New York Clipper (Feb 1896)

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760 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. rEBBtlAHY 1 Khpiki TiiRiTE.—Dicra «m |imdare<l *l iMa lioDM oil Jan, 27, rnrihe linu llnia Id America, "A Woman'i IIciimd," • pit;, In Uirct tcir, hj Obu. BrookSeld md F. O. Itilllix. Ttli werk bad lu Ont frodacUoo It llio HbHlltHiiorr Tliciiire, I/ondon, Eog., on licc. 27, IWi, It iclla tbo folloirliig nor;: RItplicn D'AcoiM, B joiing Jewlali builncw mm of great wealUi, mtrilca Moa Kclib, the daugbitr ot Lord and l^dj lllelclilc;, wlioaa prldg U onJ; cqnaltd bj tbeir liniwcunlMliy. Ur. V'Acoaia la dtaplMd \)j tbc CDiIro Kcllh rninllj, lint be boMa a mortgigo upoc noino uf Itio properly, and lila weallb addn to bli ellillilllir oa a liusband for MIna, wbo, wliliout Kiro lor blm, Dccomca bla bride. D'AcOHta kU op a bandaome catabllab* taeot, and bli wire*! parciiu iinarur tbemaelra npoD blm. Tbua llier lire lor ncren yean, dur- ing wblcb time a eon la iho mill of tbo marriage, and a (orUier addlilon li mado to I bo hoioebold In tbe ptnon of Ii'Acnala'n nlaltr, l^b. TDe biiabagil dOTOIH hlBuelt 10 uiialDcaa, anil Uie viro waaiealier Une la frlvoloua poriUliH and In rccclvlDi iho a^ tentloni of Uapi. L'ror.ler, a Irlend ot the Kellb ramlly. At llio end of llie le ven yean Hia. ll'Acoila haaaaerloiia quarrel nlib bor alatcr In law, Leab, and, wllboutappeellog lo lirr boabaort for an ail- JaatmeDtof Iboillirerciict*, ilcnerti blai anil neca lo the Conllneot wlih Oapt. CYozIrr, wlib vbom aba Uvea for Ore inonma At iho cxplraimo or Ibat period abe loavea ber KiiDty partner, and for a year dvella In aeclualon. Csptalii Croxler dla- noven her retreat and naVa be to ngalD llro wlib blm aa bla mlaircn, iiul aho rtruaee ami lodulgea la inucb acoUmenial ulk almai lier bua- liaod and her clilld. Diirinir Iho Unpialn'a Tiall n'Acoala la announced, He baa procured a dirorce from bla erring wife. Iiiil cornea to lofomi ber of arTangcinoDUi bn naa mailo wherobj abe may atlnterrala ace ber child. He liax a alormy Inter- Ttew Willi OaplalQ Oraxicr, wbORln lie Inilaia Uiat tbe Oaplain Hball muke Moo bla wife. I'rged by aomewnal forcliilo Rrgumcnu, Ihia worthy inakea a formal propoul for Uio lady^ hand, hut Ihn honor la promptly ilcclloeil. 'ftiun li'Aciwia olillglagly forglTea NIna'a UDfalllifiilncaa, and agalo recelvea her aa hbi wife. Had wo )iL-eii troiitiied hr doable cnncemlng the proper courao for a nian of bonor lo puraue with rolatiuu to an adulieronn wire we might, In innanneu of nplrii, have accepted tbia play ana iliiielyhliil. Knrtimately, however, wo need no entlghicnmeut coucerDliiR iiila auhject, nor, If wedli,laatall likelyihat we wnnlil acok It In a commnnlly where, Ir we iKllere cooinnponity Kng- llali playwrlRliia, that which In callcil honor la of a very (|ueer eon. Un the fithrmlJo of Ibo water iher retain tbo old faiibtoncil way of apolllnu the word, bnt tboae atnart genilciDf n, Iho rUyarlRliia, would bare ua believe that In cvurjihlng etHo pertaining to tbe word a now ranblon prevHila, \Vb refuae, however, to licllevo thcao vllliQcrH ot Ihclr native band, and In aplto uf tbctr eirnria ii> pnive Iho con- trary wo Billl believe Hint rtickntil laa worl current lo (bat roftlm, ami Itiiii It U aa iniicb a term of acorn u of >t>re. II niircly la a term which aptly deacrlboaHU'ptiDii D'Airiutia, ahd lia ai)iQe«i atana ua upon a curloua llm of ihuuRhr, Ur. It'AcoaU, a genllcman of JowUli faith, la Ihrough- oot two acta nf uio play a model man. lie hi diligent In IiuhIoum, foivorit In l'>vo, goneroiia to a fault, H tender liubimiiil, ami h IIikI und gonUo fatber; In facl, be la painted aa oue of the licat of human kind. Wo have no rnult to liatl wltli tbU; In fact, our love of vquliy hicllQCrt u-i to re)nlco that our filendri of dinurvut fattn have rccvtved Ibia klodlvrecognlilim to tlictcniitlciif tiicilmon, when tbey nave ho uftuu ren-lrcil lur-ih ircAliiiunL Tlicy will meniielveaprotiRiily feel |iiu«Huru in ttila tapir reoogolilon of nicrli, Imt wh.ii will lie Hioiraenit- inenia when ilio lium vt the itio piny coniliiuea hIa Wlfo'aaln, tlirtiw.% ML'lf rcHport til the wloiln, huiI In- vllea itao acorn of all hmicrilinun, Winvievcr frail- Ilea of onr coiumuii liumuniiy may iiu cliHrgeil agalnat men of Joivlab frtitli. It U a iriiih mnnunienial li> itirlr rrcilii that the honor of their wivca ami iliitiKliirn la a lutticr of deep ciiiiceni to tln-nl. anil that fcml nine purity la a patt of ihdr ri-llKlon, homireil alike by men auii lyiiiiicn. 'i'aktiig thlapiayaaa whole, ft atrordauntertiitninoni tiiriiiigh tin comedy lolea, but In oihor reapccia li dull. It la aonicwbat antli|iiatcd In atyto. and much or lla Intvadcil aeil- oueuraa la rank iinuaeuM. Whilu ni^ny good coni< ody llnea are glvnn to tbo Kev. Couno Welluua, we fall l-> aee why a worldly inludvil ami lijpocrlUcal clergymaa ahuuld Jar tiRaliul rcllalaua aonllnient leea roughly iiian oue wUn falU while air Ivlng Iniln bla duty, llowovcr, Iho a'oflilly aort In vaaUy more amuBlDg,anil tlua cumiM fur aomcthiiig. In thh oaae It pruvtd uf iiiiiiaual value, for tlie role, ad mirably |iU)ril by J. K. hoiUiii. did much to aave iho play. 'Uio two iiuitm-l actura, the one between alr>. li'Ai-oata anil l,*nti, and the otber lu wblcb klr. l)'Aco;tia and Captain Crozler were tbe parilcliunia, wrrvlhureinaluliii; fealuioB whiob recclviHj atniiiRir marked coiumoudailon fruni theaudlruce, nod wtilcli will probably acciire for ibe play a iiiciiniirv uf aiicceM. Tlio applanae waaattluioaripouiuiiniiiaHnd hciiity. Tiioiictform- anoe waa nm aa gmtd aa wo are ncouaionied to lecelva at tbe banda of ihit rouipany. The haaty |ir«paratlona fur ihu pnhlucilon iiiuy, Imwover, lu great ineaauro itoi'ount fur many of the faulte. Viola Allen bad evlilrntly fouiiil lull lliilo lime to Btady hor part lH*>onil iiui iiH'iiiiirlr.lng uf lla lloea. Ileory Miller waa iiiuio aiiccoafiiit. and nan In good fonii lu tbo iiunrnl acciic, but thmuRbuui the real of tbo play waa like uliiMvo hope, luo good to lie true. \V. II. i;ri>ni|itun, lu ainuige KUl^r, gavo aonio atroug uhaiaclir lourUee to Ibo |Hiiinijal uf iho itnpeviioloua latnl Itloicblcy, and tlii-lo lio Wolfo and Kdgar Pavenport won contldctalilo orodlL May Itouaou ii-tuliliiutod another fif her cailr-Aturcn, aud waa anithiently tiuconvcnilunai In ilrw-aa aiiil ileuieanor 10 win imich applanie. Tiio pla; la by uii muann au original eiriirl.a-* It licaia leaoiillihllico lu "Kron- mu" and to uilicr pUya, a note upon llio pro- gramme, nailing aitenilon lo'Tliu StraDger,*'leatl fvlagtoita reaeiublani:o lo that work, Tbo caat Hiepnea li'.icoaia. Henry Miller; Algle, Maator Welon; l.<iril Hlotclilrv, W. II. Croiuptoii; ibo Iter, lioamo I'reiloua. J. K. IIiiUiu: Opt. Crozirr, Kilgar luvouuort; Ur. Uclli-iinio, K. \. Ilaukua; Uarllo Tiiti, tleurgn Itryaot; Jaiiiua, W. J. Wiiliman; Mdy Hletobley, llriievluvu Ituyiuilila; Ibe lion, Nina Kellb, Viola Alton; AK<in>t I'rotioua, May lioiiaiin', Uurtlce, KIlou Hall: lauh |i'.\c<«ia, K.liJelie n'olfe, rKoiiVK'ri I'Ai.ara TimaTai.—Tbo uaual crawih attended ihia liouao Jan.where Maungor I'ruclor aet forth au iimtaunllj toiiiptlog •iiinHenieni bill of rare. KIha /.ulla HittI l-ulii, on Ibo aorlal cable, made Uielr nrat appcaianoe at Ihia bouae, and won much applauae for iholr clever peiforuianco. Julea l.^vy coruetilnt. waa a now miinlior on tbe pro finaiumo, aud waa Hrci-rtlitl a warm welcome. TbL I aok l*Blil (:4irtlrriMia June.*) rcapiwared and won full iej4»giiliioti for her rciiuirkahio alHiitng. Jobii W. Hanauue, In Ida a|a'cialiy, "The lluKr ot New York,*' made bla tlint niip-iarauco at Ibia bonae, and found hlni«il hiiiiuik ihh frlvuil^, wbo aUowctl thi-lr appivulailon of bla t-iroiia i.y iheir hcartr applauae. Yue I'auiaer Unit bom, iioail aud hand iMaUncera. re- appearod aud worn iioclitoii favnrltea. Tlie Ahbolt Twin aiaiera, vuoatliJa (ililnl week), wore laipular holdorora. and Amuka. Itmiilka and Ulilke, gypay trio, coiuliiiiedlodail favor, oim-ianniliebill were: tkMirge l.'tcki.ari ami hIa ir^iliii-d elepbaubi (iwonty- aeconil wool.), (he I'our Miwera, ac-ivliala (fuurtb waek);ljlilv l%iai,H«|HHiio ainitrr; Delay Uabi-r and her picaanlnulcrt, tltiriiiiile MaiiaUelil. coniudientte: llaliiM aud IViihigl I, In Ihoir (hmi nwui aketob Htinnie TTturniou, u.imet1ionou (-wt-iHiil week); ,MoU' Me aud Uolnw, lunil. dlalia;.MrtlH'lltuaa4)ll.voc*llat lhaveaux aud Aci-li^r, imiai.i^l cuiiiwtlana, aud Ibe 11 ■wDlo^ acroiMia. 'file udy orclieaira waa coU' Iiuued. PnnriUH'a TittUTRii.—tiiiod Ihlnga In Ibe vaude- vllle line ar<i ulwaya bi lie weu *l ihia coay bouae, hut Ibe hill prci<enl<il Jan. 'JTand week cootalnodan unuaual uuuilter of iboiu. Ovorge Tliatober, Ibe uiln4trel04UuudUn. whnui uvoryinhly huuaa, hraiird the hill and won nua laiireti fur liln tiiuiitlaaia. 1'ne IKiualna. nun lt>i(ii<ril rUiwMH, maile their nral appaap anoe neie anil foiiuit liuiiii»aiaief.«vitr. lica Audora, In ubaravler i-h*iigea, aiid CUail.-a Uilatn, aliMua man. were alao in-ar coiitera. aud they did well. Mih» Kiaaetly. aclxjl«llc dauct'r, i-untllllird In favor. Ulie. I'lMPJlorin. ihiiiIiiiiiiuiihI. iu "A Japaneae Ihill," waa a pipiilar huliUivi-r: lodla UreanH. ven* triluqulit, MiiilliiUifd to li.ake frtruila. nuil ilwtft and iMuwo, niuaiiuil l-olu<<lllau^ did well, llinea and O'lUiliy. aiT-.liailo i-tiiiioitiana, anu found tbeui- Mlvealn lavor. iiiiian) un the hill wrte: Tbe \nt- rel'a, burir^ipm iiivriiiuaiireT>«; Mat ^'laniuui, eni- leaque uauciir; Klahtr ainl Maaoii, i-\ntiedy di Al(ii-r. i llaicli, vhiwi.; the .'^iiillh^, tilack rare coniwilani*: ileatiiihint atitoni. In aoiiga and danca-: Valiry oi>inle Mnger? UniMinaLiI "niua, Bb4iloiV|iinplilau; l.llllrtii llauK-r. »eili> i-oiulc amarr, and Aliif 11114,i-Uiit Juggler,allul whouinado a KiMhi bill fur puiilii*. rkVi r. KiuTKH A liiai. have fv«ured lioie Fuller to ap- pear at iiieir iiiii»lc hall In her dance piiHluoilon lit ' rtUiinir.** Tlie euaauemiDl Ij lor four weila, oc- |luulug Feb. r. Kinu'a rmoN SgriBit TnuTH«.->ot In many moDlln beta bill nf ancb nlandard eicellem-c lieen pretenUd upon ibe local popular priced vari- ety aiage aa tbo one that has lieen cboicii tor Ihe current amutcmont of palioiia of the conUnuoua, acd. If tbo criiab nf people In altendtncednring Ibo opening day of Ibo week may be adjudged a crllerloo, dcvotcca of vaudeville are awake lo ibe Imporbincc of ilio prcaeniprogramme. The leading factor In ilie amunement U Ibe mualcal akelcb, "Crlaa Croaa," prcecnicd In ncbarmlngman ncr by John Uaaon and dainty Marten Manola, a couple wbo long ago fonnd coay i|iiarlera In Iho bearta of followcra of tbo legitimate, and who, on Ibclr Joint advent Into the vandevllle^ loem bound to gain ibelr accoatomed elation ot imp- ularlty. Their acting waa up to their former ttan- dardof eifecUveneaa.and ihcttelnging aent wlib ire- mendonaly good effect Tbe prcaeocelntbeblllof Iho Valdli Rlaiera, who arc amply Juaillled In lerm- Inglbemaclvea "ijnecna of tbe Air," will alao be marked aa a alroiig addlilon, and it»y gained an abondanco of approval for ibelraklltedcirorta An act new In tbo metropolla, and comniatlvely freab In America, la "Lea TTola Pretta Suihiax." three men, wbo gave* remarkably clever actnf pinto- mlmlc contortion, itjled "The liovll'a Kitchen." Tbeir appearance and acllnna warned dcndlab enougb to atarop tbaro aa nklllfiil delincatora, and lliclr act aecnred for them prompt recognition In the way of miicb applauae. llewHi'a iiiarlon- eltes, aeon pravloualy at an uptown teaort, were much appieclated, and Htnorlia (llau- clla liclla llbcco, n akllled vkillolit, en- tered opon her seconil week with renewed auccoM. Tlio Johnaon Troape, globe rollen and juggler?, abto eniercd upon their sacand and con- rladlng week. Pauline Uonke anil Hay Clinton, whofloadeptneaawlib a rifle la well known on ino variety cIrcuIlN galne<l mucb vlgomua applaaao Uinugh tbeIr clereracaa, and ecored ueoof ibe auc- ceaieaot Iho bill. Their mimical Ui-Ret waa lu ee- peclal demand. Ueri.lcc Nau. a youui lady wboae abllllyaaaawlmnierla known lotenailonally.mado ber deliut on iha local vandevillo aiage, and, a|. Ihoogb ber work In the bank waa dlillcoll and inor- oughiy worthy, tbo audience aecmed lo uko loo cloae an Intoreat In tbe nccomplUtiaient ot the rarloua feala ibe performed, Deglectlog to contribute a proporllnnato dejiree of applauae. Uer act la a novelty, and ebe perionued a long list ot dinicult Irlrkn with mucb e.\penneea. Kdward, l/>ubi and llerl Kizglblwn, forming tbo Flixglbbon Trio, were aucce»aful In Ibelr clever apeclaliv, and Dan UcUartby and An-y lloynolda were received aa ft lenda of long aiandlng. Tony Uakurand Mao l.evy have vastly icpioved tbclr already clever and dinicuU act ot piiyalcal eullare sincelaacaeenupon IhlHatage.theadiiltlon ot a airoug comedy element ntaklog tbelr apecbipy much more enlerlalnlng. Tbey acoreil a well dc- a«rrud aucccm. Mile. Olive. Id a Japgllog and baton aplnning act; llllly Uack, an ccucnlrtc moDO- logolat, and the KdiaoDa. clever muilcbtna, all con- irfii Iiuted tbclr porllun id a capaiila manner, and added materially to the worib of the iKogramme. I'Eori.K'a TiiEtTH*.—"Down Oo the fiuvanoe Illver," a three act picture, aUowIng Ibe evolution of Ibo negro from tbe darkness of cannibalism to tbe rellned envlronmentaot Thompson Streot,New York, waa preaenled Jan. The loicnuedlato ainite repreoenla alavcry In Iho boiiihem Htaica, JtiHi prior to the enianclfu'lon. Tlie fainllar aceuea and Incldencca, Sonibcm paauinci. aolo alngeia and choruM, dancing ciintent,the tianjo, etc., fonii- cd a iileaalng enlertalnmeni. 1*ho cotKluillug cake n-alk proved to lio panli-iilarly utincilvc. Win. McC'latn and C'harleaA. Walker are Bttho beadot tbo cnui|inTiy. Unilamo Conlclla aanr well In acv- erid mica, ittbert lu tbo iraaiwcro Alexander C. lluilcr. John II. Kearney, Harry sinitieiou, Frank Sutlon, Slicnnan Coatea, ilcurtfo >V'eHton. Win. Aaber, Uaudo .singlolon. May Walker, fleo. llundy, Walter Aurcber, Wllllafn Stcwiirt aii<l a large uunt- tier of danccni and muAlclana. TUo tour H under tbe direction ot Ijlwurd J. StigaLI. IVUIiurM. llutea la liiialncHS manager, W. C Audcn^ii, ireaaiirer. nud Alexanilvr 0. Unllcr. ataco manager. Nc.\; week, "Uoiuile ik'ollaud." QHiKn ui-iiu lIot-aR —Primroso A WaVt H\a- utrelu began Ibelr week's eiigaRcmeot here on Mon- day nlgbl, Jnn, 37, with one of the largeel Uomlay night uiidlencea of thbi aeaaon lu attendance. Tbe coniiany, nuuicHcnlly, la about tbe muio aa lo the |iaat auaaoua, ami ibo ontertalnineni fumlabcd dota not diircr nmterlally from thai of laai aeaaon. How- ever. Judging by tlie liberal applaiiae which was graiiii d to seveial of Ibo prlnclital feiiturcaot tbe nmifnanime, tbo birge aiidicucu enjiijed ibeebow. K'OM work, "Tnillby." lUliY I'AsruH teudatbo follawlng: "Tlicre acema to bo au ciTOnooiia liiipnaalou abroad that I have reduced my prices doirn lo such a level that tbe hlttbesi price of admL-alon In my tbealie la tblrtj conta. 1 dealro to correct ibia otror ibrougu your coliinina by exjiluliilug that my ptlcoa are one flollar, Bovonty-Ove ccuta, tblrly cents and twenty conta, the biiler being the lowcat price lu the bonae. We have pleuty of uovouiy-ilve cents and onedollaraeHidtnrlho accotumodaituu uf iiur old patio" B, as herotorore." lA>snos' TiiRATHB —.Sini T. JackV Creole Com- p.tuy la playing a return dito tkia week, and lllkid the bouae cotnfonatily nl tho perfonnnncea on Jan. IT. The I'reolcnn Omclave, llcorgo II. Wil- son, luagli-lap; Wllllatna and Jnhnac^i, roniedlrtoa; Johnnou aud Klngauury, t>ai<JolsiH; lXiIo und Wiley, alngera and daocera: Irvlug Jones, cuiuedlan; Kliimico lllnca. ohnractcr linpeiaonator; a tncdley, tliigiilnnnd liavia, Senniltahlargailta lAitOroaand Tnu Siuiheni Mimsct" made up the Intcroailng piognamme. Next week, IlairrUorrta' Kntertaloen. Uisan'a liuwiav Tiiiaths.-Qus llili'a World of Novellloa la tho potent atlrarilon at Ihia house this week, sn I agooilly » aitdlenco vaa In attend- ancoou Monda.Tev.>uiiir, J.m.27. Thoperforinaiicc fircn liy Halyuud IXverv, Qua Hill, liunule l, )iile, he l-'uiir uurdncm, Uray and couwav, Kivd II. Lvallo alh bla lmn|M of tiatued dofp, McCalo and lijniela. Lew llaaklna, 'Tlio Tweniloth Century Uarber'*aud a wrcaillot; iitaich between Slcl.eod and Altierton, were all beat illy eojuyed. Ur. lllll niporu umfonuly excflient biiHlueai duilog his lour, last wi.r.KV nst-inta at II i-tot uhnviiia up particularly wtU. Ne.\t week, Baui Dsvere'a Oo. iiu^Ta ruKAraa.—--A Uteca aueep'* brgan od Jan.It; tbe funiih week ofllanin. It laiotooly draalue cn>wdcd bouiicf. but Ita impularlij aeema uiciinaltlmt ot tbe lutiat aucccHsfiilof ILa prode- ceajMiis 'ruin Ur. llujl'apnn. I.vcai'a TiiiATHS.—"Tbe Henadi of lb) Doubt" enlcA d uu Jan.upon the fnurtti week .-r lia run. U aeeuia lo bo Riving aallstucilon to tho pairons of the hnnso, as no nieutlon has yet bciD iiado of lis BUccea or. r'lirit AvBMi'ii Tuannv—W.n. II. i^no bas aiiiretl a aiiccei« In "Tbo lUivom ir of Keiiliicky," which bn Introduced lo a tui-tfopol.t ui audience for tbo mat lime last week. Tho i> ij haa ivcelved lutiaiu but favorable conitneol, -and piitillc appre- . u-r.<- ur lla uirrtia haa boen a i abundantly ahuwn as llnis would ponulU ,tL-AiiauvoK «it..v.—There Isanparcntly no fall- ing iiiTiifpuullotutoieatln "The^llllnlng Duchess," which ciiuUiiticauiaitraci good Mteil audloncetto thin hllu^e. It iiegan Jan. -.'I lu tweiiy thlnl week. Kni'KTKksrit SiHsKT TUKiTHR —cbauucey Ul- coi', tiiiw in Ibe nccouil week of Itia engagement al thia liiiihe, retains "H^viuirneen*' as bla uiTcrlng. Itlaataicd thai It la bla lolentloii to uaboavorv lengihy at I) at ibla bnune. baUAiiwav TtiaiTaH.—"An Arilit'i Hoilel'' began onJan.'J1 Ihe alxih we«ik audibelMi fnrtnlgbi of lualay. It baa drawn fairly gitoilbeuaea, but baa not beeuaaaHccowfut aaautlclpaied. Ulaa pleaa- liig eu'ertnliiiuent anil alioulil nave gooil nulronago during Ibe neutalnder ot III BUy. Tbe Uoatonlaua conie Krti. lu. (lAHUBM TiiiATUR.—"Cblniinle Failden,"uow lu lla third week al uibi bouw, haa iviivrn a aalla- factory draaing caT%l. Ita plciiirea of nirtivpoliian tile are auiualug, and soiue i.f lu chantcter akeicbta air raplially drawn. The Ikiwery mal all Ibai per latiia to II make an Inlereating alild j. llAKblCk TllliTi:! —Stuart llolaatB, In "Ml*, ron- deriHiry'a ISiai," Iwgan ou Jan. t? tbe fouitband tut wet k ot hU aiay. Tbe play haa met wiib will iiioriteil fnviir. Cnarice Kninuian vtll aasunie the luauagoraent «it tlila bouae Feb. 3, vhrli K. M. and Joaepu lli llaml will again praaent "A Hocui lllgb. natulan.'' I'ai.aan'a Tun \thk -John Draw entered on Jan. *j: ii|Hiu the fourth week and the liai fortnight of liU rugageinoiil. Ilia haw play, 'The S|iure of DlnIl>^"lu alilcb be will again lie a-teu during all of tht4wiek,hAaat-blevcduiH)uatll1rd auccoaand ahon d cir.bluly pleaae ibeenilie bu4 uf Mr. Drew'a ailinlreia. A ai'bCtAi. i*KHraRUAKai of *<rbs Two M- culcbeuna" waa gifen at IMIy'a Ibeatte Jan. -a, for the lieoent ut Henry wtdiucr, Xvr many yeaia musical dircclurof Uusl boiiK. Tour l'Aimia'9 Tngaxit-Siircesfi, nminallllcd and Justly deserved, bai thus far walteil opon tbe new departare In mansgrrial policy at Ihia always popnbir remit, packed booata befog Ibe daily mle during ell oriBst week. Honday. Jan. z;, marked the Inlllallon of lbs accond week ot conllDoons per- foimancts, ud the Handing room was day and night completely consumed. Wblle Ibe programme la largely given over lo fanlllar contributions, there are a brace ot newcomen wbo merit recognition fur tbeIr work, and wbo gained a aoccas on tbe oc- casion of their Oral local appearsDCe. Ben. R. Ilar- ney, a Westerner, Inondoced a novel act conslsttDg of imllaUona of negro slaglng, dancing and piano playing, which Is ot onuaiisl excellence. Ills dancing Is gracefully acconpllslied, and bis sing- ing Is a worthy copy of tbe subjscl be nlmlca. I'laoo playing, lo furtberanco of bla acbcme, make* an excellent Onlsb lo bis set, wblcb mertia local fa- vor and general saccent- (lyort JullskI, a Bohe- mian contralto, who Ok ipent the lasttbiee yeare Id the West, slao nade b«r nelnpolltan debut and won mnch favor, tier rolce Is airong, well culti- vated and extremely mdodlour. JosepDIue 3aDel began her third week, Kitty Mltcbell catered upon her ibird week, I'cari Andreirs opened the last half ot her toitnlght, and Oeo. P. Hiiipby and Kitty Knimle surted Ibelr second and week, all winning favor In accord- ance with ilielr merit. Kd. Lawrence and Nina Uarriogion found (bcmselvea among old frienda, and received a welcome u cordial aa of old. Toelr typical Ulualratlon of Uowery suge cbamciers con- cluded Ibelr clever specially, aod lbs entire act was boisterously applanded. Tbo King Sisters fur- nished a rather novel aciofcotublued club swing- lug and dancbig, and thereby won much applause, and Cbaa. V. Seamon Introduced bla specialty to a seemingly fully appreciative audience. Joe Allen and Joba West were rigorously spplanded for their iDteresUug and well exeruted inuslcsl act, and Hand Ibirvey rang and danced benelt Ihto Immedi- ate and strongly eiprcaacd favor. Tony Pastor con- tributed bis uaual quou of comic aonn, and C. W. l.litlclleld nade excellent progicas with bis Immlta- llona. Wesioo and Ueauey, and Matthews and Bulgeralao contributed their eiTuris 10 ine euccees of llio day'd amusement. Anoiber bill of mucb merit baa been prepared lor next week's eaienaln- menl, lbs snnnuncetnent cinDmclng llngbey liougberiy, r. U. Uhoitbi, Uhariotte Ray.Meekerand Mack, and others of equal merit, Tni Star Tikatbi, wblcb bas for tbe past few seasons been quite severely hulfeied by adrerae winds, haa agalu expeilenced a change ot manage- ment, atiangementa tor Ibe tiana>ter being quickly coosummaled, and resiltlog la the controlling lease being turned overlo Waller Hisfon),whose rapid acqulBlilon ot Ibeatrtcsl property In this city bas placed blm. In a lenaikably short time, on a par with many ot our oldest managera- With Mr. Sandford'a assunipilon of Its control the comblna- lloa policy was brought Into (gecl, and a gen- eral reduction of prices bas also been made, by wblcb It Is hoped to ealabllsli tbe house upon a paying basis. For tbe InaiigonI week a woriliy BttrBCtion bas been secured In Joseph Miirpby, wboae popularity assures blm of a cordial gteeihig at tbe hands of local tbeatregoera, aud Ills reception was alt the more beany on Jan. 27 because of Ibe length of time which bas ebipsed (Ince his last vlsft. "dbaun Ithuo" waa Ihe bill eelccted, and pro'f of tbo aalls- faclton 11 afforded the largo audience piescul on the opening night waa evidenced by their rodferonsly expressed approval. Tbe cast: Larry Donavan, Joseph Mnriihy; (letald Cnvaiugta, llariy (lorreln; Lawyer WaUdy, W. T. Hhcoban; rairtcb Oavanagb, John Daley; Sryau CaUlgun, CDariea UiaDdi; I'eicr Uilllgan, \Vm. T. Ulsrk; Morria Djnavan, John W. Uurton; Teddy I'hats, Dan Tnompian; Win. Somer- Oeld, WIU R. Jurdau; Capl. IJoyd.L.W. Browsing; Kate IMDavao, Neluo Uragglua; Dura l^vanagu, Jeunelle Forroll; Poor Utile Tiu, Louie WUlbiius. Next week tbe bill will lie changed to'-Keiry Oow." llAuuiRsniN'ii ULTXi'iA.—r/H/iiT-"t;xcelslor Jr." Is aim tbo atlnicilou at ibis bouae, and Is draw- ing good atlendaice. Y'teile Vloleile continues lo please with hcrlmltailoiM ot Yvetle Oullbert, wblle Waller Jones and tbe otber funmskcra In tbe com- pany are sUI popuuir favorttea Tbe bniltsque began, Jan. 17, Its tenth week. Uiislc ffuH-The usual excellent progiammo was prestnted at this reaon m. Tito Savonaa, In a niuhlcal act, made Ibelr appearance and toimd Immediate favor tor their clerenieas. Tbo Hlloils, blcyclbus, were alao now cumerv, and were accorded ciucb applauae tor Ibelr excellent work. Virginia Aragon, nigh wire Kriormer, began ber second week a prouonnced rorite, nud won- itomis ot applause for ber marvelous aerial performance. Fanny Went- worib, mooulogubA («cond week), was con- tinued In favor, and Sidl Alfanbl equilibrist (second week), won lull recognlllon for bis umiuesUouably do.xtroiiji work. Call liertz, magl- cbiu, aRilated by Mile- D'Alloo, second weeic, enter- tallied bU audience with clever tricks aud llluslons- I'. Caator Walt. In character cbaugea, entered bin iiecoiid week is favoilte, and the Ave Jeea, In '-The UUAlcal Suilthy," secoiid week, were popular. Tbo I.oamy Troujie. aerlalhta, aud Ibo Arvlns, triple borl/.uubil bar performefH, began their tenth week, and wore atlll In form. 'The nluih Bcbeel conceit was given Sunday, M, with Yvetle Vk>lelle as Ibe iirini'iMl feature. Uile. Jane May Is announced for next week. UA.v'otVKn'iiTiiiATRE.-Sensallonallaiii Is rampant at this house during tbe current days,"Sbafi No.2" opening ou Jan. 27, and being vigorously greeted by orerdowlng audiences at both performancca on that date. As Ibla attraction Includes, besides lis Ihillling feaiuiea, niioy polnia which recom' mend It lo the folKiwlog ot Ibis house, s contlnUBUce ot u>p notch business during tbo renwloder of Its amy Is looked for wDb some diK'eo «C asaurance. Frank Loses Interprets ibu character ot Jim Ruihburn with comniond- abls vim, and the remaining roles arc handled In pralaowoitliy alylo by Ihe following iieople: Den D. Ueane, J. I-' flilbert, \V. II. Uurpby, 0. W. Hobc- llng, John »:ndlcoit, II. Jones, II. II- AlllUns, U. 0, Monr, n. K. llutledgo, llobcrt deorge, F-ugene Oii. pula, John liwyer, J. B. Ilalion, Uatrio KIbens, l.trjie (Veree, Marion KImore. "Tno Fatal card" Is booked for Ibo coiiilog week. Ilusin'a l' Miesni —Crowds of curiosity and amusement s< eken found tho abottest routs to this bonne day and Digbl on Monday, Jin. 27, and were well lewardcd lor tbo journey. Tbe chief fcatnin of tbe curio hall ansniemonl for Ihe week li I'ruf. Ktllx'a pony clrciia, wblcb Includes a baboon Jockey, wuo rldca bareback, and for gotHl meaauru Manager Andem. n baa secured Maxey, Ibe needle eating mortal; Kralreu. the bidy wbo balbes la a glaaa lauk; Ulack Diamond, wboae mouth Is largo euougb 10 suit mmt auy oue; Isile. VallelbB, wbo uses a Jack knifo adepliy, and St. Jullen, Ira- peie iieifomier. The siagu hi In poaaudoi. of tbe Ciionlnghatn*. Annie Dumondl, who slnaa very aweetly; me Deavva, May U'alsb, Mites and lielauu, and llradloy Uurko and Ilosn. UiNKS's Kiourii AviMii TiiiATBE.-Weber .1 Field V Own Co. bade nudng big audience for a >tarieren UondAy nigbt. Jan. 27, al UiM bouae. The coinitany U cunipo.-ed uf pciformera of repute wbo have been for yean mropnl/ed s-i among tbe top Unci !< In the speclalile:!. Weber and FIctda are withIhl-ioiganltaihin,aud they are ably siwbded by Loltlonii..<3U.UIIIy KmemoB. Jaa. F. lloey, Ihe Aowe Four. Diuoiuiond Staler and Uelle Ulroeck, Utvonderand Touison, and alarlolia aud UcllouL Next week, Mlaco's CD; Club. IaiuIx Ibible, man- sgrr of tills bonae, auil bImi of Miner's Dowery Tneatre, will lie tendered a leaanoolal here on Feb. 10. Many of ibe uiuai proiulnent meoibtn nf the vaudeville prufetalon bavo volunteered to appear. lli niH's Km lira ArR.trK Ht-aiiu.-Vanager jADser pot on a funny act In tbo mnatum ball ih's week, Intheabape ot a pto eating coolest, and as thellnlcr lis kind bore It wUl, no donbi, servo to amuao tbe large patronage Ihe bouse enjoys. Oihcr features In Ihe museum nails tlita week are: Colby and Do Will, peiv-bact; Hva, bearded lady; Oiura, Japaucao nugic and llor. Whito'a Puuvb and Jiiiiy- In Ibe tueatie as'ock company Is appearing lu " I1ie liiack ISciecilve." and Ibe following appear Inapcclalitea: I'arker and Ittiardo, Scaulon and Welch, and lllltou- Casino.— ^lank Danlela, In 'The Wlurd ot the Nile." began on Jan. 17 tbe ihlricenib and flnsl week of nis auy. inab tUr aul orrra met with much favor, and tbe hualiraa bas ahuwn a aailafae lory average througlaiul tlie ion. "Tbe lady HUvey" will follow Feb. X 8rAMiAiiDTuiuTK(.-"lhe SI range Adventures of MluBrown" bi stilliheatitociloa at uushouse, it entered opun lU nlatta icek Jaa. n. KnsTUi Biii-'a-A good sited crowd githerrd Jan. 2710 enjoy an Intereallng pngnmme. The event of tbo evening waa Ihe mstiDpoUlsa debut of Martbe Msrthy, a cbanlenae comliine, who wii given a beany iccepUoD. Sheiangtn Fimohaid gave evidence ot being ins poaaeaaor ot a good voice, but alao showed that ber mabi object wis to be grotasqne hi ibat as well as In exptoslon and Bcu'n.Bbe rendered a song la wblcb she clever^ Imlialed vartons animals, and also rendered a yod- ling mg effectively. On her cntnuice she wore a becoming coamoe, and, after responding to severel encores, sho appeared made up after the fashion of rannenue, sested npoo the back ot a donkey, tbe dooker In this case, however, belog a man made np as a donkey. HUe. Kariby Is clever, and will, no doubt, prove a favor- lie at Ibla bonse. Olben on the bill were: Mens. la Roche, In lbs mysterlons globe, who be- gan bla second week; Rosle Readel. innsformatton dancer(iblid week); Prof. Woodwarda'tralnedseals and sea lloiia(dxUi wreh), Ihe Uarlo-Donham Trio on Ibo midair iilpio bnrl7.ontal bars (atih week). opaoad ondsr the naaagoaal of Hrda A Bahintg » Jan.l7.wbao"llieWbtu OmkBatravaiaaia"c^nV! two railofmaMaa bafoia two laiga aodlaaeaa. The i^ Ibraiaaea MDmaacaB with a loBalCBlborlaMvaeilliili -loyal BaeaMlon," and ooeelndaa «lih apra^eiK ... ua ' milts Cmk" at tba Iilaod at BMoo. BmK ihaaatbaio an maavspecUlUaa, wblcb iBclotaoiiSl Ui bar daneaa; Mile. Ploia. on Ibe aliet wlia; BivaaiiSi I'anl Olnnuevaui.klngof Jngglere (toortbweek ;tits CraggFamllyet acrobaialsTxihweek), rani Maril- neliina pantomime troupe (sixlb week), and Hona. Demllo, noBlcal mimics (slxm week), all of whom were holdover favortten. Tbe prugnmnie ron- clnded whb the llrtog plctnrea. XIdsIo waa torn- Hbed on Ibe grnnd promenade during Ihe uileimU. alon and before anil after tbe performance. AuiBicAMKiCKLKOigox.—Tbls new plare of pnli- llc amnicmenl, which occupies Ihe bnlldlng at Thlrilelb Street and Sixth Avenne fonneriy knotrn uWorih'aHaseum, was opened lo the pnbllc on Jan. 27, under very favomble auspices. Boalneaa was excellent dnrtng the day and evening, and tbe venlnre pnmlsea lo be a sncceu. A description ot lbs Interior, as newly arranged, appeared In our but Issue; ahio a plan ot ihe style ot entertainments to be given. Tne atiracllons In tbo Exhibition Uall Ibis week an: Frank Frosl'a troupe at Au- tiallas BuBlioen, Captain be Courcoy, UUUe Uaiidalll aod ber den ot reptiles, the Tliuma- optlcon, Chalk Saundere, Punok Browran and tbe man eallog cblmoanxec- In the theatre are Mack and Uuulter, Mable Ward, the Qreat Uoward, Leslie and Curdy, Flora Shields and the Cnlllvans. The execnllve stair ta: Ulreeior, F. D. Howes; snperinteodeni etptlvllegts, Cbes. Irving; stage manager, llaiTy weeks; Teourer, P. De France; musical direeiices. Mis. uagglo Bulliy. MmiorouTAK OrikA HofSB.—Tbe eleventh week of the season of grsnd opera began Jan. 27 with the Sitt peiformsnce this season ot Massenet's "Hanon," cast ss follows: Hanon Leaoaut. Hme, Helbs: Ponsaelle, Mile. Uanermelsisr; Hosetle, Clara Uuni; Javule, Mme. Van Cauterenj Le Obov- aller Ilea (Jileai, Jean da Rozke; Le Oomte Des flrieux, M. Planoon; aullloi, H. Castelmary; De llrellgny, H. de Vrtea; Lescaut, H. MsDraL Fortber announcements for tbe week Include: "Carmen"29, "Tnstan und IsoMe" 30. "Falstsir'31, "MeOslotele" mailnee Feb. 1 and "Lea Duguen Is" evsnbig ot that dale. ABBs\"i TniATBg.—Sarab Betnhatdt began on Jan. 271!:: second we«-k of her engagement, pre- sent lag oo Ibat date "C'aol.le," whIob will be again seen xacd Dallire Feb.i. "AdrienneLeconvreor" I*, annonnced for S3 aid 31, and "Fedora" for 9 aod evening of Feb. 1. lliHALsSdfAniTiiXATsi.—Tbe llean ot HatT- land" began on Jan. 27 ibe Of'eenlb week ot Its tunc It bas proven one of tbe most snccessful productions ot the seasoD, and In spite ot tbe lengthy stsy here there are DO signs ot waning popnisriiy. lACoro Paouni. a young Italian actor, made bis American debut Jan. 23, In "llamlet," at Ibe Turn Hall Tneatre, on East l\)unh Bticet. ne was sup- ported byamsteurs. AisaBicANTasiTiiB.—Tbls hooae was closed Jan- 27, lopennltot goal preparaikmaforlhe Oral met- rapollian preaentailon ot "Uumah," announced for the following evening. Haalein.—At all places of amosement In Ibis art ot tbe diy phenomenal business waa tbe report aat week. At the Uariem Opera Uonse Olga N'eiberiole played lo the best week's buelneosIn Ibe history of me house. The Columbus, wlita the rriinrosa t West UUislrol Co., wen compelled to use camp chairs to accommodate the orowda. The Oljmplo waa In line with tbe other bouses and Ibe Uariem MoBsnni waa crowded all week. IlAHLBX urgBA EODSB.—"Madam Sans Oene," wlih Kaibiyn Kidder, opened to a crowded bouae Jan. 27, wlih giMd prosnecta tor 'be week. K. A. Blumeutbal, treasurer of Ibis house for the past three setsons, has succeeded W. llsmmersieln as mtnager. Next week, Sioart llabaon. In "Hib. I'ondeiboiy's Putt," Colhubub.— "In Bigbtof SL Panl's" opened to a good siznl audience Zl, tbe top ot tbe bonae belog packed. Next week, '•The Couon King." ULYunc—Tbe French Folly Burieaque Co. began areuimengagementZT, to a crowded boose. The company has been changeddurtng Ps outotlown nngugeneni, and bi greatly Impnved. New acqul- alilouBaie: The Uerbeit Broe-, Tom Hlpley and CarilD and Clark. Ncsi week, "The London Oalely Olria." llARLm UfSkCTi.-Ths foUowhig people wUl be seen at Ibla bouse during the present week: Lew Baker and Sim Uoydsll, Jot. U. Uughes, Clark Qlbbs, BrtUlanI (juartei, Billy Wall, Clark Qlbbe Jr., Frank llnblo. Mabor and Brom, Mile. Retrs, SIg. Uaaoobl, Eddie Tbom and Prof. F. 0. Khig's PaiierKihlbIN ^ NE W YORK ST ATE, DroofclyB, —Only two tew new things are amooB iha lilua ai tbe local ptayboaaaa; aavenhalcsa Ilia allncllcni are all good, and Ut* lack of aovaltlaa doaa Dot laaaea tha Inleiaat la Iba aaaaaaaaaia. Excel- loot boaklosa hare beao Uie mis al Ihe varlooa booaaa, aod have attnclad aa avarafa weakly atlaQOasce that Iiaa baao fullv ap to the axpeetallooa or the local man. agera. Oiaad open, too, liaa bien llbaially palisolitd tlila aide of Uia rlrar, and the teaaoo proalaea to be ane- caaafdl all'round. Ihat Biooblrnltaa are aamandlog mora atlraetloaa «u faUr ilftmoastrated duilog tha paat waah vlt«o a pnpualUoD waa wboilllad tof*r«aldaae nnwall, of Uia Bridga tnaleaa. for die oae of the bla Biripor vacant pnuaitr ooOer Ibe bnUia alnieuio be- t«««tt Cooconl aad Tlllary Blmala for aa aiDPblthaatia. or gantao, almiUr to Madlaoo Biioare OAidae. Toa pkoa i-rovIdB lor a bulldloa SIOfL Icoa, IBNt. wUa aad ssit blab, m ahlch caneena, eoDvaonona. aboaa or olhar amoaeaitoucaB bebaU. Tbelruneeaaraexnaciadtoput up tha belMlDi. The Sunday night concaru harsbMO raauraad at Urn Bi|ou TUaaira. aod Ibla popglor mova waa ttia oiaiii of au actlog a larga creed to that bOBaa last Bandar ateotos, aban Uia BUct Paul, UwUllpparOaar- tal, Zalna lUwUloa. Alonio llaleb, Bmma Bituaa, (laoraaw. Day aod sAa. ElmiiaiBiDa vaireotanatolOK parfonnaocc Tliaaa aotanalomuiu will ba eooUBaai uolll tunlier notice. Bachwaeh a oaw bill will be or*. MQlad.aiKl oalyina boat partonoan Is ibe vaudarilu tin* »ill bo ooRSaed. Tlie Tlwalra waa ramaaai Hldi tvoparfonnaoeeaoDJaa.yr.uadsr IbamaOAtamaii 01 llydeVBabinu,wlth Hurr V. IImu na tocQ naa. agar. Bnrl«a<iaa aod vaadavlili are lo be slraa. aad iwlronncan aajora aaokaaad tha perfonnanea at iLa nama lima. Al tbt Aeadaay of Uoalo "ralalal" will be tba Optra Kbon Jan. coni»iau.---tta Ktial Caid" la the alliaclloa ban UilaKaaa,aada lir(aaudlan<e inalad It Jan. 17- Tba plav wna taao lura laal Wlolar. •hoe It draw Un« aaillBDceaaleacbparroraaoca. and iDdslaa from Moo- dav ntghfa aiuadanca II ahouu de a^iiallr aa a aU oo UilavUiL 'The Shop a III" -..k'?j_ J. Tt-"j; week. Tbo neit altrmetloo Pabk.— "Iha Cbodij Fall" drar a lana audlaaca hai* », aoo Mall Bamua, llio ukaa bla oi^nlmtor Al!7 sail rnia, badlun onuaa for raollog lti>t he bu lost Boea original '■Colombia Ouanel". nodoiad aoma popuUr ■alocUooa In the Iblnl act. It la BSBoaocad Uiat tKlawh l» uir l»«t OMWiunliy of wllaaatlnii Uiaplato,Ballr Bumau haadtcldtd to abilva It >l Uib unalaiUoo of um piaaaot toor. "A Midaiinimar ktaht's Dnam" did wall Uat »04». UUa. Rboa, k ' llall'a.xnMlS^iiqilS- oaat weak. Biiocr.--;'Olrt Waalad" la tba aluaelkn Banager llarrTC. gaoaodrbaa for bia patraaa UilBvaok,ud a '' •LiS'L'?," •"•'*!,.«'» oPaoSsparfonBaooaJr. Tba PiM* bobbinovoralUi lia,sad lurtaoaad ahalfbouia IhaaodlaocBaa.nlDcoollouonBnerrlaaot. rimak Baab. an tha aliaiidsd Bcur, tba oU ibbUo from VarnMol. tba Boweri louBli, Ilia Haiiuo girl, tha Habraw.Uia Irlah- nian aod ilta piiaa doena, vaa parfacuj at home, and bla mparv.Balk>at wora Utoroogblr eeloyad. lla waa not Iho aolo liinnakir.howavar.aa ba la Bomaodtd bi a elavar eempur. Wud aod VotBa pUradiroowatd bnoMS Uai.»« Hoitweok. "Blidla, 10=5, tbj UowriT. will belhaattnctloo h.ra. w «w (laAXPUraai lloim —-niaItfat Pandiv" whhwil. Ham lionla.« olB.SbS^{S'ro;;, J,ibi >ia>. II Ibo iilrKiloD boia ibis wart, aad a larsi audi' «e< »a"prjiool 17. Mr. Hordn'acllBx laoalorajiod auonr. aad hit bnpenoeiiloa ol Uio aoparlatandaolla ■aaoly aad tiproat, ud waltdaaarvad iheaMUualha^ waalibanllrUaiowtd npoo blm. Tha plralt pnaSabS by anoacollaol lomMBy,alih Uta nawhiaa la tbadilB' oouitdr nl» of Cladlra. Tha rradneltoa la ili^%lh •nailKnm. a feaiorabalagiK Blllie/o'ihb iS ■pBchlotiy In fnll, opewloB. Last woik ■■Charier" Tba Boii atuanloa ban wiu Bmltb, Ui onaleal skaub; anna Obanea, a ooatraTn '•■«?IL'''.*,.A""!'°^ 'Si'y!!l!!?,.*'**"H?iValllaFraak. lyo, "Ibe LhtlaAnar OlrU^'Tmban tod goaaedr tSi. edlaaa; iba Beadow Brook Qoactat, aod Cbaa. WalihtS! occaotiloeOBiedlan. ropul&r pricaa fmn 15loa)ctnti pravalL Two parforaiaDeel will bo Rlvta dally at log aadtlgbto'cloek. BmotlogwUlbepamliud laaUparu otUiatoata _ _ IlVDB k BBn«A!<^s.-8ani Devtrs'a OwaCaofrtoda. TlUa aateitaioora la Uia auractloo baia Uila waob, aod u ibaproprialar of Ibla ibow la vorv popular lo iLltciir twelarieeiowdawllaaasadtha two ptironDaaoaa itiio 17. Iba aoapaoy looladaa Ward andCorTmo,'ibo Tai^ illppen;^' Janea nyna and Maqda Walker. In -Utr Mbar fluaband;" Jaaiaa B. aad Paniiy Dooovan. orlniu. loiaofUia "Oog Sury," atai .Devon la baojoicuo. pulnaau; Row end Baola aailalperforaiara;AQaaWil. muthCanaa, cbaiactar voeallat; BellFaoilly.blOTcbm- Comwaltaod Bwao, «log aod buck dtaewia, todjoa Prieaaad Kluy8laala,aoamad7dBO Bach paifonnur, will aad wlUi Bam Daraie'B origloal fareo, 'TwootJ Paid a" AHPRto:!—MAiucarfAaOttalaagaelaaaxloaa to prt. naat'-neBacUl lllghwtrmaa," Ibla weak'a aurtclluu widi all lis elaboral* aceoeiy. and lor tbatraaHo da' fenad Ibe oaealog parfonaaBia lo fl, wbaa mneli of tbt aeanevT will oomo froBi tba bniah of the aoaole ailln Big budnan latt waah, Tba foUowIng auiaeuon la -fht OintrPalrr . , . Bhpibk— Tbsrewmaagoodsliad andlaoea prateni t: wbaa -Bonota HeoUand" begaa a vaek'a aaaagamaei BaUtractoiTbealDaiaUBtwseL CemlBgwaakorrab.3, '■Oa Bria'a Bhoraa." aAVirT.-Rellly A Wood'a Co. of cltvar variety paopit la bar* Ibla weak, aad Uie iDdlcaUona are Uiat Uitiruir wni prove a prefllaMe oeo. Tbe peopla: Bidga Klllt, l'. Auof'ilUabIc boibMna. bo "no Xaw Sov. • "."T*"-—"'"."'•'aoilaiwur'waa predoead for tba dial ihnt IB ihia dty n Iha annloa of (iVibM a larn TheniooBlleg^nVanniaaaMm UKlca and Niw Torb. MiUbSh will M alraa oa D. BnAn, Nellk Fomitorud O. B. Hoalioo, A. 0. Daa- eu. LlftoD,Boven ud Dlioa. rit B«lllf, u«t Etui ftDd VMooq. Good bUllOM lUt WMlf. fvlDnM X Wtil'i Mlnitnln will ba >)•» w»«k of a. Lu Avsxtn ACADiMr.—Vhh thli veiV btglu tbt ctrMT of UM Lh ATeou* BUKt Comptsr, * birb will pru- dac« Imi dwi pUva. Ttw comp«nf bM bcM Mltcitd, ud nUboot doubt, mm «l*h poiniUr unmrt). The ptople iDtlads: Uwtt Olinoo, Bun UituML j. p. WlnMr. Oa»rg« K. Uwiy, Artbor L«ura, J A. WilklniL WIUlui tUl'too. NidM* iXtiM. Flonac* Ulnrd, R«dl« HirlogbMiii AniA BTftDi LswiM, Mm Krllcb aod Rabtrt Ulp. 1t)«lr lottlAl ptrronnuofs >?, Iq "A C«Ubrai»d Cu*t** attnoicd u ftudlUM of lurly good prvpor tinu. OolrtUr boRloM UuwMk. Tbs uDdtriioifor ntit nMk BU Boi bow Ml«OUd M y«L AJiiiBKUX.—TliU liouo (lonntrv the NoT«lt;1 b«cu lu cuter ud*r lu o«w naao 17, under tbe mon wupi- clout drcaneuocat. MeurA Bobmer A Roaoer, Uie lu- •eel ud muH*ns nnoTtted Uie hMiemmcel- Ur to Kvnt. tlie old Une loKrlor Je ontloo» ttve been nplMod bj llgb^ cbt017 onweauUoiu, eirrulc llgbu bke tlie plue orKujou, aod ell pvti of tbe bou(« tiom the uam to ihe boi Mllce li beaied bj eteen. Tb» prlTate boxes bavebeeo Ocooimted lo|ra(\Q«d enlon. mti ili« dreaeiOB rooma btblnd the *taRe have b*«o Dowlj pAlnlea ud refiiiiiiebetl. Tbe Maff alileh ajMbc Meaen. Bobmer A Boooer Id tnaoif- \ag tbe dfitblea of tiie bouae U enoipMed of UeorKaPeck, bua)neatnianag«r;(;h«rifle D. Blc& tma- urer; Oeorge Wood. auLi ani treaearer; A. R. WIImid, a^TtrtiaiDf mfwt: Oat. rieaiter, eUcirlclao; Eugeq* UloMr. etage oxpeDter; ]£d«aid Sbeppard, maaur piopeitle*; U. J. Bunvraff. latdvr erclieotr^ Jomi^i Ualiabu opened tha booio 97 ae MepbUto Id tlie elecirtcal ■pectaeulat prododlun or^Faatt.** Tlie aodlaoca vu large aofliupiKlaUTe. '"Tbe Bmngtler" li uoilerlioNl for w« ek orS. LYCiua.—Tbere Is a taiaponrr ebuite ihlj week, wbeo ae Prey Htoek Co. pteaeatB the taroe cootedr, "A Scaodtl Id lli|b Life." TbejmforiDuee nawfutv- oelTedXTbrabltfudleaoe. Toe booMi coaUnae lii. Next week, "Oetlo ttaeBtreeU," with N. 8. Wood la the Uile role. U.fiquB.—UeaacerCarr, bj his liberal eateilDR to the peblic bute, bta itot tbla hooae 00 a aolld beali, and !*(■ comen hara had to be cooteat wlUi sieodlDf roon. May Shav'eBlitBarleequeOo. U Uile week'* altimeiton. The people: AimbtUa UoU, Worth ud Muehall, Uie RerforJ tflitdn, Keuedr ud aiewart, tho Ducrova, Mar Adaou, FiuretBlil tad keUf, Delionelll aad aieaaaoda. nau Jack'iOieoleaplayed to ataodlnK room oaly laitveek. ConlDf weikefS. R^MBrdeiraLoodooBellaaCo. . Notes -On Bondty slihi, rib. s, tha third oTa lerlei of popelarprlnd eoDcenawUl bofireaat tbeBUouTbea- ue. The piognuDtne wiU loolude Nunle Bobul>,«hu make! harllnt appeaructt lo BnMklyn thUaeaaoo; J. V. Kellr, the RolllDg HIU Uu; UieMeuvpoUiu <)uui«t, Dore. Faniwr, Dore add Boah. Amertca'Bi(realan.baDj«>- lala.ud manyothen Tha Broohl}nMaeloI]aU,Bl(n- Bled al Alatenia and Pulton ATeaoer, will opea ludoon OD or about Kab. iTooder theproprietonblp orileaar*.**. 0. fieere sod W. F. l^eoder, with Uureot Uoward u Albanr^A big IncRAse Id ittendsnM wss Dotlc.datBU Uie Uieairea this paat week. The LelioU Uper» Houko bMu the week with one olabt ol "n* BarRUT,*' by A. Q. Bcanmoa'a Co.. to a lood diod bouiv. Jan.M. Uarphyand UackapeMTcd lo**noDlj(u*sBall,*' to excellent tHuloenkai and a. Antlrew Hack, Id "Mylei ArooD," attraeted a foil bouwXi. Tberenalnderor the week TBI flUfld by "Tba MidDlRht Bpeclal" to Bodteocei of focd_pnrpoitloDa,2l aod S. Conlog: neUi k Uao- •oa'iR "I>nwlDi Catdi" 27. sa, Mile. Bhe% la -Nell 0«nuii>*' ud '^Joeephlne." O ud 30; "A Bonuceor <toon UoliDw'* SI and Feb. I, 'The Oraal DlamoDd Bobbery** dABMA^ft-ii BuHCRia Hau..— Tha Wllbor OMim Co. appeared U nIoedlirereotoMraa weekoro. Ffoeboii* neae wu tbe rwolL Tbe bal) wu crowded to the doore ateacb perlorounce. Booked: AL 0. Fleld'amutraU 9. ICeie. Albul Cooeert Go. Fek 6, "Too Much Jobopon" 7, 'The fmtMl Oanl" 10 aod 11. "A Milk White K ud IX LIUlBn Roaell Open Co t«, 01|a Maibereore, lu **CaraBn." IB; DaaiitiKh Qemiu OperACo. 18. JiB]iai.'< Uj(Ua.-Oennide Uayfiteln, la coDceit, F«b.3. UMo« UiLia.—Leiand J. Fowere Ju. 38. TBS Glim TauTSi had apleadid boaloau all ih« weak, wlih the Loodoo Oalairairla aa iliedraalog at- tractloD. ComlDR: Night Oeli Bnileiaoe Co. Ju. 77 ud weak, "Tbe while urook" Bnrleique Co^ Feb. s and week. Kom.~KBD. R. CorllM, rotnerly with Uie DIghyBell Opera Co.. bai Joloed Raymood Hooce'a New Tuxedo fu. fbrUie reattlnd«rorUieeoBsoa.....WoL L. iiallock. for a DUBbar of y«an oonoeetad with Bany'i Qalety Theatre, died WednaeUay, Jao. 31, at iha home or bla dau|but\ Avoai UaUeok.BBTr7, maoaaerM of ue Qaleij Theatre, alter a loot lUaeee Anola Uavea, aurpwtine dancer, aited tvu(y*tvo. wife of Fnnk PoUom. adTueo agent for Iha Dan MeCarthTCo. died la ilila city Tbaniday, Ju. 23, of poaum^l^ The Actora* Fund, repreauted here by Ifanr P. Soulier, roimerly ouager oT tha Lelaod Opetm uoue, took cunte of toe rainania. Bookeator.*At U)« Iijceam JulU Kutowe Tabe^ in *'RoaHi and Juliet,'' begu a three nlahiir lU) Jan37. 'Trilby" fellonBL playlnfribereuortheweek. TnaBoatoDlauleri2a,playlor to hute bualneo. 'Tha Faulog Bbow" oonea Feb. 4 ud L I'ooi.Onu Uoru.~*t3ooa Hollow" came TT.rora tbieonUhia'Hop. "Tbo White Btave" wlu flll out ifa« hvbairoruieweek. "Ihaflaiagglei'*dld veil tbe la«t hair oflattweak. Doe: **OTluiTr'eVacBUoD" Feb.3-6. •«entb BefoieUie Wai*>e-8. AciDBHTorMtiaia—**IbaFln Fain>r*begu a three nlibia* ran 17, to be loUowad by "A Sofflmar Bbower." iruleTneked''hBd a profluble aur lait week. Uodar lined for wnk of Feb. 9. Bose Bill's Barissqae Co. Wo»siiLAiDTaKAni.—Tba progTamnie for the cor- vent week incladea r^eogaaaoieatorD.O.Porur'aEldu- loHoope. Major B. NewenTtha Bootha, A.O.LawiMCe, MUa.ud W. Ohealar. ud Marlowe aadPtaakalt Baffialo^At the Stw Thmin "Padd'abetd WIlBon'' Ibis week. Week of F«b. a, lluford. Speooer udO'Briao. The BlkabuMt ocean at this boaM Jao. 39. Mftio llALL-8jmphony OicbBMnSD vlUi Uaxrlet A. Oiaw.aololat. Lvnoa TfltATSB.-"Oa iho Hlsilulppl'* thli week. "DArkasi Rnatla*' Dext week. Cdcht Btbut TeaATSi —Uowaid AthemnuD Oo. U Dia wnwiit attrmetioo, to be aucceedtd. Fab. 3. by Utrry Mor- ilii^ TweotJaUi Cutary Maidi for one week. Sau'fl Mmio BALu-Tbe Bodaka, Queu 0(ty Trl«i. Webb and Qaaen, iha Bosnwna. Manto Benaeii, Mou. Porber.Tony Oraffie. Prlfay nlfht la nowpartUllyde TOUO to UI atanm .l??>''^™^>**~At StoM Opem HonMJanM R. WaltaComady Co.,aaalited by A.H. KnoU and Uarla BcNall, eoniai duettliia,eBmaJu.8MBLtaB B.O. To come: Al a. FleM'e Mmauab B, JoUa MarloweTkber, la "At You Like It.* FeUI. BuooTsa*Tak.--AqnckarJa«k*' drew talr aliepd. aQ<aa>-2l. StiUBT'aaalelyBxuaraianiaOo.aad llTlof Sctntea boalaaH S-STDne: BbenDU,A [orlMv'a-A Jay OUna'* IT-B, Rlea k Baitoa's Bose Ulll Polly do. 9>.Fab. 1. Nm.-ld. MoDiimy, tba tnp drammer ol Walu'i CuB*d7 Co.. WBB preaealed wlih a haadaome (old headed cue by frienda la thli city. n. Bjrmtw^lt WliUng Open Boom "T1i« Mvq^endeiV' eaaie(oinodb«lneaaJaa.&«. Book^: •'Tiliby 17^ "Mylaa Am" 90, Flehla A HaasoB 31. no. I. Bastaiu THKiTiiB.~'*nie TvuUeth Oeatoir O'fl" Jrew waU !», a.^CumDtweak dark. U. B. JacpRs* TNUTiB.-"Coon Hollow*' cane to ex- e«llMlboalneBaMl Blea ABartoa'a ••McOoodla bihI Fnodle"dfewweUO-n. "rianlBa'a Baa** eoaea 17-39. "In Old rHLnuaes" SD-Feb. 1. Tny^M Uu OrUwold Opem Hooh the Ken- aedrruyera puked Uie hoase all lutwsek. The Wil- bur OparaOo. came Jan. 37, (br tha wash. Baid b Oriaa Hona-Tiii boons wu dark last weak- IhuconeaSi-Febi 1, la -HaU Owynnc" ^'!n^.^*A">'-'lrBa k ni«rMu*i BIcBeatttton pecked Ihia booaeaUlaat weak. TtaeFtwchOBletyOlrU BvleiqaaCo. cone S7. for the week. N«wb«n^AttA6 Actd«inyotlIaaio*7tortbeni Llgbti^"dQa7u.n.wlll ba Ibe only starmctlAahere,Uili week,**ABA4imleasEdu"baTlaicancslsdll. Andrew Macknend sbl|c ncea*a a, befm s targe and apprtj clBilfeu4leD€a.lB'*MyUBAroon.'* A)Uioagb Mr. Mack waa a Btiucer amrag naho von bla way to IM heart* of tooaihestrwHtrona. •The Fatal Ckrd** Is nndatllDad forrMi.4.*H:harlet*s Auf'Taad*^ IachJohasDB,"ld[ Manasar Fred H. Taylor laMweak •eeund another three yeart* laau of the A^eoy or , Si have iWb. B. Meeker. wt baaa axpiiw. uupfMlBg tba alith laat l auaanBHat. TbodlneloiasribaboaaaeoaldMtbavB «k» ncaallf aaaaated lk« Baitaa Cemdr CoBtaafi