New York Clipper (Jan 1896)

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742 THE ISTEW YORK CLIPPEB, Januaby 25. Worl d ^Pla yers — NotMi »ni roller of Uiu. COfftm' "A OoDDIt; Morclmni" r«.: We lire |iU;lDg to big hutlneu, Ibe 8. It. 0. idfn bolDf pDl III aw quite often: Were rompelleil to turn people uvsj el WhcellnK, Weat V«. lloeltr tod CAM: Kbeii lumer, Che*. Vowla: Jobn l.orlnR, ArlliDr 0. Handrm: Tom IMimr, Im- tcr A. Ilivia; llo'icrl I/k aimui, loMph IM (irawe; ntO'Keefc, JeiiKii A.>; lliilT I-rclilile, Fred T. Wiliih; Col. cmw, A. C. HiiDilcrt; Tim lllelr. Wllllim lltRin; Hill lliiHliliimAndil/ilalKOIiulleli.acirRe CoiiDlnRliani; Jcil Hir*p, Jimea lloppo! I'lijllli I/>r- Ids, Sue Dejinoiir; I'Ailencc Hixier, UnrlgeUldre; IJtUe Htille, lltlij Mlllikii Cleire; miiniiier, Chu. A. Uoli; iiiirloen iiMiitiirr, Otpi, W. II. IUII7; Msira iiMnnRcr, A. U. Hanilcn; twge iiuclilnliil, JiiseiiA. Ii'lta; dlrecior <A inoMci/'itor A. ILtvln. Produced undur the |>crHoiiil dlrecllun of Arthur U. Btiiitcrf. — Kolcii froni llic FniKr lininalk (;uinpsiij: ne Hoeot » vcrj nlemuini Xiuh^ knd Noir YcurM at I'dnw Albert, N. \v. T. -MVc iiro the oniT compau)' that bM had (he 'arlt' to luako Ihia tilp, and Ilia toWDHpeople ilifiwcd llieir uppreclatlon of tlic fact bf maklngonrautythrro ir>ii, proniablo and agrre- ■lie. On ibe night of Jan. 3 the Udl(!<of ibe town tendered ua a bamiubt In the CouiiitlCbamlHr of the <Mj 11*11. Ilotiior of our company Ih: Unllle Jeffrlea, Il>b; Mirjorlr. Mllic Uninvllic, Ivy Hum- merd, Ulnnle AtiiMHi, win 11. SttdmHn, Horace V. Noble, J. I). Ilrovntlle. Iliriy Wall. N, II. Mcl>ir- mack, J. Cmfrg, A. (I. l-VHior, pmprletorand ntao- ttger, Willi V. K. Cnmyn In advance." — Atiangcmrnta have >,t:«ii made whereby IVil riaocon, tbc linger, will purch«a« the Kreuch rlghia of'Tbe Wl/jud or iheNllu,*'andininageiheopcra*a riroducibih next July at llio llMuiTea r,«r1iiloniie, 'arlrt. Krank lijtilebi, who will lie cngageil In both tho hondon KDd Vlonnii prwluuilona of llerliertaiid Hnlth'a Altera, will not l«tn the operH In l^arln, but lh« atellar rote will lie taken by aoiiio well knuiru Pirlalan comedian who bus iioi yet liccn aelccled. I'ne Kroiicb, aa wril aa the Herman tr^nKlallon, It la RIatod. will lie mndo by A. Kciinuuii. — KoteH from Hteiann'M 'MI. T. U." Co., Wcaloio: Huiloeaa wilb iia haa averaged good aince our Hca* aoD opened. While at llucbeatcr, N. v.. New Yecr'a wcek,p/oniewero turned awayaetcral ilnicn, tin. lloury II. lonlon, foniicrl; h member of ihia roni- paDy.and who now Ilea III and dcKlliiitoln llochcrt- ler. received aaialitnnce from ua In a auliiitanital form, (trace Waahburii la doing nicely aa Topay, and In her lainj 1 iviloa and aonga and dnncea la (julie nuccen«fiil. We tin now cnl'iying a vIkIi fniin Hr. and Mra. I,. \V. Waablmrn. H'. Kibble, ourinanagor,|4 a huillcr, while Charley HmlUi, hia naaltrof trauHpuriailou lud ivneral nnlilant, la the bUHlcel mm ou earth. — Illcliard Ibiymonfl Itae Joined the Flora Mianl- ford Co. for IrndlDg liiialKU. Helen Hyrllo aluo Joined the coinpnoy 10 do bor iliiKlng and daorlng apeclalilee. — Mra. Will N. Hiiilth, <i| the Anderwin Theatre Co., waaauddenly callc<l home Jan. II,owing to the aerioiii lllnejw of tier chllil. — Clara Willi tnia. of ilie Florik Ktanlfurd Co., la v«ry aJck at Ttrcnium, F*. Hlie tiaa every aticDIIon KroTldctl by her biiqbantl.and ahe will lie taken to er homo aa vmii aa ahe Ih ablo to 10 moved. ~ A coininiinloatlou alfmed "Ueinbvm of the 'Air*. Flnnenii' Co." ntaicn thai ilio roinpnny atnanUud In spencer. lad., and that no aa'arlea hail tieen iiald forihoalx wceaH* Itlp. — lluao N. Uurgaii wriica thai lie Is vNltlng nl hia home,Hbliiey, la., but ixpecia Inopun hUHeiiiuin alaiut Iho middle nf Felinary, with a liotirr and larger company. Um. Illiinohe Uurgan h^a J ilnoil itw WoodWHTil Oimiuiny Ui play i-haracteT>f ami heavlra. — F~iUylo lUggJiiliicdllerlcrl ljil«dlo'a"FiMMl" Oi. at Hbolliyilllo, Ind., roDlarIng Uari (lay. Veita i'eierr, late of "Tiio Did Soldier" 0>., uIm algnul for Iho reiiMlndcrof Iho ftoaaon. Uaiiagcr l/tlmdK' InloriiH iiatlut Ur. Itlggiieil Ulaa I'eiera were mar- rleil InHUclbTrlllv, I ml., roccntlj. — Uaaior liinU Ward Jr. Iiaa Hlgncd with the "Humanity" Uu. — Haiiagera UalturA UartlQ are rovelving goo<l nolk-eafroni ibc WeMorn Dowap;i|tera fur their iir,>- rtnnllon of "Uncle Tout'a Cabin." — J. C. Fetiton left the " IJgbt on the I'ulnl" Co. at lielrolt. HIch. — Uello Uujrlck baa algood wIMi the Untie I'ut- nam Ckimedy (Xi. — The Howard Wall Oonwilr Co. lepjil doing an oxcellcht bualncas tlirougb lllluola. — "Hhaunuh of the tilxih'' la iheilileof anew drama, by Kilwan) K. Kidder, whicli will lie pro. diicoil by W. II. IMwor. — Mwlii I', llllluii, nwuKur iil John J. Uiirke, Hid cuniwllao, lu tbu new abmirdlly called "Tlio liiiciur," aaya thai good tlmo la lielog biioked. Ur. lUllou haa oogaRcil a couiuin), every nieniber of which la able to alnga aololf ileatrvil, and all are of food leputatlno. Among tbcni are Alma f^arlo, Fxl. lagleion, Kdlih WanI, John Hagee, Urave Furreai, A.K. liiTinaon, IJh ValUncu, W. II. Mitchell, Hntle WlDDor. W. H. Uurkley, Nellie Melds, John A. Wllks. Uhit» Nclaon and otbcra, with Wlllla K. Ikiyor, ad- vance agent, and IV. W. Uniltliom, miialuil dlreci- or. The louroih'DB Jan. 'Jl nl Now lluuliello, N. Y., wltH aoQio Kiuhiin lline to follow, and then Chicago, BL 1,-iulu. l/inlivlllo, (ilnrlnuil and over Jacob Liu's clroull and oiii to dtliromla. — Notes Iriini Itlce ,t Uai-lon'a Uouiedlaiis: "Btanil- log moiu only" has boon a nlgbily uccureuue hi Ofory >l*nil we have played lUroiign West Virglula and Kentucky, the ninuimiun at ilin show having precuihMl It, nud In ainioal every town thu liouio waa sold out laiforo we lainleil. Umco Unburn, Iho Marsh Matora nud Iho Kleuirlo (Quartet Join In Byrattuio, N. Y., Jsn. 'ix lliu auoces-i of (bo farco cuninly, "UolhiodIo and I'ooUle," In night Blatidi haa upnrreil Ulce A Uartou uu to iiooklng IhhiconirMny In ono niglil sUmls exclusively noxi aeaaon. UwlllbiiiiiadeoToiiHtniDuerthaulllii. ThU show, In addlilun 10 tnu Itwi lllirKiigllah Ful.y Ui. anil die new alirauMoii, K:w li Uartoii'a Big Ualely KiimTagaiiBi Coiii|itny, will give them three dts- llnut alinclliaiH im lUu nuiil nu.\t soa^ton. — The original "Two uiilit,iulcs"t>i. Iimiw lour- ing ihiuugh I'onnaylvanlH, til ruiirf l>i iho I*acl0i' cuaai. They re|Hiit excellent biuinuiw. — K. l>. Ftillor, niansger uf Iho Tlirniru Nuriiun- die. Tort JervU, N. Y., slat<-« bis thcHlie has iiuvit Iteou condciiiDed »a uiisiilo, bul, on tlio coiiirary, has iH-en Inapn-ted rrcunily iind itninounccti lu bj In n safo ciaulltitin, — dpoouer liraiiMlIc NuKs: Weaja'nt Clirliiimna lu HiuwiiwiMid, Tex. I'rvitciiii were e.xuhangnl and buslncm has Itocii lliii'. Atlhrcbisouf ourcuurtgc- nieni lu llllUlHiro, Txx., II, Uniiagoin Sliluhls and Meiidunhali gave a llun aurpcr In h^iiutr m iliu ci,iii. liHiiy, whim twoiil) giuain were iimieiii, among whom wnit^iiil.JackIhiiivfortl,thepiiciK-iiuL Tlio cvi'ulng waa »]Htnl lu rccltalbiitit. ttoiigB, ulc. A( tho I'liiae of Iho cvcnIiig'H iilL-asnrfii. iho lurilcinants bilne.i hniida anil asiig "(iiil l.iug Kino." Uahy Ha:iielllcii l< making i|ulto s lilt In his songa. Alllo Spoiiiitr la wlonliig m>w lAun-ls overywhrie. — Cnatlos Ttiwiirionil, the dmiiisllsl, wr1ti*a llial Iho llile of '-II10 ittiditr" aiMl "Uiwn In Illxiv" buib lioloiiE to bliii. l*Tluleil copies nrv di'|ioslleil with thu UiiiiirlaiittfOniMivati. thus riiintling ihu uopy- ilglitl'Wa. >■' T\iivnaciiilMiahu will imngaciron agalusl local 1: anagera alluvlug ibo |iruilucllon uf piaya under 1' 0 Hlmvo lltleii. — Manageu Ollfioii ,V Ulddlcton aend the fid. Inwlna: "(Ur ntniiMny, licv.iilcd by Juiiu Aghott, Is breaking riCiiiil or nil rvpcrtory comiiaulcaln I'euuaylvanln. Tie entliu lioiii>e, except galloiy, ai MOAdvlllo won H..ld out two dara liefulxi tho ikt fonimucu. AiAbimuaovorythlitg waa guno iK'foro oivoliiir uiodiiuii*, Hhil Ibuiiiaiiiccraisuaruii said Iho entire wcek'p bualucHji was lu'Vor etiualtoii." — NuiM (10S1 Oiv'IV lllg SdK'kCo.: Iliisliioss con- ilnueag'i'Ml, ai.d iho cmuiuiiy hi lircaklng ivconu limiugn (he liiickr>uSiHt4>. On our utioiiing night, at Kurt Mvcrimd, we «cr» btiukod for a pMuni en- gagetnont boturo ibo citnulualouollhoticcoiid act At Canton. 13, iho ciitlro hmiso was a^dd out beloro noitn. Fl ly Crowcll and (lias. Unriluier are very Riu-ci*a.|nl In Iho lontln, and the conijiany has been Hin^nglhenitl br ihc ndilliliiii of A.^hlcy UlUcr nnd I'naa. llaMwIi k. Fred H. h\>wli>r has n<pl«ml C. r, Wcsilu-illl III ad\'aiu'i'. and II. L. Webb Jolucd rciTUily. — OfMiu OlliKtril aiAicathai the ni*eiii pnitliicilon of hwinii ucs i'l.i)Hworo trial iterfurnmiiicA only, '■(hii til (he Mii-i" will bt< iiLtiiacvd iiv\( ticasuu br IMgiir Ciii'iti. — K. II. Fniu. Ill till- l-'Miii ,v Kaiuiliawo Is (be |tii>uil fiiilitriif u iti'w diingliier, iitini In Knns.^s I'liy. — U.fii'rof l.orikt-'s liyceuni Tiiitaii» t\i,: Ftniik l.caVr, iiwnti|ti-r; I'lini C. Ftihl. siago manager; Ji'lin 11. IJiiliin, iiuKltni dliccior; J. li. t\Hik, Jnnirs T. McAliiin, lliiry Knlii'itrtt, Van Urn Adama, M, Msntlt. Iiiclil h'Mrr. Ainin Lcttuanl, Klnu lloberts, lrrnt> Tnybir niiil lUby ratillno. HuhIiior^ rrpurtctl Ui be ginHl. — J ii'k J. Km, ciiiieUlsii. with the Moore IJv. liieKUino Oi,, has conipicleil Ihreo now playa which trill lUely It* iToilucetl ue.\i aOMatii,\lr..; "The Fin- itliaiit of I'amtllir Allr;,""lliunsu Kaluie" nnd "Ibo Uetry Tniiiii>!i." ~ llrrlieil K. ileiu lis.i kfi llio "A Tht rough- brod" Vo.t owing to a chaujc of luauagcmoaL — The memhen of M. B. Onilla' "Oentleraan Joe" Company, which cloatd at the Flflb Arnnie The*- tm on Jan. U, ere coitplalning that their aalailM have not been paid. Mr. Curtli aUiea that Mos« II. Keilsm. who waa his backer In the enierprtae. Is re- aponalble for the "»»" the actnm mu«t look to Mr. Coilla for their p«y. Wlllard !<e and other nemiiera of iIm coraeetiy have lieguD aolta to recover the money they claim la ** — John Makine will reelace Howard Kyle Id M01I- Jeaka'a company. Mr. Kyle leaven to liecome lead- ing man of a new ntlabDrg, Pa., a'oci company. — Kdgar L. DsveDpnrt has decided to aUr next aeaaon, aDd le bavlDf a play written for bim for tbUporpom. , V. w — <'liOulalan»"latbeiltle of a Dew play whlcb (llonMacliononghlawrlUogforihe l.ycenm Tlie»- iie, Ihia clly, and which la oeatly compleiad. — Obkrlea Frobman haa nirangcd to direct Ntll Borgeaa' coming lour In "Die County Fair," wblcb begins nlmui Feb. 1. ... — The l/iater Ooho Qimedy Co., stranded Jan. II, InBontb Amboj.N. J., and the membera eayihej have liecn liaaely dceeiled bv iho managen. A per- formance was given for Ihe iienelll of the mem bent of the company, which enabled them to reach llili clly. ■- Oortnne and the KImliall Opeim Oo. are galnlnR renown and nrnot ihroughoat iha Far Weal. The t^irlnne Ulnlog Company la one of the latest (MPiue Creek InsUlntlons. named In honor ofiheatarofthla ""-^^BprlDger Uthngraphlng tJo. will In fntoic lie known ea the II. 0. Hlnsr IJthographlngOo. Tliity claim 10 have the largeat lltbograpbic plant In Ibe thealilcal line, and are now ninnlDglotbrlrfDll capacity, Ihe work at present In hand repreaenilDg one biiDtlred and ten CiimpAnlea- — A new play liv Lincoln J. Carter is entlUetl "KlngoftheKnith Pole." — Clyde Filch baa been commlsaloDod to write a play for Nat Ooodwln. Ha hero will lie Kathan Hale, the pairliit spy. — ilcorge HURirove, of Wllllamaon AHusgrove, Ansirallan iniDsien, who haa lieen In ibis city for si'VerAl weeks, hsa secured a Dnmbernf American alaraand playa In appear In AusiiaUa nexISum- nir.r under hIa llmi'a management- Nat 0. Qond- win and Mr*. Pouer and Kyrle Bellsw are among the prominent players who will irjio win favor Iniheanllpodea. ''Ttllhy," by a company headed by cllher Rdlili Orane or Blanche Wal«b,aDd "A Trip to Chinatown," which will also he presrnled by an American company, will sail for the lalanil ronilneni In ilme to open an early aeaaon there. The "Trilby" Co. learca Ban Fimnclscn early lb March and will open at the Prlnceta Theatre, Id Hclliouroc. — Notes of lloyt's Rig (Comedy Co.: Iluilneta tliiuugh Minnesota and Iowa baa Wn very good, espoclally since the holldaya. We i»n7 fourteen pcriple, a line uniformed tiand and nrcbestra. under the direction or Prof. Frank Tuber, being one of the featnita. We give a conilnuoua performance, diama and vandevlHi. Our reiwitory Indndes a'loui twenty playa. Have played to 8. II. 0. (hret and four Dlgnbi each woek slnre Jan. I. — Notes from Hacauley A Pat'on's Select Playen: Addlegnowtolned Jan. 14 and playa allaoubrotio parts. Bbo haa made a hit wMh her singing and dancing sperlalllea- Harry H. Onavea Joined U, and asauncd the buslnesa manageneni. We are beaded for HlnblgHn and the weaL Hosier: W. Hai'sulev, W. II I'atton, Harry H. Oiavea. Qeo. F. MiHire, Chas. Ifsree. Frederick Camlllo, Henry L- I'uidy, Ida FKirrnce UsmDiiell. Addle Snow, Inne Murphy. Helen Nichols and Mine Maliel. — Notes fritni the Andermn Theatre Co.: Mrs. Win N. .Smith wan suddenly called to her home at lliimani-vine, Uo., on account of the Illness of her oblld. Mr. Hmltb retired from the coni|)any Jan. II as did Helen Howe, planlsi. W. M. Oooley and Beatrice Cooley rejoined, after an aiwenca of six weeks. Wlin one exception the mater la now the Mine na when we opened In Aogual. Business la excelletil. Wo are now In our tweoly elghth week. — Urrt l«aile nod Clayton K. While will. It la staled, alar next season In a farce comedy, entliled "A liaomlng'niwn,"under tbo management of Ollle Mtick. of Hurmyand Mack. — Jiisep'i U. Thayer reports good biiilDeaa wllb fal I own company through Maine. — Iloator ami notes tn>m the Irene Tiybir Co.: We are doing big boalneai, playing to sacked houses, (lor repertory lucludoa"CHmllle," "New Magdalen," ' Kasl bvnne," "Jllvorca." "ACiresa ol l'adua,""A Woman wlne''aDd "Pmn Frou," Kueier: lieneTay- lor, (1. P. Iliew, A. V. Forman, Frad W. Jemmeli, Ikinald BackuR, Ranfoid J. SImll, a Wlllla llam- liall, Hrw llattle Bhtnley, Mand Beldea, Teddy Eaa- too and llitic Trlilo Drew. — Johudrlcvcs haa been engaged by Manager James L. Keraun to produce hla opeta burlrsria«e nnd Noveltlenat KemaD*a Lyceum Theatre, Waab' ington, I). 0., during Ihe coming Bomner. W. W. BLACK Waa Iwro at Irt'lngloo, N. Y., Aug. 10, IMI, but early Id life mored with hla |iarent« to Oolombus, 0. He nude hla profeaslonal debut with O. H. Oardaer's "Onlya Farmer'a Daughter" Company, Id ISTO,play- tog the part of aa Kogllih bntler. Upon leavlns that company be resolved to ntlllie bbi Odo baaao voice In the lleldotnrgiominalTelay, and to tblaend aeouicd an engagement witb Auslln h Welr'e Mln- sirels, renalDlDg wlih them for one aeaaon only, lis next Jolood Blmmnna * Hankln'a Ulnalrela, anil anbaeqiienlly Joined MoNUh, Johnuia A Blavlo'a Co., remulnlng with the latter orgaoliailnn for two aeaaons. lie waa next engaged 61 W. T. Bryant to rilty an IrUh obanclor In "Keep It Hark," and Id hla mie he wa« so Iborongtali aatlafactory that he waa re engaged tor ibe two following aeaaona. While playing this role he was aeea by K. K. HIce. who thereupon engsied blm aa the baaw o( tho Clipper (Juartel tn Henry G. Ulxey'a "Ado- nis" nnd "Seven Ann" Burlesqne Oompanlea. During (hla ongagemeot be met and married Carrie E. Perkins, an aocompllibed and well known nctieaa, who haa won much lame la comedy and burleaqiie miee. Hla next engageiuent waa wltli Donnelly \ aimrd'a "Natural Oaa" Co., In wblob he asatiined ilio role of the broker. The fol- lowing aeaaon Mr. Blaok and bis wife wero engaged tty (Charles 11. Yale to play the principal roles In "The llovll'a Auction." Uo waa next engaged by Ttiiia.(4. Seabrookerortheroleof theMUor1n'*The iHloof Chainpagno," aflor wbloh ho Joined llallen nnd Hart, In "Ijiter On," In which he played the part of Colonel Hayseed. Upon the expiration of thU contract he waa engagetl to Impemonate Do Wolf llu|t|ior III "Tho Merry Worid." lie la at iirestrnl apitcartng In K. K. Hlco*a "KxceWor Jr.," at llsiiinicntlelD*s Olymnis, la this clly. Mr. Blaok la of One physltiiio and excellent carriage; he la a clever aotnr antl an excellent alnger, poaaeaslng a basso voli-o of unusual range and suiierlor quality. RHODE ISLAND. Provldpnre,.—At tbo Provldoiico tipom Uouae, wMk wljRO. IS-IH, OlRS KethenHile. In rt|,enory, draw iiitl v«ry Isras sutlkDcaa. TbIivssh maris lbs anitar- aitn i>r Jiuiss A. Ilesns, la "llhora Arret," aoj, as UKual. Ilia adviuca fale U vtry ivod aatl Iha builoeu will i>rut«l>l)' bt Ui, to Ills *laodapl. For Iha weak of IT "Llltis rbrlxorliei" mika lu tint a|tpeiraoee la Ihia cltr. Ksirit'rtOrsu 1toiltt.-"RuUi cltr." «llb Mstlbtvs R111I Huli;ar to (he Usdlof iwu. Tha ptaca ti beltar ibin «h»D lieta Ism ssaaol, and tb» butlntu was big 1S> 18- Tbl« Tsek II. t). Mtoar's (Uv. In "llotnui hesrla." Iiilkngil br I'f Kr Y Dallrr. la "Ilis NIsblClerk." \T>!irai.t>rBH Tiiaivaa-Kml Hlilsr'i Nlihl Oals SSTe a Rood l,«rfonnaac« In Rood boupsa 1^18. Ttlla a-«#k "itani," which waa bini (nirijlQiai WMk aad plarad liMiDpurths blsseat waekH racsl|i|s ul ibSBeaioo. rljDB A RbMt'laD'f Bli HtntallftQ cutties week offT. LurHHOr's Oraai llol'SB—Kat* Dallas, sspivrlsil by Luthnitt's Rbvfcri,iti|«ay, lD"lleDpofUoU,''lS-ia. Tha bdilQ«M WIS Terr tsTfw sod alltoocanifd sresatlttlsd. Thhi wteh J. W. llsrTlDKUio aad tjSlhnn** slock, la "Rub* Kla'ey.*' anil oo Ins follovlDR vsesHIMDallaa rtslnnin aoil ptvaenls "(laisl KIrka." Mrsiu llil.L.~FD.inb Urahsin (\iaesrt wsi rlrHi ir, wllhUie lollowltiR psosisoii Iha prpRraiuRis: UstUisws and gulRvr. gate DstIr. Frank Lslooa, Joho II. DsTtf, MtT WsDIaorth, lh« Fliisllibon Trio, P. (X RhiiriK Coo ebliA. (litUI«r rntaotll. tits llc(\>y Klitera aad J. 1' Ludd)* Kort»—Kslbrrlus AltRvli, itr 'The Uerbr MlKvl" Oo, wt« Iha inis'l uf Mr. sn4 Mra. Riohstd llsksr. In Ibis ctir Ttiprasa«aaeri»*„raceUsnuatthel^Tl,loDr« "l^ta llottie lilt Jio. It Wilt. Ileol^n, aims ittsDster, liliiks III* Ihiiiiib, b^rl NottoM wSA wottndsj os Ihs li»ad I,) tlii>IslllDq UI Ih4 l,l>>tfk bouse la "Tit* Falsi I'sol," Slid .lames MiHlarrlrli liailhla ni,a« l«dly hull lij a alass liuf.. BTailftiM.ut Uilacily, hsaa rain|>lsltiai« itl TllsCl.m*SHrurnlnal»aQ ysart Uss II. i^ai|ib«ll. ol Luthittp'a n|.«rs Ileus* la i,u iL* akk lUl Ual- tbapaait,! Bdlnar olMetl wlUi "Huak (^b)-" al Iho leipilos- ibittutCioeaiznteutenlal KslUi'a Opeim lluoae, Jan.lit. Tlialr i-Ucra will ti* nikd by tleorwe F. Mariau and Kd. llelTentisu (Urn l\illlna, of Tlie Mrbl Unb i\i., ntournalbrlowti.fhla HI. Beroaidilog VIotilellea. ■Iiaw hsa enlliwlr rscuTand rrum bar rsceal lllasas A ilaIe)»tlon iruni Ih* Blaislh.nd«d lit* Nicbl UwlKbov btslwiy 11. Slid rreaenM auitis uf Ihe nuiirior Willi •tint* alegsnl nowdia. P«n(avket.-At tlie Pawluckcl Opeia lIuiiM, Jan. 16-111, -'nfti llur" vsa pntOttrrd br lutss] Uilaol un'torllte ait4i>l^ i,r Ihr rtilierfall-t I't-ifcb liut-l.-h. aail U.r IlieiUe *aa |<acLoU lu ila uluiuat rjpacil> si U.e litur t-ttrfoioiaiicov "iluu and Hois" oones VMB, "A 1 rl|< n Cblaausn" M). Variety and Minstrelsy TBI roixowiKO IR from Albert Naah, acrobailc comedian: "I want to let yon know wbataaisaU ten dollar 'ad.' Id tbe Ou> RiutBii bronght me. I played Keltb'a tokin Bqnare, New York, week of Dec.«,l»e4,and had »oiblng, booked abojatier that date. By potting a ten •»■'••'".Tj'SJi; rn. while tflllng my •> liouae, I waa fortunate onongh J?»i'''8'''SA?,': lowing dat»:The week of Dec. 2a I waa at Poira i?eir llaven. tbe lollowlni week at Bridgeport, week of Jan. d I wu at Uis Bden Tbeane, Painwo. nnd I opened Jan. 13 at HamabDrg, Pa., at Uan7 UavU'lwlngbooked over hla circuit, whlcliiakea ne to Feb. i, then open over the UopklDa clicnlt, at Ihe Olympic Tbealie, Chicago, 10, for four weeka. Tbia work la all dne to ten doUara'worth of adrer- ilaloa In Tug Olutwb.^* -Oood hDalnesa contlnuea to be the rale with oa, sDd on Jan. 13 we beat the record for Monday at the weatmlnater Theatre Providence, R I. Tho male memhen of the compaoy VnMBV^ iUuKtrmn ellb a handsome deak trunk (Taylor'a make) as a Htw Vear'a present. Everybody In good spirit* and the ahowls pleaalng Dunageia, preaaand pub- lic alike. ,, . _„ Nona FROM Di. SBuriD AtnnuuiN Vaudeville Co.—llr. Bhreve la a feataie with hla violin aoloa and venullooulal apecUlUea. Mra. Dr. Bbreve'R menial Itlegiapliy ami fancy ride abooUog g«ea well, aa alao dOM Lowanda'a nuglc. UI Raymond Uilgga' Kobe kid and Jaa. Parka' danclDg are Id the lilll. noaraa or Milidn's Hcsiaai Covidt Co. and nervy Bell RlogerB.-au MUIod, maoager; Joile Hilton, opera boom sopiaoo aad aaxaphooe aoliilat; Lola iliuin, Oriental dancer and cbaiacter vocalist; Frank Hilton, boy laxapbone eololat and yonog Im. penoaalor of the New Eoghtnd famerj Oushlng and MenlU, rellned comedy duo, baDjolsta and vlo- lloira; Ote uldwln, ccceDtilc lilack face comedian, hanjolat and dancer; T. II. Blaosfleld, hnmorlat, nlmlc aad character vocalist, and OeorgeC Ull, plaDovlrluoao. . . llaiLirr akd Oarroli report being well received at Ucck Ik Avery'* Husenm,ClaclDnaU,0., and were re-engaged. ^ ^ MairiR Edward PiRor la slowly recovering from aloDglllnesconlnicied Id Mexico laat Bepiember. He will be nnahle to tolllll eogagemenia thla season. Wh. and Haa. lawiN have beea practlclDg a new actInOhlcago, IIL,*Ddopened at Heck t Avery'a, CInclDnaU. 0., Iblaweek. _^ ^ Bt'BT, of the Bun SUtera, will cloee with Weber A Fields' Vaudeville Club thU week, and will do a iletch with ber husband, Wm. F. Oonld. SBiiUAM AKD MoaRimxT Will uko tb* toad Jan. 21 wllb a compaoy wblcb will Include Illne* and Remington, Ad. Hymas and Etu Burger, the Brolb- era Leo, Beanan and Burke, Brown aad Wataon aad olhan. Tbey will use tbe afterpiece, "A Jay Clr- cua" Addib U'BRigN, wire walker, who haa been dan- gerously 111, la recorertng at her home. AmiioE Wamuw, fonnerly of Whlielaw and retry, la now playing the leading comedy role with tbe Waahbom SUteia' '■Fonona''OompaDy. lliooiKS AHP Liaua bare left Uaverley* HID- airtlR,aDd are phiylDga six weeka' eogagement at the Cliena Itoyal, San Fianclaco, Oal, DiK Lx lltrsil and Day LeyUin Joined HUt. Cooper'B Bouibem VaudevUlea at BlrmlDgbam, Ala. W. J, IIOLriN wrlie* that tha City Trocadeto, At> lants, Oa.. will be dosed for a few weeka. Pouii llouiRii, who baa been auifcrlDg with ap- peodlclth, waa unatile to open on Jao. 13. bat opened at Uyde A Behman'a, Brooklyn, N. Y., 30, and wa* compelled to reapoDd to alx encore*. Frakcis Uibbbkt, contottlonlat, will sail tor Eng- land In June. Marioh abd Pcari. and Flossie llughea bare Joined tho "Bluebeard" BnrieaqueOo. WILL BkimnT, of Harris and Bennett, baa re- covered from hlalllneaa,and haa Joined Dot Bentley. Kosraa or luBor'a Own Co.—Fred Imbof, man- ager; Uazel FoiTeal, vocallal; La Petite Mabel, Mm. F. Itoier Imbof, elocnUoolat, and our bibid pianist, I'rof. Jerome Mortord. Tbe show la beaded by P. Uoger Imhof, tbe prince of Biberalan comedy. We are In our oecond week, alDce alaitlDg from Pitt*. buig,aDd opoDlngat McUonald, ra. Wobaveour own prtnilng, from tbo Uonaldaos Uttaogiapb Co. Cribhiiis and QoBg are resting at their home In Delroll, Mich., where they will remain nntll April, at which lime they expect to reeuue work. SVDNIY Driw ABD wiFl (Qbtily* RaDklD Drew) have decided to appear on the vaudeville atage, and will nuke tbelr Brat appearance Jan. 21, at Keltb<s Bllon Theatre, Philadelphia, Pa. On Feb. 10 they will be aeon at Kellh'a UdIod Square Thea- tre, tbui oily, when they will preaent acne act farce, entitled I'Pun at ( s.u." Tui ELKTiRtc yuAsnr la especially engaged with KIce A Uanon's (wmedlasa to open Jan. 20, at Syta- cuse, N. Y. Atier dnlshlng with tbla otgaaliatlon tbe quartet will play the Keith clrcuU. Maxu B. KUNB, wbo ha* been plavlsg in the Weat for Ihiee yeaia, la vlalUng her falberln UalU. mrre, Md. ho. Mooas, of Ed. and MiDDle Moore, haa retDmed to hla old place as lUge manager at the Only Thea. tie, BoSltki, N. Y. Wh. o.OioiLL, who baa been acting aa manager of Uyde'a Comedian*, ha* taken tbe management of Ibe Star 'iheaire, Brooklyn, N. Y'., for Qyde A Uebman. IVAB DAVig, who wa* fomeriy mualcal director at tbe Lyceum Thaatte, Chicago, III., 1* now leader tor Sim T. Jack's Kxttavaganza Oo. BOBIRT Niuox, lata of Nelson and Wallace, ha* Joined Blmona and ArllngioD. Ahmm, coatonlonlBi, and Ileattlce Arden, barl tone Blnger, who havo been meeting with success In tbe West, open In (bo Eaat ID Febniary. Ton llARUii and Rlliy Uoward are playing the Texas clrouU. AUB Jacobs, tor many year* ptonerty man at the Oljnipio Theatre, Oblcago, III., haa been made stage manager of that hooae. llABav w, Baktdn haa Joined Fred KckboiT, It Morton and Eokhoff, They ate with nice A llsr- ton'alloao UlllOo. Tniteam of Barton and Hack, knockabout come- liana, la wllb Ed. t. Hush's "Wblta Crook" Uu. TuiDABiobavs beenlaiing off for ihe paat few reeks, msklng chsngea In iheir Chinese comedy nuslcal act. II. B. HoKlk will not go out with the HoKee i <ay Comedy Co., on account of slckueaa. T^iHMii KILLBK. of Blowart and Olllen, nioums 'he death of hLi mother, Mra. AnnieQlUen, wbo died 1 Bellevue Hospital, thla clly, Jan. It, from ihe tract of an operation perfonned for the removal of I tuiiior. Tub ADAua' Hi'o have dissolved partnereblp. UOLLV E. Howl Uali was one of tbe sutlerera by ■ be Central Hotel Ire, In Aliuona, Pa., loalng aU uf ler Jewelry and money. Nona KROH UBLLVILLI'a BiJOU EKTEKrAIKnU.- We ate atlll doing well In New Koghind, and play- ing eereral return engagement* tu IncreasediMiron- ige. At Lowe's Opeta Ilouse, Berlin, N. U., all ivullaUe standing loom vraa tlllcil befora 1.30 r. a., ind the curtain was rung up at that time, at tho iirgenl request of Manager Lowe. A aecond return ,late, March 30, ban been booked. Everybody well And esJoylDg sir lih rides. Till WiujAas'Tuo, iDstnimentallat* and vocal- laia, an milDg a four week'a eDgagemenI at Houie'a WondtrlaDd, llelioU, Mich. IlARRT Ward, moDologulat, request* ua to deny that he la wllb Boyd'a Mlnslrela, and aute* that he naa elgned with Nay Smith Robblna' "Lliue Trixlo" Oo., to play the olact face part and iDtrodncu bl* fpeelalUea. Datb Momiiohkry, bile of KoalfomerraDd Utile llm, and Willie O'lJell. of HnaaeU, O'Uell aod Hua- ull, aie workhigloielher.aodaielontlngtbeBouib •ith Uaveriya Mlnslrela Tui Fot'H CouaiQ ate pteeanUBg their revlaed version of "Ooggla'a Doll iConae" thu week at Uyde 1 Uotaman'a Biookljn Tbeaue, WKSia'a Uio OLvai'iA Co. will open In lIotKken, S. J., Jan. S7, at tbe Lvrto Theatre. Dot Davehport baa been aacurtd by Mr. Wober. AUY MPLUB, danaouae, haa Jual cloaed a aoc- ceaslul engagement at Camcnas'Tboatte, PhUadel- pbla. \'». The types In onrlaat Issue gave ihe name aa Lucy Muller. Mrs. a. M. JuNia. wife of Chaa. II, Jooea. the Itsrlioae, prvseuted him with a baby boy Jan. 10. Tbe latter goee out ou Jan. I'T, with the Nunhaltan Vaudeville Ol. Hamiixr At. MsHTz Infornu us that by tbc n:- cent death of an uncle bo loherll* 14 000. Maooii \Jl Van, vocallat. and Etlwanl La Van, luDloUi, were called to iheir home In UaI iniore 18, bj tiie death of their alalcr. CoouAN, Hand and Tafi, the Callfonila Trio, flnLab the Keith circuit In Beaton Ihia wc< k, aftrr flttcon auccesaful weeka lu eight mouihs, .tnd go oror Ibe clivnlt aguln lu April. Tbey iintn In tier- luany May 1, for nx monlbs, three montlia In Berlin and I hire nionthn In Biida Wsth, with Louilon aod l-arbt to folluir. UHAta MttoBB. or Ibo akrich team ol Stilly and Uoorc. will In future use h.>r hnaband'a name, Jobn F. Bally. n. f«rwwAaT>8 annual baajo and foltar olnb oS^StSSd^TSaSSn, held JM. 1«, Stttl^Sfj SiAaMJemv of Mnalo, K'U»i>5^P'''»'ih'»!"dli SS»Sln»ll napecta. The honee waa otnwdrt. "ndrte uceuentmnaio pro'M'f »[J *i5KS,' eonteatanu I*»ldtohavebeenh"«hlr*wa*«~ hyihe audience. The VfM»ytintwvi^\o rSiowiniclDlis. la tbe order given; Bavertord Ool- iroSSSi SSSMS oTibV^el^'tS!!^ Sdlvldnal comnbntorB to the P"*"™* Henry Heyeri, Unta 0. Mark*, A. Floronca sSSdmimSlewarr, BrookaDenwnand Oiaman, "T^riSl'lttS^^-l^^ wlU. '1SrMS!ic*Tlf,"ln^AtUntlo CJ.y. N. J., w« »ld Jan. isVby BhertB Johnaon, to Lewla Knehnle, lor lloba The sale wa* held at tbe inaunceolme- Jhanlca- lien claimant*, whoea claim* aggregate *Oad'wiibon Uatin In San Franclaco, (3al„ at the People'B Palace- At the ckiae of her engagement ■bewllllakeaieatlnBontheraCaHfoniU. Ed. Van Sbah. privilege man and mnalclan, haa aimed with tbe Oitat Syndicate Show. ^, ^ , KiiS* HATBAN*, wire of Captain Weal, died Jan. 10, In BraoUTD, of la erlBpe. She waa the «tej^ asDghter of lohn J. Nathans and sister In law of ^ ACTOHto'vAii QoFBi la playing a retntn data at the Alhambr* Theatre, London, Eng. J. 0. Mtmrar iDforma db that tlie lllgh Street Tbeatte, Munele, Ind., hag oloKd. AU.1N AND DiLHAtN have Jnat cloaed an engage- ment over the Da via chxsnlt ^„.,. .k.i. TBiWALt-AnSismsmonm the deaib of Uielr brother. Waller Wallace. aiLBOHANS Mathivb RrB playlDg a alx weeks' engagement over the Davlaclrcnlt, TBI HlLna. Bnd and Emma, aall for England In February, to nil engagementa. , . ^ WncB AND WBioa and Chas. Colby wei« Invited by the msnagei of the Empire Theaiie, Fort Wayne, Ind., to the Bka banqnat. At. ORAiir Joined weher ft Flelda' Co., at Phila- delphia, Pa., taking the place ot BUly Enenon, who, owing to Ulneaa, la compelled to layoff. Ehma Reel Lu will hereafter be known aa Rosalie. HAimK J. WiixiB. ended a two weeka' engage- ment at the Kew Huaee Theatre, Colomhn*, 0., Jan.I(. BiHa WiLLiAiiB la now appeartng In tbe stock at Smith'* Oaalno, Chicago, 111. F. ZitoFiiD JR. has secured, through Uacar Drey, er, of Betlln, an option which wni undonbtedly aa- onre for blm Epbralm Thompaon'a UAlned elephants to Join tbe Trocadero VandevUles, opening In Phila- delphia next September. Hr. ZlegfeM's repreaenia- tire Balled for Europe Jan.M to perfect the anmnge- DieniB. These elephanta do all. It le said, tbat other trained elephants have attempted, and add to It akatlDg, playing violoncello and other tricks. "Nora DiAR*' la the title of a new aong lB<ned by Bartholomew Bros. They ataie that tha ballad Is meeung wHb gmtlfylng sncceaa. '■Tbbib Linu UOHiLiss BoTS.»aballad, Is a recent publication by the Colonial Music Co. Tbej offer a special Indncement to Blngen to put this number In tbelr repertorr. Ui IlENBT M)s: "Playing to the capacity of the boueei, with etandlng room ata premium, Ihrongb Eaatem Pennaylvanla, Is the best we can report at the present lime." Psn Ui R091, alter a alx months' tonr throngb Mexico with tbe De Ooetcr'a Concert Co., wUI lake a r*sr. He wlU return to the vandenllle alage In Match. Daist Wadk waa tendered a banquet at ihe Au dliorlnm Theatre, Cleveland. 0., recently. OsBORNB AND Dalinv, botleaqne trsptze, open at Shea's Music Ilsll, Buitalo, N. Y., thla week. iRixi EviiBTT. formerly of the Flench Folly Co., Intomsuathatshewaa married In Jeney City, N. J., Jan. 18, to Horace Andrewa, of Andrews and Oilemsn. PHor. Kicuabd HBuriLand hisiwo danghlenare tnvellDg wltb the lotematloDal Variety Co., Cebal- loa ft Taull, pnprialoiB, through South and Can. tral America. IlABBY Maniill, Of Uaffotd and Hsntell, was pieaented by bis wife with a son on Jan. 18. Mr. AMD MBft Dioi KouiNB have closed a anc- ceaaful aeven niontha' engagement at the Park Theatre, Chicago, III., and will rest a few weeks be- fore going on tne road. Niw York Star Nona—Our rcceai acqulslUon, BtDgh*in,ths vesirilnqnlst, la preaestlngaalionK act, which Is meeUng with much favor. We were accorded an exceptionally good week at the Ken- shigton, FhUadelpnla, Fa., many hehig turned away at the Saturday evening perfonnance. The com- pany are all Ui good health. Our foreign con- tingent, conalsUng of AnI and Ino, Hlle. Fiorlzell, and Hr. and Mm. Bavado, mlaaed thetmln from NewYortand bad a dne oppoitunlly ot vieirtng tbe ennmna of Philadelphia at 3 a. h. Haddi Davu has chiead her ten weeks- eagage- ment tbnngh tbe West. BiLLT Hahoki, while doing Ua new breakaway act OD tha fallhiB plank, at the Warwick Theatre, Newport Newa,Va., met with aveiy palntnl acci- dent, the plant, g()lng Ibrongh bia chin, ootiing through hla month, knocking outaeveial lowsrteetE and spraining both his wtlata. Be wUl be unable to work for three or four weeks. Ula wife. Bertha Johnson, wUl work alone at that honae nntll he la able to work. R\'>LVN Button, tho latcat aspirant for fame In vaudeville, la credited with a voice of a rich sympatbellc quality. Ber alngUig won approval trom herandlence at her debut. TaiVANirr Fair SriorActiLAR and CoainvOo.. itlaannonnced, la solidly booked for the aeaaon of itM-ei. The management elate ibatltwill be a sur- prise to the mechanical and singing world, and iba'. tbe moai elaborate aceneiy and costumes will boaeen. IlARRT BiLi. waa a CLtrria caller and Infonns ns Miat the New York Bian did a big bualneas at the Kenalhgton Theatre, Philadelphia, Pa., and that he and Hr. Spairow sold ttcketa In the lobby and on the aldewalk on account of the big rush for admla- SlOD. Tag VAIUI8 SisTSBS, aerlallala, are meeting with lomenae anccesa on the Keith circuit. They ate now playlog Hr. Keltb'a Beaton Theatre, and open at hla Union Sqoaie Theaira, thla clly, on Jan. 27. IlAHRia ft Dawrb' Varicty Co. open* at Hatiea- vnn, N- Y., Jan. 21. Tbe company wUl Uidude Minnie F, Campen, Grace L. Pratt, Kate qulnn,Mile. Tberesa, James Kennedy.Sylveater Bolce, Bert Pear- aall, Geo. Rudolpb.O. J. Carroll, Hoonand Magiatb, Walters and Oiae, and Corthind R. Hatrle. Ben Hawks, atage nartager; Minnie F. Campen, bualneaa msnagereaa; O. J. (^rmll, agent, and Cortland R. IlarrlB, goneisl manager. Kna Urbtoidi, contortionist, opened at the Star Theatre, DubUn, He., for two weeka, commencing Jan. 'JO. She is also booked at the Empire, Belfaar, Royal Bolhora and the Alhaubns, London, Eog- land. BiRNARD DviLTN reports a aucceBstuI oogage. nient at the Orphenm, San Franclaco, Cal. Be sang '■Never Take the Horaeehoe From the Door," the old song with which he made a sncceaa yrara ago, at every performance. Ha Is plnylDg a two woeia' eniagement at Los Angelee, and will then return Banward. Bmiia Francis, the AnatrallBn acrobatic aong and dance atlUit, aod Jaa. Bingham, venoiloqulat, are apoclal atuactlona with tho New York Stara. Tni Long OOMBDY Clcb gave their third per tonnance tbla aeaaon at the Oentiil Open Uouae, thla clly, on batorday night, Jan. 18, and prodiicea tbo comedy, la three acta. "Matrimonial 7," under the guidance of Wm. E. Dnrkhardt Jr. In tbe cast vreita Fred wick, Fiank J. Beimea, Wm. Q. Dtlloh, Geo. 0. RnblDO, Qeo. J. Flnckh, Wm. E. Borkhardi Jr., Annie Ffelllfer. Uannah Altj, EUae Rrager, Emma Wick. Noty Schmtd and Freddie Tti\. ne last ImenUoned la a daughter of tha lata Paul Faik, who fomeriy owned the old TtvoU and Volk'a Oar. den, when the People's now eland. JRRRT HAn',whn wttb hla wife, Beatrice Lee, arrived In Ihia city laat week, was a OLirrii caller Ian. 9). JOUN W. ItAKSONl waa a (?Lirria caller Jan. a>, and atated ihnt he had cloeed a nUie moutht' con- t-act with F. F. Procter. U* opeoa 21, at Proctoi's Pleaauie FaUice, thla clly. Tun' AND Fhancbs llYUkR are doing well In their new akelch, "Tlie lUibo Olrcua." They closed Ihe show at Tony l*a>tor'8 Tlicatte, New York, laat week, and m booked fur an early reinm date. Frank and Cracb Orauam ato wllb "The Two Old Cronlea" this Rcaaon. ActoHs' PROTKnn Union, No. 1, ot tbla city, held Ha annual entertainment and ball In Tammany Ilsll Jsn. 10. Ttie opening olio engaged Ihe aer- vtcea of Marion make, Chaa. De (;amo. Lealle and Coidy, KKrella Ferram. the OlUetl Itally, W. a IMvlcB, Belie Rlel and Clarice Vance, Lew Handail. WlllBninifonl and BadJ Tahar, and Baaaan Ren All'atmapeol Arablaaa- asalMed by llad) Uherlir. Dancing waa next In order, and the large crowd lu atiundaDca aeemed to make Ibe most ot theli oppoi<- toilUea. PENNSYLVANIA. PkUadelplilm,—Tbtie waa a good avenge >l laodssoeatlhatbeatiaadariDxlastwMk. Foi rest weak aoma of the laadleg attrscUoai hold "Ibo Old Bomestaad" and "Tbtllbj" an new, ao/J* stocheompaalsspreiantthaasaalchsagaaori,!]!. AOADBar op MuBia—Tbe ihlid eoncsn or iba Bw^ Synihoay Orebastn takea plssa Jao. ». with tSl Joaelfy aa the planisL Tbe Sliteanlh anoasl dtAriiTSS vlAla," and Batordi valon" waaalron ;, "Wlniasa Iaa;''^Tlio™dif. 'li'S* lar.-ThaJaaess." U<lwiik^i£ u Murleo repwtwl bU 7onDer'iriunpjr'ln Hm^I? m»UiM6l8.«(Ui NevHlft la ili* WidLac nto "Un? eoodfc."l7.»lUi Kiooold.Tnny.nenitiMi. Pf»To«t DL Poeote ua Lorraln Id tha cut, mad* oo« of ths wtiSt dudw "lAkne," "Don OIotudU**^"OUUo" toil »nah^ Bota"tod *liouorcb«atncoBC«rtwlU)IUfi«|Jul^ Bboas BTUir ToiATXt^LllUaa BdmII ^i-tm U hk P«r1chot*" tbU WMk. Lui «««k aba tflcteadiri i: crowdlov tb* boaM,At lacrecMd pricM, la*Tht Liiu! Dabe." 01^ Rathanole f^Dtallnilud «B|aceD]e^ CuDTNtrr SniR Oriu Roirsi.—Dtoroui TlioiDUB In 'Tbe Old UoiDMtMd,"oqiDM for k ran. a pmSII thlDKll Abouu h^TePMkMl Ih* bonM. CDBncrrmBiTTnuTni.—"BU BietlUocr." oriri uUr booked for At* vMbJL Is uooonead lo dot* Sii WMK, to glT9 plaea to "Mlbr." wblcb nton« Dtit »Hk foraiurthereDttgomwt. LutVMk "BU Eiccll«o«" opened vlth % bm cnvd, ud reoolfed the tlinw uduL moai pnloo of Ibe preM. Wausut SmiBT Tbkatbb— The bDrlrMio*,*-nirtlbrn perfonntd br the Ourlck Burleeqae Co.. U tbo ttinaEse for Um cumot week. "Cbarier's Aui" lu w«ek dreil Urae ud vail pleaiod ftsdleocea. Ifeit «e«k Roten BlllUrd retana for twA weeka, in "Loat—34 Ooan." Pau TBUTRB^'TrllhT" nmaUia for the curnBt week. Last week the pnnnctloD opeotd at thin iheetn to » blir hoQNt, aod the aitenduce laenaaed eTtrr nixht tbereaitar vdUI It reached tbe e»pa«ltr of the bout wheteltpTomlMa to remain KteadHjdarlQftbe coniBt WMk. l(eEtweok.RoludKMd. to-TbePoHtlcIao." AnDrrORitJK.—Weber k rtelde'Own Co., the cumoi alirvctlon, 1* oaa which alvaja dimwi a crowd m iub. agerOllmon'abudiome theatre. Laat week the Taate. nlleUlab drew large and dellihted udleocea. Uida'i Comcdiane. with Puole Mor«, come37. Natioxal TOKATBB.—Jamta J Cotbitt, la "Tlid Htnl Cadet," cupported bj HcEte Buklo and other ««]] kDowD acton. Ii the current atirmctloo. Lan week "Qiri Wuted." B. N. Sieptaeaa* new tero* coned;, had luint PhlladelpHIa pieaeotatloo and drew packed bociu. Frank Bunh, alwaya a fkTorite hare, eirenfftheaed bb hold on Fblladelpblaaffectlooi brbUclevarlinpenott. Uoaa of a Bomber of dllTerent ehanctera. Neitw««L Ward and Vokea. Orihd Ortu Hons.—'Tbe Sparrew" All) renalni iba attraction. It la (mdotllj belnjc ImproTed aod cat dm tD a more eoa*enleot leoirih, and, with the adTaaun ol a raallr olevar compuy and llbtral MAfiOft, It well wonk •eelnf. ButlneMta»t week waiiaJrly nod. OtBABD ArnoB Tbutri.— *-ICr Brother'* ttmur," with ManleOllmr In the prloclpel pert, U Bananr Dol- laod'aoiTerlsiE for tbeoaneat week. "Hu and Vlf^ acblered qulta a triumph last week. lATfeud eotbul tBiloaudlencee te'tiOcd their appreciation of iheraaiit cI«Ter work or Lotu Lynthlcuin, Ethel Bollleon, bui* H*d«]«m, Uirry Dareoport, John HcArdl* and «iL«i le*dloB memben of the oompur. Neat week, *1>e Ureatunkoown.*' FoBiPAUOH'a TBBiTnB.—"Called Back" la pUyed br tb* Forvpanib tttock Co. this week. I«*t week "Oiflo- mao}" was ewcuily mounted ud floelr plated, (leorn LMrock, Martha Ponl. Jesal* Bonsteile, K U. Stuart tod scren) others deavrreUMhlitbeat commendaitoa. Tbe bouse was Backed eTerr nlitbl. "All the Comforu of Bom*" wlllM produced neitweek- PBorLB'8 TuBaniL— 'lAod of the MUBlihi Bud" la Mananer Bndeoboi^'* provision for ih* eaurtslDB«Bi of thepopuht'onoi Renslncton this week. La*t «««k "flhadowa of a Qreat Cl^." with Anole Wanl Tiffany ud Qtberpopularfaroritsa Inthecastadld nreiy iioodWn- aeta. Cnarlea 1. Uardner come* (7. SrAIfDlRD TBBITRB.' .reome* >7. •"One of tbe BraTen" [a the cor- reat down town attraction, and It Is llkeltr to pro** a stroni on*. "Ibe Bllrer K(n«" last week, with Carl lias- wlQ In the leadlog rote,drewnui boa*ca,sndd[<i not lack wennappredntloo. Next week,'The Btowsvay." KBniROTOHTaiATHk.—T1-* Early Bird* Barfewiue Co. provMea the week'a entertalnmenL La*tw««k Qua lllU'e AllSur Co.dlda fair bnelDess. Next week, "The filae- beanl" BorltMine Co. CABXCROsar opbra Hopu.— Mile. Le Mtrr, PraacU r."*re [or ih* Merrliey. Mile. Morello and tbe barleeiue. *Trili>r," tha special feauircs nn the attncUr*profninme for gr*BeDtweek "Trilby" hu nude ablK olt,aa>i Is rery hiany. Laatweek'abusloeiswasbif, Tui Buou^Lockbart's Blepbuta remalo for the cur- root week, headlofr u aumotlro proirmmoM. which lo- clBdee the Thtwe Nlihton Brother*, OoMeo, Chalfutud aolden,QaakerClryQuarut, Lynch and Jewell. Moota- Eie Hd Wise, tbe iTarbooaa, Dan DavU. Bell* Bltien, owaid ud Bland, Baldwin ud Daly, Three ConaOo BTDther«.tl>eLaTinea,udCaateUatandUnlL Theaodl torlDm was crowded to Its atmoet capaolv all test week, and oa maoy occsalons ueopi* bad to be Un*d away. Tna LYOBOM.~Isharo's OcionKina. whlcb played Ur* befor* to crowdtd booses. Is a«aln tbe attaaetloo. Laat week the well known and faTorIt* "White Crook" Co. §Uyed to a B. O. Next week,Oas BUl's New York um. Thi MtwiDM.— a pie eaunx oADteat, the BabMbe Katool Troope, BIk Tomaao. the bumaa daner; Ban Kumt the Jack kort* klnji; Hllch*IL tbeaoap eater,aDd Dexter, tbe Sloir Blot mystery, are the new atinetloDa la the corlo hnU. In the theatre the Oecldenial Spedaltr Ca proTkle tbo entertalnmenL Basinesa laTerrlsriie. Korn —Muaser Naah, of the Bljoa, is mahlog tha «i- perinMnt of proTldloir reserred seau In a contlnnou* performsacebouse. The problem le not u easy one, but the blgh grade of patn>na«e which tbe BUoa Is aCtrMlloi domaodii it. Therefore, oeiloBlog with tble week, a llnltad portion of ibe orchtetiB, wOl be rvaerred, at * alightaoranee tn price, ud e aantnaianteed Boin* ImproTf meota for tbe accommodaiion of thr public are being made In the conduct of perforatuces of the Mu- a«am, by which pamns inef bare teeerred sasta ud ■*• Ui* BUge performuca withoot going throDgti tbe cario hall Tha Olobe Theatre threatens to open aiala Menday, 8), with a vutety show Tbe beoeflt of the Theatrtcnl Mediuica' lasoclatlon takeji plac* at tbe XTalnnt on the anemooooTJaiLSL TbeOirardAT* eoue Tinatr* Co. appears In "My Lord u LiTery." K<k laed Seed, Charles A. Qardner, Robert BIIKaid, Kern- ben of the HInrich Opera Compaay. Canoroa* Mlo- strela, tbe "Old Bomestaad" Qnanot and other* wlU ap- pear It la reported that^elenBoaner-MicDoBSld, the dramaUo reader, luierlously 111 lu thladty Bid- DOT Drew aid bis wife an wnonnced to appear at ib* Bljon next week HaggleUllne was UI la^t week wlib a sore thmat, waa ooabHi to appear at all Tuesday aod bad toaborten ber aadurlogihe reel of tbe week. Pliubnrg,—BoBlneas mDgttd from fslr to good last we«k, according to the nhulre einngtb ol the at- timcttons prteented Baa' End TBBiTH.—Oor Broa' Mlnstrtls thls«e*k till Ju. M, whw BietAoo'* "Uncle Ton's Cabin" Co. cornea lor two nlghia. EdithEUtsandberComedy Ca dnaed a Bond week IB. Bijoo TnuTBB.—Stere Brodte, In "On tbe Bowaiy," till 77, when "Derk**t Roaala" wiD follow. "Dowo Is Dixie" called no Booihem nivmorlea last weak. ALvm TUUTBB.—The Demnnch Opera Co. begins, ft * Wagner aad Beethnren Msjon of foor peiformaocas- "TTie Masnusradera" oloeed Its Bret eogaienMnt her* IB. Tbe Bo*ton Itna will alog 37. DiTqtiB8.<fBTuBATBB —William Mney, In "1 Olobe Trot- ler." thu week, for the Brat time here. Mo4Je«ka cl«>^ a week's encasement IB with a perfonnance of'Udy MscUib," tlw flrMtlueabeerer appearad ben In that character, acd scored u Immense anceesa. being oslled nut several tlmesat iheendof theplay. The audleoce vtfTooUeroasIn lu demudefora speech, aod Joieiih Hsworth at lengib appeared ud ntomea thenke for HodJ*aka.bUdlaj|Plttsbunrgood bye on her behalf and urlniltwastHMniTelrberlsstappesniuo her*. Cbss- Fnlimsn'M "SnwtDK the Wind" tooms up ST. Nbw QundOpbra Boi»b -Edward Harrlgu prostotf "Old Lavonoer" thonnit half of tha oemot week sod playa "My Sen Du" the last three daya James O'helll closed 18 tlie moat hrllllut ud successlBl eogaireinMit hehaieverplaredhete Be wsb called befon ibecur- teln after every act at erety perfomaoc*. and on some occasions waa oftlled out foor times In saoeeeslon- u* pr«»«Bied 'Ihe Courier of Lyons" at theBtUnee IBL for the Ortt titue her*, aod scored a gnat auceua '^eWar of Wealth" Uunderllotd for V. AVKtOB TiiBATRB.—This (s th* Brst wo*h Of Proprietor DstIs' Dranuilo Stock 1>>., which indodes Victory C.nff* Batemu, Boward Efle. Tbomaa 0. Valeallne, Enrn llsstlon Hattle Bari^ Lura Almosloo, Edgar Norton udOerti* Rayoefortlt. This week'sdimmaUo feature u W.e.ailbert*s"8we«ih*aits." The kog llstoffpeclslir people Includes the American Trio. DnUn end Leohsrr, Crawford Brea.. Uie Barroogha Tbn*. B. dly and L* ruir. Rita Dermnd and John W. WorU. Harry Williaub' AcuonTOF Minio.—The Roee Hill Reglith FnUT Co. Oil ibis week's bUl. BQ>a*ll Bm • Comedius dosed a big week's bnsJoeu 18. elobn w leham's **Octoroone" oomel?. llARRf DATia* Eob!( HcrasB.-01d Raba, th* big soek*. enotteues the chief wonder hall feature. Tlie ebowta the iheatra oifen Wm. TLdo, Albert Nadi, HrCale sod Uaal J, end tbe Two B*ei:ans aa Its piinetoal ftatur^s- Nbv Wonut'e Mubdh Tubatrs.— n* Bast Indian dwarb, who vera features in tbe Bamom A B*ll*y B'>.o* lau season; lahmlel, tbe Hindoo Jonler. and Tlk<ra ibp Sloahileee ducer. an to be ap«n In the wonder tuiv while the Puielan TraTostr Oo. presents tbe bnrlesqne ol "CSAr. tbe Piper," In the thesir*. Nom —LUIlu Roasell sUlea that while pkylnt at th* Alrln Theatre, week hefon last, she lost a dlanood n^r onanentTalued at|3bo. Fbe iblnka It was stolen Oustare HlBriehs'Oru<l Opera Co. Is to BH an unit meot at theUuqneue tats In FebraarT.-- E-O- ^oin. ma*l(«l director of tb* PuquoBDe, haa b«»aa appolatM principal violin losirucior at the Curry Inrtltuu Ceo- Mrvsiory of Husk T)i« DuoasAie tnus«enfm slffoed a coDtna 18 with Mlnnl* Hsddera-Flsk* for a re- turn •ncsRMneou nmimeDclDg March 9 rVJ*^ O'Keill kiatvd wblte hvr* Imi wnk that he bepet wlihin a year lo pr^uoe "namlei" on ibe noit elaborate (caw ever stt*mi>t«d la this cuuniry Amonv tbe stars wh^ liara recent!; plared hen Mia Potur and ktr- B*1I«« Hat C Ooodiln unouncad their InUnikm of playioc i" An^trslia neii flprioBand Rummer There I* n gm^i atlraoce "sl* for tho lirst supeanuDce In Pittsburg of Kllen lifacli-Vsw. sliirh uhtftplac*!?. llarrlatianE.—At tbdOwn IIonM*"Hie FeDC- lOK Vaster," lu. acored a Mb biL BeealpU were small with LlUlu Kennedy, It, and "One ol the Hrave^t. 17. The sal* of tickoU was stopped at 7 90 for thfl pro- dni-tlon of Tho Mewlsh." by the HaTTtshnrw Chnr*' K»r!ety. It. New attraction: Qonalei Open Co. veek oTW.