New York Clipper (Jan 1896)

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January 25. THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. 753 FREE TO PROFESSIONALS. FREE TO PROFESSIONALS. GOOD TBZXTC OF TBS SBA^OXTp FOLLHi THE CATCHIEST, MOST ORIfilNAL AND BEST WRinEli POPULAR WALTZ SONB OF THE AQE, From tlie Pen of the Youngest nnd Sent Sons Writer in Sxintenoe, GEO. M. COHAN (OF THE FOUR COHANS), Now being featured by su^^^ noted professionals as STEVE BRODIE, MAY HOWARD, MADGE ELLIS, LYDIA YEAMAN8- ''■''*"4?.'.«Ji*«» ^I'L^AI.I'*®''^'" POLLY HOLMES, KATIE ROONEY, THREE SISTERS DON, JOHNNIE CURRAN (of WARD and CURRAN), SHAYNE and WORDEN, MRS. TOM MclNTOSH, NELLIE LAWRENCE, CARRIE TUTEIN, HARRY DOWLEY, MABEL FLORENCE, ADA JONES, MARSHALL MURRAY, CEO. PRESTON, HARRY LEICHTON, J. C. HARRINGTON, HOW- ARD POWERS (Of ELECTRIC QUARTET), JOHNNY MEYERS, CARRIE FULTON, HARRY DIETZ, EVANS and HUFFMAN, FERN MELROSE, MAY ADAMS, HUESTED and GUYER, LITTLE JANE DALY, MAGGIE MAY and a great many others who sing only the best of songs. Recognized professionals can obtain this Great Song, with Orchestra Parts (Arr. by UBI^TVr A W SOZXIjOSS), free of charge from SPAULDINC tt CRAY, 16 West 27th Street, New York. p. NO ATTENTION -WILL BE PAID TO LETTERS FROM: AMATETJRH. "Chimmie Faddeo" 4 AS BVNO BT THE AUTHOR, The Talk oftheTown In hit New Commlir, "CHIBMII] FADDSN," now playing lo crowilcd hosfi" at the 0«rden Th«»tr«, New York, fur » loBg nm; "OHIIHIUIB FAOOBN, DER BOMHEitV BOt" (Bow.ry gong with Waltz Clioral). •'MAUIE CAIiLAil&N" (Song and Dunce). '-TO THKE AbONB" (Ballad). "KOT LONG AGO" (a Charmlns Little Lore Blory and Beaatlful Ifelodr). Dea'l (kll to nenil for them. EKCU OSR 18 A OEM. Piano Coplei FREE to Prorealonalfl* Orcheitratloni, 10c. each. CItXJGtER, BROS., 30 WEST TWENTT-EIOHT STREET, New York City. IN LINE WITH THE BEST. ROSE SYDELL'S LONDON BELLES BIG SHOW. On account of our Tremendous Success in the East, will be obliged to cancel all time booked West of Pittsburg. NOW PLAYING IlETURN DATES AT GUAllANTEES. WILLIAM KRAMER & SONS . Proprietors and Managers. 60-54 BOWERY, NEAR CANAL ST., N. Y. CITY. The Qrandest and Host Beleot Family Sesort. E^ery Evening and Saturday Uatlnee, Qrand Concert and Vaude-rille Performance. Open All Tear. FlIt^T CLiSS VAUDEVILLE MTR WRITE FOR DATES. Consider sllenoa a poUte negative. SAM LOCKHARrS Original 5 Wonderful Elephants. to ClaclODitl, CblciRo lod Pu Fmoclieo. _ _ FgIo. lO, IV And. 34:. SIXTEEN WEEKS WITH OUS HILL'S NOVELTIES, AND A BIO NIT EVERYWHERE FIELDS and SALINA, ECCENTRIC COMEDY DDO AKD CLEVER HIOK KICKEILS, BRASS BAND AND ORCHESTRA^ FOB TUB (iHElT RDRAL DIIAMA. «r>ow]v orvTHE f^A-RM" .Bpin'on pitu 10 "m. OIJ ILotmImO," f .cHIor i)« fcon». .i.rTWh.n,. l-.opl. ooil b. ''•"•'llj;/'i""' 1.. M...,'.r.orp.puUrpr.«hou;.»^.i^^^^ A conptn' r«itr " SHOW PAINTINGS. TUCKER BROS. CO., EVERT rilNTINO WILL OK DESIGDED MID P»Ag.V BY BrAKTOS TVOKEB. »*ti BPRinO ST., NEW YORK. TKB^IEMNIVS 81ICCKWW TIIK gOUTIlO*' THE Ml Feature Clroui, Traollon, Fair and Equine College, ^ANTS CIRCUS PEOPLE IN AM. BRANCHES OF THE UVSINES8, OUd.ra TlihoQt «(<Kk). doips t«o or more ftct*. Tor . UirMmooUm* tour or the W«it ladieii. Hlmv liK.IoUneto op«nlf.y)2. Leivo b»r« .buul t«u.x I^>pl«|WlnrtoW««l iDdroiitlll lMilK>..k»il f ir leritar •nm lo lliln coonlt/. II i«ll«f«ciot)r. Buio loll M'iitj>_ '•'•la gm leuor >oil lo.««l Ml«ii-- '^iAfeLiVJi FHEruRHBD. If ANT ALSO. FIBOT CLA«S BKHPESTK* •IK SEISr DAMOEH. AND boUbmiVILEdE HEN. O. H. PURROlf. MimoReP. ><>3 Braadwaj, Ifew York, Room IK. DRAMATIC PEOPLE WANTED-STATE '•npMtloolM.:lrluT.I<potl»lU«. flMlil. Lon«««iW3 f aon t ructBAWB, Oioiitlan, Bion Co., Vliio. WANTED^ MEERy GO BOUND MAN THAT WANTS TO (10 TO WEST INDIEa. »lll Mil prl>lta» wl rnmlili ironTOiiMioo. BIT m<;p«T llMr.. (Ill WrLL BfV OR KENT A XKRRV nO ROIND. M BBOADWAY BOOH » TniH. SHOW FiUNTINfiS, Sidesbow PalillaKS, lht6iioDUpli|s, Elc. CLABBilOK FACJU. Bostry ta4tTlmi'.Tf\, K«v York. WANTED TO PURCHASE. Troupe of Ferformiiig Dogs and Monkeys. AlwRiaiaii DoK^Coat or HoBk.y. Mja Wmmn, M3 B^«r (Boom M), How HOWARD AUDITORIUM, JAMES L. KERNAN, Propristor and IManager. ' America's Ideal Theatre. PLATING TO THE EUTE OF BALTIMORE. SEATING CAPACITY, PRICES FROM Sor. TO II. 1,600 Twelve Frosceniiun Bozee. Ferfeot Equipment All Boats Couponed. Beautifully Decorated. Twenty Exits. Respleadontly Lighted. Read the Fallowing Letter (rom F. Zleofeld Jr., Manager e( the Sandow Tro«atfer« Vaudevlllei, Playing the Howard Auditorium Week ol Jan. 13: Ni«W VWIIK. January '41IIII, INIXI. JAMBS L. KEBNAN, ESd-, ManaB«r-Dear Sir I It I. bat Joet thai, upon elo.ln|| the .Dganement of Itip Hanilow Troradera VaadevlIlM at tbe Ilowanl Aadltorlan, that I, In behalf of Mr. f aadow aail CoagpaD|r, ■houlu .ubalantlally Inillral. oar .In- cere appreciation ortheconrteilei retalvcd, and alw toronaralalato voa npoB theartlillo brant}', lellHril i'i|ul|>meiit anil urae- tlcAlconTealeacesof yonr b.antllul lom]ile of amaetinent. The w.eM*f r«celuto wore emlneatly aaliil^clniy, .u uiarii to tni voald proro moit aratlfylfic toplar » rotam engaaemeat at the lloteard Audltorlam tbU leaMfi. anil f*> iKHtk ^vilh ya IBU7. Very ilncereV your.," »" ' " " y.t VXl f KUl i .11* (THE RECEIPTS DURING SANDOW'S ENGAGEMENT AOOREiJATED ^:>,m.) THE FOLLOWING ATTRACTIONS AHB DOOKBD TO APPEAR THIS ■E.\80Nl Sam Lochharl'a Performing Elephants from Koiter & Blil'i, In conjunoHon wHh Weber'i riympla, Hvde'a Cemedlini, Relllir & Wood's Co., Qut Hill's Novelties, John F. Field*' Drawing Cards, Weber & Fields' Vaudeville Club, Rujtelf Bros.' Cemedlan* and olhers. OPEN DATES FOR STRIOTI.T HIGH OLASB ATTRACTIONS ONLY. COMEDY, OPERA, DVRLESIlllE OR REPINED VAUDEVILLE. BfARCII U-IM ANI> 110, ALSO APRIL il AND i.'l. Address .TAMES U. KERIVAIV, Miiniiircr, UiillliiKtfiN nid. N. 11—PoaltlToly no 8«Bg Book PriTlleso Allowed. ALL K.ED HOT DAN DAVIS, the Popninr Baritone, U malting a hit on the Keith CIronIt with the Oreat Deurlptlve Soag, The Newsboy and the Rose, HV SHACKFOHD. dUARTETS, lend In yonr ttr, and ro- c.lve beautirnl Qaartet ArraaH.nienl of tbo Ming (hat ERNEST WILSON I. making aach a hit with, Home, Sweet Hone, and Hetlier's Anns, BV FUIDAV, Don't Leave Tonr Dear Old Soiilbem Home BY OUAY. Von cAoooi fliid a lialur llloMrel Koajr. RaJiViurtat RtlVilD and alno lolroliicta lli. OLD MiCkk AT IIOMR. ProfeKKloml ylaao CobloM of alH>i«, Ilk. mch; (Jicboa. Iiatlnoi, lOc. cilra. (^IIAH. W. UKLIl. 3> Waal SUi Htreat, Now Vork. W. II. PRIDAV JB.. Maoanr. OUR BONOS TAVOUT FREE. CALL I TO BALLAD SINGERS, qUARTETTES AND MUSIf AL DIUECTOII& I lUToJuMtiitUIiiilie*! CfJAALEH ODAIIAH H BfliuUrul utilUklnitBalUd, "Hor Mom'ry Brings Mo No Rograt." For Vluoforte ainl Vole*, for OrrhMln And Vulce. Tor Orcl>«BUA *Dil Cornfi Bok. Alto tnftaiitil for Mile Ouartstto. "HER MEM BV BHlNOg MB NO KEflRET" ln» com- pulnii MDR to Iht famugi' HAV AU REVOIR, BIT NOT OnOO BYE," ind will H«r«lyt>Kame n* pomiltr 8«iv1 3<-. MAiiip «o,l upt tu KHANK IIAIIUIMI'tl llCeiC STORK. VJ Bnw<ry. New Vflfk ^IBUBB COMEDY CO. PE0PLEF0RN0S.IAND2 T COMPANIES. E; Mualcl»nt who can pl»f f^om, 3 { and 4 Oradn Uulo. iVararobe ab- I ■olnlflly necetsary i Ifo. 1 now vlaj- D' Infi N«%v Bnglaad ClrcaM. no. 'A iopraiPKB.a. Tlmo all flIltO Tiir Itotli c«iJipaaf«i willd Tor daUnceor waion. f/eftrtnc* Rlv^n to aor toiii[«Dr wliQ art now orvaDli#(], iTlioiirnu[> In »|rvn|creptrto!r«, villibiod ud orrlieNtt*. AddioM aa |>«r roula. NEWTO N UEEHS, Munsger. Show J.*»iiitiiitf->>». THE BEST MONEY CAN Bl/V. E. J. HATfDEN & CO., lOfi, lOU, l\0, BRiJADWAV. BIUXiKLYH, K. V. WaliaTflttia hen UliuttUia ouuoiij irroiilB in lila Ho*. flallxfactlnp KuaiM lod. WANTED, FOR THE Woodward Theatre Coa, uooD kepehtoiue people For ilriaud NBXTiMKiD. Qeod ularl«a lo tooJ (»toi-l«. AdJi^M o. Ti. WOOriWARI'. franiowl. NbS. 'WlieroDoYouLivcLittleBoyr UT : arr ITH ACOIlKKHRfjMO, AOcl*. TIIP.Jftll.Vlll R^nrd'l .ninrioBall.K«i*yotfc.crilftago. STAGE DANCING. tt^g U'l Uaorr. Jif. Clor. frith Jim, R«el a&r] Buck DiDciDK laualil. fur rUR* or ainuaaueat l-lrciilara nilleO. J. BOUAN.Saai At<D'je K«» V-jiIi. MISCELLANEOUS. >mCLAPIIO»R LOCUil" "ELLH AT RKIIIT. Htmplr. rr.* w.mltpo'Ura. rlrelc. .umpA c i.inn.i' n makt. ci, iki i?t. ( aoioq. r ». BOOKM, rlltlTUN. BTC'. Modi cot iieaipf >i (iKllat. c.voiiauT, Isralkao'.Faa roik. NEVER BEFORE ACCOMPLISHED. LES MAUVELS. FIRST AUERIOAN APPEARANCE. INVITE INSPECTION PROM MANAGERS ANJ) AGENTS. THIS -WEEK-HIKER'S 8TH AVENDT-TAN. SO, CUS HILUS WORLD OF NOVELTIES. P.rmanent addreaa, IH E. UM SI., N. Y. Oily, rare 1'. U. Ilnruia A Co. ORGANS!!! FRATI TIIAre WHAT TOU'LI, HAVE HV UKTTIKa IIKI! 07 TUB GO'S ".'a';^"^'; ORBANS or ORCIIESTHIONS, UBUUIITRO CUHTOHKIIII Krlllni 1114 il.lllnirii'ilallj. Ilara'a •hal 00. laia: "NEVfK llAll HUIIII A rilljwil, ind li>.k In HO MUUII VONRT a> eliao I cbanitKl aoif (J<rr(lNK ul YllllK (lIlilANH." YOU OA.N UU TMK HAMICt CIMla; OR WBITH ItUICKLVI DONI'WAITM I alIo> • SPFXIAL DlltCttCNT ill n.l.. luxJ. IIKKOIIK RIAIILII HKXt: full patll^Un and CATALOUIIKN HIAlLiCI* FilSfH on tpplIealioQ. (la-. U). BEST. UolaKfall Af.'u.Uriaiinr HUSUST POUMIIH. TO and 72 FfMldln Stieet. Hew Yofk City. WANTED, Performer* In All Branobts, Sideshow end Conoeit People, Agent, Band* mitltr, Muslolans, Boit Canvas Men, Boil Hotller, Chandelier Man. NOTICE-State loweel aaUrr in flrat letter. Addreaa FBABK W. WILLIASIS, 43V Dlnmonil Strtrl. PItlabarf, Pa. AlfOTHER BIO 8U00ESB ADDED TO OUR I.IBT AT THE "BON TOM." JERSEY CITY, THIS WEEK. HANLEY AND JARYIS. Pemanent add rata. WKEKS nP JAN. -47 AND FKU. :i OI'EN. tt*t Kaafllal Rlrael, New Vorh. GAIETY THEATRIi, WANTED, C0MUINATI0N8 OR HPECIALTY ARTISTS, Foil FKH. :i AND tf l. Addlw. JAMBa ilBARWB, Btanager. A HIT. WHO? AMERICA'S OWN TRAVESTISTt, DBAM Am JOSB, The LAl'dllNO SIIT nt KBITU'«. BIJOU. Phlladelphle, lait wxeli. Addreaa Care TONY PASTOR'S FOI/RTEBNTU BTREKT THEATRE, Mew York. SEanasers of Faroe Comedy or Burlesque, DO vol; WANT A IKMlK.IITIWIIIII roNKpT ■ UKAPH OB WKITK Mrelloi wlUl ail Succa. .Illallciiw. AiMm raimaoaai eddraaa, oua