New York Clipper (Jan 1896)

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754 THE NEW YORK OLIPPER, JANTABY 25. LUST SEASON'S SCREAMING SUCCESS, "The Mej Party," Introducing: the FAMOUS Oarnella Brotbers, AND A COMPANY OP THE BERT FARCE COMBDV COnEDIAIlS IN THE WORLD. I'NDEB THE UinEOTION OP WEBER & FIELDS. Both ninnager niid pnblir. uro fully avioro timt th(t HiiccxiKfi of all our enterprises coiihIkIh In eirlngtlicm tlic beNt Ihnt brniii nnd money can (lovlfie. Wo tlierrforc propoNO thnt Shall be the NtrongONt, nniiilCHt nnd lieot farciriil comedy upon thft road. With lis lost year's ropntation as a "SOItRAHKB." >V« have noT gecnrcd artists, only of Iho lilRliest Ntauding, for Its production. [AND nOAKING »ITUATI0N8, I SPECIALTIES, NIIMIC, DANCES, HKCIIANICAL AND ELECTKIC EEFKCTS, ltd oddity nnd innrit plnctt It In lliR lond of all furce conirdy attractions. NOTICE.~Wc aru solo owiinrs and proprietors of thn following attractions ONLY: "THE TROLLEY PARTY,'* RUSSELL BROTIIEKS' COMEDIANS, THE VAUDEVILLE CLUB, >VEKER & FIELDS' OWN CO. WE AHE, positively, NOr connected with any OTHER ATTnACTION INDIVIDUALLY Its New V«r>r reapwlfally yonr*. on JOINTLY. WBBBR Si FIELPS. l.IOS Braadnar. N. V. City. Stationery Makes a Hit wherever you send it. That's the kiiul we'll get put for you. Ar- tistic, striking and cheap. Nobody can beat us in doing show work. CHICAGO PHOTO ENG. CO., Chicago SHANNON, MILLER & CRANE Yen BROADWAY, N. Y.. ONE DOOR BELOW NINTH ST. (Fannori; U lUllltn Ud«), MILITARY, THEATRICAL AND CIRCUS GOODS. Gold ud HUrcr Laota, Vrtnf m, (tpanglos, Slan, VumIi, Brooadea, TUIila. BDIita, IMdliigi, Bals, Win, aiiota and Jtwelrr, Tbtatrloal, BgoeiDlaii and AtUeUo Oowla, Ooatunitre' and Bads« Makeii' Suppllea. FUn and Uanncn, MllllarT and aoolot; Trtmmlngi. Amon of all kliKia to ordgr. Sand for oaUmitaa. Tm larirot aaonmant nnd tieaTlott Hook ol ttiaie (oods to Im found anrwiiare. Olnolan rree. Qoodj aant a 0. Ii. MFKOIA.L. MOTIOK TO MANAOBRH. CAPT. SIDNEY HINMAN, Till Ur* BiTsr. aulMad by UIOKBV KltBNKY.ftml th« lir* ttvloir Ooft UUKB, !■ miking a tniiismlouii l«<iBhlo B liUwllh fall ruanrburl«M|U*llfk winff ahow In thf Wftatatn lJiHtf*«. Thin vmH n oonft*! WONDERLiN D TICBATIIB, Mllwiakre, on w«Aiint o£ nuh^n^^ irvniendmiH hit WMh of J«o. 0, IHM. iM wMk kept the ^uUltDos iWM»ilB|fU)U>-»lllDKftlULVMl'lCTIIKATKI£, Cliluiu. Uur Ml ntna :ii hilnul««. IIkto inrowD iMelM iconrn* ta tit uir UiHtn. Aim hare »i>aclsl ooo »h««( lllKoiirmpA, lo A culori; cui for bllla. photoa rorrobbir._ Ol'KN TIMB OonineoolOK P«l>. 31. Add rev GU« ul OL) PPHa EMPIRE THEATRE, FORT WAYNE, IND. TUB ONLY lOrULAR I'HIOBD TIIKATItE IN Tim CITV. SutluK uiMcllj, LMM. AU noiltra IniinDTtiiiuiui. 'WANTED, Good Drnnintlr^ Comic Oiwra and Combinations. Op«n llnin K.t>. IJ. 14. I^ •Mkn roK 17, Vaitli >. Hudi 9. WUKN I HAY (lUOD COMPANIBS, I MBAN IT. OOOL) VAUlJKVItitilC ARI'IMTM ALWAYS WANTKW. ir ronhtn liUynl Ilia "lliTtull." xiuare.lltliiliiroillil.hnuMi. AJilreu I^OI'IR IIKILBHONKH, Mioanar. Acrotiitic Shglng ind DanclBg Sonbrette, Liti Flirt In Roit's Trip to ClilMtown. •lust closed at Kostor AL' ItlaiN a iiico pncnRoincnl. At liboiiy to join Unit class farco comedy or vuudovillo, 'tK>-*J7. Aildnu ALL AOBKITS. or T-IU UrlRgl Av»„ BnMkl>'B. N. V. ACTORS' NATIONAL PEOTECTIVE UNION LOCAL 3, OF CHICAGO. lolllKllun reo U imlw.1 lo $7.01, boylDDlDa K.U. ail to rriutln Id ellacl uolll April I, wtion U will bo nla««0 it •im aooUiiyiiu»rori<a>,ss»DUi. AL.L. MlCMniCRSI, NOTR WICLiL., MioitMn.ll iiioBlhi Id urotrawlll twKtrlakon Ooni the rt>ll Vob. I. Mfnil'.r.lilf rtnU lor'MiiKV mjly IMPOIlXANTINMTIlUlvriONM KOI* VOV. In Aclrtpwwi'a. FHAHK HFAMlELLIi, xul Bu.. Uur , 913 l)UI.8ln..l. "WITHOUT HIM WHAT'S THE BAND." MARCH S03VG- HIT OF HOYTS ^^v>^^^t* TT^tilte nag" Oo. ProfVMlonftl r<ipl4i»a «ntl oiTlicitratlsn, lOc, UH«MtKH A UKNTO.V CO.. (Ilh Av«. aad 3Ulh Slrwl, Nvw Vorh. ty- Brnil n«iu<t «nit aililrvM mna the itylv ofMnga you nml. THE IRISHMAN AND THE LITTLE FELLOW, Dry den and Page, HAVX JOINED HARBT WILLIAMB' METEORS. Till! wo ok. LONDON TIIEATIIB, N. Y. I'lTV. C mW lClJ a^HM! HH<J \V A O* loat wf^dV ftod hiUt (littu •T*rrtilaht; avvrT.iUTer Irlck to MooiMlAh, ih«r w. RBSULT.wt ntum kinln u rguxwMki. M»llve«k,UUWAElO,iaoitOD. IUJiJlfOBUrrEBa,u«7oaUlI(«i* Now Beady, THE FOR It Ccntaliia a Record of All the Imporlant Events In tlio THEATRICAL HISTORY' OF THE PAST YEAR, INCLUDOfQ First Appearances and First Fro- ductlous, Dramatic, Variety, Etc., tliR American Debnt of Well Known Performers, The- atre Fires, n Lint of Deaths in tlifl Amusement Professions and Otlicr Interesting Dramatic Hat- ter. Also SPORTING CHRONOLOGIES AQOATIC AMD ATHLETIC PERFORMANCES, BASEBALL, RACING RECORDS, CRICKET, ETC., FOBMIKti A C03IPIETE HISTORY OF SPORTING EVENTS For tliu paal year, uiid IncluiUnp all of Uh) luipurlitul Kcc<inb«rthopMt anil proMnt Uiuo. Til* Uook la Illnolratrd tVltli llandMino UnRravlniia of Nsird Peupio of <ho Mlaiiv anil oftlio |l|iorlln|| World. FOR BAt.K BY ALL NKWgDRALRHS. PRICE 26 CENTS. THE NEW YORK CLIPPER, CHpptr Building, N«w York. SBMAN AND WEIL Theatrical, Circus, AND Military Supplies. 110-112GreeDeStreet,9[ewYork Mod 1 eoDI lUmp for oar NBW CATAI^OOVE Jitit luued. LargMt, <ompl«to«t Mock of GOLD aod HU.VBB TRIMMIHOS, VTAOB JBWBI/- HV. lATINS, PLV8HEI, ARUORS, Etc, la lut. oTOiTthlDi nqalrail for THBATRICAI. WARDROBE at Lower Prices Than Any Other House. JonoKw liiDiiinnlTou Idoaofonrpricao: nonis or uniRTS, rnm 9Bc a pair, opwart. gPANOLES, Id (oM ud •llTtr, tl.lO a ponod. WTflR mm 06c. Dpnrd. OOLD or SILVER THIMMINO rVom Ic. > Jtnlop, wards. Oooda a«oi C. 0. D. A dtpoolt raqoliad oo aU onlera. 8allafa<tloD miaianlood or moooy rolVlBilad. A.T LIBERTY, T. D. HIDDAU6H, Business Miniver, TreisgrerorAdiaice. (^0 alao raralah slsiuUr unlfornwl aOLD BAND AND URCIIESTRA of idt number of (»(««•■ AritlrvM, ATONCK. T. D. MIDDAUQU. llom^lloTlllt*. K. T. AX LIBERTY, FOR HBPUTABLE COMPANIES ONLY. Fritz Ea -n^^rnbl^Tnfil Edna Had am) vlfe. Ai r*p*nolr» ho|i1«; sMd w&nlrvbe; FAb«r, rellablo: frood reroreoce. out mnit bsrAadrnaca. Hits proptrir Aaoaith oo hud to atArt tint clmH Mm- pur—pap«r. H6S.. proptrilen, ■cenirr. «t«. Huititetoat ol her* iiulck: do moner to lay idl« with. Addron ' FB1T7. g BOONE. KlaoiDDdf. 111. FOR SALE, "THE OARKIES' BALL," A Barletta Siitable (or Minstrels, IthajibtwD RlTsn b«foraoBior town audiwc4B with nie- cea*. Plafi irriU«o m order, and vorka ofoihtr aathorn dramaiiuO. AIm rlar* trp«vrlttan aod put Id good ahape- L. t\ SMITH. 2aOBrDmlwiiy (Room 38?). New York. AXT ACTRESS Of Refinement and Experience, ur aplflodk) RppMnoce. aoO pomuing aironit culil- Tiled Totc«. d<«lr«s to mMt party abl« to IttTMt Id ft wall irled popular plftr ol Botton »ucc«m >(ddr«iw I.OUIBB. cara of CARRIER H. riliabor^ Pa. WANTED QUICK, jrrVEniLR WOMAN; muat be good look- ing; flnt claia wardrobe neceasaryi alio gooil heavy man. Othar naaftil poopla wrlta at once. Salary muat be low. WM. MAOAULBV, Atlnnllc Hotol. Hoch^ Hocheoler. W. Y. EDWIN DeCOURSEY, AGENT OR BUS. M'6'R. ' BAL.ARY oa PERCENTAUB. At llbertF Ihlaaad ooilaoaaoD. AddrsM 810 IIEPBUKN 8T., WIHlim.poTl, fa. WANTED, AT THE NEW K. OF P, OF>ERA HOUSE, IN PrFTSFlEU), 1LL.1N0I8. SEVERAL HRST CLASS AHRAGTIONS FOR THE VONTUS Of JANUAHV. FEBRUARY AND HAROU. Tba bouae li hMtad br ataats. iia« eleculc Ulihw tad a wetiloit capacl'y of aianl hupdred. Full Beard Tree. Every tnemlMrof the ph>reiuloD a^odlDB for a LAROB BOX OF ROY'S EOTFTIAN OUM will receka a fall betid, aoy color. Thoaawbhlogannall bci wll) reoelTe a ael of aelf «mUok wblaken. PRICE—Larve Boi.eo c«DU^ BntU Box, 39 eeniJi. fiianipatakeD. AadiMii ROY nWEfl. BoitT4. BtUlmore. Md. FRED WHILLOCK BARITONE OR TROHBONE, AMD 2d VIOLIN, AJT LIBERTY. AddrfM HORNBLLBVULE. W. V. "Wetnteci, At LEOTURER. UDo Ibot coo sail HBD. No Ciarl.r Boy liiat'a a hot Spaalflr and can't ««U HBD. Good nonar Id riiiii panr. rKRniRHERS in all lineii. uoiob aod Oeala LADY riANIBT that Dow SiMlalllaa or Workn Id Acta. JUKmON CITV, KAMIAB. WANTED, E.VnAOEMENTI-nRCOMINO BRAKON FUR Sixteen Educated Horses and Troupe of Trained Dogs, Koowo aa Iho W. 0. Coup llrtmo Bliov; will Mllall or lialf lot.roaL Aildroaa fKOP. PAGE BUCKLEY, MriBphir, t»od. THE CREDITORS OF THE GEO, S. COLR AND LOCKWOOl) ALL NKW UNirSU SllOWfl ••ir«r Itiruletlie follnwlnc pn»i»«riy: 3 nt-lllralnn.! Rlne Itiinr*. I UmuRht llorM. I Donker. T«nl«, f{«AU Waf naa, llnmaua*, etc. A enm)>let^ tnun ahnw Miini. Almn«i DovuiO Id aood condllloo. Kuriher deflml Inrorma- tloa wtu be ruraiahed bT HEATH A tn^m. l*obdatD. .V Y. MAGICIANS, ATTENTION. FLpWFR BANDfl. poatllTab' th« bent In the nurket lloMa nowera «voo KDd aecure. RaktiMu them ny alight preuur« ou ouUlde of cod*. By ao Innprofed deTke iiKM lo Iheae the loading la iDidea tiiait*r oletM. Ilanda C4Dl>«alio«Deiuiity. NoalMre. body or laMe work. 74c. ur 1*0 for 11.29. Reglalsreil loiter. Pml Ollln or ainreia oitler. Addrew DUPREE7, A FOX Ko. MN. Noble ftt.. lodiaoapolla, Intllana. HAVB YOUR PICTURES TAKEN Br J, B. WIL80N. Btodlo. SIS Ruu BL, (blean. Tlo ^" '""•*' I'lto", "ALL AND bKe OUR rilOTOHaPCELBBRITIEa riLTllRBSCOPIEDr PEOPLE'S OPERA HOUSEiPINE ISLAND, HIdo., on C. a H. W. Ry., 18 inllea from noclie^iftr: luat cuini>lfll«]. (Iitod acaoery; cai^llyBOO Foiaalatlup l.wo A Rorji fliiov torn Urawa from aeveral amall |itac«a near by.'udauraclloBa. L. F. JBI81I. )lana«er. 'WlieroDoYonLive,LittleBoyr .... .„..„.'i.'"'*AT BONO. rnra,IOcl«. TIIBjnilNnilURciico .tiiDclDDall. Now York,diieaito. MISCELLANEOUS. IJ, B. DATINd OUTPITNi^Rllllllp.n TYPE. Em l-ATI,-(l f MBK B. TAVLOlt AIX).. t:l.r»l.n!l. O A. SOODRjCH, UWYER, liU'SfM tei l.ial aoJ quI.L Brmotbo. ao< IacIIIIIm la nUiar Hlaloa. A WORD IN YOUR EAR Tbe Secret of Beautv of the complexion,' hands, arms, and hair Is found iR the perfect action of the Pores, produced by The most effective skin purifyinu and-:i:r beautifying soap in the world, as well as purest and sweetest for toilet, bath, and nursery. Bold tbroDihoal tho vorld. Briii.h dopoli F. Niv. Biar a Boh., I, Kloa Edwtrd^, Lnnoon. roTTci Dtoo Aop Cwati-''"'?r ■ 'Viit.. II ,4oa, U s a. Expert Opinion The Canadian Government re- cently sent an appraiser to the principal bicycle factories in this country, to aetennine the exact value of various makes for im- port into Canada. After an ex- haustive investigation, his re- port to his Government rated Columbia Bicycles 7Vi per cent, high- er than any other make and they pay dutjr accord- ingly. This but confirms the pop- ular verdict. Col- umbiasareai>«9»o9( STANDARD OF THE VORLD. Uoeqiulltd, XJBipfmtboL Beautiful Art Catalogue of Coluinbla and Hart- ford Bicycles is free If you call upon sny Cohjni- bla agent; by mall from us for two a-cent stamps, «• POPE MANUFACTURJNG CO. Factories and General Offices, HartfOld, Conn. Branch Storea and Agencies in almost eveiy dty and town. If Coluniblas are not properly represented In your vicinity lot us toow. LOW PRICE PORTABLE TYPEWRITERS, Dapllcatora, IrtllerCopy Bookatreqalrlaa no prea., Rnbber Type, E(o., <br Fnr. aad Private nse. Ulna, dr.. Sample Work, Ktc., Oee on receipt orie|lbIe aMreaa. W. D. WILHOT, an o.i^W'aBlalnalnn St., Boaton, Blass., IT. 8. A, OPIUM Hoiptalna Habit Carad in 10 to M dan. Na pay till oarad. Pr. J. Stephana. Laliaaoo, O. DOITPAYACEITW SEE IT. OarlatcstlmportedaloD. puialo, diamond eaperta. You saoDotdeiccltromibosrDuloe, Tc Inlroduce Ibla neor siono wa wUI seod for 90 daya Ihla il ni or stod byo-tpreiaC.CD.fortlBS. Yoo .■tntlca, ir.7t«^.l la a|f,«raB<.tt a •Wrl.rdoo'iuk.lL irulldiotonpaT —an., .l.a Order q.ltk B«l BAIIOIiL JOflBIW m. IfmHiii-liTmiiili. Iblfa.n nWaaa FUTURE KiJ?" OB WIFB PHOTOS. NEW tm. IPC Blr««lBa^l.rlo^^Mand up. rH(m>CO.,Edaa.Fa. WIGS. ^~s;-.5rrjfi5."K ran lari^UfO. Ktfi^ auCiV} BlLrkrwf«.atM*f. BtU nUAMirici, yin. t)iM^«»mww'W.C. E. M Aimn ALU LoehportaNaT. FUTURE WIFE AND HUSBAND PorlhoiiiaodBla). PUTORBCO.. 71B. TblrtaeoUi Snoot, Xtw Tort EDMnm> E. PRICE, Counselor at Iiaw, IfKW YORK ClilPFRH BVIUDIIfO, B8 AND 90 CBlfTAB BTBBBT, Rmw York OltT. PrmoUe* \njta tbe Couta OItU and CrtmtauL Bpaelal lo the ooU««tlea i " attaaUoQ clTao to tba ( ^ all klnda, Uie prvpandoa.of aitnamenli aod otbar Ufa] otlea or clalma ud daou ol bBilaeu. THE HOST EXTENSIVE yANOFACTUREAS BILLIARD and POOL T -A. B L El S IN THE WORLD,' THE BRUNSWIGK.BAU(E4;0LLENDER COMPANY, No. 860 BROADWAY, NEW YORK Rawaet aad moat •lagaat stylaa, wllb «l>e =....''?f'!!,*'-^'» "OHARCH CUIHtONa BlUlard Materlala, Cletb, BaUs, Caea, ato., or onr owa aaaalketBra aad tm- penatloa. TUB BRmawim-Bia.Ch-COLI.EN0D CO, ChlcanD, docUiDatl, 81. Loala, BaaFtaaolKO _ h - . _