New York Clipper (Feb 1896)

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THE NEW YORK OUPPEB. Febbuaey 1 THEATRICAL. CDITTIFCn nOH FAOlTAI. OHIO^-l8MP»p7W.J ClMta»aU«-Eel«iift MoJJeOft had been « slok voau all Ui* Vf«k,iolBtea«Um»)i«roDDdltloD wu ooo»llinddisi«roai. llcrlUHMwiiitriooawoaibfer tk* eiMUiUoD Dot ODij or h«r CiDctaoill osiMwiut, b«tthatfttCbkMoasv«ll. Jaalaowuc*imotb« lUlid «llhc*fUlatr«hMiib««IUniontbfr loar. The Utr ■cutMbMboiDftpfttltntvafftrtrat the Biinit flout*. H«r pbrtldHU, Dr. OiIm T. Mitch*)) ud Judm T. Vbli' tftk«r, lMa«d MTonl tmUttlu. It wu knnouc«d thii llo4J*tk» T«i ftOlletH) with pfa)*KinulA, & Mrtomi tlh mMit, kAlotoibtooil nn)tIo|trroiD Id* laopr ilnor* of ft T«m Isjutwl or torn (n mb* muiD*r, poalblv fnm » irlraln. tbli«lotvulQ th*JanLu'T«lo.«iK] the iw*ll- iDCoo lb* l*ft*M*or Mo^Jttht'iDicli wM T*rr pftJofdl. Anr nioTODiMt of th« *m wuftlmoitlmponllil*, ■«! itMftCtftiivuTlrlatllf h*lp)*u. Il*r conpuf ge**lo UolcftgO' UUMD Oni* Hoi-Mit.—"Dr. Kfolu" wll) hm v*te«aid.,fti«a old fiiiDd. pmiBtod brD* Wolf Hopp4r ftBdbUopomeonipAav. HulBmlUi Romll'iwcsgMiuot pmad fim neeaMnL -Ut. Vftl«otlD«'* ChrUttnu" •ad **Aq Bvot Dtf Mfto** prarod to b* aa mmpuM* doabtoblO. lMf«vA« noolB* nrtotltfto mRomi)) w «L _ MBobAcr«,b**Tb«B|r*lt,''ud th* lut oivhia w«n tb* BOft BoUbl* of Ui* voek. Th* a«ort« Edw&nl** OpMm Oo,. la -m» BiMllioor." P<b. a. WAurtTT BniiT TiiATMi.-Piaof DftTOopert comw tM* "lllifDODilL" Hodjvikft'i HliioM eauMd rb« honio T*Dula dftik all lait **r)c. Clwr Pltaitmld, lo "Tbo FooQdHoit," P*b.a. FOOtfTAIH AlDAHB TiIUTHI.-'TIi* roullg flhOV" Ma»*4 Into ibli oolir boQioM. hot Vorooaft Jatomi ud Jotu B. IlooiUv F»bo))«d M*lD>tpUrloK for "* r»lac*d iw4r." Al) tb* othor tftrorltu ramftiotd lo iho eaat. "Tb*Dml*r*'pkTMlto|oodbu«lD*u lutwHb. '"lb* DovTUAaetloo^'rih i Uicci'a Onu llucni.—"ftftved from Ih* Bw" wu putoaB. "FuiiL" praMDied br MorrUoo'i rompaBr, dldftiifo*boilo*ululwo«h. "Th* WliliOfUt" Fah.L Fiiuiira TiPATiiL—"T1i*fllar*i or HouliL*' * drft- mfttlallOD of "Tbo B*it," br tfowaid 11*1), wOlb* nitoa by tb* Mock comunr B. L* frvrvi MtrilavtU. Pnuk orftOfftr, BiDiunftrTU, an-l KInituid AlttopnTkl*) Ut* Tftrt*i/, '*nii Blncti of N*w York" dnv airl/ w«U lut waok. Thi AODlfOllUM.— Jo*OU lolTftlueu'Th* m*r(lu4r" W. lArt w*«lt "Tbo v«od*ti*" wu prUNiiiil tn fkir Kliod udwftcM. Til* eofflpurr«ori(an|uii hero, oBd W. II.O|d«a,OUnnc«B«IUIr,J.V.T*rr*«OLBil««rd Nlcio- il*r,V(llUm ITftltor, Jobo ArHi*r, Al woitoo, Otort* HowaM. Arnold U*w^Jun*4Woir, (i«on*uibuD, llorrt Ronokfn, faaal* Artirl*. K*i*Ecb*n-0ilioa aod Rath Ttal aoB wor*lo Ui* cuL "A CoiinirT llMthaot" Pob.3. PlOfLre TlUTlB—Al. R**r*«' Bis Rhow opoofl ». Tj* IrolB Irottaan* Bljt RpKlaUr Oo. tar* * Mreog nlxiw u» iplaadu i>wls*n lut woak. fibani'i OctoreoDi P*b. 1 BRR k AriRV'H Mtmtoil.—Rllft Bwloi, Ihi Miuoirl filaBt*^^; flapialB lllBinu), Mtud HL CUTr.Wlouu «ml aptalB Povoll w*To ili*f4n1«lo eoriohkll 77. Oupoatl and AiUta. Alalia and Uouri, Will lotl A»l* Baioo, llarvT Wblb.,ili» JoaolBK^aiu Nan11o*od yiol«it»M>- poarwd la tt*ruDlIr iboatr*. BulooHUfalr. Oooairor thm Lomt.—W. 0. Daornnli, laaaBnr of Mn. Tom IhtunJ); wat la town lasl«**h... ..Uaaaftr OtonfO. BakaroflUoek'n.wueallod toCtDttrrllla,0. narlDgtlww**kb7 th*il*Bth of hU broib«r-la-Uw, Ed. Ruin Lllr|i*ntoB wai ihoo a JuditnoDt of $10* ntKbtrorHrooBlBhUHij Alu fnrknaeoompanUtaKalait MaoanrBooU 1ii\tliaHobloBi>D'«Upiim lloui* ^cbo. HBoaterCbarl** /.(ramarmtn hurrlod kom* frem lDdlfta*polla,batliu r*ioni*d U> duty at lb* EoipU*- HU ea«* of tlinBUBod dlt>li(li*ri* tunwd ont fortuaaulr to bo'plaln ion threat J. W. McKlon«y In gl^d to bit liaek with "tlH p*op1«" Bm fltam wuhanoU wttb T*rr proad of* diamaod rlOR that wu a Niw T«ar*a n- nanbraoo* Tnm fooor l>ar*owin Maoanr Joba A. Amy wu la t)otamuo« * f*w lUr* ato MidiDi* Albaol U eomioa to tho I'lk* 1«U la Pobrou-r cifao* iruk*ll. or Ntw York. «lll ba Iboalolit al tho nait oooeort or th* Orpboaa Ohb. BlaacbaOouU Eb'jcrt wu tb* planUtatih* coDc«rt or Oollcjr* OrabtBira at th* tM*oo Jib, 3S Chir- lotl* MacoBil* wa* th* aolol't ai th*t'op w. R tu d*a wu naOritaibcd lo ih* du*l acoo* lo'-Tbo Via- tU(*«i" a W. SL iMhlall. ao*Bloaitl*t at U* roopla'a, hairvcoTorwd bla boarloK—th* roniltoraaaecaaafulop- arBtloa-afUroliht j*aTi ordtafhou Maaaior Jobo II. BaTlIahaibaoQ roRt. I^iadurloithowetb Tbn JoDBtwt acrobat la th* Tnlil JidR* Paaall/. wlilt Irola TOthvra, waa lojorod durloc the act «arljr iR*!)!* w**k and It bad to b* out out or th* bill Tor a timi /4lla Nlcolana baa iod* lo Be. Louli. CONNECTICUT. ll«w HaT«ii.»At Ihe Hyperion Keltar came Jaa. 0,10**1 ondUnco wbteb leitad th* eapaellyof ih* hou**. Ourltf tho roat of ili* wo*b th* tfaoatn «*« doTotod to laoal •Dt«rulam*ou. Duialaii: "A Vllb ^hlUFla|*'r,SB, "Hlioro Acna" 31, "Moiihara Llibia" tlUND (h'liA lloviut.— "DoooOb tboSuwui** RIvar" cano to oicMlaot raioru D-tL aad vu foUowod br "A Boworr Qltl." n A (oauodloernomoBlf at ueh porfanainw. BanT.Jaflb'aOomodrBDd BnrloiiiaoCo. la"arUeda<' eoin** ff7-0: Dot la A lC*o|b'a "Rgaa Oltr« avrabTi. mu'a WoiDiHUiiD Thuthi.— Th* rtirular vMkly roport of bl| lm*lD«u ODatlouH th* nit* hora. Thfa w*«k: Thna Blaur* OoniiaT, ti'Brloa aod llavol Cko floH aod OarlaUHi, Watorborr Biuh aod Kenoa, llajo«a and Rodaoad, tbo Mat lakfi, ltd. BaookBr, McLoao and Uall, aod llany Moor*. ' Brlig«f«vt—At tbo PBTk Cli; Tliealro "Ttw TwaatlBUipoolary Qlrl'* playfd loa rair houao Jan. U. Th* OmtonoBoot«tr hob u a erovdod hoaiw 31. Com- lai; BaadboTraaOtH. ' Aor Aooiioauiti.—UocolB J. Carlor'a "Vut Mall'* nr,ad thohooBOBMI. "Oo«BOBth*BORaB**Htv-*ri"Blli»da fhir boaaa. "Ilaod* Aoro« th* Roa" Old a mod ItaalsaM ItudM. Oomlai: "lUM la BlaTory" n-», 'Tho Jaa- wr"r*b. 1. NopBR'aCuiiiia—lotaad Bra All«o. Uorr ickktii*. DoUlo DariP, M*bl* lile* bdo N*Ui» HJoatdP. ALiiayoBi Mrnto llAi-ih—Burton aod D* Alnio, Emma Ooirallj, Lola Loali* and Alio* Donlhy. BiKRiD'i Mrmu IliLU—Tnm (llbaw. II*)*d Ua)r« Bla- tara UlUMtfa, a*B*Ta Atd*ll and Bana*! Maraor. Ilsrtlbvd.—At PnHtorl Open nome biiBlitaBB OiiBllBD** ■«■]. "Ruih Olli"eoia** Jaa. llott'a"A Milk Whilo PUa" e. au, "fh* 1^1 Mall*' il, -^HuOb Aero** tb* B*«^ K«b. I. Mumtv aod Haok. In "riaol. K'a-BaU,"dld mod UuhIdou JO, "JoUf Uld Oinma" only ralratiaadaao* II. * Uumaolt}*'wu votconod by a |WM •odlaocaU. Kollar wu ■rulod by a Uriro ftudltaooO. "DowRoB lh*H(ioao** Bii*r"draw hri* a«dl*0B*iBt.SS. "Hhor* Aoroa" I* buok«d ror r«b. i. S )iOTn.-J*w*ll llalLV. M. U. A. BnlldtBr. olll hav* tha lint Baaual«attbuwr-K*b.l II. A. KoltaraiKloir* w*ra lb* gattu or Marolaa rr*d J*w*u whll* k*r« S. TENNESSEE. NaahwIllv.'At the VeDdoine Tlicitn 8tier«ooil CoQoort aad OporaCti.ouD* Jao.U. boi ovlafi to tbo T«ry laol*m«itatat*or neath*? liad T*rr light bQR[a*H OU* Bbluar p1v*d a rtlorn dal* O, protaDtlag '-ViHod. tb*V4nboad,"toaUrg*aadl*ao«. Edwin Bllioa Roylo In "ftloBd^'' dun* <r,>iaod oajoifd trood boalo*a«. Tba boaaa-wu dark IT.S1, uwli Mont»oa conMU-Poli. 1, lllcbu4M«njiU4ld P«b.S,UanrrlTvlDg tod fUloo T*rry Nbw Hiaotit'TitiiTHa—Padfiawabl gar** ro«lt«L3X to 00* or tbo larsoat audleowaor ih* aaaMio. faoch Hoiwtaoa Rap«n»rf Oo. oniilml out th* *«ok ■( poiiu tar prioaa aad will alao r«maio waofc or<T. tlUKDOriHA Uoi'Bi—ThNhooa«wudarb all ol lul w*«b. Lillian Lawla, la "Ol*opatrm,"coma«sa ■•Mplila.—At tbo tlraiHl Opem Houae '*TDwn Toplea" fteaaod tb*p*ot>)* aod had a«acc««*l\il*anKa- tnost Jaa-BX II. INiboo Ua1<*rtaoo*at:oBiadr Co. dkl a ffood bBBlaw* at roduood rrlo*4 ll-V- l^onviklliad aa InmaaaaadvaneoBaHrurti. tJtara Marriaoon«« f7- .H), Bobt. InnnoU 31, U«nrr IrrlDg Fob. X 4. "rrlaoou BoabIo" ft,«. NBV Lucira TiiUTRa.~iMU6klBB*i uptB«l to a a Raaadlwoa.dowB aulr«,Jaa. blptomoiibk "Villon tha VagalMMd/^ llo gov* "]|aBil*l"tl. aad "IIU Orac* O* 4lranoM«t*' al tho matio** and sight or n. Bioaodloglj Uotomont w*aihir«*rKiuau loierfbiod with hia baalB*«i aftarthoAntalghL Tb* Bh»rwood Op*ra and Ooarori Co. bad an audl*n**or modont* pnponton* SI Joba naD*rty.tol«oC«r*oa *'lt*laDd."lt,iiu mdproirocu for a roBBtailriahaBdlaoc*- l.«oU Hurrltoa connan- «, MIODi* Badara-yiakaBX BIchard MaaadaU .11. Fab. 1. Avoinmira.'Hnb aod Air. Tar lot i*«tar«3l. Oli««t«MMB.—At Ibt New Open llouaa ^Itowlag U* WlBd" t-aoi* to f^lr t>ualB*M Jaa. ItV. *'Krl*Mir* liajod t«u olahu ami ntaUaoa, Vaftail, ig ■mall atiMdaoQ* ^1 algbia aad a gooil inatlao*. I'utlll* D'AnnioptayMtoaracktd bouia,at adTaocwd |>rlc«9, U. COBilDi: l*uafibnob*rt*ooP*b.3aodw**k. MINNESOTA. KOBL A MiDDiJfOjra Pal* * MmicH -Por V util w**k. plaDha'aHoBiC. A.BooooT. com. Hp«:k. A. R«n. rnnk UvU,Mall*Tr Trio, tha Andar«oeaaad tM M. K. UaotoyDfaoatict^). Good aiUB<lBDc«. Dalaih.^*aiorlaaA** came to Ibe Tjceum Jao. n SI. aa4 garo poor »Uar«clloB to Hihl hoiloia. "Bbor* Acr**"cniB*aai. B- "Kaotuma" Pai).3.4. Bonu's Baadft. At Ih* Parlor Tli*aU* Ibli wMk: JlmMorrl* ■o*, H4. Karkap. PrlBca Paul. Laurloo, Garile llaj**, M^l* Caraw.Tom Whits. Toor Jor>aH>o. Prank Dono vas, Ulaato Hi. Clair, HarUia llamllloo. Carrie Horrta tot flortRca eiiaw. MARYLAND. BalUBaor0.«A abort ec«MD ol Wagnerian opira. In Oorrnaa, wu loaogarattd at ilarrl*'Aadtmy Ju. IT, b/th* DoDrosdi Op«ra Co., preioailog Tana hauer." which «lll b* rollow«<1 b/ "Oi* Walhure," "flilgrrold" aad "Dl* M«lil«ralo|[er." Tho lolllal au- dlfooo wu larg* aod ooibualuilc, aod tlieHleiorth* aorio* la Htliraet/irp. Jam** J.Corbrit «ill nil Aut tho walk la hIa aaw play. "A Naval OadfU" 'The War nf WaallL" did fair)/ wall, cloalog » LIlMao Houoll \m b\Utl for P*b. 1 fOi* olll prcdoco "Tho Uvtldtn ol Tntli'* 7. for tho flrvl tim* oo any atare. roBD'n Oraiu Uoru.—'Tliarlar'a Auot" retiira*d Jan. tr to floJ InnwU In uodlmlnlaowl ra%v>r. finod alud ao^foncM nlod vlUi 'Th* Gay ParUlan*" v, a. Oo F*4. 3 Fruk Daolala hrioga 'The w[£4td ofihoNlle,'* wlJch la avAliad ■Kli a Rr*at ilul or tnlonai. llorxiOir Btrrbt Tiibithk.— "Dovn lo Dlilo." with U)U aterllog ohi rarorlto. Milt. 0. Ihrlov, caran (u two paikod liouau Jan. 27. CbariM A. riardnor lixl a i;(mm1 wtck, •oillog tt. Donooll)' aod Uii^nl, lo "Th* Ilala- iDskara," Feb. X nowiRD ArumiHica.—Wobor A FIbM«' Yaul^rille (Tlib flilod Una handMmo pUy lioui* ai oaeh MrOirin- ane* Jaa.27. Roiull HroUiara' CominlUn* ilM a e^O buiio*M iiKtwook. P«h. 3, Lochharl'i t«rrornlDg olo- phtntiaDd WotHir'aOlvmpla. KhuvaVh HoHPiiRTiLTiiiATni.— a bill hOBro fre«t«il 111* Londoo Oaloir Glrla Jan. 27. The Orlrniol Btlnm- ?uxa (fO. had a good w««k, oodlngS). Ttii Sot Vork udOTlHaBUTBarodo* F«b .1. Oiari^vra Ciitus TiiiaraR.—Xew Jan. 27: Hanr (lardoar, Ih* II*«l*lU and Uarry Prolleh. ROTim.—Tlio Foror riuliwlll liokl a rcwp'Inn al llioir n«« linmoSO .llany Uoilioi. lormarlv u( rhn Kcceo- tris Poar,dl*d ataboaptul In llii«cltr:rl TlKJoor- oallaia'CfabhurtmoTOd to S»>. 14) Kut Parelt* Hired, naitdoorio ih* Holiday BtrootThontr*. MONTANA. BB«(«.«GftrleU)n Oper« Co, plajcd a rour DiglitB eoiiag*mMt al MaRulro'a Opera Uouao, coaioiinclog Ju.lii.tollght itialoeu,oirepiloit ihe opooingolihi. wb*B tho houie waa packed. '*Tlii Cltirlir Qlrli" and "IboLllyof Klllamo?" wan tli* bill ror the nrai iliroe ol|lit«,aod "The Bolieiiilart airl" Tor Halunlay matlooo and nliltL Mr. Cartaionliu a rtry mail company with hiai u;1b Hawn aod no chonia at all. lllnniKaiiotnoot hwowaalo Ui*oaiuroof adaelded rroatvliencomparrd wUi hi* ronoor rccapllnDa lo BiUta Joo Cawthnrn opan* at thla hoaae 31, for thrao niRhtt, In *'X Fool fnr LtCk.** Advaac* aalea ladlcal* falrliuiUnru. OomlBR: Jameii B. Ifacklo. lu "ariinsa* Collar Door." 77-39. OiNixo.—N*« (km: Plorane«8iat*riL llnl^loven: Dig- nur MolliOB. Mark Darey, Browo and lloari, LIIIIeCarMo, AI*BRUl*r«.MIaBiB Fauch*lll, Julia I.lQlnn TMlfitotk <la)f, Wcn.Malaaand Mabel Poar), aod Uvam eand L* B*ur(alRlli w*ek), Th* curtain ralaer lUu-ookla Lo- Taml*A Lotkur'arondon or "Hold In BLareiy," l>y rite CailBoHiarHiArk (V>. R*la OauBh, ihA brifchipmilctiUr lync Rlaror iheOuIno, rloaml a tw*lr« nonka'eoRiito- maiit Halurdar olghL llorinaor lrlrDda«Ill r(er*l tn letro Ihal abu nai lo«t li*r voice. I'hyalciani allribuia It toourhlih allltut1o,ahd hold uurhi>i>a)turr«c<iv«rr Iguiaaer Marknbudecldeil toproflfola feiiulo luoiLall same lo ihe nearrnturo. . M«M DELAWARE. •I, Panl.^AI Ibe Metropotllu Opcm llouio bualataa wu nib*r light with Kolll* Mclltnry. IQ-n Raltir an4 Martla'i "I'acI*Tem'aCabia" or«B*d toa bl| hoi^lBtM Xl'B. Jam** U*ni*'a 'ttbora Aona" «(niu A lor w*a>. "Tbo Browol**" w»*k ol Plb. 1. Masagtr Beottlaitlllab**BtlBN*wYork. ,^ ...... tlRiNu.—lualoa** wu big we*k of \9, with llaaloB Brv*.*"FaotaaiDa." "Th* Land ol tboUvleg" «oui>aH, Jo*llart,lB-'Ai)*rt>ld Bo),"eom*a Kab.1.4, j«Bd e, "A Mlgbi Ihf," by * -—* • boat* wUlbodarkB Boau'B r hxal talent, 7. Tb* OLYHMa-For waok or IT: llomr aod Star, 0'N*lll and King. B*dl*TaTrn*U,t)H)k and KUor, Lllliao Taa- nor.U. B. UaMear,Bau Yug«rand th*itock. ButlD*« e«>BUaoM |Dod. BoOB(ia.-Pur w**k or 39. lb* uioal varloiy pairurm aecawlil b* gl? an. MlBBMpctli.—At tbe MeiroiMllian opora lliiui* lh« "Br\t«ol»a" oroua Jan. f,, for tbo «o*k. *-HliOr* Aci*«** «lU l OOt* Fab. /, Ikt mv«b alaht*. Kalior A Nanla'a'-t'oel* TOfD'n tiaLla*'tto. had Ughl boalB*!* IP tl. and KeUI* Mclloar; dkl llitlo b«it«r D-». BiJ>i' Otbrr ilotHK.—llaBlotta"'PaoiBama" ttogao a weoh'a •ncamitoi W,at natlo**. **ni« lAod oi ih* LitiBR" lilh* seal altnctlon. and will rIi* tl»* lolllal Carlormaa«a K«b. i, "A BaUroad Ticbav"ha4 oTltadld oaa*B it ma WllnlnfiioB—At tbe amndOpori llouso Al. 0. FleU'a Mioairala gav* a giMi abov, to a Urna lionao, Ju. >L "flowlDg 111* \7lod" wu gli eo iia (Irtt i^rriirm- acco 31. aad ih* large audience wuentliunlaHllcIo It* frfiueot dtmonilratlooanr nK<aiiira nod praUc. yioUa A llanpioa'a PraolDp Tarda had a lair hnuM 71. I'mf- aeo'n "Land of tfaa MMnl|lil Hun" ilr*w nnlir mniloiatnty 27. BoohtKi: W*ber'« Olvnipia Co. Feb. I, CauiHIt< il* Ar tDI* 3. "Hoph Clly" d, OIkb Nothvrwie 11, "IVadlM All*r"19*nd V. BlJi>r.-*'A Btralibl Tip" Cnine* 77-1^, WN(t« Venua Btlrara(«a£«Co.-'U-Fe>>.l. Bluole.r.l UurlcasueCv. 3-3, Jick'N *-|ly Uocla" (te. e-n. Wo:<l>lRta5U.-T1ilapUre In Incrouliift iia pr^piiiarllT T^ryweak. Porilie wookorS.* aalionxbtll iiiullcrMi, laJad hf Uertla Caclmo. NEBRASKA. LiHoela.—At itae lAnslog Ihto^l Sullf cbaDged lie data nt h\m aoxagemetil froio Jao.U tn 'JM. Roljt. Oajlor, II. aod "Panlatma," l^ holli caocolttl. Hlce'^ -iM" i"! I eicoMoot hiialoeM W. FrMloiIck Warde i>lMM*d aainall hntorltlcal audlenccl'l. Wanty V. Ulspf, U-'Tkn L'Hlary or U>ir."did • fair bualnviw:!!. Kuuhrd: Dao'lBuUv et. tho WouOvanl Tliralr* t^ , In rapDnory. 21.39.3U,3I. Fab.l: JanieaO'Noill.V Al. 0. ri«ida' "Dark ail Ainfirlca"C, "Ppldoraml Kljr" ID. TilR Kc.\'KR.—The llnMfn Cuniedy Cn-l<lar#l l<t larpe baainou a v*k of A) at popular crlcra. "Waog" coiuea D. Pr^iMonl.^Al Ix>re*rt OperH II0118O tho Wood- ward Th«atr«tV>.i>|4no4l tlielrwrok'a ongaRamaoi Jan. M. wllb 'Tao Blitofv." and lucceodtd In tlllloi the boaae. Full houna wore ibc rule for ilio weal- SOUTH CAROLINA. Cliatlulaa.—At uwou' Academr ol Vvary E. Irrloii ud oompuy piMtDl.0 "Ihe ll.rchuil tr V.olo." Ju). 3.*, tl 111. capKltjr ol th. bouu, Ml nMtIr laorv.Wil prlr.ik 'Tti» diuoo Kloi;," l>mkw] for 9, eucM, In ciiOMjiienra ol It. clinu |>hnliiiltr to IiTlDi'.d.t.. "Tho uia lloiDoileail" como. 77, Btiil.ln- Vilf lll«t*o. UI.T raluTO lor rofet orweob, ai-Keb. 1: Th.Olll I URUtliloil llo">, Holil. Uoimlaii 7 H. KANSAS. Wlchlla.—At Iho Cmwiord cntiiil Al (i. Flulil'i HlDilraU iln* K well llIM ImuM J.d. :tl. Lincoln J. Cart.r'f "Tomailo** IihI rvlorni 31. Thi OiirrU Tnm.r Burlwiuc Co. cnnioi £\ Err. K.oOiiIl :il, "S|ikler ud Hy" Poh. &, "Monuoit WluiU" 0, Kuolo KIc* 7. DEATHS IN THE PROFESSION. iro. IN. wlr« ud m eblUron wl'* ^"t.nS.I; malDi WM Inumd oodor tlio MtpleM of lb. ltlll.bO of thna»l,or th. tym of "•"""f,?*'J!'f„ IS In UiliellroDju.29. Mr. «<>«»? »»»«?Jl"??!i2.Tf III. bnilicrJol>ii,*b.9 ib. iMm wm mU known Uo- dM J.o. ll.ilRiM WIt-frern liphoid foiar.ln ib.iw.nii«iii iMfof hUMfc >'"iir"^!!hi!.-._'.l; r.. iOd J. B. IrMHIo. por»li. blin. tlit twrotun w«l» lit.rrKi InOrtnitd IWKbComatotT. «« ... fltHKV lli;<iliw,> f»ilol» p«rfoFpnr, fonntrlj ot lb. Ecnnlric roar, illad Ju. tSi. al Baltlraon, Kd. FOREIG N SHOW NEWS. 'To. Mb. CuftsLU)," • ttret act firce, hj Srilner Urtindj, wu.cKd (or tin tm iIdw on aiv •laie Kt tlje (Joined/, LoodoD, ton., Dec. "AUODnN Wiziin," » new three »ct moBlcni farce, bj Jobn llenderann, wis produced at (lie ncBin hi%il, Tornuaj, Kog., Deo. a»- „ _ ,,, . ■Tns wm.i Kiso" wm acted bj lu. D. Wallick fortlie Hret tloio on ttio KoRllrti aiago at the Man- clieBler Tbeatre, Booilo, Jan. 1 "A Nuir Bauv," a three act farce, Ijj Artbur Boiicbler, from tlie Oemun "l>er Rabeavaler,' hj U. I. Placber and J. Jamo, wa. acted for copirtght pnipoM* at Itae Roraltj Tnestre, London, F.o(., Jan. I. IvTEW PL AYS. "A Bachelor*. WIvea," A ne« comedr. In tlirce acta, bj Dan Mimn, re- ceived |ia original prtaenuilon Not. 13, 18M, at' Anaconda, Uont., b7 Daniel Soil; and companr. It was tben called "A Dar In Jnne," and ma placed under that llile nntll the week of Dee. le, whun a rnldent of San Franclgco, Cal., lubmltled Ibe present name, wblcta Mr. Sallr aod Mr. Maaon adapted aa being pecollariT appnprlaie. The plot brlelljr le aa follawe: Demard Br7an and llndolpta Hunger, memben of a coterie it a fublonaMe ixmnllng boiiae In the enbnrba of KewYorlr, ai« pailug deepcrala auenllon to Hia. Uelle UaablDg- too, a vaalthj widow. Tom Ujan and Edna Dean, reqiecilvelj nephew of Banger and neico lo Drjan, knowing Mat If either of their UDClea matt^ It would mean dialnherttance for them, plot together lo prevent hr anr and nil meana lit. culmlaalloo of tha loiara'affair. Oao.FarvalI, known a- WilllosroiO. knowInK tha widow poaujM aavtral UiounnilN, aodeaTon to antlce hor to InTOii In noma tMiiui minlDH Hioclm. Brru. who had fonnatlj baan tliip«d br V.lllnironl.nukaa II liladmr lo wateboif rtha wMoa'. flnaiiclal atftlni and pravent Walliofford fipoi .winilllnabor. Ilalan Farwall, Orain'a daHilMl wire, haioR on ilm raraeofitarTalloa aod unableui provklafor tbilr chiM, kavaa It on iJie OoorMap of Uia boardioa lionM. Tlio jounR poopla. In fortharaoco of Ibair plaoi aiia.utlliawijuw, place U In her room. ThanioUiar'a Infa can... ll.lon lo latum for the lialte, and fftlouatihe door. Hrran (iDillh.r.and Bunacr, loaaplrltofdaTlluy. cbiriaii nryiot with tMlnK har boihand. The widow bilap on lhaclilld, wblch BrrandaoUraahaloDRK lo Ban. aar. ^m. Batioar, wifa of a narvoua boarder, delaioed hj bailnoM m looa ba ha. not aaao hU flrrt twin, brioaa liar thll«l lo Burprlia liar buibawl. LaarloR har baby Willi ihaMrTancliabaRloaaiearcIi for her .pooM, but rallalolofatohlm. Tom Ryu, iDthefonli.raocaofhia )oko\ place. Bungar'apocket liook In Bryu'epocket; he 1. charaod Willi Ibetl and tnarchad to tlie atatlan bonia, 8i)'aa ImaiiiooH all IhaM Indlanltlei are rlac«d upon hln to lower lilm In Iba aje« of Ui« widow, lo whom ha liaa baao aoRaaed ud aflaiwald. bmkeo nif. and veDii.nnca aiiala*t BoDRer ud all rM\ctm»A. pjnallr. Tom confeaMB bla .bar^ In lha Dilaclilaf maklDg aod niallara are rlBhtad., .treiiMi inr tlielt ud lomery, ud llal.o la uavD In rliirva by Bnu, wbo. haTlDR aicenalned .h. In the danibler of hi. old awaalhaarl, foi lore afwhom b« lied raiiialncd a bachelor all hliliro,pionilaaatoa1wayn care for her. Tbn original caat; BemanI Bryu. IlaQfel Rnlly; lliidolph Ruocer. Dan Maaon; Qeonie Farwall (alia. WalliniirunJ). Ueia.-liell Mtyall; BenJ B. Balmer, .Kiclilo Allan; Tom Rran. Tom 11. walah; Ollt'ar Kaaoe, Jam*. Wllhir: Eraatua.RobL L. Roblnaoo: llalao rar- w.ll. Ki.14 MIrlielena: Mra. Ba'le DaahlnRtoo. Julia llan- rliolt; Eilna Dau, Harla LalcvsterAllan; Mm. BanJ. B. Bel liter, Ituili Huasall; lb. Babied by Themeelran. "The Sparrow," A three act comic opera, wordB and niiialc bj Olto Kick, hail llstliat production on any stage Jan. o, al Ibe Umnd Open llouae, Philadelphia, ra. The Blai7: Herbert and Clifton Neverslnli, two Amer- ican atudeDta at Ueldelberg L'nlverritr, love the Biimo gill, who aitiiimea different nainea, Rose or Amelda, KccordloR aa one or tue other joung nan la woolpR her. Their father, llohert NeTenlnk, vlBliB ihcoi, and Is mhitakca for a /.nlu chief wbo iraa expected to vlalt tbe town. Herbert Im of an iDventlTO mind and couelnicts an air. tfhip. In which all vlelt Iroland and Inspect a haunted castle, and Ihen go to Ameiti-a Hud have a good lime among the Loulsl- anH negroes, nose floallj accepts Clifton, and Herbert devotes himself to a life of InvenUon, and cures Ibe love blues with a medicine he has dlBcovend compounded from spanows' bialoa, and which has the iinalltr ot making people act like that llrelT bird. The cast: Herbert Nevenlnk, A. MontegrUlb: Clinon, Fhll. Ilnoson; llobert, Frank Wooley: WnroiBter, Rthan Allen; I'Icolo, MaT lUjlor; Lord Mancheater, J.TrevoriSooiieitaR, Wal- ter Condit iJealer, Chas. Bobnell: Fillz,James t'aner; liiinioiiiBBIer, I'aul Albrechl; Clows, llarrr Fair- cliilu; I'ele, waller He Forrest; llose and Amtlda, HMIe Sallnser; suile Kvergreen, Ureu lUslej; FInt Stiideut, Clan lUsdnll; Second StuilBDI, Mae .stuari. A VIO LENT AT TACK. ■■oirr Oir;" he gasped.a look of »f wajampea Dpon his conntenance. There was » »»»"*7 ■nmRBle aod then be Ut BanUsc and powetleaB, SffiSSi Ughuy^^ doira in uTe oUierVresolnia "^tt U ft)gbiful!"he moaned. "Hate jon K> pllft Ulmego! ItlsHIIUgmel" ' Botfor dve lSngmlnntes, ihateeemed flra boom Then It Blowlj relaxed, aod >»J."^"!? aealn. With an oath, not lotid hnt de^, bo sontnned ont .from under tbe home mademulard jnj?^ tbrew It at bhi faltblul «?»««•(»>»? qaleUj: "1 think joa are better, John." Bnthedltl not delgo to answer.—WIA. THE ANCIENT OLYMPIC. CuL. A. II. BaikL, the cnwtioy plaalat, dieil Jan. 19. at kli home In Hudulpli, N. v., iruiii a coinplieaMau iilill.- eaaaa. Tlia decaaead wa. Iiura Uec. *A II6.S atBeRulo^ Taiaa, iod hia early Ufa was .paol upon tlia plana. It hi (lallqad fur bim that ha oaver received luHruellona uo lb. plaao. and that be waa twenly yur. uf at. befoia be ev*riaw onok yelhlitaleolmaile hlin lajiinii* IK. Brat ippMttnca In thla city waa made March r.V I\hJ. atflloln- aayllall.ud marhril the l.a|lnniuit nf hit nicctunrul (aT«.r. 11. than louiail tb. t'ollnl N;a'ai aad tunaili. fllvloic ooncarta In aliiioa every cliy and Inii'orlinl town a boUi counlrlaa. Lalarhawrut lo tliiT. pa. whara hi ippMrad balolaniuyof Hie hiRh dljtnlunea llaliad ileo tHIcd Aamalla aod Aala, and tn all countilp.where kaappMted hamel wlihauccew. lie uaaaDaciivanieui. Mr or Budelpb Lodie, I. U. U F . and the K. II. T. B. Ilia wlft, Matlta Babatwhol. woll kooau a.a cuinatl-ju, lurTlvai hloi, (oflalh.r with hU uiulher aad aoraial brotbaii, who llva In Teiaa. The lunernl occurred 31, and wu al-oBdwl bv a larR. conrouraa of Itland.aaJ dalaiath^ia frnni Ita.Iodi.. lo wlileli he o.kiain.1. Wm. L llAUiirK. doorheaiiar, illeil Jan. 11, ai Hie tionia if hia dauRhtar, In Albuy. N. Y. Thadefa>aa«di\aa.cT. ealy-tlire. yean orase aod waiilooike«|.f r at Uia ilrmiitl ntroat Hu.oaiu while II wu under lha lu.naRvment ol rack a Kunruin. For Uio laat Mx\rar«h. hail nilail n llnillar povllloa at Rairv'a tlalaiy Tliaatra. Allianr, of ■hicb hlai'aeiblvr, Un. ARiiea Rarrr. UmuuRVr. FHor. Willi. ■ oaaaaiMifcN, avinilotrt, dl*l Jta.'X. ilhlihomem Cenliavlllo, li.. Iron an bbaceJ4 oo tbe bimlo. Th. da<aai«d waa coa.ldeiad an eica l4nt rliille- lau and waaa tkvorllo tbrvuah ilia Wmi. wlieia ha hail limvelad fbr yMra with vatlnu.dramatic coniiiaole.. llle father ud abtuthar aurvlre Mm. A;i!«lk IUtbi^ laiiionllu. ducar, died Jan. tl. In AlMoy, N. v., irom piauiiionla. Tlir dccaawil wa. twaa- ti.lwo raaiaof aae, and wu wall known In tJta prorefalon. Bn* waalhawlie ol Fruh Poliom, advance aRvot lor llaii Mct^vtby. whoturvlvaabar. ITll.UAH J. Cahkoll, comedian uil batiJoK. dlailjan. B. at hi. bom. ID t^eUea. Ma&. . from a com pUoatlOD or dlwaaM. lb. decvaecd. who au fortr-lwo TMlt of aae. waa bora In IraluJ.but aai lirotiRht lo IhlaeooDlry when an lufaot. Aeaboy heheoane aproB elwt iMDlolil ud al.o a neint Inipaminalor. lie |.layeU hlf Bm MRaseiuent In IrTJ. aa a naaibarKt llie Jeuola llmballCo. AnionR lheci»m|4nlenwllh which ha playeil al Tuloui tluiaa ware: rriiuro.i« A Wcvv* HioMraK Tooy I'ailor'a Co., tbe Jobn Uait t*onit>lDatiiin,Ute How- ard Rpeclallr (to.. "I'Kk'a Bad Boy" Co. Harm A Alklo. aoa'a t'owblnalioK. Waabbon'^ l,aal Baneallrn aod Jbalohar 4 Riiuao'a MInatrvla. Ilia wife and nrechll- no aarelte hlni. Mail Vaai Frkimax, an oi.actrvaa. waa foiiad deail In h.r rooui al iba lloial Funiemy, lliU city, oo Jan. H.<«aHt1,«ho wa«aboutililrlr n.eiwr. ui ter. wa. fomaity prolawlooally kimwn uVaraHwaJIry. and wa. married 10 Mil Praaminiu l!WLal Sin rtantl-co.t^al., durlof an eniaaamtnl of H. B. LaaTlit'a "AduiltM Bdw Co . of which omaiilulioo Uiey were la.iubota MiVL riwaiiiio'idealh li aup|a.s»ltohivabe*udu.ttfu ov.nloM wl nioiphlo., lah.o to produc. alMp. KowiHp Hi-tlriHa, laateaiilUiaBooTun. Jir.»y4Tiiy, N. J., dle.1 Jan. r, al hiihouie lo hew )Dih Cily, aller a.hoTllllnfaa. Wy. Flahkrtv. a varlatr iH-ifi'mier, il'rjJan.l.vln Bullalo. H. v., aai.<l laauly wen rear.. The il.c*aitil WM ol the lean III Hairy aud riatierty.lnah o>nia>llu.. an.t waa welt known uDlha Tau«tevlll..Uiia A .laier soil 1VU bivthera .uiilva libn. Tba roimar ranurr ut Ih. ileeaatwl ud oilier iiiamberwoi the protei.lnu ile nvtd th. runaial a^Moeaii. and Uia rawalni acre In- IMiad al Lime HUB. iniL BulTalo. Bowaan Knott, au aclor, dlrtl Jan. lA at bla homo lo llaiulllOB. Cta. Tha decwaied ^teie.1 tk. proieaaloo about ftftMO yaaia asv, aad bad ptafad vllb a nuubel of A month's sacred truce liae been procUlmed iij lieralda Ibtoiighout Qreoce, Inaurtng lo all a aate conduct. So rellglousiF waa thiB observed ihal the spartaiiB chtMS rather to riek their liberty iban to niHich during the hoi/ dais, even when the Fenians were nt their gates. The white Isnti standing out BRBlnBt the sombre graTof olive grom belong to the ten Judges, chosen one from each tribe ot the RIelans, who have been tor ten montlia alrtadjt on tho ppoi, receiving Intirucllun In their duties. All, or most, of the athlelea mnatalso havear- rlveil to umlergn Ihe Indispensable tmlolog In tbe utnuaalum of the Allls, wlille along the taoly road from the town of RID la crawdloi a motley ibtong. Conspicuous In the long train of pleasure aeeken are the eacred deputies, olad In their robes of onice, aod bearlDg wllb ihem In theb- carnage of state of- ferings to the Bhtlne ot tbe god. Kor Is there any lack ot vlalinra dlallngulshed In every walk of life— soMlera. phllosophen. eculplore, palnten, poeu- and laally group:) of brieht eyed maldcna, admitted 111 llio apccbii'le In accordance nith Bpanno man. neI^ though matrons aree.iclodcUon pain ot death. At dajrbnialt the compelltcra present themselves bMon the Judges, prove bywltneasee thatlbejan vllhoul alaln, religious or cavH, on their chancier, then, laying their banda on tbe bleeding viollm oihired for aacrlllce, swear that they have duly i|Uilllled iheniaelves by pnllinlnaiy mining, and iDst they will use no tnnd or guile In the sacred coatests. Thence ptoceeding to the atadlum, they ■trip to the akin, and auoint themstlTes. A herald priclalms; "Let Uie ninneiB pot their feet to the line," aod i rflls on the ypectatora to cualleoge any that arc die- .iui'lQed; uoolijectloo licing made, they are aiartcd bytlienoieof a trumpet, ninnlng In heats of four, iBDBcd Id Ihe places assigned them by lot, while the prealdentH, aeatod near the goal, adjudge tbe vlt- lory.—/.'j'jil'Kvft < tlonlhli/. WAHTBO—ONLY FIRST CLAM AT- liiJffinviruTlmSSfilUeaMalod^aad aVSSlfiilti HalL Addieaa ». IT PAWaW, MiBifer^ Mirlboio Uall. Marlboro. UlalarOe, M. Y. lan ooro iiau. ■ajiwtv. www, ... ■ ■ FORiSrpLE^iNOTofTUEWfia irw TATIO.X Ml'SICAL 8KETCII. .MUBUS. JHOVJl; B0LOI8T. Budolln ud aultarlloe. 1« •'"•I»',IPS'|,l; J povaliy llaalf. Canbaeneated. AddnmcaiaofCLlPI B«. AT I.IBICRT¥-BLA%CIIB BBYMOUB OJBOR)., Boobi»lta«,Joionlla<,InjuuMa»d Bo;a:BinRlnB8p«.- ■nlu. R? If. 09B0RK, UMTlea tai Jnvcnilae. Al wirtiobe. Bwponalhle tai«M"!e}!d"" KOBFOLlTlIBB ■ caraol QlBCBIf COMEDY CO. KOBFOLg. MBB ■ caraol O'BOHB aiBwi > l». WANTUU. tOaiCUl*«IS-l„wrll« up7to a» jAHAlAvn* Rlamn ROMCh. TiaiaO. SelHOdOy .00 V WAH A'lliU. wan.a#*~^..- .MonoloRue. Slump Speech. Traja: Maid acta. NoalnRlSR. NoduclL.. . each act. SureBr*. Baatofrafenocaa. .,. BolHonoy mfi Old NoducloR. Eodose 91 CD '— . SureBr.. Baal of rafenacaa. . _ _ _ 0. A.BROBgT, ManehChunk.Calboot^.FaB AT tlBttRI'V LUUK, nABfAUicka CUAB. K. 8UBPABD. Jult cloud ibiaa laaMnl wllh Sfflllh'l SIR Moiallf Oo. aa Hovaltt ProRrmBOiar. who can doBldewalkaudlllrTorlFork. ftnall ialary._IFille iis. Addraaa LebaaoD. K. H.. MlnuiaLCitcoa or Romldr Co- tVANTSOATUXOB, FOBUB. 8HBHVE M BIX BIO Medlcle. Bhowa, People bi aU brajchej Piopl. who bar. willlen, write aialn. WapwWud board. Doe t aak for mors. Poallltaly no rarwi adjapced. I.<<>l],ea- flu.meDUaodyourdoUBh. DR.B11REVB rf«mont.Hlcti ^AYNK'S NOVELrY BAUD (i:qLORllDl. tUX Meulhplecaa, Poor Ladlaa udTwo deotlraiu, AT UB- BBTY AFTER FEB. 1. WooM Ube to hearfroni iwooal- blama.sRen. AddieraLEYYPATNE'aie'OldTenDe*. see.-Byncpaa. W. T. P. B.-Cu fiinllalianroo efplwaa. POK BAliK, LABOE, COlL BLACK BPIDEB Uonk.y, one year old: fat aod plaiful, oauniaafoKr. fwr Incnae Irom tip lo lip; tbebeit trapeteperroniiarin the Bute. AUo Urn, fuey Cite. _ „, ^ „ HENRY p. APBLL. 14 Eaat Town SL. Colueibaa. O. POR HALE, HWUHO WALKI.tU OUTFHU LAD- DBB. eTrIi Bwoidi Ud Hcnt bow to do thUad, (IB. Ton cu do It two minuiaa alUr R>ttln|i tbe ootjt ^ wllti Older, batanceC.O.D. Ooljra fawHelL WM.NELSOK, Maof.. H Vu Konlen BL. WaitCanbildte. Man. LlnDBR JlllCfe. WITH BECBET UOW TO BB. COMB ANINDIAS RUBBEB If AM. ai |.ei bouleor two beltlaaSl Caah with order. Never fUU to make you lln- berLbeatlblni on aanh. WB. NELSON,!]VanKorden Bl, Weat CambrldRe, Maaa. HkW frtAtf FOlil TWBLVli CKIllM. BEND e (two cenu) atamps lor a printed copy or inr eo. tirely oew (I act^ cfaanctar) oonedr.drama, "Baffled.*' FUya. ekalchea, MonolORuea. IflarpleceiFans^Bonn FanMlleM,ere..wrillae to order, orrevlaed. BaadRtanp. MARRY DEHDBBBOy. I.g«l COQireai Bt.. LojlarllK ly. PARTMkR tVAN'k'Bb-AI UltAljbAt. A(kV- )5T, MUBT PLAT BBAS9; CORKET PRSPBRBD. Also tloiur, Bujo and Hudollo. Kuit b. lohar aad do Rood alralaht. tf. A. Ackir, WHITB. Addieaa J. M. 8MITB, London Thutie. BMBtwnvllla. Ohio. WANTKU, PttHl^OtullBHB WKU. Vr IK MEDICINE BUSINEW. Blata wbat yon can do and lowaat aalAlT In Srat lelUr. SB. J. >. UiZBLTON, Mlllog. CllterCo, N.Y. ~lfl(y616lAids At LIBliRTV-PlHST CLASS BAND. TBN riECBtL DOUBLK ORCHESTRA IncludlOR Oullar, Mandolin. Baiuo; ■inatlet'e, (ood vocal qoanelta, Bamroar leioTt. or will travel; Joint or aaoanta. Id. CHEBOBNT minstrel CO., Boi m, Brailllnd. WANTED, BY A LADY, WIPE OP A LATE MRM- BERotthe theatrical profeealon. bpoaltloouoonpasloB aad chaperon to a lady lo Ihe pronation; no saury re ealTed;lilRhMtr«feiencaRlreii. Addreaa B. 0.. cai« of CLIPPER. WANTSD-POSITIOS BV A YUUNO UAl( eip«riooced al nianlof Props, wllb Rapenolra Co. Alao axperi.nce.1 at proRTBinmlnR. Am aDoatler. Addiaai f ROPR.. care of R. II. Palcliln, Mailboio. lllatM Co.. N. Y. HUL.IiKH BKATBk VVH8AI.B—30PA1B Raymond Eitsoaloo, to paus Btaia. Ooly uled Bwe waeka. Cheap for eaab. AltnoUoiu wanted lor Pabca of AmuaaoiMt, Marlonville. Pa. Btaaa 2DxKI, Soar apace tOilOO. OEO. H. VBRBKCB. Maaaaer. AT LIUUKTY, CliBVEa IjADV, SIMUS and can lake amall paita. WiUlflR to work and learn. Very clever Boy, 8 yeara old, cao dues aad do bor_parta Cujolnatonce. Balairlow. Addreaa MBS BUHTOH, In care Prof. Rayno. 130 Want Ohio lb. Indlanapolla. Iod. BONTtZUMA ORCBESTRA. on. Rood Flula, ooa A I Itallu UarpliU BoUi muat ha op Tn Concert and Duca Huile. Bieadt work; Rood par. Addreaa PROF.CABSIUa BRANNAK.B««LaRTaRmtK. Met. CHAHACTEn BIOXV L.VUUBN AIkU AUl'S WRITTBN TO ORDER. STAMP FOR BBPLr. CMABLEa R. BARKY.Boia Minneapolla, Mine. sosos cuaiPosBD, naa. cuhrbci-bo ud Bavlaed: Moalo pot to Won]a.or Accomp. medefoi Meloily: Baad, Orebaatim or Hibdolln Muilo AuuRvd. OBAS L. LEvna, m BIchnoed Btiael. ObiolnnatI, O. AHATBUHS.— How to Bun In Show BuHnaaa, wbat iou 10 Laain, ud How to Lean Them, Polota oo Balan iodFitat Appuiaaca. LIU of Muaian Likely to Need Voor Sanloea, Copy of Letur to Maaasen, eta. "No laraa booka, ISIpp., by null, poatpald, B oanta. Oridln Pnb. Cm. —^.N.T. AT LIBBHTV —BlUiilOAIi DIHBCTOM, FIRST VIOLIN AND EUPUONIi;!. Cu dmble Viola ALL THE W ORLD LOV ES A LOVER. An Allaola man and a Macoti girl were going BctoBH on the Tampa boat. Hiey bad been eogaged In a mile illrtailon during Ibe iwo weeka' vacation i>f Ibe yuiing man, and wen silting by themselves enfaged In lalklog open the "blue, blue deep aud tbe deep, deep blue," as JosquUi HUler says. They noticed that tbe other naaaeogen were r. ganliuR them with consldenble loiercsi. Tbe uiher people would gsze al the young couple and turn make eome remarks lo each other. Finally, a pretty mile girt left ihe midat ot the crowd and walked forward to Itae spot where the young I'uuple were anting and UMdeelly banded ttitni a niegnlOcont bouiiuet of while flower*. "Here's aouie dowen they seni you," staesaldde- Dinrely. The jouog people ivrro amazed, but accepted the iliiwcre. Tuey couldn't undciiland what the paS' aengen meant by their allentlooa. While they wen ellll nondetlDz a kindly old lady with a gnndmolherly face walked toward Iheai with a liunch ot lovely rosen In her hand. '■Ueie'aa little buuiiuet I lin>ugbtyou," ebe «ald. wllb a gnrltius Bmlle. "It was the tieii I rould do. and I wanted to give you something. I know linw It Is with young couples who are Jii.t marrlnl. No. no, don't Ray a woiu, not a single word. I'm only ton glad 10 give them to you." Tne young man came near tumbling ovetboaid.- .AUaiila tvnslllul(i;n. ud Tromtione. Compoaar aod amnivr. For peitoa- oantlncatlenorrellabf. tnvillBRCD. Addraaa N. B. MOR « Y. SI and n RmvolvXTiaoa. Jewey City. W J, J. B l[frEMBI BOBO. Ky. MBOICIHB IjRCniRES—The Action of Medl- elBM. for Rtomach. Liver, KIdoey ud Blood Remedy. The Pnioaaaol DlRaaUoOi th.Stomich ud lu Dlaeaaea. Inuelloal Parmaltoa. Caiartb. Dlaaaseaoftha Raapltory Apparstaa. Tbe Anatomy of the SklB, bow.lTfclad by local appllcatlooe, Llnlmuu, ObnmuU, Boap- lljp- aoUia, what It [a ud how doee. Iba aboro cunplale aet, wrluau wlUi eelenllBc aecaraey and elmpllelty. SL Lectnia. lo onler, $1. RE. Mlnwa, Boi U7, (lew L« iBRten. Ohio. TO Hu-eomi of Anatomy—Analomloal and Palbo- loRleal ioeclmeoe of every deaeriptloa modoUad apon ■bonnollca. All Baa Fiench work. Hodarau pilc«L Ca-aarlu npaimtloa on band. HlRhly auraetUe imcI- mui. DR. ROBERT HOOHULTIL Artllt Waa Troikrr, IBlSonUi FlfUi Ava. New York. MAQIO Appaimtoi atflBmrel.baIoweoetlonanU' factnn. Becrata alvaa fre« to eoRlomera. Lieu Ont. OLOyflON. MuuticturlBR Maatelaii. Ttwr. N. Y. .DRUM MAJOR Balona, Bneal made rorluRallna. Pliarmu A Co.. M WaahlneloD St.. PouRhkwpRra. V. T. Wp!IDBRPi;i.8BCRItTS. HBHOIIFOR the lataat Mind RaadlnR and Bnlrtl Acta FaDlnBlno- tlonilnMR.ANDMRS B.B. BALDWIN'S fnatbypooUe act. Priee on application. Addraaa B. HOWARD, la Wanaa BU, Boibury. Mua. WANTED, Comodlu wfUi Specialty; BoubreUe. muat alDR ud duce; aclon for haavlea and old mm. proitf. ud mall paru ud plaolaL Will porcliwia a let of s.°&';s£f7;;[''j5rv^a:'«a'^N".V ^t',*^ ^- , SSil^J*^- Bonas. comboiem. bub- LEfVUES. Eta. to onlar. Btaap raplr. Ban work only, JOB. BERBIIAW.m North lihBt.Tfalladelphla. , WAIfTEI^POSITIOnAS VIOIXHIOBLU). 18T ud Flute Player: np to concert at thaalrteal boalaeaa. Oood.ileady theatre pnrerT«.l.botwlllUaielwllba n- liable compaor. Addrua UUBICIaN, cam of B. U, ratcbln. Marlbor.\ UUlarCo, N. T. NBW1.V PVRKIBHBO LARGE ROOMS, with nnoloR waur. All eoBT.nieooea. Board If de- Blied. MRi. SCHUHZ, m llaHTenih etreet. Hew Vork! 'I mmv WANTED IMMEDIATELY, FIrat Clau ORCUESnpnA LBADBR to Doable BarltoBs or TromlMna la Bamil, ■Irlctir aober aail rallabla. Addnaa DR. a, \V, liURTLiBir, Maaaaer, CaraorOUfPBil, AT LIBERTY. FEB. 6, WM. K. UEALY, COMEDUN. SIIKIina AND DANCINCI SPBCIALTIBS, Repertaire or Othervrlee. Addreaa rave ETHKt. TOOKBR CO„ Port Jarrla, B. Y., 3», 31, Fab. I, FIMstOB Pa,, weak Fab. 3. Repertory People and a CJoiucdinn. Ad.lrai. ALBERT P. KE.<T. BampaUid. LonililiBO. STEREOPTICOmSTS-lfflSUBES, IREUMD, lX>!ITINENT,elc,moallycoloiw); th. lot, HU; Ihb than hallcoiL AlioCollblabpfWaanW.eaw.ooalS,Drf<a lUBP. WglLULIWMeJlSnA?S^i^l(.«YSra&. C f% M O Q '""'^ (watU), alae paita 90 HENRY J. WEHMAN,;; ITkeseidTeHlsciiientopiiean weekly In (Ug paper, and at the head »t this eolnmii, annoancee for this ireth pro. fesgloBBl copies or HARRY Sa mLER'S latest and Greatest Coob^Sod;, il The aothor of 'Tbe Cat Canw Back," ••Cant Loose He, Cborlle," and "Dt. Died a Home," claims this song hb IT'S HOT STUFF from the pen of the Orlghiator of tie Fiesont Stjle of Ceea Sonss. 1^1 a "Can't Keep Tcor Feet StUl" melody. It's a VOCAL BUCK DANCE. Copies are noir ready for the pro- |f(sslen. Free tc all who send pro- I grammes. Orchestra parts 10c. extra. Address HENRY J. WEHMAN, 8Ea$l16thSL,|85 and 87 E. Maillun SL, iSain Jaok's Opera House, NswYork. | CMcigoJIL TThea yIsIUd? Now York, nuetyogr PBOFESSIOXAIi FBIEMDS at WEU> HAN'S MUSIC PABLOBS, 8 East Fifteenth Street. They all come tkere. Our songs taught by the well it known leader, GEO. A. CBAGO. f PopDlarl896SHg Books, )I0 1,000.^ H. W. PETRIE OSiera free to tho PmrasaloB foar of the PaBTTIBitT aod BBBT songa be has ever composed, "I'M MAD WITH MARY MORRISON," A "Kid" Song and a Ceitala Wiaaar. "I'LL FIND MY SWEETHEART AGAIN," A Walta BenKeaperlor to aajr plaeed op- on the naarlcet fow yeata paaS. I have soon ftelth la thla aoBg thaa aajr 1 ewer composed. The melody la bcaatlAiI, aad Uie waida tall a pretty story, I loeic apoa the aoag aa a certalo anceoas. The tevo other aoaga aro perhapa better avitad Ibr the home thaa the ata«e, yet I laclade theaa la thla lot, aa I liaow than are many piofeaaloBata who bawo aa ear Ibr well writua high claas ballads. PETRIE MUSIC COMPANY, IIBW YORK, t, Bast Wth SI. CHICAGO, 4,6)17 Champlsia Are. ENVIOUS COMPETITORS-KEEP ON I YOUR CROAKING PACKS' OUR HOUSES! YOUR FEAR SECURES RETURN DATES! nOTUIRa BUT SUCCBSB QREBTS COOL'S BIG STOCK GO. gOPFOHTIRO FLOY CROWELL AND CHAS. HORTIIIER, ■ II HaeAMDRBWS BBOS.* HAaTBR- PIBCB8 OP UAaniFlCBRT SCBItli: BAVIPMBNT. POPUtiAR PI.ATS PBR- fScTLY PRBSBNTJBD. NOW BOOKING FOR NBXT SEABON. FAIR DATES WANTED lBR,V.,Pa..».,lBd.aBdMlch. AiMtess I.. B. COOI., Kgr., aspersBBlelB CLIPPSW. BMO Host "FbUhed" Act In the ''Basliiess," FBATDRE "SWEET TILLIETAYLOB" WILL ROSSinR'S BIO "HIF FOR 1896, Horse Trapplage tu Parade aaA Balsee. Aleo BBtrcaSalta aad DreasoaCoBpIetr. Write lallrdeeqiptloa. eendlUon aad levaateaahprlca. C. U. FSBROK. rrnpriaur. „ Boon IS. Mo. oa rwar, Hew ToTk City. , H. B.-Wanl Triple Uorimalal Ban. Hut be food, uotdieap. Wutatf, SecMd VMh t« Dnlili Biflieie. AIM Youi Udr Conutllal u>play nolo la atiMteoacn aad Bolo In orebaauiL Hlata Inwiat ealaiy In flnt leH*'- riEOJ. WALKER, B. M, in BrUse Bt., BieoklyO^. AT LIBERTY, CECIL LIONEL, nBAViBii,aiiaBtUTBiaaNDaE«.Bca. WAHmoM mUT CLan, aHI8BB0Un.,BneUlB,l<.T.