New York Clipper (Jan 1896)

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73S THE] YORK OLIPPEB. jAinjABy 18. JOHN J. BURKE, t COIMT COim OF MM, Lat« Loading Prlnoiptl Hendenon AmerloanBstravsguu* Oa, Supported byi^- ANO PllOnUCINO THB NKW WHIMHICAI. 3 ACT ABSUHUITV. WICKKDL.V PKNOMIJJATBP TU» bigb cUm, eip«nfilTe attracUen U now reid; to book good earlf time. Addr«tu* EDWnJ p. HILTOy, Manager. 245 East 14th Street. New York City. TD HI «T, FEIIVUIIT IH OUT H ini oimiMi mi m mm i mil J. H. Haverly's AMERICAN EUROPEAN WANTED, TO ENLARGE ABOVE COMPANY TOTHE LARGEST MINSTREL ORGANIZATION IN AMERICA, FIRST CLASS MINSTREL TALENT IN ALL DEPARTMENTS, COMEDIANS. VOCALISTS, DANCERS, MU- SICIANS I HIGH CLASS NOVELY ACTS. Mnd progranimt, ttala |uit what you oin d«, and nan* lowetl lahry firtt Urn*. No (aaoy nhrlM, at w» kaira aN cur alar* tngagM and with etmpany, Addmi Sin Antoalo, Teui, iaa, to aad 21, Autlln 22, Houilon 23, QalvMton 24 aod 26, urand Optra Houie, New Orteani, La., Sunday, JiR. 26. .1. U. IIAVKHLY, Dlrovtor. THE REAL LAUGH MAKERS, DRYDEN1 PAGE, THE IRISHMAN and THE LITTLE FELLOW. Waek Jan. 13, T7nton Square Theatre. ATUBEBTT FOB BAIiAITCEOF 8X)AB0N. Hanagera oall and aee ua If yon want the Real Comedy Aot Profession TtLrooxKlxont will Find It to Tkslr AdTSBUga lo CamnaRlcmU Bt Once, with THE ALFRED E. AARONS Tlieatrieal !E2xeliaiige Oo., 1,283 BROADWAY, ROOM 3, Comer THIRTf-THIRD STREET, N. Y. TO Af^IV^Ca-ElFLS. We have on oarlM>oli«, aad can rarnl«b aeisof evvrj dewiipllon at ihort nollcti. TO -a.nTISTS. W« »r« la oenrtaat eommanlratlOB with leadlnii managtn thmaahoat 4h« world* Bwad ni loar ApfB ilniii andp»rman«Bt «ddr««a at oBfte. IVovId lfk« te hear from ■ladlBBann chovai lndl«a, IIBIiHV O. JACOBS. L\iraBl?IT HOWARD, . HaBBgvn Aarom* Theatrical Bichang* Ca., l.Via Braadnraj, Hew York. Birt WHITING ISHEPARD Mamie WhovlUb* AMD Iq sn •nilrelj HBW Ml, (atrDduelDR Rh«p*nl'i ■loRlog (DSkOill Mmn. wlUi ■(•nopUcoD tIiwi, uO tUnllDi Ditrelllea l<y Mr. U'riliInK, mtkln* lit all on* of the bul «»! iitrrHii««t acrobttlo lou no th» •Ui*. Ai niDsnrs kwl krcUla konw v« lha ORIOINATOKfl of our lannsr sol, belas the Qrii to lotroduRo tlis lMploctKiknlftaaii>[U*rMulloT«rlad7**hHU, Juiiiowlllw» t>« ilie orljtlaitor* ol thiK bli noreltf-. Our recunl tpwki for (Mir. ^waoo'SMI, IUQl»«Ull«r; eMsno'SI-Va, Weber* rkUa; RuBooVMO, WflbtrA PUMt'Oworo.:HMi03 W«b*r A PUUN'OtnOo.; RaamdVI'M, WalwrA Flehla, HwM BroO Co. This Mwoa. HtalifUallor, whan Mr. WbltlBi, BMlloa with ftn kroldtkai. »m oontp«ll«l lo ohM. Wo are at llbortf to accept onRanmeDU for thia and Hit H»M, NOTICE: Bnlal«*^ poor ariorii, who are nakloic ihslr UtIdr on our orlRloal fiinnor aot. you may tri- te bOTlMqao ihla v.l a* badly a< yuu *litl iha oUiar, bul whan jvx an Juat rainomltor the Itnluilnn you cao lot vary ohMPiliieiMlarttela Is what UU>. AJtlraas J. J. ARMSTRONG, ID U»lM Square, Hew Yofli. SHANNON, MILLER & CRANE to* anOADWAV, N, Y., one I>0UR DRt,OW NINTH ST. (FomicrlT «S Hllrtra Unt), MILITARY, THEATRICAL AND CIRCUS GOODS. ■In, Blua, TunU, Bi«a*dea,T1f bu, Sbli OuM uid tUlnr UoM, FMiigM, SptnilH, Blua, TunU, Bmudea, Tif bu, Sbliu Mdlngh Hkia, Wl(i, BtoMand JtweliT, ItittDtnl, Kouuulaa ksil AtliltUo auKl^ Octianwn'icd Bull* Hikeni'Snpplle*. FltnaBd BuiD«ra, MlUlsiTtDil BaolMjTrtnunlDfi. Annon ot all kUida In oidar. Bend for eaUnuta*. TlitniratiauiunaDtand buTlMtiUKit ot Uiaar lOCNUtdlM rouDdiajwheni. Olioalin lim. Qoodi •eotao.l). JUST OUT, V WAU.T:e MONU anu ohoulin. Vl«n4.laB*ll,it>Bil lUr«nl<nir> ca|.y lolho STAIt HUBIC PUB, CO., OnhMtrmlloo lOo. •iira. HUU Brath atnvt, Uaituli, Itllrh. BIJOU THEATRE, Lowell Btvaui Ileal, Blerlrlr LlHhti Hsdltad •« Oott of •>,0UO by OWB*r. TO LET TO RESPONSIBLE PARTIES ONLY. lOBdlvPB lBiiu«tllat«ly* WrlleorT^lMraph KUAKK PltpFeRt IT Marh«l BtrMtf Low«ll, Maaai "W A 3V "T H: 13 , rOlt ONK OP TIIK BRBT KNOWN COMPANIKS IN AMKniCA, THREE BROTHER ACT. ■Bet be flnt rlaae. Thoaa dalaa ilonblea pr«f>rr*d. Noa* bat solivr, haid worhvn Bead aaswere Addraee, wllh rail de«rrl|illoB^r Bef^ialai*^, eto, HANAGKH Car* of CLIPPRR. ^ 3DEIOXlDEIX> HIT. ■RCOaBB NIUIITLY |r«>il TIIOBR BINOIHa IT'AHIIV CATCHV WALTZ CllOnV'SI. "JUST YOD, MY lOYE, AND I," "PRETTY MAMIE CAREY," A BVRIC WINNKIt (TIIV IT). TBN CKNTH T() PHOFRfidKIN. «END Til " —iNV, MUSICAL NOVELTIES. Hay dlncl from ibo m'rr. OM rallabla houw, aail Twenmaoda frntn Uis b<*l munl^al aiIIhrIb iha bia. Bam) lor»uJit«u«nrftllklnhaoraiu*lealDOT#Ulfa. BamaoMplMa. BDWIN R. BTRSBF'tS IrDoUfllneLHanrord CI P.a-rREJ)tllRICUAH«riU. AIIU.K.QO«rorpll«L u«•™.■-ou»•^a»™^wl.vl, SIEGMAN AND WEIL Theatrical, Circus,' AND Military Supplies. 110-ll2GrefiDeStiecUewYorl( Bml I C4al lUmp rw ooi NBW OATAIiOOUB JDRI luuid. lAfRMt. completau Mook of GOLD Mi aiLVBR THIMMINOB, STAOB JKWKLr- HV. BATINa, PLtlBIIRH, ARMORS, Etc, In ltd, irwrUiloil nqolnd for THKATRICAL WARDROBE U LowtrPricssTkan Any Other House. Just a Uw Itomito iItsilD Idea of our prices: TiaaiB or BBIBT8L froiD OSc* a pair, apward. SPiKOLBfi, lo ROld and allrer, fl.lO > ponod. WlOfl rh>m 500. upward OOLD or81LrBR TRIHHlKOfh>m Oc. a yard vp- win] a. Goods f*nt 0. 0. D. A dapoalt r«qulr«d oo all ordara. gsiiifafttlop ffiAraotdad ftr monay r»faa'l»d. THE NEXT NCMBER OF THE WILL BB I88VKD ADOVT IC will Be an UnaiBally latereatlBg Book, CotilalnlBa a Record of All Imponanc Kvenls Ib the THEATRICAL HISTORY or TUB PAAT YEAR. INCLUfilNO First AppearmBces Bad First ProdaclloBa, Drmmailc, Variety, elr., Ihe Amerlcaa Debatofwell Knows P<irforniertf,The> aire Fires, b List of Deathi Ib the Amnaemeat ProfesaloBs aad Other In> leresllag Drasnallo Hatter. Also Sportloff Chronologies, Aquatic and Ath- letic Perfunnancefi, BaMbalLBaclDg Records Billbirdg, Etc, Perm- Inp a Complete History of Sporting EreniB For the past year, aad iBcladlBC all of the iiaportaBt necords of the past aad preeeat time. PRICE. 25 CENTS. Doty & Norman Co., Repertoire People, HIdi[iiib and DaQolDBOonwIlaD. and Roubn«ue, Chamc- ter woman (with child, llpoMib)«). II«>fyllao, Qaoeril Actor and rlaoo Playar. ftiato 1o«piit ulajy. Baod pboto and nill parUculsri Oral I«tur. Aildraw RASL C. DOTY. J.uieat|l)e. Wli. WANTED, ATTHE NEW K. OF P. OPERA HOUSE. IN PTTTSFIBLD, ILLINOIS. SEVERAL FIRST CLASS AnRAGTIONS rOR TUB MONTlia or JANUARY. FEBRUARY AND UARnil. Tba Iioum la beaUd br atsam. baa elaclric Uahta and a aaallni capad'y of elKhl hootlred. To the Frofession; 1 herrb^ recommeBd MORRIS AND rillLDd, of the Capitol Tnaafor aad Blorafft C^., of Atlaata, Oa., lo *11 my profeaslsBal ft'lende wao rieaire their ■rrvlree. RMards to all. ALDBIiTBBRN- BTBilW.World'a FBlrWaeenm of Anatomy* MUSICAL DIRECTOR AT UBERH. Addreaa R. B. aMITH. Wllhesharre, Pa, Des't waau ynor money oo fkkM; va «lll tMch joq Daldi, Irlih, Hub* and Rlaeb Far* 8(«ela1tiaa. Stamp HMMh MoaolosnM.MaBlr. Puncb. VaairlloqulRni; locrst nrmaklDjr «|t Ibo hklr lorClrcaulaoanJ liaoJIlDiiiDakei, hovaadwbarainvriuror aoiaicMiirnu; aoy of abora acUorHcr*t«,|lQ)a4ch. CoDloninn UILII.OO par bot- tia. «^ vlth nnlar. AIUNiva forlUU. AiliirvM nKK»I.DO A rUBII. lloo»>cfc KalK N. Y. ]V O TIO E3. ALL MIMBBM OF TUB Actors' Protflctive Union. Local No. 4, 8T. LOUIS, no.. will pt«M >*ntl la thair hteh duMk wh<Mi you«IU racslva iDUruciloDi ibal will b« to your iDtaro^t JOHN COIIURN. Pre* ' ^' Fl!!.'Syrior. Wee. Full Beard Free. 5o*rorBrv¥Vifi!?5r's?.f'!;;"".isr,.''*."S!i l«u<],>grn>l<ir. T1iM.wlihlO| >n<>1l boiiMlncMr. .Ml •<>ll, •M]l» whUk.ra. rRIRB-Uim Bci.W SOT OTrBR, Boi nc B.HIfiu>n. Kd. ROUTE IN RHYME. LIFE WITH A CIRCUS !f..'7irjiJt-?M!!"'5 TIIETERN»niLAR or TBB ROT OTTBR, Doi B7«. B.]llnio... Md. AT I.IBRIITV, JAN. 10, MORTIMER MARTINI, K. UIOiDD- no.. nilUI|«b;ini. P.. .-It'W.Tiintnrg. AT LIBERTY, Chris. Bruno^ SINGING ANDDANCINB COMEDIAN, COMIC OPERA, FABCE COHEDT OB BUBLE8<tUE. TwantT weak. m. Tob|r, IbeumMly part ofCha., II. Vals'. "Deirlr. Abo tloB" Ca. AMrM. B. per raale, "DEVIL'S AVCTIU.M"CO., HllwBal..e, Wl.., WMk of Jbb. M. Perm.n.rit BddrM. aumiiiDuEWicit gT.,ciiic»ge,iii. A OOOD ATTRA<TnON for Coart weob, oommaneloit JaD.27. 1 baTootataloed ibi manaffemantorthlsOpara Bouse, aod «ni book ataodard atumciioDa oolr. and nch will r«c«lT8 lood lapport irom the pabllc. Tfilatawa )■ ontdsad as a>lin« tawo, but fAnnar maoaRamsBt was. Will not Iwoh more than one attnaioa eadi mnntli. If |ou baro a gofd Compaoy, vrlta for datea, Ikw Rbowa Dot wanted. Tlia hoaae li^ r«mod«Io4 and roralnSad «lUi alaetrlc IliM* alao hava tood bOI hoaida NOBLE BROS.. R. P. BPOONBR and I8AA0 PAYTON. write. Addr»ME.V KUWTZ. Maoamr. Rock Port. Mo. TME COMING INSTRUMENTAL HITS OF 1896. "CLIPPER" MARCH, By J. C. HEED. Price for full Orchsttia Sc. 10 paita, aoa Plaoo 20c^ Piano Solo lOe. "SUNDAY CALL" MARCH, By O. BiaHB. for Orchestra. 10 paita asd Piano So., Bnta Band 0c, riaoollolo lOc. Mandnlln and Uultar Uc Publlfihed by JOA TUOME.fl04-MB High BL. Wawark. N. J. WAITTED, lllagicLaDterns,Stereoptic«DS, Ifiews, Kodaks aiidCaiDeras. BOVOBT. SOLD AXO BXOHANOED. MCHARDS A RIROH. WlNI(Oll«l At. . MlnnMlioll.. MlDP. Comedians, I will fonibk a limited nnmber ef copies of mj anccessnil Cbaracter Hobo* lopie for tS each. Monologneti and acts written to order. Stamp for repl j. CUABLES BOBEBT BABBr, Bo^ 68, MlnneapolU, Minn. Ml TO 1011 u umiiiiT. Fall tasti-BoAJoBs how to balld com- plete ballooB oatdta. lBrladlB0 patterao ftor ballooae aad pBrBohates, with la- etrauiloaa bow to laflate ballooBs by qatcheet Bad SBfest processi b1m» baUetiaa Bad paimchBtea Ibr sale. Enclose stamp for fall pBTtloolars. Addrrn AERONAUT, B41 aandaaJiy ATOBBe. PremoBt,Ohlo. ARTHUIl J. OUARACTSni, LBADII AMD UBAT1E8. LEEDS, JUVR.V1LE9ANOINaBNUE8. Oood w.nlnlw. OH M«ii<p. wilifc OMAIH BT.ZinMTlllfc Oh lo. JUST OUT I THE AURORA BUDGET. AD.TbOOk for COBEOIiLllS UKlUlOMdOlDK.b.|DR aod ulklnB ut.. It couln. Uu ptrallM, topicd K>D.^ man ud duKCR, ctatnurl.r miih. «lih word. .Dd laujlc. TEN Sniclu. up ud.u MONOLOaUBS: .11 bl.xtor e.p.—r.p.ri«., rsciutlnD. ud . fttoDj three-wl ram. Pric* II (DO ntAinp.). AddTw.. VBABL f UB CO.. B»l a. Adroim. III. Tbe Eiperlenced and Hnstllns Agent, HBTlBg olot.d With Haaty't Wild Qimmb ChB.« Cs. Ii AT LIBERTV fbr bBlBBCe of S« Addrm. PHBD BATKg, Lm Port.. ladlBna. AT LIBERTY, GEO.LSLISSMAN, CLAniONET, BAND AND ORCHESTRA. WantedQuick^ MAN FOR IHI8U CHARACTBR PART AND PROPS. Mum (Id Ri4cUlti. towaM uUry Omappllcailon. Dc not pay board. W. L. BUCIIAHAH. Itana«r "A Thor oiiRhbn*!" (Tn.,ftharDii, Pa, Jan. 1ft: Warreo. Ohio Jan IS: Nowra*ila.Pa.. Jap 17. COL. R. J, OIEGLE'S BIG CITY SHOW. WANTED, MUSICIAN, ta pUr PIbbs BBd ■BBhsklma.If j|.B.Tall* aa.tal. Alao 8Md SPECIALTY PEOPLE. RoahlMtioB I cl.T.rBmBf e«n. COL. M.J. HIBOLE,NBTBrr..Ohio. Three Yoiifi« Udhi t» Pity Routti Chinoler Parlt. AIM Three Ltdy Qimnutt. eaUrriDulttx low, but la nil*. Loo..unMni.Dt u> ri|litp.n;. Applrln PROr.BTIRI, R']Tli*iOynin.«lum. Ba»t Bo.tou. N^a. At Uberti, JNO. W, TURNDULL, Cliincter AOIOR ANB OOMBOIAN. RTRONO DPEnALTtBS: II Ifj; »«f.'l*".. WIl.til^M KVAMB. PRARla TEIUI. LCtDINO JUVENILES AND INnENUES. 0«d witdrnba.!. luuann ooli. rB..t«m m. fflTri). .dili»uJNO. ». TUaNBULU tan DollaPtlaile ro.. LaCrot... Wl^ ■ CIRCUS CANTAS, SECOND HIND. <NO00D CONDITION -On.aWl loonil ui^ooatSiU. oa.UxlAoD.Uilin.nD.Ui.iaos.miKn and on.BliItt WlllDataanclalprlniloTlliliinon^ . ._.,iAjllBB«rARTDI*BON. ft and VT nlehrnonil Rtn..t, Btwtoa, iiiaa WANTED, PIE rerisnaerB man 00 two or more Acta, , Funk, Bart Bicbardaon, Bitot, Sheeir il, Pete Bodrars, Chag. McCun^ lie. WHITE & STEVENS, ^ OF ALL W FOR SEASON OF'96. PerforraerB mart do two or more Acta. Ad. F—*- —■— "•• - Neal, write. Charleston, ff. Va. ATLiBrarrr^ rOB BIDE8BOW AND OOltOBRT. A POBITIVB DRAW. IHO OABD. Lire Sheep with 6 liega, 7 Hoofk, 3 Bhoal. dera, 3 Hiade of Wool) U 3 Vean' Old. (Ifare baaosn). Hoaical Aot or Plia Aet, iDCoaeatt. WoaM like toliearnon) Rood reipooslbls ihowtibitttB pay nUriss tbey sirre* 'o. una boms ihowa, «lih only (nnoe Ideai to back ihun UTo ataapa. Will oonaldsr offers from aaieomn rot a weab. Addrsss D.O. RA\HOND.LOTalaDd,0.,BoiiO Also hare as sstira Moaencn Ootflt for asle chaap. The Haslcal Farce Comedy, "A BASE HIT," A S.tlra on BBMbBll, by C. E. Slan. BmcUI lllhoamp). Maod .nd wlodov work. RICUaBDS a BIRCa. m Nieolltl Annor. Wlnnaipolln. Hipa. HAVX 4 SIDE TABLES FOR SALE. Rail nUBER-B llth STREET MUBEDM thli »t«k ooly. FirslGlassVocalists! Ptaaia aiod jntwramms aod prsuotaad peraiafiSDiul. firefui.alM dotcnpilon of klud of lODgyoa llbatoiilait. Sfeclal MDRi VTlltsn for tbe right psopfo. J. T, "VA^OE, Chlougo. AXXRA-CTIONH WA-NTBD, OPEN TIHB, WRITE QUICK. PEOPLE'S THEATRE, PORT HURON, UGH. Good Bepenory, Farce Comedy. OpenlJcSpacIilij aad ■InittelOnmpanlaa write at moe. Csn plar yoam BIO MONET. Tbrae nlgliU and weak sUoda POPULAR PRICES. Addreu R. J EBWOOD. Psopla'aThsatre. Port Hutob. Mkh. NAN AND WIFE, DRUM MAJORS, A.T LIBERTY. Tbe World's FamonaDmiD Ua)ois; man twlrllof thne tutoDi and woman two at ooe tlms; iweotj mlnuioa' act. NimeblskeaiaalaiTaad TuU parUeoIaiL Only reliaMe nuoaionoesd aaawer. Addropx MB8. 0. J. OLOCKLBR. Wllllamtport. Pa WANTED, SINGING AND DANCING BOUBRBTTE. AfirANCB. Al ADVANCE AOE-VT. tc- qnaloiad with tbe We>L Must be a haa:lar. and not armid or pam. Ooe olRbt standa PROFBRTT MAN. eapsbia 01 playlOR atnoR part. Salarr msst ba nodt* rate. Bend photos, pronammes and lowest nhry In Ontlsuer. M. L. KINRBT. Vo 701W. eiiib Street, Bloox City. Iavc MISCELLANEOUS. LOW PRICE PORTABLE TYPEWnnERS, Daplloaton,ljetlerCopy Books, nqolrlBC no preoa, nabber Type, Ete., fbr Prof* and Prlwate as«. Illas* dr., SBmple Work, Rle.,nreeoB receipt of leaible address* W. D. WILBIOT, 391 c.^VashlBSUia St.. BostoB, Mass,,Tr, g. A. OPIUM norplilBe MBbIt Cared IbIO to w days. IVo pay till cBrod« Dr. J. BtepheBe, LebaBoa, O. i GOODRICH, LAWYER, KTi&^ISK;; tofal aiMl ttalat BtmiichMaDataalllti».laolhwBmaa. BTTLbS. la PER lOD. rORTDHES. laai- pK^lCa etr<alB»tt«rlw.lMaiidap. PHOTO 1X1,Edw.Pa. 8. B. DATINa OVTiriTfl, RUBBER TVPE, ET". RATL O FSEE. B. TATLOB A t:0.. ni«T«laoa. O. BI IWWf w^wMtt. MMBTACBP. tcu.,L'ate CaU.«lcM^ M iMria, U «. Ktn, BMU* ail. FaiMi. TSea.wa.4ar«»br,nrtpdl. tettlHwof .OlaBi. fcU M- t^ilm Via, t^PSiM.C.E.MABHnALi.Leekfri.M.¥. FUTURE WIFE AND HUSBAND Par tbOQiaad tUn. rOTPBE CO.. UB. TlilnaaDUl BBaat. mw Tort. WIHTFR BiMlrio Bait Co.'. to writ* for bmplw ol flft lllCU. ELECTRIC BBLTB, alio Prae bmplwor ELBCTRIO INDOLES. lOe. lor lor bollL with pir- it thiol la E. B.-eSp.rl(D. BIO MONET I Uculan. LAtaat t BLBOTRIU APPLIAMOB 00.. BDBLIWOTOW, E>N. EDMUND E. PRICE, Oounseiop at Law. NEW YORK CLIPPER BVlLDUia, 9 AND n OSNTRB 8TBBET, Haw York CHf. Pra«llo«lad]th.CoartaOlvU ud OrimloaL BMokl atuatloo dTui to the oolUctlooor elalm. ud d.Dlaol aUltlodi, uo prapatmtloa or atnam.Db aad otiiar lofal CURES QUICKER THAN ANY OTHER REMEOr. TasTBBt** Eatnet of CabetM BBd Copaiba Is a Ufa, esrtain and quick eai*. and la an old tlme raoisdy, oon- blDtog In a hlsbly eosoaatistad ronn lbs medlcloal rlitaea of osbeba aad copaiba, Its portable sbape, freedom tnm taae asd imeily adtloQ (oanof la w* tine than any other prspaimtloa) tnakf It TBB MOST TALCABLK SHOWN EEMBDT. " tnad. tee that etarr % ted strip a«rou tii. bal, with ihs alnatairs of Tar- tmnt A Co- N. T., opoo U. PBICE, SIJO Bold by all druffslsu. T rAljUADb& r. To prersot rr paouflsbas tLsDMSOfh- THE MOST EXTENSIVE yANUFACTURERS BILLIARD and POOL T -A. B I. IN THE WORLD,! THE BRUNSWICKJALKE-COLLEMDER COMPANY, No. 860 BROADWAY, NEW YORK llawMt BBd Bert .l.(BBt MylM,«111. t*« UNEQUAIED MONMCH CUIMMMl BlUUld BlBtoriBla. Glotk, BsU., Cmm, ••a., or nr swB mBaaakalara bb4 tm- pBrtBlloB. TUB BRONBWICI-BALIB-OOLLBBOEB 00, Obleai^ Oloclaoatl. BL Loal^ Baa Piaaalaeo M(Artlk«iQttu1cnlbr$U«tniai^AM