New York Clipper (Jan 1896)

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746 THEX .'ISrEW. YORK' CLIPPER. Januaby 25. THE N EW YORK CL IPPER THE FMNK QUEEN nilLISHim CO.(LlliiM), rBOrBdCTOIM. OBO. W. KBIL, MHAOEI. SATDBDAY, JANUABY 2S, im. 'MB OLirrU It lunta nuj WtdaudiF Bonloji. • uULiauiut MihddTMUioi) M«oo to pbbA MOXDIT, tai Um Itili, ulh id qOm ptaM <m BATES. ASVJaUTIBBlUlfil'lfi. TvMty etnia v*r Uo«, anu* tfp« D«anr*; lyM* oi oa* 0M iuh lataUan. A MuU«a o( ■) pir sml U kUowfld 00 idTtrtlwntDla vbw p«ld for tiirM oral' to miiBBm, tnd oa idTartlMBUu oMatorlai 100 Uow »i mon. 8UBS0BIFTI0B. OBt ytar. Id ■dvuM, M; ill mofilha, IS; thn* mnthj, •I. ronliD pMUi* nai. Blail* miu, MoaaUMOh. OVB TKBMS AJ«E OllU. TUB OX TUBUIT The Vonna Oloaing FrompUy M 4 F. K. PlMM nait bf Mpnu momj oidtr. efatek, f. 0. Or AODHM ALL OOMMUNIOATIONt rar tha HllMlal or tfe* BaalmMs DapBitBMtto THE NEW YOftK CUPPER, r. o. >ci »M», M OLirrBB bdildimo, « Ouin atiwt, N*w TMt. [D Botlud—TBI Oumi WD M obuia«4. wh nlml i ud null, ol oor UMU, tailUi, aIuU* a Oo^ a N»w. outto a i mt, Btnad^ LoodoD, worn bomtf Um of UiU ptparmy baM»i i to Pruo*— Tib Ourraa li oa »Uat BraolAm'aoawt ilH^t, 17 ATtant dt ropar^ Faiu. M-TMB NBW YORK CLIFPBR rab- lUtaaa aalr •» adItlaB, aad that ladsf ' ItoB If aw Yarki^i THE CLIPPER ANNUAL. MIUi tliu iDuiinlug of eacb MicwiBlva ;ur Uioae WHOM thoughu run In iporUog and aniuwintnt cbAQSoU await irltU eager dpcriMrj iliOHirlval ot • ngulsr vWlor, whoM coming la ever welcoue —Tui OurmH Annual. The llivo Imue or (bli fa' miliar compenilliim of all tbit la mi Id tlie ibeaW cat and iinniiig world la now for aalt, and It It bO' Ing mapped op wiib tbe Hiiie avidity ttiat inarlteil III appearuce In former ;ean. Urge aa wu tbe iNl nuniiier, tbe cumnt Uaue wiialdembl; ex- ceedi U In alu, a roault due Is Uis fact Ibat, al' Ihuugb ttie twok jeam ago gained ttao dbitliKtlaD of being recognlKed Id botb bemlspberaa aa tbe atandard aulborltj la lbs wide aeld It ao conipKtelj ooven, It baa ever been Uie pullc; ot Its pro- prielon to add tn Itj worlli bj IntnHluclDg from yoarto jearnewanU allxaotlvo fealtirea. Thoae loleroHted more partloulanj In mallcru con- nected witb tbe world of amuiwmonta will llbd out liodled In tbe volume complete and oomprebenalvo obronology of everjUiIng of gonetHi Iniorcet tbat traiuplred In tbeatrlcal clrvlea duhngtlio piul jeHr, tugelbcr wItb a neurologT iimbmclbK Ibc uauin ot all merabera of tbe amuHomeat proteMlona wbo <|UlUed tbe raflo of llfo during the nine period, Id all poillona ul tbe world. To tbe maDjr ol a aporUvu turn of miod tlie uaual exbauallve clmnulogr ol evenii tbat bave taken placo Id tbe jwr Juitckwed wltbUi tbe doinatii or ouldiiur and Indoor apon will poaaea abeurbing Iniereai; and Uior will ulio And Ibat the ouatomarjr exteDilve tablea or champloD* atalp and other Important Oxturei to rowlug, jacbilDg, awlmiiiing, athletlue, 'orcllDg, akMtlDg, curling, football, tbe tort, elo., bare beon uaralully reviled, added \o and brought up to date, coverlug a porlod, in thla book alone, of a dozuu jeani. Tbe cumor atone ut tlie lolld fuuauatlun upon which the leputailon ut Thk aknuai. teata, tuw- avor, la the abaolute rellaUllltj of the voluuilnoua reootds, embiaolng every branch of >|»rl,contailne<1 within lu iiilghUy Illuminated coven. WbenTui ANHitiL canie Into oxIUence, iwonijr.two ireaiH ago, It waa but a email, unproloniluui paiuphlel* and al that tlnie aulbentlu records worv coni|iaratlrely few; but It waa tenderlj toatorel, and Willi tb« rapid adrancement ut amateur apurl bjr land and water, and the gradual wideuing ut the Held, there waa a teauliant oonalautl; luoreaaing demand on our apace, while Ihe large addlUnna to the raaka ot our Buutflur atblotea, oaraoien, 'ojuU^tii, eto., tbe boom alvea to turf Intoreala, the Iniprovoiiient lu rowing applUnces anil lu Iraoka, logolbor irllb ad- vanced Ideaa Id reganl to tmlning, brought about a general upheaval of the old rocorda, aapplaDltng them with trenh dgurea, until now each reuurrlDg year wltDoaaea inany material uhangvM In the tMlitea ot b«ilperforaunoealudlfltnatdeparliuoaui. After Ihe leootda obilnied from time to Uuio have beoD duly vended, tboy are carehilly pmerretl for pgbll- cation, Ihe lablca being anoually aubjucied to tbe cloooal ravlalon by udllon ot ripe oxperlenro aud rally competeut tor tbe work In hand. Aa la our ouatom, tbe pagea or Till ANNUiLare einlielllelied by lIluatiultoDa that ttvel atttnUoD, the beauty and value of the work being much onbanocd by theae artlallu halt lonepontiltaof leading alan ot tbe amuacnient world, and ot thoao wbo bavo dtiplayed chauiplonablp toru Id Ibo athleUo Ooia aud on Ihe 'cycling path iluitng tbe paat acHion, iDcJiiillngacaplUlivtmiduollun of tbu monioiable Hceneat Manhattan V\M when, In Hepieiiilier tut. In the lulemalluiml couteal, H. K. Svvency luailo bla UMgnlllcent high Jump of on.6'.ln. Accom- pauylug tliCM portrnlla are Inlerwtliii ikolvhei of eacb uf the aubjocta. QUERIES ANS WERED, NO REPLIES B Y MAIL O R TELEGRAPH. ABDKnuBOmvaiEUMKmmffuiTU. Auinorafr or aOOH RBOVLD WHITB TO TIUU WHOM T1IIT tUI, IV OAUorTlilOLirriui rotromot. ALiLimiBi till ■■ 40TlliriM» ORB WIIX OILT. If TSV Um OP UTt tuuTUUL ooBrART M bopaut, MnR TO ool um or tncra on arothbr faub Wb ouiiior moid BoifrM bi BAIL 01 TBLBBUPM ^ U. B. B., iVuurll RlulTk.~Tli« RUIto tlUtlwi to liy H)tKkMf>Hr*,lu "Tliv Mervhut «ir Vitnlc<«." wu au mmn ur luut, ur vkcIiium*, liliiittO v\va the Kilt di Mt\u\ u litbaJ III tbe L«i|ud«, In Vvulci*. Tlit iikiiie, unp- Pllfil (0 A )>ur(lita ur B tlion<D|ihr«ra hi ihtRctiy, where acton cvuiivgAie ur prwueDBile, «m ilerlrikl fhiut tUiaktiitMre'i rUVa kuO U notla>pily«mplofed,aa faaiii- oeu aaveU w |<)euui«, U hine Muiht u|h«i iha HIallo. Hbiuib. tUvooil.—(^hai. llowAntdlfol Afrll t^ MM, Id RrDokliD, N. V. MenilitQ itf hU death «aa made luour laiwa uT Mar I. of Dial year. DHCHHHH.—I. About nn*M dullan y*T Week. I. Twentr-ilve dollara. H. K. H., KeaMTllleL—ir you raler ta lit* m^at. It la rialiued Uikt It «a> llral nutiR Uf Aonle Whltoej, at Koiefit^Tllton.CliieatfQ, 111. J. K. M., KlnipOirltlKv.—Ailtlma iLe i<Any In oar* of TiikOurriB. II. II. H., W«bal»r rity.-Ttift |<arachule wai IutcbIviI by HUncliard, a latiioui Krvnch atntuut, ani Itia Irni Ueceotby nieanapl I'tta «ai maOe In LonJoQ, Ens., lo Auflun, ITA. r. T. ChlcaKu.-Ree \X. J. Pllnuiier, Rl Soitlli Clirk Rtiaat, rour ritr. O. II. K.| ireNilDRdin.—AdtlrvM Die Lawrvore NatiILv Ol.. n aoJ K) t'^ulre Hireel, New Yurk dty. (^•MTAin- KRiitKH, Waoo.-lt lea (kli* lllle of ihe i>la]r, '-OnljaWiHuaB'tf llean,"i»Dttl by t\ R.tlanllner,w\Qm yuu Biay BtlJreu hi oare ol (hit mnce. L. R Jm^ MlnneaiHttle.—AildrvM Uie Radpath Lroeaiii Bureau, Ceolrel Uuelo Hal), Cblcagii, 111. J. V. McK., HiiAloo —Ve bkT« un inualc^lge ol the whcreaboula vl Uie tmupe. M. N. U.,tlr«Dd Ka|ihla.—Wedonol think llie comnitr Uim tbf i\>ad. II. B.lan FTaeelnnt.—TlieiiArtytawtuMu youn>rer lian Boillib iwlurnter now luaklns liU rtrai vlili tu ibU cvuQtryand aH'»riuiat llanmiemeln'a Olyiiiiila, uila O. A t\>.—The whereiUiute of llie parly It uukoowQ to ua. Addrpuletler In nurcarft,and ee trli) adrertlMll. MuL A. V. II., Clloiuu.—AtMrru tbe wiy In can of TiiiCurriR. M. B. K., BellluMtiv.—Wa orrer aJilee utona lo m u|<MU the Made. In your city yon iJiubM t* able lo ob- •'ufteifoiU lueraU» * i<u«tiluD In a chunh diolt. It. W. R.-Tlie ivrilea yuu nama an eUieta. J. r. 0., rblladatpblB.-Tb« preaaot matrioMoUl rao laraof the Mny U) whom jou reTar la bla iblrd. X. Y. A., DMUor^Addnu Uubadi A Co^ H9 rilbwt ftmac. Phlladelphta, ra. B. A. M., Cao«aa Oltf.—Tbe putf la nokoowB 10 0. N„ BoaloD.—Wa idow or no on* *bom «• can to n«oiaai«Dd. Wa advlee joa to raasia u ymr pnMt poaltlOD. E. H., Irvlo^Wa liar* hid bo laialllRaBcarM tba wmpaoy. Addnaa letur lo ean of Tub CLima,Biid vawlUidtertlialt _ A. U. O.-l. Ha la toariojc Buivfte. L Tbe party ^ IItIok Id ihia dir tad boldi aoae pollUcal BpuototmeoL D. t. 1^1. Plfieao dolUn per weak. I. AdrarUM la TuBCurrBB. BearataaatheailoriblaeoluDia. 9. Wllh oot bDowlDi your tbUltr wa cunot advlea you. J. r., Balumon.-Apt4r to aay of Uo bdiIc dealan od- rarUaloi lo our oelumni. A. r. y.UneneuUo.-Addraai Uie Wlourbara Bliov FrinilDLCV. 16BClark Stnat, Cbteaflo, IiL F. D. Altoona.—Va do not ramenbar thaeaM,Biid could wa racBll It to mind wa would doi luniUta Uia name or tho partf.aboJiafflDKbaeodaeUrod InoocMtorUia crima. eliouu not acalo be pittoriad. r. D. J., Pituborr.—1. Vou can haro tba Uth of yoor play conriiblad, bulrlgbu la U wlUootb« poimaoaoUy ■aeurad ooUaa yoi bare tlie plaroopyriKbtad wiiblo a roaeooabia Uino. 1. WedoDOitolok ibotlUo yoo auff- lOki baa aver beao aee<1, Q. J., Kumronl KalU-l. Addrau Nomao k B*'aiia, Lockiwn, N. V. X Addraea tba KdboD Uoltad Miaoo- (trajih Co., I& Broad Htiaet. tlila dty. C B. H.. Plilladel|4ila.-Voar aoilra IfooTBoee of the abowbu*la»aa,ajipniradbryour querlM, redden It c«r talQ thai you wouh] Joaa all iho nuney yoo Biibt loreat lo It; iheraforawedeao iiwona Ibu uaalaeoio aoawer your aarertl uuaailooa. MRwroKT.—Vonarabotbwmii. Dan Dalr wu In Harle JanaeD'HHupMit lu 'The Hern Oountaaa/'but the com- tuydlabaodeO In tbiadty lo Korambar UaL Mr. Daly did oot ioumoUm TaudoTllleiUge, bat la aaia««l lo iOltaar Id 'The Lady KUray," wbldi will bopnui ififa tllyreb.a. K.A., Ki>aifa.-Addr«a iba party lo caroof TuiCttr- rBH. U. P. 0.. Ilaioptoo RoailB.-BM sane of Thai. B. Bbea In route lUt In thin laaua. He haa tbe play apoo the road, M. V.(l„Ha«Madrl(I.-Addr«« the Uwraore MDvaliy Uo., (0 aod to Ceatn Stnet, New Ynfk (Nly. K. A, New Orleaaa.—We norer tanli^ liiformatioa couearulnir the OooMaUcailaln* of prurnetlonaii. A. P.-Hedid uuL (JAiBrt, Buuifunl.—Then la a cooipatiy beviDit tbat title at pnaenioo Uiaroad. L. L., t>)lanii.ti)i.—Addnk tbe party aaperroetellal lo til la laaue. W. L. tJ., MobireeL—Tban are two v«nl»ni of 'The l'rlTataKa4'ntary,"oDooaned, or cootnllad, by Uiarlea Fruhmaii, Eoiiitn Tbeatn, ihia city, and ilia otber oaoad by T. H. Pnpdi.» Waal Twenly Uilnl Stroet. Uila city. Preiumably ihey am both i>ntac(«d by oopyrisbL (J. ton It^ Ooulia —Addreu lettor lo the p«ny lo our are. and wa will advartbo IL TrM.,L. Wylle.-8M aoawer lo"M.V.a." In tbia laaue. W. H. H., Krlendatalp^—AUdreea tbo party la can or Klaw A KrlAORer.n WaU TbIrtleUi Hitml New York City. J. U.A., nolHpiiBia.-A ounber of perionsera claim -jhavaaccoaipluhtdtheraaL boiwe liaio oevar aaen It dooa, oor haia wa aay auinantJe nouni of Ita |>«rrutoi. aooo. BerarBlperfonaera bare been killed In tbe attempt to do IL P. M. 0 . taeblKlnoa.-Addniu letter Ui tlia party In ean ofTHBUUPrBa. OAHDB. fi. L., Brooklyn.—Accord lOB lo tba lUki rule lOTenlna labia Rtakaa vlay tbe iilayara, upoa commanduit. each depoBit a|«o tbo tAbfi a eortatn died atAka, wblcb aiuounieaonol bo added to, loifcecafOolaDy lidlrldual, tnm any oUiar louroe tktu wlnaloRa tnox oibar plat on, ud 00 player can rotlnwitb aay oitbia Riakaontll the doaooriboKame, or until the boar fliod lor Itadoaa. Aa onHoanly plair«<il. bowerar. a player U aHowtd, at any time between aeaU, to locraaaeble aiake from kla pocket, orlouat upBoyatUdO fur connnlence Mke,aod«Ute ibaiioatmikaa hlaatakeaa larwo ai any other ptayer**. and be (a tban liable to be ralaad to any amount esuel to ^yiake ol Bay oibor player, nod maei inakekood with B B., KraiDooL—1. At caBMDe a player can have two bulMi on tba board at ibe wno lltuo; tbui, If be make a bulhl, and kle oppoaent duea not alter tbo aauia, he caa- oot build ll hl(ber, bot niuat take ll wllh a canl of the Mmo deoomloatloD; but ha can combloa or make an- other bulhl. or capun bfa opponenfi bolld, b«fnn lak- iflR In hli ifnt build. 1. He can; In lourhandol caadno. If a player tiiabea a buttd, tbe lact tbai bo hoUa tl>e aacoarary canl tu redeaa It la aeilloleniauthnniy lor bla fflUlar to make a ainillar hulM, or to call apon the Id, withoutfaaTlOR a canl of tke uuDodenotDlaatlon Id hli hand. The aanie rule will apply to the point In qua*' llun. J. a. U„ HorMen.—ir ajilarer falU to make la play tbe ouuber ot poinu he bid, ho le tobo ael back that number, end nutblnii that he may bare made In tba batd eonou eorthlot- P.H. 1*., Hoditater.—AltbouRbBinadolDPlayiheaeTeo ivlDta he bid, A wloa the game on hlfh, vhlcb.orcour^ outrankaalluiher polDta. W. W. B., Uhkaio—A won Utaffame withtheaco. which waa hl(li cATd, outranklov In vatae low, Jaok, ffime. J. 1*. 1)., rent.—Ve^ eolonvaaho heMlhe oanla In his hand. J. K. U. TliuarlUa.—Tbe Are ofapadea, beloR tholnwaat irunip out, eunalliutae lew eanl. W. It a, Flaibuab.— Id tbrowloi tlteo ihno UKea beat tliraeacaa. Blieearabliliand acaa low.the laiermedl eta auota boloR ol oomapoodlog ralua. n. W., Jeraoy City.—Tbe party who eutibe acewlna the deaL K K. 6, New York.—rnaamlaii ftom your cvmniunl cation tliat tba Tour banded (aDia oi ploode U rtfemd to, the KOcond pla)'er to a irleb luutu lake tlie trlcB 11 he CM, buitlial rule doaJOul appl)-to ihe other ptayanlo bU Ua. tiult uiuet l»e followed, If poHlbla, ntberwlao a trump iiiuHl tn l<layod, bat nut oeceeaarlly a hither one. T.J. ti, LItUe Falla,—A la antlilod l« a ruo vF fuur for the biei canl In 4,3,S, B and i. (1. II. T., Feterlwro.-A hand IncrllibaBe ul tlireo 9'aand t«i> Vm counte twenty, tweUo orahiob an by oneaOB. B. K. U., HyncuM—BluBea,aihecan clalnMl ' leeo |>olntii lur hie hand of two ffa, two 7^ and al. Twur HABBBALU CHICKBT, ■!>€. R. O. J., Biooklyn.—Tbe rule maanalbat If tbebaianiao rella lo uhabiapoaitlonat tlie bat In hiaonlarcr battiui he la out, but Ir tlia ornr abould bo diacuvitrod. and the hataraan lake bla ixMlttuo beror* a Iline "at bai"bae been reeonled, Uien lu aueb caaa the balla and etrllea callvd muat be counted tu the pnperbatMiian,wbo lithe only un« to badeclaied uuL 0.11. li, llitladelpbla-Tha New York Uaiii defaited Iba LnuUvllle taaiu IQ tbirtaon oootecatlre c^nplun- ahip RinUHU In latH. K. W.. Bohton.—TTiobainnan would net bo oai Id each aoBJ«.thel<allliavloR bean ilnallyaettM Id tbe wicket keeper'* bandvand belni CDnaoquanily "dead." T. B. K, BufUlo.—1. Tliuinaa t;orM>rmB, tbe Brooklyn Club'a abort itup, played «Itli Uie I'ltubarit toaa, ol tie flayen' Loaicue. dorlna Ihe oeaauo ol law. t There waa no rUyen' Leajrue Club hwatotl aiBL Lou la tbat aoa- ■on. B. B.J CleTelaiid.—Ttomaa Toik cad br addtaaaed In can or thla uino* 1IILLIA.RD8, P001«, BTC. 0. D. K., llannitDwii.-l. Tlia itUyor who dTaa the Ida Ronarally haa tlte rlRbtto plokftoia Uielable tlio balla he Rlvea hU otiixMOOL 1 An object ball belnt rnrcod (hni tlie table tiiuai be apotted uo Uieapotat tbe foot nf the table, and doea not ooent for the player. J. L. N., PlattAburg.—Ttao |>layer wbo leada ofT miut play at Ihe pynntid ul balla. ti. B. U.. ChlCMu.—Tbe loDfnet no at the PreDCh eanni iiarafs»lnrBlitntl,waamadaby lUrray MoKeDna, im. In BoeioD, Ma^., od Deo. II, lasf. HMO. W. W. W., Loeuai Dale—Tlie relerwe eic«<«]«i] tbe au- thority Tealed In him by tba artldea oT attreeaiwt lo de- ddlnitaklie did. The fl«ht bavloR beon pnTinled by niafflalerlal liiterrennce, the leTeree abould bOTe a|H Klutetl anutber time and plaoo or moetioii afid Riren lit iuenauillct«'ntumotoiotto iho pUoo of aieetlnK' Itolaae the pilnclpala uutually oRroo to moot acalu, tbe ■labeaehoiiM bednwn. T. U., MlDneai«lli.-Juhn L.f)ulllTan waa hnocLeodown on hie aeat by iHiarlea Mitchell In the llrat round cfaiikiTc coulrat al UaillaoD ikinan Uanlen, tlila city. Hay it, IMl T. U'O.-l. John L-BulllTan aud Tuf Wilaou boaed ai HadleooHiiuknUatdeD. tbia olty.July IT, IHO. I. When Yankee Bullirao waa matched with Tom llyar be keM a public lHHi»eat Ko. ftiballtatn RtraeL OLo Rkadbh, tlltDooe.-Jlm CorboU hnockedJohn L. Sullivan dowu but oeoe In their Oihl at Kaw Orbaoa—In tbe laai rouoil. Hultlvaawaaroally tmtber fouihtdown Iben knocked duwo, allbouRh mini duwn Onal^ rtuu a blow, which waa hot one ur many doliTorod while be ainuil belplM* and uaauaiOad. J. Uctl., Darby.—Wa hare no roconl of auch an »b* CDonivf. ATIIUETIC. H. L. S.. Juiiloa.—The Caalaet time In whidt one Imo- drod yarda baa l<een run by man, on level Rround, aland- IDR elart, la 9Sm., by eerenl partlaa. For adilldoDal In- romatlun eoe TtlBCLirriK AMBL'al for 1W6. K. M., Pall KiTer.-We wuukl adrleo Uiat you write to Jaiuea R. Hulllvan. Hecntary ur tba Analeor Albletlo I'd Ion. Ill Broadway. Ke* York, requeetlaii an oAolaldo- eUlnn od Ihe iiueation. MIBOBLLAlVBOUa. r. J. T., New York.-An Ice yacbt hoUa the wind betlor and aalla baler wllh lite wlntTon Iha 4uai1«r than when fulOB fairly b«lon lu fur lo the latter eaao, when thr wind la atftiDff, ebe la lUely to mn out ol IL No auch epoed aa that mentioned In roor eoDiuuoleailoQ waa onrroourded for Ice yacht nlllnii. Kkokuhok, Trantoo.—Cannot lofonn you. Yoer bettor plan wouM be loadTertlae fur what yoa nanL K A. t), New York.-1. Oi>D*uli Ihe Member of Ooninae Ireni yuurdliUlct, ihmu|h whom the appelotoHnt niaai oolite, l Not very eaally. ttnl«bly. aa toen are nnenl- lyaoranl antlloanta lur Ihe apiolntuaoL 3. Kierelae regularly and under the dineuon of a ootnptieot In- atrueior. J. ll.,TnuHtnt—Thenftreo aelecied luuiuallr by tlte it|ipuelni parilea la tkn proper |«nun to decide ue |«loi IndUDuto. W. J. A., Bmtklyn.—The adTertiaament woulj coat one dollar J. R.,<%laairo.—Yoaroard coawBLMforooe laionlon. Fur ibree monthik U llnei. It would cuat lltlH. l>irRliit.t.—I. Cannot Inform yoo, althoojib yoa would probably hBTo no inmble ntakleir each atrmBiamenta wanyt'O In Tialtibaciiy. t. Wo think Boi; itwtuU not * '0 the man. _ L.. Italirai.—We oao only npoatonrmrloua adrl<>^-Babuilt the matter lo a pnttlnl teai, whicb ahouM |>rare tbe beet way lo which to Mtlafyihedla- IMiianta. Wr oanout apan the tine. M. K. a, BrtdReport.—Write to Uie Amertaaa Newa t!ontpany. New York Oily. W. U. RiORAw and W. H. HUfloid aafand In a plteno natch, one hnodr*! binli each, tventr-alne raraarlee, nny yanla boundary, al the Rmuada or Ike W«Bebaat«T CouDijy Club, Jkd. Ik. Bnkaw wlnnlni by a aogn of Bl tord. OHJES8. T* ConMp«Bd«BUe D. J. DBnuoBB^-Tbanki tor prompt and eenoct aola- tloni. Bad aMTMiatiro obaorTaUonn; yonr own alabonto twelveponiMlerMBiwaak. , , , JoBB OABORkL—Tbo nma) caid of lororaatlon. M. B. PBAOio.-iAT. Banloa. France.-Y«r beaoUlb pnMem which we rIvo Uila week will (If It pron nonndl raobwlib Uie neat lowreatloR pradaetleni of lu kind; aod, ir wo an oot mlauben. tlia aolrani will nod the da- dnpartleolarly wollblddeo. ^. , ^ P. BiCfUBMDir.—Tbo doelDR proMen ol La stretegU. VoL BL uas^ la No.4,NB, a tweoij doto anlnato ded laud toyoonalCwhlcbweeonmood to yoar "tender merdaa. Li Bdb WIUIABH -Now that'B too bad, aa lar aa cbaai laeoocereed; butforyouTMlf weboapaak erenpofflbla boneOL Ofeeana wo aipect vou to come rlRhi back whenefer yon caa tlo ao conTeDlaoUy. . . ^. . II. FBIBKRO, Lrno.—Tbaska for aolotJoD of l,(DB,aUo for the marked compllmeoL In Uien any cbeaa dabor circle lo Lroot Wby, we hare oorroapondeota onooRh Uien to nlly and orfanlca oBe If ibey coold get toReiber Balsma Ho, a,04O. from La .strateoU. DodlcAtoJ to Puiur RiCllARnO)!. ar H. BHtLB PRADIOXAT. allBI, 4a <)B7, Ksa. Kill; 3, IC«,Kin(. *1A t t t ft t •igiLUH, EB. qs. aiHl(, El, KKI3. >. whiu ooai|44a ■uioita Id cv.Dljr ibotm. Pnlilam No. »,0*0. WBITB. Willi* c«np,l.iulnut« la tveoly.roar movM. Oama No. a,04U. A funo woo tod l«u *.(»ecltllr 11 t>y brllllaiit mraltiy, ll uiually OHir, laureaUoK thu od« dnva; but to uie ■Indlou. ruder, d«.lnm. rtt iniproTlDK bU owe play, a drawn balUa oorrenlv fouitht on boUi Hide, li tn atcept. ablalMoii RUT LOPEZ Kra OAME. Vhll*. LMtor. i..rtoK< I. .K Kt-H3 9..KB-Klt 4..KB-R< >..!'-() 4 e..riwl«a r..p-K» >..IIBX Kl lO^KKIXP II. .l]Kt-B3 I9..<]b-B< U..itKtX Kl tl..URxq l>..l<-UR] l<..P-KK3(« ir..4KlxR Bliul, TrcLlirorlD. PuKt 9KI-RS -OR 3 K l<I.B3(o) hi KI"X r - KB-K> KKl-Ka KI-gB4 Wblle. BUck, lAflkor. TMlilKOrlo. KtUK3 KRioge u lotwltable. '-QB3 R<,uid (a)Oaa of Uie thn* rkrorlu OortnceiL Thoae iwo nioTM, "Loowoatltal'ii" 9..K Ul to H 3. die "Berllo;" ud, lattly, Uio -KlDi*a Pluicbotu>"-weUkj "IttUy," for Uie "P to <) 3" or MT. Bteinlli dooi oot (ommand Uie prtcUetl accoptaaca of the martarn. (ft) All Uila prtMeata tbiolata cqutllly aad tlroadr >a- Toraoradrmw. (e) Bueb Mlcawtrerllke morw can batdlr bo ootod at lAikar'i uad* mtrk. (d> BtlHad at a.arT tur«. aod loolofi oottilDg botur, be raalaoahlmMlf to adraw. A Grmnd Slraf gle, ll U a koaa pkaiar, lo praiuat oaa of tbe irettttl baulti wbtra all uo graat- Ttalu li the raaiout aocoad rouod aaaUoRof thotwoTODOa laajltn.. KUY LOrix tifs OAMB. Ptlllbarr. I..PIaK< I..KKI-B3 a..lf B-Kti <..l!aulea >..P.|)t l..l)-K 7..I{BX Kl i.-Qfttr Laiikar. rum qKI-B3 S KI-BS KlxKP KB-Kt KKl-q3 KtPxB Kt-Kt3 ■..l'.4Kt3 iitaUaa io..g».Kt> r^ot tt..PxPaip.«)Bl'x P ll..gKI-li] UB-hllS I9..(]BXB " 1I..1r-K«| l)..<]xKKt II..P.qBil U..e-h>rt lt..l]Kx R l)..l<Klxg 1I..K-Bni HKI-Bil H( xKl KRX R + .P-ORI .gHx R + IxgR (O Braakloa BItok'. Pt liito UnM lou, ilylaiThrin a tnd outlook tor tbo aail Rtme.MIeNaiaaa. * * * Wblla could alio Rat a nod attack tbua: ll'-SMJil* |13..KtxB+ ExKt tl..Kt-B« .Q-Ku ll4..Kt-g J, rollowtd brUie adiapca otK BJf. Hio Plaachalto Jutt ml up la mp. poMd u be Mr. PIUatarT'o own InooTalloD.-UorrBB. "* He* note (di tboTo. Wo ibould bar* placed ourrallaneeooPtoKBi. ..(« Vary caetanogal Uowortr, bt leoaia u> hare tboioulhly iinad Iho mtllar, roodudloK Ibtt Uit Ion f' Jf!^ cmapaiiKMad by ■ainlni Uia looklata t) R P.—O. (k) Itio play la or eicepUoatI luurmL-O. IHerr 0. douMji wboUior IhU uot, oaod t>« made at aU: tod amoDR leroral ahematlTea laid 31..K lo tali 3 teena (t)kl;laalidpoll. ItlOJooniDieot. waa 111 cOIl■U«^ ed: 33. .P to Q B a woiAd have dra*n.-U. (I) riaally wlaa tho grand utafif la-U. PUlabarjr va. StalaltK. Mr. P.'I unronuialo draw la Ui« aecood mod. qUKBITB UAMBIT KVAOBD. Wlhbory. Bululti. S..gRloBn (IBloKiq St..X-B] f^lCIS a..K-hii3(rj p.<R4 D..r-KKl< P^Rt 9S..KtrxP KtVxP 99..41R-B3 R-K14 37..l<-04 B-Kt7 S..aK-K3 K-Bk - i-QB> I£t-Kt4 .KK.Kt> P.KR4 4I..KIPXP k-kb; a..R.|fB3 QRXR t]..XKtxR il.bUI 44..K-Kt4 KIHJ3 U..KXRP KtxBP 4e..KB-RI Kl-blil fr..XBXB -KxKB «..K-Kt4 KtxRUP l9..r-6Rt r.a^ lt(i..p-qRa Plllihuo'. i..Pii>g4 >..l'-<)tf4 3..gKt-B3 4..KKI-B3 e..p-K3 e..KB X r r..i^iii>i a..xpx P e..gB-B4 lt..KR-giq t3..KB.itl l4..KKt-Xt riogt P-E3 KKI-B3 upxr P-tJIlt SKt-BS PXP KB-Kl ITiaUoa ».R«I) KR-gaq MHS qKt.bU5 Itt.xt-iiiig W..KIXBP ^..K-KIS M..r-R« ,xg . i;Ki-g3 _. . ... or oouiM oTor ban we ihoukl ill bate baao alad u joallr. P. «la.iairUia poalUua be illalaed; uut iloe* bUillpupalSl.., UiapbyhaibMO 4i>trlt«lud iSiiruc. tire oa both ilda^ ud will wiU rannl aar uudy, or pUutibIa TacfalloDi Ual may ba tried. Bolli IV Wind llrrardcUlmOOlMtOll). ™.u»nmu (f) Looki uoptvultlaa, but rraqaoaUy adoMad. ^ ir be X ift, b; a. X B wille naHt^ Iba «. (Il^rarl ir It..!! X Pi; B. B X Kl, rx B it Q to k r.wtih brtttlul alucklaa r^aSllllui. "i ll ff Whilowoedllr acqalru a wlDolaa (aaio. (ll Tbrowloaawiy l.l.wlnnlo«eha«c«. 31..R lo bill wouM hire raialttd In wlonloa a P lad, ovHilually, tba Bama. TTTII: « i £^ S t MS atKBigBT, gSL Kt, yxi, KiI, KBI.Ktl, Bl * 11 ^ ft t ft ft ft atXXt, IIKl, t~. IJt. QKS, Ktl. EBI. XIX Kl ■oTrBiaJa-i)-KlubIi3! SboaU i>l>y R i^bu f Bt. Peteaikaag TaanBiaaX. louian la Uw qaidruaular cooual la Uia Ruuita duoooUouot ihr«i|iboit Uio cbm world. tlUiouitb Ua tail two touodi hate Bade a aratt chtoi* lo Ui» rA.ilrI poouioo or Ul. fXvm m.Vi!!fhSi^tiSnS^iSi loUilid place. U«korh«»M»mod li«llii fiiiioo iSd •ppun lo hit. a lonitUnt lud to mak. htm lorTor nrrt fJac atUia dowor Uie looraaaiMiL tlalolla l> a !!°'..""J'l?"?"'» "! nolrtiloa blllir Ihao laa<, a noiltloa Sl'lti'lft!' "~ 'r»"li?°°''- PlllJ.air. plS ror tbo laal iU lann bu b«o ■ kimi dlaappoloioiHL ffB.""iSi.'ii,','l.'*^K"'' '"JkMS". but toW. idi?^nn n 81. NIanburt, wb.m bi hai beiotao a imat Ibrorllc rtte ncces la^leleali lod adraw tall Iho aurr ulSrihi yoaai Bnoklya nutor li out ol ooodlllon. aad lartoaUy SaSic'Kli'taif.a'^LV.d^.K^ffiV^S^^ '^brJj.'!!I,'?tJiri^urd«,.y.^ ngudjd- Sia'S.'S^?d^tK5t]"jj?Sw» i4ffioa.UteywUl boTO tbe etartleMt aod hiRbatt PfM*"*^ UwoT piaeUealcboaa tbe work! ba^ ^f**^ nowharo alaa lu oiioal. It U not only tbo wloDen* ptey KS l! » SSaaaloTly nmt. bat On Icoora' tkUl U leM eooap caooa; ilctoiy or defeat fkaaoeaUy tomlnr ^t In Tbo eaUutlon ol a hair." tiwllpof tbaacalea fnm a tna balanco bolnR ao mlnuU that no onJInaiT maalor would dolaci, or, deiacilng, woald bo able to pnBt '"(^oaa baa lOBdiod a pkae of derelopnont It nerer be fonatulood: to what belgbta It iball aoar, wbo can aa) nU natonUy brUmi na to Uie UMORbt-lf tba Uino ifeaton doFVted goaluaaa of oar tinea had known aa much ebeaaaathaaoDaaien know; oonH they wned rren priociplaa to pneUca, and nided thair pne- Uu throDgb Uie CalaldMopIo TiclMltadea ot a gamo wlthadaifi kBdcanltodaaa tnochaat aaUtaao nuiien can do. what choaa aliooM wo not hero aaao. Tblaqnaa- tloB la at ooco an hlitorlcaL Uieotailcal aod pfWtlcBl ooe. Tbe threa nferredto aia La Bouidonula, Horphy aod Zokenort Tboy wen nunoti of all they met In their beet daya: Uive four, with Dr.Tunacb, haro bo maa- ten aa yeL Wla or loee, Uitlr erory laoTO la • atDdy: and witli a annaberg and a Uoffer oo Ibe oUiar tMe, and a Seffolo and a Showatter on thla, ft annotale. theao tbiny-alx kolRhUy jonauantocanycheia aaoiheraup on lu Dpwani marcii. . . ^ j , Tbo maiten boRan play lo tbe llfUi renad onJan.H. Ticblaorin won Irom Plllabnrylo a Bar Lopoi laaUiag forty-Uireo nnroa, and Sulnlti loat to Leaker In Uio lania opoolnRafUrforty-rovDOToa. . ^ Tbe aeooDd aittlnR of Uila round occamd leLandro- aoltiid ID another ilafoat for PllUbnry at the baada of Stololu lo a retioff Defeat* after ilEiy-ali morea. Laater pUrad a Two Kalgbu* Doience afalnit Techt- gorla, and a dnw waa arroed upon aftor ttalTty*four "'TbeOna)day'aplay Id tboflIUi round faMb plaea aad fooDd Laakar plUad aRalnat PlUabary, wblla Btalotta tried iMue wlUiTaehlgorlD. PiUabnry aaccMded lo gel; ting a dnw with Laaierln a Qaeonli Oamblc Doollned altar forly-oine morea, aod BUlnlix loatu> Tachlgonn bi tbe aamo Oambit after forty-four moToa. Tbe aeoni to date DiuaRBBABLB, YIT AuRRBiBiB—We moat take the dlMffraoablevhea It conee, and It la but to do It with ae go»l a gneo aa we oaa couimaod. Oor prliod oonirlb. uior. La Bue WIIHama, writaa: *'Dbar MiRo.*f-I am aorry to iiate tbat I ahall bo obliged to wlibdnw (torn problem BOlrlnR lor aome timo. I eeo Mr. RIcbanlion bu 'knock, ed a bole Id my akimmir,* but I'm not Ihe only cbaM cooD that'i been aqueezod In the nmo trtp, aod I nmark Uiat'Phil'le aRooidono. Ibid Uie boyafanwell forUie pmaoDt; boplnic It will not bo for very long, and tbat all will hare many plaaaant eTealoga cracking diaaa and oiber auu ROlor*. Wlib my blndeat regarda to yonneli; I am aUU an admlnr of Tob Cliitbb aod (nipperltea, La. Rob Wiluabb." Mr. BaowALma, Ulh loaL, ueaud thi BiooklyaC.0. to a almultaneooa eiblMUoo n. aeTeoteen memben, plaring on roortaoa boaida. Implying Uiat three boarda had two plajen eacb. ooDtoltlQc, The aeon waa-dnwn, Jj loat,S; Mr. a.,9. Thoeewho beat tbe champion wan ■ i iw-ob, HI. •>., r. mutrmm vaiv iiwi \uw viiMiiyiwaa ^via Manliall aad Dow. with a Q'a Oambit Bra'd: W. Pnto aad MriL H. Womll, aame opoolog. aad Dr.Taber, K'a 0am. Bva'd. Tbe dnwonwen Dr. Dalion va. Bamppe'a Ki'a Oame, aod Mr. Colwtll ra Q B Ta openlnK. Tbo ei< hlhlUoQ waa completed In four hour*. Mr. Dblhir,oo the Mme eTeobig, giroaperlpaUUo entenalameat at tbo PnKrotfIn C. 0., IK Becood Ato- nue,raclawalitoeoantaRoo[atAona«miuy boarda. Theae an deacribod aa tbo atnagtac pUyenof ibodob, aod the perlomer as acitultUoff himaoif vlUi ereo mon ibaa Ilia natuldash aad vim. Thla may well be bellerod, u there wen ten nmblu ol larloua klndM oiTerad. Scon —dmwn, t; lotL i; won, 10. Hlarlctonwen Mr. Gold- nenc. ETani; Oowberg. K'i Uam. Era'd; Ooodman, Lopez Kl'a, and Martin. K'a Qan. Bra'd. Tbe dnwen, Mr. aokllnger, ta. Leprs Kt'a, andQroaa,Ta. aScotcb. Mml fliiowAiTKR la dednltelr aanoaoced to relnm to N. Y. (n Ume lor the lad lee* cable match. TAB Tribmt, Ulh Inai, gliea two laterottlng gnup picturaa ol tbe lour raaaienat 8t PetereburK; one, Bteln. In Ta. Tichlgorln, tbe other, leaker ?a. PIUsborT. CHECKERS. To CanvainiideBta. O. U. ei«cox, OblcaBe.-Yoa ua andoubledly rlabu Haf ft wrtltaa ruo. D. DONCix Ban rrancUco.-Tbuiba for klodnin. J. HAlta, XoDMald.—All rlibL J. MARUALt, Ponaiie, tria-Sie below. W. eawAHD.—Bettor luck noitUme. Cometloit of Pneltlem No. 43, Vol. 43. Jobo ManhtlL or Portwe, Win, wriM Uiat be Uilnbl the foUowIni will wlo: 1 < B IS Kl If 7 3 91 91 19 a It O 31 II 13 17 II 18 S » an SI 2 97 31 IT 'i i 73 ?!«» " ^ « Biickwiu. »« 13 18 ro 710 S 13 >7 31 10 I a ts > 13 IS 14 O 1« 10 14 (a) 1110 IS akio wloa—Cil. Bo. DolattoB of PeeitloB Ro. 46, Vol. 43, BXD OAHa BT w. aawiiiD. BUck U 13 14 K 93 I wlo. It tt to S 21 B ( 10 31 B Kl 14 PmIUdb Ro. 47, Vel. 43. ^ar p. «. BLOCDll. OHIOAQ^ Bbck WhIUSO O 18 U lOKlS Btiok toplayaod wlo. Oame If*. 4T, Vol. 43. „ . , BOINBUROU. Played I a tbe Xew Vorti touruy botareu 1 Preo.1 aod (?obeo. 13 t It ._ II 19 « a> 8 13 a a 10 IS » s IS im a It 11 It 31 17 s 11 o IS 11 tj 18 11 7 IS n 14 D 17 91 S I 10 17 It IU 17 BI 11 t 8 It It 8 11 It It 11 li IS 21 IS a a u n t 8 tl IS 3 7 31 IS H 10(a) 1. V I, (01 Barker xItoi tbe rolkiwlor: it a n It 11 a a 7 11 18 I i^ai; (bj RobortioQ vtrlia at Uili polot 8 10 n 34 i> -s^ S 10 a B to 17 14 t> 13 It B It 17 11 15 IS a m 10 7 11 11 13 11 18 11 17 t e 17 14 10 17 S It 1 S 11 14 1 S It S 1 3 8 U IS II It B 11 8 11 IS II D IS Ih» Baa Piaaelaeo Cfaaeker Toaner. Oar cootrlbuuir, D. raaean. wntaa utbltow.. »it.» wUh I Mad youacorw.or SmiJJSff '"»"<'••• J Srio'v 0 Buioor 1 ■ a,.:.:::::::: i S ilarrlch i 31 ^ ¥!i?.°fJx:i1 "ccad nSJSHi L r.TiS?,?^S^ S; %j;^kM?s.*ia'si:o;'ss,*--''''^ii iCewa of Uie Oaao, Ir.... .roni>ib, or Wlanlpeir. (libalr natcb noeoiio ncrortipa , lecaatiy deraatod . ror chMaploaiblp „i,*ij;« thataiTrauBkiawmiioU roreblMrao'wiuboid'l^vir Zealand ncaatly, at Uia Dokonnl PublloBcbool ii. onder Uio tatTooaita of the acboul committee and ernl anliabie prwa wen dlatrlbntod With our ^a^i mall roll paiUenlan of the SooctUb natlunal touraan!! win be hen. In tbe flnt nnnd Uien wiMn twTDi?!?,.' playen. It *aa deold^ to giro tlx pterena biZ."IKk wodU obviate aay farther byei tJU Uie llnlah orihe aameoL The foDowtog la Uie nnlt of the ilrai d^>: play: '* W(». Drow. IT,.. 1 Bnwa i rreUmaa h* 1 Ferrle 5 McKean S 2 Will S Bona I 1 Jordan 1 w.Campbell... "' A 3 Sootc J Oobble.;. ■ ■* o 1 Brydeo 1 Bauentiy "' ? 1 Barrie 9 '.Campbell..!' 0 0 Bucbantn « McMUlan....... 0 1 wiiaott. fl KeiiL :: ■ S At the Uat Dinnu word waa tacelrod tna Cnrrle liui h. wodU not be able to play, io J. Kirk won by forfeit Th! all brea were B. Eolmeii Jamoa BoblaiOD. || HeodaV ■00, John McKay, Geo. Oroohaioa and D.n. McKeiti* PrlortolheeoDieetaatataklBfftbelr aeaia apeecbetwan made brBoWrtHci;ill aad A. BrT»n ncl^/awM World for jAouaiyoootabiatblonaphlcal aketchofMr Befter, tbe iblcam eipert, ooe of Uie Bnt half doiaa Ib ttilieonotiy .Wyllle and Maitlo^ the two gned oM nan of the nae.eUll contlDdo rlrloRexblbliloo^and meat with ifieir aeoal nccaaa. Tboy are both <« ibt ■ ahadyaMe of aareaty. May Uielr paths from Uila oo be atnwa with plaaaaat memorlea ud opjoyable eiMri eneaalaoarwUh Tbeohamploutalpqneatloa la uik divided. Th* ptayanon tbe oiheroMe of tbe "mill immi- elalm Penla, white we oa thla aide claim Barkar aa th« worM'i champion. Iba boundary naenloa will au ilouU be aetttod befon the queaUoo of checker chamuhn 01 IheworM.... LB Bead and M. P. Oloueer have enured the New Tork toaniey. Mr. Head la lo the flmt clan wlUi Dr. Schiefer. JAMBS anowtR, a vatenn chase player of BrooklvD. K. Yndled Jan. 17, at hla home la thatGlLy> M«d aUhtr fouryean. Bowaa pruMoatot tbe Paof MorphytSioM Olab, and bed played tbe game for ality^lz yeart. WIJJ^TER SPORT CoibIbk Rveata. Jan. a-6katlDR racea, Betllo, Qer. Jan.3S-Iotaroatloo*l ikaUnR imeea, Bodapait, Hoc. ^u. 2r-9-Kallooal Amateor Bkatlog AaaocUUoa cbaniplonibipa,Bt.Fuil. Mine. Feb. l-Ceoaalaa Bkatloc Aaioolatlon amateur diam- ploeiblp loeit. Moolieal, Can. Fob. l-IS-(MrllBE maub, Sootcli ra. All Natlooallilei, MoLlotoek Xeda], alRiob place u daba chooia, aod oo. any day that lolta. Peb.?.^—World'i efaaniplooiblp ikatlog nettloK, Bl. Petenburf. Roeila. Fab. 18—ChnadliB amateor Qguia ikatlnK cbamploa •hip meat, Mooireal, Cao. Feb. 18.^ voter lod dotIco thatlAB racet, Mootiaal, KMM Tbe OortoB Bletel Bonaiiell. The emiMl tnirUng toonament for tbeOontoi If edsl and tue itok olumploialilp tout pl*ce at tlii rink ot Itie llibtle OorUog AssooUllon, Uoboteo, N.J., JiD. It, IB.amlwu peniclptted In hjnftt- a4inl>tlTa plajen from Uii AnerlcBn, Tonken, Ca|. edonlin, Enplie atj, HL Andrair's, Van Conltndi, Utlcs, Jolu D'Oroatt, Laoktmiuia, Jersej CItr, Han- tiattu. New York, TDfaulea, of New York; Long lel. and, Bndnisile,of Lackammii, Olube. Owing to tbe clrcutntcilbed turface spBce onlytalfadozeb '■leea'i coukl be marked out on tbe Ice, ibtu necei. Bliatlng a second roand. Edwin L.TbaQia8, Yon- ken Cnrllng OInb, wu tbe referee. Tbe ice rn» Id capitAi (»ndltlon, and tbe playeaob d*rira>wlt neaaed bj enllinilaitlc croiroe. Tbe dnal reenlt wai a Tlot«r7 for tbe mm of tbe New York Club, ol wblcb 0. S. Ogden was iklp, Uter deteatlng tbe Uanbitutulntbe Snslroina. Score In full; riRsr BOUND. .ABtcrtou. RINK HO. 1. runic .v. y. Wljllim Mictle, RobertLaoder, Wltllaoi MIetle, A. Fraar, Tom Hborldaa, Jotia Watt, OeorKo Orearaa, aklp. 13 Tom Watt, aklo. It I'olUaa. BIHK.HO. t £laplKCVy. Thooiaa WIglay, A. MaawelL Joaopb T. Biowa, OaorRO Lololii, Oeorge Colqoquobooo, Jobn Cornell, Robert Eallccli, aklp IP Jamie MoNell, iklp II Clkn. RIME NO. 9. alamnlo. Jaroia JohoNoo, H. Arcblbahl. Herbert Johialon, H.Arcblbald, r. J. Nye. Tom Archibald, Cbarlea Brown, Iklp II Dayld Poullj, aklp It SLAMnufl. RINK HO. 4. Johnff GnU. A.allllea, John ailoboll, F.Dykea. John alubeU, JoboLeuIe, aoontaBalii, Oeone Teller, aklp 13 U McKuklll^ aklp II Von CbrUoaia. RINK HO. >. lUitU, LaeHimma. Patrick Ollnartln, Duncan Meaartry, Baura Pintt Jamia Hulr, laalin Fraxer, Jobn Biltltooa, OeerRO Fnxir, iklp Tboraai Ballltooe, Iklp.. .10 Jmtt CUu. RINK HO. S. jranAollan. Robert A. HcXnlitbc, BoiHtmln Jooea, JobQ T. Edwiroi. inomaa wauae^ W. 0. EdwaMi, Iklp 11 D. Bdlintini, dip a Kew rcTt. BINC HO. 1. una utmi am. Dr. Fultoo, WIUIaDlllokreJobn, P. P. Both, Jobn Utxen, B. A. Sberidin, AlaaADdor Morrta, C. 8.Ogden, Iklp IS Jobn Blnet,oIp 19 8IC0MD ROOBD. jramuuioii. RINK HO. I. IVnbra. Boolimio Jooea, TbomaiWIgley, wliriimllcKay? JoMpb T. Browo, Thomai Walaca, Joieptat^lqoqaoliooo, Darld Ballaalyoa. iklp... .14 Bobett lellMk, iklp 9 nuuc yn rnt. aaK no. I ran oorttoau. Robert Lauder, Patrick OllmaTtln. A. Fraiar, Baotw Prmtl, John Watt, Iialafi Fraier, Tom Wau, aklp io Oeoin Fraiar, aklp. II Anol-orl:. RINK NO. t itjSan^: AlaiaodorT. Fulton, Andrew lilUlee, Atoiaodor r. Both, Frank Dybae, Edward Bbeildaa, JohnLodle, Cbarloi8.0(daa, iklp....17 Oaonia TeUer, Iklp 19 „ , ftlRO BOUND. .jranAotuni. BINK HO. I. ratala. ^JinlnJoaea, RobertUailar. William McEay, Ataaandar Praier. Ttaomaa Wanaea, John Witt, DarldBaUulyne.iklp....taTbomuWatt, aklp II SEMI FINAL BODHO. jrne rorlc rink ho. 9. OUodoiilaiu. Dr. A.T. POlloo, narry Aielilbald, A. p. Both, J, MeSinnan, B. Bbarfdan, Thomaa Archibald. 0. S. Oipleo, Iklp B Darld Fooll^ aklp N .. ., . FIHAI, BOUND. JiceKert. Rmi HO. A XnlaHmi. ?'''o*-.'/"'°°' Banliniln Jonea, 1- L"^?^ wlQhmllcKar, B Bbertdan, Hwrnaa Wallace. a.8.0gden,iklp It Darld Ballantyne, •ktp...U PeaBajIraBlaBa Beat Terkera. Ttao lepnaenudrcB of tbe TtJatle-Laokawanna Curling aob, of Aioca, Fa., pli;ed two natokea, eacb of two ilnka • side, at tbe ilnk In Hoboken, N, J., on Jan. n, Tlieir oppooents were respecUretr tbe Jobn o> Oioata and Caledoolins, eacb of wbom tbej dereato). Tbe scorn follow: CJWonloB. RINK HO. I. nuiut-leclwaaiu. WIUUij ArpJJbakl, D. HcMouie, II. Archibald, j. Hoora, T. Archibald, J. Hall>un^ "T. HallalonSikIp H OtaloiUon. RINK MO. a. nUUt-IMtamma. J. malkor. J. Dobbloa, J. Tomplolon. T. Oratiim, J. JohoiloB, J, widdolL D. W. McEoDiAO, aklp 13 J. Ordiiai, iklp 1) .Tout if loul 5 .AAiio'l7n>ol nmKNO. I. rAUUc.IochliaanBil. i gfO'f- , J. Moor* J. Horohaad, D. KcKalrle. J. Waters j. Hallalooa, <•• "1°*?J' *"■• « T. Uailalooe, ililo I» JMa o-amt. RINK NO A rnUfle-IodannM. 2- yi.'*!^. J. Dobbloa, 0. 8 T Balo, D. HcKeibleV O. Balo, Iklp... Toial Wn. Orabam, J. WIddoU. ..It J.Orahanmkip,. TfclaUe BoaU Jenaf CUj, A curling (utob, two ilDks a aide, waa contested br leanis ot tbe laotawiDna TbIaUea and ibe Jersey CltxUub at tbe Tbiatle AaeoolaUon Mnk in Dobo- ken, N. J., nlgbt ot Jao. le, wlUi tbe reanlt sboim below: fi-2T3!™?; RINK HO. 1. nuaiM. S 8 Wwiida J. Dobbloa, P-J'i?*"?!* W- Orahim, t'i.'jT^ Wlddill, W. D. Bdwardi, Iklp II Junia Oraham, iklp. I* , RINK NO 1. j^S^uV""- D.»e«iilrta. i-Jimei Moore, T-A-ackBlikt. Jolin Hilliloee, J.>i.8ureoa,iklp 14 Tkoa. Hillaloaa. iklp » Total ii Touj r TBB8bi«wibir; Ice Yacbt auh bold an election at tbe cinb bonae at Red Bank, ft. J., on Jao. la, tbe rouowbw omcera being cboeeu rottbajearensnUif: Ooniniodoie.aaDaelW. Kotford: noe iwDiBOdon, Charlaa D. Wanet; ncretair and tieaaKr, Janea B. Wearer; ngitia eommntee Chanea B. Ibnek- moiton, AggutnaHaTtlaDdandObailea OoftK.