New York Clipper (Feb 1896)

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Fbbbuaby 1 THE ISTEW YORK CLIPPER. 767 AT LIBERTY AFTER MARCH 2 FOR FIRST CLASS ENCACEWIENTS UNTIL SEPT. ^*"'-A'l?i'?S/Z™.T^«^'^'**^''°TE8QUECOMEDIAN. I SINGING AND DANCING 80UBRETTE. FOR THE PAST TWO SEASONS ONE OF THE LEADING FEATURES OF F.ZIEGFELO JR.'S SANDOW TROCADERO VAUDEVILLES. For Eiig°g**"»at» nddr«ii Will Rosslter's "Natuial" (Not Forced) Big "Hit." HWEET miE TAYLOr No "Pluggers" Necessary in the Audience. NOW FEATURED BY THE FOLLOWING FIRST CLASS "ARTISTS:" III Malroiwllun nn*. OU h^l" - • ■■ •- - ■ Adi> CiklMlI. Blmd Sl« «n. O.nnid. Mutndil. Annla Wllroiuli, MiOclma l(«r<l,ill, H»TiJeii.A.W.Holm»,ET«liii nrlllfio. H>ili>w«i(r«.LIIII« Uiirtl.Ciirrlf tlillon. Klli.l r.nei\ llie V.iMliUTrlo. Jmla omtl«r. J. H. C.jiiu»l.. FriDlil. Eirls, Wnli.r J. T«ll»l, K«htrln> P.iiiitr. Rmmii Weiiin. Sl.ItVn fbtim. CnH.SrtJU, Bom WiDChMler. Netll. BUct, Un IT.UIi. !I«J UrliDom. flatlruJi Ww, Kv« D. rnbuioe, J><l<^ llj? wonh, mm FrankllD. Bliaa toil Batca, Loulu (-rallui. Mailon B>l>ll. Belle Black. Oairia Unmnl Clrr ami Jonlai Trilla Vvia, Jeaala Vc>t. Lllluin • ^baarar. Adilla Snilb, Mairicli Ulilaia, Well. an<l Mnoroa, an.l niois lo lolkiw ' Aliopobll'har of 'filia'a Oood EnooHli for Me," Uiede"<rlMlvo ■onjt iiaowDliin; "flaeai CalhlMD "(IaoIv OwmJv alrla." 'yuat Wbat Ihe Doctor Ordered." "Ton Oin't Ba;«y Your Mollicr," "■— "'- ■ •■ — ■■ ■ IdMlOlrl." PTor.copl*nnrihaalK>Tehlu,10ceolA XoaePrea. "I'm nil Mute Marf,*' "The Kodatn WILL ROSSITER, 79, 81 Fifth Avenue, Chicago. N. B,»Ttie Song Boolis IssueJ by Will Rossller are the BES.T SELLERS ON EARTH. ATTENTION, MANAGERS. A GUARANTEED SUCCESS. THE WORLD'S GREATEST MIND READER AND SECOND SIGHT EXPOSITOR, ASSISTED BY ISA,IT. FirAHLOis nMCorrlssey, TIIE RXTAAORDINARV OIEMORIZER AND KINO OP OCCULTISM, Jsit doMd » UKHt •ncMiifal »n|C»gem«nt «t Carncroit' Op«r« lloace, PlillAdel|>hla, P*^ an act eDtlrelr b«w. botvI and up to tlia llmei. Read what the Phlladelpbl* preai hfts lo •ay «b«at this engaaement* TUB rBESfl. Jmb. ai. U»: Tbe niiihl mdlnfi nuic* hj UllIU Lk Mnr, awLittO hf FnnclH UonlMtey, !■ Dot DerelTsaoQDillor, bat Um noBt mynirrlOK ftu«rer wiioeMMl la AmerkA. THE rAESB,J*li.n, ItBO: Pint Id r.riorwu the inily mRrrelouii ptydinloRlulptrfoniiMC* of UitlleUUtr ud Pnodii MorrlSMr. wIiom eiptrlmeau Id mlai reiillOR nod nyiterlouii pheooaiaoA eroked mtnv fltpr**iiionii dfwonilerKDJ adnifniloD. Hudi utouodloglDAUnwioriuaDtAl tekftraphy hara oot t>e«D loeo la rnltidel^iiafor aloni tliDd. TBE LBOQER: lo th« wat of iMcIal futam on ih» caoenJ proffTiinim« mir be menlloDMJ HIIU« La Mnr and FmncU HonlMer. whoM mind reaninf; maiko Ik watched trllh lc«eD IniereKt TIIE OALL: MlUle La HirperfonDed RlaRular exp«rlneaui (o mind rMillnir. iiuJtt#d br PntncliUDrrliiMy. 7li« andUDcemniMl lo ihorouohly ei^ov (h« tiamplo* of mtiaial leliffrtpby, and weredumbrouoiled with tla«ni;na- rioai characi«Tof Hillle La Marit pflrilvnorthepToanunrie. TBB aXORTH WERir^N: tfllUe la Har,'be mlud twJer. e«ve norne nally remarkable exf^erlmeotis PraiKla Morrlauy awlitlns Id ihiM oieDlal telefnphr. Tiey are Id JrM a MYioderrul duo. TBE fhQUIRER: UlUle La Uar nve ainMtaB|ODliibtii|r»ihlliItloDof mind reading eiperitneala. Id which ilie vaaanlaied oy FraoclaHorriaiey. TTiiaacicreateainore talic iDiIda and ouiaida of ilie theatre than aoythlDR we biTt aaeo in a lotig time. TUB RECORO: The otlod readloftar^ciklty by MlUle La Mar myfitlfled the audleoca aod cramied conaMenble •cleatJac talk. THE ITBU: UlIHe La Uar, one 01 llieclerereil tidy mind reaJen before ihaAmirlcaii public at the preneottlBie, •iblblu IhemoBtatarlllDKexperlineDU, latUtid by Praoic Horriutey. Their comblocdefToria In mentAl tateoraphy In ffttnply aatosDdlDC. and the audleooe watch the duo with bnathlN«« Interekt durloR the lime they occop; the nLage. N. B.—Haoann, ifyou want a aurebOKOfllca Ihit will adverlliia your Iioiik*. aod occupy fron 20 to30inliratM or your proinaiDiDe durlnB>nr perforai^nfie, write ki nncMn oiir nennan^niaildreftM, NO. 320 BA8T FO'JnTKENTH STREET, Now lorh Clly. BROS KLYN MUSIC HALL Alabama Ave. and Broadway, BIlO0KI.Tir, R. T., WILL OPEK Oil OR mT MONDAY, FEB. 17. K-wery eTenlnir and Satardav Brooklya. IT, V. C. C. REEVE AND F. Wa PFAENDER Proprietors and NaDagers. LMENTBOWilRDJetiDgNaDager. WANTED, VAUDEVILLE ARTISTS. ONLY FIRST CLASS Acta poaeeaalDg Special Noveltr and Ptrataree of CoBiplciaooa Merit partlcalftTly deilr«d. Stale low- eat iMlary. Engagement of one or twe weeka. natlnee. Opeai all year. The Coloaaal Reeort of LAUllBNT HOWARD, Acting Manager. ENCYCLQPEDjA"'- CDMEDV; J.MELVlflE JANSON (COBIErHAN.) TlieprolcflKlonal •nienaloarnho la in nareli of wMnallitor oew to Imiirove hla part, ■ketcti or act, vlUrlml ihU bonk full of capital hi'a for puri>oKe, aa It conalio of witty uyioKA, nita. crotaeaica, huaiorouK pooiry, r«citailon>, moouk>nea, Inany atorlea. boja' . coropoaltToD, coouaJruoif, Kunip a|>etches toa»t«, nkeiche* and (nnay matter of eftry ottcrlMet. Theanthurhaaliad 30 yearn'prtcticil eKrcrJence lotlie mia»trel anil comeily world. iiJ'VM^'TESnKONrALa REOEIVbA FBOU TIIE KOLLOff'Nfl PROMlNBHr PfiBPOttMRRS: Miaar* Nit u<M*lBi DeWoirHopper, Primrme A A'eil. Lew Docknader, BiUr Efnmtreoa.Ueo. Thatcher, Peter Dillor. et(. Pnat4d la larre lype, haodtomely toeno In co!ora. No aaTenlaeDteDia. A naat book Tor your library. B*Dt to any partofttaeUDliMSiaieaaod brftUb DomalDsoa rtcelpt of price, |3.£0. Addrena Auihoraod Publiihar, J. MELVILLE JANSON, 1,103 Wilnut 8L, PhlladfllpMa, Pl 'WILLIE WANTS TO SMOKE.' BENTLY AND CAMERON, CALIFORNIA'S MUSICAL COMEDIANS. UaTiDR o)M«d Uielr tweDty weeha' eoi uie hit, are open for engagemeal*. tI refreahiDR irora It I^.^?<lBAH-Wood asdlheppard Snmeniwlth iheWataonRlateni.orwhIdi ahow their acthaa beeu d»ddedly proof of the puddlDg: BOSTON 0L08E-Tbe maalc&l aci of Beotly aad a orloloalltr, and the uiual ttulTed dop waa oooiplcnoua by blaab»eiice. TROV , -.. ^»^yym^^ bare ToDg bMD regarded aa the kloae of niuMca; comMllaof^ bui they are Dot aa nuDT aa Beotly and Cameroa. who, la tbilr akettlLy'WIllle Waaui to Bmoke." latmduce many fettarei which are deoMedlfDOTel and QDlque. ALBANT MAIL AND EXPKESS-Thefunnleat thing la the WaiH«i Rlaten'Bhow ihia week lilLemDaleal act of Beatly aod Cameron. PBILADBLPHIA ITElf-Benllr nod Cameron ate hetnl to good adTaouielD their muelcalapeelaUy, "Wllila WaDUtoSmoke." Willie doaUy doen^amoke, but not ondl mclian aoaalGg nlamaieorconilcaJlilea hare bean goDelbrouKh that the audiooceHcooTutaed. PORTLAND RXPREft^ BeaUvaad Cameron carried offthepalro Id ihelrongioa) akeub. "Willie Waou to Bmok*.** LVNNITEM-Beoily udCamiroD'aapeelaUy let the audience wIM with delight Hnr any aiich an act cnuM be fuonler la diitiruUto coiieelTa mia act waj quhe the Mt of the «hola aliow. FEB. 17 OPEN- Jui. tl, BIJou, PatanoD. K. J.: Feb. 3, Eellh'a UaloQ Bquare, N. Y.; Feb. 21, Hyde A Bebnaa'i, Brooklyo. Will accept eombloatlona for baUnta of leoMO. "W A. N T 3D , BLUE MOUNTAIJV JO£'S BIG HIEDIGINE CO. PAVILION PALACB OF REFINEMENT AND FREE WILD WEST, PBBPOBMBRS IK ALL BRANCHES (eitepl ridera). Concert People whocan chaaRO acU ofuo, HuHldaLoa to doable ■inngul braaa. Prelenoce glren to a few married eoupiea who can do atroDi double and aingle ipMlanlea- Lailea laaitbeilDierBand dancera. Can aa« aBrotherAai who can aU do bare. rrB-BTerTooaeaula tamp aod alaep atbouix. Wf ■ -' '— ecanrcanTw moD, hat eipect everybody tA huatle Id en eraenteocT. Ko objeciloni to adtaoclDg ..v.,u „ are koown. LoDg ensageneot to the riKht_panle«. Kickera, booxera, dlaorgaDltera. ailtaura or-* chippy ckaaara. oare your atampa. iddnaa BLUB HOU.STAIN JOB. or oa per route. I'elier, a C. Jan. ff-Feb. 1. A DECIDED HIT AT THE AVENUE THEATRE, PinSBURG, UST WEEK. OHAirOE ARTISTE. nrmSDRO dispatch 8AYR: "HIm DuiewI I« a aario caoile y UCII ABOVE U:s ataniiai" ^'I'TJ^'"''' SATS: "Riu DuiaDd. a rouDf lad; of pJaailnn faca and Igoia. aaiit har vaj Idu laturvllh a HUJIbIb of onoiCE MlacUoon" FlrraBBBO ITEM BATS: "To haar Ilia lannil SI NO acouplaofaaBHill WORTU alone thaprlcaof a^BlMloo.' Opan Uaa, rabnarr O and aftar. Addra'a >atg or CLlrrER. MAHAOBIU •ho rie looklna for a n»l. aniatic and raalU nBST CLAJ8 VUSIOAL ACT, drop la at EEITb's UKION S<)VAHB thlaaxkand aa«<balianUiln>ol Ibar hara MOTBLTIBB and aoma opao tlD*. ATLIRKRrT for noil Haaaoo.' A«Ji1ra.# AUEHTB. or NO. IB WEHTTgEIITy.yirTH 8TB1BT. Cilf. ESTELLE CORNALLA/»««'>'" *M bar at BOIf TOM THB4TRB tbl« WMfc. AMnm mil cooimaBltalloaa ftir Cor- ■KUat, KatelUt^raallaerCorBalla Broa,, lo PBTB COiUIAI<LJI, SOT Canlor Arc, Chltago, or care of CLIPPER. CALL-ALL PARTIES WISHINS TO HANXE S^^'JiE""*")*^ DIDIllf UBIDIBR. ihaebMp- taat,aMraaa lOLURa TBaHDuT^ Biadqsuton, Btaumii, Can. Oa., iTt COUUOR SENSE ELECTRIC RUTS ARE THE B«ir AKD cHEATzar. wB AUoniiunaaiOArTO Ajir ooarAif T at rAOioiT prioo. BLBOTBIO UMBDT 00., QllaoT. HL W«. LPOIFER, pnrronta of SANDOW TROOAPERO VAPDEVlLHa. AniERICA'S MOST SCIEHTIFIG BOXERS, ED.B. Til wiins ROLLA In their Novtl tnd Refined Boxing Act, Introducing Mrs. Whilo't. Clever Work «n <he Punching Bag. Managors desiring thli acl iddrail, Ihll week, IMPERIAL MUSIC HALL, CMoigo, III. At Liberty, to Join Comiiination or Play Dates. OARR i JORDAN. Blaoagcn irlll flnd It itroninlilc t« plaj' mi nrt orniir iIr.irrl|>llon lirrniisr II In nml rliis.i, bIwrth iiii In tlnto hiiiI rrplcto Yiith pood Rlnglnp, and one of the grfiilPBt Coiiifilj Ads brfnro llio pnlillc. I'cr. ml. 2M W. IIHTII .ST., N. Y. Clly. niGtHT I INT THE3 S^WIM. OarroU Hindes, GENUINE SODTUEIIN XE(3R0 DIALECT COMEDIANS. AoarlnR plantation akelrh. InlrcMlarlnfi (heir DUMMY MULE, PRTKIl. Jaal rloaeil a IWfinly wrrka* aeaaon with John P* Flelila* Drawing Carde* and have alffntHl ronlrarta Tor lite l*roctur'aClrrult for u t'cha of F4<lt. .'I, 10 nn«l I?. <:an lip «ngo||eft fbr nexl aeaeon, flnt cluaa cotnblnatloneonly. Periunnfint nililr««ia, 4H l*)| Hnventli Nirerl, N. Y. City. "CENTRAL" TRUNKS. Kin. It OD: Sin.. UID; Sin., |7JU^ Selo., tM>: Wio HilSclrcu. lnmlii.« compl.ta. lim ininkvSOj^xlJ lnJld^ It a. Lllho Imoka. aHiatall lDal<la, tllU. Strapa and ikel.lon followers II S and tl*). dli |.i»l iin ro. MIDI of 13.00. bal. 0. 0. D.. aieapl".*r ajOlnil.^ Ihen r»- mlt aliole amounL Mu.lcal In.lninHni, ticket aod man. aEo;.'tnnk. to onlar. HaltAn Ha«k(ta.with tiar. ItDlnR, corar, alt.. OIn.. IIUO: 99ln.. 111.01: «hn.. lUto. Baa- ''•Rfl!te°cS,?"""riffiL trunk FA<nj>RT, U-U Korth 7lh Btreel, PhlU'lelphla. Baiab. im. B.B.&B. PrDtesslonal Trunl(s, Rand for Naw CalAluKiia «IIPBDKItAL.HT., ALLRIIIENV. ra. TWO NKW WON«S. "CUPID'S GOLDEN ARROWS," TbedalatieitaeDtlmeota) ballad oTer written, ami "DOWN THE GREEN LANE A boauiirul ly IrlHb luTA loOK, catchy manic, aung wlili great uictea* )■)- joha E. BreDDAn lo "Tim. The Tloker " PrareMlonal roplea lOWDta. A. IIUWTLEV HILLfl. BlnahaeUon. N V. SHE IS COMING," NO EXTRA CHARGE FOR HEAT. STEAM HEAT IN EVERY ROOM. GIBSON HOUSE, CIPfClNNATI, OHIO. PIrat Claaa American Plaa Hotel. Raua. %AOi to t^iJO per da/ Nniad for ifae excellence of Ita euliloe. Lofaiml wiihin oDeaquareor tlirae nratcUM ihealraa. Mr. Jnhn O'Dnnnell, Tormerlr head waller at llia Huniei llouMe, Qow lia« charge oriherllolni rmm In thia hotel. II. B. miNBAH. PrMitleot aod ManaRar. CONQUERING THE WORLD. Nnw eD roate thrmih Eiini|>«. WILL B, WOOD. Kaoioua Pre*tltlt(ilia(nr arvl Wniri). o<|ulNt, ajHl company nf flrnt cIahh arllfU (II r*ople). hra'lMl lir hla lireat Beoaailon, the aceriiiiti|lB|ii<l ED.MA. TUB LADY Wild PLTEfl. y^lQ^ GOOD WORK. FITS. Write for Estimates. AFmiONV BOCII, tH Boeih BlefeDlh fltreaU Plilladely^ila. Fa hhi luij. TO mi. Located od one or the moat |>riinilDent coroera lo Brook> IfD. Caf^ LodeeorBlllian] Roomn and Howllna Allera, all complete aod new. Porrartlrnlaracall oraddraaito OTTO llUHIifl BRP.WEHV, Baahwlcfc Are, and Meaerele Hi,. HfoolilFo. W. Y. CO O. SHINDHXLM, OLD RELIARLE ilOUBE. N.uro Wfia, SOc. uo: Ulreaaalan Wliti^lA u^: Auiu. WIjin, is up; BoubratleWliiLUon. Wi|t oT avar/daaerlp- tlooDiadoTO OHDKR. lUnd lUnip ror price hat. IieW««t»lliBl..naar»liA«a.,WawYork. Oirous Canvasese Teatt of All Diicrlptlni NiHfictirit, U. B >. rlHKELT. IB «oom WiaoL Tork OIlT. Jinaston, N. Y, Allsi Opin. House, UBS aod IM. ftaatloi eapatllr, I.KD. for opao diut, addroaa U. f. ALLEN, f >anir and Maoainr, Jaaiaalowo. W. T. DIALOdUEA AND REOITATIOH BOOKK AND ALL DRAMATIC PA. rEBa AT IMIAH. VAI'DONALD A CO.'H. U E.WABIIIIIUTON STHEET, OUICAOO. PLAYS HuAri, Attraction for OienlgK of New Opera UOUHE. B<JWEN. ILL., ABoCt FFH. 15. AtiilllnrluD, tOtUlL aCUoparm chaDa. Oood liouw for a good tniuia. Addraaa IIAIIRT B. MAMII, Maoaner. Fine Ptioto of DAN EMMEH (auto. ORAPII). eathor c( "Dlile Leod," aalltd u> aor addre«a 00 ree4iptof»c WAHP ABTirrUDlO. ML Vemno. O. WANTED. FOR ycCORIHCK BROS.' SILVER ELATE SHOW, OalllMlla. OhKTWO "lirAB" TIIANDP^ 1BiUI.BiDi>eor«1nDi>le. AlaoOna Hao4 Wacoft. Lfwa TolrienwrtU. A. W. ■eCORMI':iC.><aga«er.i7alllpo»a,0. UNREOEEUED PRINCE ALBERT AND HILL DREW COATB AND TEiiTR.«lo III. Larae Block, rur. rwpoDdeoea aallcliad. TllOfl OIBN LOAN, KTUEAilE AND BBB. CO.. »ll FrmnkllB Ate. Ill t«.ol«. ho. Wanted, to Jobi a Horizontal Bar Team. I DO DOL'BLER. Addrav WILL JONWI. Bad W|D». Minn. A MINE OF INTERESTING AND RELIABLE INFORMATION. All tliu InitMirlniit Kvcnln In the THEATRICAL HISTORY or the I'ant Ycjir, liirliiillnir FIRST APPEARANCES AND FIRST PRODUCTIONS, DRAMATIC, VARIETY, ETC., THE AMEniCAN DEBUT OF WELL KNOWN PEflFORMEnS. THEATRE FIRES, A LIST OF DEATHS IN THE AMUSEMENT PROFESSIONS AND OTHER INTERESTING MAHER CAN BE FOUND IN THE CLIPPER ANNUAL The book In llheralljr llliiHtruted wlUi IIAN»S01NK KMJIlAVINd.S of Nfltf4 I'erforDc en in tli« llramiillr anil VninlerlHo World, Addreii ' THE NEW YORK CLIPPER Clipper Dulliting, New York Clly. JXJST OXJT. "Come Back to the Ones Who Love You." IIY AimiUIl UIL.I^KMD'IK. (PATllETII! 1 A Mini that al.i •n.laii.o fur Ilia .Inii.r. Rnilnr*! 1<T AXV I.KllLIK, ilranialla rrllloOIIKIAllO l.AILV .S'KWH. .!olti|ilBta nrdiaMra |>.rl. .ml roiit tn llm i>ri>r.vlitn, ID emit. H..ail In ! A irr.ALr. t:|il(a>ii.i.r AllTIII'Killl.LFill'IKn»lar RapliU la. d ' vimilllH <ir IIOVK" III i raiorailiin WATIMI TIIK tlLIPfin. •I.V TIIK. HTUKKTB l)K A rlTV II HAND" LVIIX ; Oh, Poor Bridget TIIK (JIIEATE.HT lltlNII NOMJ KVKIt INNUKI), HUNU liV LIZZIE B. RAYMOND wlUi liiiiiicuiio HiircwH, I'ror. roulcH ror r> 2r. Hlaniiw. J. V. UIIOKNK A <'<>., lU, U.nnlBnatii ». If corviDiixi iroit 'VUK NKW r»cM>i>lo'w Tlw-ifitiNN TT|i<'«i, IS. Y, OPRNinO PKO. I». TUB <»NI.V P<ir>'I.AII PIIICKII MOIJHK IN TUB UITV. NKATINO CAIMCITV, l,<IUO. WAIfTKD—rare* Cotnnty, VaadKTlll* anil Uralaalln Iforiblaallona for tha op«B> Ing anil later rtalM. Aiao flrai claaa Piano Playpr. A.lilrmo P. M. CIM>L.K¥. M'K'r. UlnfbaiMlai., N. V., until V«l>. 1| arier lliat Utlca.N, V. THE UNITED STATES PRINTING CCS ; PRICE, 26CT8. EACH. THE ll.NlTKi) NTATIM I'ltlNTINU CO. (llimMll it Morgtn I'nrtorlcH), liftli and Look Btomita, OINOINNATI, OHIO. Wanted, Attractions That Possess nerit,at Theatre Fraoeais W. K. F>HII^X^IF*M. - . - HOI^K I'UOI'HIKTOR, HT. CATIIEHI.1IC HTIIRBT. NKAIl BT. IMWRKIfCK MAUI, M05ITIIICAb, CANADA. llpaOBaiaConl!nuMuarrrlrirn)anritTh»airA MO.*<DA V. KF.K 31. IfM Nriv«rile>, K(;*rlaltl>aani| Atlrartliini tlikt are flntclaM wt alvaTaharaoten lliiierdr. W* alu tf AMT OKCIlKHrKA "f ttnt murallian ali t,\nr:m* MaiiiMra muit iMftdlxtr. rr4iip«t*ntar(i*i- IW>«>r'>r HUKkCtL WANrRI). vli'i maat Im 'itiirli U'irly. WIIKN YOU WIIITK NAHB HAI.AllV IN ^IltHF LKTTKK AU enrtmii^Any.* tinmht i*%iUU»u*f\ u* J K HKtlHKTX. Akhui, Itixiiii 14, Barrni) BimIi. Mnnireil (*«na«U. AnUlJi De«i] tiiae ii'> time lo I'layInK Mifiiratl. aa It ran i>fi raadiifl In im* dajr Trom a'l pninii f iceft riilcain. GEO. BTTRTCffS ITEW SENSATION, Tli« IVe»tei( ■■d Moal Comlorl«til|r BqalppMl Wag«a Rhow !■ Kaleteac*! N MUC'ClCHlHKUL. MKAMONH IN CANAUA. R. WANTKlX-'l'M'ple In All Rianth#if>r Ilia flircunBuilnau. eicapt fli(lnri,Tr'rn|.eitrDoiaan') floata, Moal ciaiiH. 04icert I'r'fi'e. Vnu UUHT U HRHroitHEKH 804 hare p^f!.! »ar1roU. lar*i aitvancafl. Ifjrnaeaa'l KaliiD tn II a aLuv. <l'in'l write. Ad lreaa llKfi. HL'IITCII. tint HH, llkwrdnln. Ont. Cinada. the: RE:A]:^'rHiNo iiv ecoknxicic oomisdy, PraMfilloca 17 mlouU (^oine^rHkiK^li (ha la .iPMrvlnv vftlia mmR.Mnd ran mahn «cx>d ear "U plana. WBWH OY f RH. I0-I7-M wide o|>eo. Haoaiera wllli inunar avi f>rliicli>l*i a«1i1r*M (IKO. 1.IMAN. IM K T'liirutnlli Rlraal. Nee York. MAGIC TRICK JUOGLINO GOODS, I jDor ngpKEii, iwueui'i mlou. tnia«.lla«ll«qd..niaba, Ta«ii1l .ialrt_MB^rBMfa im. ImlTParaula BeaaulaMarabtmpM* MMtoULOau , BairatiT.a.r