New York Clipper (Feb 1896)

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Copyrightoa. IW V by Tto Tnnt Qiwon PubltalJig CompM/ (UmlitO). Foundsd by FRANK QUEEN, I8}3. NKW YORK, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1896. I VOLUME XLIIl-No.48. I Pric* 10 C*nt(. PLAYI NG THEA TRE. irirrm nn fni new vonit cLirriB. BY ARTHUR SIKOLAIR. I'n b«ct vllb ib< days irbcn I v&g bur a bay! Ob.dtyeiodellgbiraUnilawetl I enry ytkr of ibat line iras * mllenlonc ot loy, And ibeJourney I love lo rrptal, \re built np a ilagt, 'twas our old cellar door, The cariain wa< molber'M old droM; lloir luQcli I would nice to play lUcbard once more uy word! DOir cao bardly cxprcta I Foi fooUlRbts the ramlly candles we III, THe boxes were bair«lB and tubs; For acenciy none ot us eaicd a least bit, Kor eartd we (or orlilcal snubs I Tbe combats we tad wllh our big wooden fwordu Were tbrllllUK as ibrllllng could be; Lite tierow we airuiied snd sulked o'er Ibe board), nil ailed In to dinner or lea I TM ilekeia—well, (wo plus would aeo ibo wsole ■bowl And deadbeads were wholly unknown I Wc llioogtil tbe "old itagers" bealde us weic slow, The "big bead" e'en Iben we bad abown I Oil, Sbakespcare, pray pardon tbe slaugbter we made Ot cbanctcia born ot tby mind I ' And yti from my memory never aball fade Tbote dear boylab days leftbebind I Ouraedlence tben was ne'er llatleaa or cold. Bat eympsihy beamed from cacb eye; Now often we Hint ot ibia now we're grown old And for tbose dear days bow we sigb! Boi boybood'a bright moments have Tanlabed afar. And nerer again eball we play Ai then we were cast, erery aotor a star. In eceses mat ban Tanlabed away I , THE G OLDEN SNAKE. wRimx roa Tfli new tork olippir, Br HATTtE M. TBDNEa II was a lowering day, late In Ibe Fall, and Ibe Kcacry ot Long laland, norer mucb varied, bao ukeu on an Intensined bleaknen. wblcb was belibtcned by tbe gnsta or sharp wind that went tbiiiling througb tbe branches ot tno bared trees, RudUig the dry leaves scnrrying In batullona 4ovn tbe rosda and acrosa tbe brown itabble Mda. The localliy was ono of those aeitlcnenli ■here people ot wealth from Ibe great clly bave, 10 tbe connu ot two decades, been diligently en- (aged Id eslabllahlDg a ayatem ot aoclal polity In (lots Imitation ot ibe country lite of the Bngllsb iquiro, with the stalely mansion, the troops or loft •poten, obsequiousserTsnts, tbe liveries, the bunt' ing •■meets" or red coated entbusiaaiH, Ibe WIU' ter dinoes, and all iho rest nccetvary to com- pleie tbe Itnllailon ot Merry England. A ataiely msuilon near this eeiilement stood back on slightly rising ground, some distance from tbe road, a broad, well kepi highway, leading from the railway station np to this pmpeity, but bejrond 11 luddenly changing Into Ibe ordinary sandy, rut' led Lonii laland thoroughfare. A aionc wall, care tully hnllt and kept, enclosed ibc properly on the roadilde, and the great mansion was approached byaamoolh drive, irblch began at abroad double late, with glided ban ot Iron, with two towering plllare flanking It, and a alone lodge at the ngbt band. Tbia was Ibe Bummer residence. Indeed tbe an ceatral bome of (he Ablngdons. Paul, tbo veiylati of the race, who, despite tbeir loyally to tbe crown during ihe dark days ot the Revolution, bad recov- ered their property when other less prominent to- ne* bad been driven almost pennllcis to Canada after Ibe triumph of (he patriot colonials, waa tbe present occupant His father's will bad put bim In abaolole poaseaalon ot a grand fonuno, and be bad proceeded to enjoy It In the most elabomtely re- ilncd eiiravagincea. A remarkably handsome and manly jouog fellow, and well educated, be atepped from college Into tbe beau nunuu ot fashion and reOned aport. perlccily equipped to conquer, and soon found himself a leader—one looked up loin all tbe tuuctlona or etiquette and sport. After fl«c yeani of baobelor freedom, however, he began lo feel tbe Influence ol Ibe favoring glances cast at him by admiring maldena and Ibeir cunning duen- nia.aiballorhnnilng meet; for ho wascntbuslaa- tic In bla pnnuli of (he Eogllah Hporl, though tbe sDlieed bag migbi take Ihe place uf Reynard. Beanlirulas werotbe eligible maidens about bIm, however, he would not succumb lo the magic ot ibclr glances, though determined, ai the age ot ■blny, to narry It for no other reaaon than lo ild lilmeeir or tbe tyranny of a high sod mighty bouae- keep«r,wbo up (o that time had heldbim Inaaoriof >^rer; 'o her whlmalcal dignity. Hsirlmony, aa It waa thrust upon him on all aides, ••ecmed too eaay and commonplace a matter. lie bad but to ask and the cboaen beauty would (all Into blaanns. What be wanted waadltncultylnachlcv' Ing bapplueH—a eiroggle, lo end In bearing oir bia prize In irinmpb. DndoDbiedly ibo lovehett of all ibcse young women was Cora arauvlilc, the bcsi and most daring rider In the hum, Iho brtgbtcai, nerrleat, witueat or all In tbo aoclal gaibeilnga. When. In catting bla eyea about hie circle ror a wife, they (ell on her. tbe became bla favorite by long odda; hut wbca It (unlier appeared that tbe was nnder ibe cooatant eaplonage ot a prim old aunt, who held closa to tbe iradltlona of bei old colonial family, and. witb lory alubbomneaa, per- illed In guiding bar niece through tbe tanderoroitc >>ywaya or (wo centnriea ago—(hen bla Inlcretl was piqued. There waa another obatacle, too. In Ihe tet was a young mao a couple of years bla Junior- one otdeon Rydervruou—a moat nueiceptlonable young penon In tbe eyea of t'ora'a aunt, a descend- ant ot (be earijeai senien, comfortably off at prts ent. bntwtib ozpcctatloos as Ihe heir ot a rich old uncle, an antiquarian and scholar of national fame. This fortune, which waa sure to be Otdcon'a, Ihe old aunt complacenlly calculated would be a per- fect oirwi to Ooiat great wealib. Bo the old lady made ante that tbeae two were much In the aoelely of each other, atidoonatantly atood guard (o acare »ay all prowllbg swains or freebootert of Ibe heaiL It wu In this dliecUon thai (he daabing raiilctti his oyca at promising tbe moa! piquant andputzllngiiimcDiilct. The duenna did noi long remain blind lo blade- ilgnB,ao<l did hcruimott lo keep Ibe pair apart: then. 11 mutt iw rcnorabcrcd, the duenna did not ride to (bo boundn.auil so could not prevent ber ward and hcrbolrtwoocrrldlngalileand tide during tbe sport, nor enjoying ihcmtclvcs in merry perti- aage on ibe canter bome. with Ihc advantage of his iMldnCfs Paul toon Iwgan in make headway agalntt lila favored aultor, who, for hit part, waa ratbcrdlffldentand llnild In bla aticnitont. It was not long, therefore, before Cora began to feel that Inlhcdasblni yonng tiiltor who had an lirilllanily Irterpoaed between hcmeir ami herOret love ebe ncaih bla hunter and carried bome for dead. Tbo teniler rare of his wife ami the aitentlnna ol tbe ii^ai physicians bronibi bIm back lo a faint con- aclouanees. a mere thadowy serolilance of what be hadtiecD. llcwtatobea hopeless, helpleatlnralld bcncolorth through hia life. Illellfol And how longmlthi that hct Witb watchtnlncsaand faith- ful aKcnlton Ibc vital apark might ho made to glow feeblyfor montbuoryearn.aaOod willed; but never again mlgbt Ibal tpark glowatlaine with Ihe flieaol youih. unr glliicragaln In Ibo ono luairclctaeye that wai left In that criithed and ninillated face. Thus, after leu iban half a year of happlneas. Con found her Ideal prince of men shrunken and tbitvellrd, as liy some foul incantation, Into tbIa of Iho alone wall, not ovor two yards from bini. was crouched anoibcrman, evidently tpylnion iliu nrai, for be bugged the wall clotoly and pceiwl over only at Intervalt to aaanre hlrotcir(hat tbryouu man waaailtl tbOTS. Thereat of tbe time hi^cronctirtl low and Bhivercd aa the cold wlndn nlppni Mm In paaalng.and Ibia waa nowonder. for he n'oro only a Ihlu Jackotftver hia walti coat, hit fi-et wetv Fni-a'c<l In Hat tllpporii and inttead or a bat hu wnir a liliirk tlik handkerchief tied aliout hl« brad and onn. lie seemed In ho one of the iu>rvanti( or nurM^ of the mansion, who had cnmo forth unprepareil for Ibit long and arduous vigil, tint wbnm dtityor curioilty held In aplK of all dlnrnniforls at' la pom. The young man. all nnconat'lnna that hla every ■ ';-J'-5-f;-', \ ., bad fonnil her Ideal. Young ilydervroom was driven completely from ber mind. and. dazzled, In- rainated. she euballtuted Paul an her alTlauccd. Vain were tbe proieaiatlona of her relatives, tbe fuiloua reproackce of ber guardian aunt. Bbc married Faul Abingdon three yeara before tbe lime our recital opens, aud waa duly Intialted as the mliireaa of Ihe great manor houae. to ihe dlanar of all the nirrlageablc giMt of her"set," wbolncon- Inentlycul her. Aa for her tirrn Auni Jane, mat Inluriaicd old lidy never set fool In Ihc houv, nor ndlced ber niece sny more tban If the had com- mitted sniclde. vowing that nothing but evil fortune could come of ber perSdy to ber llrai accepted lover. But tbougb Aunt Jane was firm In her resolution, tliero were otbera who were not. In fact, ibe entire tet soon came liack to Ibe young couple and aided ibcm In making mcrryduring Ihelltst (breemontbs ol their married lire. Tbe liuoiing. lhcdanclnR,tbe banqueting went on with even a greater zett tban ever, and Paul as a benedict lost nottalDg of bla obarm at a host. It seemed, indeed, aa If theaolemn ctoatlngs and evil forebodings of the sour old aunt would go (or naught, aud If anyone had ever paid any heed to tbem they now moat aatoredl; would laugh tbem to acorn. Oideon nydervroom bad nailed (or Eoropa on tbo day of Ibe wedding, and it seemed, intended to bide bla morilQcailou there peraianeniiy, for no one apoke ot hit reiuning; In fact, everyone teemed to contlder him aa dead, so bla ruefol conntenance was not likely to rlie op (o nar their happy dream. But the dltatc>r came, nevenheleat, Jaat aa Aunt Jane bad predicted; came, too, wben Icael cgpecled, and when IbeIr cup of Joy waaoverdowlDg. It waaa lovely dav In tbeeariy Fall and (be mo of tbe bnbling pack waa onnaually aharp. Paul, rid- ing wllb bis wonted reckletaneas. In autmpting 10 taleablgb lence was Dung from the saddle bead- k>ng, bla borae rolling on bim and (be (ew other banters riding close after bIm, following bis bold lead, plHngnpon top. Be wni dragged (ram l»- pale, gtblttrlng arKctre. bravely alie took up tier burden, hovcver, and. retiring from tier merry circle, devoted bertelf esrnesily to ihe taik of mln- Ittering to her hutband. I very atlenilon that money could command or alTt'Cilon devise had been lavished on him for now hsrd on lo (bree years, wlih no vlallile elTecl. Tbe docinra bid spoken truly; he would never recover bla hraltb. Indeed, aa If bo were not cruthed and mangled enough, Ibc HurgeouH came rrom time to ilmc wli b (bclr dread- tut Intirumeiita and look out plecci or Imne here and ibere, replacing parte of hiatkullwlthaallrer ptdte. aud even amputating an arm. Hilll. Cora uncomplalologly cinng to (lie wretrbed buttiaod. bravely discrediting those nallcloua friendt who had declared ibai a creature eo flippant aa the young hride would never ctnlcnt hertclf In the capacity of nurse in ao bopcleta a caae, nor calmly forego all pleasure to devote beraelf to a aelf Im- posed duly to oucioua aud no dreadful. Unmlndfol of all these wblspcrt. which. Itnlaled aa abc waa.yet did ooi fall to reach ber cani. the tcooted Ibcauggeiiinn (bat tbe send ber Invalid In an hotplial to die. and tnalead fitted up bla pavilion with boaplul appurtenance*—-rained nunes.physl- ctann snd all ibe aprllancei they commanded for his comfort. Tbougb Ihe sympatbetle aei declared her fate a dreadful une, ead hinted Ibai Aunt Jane was nothing abort of a propbeloa In declaring ihat her falthlcBtneaa In love would bring down Heaven s vengeance on her head, they could not hut admit that the waa a brave and faithful wire, and a w,iman worthy of admiration. It was Juai dusk 00 the ditmal dsy on which our niorj openi. There was Juai enough ligbt to dUtin- gulth objects al tbediitanceiif a fcwfret. Detplie tbe fading light, a close otwervermlgbt hive de- tected tbe flgure of a manaianding In Ibe shadow of aclumpor iiareireeajott around ibe curve or the road near Ibe great gate ol Paul Ablngdon'a man- alon. He wai a lali.alender, pale faced manor pos- albly330TU,ln laoltleaaeqneatilu attireud bold- Ing a One beise by the bridle. On Ibsgnrdenalde movement was walchnl. carcawil bla burn and bummed torily in blniwll, at ir. draplio the: dreary sutTounillngii. be al li:a«i liail some Innate eMue for liapplncv- The low limwed man witli tint black atuhlily lair and tbo tinaby oycliruwa mralnrd his eyea 10 iienetrain tbe ginoni friiin tlioniliirililenf (he atone wall at thit. and a runnioKamllo sb>iwed Ittelf. d»plic ib(: alilver forced from blin iiy Ihe cold. In a few inoinenUi the dltlabt ilirlet of a steam whittle waa besnl. •r.ruinpaiili it by tbo rnintilc of a train al Ibo aiatlnn, wMcb waa but a mile away. This sound aeemed to tnierol linili men, for Ibc walling cavalK-r Immrdlaiely inoiinlcd bla linrw. and the spy ralard ljl> hesd with liican- ilnun iMldncaa clear aiHive the wall. It waa not iiianynilnuirs Itrfur,.' ilin raide of wheels (rotn ihe dlrecilnu nr iheatalinn gave nnlciir the approacli nr a awirily driven veljicle. lnHiantl.v tint young man gave rein to bla horte and cantered In the direction or tbe appmacliing aiiunda. At ihe aatne lime Ihe apy ar-wr. IcaiiffI over Itin low wall. and. croatlog to Ihr nppotlte and darker aide or Ibe road, daricd along Ibroiigli the dc"p ahadnwa In piirsoil. He had not gone rar when Hra. Alilngdiin'a routie. wlilrb bad been walling for her ai ihe stallnii on lirr return from the clly. paawd blin. Only the coachnan wai on the lioji; wllbin (here waa ao orciipaoL The npy rbiicbled aloud and mutierod tomriblng to himacir. He cintlnied nii bla way rapidly lur a alinri dlainnce farther, then anddtniy came to a bait and rrnicbed low sa two llgum came Into tigbt walking alowly towaida the gale. One wu (he youngenneitnan. whobaddlsnounted again, ihe other Cora Abingdon, wbo evidenlly had allgbted from ber carriage aome dlilance away lo order that abe might have Ihia Interview. They were talking low and eameativ, jri ihe iny who crawled along on tbe opposite aido of ihe roadway, conid. with a keen ear and eamesi aKendon. make out wbat Ihey said. "I was indeed pleased to meet you," tald ahe, "hot It was aach a ahock, Uldeon. I thoogbt you would ncTi-r reiutti from altrosd, nnr evor ihlak ot mo aflor the wa.v —" "I InieiMrd to call on Paul." ho nastily broke In, "but I hrani aiieb accnuuiaof hla condition from old Roll at the Imtgo tliai I dreiitcd It beat not lo preteut luys^if." "I am so glad you dhl nni,"i<iolalnied Ihe wo- man. "It WKutd have enraged hlu an, Kvertlnee hiaterrliili'acoldeui liohnt Itoon Insanely Jealnui, and menllnnii your name many times every day! Vnur pretence would only HKVe made aaililora lite Ibal It already cnitbed Itcneaih innro Iban it ihould In mercv iwsr." "Vnu nn unhappy, pnir Com !" said (lldcoa wllb a tender InnDninn that illd not enrapo the listener. "Unbapw I" tbo repestrd iiliiorly. "K'orse than unliappy-toriiiinl, torn nn Ihe rack, rent by my own Ihnughia. Iiy niy ramnrao. hy conaolonoe. Wni It la my Juai puiiltlinient, and 1 inuat la)ar II." "Iinill Heaven rsllovcs you of your burden, until you are free oneo ninm, in lind llio old lore atlli aglow for you." tald hor companion, pauting in Ibo shidowHsnd holding out hla nrmt, aa If eKpectIng her to cnmo to bIm. 8bo ibiank away. Iinwover, and repllod In aoolder toDO, ihongh Ihero wna a tatni tiemnr In hor volooi "Vlion ho Ik dead, yon meant The thought la tor- rllile. It la my duty to preaervo hla lite, tliough It porpeliiaic the pnnanro tot mo by Heavon, and I shall not abrink from It whim I have IKo. For (ho old love. It la dead; it died when I waa talao. I must cling to what l^ovldonco has left me of Ihe new." "You are bravo and faithful." asid illdeon, In a (one of pity. "Falthrul t" aba ropeatnil, acorntully. "You oan- not mean II." "Ob. Indeed, not to me, st cnnrao." stammered the man. In pomo cnntualnn, "l>ut iliit*aynara ago, aud. lievMea. all iliinga are fair In love, ynii know." Ha tricil lo lamb, liiit II waa a fcolilo, tad al. tninpl. and dlt'il away Inaianily. They were liel^ire tbo great gnlu by Ibit llmo, and ibnru thoy panted for a uinmoni. "t)b." eirlalmed (lldonn, awkwardly, "I oamo near rnrgoitlngtho aper.lal tiling I camo fur," !1be luiiaed aaahn waNaliniii in turn Into Ibo gar (Irn wiiik. anil turned innarda lilin, luquirliigty. "Yon know, I tiipiHiHi'. thai niy rich obi unnle, Hllan Vandcrliocf, la limit, ntiil lanilita anlo heir," ho voninrrd, by way of pmraro, "Nn, Indcril; ynu fnrgoi I am a reoluae. Ibal I bear nothing. I cnngraiulain you," rnpllod IJon. Tilt joiiDg tnan liiitliaitngly wont on, evidently I'jintnsnl by ber loy cniil tnoiiiiiT: 'i have now aa my own all hla great ciillcctinn of niirloa. hla areliailoirtoal wonders, and hla hIMnrto goraa, wblob you knnw ho paaiM:d bla liretlnio In gathering," '■Weill' aald bla i:ora|ianliin. lapping hor foot Im- pailcntly- Tbla only inereaaeil hla confusion, but after a tliort aparn lie niansgml lo ronllniio; "You rcincmlier thiisu ilaya when yon and i used In visll nlil llnrin Hllaa In bla Madlann Kqiiaro man* ■Ion. and ho ut,?il In show ualiia lrcaaures;you look a fancy to a quaint diamond and npal ring which laylnarlrb Jowel hog In Iho glau caao-a colled aorpeni—tbo golden tnako youuied tooallll—an awkward, cluniay, old faaliinued anako wllb Its thick foida ao inanylliat thoy wnulil cover tbe nnger from ktitickln lo llrat Jnlnl, and Ihe hesd reared bigb, all eiicriiHlod, aa wore Ilin acairs, with dU* mondi, and a great glowing opal set In Ihe reptile's lieadr' *'l reinenlH-r II well," aald f.'iira. In reply. ■■UyiinclOBlwaya lefuacd to gratify ynurglrilih wblin< lliit you miflhi wear It tor a inuiaont, say. ing It bad ticlnngcd toagrcnt laily away Iwokln tbo ptRl. BUil iliat II waa tmipreoiniia lo iMbandled. Well.Ilislgnlilniianakn lanilnii now, witli Macaaket and Ha ynlldw scrap of parcliineni, with wriuogin aomo unknown loiigiic, voiicblng for Its genuine- nesH, anri I give It Inyuii," Ah bo aald iIiIm lie tendored bur aamall etioiiy iwx. Hlie witbilrow Iter hand. "I cannot Bi:ccpt it," said Bbo. ■'It la a girt loyiiu aa Hie girt ul yeaiaago—Ibe gratlOcallon ul your girllab fanny, which I had always jironilacd iiiyielf. la, thoti.ilia reinaioitranca of Iboae doya ao uu|ileai,ani lo yout Take it In iiiemorynf lliowi happy tlmea, and, lielluvo tne, you tbaii acc ine no iiinro." Her llngora clutcbiul tlio caakui, and lie, bending overand kliting ber chuik, at which ahs alerted, apraag on hla linrae and galloiwd away in Ihe dark al a mad jinne. Tbo woiiiaii wna uvliicnily a pioy to great agl- lailoB. lo which ahit gave truer ntin wlion her coinpaiiioii bail dcimrted. A i:lilll tilaatlrom over Iho bare tli^hla liiouglil her in iicnuiir. ami, hugging ber ruracliiwlyaiiuul her, alio baxiiiied ibrougb Ibe galuway. Ak abe did an alii; ilrnp|H.'d froiii (he ho|. low iif her arm. where aim liad lucked ir, ihe IKIle caaket Hint had lieen fnrced on tier lir lier Jilted lovi;r, anil, iiiironM-liiua or bur liaia, hurried on tnwinlM liin |juuai>. Ita full, bowcvor. bad not aNcapi'd the kern eye or the spy, wliu bad lieen rkHwIy trailing ber and lierroinpantiin, Nnaooner waaalie out of alglil titan lie diriett a few pacea lo- tide Iho gale whrreibo olmny tirix had fallen, and aoBlcbeil It up with a greedy graap. Ho could Juai diatlngtil'h the gem, and drew nut a scrap nf parch- ment, which lie crumpled In bit band, when Ibere was B nnah of light from Uio suildenly nponed door »r tbe lodge right tieside him, snd a heavy handwu Isldon bis eollar. He iquinntMl alioul.and found Ills caplnr a grizzled old man tiesrlng a laniom, Notwithatsndtng liia age ho wai a giant in tuture, and could handle ilio other as If be were an InhnL It waa old Rob, Jonea, the poncr, wbo bad l>ern In Ibc employ ol the Ablngdona. clihor in commerce or In a domeailr capacliy, for a liran Iwyond tbe memory or any living man: m long. Indeed. Hiat be wai conaldered at much a nemlicr of ibe fsmlly at tbe mrileal and pniudcat among (hem. "Iirnp Ibal, ynu thief," aald he; which Ibe other d:d. Then holding up the lantern In hit face: ■■Ab, yoB're Henry, Iho ntirae. A flnechap youare, loael atMut robbing the lady of the home, and yog not beie a month yet. You're duo in Jail, that's wbst yon are. snd you'll get there If I cslrb you at any more of your Irirta." (TO Bi roHriHusn.) A hgcgsT novel aaya of one of Ibe charactera "He wu aa gaudy as a red man with Ibe blues."