New York Clipper (Feb 1896)

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li^EBBUABT 1. THE NEW YORK OLIPPER. 757 i.^MU-MMiPtll. Tan, Ju. 31, LltU* Rook, Ark., nSdou BiM.'-BMarHt,a O,, Ju. I7-r«b.l. OMit*. ILUNOIS. ClilcM**"'^ ^ ^ AMnctlons oflttred lUs wMk(oehitf*inonortb*bltb«reUM Uiutn uaiUj UHOiMtd In lh[i olty at on* Una. ModjMkswM to hBV t COfflBWCWl w eBfMVMB^ ^ th« OimD^ thli VMk. baibwinAMta ClneluuU liu ptortdto Hiiouth&t ibeflntbtlf of ber tlm* hu b«»a cuoeM, aod OtU ShlonwMcandtolUllhadfttoa. iheSebUtor Walker ^ltt«M«wlIlplftrthUwMk,«adat bolhortLo't gw itMMD bATO tnujnd to pmwt i nptrtorr thit In- ^Petndilo,*' then will b« no Uck or ihtletltliiuu la ^alSiiS.' TiiUTftB.-I>«Ua Fai Iiu dnwQ co«l hooMi kU tb« wwk to *'n«ar de LU.'*« blob vlU bo con- HDMdrortbliwMt.uil wlU befoUowod bra vonk of 'tim LliUft Trooper." opeotni Sondkj, reV a. Utrr- ■UDO'iT«c«at«oi»i*B*iit*aa lo iDeoMifal bti« that Umo bu boon uraafttd for Km lo pUy a ivo wotkk' Miera •aMomoat lo tin netf diuxn. PoUowbg tb« DMi Pox oompanrwlll oona mmj Irwlo, 9. CnicicioOrBUBOQia.—"no Mtrn WorU" dM doI Mci tho hooM laU vMk,6Ton tbooah tbo prlcoo w«ro nora modormU tbaa Iba oompaov bad orer plajod to bofoi*. IbB teat poTlormuoea will bo Ibo muloeo and •roolof porforiDaiicaorSawlar, Jao.K. DliejoomoiZr foraTOoY. aod lollowbg him ' IgI" acuiLua TnuTmM.-"For Fatr Vlndola" addod to tbo ibudr oiooUaot rtpataUoo that It badaonrad latbla dir br tbi retara aogtiuionL wblob doaod 21, altar a praflUDle woak. Bandar OTonloff Oo»ut Frohmiii'i CoiDpursavo a ilog<o Mr/onnaaea of 'Ttao Wlfa," tho oeamo bolog a beaedt to nomaa Babor, traaauror of tbo tboairo. Moodai,.??. Walkor Wbltaildo boalna a «oob of raportorr. Edward Ilanlgaa eomti Fob. 2, la "OM lATOodar" aod Atbera. OiuyD Orau Horoi—IMaad Bo«d pUred ^Tba iTomta Hator,** to cood aadloDcaa, doriag ibo lacDod vfokofblaiur. Owiov totbolUoaaoor ilodjaakaoonia lirair «orl[ Doeoaarr la onlor to All the Irai wook of har tlBla Fortooat^ iboouaa«ooiootvai«oabM to Mean UtU Bklonar,«bo will op«ai)andaytToaiD|t3S. Ho arraoKODODta bava j«t boon made for ae:it week, aa It U oot 701 hsowo whatber Modjoaka will be able lo Oil ibo lauar ptit of bar time XcTioiH'aTKBiTat.—Fnnb MaToandhlotDtareirtlog pUT.*'Fadd'oboad W^i)8oo,'"lli)tabad0. TbapUroallod ogia craat deal of UTorabla oonmaot, bat for aome roam the hooHi van not aa larm ai tber ibouU hare btao. FredorlebBaacrDfLmaglcIUiaulitodbrKaiher-|IoaBaiida7ereDmg,ai. CrtauaClarbo.lo a roportorr of Bbakaipereaa ^aya foUowa F«b. z lIooLVT'aTuoATiiB.—Nat Ooodwin haa two aeok* mon TbU veok be will play "A OlUad VooV and for tbe laxt waakofhlaTliltbo will probabl/pruenfla Ulteoera" aDd**D»*ldOarrlck.*' LiitcoLf Tbutu —**De1oooleo*e at SlK"dld a fUrly Eood boalaoai, doalu Jan. 0. Ooa Hoeio opaned a we«k of "A Veouloa Yentloinan" with a mauaao Saodar. TbasaitaitraetloB wtU be"Alabaaaa." Fab.L A bettar cUvorptaTi bara boeo pmeotad Ihla rear Uun ever baforaat tbli hoaietand Itlaa ploaaore to aote that the oilortof Manafor Button to fanlab good attrteilooa la boloi will appnelatad. HiTURiin'TBianB.—"TbeDarlTa Aactlon" did bic boilaiai laat weak, ehwing Jan. H Tim Morphr oponod wlu"AT«KaaStoar'*Bondar OTealoi. TbU la tbo first Koo rbo plar haa boao aaoo at an/ bot Ibo down iowd bouiMi and tba weak la llkolr to be a big aueeaaa Ib tbe mnpanrareCbaiiaaHaUook.Tbaddoaall.Adama, Wal- Um JaeaMo. Llola DatCof, Jaaaa C Uarkw, Jamia J. Haoter. Cbarlea AUaoo, Katbarino Siuart, Charlolio CfuavidDorotbrfibemd. Moit woek, Wllllaa Uoeri lo -^oUlobo Trotter.*' ACADUT or Mcaio mod waok witb "Laik ^ wbliaBqoadroa." Tbla week ^'Fook'a Bad Boy** opaood vlibaDatlaaoBattdar. Neitwook.'^laraiorQoU.'* Hatu.<('8 TstaTBB.—AgDoo Wallaoo TlUa, with **Tbe Worhl Agalnat ller,**bad caooeforoonpUInt after laat waek^wboQ boahia«waa nooetoogood. VUllamnald- an 'Tbe Span of Llfa** opeaod with a maiineeSuodaj. For o«it woek tbe play aaoooaoed la *'An American Uaro." ALunBRA Tniam.—Ou Hao«e did ««U taatweek, dnwlog Rond hOQiaa at aacli parfomanee and pntUng OD a fltet daaa prodactlon of bla SwedLifa coniad/,"A Vaaolna YanilamaiL*' OpoDlacwIlh a aallneoSuouar, BoUrQa/loroomai for a week. Ho will be followed by Qtonca.w. Monroe*! "-A Happy littlo Uomt.'* Horam* TBiaru—Tho raadovllle bill ibia week will botamlahed brOooiveH. Wood. Ollrford oad Uatb, Wl|. Ill and Barron, Baaih and (Jidd, AndonoD Blatom. Blooa aod Blana, tbe BoaatlU and Mamealle FloHite. Tbo i took cos (way will plar "Ibo Tlokat of Leave Mu.** HoriiPs' TaaiTU (weet aldi).—The atock company wiu pky "Sam'l of Poaou** tliU wvek, and there wiu bo -» •poclalilea Tha TaodeTllle faatorea of tbla bonae igim irvuvr. T or McaicL—A. Y. Paaraoa*a ooaipanr had a iwltb "Laodot tbo MUnlgbt Sdo'' and "Ibo udroa.** TbU woek **Fooi'B Bad Boy** opoood hare boeo abandoi and la f^inre than wUI be a waaklT change of bill by tba itock conpaoy, and no TaodailUe ecu latroduced. OiTirio TDKArai.—Thiaii tbe best itaaaonthat tb(a hooMhaabad for naretal ioara,and baetooai la u good M at any TaudOTlIU taonaaln tha city. For tb(a woak tbo progrmmo Indodw ICaeut*r monkey aad dos come dlan^O'SrlonBroa, ImoRone CoDor.BmlthaiKrFullor, Oforn FloldlDg, MoAToy and Hay, Oertlo Olbno, FoHi aod Cain, Jamei Walbrook, Jamoa Qardoer, Eltiy Ull* moreand JamaaHambaU. Cnarl^n Diamond, rarryByan. Kmna Wood and Lnla Ryan. Frank AppaL Dally and HlltDo, Allan Waaa, MUa. Pa»iuelena aad LoluWent- wortb. Lvauv TBHAnu-Kor tbla week tbo Lyceam baa ae- cored tbo WaibbumBlataitf Laat Bwaatloo. Spedaltlea will ba lotndnoed by tba Wathbnm Sliitira. Bmary and Marto*. O'BiloD. Joonlnn and 0'Brlao,Noille Watera, khumud Byao, ud AitEor Wbllalaw. BualnesiliTory iHPiRiiLHroio Hall.— Tbe rtar altrvUoa thiiweek wlU bo tbo appeannoo of Troja 8be bagan Itar osgua- moQt tho latiar pert of laat waek and nay beoooM a oi- '— a oompaor win pit on 'The HaK " Mario Ball In the leadlnarolo. V I contributed by Dare Menoii, Ethel Car- ... . .-.t, graaaatj Weit and DntT, tbe Wbltaa, Allen W^btmananJRo-olfr r ' taie. Tbo oMia oompaor wU pit thtoweek,wrtb Hario Ball In theleadlna: vine acta wlD be contributed by Dare MerTc tar, pllbort, graaaatj Weit and DntT, tbe ' W^ibtman and Ro-o WIncbeattf. , UAaiNo.-Tba bill for tba weak will be faraUhad br tbe rillpwiornemlo: Eennafd BnML,ObDllia, Baker aod Ran- dtll, Bbn WllUanu, tbo Four Fonia, Jomsa Smith, tba Tbrao fiamtta, HayB. Balmont, tho Nlekte PlatoTilo, Btmuand MoOraL Cairla Rogen, FUhar and Wall, Bert a Oagnon and Meahan and Wada ^SahT. Jaoa'a orntA BoireB.—^'iTanboe," a tall re on (bt nonl, will b« tbaattnotloB at tbU bonae during the «Mb. Ib Uie taadien pana are Bmna Warde, Banka Wlnurand Wlaflald luko. Tbe melalUei of the per- foraiaacawUlbopraaeBted breitsfrlod. iholMKorrett StoiM tbe Mllbum8i»tar% AnnieDvaiOncIo aadBor- DoM^ IdaBnuellaod ttaeOamanollla ^OkTBBin MOBto Ball -a foatnra tble ««ok wlU be tbe nalUo B. Cbaadler Ladr Orcbeun. Othara earned are ._ j^^^B,!^^ Orar, Do rllil Mar MoBtford, Jotalo Bark and Gray, Do FUilpIo, IprecnnDO will be llaBd.Lowli, lleory Own Bmery and Bmma ^e«oo. PAiKTHiATBB^roi tblowiok the KaapytberidlovloKpeopla:CarToiraBd Lawk Bea,BartaBdWaDlng,tbeAnderaoiu,MooaWlUlam, tbe Oatmreea tha Staaleya: pana La Patra. aod tbe itoek ^onpBnynlUpnMnt B anioya comedy, "Wbo Owaa tbe Bibyf KoBLAMiDDLBnyaCuKKSTUwrMniii'ii.—Calamity JaoowlllbelbeprlBolpalBttiiotlonat ihljiboiuodurlog the week. Bbo la aald to haTo beaa a will kBowo cliarac- tarof tbeBlaoklUllaoonDtryforauu'Uierol acentnry. Tbe anal ataga eatortalanoat will be niran. KOBL A MifiDUToa's Olo» HosauH-—The "Homo- mi,''baifmao. half bone, wlU be tha ebl«r carlo tx- hniliedtbUwoek. Another altracuon will bo Sbaiman'a fdatated nata. WlUle Tnoker, bag pancbor, will do nlaaoL and otban on theprognnme an Adana, crayoo f,rtUt; tbe ZqIo Obtof. Banepa. JtAajoa, moanarlat, and r. r. wm iaaiP, month pin"**B ^ WsrnraLoxDON DiBiMran-Io tha ctiilo ball will ST..*}^!^!^ UoagaM*a dog. Jack. Ilouganl recaotir klUeSblmaalfaflar nudoiiag hia wlh and Bva cbl(- •J'W/tbedoffbainKtbaiole»ujTlrororthooutflL Percy ^IbrlgbL tho oaatoed maa; MOa. Tolta. lemala Bavpeon: ^KfiUdyoiacielaB. On tbo etage tbe pfotramoM will lodadeilaadanoB** Bonpty Dampty, Bonnie Wailaoe, RUteBller,BobL Bomi,AoDle Uotdeo, Katla email. La rolltoEll^lBTandoTlU^aodaBewadlUoa ofiba Mld- var. beaded br Fralda and tvanty ortaotal daneera. norn—TTauaanllbarthAl fonrTory large hontea at Ceqtnl Moalo Bill but week, flbo had note edTance work aooe for ber by tba preai than any atiiactloo of tbe oov WB^.^.ITit Ooodwin dedloed a cabled offer from BJr Angnrtu Uarrli for a aeuon In barope Walker ^bitMide b«i ■Dbetlintad tba tlda,*-Coa8ln of tbe Ming," [or * Flaw De Ua,** tbe one let blatorlcal drama, lo arold tangled op lo tha mladi of tba publlo alth Dalla jl?! Marcant Oraron and Paatloe Freo^b* with °>»r. tn old IbTorltaa la CblcaKo **Tbe Merry ^o/M;..gooatuBllwaakee f^r iba Antbalf ol tbla week, «nd wlUlaj offb Cbloago for the ramalndor of tbe woek. BlooBitutra^At tbe Gnod Opei» Hodm ySboia Aeree*raued tbe 'O'UoolIgaJi'a MavqQonde*' played to lltbt batlooaa U. Frederlob BueroR bad a Urga andlance a Joeopb Ban di«» onlyafUrbooaosl. nroatoa Olarba coaiedontatintL *''!Ef!K.*° tboe tha falB and alaet to aae bla ''Hannai'* S. FanvOoBiedlana, gS-&won vatl noelTfd,atpopnlar nS**L -P?«= 'WUowafta of Now Torb" B, Tompkma' ^BUcb CnoV 0,801 Salth Bonoll ao. AI Um Enplrv "Tto Ulnck Crook^' t> tred to good bulsaaiJaa ii. Xax^Bonotthad g«] ntarjan^^UarriUB J. Wolf eBB.eeledO^*rr(oa Bla-'boa larwo aoleatadrtnofdprieMSr. *' Miabape** so, "ildawalhi of Mew Torb** Fob. t "McCartby'a LOUISIANA. lV«w Orlasu^At Um Qmotf Open Boass BobartMantaUwaa at bla beat darlOKblieegaffoment, diUfbllng eU fHanda and Baking paw cooqoaeu among tboaeof bU aedleBoea who aw blai for the drat tine. **Moabai^aDd **ne Oonlcan Brolbare" wore the playa K<Tn< u. BaTeily*«fltBatn)a cone for oneabowaCi aad Uoniy trvlog Will be aaantr aod weak. .oaiytrvlof' „ AQADnr OP MFiiia—BAben Dowolog aod Bogeala - uoD for the DUBBor u ^i^t*^^ doMtred oDmaendaUoD I "Oibel FadarawabI eonea "iS'lfe*'^"*™ eameloto . ud did eioeOaBt boalntta. OUrar Byna eonea weak .TAB.—Tbe oompiay piveontlsg **The (a dkora or patrc N EW JERSE Y. ^intjcur.-'-ntTtMctti - It me time- BuJC^J.?^"" »' ''•I'- J."".. Orar Paul ud ili. Hilniw ua Utit o..iut tra .i yorkcitj. UohadoolrbMnliTaitiontlno. e.?^i*i,*"rr"*"?*' » •IlRhUle- SS.*** *°?^' ,''*'*' Xtnilllli, Dot ViTtDporc Thoraia tnil Quloa. Mil*. Kl.lla, La ttmt ud Lfflf H«tT UullDKV M.bal Riwrud i dwiM "t .Soot """■'•loll irShi opnSi! Co. win ba IMD la'Hia Kodab." Teak or Fab. J, uliai ti^XSSVX„^,°!!A^"'^"* bUtxaacb. BU.I. DALT'd Btar.— The American Oaloty Qlrla, with tho De r^LV° KitUe Bomait. Ward and Brown and oUH>ni w||| bold forth at Uila popular reaort week ofn. Meuwoik, thoBarlyBltdiCo. Manager Clark reporu that boalneaa baa been good. lMpaMiiL.--EniTna Rlrtm, Martha Bhimta. Corn Ar- maod. Prof. Frank Bpannea, Annio Jovral), Ollvatu and W.A.Saodaia, B«JTrA!c'a ttAitj-BogiBla PolUpl.CoraPlaniiganet. Bra Marab. John DIUnq aad Prof Umhniq. /JlT^rTP"""'J'" B'"**' AdtOTtlaIng Afoot BJ. Oook, J. Blato aad Wllllim Pranonthal, all of ih» Lyric. baTeapplled formembefriilDin tboJenHyClty Elba Fricoa of adnlailon at Daly'a Biar hare beondiangod and will, eoaimaocbnt 37. bo 10, U and a) CUta Ray- mood and Uto La Cleda Broa. are at Eaatoo. Pa., thli ^Mk -Haloffi and Pittlaglll haTo bofn sctured by Manuor P. F. Procror for twoire wMka.o[»nloo37 ai hla Pleavare Pohca. N. Y. City MaoA^or Jobs P. Col- llgaa'a llul* daughter wu ohrliioned V. NeUIa M. Mor- uauBt waa tho godmotbir UarrytJailiDian, at one tlioe treaanrar at Bow' Ifobgkan YliMtn^ and later baaloeaa manaaar for Bill Poiur J. P. (THella, of Jeraer Oity.haa MtablUhid a bill po«tlogboilQoi«lnthiacIiy. ....Fimnk ll.anilt,a(an[can(iit(orniaDyyeaniatUieHo- bokao, now the Lyric lo at Ilunraoiatota'a Olyropla, Now Tork City, la tho umecapaolty. At preaani bo t* baar dealgoloi oeenory for a now open Hhonly to be produced at that boate CItarlao Blatt, the urong man. U buikl loB a large gymnaaiun. osd win hereafter dovotohU tlnietoteadilog .... LoaderWItl A.Baniloni,of the Im perial. baa eonpoaed aad dodlcated to JobB R. Uencby, dramatic editor of Tht £vmtn9 .\an, a rary pretty march Loutae Demjeey and the iiacrowK hare been aDnged br Manager Daly lor tbe Early Birds Co Bebe Kiel olRDod with "Uoid (n eiaTery" aod Joloed Uio company at Bridgeport. Ct, whore llii aoaioa opaaod. Flo RoaaelL Joannle Earl and Villa llenaliaw aall for New Orlaana tbl a waab. PatanoB,*At tlM Open Home "fiooole Scot- land" doaed a rary nccoMial three nlihu* nlav Jan. H. to itaadlog room only. "Tbe MldnlghiApeelal'* aunrt- ed too hOATT hooAea 20-23. Tlia boohlngaare: "^wcIaI Dellvary" t7-2& "B*»alo'it Tnp to Weodorlaod" 3^9X Billy Barry. In *Tbe Rlilng Ooaantloo." 31. Kib. l: acl Ire Atbleilo Clab *'8tag** a, "Cbarlar'a Auoi" 4, i, "A Orackor Jai*k" 0-8. BM017 TniLATiB.-8aa T. Jack'i "My Uncle" Co. clowd a anccevAil weak at thU hftnaa n. Tbe WatMto BiRien' Rurleiuiae Co. la tite bill for XT and woek. For week of Feb. 3 wo bare Bam T. Jack'i Creole Co. Edib Tubatrb.— Btiilneu cootlnaea good at tbla booaa. Tbaarriralafornud week are: Robort E. Lao, Frank U Mar. Dllka and Wtde. FraocU llorbort, McCabe and Emmatt Oaaale Hart, ibe HcNulir Bliiarv, Cha^. II. Duncan, Walton and Mayon, BUteru u\ Porte, Nalaoo, aiinariattl and ManvaL LoiUo Wool Broaooda, Uarry Motan, Kent and Preach, aod Baarkiaod Dda. AroLLO MAUk—Mlldrad aod Rondara, a pair of ctoror antanalnoni, lDtrodac«l on eotlrelyoow mlod readloR actatthlihooae SI,eDiltle4. "Mildrediim." Tha act la. In many raapeeta, loporlor (o aoyiblof of tbo kind ever "Ton In ililii oliy^ IVaw«rk,—ALllloer*iiCalIahiii'»**FAi]it" proved an lotareatlng perfomanca and draw fairly well laat woek, onOins with tlio matinee 23. Tlio honu waa oc- enpled In tbo ereoloc by an amateur p<rr»rroance of "Sqo Btoopa to Con<inor," tbo proceoda or which wont to the "Wom*n'a Bacliaoge." Local lodair made It an ereot and ilUad tha hODoe to ita capacity, tho piece waa wall nodonod and wu aoder Uia direction or Cotton Wbeetcialt. TboOarrlek Theatre Co, In 'Thrllliy " will aollren tha praeent waok. It opened to a laru audlaoco TTa Fnhman'a "Tba Uay UrlalaDr comaa week of Feb. 3. jACOHtf.—* BhadowaofaGraatClty" played to a good bouae n, Tba week waa moderately good. Btere Bro- dle'a * Oa tha Bowarr" will plooae tlio patron* tlila week It entertained a nwd bonae 17. "Doan In Dlile" oooei Feb. 5-S."Baib City" W». ^ , ., WALOVArii—Bualneaa contlnuea to ba good at ihli iMort Bam Derare'i f^o. eloied a nicceaafol week 23 * South Before tbe War** li tba week'i aitractlon. aod li fliouM prore a paying on*. The boose wa« crowded ai tho onenlng, IT. UyiTe'^Spwltlty Oo. Ulo lUa week of Fab.l _^ TyaBtoa.^AtTi7lor'0 Opera Doose "Od Erin's 8horei"camoJao 2to irood boalntiiL Fleld'aUlDAiroU, 1L bad good boaloetuL "Bonnie Scotland." 2J, did wall. Joaeph and B. M. Ho)laBd,2l.bad pood ba»lniM.-6po- oiS^Ilrorr." SB. did wilL Booklog;: Lilllao Rowll J7, WlUUm Barry ffl, "llaDao lloaru" 31, Fab. I. Camilla D'ArrlUaS. "The Mah|U*radon" ti."ParadlM Alloy** K. •ftiwing ineWInd*' b^Oln Notharaole 13, PrlmroteA Weat IS. "Bared From tbaStt" I*. M- _, Trbxto:) MDiaOM.-Tbo contloaoea oerformancaa at tbla bonae an a auocea*. The foUowInt people opMitd bereX7.ror tbe week: John T. and Lul>a Keogan.OIca Oorman, BlUy and Jobo Bpeocer, Edie Eraa^ Bobby Hyde and Lea Leola, Florence Enmotlt Harry Allen, Dliontnd Lm g. Elli«betb.~At tbe UiBke Opera House Prof. Cab>r and randerllla company oaioA Jao.Si. 31. tollght bnalBBM. Prof. CaloTa power of mloil readlogellolicJ mudiapptoaie. The bouie waa dark for the nmalndar of the weak. Col. W. W. Mortoe, formorlr monagir ot II. O.Hln^r'a Newark Tbaatra, will aaauma tho maoue- nantoftbfalbaatra,comroaiiolog Fab. 1. LvcBWii TnBATBi.-"Bonnlo Rcotknd" came ax,t>a fair _ooae. Tha play wai greaUy eojnyod. tbo caai being par- tlcolarlr atioog. Ai; FleM'a MrottfeU came Zl, to a modlur ' '-" ~ of the theaUaeloce atroogeat mlnatiel omalntloaa booked at thia )aIoca lU opeolng. 'The FaiaJ Cart" came tt. to iblr andlenoo, which wia BreaUy oleaaed. To arrlre: '-flpoAlal DallTarr** 39. WIliUiii Bam- 30L "A Cracker JiEF FebTSI 'Tbi Eodai" 7. B, "Tla New Boy" 10. "How- log the Wind" It Frlm roie and Wait H. CANADA. Tonato^At Uie Urand Opera lIodHO, Jan. ami, TtaOB. g. Beabrooka, lB*TbaBpeciUaior."dld a big bailBow Bffllty Banchir. In "Oar Flat," comeaZ3-l». Mra-PoueraodMr.RollawTrawlwaak. ToBOwro OriBA Uoii*B.--I)aB McOarthy had good baaloeaa 0-23. Comlni: "Iha Cotton King" IT and PRi'wEwTBBATBt-JeoBle CKalll PolUrwIII ippeor tUitacbaatreO-S. nBderthepaironaae ol llli liooor tbeLtabLUorernoraBd Mn. KIrkpatriek. "Tlia Wan- dani^ eoaM Feb. 1. airaralTauiu-Tbliboajahulu aieallani weak »llI™oru.nVS: H. tlflopwaa Bal.rJL IlaMu Trio an) Slaban, iKIan ball an) iba gu rniclioi Mlailrala ''iiiSii'Simic UlLL.—Sonu'a Ba»l pla/id lo reiT |ood buloaai a, 11. HaailKen.—At Ibe Onod loila ITUti, Id "Itet- taraildlfali."PlaTftl to nod bmlDOM Jto S. Dad Me-- ttF!b?5s«a.iB»iir!Sl^ riau-rab. l;lbaWbllBa»0|>MmC«., lo-HobBiir."«. . . 8f« TBliTia.-l'aopla lor Jin. >7 ud waab: SImorl; Aoaiua aad Blatar. Miliar and DaoDso, UiUafbar and altaa naila aod Carlo. iota-Edwart molt, U>a r.l'TbaColu>oi:in«"Co., dlKlathliboma lo Uii« allrlS.aad wa. lioHtd b/tba Kgllbu ot rribUa, nl whicb hi waa a Bonibar. Mr. IMU aoUtfVlbo lhaairial bualoaaa abool oftaao laan an. and plajad wlUi a oombar or tba lMdlp|i otiaolia. Oooaon iLaroad. Ilaltaraaa widow aod Iwndilblran: Mi ildow. AaiiM RoMlla Kooll. who waa laadloi udj wlib '-TbanottoBKlDirco.baadacUcd to i««uo at boma for tba tan or tba laaaoo. «ta*bM,—AtlbaAca^einror MdiIc A. Y. Fetr aoo'. Bl«b Oo. pUrtd to (oorhoawa Jao. »-» TBliT«a lOTil -imiaB Toctar Co. y[Mj»l lo alta hotiMa laat waab. Nora«.-Tba MoolrnI Fraodi Ooarm Co. la rmrt/<iT. ara bonbid ror canlial waab allU Aadam; of Miurr, oDdirtbafnua»Dia-l or Bawall A Ko«i . ■•°*na jllKanI atrltadTara B. A »arr iaija dalaiatlon of Iba elUI»aorqo(ba^UK1o4lo■ Ua Maioraod Rlr Haorr Jalr.nalbaratlba aiatloii and aewoipulad bar l>i iha (jbalaau Pnolaoar. Madam* AlbanI will appaar at tlia gimad mnttcal daaioutrallua bar* 17. aaelph.—At Ibe lloral Optn Uoim. Jan. 34, •■Maalarud Mad' had arblr boaaa. Oomlot: "Vflooaa ordiaaaaid."fl 9. bv amalavfik aodar tha dIrMtloo or 11 H Dalr. Aaw.ft.wOoaaalh.1*, losldor tha Utoaral B'SinS'tlSi laackar, la -Oar nal.-' A au riuelaCD Variety and Minstrelsy Notd AXDiiontBoi TniFBiNcnaiiirTaiiiu. -Tbls conpanj laid oir Inn itttt lo Komnlza. TOm«D<10<nle OrtiKi irere nvtctdtd by JoMpb E^!*"?* 'T Ichojlar. Wo reopennt it Tnj, ^■}[-:J*''-'^!^n^*i»tollowl»t ftOBie: miiiania ud Wriibt, black rue* cotnedlaDi; UnrrT Roln irt, fein»l» ropeiMulor; Woods *gil Irflng. Edw>nla •nd CoDl«r. >bo Ulbaml&n tirin,; Cb>iiinll Dud Sobajkr, corned/ Bk.icti; lletiti ud Sllbmi, Ullilo Tanionr, urltllii, ud Hay Ooodwin. iltncrr. Our surr nnulu tbo aame, hIui J. Kniilit, muiinr: *• l^i^t- !""'"'«r; Sam aanicr, luualcal tllncur. nd Ed. B«la, maatcr of propii. CwiNDoLiNi XoRTn vlll aooD sppMLr It ono ot par cllf mualc Utils, i. nitsclpal boT lo > noir bur- lei|DO, wblcb Is Doir fa lebeiraaf, TbU wUI b« Hlu Norlb'd Ont appMnoct Id Ibl* cllj. Lorni Bns'iiiD, who bu hem i»rtaii,lj ill lor tbeputalx vMka, lielovlj recoTMlai. Tilt OOKHora hare cloied tbelr ennnincDl tbroDgb Ibe Wet. Eduii u Bahri bu wiliMn ■ tbrtw ect farce coincdj. "Tlio K.of P.O,ndld«ie," wblcb will bo produced tor ihe Oni iloin m TuIod, Me., for iba benem of ibo roloD K. ol r. Lodge, on Feb. 4. Tai riktsiAK Kai.i.Y Co. beoio a tour on Ibe Monbetn Now York circuit Jan 2;, Cnta. r. Kluoit, reprcseDUniiJnbn D. HopklDR, tbe Weaicm ccDUDaoui perfunnance tiianairer, la la Ibe cli; on buslocei relailDg to tbo new Oenturi Tbcaire, cU. lAiila, Ho. Lrriu flLkNkor Li recoToring ilowlj from a aerl. oai attack ol lllaeaa, and will eoon lie able to re- :iume woik. Janei lllcbniond wl.l do a slaile •peclali jfor a totr week*. S«B Tdbatbb (fomieilj llolmca' Star). Urooklrn, y. I., opened Jan. ■21, under Ibe maoajieinoDl ol lifde & Bebman, aa a popular priced vaudeville boiiHe, glTltig two perfoTuMDcea dallr. Oabrk tligwMBr JniiKd llarr? Morris' Twentleih OenluiT Maids Jan. '.T, at CoIudiIur, (I. .,.V\* ^''>'i":k SiSTi»«,Haj«nd KItlj, bare loft "U'Uoollgan'a Uaiqnrntdo" Ca CUKk 0ISB9, the old lltne mlniiTel, bas a raudevlUe conpsnj, snd N pbiilnw In NewJer lej. The comnaoi loclodes Winkler's .sevtnib Iteglment Bsnd, l.uiiitTen, While snd L'lirk, If lis Lulu Wbceler.Clan Olbbs Barusbrand Sblck, Kdward DawnoD, Kim farlow, Clark IllbUs Jr.. Clarence Horton, HartlD HsTer. Kxecailve auir. Arlbur Clark, praprletor; Oisrt Olbbs, manager: llarr; Wilson, treasurer; Kilwsrd Cbitk, muslcai director. A iKB9 CniRcor, Ihe b/poollat. wbo has been the feature of AI. Kcotcs aod bbi big show fur tbe past two aesMiu, lias origins ted a new act, atllod "Doi- cognlam." A.'ulsied bj I'earl Blonr, lint. Charcot put her new set on Jsn, 'io, m the Kiiiplio Too- atre, Uelroll, and met wllh xiicceni. JauiosJ. Arm- siniDz N iMMking ihu act. It i.m mU to lie the onir actot li^kbd lo tbo worhl, UKlnnnocoofedemleB In any way, shape or fonii, but 11 h duoe .^irlctly on Ita inerlirt, and should pruve a lilg ilmwtng csrd. Kimor AND ItAU'iiiiK bate returned frnm ihclr Western trip, and are b.okcd lo open In I'fuciot'u Theatre, Ibis city. UOSTUK la to baTo a now amiiaenient ball. It will be knoiTD is The llhlway, located 00 Treiiiont Itow, and will be coaduclod by Frank I. nillOK. llAttar SiisLiMHi, descrlplln singer, with tbe "Oltl Warned" Co., Is alDflDg eifecUvely "Uy Dad's tbo Koglneer." IfrncL UiLTOs, who bss Just rclomed from Ku- rope, will Hhonij open with s norelly vaudoTllle ci«atlon. eoUiled "Ilun Yen, Uan Yen.'' Hat Kashin lias returned to New York, and his specially U an at IracUon at I'roctar'A Theatre. CnABLBS BASRr, a brother ot Jaa. I. Uarry, of Uarry and Baiiuon. died at Ibe home ot Jas. L. Uany, In this city, Jsn. ii. KOMTSR snd noies frnm Hill's Dig Upeclalty Co.— We Rhowcd to Jeanette, l*a., last week, to good bnelness. Prof. W. W. Webb hat anala Joined tbo company. The roster: Cbas. Illll, fancy rlile shot; Use mil, songand danco: Hose Mampselle, lusliu- moouilst; J. K. Sampsell, iloglDg and clisiacter coiiicdlan, bsiijolatandilelghtot Sand |i*rforoier: Bob Harris, hl|lt ptdralal clog dancer, Irish snn Dutch couedlati; W. W. Webti, cbanctsr vocsllsl and uiualclsn; T. W. Yaho, trick Tlollnlsl; Hilly Walten, black face comedy; Ullly uiark, comedian. andJenslo llodaon. Jig dancer. All are well aod bsppy, and Tub CnrrBR Is our old standby. JiiuH I'KNiiY Is milng a two ninniba'engagement atttroll Untie Hall, Baraunab, (la. Tbb Bix (IUY bBOTUiRS, after burying Ihrlr mother, returned to their comnaoy atl'liisburg, I'a., Jan. z.'i. Tbe coDipaoy playeu In Pittsburg without them. Tub Houbooib are doln(( well lo their mualcsl act. Miss Uoluniok's saxapboDo auloa receive en- coreesterery performsoce. Nextwetk Uiey will play an eogagementat Philadelphia, Pa. tluLiJiNBr AND LihcoLx are playing orcr the Darls circuit, opeeleg Jan. ;:7, at the Avenue Thes- ire, ritisbnrg, I'a. Camuik lAiNii U. P. U. KutB cclelirated, on Jan. 21, Ibo Otst anolvcreary uf ibe lutilKitliin of tho order In that city. The event took place In tbe bamiuetlDg r om lo tbe Masonic Temple, and was an enjoyable aiTalr, Among tbose who helped to enlertaln werr: Kiledo and Orinin, Tula Biiillb Broibeni, Frank lluiiiont, Oeorge Tounk, James HoVool, lldiiiont (Jiiartet, Frank Kelly, from the llljou; Jamea Uonon, Ameri- can Students' Banjo snd liandolbi Olub, Uaz Ar- nold, Prot. Frank Qltdlng, Baby FrankTInnor, Felix Fablao, magician; J. Hopper, comet cololst; Wllilaui Viinnnght, Pief. Ully and a host ot oiherr. Tbe ciimmltlee In charge or tbe anniversary were Joseph roller, llaiiy U. Andenon. Frank Peterson, Dr. i. F, l.eaTlU, Uevrge J, Pecliln, John II. Furt and J. N. Radel. BooKi.iua—At tbe Wonlerlaad Huiaa aud Tbaa'ra, PittiDoKl. Mali.: tluilo Hall—llnianaoD, La Btrr, Ban. laoella, 0. W. Lawla, Arthur E Bfyoiuur aad Ualoo FrIU, thitd wMb. HtABO—WalootlanJ Walker, rioQ aod Waal.r. Loriag aod Loilla, Mla« MoillmDr. aod Franklin aod Hiuid.II At tba UTarvIek Tliaatra, Newport Kewa. Va : Ilowaid Bl.iarw, r^olDar Unwtha*. Ilalihjr Mur imr, raddr Miliar. Kltly Millar. Mar Vouog. Joife Ua- bow, N.llla Muoroa. UvrtliaJoboma, Raill.fiand^ Edoa Uoot.lU, Blllr Uahoaa. Blllr Walcli, Rillr Cuiialoshanu OnUio Eranii, krnla Baumnda, Dolll. Ali.m, Oirlial. Woodwafd, aad Maddao aait Adami. Hilly Mabooa, who wan lojarad haro laataacb. laainad work 21, with hi. wllf, BcrlliaJohawn At tboBodeea.Rt Panl.Mlon : Tlia llaramoDa. tha Allvoau Bull C. wa.i,io, Curamlnn aod KoijChUOailoaiid Loooard, Palarll. Hfflllb and tha aioek At tba Wonilerlaad Moiwe and Tliaalro, Daa Moloa.. la : Prof. Joho (I. Scbiaitler. maRlouo; Blllr and Haul Sort, Male Uilaotlo, lllaa (Hit. Hilly O'Roukf, Alice Boraalt, Paallaa Parkar, Mm*. Loratta, and Rldiaid aad flood .... Ai ilia Haaboanl niaalra. PnrtuiMOlli. Va.: Ofirmio aad C|[ir,>id, HL Jollaa. Mad- dao aad Adanu. Matlalloa Vera*, Blaocha llialpis Nallle llitlpt. illbMa aod Moalloa. Bau aad Braos Woi. Davia, JetiD Lamua'a aad Baia tVaaaannao. KENTUCKY. LonlavlUe^At lUcaulej'd TbtAiit "Dr. Hya tai," preaontad by Do Wolf Hopper aod tho aame cleror people aeon litre lOMt rear, atuactod rerr kne aodl- encaa Jan. 31, U. Mr. Hopper waa called before tbo cur tain at iba aod of tho reoood net and recited "Cavj at tho Bat." Olaia MorrU cuma^ Col. Ilobi. U. Io|or aollSa TaMrLBTKUTMB —AftBra vooh of darbOMu tbla hoQM preseou "Riahi Holla." by llii Byrne Broa., TT-n. Mianle Ma>ldara-KUlia3l-F«i> 1. OrBO* lIot'KB—John (Irimih ita*ea food rep- r<a«ntatIoa a« alBphlau>a In *Taaat,"laat wMb, i» laraa aod eoiboaiwilo aadlenc4fi. For week Jan. 27: "Tlio Anotlcao 0 rt" „ TRB ATByL'B—"A Coontrr Horchaot,'' praaanted bt CbarloaCoelej^ wai rory Bttioalog, and drew fortli well flUfd hoaaoM ihrougbout lut week. "Fbe VrnJaiia" waab or 17. _ TUB BrcKifiiKAB.-Tbe KaniiBaailay Burle«<iua Co. atartad laai vrtk wlibao8.H. O. bou*e, and iha aauia ■i|Q waadlapiayodooaeveral r>ccaaioni durloi the eO' ntenianL For work of 17: Frwie Broi.' Rp^laltr Co. FEort.iHTiiBaTBB.—Nav fieai weak ofn: BraWrlahi, Meilla Farter, Mar Darat. Will Wf an, Ueo. r. Aniaa and tloeh. Buaintaafiwood. h'OTU —Banileo Ctitello. dramulc teadtr, Inptraooa- lor aod rotallit. wlU appear a* HalUi ir .S'lion'a llallV. JnhD F. fleoaluw aod Mar Ttn Hroaeb ckMd 2» wllh "fbe PeubirBhow," aad Itft tor Mew York after tbo perfomanca. , Pndacali.—At Mortoo'a Opera llooie UIIIbu Lawla. la "Clio|4ira" Jan. n. had a pirkod boo**, l< R- U btlna huoa out befora rnruln ruoK up. "A Wild (JocH«raaaa."34. hadagondbouM. L'umlni: 1> Omood Oo , lo ftptrtorr. work of 27. OHECOM. Portia BJ*—Tbe UirquBDi QraDd bu beeo dark ■InceJao.ll- EilaKlltlar oooti l7,Tboau \r. Keeoe SO. Katla Futoato Fab. 3. Coiour'aTHBaiaa—Tba BacoaHibcbCo. proaaoied >*nia Oanlut" w#ohqf 13. A hooTy »now*iorni mattr- lilly loloirervd alth ibo bd«lna» Tlio <<inpaor fra atDitd "Oft the Uarden Wall" ». viiteh win i** fuU^jwod br ' Tha II Arrest Mood" aod "A FeirHebel." TflBNaw Faai TBBATHlIt dark. AJCBiCMiB.—aelta tamoal. I£d. Bloodatl, Blaodia LamoBL dadle Dtwty, Llt*Mo roodeU. LACvai.—Tlie bnqrra Uidy oreJieatra. canaiL Mvaio niLL aio Ti(BiTaB.~Bllallall, Etbel CllfWo Waal/a RayiEoe Olai and B. CbrtanuD. Woji»BBi.u>0.-Tarlaty cmtlnaea. Clipper Post Office (or each latter, and uio Una of butlnata (oUewod by tba pttioe addreaaed iboold be (iTan, lo order to preraot nUtakoL NoTB.—rYoroiaioeala and othan aboald bear Ib nlnd that all lettara. eto,, in tnui«lt between tha United Btaiea aod Canada, wuut H prquid, otbtrwiae they are oot for. wardtd. LADIES* LIST. Mlatrra Adatni, AJamj Alaiaadt.. Amber. Uabal Ackonirom. I'Ulo Athlty. Norah Aimloo, (looiKle AtklojtoD. Kuby AniaoD. Kmllle AiiBllo, I.Tda ABil<i)UD,i'anle Uall. Uay A. ''BooUi.Alma Boultnn. Cnraa B«ll. Rmnta H. Hkkffii. Uinnle Brown*. Ntllle Buru Nellie Barnard, Italtia BunJolla. Fannie Hrjani, Dor BtonHo.MlflnU Dookmao, Fimldir Brittin. iltonile Cliaaca, Add a rrota, HaM CaniarDD,Mra.Keil Carror. Itfotao Oarla, Mra. (:hanor\Mil<ol tMinon, Carolina Cflllloa, Btonlo (*ArToll. bwulo Clarke, Lola Clarkf. Ailla t'-ar)nita,HlM nirllale. Lliltaa Cuantoibaiii, Nollit CrolKhton, 84elU Cniurh, Kit<a (:iar»i(A,Mlle. (Vdsnvii, Kvelyn Carmll, AhdIo lUrrulL, KllBoro Cirtno.— ^louKlian, loa CounlaBd,<irac« Cliamplon.MamIt CUfiuD, Krada r.arTlaf|bin,Uiaii(l. Chartr.Clara L'oan, Hatr De fratllitorw Dotty Maud UaTeauort, Uni l)eV«r*,Klar»DC« Do niti; Jfnnie U'Fjtia,lltlBD Utfintan, Ann Ida l>arm\T, Ifutma Uu Orua. BoltO De VoRL Flura IWRlisHary B. rant, Km Ita tUiton. Maude KT^rvtl. lUia Bnitmoiii. I«illun Eiaoi* ma. Julia Bnnlltard, llelto Kllla, MadKO Kunioa, Jwla nnlo (tie KTtrwole. May Edmuoda, Luulie 1t*ininore.Hrii. M. ^ KtDkin. Aaota Fill, (trace K. VoAt, Clara ^,)Uoo, Oertla UillAriHIiilBrit Olca^un, Hailallne (louM.Ulido (Inu)Mrni, Madie (irorlDl. JeoDif UraTOt, Lorona (llliuoro, Killl* Hreypon, fit^Mt ilfiPlta, Hnio tllllinn, florence (Irani, ri)dney Uunnio, Frankle tlllhen, BeiNia Ulloiore, I'aarl art, lltltn Illll, Unce Ifailetoo. Mabtl llowan). Alice Ileory, Mra. Uart,Hn. Jerry lluvard. Mildred IIoifr,nra(a iiubln^MiMIt llowanf. LouUe I laru llat-ol lladj All Mra. tlaUtaway, Bettrlce llutlttB, Fh»Mle llnUoB. Jofnia ilarrUie, Aaole lloiliplon Hlatvre lialuior, Nfllle Howard. Kit* il'ilett. Mtudo Holm, Amy rrelMD.). NavVr. ^Irrloir.llillt lnit»er,l.aurlt iDjtlen, Linle Irvine. IlaK. IrwiD.LlllloA, "uno, Mr* Janiam MllUo 0. Ka*un Bitltra Kelly, Julia Root. Uoroiiiy Kolnhl, Harlnn Koodar, Maria KloRi>land. Byrilt Keniptlialtn Kvtii*, l*tl>one ~ oiitii, Lena 'Lake HbUra Lawrtnco, hrllle t.e*llt, Batliu tiHlwiel. Llitrlolli LilolL riuioQco till Old, J#antUo t«l|^^.*clle Uuin.MllUe UaHlinGlia^noatlt l<«wKTrlilr tdOTonnif. Daily l<t»lle.< (lonio Laa«, Mn. Uiaa. LMlIt, Flo««(a LlllliUOMl HliOt Ijoo. Mamla l<*e, Kwa l^uuaiiioe, Mra. Jm LoBrandt,Hra.JM. .40, Minnie ■onlla, Kanole UbaOla. May L. Mdilnn. Kiloa K. MMiitrn, llrace- McNuUj. Ida Sillier, Kh'ttiiee SliinO. I.IUbn Hnnlollc. Kliia Marr.Mr*. Marluw. Hmlo M<Hiie8lil«r« HkgrI*, LtialHO J. May, Boa*It Maltllt. Mine. May, JaOB HonllroB, JomIo Mlulioll. Fliita Maacuita, Vina Mfrpoy. - Meile, Mailtllne MrraoUb. Lena HfiTllle A HuiaoD Hadelluf. - HitrhollCOraL. Mack, HiMt Hahiufdi, foarl HIiiiiuit.BUuu Htluooi. Alice MiHirv. LnitlM Mori I wo, Lola McNuily. Ma UcNuliy Hitter* MolPHte Frankle UaKotl#.TIo»UB. NMiIa, Prlorou Nthli. Flojuio el WD, Nallle O'Still, Cora (lluriu Vera t» Nelll, Mr*. rHrlaii. Alice J. [>'BrIeu, Hre,T.a D'aSolH, f\>|iy perry. Uillin rporl. jAnnIt ferry, (letiruilt Kottieon, Frankle Pond, llaKle I'erry, Uuule ruricU tjuccole l*aplota, - Tifor, Llllle I'Inolt, Violet l*aiuier. noitit l*i(DiU Dtlla rearw, Kmliy l*ut««ll. Kate Ouliley, Louie ^ol KoM, Kto M. Hoia. MaUellna ItbibblDLFraeceaB HuiTell, Fh)IIU KIMor, Kllile Hay, Charlotte Houti. Con HadclllfO, Lrltne KattI, Jennie Rlldey, Jeonia HuMell, Mtnnle Harutpod Blair ra Htl) aa, ivra lUymund, Kitty Hoiien, Loitia H>«lfnbau|h, Mra Hayoleia. Lillian Kuau>ll, Kite KtTiaoniLMar Kubaris innrance Itaallllan, May tl. KIoiiliarl.Beairlce treiitnl.Beok •tice. Lot tie itiiwo, Jeonlo itoulier, Maud .toihfottl, Mabel illnahart, Lm tvHora, Louie itevart, Llrrie dldduii*. Ua UriirUl. Mra.Tola •iTwIn, Hra. lilT«Fler,Aonle F. <Iko, Into iiitne, FinreDce teJiW. Clara <haDniin, laarlnla <nulliern,Jullel0C. *levpti\ I'oarl .ihnit, Rnili Uylta, Minon ^Itewart HUlrra tirlnbiime, hva telly, Mia J F. .'Urto, Mm. t^liaa. Hiiiiri, Mailt ^hiclalr, Jennie Hiilllvan. Matnlo Tucker, Lillian Tieriioy. (tenia Trevanlon, L'ly nicker, Mra-W K. TliumU, Mra, (len. Tuiit Tomple, Doll/ Tumor, Mra Ueo. II faibir, Jnllo rioa. La Belle rarlnr. Dot ifrllue, Kilna ^Uaoor, l)i>n]|hy rioceot, Jennie Vane A luattll Van Oairii.MayO. Wllooi. Ilia Wamor, Oora iTolcoiL Flurence Ward, LolUo Wanenbrri,Marr. Weide, Ulanrhe WrUlit, Bertha ffeati-D, MatlKA Wheeler, Kniiiia Wimm] Hltltra Wade, TrUlo Walker. Lbale WaUli.KllKa While, Maud Wlillney. Aonle WallHiaitira WalUco, Elhel Waehliuma, Irene Walton, Irene Wrvley, Teddy Wilghl, Itniilo Willie. Holla WentwiirUi, May WrIK Maul Wlnwo, Maria Walton, Madeline Wow). Allln ^oreeUi, Ida GENTLEMEN'S LIST. laiaodor. J. K. Cootey, H M. t.Miarlet, faul tllltfitrd A (ireao A IwkftiNar, rf. '*Artlier. WlH AlhurtuB, — AodenuHi, l>. A. Alicoaia. J. F. AbJO>n.ll.(l. AnottJuOK. W. Frank Arnokl, 0. W. Alktot, Kart AndtrMn.feil, Ahrtat,Tbe Auailo, U. It. Acktr, M. A. AQOtrion, Htoart AndrewaaMairoaa Aaron, M. Amliate, Frank Allao, Jaa. W. Aloinl,ll. AnOortoD, Frad Acktnnan, Harry Archer. Ham Arnold A Uanlner AabloQ, Jiiha L. Uoliee, Utto ''BrlHa, U. _ Burke, HueaAJack BudwQrth, Harry Beaor. Frol. U. A. Bella, II. K. Brown, Kim Barlow, II . M.; Hojio, J. B. Bueera, KraJ Barker. Juha Burke, Cliaa. Brawn, Deo. Blckctla, Tbe Bucklrj. lUrry BrtnnanAHhoelor Bvjor, U M BockUJL DuL Biouella, Edmoad Baker, Ouai. PowoD A Wallera Bailey. lUlirb ttuer. Felt Uarry, Dick Browne, W.(l. Banoatl, Clareaca Hortoo A D'Alinu Brach A Boven liMiJoltln, Victor Birotlain, Hilly Mtnntit, Frank Bddvlo, Bamar Mmvo, Al. Browne, W. 0. Brows, llany M, Mealy. T. K. Ma-My.J.U. Ba^ioaaen,«!. ■aaattt, F. M. Beak Irk. Fred Banka tioa Bllta flarrr Boyd, W. W. Ban loll, Owen Baaco A RotMita Aotton, Bud J. Barnard, Um. N. BurcH.iJ. vr. Bluueoberg, H. J. BanlnBteOa Q. B. Benedict, Aldan Broeo A McKeoB Baoo, EJiar BnoooaD, Frank Beera, John F, BaUUy AHliiioOdl Boraa John Barr, Ueo, Barrett, Marry Bulintr, llariy BoBd, V. II. ^ Baker, Jolio B. Bein, Uootdai Br>;wn. hoab BaalwIe.H. If. Bradard. Edwtn HartvD.deo. A. Boyer, L M. t%vaDaaflh. K. 'Coif 11)0, tl J. Caaipl/eiL Wm. Cuonlu|li*in,W,C. Cod toy. Fat Carr. V. W. Clark, Meruit UlaiDcntvA. II Chrl*ue,L. II. leinenti. A- II. Ctiomba, Baoi r. (;U) (un, Frank i:alee, Frank (Uilollo.Ueo. t.ltrk, If.K. (UiulAy, W. M. (Uirbyo. Hhertdan Cary. l>r. B. Ctiurdilll. dec Coteinan, J. J. iriarkAHt CUir ClirlNlle. W. B. :i*a.Wiii H. Cupuntl A AlktU Owht. J. Ilairey Clerato^ A. Curey, A. B. t>>nlan, Joe J. (lunnloihani.ileu Couke Jr., Fiauk Uaaor. W. II. (*arlvna,TbB L'rioiiulpa, Dao'l Carur.Ucfi. L. damto. frank Cur lit. Rain (!ilne, Chan. II. Caraitai'*. Colruan,Thoa DiivBlne, Bitiiert llavJ>,>._II. Uaylon. W. Fo\, Jntml!. Frank, H. W. Ftaiierly, Harry Kuwier A Weil FerKU*un, Oacar Ftlry,— Fred II. Field, Aid. KUher, I'liif. Fred Fieite BiiM. f rauclr, Ueo. C. Fua, riam rraocla. W. T, Fernanilrx. Timf Fancher, Lloyd rullifoud, W. II. Frledrlch. (luaiav Fuller, C. T. Vt\u. belnu Daabloxtoo, Jaa. Uutluo, Wm. Darru*. Waili lit rilli-pl. Ji>e Uiaoo, Or. J. u. Denniuo, Arthur Dlamood, Lawrtoca B. Dalaory, Frtd DeMltudiara. J. B. DouKhtriy, Air. tiailoa, Brlibily Day too. n. Uucrow, Louie Ita Kiae. Felo Drydeo, Harry Ualler.dto. x. I)at|ii.C L. Det, Batl Uatlt,l>. W. Duaman, Wallar Daly A MaoolDB UaridMo, J. W. De Flllpirl.Jua. D«rea|iort.J.W. D'alnora. Frof. Ife Hat. BUly UeUordon. ur. F. t>e Fvrett, Woi. U'Eelanv, Marcy utlmauiilaiiBroi. DoJton, bto Dareopori, Harry Duwtey, Harry Dor ere. BiJly Do Vine, K. J. Din loo, Moflt. DooKherty. Ilughey Do Carloa, Toe Uilaroy. Wil Ufa on, /aj Oiarh, UtrTT ClayiooACtarl Chiton, Jot 1>. Coil. F. C. CaililoK. Bar)ley Crawford. (faoL Jack CurtlKaM B. cure. Ctrl C(eioi/,Tlio« li. Cn«lo(d, Kd. Caidnier, Leou Cwrboit, B. ff. Oraaeaeu Carl 4.tark. AL (>oopar,iloo. Oaaad.Woi. Owe, Cbaria/ Furatnan, (leu. Fuley, Maoauer Fouler, (;ol. Jeaa /liotteot, Fred ^nrloToa. Julia (loHleA BL Claica (Jukitu, Horace llarar.Ull Uretn.Chrla iliildie, W. M. (lonoan ACIIITonl (louM, Blllr Urirtiii. F. V. (llhtiure. Majnr UalalLa,CbaN. (IroUie. Fetor UrImet,T. J. ilrotn.Kil. UI May. Jaa. UeiaeuuerR, Ike ilnudnuw, K. (lelltr. Mont, iiobdnln. B. F. ilraooy A BumoU (lanlotr, Frank (acrobat) (Irttn, Kilard U(ll>ort.(.liaa. (|iiul*l, W. H. nridlu, Oertkl laillrf«o. fA. • IllDiuie, Tuiii (l(liwri,K IL (luy Broa. MIntU ililniy, Cliaa (Itllailier. W. F. ilailakiier A Allen (IroTO, DeTM (Iraliain, Johnny (Iran, i. AM Jrltnta, Tom ll4leMl. Chat. F. Uuodman Edward Uanloer, Frank UHututr, Ham Oainptey^Trie Oevtre, win. Iioniuolco, Hutolo Donovan, Utn. Doukltoa.(Joo.W. Bliour, Fhil BIy. ^oo. H. ediauoda, W. U. dtBon A Wllber ed «anla. Joa. F. eiur, 1F.A. Uy. H. ailbtrt BiDtri'io Dr. e.U w\t,ta.u. Blmar. Fred Binnou J. K. Kvtraole, Wu. l!iatobatll).M|r. Kmory, Billy KdaanUDtWIt einuro,ni.J. Klecirin UuaiUt Hi^bari. John Bvana, Edaard K'jeanI*, (3ia«. F. "'J, Wm. jfd.W II. /flot, FfodtJ. rithla. A. 0. ruller. It. T. nuftrald Uarrr roliun, Jaa. O. faian, Beraer Flaictwr. B tl Fen ami aa, Tony FifBcb'a Htrun, Hud lloaan, F.meat llodBklna, Hart lIuRuian, Oeo. llaioD. b). J. Hon, Frof. Uuudlol, J. H. Ilarria, Boliert Haley, Thua. M. "■ jrjr.W.J. IokMS F. (lllb) Haatl lleooeway, Fraab ilaiatoioider. t;hajL iluw)ey,Jolifl K. Iltnderaoo, If, II, llatdy. Harry u m: llltr. M. ». Man. t^haa. T. Hubbard, M K. Maya, Otu. M. HtideU, Clia*. Iluoilnatoo, J. J. Mala Burt ilarptr, Harry Hnao, Via HaJleyA Hail Kurouiano. ~ llardniao, Joe Him A Me llaiHHton,CoLB.H. Iliilcocnbr, Hoibort Hall, W. II. flaoaon. Fred llalty. Cliat. F. llobenBlela,W. B. Hyde, F.U. iiarriavo. If0|ti HIchey. W.U, Holmao, J. II. Howard, Fiaoh tut.) HaroDood, Wio, Uait, Frof. HIllaTboa. W, Henly, Jack HlnmaB, CapL H UarinMo, — Harlaod A HblllBton UanUy. B. Ilaaty, Cbaa, Hp)Uod,Bd. llolUBd, U7C llumrbrey, Itioa. HHIer.llerwiu Moral, Ueo. K. Ilolbrooka The llunphteja, lliberi Hawking |l)dnoy Hloniao, CapL H llolwaiiKi, Frank Uaoaium, jobn llowaon, M. J. Hall. L. A. Hantoo.Fraak lloBtb, Oeo, liarrlnirirn. J. C. Tit tat, Marry ''■Irwlo Btoa. Iroln, Jan. Irwin, Win. iDOOf, ^ lita. lunker. W. A. wjoteph. K. r. JBmrt, D. L. Joyce, hdein Jeekiun, W. A. Jlnitneit P. JorceAi'iiilUr-i Jote,R. J. Jartla, ritrrt JeruoieA Alula J«te,K.J. Jam»a, Nal JohnwB, M. U. Jontt, W.Fml JermcuL Jitt. J ml 16, Toiid Joyce ACariuU Jud(ei,JnbnL. .loDta. WUI II. Jonka A Chlfonl JnhOBoaitlet. h. Kranitr, lUrry Ktlity, RA. Kan^ i'ai Kidd. (Iro. U. Keoo, Wtiter KimUi, Tlio Kiuilu, -~ Konl, Albeit 1*. KarL Htcheid Kendall. W.B. Krei'ft, Juho W. KonnuA Wrleli Kelly. John T. Khamt, A. II. Kolb^ J. W. Kaooanl. O.II. Kuhluml, A. B. Kloilo. Kin Krilini;, Llait Kelly. Ji>e KwtW. (lea. A. KeUy, J. W. Reniplon, L A. KelbdtU, Luulo KaaahaKIti Kvfpe, r>»l Kaaiijalil, — Kendall, B. Kerr, Kdwln U. Keantdy, Jtihn I*. Kirk. Frank Keller, rraok Kaui'ton, (let*. K La Mair. K>l. l.«Tr)l, Harry Leill^ AlfiMl I^at Inle, Uhaa. Ltooliart. t;iiaf(. ^ti,U.W. I,<oohe, John t>. Le Voy, Uijiir Lyocb, FniikT. Lawrence, A. Lnrlit, ILL. I.tnK.K IL Learr, I'auy LniMl|treon,(lao. La Vhiti. Thru. :aaeenire,jM. A. Ung, F.1I A. Lattacd, AlUert Loaao, Kii. LirlnH'iiw, Harry Ltwit. J. K. lAna A Hbarp UvTaeA ibx'tii Lanaoll, Harry Le BitiJi, Hon UMatk. Harry 1.1'dall, Vtrry MlBliloo, Hairy Um o.w. uptu, ~ l^tlar, (I. A'. iJncoIn, yrank LiiOK, Fraok K. Le Duo, lleniy LatuiiDl, Kroil LeCuuilt.a A. Lawla, A Illy Liflua. Tdui B. , Vlolur Uwmla.K-T. LitUe. Ihck Leuutu, Vio Li»ut« Ira Lnwlt, W.H. U Vouotl. Fred UvlDu. Ihil|ib (jOtllt Ailatea Lee, Kaia Lewii A Kvpielt Llborali,rtlK. A. l,CTBOly, AflMlt MtL Jaculi LIndtay, Or. D. M LaniontJFiod Link, Hilly Latuoa, Kranb 1^, liailil LaiHHlle,(MlTi«r M llcbett, Jaa. 0. Httlub, Otto Moirla Aodr Mrtiajor, wm. Maltoy. Major J. Md-laln, Hilly Haddeo. W. tl. Mjar«,B.W. Honlt, My lea MtnaltknI. Mauric* Moorvf. ^ranb MaBeoAt'rlntiolai Marvllle, Deo MoAviiy, Harry II III laan, Fhll Htdiro*, J. Mainekl.lUat MtiN A lluntor M«H«il)lt*,Wlll MctVtrmach, Wnt, Miok A 4^>nllor Mtrtdto. Hlelunl Mack. Jet. It. Mi>ra, Ktitono McVonn, Hho man .Vel^ann. Hwi. F. Mllloll, 4lUN Vttiiiiley, Waller Morton, il. 8. Mlllarrbrtit. .Myert,lltiry Murrl^ Haniaey MeF>iUco, K. k MvrTllU tU tL MeDotnM, II.J „ lioUrhli^ A IhihivoJUttuK 11. T. Mtaile.tllowUiid MuntDllaA lliitMll Miirrlb:n. Jaa. Miirrar. Jolin VF. Mi>rr' . M. F. Mudit . H. HtOk A O'lNty Maok, Frank J. JtdViDntll. VV. A. .Vaynard. hiUIn ttiwrllng, Arihiir .Varkkniu A Horry Killer, R. Le Kuy M(lclioll,H. A. MoCartlir, Da JJiirru. J B. F. MuUan.Hin. Lao yon, Kditar • lie, AUroi linr Leun, Harry Llndaar.Ueo. A. LaHoKa, Ileory Lawton, Luula Uuiioi, H. Y. Mamh Faiallv Mejtr.trliila MaillMMi, F. MflDouald, Hairy Moore. Dr. F. F. Manin, KIcliard Marble, F.W. MeCale, Larry MoHltlricb,l(obU May. Allen HoAlfie, Jaa.T. MaearLk. Miiran, Fraak Ma«hIr,Jai. H. Marhlttii), frcd May, U. h. Murpbr,F1iiB0fald Hurrar, J. K. Mariall Harry Murdt.Hini Morulluuib, II. A Maley.Hleie Maok.Dbai A. MurrelL Fraiik Mack, Frank Martlo.J H Murpby. P. II. Mieri, W. H. Hurrltaey.lf J. Mortofl A Hack Md;aillir,J. J. MtchiBtllult Mathava. Frank Mteb, Roiaoa Mot;aifer, Howard HatmOiJuoo Kell^ Wm. Kpoonir. Cecil H|arha,(loo W. J4al(er^ Martin Hun firiM. KaniTT, Joe Hndlh, LowlaO. HfianloB. R K. Sauitlla, HIk. ((huwiat, W. H, riealiroiib. T. Q. Sliaw, Niar riirohochor, Fhll ■I^Ull. 1)00. .•4«anian, Chu. Hinllh A Campbell ri«a«l, AL (I. Kfflllh, W. II. rtylttattr.H H. Hinlih. W. H. .^haantr.Htorooa ' 11.W. W, iklo, Leon 8t. Aubtiiu,C. !£. Hioflt, HnL Kackelt, II. II. Ha Van. Chat. .HinrUIr, W. H. MaT.pMHi, Oarl A, Ht Aiibum, W. itojiiKtar, Ifaro .^leale, (>. 8. HlutmU. II. iHi, Chaa. Munly^ _ Beyer, Wnt. Nlira 1 an, — .NuatPi. JaM.K. ^K-lio)a,iliM). A. .Viiiiunn, i>ennle .^eniiiaa. Waller .S'tiriU Broa McIidIr, Wdllo Nelj)4>u,(:haa. H. Si>>p«. A. U. «<>li|-il. II X. NlokprMiii, It. K. .Vrf>l,i:eilK. Vcrviii*!, H A. Nunn, llru. (teUan, Haiit NuHnn, AL MtKtl W. Srii\ H. (!. O'kiiiirhr. ToBl n,ir) lieu, IVItiH.Mav l.i«ei,Ti<li) )<ltiMl>iA I/trel(i> llveue, J. J. O'llrlea, Kdillo IMway, II. W. rNtlli, Fiaiih (Inln H\, W. Iliieanl o'llpa, Murphy 1>t>lttT^ I'lill W, l-aiil. I'rInre I'ellrller.O K TuBorn.% Waklron 'nriy,Tli<it. It _'lill|i|>< A Jaiiellt I'tgo Jnliii K. I'lict'ir, W. II. I'niliaKO, W. H. I'lckfiil, Haul I'ltria.J II. raikt, UiMi. A. * I'tflran, llin^ annl I'lircrll, Frank I'rico, Wallur I'AlivlUi, Hill. riNi-v, II. It. I'rtMiiiii. Jiiiio A. I'liiti^ Ui I'iiitrr Aifilliert 'rka'.4 Fliiailni; lli'trt riirc'lleACulUiit ri*rMin,i;. H. Fflolni:, Kilirard l'«ul,J.iJ, ■flnio,(l. II. 'Ull«[|i, 11l«t ro nrt, W. A. l'orcl*al, II II. I'artBlIf, WlllA. *«rry ATNilirunke .'tyue. H K. PtrbliiB. II. I?. Faiiiior. Carl riouderKtKl, Jaa. riillilpiiA(ta>ni>n I'trkliii, II. If. I'a liner, Haii'l Quenii, Julin gulnn, TTiob. J. "hmwiii, H.J. Hlflell, l»iaa.A. Haven, lllnluid lf<>v, O. II. HiiRvrt, liie He*i<Ha. Frank Kuttoll, H.J. Hl^^ M. K. Hice, Cliao. P. Hliidet. Fad. Hn«ir', iV. H'tiiialoe, Tniii (J. Hiee, J. II. Illdiaidi, iltu. W. Ka>iiiirtiti, Krank Kubtilni. Frank A K icbe, llarry Relia. Frr.l lt«on.i). IL H«»liiUMin, Jot. Kooit, I'mf Han ll4)lMria.«). W. Iticli. Fiiif II. R. itlne. Tom L. ItldienlB. Bark K«d Jacket, Dr. Itiuoll, Hill/ liaitniniil.fK'itt Ke«0,ThtiB K. KulMio. Fllity Huaa, (utualcal) Kawlty, Jm. Itnlnarl, Harry llDcliatter, Will. Hiiulter, Harry turn. W. M. HLhatiN, Dick iUi niunJ.DIiaa.K. ItuUiilna, K. A. H«cd, IfaiB itiati, Toay Haeil, I'mil itutmriP. H. W. JOiellar, JuImT. ^ .■tliiiiuona,H. K. ■«pn)ar, Kufteno ritinimtra,iiaii. H Blark, Uarry rtaniny, Ollbort Htiilili, L-.ny i(i4tiHier. K. A. HlrmnAHimkln Hiowail, J. H. Hieiaon, Jaa. Hltvtnttiit, 0. J. HurIiuoIp, — Hiair, llarry riwan, HlIlT Hluek.T. V. HitRrUl, Aufuat H'iiink|n.CI)ka RIceaL - Hrhatrer, John F* HienaoD, J. 1'. Mi»iiuau, Uan tititiia, .\rclile riuliuii, t;iiaa. Hiarr, Lawln S«li>,<K K. HaiiiwolU, rmf.T, .ihentr A Blakrly ^eoIl. Wni. W. .-talllian. Michael :idribuer.Ham Kitiiitn, Frank Hallaiiunr, tlan. .'^liiteitfeli, Juo rhonipttin A BunaU fennoy, Fratat rulllo, A. F. roomey, J. W. ruillo. k. F. NUy. Wro. A. furoer, W. V. ferrUa, J. T. riiaiiln, Kd. fatall, l.ticanlo furntr, Miok froeoia, — rra>.t*e, Hilly F. riivne, (Thaa. ft) k>r. Billy riwle. J. H. rruo, Bori fliayer, Huy raylur.Cliat. A. rrayanr. Ji'lio U. riinrutitn, Jtt. r«itipett, Mtrk riirner, W.T. fennoy. Jack rhuiiiptiin, JInttuy rtylor, Harry rfntlorwiHiir.B. H. 'JlIiiiK — VBinun, l>anlH ViciorellK Tha VlUlranca, H. «'ann, Hardbl VkImIU, Vio Vuii Tliiar, Harry Vaiilr.Cll^. I. Vliitoo, lliiraca Vmhiuu, Cart VtMatoH, Tlie Valentine, Ham Via*, Jack K. V«Mi(. - VtulhHintiim Naal Vtn Dyht. W. D. mile. W. A. Vrkh, Hloh Wlitia. Henry 41. fflille KaBle, Dr. W. WailDKA Fraur Warren, Jtt. Wckl, Timr Weatifn. Frank WllMrti. W. W. Wbtlinan A Darla WIncltralar. K.H. Willie, Cbaa. Wtrreii. F. 1*. Wllla, Waller Warren, II. W. Ward. Harry Walialer, R. )•. Wm(, Dr. Waller WIlKin, a J. Wliallan, 11.11. Ward, Frank U. W«hber, Harry Wayue, (Ion- Wlioe, Andrew Wrlilil, Ueii. B Wadilnirn, L. W. trnllle, Frad B. Wllhltl^ Frank While. Chat. Walker, Muonljuy Wykiill, W. J. Warlntf, Wm. Wall, (leu. F. WMIIauia. II. II. Welialar, Wui. WlilU Kaala Bill Wail), l.-haa. WlUim, Jiiha W. Whieler, F. M. Waladiury, Wui. WihhI, BertO. Wawm. Fraak H'arllali). Tnin WilUn), Watlar Wui«l, Arthur J. WllltrJ. (>.(>. Walurt, Letter WIlHauia, Dtrell. Wacb. Kufeee Hbllney, llnward Wallora. Julea Wll|lauit,PrtnkW. Watwtn, Frank Walerman, (Aiat. Hilda, Andrew Walortiurr.Heo. K. WIlMin, (hliiUia V»||iiBaVtn#. rio ■^Vtiiinir, Hilly Vountf. Ollie ynreodi. Kl. **/.»! rua,TI»e /.'riiiiiemiao. Erl. /.luiiutrniao, M. ^.uiiinerniae, W.B. I/,iruol, Hatu /era. Vtot. /Attvto, Kd. GEORGIA. Allnnta.—At iho GrHnd "m (Md IltimcntMd" dldwallJan.Z),3l. Fadtreetkl allra-.led a large audi- naco.31, at adraiKad prite*. (;ainllla D'ArrHle, 2), dtd a aplendiil butlnata. Henry IrrlnRand Bllen Ttrryiiatked thu boute lor Hirta |«rloriii«orBt, at ailvauetil pilcat, M, V Ihe iKiuta will rimaln dark 17 aad vaek. Till LvcBi'H —' Frl«n<la" r Nntt 71. W. "rablu Nomaai" did tary |>ogrlF. 0, 21. J. II. Ilararly'a Mia- mi ek come », 3J. ■awAniialt—At tbe HavBOUh ThMlre "Tbe lialamaktiB," Jan.'.O, liwl a Roud hmw, and tba oom. r*oj Rate a very Patiifaetory perfunnance. Ilonry rvlpf aad company foiinwod >1, and played to die larftat Irtieloeaa In Hie li[ai«ry ol Uia lliratre. Tha BaHwio* MelltllleCtr. play a reiuro aoiaBfmoni at popular pilcta TiruMMuirulIaU.-BuB|ne«a at Ihiah'iaae liaa been Tory B<M>d. Liuia Moora and Killt HL Olalraod John Fuidy. wbo reoaatiy trpeued iHtli Hilt conpaoy. are vary puptUr. Tba Dt Ire Hiatert. Maiole Barle, BUla YeuoB. Tureey'a Mandolin and (luKar Uiaitet. the Tumera, Marie Do Wnir, Fully Hregory. Mohie Caatietoo are In tbe cpiBfiaor. Harry U. Welle la Um atago niaaaitfraod an- •leal director. Tui TRV AUBBO—Tlila Utile home haa ifOOd dolBg a rualogbuaioeaa uodar iheinanaaameotof T. B. Butler. ThoBewMovIe Include tlfjrgla Cartnn, BtiNilt (%raon, Kdnrd lhi|<oni. Iielonde. Frof. Morila TuclinaB, Billy SeoU and aoorgla llanlltoo. Hmcdm.— "Kflenda" came to the Acadeoj of Ho'lclan-Bl. t/« R. K. f|. •The OM llonieilead''dtd a Eood biialoa«a n. fHiTar Ryroi, lo "Hp" tnd Doaoa ft lift,'' bad fair bualotaa iS. Comlog: llaTerly't MIb* tUttaJL FLORIDA. Jnckaonwlll».-Ai (be I'jrk Tliratro "Filethli" wu raceited with loudi lavor Jto. 13. (lortoo'a MIoauelM t>Uyod lu good huBlnpiB la the face of incleuitet vtalhtr 16 Erwin'a Wonderland aad lilft Rhuw mat nlth lair (iJrer aod KateByroo, la "Tlia I'peand Downe 01 I.Ifi." had a larae aod faaliluoableaudlaBce, wkopeld iribolo in lite ticellrai |4rrun»anee>f. "Th* fiU HDoitate»I"ilre<' a rood hou'o D CriulBg:Tba Hheldona. In Br> Thb Eubn MitaitTrareUOi) draaa wtU, gad will ia> uaio bore bbHI Fob. 1.