New York Clipper (Jan 1896)

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748 THE NEW YORK OLIPPEB. _JAgUAEY25. Offmd to Rail til* BtMklya Uab. Tha Ittatt uiukHon In Ui« nutttr or huebtll il«>lt bun report Utt IMractor Abell, wbolioMii ib« ooDtroULsi iQiticu la Uw vcookija aah, btd onred kU koMlDn In Uia clobtaPnildtntFrecil- nuB, or tat Now York Olob. wikd Mr, Aboil wu MkM about tbe ouiisr ba aal(l:'"Y*s, Ilia me. lipoa UioeMraml occaalona I oirerod to tell lo Mr. Kroedman oj boMlon In iha Urooklra Club, which aia l,3<aahkraiontori,eao. Tbatiiim aaa, wonid cany tbo abwluu control or Uia clul), tcaiD »Bd rranolilM. I'p tn a recant data-latt Fall-I owned lata tbwi one bair ol the atock, But at that Utna 1 acnolrad mora, onougb lo give no oontml, and, theretora, when I Unit went to Mr. FroodnuD with mj pnpoaliloo, I wia In a noalUon to deliver iha (ooda, that la, ilio control ot Iha oinb In Dreokitn. Thin wu lunt be- rora the annul nieoUnnlaiitNovembar. Kreedmaa had offered aome large itima or monej ror Ifao re. laaaa oratar slajani, and It occurred to me that he mlgkt affoca lo buj a conlrolllng Intereet In the Btookljna, and lake lUa plaran rrom that team lo New York team, wlilob would ttreDgthen the (altar. For loalancs, be could have iilaced Oorcormn, lA- ohaaca, onntn, arlni, Keniadj and BlalD upon the New York par roll. Tlioea pU;eii, with Kuale, Meekln, Olart, Kamll, FTeffer, iba two Uarlaaa, nenan ani) Van Haltren, elionid nuke a team wbloh wonld be almoat Innnclble. I laid the c«>e liefors blm In that way, and argned that be conid well afford lo make the fentora, and lOcaie an elmoit Mite thbig In the waj or a winner ror Hie Pdo titouDdi. rradmanlanolanan to Jmnpatunav propoalilnn anleaa It prttenu liaeir In a lerr clear lighl, and ho laid ma that be wonld ibink alnut li. Then came tboannnal mealing, whlnb ranlicd, at ;on know, In tome temporerr bad blood between the membeni, A week or two bitar I went down to Mr, Krcodoiaa'a onica and again made a pnpcalilon to •all. That Una wa talked Itover ror aoTcial houit, liot did not coma to anj underaiandlng. There wia anolber raeellna and rurther negotlatlona, which did not reiult In a aallarinlnrT onicome. Shonlf artarwanl Mr, Freedman wcntHnuth, and I InTerrad that be had ilien given up all Idea or rurther con- ■IderlDg the matter," When atked II bo thooRbt Ike nujor league woulil have netmlUed auch a traniferoratock.Mr.AlieUtald: "Tba majerlaaioa wonld not nocattarllf have known tbat a tnsafcr waa made. The entire tranaacUon could bare b^ea carried on throngb a third partf. Then the new proiir ownen could have gone ihnsgh tba torm or a isle or the Oreoklvn plajroia lo the N'e v York dob, or an cxobango ror aome men now on the New York pa* mil, and the object would hnre liaen obtained. That part or It wonld have been eaar, but I itaink tbat Mr. Kreadinan concluded thtt what be would gain In airengtbeiiing the New York team he wookl loea at liaateni I'ark bj the railing Kl In patroaago over there, I preaume all neioll- atlona lor tb* isle or the club are off ror good now, and both clnha are going ahrad to light It ont on Ike Binie Una, I think, however, that Mr, Fteednan 1 a good cbanca to do n matter ainke or bud. t when he hfttliaied and did not bn; ue out," CRICKET. TOi MiNnATTiN held lie annual nieeUng In Utookljn, N. Y,,the cccreiaiy'i report ahowloga forr aatltraclnrr condition or anairt, IncliidlDg a maunal Incrctan In nombenhlp and Ue gaining or aecogd Plac« In the cbamplontbl|i terTee of the Metropolitan Dbitrlot Laaguo. A achedule oT Iblrt;- eight gamea waa played laat teaaon, twentr-three or wElob ware won, ten loat and llvo drawn. J. Mart bad the heat iiatting averago, having acortd 2H runa In twelve liinliiga, one lime being not out J. Adam vinutllr leadt In liowling, having captired rorty wlokoia at the coat or 3au nina, an average or MT mnaeach wicket. II. li.Oujno ranked high bom lo batting and iMwiliig, Tlie club will hold lie an- nual dinner nborUy. Tlia nait neaton waa the mott Muooeaarul the club haa had ror aeveml yean. Next aeaaoa It It oxpeoied that a good proretaloial coacb will be engaged. Tilt orwiria uitcii or the Riiglbib team'a tour ol Hoolb Africa took place Dec. 3d, it, at Cape Tows, Ibelropponcnta iielnga niieen rcprmenllng Ike wealom riovloce. The game waa plajcd on a matllagwlckei, and lennloaiad In an niiupecled vlrtoiT ror tbo home team ii; 74 rum, the ratpecuve lotalt being: Weatem I'mvlnce, 11.1 and m; Eng. land, 7a and 01. The vbiliore ware without the aer vloea ct hm\ llawko, Sir T. O. O'Brlea and U, T. Ilawett, who falleil to airlva at l^apa TMwn In lime ti< take part In the opening naicb, the laat two, however, plajlug In an oxblblllon oonteat that llll^l out tko third day. Haven then played on caob Hide, the bono team again winning, Smith and Street, who art Bngllib pivreaalonabi, did tbe beat batting for tba boniatoani, the rorowr acoiing M and t> and the latter l:i and 31. H. M, J, Wooda waa ihe bigheit Bcotar ror Ibo vltilon, naklng 3 and 46, Ucorge Lohmann led In bowling, taking ronrteen wlcketa toriumnHlnuothliinlnin, WIF lougbby bowled alx wlckohi for u mna In Ilia rial' ton'tecond Inning.' Tut UBHDtiu or Ihe Merlon Club ban decided lo rebuild, at Ihe oarlleit data poaalble, IheIr oInb Inuaa at llavetford, I'a,, wblcu waa deeuojed bv gte Ian. 4. At ■ recent luooling or the dlreotoia It waa lutod tliattbe eloaflngawayortboilebrlaol tlmdeatnied club boiito wonld be undcntken at aeon aa tne wealbarwaa a lltue mote ravoraUe, ■td that aa toon aa tbe Iniuranoeuadlutted plant wUI ba gone over and a new elob bouae will then In built, Tbe nnall club bonie on the groimdamay lit altered toault the rei|Ulr«menia ot tbe lime that will Intervene beloro the building or tbe new bouae. The cilokot bat that hung In a gUta otae and wan deatioved bv are waa pteaenled to tbe Merlon Unb bjr John S. Thator Jr., and waa a me. mento or the vltit of the Phlladelpbla team to Eng. Itnd 111 1M4. Dr. W. 0. Qmco, the champion orlok- alar, wat rollred bv Tbayer'H oaplure ot a niotl dimoult obanoe, and In recognition or tbia brlUlam tieldltg rent then publlclj preaented hit bat to Thajrer. AT A RgcBKT MicnNu 01 Ibo InleFcolleglatt (Irloket AaaocUtlon Ibo rolk>wlng otloen were eleslad ror tlie emulng rear: rraildeut, Saiuuel floodnian Jr., rulvonltv of t'enniylvanlt; vice pieal- dent,U. 11. Ilowaon, uaverford Oollege; aectetarT and traaturer, II. 0. Qiaj, Harvard rnlvarally, Tbe following acbedule or obamplonahip gamea wai adopledi Mty 31, I'nivonlli ol reuntjlvanla va. Ilarvant Kniveiall;; May 3i,1larvard Unlvenltj va Uavetrord IX>llego; Mav 'D, Unlvcndij or Faantyl. vanlava, llavetford <»liege. It waaalto decided to aivaoge a BaHea or gamea with the eevenl Cana- dian unlvetalUea. Tho aooond aunual InletnatlotuU oontait between olovena repretontlng the ooUeget and unlveialtlev ol the tolled isiatea aindOanaila will take plane Italt coming totton at 1\>r«nlo, Ont. TaaLiNSiiovNiULVii hold lla fourth annual meet- ing Jan. 11, at Philadelphia, Pa. Tlie rollowlng oni- otrt were vliHjied ror ibo onulng year: ■■naldtnl, Utnjanihi Uallowell; vico prtaldeni, W, II, Barker; tnatnier, U. W. Uurakaddoa; tocietat}, W. S. Barker; caplitlo, W. ('. IMwell, Tbe ohib ptayed tweatj-elgnl gamea laat aeaaon, ol which DttaeB weie woo.elgEt loel and dvedrawn, A. Wlnterbo^ teui, the olub^t proleitlonal, bat a long lead hi tbe InUug average*, having acoitd tso ninain twenty- oln* innlnin. Tne giuundi will be improved nut •eatOQ. and Wloterboitom, tboprttent pmreialonal, will probably be retained to coacb tbe team. Roioi II. LtxaERT. of Ihe Leinaler Rub, la con- ceded to bo tbe beat all round orlokeier lu Ireland, although only Iweniy-oue yaan old. lleKoredil.uM nnt In rorty aevon Inulngt lul aeaaon, and adileil u Ihia woudeitul bit ol batting the reniarkablo bovrllQgreator oanlutlngmwloiala at a coat ol only 1 nnt each. Laniboitaeoredtlxoenlunealaat •naon, hit hlgbott Inning being its runt, not ont, which waa compiled In about two boat*, and be anppKnwntcd ibh baiting real by capturing eight wlotels for a nina In Ibo lamo game, Tbr orgKiKU obamplonahip conleat between tbe colonlaa or Victoria and Souilt Aiutnlla took place rraenily at AAebilde, and retultod In a vlrlorr ror tbe roniier eleven by m runt, the rwpectlvo lulali lieing: Victoria, 1» and 3JD; South Auitnlla, IdS and mo, j llair:r tcorrd 15 and Iti:, and H, (Iranan Mand w, tbe pair pulling on itl nina lor the tiral wloket In Viotorla't aeoond Inning, 0. Hall made CO and 41, and wa* ihe hlaheai tcoier for South Aua- iialla, a, Qlinn railing In lioih batting and bowlloff. Till XIngarl Club, or ibwiou, Maia, baa eleeiod Ike rollowlng omoera ror inxi: rrealdani, llanlel F. Tooniej; vice prealdent, II. n. McKeirow: Irata- iuer,Taonia>T. Stokea; aerrataiy, Hobert Tamer; iialiiant aecreury, lliigli T. Urinin; captain, II. Tamer: vice ctptalni, II. (i. lliirgt«L\V. Iiuokering Md t. W, Keen; niatob roinniltter, It. Tunliull, 11, (I. Burgeae, W, linckerlug, \V. (I. Honb and A. A, IK) wall. r. n. llltKBV, or tbn llclmont Club, ol rhiladel- phia, I>a., won itu pool clianiplontblp In the Inter chibiittca laat January, abd hta the pilvllege at liuldlog the loiinumont at hit own club booae thit year. The dfib annual Intenlub pool touinainent will begin Jan. ix at the IMmuul (!lub llouto. Tut preteiit diaturbance In Sunih Afilea nay nterooi Ihe achedule or Ihe KngUih leam'a tour being tnlly earned out. Tui Autlrallan Cricket Council haa appolntnl Harry HnagioTe, of Melbourae, manager or the AnttralUa learn that leave* ror Kngland early la April next. Huigrave.wko it a prominent Igare IncolooUt ctlctet circlea, bta occonled for many fean patt the poalllon or manager ot the rrinceia' heatre, Melbourae, Vlctnils, Tbe AuimUan lean will be wiectad rrom the folloirlng playen; 0, II, B, Ttoti. A, 7,. Troll, W, Bnice, U. Oiabam, F. Laver andi.lltny,of Victoria; {J.Oliren, J.J. l,yont,J. A, Ilatling, 0,1 nil, K Jonea and A, II. Jarvlt, Soulti Antlralla; U.K. (Iregnry, F. A. Orcdale, C. U,T. Tuner and T, R, McRlbbIn, Now Booth walea; A. Oonlngtiam, Ijoeeniland, and C Eady, Taamania, Fiaatois bv the OHenl Una tuamer Ciitco have l>een engaged for Ihe membenot the Auaitallan team wblch la to vlut Fngland In tbe coming cricket aeaton. During the lour ol the Anitnllant In Eng- land tbeywill play all tba fliat claaacounilea,and will In addition alto play ten nnt rlaai matcbea, li- cludlng three In wllcb they will lie oppoted by etevent rtpnaenUng the atrength of England, Thi viiiivaicAL raovnelOK In IfoKlaod tmbracaala III imata I lata* oaaber of cleror crickcur*. one of tte bait known, uUi<«Kb amoat Ibo youBXtM Ihoroof, bolag ClurloaAubra70nlUi,aDioiali«rorili*tl0tll*b ■oMwrtlnt Joha lltia, wbo ara dov playlag at tbt Hoo- (auv ThMlra. Broobiro, N. V. Bmlth vai a nonibor ol Uio OamlHUt* Ualvoialtr olaTaD m>m US ti> UBS, Incla- ■lTO,li*lDtoMor ihebowlorior tlietaaa for roar cue- uailra mtuco*. ilia MCallar dollvair In bowling «bll« at OaoibrUio eauicdnlin to ba boon w'JtoosU the Conor Hnflh," bat ho provod olTofllTO Ihroa tlmta actlaat Oifora UolTorvllf. oaeh of Iho tbroo TieUirlea t»- lot with lovoo wickou to apara. Bmlih. vho plarad for MTorml aataooa wlUi Uia aoiMX roaolr etaroD. capUlnal Uia Eotliai l«ani of profouloDala aot aniataara uiit vb- lt«<l Anitiilla Id Ign-n, aotl alio caiiUlaaO Iha EatHib nliao laan lliat rulud Bonib Africa In b«3-W for tba imilni*. Tub EKoLisn OaicRtVBRa. capialottl br Lord llawkK vlio ar« now toirloa lo BoiiUi Africa, playad Uiolr iMoed tame Jan. I, t, i at Capa Town, wlitn tborderaatat vllh aaa* bjr aa laolna and lt4raDP.aUilna<er*pr«iaallng Capo Oilnflf, aad uua nvtraad um raanit of the oveoleff cnnieal wlUi a nftMo or iho Va«ura rrovloca. Tha n- *poellva toiala wan: Kntland, 101; CapaColoor, lit aad iCj. 0. H Pry. who capuloau uto Oxfoid UDlranllr aloran lo ISH, wu Iha hitbait Konr lor Iha vldlon. mahloHlflniDilnflae fonn on ihomaUloR wiebaL TIa tttliar chl«rcuDlr1bolon waroH M. J. Womi, who leorod n, and llayward, who maaa 73. Il*aroa,awall-boowa Kotbali ptnlaaalooal, waa ib^ hlahaat leorar lo boih laoioKa lor tho bomo loam, ba iMlng cradllad with tt aad tL Lobmiaa lod lo bowllot, ublnt aloTon wiekiu lor 79 njoa hi botli IddIdr«. Tho EotUili cricbalon were •chaOukd to play tbair naxt two laatclita at Johanooa- bunt from Jaa. 9 fo It, loclualTa. J. B. THiYRH maila lu raaa In aavon IdoIdri aoil had iba boat iMllloR arareva Id the nmaa pUrad U«l Maaoa by Iha MorloD Olab, for Uio CJiampln^aliip or PhllaOal- pnU. H u. Thai ar, Willi tlB niaa In alavto loBtota, led Uiabatllni aTorataa for all aamoa plajadlaat aaawio bv lt»o MarloD dral aloTaD. 0.0. Broohowu Iba moat ar- loellTo bowlar bi champlonahlo eoatatu, capturiot iwaaly.tva wlob*u at the roat or m maa. N aillor. wlih U1 nnt lo foartooa lDDloRa,*oa Uio Ltpplocolt Oup, The Marlon OlabplaTad aarao chaitip(OD»hlptani« laal aaaMD. onir oa* of wbleb waa won, wbllo itro were bial ant ooadrawo. Tb* Marlon olaveo, howavar. wen Iva or Ilia aahlblUon aamaa, and Ih* oUiar two wore draws, Ibaa mahiDt a noia credllabia nconl for the pait nxBai-BoaBOAXDiavtaTata ctxTutinvora vorod hj Blitr-atirbt batamao liatweao ihou lo nm olam Bolcliaa lo Boglaod la»i aaaaon. W. O.nrica haadi tlio kat with DiDa Indlvldoal tnolDia of lOD aiDO and up- warda. It Abol. of florror, raoka aaxi lo Oibm with nro caolorlaa. whila A- 0. McLarao made lour, Ineladlot tl« racoid a^ra for Brat otau malehaa ol 414 moa In aa UDlDg. g. a. RanjlulohJI waa al»o eitdllad irttb four rooluriaa. Tan balaman aadi aeorad Uine cootoriei, Willi* olavao otbwr balamaa each made Iwoeooturlaa A. 0. MatLaraa and W. u. Onoa raabad at tho lioad of tb* batUog avafataa. di* laitar balog baalon br a nara frac- UoB. bat iMQrlog Uia dlaUocltoo of Iha bithaat anra- gata or raoaacorvd lo flrat claaa nutchaa lo Bntlaad lalt A paRLiMi:(Aav atvri.xu rorthopun>oB*or or. _ a oa* local club wu haM Halurday avaoloa, .Ian. IR. at lh*Crlck*lara* Olab. lo thta clly. The Inunlloa la lo plar on aa' cnclOMd arouDd. and lo oQtar t#ama In tho ehamploaihlp aarlaa of boUi Uia MatropoUlan DUlrlct L«aipi* and the Naw Vorb Aajoclalloo. II. P RinlUiaoD, •lio hu charaa of toe old St Oeora* Clob pronoda al llobok*D, H. J., alalod that Uia arouDdaeookl b* aacurad by Iba naw club. Anolhar Boollng will t,a hold lu a1«nt in o woaka, «han iha olab will b* rfgalariy oraaoltad. Jarom* Fi^qdoit. who la actlog aa temronry Mcratarj, aouM Ilk* lohaarfVom Ihooa daalrlngto Join llilan** riiib. It* caa le addrooMd cuaof r. O. Box 1,311. Nor J.LlNOfUV RRll^whortlod TbundayoTtntot. Jan. 16, at U>* Baroooo (N J ) Hoapllal, waa a prwnlnaat local oHokater, befog a mamb*ror tb« Now Jaiaay Alblatk Club durloR laa paat tbr** a*aioaa,*ad acllag Mtha aaorelary <>r lla orlokalcontlnRoot lo UBB. Uo waaaboal fortr yaara oU, and ballad fran Lollh, gcotland. whof* bocaplalnidlheCaladonlanChab. Uojolaad UwOoamo- polllao rnnb. of rbll eltv. In IfltO, and rvmaloail with It antll It dlibaadad. It* waa buriad Jan. Hat Hia Ma* York Bar Camatary, Jariay Ctlr Holghti^ N. J. AT A recant naatlot of lb* llaiarford f^llat«*a crtokal cnntlataat, J. A. iMUr, otihaolaaa of KM, waa uaaal nioualy *l«ct«d eapUlB lor thoaaauloR aaaiOB. Tb* fol- lowing oiaaliata of lut iaaana'a obamplon team at* now Id eollote: Loatsr, Adtma, Alaop, lllncbmaD. llovann, BeauaraoodaodWood. Cricbat piaotlco le th* abad la now bolag bad by lb*B*wm*D. Attar iha mldr*ar*x- aminallooalho flraaad aaeond alovana will b*Ria prae- Ik)* Id 1h* ahad. Tba cbamploaahlp nnoa with Harvard Uolreralur and Iba UolvMitty oi FanaailTanla will ba piaTid May a aad S al llavtrtbid. Pa. TUBPat«raOD(!l,J.)Clubhadaremarkabta raconl Ual aaaaoD. IwBnt oleTaD not beingdafoalad darlDothaaea- aon. BDd wlDDlat th* champloaahlp of iho Now Tork Aa- BoolalloB. Tbo aaeoad alavaa alio had an aRc*ll*Dt loc- nid, wInnlDR At* lamaa and loalog obIt ooo game. W. Doudalod Iliacliampbm alavaa la baltlqi.aodJ.B.Waal wma Utair moat aaoeaaMUl bowlar. J. A Hogtra, V. Buoca aad W. Olarkaon *acb ballad and bowl4d Id Baa foira. J. RobailooB lad the aaoond alaTea lo baltlDg, aad M. Morton axcollod to bowling for that taan. TOM ftaaRTT, Iba vatarao Yorkahli* (Bag.) rrlckatar, wtM la DOW a coacb at Boaby School, rveaBUj iiiada ilia ocuaalotaDr* of a man who aftarwanbi wrala b«RxtDi lauai* la Bnmatl'a aama to Lord Uawka aad other Cnlaeot aupporlaia of Torhililre crioket, r*pr*aaollDf ha (gnnalt) wulllaiu la poorolrcunatanoaa. Tha man waa airaalod and aaBlaacMtotwomoBlba^lBprla oemaBt fur obtain log monoy under tkla* pielauae. Oo>noaaABLalntai«at la iMtttgUkaabyUMmeBban of lb* 0*fmantowB and Phlladalphla anne la Ui* lama of irolt Tb* llaka OD tha foreiarolab'a tioDDda ai* la aood eoflilllloa, ud fbralab inaoh amuaamaol to Mil BajiiB,altboaghtbayar«ob1lR*d lo fooTorlb* eoura* rioo. Til* llnBi 00 th* rblladeipbia riab*! RToooda axa lupnrlBR lankily, ro far aa coodltloa la oooc«read. Mijoa a Covamar, onaof tha BotlliboilloMa uodor IJr Jamasoo. wbo waa allied la a atnRil* wiib tb* Bo*n lo Booth Afnoa, arvtrad In tbat couotiy In IW^ whan ha waa amaabar or th* vlalllDt turn of crlokatan, cap- ulaad by OL A. Rmlth, who la aow w«ll kaown aa an actor. Hawaa only twaoty-alo* year* old,aad-wai tba aacoDd eon or tho Bailor fMvaatiy. TaanaddonBakl(N.J.)Olobhualaaud iba followloi Dttoan for Uia •aaulaayaar: rraatdaot, B. Prank Davla; . . Jfuii^j- - truai*aa,'& H,'Blddl2 Vl. Biowii, W. a.'ilMn,^7U. vlc*pi«a1d*ai, P. b: raeonllni McnUry.B. A- «Ut7. T. B. Ll|iftuiooit^aofl UftlhUD ud W. J. KunlUoQ. JiHiM B. Towiaasu, Jolio K. Covdin Uhl W. B. Lit' Uu*r. or tbIa dtfa KM IDU7 or tbclr •ITvota at tlie ne*Di ilMtniotkM bf Am or tb« elqb hoaw or th* Mtrioo Olab, ll*T*ironl,nLt«htr«th*7««i* tMoponrUf iiBuUml 6ii AvoiiTpa Hiiiaiirti. the nw aonnor or BriUib OalkDa, iKu toilT«'erlck«t*r, wlboaib unv'tonr jMn oM, ud bu puy«d ror uuf huodi vith tho Incog- ntti Ohib oa lu uMil toun In Boiriud. ATHLETIC. Tha Aaaaal ConpatltlowB For tbe obamplonahip or tbe MeinpoUtan Aaaocla- llon or tbe Amateur Athlelio Union In boxUig and wteetUng U)Ok place at Ihe gynmaalnm ot tbe Uan- hatian Alblello Qub, Ihlt atj, on the evenlnp of Jtn. I.^ and 17, a tair titad (rowd being preteni each erenlng. Molbing ocoiimd iloilat tha com- peiltlont calling tor tpeclal comment, Ihe boxing being ralrly good aa a rale, altbongb the majority ol Ike oontetianta leqiiire much achooiing yet eta Ibey will liecome experta In tbe handlli-g or their buuobet ol Hie*. Thawlnnenorthedntlbouttaia given below. Bulpp.-H«» Claaa-^oaapli Waiao, Naw Vaat Bkia Alhktto Club, beat W. Roban, 8t BJaphaa'a Atblatio Aaao- clalloo. lltib OlBM-^oaopli Lrdoii. Ullppar AlblMit tlub, beat B.n«>lb<alr, Bt. aiaphaa a Alhlalk Aaaoolalloo. IBft Olaaa-O. T. OatllB, Cllppar A. C , van Brat prira; Uaona raRla,m. 81aphaB*a A ^..aaeonJ. I.VP> CUaa- W. Bairivdia. Naw Weal BIda A. 0. Oral; J. Uanooa, Voloo A. <C aacond. luib i laia-l. Mclaloib, Naw Waal BU*A. o, Bnu: B. lltiaa, Puiima A. c, ttoni. irrMlla«.-WlBBan: IDOR ctaaa-H. Morlntr, raitlail Alhlallo rfab; Rnbait Boontlt Jr.,NatluaalTore Vtntn, Nawarl, R.J. mt a l a i a n aon* Vaataar, St. daoraa ..L...,. A..,. y, *olha*r,Pullm*Alli- Bay BMi* AUilatla , ..^.^j ^ wmutwi, uwin AUilallr Clab. ISBelaaa-aaonia Bolhaor, Killma AUi- MIo Olub. lIM oiaat-A. UllDiao. " LiwiB BtMNBTT, allaa "Oeerrioi," the Auetloaa Indian, wko achieved lailhig lame In Ihia connitj and Kngland by hIa perfonnancea aaa dliiance run- ner over thirty yean ago, died at hIa tome on the Obttamugua reaerrailon, near UuOklo, N. Y., on Bat urdty, Jan. IK. He waa bora ibeie, and bu age It mated to have been altty.elghtyeare. Thlity-Bve yeanago, attar be had madeanane for hlmaelf l>y viclorlet gained u bla native land, he went to Kng- land. and there added to hIa fame by vanqolahing Ihe llillltli Tunnen of thoaa daym. At tha time ol bla death he beM ih* record for eleven mile*. Um. lla., and tiralve mlica, ih. Un. Vi*-, acconiplUhed It lAOdOD, Apill s, \ux Tea BtaToaa Inallhita Alblatio Aaanlalloo la now otlcarad aa roUova-. rroaldanl, Uordea tL HoUblBiL -fr: vio* pnaldoal, W. K. Mallallod, 17: u«aAarer. R^ K ■oou!a*ai«laiy,g.ll.lMUMaUr,«l. IlbubMB d» ctl«l to bold aa la WKlaaa Bailee olltcrlililaan^lnt ■. J. RiMii. the well known eoltar and ribow wrealler, and Mervlne Tbompeon appetrrt In a mixed conleatat Mount Vernon, N. \., nl|ht of Jan. IB. neanmotgrnwatataKdlodependuponlhere. tnlt,tnd Ring waa adjudged Ihe winner o( the icc. end and ihlnTralla,Ui, rtapcctlvely.culUnnd elbow and catch aa catch can t'yie, Ue Ont, In antco Rogoaii ityle, being taken by Ibompeon. THRMootelair(N.J.)AUiltlleaubh>M lia aooiial elac- Uoa Jan. It, at which ill*foUowloi werechoaeaomara for USa: rraaldeal.JoliB R llvarmor*; Brat vko PioudanL l^harlaa T. Dnale; arcood vie* i reMdaou wllllam B. Marcaa; aoeralair, Wllllaai P. illbaoo; uaaiucar, .L, a ChamMrlalD; eipUlD, Prod M. ilarrlaoo. A lOOVBALL gamr, la tba cbaaiptOD>blp aarioa of the Natloaal AaaoeUlloa Laaxna, io<ik Dtara at Neaark. N. J., Jan. It, th* leama rapraaooUoa tb* Scotllab-Aawrleap aad InlanialloDalAlhlalloClahabaloBpltloil ataloal etdi olh*r, aod tba roaalt boing a tla on Ihia* goalioaeb. Tmb naw olBcaraof tbe iDlaraatloaalAlblatlcClub ara: Pruldaol, I. Cialg; vie* praaldent, II. M. Oomphne': flaaoelal aacntary. D. 0. Cblalwloi: Iraaauiar. Janea Tbonipaoo; rooordlog Bacr«ury, K. HltRlDi; comipond- lagwMraUry.J. Bohaana. WHEELIN a. Fnah 'OFCllaic Becorda. The Racing Board or tbe league ot American Wheelmen announce the acceptance of Ibo rollow- lng lecorda eince tha pievloiit promulialloo or Chttrman nidcon'a weekly budget: On^wlb-, Claaa B eompatltloo. ataodlaa KUrt, paCDl. by no XIORlor Jr., LouliilUo. gy.. Im. UH*. Not. 13, ins. noo mb^i. inaaa B, world'a ratoid, DDpacM. ilaadiDg K. a. BuiMU, New Orlaani, La., Im. Dac. 7, MBO- Tkm mtlfJ, profeaaloeat, paced, tlrlag atart, oiatoit Um*, by 1'. J. Bono, Naw Oriaaaa, La. tB.OMiL, Doe. Aur DiffM, profeuloDal. paced, flflng atart, atalnai lino, by P. J. Borlo, Now OrWaoa, La., 7m. B(b., D<c IS, ise. /1oa mllM, pnrataloaal, paced, nyloa ttuu aialut lima, by P. ). Borlo, Naw Or[aaaa La., Bm. Ugi^, bac. 19, The Raelag Board or the League or Aneilcan WheelsuD, tbnngh Chairman aideon, announce tbe rollowlng bulletin for the past week: Dtetarei proftafoiub.—P. R. Barnaivl. Btookloa. Xaaa., oaderUlauB*l;C.T. HUlfr, BlDRbantoo. andar ClMW C; ba Li abu auapeadcil from all track iooIdr ror ooa yoAr from Doc 17. lOB, for falaaODtly ol Balb, Btaoban Coonly. N. T.,BapL19. lOB. TnttuJinnS to Clou A —E. M.Bvelu Norway, Ma., andar laaaal;U E Tnwlf.Auham.M»..iiDdarClaaa* 1. RRC0RD.1 ACOEPTBO. Thrtt ifUarUn of a mile, piofaaabinal, pacad. Oring, BRBinu llioe, by J. P. Barlo, at Kaw Orloana, Im. 17a, Dac X. Il». One tttu, prof.4Hiooal, competllloo. Mcail. nrlng •tart, by r. J Barlo. al Naw Ortaaaa. Im aoki, Dec It, XOi. npofAfnrinillr.profaaatODBUparo't. flying itan.atalDat liiiia. 0/ P.J. Borlo, at Now OrleaDO, Im. 7.'#l, Dae. 31. im OKMl/t-, profoulODAl, nacad. nilne lUrt. agaloatllma, liy r. J. Patio, al Naw Orleana. Ira. W(<, Dee 31, ItM. One-katf miu. r:laai B, tandem, uoncad, flllog atart, aBolDMlim*. h>E.A. McDulfao aod Nat Batlir, at Wal- than, Maao.. U)i<.. SapL n. ia» Our milt. Claai B. laodain. padd. fif log itarr. ataloat - ina. by E. A. McDulToa aad Nat BuUtr. at WaHliao), Im. B1J<<.,MP1.3S,I»3. Tile Big 'Cjrcle Shatv. Madlaon Square Garden lathe Mecca fortll loverd of ibe wheel ililt week, tlio annul e.^blbliloa ol tbe Nallonnl 'Cycle Board of Tnde belog held there, F.rarytblng In Ibe way of bliiyclea, Irlcyclea, trlpleiH, quadruplets, iiulntupleia and aexlopleui that have iMon placed on the maiket by the vail, out nannractureni. wllh all tbe numeioua tun- driea and appurtenances connected wllh tbe wheel, are there attractively ditp'ayeil, and the Interest taken lo tbe show by the general pub- lic baa no tar proven eunicleot to keep iba Hpacloua amphitheatre contlnunnily well Oiled. Acre la ao much to be seen tbat la ol Interest even to thofle wbo have nut mastered the art or pedaling gmcerully that an boiir or ao can bo very pleaaantly anent wltbln the biilldlni;. Tbe an. noal meellng at the Board or 'Cycling Trade \^-a8to have beeu held on tho day Tns ULirrEt wcncio preaa.and tbe rttult or Ihe election wan awaited wllh much Interest by those concerned. Tbe Joint conteience between the ExtcotlveCommttie* or the 'Cycle Board and the Leagueol Ameilcan Vlieehnen baa been called ror Saturday, Jan. 7i, at tbeOanlen, and the laaoe or this meeting will have an Import- ant bearing on Ihe future of'cycle ncing In this country. TsB Columbia Bicvclb OATAUiauB for iSM It, aa usual, one of the most artutlo pabllcatlont ot Ibe kind ever produced. It contaloa Information In de- tail regarding the Colombia and llartforcl bleyclea, alxim full page halt tnno lUnBliatlont ptcaontlog Ihe vatlona models ol these machines In most at- tractive rathlon, betides which the work li a highly creditable aoeclmen or Ihe tklu ot tbe designer and engmver, while in typogitpblcal excellence It com- mandt admbitlon. The utalogne la litned by tbe Fope Manutactntlng CompaDy,wbote head. Colonel Pope, la the pioneer or ihe 'cycling Indusiir in this counliy, Ita oontenta will be tonnd Inieietling to all devotee* of the wheel, and may be oi>ialned by enokMlng two two cent stampt to the lv>pe Uanu- faotoilng Co,, Hartford, (X, or i>y calling upon any Colnmbla agent, JOUH B, JOBKBOM, according to a ditpaloh tnm Ohicajio, lU,, dated Jan, 7, baa algned with Arnold, Sohwun * Co,, and la now arranglnihla plansror tbe next teaton't ctmnaign. Be will, ft it aald, atiu In Anietlea till Match and will Ihtnttart tor France, where he will pot Iba flnltbing toucbei on bit physi- cal pieDamtlon, after which be will mtke an at- tempt at all records on tha aafety mm the qoarter mile 10 the honr. Be wUl, ot coune, be accom- panted by Iheattnte Tom Eok, TBI Bloomlleld (K, J,) 'Uyolets WIU, at a reault ot their lecent annual eleolfon, be onicered tor the enantng year aa tmiowt: Fiealdenl, Howard B, Davla; Tloe president, F, 1. Snedeker; lecordlng teoisury, F, T, Damp; ooireapondlng secretary, J, U, BatdcatUe; OnancUl tecrelary, J, F, WUUit: beaanrer, W, B, Uodd, Tdb OaatlePobit 'ayolera,ot lloboken, H. J., at ibelr leceni aonnal election, chose Ihe following onioan: Preeldant, F.Tiantweln; vice prealdent, II, 0. Meyer; beaanrer, U. L. Bates; tecretair, A. P. Meyen captain, 0. L. Uaabronok; Uentenantt, F. W, Uuihtdoip tnd C, (I. Oendtt, TDsKagle ■OyollngOtub, ot Chicago, 111., ncenlly elected the following oniclals: E. iflcek, prealdent; 0. Imln, vice prealdent; Uermann Katct.eecretary; K. Btibeo,nnanolal tecrelary: Frank Kllma, lieaa- nrer; James Uodek, capuln; llariy Hambuig, nnt lieutenant. "ror<Mlun>, aUty-elght vetn ot age.and the oldeatrtder In the Stale, died at Owlngsvllle, Kr,, on Jan, II. Da made nuny long dlalanc* rldea over nada, tha loogait being to Yellowstone Park. By hlith he wa* a Canadian, but had resided In Ihia counliy for many yeata, Tbb nbw omoen ot the nagtrttown (Md.) Bicycle Club (or the pieoent year an: Prealdent, 0, 1>, McCanlell; vlcepretldent,\V,It, Kaltner; tnaaarer, llarrrB. lrvln;aecreury,wiuum B. Kbia; captain. Cbarlea K. Jobnaton; Uenlenant, Hatty lYite, THH lUlnola 'Cycling Club, ot Chicago, la now olllcered aa tolluiva: Prealdcnr, C, S. HlHer; vice president, w. B. McKlntiry; treatnrer, 0. KInkead: tecnttry, W. A, Davis: asalstant secretary, E. J. Porter; captain, II, E, Conn, TUB Harlem Wheelmen have choeen the Iniiowing oillolalt to aeive during ihe enantng year: Pnuldent, Jatnet r. llalghi; oaptain, Andrew J. Eoglert; vice nretldent, Hlehard J.Tlellta; tecntaiy,CbBrtean'en- deback; traaturer, L, 0. Sml'h, Tiia iBXAia 'crcuarawhowaraparUcfiiaau Id tb* i*. cam loaraanaot at Madlun Bguai* Uardao, Ibia clly, aDxagad lo aaarlaaof oDomlloiwcas two ukUapart id aacli, iberaoB Mooday aranlBc, Jaa. l], wlib UwHilow. lagiault: Hay Allao b*al C:aiho>la* nanaimo. Tiwio, Jm- l«'•^, Mia. BmwB boat Kltly Suplao. Ilmo, 3m! iJSa.. Ad* Btaloor beat Fmla floao. TIni*. Ini. 31a. May AUan b*al AlUa iraltatl. TIma, am. ittt. Mn S!'JL"'!!*i''J'i,"*°!"*"''"'°- Tliiia,3oi Jta. Klmt Carbauih Mat Clara SlaraoaoD. Tlmo.lin. 3l.<ia. drac* ""^'W,"'"!?!"?!'- Tima.3»iBHi PnaklaKtl. ion l«at UaloD BaldwlD. Tbjia,4ai.34*r THB Bait Uraoao IN. J.) 'Cyelara laat weak rtaalad tha f,3J^5ronl3!Pri..llanl f. l'ia?=iiSn''5ro*ll' n B BaiRaaa: lanoiaiy, 0. L-Haalj; iraa«iii»r,o. 11. Toltea: capttln. U Fonar. Tea rarkald*Wba*llnB club,or Boltil*, N. Y., wu la tnwralaJ at Albany Jio. 13 Th* dlixloiw ara W. It. iJ?S* t,Ti..4s"s?,'i."j.'>-."i"jr. "-t N'.''**". B r- eulllraa. Hlchaid Balrd. B. A. TmSj. J. P. Elmlu^t 0 A SS'V'S.'V-J »^W " "unt- h- M. Oram, IirDiy aabri*:,W.1'. HaaalLof Bollalo.and B. IT. Watlct. of Clioaklowagm. J. D Li aanaj Iha Bfotdi rrofoolonal rider, daflabd Iha apMdy EoRllth 'eiellat, JaiiM Mkhaol, le a match rac«of one hoodrad kllomotrai al l^rlW Pr, oa Doo. 9. Tho WUr waa aol In good ooadiltoa aad ha did ool tnlib Iho laca, bot whan ho»awUiat baeeiild aol wia badla- mouotad BDd Bllowod bla oppootat to flalah aloaa. Tax Anoclatid 'Cyclbig not* of l/iBf Man.l laat weak •laelad utlcar* aa lobowa: Piwldinl, WaUo Fallar: dial view pnaljaat, John BaDitoBOr; lacoad vie* ptvaldeal. J. Hrou-. aacnury, It. Schwall«eb; Irevuiar, 0. U. uoMmarK. Tna Llaoola 'Clollog Clab, of Cbliato, IIU oloclad lb* AQUATIC. ComltiR Bwents. Joo* 3n-Lanhnont Yacht Club ^ringregatu, Long "jSy??UrehmODt Tacbt Ctab anODal n»lia: aUo nnl nusBof aarlaafoi31 rauraaad 9U roolora-LongI«- "jolyTjVt-BaulayBoyal Xaiaua, IIenlay-«o-TbaIDe^ "july 1^-Urchraonl Yacht CInbaacood noiof terloa for 31 raun and 3D footam-Loag la aod Bound. July B-UrelimoDt Yacht (^ub Uilnl raea for 31 ratan aad i> foolaio, aad apectal ncaa for3l foolanaod half moia—LooR lalud SouDd. Jnly B-Urcbmoul Yacht Olab fontth rac* lor 34 rajan mod »roolafa.aDd mwlal ■*«•* foi>l foounaod half "ilT^lJ^JS'^^it.l ClBb apMltal ngalla for ■^Sya^uJafiiSf YB^t°Cl.b HfU. >.« for S4 nurs aaJ SOfoolon-LoDalalaodSouod. July 2»-LarchmoDt t acbt Clab legaua (or all clauaa: aboaliibitc* rorStiattn and 3B rootan-Longlaload '^'pt t-Larebmonl Yacht Clob a«T*Dlb nee for S4 rataraaodaoiootai*—Loag lalandSoaBd. .... BopL 7-Lar«bmoat Yacht aab Pall ragatla. and olsblli racaforJlniUiaaodSDfooleiii-LoBXIdaBdBooBd. Rapt 12-LaKbfflont Yacht Clab anauol lae* for Laitli. moot Cnp ftr ichoooaiB and conaolatloa race lor 31 retrra and 30 footera-Loag laland Boaod. Judge BUIatt Dead. Cliarlei B. Elliott, who for many years tn* Ihe leading bnllder or racing boats la this conntiy, died attboretldencaof hit ton, J, V. BlUoli, at Onvea- end, u I„ on Monday moraing, Jan. a, of heart failure. Deceased waa bom In Ibis city sixty tlx yetntgo, and while In Ihe bott bnlldlsg butlotas conalmcted racing craft ror the leading proreslonal and amatenr crawa and icnilere, liclodbig tbe tlx and eight oared shellt In wblch the crewt or Utr- vtrd and Valo Oollegea contended agalnat eacb other on tbe waters or Lake Qnbislgainond anil the Connecticut River,at Sprlnglleld, Uls lame aaa skilled workman In tbit lUie extended to England, and hit ihop, at Qreenpolnt, L, I., was alwaya a bnty pttce. He wat alto a snccees- ful polltlcitu, served two terms ss alderman In Biooklyn, three tarma at police Jnttlce bi Ibe third distilci, and In 1670 wat elected county clerk by a large majority, which atteated his popolarlly. This tvts the last political poelllon he held, and npon his reilrement be was aupposed to be Independently wealthy: bnt It appean that nnfortonateBpecula- I Ion on ino tnrt and elsewhere caueed his riches to disappear, and tor a number ot yean prevlouB to bli death be appeared bnt seldom In the places that ronnerly knew him so well,Uvlng Teiy qnletlyat MM Lexington Avenue, Brooklyn. Be leaves s widow and one son. THg EiecntlveCommittee ot the NslkinsI Atsocbt lion ol ADSteorOaramen held a meeting In this cit; Jan. II, and decided to hold Ita next annual regatta on Swatoga Uke, probably dnrlng tbe Bret week In AoguBt next The programme, as tuasi. Is at fol- lows: lnlemiedlalstrnglescnllt,senlar tingle icullt, pair oared shells. Intermediate double aheiis, senior don ble sheUa, Intemedlate fonr oared tbells, aenlor four oared thellt. Intermediate eight oaitd shells, senior eight oared abells and Inlenatlonal ronr oared tliellt tmigbiaway, KatTavlob, a veteran otninan, died recently In Doblln, Ireland, Ha wat a celebrated boat bnlider In hlo time, and It la claimed tbat the Brat eight oared racing shell was constrncted by him In IMS, In hit time he waa trainer tor both Oxford and Cnmbrldge Unlverelliet, aa alto ot tbe principal rac- ing crewsln Ireland. He waaa native ot Newcastle' on.T^ot, Eng., and at the period ot his death was slxty.nlneyeanol age. Tug Indian Harbor Yacht Clob, orareeninob,Ot., met In annual eeaslon Jan. I, and chose the loUov- log odlcem for the enanlog year: Commodore, (3bat, T, nuit, sloop Dtphne; vice coDmodore, William B, Ulgglna, bteamer Clailetta; rear commodore, Ceo. O,Tyton, sloop Vorani: aecntaiy, Charles F, Slew- art; nreaturer, Rlchanl Ontwater; measurer, Frank Bowne Jones. TBB Btrlem (N, Y.) Yacht Olob wUI be olllered as rmtowa dnrlng the entnlng year: Commodore, J. wimmer: vice commodore, J. K, Oetty; rear com- modore, F, I, Fltb; neet captain, F, ITendall; meas- arer, V. n, Scardefleld; itoamier, T, c. Allen; flnanclal secntary, H. B. UcAllltter; recording e«cntary,B. Maoy; correapondUig aecntaty, I. F. Felleimaa, Tnt Bnohlyn (S. Y,) Yacht Clnb held lit annual election Jtn. n, the resnlt being as foUowe: Commo- dore, 0. II. Unmphnn, sloop Kangaroo; vice com- medon.UenrT R, M, Cook, sloop Lapwing: reai commodore, wllllam D. Orovnage, sloop Koyal; mtasnrer, Frank W, Kearney; prealdent, P, n. Jean- not; treasurer, WlUard Qiabam; eecreluy.Wlllsn logger. Tub Dulnth (Minn.) Boat Olob held Its annual mealing Jan. 7 and the rollowlngoBlcere were elect- ed: I'rtaldent, Jamea 0. Hunter; Brsl vice president, F. U. White; aecond vice president, D. A. Bnrke; secretaiy. Colin Thomwn: treatnrer, w. P, Lardner; captain, W. C. Sargent; lieutenant, Qeorge E, Qlb- son; eneign, M. A. Thomton, Tag Cleveland (0.) Yacht Club held Itt annnal Dueling Jan. 10, and chote the rollowlng onicere to serve duitng tbe entnlng year: Commodore, George nonhlngton: vice commodore, Peny W. lllca; rear oommodore, P, P, Wright; secretary and treatnrer, Bnrton D, Miinhallj measnrer, F. w. RadclIBb; as- sltlant measnrer, 0. R, Carlton, Tbb Knickerbocker (!anoe OInb beM an election attheolnbhoute, root or West Ont Hundred and Ftlty-tecond Bticet, thIt city, Itst week, with this retult: Commodore, Robert II, Peebles; vice com- modore, Howard J, Blldl; secretaiy, Arthur D. Qitnin; beasnnr, E, HoweBlockwel]: measurer, B, O,0rlilln. Tbb Penntylvtbils Barge Olob, ot PhUtdelphte, Fa,, haa elected the louowlng board ot oillcers for the year enHUIng: Prealdtnt, Oeorgo F, Wblta; vice prealdent,Oeorge W, Btatiell; eecretary, Uanr L, Trlpplej inaanrer, SamacI Mvere; captain,- Ed- ward B, raret; Bnt lieutenant, PercyJ,wsU; aec- ond Uenlenant, Homer V. Meada. Tbb Wllllsmsbnrg (N, Y,) Tncht OInb, at Its recent annual deotloo, ohoee the tallowing onolalt: James Schnetia, commodore; J, Laoea, vice conmodore; J.Eaeman, rear commodore; W, Martin, secntary; W, Sobllohcr, coiretpondlng stcreury; Joe Nonh- mp, treatnrer; W. B, Long, metanrer. Tax Mattachntetta Yacht aob held Itt annual meellng at Boaton, Mass., Jan, 3, and elected the following otilcen: Commodore, EdwUi F, Bogga; Ties commodore, Oliver Haiard Panj; rear &m- modore, Lonit M. Otaik: secnbary, John S, Clark Jr.; Ireaanrer, Robert O.Hc()aUlen, Tdb Bngalo (N, Y.) Y'acht Clnb, at Its recent sn-^ nnal meeting, chose the following onoere: Commo- dore, Fnnk a Uower; vice commodore, George B, Uayee; secretary, John L. Daniels; treasurer, \V, 0. Oiwlea; measurer, Fnnk D. Wood. Oxo. R, Asiwirn, the attoraey.brought over by liOrdDnnnven lo rapietent Valkyt(a<t bileiett bo- fore the New York Yacht Olnbl committee, sailed tor bome ttom Ihia pott Jan, S. Tub Brooklyn (N, Y,) Oanoe OInb chote tha follow- ing oniclala at lit recent annnil meeting: Oommo- dore, Morton V, Urakaw; vtee commodore, M. U. Davla; meunrer, Jamea F. EaalmAu, Vauant, the sleam yacht owned by W, K, Van derbllt, departed tor a Medilenaneax cnilte Jan. 1. Uerownerandapartyottrlendewerecaboanl, Fi M, FOBBXS, ol Farlt, Fr,. has been r»-elecled, tor the third year, captain of tbe IM clata cisw at Utrvard Unlvenliy, U, Ouvtx IsiLiK, managing owner ot Defender, accompanied by bla wire, lert thbi port Jan. IS ror a pleaann trip to Ihe Continent, ILLAWABBA Will be Iho name Of the tieain yaoht now being built lor Eogtne TOmpklna, the well known theatrteal manager, .u^",*,."*?"'J*' ^} CluNol Bayonna,N.J,eho« rtia roltowlag offlcen at lla aonoal iroltDiUioid Jai? iT PnalduLJamaa Muiphy Jr.; tlca nraalSaoI jiSa" B. ColUsa; ncardbij aaeralary. Bart H. (Ma: nma^ RJ^^I "<"'»". P. "Oil*: coanbdon^Ar- Ihar a LoDgiear; tic* commodore, WUIIam Wutoo. Tna B**«*obabaO)rlnUilaa TacbtClnbor thta elir eboa* th. t^ltow Diomora at IiH^diSj iSnUai h.& iH- Ij: Oommodnr* UeDryC Raaa*; Vic*cVm^oHL B. v. K Ontar: raar commodora, 1. ifooDidv IM^aao^ jalUT, llaarr W. HajrtaB- tnaiiw, WaKr CT 'hK^ haid; naMorar.JoanBjalop. ^ k,. nuv Tna Ailuila Boaiclob, of thiaelly, at luaanaal mttl. Ina babl Jaa. 14, atotud Iha (onSitBi^S?" KS. iShSW^JSJ^ilSiS'V ''-""Moat, BoSSl J. pS B«<pad Tie* prealdaot, B. H. Bone*; aaenUir, J. B Raa Mil: lr«.i«r.r, D. Van lloUaod; c^ptal^iBKiy |g. b™. .lIh?«?I5'h5^Jli?i°'°l't'«!'"7,'™»la four bO* L'.i"! part* race baa b<*B floauy arvaagod, and SiJ.^'.rS'*? •'"»,•"'• =Will*o(JoB.'B*it. 'SnrtL SiJI.TkiS'T'i't.'"'*^"Hba rowtdolUHT ooanS? N. T, or etar ma old BpdagSaS, Mtaa, CRAB. Connia Curk. a aiambrr of the New lock viri, Clob, betan ault In thta clly.Jan.»,loiecovn tvvl, rrom Bayard Thatar, of Boiiod, Maaa. Tlio >uU tna. out of a colllaloB Mtweaa Uio yacht Idlewlld, owni 7; Mr. Clark, aad tb* aehooDor yacht OoBitalUiino. .nnu by Mr. Tliayar. dorlog tbe yacht clnb'a crulio frciii London toXoviiort. on Auc. 4. IBO}. Tna Bloomlotdale Boat Clnb, of Uila clly, chu., ih- follawloROincoraal lu recoal aleelloo: PreaUaui. jgiiu Flach; vice prvilaaot, Joho 0. Da Joaga; PMrciarr nrniyJ LaoR;noaDclBla<crourT, II.TroaUar;trcAtur*r' riiarlea Yount: captain, U 11. Urban; llaot*naBt,CKirln Birch. Tnt llailrm flowing Clob baa cboaen Iha foMoainr omcera for lb* comtog year: Praahlonr. Jajnea piniDr. too; Tie* prw-MoDt William Kolghl; captila, Ji.ln a lltrraly; llaalenanl, John E. Naale; traa^irer, H4),«it Caotar: aacntary, II. Boni*. TOB Paaaalc Rlror Aaia*.aar Rowint Aiaoclaljoa l,rM ItaaoDual mtellDB at Newark, N. .1, Jao. 17. ThiMt.irft Hear waa T*-aIacl*d comniodor*, Wllllam llolfmao. ciitj« Poaaalo Boat Club, waa cboiao a«ctotaiy, T. n. Ur.triD troaaurar. Tnt Hodaoo Blver Yacht club, of thla clly, win )« omeored. dnilOB tli* eoaulDt year.ta folloaa; Cooino. dore, E. Lancf rfald; vice ooamodon. J. E. Ororir: uc. nuiy. A. a.Bockbolu; aai<IalaDt eecrotarv, John Killr- tiaassrer, E.Bp*aoorPoeu;u«aaar«r,0. waklru. Tbb FhlUdalpbla (Pa) Ban* Clobelocttd thaaeoEcani Jaa. It: (Aarlaa U Hellor. praaklant; J. Boaull Tailnr vIcapnsldaDt; E. 0 Taylor, etcrotAry; D. E. Wlllum^ Irwtorer; Tbomaa Reatb, coiswaln; CuparW. Ilctker vie* coxawalB. Tub UaKa Boat Clob, o( FblUdelpbhi,Pa.,heM liiao. anal maotlDRJaD. 14. and elieted tna (otiowinx oitlcan- PnaldoDL fiJwiB Qaw PlanlRaD; tIc* preaMeot .lin*^ J. HcKroy; aacrvtaiy and iraaannr, Howard E. Vmoc: captain. J. M. Nluboy. Tut Royal ^'aoadlao Yaclit Olab, or Toronto, Can., ^nf. foiad uioVaa by dn of lia rlub houae on Jan. 6. It van « frama atructara. rebuilt two yeara ago at a coal o( Sluju BDd waa one of the floeat ImlMlnga of Ita claaa oa tbr Ukoa, TRB Inalltota Boat Rlub, ol Nbwark. N. J., olll b* ihna olllcered Ihia yaar: Prrahlant, Jaraaa l[. Rallly; rici, piaaldaoL Owrn £ Fox; trvaiurer, T.J. Bran; aecrauri-, Edward T.Pralaendorfor; capialo.Ailamllortlg: lla^toii anL Tbomos Bainioii; couimodora, Ulchaol M. Hullio. THBBDtlaIo(N.Y.)CaDoo Club mailo thta aelocttgo oi olbcanat luiracani annnal raaotlog: (^minodoro. Alloa N. MacNabb; aira commodora, CharUa P. PoriiuUi; aac- reury, Mark Wade; treaaurar, Frank D. Wood. Tea Wealara (Uoo* Aaioolattoo hekl lu aoaiial airal. Ids at Detroit Ulcb., Jan 11. and Ooddod to bold itaaiij. aumm*r meat al Dodgo'a Point, on Mallet Lake, arar CheboypaD, Uleh.. doring tb* drat waak in July. RonRRT 0. BRiaB.v, a member or Uie Naw Vork Tacbt Club, died to thla city Jan. in. at the age olaoTrnty. flre. THE RING. ChCFlukI D«f«ala Hall. Joe ChoyoskI and Jin Hall engaged In a glove coniett, limited to twenij ronnda, at ihe arena of Ihe Empire Atbletic Clnb, at Maspeth, L, I., on Hon. day evening, Jan. 9), and It ttlraoted a large crowd. The exhibition was a good one, intb Uull holding the sdvsnlage almost to the Bnub, bit cleverness being rar tupeilorlo that shown by hli opponent, bnt In the thineentb ronnd, when he looked all was knocked dowo, and retted qneily on tho noor whiki belog counted oul. Perbapt he was ont, but the majorliy of tbosc prescbt nrused to believe tbat he was unable to Set up and resnme ncilvs work hsd he deslied to 0 eo. ThereTore tha Bnlsb was alugetber nnntls. rsctoiy, sod the result will not do the tpnrt iny good. CboynskI was seconded by Tom O^Iloutke, Kid" McCoy and (;asper Leon, wblle Hall had (or estiulres Jack Fogarly, Benny Muipby and Sara Fltzpatrlck. Tim Hunt vras relerec. Tboro nas a preliminary bom of six rounds belween Jack luw- ney end Johnny Gorman. Propose Boxlag Lcgislatloo. In the House, on Jan. 8, Mr. Clarke, o( Weltes- ley. Introduced a hill to prohibit "rough spoits" In the SUte ot Uassachusetts. The bill provides tbat whoever engages In a pnbllc boxUig malcb or Bpaning exhibition, with or wllhout gloves, or In a pnbllc wTtstllog contest, and whoever usoa violence to overcome BkUl In any other game or sport, shall be Bned not exceeding 1200 or Imprisonment In the Honse ot OoirecUon not exceeding three months, or both; whoever plans, advertises, manages or participates lo such prohibited contest shall be sub- ject to like penalty. By another aectlon aulhoTltr la given the Uiyor and Aldermen o( cities snd Beleomien o( towns to license theatrical exhibiuons, eto„ except tnic "no llcenia sball be granted for any show ot sport which Involves, or Islbible to lead toatsaolcand baiteiy, Willi or without malice," no llcentes to be granted for exhibition on the Uird's Hay, Bora FRiNOiFAiB to the match for the chsmplon- shtp o( the world, wllb gloves, are now Installed In iboir training quartan, not far from ibepropcaeil bauie ground, and tbe prospects tor a rear null are cheering, A meeting ol those speclaUy Interetled was bold on Sttnrday, Jtn, IS, at which Oeorgo Slier,Iho veleran boxer and loslructor Inihean, now ot Chicago, III,, vras chosen retereo. He was lbs oMclal referee for tbe clnb that mn tbe arena at noby, Ind., tor tome time, and Ibe satletBcHon that hladecltloniatthalUmo airorded proved that llllly Hadden'a old tpaning partner thoroughly under- stands his business, and, knowing his duty, dare do It UiKB Donovan akd Uuon Lionabd, respectlrely bpxhig and wrtsillng Inttinctora lor the New York Athletic Club, took a joint bensot tt Lenox Lyceum on Sttnrday evening, Jan. 18, but It did not pan out nearly ao well Onanclally aa Uie promoten had snilclpated; In fact, the attendance was deddtdly slim, while the show ItseK was by no meant op to the proper alandsrd ot good sport. Tho untnrtanate ending ot Hike's show last year probably had con. stdenDle lo dovrlth keeping bu old friends away this llms, bnt the absence ot any tpeclal Indnce- mont to attend was the oblet causa. Dice Bunni baa posted tl,ooo st Ihs oMce ot Tlit lomton Sportint Ufi In support ot a ohaUenm to do battle with either Qeorge Lavlgne, at 1381b, or Tommy Ryan, at I441h, tor t6,ooa a aide and the best puree oiTered, The only sdpulallon hemtkes bi that Ihe Ight aliall take place In London, tbe BolUigbroke Clnb having otleied to give a purse of $6,000, and post the money aa soon ss the srtlolea ate signed. Billy Vbxnon and Jack Walls wore pilncljials InaOghtfora Mated puree or ftoo, that took pace In a bam at VUbklll, N. Y., tbe flgbting bdng tbronghnnt In lavor or Venon, and tbe cenbst ending In a rough and tumble scramble. Venon was afleged to have violated some or the roles, tnd the pone was withheld by Ibe ttakebolder. Waita was very badly punished. EooiB COKKBLLY, Ot Kew Bnniwlck, N. J., tnd Jimmy Dime, ot Now Antterdam, N, Y., ongaged m a glove Ogbt Ui tbe anna ct the Cleveland, 0., Athlelio Clnb night at Jan, 10, tbo agreement t»lng to flgbt tenroundstors pune of |l,3M> and a Mdo bet, but Dime bad the misfortune lo break hit trm In tbo third round, and (XinneUy ims thsnnpon de- clared Ihe victor. DiLLT Obbin, ot New York, and Jack O'Brien, ot Dtooklyn, met at a toad house at Rldgewood, K. J„ early on Wednesday moreitig, Jan. 9, and foughi tor a contributed purse of Otty dollars. Tho bsttlo laated twenty-one rounds. In tbe last ot which O'Brien was knocked out BTAKTOii Annorr and Al, O'Brien engaged In a six roundi boxing match before tho BouUi Belbleliem (Pa,) Alblello Clob on Monday evonlng, Jan. 13. About one thousand pereons ara ahiled to nave beeb present, tbo battle was well tought, snd ended In the sixth round In a draw. SAM Kbllt, ot the metropolis, defesKd Jtck Ward, or Nowark, N. J., In Ibe twenty-ronrlh round ot a glove contest at Baltimore, Hd.. Jan, 17. On the same evenUig Joe Cant beat Joe Elllolt In seven rounds, "MisTiBioFS" BILLY BMiTB tailed for Engltnd from Botton, Mats,, on Saturday, Jan, 18, bla object In mtking the trip being to eaect a matchirlth iJIck Barge atltoib, Frank Lbwib, ot Burllntlon, and BohWIUIama, ot Mount Holly, N, J„ net In a room at the former place on Ihe night ot Jan, 14, Lewlt winning In aeveniesn ({oeensbeiiy rounds, Charlbt MoKbivbb obtained the decision In a glove conleat of alx rounda' duration at the Tnxtdo Alblello Onb, In Phlladelpbla, Pa,, evening ot Jtn. J. K. Paubb and Ooorte Work, twoof tb* laeat wing aholalBtba malropolilBn dlitrlet. war* prlBClrala 'o a malcb that wudKldeU at thagroandBOf tbawaatnln. aur gaaaat Olut^ Babylon, L. L, on Jaa. IC Th* Ucda wen atroDt, aw (ft Oyara, and hanl u aU>p,bat tbaas oaporta huotad tham lo xraod atyle. Palmar avoatallly acblavlDglh* Tlttory by a acoraofSI to TV. Both bob bar* OD fonntr oeeaaloot maila coaaldarabty laigar aeoreabnt oot whoa tbo waaUiar waaaooold aad Iba tb* blida sach hud foDowa to brlag down, ao that, takoo 00 thowbolo. tb* ahootlng of both mea wu aboot op to tbatr arant*. IAriotoxahooUDginattli,oa* baadnd Mid* aaeb. ror U» a alda, took pboa at Aodaboa Fort, BalUa, M. v., an. M, lb* prlndpabi being md Edaond and Jakt goch, and Iha tnoar winning 1^ a aeon of BI ID 81.