits and lujions. SI. JoseptaH-At Tootle's Tteatn nothing Is iKwked uniu Jao. 18, when Uopklns' TTaaa-Ooean- _ _ illlHI .Mil. 1., ^ los come, mih "im" underlined lor 33. Hi-gia.—Buslntea tho paat week wu big, "Life In JoBet Pr1toD"jprovad a greatdrawing cam. SoiN ; Tbe people lor week of^u an: Qreen's Oeorgia Min- strels, Garrison and Stone, Blind Tboiunson, P. R. Bills ami wife, Jacobs Family, Prof. Illgglns and wile, and l-'oaler and WUllaros. TniUtuwtxMuTaia'TiK waa sold Jan. a to Lewl.t Sells, or (>>lumbui^ ti, CANADA, Moalreal,—At the Academy ot Motlo Rica's "KM,''noiwltbsisnillng the national nag rompus, wbloh rveniuslly turned ont one ot the meet ex- lenjlvo adienislng schemes, played to packed houiee tor week or Jan.«. Booked ror week ot l.i, Madaaolsells llbea. In "Josophlne, Knipieaa ot the FiMOh," and "Nell Owvnne.'r ■Ji'iiH'sTBBATiB.—"The American tilrl" tame 0, tor week, lo fair housea THKiTKi llorsi—"The NewTbxedo" was vary unronunaie, bsTlng only llsht houses for week of 6, Ibe enUre conipsny aaipnlog men or leas frotn aevoro colda, Raymon Moon, the star, bslng unable lo alug iluiing the week, and belDg onder medical iroaimcnt. Hooked tor week ol 13: nan VcOuthy, In tbo "Crolakeen Lawn." Week ot ao, "The Ool- ton King." (irMSA Fhaki'su.— Tbis house had b^ bnslneas tor week ore, wlih "l«Julve,""l,nelauiusiiii moor," "la (ngala et le FtoumP'and "Us Bul„ notr." Rilled for vreek ot 19, "Martha," "Haydee" and "la Jnlvo^]^ Toroato «At Ibe Orand Opera Uotisa, Jan. 0-11, Rhea had a succesttnl week. Coming week ot la, AValter Wblieslde. TttnoNToOriiu llotin.—"Tbe BowwyOltl" came to large bnslneat. "The American OM" cornea week ot 19. Hianr Unir OALi^'naodon ntoiaaa, T, d, had on^fairbulncBS. Sotwa'sBandcotneau,U CsYiirAL Tatami,—This boaaa la dolag a big buBneaa. Leotnm haU: SaltaU Dalkuo Dod. dreltl sad the musical Irlo. Tliealrf: Mnllaney snd Uscoln, Mile. Chester, llie MigKe.oos nnd A. U. lawTsnoa. ADDmiins.—Tba Wsnderere Blcjcle Oub's con- eett puycd to a packed boose T, wlili the Laill"' Tlenn Orohesir'^ Nadamo Olanclll, Uoody and Bland, Harmony tlnsrtet.lL Darker, c. A. I'aliner, Wells and thmpbell, W.O. Ranuay, II. P. Ulakler, Obanrsnd IMonel/.Tom Bskersnu A. 0. lawieoce. Tbla coaoert was the most succeisfui of the scstou. IIaBsUUB,^n>e Omnd was dsrk laat wei-k, owbig to "KUlsmay snd the lthloe"belngcanceled. Tim Mnrpby. In "A Texaa steer," comes Jan. I j, Thomas Q. Scabroote 19. Walker Wnilealde has cbsngcd bis data to V. Stab IBBiTtB.—For 19 and week: Valvino, Ika- sle Baarle, Baker asd Lynn and Hsugbier, Usdley and Hart, andMUlersnd Deenio. <iaeh«e.—A. Y. Pearson's Stock Oompsoy rested here last week, and wUl open an eDgsgement at the Academy of Hotlc Jan. 19, In "Land of Ihe Hld- iltbt San." "The Wblla Squadron" and "Tho Police rami" will aim be prodnceddorioglheen- eagemeat AtlbeTbeatre lloyal LllllsuTuuker. m npeitory, played to fair butlDeaaire'k ending 11. BaadaUllalr has again aasomed tbe manaicmeni ot this bouae Obiu. A. R. llsmi Is In ibe cliy, and has signed tbe contrect for the appcstuice or Hme. AlbanI at the musical demonsirailon here 21, theopcilngdayortbe WinrerCarnlvsl. Ur. Hams suits that this will be her Hist sppearance lo her American and Canadian lour. aa*lnb.—At Ronl Open House. 7, local con''nt1.0.0. F. J, K. Toole. la"Klllaney and the Rbbie," bad a small house s. Comlog: "Mntler and Man" i;, Hr. and Hi*. Robert Wayne, In reper- tory, ao-M. WISCONSIN ■llwaalaee^At Ibe DAvldion Theatre Ilia Daniroaeb Opera Co. gave a abort season of Wsg- ner operainoemun, preaeoiing ' Lohengrin" Jan. 19, "Me Walkare" 14, "Slegrrlcd" nitilaec 16, and "Die Melatsnlnger" orcnlog li. lurkucM pre- vailed BBt week nnill in, 11,12, when I'ror. Ilen-- mann nysllded bhi audiences, wiilcli were Inrpg In number'. Fanny DAvenport, supponcl by Uel- bosrae Uscdowell, Is due week or 9), lo 'i;:b- raonda." Bijou ilrini UoiiiK. -Uanagor Jicoii Utt pre- aenta Ctaa. U. Vale's ' Tlie DevlI'd Aucnon" ihls week, opening F.ugene O'llourkL-, In ' The WIcklos I'csiman," drew hot fall bousta lau week, ontll R anil 9, when John I,. Sullivan and Paddy Ryan gave a eparrlGgexbluI'lon ariertbo i>crrnrni- ance, «blch drewao well that Ihey aguin nppcurcd matinee and evenlni li, at which ilmo Jimror Banr and Bob Amslroog alto appeared, tbe Sugtllals lieing Introduced by Uansger "Parson" aviea. "IbeI«ndortbeLlving" UiinU;rllnedror week of le. PAsarTntani.—Hie stock compnoy are enjoying s highly prosperous season; a farce cnnedy by wii- ken and JnaUnna, wlih mnslo. by Micbsoils, en- tilled "KyniE-Pyillz," waa alven R and "Mauer- blnamcbeD" li, Theodore Tnomas' iirchcs'rs plays AoASXMr or Minia—"Ur. Barnes of New York" la being praaenied by tbe alock tbl< week, com- menolns 11, and In tbe olio are Lilly Post, Eil. lidl- Btgher, Billy Otrler and the Qlees. "Tho Plunger" waa given Uat week mther the compHDj did notaeem to liven uo to their work. "Tho Ulao Pisa" b up for week of m. WONMILAHO Mfatuu.—Curio hsil: Cnpl. Slilncy Ubmaa, Ills aaver; Amondo, Jogaler; Asiiey, anbii, and Joe 0. Bmltb, card wrller. Slate: Fred Uanb and Delia Fleming, Fred Uclmoro, F.d. Martin and Roaa Lonsdal^ Plamondou, HanlRan and lllark. Norn^W. J. Oroasley, mtnagcr ot "Voe Wlck- low PottiDBn," has siado amngemenis nllh I'ar aon Uarleaaa that tber manage the company Jointly, and to Include John L. Sullivan, Paddy Ryan, Jim- my Barry and Bob Annairong aa exin aiirakiloos, Ibe tonr to extend to the PaclOc coast by way or Texas snd reiom over the Nonbein Pacfnc Msnager Jacob Lilt bas gone tn SL Paul, Ulnn., lo aoptrvlae tba pndnctlon of his new p'liy, "The Laist SUoke," Feb. 23, nheaissis commenclug sbottjy Sberman Brown, mtnaier or Ihe Dav- idson, goes to yoar oliy this week Louis A. vrerba, treaanrer ot Bchlltz Park iset Summer, Is now press agent ot the Academy Bon Stern wu hen lut week Ui tbe Interest of Fanny Daven- port. BasiOlalse.—"A Pair of KIdi" waa tbo atlrac- Uon Ju. 10 St the Onnd. "Superbs" bad fair bnslneas 3, while Okas. H. Yale'a "twelveTempia- Hoos" iraa given a good hon^a a. Coming: Qua Heegs, In "Yennloe Yentloman," ir,; "Wauc" 20, "Shore Acw s" 23. MINNESOTA. Paalv-At tbe Metropolitan Uperallonae "A Ronnaway Ooli" had llihl bnalnesa Jan. 6-8. Tbo Danmsoh Open Co., In Oetman, played an en- gagement of ibreee nights and Saturday matinee, baglnnhig t, In thefollowing npertoiy: 9, "Fldello;" 10, "Die Helittrslnger;"ll (mailnee), "Tanphanaer;" 11 (nigbl), "Die Walknre." This was ibo moat aue- cesatul season ot opeia ever played In this city, sach partomanca being to iiandlog room. "Wang" comes 13-U, Ada Van Biia, In "Olorlana," ia-I8; HeUle, tbo Wales Open Co. Taa CBAMn.—Tompkins' "The Black Crook" played to big booKa week or o. Freeman'a Fun Makers, b> "A Hallnad 'nokei." comes 13, for one ireek, folk>ired by "I'aniasma," lo, for one week. OLTurio—People ror week or 13: Carter nnd Wife, Udagar and Varnnm, the Hullellv Trio, Set- loD and Deasle, ElbsOarllngloD, Ocorge B. Qenlner ud^Mock. Manager Vagar nports hnaluesa excel- BooniA.—Bnslneas wu fair week ot 9. For 13 and tbe week: Joyce and Oamll, Kllroy and Han- son, Monrtiion and Yennatia, Smith and Rills, aud Breed snd Bane*. Hon.—Mansger Oeorga Klngibory, of tbo Onnd, went to MUvrtukee 7, to auend the wedding oChUatster, leavlDgTttasnrer HcOormIck aa man- ager during bis absence. Mlsiaeapells,—AtlheUolnpolllanOpemllouse Iwmw s o h'sorohettiaglvesaoonctrt Jan. 12. "Olorl- ana" opens 13, ror ibtee nigbis. ''Waob" flubihrs the week, coamenolng la. "Athenlls" comes it. ror four arenlnws, and Nellie UoUenry follows 2}-2S. Damroeoh's wagnorlipen Co. had magnlOcentaudl- encaa, both as to alie and peraonel. e-9. "A Run- away Coll" drew fair bouses »-ll. Ur. Uamrosch'a lectuta, morning ot a, wu well aitendcd. Bud' OrBiA Uouas.—Tompkins' 'Tbe Black Otook" Co. begins a week's engagement 13. "A Railroad Itoket" Is nndeillneil for 19 and week, Qns Ueege, Id "A Yeonlne Venilomao," bad good bualnaasiioll. KOBL A MlODLRON'S PAUCI MveiDB.—TbO UU ror weak or 13 Inclodes: The PeltlOed Woman, Qor- man Boae, Levlna, Barreppa, Holmes and Waldoo, Hopner and SlaiT, Belmon aod Clark, aod ibe H. B. luslay Dramallo Co. Tbe ususi good builnea oontlttnea. ot 19 to the Twin ClUes Tbe bulern Star and ■usonlo Quatteta will give a ooncert at Piyniouih uburoh 17. ••■lalh,—At the LTceuD "Wang" wu tbs al- InoUoa Jan. 10. II. "a Hiinaway Colt" came 3. t and "The Rajah" e. 7, to ilghtbuslness Bnalneai at the Pallor Theatn Is only talr, ORECON. ^ailaad.—At Ibe Marquam Onnd Joe Caw- tbom pteeented "A Fool For Lock" Dec. 3o to Jan. 1. Bnslneaa was fair. Tbe house hu been dark alnce. The next attmcUon vUl be "The Defaulter" 10. Bine Easier U booked tor 3) and Thomu W. Keeno tor to. .k?JK!i\'"^»*™*'-"'^''»'"''«» presented by tbe Bacon Stock 00. week of 30. Builneas wugowL The Ooner Orocety" iru put on 9,and "Maienna" lalapitaataUon. —«n« h^JSLES! '»«»T««--"ln«timar" wu presented by tbetlnck company 39 to 31. -Two CHd Crenles" was (Inn Jan. l-i. Dosln'ss ms llibt. woni)ini*xr>.-Jnlla Winchell, Belle Lamore. Kl'^JS'l?*'*!^''*'* "'"'•v IJ"'" Watts, Osrrts Wincksil. Oeo. troxell, Kellle lamon, Jessie Heed, oap poio, AMBimL-Anln Fliscsnld, Blidia Hams. Lor- lalna sad Howell. Blaneba U Mont, Rue llsnm- lOD, una Howell, La Modi Blstere. ' UMFvnt—The LoDvn lady ORheatia. Non-n« AnaNaU Ooman Co., "—iTH-g of planlsl, aud Charlea F. Hfifens, »JJInW, gave a concert In Ihe Flnt Oon giwaUoaal Ohn reb 31. ecLOPAPC . iMdrllle.—At tbe Weston Opera Bonsa Beniy R.DIxeylsdneJan.». I.TCitm TnsATiB.-"The Private Bamiarj" opened to good bnilness 9, for week. COLiexmi'sMAiooTS.—Jas. Emerson, Will Rogen, Blaiche NIhba, tba Qoldmana, MIlUe Hughes, Flonia 8anlille,BlAnoho Wilder, Myrtle Desn^BIca Oer- mala, Dollle Cole, Onalallayaa and JaokWbelden. ^tSvCTOS'iTUBATBI-Mlnnle May Lewbi,Eva Diklo, Rltilo Viols, Mable AJlston, Hlnple Howard, Minnie Russell, Jeasle Wright, NidUa Long.Moller Steun, La* and Chas. Eddys, Chas. Cock, Eddie Ciceo, Oeo. Utirlaon, Frank Rogera snd John Pleicy, BuUneasgood. N'ori.-Tbe funeral ot Oeo. Bmlth.propilelorAnd mamaer of tbe Union Theatre, Victor, OiL, took Place at Cripple Creek Jan. 3. niider the dlncilon ot tbe Crlppla Creek Lodge or ?Ua. Mr.snd Mre.l)an Sullr attended Ibe toneni aerrlces, Mm. a alDglsg ai Ike grave, "A Home Beyond the Onve," the rliu.l 0? tbe B. P. 0. Eika being tMd before the body wu consigned to the graVe. The aoral oger- logswenptofoaasndbeaniltuL AU the moslclans or tbe district were In one band, under the direc- tion 01 Prof. Chas. Kennedy. Mr. Smith vru klUed lu a row at the Union Theatn, New Year's Eve. Tbe Ihealre Is closed at present. Poablo,—At Ihe amnd"In Old Kentuck);' came Jan. t. and played lo toll boose. Henry E. Uixey, In "The Lotiaty or ).ove," cornea 10. Uiher alincilnns to fo'Jow u scheduled sre: Lillian Lewis, In "Cleopatra;" Rica's "H»3," "Town Toploi''snd James O'NelU. I^LUMBii.—Tbis house hu been dark since tho recent appeannoe there ot "Uncle Joah Sprueaby," and nothing deanlia Is known so far as totoiun Bitncilons,u Ibis house hu no connecilon with BPyibeatrlcal citcolt. .Nori.—Hell Stnrdevant, Walter P. While, John and U:i hel Bnua, rlalmlng 10 be sup brothen and oihirwiseiT related to tbe late Dora Hanlln, the Rlieied wl'e of Jasiea Hanlln, late proprietor or the Siaul ird Tbeatte ben,butnownnnUgthe Mascot Tliesira In aalreHlon, Tax., began suit hi the DlVrla lyiuit losrt aside ibe lui wlU and testament or Mrs. ilADliu. Tbay cislni that the testsolx never wu Ibo legal wife or Jas. Hanlln, tbe principal legatee In tbe will, aod also that for soma time previous lo her death aba waa not of sound mind. It Is ruttber chimed ihst Jas. Uanlln wan a manladman,and tbnt ho w.B living unlawlully with the deceased, whixe Tight name wu Don Taylor. TEXAS. HeaaloB.—AtSweeney A Coombs' Open House "Tbe Rainmakers," Jan. I, haditwo big houses. "Tbe Old Uomeslead," 2, had Mg bualneaa. Sal- viol, H, 0, hsd three big houses. "Ttie Pay TniD," 10, anceled. Minnie Uaddem Flake 16, "The Ulrl I Lett Uehlnd Ma" 16, Robert Downing 17. ArDiToniUB.—Dick Bolton's Dnmatlo Co. did poorly e.;, on actonnt ot disagreeable weather. PadtrewskI 31. fiLACi TaxiTix.—Bualneaa talr. Neapolitan (luartet, SIgnoraa Adrlenne and Iraa, Blgnon Irma and Jovsn YonnanI, (Ince Uartisnd, Chas. Inness, Ulnnlo Diamond, Jamas Fltz, Annie WUIIams ana lliile UenneL U011H13' iLiuBiOHsaUII continue to big bialneas. Dallaa.—Attba Opera Uonaa "The Rainmakers" did fairly Jan. 7, a. 'The Olrl I Left Behind Me,"0. did well, oils Skinner, 10,11, came to big bonsai. Alexander Salvlnl comes 16, la. QuiTniATRi.-Klynnand Held, Baby Rnib, An- nie Stanley, Heed and OUbert, Dot Fisher, Joe Adsms,Clsra Bojie, Minnie Burk, Kitty Orant, Dan Powers. Omr Btuit.— Uay Olll, Leaiy and Bart, Uermie Nixon, union Bna., Nina CHftoo, Ada Ynle, Kale Lanrs, Annie Hlllon, Ned Bany and Prot. Oeo, W. Ulofa educated dogi San AptoBlo,—At the Orand Opera Houae Ihe Oran Open Co. have had a eucceaatul week, and will be followed Jan. 12,18, by "Tbe Olrl I Left He- bind Me;" Hobart Downing IS, Minnie Maddem Flake 16-18. WAsniKOTox Tdbatbi.— May Cody, Bertie Long, Anna Bates >be Pomers, the Johnaons, LUIan Jerome, Ciace Dbsmond, Flora Wheeler, Roonay and Forreater, and Carpenter. Vic TaiATfiB.-Ullle Ebiworth, Mamie Boyd, JoBle Wilson, W. U.ara, Nellie Wilson, Usrry UolDiea, llallmont and Norman, Nettle Swan, Mable LlvlDgaion, Dyer snd Howard, All Baha, Joe Ctottr. NeUe naaa and the Atklnaon SIslen. aalwesloB,—At the Orand OpereHooae Don- nellv and Olnrd, In "The Rainmakers,'' draw well Deo. 91. Oils Skinner presented "Villon, Ihe Vagabond," "Ttie Merobaot of Venice" anil "Kaiherlne and Petraohio," Jan. 1, 2, 10 sell mied honsaa. '-The Old Uomeatead," under tbe management ot Wm. Wannlngion, pleased good alsad honsea 3 and matlnse t. Alexander Salrlnl presented 'The Three (<uardsfnen" 10 a Isrye and enthnslasilc sndleoca 0. Rg-Oovemor Taylor snd "The Pay Tnln" canceled. Bookings: RIcbard Manslleld 3D, "The Tmlve Temptailons'' 21,32. Aaatlaa,—At MlUelt'e Opera Honss -Donnelly A lilnrd came to good bualueea Jan. 2. Ods Skinner ■an two nerfonnances 0. To come: Orand Open Uo. 13-18, UlnnleUadderaFlske 30, Wild West 21, Haterly'a Hlnstnls 23, Richard MansSeld U. INDIANA. ladlasiapells,—At Ibe Onnd Opera Ilonae Mr. snd Mrs. Taber and their excellent oonpanr. In repertory, Jan. e-ll, played to large and enthnal- astlc audiences. Oltay F1b«erakl, In "The Found- llni," cornea 19-11. EsoijsBB's OriBA HoDSB,—PadeniraU's recital drew a lop heavy honse 11. The Daouoaoh Opera Co. bi doe lB-18. Pask Tbiatu— Bopklu' TttnsOceaDlo Co. Mcked this honn every night of Ihe week, 9-11, beS. R. I), sign being nn several llmee. "Peck's cftaiy S IwS*' Athenicam Spa- EsriiiB TaunB.-H. W. Williams' Own Com- pur played to eiceUent boilneas thnuihont the week, s-ll. Al. Raavea' Spadslty Oo. Is booked for ne.\t week. Port Wapva.—Atthe Uaaonio Temple lager- toll's lecun on "Foundation ot Fislth" wuonly falr.y patronised Jan-7. "A Social fllghwayman" pleased Isrga sudlence 11. "land of Urtni" iSSnie'i'lt "Mncess „a'"k«TBiATH.-JleW laces wesk or 19: Obas. ^-Poyif'iJ""'Alberta, \n)loh andWeloh, ScoDeld anii:Flelds,and Dalllne Cole. Mayor Oakley bu !^F'?*<'.*li'^ Bellbnner must dlacontbiue blaSondaynlgbt performances. MarjoB—Whlle'eOpen Uonae wu weUdUed Jan, 7 lo Me John Oifmib, bi "Faust." Oonilng- "Tba llrooklyo Bsodloap" 11, Robu 0. IngeraoU u. Mil. Oeo. Ibm Thumb 17,18. ' UoiiiTBBAT«B.-Tbls boose wu Oiled to Ibe doors bou maUoee and evening 10, to see b!SbW.?io^''"''' T""!*"™-^™. Sort—Ed. L.KInnemBo,formerly manager ol the Opera House at Bendenon, Ky.,"£Braasnmed' the luanagemeotot Whlta'aOperaHouaa, . ^'■■"""••-■*t tbe Onnd "The Twelve T*mp- Uilons" did a nmsfaotory business Jsn, 7. "Shon Acns" also drew a good house 10. "ihe While Habatraas" an bonked 18-18, Lewis Morrison7 In "K'ust,"2]; ous Skinner 31, "neFDundlS?>37 Jesnle OoMwalie. Hi "PrtDceaa B«nnK''Peb ' ' .-«,w wwivwmiv, u« riiu,;«aB DonDie."reb. 1. PiariB's.-KelJleMcRenrT, iD'TbeBloycleOtrl," bad Bros. 34, In "OUbooley's Abinad." K ENTUCKY . LoabTllla,—AtMacaaley'anmtre"Madelelne or the Usgtr Kiss," u prodnced by tkeOsmllla D'AnlUe Open Oo. Jan. 8, attnoted good boues. Tba alandlDg room aign wu ont at PadenwskPe concerts. Wm. Iloey, In "TheQIobs Tioliar," 10, "l^SSMlS'nt'S '«'"«o»I'">"ottl3- "a"".Wi«i,n«^!»«.,,nser. ORAtm OmiA llom.—Clay Ctemeota. a ul,,^ Uohenalaulfen, In "The Kew Dominion." dUim MB andlencM aU laat weak. Eugene O ltSuAV 2 "fieWloklow Posinian," wlih tbesddlilonsi .iiV.L'' Uon ol John h. SuUran and Paddy Ryin ii ihl' sltraotlon 13-18. ' ■ TBI Atbxdii— Florence Bindley, In "Tin- tain's Male" and "The PayTisIn,''drew aimiennt of good preponlona lut week. Ilenn 0.7.111*1? Eunpean Vaudevlllee week of 19. "sn s TBI Bucsl^aUAH -HelilyA Wood's Co. dl<ni>iM tbe IL R. 0. Ilgn at every performanco Ir» a»? breaking Ihe record for attendance at tiila tmiu. Iblsaeamn. The magnet that drew the croTiiiwH Madge EIHa, In her repertory ot clever tuitH Harry Morrla' Twenilelb Centnry Maids week ol 13 Piorii'sTnuTHB -New faces week of 13: PoVd and Deverae, Eva WHghr, R. H. li^ioy. Hay \ii,a Oeo. K. Ames snd regular stock. UutineiB toi-i Nori.—All ibat wav mortal ol Cilpile l',iiinnni ot eiusit Robaon'a Company, who died c wu burled 7, Hi Bits'Hast, at &veeiU. A large Dum- ber of Ihe ntniberaot the order In thla cliric. companled the remains tn the grave. Thoconiool Iba dead Ttaeaplsn waj bidden beneath a n.u of llllesand rema. Several ilonl designs from bciom bi tbe cliy ware laid on the grave. Padacalt.—At Morion's Opera Booao ciias Tala'a 'Twelve TemptaUont," Jan. 0, bad a niie honse. Coming: Kaile Bmmeit, la"An Amtrlrnn Boy," U. CEORCIA. AtIaDta.-.At the Orand Oliver Byron Jan. 13, 14. Wood and Sliepinl came t, I, In "TownTopic*," 0 good buslaeu. DiWolt Bopper preBenied"lir. Synia.x" u, 10. lo audiences of largs pmponlooa. at advanced prires. Booked: "SiwlDg ibe Wliij" li. It. "The CHton King" 17,18. Lvciru.-llobcrt llantell 13,14. lUcbard Unos- teld did r.lily well at advaoi od prices 10, n, Booked: Donnelly and Olnrd, In "The Rslnnuk- ern," 17,18. TBI Thooadiro raopened 13 as a Winter OaMeo under Ibe management ol 0. A. Sampiiin. The fol- lowlog |4 the bill: Mile. AdgleOuilllu, Helen Hrton, Hires lljldemlth Bls'ere, Mile. Uoaeclta, Sig. Ad. BaaalUno, Maila lUdell, 0. A. B tmpion, the Korai JipnneaeTroope, Murphy and Fltia,Karl and lial- algeraud W. Lavell'sllvingpictures. TBI Isrniii. reopened 11, and will conunor 11 and week. jiavaaBab.—At the SavnonahTheatre bualneai wu very good Uat week. Chaa. A. Oardoer bad a (ood slued aadlenca Jan. 9. Oorton's Hlnstnls fol- lowed 10, and "Friends" Co., 11, gave two perform- snces befon Isrga aod appreciative honses. Com- big: De Wolf Hopper 19 aud "Fiblo Homlnl" In. Trrou'a Ucsio Hau.— This little house Is doing s btrge hntlnes<. Tne new people are: Edie Si. Clair, Dolonts and tbe Celeslo Bro'.hett. TBI TguOASiBO.—This bones Is becomUg nnlle Spubir, and Is having big bnslneaa every nlgbl. e Oarsou Sljicri opened laat week and are prime ravort'es. AwHaata.—At the Opera House Chas. A. Qatd- neraitncteds falrboMfe 10 see "The Prize Win- ner" Jan. 8. "Friends," for lieueBtot locsl li. P. 0. Bks, had tbe capacity of the house tested, lie Wolf Hopper gives "lir. Syniax'' 1.., and Ollvei Byron comes le^ TENNESSEE. IgaafeTlIle.—At tbe Theatn Vendome Cmion Clarke came Jan. T, », presenting "Hamlet" and "Richelieu," 10 andlences or fair proportions. Ksile Rmmelt came 10,11, aud had nice business. He WoU Hopperc omes i(. Nitv Hasomc Tbbatbx.— ' Shore Acres" came tor maibiee and night 8, and had large cnwd>. Oamllle D'Arrille Opera Oo.,presentlng"lfadelelne, oribe Uaglo Klss,"came tor one performance a, snd packed tbe h'uee. Frederick Bancroti, magl- cLan, cornea lt-18. OlAMD Ofbia U0D8X.—The BaldwiD-HellvlIki Co. enjoyed a week ot prosperity (-11. Oonroy anil fox come 13-16. Usmphla,—Al the Orand Opera House "SowlDt Ihe Wind" irat presenled In an excellent msnuer by cspsble people, Jan. 3-t, to good business. The CamlUe D'ArvlIie Opera Co. had a good advance «le lor 10 and matinee 11. "Tba Twelve Teopu- Uons" comes 19, Punch Roblnaon Oomedy Oo. 14- 18,'Town Topics"20,21, Paderewai24. Hiw Ltoiuu Tuiatri.—KsUs Emmstt pre- aenied "Chat," to fair bnalnesa, 8,0. Conroy ami Piix an billed tor 10,11, to be foUowed by Don- nelly and Olnrd 13-16. Ha. AKO Mas. BuciLiT, ot tbe diabanded Dixie CIrcsa, are still here and wlU remsin Ihrengh tbe winter. Chattaaooaa.—At tbe New Opera House "Town Topics" nad a good mailnee and very fair night bouse Jsn. 4. Waterson's lecture dnw a fair bouse 7. Obas. A. Osrdner pleased a large audi- ence 10. "Friends" comes 20,21, Camilla D'Artllle Opera Co. 24. WASHINGTON. Seattle.—At Cordray's Tbeatre tbe Smltb-Lleb Oo. laid off Jsn. 0, T, to make preparaUons for s prodocilon ot '-Tba Harvest Moon," which opens 8 tor the remainder ot the week. "Harmlnle," ">:ait l^nne" aud "UUed" were presented week of Dec. 30, to Immense buabieia. Weekof Jan. 13. "Ur Oenldlne" will be the ooerlng. SuiTU TBiATKB-Llnteln J. Darter's'-The ll^ faulter" cane U> light busUieaa 0, 7, eohllllng'a Ulnstielscaae toa piokrd bonse4. Effla Eilaitr coDKs 13,14, Tbos. Keene 20-32. TrroLx rnsATRE.—Crowded bousescontlnne. Pe"- pla s: Morels Ooldsolih. Maud Ittymond, Kd, li. Lang, Eva Leater, Frank Powell, OeorgU Roubleo, Fred Wbian& Bertha Kellon, Lulu Watia, Joe Cari- wtiibtand the Auatrallan Midgets. PCQir SoiniD LoMi, No. 39, T. K. A., had their annual benelt at Cordny'a Theatre Jan. 6, whea the following prognmme wu preaenlad: Fred. Wlnana, Frank Poweu, Carey asd Dony, Beriba KeUogg, Fled. Tjader. Tbe Smilh-Lleb Co. gan "The Oiitta I'arona Olrl," and anangmented orchea- Ira ot fourteen plecoi, under tbe direction of I'lof- 0. E. Bray, tnmlahed the mnalo. The bonse on this occasion was packed abnoat to auOboaUon, and tlw lodge realized a neat sum. Beatrice Ueb and Hoy Plntbam were each preaented with handsome stands or oholcanowsreu remembrences from Hie Dienben of tba lodge. Ta«otBa.-At the Taooma Theatre Schlllbig's Muittnlo played a return engagement Jan. 9,10 a iiood bouse. Booked: Thoa. w. Reena, In "Lonla XI," 17, snd "Herehantor Venice" 18; Enie Ellaler 21, a. Kails Putnam 37, Frawley Slock Co. 31-Feli. 1, Ckrieton Opera Oo. 6 aod 9, Marie Walnwilght 10, 11, Sonsa's Band 12-16. IOWA. Das Bgelaes.—Foster's Open Honse hu been dark aU week. Cooing: "Trilby" 14 16, "Spliirr andFly"17, "The lujsh" 18, Frederick Warde i:, (leo. W, Monroe 33, "1493" 24, "Wang" 35. (iSAVD Opisa Dot»i.-l9mer B. Vance'a 'The Uipltad Mall" drew a big andlsnca e. Oombii;: Pearson StookOo. 13 and week, Marie WeUealy ld- Feb.l. BB>llBg«aaa,-At Uie Orand Marie Wellaley's company wUI pUy week ot Jan. 13; "The Black Crook" comes 33, and Joseph Hart 34. TtBiiiB Utmn Bali For week ot 13 tba' Kc* York EtirSpidlalty Co." wlU hold tbs boarda. _C*aaell Bla^a—At th« Dobany Theatre "Tbo LImltad Mall" drew a top heavy honse Jan. T. UoDpalon's Playan will appear In npertory dnring week ot 13, except 19, when "Alvln loalln'' wUI be seen. "The Rajab" comes 24. In view ot s retnro ongaoemsnt ben later on, the woodward Theatre Oo. did got continue ovsr week ot t. During tba two weeu' engagement tbe company preaenitd a repertory embnclog vcrelons ot new and old plajs In a manner that nund favor wltb the Immense crowds attraOed. Blanche Morgan iwenlly Joined the company Bouse Trtuurer Llizle Alton bu been 00 the elok list, but Is convalescing Iloio N. Morgan, who bas been resting here, departed 9 for Sidney, Meb,. when ha w|U await the adjudica- tion ot a sqll be has pending against Dare R. LsvIb. Mr.Monian IsBeekliig to reoover damafss tor Ibe kiasot bis right arm by oonuct wltb the bnn uw nsad In Iba pnaenuilon of ■-Uncle Joab Bpraoeby,"