New York Clipper (Jan 1896)

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January 25. THE ISTEW YORK OLIPPER 749 HMfkaats ir»r the Oair. The CrMcenl CItr Joolcex OInb eoDlloucs lo Doil jiroptrlt} dulDK lu Winter metrlDt.lbnugh.ilio iiedluiii of (ood >lz«l pntuH, wblcb brlnx out luge *Dl well cluwd llrld), lail b; pncilclDg twDcat meitimld, wbloh Jusiir; palillc caofldcncc aalpromoieticaTjKaiancclp^s. TbernDluodbe nclDg, eloce uui last Rpori.nill be (oand belov: Jan. 10.—Mrat nee—Six fiicloDf|«, kIIIiik— i<cm- <|r, lOT, CrtTirood. 4 10 I,«OD, Carrie II, IM.Uiitc- vood, 10 to 1, aeMDd; Ixut, 107. H>in, 2u to 1, ibird, Tlmc,l:2<>; Uccondmce—ijixiDrloDgi, B-liliig—Biine; Uaf, ill. Tubeivllle, IJ (o (. «uo; KlrlLlll, TiboT, 3% (0 I, MCODd; Lolla. 10». Cai- nod, U lo 1, inlrd, Tlnic,l:33,V Tlilrdnce— nil fafloDpa, MlllDg—Atulonn, 112, rcniiy, 12 lo i. »va; Imp. Moaircb. 113, Hill, 40 to 1, icrood; Will Kllloil, Itn, HlDkej, U to 1, Iblrd. Time, uaji Kourlb nee—Oae milo and » Mxtcentb, taandicau— llobort Ltua, IK, TubernUe, t to I, nron: Jaml-oKc, KM, Irvmg.t lo I, wcood; at. Im. vh. Ilam, iblid. Time, l:U Pinti rjcc—One mile, piine, for non- irlonen-(>auailii»ni,lK Tubervllle,3>i lol.wnn; The Sculpier, lll,PerktnB,; to 1, second; Krauluo l>., let, cajirood, so to 1, third. Time, VMH- ItD. 11.—Fimi race—ijeven fnrlengi, pnne-Plc- l arooD, 112,TobeiTUIe, 11 to «, won; Bluy Jordu, 112, Itoo), i to 1, accoDd; BUI} Uaiueti, U'.!, Petklna, c to I, ttilrd. Hmt, IMIi Second r^ce—Tutte rartoogs, two jear olda-Kibel Karrell, im, Bunix, n to 1, won; UTcnlaw, l(M, Perkins, » to 6, coupled tritb Anger, aeeond; Pdmieraon, HI, Ptnn,l3 tol, iblid. Time, 0:3e Tnird lace—Six furionia, luUlaf—Wincbttter, M, Dann, 10 to 1, won: Anenic, *>, BTiMta, T to 1, second; Uaney Aaron Jr., 109, llenneaar.i «> l, ttHnl. lime, 1:^;, Pounli rac«-Ooe and onofouitb miles, bandlcap—Imp. Monarob, IM, Bill, 6 to I, won; Clanii, 100, Ho;le^ i to 1, second; I^Bidon, 110, MaipbT, Vi to 1, tblrd. Time, tM.'i .nnt itce—Six innoDga, Kiting— KingEtiii,ili,Vabor,4 to l,won; Ferrrmsii II, tl, Vanett.S lo I, wcond; Burrell's BUloi, H2,Tal>er- vllle, 11 to 6, tblrd. line. IM. Jan. 13.—Pint race-Seren (urlooM, penallles— DIok Beban, 111, Roes, 0 lo 1, won; Nicollna, 100, KcQlooe, 4 to 1, aeeond; Verdi, 112, Overton, 12 to 1, tblrd. Tlmt, l:ai,'^ Becond race—Six fur- longs, aelllng-Oinleil., 104,0i7wood, 1 tol, won; MoMsr I'nf, lot, Ulnkey, 7 to 1, aeeond: lUgbt- more, 11:!, HUl, 1 to 1, third. Time, l:W( Tblid race—Seven rnrliings, non.wlnnois i)lm» Oct. 1—Ixlon, 112, Irrtng, io 1, won; Marr Nance, oi, CUT, 20 to ]L aeeond; unauanooca, lOO, McQImw, i'a'to 1, mat. Time, 1:33 Kourih race-One mile and an elgblb, bandlcap-ltooseveli, 101, Car- wood, 7 to 1, won; Claras, loo, Hriej to 1, gecond; nooit, lit, Bam, 4 to 1, tblrd. lime, i-M FUib race—Seven furlonis, nou-wlnners since Ocr. l-Blgb Taat, 109, Uan, 2>i to 1, won; Kodik, lOS, UsITr, T to 1, second; Yance, 107, UUI, 0 to 1, tblrd. Time, 1:31. Jan. II.—Plimlrtfa Bit AirlODti, MDiltlaa-Tait, 119, KoAPl>|9 lA 1, vod: CuHck,ll2,Tnbor.4 to I, ucond; Blit«nriuoq,Bti B>l«,aul. Uilnl. Tlln^l:lek BMoDd raw OAa mile aod Iweatr ytnli^ uUIoit—L« Bujo, lOi, Oayroad, D ta I, woo; ha\a B*t. iOi. Ferhloa, Sui6,a4cuid: a.B. Cox.IIBLClar, 10 u l,Uilnl. Tloie, l;4a>fi nlid imce—One mllo, hiiD,lleap, thno roar oUo-KIrt, CUr. < lo I, *on: Opl Kidd, iie,Tooar, autMCOod; MerryNelLSJ, JaD«<,a>I0 I, Uilid. Tims. Fogitlifi f Q uomlloaiidailittenUKbtDdl- eap—lop. Monuth. 110, Ulll,3>i 10 1, von: JakaZlmoor. , . -j). uar . — .- -. —. , 101, Ham. a to I. .eoood; Ortrall*, 10B>j, lrTlog,8 to I, Iblrd. Time, lAI-.-rtflh nc«—S9T«n rdrlunin,HUlnB< Bovlint itnm, im. U«f vood, 10 to 1, von: Uiu Bo»«tt, tblrd. Tint, Ju. 10^—Fftm T«c«—S4reQ ud ftliAirrurlooK^ielllnir —Vu BniQt, IfSiIrrlnr.Sto », woo: McKm, 1(0. Ro)-^ 4 ioJ,«MODd;Moniua,l()&,ll»M)D,£toLihltd. Time, l:42>£. ....BMOOd nc*—OOAmlla, ii«I|[dc— llal*, 109. UllLUlo l, voD;LM>aud II ,lu9. Him.8 to l.«e«ood;T«DSprIair, 114. Hut, 0101. Uilrd. Tim*. I M Tblrxl rac4— TIitm fur loog^ * ■ - nvt,6 mtmrnm, vws.uiaau. ai , looipL pttulilvi, rortwojMrolOi-EUi«1 Fat nil, 113 Bat- nu,4(ol.woa: L(IIUiiWllk«ivn3.CUr,S(u ^ mc a» TobtccD,111, Leigb, 4 lo I, third. Tlnie.U:4U. /oartb rmM—Oaeud oD»-ol|ihili mllM. linndlcAp—Pior- •oca P., lOV, C»yvood, A lo 1, won; Koohtvtic, 101, DarU, » to I. MCODd; Bluco, 106, nioba, S (o 1, ihlnl. Tim* 3M Finii neb—Six rurioDO, pare*—DoiolnRo, 113, Joom, 13 toOi voo; IavIom, Hi Irvloe, C (o I, mKond: Bur)«r Lwl 9l>i. Bcbonr, 15 to 1. tliinl. Time, 1 Ju. 16.—PIm rftc«-8l« rorlonRK. f\iiag-UM\oli, lOi. I>ivla,4io 1. woo: U&y AaliUy, IU7. Uiu. U to I, w<>0Dd; (IwrgioSffllth, W,R««i, 12 to l.itilid. Tlnie.l:a BoooQil nu—all farloon, biuidl(iip--Qak»D Ubm. 101, Orvood, to I, won; Pruble D., U*Ie. lA to 1. tM- ood: Tommy BuU»r, lU, Birratt, 6 lo 1. third. Tim*, l:2lja Third raca—Ooo inIlgud«iUt««nui. Mllioft -T«xL Kupp, 7 to 1, won; Dato TuUirer, 110. Ulll. 4)^ tol. MCODd;6T«n11i. lll,lrfIaf.3tol,thlrd. Time;, 3:iii) Poaitb rmc«—9lxfarloDgi,DtDdIcap—Nick, 111. "—— • — • ' -•^•---a ■■ « i- • —KODd; .Finb „ , . „ __j»ror*, lOT, Bun, U 10 I, woa: NevtiauM, 9S, Oarnood, 13 to 6, ■Ktnd; 8p«fldolla«i,IU^Taberr(U».B to 6, tblrd. Tim*, Jto. IT.—Plr«t nc»-^Q6 mita, poru-Jamboree. 13, Tub«rrllJ^4ioB^iroQ; Bitir B4oa«U. 131, Tabor, 9 (o 1, MCODd; OoQdaetor Ooz. 1(0. Uarphf, 0 to I, third. Time, l-Mfi BMODd neo-Serea furloDfa. penallias—Ath- Uad, lit Fanav, ik to I, won; Dr. Parka. 109. Umd, lU to h wcond: BUlj Jonlan. 109, TdbarrlU*. 4 to I. tblrd. Ttmei, 1:57 Tblid noa-4li torloDn, pelliDf— Oq- datu*, 100,Tbo^•^3tol, woo: Vfltt BUiolt, 109, Hloker. 7 to I. MOoa4; BMnttallit, IQS, Murplir,13 to l.tbl d. Time, 1:QU Foaith laoa-Oaa mu« and twaoir Tatda—Otanu, KB, Boil lU to i, woo: Emln Bar, llz, nom. 3 iio I, ucooJ; Oaorge w., lO^ Bcberrer, 13 to 1, The Grwt SMkobaa. Tbe Oonoy laUnd lockej Ciob AniMuucet ibo toX- lowlog Mtrin ror tbe HabnrtM HftDdtnp, tobo niD at tbe openlog ot lu BpriOK raMUoff. June 33: Btomton Blable^UeniTor NftTirre, DlcDtU)nBt«(»lr*4 Dortio, UletnroD Siable'a Kccoao, Philip J, Uwji. . IIudsprlng,a V. OoimoH|*t non TbonitoD. U. ■ cusDalj'A SeoatorQmdjflbrcas Dtlj'a rrimnw, Del HoDto stahle'fl iwigtit Tba^btiB, Erlo BUbta't LBZ7jiroDe, Krie Suiilo'a Nukl Toot), OhAtKii Fl«tfl-tiiDAan ft Sora Ualma, J. BaSewnD'sCoD- polascnr, J. SoagniD'a Sangom. Klmvood Pami'A ViDctor, Wllllaai JoaolDff'a Utitoh Skater. J. t. and V. F. Keener Domino, J. R. and F. P. Kwn«^ King Arthur II, WlUlam UkeUnd*8 Uornplpe, Wll- Ham Likelaod'a Emzoa O, Oneck Stablo'a Sir Wal- ter, & yr. Parker's Uke Bbore. Proakiwai Stable^ Belmar, K. L. Roae*a OlObrd, J. Rnppert Jr.'a Counter Tenor, CbaQoce; Jacobs* Btepheu J., \r, U. U'aUace'e The ContDOoer, W. H. Wallace's Stow- awar, Smwood F»nn*a Olandlos. Tlie National Hunt Aaaoclatlon Het Id inDoal wulon Ui ibti eltj, th« reanlt of tlia alae- lioa of oniein b«lDff aa loUowa: Tbo*. lllteheook Jr„ prwideit; R M. EUla, vice praaMent; O. A. Back, aao- ratair-ticasurar. Tta Oeaaa Coanly Unnt and ronnifr Olobwuadnlited to tbe or«aa(utIoo, and raMlatJoni were adopted proleiUn« aRaloft the racant aclwo of ttii Nat loot] BtaiplMliato Aooclatlon In paaine a rawloilw GurttUlDR the JdrudlcUon of tlia Nulonal Bant Aisoela- ilon aa mnorii: RttrAffti, Tint Motion I, nla a,partS(DaKa 6) of RuIm of BaetoR, K. a A.,tM amaatftd to raad: Tlia NaUooal StMplathaM AHocUtl«n will not llcanaa mMtlottheid by ooaairr dab* or boot elabt wban ilia n^Jorltr of tba rvM Of «acb daj'a proframuM aia cooQaed to bunten, RallowiTt. ponlei, hadw, or to aenilMnao and qnallded rldar*. Mavlnft tuoh fOMtlnga to be condurtod by tbe Ha- tlooal llnniA aMclaUoB. Tns WadilofriAB Park Gab. ofChlcaiio, lit,, buoIe«t«l tlia folkiwlaiicincars for tba aoiuUiiiraar: OaorkaH. WbMHr. TaeiacitdprMldant; Samual w. AUanAa,Oo- lumbuaB. CoDmlnir^ [|«Dr7 J. MeKartand andCharlea D. llamtll. Oral, Moood. tblrd and roarih Tica pratlilAnu, rMpeulvelT; John R TTaltfa, tnaiurer, and Jamw Uo** ani, aotratarr. THB 8»ortiman*a Park Baclok AmooIUIod, of BL LouU, Up., wblcb was rac4iH^r tbraatonad with tba appolnimtni oT a rKalTor,on ippfl'-atloD of O. U. Parkar, will con- ilnne lotaetaaChiia Yonder Aba, tbabaMball maiDate, taa purehaMd tbe ttock lo tbe aMoclatlon owned by Mr. Patkar, thu Mttlmc (he caM ont of Mun. TiiBAlahiraaPair end RaclaffAetoelailoowaflorffui. Ized ni BlrmlasttaiD Jan. is. W. II. Crawfon) wae elaeted pratldini. II. Ilaydea Dorslo Mcraury, and aen- R. U. .VelKoo, ueamrer. AilxdaTa'meeilDKWlllbfbeld In Pabtuarr. Taa tfanltoha (Out) Uoraa Dreader* AuocJit*oo. at lU recant anonal election. cboMthefollewlnjtoiAela'a: W. V. Uleman, V.ft, preeideat; J. Q. EutherfonI, V.R, tlca prteldent; f*. R. Buthirlend, vice praetdeat; W. AHovay, treaaarar; W. L. Pailey, HCiftatr. Toa Uarfne end PleU Olab, of Bath Baaeb. L. I., held Itaenoualnieeilnir Jen. 14, and cboH the rollowtuBT otn- clale 10 MrradUTlat tba aDintnfryear: Tom Rohlnion. prMldent; Wm. U. Oinlsoa, Tica praildent, and \Vm. H. Baardtley, Mcratair. TaiPblledelpbla(ra.)TorfO|nb beM Itaanonalni«et> IokJio. 14, thealeetlon of oneararor the aomilDr yaar laittKIniE aa followe: Praildent, Jo*epb ^ Waoderoih; Tire praeldaot. Deatel A. BtionM; secretary and treae- nnr. Col. Charlaa B. PafiO. TBI Bamll'oa ((Teo.) Jorkejr Club bald an adjourned aBnntlmtetb(J&D.I6,B0d decided to boM a four daye* mtetlajt lo Mev. Th«M offlceniwere rhoeao forthli year: Pi»aMeDt,j. U. Lourldfo; nrat vice prealdent, Oeirge Roacb; aeeond tIco praenent, W. UeodHe Jr.; Mera- taiy-treaaarer, A. D. BtawarL Rby El Bam Akit& will be racad under tlie Dane of flaorlAnlia darioK ble EnRlIab campalgo,neit bU redmerod oane Is too long for tbe race programmH la thee cosntry. Honsa (L PSRRT, who wu well knowD as an aotberlty on thepediirTMor bon«a,andwbv bad Mtrad aa com- plIerorapromlntDtitud book.dled la tlile city Jan. 13, from baaitd Imam and congwUon oftbe Innga. JanuT. IlrDihajbeeoaogagad to manage tbo bone »hAw to be held at MedianlcJi* BulMIng, Boeton, Kau, Uie Mcocd vaob in April. Mr. Hrde wee for aeTatal yean Uie managar of the Ke v York Hone Bitow. Titf m<o track at Maepetb, L. I.,wia dlapoead ol at SberirTrf *ale on Jan. 16, to ntleiy a JndKiDeot otHSO la larnrorOharlae Baddlar. It le undentiood that ue prop- erty van bid In by repraeeaiatlTee ol Brewer U. Bolte. Tilt Rlizabeib (M. J.) CoanUr Club wea recently organ- li«dend UiefollowloK oincara elected: Preiidant, Mfel- TllIeBaleiton: vIcaprMldant. Qeorge 0. Thomae; troaa- urer. B. 0. WoodruR; eecrelary, B. 0. Barroll Jr. Loxo Bov.arunnUif etallloo, Talaed at$3i,000,d[ed at tbe taocboriheMlU Coacb Company, nearOalllpolts, O Jaa.14. Marpup.a to 1. woa; AaUand. Ill Penny. 80 lo I , MCODd; Domlaje, 110,Joaaa,lllo0.ihlid. Tine. IdlXi rita nce^ao^mllo and HOTwitr jaida laUIiiK—tuacuDra, Iblnl. Tlnie,ld4>i; nnb imc«-Aixfurloosi', mIIiok —TMCa May, tor, Murplir, a to 1, won; Joooiot, Iw, Thorpe. u 1. oecoad; Olwdtga, 100, Bchemr, 3D to I, Iblid. Ttiie.I:S. Jas. IS.—Vim lace-FoiultjM, ootm furlooga—Uir- iialaa, 109, UIU,giol. em: Menr NaU, 107,Tlioipe,6 to 1, M<DBd; utiuiiBut, in, Ulnkoy.S lo I, Ulid. TImo, IMU. SweJ race—PoDalUw, bilr mil., rortvo jms out _ . rlwo Tl —OT.r11ow, IQB, Thoitta. 3 uj t, dnt: Aooor, 100. UUI, ooaplad In batiloKwIili Overflow,..toBd; Paniaaa, III, Fann, 10 IS I, Udrd. Tlnie,0:Uki Third rac»-8enn nirloan aaillmi-Lenor, Iw, utioorla, 10to I, drat; Will BUInu, NO, tou, Hi to 1. iMon,!: SaUoel, 107, iraTWOiUi, Ulal,lMid. VmiliSK Fixirtlirun-illlaudan .l|b(^ budleui—Dara fulairar, lOl. TubeirllK, * ui, dr>t; CoieBn,mi.Canrood.l3io I, Hcond; SIrJoliD.d, Olu, U to L Ulid. TliDO. 2:om Flllli race-MTUi limaDB, ■dlloa—Meihoiua, nx. Cajwood, 7 lo a. Htit; Bao Jcaom, H. Kowcom,? to I, m<od,I : Bnrrall'a BUIatt, lUlobamr, lota I. tblrd. timt, 1:39,'/ Jan. v.—rlnt racv-Fanaltlw, nli lailonn-Bloouitr, 100, Oarla, 9 lo 10, woa; Clinanul, UH, Barrott, 4 to 1, wc- ond; Frlula, US, TubaiTllla, fO ml.ililnl. Time, liO. SacoDd laca—8.T0D lurloaga, wlllns-noublo. lOS, HilLBtol, woo: Oonor, too,TulMrrlllMJ to Lucood; Floitaaaa, 107. Naweoob. 7 10 I, Iblid. Tlma, 1:37...... Tblid iao»-Oo« mil. and cwant; lanla-UlpiKiciillt?, l>aTla,Bto I, aadlMoard B..ll2,TutieiTlll.,> lo s.,nn adoaj haal: Baatlan, 117,ThoI1>^4 lo I. iMid. Tim., l-M)i Foonh nco-rmioUi Bar Uandlcar, ona ■ad., pan. fCJO-Domioto. IW, Tlioipe, area, wop; RobaitLtlla, IIO, Tuborrllla. J lo l.taccnd: BoohkIi, iai,Carwocd,«tol, tblnl. Tlmr.l:U.'i .Finii nceh- Baran awl a half rorloogm MlUai-illia 107. HanJIto I, woo; Tolcarora, 100. Ualawood, 9 to l.aao. oad; Taa Braot, lU, Inlni, t lo I, llilid. Ttm^ V.aH. Hau KiBUN, a alx jear old ninDlng botte, tbe propailT oC ttie Kendall stable, died Jan. 12 at ■ajlgomer; rark, Kemptals, Tens., from tne eireots ot ksTlBr btto Uliteitd. Slie was Ue holder ot two noords, ono at live Cailoogs In CMii, made at KoRls Park la 1801, and the otberat a mile and tirentr yards In 1:40 flat, at Waablngton Park, Oblcago, DL, Jnlf lo, is»3. Hainr aaiFPiN, the Jockej «lio was so i«iiiark' ablrsaeceaafulonlhe Eastom tiacka last season, soaatasd iBlnrlea bj a fall from Long Lsdj, during lbs laee fertile Roiemeade Slakes, at San FmuoU- co,Oal., An.1, wblcb are llkeljto serlonilj toler- ten vHb bis work for some time to come. TDi UxlDRlon (Kj.l Fair Aaoclallon Is to be leased lo tbe uelt KiecUlo Sireet Oar Oonpaor ot ttiatoltT. ne aaseclatlon baa became nnandally liiTolred,»nd tula action will be taken lo prevent tbe conpanj from nuking an astlgnmenL Oancanio made a new track itcord for alz for- loogs In tb« Iblid iac« at Ingleslde, Ban Fmnclsco, Osl., Jaa. 13, golDg tbe dliunco in IMU. Pilot Kanuu, br Uappj Hedlom, tbeeiopenrof Walter Clajk, dlad at t£e stock farm of bis owner, new BatUfl Oretk, MIob., Jan. lO. losr.V. Xliaia, a ralnraanartwaatr Onraan ei; pariaaca. wboaa bono laat Bloui Cllr, la., waa irlnl and SaTieta at Barllo, Oar. Jan. II. oo iLa cliana of rjc oa Ilia mai« Bathal, t-.lVi, und.r Iho nam. of NoUle Kaaaba, oo Oaiman Incba. II. wenl abnid .ailr In laLwlUia nrlotorboiMi^roranmiialsilon European mnka. Es itartal tbe bona In qiuUon lo alow ncao, Gtalmlac Uia waa wllboat a racoid, and waa raccunrul uatliha muhad B«illn. wbaro iho lioraa. I*rd Bjron, b«at bar. jU Iho oatcona of a dlipula orar tba reiult of iha laoa, tba ldao-.ltr ofUiabonawaaniada baowo, and KaaaTvaa placed undtr ariML Tlia inau.i wai fiillr UT*«I(al«d on Uila 'Ida ol iho AiUmlt aoawbtB iho eaaaeuMto trial bawaa uaabia in ambliili lilaeUlm tkUlkahwaawaaaot<lwa;aaouocod lonln. moallur rnpriaoaiaonv and.lo par a flnaof l.(O0 "ar"- Tba eaaa aiollad lonrial Inoiwl la iroillna clicl6< oa both aldaa of itH bilaj. Tas BaooaLT.i BiMOicir for IM baa nmini iblit; satiwa. wblcb an aaociuncod »r Hacieuir Haab J. Mo latmai follow: llonir oCKaiane. Iterian llalnia, Bon ■raik, Baloar, Bilabi Phn^boi, i:llnonl. r-rmaolnoar, CtooalarTaaor. Dr nie* Hlumr. Bnimn O. Flora Thorn- loo, rornl,aor. ShMhan, Uaodqtrlnv. Ilnmplpr. Kta- aan, IlaV A-lbQi II. Lata Shore, l.«ii.ion», haokl ■m. Frinman. Sanaoau, Baoalor Iliadr. sir Wallol, SSSMiTli^JP.^. aod raladln- ( - j'aiPMtad Tba na i« iorlb SIU,«n In aJdad mong, aadwfllba ran OB iba opanlngdarof th. Bprbss Boat- laK<aaa4. Taaka^baalarfN.T.lDrlrlnsFark AaaocUlloo haadi- tSSSSSfiSmiiiSill MUam wblla Iba prnant tkwaniailai w p«ol aalUai aia In forea. iha aflaiaaoo, nhlcb wa. oolvaaa Vw4 FofiMHiwanil AltboiTowfuand. Thalallar i-lajod noorlr thiDaaboiil, aod bla adrataarr wm ItyM poto^ii wllbonl tbaaM ofliU uoJIcap, Ikaioon: pncfMMiM-a. 1,30. Ol I o.xoii,i\i,i,i,au.ik<7. I ti l < < i.aLa.u.11,4.0,,1,1,11,1 Toiii, ua.yi; aTanjta. 5 SSI- -1.0( 4,a a 1.1 i.OLi.a xi,il,(i^T,x. i, X1.1,0.Kuu-17,1, \ 3, K Ti>ial,l«i: lurtlii.i I u-,- 31: avfraav, 3 3f-9U n.rrr^* Hikl wiir.l—]lr- Minor. Tbi OriU eamo of Iha aranlns hiuuftbt utfiolhar Dr. mi- tar aad tviHIam Barnard. A htndleapui hntwpolnia aapoial*! Ui, man- Kainaiddiaw Iha brwab aatloklaa rtry piatif ran of ao. br anod pUitlon plar. hui afiai thU wtnl all lu p'acei and I>r. lllllrr dafaalad hln br AC l^aioia. TtMaoor.: Mlllor-O. I- t».l,30.IXX0,J.l0.0,«,.\SjtO.».0. 5. a 9 S »- a 4, Ol 1.0.3IL 37, W. 0,31,0, II. »- Told. ><0; lilaha.l nD.S7: aranga, r,t-li Bainirl-BL t,0.1; 1,1,a 3,0, IV!!,1,1,1,1,3,10. OlU.a I. 0-0- Id U.K. IS, 11,,0,3,1,M. Total, til; bigbaat no. aO: araiafw, 3 37-S- Raforaa-tlr.llilaL Tbo float laata af tba aroolDs waa batvMn J. Bjntn fltarhaodDr- Raooay. dlaialanout ta47lnQlnaa.wblla Dr. RaooarooU'anlcaodad In aBalllaKl7l polnta,3P.hort ofhlaneeoBWIT Korn- Thaintta: Blark-0. 1.1 t, I. IL IX I, I, a I, a. I, d, t It. 9- Ok A II. 17, II, 7 9. <i, U 7^0,3, Ol 31. IMt, r ^ 3, t M. a M31 3,1,3,19 Ti>lal,ZM; hlaliaunin, 11: araiafa,33917. Rionar—I. 0, I. 0.1, 10. iv I, a, iL i^ la, m la M, < Ol 7.1,0.10,11, a, t,t,.a la. a 0.11,11. did i,oiaLo.tto.ia, <,Uill. Tuiatl71:bl|hastnia,l<;aTaraii*,3ai& Raraiaa—kr. Lraian. Vraiw anal wai oeeuplaO whan Ford rnRtantiont and Frank aaaaajmalaa contaalanu for iha itiat caaieof tha dar, Id Both nan vara oarrooa, but PutntaabursaiHillad bliniair In tlma in win ihe conla^ In nnr-aroloalap^ while KMnay couU do no l«iur than IKS- lhaacoia: roateaborw-OL d3,U,IIM,D,0.1,r,ad 1,1,1. Id0 3, 9. dO,^S,dll,7.l.«.S,l.0,k, ddl.l,0il.l),4,lVd«.d 3,d^d4.1,a 1,S,I0,C. ToutUO; hli|t)Utniu,T7;s>oi ""fMilir-^, o.dai,i.o.a30.4.i. a. i,o. s,o. a is, i, id 10,3, d ((7,i 0, L Ui, a, 1,7, d ;.o. d 1,6.\o, o. d i, id 6. 4^. II.U, d 1. d 0 Total, IS; hiRbaat mo, 3); araraiia, B>raiaa-Ur. Klibr- coad aanlaof Id and Dr- Ranoey. It wa< by far tba piaulwt BILLIARDS. INTER-OLuD TOVRNAHENT. Uaurlca Dal;'t billiard parlors, Bnadwaj and Tblttj-Histstraet, were crowded with lovenoltne 'geotleaian's game" on Monday nigbt, Jau. 19, wtatn tbe opening game waa called In tbia touraa- tneat, wDtcb isparticlptted In bj membemot tbe New York AibleUc, Union Leagne, Hanbstlan, Llodcrkrao/. and Bt. Joeapb's Ijceam Clubs, ot Ibis clt|; lbs Oxford, Uontauk and Ciesctnt Unbs, of UrookljD, and Uo Passaic Club, of Passslo, N. J, Tbe New York tepresentatlres, wllb Ibelr kandl- cape, are Arttnr Townsend, Bt. Joseph's Uycenm, 32j points; J. Bjion BUrk, New KanbatlaD A. C, 270; Dr. Hlller, Hew Manbattau A, 0., 210; Vna Oskts, New iroik A. C, 'iso; Dr. Banner, Dnloo League, 310, aod Ferdinand Fogoenborg, of tbe Llederknoz, soo. Tbo Brookljnlles are Fnnk Keener, Oxford Clnt>, 2Vi; William litmaid, Uon- tauk Ulab,2l0, and Dr.Jenulngs, CrtacentA. (I., 200. Toe onlT repfeseniallre ot New Jerserls Rdwaid Oanlnar, Pattalo Club,230 nolnia. Ilia pilxa foi which Ihaplareia anoootaiunalaa baadaoma allrer cap,pin- aaaud by Hr. Daly aoiTTalnad at tm. Alfnd d'Ora wu aalMtad aa rafarta and aconr. Tlia lamaa ara all at roartoao Inch balk Una blUlaida, with anchor allowad. Tba opoolnR gnna bioogbl tosathar Edwanl Oaidnor aodFmloaka.- OaidoaiwaatoplayieOpoIntatoOaltia' 23d In hta nnh lonlag Oakaaacorad thlrtT-ooapojoia, wMoh woa tha hlfbait inn ol tha areoioii- Tba audlaoc* wu an aniliualaailo ona, and Ubaimllr applandad tbe coo- taAanta. In flliy-nlna InnUin tha Paaaalo nan ooaiplatwl bli oaeuaary acoia ofSSO, while Uakaa oouhl do no battar thin 177. Tha icoia: Oanlnai-O. d Id 3. S. II.». 0, n, 0.3, Oi U. 1,,0. 1,«,». 3, d 1,11 iVO, 21, lo. Id i». 1 ft 0,1- u u, oria, 1, I,d0,d0,l,0,6.1,7, 1, II, 0, 0, 0. Total, tO; araiKa, a II as; lilihaal nn,Sl. Uak^ 0, 1. I, i 31, 2. 1, 1, 3. 0, 0. I. 0, a I 0. 0, S. S. ft B, 0, I, 7, 0. d 0. ft 1, Id 12. t a I, d 0. U, 7, ft 0, 0. 1 ft o! 0, 0. a, 0.1, 2, 30i 1, ft I, ft 3,1. Toul, 177; anr- aia,33e8; hlshailran,ll. , Tba labia waa qalcUr piaparad for tha aaeand aane, wblcb bad J. BrronStark and Dr. Jaoalnia aa oon. ttatania Thafonnarwaabaadlappedat Tropolnuand hkopronanlat BO- Icwu a proinciad almgiila. and tr. Janolojm-O. 0. I. ft ». 0, OL 11 (L j. I. 0. I, 5, a 0, • - 5J. n, a 3,5,^ 0.0. ToUU m; araraca, 3CA3: 1.15,1, IT. a biabett ran, 2D. . , Tbe tblnl conleet bann In Iba alUrnooo of ibe foluw- leg day, when Prank Katney and Dr. Banoey poleed ibelr coee for avpreioaoy. Tbe lanw waa alow ontll Uie feveoieantb lanfof, irtieo Keener made a pretty ran uf • ».">1»^ 1— r... ...... iter pol toietnar tbirty iUi. t«aniy*thr(-. , - - . a-. z- eitnin tbuererla ibo tonruameot. Ha palled oat bii tty no a :. tbe biRh J i ied<{ "DrTiunoey-K 0, 4. a X «. 0. 0. I. 0. 1.1. 0. ». I. I. I. n, 12, X i; II, s. iku Ot 0,1, u. 11, u. o. a. i o, i oA o. i, o.!,U,l 1,0.111711.1,3,?. TotalalU; Bflieet ido, iaveraKa, 393:6. Rarene-UanyAanL . TbeaeoondnneortbeanarDOoobed fred, Oikea aod yard. PofBenbanc eonieetaata. Itwaea alewnne, but Oakee Kb««eeded (n rvllloR up hliMoreor xB la rorty-eWttlnolan. Tbeeoora: Ol B. * 1.1. iXfo?! aJTld. 6.8.7. (t 0.8,0, iTS, 3. 4. IJ. ft. 4. Toial,BO:bl|fli#»lroo.B:«eia» 4 711. I'ortenburR-l. I. I^I.Oa*- T'^-A^fl-if !a*>.!/Si" 3,10. a, 0.6,1. II. 0, A. 1.6.1,1, A a I. X13.01,0. li 0, n 113,\4.1.i TotaLiaS:bisbaeino,S;«Tormfe.S1131. Kererea-WIIliarD Dewey. Tbe evealnic camaebefu pronpUy wltta Artair Town' I WIlIlAni Demenl to etart tbe balla railing lo eofl BOO loer &martf^'i'o. f>, I, a 0. a 0.11.4 0. IS. I. n. r. t, it. i. o,ttrirto.Tb.\o.i,flii7.ia.8i.t.i. 1.0, t.%,7. Total,l»;lil|lienftin,3l:aTera«e.4»l7. ^ _ fonMWl^ i: 13, 0, X I. 6, 0, 0. 6. 1. 7. 4. L 1 W. 1. 1.1,1.till 0,0,7. 2,4 U 10, if. a, I, it It, 7.19. 0.3.1. 4. 0, 0,' Total Sia, hijrtiael ran,»; ararmni, t li-O- RefenaandHorar—Mr. MlQor. , ^ Tbe oonclodlaR Rama of iiteaveolnibmRhttoKeiber OrJenotnaa end Dr Miller, vbea ibelattei' famlibed the weood mrprlae of tbe eraolaie by ble poor plejlaf. Dr. /eoDlDRe aoo eiiDy by tlia followlaR ocorer Mndaod WlUltm Demenl to etart tbe balla rolllni lo the nrat eonreu. Tbe ruruar played naMaadUy. ablle hUoppooaot««or«dbUnec««ufTllOla ronr-ufenlDn- hU oppooaot Moored bU neceeurr IniB, ainoer Jefeatlng tba New Yo - Tbeeoere; orker witboat ble baodl- iDRe aoD eiAtly by _ _ br'. jVanraip-O.ft 0. ft tl 0. 0, I, S. aft OL 01.13. a a,!, e. II. ft 13,«. d e. 31. ft 0, ftdi i ft 1.4 3, ds. fto.ft do/dl. 1. •. d ft 1.11.1. d t 0,6 fouisui-hiaii- ••^.^*^i,¥;r^.'l:^^o!^'ft ft o. a. o.», ft 3, o. * d m», ft I, a. 3 ft 13, Id 3,0. Id a. I. a, s. a id a. ft ft ft n, <. a 2, iTd ft l,ftO,l.ft2.0L Idl.a. Total, IN; blakoatmn. H; aTar»«..SIMS. Tha opanlna aama of tho Iblid day, 1^ waa lo hara *- .—• iftaa Edward (Taidoar, bat Tba aaooad aaiaa of the aftanoon waa batweaa Arthor ovnaoad and Dr- Ranoey. It wa< by far lb. piaulwt itninila of Iha taomaniMt no lo Ihh tlma. Dr. Rannar a.anluUlF loainc Ibo nina br 13 polnu. Tha awta: TawnMoil-l3jl.lOirs^l.l,ftldd t.13 dftdftft ft I. • idii.da,o^ftdi:.d0.d2i.d3.i.:dHd II, II.3, d0.1,2. Toial3t): huibaaiinn.32:nHnaa, Xann,r-ft 1,3. d II, ft ft ft 1.3,19. d d I, 39, d 3, ft d ft 7,1.3, IdSl.ftT.O. ll,ll,ti,dUlli. Iftdl, *,3J,a,d I, 17. a. ft I, ft 0, 0. Total, ltd; hlihut no, 30; arorana, 33033. RafFiao-Hr. Klihy. Tha loltlat nina of thaaronlns broaubt tosathar Dr. jMnlof a and R Oardnar. Both plajrod alaadj bllllaida, aad to.ania tha aad, whan hnt t«o potnia wpamtad ibo ooolaatanui, Iha .Mllamaot waa Inteoaa. (lanlaar won nnallr bF two polala Tha acore: - 6ardaai-4.1, ft 0.11,1,1.1-' ' B.0ardaai-4.<,ao.ll,l,l. Ul4,2l,ftO 1,0. d I,» K. I,dft dli,l. I.liliftlklj, 1. dl.S. 1. i; Id 1.1.0,0.0.d o.o,d idT.o.OiaorM,Je. a.". 4 dft i.3,ftaoIVrift<, Idl Total,3a;bljh«>t run,31: aruaaalsr 71. Raraiaa-E- alihy. Tha floal aama waa botwaanJ-Bjrou SlarkauJ Fnd. Oikofl- IIwaa aa Intaraailns battle anl lanikad Inn vIetolT InrSlatk- Thaacora: Biaii-dft i,ai3,2,ii,ft idO-ft i,u.(Las,ftdda4, afti,i.di,ft itid ia,ft i.dftdi.ftli),!!. 1,0.0,6. I.MOLClft U.^ l9,dft], iftft^lftddld 1. Total, CO: hlsbaatriiQ,2S; araiafa, a l-ll. Oakta-I, ft la, I, ft 1.1. ft It. 7.1,0,0,1,1, Id I2.d ft.d 0, l.ft l,l,dt,«,l,l. Ift3,dl.ft0,l, l,i,i,l.ft3.dOU,l, ■ ■ ^1,1, 1,0.1.JiL^ftd 1,3. l(, IJ. TolaLai; b/. Kaaoar and Oakaa wora tlia cootaatanM lo th. ami aftamooa sane ot 17. Oakaa played a pour saoia, beloa onatoady and apparently raiy narroua- Kaaoar plarod Blaadnr and auecaatlad In wlnnlnRbyancoreal 3w to lO. Thaacora: Kaaaer-ft 1,0- I, I, dH. 11.0,1, l,ft K.d Id U, 3,7,0, ft a. 1,13.21,1,1, Id ft dftftl lift l,dll.dM,dd 1. 9.1. Total, 3(U; hlihen no, x>; afaimaa, S1-3. baksa-l. li d ft 5,1), ^ 2, d II, 4. I, 2, id. 2.1. 1.3, It & d ft a. 0.1 l.d 7.6.7, ft .1. ft 1.7.0. \ ii J, ft ft i, d ft to lal, IN: hlstiaaimn, M: aTorai;a,3l«-t>. Rofaraaand arorar^B- Kirby. Th. aacood iraaio of tba afltrooon liad I'OBltanbura aod Oanloeraa conlMtanta Tholom.r playod aa uouMally ueadr lama, aod aaally dafoalod hia urpooaot. T)i. ■cor.; Fonaohura-O, 12, I, 7. 13. ft I, d ft Id H, t, ft ft 7, ft I, d1o. d I. t. d ft 1 3,3. ft 0^ 0, « 7, ld2,IL ddU I, a, d I. ft I, V, t). Id 0. Total, m; lilshaal ran,30; arei- aaa, I au. ^»idn«-«.3,9,ft dftd0,l,ftdill,3.1t,A2, II, 2,ft 14 2,10 ft ddd , ILftddftdl. I,d3l.ftldft l.ftft d ft 1.2. Total, 211; hijiliaal ran, S; ararafa, a 1, 43. Aalaraa and atorer—B. Kirbr In Iha drat eranliia naoia J. Bfrmi Rtuk won a wall da- larrid rIotoiF orar tf Ullara fianard br four polntn. Tha icota: 8<arli-99.dftaidl.ft I.I. l,-\d Idl,a,d0,l,2l,l,d l,2,d ■ddftdftda.d^dft 1.10-1,1, ft I, I, I, td d d 1,1, d Id ,d 1.1, ft ft d 4, ft 3,1, d ft ft Tiilal, >7U; araiaxr, 4 UM;hlshaa(nio.Sa- Banianl-4. I, d ft d II-1-1, l.ftft 1.1,1 ft 3. IS, 2. ft d lftOlLldo,i,dftftZl.l. It, I,ft II, 4,,11.1,2,(1.ft ftaTi,l,ft i,(iLl.3,dftftft b. d ft ft ft 1 Total,20); aTaiaga, 811-14; lilKhait no, 23- TbaoorladlnK Kama itf the nlsht waa hatwaeoTown- aand aad Dr. HlILr. Th. lonnrr won lir 313 to Dr- Illtlaci3lft Tie acore: Town»od-a 0,0. 0. Id 6. d 31, IIC. ft 23.1. Oi I, ft 14, 7, 14. d ft 1,1, d 1.4 4, iftl. I, 21,13.1.Tl d 13. 0. Id ft 17. ft l,0,ft3, l.dftdld It.ftI, lftftdl,ftl,ftlU-ia, Pr. ll1llar-fta,3,>.dfttl,2,I.Aftft2.1.1, ldfta,6,d i.dftdftddi,ftd2dUiLt.7,HUd%orni fta.o.di.d Tl^iLldft . .aip,o,'di'ft»,o.ftfts,i 0-311 BlRhrun—Townaapd. 31; Millar, w. Arorafaa-Town aand.SMI; lllllar.3 2l-0. Or. BaaaaF net Fatd. I'oisanburic In tba fliit saine of (aeaftaraooDOi lA. It waa uo. uf the prattiaM Baiiiaaor tha loamay. and aoma brilliant eiacuiloo waa vTinMaad. II raeoHad Id a f Ictoty for Foglonburg by Iha lotlowlos bMe bMwaaw Fimab Rem] llhadto b. poalponr ■ alcknaaa Tba^ma llhadto be poatpeood en aoaoaal of ibo Jaiaarnaa'a ~ doaa Bot iebrMfaall.bnlalU b. roaianhurK-d 14, d ft Ift d dJ, 7, ft 3,d 1.1ft ft l,d 1.2. f'bi 3. d EftA a, i ft d l,ld li 1.4 ft a, 4, d d ft ft ft ft s, I, d d d ft a: 11, ft 0,8--aio. Dr. RanneF-4 ft d ft 13, S 7. Ol Old ft 11,1, d 1, ft a X d ft 1. K. ft 2ft 11, ft li. ft ftl.Ti ftTi, 414.1. -. d7,,O.ftddtlftftt,ftl,dll-3U0 Ulah mna—Rannar, 23; PotBanbor|t,2d Aranaaa- Fouaobuif 32307: Dr.Banaay,33l»7. Hafiraaa-rnd OaSeaai^Hi. KlrbF. Fnsk K»eoe7&c«l Dr.milorlnlhanaitKania. Th, mao Del under an arao haodlapol2lft llwaaaalob- boraly coDt«*tad saLina,aod Uia playaiawei«tl«]at23l each. Kaaoar won on hIa alaadj narra, with a acora of "".bronlyVpoInia, Thaaaon: lF«aar-3ftiftl, dddll,3,ZS,0.ddlO. l,d.ftn,ftl, ....i.i,4.ftuie.~- ^ - ■■ 24. ft Idftl-tU. 3MILl>ronly9poInia, Thaaaon n3F«aar-3ftiftl, dddll,3,ZS,0.ddlO. di 4.d l,l,4,ftUie.9,2,4,ft4, I,ftftai,d2,d'.l,1,ft ll.ftft 24. ft Idftl-tU. nr. Illllar-«,l,dftftO,l. 4, U.S. SI. ft ft Id 0,1.0. ft ft 0.4,0,dftl.d5,ftp.dl,ftld0,0,4,ftftd4,». IS, 1ft Id 11,1,14, ft dd&-33l. UlM ruB—Kaaoar. n; ATanRaa-lfaeiiar, 4 »-&: muar, 4 O-Xl. Rohraa-Mr. Klrbj. ThaflratgaBaof tlia avanlna bronabt (linlner and Ur- Raanar toiatkar- Tlia formar playoil a iplaodhi aaiiia aiat aaally dalaatad bUopiionanlby.Moteaf 3^0tolHT- Tba acoi«: Oaidoar-O, SI, t, 2, ft 4. 4. d U, 0, ft 0,1,13,4,0.1,ft d I, ft I, d lI. ft oHdl. a. 13. ft 31, >, ft I, lib, iiD;, s. d 4, 16. total,290: aTaimaa-d30H: nl|liaatacor«,:i4. Ranney-a ft Ift 17, ft ^ ft I, I. ft 31, ft I, Id Id d 1, ft d 17, Id d ft ft 4,1, S. ft Id ft >,d 4ft 0,4. d I, ft 6, dd 0. Toeal, r<7: aroras^4lr4f; hialiaat no, K R«Itraa-K KIrby. TbacoolealAOU Unlahad tha Oral waab'a achadala on Batonlav nlthl,tb« Onal bout balog bolvMn Wllllaai Baminlaod Dr-Janninn- Bananl sa'otd the lead aod bald it Ihroufhoul, winnloR aailly by2lutolliadoeloi'a 100- Tlia wore: Banaid-I, ft ft Id ft 4, d U, ft I. 0. d Id 4, ft I. I, 1. ft ift ft ft a, ft Ift I, 6,2, I, d ft Id b 9. ft 1,1, d2ft ftl,dftdO,ftl.O-^KI. JaDolnsa-O, I. d, d ft I, t, 2, I, 3 I. I, ft », ft ft ,1,1 l.tLdftd I, ftftftdO.O.ftftdl.l. ll.u.dP. Aid,d 2d0.6-100. Illah nin-Haraanl, SI; Jeoolaia, Avanaaa, Banuid, 4 23-17; Jennloaa, 3 640. rbaaaaDiidiwliepanadait«nioonorn.wlth a aama tMtwtan Hulk and Oanlnar. Tlia formar eentlaa«l hla uabrakanaariaa or rlotortw. dafaallof (faidnar br Vif' thrw polniB, Thla sare Biark nra woo gaaio., with an oica)lentel4neeofvlnnlnaIlialournanaot Thaacora: Hurh-di.2, Idd3,3,ftdd2.fta ir.aftdftM.e, a. a. Id Id 31. ft <.o, d ft ft Id 4.ft Id d Sftif. 4, ft a, ft 30, II Toiai Till; aniw, 6: blitiaat nio, Sft Ualdoaf-ft Lid l7.2,4ftoril, 1.0. id 1,1,11,7.0.3. 21ft.27. tftd7,ftil,4, i.dd l,d I. b, 0,9,Ml- Totall.le7: arwBs.,42Mi; hlahail no. 27. Tha Itnu aaniaotthaaftanioaaraiulladlQawelleainad vlctoij for rrank J. tCaaney. lllBfi|FponM1,WIUIaaBar- oaidi waa aeahle to boM hfoi ataiif niafft aod waa baalau at th. .nd liy forlr aiahl pulnia Kaaoay-0 1.2,1).>^M.ftft d 12,d Id 1. l,d d I, dd3. 2dft«,l,3S3.7,l,ftl.ftV.3 ftftl.ftd d II, II- Toul, VO: aaarmgr. 0 U-al; blabaat ran, to. Barnard-l>,l,l,ftS,4,i,l,ie,ftdl2,d W.0,0. ».i,t, II, 1,3,6,W,Id 1,1, ft d 1. Iftl,ddft Idd I. I, 2. ToIaL laiaraiaa^ 4 240; hlshut run, 10. laftra., Bdaan Klrer. Tha drat tama of Uia ar.olaK. Utwaw Krad. Oakaa aad Dr. A. B. Miller, waa a oafi plarad ooouat. Foch Biaa bail won ooe imma and loal ilirea. A dafaat lot allhar wonU Uiarofora plaaa hla out U Uia rae., ao, 001. atnllr, th./ ware bolJi anilooa to win. Tha aama waa (loM and aiclllna tliroofhoiit At tho bat Innuff lhar ■o.a2IIMCll- MIHarwon byalgbtpolplj. Thaacora; MlOar-r.ft 2, I. d.dft I, II f, ft Id d ft ft Id & I, ft d 1,l.ft dO,ft 1. HI, ft ft Ift 0, fttl. ft ftl, I,*, did d ft 13. ft 4, i 32. ft I. I, I. ft 0, ft 3, V- Total, 210; a<tr •(«. 4 6ts: bl.haat run, S. Oataa-<,4, Id ft d 4. d T,ft C. 1,4. 1,2. L d 4, d dft d d7, ftftfti. I.ftl,d2, I,2dau.ftd0,dft I. II, l.ft d ft 4. a ft S. I. Id I, I. I. Tolal, 3lt: anrasa, 34lt7; blatwit mo. 20. Raraiaa, B. Klrhr. Tm coorladlnr ipm«aor Ihia Intanatloa and cloaeir cvolaatad loomaF will be pobllabad lo oar laaaa. AVTNTER SPORT. A. B. giTRsxBv waa the wlniMr ot Ibe Usal boat In tbe DM Rille norlee lac* at theloe ralacaSkatloa HiDk, LexliiMtoii Anaue aud Une llnadnd aoil Berentb 8ir»el, tbla cliy, uii SalunUx erenloit, Jao. 11, Ttiei* van rtn eomnetllon. agd Hie rave **. veil coateaicd, alibuuili at tho Bnlah Bwetr-oj prored a clever erlniier, after harlDg picked hlffl. aelC lip aftrr ■ aplll while goleg aioiind Ihe tun oa Ibe linii lap. wbereby he luat cootlderahl. itraiind, U. Htmlogmr OaUbed aeeond, by about ten yania; K. Honk IMnl. Tlme,3in. 20>,e. TMe caUMIab- maot baa boen dolsi an exrellent btialneea tbla Winter, lis cUentela belnii ol good clasa and tho rlDk balni Raoerallj Oiled dally. The nianaReiuoDl coodaci atcalia lb a bu.lboaa like niaiinrr, and, aa Ibej atilve lo bleaae Ibelr paitvoa aod add to tboir niinibar, tbej dasorre Ibe eacocan that lnu thua r»r been tbelia. Till Oconomowoo Ice YaobI L'liit>, of licoiioino- irao. Wis., beld lu annual oleotloii laat week, wllb tUa result: Oomniodon, Obarloa Cun<>; rice com- inodare, tibarlea Ik Sutton; uaaaurar, llanr P.Qce; Rietarr, iisrar V. Jones. TaMlnteraatlonal oDrllnaboaspell fur ibe Walker Trophy took Diaoa at Unluin, Minn., last week, oloa- lug on Jan, IS, wllb a vlotnry for tbe Onadbins by aacoraotitttoioo. Tea Hudwn Rlrar Iro Yacht CInh, of Fouilitaapala, H. hold tia anaeal raaatlns Jaa. ir aad rhnaalha follow. InaotBaara; Coianiodoia, ArclilbalJ KoaaiaialeaOMinta- doia^ Nomtan Wrl|ht; oMmarr and traa<«ar.r, John llopklei; ntaaniar, TlHHoaa Nawhokl. Tbk driti tea ra^ht rae. of th« aoaavn took riaca at Hwl ^k, H J.. Jao. 3ft tb« tw.lva mil. n«nl..t haliia won by Chaitoa Buld'a r.lp. In 43in. Th. le. waa rovalwl wlUi aaor. BB1.1.B laaas (lairv). an irtieaa, dlad iMaaily In Ch I- mio. Ill-, rnn Ih. aifaeta i>r a aniiltti oparatlMi. Tha ilacaaaa.!. who uan ililnr yrtra of an. boiaa her piit. tauloanl carMr aa a ohlhl arl io«a at HdYI ckor". ThMtie, UiU*aao, artiai. ah. pbiiail wlili many proinloaal pro- laaalAnala. anioae whom warn John HcCuUaii.h, Joaapb Jptfaiaon aad Adat^TaodlBh- Lalar *ha waacoanarlad with Mm.- BiaUaaU'B, Jamaa ll'Nall'aaol W.J.Hcanlan'i oocnpanliia For Iha laat nr. ream aha had bwn eon. aeciHl with rtrtouaalock ,-ompankaoii Iha raclBc coaat ll.rhn.hand, llwtia. dairy, aad niotbaraurTlro har. R. B. llvaaHtcoloiatl). a maaatar. dM Jan. Id atWd. llnston, l>., Irani llilahl'. tlliaaa.. Tlia dacMaed, wlio wua alatr-ilx yaoiaot apo. Maan hla thaalrleal carw Tba Clilc»||o Towri.asB.Bl* J. P. Msiifloll, of HI, l/inU, Mo., won the irat (ana In Ibis sboftstop loumainent, Dlfbt ot Jan. la, at lbs Aadlionniii.Cblcsie, ill., dsleailoi Kdward McUoiWIa, or llilladelpbla, iiy 400 to 37*. lURb nisa-McUoshUa. <9; HaRRloll, {o. Areraiea- HsoMI, I4»: Mcl/Siiihlln, 14. Tbe oiber ton- UsUnis In tbe toomamentor nine dare will be W. B. lUllley, Unlnlb; Tom OallSRbar, New roik; J. W, Oaproo and Oeoria ballon, Caoails. Tbe pam I* |l,oco, dlrldcd ainonf tba four laatUra, An iKnitSTAn team nliteon sliooilng coutext ur nien lo a team, Ofiy birds per man, waa shot at San Antonio,Tex-, oojiiit. Il, wllb lblareaiill:tiMo lU; New York, 117: Teias, lio; llUnola, 11:i, Tlie eolmnce fee was f lo, wllb floo added. THEATRICAL. coNmrii) ruoM iuhk 70. ARKANSAS. LltUe nMka—Al the Capllal Thcativ "Tirclvo Tonptatlona" oama Jen, 14 to bif boeloeai, Ivo perfbnii* en«ee. Oila Rkloner, In "VIUoo, tha Vanbond"dre« a Rnod hOBM lA. Bliervood'a Oraotl Oneratlo tNimmny ' ad to a toiall but apprvelailveauOlaoceir "To^n . lot" oonee 21, Balrlal U,B, Mlnnla HadUvm Hltliaitf HeudeM W. K. (I.lnf*r*ill K«li. I, Bol. aad AU. Tarlorl, Oliver ByrooK. II. B.1leniellU, It Hot ■prtnn.—At tho Open llnuM, Ofltwllh- HianillnR ine Ineleraeney of tbe vaaiber. a lerRO »U<«d Kitdlenca wu tanpted Co brave tlie eleinenU lo «Iiii»m V&le'e'Twelfe Tfini'lailonn," nhlcti wa« itTAluc«1 *lib allliaRorse«iRaira«leJaD.I&. LtoulnR: UlbHktDorr II!, Halvlorz), MinnieHtddero inike 37. RlritudHnninaMW. ALABAMA. BlrmlagbBmi^At U'Urteu'A Opem llouw DoDnelly aod (llran). In'the Ralomakara," ilrew Rnod lienee Jan. 1& folloved by "Hnwlnir the wind" 17. to fair audience, "rha Old lloaeileail" oatua IK, to a fmvdad bouiif. TbeBaklwlB-MelrllleCo.eoiiteKlaatl werk. SOUTH CAROUNA. Charleetoa.—AlOiron'iiAcadetnfor Uiii*(e 1i« Wolf Hopper hail H. R. l>. Jan. II. at advenred inlre*. "Upe aad Downe of LUa" drew felrly well 17. 1li» nJ- Tuace iwle fer InlnR and Torry, A !■ Uia larR«it In N)liit nf amount la tliahUlory of the booea. "tHJ llninMlead" cpnieaTT. WYOMINa Cb«yoBBe—Ueory K. Mnj, In *'Ttio IaMotj of Love." cornea Jao. W: AonaKra Kay SMI. Ralph M. rrlenil liea retired fhitii tbe tnaoaietutQi of tho cpere huuM and la nucceedea by Kd. JT. flulile.a furmeraaao- data maoater. DEATHS IN THE PROFESSION. TiiOHis HAtii'iRK, tba veteran manaior, died Jui.W, la iblH olty, from oM aRO aod neDenl doblHiy. Thede- teaiad wu aeTeaty ivo yearn of aKe,aiiii vaeuaeef tlie oldeettbeMrlealiiiea In tbie eouniry. lie warn toUell- fornla In 1M0. and erected iha Perkar Ibmie, elilrb «u in apartUHDt bulUlnt. Ttile wee bitmed dawn on May 4. IHOO, out wu at once rebuilt end renMeeil In furiy ilayi. Hie new houee contained a larwa hall fnr dramalk itor- loniianoMaDd waBDaoed Ibe Jenn/LIulThvalre. Tlili vae opened noceeaiully by Mr. anil Mn. Riarh. On May 4. IttI, anuiher Rrael lire pocarred, whicli aDilraly detUoyad the new Inilkllnu. t'o- dlwoayed by ibeee nlelortuDee, Mr. HaRuIro built anoUte? boeaa. which waa briouipelly deelRned for dranuHc peKormaDeae. TTiU wai alw called the Jenny LInd, and waa opened under ibe maaaRcinoot of Hr. end Mra. Kurb, with a Rood cotntiaBy and in uvrr- tloalOBboaeu. Tlieopt'nlORdale waa JunaO, livll, awl eiRbt daye lalar Mr. MaRulre'e third lUiiotura wu di>- ■troyed hy fire. Mr MaRoira ouw ileiamlonl \n bnllil a more nbuaailal etruoioii* than iltr roiiiwroBai,*hlc}i were conpoerd of eood ami cenna. Acmrdlnity he ersoied alirlck and ktonaMntoturooa tbookl ilta. Tim balUIOK WM ooapletiHl lo ibe oirly lift of IBU, and waa op«*DPd iiDdrr tba fevurlli* nimo of llm Jmnv Llod by a conipanr hradMl by J. H. Hixiih utd wire, and locludlnR Hr. and Mr*. Woodvanl, HlageroflreUDd," appeared forfonr nlRhta. Onltaal, IHST tbe nanaRenent of tbe hell wu tamed orar lu J. B. Booth, la AuRuit, IMS, Mr. HaRuIro rarthaaed i larRe j(u whidi be lied taken epart aad ihlpiwtl to Baoramenio, when It wu em-ied and terard Into a playbouia. In UOft. In e*iaJuneiloa with Jemei Cuok, Mr. Magnlre built Uie KurrvH TTia atre. In Heoraineoto, which waa burned alwui ilx veen leter. In ims be IhiIU Uio Maauire U|*erB llouMi, wblcb ha eoBilooied for a mimtier uf yeera At that tliiM he woa alio proprietor oftlieNelropolilaQ The aire, Haoameoto. and the Haryarllle Tlieeira, Il wliirl. hobeea he played eicellaoteUiekcoHipanlea. AiuoniHie pronilneot eciore and actreexu who pUyed ucderhli inaDaRevaatlDCalllomla were ilia eldir Hooih, K<lwln Booili, Edwin Korraet, Parew Roea, iTiiarlee Kaeo. Joiepii Jerfereon. Un. Jobii Wml, CiiheUee Nlle- Mn, Kioma Abiiou, Olarm laoulee KoIIurb, Mma. 01 Munka aod L«Ua Crahlraa, li le aeld ibat be Dircied Jenny LInd tXJBJ to titay a Han Franclaco aoifaReuienL hat iha wiMbi aot umler- teka tbe ulp, wlilcb lo Uioae diye had tn be mule by way of Panama Mr.MewuIre oruaalunl ilieieinoiti Caliromla MInatraU, which llieo Included Hillr BIrrli, Ben OotlOD. Dave fl Wanboli, Ham Weill, Hilly Bamerd, flhar. Cimpball end (laorRoH. Ooei^ Mr. HaMuire wee al ooe Uneconildered lobeibewaeldilaaiiliiairlcal loan- aRar In Ibe world, aad between IKiOartd IMrtheprecilcall/ coottuIlKl all of iheatiracllooa that ap|Mered I'n tho (Wl fornla caaec The faneral wllloccur Jen.ZJ, uodertbe auepkea o! tbe Aciun' Pood. LoTriKlIoroH, formerly a well konwqa«ire«>, died lo Ihleollyon PrMay nlRht,Jan 17, eacil ilety twoyeera, Bbe wae liom In UUca, N. IT., June II. MD, and waa Ihe danRbterofOr Powler. acalebratad haiiidtKUir In ibat dir. Hbe aiarrled William llouRb when iHlia yoooR. botwaadlforoad from bim v>me rearflefter. Hbe iiitue Iter debet oil tbe auaa In 141, at tlie Ulica Maneam. act loR MraOoaaai, In "Thu l^liary Ticket.'* Rlie nine to Kew Vork and appllod to WlUUm B. Burtoe, at ibe CItain ben Htreat TTieatre, lor aa eaaaieneBL BelOR uked wbai ahe coald play, ebe rejilled ^'anyihiDR." and wu at osra aoRaied. Riie nude her rtret appeareace KepL II. I«S, u Luer, In 'Triloa It (in." Oo fab. 3. Midi, wbea "A Hldiuionir RlRht'e |irpam"wu prodaced. ehe aetad llrrmla, and on Dee. M ii»iear«d u Vroua la "Apollo In Now VorL" Whi>n Anoa <^re Movitt'« play of "Kaalilon" we' dune, Feb. A, IbM, ahe wu (bedvrtrudti. Hhe eonilnaed wl'h Murloe tlio fol- lowlaa •euoo, aod acted Martha lo "Oand i^uftparneU." Blie tlieo traTeUid Bouib aad Weet, aod becaom very popular w a very dorer Iniperaooetor of the Vaekae fin. Wlieo Jaiiiee II. Mcvicker Drei opened bi> Hiaatre In ChltaRU. III., Nov. C. IU7, ibn «m a luenber of Uia oorapaoy esd ennarvl ae Vo- laaie In "Tbe lloeeymoun'^ aod MarRery la The BooRb Dlainood," Harry renr ariloR Ihihe Araora iQd J. H. MeVlober Coueln Jm. Wiieo Uura Keen* eoniBeoced her eeaurfi of IfttUAl, at her newtbeaireUben located oo the *aa ildeor Broadway, aboT* llooetoo ibeeij, Mr*. Ilopab oi<ened <ki. I, u Millie HBRlBnle. In "La IMni»<le Hi. TrapVM." On Nov. t Alia aeiad BeUlae ia"PbT*1c and ranor," aa adepta- Cbarlae BMde of Miillera'e"UMeU4e Inaal- Al TarlariOL Ui 'Iha ROTea Oanahtari of H«iaB,''oa Ror fli of tlie eaue year, ■taawaenulteeuo- caealaL Oa Peb. II. IMI, ehe played MauaehaMKa lo "UoeU Manre MbrIo Untere." Oe Mey ta, laae yaar, rtia took a beoeflt, aad the ereni waa a netannble ooe, u T. B. Jdieetoa who bad been III for amie time, aclad for the leai lime on any eURe. dylni one week efterwarda. Mn. IlmiRn rttn- tinned at tbla theatre dnrloR (lie aeaaun nf IMl-J.cAfn. iiieneloR a« Tartarae In the liiirlau|ie of "Tlio Reran Hvna." Jn thelunnerorHMIaiiH went |o Kailand aad opaaedalUrury Lena Tliealfa, li«>adoD, la Hepiaint.«r, In "Jotlah'af^eartalilp." and waa a eraal ■uccaa*. Hha reiarsed lo America In Nofevteer, IMX and cMnmenc^l an enfanemenl al Mn. Jolio Wuod'l <»jnipln ferevtooily caltMll/tqra Keeoe'e)Theatre, M'lr..V),aaMeltlial'UAon, In'Tbe Yaakee LaRBcy." Rlie»lionlytrierinerileil Hu\>- ert (Jreaory, a ooB>prDreea|oaal, who dUd a few yeere — 'R—■- ' ' ■-— *— - —/and . lfe,LDtUe<J4lRler,ditd at Danrar.Oflo., ur cirmunp- — ' 'Mrty-fonr. lie aae a uanber ol r, B. r. 0. R, analoUmeot wu aiTO. After ber laat mirrlaeaelie retired frotii ilie nw- llaRarBu;OHBB,eoaiedleii, at oee lime nf the teem or Bloonirrand HllUiq,aad who Uterworbfl wllli Ml wlfe,LDtUe<J4lRler,ditd at Danrar.Oflo., ur cirmunp- tloa. Jan. H apetf ihlrty-fonr. lie aae a uanber ol Deaver Lodn RaU.B. P. 0. r ^ — - Bade la ElkJ ftaii, la ibal city. 1» aSout thirir yaar* ace In rallrumla. For Mvaral aeaaone he tAored tbe c«oiiiry with hla ilauRhiarK «bo were well knnwe en the llyera Rlaiera, For piany Toen be hid ntanetftl a ooloted iiiiialnl eoiueily compinT, which U*re hiemmeendof which ble witu, >'giiem,'<wu Ibe aUr. IKa wife, ft baby dauRhterand the llyen Sleien inlvo bim. JMiB Hr. Cuia (Jeeala Maud LawrMica), TBrlely per- roraier, died Deo. U, KM, ether houieIn Bitrllnilon.Ift, IrvDi mnioitipKoB. Tha dec«ae«>l. alio wu iweniy iwn taaraofeRi>, wu wall known f>u Ihe virleiyataRB In tba *f>at. Wie waa at tme ilnieaoteniiiernrRamT.Jack'a * Oil ARe end Youth" 4N).. end r«<vnll)- bad nerfflftaed In •nd amuitd rhlMta, HI. Laai March ehe nlumed lo her htime owlof to [allluR lifRlUi. Tbe remainawere Inlamd Jan. I, In the Dallu Cimiftery. Dallu City, 111. TwiiA lUtUALi.UtMrlaJiaond>it,dled euddenly Jto.ft, at ber hoiaa. In Urvuklyn. N. Y., ftwit henonhiReor tba bioRB. Thi dMeiMNl, whii wu twenty elabi yearaaf eaa, wu Ihe unly diuf hier of tlm lataMIdl RrHajelt Htn-Ma- haataied. wlio dl«d 4>tit. IP. IWX Wia perfomiad witb twr Iktber'e tnnpe of lomhaie tlimnahnut Borupe, Aela aeil Aniarlcft. Her luoihar mrvlrraner. Tlipremalniwor^ Inienvd Jan. ^ In FTarpitena tVnteiery. Hronklyn. Miiim. Kabmi-i. ( ec>rea«,dleil .ten. 17, In B<utiin, Maw., from ihe eilecti nf a aurRira ofierailon. Hhe waa a mamlwrnf "Tlie Dauler**i-o. Um aowon aJhl wu rareiiily amenilier nf "The Merry WorM" Co. Hheaaa lliawlfn of llanrRA 1Tothpri|^n, niOKRer nl Ihe Park Thealm. Rrmtkbn. N. V., wIip anrvlTee her. Hon AI.LRM, a Tarlfir i<*rftiniirr, dlrd Jan. 10, In ili.* Jnhna iHtklua llnaplleL Halllmur*, Mil. ablla aiider* KotnR a aurRlcaloperallnn. TliedocaaHtl wu1hlrly*>lx Toare of age aiHl wu nf ih» well bnnwn teaii) nf Allan and Ulrara Liuia tmiLim <Mn. Allen nruiiimi>nd). ao ictrtaa, died trim a hdniorrhaRe nf the liiORa Jen 0, at Hi. Jotaph'Alloapltal,Denver,Cnl. Xiihe tUteofherdeeth aho wu a mam'^r of the "Alvlo Jnallo" 0>. ThA reinalni were dernalied In a vault tn await ilie arrlTaluf iela> tlioa. ^UHH-ONAHi-tH V. (lit.L, formerly profeailiinally hnovn aal«|iaMnriiin,d(etl auddiioly Jen. II. at her home In Hlrhwonl, O. The deciaaed lieRin ner prulbulooal career about aU jroan eon, boloRa meml^ruf Martha Wren'a roiupaoy Itir a i>imIvn of iim araaoaa The fea- anniof IX>3S aod Imi4aha wu Imdlng niiimDii with Varmma Jeriwau'a coutiteay. Khe marrlal OharluF. nillOiit.», li^i.and reilr«l Itinn tbe naRo. llerhna- land aod inulher (Martha Wren) aiirrlve her. Tiioa. I'. IiaKBLaMii, a unR anil dance mn, died at PI Mery'i Iluapltal. lIulioken.N.J ,of oooeunpiloo, Jao. I*. laurmaai eu medo un Hieten laUod ihiday fM* lowlor: Jamkm, fomtarly a variety perrunner. dletl Jan. 0, ettheHL Kraiirla llmpllal, Una rllv.nnm typfanlii f*t«r Tto decaaecd, who wnp If enl/^'i'ti yaare or aaa. >i*n«l in llii* u n i^tfnniii'r un tfin farlety aiBRabut Unelly lell U to arrepi a H'altirm wllha lllhitRranhlBR company, lie leavra b lirnlher, P. II. llnniK. Tne Te> tiialna were aeat tii LoRaoapori, Inil., r<ir Inlonneni. FOREIGN SHOW NEWS, >"Ohii ok Till HnT," a diaraa. In roiiraola, hj Hoyraour illcka and Ocirjiit l^lwanleii. waa aotcil lor lite tml tHue on anrilageal ilie Ailrlphl, l/on- don, Kcw.. Dec, 'Jl, "Till iiHrniN llBiHiaw,"n lonram nn^loilraiiia, lir Artbiir Joiftiwin, waa artnl forlbe Ural ilniD In KiiRland at Ihe h^lco, lllaliup Aiirkland, liep. 3.. "MAUi'ii.i.ii," a four aot iileco, li; VlolurloneBar- ilnii, WH* iimdnced at tho (ijninaH, I'ariB, Vr, Uor. ai. "La Ubnkuhtk liK Ht, Htiu'ii^e." a itiaina. In flro acta and leii acoODH, li; .Xarler He Monte|iln anil Jiilva liomar, wan iirndiiueil at Ibu Aintilguo, l^rla, Kr., litu.W. "1,1 lliaoN Tr.iiiiHR," a riimic I'pona, In lliree arlH anil four acenca, iiiiiali! lir Jnliaon, Htrauaa. Kruncb lllirulin hj Aniiaiid Ufrliiur, waa ninderea al Ilie Kiillna-l>ranMlli|iirH, I'aria, Fr., Ileo. 70. "A tViiHiN'H llaAwiK,''a pbt;, I,/ Oliaa, II, K. VVnkonrld and V. U. VMHut, wiu acled for the flial lime on any aiag. nt Ilia Htiaflpalitirj, l/iiirinn, Kiig., Iimi. -a. "I,A Jiiiit'iHia,"a four ael lytir drania, wonla liy Kdoiiani RIaii and Uine, HIntone Arniauil, nurio liy tlie late Kduanl Lain and Anhtir 11. Uwioianl, WH. (Iveu al III) Opem i;oinliiue, I'aria, Fr„ IXii.XI. "Ai'iTT llauaii't," an nrtflnal ran:r, by Allaiit AltwiHiil and Ituaaoll Vaun, wan pruiliiced at Uio ■l|i«ra llniuc, Ubullenliain, Km., Iioo. Iv, PROFESSI ONALS' BUREAU. Wtnts of ManacBri tnd PtrfomMn, Opto OatMi vta— Sm AdvtrtliMMntt. DRAMATIC. Attiraellona ran iMik lime it ilie KinpIra Theiire Furl Wakna. Ind. II. II. (MilleronenanieliHlrami In let. Ilaaani and Dnylo Inne a card of Iniaraii tontanaaera. Pliirenee uberR, at tba baed ol tlin NetropollUn flay era, la pre<ianiiiiR ilni oIbm rapertiiry pleya. Time la tfeliift iHuked by Funk A. Ilarriuiu 'TbeTmlly Party ' will be produoad noder Ibe diree. tlfio nl Weber A Ffelila. Therramalla llrolham will heed Iba troupe, and will lie aaalaled by tniny nibar capable farce nrineilr peoola. New aiwclelilea, M)ull^ dancea anil etfecie will lie fnifmlaoed Uiinehe It una ofilie ninat altractira aliowi on tlia road, rrairiaile paoidaara wanleil l>y CJ. Frank Orr, Ktlwln Brink. Wm. Macauley. blnyd A Hlller, Krelio Ovnlun, Liinia FlereeLUa llavrn (.'nniedr Co . X. 1*. Keoi, Man. aiier. TIiol Blllownod. W. K llemleraon, O. p. Wood- wnrd, Prodarlrbe, it. W. Merba, Mluliafl A 7.ibnt, Da I.a>in, Wm. Nehhle, II. 1*. UeUon. AtMl4ity:llarrr P. Freetnin. Jiofpli P. Prefwae, K. A.drahiiii, UbuiI flutittn (Iraliam, Dave flevNiour, I. P. Harah. Lettre Wllann. Ifnra rarlelin. T*4 O, (Irimn. Allen DeisuDd, rMrlEiiiiiietl, Frill K. aad K>lBnHnDpe. cUra llaumer, Nellie Dyke, John W. Tdmbull, Llllfaa Evana. Newton Hiera wanU repertory pio|i|a for Um Hubli Comedy (>n, II. I'. 1.0 Hniii waiiii iiiuilclana aoil open ilme fur "Ihian 00 tlie Farm." ■UfllOAIi* "My LIiUb PuIIj-'m ■ Peach." Ihe laleal enna In Iheputi* Mlariiyle,siiidirnitlie*lrineof nne'aawB«iibeari, labe* unoloR pujeular with a niab. Iia nieby oiualeaod at trtciiraly a)in|iallieila worda ei)i>eal lo nverr cna, ami ilio audleocee reaiMlv uke up tbe rarralii. ft la beloH ■mil hy (he Tliraa Hlarrri iVan, Mav llnwinl, Hlafn Hrftdle, Hwl|e Kllla, I.jdia yaamaDi Titan. Hhatna anil WiiHbo.J. O llarrlnRt/m, Polly IIiihiiM,iTerrle Fullon, Harry ftteli and iiienj olben nf ei|ual prumlnenre. ripaiildlna A llray, ihe (oirtilar iiulilUbara, will aaad Ihlii ennR.wllh nnnly erraoaeil urcheMta jiarU, free lo ritug. ni/.*)d proleailunel alaRMnt. "Tlie New Bully" haa iwed laaued Li tlia /.aou tfearalii Mu*le Uo. *'ilwe«i Krfna May" and "Vnu Were Kind PiMeWheo 1 WaapiHir" rku Im ordered fnun Joe.Tlwinw. "Jual a main American Olrl la 41ml KiiourIi for Me*' abtl "A iilrl Who laitTee Muihar aod Hume" aie lUMilleil Ut MaveMatlonACo. •TTie Miile HaR Itall" and 'TiaOU Paahloaed Baiiiei MiiHipr Woro" «re two unRe rocoinueodet] ll blta by tbo WlillnCIlr MualcCx. llenrrJ. Waiiman.iliaaonRj<ublldier,w|Hi adrerllaea MaimMlrailimaroRalarly In TUB (iLirriM, *tlua"lliai UirouRh no oUiar medium cao he reach fbe craaai of tlm lirnrMilun an aaally." Thli wetb ba aeniruncaa Ihe hit made liy Lolile llltaftn wiih hf»laleei|iiinilcalloo,"Denny Mun>hy'a DeuRhUr Noll," l<r Chu. A. Hekd, iimUaatonal oinlriurwhleli can nnw iMhad ttmn hr llfa prnrMoloo. *Mlar Mem'ry Hrltiia Me Nn Ua«ral" aad oilier popular Minna ere laaiieil liy Prank llerdlbif. Hart Kliiob wanle a iiral aopranu fur 'The HairoL" *i l.<inR m 1.BV My Ifoad oa Muthei'a Knee" In null- ll^beol Ut W. If. Parker. tl. W. KirlH will aupply "rm Mail wltli Miry Honkou* and "Ml plod My flwaaiheari AReio," an well aa.lwn balUila. rr*e to btnfeaalunala. *'My f'«ullna''ran lieunlar«l friim A. A. Ilurffren. r. W. Held advertlaea "Tlia NaMeixiy and (be Roae," "Jlniiiv, Hwevi Home, and Mnllier'a Armi^" leoccntaeach to |irnre*Blbnaia. Huaicruia are waotad hy Prof. C. Brannan. 0. W. JontL br. U. W. Huntley. ^ AILItrtrty: NiOiin Nortla. B. B. Nlueli, rred Whllbicb. Chaa. w. Billliartjf. II. Mnrar. * '-WliliMit lllu, Whai'a tha landP'a new mareh aoay. la auppllad by BrfMba A Ifaolnn Co. *'lriiere bo YoD Lira, LlUle Bny 1*' can be ordered ftf n tbe John Church Oo. 'Tliai Wheel" Il a new bicycle lonR, lained by A. L. Itiroali. "Jy'f^\ Dear" leidvertlaad br Uarlbolotnaeai Dmi. *7«o Lliile Boya bihI e UoR,''aaAnRwtdehTi rrcom- m>aded hreereral iloRerii,can beaecaivd frem Thna, (loiRin A Hroa. Tbe,CoPknlal Muak Co. hive laaaed "Tlirea Lllll* li'nnrlaia pora," for ten canii loproraaalooala. Tha Rnffllah Hooff PubllablBR Cl>. idvertlie Mreral new aoBfa. Ti<e fourioDRi lunR liy f.liu. II. 1Ioin>«r. lo ■Y;hlmmla r addeo," caa be orderedfroto Oruier Bruihem^ VARIBTV AUD MlfrilTRBLI, lAW Roily and Toni Jaowla. lw>Di vt inloalral /line, hart jnlBoil (Orcea, and irofreaantloR ea eic«ptlr>na]ly itroejR vhlta face comedy, entlilerl "A Funor Rnep." Krlmnua A We«t. In wlkrfe furcaa Ueiara Rully awl lawla hara rieaii Important fecUira. alruoilj rvrdiiiBioBd tbe act l« a vleiiraldo addliloo in the lieit coniMnail'ioa. Tuny and FranclaMydor'aHubeClrcoa act can Le eo- Ruan f'lrdaiea Uridenend Pare are with Wliilama' Maiaom at Ui« fiondoB Tbeatr*. New Vurb. tbU week. Uerran*! Jordan are pro^lurlOR Iheir novel aliflBff aD<l coinwly eel wlUi araal auec«*a at llie Ualon ■'laareThea- Iff, New Vorlf. Ilila w*«k. They can lja enRBRed. Prank Md.'ur.* wanu a pailaar fvr triple bar*. |l«mapl Uyll) n iniKiunrai a mnii aucceaanil Callfomui eARiRernoBL llAaelle.acroirailea1nRlnir er>d daactoff ioubralle,ca Jain a farce comedy or afieclaliy co. Al. Oreat le plavlnR a apeclal aBRiffnaal wllb Webu AFIeUa'OwoCo.iiileweair. Uecaabi«OR»i«]. gtwruoBo om riOB iir^