New York Clipper (Feb 1896)

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FBBBUABY 1 THE ISTEW YORK OLIPPEB, 763 Stntfed tfom (U Mok nclig for osa j«*r ttom lU ror oomMUng la mukDoUoiied ncM wkllc uDdtr iiUMiiiilOD. a 0. BUM, 8I0UX OIU, la.; klio ■UBDtadM from all tnok nulsg for on» iur, Oct. xjlor oompedDC In mianollonra (ten while andcr •a'^MUlon. umtn Mnart, HlniiupoUa, Minn.; tiu nuptodM tnm all tiiok ncliw for tntte inonUunom Dto.81,UM. "Zim'my" limy Retlra. Accoidlog to a dKpatob tnm San Franclaco, Vtl V/, J. Wallord, manager for A. A. ZlmmeminG, an* Donncti tuat tha clianiplon<i racing camr wUI and irhen to leavca AoatmlU. Walfonl arrived Imn SrdooTonUia •laamalilp Mwlposa. lie aaja Zini' nierman bad nilaital ferer ai oeilon and baa not ueen In bit old form ilnca. Walford aaja Zlmmcr D>Q will retara to Ibla e49uniiT aoon and dafota himieK u> me mananmaDtot a blojcio faciorx ' Frecbold, N. J., of wnlcb ba la pctaldent. Till Lit ax DAYS BIOTCLt uoi Ibat Will uka iiltca tur aamt montba, at lout, at tba Kojal Weat- niUuKr Aqnartnni, London, Eng., andad tbare on Siurdar erenlng, Jan. 11, and retaliad In tbe aoc- casol faii Once, wliba acoraor eismllea* Upi; nils. Unnao lacoQd, 613 mlaa T Upa; Hlaa Ulack- lium Iblitl, COS mllaa a lapa. Tbe condltlona were itaa ainie aa iboaa ptaTallliig In tba praTlons aUnllar areata at tbe Acinarlom. BASTKRN I.BAGI0B A.VKRAUE8. Tbo OActal FIgares Complied by Pieut dent Fowen Ibr IHW, TbeodlclulbaUlDg ftud fleltUog ftvemgea or the plajen of tbe Eutarn liCague for ibe seaaon ol isu, as complied bj Prealdeot Powere, sro u foUov; IMD1VIDU1L BATTINO AVfilUOEa. r JtBA2l0CLVB. JuBer BpnoeMd CUrii,:<craou>D U.Kltroy.''yricuM J. Builtb-Torooto KoiiibuFforldauM... Wirtl.Sa'-'iitoii Lyocb, BprtDRdaUl Ltub, HochMUr Unot/.tkruiou 8iiioo.8Tr*o>ue DhrAfou. Butulo Ptrnot Roth«fC»r. ToroDto.... L«ie,Toroato U.RbUDOD, tfllhabtn* BncUDrttlM Kocbetur arab«r,8t>rTuia«l4J Ddy. HoclMHUr Lytli. WlUMt«rr« Mnrnr. rrovU«ow Dom*. BonWIo fcwM, rmcofs Ljoot, tntwUmtt L«zA(l».WIIliHtMm Cnof, Tuiunto, RodiMier.... Rark Wllkeiture iMitfDiir. SurtOKQelu Uoaatil;. HiirioRitold I>dri»a,BfH:h«<tHr J. KotetA. PnrldCDM Itooaoo, Scrtf tou fldinver, dcnuioa QuDiOD. H^rlBittlfbl I'AiUiita. ifprlo|ta«Iil lleiu, BjrnrUM WlM^ BallAlo UrIina.SynacdM, vukMti&m. UBrko, HocbMtcr. Slei'toUy. FiotU«d» lMiuuair«vilk, Toronto Fievoju.ToroDU) I4iby.8prlain«ia Clyoer.UuiUlo. IdUoburff, Titronto F. ithunou, BpriOKllvU UKtHy, PraTlOcOM. UnDOtr, tf llk«ibwr« V^HK^a*, iriUtisUira MIoDetUD, UyncuH P Bc»a tfCFUItOD UilUrt, SpnoiidaUl E. BaBtni,8crutOD w. Ec'D.dyncau 3lu»<,8>ucui« aarrr. flpriD|deU, RocliMUr.. A. Stalib.flcnuitoa ri«td. BulUlo Dnaby, BuBhlo Bvtifl, n'ilk««bam HvOoiuVi. BprlogdsM VIckan. BuDbIo CuUKhUo. BprlOKdaU L«vM. BulfUo Ovltrlck, TofODlo BoUamuB. Baffato B«r|«r, Bvcbenter UunoQ Sunn too HuUar.Berucoa Unra TuroDtu IlMiabnrg, BocliMter H'hltohoad.Scnnt'fl Rodi'tl'r C. A SmIUi WllkMbarn. Baih«ti, PratlJaac* iUltar, eyrvuM It. 8*HDey,B>nou»a DUoo, PrwTlJaoca CUiy, Toroacn ITrquturt Boffalo H'aula. Rocboaier, Vlikeabirra KOMUO, KotliMivr. i;. RvMoar, Rucb'arr, Seraoi'a TirtfcBochiater McMaboo. Wllheatwrre Uupar. Roftawur. M«uA.TDroato w. diraeotfy, ScnuiloD Bi«aiiui,8ciutbB bOTsit, PrvridooM J. fau. PlQTMeoc* J. U. KaaDtB. WlikMbtfrra. liar don, BuiTaIo r. Johowo, Scran urn p*Jui»y, SamDton. ByncoM.. Birickar. ProTideuca w.jubDtou, Boraiiu>a SIppl. Toronto ^apa«kf. WllksUmt ShluDick, aodiutar. Tdrtmut. Linp*. BubjA gvB«U,8yr«coM rpinlrr, ButfAlo. ToroDU.... Wjlcb. Synea»a Whlia, Rocbuiar Bndy.eorutao UctlulDowi, Buffalo WviHworU, BuiTiilo RoJdarfauD. Pnrldaon CaD|U]tOO.TorODtO CokoioDgb, WllkaabuTO «drord, Senntoo uaooo. 8incuf« U^wti, PrerideDC* D*r, SyrHcaao MhIHd, Wllkaabana NlHB AMD CLOa ^ OATCUBRa pow«a, UuiTaln Wioo, Prorldooea w«io. BochHier.WIMBibtrre.. nujiar^ BfiimotoD S'V"H; ««fttr.8yr»cufo Wie. Torooto B«r|ar. Rodirtur Ui(| ib»ru BuLblo (iBiuoii. HprlDgneU IUm. Syiuoaa Ouay.ninDto ^uSlScM".'*.;;;;;::: 8«M»«r, Bcimntnii A.Baltb, Scniitoo „_„ FITOHBRS ■tOQibaua BulTiUi Wwi.wonh. BurTAjo >kk>cr, haa*io UtmloD. BaOUo wdtiliiai. rnildanM i-J—'*^ WIUiMbana ufVi Tomnt* Cill^in.KprlogllrM T. Jobasol, B«raau,o "«™au. BtiuuH rntliltiMa nurefBr. Buffalo, Toroi,u> Danaa. XMbnur ■(IUoj,Srniiiiu nroa, AKliB>t«r.Torooto.... MUnv, tenutoii. S;iac<iH... ftllu, WlltMlain lloOHso. rtntldwe* Busar, Bocliittar. Onibar, Sptlncaald. »»T, BrncQM craoa. Tomoto. BoenaaUr CoonUD09prini«ald OolenkiQib, WllU>iin. jloaklD. nllkaMiaiTa JfBpa. Boblo Mtaoar. acraatoo CaapllaU. Wlltaabarra riMI BABBHBN. Clatk. Betaiiuii. ■oitra, mrldaau Hambarf, Boebaitcr ««il*»lIVa*aii» rtald, Baralo JSiaraa, Beiaaua aUtwt.BprUi(l«U....; n)war, erraeaaa »««»«ul<ln, ■aehantr Mini or Club. I. Ok «tc<'N6 BABKiks: KadfoiJ.Bcnotoo.... ?-.?«"°.'.8wu»o MrUoriAld.flprlDKdflkl Ktikkar, PioTid»ii» W^Anl, HemDtoo DJiott. iTotiiunw Wl«*,BMrT«h I>«w«a, RurUlu lluuUirfr. Rndiajitir BblODick. Rtielieuivr.ToroDtu »ono*r WilVfBbnrre alppl, Toroqiti . Tlgho. R'-ctwMtr ^ TlllKD HtSKMA.H. Bu<«u. Pruvid«oc» ... . DonnaUy. .SprlDKilaM J.BinlUi. ToroDtn Mlnneluo, tttnoiiv BritlT. flcnnioo Oriutjy. Hatr«-i) IluBUn. MtfTMMon C A. Railth.\VilkaM«rro..'... Ulltwri,8i4|iiKiiMil U'Brlao. Rnchcp-ter SIlOHTKTOra. <V»our¥. Piovidouc HoM,tt,r&niii« lIu^UiD. Ra«nioD I<swc«, BulTitlu aieHtlton.WllUBMrre. Dan iiiol rot Ilia. Tumnio P. fi|tiuuun,Bi)nD)cil0kl... . lUdluid, Scratton W. Hir«vn4j-. ikruton Jm. Kc0i4in. Kochratar Vnnonr, WllbfttbiTTa P. Hveanar, KucliMicr, S<notvD .. OL'TnELDERri. iijon*, Pnrldrora KDlijItl, ProTiJeDco HiiUar. Boaotan Meuay, ScKnioD CI) mar, Batr4bi BuUsiuuH, BkirTalu L>urli, HptlnRilald Ilaniburir. Rochwiar HurTKy. iTorkleoca M. Kiln>y,Synciis« , CouKAltoo. Toroiitu l>»ly. lUKbaiitcr fthciUer. tb>rln|;ri«U JoDiii,8|)rtaKil«10 Bliaarou. RuiTkIo Daltrlclt.ToTOOlu L«tot(Ba ffilkMbirre W. Juhomo, tierABlun U.SnrteDij.tfrracuw fAynv, tkicha»tar,TorDD(» Bntdy. BtnotoD Uaray. Tcronio Batu, Wllkonbarn (lriina.S]raeaNe,Wilkeibarra. BliDOD. BTreuis Ljtie. Wflkanbrnrnt w»Icb, SfneiiMi P. BRAB.dcrtDtoo BaUDon, Bcraotoo Qarry, SprlnitfloU, Rockeater Preamu, Toroaiu. Mean, Torooto LupIi, R«elia»ter A. BinllNHcnotoo wrtlia, Jtbcbaater Laaliy, BprlOBllaU MANV SEHSATlOaiAIj nUHORS, Deala Ibat Nevor Dlaterlalltad-Irwin' Itlnaa—Ollitir liitereallag .Vem. Tbere bare bean mora Ijagetwll aeneallona duilug tba patt unntb or two tban bad preflousi; dean gaibitrtd bito Iho same lengtb ot lime (or aevenl rears, >nd ilila viclali; 18 cUlming tba larger por tlon of tbe Held o( aciloo. Kurtuuatelj, liowem. It wafl found tliat vbeii Ibo anioka oC baiile bail cleared away ibera irarc no eigne of aoj aceocs of oaroage. All nlmor^wltbUttlaoraobU8loea8 done. None o( tlieaaeurprlad tlie pairuuaor luueball mcru or cauKd a greater cosetamatlon among tbe ti l lowers uf the ganio on tbe otner eltle or ibe IiIk bridge tbiiu ibe ODnouiit:etaent Ibat Director Aihii bad oiTettd to eell bU buldlogs lu tbe llrooklju Uluu to Preeldent FreeilDiaii, of tbe local olub. The liiooklja eutbualatia were Juat congralulailiii tiienuKlvea Uiat tbe quet,ilcn of Kruuntla, wblcli Dai been In abejauce, bad ilually bi:eii leiiletl, vbcn tbe; wi;re cooplcicly ti|t9el b/ ibe nowa Ibat tbey caiiie near loelug all of tlieir beat playcr8. Tbej are all at lea nutr, not kuuts'lug wbai uiaj bappcQ 10 iba dob In tbo ncJU r<:w weeka, or wbetber or not tber will be repraemed b; a tenu tbat will be up among leadera or one wbUb will bo atiugillug fur tall eno uooora. No one riuebUona Mr. Abetra right to sell bla luiereata lu lue club and retire, If be wlaliei, but It put an unilrely ditrereul view uo the mait«r wben Ibe club'a pationa were Informed aa to bow utarl7 Ihejr were deprived ol all tbo beatmeii or tbtir crack leaiD. Aa tbe tmuafcr did not tako pbice,tliere waa no need of maklug public tbe plana of uptratlon. Tbe clilef tiueallon asaed lij tbe UrooklynentoueUslale: •*Wuj8bould our loaui be broteo up ao aa to airengtbcn tbe New , orkai" And Ibere spptan to be nu valid reaaun ibat It aboold be. Had tbe deal gouo ibrouiili It would tiavu proven Ibo doalb tuell to baeuball In tba Uty or Cburcbea. Ttue, a Hrcaler New York wania a greater ball team, totaaauneiratloii baa not hiken place jet, wby aboutd the pill be given ou Ibe lu* uiauisani pbui, wkea by waiting until It I9 ono great city II can be taken lu one doaa r Uuwever, alnce Ur. FieeUuan baa agretd to reaubmll tbe iiuatlon, and gel a popular vote from Ibe people befoie tak- ing float aoilon, It b uot Ukely ibai anneiatkiu of tbe two teaoia will take place tbb year oratleaat not until after Itie coming cbuuiplouablp hcaeon, and tbe Brooklyn entbitBlttau will again eee a balilu luyal fougbi between toe two toaiij4 on tbo green dUuiond. Another and equally aa aeoaatlunal a ru. mor waa tbeaunouocvuieni ibat I'realdent Itotilaou, uf tbe Cleveland aub, biicnded purobaalog ibeSL Loulafrancbbie, pla>erH, ale., and tben to uraniler bl9 Ueveland team to ttt Loula, Ibereby dropping Olevekod from tbe nujur league cirouli, and Ulllog tbe Tacanoy by tbqaduibalou of Iho Uairuli01ub,of Ibe Weaieru League. Wblle there U no douU Uiat aucb a move would prove a great beuellttoall uf tbe other oluba of ibe major league, tbere la kardly any Jlkellbood of lu uking phtco. l^aldeni Vuo dcr Ahe aaya: *'l waa ruceuUy oirored tl28,(00 for Iba SL Loula trancblao by a ayudlcate, bui It la not (or sale at any price." Tlie local pauous of tba game abould aee aoma excellent gamea played during the cunUog aeaaoo, If half of Ibe ptane mouilooed by Manager Irwiu are pot luto operation. Tbe new manager la very eu- tbualaaUo and aa full of Ideaa aa a nut la of locat, and It be can diUI hie men Into biB way of tbbiklug, and afterwarda bavu tbem carry tbem out ou tbe ball Held, bla team ehuuld be among tbe leadura when Ibe auoggte la at liabelgbu Tne public will have to wait until the men uke tbe fleld bcTore It will be known Juat how far IrwIuM pbina have been developed. The latier recenuy aald: "I wait pbiy- ora U tbe game an of the Uue, That li, 1 want meu who want lu make or take partlnplaya. Forlu- ataaoe, take a caee when a baae ruuuer la on third baae and tbe InOeldeni 00 Iba other eldo are playlog to catch tbe runner at tbe home plate. The aliua- tloD la critical, and It leaia the nerve of tbe Oeltlcta. U tbey are nude of tbe right euiif any cue o( ibem will be eager to bare tbe ball bitat him, becaueo be baa the nerve and coufldance aud ibluka ba can make tbe play, Tbere areeome playcra who, ata critical tlme,aTe praylog to t!:euuelvea Ibat Ibetiall wont come their way. Tbey would latber aee a bane bit made tban be called upon to baodle tbe ball aud tbiow It to Ibe pute. I am 00 the lookout for phiyera of Ibat klnil, and I don't want Ibem on mj team. Whether a player 'wania tbe ball' or not la ooB of a good oany other tbioga that Iraiuplrea In a game which tbe specbitora are not ap-to aee. Udaeoall baa Iti floe polnu, and uoleaa a peraon le aa expert or bae been pat onto tbem be rnlifbt al- ways be la Ignorance ol tbem, no matter bow cloea aa oboerrer be might tie. Here la a caee at point: Inacertainmaji>rlttague clnbUataeaaon tbebaUIng order waa ao arraoged that Ibe flntbaaemaD, who I9 a fab' baiamau, foUowed Juat bebmd an ouiUtlder, wbolaa drat claaa bitter and a itar bate runner. Tbo latler'8 apeed on ihe baaea made huu a likely man to get rnna, and, of courae, If be bad the co- operation of bla fellow plajeia, bla chancea (or mak- ing tbe clKuii wero Increased. Do wben be reached libt baae.aa he IrequenUydld, Itwu Ibedoiyof blaeucceaaorat tbe bat to help blm to reach aac- ond. The auceeaaor'e play waa to lean backwards aa amch as pvsMlble, In order to hamper the catcher In bla throw to aecoad to catch tbo base runDcr. It wat a nice bit of team play and Ibe trick or altategf, or whatever you've a mind to call It, helped 10 win (auea. But II plajred havoc wllh ibia batnman'a aauiog average, tie couldn't do himacif Juatlce with toeeUcklnthe awkward poalilon haamnmed, and tboae who did not know the Ina and oata u( Iba ila; put bUn down aa a 'weak' bitter* The player a oaeBlloo u a bard worker, aal( saciUrinf and a Una Haider, but be doally asked to ba changed In Ibe batilDgorder, leaibia poor billing puihiia oul o( the bualaera. To he aucceaafnl a manager aboutd know the pecnllarttlea o( bla men, and act accord- mchr. To Uluatnts toy meaning I wUI Uke two weir known plicbem, Iwih b( whom are now out of Iba liiielniai fine by death, aad tbe other BnaUy i oot. 1 have nlerenceto tha.laie lAailei Oeorge L. Cioaa, one of Ibo pllcbera of last Bo- eon's lodbioapolli team, of tbe Western league, was bora Jiiu. S, 1872, at Uancliealer, N. II., and leaned to play hall ou the opea tola arognil blH native place. Ilia brut profeaslonal eoKairuient waa with the team Ibat rapreaenleil Manchwur lu Ibe Kew Koglanil League durlug tha kuisou ot lagi. Ill 1SD2 be went to the l*ai:ldc 8lo|>e anil Julnetl the Tacoma Ulub, of the raclUu Nonbwi-«t Loagnr, aoil mnked well up among lite Icaderii In Ibu unk-lal deldtog averages for tbe pllcbera of i lut Iratiie. In 1803 he began Ibe Beoauu wlib tbo Charleston Uiil>, of the Suuioern Leagtio, but nulsbcd It with IheCln. eloDBll team, of the Naitoual l,eagub and Amorlcaii AaaoclHilon, and waa lesetvcd (or acaKuu of 1(04 by ilioOluclnnHil Club, butwuH "famirdtitifio iho In* dlaiupoliateam,o( tho Wcalern League, (or ibai aea. son, biking iwrt that year In tweiiiy iiluoclisuipluii- sblp games wlib ihe latier, an<l ho butt a lia> Hug per- cehtHge of .£15, accvrdlug to the oilklal avuragert of Ibe Weiteiii League, lu 1899, Hliliougli hia untne again appeared ou the Cliii.'liinaU Club's reserve llat. bo waa alliiwetl 10 gu tn Hie lllillaiiapiillii Imtn, anil II ISBCiieially believed that ho wartiiiily"luMhetl"liiilia latier. llnwriT, bo dlil giHHl work In iltu (ilirlirr's puslllou, taking part In (iirty-diiir rhiiiiiplitiiBlilp gaiiicfl, twotitj-elglii uf whirh rcHtilioit lu vli-iiuu-a anil nlxici'ii liiilufcutrt. Ulilj uitco <liirltiK Iliu ai- son was ho knnrkpil nut of iliu pliclirr'rt intnliloii, irlilloontlin:villirLT«nl(tct.-a..iliiitH ho n-IU'Ti-il„iltrr plichrn mill iiirned aiiiMn'MtdtrvHi-i lulu cieitiiHliIo VlClnrll'vl. llU lil-ht lllli-lllltg fi.-Hl WH^ 111 Ii uniiio agalDHl llifl Tlileilu u-aln, played Juno I.1, hu.'i, si ItidUlisiH.IU, when be allnwAil llii-tti iiiilyhvu Hafo hibi, Iho liiitlaimnolls wliHiliig iiy l-j in I. iin June 2U, ai ItiillanapDllii. hoHiicctetleil In sliittiliig ntii iho UelTulMwIihiiiiiHruii,aliltuiiifli ilii.y \vii,<i;n!illir<l with nllio HHru littri, wli|,;lt, iMiwcver. woru wull scaitertil tiiruiighuut tint giiiiiu. ud Jul; :!u, at UlnnoHiHilU. Uliin,.ihu Itniiiu leiiiu lumlu.tniy llu* safe lilts uir lilH pitching, till' ItiillauiilHillH wlitiilng byOliil. On .\llir.'JO, nl hKllalliliHilU, Mid Ullilic- apolla tuani iuaiIuhIi mfr hlirt iiiriiuii, bui (rtilul i gets run, the ItiillaiinihilM alniiliig l,y 7 ttpo. Feiguaon anil Uanlcl Casey, iHith uf wbuni wen with the Philadelphia Icoiii wlilio I was cutiofcii'il »IUi Itaacaptalo. KerauBoncould be 'Jiillldl," iiiil nerer 'losaled,' uhllo (>Hey bud 10 be lianillcl In analtogciiierdlireroiit iiMuiier diau was Ktrgusmi. I remeuibtra guDO In wlilcbtiaaoy pllclialibirtren ciiaaecuilve balls, lie waa sonillng men to lint bale as rati as they caiiie up, and It was plain that he had lost his nerve. In tbe middle ot an liiolng I led uiy poalilon at aliott bIo|i. and, walking up to amy, took the Imll from bbi hanil, and begau In 'bice' blui. ■Wlutt'a the matter wlib yuo, losing your nerro because there's a big crowd here t You can't pitch at all. You ought 10 lie out ahurelliig' din.' -What's mat, wbat'a ibatt' he aald, -I caul pllcbr Ulmme Ibal ball. I'll bIiow you whelhrr 1 can pitch.' I touched him up u few mine lluios, and then walked back to my puHlUou. Ue was so mad that bo forgot all alxiui bulug niillcd, asd put them over tbe pule so fast that the bHtterscouldn't touch 'em. Taellcaof that tort would never lutve done wlib Kergu.on. 'Say, old iiuin,' I once aild 10 hlo, 'tboae people iblok you are easy. Tliry aay yisi can't plicb.' 'They do, do ihi<yr< waa hIa re- f>l>: 'well, I'll Juat iihuw them I can. Walch mo uol Ihia fallow.' Aud ha did tool blu. Kciguaou pitched two ganea against tho IMirulia lu uuo day, and won them both. Afier tbo Unit ganio Ihe Ue- irulbi Ibought tbey would like anuther crack at Fer- goaon. I mid him of ibb!. and I havo never seeu belter pitching tban ba did In Iho aecond game. Tboae two gomea are atlll talked about bi rhUailcl- phla, " From now on baaeliall nowa will begin to pick up, and more eapeclally altar tbo Bchedu7a meeilog i f the major league, wliUb will bo held 00 FUb. 21, lu this cliy. Dy that iliiie tbe phiyers will all,or neany all, have reported to their dlirerent cluiis, or will lie hard at work lu ibe Boutb, preparing tbeiiiselves tor the cliaiiiitlonuhlp race. It tbo signs count fur any- tbmg.ltsoobldbeavenabetter race tlutn waa Iho one ot but year, and that Is saylog a great ileal. !lloel of tbe teanui haws lieen streogtbcned bi suuie manner or other. Tbis baa been tbe case with Ihe UalUuore, Uoalon, Urooklyn, Cluclnnall, Lonlavlllu, New York. Pblladelpbla aud lllhiburg Clubs. Just bow Ihe chaogea will work bi prublatna ileal, Tbe moat noUcestjle change In Ibe Now York team, ■bleb will present aevaral uew men, altbuugh ihvy are nut sumngem to tbe baaeball loving piiUllc,aa ibey were couneclad with other msjorleagus teauu before comlotf bore. All of tbe major league cluba will givea WaltoyuungpUyeni from minor Icaguoa, but too much cannot bo ex|icctcd from them. Whilo uany uf Ibeoi maysbuw uii well during the prelimi- nary season, or give promise of duveloping Into brat data men lu the near future, few of Ibuui will be found (ast enough to hold ibeir own In tbe fut com. Isiny tbey wlU bo traveling wlib. uf courae, tba uiore promising ones will be rebtliied, and will ba "loaned" to oomemluor league club until wauled, wblle tba leas tortotuio ones will be caat adrltt. Tlie Sow York Club baa a dozen or luoie young atcbera, and uo una for a iiioiueul helleves be club has any notion of keeping all of tbem. Ut coarae, It bopea to doTuliip oue or mora trun Iba lot Kven should It du 90, lliero will bHtuile chance for tbo nawcomeia, pnivldlug Itiiale, UeeklDsnd Clark,report In perfectcoodlUou, and keep themaelves so ihrougbout the seasuu. Three such pitcbera are aa many aa any club can one and do Ibe men Juailce. It U only lu csseof ac cident tbatthe extra men coma In handy. In ihe past ten or twelve yeara the majur league cbaiu- ilorublp, each season, boa. In a majority nf cases, «en Won chleny by the work of two pitcbera. Uul three men Uke Uusle, Ueeklu and Clarli, wllh an ex- Ira man or two lu csk of accident, are euougb fur auy club; ihatglvea each man two games a week. It worked In regular lunia. I'rubalily the club would not have algned eu many joungsiemll II bad not Intended pladog tbem In a minor learn, to be do. reloped tor future use. In case auy ot lia seasoned pitchen should become sbile or tall by tho road side. Tbe Unoklyn .Llub haa only a few young iltcbers to whom It Intends giving a trial dnrlug he preliminary season. If any of them turn oul In belter form than some of lia veierana, the latter will undoubledly lie replaced by tbe young. alerB. It will not be a matter of senunieut Ibu year witb ao; of tbe cinld. Tba beat men will bo givjn Ibe Qrvt abow, wbuiber veterans or young, fetcrs. All of Ihe cluba are after the peunaol, and tbe Ogbl next aeasoo Is going to lie clone and Inter, eating, sod the beat leam will win. Tbe work of tbe Uatun team win be watched tbIs year with considerable lutereaL 'Ibera sre those who bellave that tne club wUI not be ao strong next aeason aa II waa In tbe past, while oiben are of tba opinion that It will be tar belter tban ever befure. After a crtucsl glance at tba perBonuel of Ihe team, aa It appears 10 oor mind. It aeems that tba weaker epols are behhid Ibe bat and In tba pltcbloj depart- ment, although tbey may be airuoger m tbe latier than they kMi. Tlieir In and oulOeld should hoM their own sgalnst the atioogeat leama lo Iba major league. Thud Baaeuian Colllna la expected to Oil Nasb's plac«, and be may be able to du an In a tar more aatlafacKiry manner tban even bbi muai sao. fulnalnendsdara hupe. An',iLerluipurtanirhaiiga n the makeup of the team will b^Iu Itae/uulOeld, where UauUllon, who waa received fruni tbe Fblla- delpbla (;iit> In aicbanEa for Third Baaaoan Naah, wul replaee McVartby. In batUng and base running llamlliiiii win iiiiiilssii HcCiiitliy, but In iluliling and general team work Iliu htiicr uinlntiiitciily t'x cela It Is yet 10 tioseMi wbulher Dully will iKinlilit lo banille llie men, ami make iisgiiud a ilchl caiiialti as dill Niislt. llu liiiM i-onnliily had i'.v|Hjnrlii-i' enough lo iltliiiii tur the |h,Mi|mii, tun ills yet In t,u seen If llu has Iliu iitlior n:i|UlnMiiriils liCL-t-rt.-Mry lu uiako a giHiil iimii fur that |i!Hi:e. 'flm cliii, lia,i auiiie oxcrlUnt (ilajirs on Iih ri-iwivo lint ihitt can bo uilll/."il, cIllK-r uli Iho Iiil1i.'ld iir Uiu oiillliilil. It Ila plictiera and raii^hi-ni i-uii liuld iiiiltulri'iiilnf tbe work Busluu uwy iiutku a airuiig ijiil tor iliu pen- nant. Manager Kivlug has ilcclikil lo givn n lilullii llcnry Uasirlgltt, the veteran prufeatliuisl iilii:iirr, who liaa iicun couuccied with h iinnilicr of rliiioi. Should UaatrtRht l,v aide tu got lilmself In lint i'Il tiirin, ha uiighi to lio as giHMl Ir tint a iHiicr nian Ihiiii eltbcr llliliicii or Fnrctiiaii, wlm wfnt n-Jiivo. Mated In the iiiliiur Icagiio niuka. Wu do nni imr Harry Weldon *ny nnyihliig almiit the nhl iiien's liniiie. WIillo (iHHlrlMin limy tint lie nHnliliisNul. aon. Force, JuncH or Cllnuui, hUinry lella na that ho served with t>iliitiiiiiiv, 'I'n all a|i|H.'iirHii,-*-rt uinrlir liall haHi8ilalui-d ngiHid man lulrwlu. IJiHliHibt. ediy be will MtreiiHilicii Mm timtii lu a lioruUtrnro weak apot. In Kwliig, Url'iicu, iluilih ami Irwin the Uncluiiail lullt'lil lonka Htniitg euuuiili r<ir all purpoaes. Tliu uumcld Is hardly tu Uiu liking ut iliu mauagemeni. Iliillhlay ami UlllcraiuHallainctia-y, but a orack left dehlcr la watittd lo help Ihe nlher two lu cuuipletInK Iba leaui lu llist resjiect. In lite catching deparlmonl ilio club IswoMOxnl. In tho rllcher'a pualtluii It liaa yni in aliuw lis Htroiigih. [has a uiiuilier i-f Irled luiil wrIlHeaaitied vnle rans, besiile sovural iiruinlslntf ynung4ierri, who wero drafted carllur In Iliu Wlnuir. Cliicluiiail, while uul claiming the jietinant, lM|,M,kiil iijMiti tu Iiuldaiiiuuh iHilter iiusitbiu In next scjhuti'a race llish It did last ji-ar. I'reslilontVnndiT.tho, ntiho Hi. UhiIs CIuIi, ha« algnnl hla niaiuger, Hairy lilildlelHick, ami ihu batter will huvo ui liiisilu nnw in got Ingeilicr a winning lesni. Uo will Onl iliat ho hiu isi 1 a.iy task 00 hu lianils. He has an erratic luint voiemna snd a few untrlNl youngsum tu begin with, nnd iliey will keep blni luesiTog until lie cau DihI nut what they cau do. 'Itaiu work will hardly hn liaikeil fnr from that aggregailun nf vuionins. Nr. Von iier Aho la baring a bard tinio nf It laitwei;ii hla nb- atie.eniurt plaieraaiid suiuu or tho iiewfiiuiiorrt, iliu latter nf which are waging a hitter war aKHlimt iiih leain'a playing .Sunday galiica at huluu. I'realdent V'un dcr Ahn has Isiuii seveiely ultlcliu'd by iiiu Uuuoil liHj lupors rnr allowing anuiu nt liUliuat Klarcra li> slip away frniu liliii, but lie aaya lliul bu as been heiielllbid by tlie iIl-uIs, ami It In yet lu In, aceu who Is right. J. W. Hpalillng, wliu rolunicd himie laal week from a three looniha- hnjuuni In Kunipu, siHtahs In a veryciicaumglUK manner of tbo pingreiM iiutilo nii the other slilu of Ibo Atbitiilc ocean, In iiUyliiu our nstlunal gsiiie. Tito Fdiiuliy Allilcilc Cuminllteo nf Ihu Uulversliy of I'eunsylvania, lias ilelurnilneil l» aiaoil hr lis aciliinuf liee. II, lUH, In pmbliililug oku ationil- Ingibat julvcnilty trnin playing upnn seinl pniri'H aloual leaiua duMng the Huiiiini-r v^cailnn. Tliu wording of the rnuliilloii, aa rocunled t.y tliu mcic laryot ibo Aasoclatluu, Is: "Nu aiiiileniiif Iliu iin|. verslty ahull IM allowed bl roureaeut Uie Univuraliy of Poiiutyltania, elilier lodlvlduallr, ur as a niiim. bcrof auy U'Ulu, who shall have lecolva'l dlrcclli or Inulrcclly roune;, or on which any player shall have received direclly or ludirecllr, iii<,iioy (or his bis service*." Harvard, Yalo ami rrliiceiiiii, have alsoeniicled leglslailun pruhlbliliig ihuir moii truni piitfliig on athletic teams, wblcli rirrrr and give cnmpetualliin. Harvard bloyeis generally, JiJiied the Uoaun Alhlello Cnib's leant, while ll,e Yalo nii:n usually played wllh athlollc clulia lu this vicinity, sod I'rlncliin and the Unlvenliy nt I'onn. svlvanla uieii chlerty coinp'ised Ihoperamnel of the Capo Usy and Allanilc City leuuw. W. J, Oaraon and tv. II. Waid. Tbo inollon to com- blue Ibo oDIctaof pre«ldant, eacrelary andlieaaurtr waHilrfeatcd. Jnlin I. Ward waa clecltd president anil treasnr«r and J, A, lUrblsuli secretiry. Panaaylvatila Stale Laagaia, Tho rcnn^jlvanla Hiala I«agua wai raorgailitd at a neeiing hoM Jan. 11; at Allanlown, It was anything taut a harmonlinis seaalon at Ihe atart, bnt after Ihe rieellon of nillccn order was reatorad. There were preaont K. S. imnil, llaileton; John W. Aiken and Hanin Bwlll, Usrbondale; Uarrr llenaol and Frank Rlnn, lam-nsler; John illlllgan, Read- ing, and William Shanli and II. NIlea, of Ihe Atb- :eilr*, of rhiladrlpbla. After Iho usual nullne liiiBlnMa bad been Iransaclcil a ntoiinn was made III enirr upnn the nnmlnallon ot oDIcen. To Ibia l-reslilriil llanbm objoclcd, gnt claiming that o(- ilcera shnuld nut l« soleciril itnlll ibe ciroull was i-oinplcleil, anil ntierwaid nislnlalning that Ibere was no qnuriini nrespni. berauae the Carbondsle ili'lcgalo bad Irfi tlta rw in. After sonio deUiy Uan- InirvacHteil Iltu chair, snd numlnatloos for preel- drot were ili elated In onlcr, John J, ilanlon and Frank Hough were plared In nnmlnailnn, and Ibe taller was iliu'larrd clcniril, receiving three of Ihe four votes eai.1. Carboiidalo noi vnilog. Hr. Iluugb •VIM snbsi-itiirnily etiuii'ilsecretary anil treasurer. II was reiutlri'd tfialiholrsguoaiiplv forproteollon iiLdor Clnaa A ot Ihe National Agroomoni. and tbe M.'oretary ttiiinrdlaioly tniwsidrd ihs spnilcailon, acconiiianled by ihe iii-i'o»ary cbct-k, to I'realilent N. K. \ nniig. ot tbo major league. Tlia only Indebt- eilupss against iliu l*iniih)lvantalilato league was llio.diiu oi'l'trahli-itt llanlon, which waaurdered iihlil, Appllcailiiiis for niemlirivhlp wero received iroiii Allriunwn, Allonna, llarrleburg, Johnstown, I'liiiavlllu and Sltsinnkln, and fnmi tlieso »lx clllea ilireo will IKI holirlcit In I'liiiiplelo Iho circuit. It waa prnpiwd lo rxarl tn<ni eai-li rhilt a sum ot niiini'y Hiiittt-lenl In Instiin lis renuilhlng In Ibe u*sguo fur Iho avasnit, ninl In Itislsi ii[s>n tbo prompt liayntont nf all nliligailniis, Uniler tho nniposra arliemu a cliili cannot dinp nut wlilmul giving lis iiainrlalra a clmlini Ui repair tho Invarll, llough Htiil Ntloa wore liininii led in rvvlso Iho conslltul|on. Nlles. Milllgnn ami llntigli were appolnird a rom- iiilileeii uii i:lrcitli, with power In ai-i, Tho board uf •llrecinrs will nut lie elictnl until the circull la cvinpleU'il. UlAnONII IflKI.U OI9«.4ll>. TMWa-Houdtersi Laague. A meelbig of ibe Teias-Muutliern l,eagun wns held Jau, 2u, at Austin, Tex, I'leMdeul John I,. Ward occupied Ihe cbair, and Ihe tulluwing dele, galea wen present: U. H. Herd and W. T. Van Imaser, Itbermao; W. J, Uarwm, IL U. Kilumnds, W. II. UsIley and Hamuel Taub, Houalun; W, I,. Wurk, Ualvestuo; WlUhm U«<,th, W. L. Vliilug, Ueorgo Waiiklium, C. Vllleoonvu ami Hnward l>iui, Ausilu; V. I. Uruptiey, ut iJslrcstuu,chiliologihe Dan Antnolu frsochlse, and L. II, Culey, repreaent- Ing Ihe ban Auumlu AMclailni^ and W, II. Want anil John L, W^id, Fort Worth. The illspuie for tho Ban Aniuslu fiaacblBa was taken up, anil after Mith sidea bad I4en beard was awarded 10 Mr, Ci.lei. Work, Uaiaon snd Tkub were appulnled a circuit committee. After attending tu fiuia other iiiaiiera the delentea look a tecew until iio, Uurecourcn- Ing Mr. VIolog nliered a rasulullon that the name of Ihe league be changed tu Ihu Tsxaa lyaiiur, instesd nf TeiaaMouihcin. The reaoluilon waa laliltd un- til the neil meeUng. Tba peunaiit wu awunled lo Fort Wurth. A moUua woe adopted Ibat visiting Uubs gel |io tur each achedultd gsuie, rain or shine, wllh a privilege ut flfly par cent, of ilisgaie receipts, ibonld tbare be more Ikao liou. Tbe schedule committee consuls ol ileorge Blackbum, laa)Mt Mayings ami llolnga ut lha Bas*> lirtli P*rat«*rnlly. A niiivciiieni bl nil tiait fnr llto ptiriHiiie nf urgaulx* Ing an Inlcniiato l,oiigno, in Incltnlu clubs luoated at Flirt Wayne, Iml.; -|\ilcilii ntnl Diiyliin.O.; Wbcal- Ing, W. Vn.; New Uiatlo niiil Washington, l>a. If twii utiior giHid clilca can bo foiiiiil, then an eight dull league will Ini tnrnicil, iilliorwUo It will bo a sIxrlnbaiTalr. A itiruting for llio puriioaa of or- aanlrailnti will Im riilk-il, 11 Is said,In n fotsr days, ur. fliiniii-lls, or Tnlciln, ulin In lino nf iho pmnnitum iit ihii le-lieiiiu salil. In a n-reiii InitrTlow: "We will try anil fniiii an elglii cliiti toagitii, and will ask for nrniei'tliin iiinler lliii NiillniutI ,\gtiTnienl. I am In laviir nf rtiii<tln|r tliasa II, iltn Hiiiie as the Kastem Ifi'sgiii.'. This will iinilcci nnr lerrltiirr, allnw im to n-vrvo iilayiraaml Iho lilglesgiii-a raniint lake any uf thrill tiniii ihni' nt iliii m'aiuin, slid then only iiy pa.vliig tiMi tnr each rrlusHe. tIip pbsylng aoa- si'U will In' tnlir anil nllu-hHir llinillllM lung. \Vo Wilt h.tvo a fair sHliiry lliiill and play Huliilay ball lu Slillio nf llincllll-s. lu Tnlnilo we 01111.000 111 go out nt ilio i!liy tnr stii'h gami-s. Willi siniiig llnaiii-UI I'licklitg, g I teams, well lmtnhi*i-d nnd evenly iiutittini, anil any snrt nf derritt weather, the new Irn^'inti-nnnni help but l.u a siircesa." Ui'.Mrtliull, Mill ntiii ciitrk Itllcher ut Ibo Ualllmuro team, n-imiis thai bis pitcliliiK aim la gnnuchllrely, ami iliat bo will dn nn iiiiirn wnrk In that linu In the riiiiito. Ill nn Iniliuir gnmo plavod Jiili. lu, at l.'hicagu, III,, l'lli:lii!r .Sli'lii pnn-i-tilcil lliu HIi-gelH trnin inaklbg iiioiu than mm safu lili niT hint, ilio Usri|Uoltea wlu- illng by Bin I. Tito Biiiaictir aiiil ai-iiil-piiiti'salniuil toaiuH In tbia virliilty aru milking great pn-iairallnnH for Ihoap- |in-nchll)g catll|mlgu. K. J. lluiigli', nf i:litcngii. III., was signed Jan. II, bl iiiaiiHge. I'liiitalii anil play socntiil Isiso for the lliitllngbiii i:iiiii, nt iliu Wcnnirii Anncliilloii. I'nul Illiiea, ihrt veloraii player, will cnvordrat iMse and act OH IiurIiiush liiaiMger. Capi. Kwiiig, nt iliu CInchtunil leaiu, Is i|iiulcdaa oayliig: "Kvurylram nhniilil bavuat least one left hsiiilwl piirlti-r. Thiiy aru iiHctiil In many ware. There are tan nr iliii'ii tvatiia In the insjnr league to whnm ngnnii led hniiilrr la aiiiinsLsiirodialh. Thia Is cNiwcialiy It f I'hllHilrliiltln and New Yurk." Ikhire making hiicIi 11 stairmeiii. In which he In- cluilcs IheNnw VnrkK, KwlnghaillietlersHk llralleu- nirln, Ilio gmiiest li ft hniidiil iiltclierin Iho bnal- iiesH, alsiiil his uipcilriico sgsluHl Ihu New Yorka Inst siiiiain. The HI. I'alilrksilrtiislcd Iho Hull Mouse Irani In nn Inilinir g4iiiu by 7 hi :i, Jan. 19, si Uhlcagii, III, Tho lonciH iiiailu only ilireu safe bibi uir Uwens. Tito iilsvera nf Iho ,S'ow Ynik Vltili will lie ordered III reiBirl III ro un Fob. 'jo. Tliiy will leave (or Jaok- snnvlllv. Fla„ nn March 'J. Uaniigur llaiilnii hoaiiiailoa rei|iiest In rrealdeni Yniiiig tu schuiliilu Iliu liallliiKHeu tnr this ully July 4. It Hid weailier hi tavnrnlilo two gamus will then bu played. Tliu llilliiilulphiii Lliiii has siicceoilfeil In obtaining Ihirl luka' lelraso finui Iho Isiultvllles. Ihlslnesi Haimurr Hlii i/iliin iliiiiks that alili a leuin Ilka lha "I'lilliln" lielilml liiiii. Inks, wliu U a loft handed |illi:lier, shnuld iln gmiil work, T. J. Kruti', uiiu nf Ihu niajnr lesguo umplrra and on ux-pmte^atniisl plirher, has liei-ii onusgrd to Clinch Iho tuiiillilali'a tnr llio Harvard (TiUvoralty leiiiii. W. (JIark, who plated ami base In a tow games last year Inr ilni Now York Chin, has Isien t»en- gagoil fur Uio cuniing season. A dispatch trnin llsy Ully, Mich., dsled Jan. 23, saya: "Tho parly which waa nuppiisod lo liava pcrlalied on an Ira yaulii In Hsglnaw Hay, Including ArihurClarkwiu.iilicliirnf ihe llaliliunreClub;Jubn WhItuoyamI AllleMallery, era now reported Mfe, Tliry wont oul laal week ii|nn Ihe Iny, and aa Iliey illil mil return II wax supisMd lhay had gone through tbo Ice. Tlioyncliifoll Into a calm lu lha middle i-t iliu iHiy aud tbey hail to push iheir boat bl the nearest slinro, anil, an lbs lelvgrapli wirea had lieen lliinwii duwn by a nrevlnua auirm, tbe party cnuld nut lelegraph bunio.'' The tuHuwIng liullullii lias liceu Issued by Prosl- dunt I'.T. I'liwi' the KasUtrn l/eague: (Jonliacla sp|ir»vcil-Wlih llullsin, F. M. Hian/oll, Ulauda lllichnr, Jnlm F. Iliihlsiid, Harry binllli, Chsrlai .liubl, J. K. Ilaniiun, J.U. Ilunnlnu and K. K.U>ifney, With Ttirnlllii, Jiilin llunti and Jnhll A. Walsh. IVIIb H>rai:u>ii, I'harlns Ui»u, Tlinmaa llntolbl, Fred lltakeiondTllnmaa Twsilille. IVIIh Hirranliin, W. K. Ih-ller. Jnhll Hess. lui. Ilerr ami I*. J.Ueaiiey. With HnihigOihl, Jnhn Kaslen and M. Il.llawley, With llnchi-stiT, Jnhn l.ilby and Frank lloyd. lla- leaacil—Iiy Hi:raiiinii, WlllUiii Hwoenry. 'F.verv now ami ilipiii tlm aiiiiniini:unionlbi made llmtnucli and such a |iia)er, win, has Iwenaiildor traded inanuilierrlnii. says lie will nut play wlib ti-ai club even If lis liss In ruilio trotn tho diamond, TlioMiaio gem rally n-ganlnl as mere liludli.and there Is but niio esse nn recnnl where one has been cairled nultn Iho teller, and that waal>ivell, when ho refused tu nlay wllh llin llriHiklyii leaiii,"—Many Kxchsiigra. Ilnw alsiiii Jim HcCornilcb, wllh Pills- liiirg,aiiil W. V. Ilawki-, with Ualllmurei 'Hio Ciiinlierland Valley Uague was formally ori(anlr.eil wlib nvo cluiia ata mealing held Jaa. 29, at Chaiiiiarraliiirg, I'a. The delegalaa preaent wen: M. F. Tliiiinnsiiii, Carlisle; c. llrniili.Mer, Chainben- iiiiig; H. II. ilrcenotiBuni, llaaenitnwo: Cbarlea Newomier, Hanover, ami J. K. I/iM, Ynrk. Kdgsr Fal«r, of iloliraimrg, waa unanliiiiiitaly eleoteil irealdsut, and II. II. Ureeiieliauni, wcrehsry and reaauier. Tlia lliial organization nt Ihe new HIcblgBU l/eagua will bike pIh< u nn Fob. 0. Canada, Indiana and Ohio will i^onirlbulo ono team each. Harvey Watklns, liiislueaa manager nt Ihe New York Club, Is lisihlug up greau yuungpliclicn tur Hauagi r Irwin. Ilaivoykuowaagnuillbhig when he actaIL Ttie llolvndty nf Pennsylvania Faculty CoBiffllt. Ise un Ainli^lli:a inel tu Jan. U. at Philadelphia, snd dcharreil every iiiimiieruf last yeai's team from pbaylog 1,11 lha 'vaisliy nine durlr.g the coming seaaon, with tbe single excfplluu u( Captain Jubu Ulakeley, Tiiecliletiruuiile woo caused by Ibeas lueii playlog on scn,l-piuttsslonsl Icauis durlug Ibe Huuiiuer vacation, Tbfl inajur lengiie umplrea are all against Iho prn* poaed rule whitli will eiiabtu thciti In put ohebeper- ous players nui nf Iiie game. Tlicy ihink that Iba Impeaing of Uni s would isi a far tiellcr plao. Fred Kly, Ibe clover short sbip, auiiuuncea that be Is saUsDed wllh the leiuu ottered him hy the I1IU- burg Club fur the coming aeason.