New York Clipper (Feb 1896)

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764 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. Febbuaby 1, NadoMMl BoarH H»f>llnK* TbeKftttoul Uunl, vlilcti liilic Supreme Court ot btMbill, met Jiq. 2:. hi tbe Kintt ATeoue notel,ttilscUT, KndBinlgblenrdouth numt»cr of nloor twgno compUcailoiui. Tbo memun o( ilio botfdftre: N.F:.VouDf, chKlnnnn; A. 11. Soden, BoiU:u, C. It. Bimc, Urooklyn, KDd Jobo T. Unub, OlocUutftll. Tbe Oral und mmt inicrrflUng case, ihit ofJobo U. Ward, who In irjlog to bavo liln ntmo tAkeofrom tbo rcnerTellitt uf ihoNeir VorkCluh. wu Held overuDlll K<b.24, irlicn ilio icbcdule meet* Ing o( ttie mftjor Icbriio will l>o tie'.d, becaoM of Die alMDcenr ITeatdcui FrccilmHii, of IIioIikbI club. Uuiager Irwla.of thu N«w York torn, Biibnillied ■Offle ntpem In the cane or Oaineldcr UulllRtD, who tsMld to tfO cl&lmcd iij iliu iirsnd llapltl« liud, iiui UtlacMO wu ftlao left over tor futuroncilon. Tlie minor Icsgoe cueii wvro ihoo inkcn up ood dlnoiea or ab they «ero flleil. lo iho r«*o of George A. Kiyon, woo whpi ciiltiicd u; I'eoru, tbo board dlimioacd tbe cliib'ii clnlto »ad releucd Flno from rcwrvaUon. Tiio UoDiRomcry Club, of ibe BouUiem AmocUtlon, etilEcd fur a lieArtog lo Uie CAie of NonnBii Klberllold. wbo. tbo club rUlfflod, ORTced lo ptny wiib UoniRomerjr. tiui, wb«D ACoDinoct WM rt.'iit to litm, ilgued wlib tbe IMllM leu), of the T«iAii-Houihflm l.eaguo. Tbe lioerd decided Hint ir the fduM were u reprcMoled by HoDlgomery, Kllwrllchl wuuld hAvc tu pluy wiib tlul dob, or oot Bi All Hlth suy club under tbe ttro- tecUoa of tbe lutloittl nRrceiueni. Ilktvej U^Ut* no, wbo WAS clatDied liy ituib Tomuio aoil Now HevoD, wuavanlcdbjtbe i>oard lo tlio laticrcinb. Prealdebl Vandcrheck, of tbo Dciroti Club,of iho Weetem iMgne, died n rMlm fur tbe ftervlrcd of Pitcher Harper, whom iho UrnuVljo Club bu drafted for ibe comluR ceri>*<iu. Act-ording to Uto mamof oTldcDcepreMniviliUappcArcil ib«i fret- Ident VftbderiHTk ptircliiv>4-.*d ilmjier'i releaau from ttio Itocbcflter Club, of ilic n Unfile, aud ID July, Itbl, owiug tif iMii tnili |ii»yiuK. i><(f>pcnilod bio. Tbepiicbcr (bcD wuot imnu Ni^tbviiiatcaDi, oftbe Bouiiieni Aasuclailuii, whi'fo bo pUyed ImII forilxweekii witbfint % pruiokl from \tw l>olrult aol>. Tbe I'hlladvlphlu, uf ilio maj jr l&iyur, ib«rD commeoced to trrangA wiih Nti^bviiierur lid rr* l«awto tbe qaaker Oiy, and UiimIIj olitnined li. From Fblladelpbia lUrpvt wool to llucheMcr, wlicro be played dorlajctliupul wiuou, nod from which dob bli releau wwi uutdlned by ilriHikijru. I>wrL' lD| tbftl be was gotns lu Jlruomyu iliu curalog eei- Hoo, l>etjrollprulcaiciTitiid cUliiied him. Tbo iHinrd, ftfier bearlDg mo whulo bUtory of tbe cave, deddod ibfti Uetmli atiotiid hnvo iirulceicd wben bo flnl plnji'd wliti the Nuhvliio team. Tbe motioD of appeAl by I'Uyur Uiuar Hill wan dlMDUied, and hia rcf:rvHtl'in by Hvadlng, Va., soatAlnod. Toe mmo nciloii waa tnkeu In ro- gardto Uecaaeof I'Uyvr Wnrmi llule, and tbe reaemlloo ot tbe Hi. Jonrpb uiuu, of tbe Weetem AooclatloD, wdM mihuIiici]. In tbo cases of James Ullmiin and Hmlili It. WIimIIdr iiie claim of tbe Norfolk Clul>, of the Virgluln Uague, was ■utslned. Ullinan will havn m piiy ibftii:lui>tbe money claimed by it, atwui nud Wbailns ttt.76 before tboy will Irfi pcrruliivil m play wilu My club claltulutf piutcctlon uuder tbe iwilunsl ttireemeoL Aucordlug tu iiiu cliilm of Norfolk that clQb paid fiM for uiionn'M rclcaiw fiuin Dalus, l^Xi.udaavAiiccd biiii f:u In cuHti. li lunviHica ^ lor tbree ganioa pliycd bcfurv ho siiilUeiily left, ne ewe of Juitn I'rceuiaii, wiio Ih chitnied uy To- rooto aod Detroit, wan l.tld over nnill ibe oexi meetlDg. Tliuro war n lurgo dclcKntlun fruua tbe Kaaiem l.e«guo iirettcol. Tbo dcluitalcrt anked ibat some prorialuii ho niailc to iirtvcni tiio iDjaiUce ot baTliig thy of li.i iiiiiyera draflcd, uiedand tbua. If not Taiiim, rriiinicd !■> Ibo cluli rrom wblch lio wax ukcii, wlihout iliat chih rncciv- log aoy cttmpeuiBitloa fur iliodmfiliiff uf iliudild player, M tbo Kuiuru l/uiguj M iia))iik fur prince- Hon i^lnil such iblnKf* Tou invinhcrH uf Ibo board Agreed tbat biich n imM-cdiiro niiH bnrdly fair (otbe K-intcru Iahriiu. A new hcciIuu lo tiiu National Agrecniuiit wiih drawn up, aiul will Uo HUbmllted to tlio Natlnnul lA-agiio nud Anioilran Aasootatton si Its next incoilug, whii iho btmrd's vecommendallon thnt ii Im Kdnpiud. llcru It Is: A dub tuthloir ikiu>l«cit<)ti uf ai'i'<> i'r aiitliurii^l Id EraotdliiR ■•inKr4|iliN«i UiN iiiii(i.< ( mi. 0. H*c. L). kluil iT«Uio rlRtit wlihiit ttiliif tiayaol iiuiico tu itio ii«cr«- laryor tlit Hunl uf mucIi »«iicu«>ii, tu ulii.dtkw fioiii Mwiaalwdon.BiHl md milli-o l>i iLe »rrr»t»Tr bo ilitll nuratotli* club Miuuuut il*|o«ltttl «liii iiiin. A chiliUllInf U>BX*rolM Hum rlul>t wiilila tlio tlniv hiiqcI flad aball not i>o ■lluwoJ fuuMiiuentlr tn ivlUiilriiw lu dum, aod lmiiiiM]lfttelyOit-.4jRniiiu r iiiitycr tun rurititl coabMC Iho •ecraiarj nf i)ie^1lt>«iil kIibH r«itill tu iti« orlflBal rMrTitiKciiiu ilio uimunt ilviuiiluti kIUi liiui oqaraouoi ot rucIi M>l«ctl<ii). tnu wlvcilui clnli »ltilL «1tbla alitr il»y» oi ii* <irli:inil tcIociIud. imnler Uio pUyorBOlMtad a Itinnikl coniraci. A4|iroviilod Inn rsr* tJH^l or llilN ■rllnj*. mil lu cT lu (^lluio M du ma iMMKraurj'or ibo Hmnl p>h>tll ipidii llm nuiuuiii Je ptallwl with btni lu tJio tlul> iruiii wiiuin tlio (•■•rer «»■ MiMUd. TborepreaentailvfHOt iho Hcuibcm AasnclaUon uetJan.'JO. atfttonipbli, Tcnu., and orKMUlKiHl \tj tbeeleoliou of lltrnry hiwciiinf New tblunim, U., to tbe trlplo oitlca ur prtMtdeui, KccrelAry aod trwif urer. Tbo orKanl/jiiiuii 14 cuninoHi-d uf aiUiiIh, NaabvlUe, Unutgonior;, Unbllo. Now (>r1(;an^ LliUe Rook and JJeiiipliU. Kiich t lub will dcpuMt a forfeit ot two, lo KUitmnico tlmt the cIuIim will re- mala louut througntiut tbo itUjrln;! scitaon. The plMldent will appoint A Hrhrdiilo vtimniliico, whb fuimoUODS lo roLHirt bI iho iicMiiK'oilug,Uarcb U, at Mobile. Ala. HaBBger A. 0. Ituclionltertzer nnnonncc.i lliai lie basgtvun up tbo frHiicblHj<>r ibu Troitum ciub, lo IbeAUaotlo AMtoclailon. Ur. IhickouiKirROr H no- SUallDgfortbo fmnrUljte uf ihu Turuuiu club, ot »K&siera lioaguo. CRICKET. a. RHooHltil Ii ljolliltael«lllD|*iM] bowing MerMm o( Uw 8i.a«<ff(e AUileUc nob', cricket ii an, ot tbe Kew Votk AiaocUiloD, dorliMi Uw put •euon. Id eliliUu UmlDp ha icond SM niM, u kTtmn o( itsi rm tou limliir.ud b«pcoTtd v«n eCKtlra la boMInf, aptrnloii lewljfma wictatiitltaecott ot 411 iiiBj,unuif•<>',<>■'{ n n nu (o to inouig. Hie Ont claTen pujia twcDiJ iTa gtmoi, ot wblcli Un wtra wod, UditMO lottand iwadnwn. C. Corcour, tba EngUita crickeur, who wu n- poricdio ba klUad iIqUdii tha recent Ofbilnc id rtouih Atrtut, wu ODij alliibllT woondedud K now npkli; RcoreilDi. In tha ballet that ha wudatd, a riwcl.l mamoiUl lenlcc wu amoftd b; hli rainer.ihaUtlotOoranirT, loba baM itn. a, it WorceMtr, C. P. Foley, toother well knon Eoalbi)! iiMieur dlckaier, wu ooe ot tha offlcoi 01 Dr. JatDtwa'a bud taken prlaoner. Tni ItatTttd VolrenliT team wlU Iuto thettl- lowing offlccn tot tha enanlsn letr: Pioldent, A. U. aairetl; aecralaix aod traaaiirar, Oaorga no L'luay; captalo, Fare/ H. Clark. Tha fUrrard L'el- Ttnlij elaran will make • bard flftat to ragtln tha lourcolleolBU cbanplonablp, meeilnv lha IteTtr- rord Collega and Ualrenliy ot renurlTanla alarent Ha) a, a, at rhlMclphla, lu. LoBD Hnimiio hu iDTlted the ADiltillana lo ax Uelr opeDIng rama In Kogliod at Bhemdd 'ait, near bnghton, when an F.ogllib repreaeoia Uve eleten will be their opponenia. Lord HbemeM, ni beretutote, pan all the axpeue* of bob teania, the bcauillui grouoda lielog tree to tha iptc- taturti. A rii<m«Ai to redure ilie nnober ot qualUjrlhg ina'cbea for the couDtj champlouhlp neil aeaaoo. Id KdiIiihI, bu lata agraed lo bj the commlUM ot the HttjleimDe CIdU. Six hooa and homa toitlcbeii, Inaieed of eight, will iben l>a conitdated aiiincltnL The altemiion onlj appllea to A Tim'OHjiHr fnina atnirtnn la being bnlltat llaroiturd. Fa., bj the Herlon Clnb, lo Uke Ihe place ot the club nonM tinned down Jan. 4. Ike now temporaiT clab bonae will be dlrlded Into two riionii, piatnllj but conironahlj furaldied, and will hj con pleiedearly In Febmary. ComlBg BTonU* Ukrrh 2H.~Abdiu1 UolT.nltr oiiuli nc*. Oltoid Ti. Cuibrkli* l;alr«rAlll■^ Fulntr to Mortlik., naaM HIvtr, Koilawl. J.o* au-LatehmoDl Yuht Club £prlaEr«|atU,Lwg IilADdBouBd. Jaly 4-LarcbliioDt Tichl Club anuuil namua; ilao OrMrtMor HilMforSl nianuO at loolaia-Loagl.. Imd BcuDtl. JuvT,B,^-UubTSo;il Btgiua, UuUr-onmoH, Bnilud. JalylH—l.arcbmoat TMbt ClubMMDd nMOf feilu rurSI nl»n aJoO 30ro4l4n.-l.ODC 1.1.IH1 eoooil. Julyai—LaichmoDt Vteht i;iublhltil rmc4 lor34 rmUn and 9U roo4«n, ud pueul nc«a for 21 fool.n.Dd kail imtam-LoDa lUaad HouDd. Julyti—lArdimoul Vuht Clob foiiilhimu lor34fmlfii aod sroour^ud MMlal nett tutu rotHanud UU nure-LoBg liUad Bouwl. July 33—LardinMQt VMhl Club ipcelal ngltla for MlwHtB.r.—LoBi [doBd Bound. JalyM—Laichmoal YftdiC Club flflh imcaforMraWn BDd 30 rooun-LODa liliiud 8oudO. jQlytb—Lar«hmootVBCht4'lubrBiiBllBrur ill cUa«a: BbM> ultUi rmc« lurS4rat6n Bud SU looun-Loog IhIuhI HobdO. Utpt. 6—LjinbinODt VB«lit Club UTBOIh nc« Tor S4 rAiBrBBDtl9uioouii.-l.4jai lilanil RouDd. eopL 7—Larchmool Vncbl Club FbU rBKBUB. BDd bIr^iIi nev fat 34 ratBr. aod3U footara—Looa Uiaod Sound. K«|il ll-LareliniooiYBtfaiClabBiiDUBl raCB tor Laieh* a oal IHip lOr ichoooirB BDd codboIbiIod raCB lor 31 imlrl* Biid 90 ItwUrB-LooH iMUnd SouaJ. AN iKrgB'COLOxu I nMurioN8iiir I'osTun' lie- twaan Mow Suuili WaitM itml ijiiccnfUBiiil ruccntly took placo at iljdncy, Aim, iiuil rMiilioil lu a rlo. tor; (or Uie former, vrltli iiUio wickoiH lo npnro. The napeotlra lotala were: ciiiccnBlainl, 'Jii-j anil ':t3; New Buulh Waica, 4s:.Hnil M lur one nickel. OdM' Ingham, who vaH one or iho AURtmllnii loam that ulayad nero In IKtn, wan Ilio lilHliaiincnrcrturllio Ijuaanaland eloreu, tBoit. In tni'i. lu ilie uintch, niak- Ingubedid M\ ami .'il lu lila lirii InnlUKe. The nlaimo, reroy Uulionnoll. vlio it nnoihcr oiloketer wall kDOWD lu lilts CDunlry. alihi hll h.iril tor the Tlallon,niaklDa tc, tholaai 4Uiir wliu-b wan iiiadolu ten bita, Includtug ivco .'.'ii In ouo over oir HcKllibln. Waltaraled llio Now tmiiih WkIck cliivon In nin gel llag, making l&o hj iiahI hitilug nnil plouiT ot luck liMhe Ont InnlDir. Iiouiinn liatiotl In fMUlilCM furm tor 40 and :u, not out, ami drcRoo' nuilo 43 trilhont a ohance Id iho Ural liinlnii. lir. M.<ui>ouaM undo ;), not oul. Id Uio manure' acctmil lunliiK. <1. II. TiioTT. (I. (liirns ANo S. K. ilHiiioRr are ■dd to be tlie cuiiiniliico aiipolnicil by Iho Au» Umllin CricketOouucll lo actoci llioioiimuilnirnwm- bara of Ibe AUBiralUn icaiii that baIIh muii Aiiclaldc, Utttih 1), for Kiiil.iiil. (I. lUny Trull la iiiruilnned taTormUy u CAiitala uf Ihu Ii'hui. lakliig tlio place of Blaokhani, wnmu rccoitt acdiliiut will iimroni him from playing atralii. Ttio oilior uicmiicra of the taais will be ohoiwn Inini tho tiillowliig: A. K.Troll, W. Ilnice, II. (Iiahaiii. K. Uvcr. J. llany.J. J. 1 joaa, J. A. Uarlliir. O. Illll. K. Juoca, A. II. JarvlB, F. A. Indilo, C. II. Turner. J. II. U>:Kiul>ln, II Tramble, A. OinlDduiu, U. K<il;. r. I.okI« and J Waliara. hlanaiicr Uimgruvo couhl bo i-allnl nn aa a aQbatlluta on tho tinir. iia bo waa ut ono ilnio nn eieallent balaniau, «ud liaaHm-KnlKthHvlDK luaild aoaatuiy agsluat u vhliluii KukII^Ii team about iwalre yaaiw ago. A ruihI faat lu'lcr la iiK tl wnDled, ami K. Juiiea, nf H.uith Aiialmlla, will, ilonblleia, be W'ln-ie<l. A. II. J.'\ivla ami IVrr; l4Wla are oanilliliBioA tor Ilio ifwlilou ut wlckcl keeper, now that lUavkliaiii bus rctlrcil. Taa ■xckKTiRikKot tho •IliTcreui i-ilckcl clubaln Doiton, HtMX, anil vKlulir rciriitl; bold Ihclr elevenlli aniiual luiTllnii lu ihal cliy, and made up aiohedalaof iniQ)oalt>lH)iiUTid during tbo coni< log aoiion. Tatanty uue cluua wiru t\>picaenteil. aud Ibdr deleiatca amoifcd u acbctliiloof upward! of one hUDdrco aud dtty gauica. coiuuicuclajt April SO with a conical boiwceu the /.lugarl aud tlio llar- Tard Uilrnslijr olcveua, aud cliMliig O. I. 3 <rlib a nme bolwcon llia UnicKiou team aud the llarrant Unlrenliy eleven. Iwlh Iving uu iho lalloi'a gnnnda at UiniUTUIgo. Tho Amlnrrr, AlMon, Hoe- ton Alhlolli' Aaaoi'liitloii. Ii:viitiii, Unn'klon. Kiel Boalon, Kut Uainlitldgo. Kill lllvcr. Ilarranl t'nl voreltT, Ijnn, l.yiia Waiulrn^ra. LmrnMico. l/>welL lleiTlDiac, Newion, Itoi'kUuil. Waltliain, Worccalcr aid /Uigarl CIuIm vrrru rFiurapiitCil nl IbU mcellng. At a aKciNT MaariNii tbo rollowlug oiiiocni were rleoied tor tbe Aadoi laicil t:rlrkrt Cliilw of I'hlla- delpbli: rrceldfiii. A. J. Chmiii: vKo |iTr>liloui., J. II. Uolohan and <l. N raiicrmin; aocrriary .W.T. (I. Bitalol; tmaurrr. K. s. Iiiickli'y Jr. Tlio tomial unoiincement wa.1 thru mnko of ihc altandonmcnt ot Ihe conloiiiplatcil Kiin>|K'au til|ior a FhlladolpUla team during Inn conilug ai'afou. A.C.HACl.iHiNwaa In iMvc a prcMCiilallononlbe occaalon ot Iho Hbiiital ooncmi luccilng of Ihe lancMhlte C»unly Club. Jan. ai Uabi licalcr, Kng., 10 comnicmantu rci-onl score of 4'.'4 rum HalOilSontrecUliIrp, leal Jiilf. -A.QUA.TIC. J. Drnw 8(ark Captaraa the Dwly Cap. OuriKCilooa Ima conUlned an accoonl ot the gsmea np (o Jan. 90, In Ihli Inttreatlog lourae;, held at Manilce Daly^ DUUard Patlott, In thU Oly. Tbe openlog gsme wu played on Jan. 13, and a •ynopali ot tbe gaoua wu giTen, logtlber wllh the coDpleie aeoree, ayengea, etc., up lo Ibe Ural gmoe on Monday nlgbl, Jtn. 9). Tke concluding gwma on that dale fonnd Arthur TOwnaend and Dr. lennlDg* u conleatanta In Ibe iwenty-lltih game of. ibetoamameDt. The former completed blaacore In Iblrty asven looliga, while Dr. Jennlngi' bolt efforts remlled In 144 polnla. Theecote: . Tonxnd-t. 7,«. 8J.9. r. B. 13.0 0, IR. 0. M. 1.3 O. I. ii.i.fta.n,Ma.4.i<.22.i.i^o. u, n. 11 0.3.3. Toiai, SBLa»aia«B.»3Mi;blthBBlnin.e«. jBDDlBlS-Zi. Oi 4.1.« 1,3.911.1.11^1. tL 0. 0.0. 1.0. 3. SI.0.S.riJl7al.J.I(.l. 1.14.1^4,0. tout 141 ;aTBl««». i:bl(baBi roD, 34. Tib am itmo oi IbB bUbidood of 31 bfoniht toiBthBr ToaOBOBd sod iDBBBy. ToWDBBDd BpIO WOD. bSt hO IiBD BopleolB with blilBBs eipBrlBDcad BdTBnary. Towob- BDd ran out Id fony-nTB iBalogB. KMaBy'n koid forlhB lansDBinbarwBjBD. Tb.acoiD: , ,^ TowniMd-2. 14. a. S. 1.0. X 4. n. 4.10. 4.0.11, (1E. Id. ii,i>.v3 oia.i.u,e. 1.1,1.x II. 14 c. m. a a oi ii. a. i. 17,013. J. 4. Total.SO; BTsracB. 7 MUl; bliLait roo. 40. kMDBy-iii. l^». 0.1. w. 1,0. a. 1.1.3,19.11. II. a 311. 111,14.1.0117.01 ao.lm I.l7.a 1.0. 1.^3.0.h2.^3,0. Tout. aa; BTorBiir. 4;744;blKbsatniB,ll Dr. RiaoBy and Fra 1 Oskaa ware lbs eonlaataata lo tha BacDDd laaa ortia alUmoDD. Raaosy played a aoiootb. BT«ona)4,aiidaultydafaalailbtBoppoDBDL Ibauoi*; lUDn.y-n.Oll^ILU, e.9.4.1,1. U (10,7.1.0. 1» 4.0.011.e. 3.1,9,0,u.a ttoi 13.1.3, 19.3, V 6, 0. 0, U. Tout. 310: avBimi*. 9 SI >3: lilgbott osbM-iLaiai.0.4 S. 0. II. a 0. «,i.,«. a a a. 0. io._i,l7.,j. 0.0. it 0.1. 0,1.1, ll.ll Toltl, id; BTita(0,9 4U; blgMst lao, 17. RafarBa, E. Klrbf. ^ . . , PoigBobarit aiH JbooIdrb cama logatbarlo the Urtt aasaoffb««Taalog. TbaforaiarbyaprattynDofaeTea, o tba rony-foDilh IddIbc. auccBBdid Id niDaloc out, afapolalaabaad ofblaopoooeDL Tbaacofa; iVHii«ibDrE-o,a.o.i4.e.ato.g,io. i, 111,1.0,11.1, •,iii. I. n.n.0,7.7.e.3,aa. A 31, 0.0,1,0, 1,7. TBtatnu: arrraao. Ill (I: bn|[liBatn..3l. Tni nowlng Cluba o( ToTonto, Onu, nn jaunled by the lalluia or Uelr reprcMuusliTni at Henley hat year, are making anangenieniB lo sa jd a roiir and an ei|lii oared ciuw 10 Kngland thlayear, to agkln iry their luck at Ibe great collega an I amateurre- gaiuln July, II Is elated lhat the Tltouipaon tnd Uunii Brotuera are certain to again mike ua trip. Tui Olympic Yacht Club, ot Brooklyn, N. Y., held lla unnual meeUni Jan.'.D. Ihe election leaulhog ihua: Uonmodoro,uiula Uohorat; vice comoodera, Iticlisnl Kalb; rear commodore, WlUbsm Baker; accreiary, Andrair Oberuufer; Onanclal aecnuiy, Fred Uubbsnd; recording aocntaiy, lleniy Stacy; trcaennr, William UauNDL Tiii Bocth Amboy (N. J.) Yaoht Clnb held 111 annual aeaalon Jan. 21, Ibe elect 00 nanlUng aa to|. Iowa: (»niDiodate, li. C. Cham; vice commodon, J. A. 3exion; nar cuntmodore, II. u. I'emoeJr.itieaa' unir, F. F. lie draw; financial KOretary, U. 0. Uid- inuHiiocoriilng aecrelaiy, 0. J.Voorheeaimaannr, J.U.Vanl'eli. Till raaaalo River Yacht CTob, ot Newark, D. J., Ii'iii ita Buunal eieottun Jan. tl, and chose Iteae onican to aeiva during the ensuing year: Comno- uuru, W. il.Uyme; vice comuiodore, K, 0. Doliau; rocumini Mcretaty, Ur. J. Friner; nnanclal larv.c. F. Hall; uciAuer, Joaeph Uertsch; Uh r, II, llanu. Tun Welinect yiohtClul>,ot Boalon, Kau., win be mua onicered during itfM: Commodof*, FAenan A. Show; rice commodore, ailea W. llolhieok; accreiary and treaaanr, Alvin l> Wiley: Heat cap- lain, 1.. 11. Baker Jr.; nieuurera, I. U. Landeikln, Henry IHIory, Till Triton llTat CInb.ot Newark, K. J., will be 1 nicercd thla year u loUowa: Frealdent, Iheo- doro F. K>er; vice president, umn K Thoiber; litaturer, Henry C Rommel; secretary, VTIUIan A. SImoiiion; capuiln, Maasle Milne; drat lleoleiant, Cllirord Hrown; seound llenienani, Uarry llare:!, Tiik CrcKent Boat Club, ot rbUadelpbla, Pa., held Ita annual meellog Jan. 27. Ulllcen elected wore: Fnaldenl, Iboniaa B. Uarper; vice prcaldenl, Fjlwani Powell; accreiary, Vf. l>. Bany; ueaaanr, >V. T. WalUca; oaptalu, A. O. Wbhney: counbi, WUIIam CiiiTOy, vice coxawain, PhUilp Ms- Till llnlTenlly of renuylvania will pnt two Freihmcu'aelghuon Uio water Uils aeaaoo, one to conieat In the three cornered race ud another made up from the Fieahmen cUuacs, which wUl meet loas formlilable ttnla. Tni Lincoln Park Yacht Club, of Chicago, III., will be thus oillceted dating IsM: Uonmodore, K. 0. Urrrlman; vice commodore, A. u. Hatherj rear com- inodore.U. Ii. Unllou; neat captain, (I, Wantaitoa; aecieury, 0.0. Aidrewa; Ueuurer, W, B. Ormiger, Tni SCftwanhaka Boat Clnb, of Brooklyn, K. Y,, at lla lite annual meeUng, cneee Iheao onicere rretldcn', J. YceeUud; vice ptealdeol, F. Ayrea, captain, II. Ilankeo; lleutenani, J. Uomid; aeore- tary, Robeit II. PelioD; tieaunr, G. WaUace. Till llymouib (Uaa.) Yacht Club, hu ckoien tlionumoen: Commodon, NathanielMoiton;vlce ivnamodon, A. O. Fay; fleet capulo, U. P. BaUey; accielaiy, A. L. Banee; Wuunr, W,T.Biaildge; measurer, C. P. Bradford. Till Uanayuuk Boat Clnb, ot rblladelnhla. Pi., hiBi week eleoied the following oflloen: Pnaldent, a. r. Uasaldy; vice president, J. W, Uuity; secntary, r F. Magulre; treuuter, F. W. FIrUe; capuki, K. W. Ulloo; dentenant, J. W. Uniiy. Till AnMiivan Yacht Club, ot this olty, hekl Us annual nieeUng Jan. 21 and chose iheae ofllcen: Commodore, John II. Flagler; vice coumodoie, William II Hearst; rear ooumoilore, a T. tVUla; aecieiaiy, T, L.acoTlllo; ueuunr, W. Porter AUen. Til Hunker Illll Yacht Clnb, ot Boalon, Hass., Kill bo onicered as tollowalhls year: VllUam L. Waieiaan, commodore; John K. Utone, Heel cap- tain; Ftauk M. Williams, aecrolary and InMnrtri tdani^ J. Ulnckley, Inanclal secretary. FiTin UoKKELLV, shlpkoepor ot LonI Dunraven's Valkyrie III, was altlolen wlihparslyslawblle on duly III Kne Baain, Brooklyn, N. V., Jan. 24, The Amarleass llandleap gliMt Will Uila year take place at Fikwood Park, near Uig llranch,N.J.,March 2t, U, M, and wui be guTomol by soniewhal dmcrenl regulallouu re- gards Ihe dlsirlbniion ot the ptUea. The entrance win remain at t-a, and the guaiaulee wUl be (l,ouo. Forty enu-lea are required to make up ihe (1,000, audtherecannoibo a aniplns unleea nion enitlea an lecalred. Under the new ralaa Uis win- ner will get (UU, no men orlesa,wheuierlhen are lo or uu eninea. Becond nun nUl gel tJoo ami the third law. If the enirlea exceed 10 the surplus will gu to the fourth, fllth and alxih next beat scores. It not more man 60 anA not leas than :o eniries are received, the aerenth and elghih gona will come In tor a share of the suipltu. It tbe enirlea are over uo and do Doi eiceed ;o, the ninth and tenUi siMolers will be nwarded. If between 70 and 100 entries ars recolred lbs eleventh, twellih. thirteenth and tnsneeoih shooiera will gel some ot lha moier. As an example of tbe working ot Ihe new rale take Ihe foUiiwIng llgnra, which, acroiding lo Hauger Phsner, are conwrvallve: Forty coutesunta, each ntylng an entnnce tee of ta, will make ap tbe tl.iwi giiannlee. Manager Hbaoeraayatleie will l>e at least eighty entilea, and eooseuuenllyihen will be anolhcr il wo lo be dlvldrd among tbe eleven coniesianu fuliowtog the wlnneii ot Ont, •econd Ud Uilyd ylacca. BILLIARDS. IIITBIt.CI.VB TODBITAIRIIIT. , , IM. ■,r,».a, ■ J, 1,, u,,,,..*, a,— jBDDlD|n-7 10.18. 1.1,1^1.0 I. 9.31 0. I, 9,0.4, IS. 1.4. , i4.o.o,»,ao.,o,giU,ii,(). loul, I0^: avmra. 413.II; hlcb«BtraD 31. 1^0. a.!. BafoRe, E. KIrlT. ^ , Iba llaal nma of tba avBDloa wai balveea Stark and -)r. MllJer. BtarkBaallr defaBlad bla oppoaeot, nuDloic not Id tvaoly alKtDDla|a,wbllabljoppoDeotooold eonal balUS. Thaacnta: Burk-oii,«,axii.u. 11,3.0, 7. !iSl.l7. U. a. Total, 3711; avaiaia, 10 loa; bighait me, &T lllUal-a.n.0.1,1.0.4 3.4.1, I. 41. O.S 10.7,1, I7.t.4.7. Tstid, Ul; areran. 9 1319: blEbaal roD. 41. Tba drat samB of Iba fotrnwloa day hid KcaoBy and Qafdoar as cootaalaau, sad tba fonaer aaBlly voa. Tbe BCBra: gaaoBT-IXZ. 1.0.1.X.9.1.;. 21.K 1,1.3.I. 01 n. 1,1, >, 1,4, i.o,i,s,o.4ao.aii,i< 1, II. Tout.ID:araraio. I %t\; blahsBl niD, B. aBldoac-3.1, I.7,IL l,Ol9.0.7,I, 10; 0.0.0, 0. 11.1018.1.1.1. i 1.1.1). u.». a,A,3. 9,tOil,a,l. TDtBtnO: BTerBsa, u. Tba BBcMd RamB of iba afUrDooD wbb batween Oskaa and TovfiBBod. OabaahBld TovnaaDd all Uie war. wlo- Dlaabrmto391 TbBBMra: OateB-e 10,14,,9.4. <1. 0. a 4.1.1,.0.0.9, 10,0.1.1918.U. 4.^ II U.e.l,HI, ' 1.1,1.7,0l a 3. Total, ZU; aranga, 4 4 H; hllkaii nio, fowmaDd-I,a. 13,0, 1,II.0,.\3,0.1, «, 0.1. 0, a, 9,0.37.1,0. 4, Or. 11,1IM^ i 0. a 4. 4.4.0. 1, aailiOL[^lUlU Total, 391: ararBKO, 4 4^33; blgbot nio,57. Dr. JuiDloga aad Dr. RaDDsr vera contaBtaDta In the opaolDf RBme of Ilia alRbt Hrlea. Dr. HBDner riByod a poor KBiDB and auccuqibBd to bla adrerasry, aroo won In tbIrty-Ua iDDloflt. The.Cf>f»: JonDlOKi: S. 1,31, 0.9, 0, 1,(^I4.S. 13.4.0, 1,2.13. ll.ll.f an. 9 U »: hlaBtal rua, 31 RBuaor-O.a8.1.1.1. 1.0.a3., 0. 1.3, X 1.1,4.1,1.13,0.0,0,9. Total,09; arange. tii-H; blahaBi ruD. 1\ Id Ui4 flDBl RKtaa of Iba Dlibt PoRieDbqrg. vlio wsa la aptoDdld lonn, dBfoatad Baroanl wub tha utmost aaia. Tbaacota: ronaDbDrg-l.,,4. 0. S. 4.l,ri, U. 0,0 9,1,3, 1, 18, 1. Toul,lDO:averaea. 43441; hlihattnin..>l. BBniBrd-li,I.O.£3L 3,4 9,1,4 1.4, I.7.a,ll. 1.1,9.,9.0101 7, 9, 8. 6. ToUL Ut: arerua,) 17-49: btibaM nn, 21. Ttta mlUal iBioa of lha foUowtaa day brougbt Ugailier Biarfc BodTowDBBDd, Uia fonnar aloolDg a good gaoie. DBIbaacora vlUriiow: aurt-d 1.91. It. 0.1. 7,1, e. 9, a. 27. a, Oi 7. 1.0, II. 10. It. 1 II. 1, 3, 7, II, I, 2. BIB], 170: aTaiaga, 7138: blgbert nn. 41. Towaaaod-0,,e, 1 B, e. 91,7,0.1,1,1.0. M. 1. 17,31,». 1.0,01.(10,0,(13.1.9. a 3, II, 0,17. 9. Toul. as: af.iBaa. 8 ASB: blabBMtnD.49. Ike Oral gniDBOIsbl oftlwaB balvaao Rlvaniaanl- nar aad Or. MllUr, aod *b« odb of Uio clBiaat od record, OaidDar vIddIdk by a alogla poUit, amid IraaaDdoua ap- ptauaa. Tbaaeofo: n«rdorr-l,0.11.08.(11.11, 1 0,1,03. Ul t «. (>. 9.1,0.0. a, 0,1.9.9. 1. 0 4.0 3,1. IIII. 11 1.0 ori,»,0.tti,OUliri.9 a.2» 1. 13,,9.01 01 TouLUO: aTtnso,9l07d: hliba>t idd, s. mikc-O 0,2. 0.9.0 0.110 0.11 O 10 38. 4, Ol 110 2. L a. 0 01, II, •, .1.0 01, .1139.2. TouuiW: Bvar- 1.4.o.i aXi. iiTooTVo 0 it, o."i,'i.oM.S.''l,'i; ?: o! MT^».OII,I.4.»,0^0 1,9.0 01.13,01.1t To: Ul.nj; BTaran,32>r(i; hl|baBlruD,29. Bafaraa, R. KIrby. Tkalaataameoi ihaolgbt badPraak Kaaneyaad Dr. JBDOlDaaaaenDlBBIaatB. Tba nma was dOM DDd alcl^ iDg.ellbEeenarUiarlelor. Ttiaarore: RMDay-4,0 11119. (.7.11,1 1. 9 01.10. 01.10 a 118,1.000123. 19.1141 4.08.31. 3:010,11;, T.t Total, 2i0: avonao. 919 49; blBbaac run,41 JanDlDia-O I003L111.14,119.19.1,01,1.7.01, 1,1.0 VI 9,1,10 tX 1.1. i\Vl, I, 11.0 d o 31 1^ ll TolalliS; BvBiBia, tI-<3; bl||lititt«D,31 RafBrea. R. Kbby. Rdvaid (laidaaraod ArUiur TowDWod net la tba flmr aaiD* OD 34,wb*n UaidoarvoD brtbaeloM narilD of IvalvB polota. Hie aeon: (laidD.i^llOO U,01.11010 19.1118. 0103 471, 00 10011 liaas; blKheatnin.ts. TovoBBDit-t.OH 01.1.1009.03 1000 11,01.10 0010,9.9.14010.17,1.17. d. 00/1, r,l?8,1, 1,0? l-Sih 4,V*-."- '""A iU; average lun; blinaBCniD.47. Rafarva, B. KIrby. Id lha avaoloit gamsa Dr. Banaeysnd Barvnl vara tba flnit to Croat euea Id an iDtenatlDl la.t of abill. Baa. DarlBatUiannebytw.DtMwopolDla. Tbeacora: Banard-1 10 1.16.0 0 0 0 4, 07. 10.1103,9,1001.0 0101. 7, 4. 101011.21 OOOOOOl.t Total, 310; areiaga, 9 4»<i4; • ■ ■ - raD«tl ; bigbatt Baaoay-a2.117.01.O00,l.0 1, 0 1100111 Liiainois. 11,1.1014.1.1.100 iioi^i rro aoil.1000,14,1. Total,U3:aTanga,3au; bigbatt IBD. 14. Baftiaeaild narker^R KIrby. Tilt last aaiDB of tha aTaDlag brDnaht togtUiar Dr. MlUar aod Ftrd rogsaDborg. The laDia vas doaa and Biclllog. liul rsggaal.iini aaa obllcad lo soccamb to Ubt doour, vbo raaout la fony.lwo IdbIdrb. Tlia acora: Mlllar-l<O4.l0 4.0i;oilOoV09 1.7.1,4 01 »ni.lU7.11.100l.9, 7.1.10 1,102,9. "Toi^ M): tvaia aa. a 91.41: b tab aat nj a. u. Fonaobuia-0,11,011110100.0017.1,09,0 I OS, 0. 0 I iiJ,i .T.Jiiioi i.a*.i.oooCf J ; Tolal.171: aTDiBgei 4 3 O: hliibatt tun J7. TliaaiBlgaDHnflba altaraooa of avaabatvefn Dr. MlUar and Dr. RaDaey. Tliay put Dp a tplrlud iBma, ablcb tha foraiBr «oD Id forty fdarlDDlBciL Tbaaeora- MlUar-^ 10,0 II1.14,4.Yo 110014. II. 111,17.11 000 017^110019,1,000 09,1.1119 4,1.1,0 00 1 li Totd.lM: a.tnpa. 444-19; blibenrun.27. . ?'J?,*!-?'.''.''!: i i^ I. 0 0010 14.110 0000 1, Jfii^L'-M-lIMOlt.lo 1 0 Ol.lZl Tot«l307: aterBa.^4ll-B: blstianroD.U J. lyrraauikud rrauli Kaauay vara Iba coolaitaota ln;>Ma«AAnd gunaorUia afUTDooD, Stark wod by tao polnla. Thaa<or«: aura-u,7.1,1.109,010.18 0 ICS I.MO2>, 1,0 1110,1.o oTil 14. i.lo 11.1 ir. 011.11 < o 11,0 01.4111. TdibLHU: aTBraao.9IMI:liliho.lniD.41. KatDtr-0 011 0 0 o I. o 0 ll. 0II I, o 1.1 9. u. 1 1.100010 1,10 01101,02.114.11. Illlo 17,1 14,1,14,01*. Tout, IB; BTaiaga, IIMI; blgbail rua. Dr. Jinaloiia aud Fnd Oakia mat In an eieoadlnalr slow aama lo tha Dnt araalDg coaleil II *ai Qaally woo by JtaologB, vbo maoolbta awra Id ORy-fonr lonhifit. Tba aeon: JaaalDia-l.lC, 110 00 0 0 0 8 10II. 017. 311, 01,010 011.1100 7.11 11,0 4.11.0 1.10 1.1. 9.1.1 lOOU^O 1,1 ToulU): aTaraiia,339 9l:blibaii run,SL . '."Vn^A"- '•.W'.K'- d «., o 1,11. IS, 3,10 1.4.0 4.4.3 0 1,04.0 1 1.110 7,7.0 4.00 U.9^ a,4.1, 9. * 8,Tout. Ill: BTBimt.. 9 a uMtk ntTu. datdatr darMtad to Iba lut aama or Iba olaht braaoDiaoraotolUt Tbatcon: Otidatr-l (,0 0 4.1.0 0aiu.! 1.01,OS.ID.0 91. Ill ltl.l,liO0OO4,lltoi «, 10 I, iVVi, 0 Barsatd-01101,4.0 7.01111(11.18 1,3 I. Jl 1101.1.9.10 U. 1. 0,0 0 0 0 O 1. 0. Id, 11.7,10 £ AT>rMM-B>nuid.3104e:OBidoar.lB4O Hlghraas -Ba/oiKl, ICUanlaar.ll RMraa. R. Clrby. Tba roily-nnb uj Ooal aania pUiBirnlBbt ol 17 ^'??^?'!S'!*'".'':."'.'?n I'lwk.ol UaMav BaahallB AUikltefTtoU, in4 ranlloand r«snaburr. rapnatallo tbaUadaibiuiClob. TbannabadDobaanogxa tb Ooal laaall of Iba toamaiuaal, aa Surk was tola of cai» tarlaa em prii* •batbtr bB won or lost Uia ataia. At. IhOBA rofratninc Idayad a irlaadbl aaoa be waa oblliad 10 aubailt to tha moia .klUrDlplarlaiAf hM ad. ranarr. In a moot nabbomly coDtailad lama. Tba RtBi-t-i 0 11.11,1 i.&ie,30iao 0011.11.0 0 71,0 o 1 n I. ll 11 ifiVo il.t 1 CiTi, 1 (^ it r 10 1 ll. Total, in): ai.imat. S', iblgfiTlSii.V Tba loanaBBOl bai naallad In a tla for to<OD,l plara betaaaa ItenabDnr. Xaaaay SMl tiatdaar. b«t oalag u thedealh orar. Ceeoaj's son tbe tie am e»l be phttsd og. Ilia maoapaalagU) divide te»oJ monay. TbaOnil tltndlogoflbtconipslltorslsufolfcias: Won. LM 9 0 0 9 0 9 C 9 4 6 4 » 4 » 3 ( 3 0 I 6 Slark PogfaDburg.. Kaaoay Oardoer Towaaead MlUtr Baraaid JBDalDia.— Oakta Haooey.. TIIK CHICAGO TOtRHABIBUIB, Ttaomika J. OBllttglier Wlna lha First Pilxe—Hatleyr sail Haggloll Tie far Reeoadiaad BleLaaghlla wfaa Third. In last we^'s Israe waaimonnced the commence- ment of ihli lonmament, Jan, IS, Inclodlsg tho names of lbs conteelanU, condlUona, eto. ^e are now enabled to append Ibe score of Ibe opening game between Frank Haggloll, of 81. Loals, Mo., and Edward HoUoghlln, ot FhUadelphIa, Pa., which MaggloU won. Tho score: ,„..„.,, amioll^. 4,010 9. II, 12, (L 41. H 47.21.0,10.11.1. 21, liri3l,U,ltl. 9. HI- TOUktX; IodIdhSI; avir- *%liaaliUa-l,0,0 0 0 0, II, 11.1.11. A 011U. OO 410 100,90,910 0. Total, 378; iDDiiga, 27; avar- '^ttfaiaa, aaoria Ulnti; Durktr, Charley MalUiavt; t«oter,Oi<arT. Miller. . Geo. Sdumi, Uia Oaaadlaa ctaanploa, ud Will Hatley, or CbliagD, T*re tba Best coDtaiUDia, allanioon of 0. llaUaywoBjrUiafolbiwlDgiaire: _,,,..,.,„ Ulllty-a 11,M, 4,1,0.10 4. 1, O H 4,, 19.31, 310 417,1,1,11 loul. <ai;avBr aca. ll 1539; ilgb na, 90 T;itoi^-O.3017.1. Ij 10 s. 0 8. 41 0,111101111. 1.3111.111,1,0100311,11.0097. Tolal, 361; avir- aioluJMl; blgbroD.97. _ „ ^ nforsa, llaorga Olrih; mtrkar. Chaa. Msuhtwa Tba BTonlog game vsa wod by Ton Oallagbar, vbo da- faatad t^aproo. Il wu a game where class told. The *a!dit>bfr-11.77. Sl38.3141 1 0 7. 0M.2,U.20.O 81. S. Total, 100: aveiaao, 21 MO; bl«b ria. 77. .. . CiproD-7, <!. 40 I, 1». 1II01». 0 01017,11,10 0. TolJ.tB: avtraia. 1317-111; high rua 17. Rtfaraa. Geo. Hlnch; marker, Cbarlea Haitbawa. Tbe aftaraoca of tha follovlsg day fooDd XoLaualilln ud CsproD at coatastanta, when tba fonaer von oaiilr by thijacoia: licUuabUD-17,10,0 017,11,9,010 IT, 0,31,010°, 1114,10.4L T0UL4I1); avrraga, ll 1-19; blgli roo, 114. ctiltoD-o 197,1.114,11 £. 4,4. OL 14,1,0,1 d, ai, 39. Toul 317; Bvliaga, IIS-19: high rnn. if. la tba BTtDlog gsma Sottoii me4 hia aaeoDa defeat, tbia UoB at UiebtDdt of Fraok MaggloU. Tbe aeon: HaaBlotl-U,O 0 B. S. 7.1,010 410 01 1189.0 0 9, 71181.01 000101010 Total,400; avtn|^ 19.1-3; 'lab roD,rt. Sauoa-ll. 1,1,1011, 11 I. 7.14,7, r. 17,09.21.31,0 10 IS, 1,0 0 11,00,11,0. Toul, SB; avBiaga, 102M0: bl^ TDD, (V. Tba coDlattanu lo tha day gaoie of 22 ware Oaproo and BflUoo abao tna former woo by a good margla. Tbe aeore: Oapna-O. II1 14.10 0 H, 90ll 2,011017. II 31A 10,1,1038.9, U.S.7,0,1,1.97101.0,0.10110 010 1 Total, 4CD: bast ma, 91: artrage, 9 34-11 8atua-ll01.O0,l. 21,001,(£o, I. 7,31, 4,0,011 1111004,1.9111,0a.4,011,7,0 7, i, 117. Tout, as: baatron,91: areraaa,71-ll. llBlUfther iiD avay vltb llaUey Id Iba err BlinoBlabKouDUDgblsoppooaot TlioMota ^0,0.1,(^0^ I. 7,31. 4,0,0 12, _ . _ _ jraga.. llBlUfther iiD avay vltb llaUey Id Iba ereoiog gaae, linoBlDbKouDUDg bis oppooaot Tlieacota: aalliaher-OBI.1 0 7,21. II, til 71 17,0 9,0119,101 TolaL 400; hllh no, 102; ararajra, 39. UaU<y-Osri,OV,104,C9r».7.0 40 18.11. Toul, 301: bl«bnD,C9: avanaa, 1113-10 fa Uie alcamoon of the foUovlDg day aallagber nr. paaaed hliasalf lo a gsma vltb SuUOD, nualog out bla atrlag Id founoen liulDga, vlUi an average or oxer 2S. Tbaaeora: aalUahar-O 91, 31, 13 41, 9117, It. 0 0,1,10110 U. Toul. IV; blsbeai ruo, KH: aranga, a 4-7. 8otloD-l, 9 019.111111,11,10 Total, S3; bl|h- aal ruo, 1.1; Hrarmga, 41.13. McLaughlla beat llatley la a alow game In Uia aroDlog by Uie folMvlDR acDre: Mcuiigkiio-0 0 001, ax 011.31, im,;.o. 07.9.'V(>.IO0.Ol,1.112100M. TolaXaCD; bigb no, nn;araiaio,lla3l. i . llatlar-4. 0 011,0119,01011. IS.0 O03l.0O7l.lll,i.O 0 ». Total, 197; bl(h nn, 71; avirasa. •.1.4-91. Tbe altomoDD gam^ 31, had SultoD ud KcLaagbllo aa oppoaenta wbao the loriuar vod Irom the rtDosylvaola cumplonbyobiepolDUL Thaacon: Sutun-0 11.1. II. 14.1140 Ot 4. 1. 4. II, 117. 17,0 SOa.U0L 0 1, 0 0 n 17- Total, 401; hlgb no, to; avervso, 1123-9. koLugbllB-LO 00 99,49.9,40110, 23,19. 0 14. I J. 37. 0,1 9. 7. Ol I, 7, n, 31, 0 ToUl, 391; high nio,k); avtrata,192I.3a. llaUay gavt Hagcloll a aethsck la the evealDg by beat- Ini bim bindlly. Tba score: BaUar-tsToOO 1,31 111. 21 0 17.11. AO 01199, OS. 1,1,esTfe.OO 1117,014. Tou],4aO; hliBiraa; 93; araraga Vtti, Baiglaif-I,O^ 13.0,0 4.01 O 0 47. 0 2131II.0 0 :. 11717,037,0,07,03.1^0 Toul.l4e; h[|brDO,47; reran. 7&I3I. lo tbe allanioon aana OD a Haggloll bealCapnolaa alow nna. la wblch tbara vu tott little good playlog, aloni—■—— —. Tba aloner mmad to be Inpoortoim. TboKore: Magaloil--01 110 01,1 iXl 1,4.11.00 1 0 11II, 11.49:1,27, a 111109. U 4,1.1 a, 1 U, 30. TouI, «D; lima* auiaAVit uv vituv^ ■ a w luiOD-0.13.90 4.39,1 1 211,4.3,113^01.0,10, i.HoOI.O I0.l!,9,00l.001l. Total, ii9; bigbast B,3S;aTenga.9S93e. JaUSHberiDDUaned hlsTlclorlouscootealD thenlgbt gaiae, dafeaUag Uailay vllb eata, but tha wIoDai'a arer- asa was SBalLmaktogDohlgh nna, but playlag a steady, oTaniame. The icon: Oallaghtr-l 10 1 <S| ^*JI< U. 214,», 99.41G. 0 0 ..ll<.40,9,lit,010O I,9,U. Total. 4(0; bighaal nn, 69; aTarags, 14 828. Uol,aoablhi-031,1, II1110111 It, I, 011,0 3,0 O S, 0, 90 11 11 1, 31 10 f Toul, lIsTlilgliMI ni£ 39; ararajta, 9 l-l. In uia aftemooD game. 37. Ualler voa Irom Csptdd, but It was alov verb. It loobail for a tfmaas though tba Ultar would wla Ibe gaina, but bla nerve failed htm. Ilailey iDadBhlsblibBBt TUD, 77, In bla eUraoUi luolng. Tha aeora: 1 ltlltT-3,1121 4,0 101 S,0 I. 77.1.27. 311. II0 01 401; bighaatno, 77;aTOraga, 101039. CaproD-11,8,41.0<100 0 00101111.1.1,110, 2.100 i.i.itn.oi,!! ir».iiro 01 Wui,» blgbvuran, 49: average, 9 9831 QalUgkar beat Maggloll allbont aoy trouble Id Uie Qlgbt gana ud woe lha nrat mooay Id Uia tooraanaDL UaUai aadMaaglaUaiaUad roreoeoDd plactLand wen to pbiy (ha dtcldlog game Digbl of Jan. 8. McLtuablla gaufoanhmooay. Tha acora: - 2,''!l«i»,'^5i'i2'' a *■ P-A10. SI. 94.90!, IS. o 17.1 OjJOjle, 7, 11,90 63. Ioul,4a;Tilgbast nn,o6;AtBiage; 4.2171. J.2 Total, 01: bigbast nc, 19; avenge,0 iflir .HV^Jr*!}^^^' '^^S'.* I"!".'' i'otane ofSO, II being '"^1100 BDd although MoLaugbllD gau butfnarUi pitca giaod aienae U far abaaiTor llaUar'aaDd Maggloll'a, Dglesa-MS UaUeyalalisItlaodMaggloiraloaliS: iioD's Bland average Ugei lel and Sallon'a 9101 taller belog Uie wveel man In gamea voD ud loM. -A-THLiETIO. A Joint AUJetle UeelInK Wu held by the National AihleUo Clnb and Com- pany V, Fioriy-seTenth neglmeni, N. (I. 8. N. Y., at Ue nglmtnui armory, Brooklyn, N. Y'., on Uohdsj erening, Jsa 21. As usual wllh inch eventa Inlhe City ot Ohnrchei, there wu • large assemblsge to wiuieaa the conleala and choer Ihe victors, the f/.i '?'f * !^'' compoeed of young ladlea, who had their Umlog la the form ot lerpslcoonan exe^ deea atier the conclntlon ot ihe sports. The most IntercsUng event ot tba evening waa the half mile ran. open 10 all membere of the National Onard, which pnved a grend amgils between Q. 0. Uol- lander, the acrabin man, and Rmeat Ulenberg. al- lowed Iwrtnty yards etart. The formtr waa the favottto ud fnlly expected lo win, but Hlenhers managed to beat him to the tape byelghiyard£ amid great excitement Summary: ° ' —> sun ftrtt ma —Won by E.|vaid llowaid. Bay RIdia A.U.sAjk Baadfonl. Nev Jaraay A.0, 110° satoDd- aatbew ^iiBlplD, Nsv York A.'o., erC, tbtii. Tfro; Mtif pomu niB, ooap onlr U) manbeta of Uia Kallonal Ouant-WoDby wllllaia Dubois, TvoDlyaeeoDd Rail' Biaat A. A, in.: L. LIlcbaDBlolD, tciaUli; ttraod-^ J llaJboi>li.?lt.tlilnl. Tlmt.CV. "codo, n, j. no«l itutfred aad (fpAlt sanlt rwi. orto only u> nen- banofU-a.VattoDBl auanl.-WoD by BroMt (Uaribaiii Tveniy-ueoDd Railraaiil A. A,llyd!L; u 0. Ilolluder S'.'.!f"''.'4'5WfJ«»»'' ReglmaDt, ecnub, aacoiid: WlUlamJ.}. MUl>.Compaav r. roity-aaraoUi Hainmani "i^h^•'i'*/O."f-^i'id. rimeJClSi? • ' WoU »"«^wlOBd ll»»(»lrllnIl^il^uovl^«a^oD by » lllam w. Bmllb^ Uaihaif Wair evroad, W. L. rabal W-•!!."?• »Di-7»* "Dna. Berwick A. 0 , 00^ Ithtd dm, but, aa It vsa proved ,Uiat ha had loinedlD the tmca OD Ihe aaooad lap, be vaa dlaioallBad. *.i. IVD Auadmt and domfp mnlr nut.— Wad bv sciv>ni UoedDaWillUai Cohan iooSdJ.U^.Vff,ir S iS boidl aaleia d 8ral,^utv.a diBqo allllVligifoiuoi. " The Beraard Sehoel Atblelea Compeled at ibe armory ot the Eighth Iteglment, Itau city, CD Jan. n. In a series of gamea ananged that they might contend for placea on lha learn Ibat wlU repieaeni tha school In the InleiKholullc gamea la be held on Feb, 8. Summaij' ni^M'tblSI'iCTsr-*'"' ""• -<«^ ^i^r^^^.^'taSr'^'^'-••-•••"»»>««. ijtiarlfrmlle run.—Hippie llrBt, WaUiban itcbni Tlioa, tlH^ FualanlltlAal.-RUwatlSIlL: Oaldwall,S(L l»eajitai>.-V. Barla,«fL3ln.;RaaaaU,4n.lla.;tlii«tk ifk. .nalor (100 AioKred and tmarf garde rwa.—v. rui. llralv.Barleaaeead, ByaltUiltd. Tlma.B)fB. THE RING. COBBETT IN ANOTIIKR AFFRAV, lie AuaalU a LIMIe Flieaaaa, Wbo llolda Ilia Oaea WeU. A dispelcb from Fhllidclpbli, Pi., dated Jsn. r, gives the foUowIng partlcolan ot a dlsgracefol ntv In whicb Ex-Obamplon James J, Ooibatl wu the chief aclor, u well u the aggreisor: "It Fireman Wluiam H. Morptay, ot EngUie Com- pany 18, had been a big man Instead of a lltue one. It Is safe 10 say that Actor-PugUljt James J. Corlieii wonld bare left toira lagtBaturday night b ourh wone shape ibin he did. As It was, Hntpby ipUt tue Hp of Uie great pugilist, and, wtitn tie laUer attempted to klok him, canght hold i.r hli fool ana sent him down a niihi of utalra, on which the big man*s backbone went bnmpety.bumpety-bnmp. klarphy did not come 0111 of the scian unhnrt, for Oorbeli knocked him donu and then kicked him. The Oghi occnrred at ibr Nalional Theatre on Batnrday, where Uorbett mi ilaylng, and Unrphy had been deUUed for duly. Jhe story of 11 Is boat told In Moiphy's report to tbe Chief or Uie Fin Oepironent. Anerglvlng the time of his arrival at the theatre, tbe condition ot ihe hose, axes and exUngnhihera, u well u lbs Unws of visiting tbe stage, dressing noms, lly gtllerltii, etc, Marphy uys: "While paning James J. Corbelfs room I imelled cigantte amoke, knocked on the door, and wu in- vlied to come In. When the door wu opened 1 conid e«a smoke In the room. Oorbetl wu bidlog a cigantte la bis left hand. I informed bio ibtre wu no smoking allowed. He claimed no one was amokUig. I Informed him smoke was coming front the clgarcue be vru bolduig In his hsnd. Lo said, 'Shot the door and get ont of here.* He Inmped from tbe trnnk he wu silting on at the ilmr ud slammed the door la my face, dalmuig Uutlhsd no tlgbt In then. I auempled to open ue door, when ne jerked It open and rushed ont of the room at me with an expresnlon of anger on bla face, ne grabbed me and I struck him. I feU to the noor. and he not only Mt me with his dels, bat also kicked me, saying at tho Ume: 'Yon wonld bit cie In ihe face, wonld yon V I got away from tlm and weiii toJoeEellyto have an Interview, When aaceod- Ing the stain Oorbeic rnshed at ne and atiempieU to kick me In tha face, bat I caogbl his foot ami held on lo It Fiaally 1 got away from bin and got downonthe Btage'iloor. lie followed me and wr bad anolher bom on the stage, where we were lluUy eepanted by the employes ot lha hooie and company." Many ot Huphv's friends are prasslDg hloi to sue the ex-cbamplon for damages, but smug efforts sre being made to smooth the matter over, and unless the Fire Uepsrimenl takes a decided stand ll Is not likely that Unrpliy wUl proeecnle Oorbetl, elihei cflnunally or olvally. MorpUy la one of Ihe amallesi men In the Philadelphia nn Depanmeat, ne li only Stt OVID. high, and weighs 1311b. Oe U iweaty-fonr yean old, and boasia ot remarkable suength In Die bands and arms. Mnipby'e only marks ottheencounter are two braises, one on escn cheek, when Oorbett landed, and his ilhs are sore when the pugilist kicked bIm. AntI DoxlBg l.egletatlon, Aasombl.vman llorton, ot Wayne, on Jan. 22 Intro- dnced In the New York Loglslnlun a bill prehlbli- log prl20 lighting la thU State. It Is similar to the bin Inirnduccd by himat the lut sesslon,aDd wblch vras smothered in commliiee, Tbe text ol the bill b u follows: An Bat to amsad the Pesal Coils la leUtlon to prite BghtiDgBDd tparrhlB eahlbitlODs: A pereoD who vlUilD tblsatau aonagss la, lostlxstet. aids, eoeoDragea or does uy act to lunhar a coatantloB. aOghl, vlUiOQC veapoDB, bolweao tvo or monperaaoi. comuWDly called a riDg or prixe fight, altner alUihl 0.- wltbout Ibe HUta, or wbo aagagea Id a poblio orprlTmta aparrtog ashlbluoD, wlUi or vllbont gfovai wIiLIq tbe Biau, at vhicb aaadmltalon fee Is charged or recalrad, •lUier dlncUyor bldlracUy. or vbo Baadaorpabbabaaa challenge sach oooieolloo, aiblbliloD or dgni, or canlea or dellvara aacb a ehallange or aoceptaaca, or. tialDSorasBljuaiiy petaoo Id rralalDgorpnpsrlag for audi coatootloD.exolblUoD or nght, lagnlhyof amle- demaanor; prorulad, bovarer, that eparrug axblbltloDe vllb alorea of not laaa ibBD lour ooooae aacb U valabl nuy be baU lo a balldlDg ovoed by an lacorporsteJ athletic assodaUoo. This aa shall uhe elTocl SepL 1.1190 Creeilna Defeala Bmltb. Tho tghtat the arena of the National Sporting Clnb, in lAindoD, Eng., between Dm Creeaon, 01 Australia, and Jim Bnlib, Ibe EogUah champlou, for a pniao of I3,ooo, came off on llonday evening, Jan. 27, and wu easily won by Creedon Ui ihe second round, which did not last the regnlotlon three nlnntesr TsoiiiS, lUiB "PiDDLKR," PAUKR onlved at this port on board tbe ateamahlp Uampania, whicb landed at her dock on Satarday, Jeo, 2«, He wu accompanied acnes ihe ocean by his backer and bnalness manager, Alfred Snelllng. Among oihen who met him at the plerwu John McKay, proprie- tor of Ihe Abingdon Snaara Botel, to which hoetel- ry be wu oecorted. Palmer wu bora on Nov. ly, I8ie, alanda lit tfiin, in height, and snddenly tie. came famous on both sides ot the Atlantle Ijy de- toatlag clever BUlr Fllmmer helon the' Nailonsl Spotting Clob, In London, Eng., some mosibs sgo, wnlobirua greatsuiprlu to those on itUs side of Ihe big pond who had seen Ihe lallarpeifom In America, Tbe special object ot Palmer's vlalt at thla tloie Is to engage In a six nnnd boot wllh Oeorge Ulxoo, atModuoa Siinare Oarden, UUs city, on Thnnday evenbig, Jan, 3D, which wUl donbUesi altncta crowded house, BiLiT Ebkbt, ot Buiak>. N. T, and Joe Flaherty, ot Lowell, )lass.,engaged In a gkiTO corneal, limited U) tweire rounds, at Ijnn, Mass., on the ereobi|r of Jan. 21. The Buffalonlan did about aU the leading, hhi opponent mahitaUiIng defensive taotloa onul IhenrnUiroand.biwhlch Flaherty wu put to sleep. HiEi Bubs, ot Leirlston, Me., defeated Fnnk Zhnpbtr, ot UntTalo, N. Y., In the tweltihroundof a glove conlcit at the rooms of tbe SnSblk Alhlellc Club, ot Boston, Haas., on Monday evening, Ju. "WINTER SPORT. Tile Inlematloaal BkaUag BieellDg At Davos-Plali took place on Jan. 11,11, and proved remarkable for some vary line exhlMUoiis ot holh speed snd fancy skallng. The connewaa otthe usuil continental sbapo, behig a double c«Hiie wllh two Btnlght sides and cnrred ends, over Ave hun- dred mains around, Uie compellton oiosilngover each round. Tho weather wu doe and Tety cold, while Uie lea wu hard and glassy, allbongta there wen some bad placea. T, Beyler wu tbe hero ot the occasion, making a clean aweep of the fliat Jiilzea and carrying away four gold medals or tnt place and anolher for irlnnlng at leut two racea out ot the lut three, wllh two ehmnpielu, valned at 900(r. Tbe mces were all decided by time, no Bnal heats be- ing ikaied. In the to meirei too metiea ud 10,0D4 meiresreccaJ, PoUieckaolahed second, ud la the 1,100 meirea event U. OaUer wu aecond. The llgnie skallng coopellUon wu won bv Hngel. ot Vienna, wlUatotal ot mfi marks; 2eoger, Mohloh, sec- ond, lUM marka. The English oompellUon for tbe challenge bowl wu won tor the aecond year Inanc- oeaslon by Mr, Hasdhead, buUng 0. B. Wook by BvepoUits only out ot a maxlmom ot 320. ForgTux BiATiBB started In a three mile nee at Ibe Carelval Qrounds, nearBt Pan], Minn., on Snn. dayattaraoon, Jan. 28, and Ihe ennt, which wu wltneiaed by a Mg crowd, wu aiclluw. ihe wBi- ner turning np In J. U. HcCnIloct, otwinnlpeg, Mas.; J, WUsaon, MInneapolK, seooiid; Uarley Davidson, Bt Fani, third. Time, «m. Ujit. Tu Naveabik Ice Yacht Clnb wu otsanbsed at Red Bank, N. J., laal week, and UoDlceRdu fol- lows: Pretldent, Robert Uance; tatMf and treuuier, Cbarlea Buid. Tn New York Fooltry and Pigeon AaoeUtlon will bold III annual exhlblUoi at Madlsna B<|nare Oaideo, this city, Feb, 4-3. The entttea eloaed on Jan. at, and It la suted that they inmbe? over lite thonoand, and tbe officers of ue aseoclaiioi u* noonce that the coming exhibit wlU far annaa all prevlons shows at Uie Oarden la itspect lo both domesUo and foreign Mrda, ot every ipcclca. Ike regular awarls iM neclal pgemlniii toot of a tctsi ot about t«,<lW, *•