New York Clipper (Jan 1896)

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January 25. THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. 747 ATHLETIC nat^ MkIiuIu' BuIMIdi, Bmud, Mui. nb. B-Oonniir I, ~ udWMtSMi AlhllUi NftwTorkOltr. COHIHO KVKIPT8. Ju. n, IW—IfftUoMl AlhUUo Olab aod Oonpuv P, foilr^TMUi lUflinut, N. a. 8. n. T., Joint lidMi iuMumolT. Bnokln.N.T. ^ _ , 'nkl-Ntw Jerar AUitolio Olab OunlTal ol Sponi, MaillMO Bnu* Oirata, N. Y. Cltr* P«b t—AutttwrAtbtttleUoloo I«d nil* lUtnttuul no nlM •IMplMluM, for ekUDploiuOilp. MidUon Squin dajOM. H«v York Clljr. niiVt—Banoo aUiImIo Auotlitln uigaal hiloot Botioo, Mui. •llUi IIM(m>Dl,N. O.aN.T., lUo Club Jolot lodoor lunti, Mniorr, Jilr'l^AmftiMr AtbUtJs Union lodlrlduAl nil uoand ehiaplon^Ip oftoipetlUon, lUrgtn Folnt, N. J. TMnext erentot Importniice la Uie kthletlo world 10 Uila Tlclollr K >1» Winter cunlnl of Uie Mev JeiM7 AUilello Qab, to IM held *t Kadlioa 8qunr« UudeD, tlU> cltj, OD BatQrdnj evening, Fab. i. The ipMlkl KltnoUou onrad «re the races (nr iba two mile n*t oksmploiudilp ud Uie two ntle ueeple cluM ctitmploDalilp at AmeiICK, wblcta will bring Isio compeUUon Kme o( tbe moat noted runnan la Ibe Rut, end promlM two conieale wonh wbUe go- iDi* Jnnroe/iowltnen. Tbe otbereTenis on tue cud ror tbe ereDlog nre as follow: Wjda. ran, bendlcep; 4407da. rno.bindlcap;oae mile ran, bun- dlap; 2a)jda. bardie undlcep: atsndlog bop, itep end Tump, tcmlcb; rannlng high lamp, isjdt. ran, bindlcapi seojds. novice, icratoD; one mile walk, budlcap; ilandlait breed jump, bendlcnp; quarlsr mile, noTloa, (oracbools of BrooliIrD, JeiKr Uitjund KtwYort; one mUe bicrcle nee, bandlunp, under ImA W, rales end annctfoo. entileawlll dooa on Jan. It, with James E.BuUlvan, Ml Brosdmr. Tbe tisok will be o( dlit, will be oarsfallr rolled and olberwbie atisoded to. and will require ton bips to complete a mile. W. B. Ourils baa been reqaeated to referee tbe atbleilo erentssndFiank P.rrlalto rtfem Ibe 'cjcllog conteaie on tbe prograome. Tke 8o«tcl> Aaatenr Deflnltloa. At ameelingor tepieaenlaUvea of dlUbrentai clatlona devoted to lowtng, stblellcs, (kaling and airlmmbig, beM In Edlnbnrgb, ScoU, Dec. a, tbe following ncommendaUona were nnanlmousl; adopted: "(I) Ibat Ibe dednltlon of an anistaur bo .•An amatenr Is one wbo baa never competed for a moner prize, declared wager, or staked bet, or knowlngl/ wltb or agalnat a profeasloual for anr prize or In exblblUoD,or wbo baa never taught, pur- ned, or anlited In tbe pnctlee uf albleili: ex- trclacfl aa a neana of peconlarr gain. (2) Tbat amateun iball not loae Ibeir amateur •talus br compedns with or agalnic profenlooals at cricket, fooiball, or oibcr games, prorlded tbai lucta competltlona form no part of, nor have anv connection with anr atbletlc, grmDaatlc, uwlm- Ding, Towlbg, or skating meeting. (3) Tbat tbe aforesaid bodies be recognized each ojr tbe other •stbe governing bodies of atbletlcs, gymnaatlcs, iwlnmuig, rowing and skating In Scotland, ana Ibat ibelr leepectlTe findings and auspeosloDS be binding on aUtbe bodies. (4) Tbat three repreaeota- llvee from each bodj shall meet In confeiaoce Id December of taob rear.' It wae agreed tbat tbese recoraniendatlonB be laid befot« tbe various bodies on tbe earliest possible date, and that tbe repre- sentatives ataoold meet sgain In conference In April to report piogrees." As to **Para** EnnllsK Amatean. We Uke from Tia UanchMer (Rng.) Mmtic (S«i) llaoazlju the following commenta on tbe c^ntro- versf regarding the etrlot smatenrlsni of Kngllsb sud AjnerlcaQ athletes representing unlversltleaand stbletio elat*: "Id the course of our eiperlence wltb athletics we bavo beard of a great number of men having been paid, and of men bavlai; a.ikcd for pajmeBL From ihe days of Ujers, wbeo eveir sports proDoUng bodj In the country otfered tbe great quarter mUe Inducements, It has been quite a common iblni for champions to be paid, If all we have heard has been tnio. Of coutac the dllll- culiy has alvajs been to produce proof. There was one Instance of which a censln hsif mile cbanpton of recent lean asked ibe Roch- dale authorities for his railway fate, bnt this Is the meet inbstsntlsl case we have had, although atteotlOQ bbf tmn directed to tbe dolngis of a cer- tain acotob Olub. A lurid Ugbt could be ibrvwa on the dohigsol certain clubs It some of oar athlelea would open Ihelr mouths: but that, of course, would Involvo sospensloD, so we will, presnmstjlj, bare to go on bolaterlng op our amateurism, and at Ibe aame time lose no opportunltjr of dononnclng tbe wickedness and Impudence of our transatlantic friends In daring to beat us at our own game." Anotlker lateraatlanal Match. There have lately been nimots of a probable In- ternaUonsl athletic compeUUon In London, Eng., next Summer, and In reference thereto we lake tbe taUowlogfrom tbe latest laaue to hand of Lmtm Knuland H'a<i>r,wblchappeaM to regard the meet lug aa au ostomd fact, provided the Amertcana ac- cept Uie proposed challenge: At lastve andarmod Uiat tbe London AlliUllo Club hnrn dtoUed to disllanie tbe Kev York Alhlello Club •rw witboul tbo oopport of tbo Irlah and Oifoid lod Cafflbrtds* AUttotIo Clobo. TbiM It aa It pboobl b«. Tli* A. A. A. will have nperrlilon OT«r tba arrmnsMuenlfl, uid It li an npdorttood ulna ibat the Brltiab touu will piob ably be Mlecud, If poatlola. ftDn thawlnnoiaorthe A.A. A. cbamploBriilpo Dtit Bnmmor. Tlio matcfa will uke EUoe In London In Juljr, kiid If properly tnaniuvd Itiould • abtSHCoaa. Piofimoini* and olberdouils have fat lobeiatuwl. II la to ba bopad Uiat ibe N. V. A. O. will bare Uia (ood aania not to Indnda to Uielr taam tnr Briilib born lubjtct*, aran If wa on our tidedo not lD«ln on thU ptovlM. Tblnpa athlallo are looktas up In IDM. UiUTOoBinsH, who first came Into promlueoce aa a member ol Uie Boston AUiloUo Asaocbitlon, from whioh be graduated some yearssm.accepihig Uie poslUoi of athlello Instructor with Uia Obfcago AtBuUc Aaoclatton, where be did yeoman service In developlag tbe ablllUea of the members of ttiat euccearul weatern organization, and wbo recenUy accepted the oObr of a almlUr engagoinent wltb Uie leconatrncled Hanbattan AtbleUo Olob.of tbeme- tropoUa, bos been formally lustalled In his new poal- tton. msiaatauccesa,andhlsthorougbknowlcdge of his duties, angers well for the fuiure of Ibis organliaUon, aibleUcally considered, especially bi the llns o( track aUileUcs. So Uie club tnat. In Uie old days, made so enviable a reputation ibrougb the Buccesstnl enons of Its paUi reprseentaUves on boUi sides of the AUaotlc, neaded by Lon Hyers, wbo eo many Umcs and oft carried Ibe colors of the club, the "cheriy diamond," to the front In both hemUi- pheies, may be considered cttuin to form a potent factor In tbe gamea that occur during tbe campaign this year. RkTBOixTiTTViB Of Columbia and Princeton Col- legea held a conference In this city on Jan. S, at Which It was decided that the annual dual mmes between the stbletes of those bisUtuUoDS of leara- Ing shonld next year be held on tbe field at PKoce- ton, N. t., no date beUig, however, fixed for the compedUoBS. It la probably that the one mile walk will be dropped mm the list of events, sud In lis place wlU be snbailmted a Uiree mile run, six mrn being allowed to enter for tbe event, hot only four to compete. The rales of tbe NaUonal Intercollegiate AthloUo AssoclaUon will gorera the match. Tbe rscUlo Coaat Amateur Athletic Association boa Issued an edict of suspension against tho Stan- ford Unlvenliy AUileUo AssoclaUon and the Acme AlbleUo Onb, of Oakland, Cel., tor being delln- quentlntbe matlsrof dues. It has also suspended every anuteur who has uken part In any atbletlc contest within Its jnrlsdIcUon since Jan. lontll his record can be Investigated, and the charges ot pro- fesslonsUim made be disproved. Tan two mile race will be tbe special feature of UMansnal Indoor games of the Boalon (Mass.) Alb- leUe AssocUaoD, to be held atKechanIca' Building, evening of Feb. a. Among tbe conteeunts In tbis STsnt will be Tommy Oonneir, George Orton, Bean, AUIsonand Ernls UJertberg, so that a grand itrag- gle may confidenUy be anticipated. TUB Be. Oeorse AUileUo Qub, of this city, U now eUlceicd u follows: Preeldenl. A. Brown; rice presi- dent, John Rodgen; secretary, John Dsmoy; ssslsi- antsecreisty, Aed Frost; treasurer, J. H. Modgeis: financial secretary, W, 0. LIpaey; captahi, Vkarles Andetaos; vice captain,E.A.Yoogel:OratUtutsn- antj^ooeph Newburgh; oecond lieutenant, A. II. Tbb Intemaaooal footbaU match between the Vicked playeit of Buriand and Wales woe played at BUckbealb, i:ag., Jan. 4, EngUnd being vlctvtl- mabyaicoreot 1 goals 6 trtea to 0. 1.1. UvuMK, Uw lilahchampion, defeated (leorge Cnalsnd, the Engllah crack. In a four miles race st SelCaat, Ire., on Onrlaunsa Day, contest uklogplace ilnanlaot wlnd.andthe time beingS4m. Ma Oboiob w. orok, Uie crack rnnner, has been aleotsd csnialD ol the aUileUo team ot Uie UnlTsrslty ct Peana^ffinla, vice I. A. Wllbon, resigned. J ?l? <=,'™I"ob anutenrtprlnter.Bemaid Jf ^fndI'vfS*IiS,'5"P"'S?',"'" 'K^conrtdeiSS nil* .^V'* Wefeia and Thoinaa A. lSS!,'™mi*;?'°"t- "">» "-dchaigeoltte wSriii b™ ii-"""" pn»nted to JniSt ' exoneiaCng tbe ao- 5SJS?T t„^'.'-| """Ptoventhathe tel'raed tbe money to Ihe (lononaa soon as be learned that IM accepisnce Bight injure his araatenrsSndlnj? ^^'i".',' 'O'lAtbleUc Club held Its annual eleo- 'ollowing genUemen being Hon eh-oi.n-to»,;VdnriJg;i;',;7niSf^^^^^^^ secretary, John U. Qullok: trroaurer, Charles K (loodhue; captain. Bartow B. Weeka. BASEBALL. aOTIIAM'8 BALL, TBAU, A DIHeront System of Training-Brooklyn Renews Its LeaM-Othar News. In a week or ten days tbe players ot Uie New York Cluli will start South to prepare Ibeuueltca for Uie coming stroggle lu the major league obanplonablp race, end eterybody In this vicinity who U at all lU' leresled will watch tor news as to how the team la progressing. Tbe club baa between Uilny and thirty-five men from wblch to select a team, and It Is hoped tbat from tbia number a wUincr can be oua'jied. Tbere Is one tblng certain, tbe meu will train tbIs trip In a manner far diaerent frani laat year. Manager Irwln baa hia Ideaaas to what the men should do, and he will endeavor to make them do It Uo says: "Ooe thing I am golnir to Uy and drtll Into tbo New York playcra, and tbat Is Usui work. It It tbe eolutlon of winning gamea. Tbe New York public didn't see mucbofihbi bat season, except from visiaog tsanit. I nnderaiand the New Yorks went ibrougb the sesMn without uUng slgoaUi ot any kind whatever. It Is no wonder list they finished wben they did. Why, some ot the best btture In tbe tesm are credited with only ose sacri- fice bit every tblny gamos or so. Bsio siealera must bare tbe co-opereUon ot tbe batsman. At tbo bat tbere It every opportunity for team work, tor Ihe reason that tbe batsman and the base runner, or ham runners, can work In unison to scoompilsh some desired pbin already agreed upou. lu order to make team work producUve there must be a thorough underelanding between all tbe players. The base runners muat know what tbn batsman Is going to do; the hatainan. In ordor to carry out blB partof tbe prognnime, mutt know what Uie base ranoera urs lo auempt. Team play Involvea per- sonal sactlOce, and tbe player wbo bellaros Uiat bis commercial value Li graded according to bla prox- imity to tbe .400 mark will never ablue In Ihatde- panmenc ot play unless compelled to by bis super- iors. Very few babunen make more than one hit out ot three Umes at Ihe bat, and yet tbere la hardly a batsman who could not, by lotelllgenteirort, suc- ceed In advancing a runuer a base at least four Umes out of five. Wltb a ranner on fiist, the central Idea ot a batsman should be to protect Ibe ranner, no mauer what may happen to himself. Tho runner Is nesrer to getting In a ran Ulan the batsmsn. Tbere shoiila be a code ot signals Ihoroogbly understood by all the players. TbU la eatenilal to llie success ot sll tesm play, for many a jilan has often been ipollcd liecauw of the failure of a player to comprehend or act upon a algnal, wbelhcrUbe aslgnoraword. To llluttnte: Thefinil tbiog fora base runner to do Is lo endeavor to find out who wIllcoversecondhsRe—thesccoodbaaeman or tbe sliorl stop-In order to receive tlioanUclpated tlirew down. Tbls Is dune by Ibe base runner maklns a 'blind start,' then returning quickly to first base. Tbe baiamnn puts hlniaelt In evidence by watcblng the second baseman and Ibeiborlstop. AaaumlDg tbat Uie second baseman suns to cover lbs base, then the plan of action laagreed iipoo. An soonas tbe Blgnsl Is given the runner starta wltb Ibomovement of tho pitcher'sann.andthe batfiman drtrea, or attcmpls to drive, tbe ball lulo right field. This protects tbe base runner, tor, wbeltaer tbe l>all la nelded or uoi, be reaches srcond biae In mtety, and Is Ins position to score on anonlloary baso hit, and If tbe ball rolls safely Inlo right field be will reach itilrd, from whetice be can score on n ily to tbo ouidetd. If tho short stop stans to cover tbe base, then tbe batsmau will endeavor to 'pull' tbe ball toward third, aod generally wltb tbe same re- sult To make Ibis play successful Iho base ranner must start on the signal, and tbe batsman must lilt tbe ball Ui a maoner ti> protect tbe mnuer. With young players Uila Is parUcubiriy advantageous. It reuiovea all nervousness or 'stage fright,' relieves theui of all reapocslblllty, and gtvea Uiem a coun- denca wblch they never could commnnd Itleflioact upon their own Jadgment. This alylo of play should tte kept up so long as Ibe side at bat It making runs, or Is In Ibe lesd. But assuming that the score la close, or tied, and there are men on first and sec- ond baees. and a sure ran Is wanted, then It Is that bbUUDR should be resorted to, for It Is a sate play and Inauret the advancement of the rannets. Tbe advantage ot the play at this stage Ui nianlfeat. The tblrd baseman It between two fires. He eeei ibe ran- ner wbo Is on second ttarUbg to steal tblrd. and naturally hugs Ihlrd base more closely than beother- wlso would; at the same time be cannot lose sight otUie batsman. It Ihe latler makes a slow bunt, the third baseman, Ui hIa anxiety, la apt to fumble, or may not beable to reach tbe ball In Ume to reUre the batsman at finil baas. Is tlUier event tbe runners ate aate." Sbonid Hanaier Irwin age- ceed la putting his theories Into pracilcsl use, men the patrons of the Polo arounda next Sumner will see sonis fine ball playing, as well as experiencing tbe novelty ot teeing more games woo Uun lost by tbe bone tesm. Une ot Manager Irwin's Ideas ot mining ball players hi tbe use ot sweat boxes. lie has great lalib In the viriuea of ateam. Ue has tried It, and la convinced that It Is a aplendld Uilng; tbat It la highly beneficial, having no ill eifects when used properly, ne Uilnks tbat tor "Vbarlsy horse," tben- uiailBin and kindred Ills wblcta tbe lull player Is belrto bis sweat box aystem Is Just tbe thing to rid Uiem ol tbelr aUuienta. Therefore, iteam will play an active part In the mining to be done by Ibe men of Uie Mew York team for Ueappreacblog season. It waa plainly evident to every ooe who nw Uie .Sew Yorks play last Summer Uiat tUoy lacked some- tbiug or other that would enabletbem to win gamca. aoodpbyslcal condition U nscestaiy for lltely ball playbii, and Manager Irwin believes tbat by a tree uie of Ihe sw'at boxes ilie men can be put Into proper shape. Bo long as be Is esnest In bis beliefs, nesbouldbe given every opportunity to teat tbem. By a proper nse of the sweat boxes no ham can be done, even It ihey aboold uot prove to be tbo thing needed In training the men. In order to carry out bis plana be bas had tour ateam boxea built In the dresttng room at tbe Polo Oroonds, ihit dir. Man- ager Irwin lays that the Ume for Uking tbe ateao batna la after each gaiue. Tlie only portion uf i be body wblch Is not siesnied la tbe bead. Tbe tioxcs are twelve anuare leet In area and about 4fL tin. bigb. There Is a pan full of hot water. Into wblcb the player puts nla feet when he euiera the box, Then be seats bimielf on Iho ledge, cloeea the dour, nicks his head Ibrougb tbe top andjiuilica the illde up around bis neck, and steams. Tno box Is roomy enoonh lu permit ine occupant to move bin llmla srounil wltb freedom. The length of lime i, nt In the ateani bux depends on the occupant. It Is claimed tor Uie sweat box tnat a person uin go right out Into lbs air without oipetlenclug any hannful eiTecbi whatever, lu this respect It dliran from Ue Turkish bath. Hauagtr Irwin, In explain- ing tlila, aaye that, as no steam has been Inhaled, Uiere Is no Inalde beat and uo weakening eifeclf. The ateam acta direcilron the akin from the out- side. The pores an all open after the ateam balb, but the cold ibowor cloaea tbeae and then Uie pbty- er. It la claimed, can go out Into Ibe air wllb Im- punity. In addition to putUng the skin Into an ac- tive, bealthy condition. Manager Irwin says tbo steam limbers up tbe muscles, making tbem pliable and free from soreness aod stlfineas. and aids tbe circulation. Tbe sweat boxes are note novelty, aa Ihey bavo been need by the pbtyennt lbs Philadel- phia Club and tboae of Ihe Uolreraliy ot l^nniiylva- vanla team, bealdea a numtier ot atbletlc duos. ••mere will Uie Brooklyn Vlab be located neit aeaaont" was a question asked uuoy times during the pest tew months. But all doubts on that aub- tect were set to real on Jsn. ie,wben President lyme, of tho Brnoklyn Rloii, net the dlreck>ni ot tbe lUdgewood Und and Improvement Vompany, wbo are tbe owners of Eaatern Park, and lecnreda renewal ot a lease on Ibat propeny tor twu yean, wimajprtrllegeotUitee uoreieats at Ihe expira- tion of the prtaent Icaae. when aeen Mr. Birne aald: "We have decided Xa remain at Matem Park for the next two yeare, and hope tbit decision will aetatrvstatlapecnlaUnns as to oar future move- ments. We bad no other recouiae, and I hope that Ibe IKooklyn patrons oribe game will l>ear wltb na. Tbe RIdgewuud Land and lmproreB>eutl»mpany has met us halt way, and we are tatlnfled. Our nextnuvewlll be lo send uut contracts to all ot our ooalined pisyera. As to lbs story that the minority Btockboldets ot the Brooklyn CInb weteabont to Thomas J. Dowd.tbe bard bluing and spe«ly out- fielder of tho St. Louis team, of tbe Katlonal League and American Asaoclstlon, was bora April m, liio, at llolroke, Haas., and bis fellow townanien con- sidered him an extraordinary pbayer when be mails bla mark there aa an amateur, ills profeislonsl career tiegan In ISM, wbcn he Juhcil ilie llotton team, of the Plavera' I.tHguo. In 1801 be was eii- figcd by tho waahlOKlon Cnub, or Uie American Hsotilttlon, and took part tbat aeaaou In cue liiin- dred and nluo chaniplnnsblp games, one hundred and ooe ot wblch bo played at secoad Imar, When tho American AsMOclailon anil Ibe Kailonal l.rtiriie were coniwlldatod, duriug the Winter ul ini-IHin, and the Wagnen giit coiiirol ot tho WaKltlngton Club, Dowd waa re-engaged tor Uie season ot isfts, taking iHiri that year m one hundred aod forty-one clmuiplonahtp coiitcats. lining varloua InOeld and oulOeld poslUons, wblch Included tecond aod third bases, ehort itop and the ouifietd. The must nt his work was done at Hccuiid basit, In which position be took part lu nlnty llve cbnmploiulitp games. In IStf3 he wasungaged by Proeldent Vun der Ahe for hit St. lAuls team, taking part thai season In one hun- dred anil tblrty-uiie cimtcnts, all of wlilob he pbiyod In tbe uuldeld. Ilo waa ro-eiiingeil by the .it. Uiula Ulub tor the seasun of lsv4, tailing part that year In one hundred and llftef n cliainplonililp gainea as an onillelder. At tlie enil uf Ibat campalMn liu waa re- served, and he atterwarda slgiie<l lor ibe seHuun uf im>, taking part laat year In una hniiitred and twcn- ly-BOvcn onaaiplmwhlp conteatu, uiiu nunilreil and llilrtcTU ut which were played lu tbo outfield. Ho runkcd high IhiUi aa a immDiiii ami a lluldrr In tho oihclal averages of the National l^agiio and Anicr- Icau Anioclallon dining Ibe past rwaauii. It waa by chince Ibat hu waa givon an iipportutiliy lu ilonitm- strate hbi abllliy aa a baianutn and a fielder. It waa thought that ho had liwt bla kuack ot hlillig the t>all, but It did nut take liira hing locouvlnco thn tiunagi'iiieiit that It waa making a irroat rnlHiHko In thit respecL Ue la now louhud U|tuii aa into nt tho t>eit batUnguutnahlDra In iliu profraalun, ttraliloa lie Ing a very clevor liaau riiiinor. sell out," continued Mr. Dyrne. "Ibere la not a par- ticle of truth In aucb a Hbiiemenl. Mr. Cbauncey, whu renreneiils them, rays Ihey are perfectly satis- fied with tbelr botdliigS;^ Tlic club oloarcd experuwa last year and Is la a fair way to pay a good dividend ne.\t Hcason." However, It waa pretty generally liofwd that tbe club would be foiiad at now quarters before tho next ubtunplonshlp aeaaou began. One ot the slles the cluli bad under cou- iildenUon Is located uearoUl Waahlngtou I'ark, auil U boDuded by FIrat and Third Streets, and Tblrd and Puunh Avenues, and U a far mure dealraiile place than any other of tho pieces of pnpcny yet mentioned. AlliertL. Johnson, wbo gained proml' bence In baseball circles, as ons of the backennt tbo Haycra' l,eague. In leao. and wbo Is connected, financially, wltb serenl of tbe trollor car llbea In Urooklyu, bia a piece ol property near Prosacct Park, that be wauu the club to locate on. Ueualmatbat It Is only a twenty minutes' ride front Uie City Hall, lo Brouklyu, and unly one mlnuie fruin the Prospect I'ark paradeground. However, it waa hoped tbatibe club could have made proper airangemunlH, and lo- cated on tbeproperiyuearoldWosblngtonl'ark. Itia moncentrally situated, and the moat conrenlent. It Isnnly fifteen nilnulea'Hde from >he bridge byolther the trolley lines or Ibe elevaUid railroad. There are two dllferent lines ot trolley cam, Itesldei tbe eleva- ted road. It would lai a far mora dealmlile nUco for lasohall purposes than wai even old Wasblpg- ton Park. No more the Brooklyn Olob's ottlclsis could have made would have pleased the patrons of tbelr gamea more than the selectkin ot tbat piece ot propeny. The make up ot tbe Brooklyn tesm Is almost as great a mystery as waa the site on which tbe club would locate. It has been InUmated that Uonner will replace Daly at second base, and tbat tbe outfield will be selected from McOsrtby.QrilTIo, Anderson end Jones, fitlll. this is very nnaaUsfactory to ths lorem ot tbe game, who are anxloua to bear abont the make up ot Ihe team. Tbe cInb has seveni sew Eltcbera, who wlllbegtvenaolsllnlheSuIng, and It opes to develop at least one good man Iromaniong tbem. The cluli will bavo no minor league team lo which It can place Its surplus playsrs. Therefore, after the men nave lieen given a trial during tbe preliminary season, and they do uot show up lu a •ttlsfactory manner tbey wlU he releaied, lor tbe club will carry veiT little uieless Umber. Tbe oeo will bo taken Boutb either uext month or In March 10 do tbelr tnlnlng. Wltb the eiceptlob ot Uonnor and HcCanby, the team will probably be Ibe same as last year. If Jones shows up lo belleradTaDtage than does Andsrsou, be mar supplant the lattsr In the outfield. However, Anilerwio tasa bad a >ea- Hon's experience In tbe oisjor lesgue, and tbat may stand biniguoil In bis race tor tbe place. Lachance Is s fixture at first baao, and Corcoran will be found In bla home position at short itop, wblle It bi more than likely tliatSblndle will again cover third haae. lilt batting and fieldlug were aa good at that of the average nalor league tblrd taseman, and he la a better man than can lie found In tho mloor leasuea; therefore. It la aate In predloUng him aa one ol the mgulara In tho team's make np. The club la very strung In Ihe catching dciwtmeDt, while It abuuld bold Ita own wltb Uie bent ot them If Its pltcliem re- port la tbe best of condltloo. There an live weU seasoned sud tried men, Iwalden several promising youngsleis, lo bold op tbe pltdihig end uf the team. It Is aid tbat Uie Brooklyn aub baa been con- ilderiog the plan of playing liunday gamea next icaion while tbe playeni are at home. IfaalUtac- lory anaogementi can be made, tbe games will be pisreil In (lueens County. (dnnle Mack, ot Ibe llUsbnrg Club, Is aoolher manager wbo Is making himself very popular with tbe patroia of tbe gams In tbe Smoky dty. He Is one ot lbs few wbo says lltUe but does agreat deal, lie recently told the people ol that diy that he would give tbem a aurprlse In the neartutore, and he then uuleUy went to work and did Just whsl he promltej tbem. llu signed Fred Kly, tbe dever abort slop ot laat year'a HI. Luals Browss. It waa a liiaater atroke, aod lie did It, too, wlibuut making any previous nolseabout It. Now.lfUsrugerMack coold land hU team a wlimer, or even bare them up amuBg tbe leaders at tbo end ot Ibe neat major league coainploniblp race, all Plttaburg would be abouling bbi prelsea. Un paperll looki aa If Mack butbestrobBealteamntiariurghaaeierbad. The only apparenUy weak apot bi In the pitcher's post- Uoo, and even then the team nay be ilrongerlban It looka. Iluwerer, Ume will lell. Manager Mack baa announced that be doea not Intend going after any monplayera,aayUig: "lamqulleattlslledwiih Ihe lot we nave, and I really ililok we cannot obtain men to loproveoo tbem." Tbt peoplsuf FltlaJiurg. oral least tboeewbo take an Interest Is tbe national game, aeem well aallafied willi tbe team. Borne of tbe more enthnalastlc are willing to wager any reasonaMe amuoot that tbe Flttaburgi wUftM ooe, t«o, three at tbe end uf Ibe seaauu. Manager Uanloo, of Iho llaltlinore team, twice cbamnlonsof Uis Nailunal l^esgue and American AaocIaUon, was a recent vlallor to this city. He ■ya he waa onlron a pleasore trip, but ha made a number of ptedlcilogs aboat tke coming ebaoploa- sblp race. Ot conne his team wUI again win the pennant, while several of tbo utbi r KuiletntoaiiiH will be lu at tbe llulali of tliu raru. Ainiiug uthor thlngn bo lald: ''I consider the Nnw YiTk teaiii, aa It la nado up fur iswi, the must problematical taulnr In the iiuijur league race. If tin llireu plluhera should do Ibe work wblcb Ituile ami Mcuklti illil In lG0t, and wbluh Clark did Uat seatnii, then tho New Yorks aro llaiileto ulrothellaliUiioreaa head and btad race to tho finliib. HIiouM their pticlivrH tall again tbey will be out of tbunaht, thuiigli Idun'l think they can du aa pooily an thpy did last year, ereu wltb all Uielr hard luck aod pniir pllcliing re- ptatod. Wlivt lloeallae Ibo tcalll, uutaldo ot Ibn pItuber'K noeltlon. bns lieen itnusUieacd. Yuu will onil ihat Ptoifer will lie a tower ot good lu ilis ultiu. 1 look upou lilniaaune of the liesl giaiierel playerMln the country. Then you haru got a wonder fu Uial nuin, Harry Davis. Ilo will not he an expcrtniuni. I have bad my eyo ou him, and am convinced thiit tbo youngster It a aur. lutlie oexiplacii, Arthur Irwln'aiiianagenient of Uio team will lie a gnat per centageofatreoglb. I know hlu and hlsiiwihuda, snd llks both. Mat year your team lost gaiso afler game, because they bad no head to hold a viotory after It wsH won. With a mou like IrwUi at Uielr bead they would proliably liavo won at least two nraea truni ua, which they absolutely threw awar tor want ot a directing baud. I douU whether Oleaaun can play third baae, liecaute ho aequlredan overhand way ot throwing thn liall while pllchlng. A tblrdbaaeraau muatbealile to anapaliallacro« tu lint liaae by an underhand Jerk on tlioriin, and I tear tbat Qleason will lie week at II. My Idea ta that Qeorge Davis should atsy at third liaM, and OleaaonlHiput lu centre field." TiisCufrak hua all along ailvocatsd keeping Oeorgo Uavis un Ihlnl base, and placing Oleasun In the oiitOeld, Tlioro la no better inlrd basemsii In the business than (Iporge Davis. Ilasrr WrlRhi Day. The committee, John T. Brush, Janes A Hart and John I. Kogen, appointed by tho NiUunal iMgus snd American Association al lis anuual meellng, beld laat Fall In this clly, lo strange fur what will lie known aa the "Harry Wright Day," baa made the tolkiwlng annnuocsraent; 7a Uu UutbaH orouiUMllonj 11/ AmnUu laSn rev/e lAemtsK and wmors "/ Itarrt n'rl^hl, UrcatlBa: Al a maatlDiorUiaNaUubal l,«iin« ami Ainarlcmn AiuwM;li> Hon of PmftMlouat BaMball Ululia liiU al Naw Vurk Nur. 14. use. It waa roaulvad ID Mt aaUa ihio dar prlt/r In Uia opanlngor Uia ehaiiiijluoaliln aaaa n n uf Ian whltli wuakf ba known aa Uia''Harry Wright Uar,"Dn whldi aaeh eluli »liuuld ba raijulrad tu plif a saina uf lall, Iha aroia racalpta Iruui aucb aaina tu ladaTutad tulboartc- un nrainuamiianl In maaury ofnaa Willi aarvid In Iba raaka orilia ploiiaaia btbaMball, It waifurlliarraMdvad Uiat all baaaliall dula oi«rallaa uodar Uia Natbn&l Aaraamiot, and aunh utbara aadailraO toilatulauna<lir lu facoinnlnu ofhlm wbo liaa laft touura'aat Ainarlcmn *portaaalaaaer tlia ImpraASOfhla Intairli/ aa<l wortl,. ba Invlud Ui ovuparmla with Iha niajur balr lo Ihla Sran'l uliJ'cL TbaeooiinlUaa cniiiinlaaiunad tu arraoia alallaand Mrry loloatrandiapmTUIanafir IharaMiIu- lloa uauiad Menday, April IS. IM, aa Uia day tu tm knoan lliruuakuut Ilia l,aaaball vurld a^ llia"llairr WrIihl Dfty.''and Inffltaa all clouadaalrlns to t«rticl|iaia in fhla owihiainoralloo lu eooiinanlcala Willi Iha cliilnnauur Ilia cuuilnlllaa. who will iiioupllr ruioltli data fur Uia anldanca of llioaa aoaiaad In tha lolaratt ur iha rauaa. OIAMONO griBliD OOgggP, Latest gairlBse aad Dolags of Ike fUaa- ball PraSarallr. t;iiarlea II. Ilyrne, preddeni of the Brooklyn Club, wbo la on tho lluKs Uomuilttee, la In lavurol Ue double umpire ayateni. Ileratofbre Mr. Byrne has always uppoaed ibat plan, Ifn nays: "Thereaios I changed uir opinion upon Ibia tubleet Is liecause Pnidoeoi Young can thus bsvea prtiiiary school lor uoplres. All the liest men an wanted Itehind the tiat, the vital point. Almoat anyliody uin make boas declalons. These subordinate umplrts can be Uken from the minor leagues. In s short lime tbey will beget confidence In major league company, which Is the most Important thing. Then It a Uliai A umpire leaves, Mr. Young csn piuiiiots tbe mast promMog ot Uie aulnrdlnsts atair. Another good point bi Ibat the umpire Ui charge ut a game does not show up, the aulwrdinaiu uao take bla place, and thus tbere will be a major leagae oillclal lu charge. Whenever playeraare acting ts umplm It niems to Uke ibe life ustof Uis game." J iietl Meekin, one ot the clever pltchen of ibe Nc y rirt tesm, bst signed tor lbs coming acown. Tie lermssubmltted by Ihelocal club wensstlsfsc- lory. w. IL McUuonlgle, who tonneily nsnsged Uie Brooklyn testa, ut the okl Americsa AaocIaUon, Is mentlunedaaa probalile manager of tbe Lewblvn team, of the Mew Eugland League, ■•resident Hohlsun, of Uie UevelaBd Club, an- nounces that hIa team wUI not play Monday games away from h<inic next season. TheBouUiefflljeagne'selrcnItwsagnallysiTanied on Jan. IS, aod cooalsts ot AUanta, BInnlBghsm, IJttls Hock, Memphis, MoUle, Montcomar/, Ntsh- vlUe and lew (means. Wont comes from St. l,ouls tbat Theodore Breltea. lUln.iheeiaok plleherot ihoBtLonls Olab, wbo hat lieen reserved tor the ooming aeatan, has lefascd to play with the Bl, Ixiols team, and Ihat he has sigaed a oonimct with Manager lUvlUe, ot Ihe Cheater Onyn, ot the Sonthem llllnola Leagae. if Ihe report bi trae, that league cannot get pnteotlon under the NaUonal Agreement, If Bnliensiein ploya with any ot Ita trams, as he will certainly be bsb. pended liy the 8i. Uula dub. The report may be only a libill on the part ol BreltenatelD. The New York Cluh baa altned another new player. Ills name U Oharies it. Mulligan. J. W. apaldliig, ot Ihe Ann ot Bpaldlng .t Bra*., atrlved home from Kunipe on Jan. IS, alter a three mouths' absence. ItlspiisBlblolbat the Cumlirrlsnd Vslley Leogtis will comprise only five clnlM this year, vis.: ilageia- town, Chanibenburg, Carilslp, Hanover and York, At a meeting hold Jan. I'J, at Hasreniah, III., Ibe .Hmitheni llllnola l«aguo waa reursanlied, wltb clnW Uiraled at Itvllevlllo, iSIro, Kaat 81. I/iuls, itprlogfielil, Kdwarriarlllp, Ubraier, Hnrphysbonand Maacoulah. The oitlcera electeil were: A. HIelfel •>l Cairo, prealdent, and William Hchmldt.of Belle- vine, aeorvlary and Inaaiirer. The tchctinle meel- lng will ho hukt on April s, at Coninlla, A meellng ot tho National Ibmni will be beld Jan. •U, at Ihe Fifth Avenue llutel, ihu city. It la olalroed Ihat t^fatreiico Italdwin, belter knom aa "Kid," IDn utfOb voted pnifoMilonal catoher, has refuroied and la In fit cuntllllun tu play latll again. In hU day Bahlwlu luil fuw luptirtois behind the laL llnyirr WealrrvcU la reiiorird an having nliireed Ibe I'untniot tendered him by ihe Kcw York Club unsigned. Itauager W. A. Mmlih, of the Ijnchtnirg Clnh, of Iho Virginia l4>agup. has ilgticd Iho following ptayera for thn coming seaaon: Hehahel and Fear, rHii'hon; U. II. Hiiylan, (loom ,Siullit,H. HoFar- hind, llnimner, vvilaiii ar-d Kvans. plloheni; Janies I. llllr, n. I,. Mcllaiin and Joseph Imun, on Ibe iianea; liaiilal l,eahy, ahiirt slop, and O. I*. Pecher- ing, W. A. Smith ami Kd. Hillraw, In Ihe ouUeld, Manager llallcr, ut Ihe SL Joneph team, of tbo Weilcrn AnMirlaiInn, has ttgned Ihe tollnwing playeni fur tho ruming season: I'arker and Wil- liams, catchers; Slaglo, Wiiodtlde, Fhtnnlgan, Co\- hum and lloliiharf, pitchcni. Ilaller, Reeae and INieniueat, im tlio liases; Mlira or Ituaa, short atop; Mi^llale, MoVlrkcr. Ferguson iir Mareum, fielders. Hnnagcr iiallcr will play flttt base snd captain tbo teaiu. Tlio HI. Joseph (JIuii, of the Weetem Aaaoolailon, iiani|iioiuil I'rrnldviit Hobbain, of Ihe Clevelaod t:iuli, of the major league, on the evening ot Jan. T, st St. Jiinepli, Uo. Al Ihe llnio Mr, Holilaou waa vbi. IttngfrlenAs In that city. Ttiu latest liullotlh Imuod br Prenldent i'uwem.of Iho f^tem i.eagiir, hi aa lollowa; Coiitnula ap- nriived—With 'I'urontu, Thtimai J. Dowse, William II. liluneeii and John A. Walnb; with Rocliraler, William Ihiy, William Prtel, Frank Donnelly, <Hlle Heard, John J. il'Urien and Uliarles llnoley; wltb Stmciiae, John C. Halter anil II. J. Jordan: with Wllkualiami, K. II. Lyile. lYed Uettn and II. W, Uickey. Terms acctpted-lly Prurldonoo, Frank Iwnnrlly. lUlcatcd—Hy Hrrnntiin. Alex. Knillh; hy iliicliialor, K. N. i;rniie, K. L llrrutuuridgo, Joseph Keunau and Charles ilnmliurg. Manager Jnnins 11. Manning, uf thn Kanaaa tJlly i'liili, (if thn Wealoni l.iiagno, has signed Calober •'Toll" Welch, tit htti year's l.oulsvllle team. Manager Mack, ut Uie llttaliurg team, ban dtclded In order hIa moii tu irpttri In thai itlly on or about March II, and thoy will Invo turiho ilotHprlnan, Ark., (Ill the following day. Mauk baa arranged for exlilullliiii gniiipH during tho Mpilng prelliulnarr miaauri al Muniphls, KaiiNts Utiy, HI. Jiaieph, llannl- lial, gnliii:y, rcuila uiiil liiillaiiapulla. Hack will take Hcvuiitcon iiion along with him to Iho Hot Springs. John J. Diiylo, ruimorlyuf ilio Now York team, wlHiwaaaltho loonut iiiajur luaguo nieotlOK ex- cliHiiitL-il fiirilleaNiin. (it Ihu llalilrourca, di-rllnea to go In ihn taller hiaro. Iloaaya thai bu preteia re- maining with ilio Now Yuikn, or. It lie cannnl do wi, then hu waiiin tugii flihcr tu lluatun ur Waah- liigiun. Uleaaaiii atatcii jiualtlrely ihat he will nut play with Ills Now Vorka. Uoth will be In Hue when wanted. Thi< New ifughind Uagiio has dealgnaled April ST aa"llarrv Wright Day." All uf theclulMof that league will un that day play hir Iba lisoeflt of tbe Harry Wright Munumont Fund, In Ihe caae uf the Inteniallonal Hiiiiday llbsorv. snco l.eague agaliiil Uie Ulilcagn Uliili'n playen for Hiinilay hall playing Ihu lury, on Jan. 14, In Ihe Criminal Court al Chlcagii, III., tuunil Walter H, wihnni, ux loli nnder uf that team, not guilty, Wllmol'a was a teat cane. Manager llanlun, of tho IhililniLro Uuli, who Is on Ilio IttitcsCouimltico, said lu a recent Iniervlew; "I am averso lo mskhig any chahgea In the rules. They neoin In lai anlutauliiry aa Ihey now niabd. I am tippfwod Ut the chaugo which {iropoaes tu put |ila>«ni mil ut thn gairin. I Ibink the rnio an It now aiaodn will scconipllsh all that Is nosillul If it It only properly enhircud. I liolleve In fihlng a player firat. It you inuoh hIa pocket Ihat will bring lilni lo bin aeiiaes. I think tho umpires are aaibilfeil wltb tlis prusent rale, all Ihey sak It Ibnt the managers and inagnalea ahall back tliem up In lla eofiircement, i think Mr. Ilyrne, who Is sbio un tbo coniinlltee with me, la ot Iho aame o|ilnlnn as myttlt, and I predict that very few cliangra will lis made In the i iilci Ibia vaar. Inir conimlllee, wlilcb cunnlats ot Byne, Vnn der Ahn and lovielf, will come logrtlier abuul tha Urns ot thu ma/nr league meellng, whicb lakes place un Felt. U, al New York Clly." Thomas Ihinil, Ihe votersn rx-pruttailonal plioher, foniioriy of the llartturd snd lluatun testni, will prolalily coacli Ihe Harvard Unlvenliy learn tor lh« coming season. Tbe MouUicaatem league waa organlMd at a moctlng litid Jan. 14, at Auguata, Ua.. and looludea clulia locatoil at Atlanta, Augiuu, Cuarietum, Co- liiniiiup, Mauon ond Havannah. Mr. I'aaBllegue, nl Uliarteaion, was elected proaldeni, aud Obaries l«tnar, of Ailsnbt, secretary aod ueaaunr. The league waa urganlr^d on a amall ailary llmil plan, Tbe Weatern Asaoolatlun cbsuiplouihip ssason will liegln April M and ulose Bepl. In. Caruthers, tunnorly a pitcher cunneotsd with Ihe HI. l>mtN, ilrouklyn snd other uuiiu, will lie one uf the ufilcbil uiiiplran next soasuii In tbe Western Aa- aoclatioo. Uiieckle, the craok Ural liaasman of tbe Uolratalty of I'ennaylrania team, will play with Ihn Chambera- burg nine, of the Uuinlieriand Valley league, next aeasun. A lelegnm from Bay city, Ulch., dated Halurday, Jau. IS, annoiinrea tbnt Arthur (Jlarkaon, oboof Ike pltchen of tbe Ibilllmore Club, waa niipp«Micd to be drowned, mil having Iwen beard ut ainca TDurailay inoniliig, when he anil two companions left for a few hoiira' sail on an ice iHaat on Haglnaw Bay, and It was tesmd by their frienda thai they have gone lliruugh the Ice and lieen drowned, ntrgiama to shore pulnta In the vIdDltr fallcii to elicit any infor- inallon as In their whoreaijunta. He halU from Boa- tnii, Maaa., but wan un a vblt lu Uay City, wbeie hia lirniher, Jubii ti. (.larkaun, the «x-pioi«aaIonai pitcher, lahiraied In hnilaeaa, Alliert King, whu died after a brief lllnesi from piioumunla, Jan. la, lu thin city, waa for many years a familiar figure at the uld and new I'utu (Jrounds, lielng a uinnlaut attendant at iho games playeo there by iha (lew York team, lie waa a inenilier of Ihe New York Htuck Exchange. Toronto ban iioen proinlaeil the surplus phiyera ot one uf the major Irsgue clulM. Tlie shareholders of the Cbsmlieraburg Cluu, ot Ihe Uunilierland Valley iaugue, met (in Jan. 14 and raised |l,4oo. It was then dotermlntd Uihulds fair, lieglnnlng on Fell, It, fur Ihe puriaise ul rais- ing funds enuugh lo carry the tesm ihiuughout lbs aesnon and Improve the grounds. Word couies from llumelUvllls, N, V., annonnciDf Uist Vincent llsller, ths arm lisaenian ot laalisar's Uncasler tesm, of tbe I'ennaylvaiila Hlate l«agae, had bis right iiand cutuifluaiawiulllatUiatplace. Manager Mackey, ot ihe AUaniio <fliy lean, U re- purled aa having wriilen u> Wlllbim Btuari, short atop nt tbe Trenum taaiu, uf Ibe AUauUo Aaaoda. tlou, tu leave Ihat team and play with Iho AUanUo Cllys, but Hluart declined lo Jump bis cootraoL Wilihim Kaile, Uie protesalonti catoher, bss been engaged to cusch the playere for tbe Priucelon Uoi- lege team tur Ibe cumlng teanun. IMirher Juhn Dunn, late ut Ihe ilinghauilon and UuinelUvllhi Uulw. has signed Ui play with Man. ager Chapnuin'a Toruuiu team, uf (he Kaatem League, fur next aeaaun. Chapman has so fsr atgned fire good pllcbera In liny, Dluneen, McFart* iln. Dean aud Dunn. He baa now fourteen men uailer cuntmcl, Harry Uavis, wbo his tlgneil to play Hist boss nextaeaaini turihe New furk leam, UHdtalie the lata Uannce Bayne'a cahiher. while Ibe teu were aludcul'a at Ulrerd College. Fieaddent llBok» haa called a meeting «t Ihe dulM of the Fenssylrabhi Stale lASsue tor JoauB, BlAllentown.PaT ^